« The Breakfast Club

The Pastor's just the Mail Man not the Mail (Lee Daniel and Jordan Cooper Interview) and More


Today on the show we had Lee Daniel and his protege' Brandon Cooper stop by, where they spoke on their play "Ain't No Mo" Jussie Smollett and the future of Empire. Also, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to Roman Polanski for suing the Academy of Motion Picture for giving him the boot, and Angela helped some listeners out during "Ask Yee". 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Social distancing, slows the spread of corona virus, so stay a minimum of six feet away from others and stay home. If you can more info, run a virus stock of. Let's all, do our part because we're all tad alone. Together brought to you by the odd council one night in nineteen, sixty one on the side of a dark highway. Betty and Barney Hilda, It's in the sky! Two years later, the underwent hypnosis to try and recall what happened. Some took it his facts. Others thought it was a fantasy, but what really happened that September night in world in Hampshire join me, Toby Ball for the inaugural season of strange arrivals, a co production of Iheart radio in grim and mild from air monkey. Listen to strange arrivals, and I heard radio at an apple pie casts or wherever
get. Your pack casts the guy. In the morning you gotta got been talking to experience a morning showing my liberty, the devising of culture bank. This plan my morning, you really not waiting, come to show men and early I'd be a big time. Let me be, I gotta be very big, actually Charlemagne, the gun, the breakfast club. Good morning, USA, Commodiously Minorities, Andy guess where their gas grass right is Wednesday half day good morning, everybody their money.
What a night! What am I got me a bad now ye and I was going to go to the game, to Philadelphia averse to Brooklyn nets came out in Philadelphia opposed to. I went you when they go to the game. I was again Europe. Much luck! It was a good drive because a good draft smooth, how was it the lids lose by last night, and I left during the fourth quarter. As I gotta get out of here, people well being able to do their Rosemont twenty two people were leaving after the first quarter. There was no, now how bad ways there was deafening area with its have game, thereby shout to Michael then, who as very well accommodated because you didn't go at the last minute. We had two empty seats. Next, I saw you don't ever do DJ dungeon, family tore, revenge of amateur was in New York, city City, Greece, don't ask me to dj delay,
The dungeon family dungeon family, my big boy from outcast. Ok, it was it was. It was a dope show doped up dope, no meals, one of the greatest Arap collectives in the history of life had about a thousand people. I believe it was sold out. Peter was there to Peter was as well put Ellis Peter Fur people Peter Ass, an ant Peter Peter is Santa Rosa, Peter Glitter, EDA plead. I've got your preliminary Peter, not a while they were out there. I guess boycott and big boy possessed? Him went further and suitable fitted. Nobody around there's about thirty forty, a mother knock it but I guess I'm beyond what you don't. Beware did have a forlorn last night in the city deserted you paint, don't lose every degree. Ninety that he did not refer. I actually ensure that held round. You did at short, but they killed a great shell dead. You know you don't forget how many reckons they have. I don't eat before of about two hours straight down and they were Peter is they were at the
do I get like a big boy, but I guess they don't know what the video of the back door and all the artists on the back door- and they didn't see him many months of food is a classic problem, so we may kids lithium casual, ok classic about. There was dull deceit of gentlemen alongside these aid at last, they then edit, my ass home, so was critical. Good good, good, show less outside Brooklyn has had a great Caesar, regardless nice, young team. That's gonna do well next season, talker Mary. Debbie these images and he's a more visas does really just got metallic moment. Jimmy
would you have indeed been? Seventy is tough to beat them for games out of them fairly, get a great team. Congratulations to feel they shouted Michael Louisen again. Thank you, for it was. My group is the envy of people? Don't use alone is more. We are, we don't know. Michael Rubinstein was not. What do you think they know? I'm just gonna get to know my friend's name graciously winding. You know we had a bet going and how much did you bet? I wasn't many. What what? What did you better Well, I do have on terrorism today. Oh you ever Oh yeah, I gotta take this picture of man. I got no. I don't think this picture come up from allegedly for Socrates argumentative little cowboy going away for a little consultation will, let you know does not know what they were doing badly boilers bran fanatics, so fanatics makes others Jerry. So he gave you that who are you there, but should I buy now added
all right. Well, Lee Daniels. Will be joining us this morning have led Daniels in his new protegee Jordan Cooper ME coop enjoy equal will join, you call this a director writer. They have a play out called ain't, no mo planted the public veto here in New York right now, but a leading areas is always in attaining ass, rather less high tech. Go to that plays. It has been agreed for you. You got a just gotta reset. Let's get to show greater front page Are we talking about? Let's talk about somebody who is going to be announcing that they are entering the twenty twenty raise. Another Democrat, I felt Nike already announced here. We all assume it's gonna happen by you will be announcing tomorrow. All right, we'll get internet mix, keep enlarges to breakfast locomotive morning. Everybody is dj: Envy Angela Yee Charlamagne, tha god we are the breakfast club. Looking some front page news last night in some NBA scores, the Sixers beat the nets. One hundred and twenty two to one hundred and raptors beat the MAGIC one hundred and fifty ninety six nuggets beat
Burma is one await. Ninety in a trail, blazes beat the thunder one. Eighty one if the daimio limit is an animal is a problem. Yo Game, and here he is a problem that what s the guy you were, a former vice president obeyed and is going to end. Tomorrow, that is answering the twenty twenty race I feel like. We all knew that was about and I don't know why they have to announce when they can announce it, but he has a video. They said to come out. Micro, and he also has acknowledged his role in the eighties drug legislation that disproportionately hurt minorities by creating longer mandatory minimum sentencing. For it, are you mean yes, as legislators and ninety four Granville Joe Biden, his interest interest and with the same area gave Hillary Clinton would be the Bill Clinton new posts due to ninety four crime bill. The same here You're Kemal hours would be inappropriate to better give Joe Biden same hell because he actually wrote the nineties. Crime. Anyhow, I was anti bussing legislation back in the seventies. Arms LULU as well you're gonna, do remain, say, manages yards
man a gamble, as used to be a prosecuting, owes you love them. So many black and brown people. Joe Biden wrote the ninety four crime bill and he's already leading in the polls. Even before he's anonymously running on gravy Now they Obama regular. What have you actually? You know, pay attention to it, think that Joe Biden did it would be a good Bronco, Bhamo you'd, be given on the same side. At his side, I argue, very body has been abandoned, they're gonna be renaming a road and allay it's gonna, be officially renamed Obama. Boulevard, rodeo roads is the throat, that's gonna, be narrowed. Ale, Dr Rodeo drivers will be now. Network is already a row with Hellas Rodeo role. I couldn't exactly tell you the street aiming at Obama Boulevard. So I thought you guys eroded rather, I don't got make were now: let's talk about rapid craft, where a second for all of you who wanted to see that by MRS Video. No one could not put this becoming out right now. They do have a protective order. They keep
that video, unlike down for now, according to court documents, the judge agreed with rubber crabs attorneys If they release that right now, it would jeopardize his right to a fair trial. So for now, video and that show the light of day. What is the point of releasing a video lights and reach we do and in what areas that man? Why? What for what reason models are low, Aldrich famous whether data rest send Ming, be she was in the massage room with rapid craft TAT Day, and they said they was to women in there and they were both caught on surveillance and they show both of them using their hands on his penis That's the Seville over both women had their hands with. At the same time, it couldn't be emphatically. Monks have been only technical and want to see. You will really make
saying goodbye to people at the moment. This ain't gonna be one on. Is that what is it? You know what forgetting our development aid at dominated plaything of ring of smuggled cigarettes? that again little one arrival front page nice features eight hundred five a viable No five one. If you need to visit us up right now, may be had a bad NATO bad morning, a patent ye added by night, thou, hast Van aloes. I drove leg lesson to ours now get out of forty five drawback said at his glasses, amusing, exactly stay awake as I was tired ogre and now Israelis. That is an fanaticism, dancer stroker, all right, we'll get it all future citys up right now, eight hundred foggy five one, five one is to breakfast locomotor The breakfast club.
Got wake up ass man or black. We want to give you the vast ago. More and more, every eye was a brutal, get it off. Each man may also serve ass, their ally user girl. You know you call baby this morning. Ok was under your baby. I wanna do you was a worker. Remember that that door, you told when you add, but about where you have to die right until her. Nor was it not pass. Our aims, revolted it was revoked. Music conference gave you that you had a cat within you, you pass on correct. I got somebody that make up. Ok, no boy, let's hear it
I might don't just don't discredit him yet so that she's not me, it's my friend he's an artist name is a fable lietzke H, a b o b, the singer. You can find them on Spotify Apple music loud, and I want a little before you that there will be another gathered about. Ok, let me up where's I haven't heard with low, as I think the right bro, I know you not trying to play no song over the phone radio does better you, whenever they does guy it. I've been at the end of the elevator Oh my god, ever imagined Asia shouted out. It is the grand by did ask why you noted, as he was gonna get through, perhaps come on in. Gregory must in particular of each by Adulator
So did I wanna get off I this morning, China Pollyanna, gives related advice from cheap and if my part I have ever been able to get through, but absolutely vital areas coupled girls were for me and my girlfriend, as you did me pretty more swiftly that work is today our girls, you level after World WAR Ii. Where do you follow what you want well, I got you brought it up. I do thirty every boarded debate, all the children to have a thirty eight by October. Every day from out badly, I pay their everyday lives is gave. Do I think I hopped about peace in our well, you know what order an odour of which are all and an army hope you doing up allows is Angel angel of Chess Good Morning Breakfast club, I was there a love, you guys that you got every morning
the job of a ball from a beautiful white queen at home and Angela every morning I can't get out of my sight Is it your beautiful white queen, my beautiful white, Queen Jessica? Yes, to say newbie in white, queen I'm sorry by new. Why you knew we got to get you to have it if you play all by Why? Every morning ass, he ran you welcome to join the world. Thank you man when he thinks that you have your Chaz, eight hundred, Rob a four hour on the global market like he wasn't Damien Lilith shot Maenas was a nasty labour. That is precisely the exact moment. Russia was broke. Soldiers left his goodness. Our regular features. Call us now was the breakfast. Good morning, the breakfast club
is your job to get it off your Jas, whether your man wore black but a payment. We want to hear from you wanna Breakfast Lorenzo gotta, make a warning Mozilla Renzo, get it off it s, a little easier, hey! in writing a book about it and are now darling, I'm ray of my brother when Avenant he's. Secondly, what everyone there of course Gomorrah make outlets everybody! May I urge you to round up, but they listen, I'm only five years, though volition. Why that this day that arrangements are not not everybody with the majority, my brother, what are you gonna ruin? If everybody, though, that there will be thereby become our vision, moved about the come out now
everybody got upon the videos about where I shut up, shut up, shut up shut up. I have seen nothing beyond Twitter? I dont be on Twitter. I have seen nothing I'm going to see a vengeance tomorrow night. Let's not talk about it, ok engage We in the end game now baby I'll call you as a geeks. What no tell me not in a glass you relax in America that you're, not you up what role is global and talk about the aim account you can compare, gave a thousand adventures answer. I could envisage a name is way bigger. Now, listen! Let let's talk about this will once again, ok, baggy weed One is boiling, not hang in there. I don't want to tell you: how would you just twelve year old, save the day The advantages that to go by but how would the dove saved Dave? Revenge is one I'm here by Inessa Buddy Instead it I ruin the avenging,
tons of better air I'd even talk about anything, you really know nothing about it. I've ever seen in my life. I was there when the rights of about the Avenger Snow, they are with me. I know I manage Charlemagne may about. When he came down man, adult matters where sorry, the Braer me and my wife died. A man eater give weight. You didn't like him. They were right, the God Adobes dope, stuff matters with sugar honey. I see in the mill whom I out may I gave you the ideal way to answer a program at unless I thought I'd really like you. Thank you appreciate, did not call me I never, Y Y, you, where you write it around and have not Neil appreciative, and treat it like a meeting I would know draw out. I want I to pull out a little too information, both Jessica. Bring it up on guys and abundance following on withdrawal. Mine began how,
guy you gonna go we did find now. Solomon deserve any draws on today become alone, have not drew us rather on the house would thereby shirt Northern rose. I think that you should allow him to be free egg. You know think that now in the world they may not measure, I found a mean, go viable. Already gave that's right. Thank you very much. You will really truly appalling. Can guess it's out Sarge as well, for example most I want to say I love you guys. I listen to you better put down. He asked why don't ya, I have ever had probably been more than someone so ignorant in my entire life gradually about nor the plane hi when having nervously cards, break it down somebody story about in certain areas. What well with invisible?
my name is Madame Faintly Senator Walt Disney trying to perform a bill that Europeans will have to work mandatory eight hours share because in her stay, nurses were fighting for mandatory break. We work sometimes, while plus our work, and we don't have a real break like hey, I'm taking my lunch break that isn't happening. You know something freshly in New York, where the health care sector, weaken unearthing, is so critical, six to seven, almost a patient so to even insinuate that you,
we're playing hide waited, so it is not being able to catch up, and he just put your mind, merges curse. You say I like the way you ve been yourself would beside it'll feel better to say said, but she can't she can't he might go to hell. You can do it. You know that the point of the matter it there's a lot of things going on in our country and one major important thing that we have to be aware of its healthcare. Absolutely the line where work hearing for your mother, your husband, your love. What times that I don't even see my kid I'll even have energy from my own husband because they give a hug you prepare my paper prepared, you Jessica. We appreciated you do you know my dad did. Senator was down the other day. He has a good one. Did it all future as eight hundred front? five one o five one. If you need event UK, you is up to you without rules on away. I yell I set it off this morning.
The Wendy Williams Band, our Chris Brown, has to say as well as Van Joan Sir. I will get into all that when we come back, keep unlocked the breakfast locomotive, breakfast everybody's, J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne, the guy we oughta breakfast moaning Happy Wednesday. Let's get to these rumours less, a new house. Looking show, with Scott Disick Desert has a new luxury home remodeling, so there's gonna, be on e produced by Ryan. Secrecy is cough flip, like disease and so basically he'll be flipping, really high and realistic. You don't really. I don't even know United does that either, but I guess now it as he said he flipped. His first has babies go. And now he looks at this as his primary passion. He's gonna convert multi million
our allay properties and celebrity friends, guess rooms and his own kids play house in the aid episodes roominghouse via the media is never leaving his house. Let me there's always family Every celebrity on car dashing Argent Hampshire arise because got to be the godfather everybody now has a chubby. Doubling is an eye he's ass, a thing he Wednesday, It was on line of furniture, is well kind of like a modern day, Martha Stalwart, Mebby Dope, caused by these extent, on the dizzy. I right now set out. Orissa, he's gonna, be working on a new thriller film and he's acts they do another music for it, as well as fourteen songs in total and he's doing. All of that and he's dead in the movie as well, so should be pretty exciting, and part of that was because of how you guys know grew grave. Digger there come on the corner, monsieur and because of the hard core rap. Him being having a lover thrillers.
Bad in the movie is called the reference horror movies. I guess they felt like he would be a great addition to some Like this a John, I never took off the way. I thought it would require. A gardener highlight the grave digger album like the first present laudable formula. Yet all right and Eminem. It is the twenty year anniversary of the slim, shady lp, so it's a celebrate that they going to have all kinds of exclusive merchandise and that's going to be dropping on Friday, so you guys know luxurious twenty low, got it Your rooms got except the time wasted, no god dammit shelter. In twenty five. Over the weekend, Naomi did it turned twenty minutes. To show eminent ownership and iron. I just know it has emerged coming out on Friday I know the murder, God up here, their works, it s Dan nationals. I decided now he already put in his order reorder Jesus Christ in our time
It is not everything, but he didn't like and then a Wendy Williams. I talk about that now. They are talking about a police report from back in January, where there was a call me that Kevin Hunter was poisoning Wendy Williams, the common did show up and when they got to the House found her in bed with her blanket covering her from next. It's o who bore the new window wombs, originally evened, that's where cuts gotta, Don't do it Scooby Jesus Christ do what they say: the opposite ass their. If there was any truth that anatomist happens, he responded I'm very popular. Why? Why would you do that? from you anonymous and anonymous soya hooligans, the body now you watch their Wendy, William sell. You see that Covenanters name is also taken out of all of the credit, so this is something that has been a while.
In the making is also looking for a new manager and executive medusa for herself and also executive reduce what do brown guys. Don't remember me, no, no it just now I right now! we're a lesson about Man Jones, because he was on the many William Show yesterday and she asked questions as she usually does about. His life is divorce. What's that direct flight is soon to be a wife. So you know this show is a breakthrough for the Johnson only because Van and his wife, they are getting a divorce divorce. Not finalize you still wear your ring. You gotta among your hand, to sort out of this. I have to say the causes but asking the question: no business works Wendy. Had they expect that no gay, when you got a dirt on your head, you can bring up. Nobody else is yes, it would have a great having to be like TAT was going on
Amazon discussing together. That's the only way to ask more array now, Chris Brown in the meantime posted, ok, Wendy and I'll show up late, though I do have a show to F out appreciate the pub when you broken you live in, the shades is no. I saw the key the men in between the demons decreed mangled Nudimmud Lou. That's because of something she sat on the show about was brought in Managua, not towards gather member. They announced that they have a tour coming and here's what she had to say. I don't know what I'd go see Chris, like I said or Mickey, but told them together, I'm in our ways thinking. I think they should have an open because I like both of them equally but what they should do is open up together with their new song wobble off and then maybe Chris disappears off the side of a stage in the nick he takes over and they break right into a Nicky song and then for the next city. They open up with wobble up and then Nicky disappears, and let's Chris continue on that way, everything's equal. They can do it this way because they both Majorian showing
late. So whoever shows up burst open a member could run avenue. Rheumatiz would be only nineteen at adding their inquisitive lorn. Who will recall any reports, Krispijn, toddy foot, a body and what is wobble up death in a single I haven't heard sang it within the getting kicked off. The till I re. Let me Angela YE, and that is you by a rumour report. All right, thank you, miss ye. Now we got from pages. Are we talking about? We are going to be easy. About Robin Craft. If you wanted to see those video tapes? Well, you you have to wait a little longer and nobody wants prehistoric dream is. Why are you doing there? There's gotta be illegal they would have really go put about four why'd. I went on our partners that serve the point that I have no clue embarrassed that man s what exactly are right well front. Page news is next, don't move as to breakfast club.
It seems like it should be easy, but is not just getting out of bed and getting your day started, trying to accomplish everything you need to do in your day that to do list as a lot easier when you're getting news stories and music to lift your mood and preparing for the day ahead connected to the things that make you laugh and make you think or make you want to reach out and share with a friend every morning with us. It's Elvis Joanne in the morning show listen to us on Kyoto to or anywhere in the world, on the Iheart radio, app some jerk. Some, although obliges end game. I can't freaky. Wait, I'm not really hated the amazonian dares blur ah baby I'll be watching, engage. What does that avenge? Is you talk about nowhere, but I will give you know against front page news fixes the nets last night once what's eating one hundred,
season is over for the Brooklyn nets? Mica revenge. I sent a message. Instead, things for coming out of the game, is there any picks and video evidence of our bet being satisfied, or she has the Jersey yours, just as it is played a yet. He I do have an I haven't posted in it yet, but that wasn't part of the deal towards is too no, you posted up gonna, take a jacket aware in the jacket over your jersey does help you gotta go. Nor did the Roman out it's all. You know there was a back any let that happen, no anything to monitoring and when we re down forty. I know that, like we can come back and knock it off not arrived at a magic wand. Fifteen eighty six and nuggets be dispersed what await navy in a trail blaze his feet. Defending one eight Rapporteur, Clean Bozrah Daimyo Little likely now a life game running ass? You that's! The type of action I like to see in the play off. Baby energy are more and more ok and I loved effect when a game shot happens. I get our great moment happens like that, and then eventually it becomes a mean. Could he got that ill
You can't touch me at all face death. I put it up boys the grandest morning. Look at it alright we're gonna. Do is look at how to know he's talking to himself is innovation is what are you talking about you meeting array luggage? You are making their queen going Lily my guys right now. Let's talk about the jeopardy chances, we're talkin about winning James how's, our he has said. As one million dollars in the shortest time ever? That means that he got over one million dollars after fourteen games and he's been go ahead. This third record that he broke since instead of competing on Japan. Last Wednesday, he won the episode with a total behind, and every one thousand dollars which tat the windy record that he had said earlier. In his run of a hundred and ten thousand dollars. So, congratulations to him he's gone pretty. Hardy actually had the one day.
A guard when he broke that that was at seventy. Seven thousand, so is almost double that our right and rapid craft. If you were looking forward to seeing that video of him in this with two women using their hands forwarded at you know, and it s a little yesterday after they said to with anyone. Actually I think this is preferable to put him out there like that. Like that death, I'm united stand, you present charges against banana violation of people's rights, while he's got them blacking that bit EL from coming out. So that's, what's goin on him. So I don't know if it's ever going to come out by as for now it won't. What is the purpose, though? Like is known in for that? in the publicly embarrass days had embarrassing is my orders array of him if its evidence than it should be in a court of law using at evidence and accordingly, I don't need to be legal mandate. They felt some people have already been trying to sell it, blogs and everything. So now clearly somebody as it out for him and Joe Biden is gonna announce. It is entering the twenty two He raised for president tomorrow morning. There's a video that they're gonna put out with his announcement spray crowded, feel.
Already by here leading in the polls even before he's announced officially that he's running all bomb of effort and is crazy to mete out. You know you people love Joe Biden. So much army is interesting, but with the same, how ya gave Hillary Clinton for me a married Bill Clinton who pushed to the ninety four crime bill? The same hell yeah give Khumalo Harris for being prosecuted already. Joe Biden, the same hell because he actually wrote the ninety ninety four crime. I write and United Airlines employee, allegedly cod. In a shining, a monkey, the actresses casually Hughes. He was returning home to Houston after she had a speaking engagement on women's empowerment at a university amiss again when she was waiting for her luggage arrives ye ask for a refund color, while waiting for her luggage and that's when the women got very upset with her from United Airlines and called her a monkey, and then a shining monkey
Why a shining there was a shining more have no idea what that means. You black. They said that yes she's black, they they says she also to hers that looking at her with her monkey face, other passengers did witness the exchange they try to intervene, but it was successful national library issues by pointing to report any May Carmelo diviner. That's the women who allegedly was calling her among and a shining monk openly violated in tunnels land back, she now moving. Oh no, no quick, witty quips Fred COM Emily was humiliated. She was crying. She said I was the only black women in the area ameliorated. You probably heard right now you need to get a lawyer. Go to work in an irish ferries. Cramp yeah. I don't think you can go to work today. Man, you don't even know if you can fly ever again, because what this lady has said he described as she's a strong occur disgruntled back her everything her a letter which I feel are paying off
Who is your guardian of monkeys? You fell to the floor out. You could just town additional money hid her right nor back right in a back from the rear. James feels he knows come of butter. That away occasionally use is also the vice president of the big sister little system mentoring programme so all I know that only when a young lady walkin around I make braver and dead heard arm and all that emotional distress as well as you need to get paid. Okay, absolutely need to pay her for calling her a sign, and God Damn monkey. You know how hurtful that is. That's very hurtful. I don't know where I can get out of bed. I'm depressed method. I gotta leave one. Alas, United Airline Earth evaluating attorneys also did a reference. Eric Murdoch, a former mba point whose sued United for ten million dollars in December, they kicked him out of an exit. Rowan then allowed a white passenger to take his seat. I won't hurt to MA, am hurts my elbow after hearing her being called a shining Magua do class action laws the steward manoeuvres to downright will, that is, for these new now. Will we come back. We is but
the right indirect of empire will be joining. Those are merely Daniel original, big daddy. Yes, it is bringing his protegee joint, equal mass right, jointly cope with a very Shove, young man, s eyes played at he currently has Alcott ain't, no more. I thought a couple months ago when he was for his work. Nodded, but he's really dope die we'll get into that will be come back, don't move to breakfast club, bemoaning the breakfast, pointing everyone is the J envy. Angela yea Charlemagne, the girl we oughta breakfast club, because a special guess in about a yes, sir, we have led the animals and Jordan equal. Welcome. Guys like you and me,
here like join, is like you, I knew you'd mule sawdust be great Boadicea, protege, ok, yeah protege! I was looking for a writer after empire, or my third show after star and is a comedy. Miss pass me when you shall along this path, is bad salaam. Until we were going through the usual suspects to find a storyteller a rider to tell this Half hour comedies, like a black rosy and you'll, see neuron is show radio waves, Juanita Rosier, no eight and labour. Unless, where I can find the right right or so I went into the streets, how did you find you it was homeless. Very clearly in the actual
come out of which eight island I went to see a play and once you place agent showed me told me to see a play that he had written at the public and they were Durno Workshop about a year ago workshop here about a year ago and was animal and it changed my life. The change completely changed my life and I understood or the first time. Why was it? I was a black man road and yes, I understood why I was a newly black math, but a gay black man in America and what that met to me and I found that he was twenty two at the time and I was set on these. The next stir. It I've never seen anything. I've never seen anything like this, since I was seventeen and saw three s looking back at the theatre, soldering girls, it, if muscle,
So I am a madame end and the register history we have jointly coop officer who are you yeah I saw Journey Cooper is a man he says who ever and wherever he was to say I always humbly vast area. My mama's liberal, that was my first theatre above a daddy living, must have the right. When I was like six years old. I was really exposed to the iter as lead. People know it to be so are we had? Was those bootleg dvds of like those Tyler Perry plays or like that sort of thing that would be sought in the Hezbollah in Lebanon? though it was an ordinary man, maybe one day, remember them. Who was my for anyone who is a good question, but he is fair. Marie I play
the boy S, how you argue that our group was inanimate us, no, ninety, nine thousand, so do I go and we're all does I saw I like I've, been doing like these blaze in my living room by didn't know there was a thing down really how is church, because my parents is sports people so mom ass. My past, my church, if I can put on my place after Churchmen Sundays, and so I started doing that in the audience- has got bigger. Bigger little plays garage year, IRAN, Germany, there, It may now, as in the the Earl I'm target, those are Kelly's. Bourbon ground was plain and sanctuary
I got I got done with church, because I couldn't necessarily tell the story that I wanted to tell anymore. So I started like raising money, so I feel, like I ran out theaters downtown. I start doing. I started working at Jubilee, theater in downtown Fort worth the pain they're artist in residence, and I wrote this play based off of Kendrick Lamar Song called Black boy fly. Which ended up the money from that players. I can pay what you can thing with a community in the money from that play, got me through my first year of College in New York, so that happened in the riding cab riding and, summer, two thousand and sixteen that's when Philando Castile and Alton Sterling got murder within a week of each other. At the Dallas incident happened, and I always talked about how I found myself almost slip into a depression and lot of ways and I'm the kind of person who likes to laugh at funerals like. Why is this bitch wearing a bra on she's going to six feet under?
why it does her wig look like fruit grows in each other on top of a head like, I have to the more from my brain to laughter that pain. So basically, I came up with this concept of animals, which is, I would have a black in America, when we originally came over here cargo unwillingly, but if we just willingly decided to pack up and move to Africa, we fly one which has been a real conversationally. We really can have a game posted on his social media. The games has said: if we are moved to Africa, we will cripple that economy in America. He just posted if only they were, but he poses a very good question about if we left, which is which is basically like the and exposing the play yes outside. By two sides of the coin right because aside for me, if I gallus led legless get out, but also like my ancestors blood,
buried in the soil. Their bones are buried under that dirt so and they fought to call this place home for me to be of the contest plays home. So for me to leave their blood and leave that their bones on this site. So what does that mean? Does that mean all their all? Their blood was spilt for no reason until I want to post a question of like what is America, if it wasn't for black folks or what is like we are American allowed away so like what, if all this all this culture there, we created this character in the play com, his bag and she's the physical bag, but, like all blackness lives inside of her everything, a black black folks have ever read everything from the wobbled surprise. He again like anything you can think of is is inside of that bag, and I want to give the play away, but by she's she's, a character of her own, as I want to pose the question of like what what would happen because one
Go? Let you like a lot of us who live by weakening gotta you I'm ok labs. I can't do it I felt like I was about to be really data, but then also on the other side of that I felt like I was called the great a mere gang over, because I've never seen why women so mad, then would Donald Show got elected. They ve been y know what I'm talking about the liberal. Why, when Ogre Liberal, why women who do not have their way right in a white for everything white folks who used to being told no, and so I beg they felt with black women in black folks, had been feeling for the past four hundred years that day and so There was a moment of pain for me of la damn how we gonna get over this, and then there was way we ve always gotten over briars, and so rather
then me saying: ok, let's get the galleys leave. I had to ask myself the question: no, why not fight for what was built here for what we built this country, that we don't? Why not night for and take it back? What do you think comedy is so important in the consumption of serious job? It's legit. I think I think it's like it's. I do we have to laugh to get over the bridge of paying RE butler. I found that the slaves that in this system I'm gonna start a leader, statistical surveys. They statistical statistical, you have slave implied slaves that survived the voyage were those that laughed that that's what kept us alive. So we laughed wiping. We high- and I think that which is really deep. I we got more widely Daniels, any protegee Jordan equal when we come back
move. Is a breakfast locomotive envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy? We are the breakfast club. We have the rider and director of empire here lead their news and also his protege Jordan. Equal per Ye Jasper was you were talking about how many rights a kind of get through the pain we think about Dave's appalling. What he had saved the supposed now. Does it matter who's laughing at the joke and how they might interpret echoes? Sometimes you look at people laughing and allay. Are they latin for the re reason? Road, rarer? That's awesome question this like, especially unlike the form of theater and like New York Theatre re suddenly put on these plays, like the majority people know about these praise or who can afford these tickets, which were trying to change, is like or the white people right, and so what happened? This, I kind of was aware of the medium that I was going into this play and I purposely try to rip up the floorboards and a lot of ways. So, for instance, when you first come into the shop you hear back that asset and lag nearly ready
my brain like lift every boys. This thing is not only grow national hasn't, ok back there s up is, but it's it's it's I wanted to create, environment way when you walked in you knew this space was for you. You knew this play with you and like people who don't know that Song Ireland which is a problem for or theatre, because Theatre is meant for white people that a fifty years old- and this is that this is the line. Is it and they took it into a good thing, and I think that what is really about the play, as is that it will do, I think what it will do and I'm so happy that the public allowed Sonya Friedmann and I to communist producers now, because I think that this play will do fourth, Broadway and theatre. What empire did for television they'll young kids come to it like it's a beyond
answered. Is that really so yeah? Why doesn't get the credit for ushering in his new black renaissance? I now what is it about? I think these, I think we're passe. I think that we do not think that we didn't know we were doing at the time and as I think that we don't we didn't know, we were doing at the time it literally changed that they the way we were all perceived, and now we don't get the credit join. You started right need no more thoroughly, and you said you didn't exactly what you were writings was the turning point that made you realize it was a actual play that you could share with the public. Once I realized I was crying and laughing with the same tier. I think that's when I decided okay. This is okay like when people walk in like the whole scene is about reclaiming reclaiming the space. Are you you're asking black folks
the president, when I'm ok, for why. Personally, that means. Yes, it is a very disturbing early. Your neighbour and say to president is my game. How you gonna turn did no not turned you getting at first. She said turning enabling say you present all of my people. In the light of day It was like. You know why, because I have here and then there's a black you light into anything. Now we, the presidency is, is is map, but he is that, so it is really it's it's it's! You start out like that, and it takes you it's it's seduce brings you in, and I think that it is rare to find our das and that's what I look for work even like my walk ass, a lotta alot away, rather walk out on why people as some black people like I'm, like somebody, people who are used to like like like as soon as they hear there like. Oh now, we re not doing this, Would it not be more felt when brought one? Let me know: if anyone were you next day like we, we didn't work,
it really was early was- and I think I think, a lot of us miss. There have been a lot of us forget that, but so like like I'll, go back to Larry Wilmore right when they remove one more did the final correspondents dinner and he was like Rocky did it mine and like a lot of people would like up in and I had I had to tell myself because opening the more he said and from my folks. Well, why not? Why? Not? So that's what I want to do with the play I was I was like. I wanted people to know that this. This is your space like. Don't let anybody she don't? Let anybody turned to you and be like all. You can say that you can't do this like this. Your space like whenever we had swag servant come on during the show and like diamonds, rosemary, not anywhere spiritual, yes Priscilla, and in the back there was. There was just a whole row of like black,
first a man. I gotTa Asia saw these two or why we were firm, just get up and walk out, and I was like right before laying they couldn't take it. They couldn't take that energy that can take that sway. They can take their blackens. They couldn't take that that power, because is the power you have to be ready to let go of your own guilt. You have to be ready to let go of you of your own idea of what the other is in order to enjoy that kind of experience. Back in the day and got a lotta revolt to nineteen. O blackmail would get together they re wasn't lying in a giant and the next thing you know this document why we re literally got out of them. Believe you I mean he redefines what for me this redefines theatre. For me, I think that you know going into his. Must have never seen a play, nor was she instance in a play. She's pity is all she'd, never wasn't than Siena play until until this and she's like now opened a theatre. So I think it is important for black people to understand
there is theatre for us, is the main, the news rendition of a normal, but they said that, are you dress and drag? yeah see you you saw, you did not see him as peaches. You saw in its earliest. In a way, we ask your doing. But these are, they were literally reading or writing for anybody saw Anna, and now I decided that he wrote it as he wrote it. He should play peaches. He was like on the arm ass. I should give it to a gay actor that is like that is in need of work, as you can't find drag queen at our need of war. Tat, you know, as you know, you wrote this is u per annum heels, but that we're gone Emily peaches. So, as rule is dead- and I didn't I Didn'T- I didn't want to do- but once I once like actually took hold of the language it was like putting on a glove, which I try:
always said. I never want to be my own stuff, but but once I did peaches it just is felt it just felt so right that when I love you so woken up now, that's also when we talked about in the plane right, because I wanted to take out what I wanted to my question. Cuz peaches is she's as flight attendant who's in charge of at this gate agent who's in charge of getting all black folks on to this playing she's the only one in charge of getting guy pokes on to this plane. So I wanted to ask a question. I want to put up blackness and history with queerness and blackness cuz a lot of times whenever we think of gay, we think of white and a lot of times when everything goes black. We think of black right when actually those two things can intersect and coexist for millions of people. So what does it mean if this drag queen is helping all these black folks on to this planet?
talks about in a more love she talks about. I sometimes will never accept any of the debt of interim tiny idea of wooden can be right. She talks about how she got beat up the night before about group to she's also helping check onto this plan right so like like what does it would? What does that mean? As I wanted to? I wanted this this queer black person to be in charge of blackness for day late, because so often, where forgotten and black history, when I mentioned in black history, but with air everybody's there really their plans to make this into a feature film. I hope I simply won't take it too, possibly take at the London, but he's can be written, Miss Pat so which I'm so excited ya. Ms Pack is like a federalist onto our principles. Agreed will be allowed to do that. Data Theo black men emasculate themselves, but in his women all the time for a little bit of fame and laughter, would you would you got to say to them? I think too, that I say:
That's ignoring blackness, you can't say you love black folks, like that, you can say you love, light folks, ahead, gay people because then hear your ear, excluding your scooting blackness. You like doing this. Thing that they're doing to us? I we have more widely than using Jordan equal when we come back, don't move is to breakfast Cloacam morning. Everybody is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club. We have the right and director of precious an empire with us lead. There is also a protege Jordan, equal bookie, deleting the vanity of politically correct, now know if it is, who cares? I think that I think I have, as they will do so get mad about leg gave every their invented. By this I came, I mean they found. My very next show before Miss PATH would doing it in a sort of communicating soda like a living, Could you see a level color earlier now right now? What this, sadly, sadly, now
I would do it, but now it doesn't. I'm sorry, but I think that they are allowing us the space to do my show. I'm gonna do sketches louder. Messing with real life is way better like who could script did Justice Mallette situation I mean something like that. Not me me not. I ll see what were you doing this with thoughts when you first heard what the Jesse's felicity was. Sire I went in man. Yes, of course I was written surrender was. It was probably the most devastating because you don't look. You know he's going to judges, God and man, but the good the gap with the gavel. Those are the two just I cannot judge. I can only have compassion.
And my thoughts are in consequence of a meal? I just what the hell did you run imply as though it was rumoured that you ve got to get rid of his men. Think that nature we're in toxic figure out what we're gonna do with the show its. It is very painful to talk even now, and I think that I think that were still living in trying to figure it out in ambush godless. You know what I'm standing by him, because, regardless of the outcome, because I can't discuss someone that is like discarding. My son, you made a mistake, has read it ain't any led still happening. Santa Jesse is not lying about the incident and amusing that we don't know, and I Jesse is telling the truth. George, you blew
My name is very got all these hot. These take up smoking to juggle usb to ok, you gonna work. I took it a break. You know it was consuming everything as anyone dames clash of beef. I see that I am familiar with it. We squashed I'll, be ok. Man come out of the way we work with each other, some few just avoid guiding class yeah. I think so he's a good man, and I think that I was out of pocket, and I think that is a real man amid the absolute not because sometimes you really get caught up in into the white voices in your head that are surrounding you say no use.
And a document, Lee Daniels. You do not owe him any money. That was your white ways to that. Would yes, that's what my lawyers at my lorries amazes was telling me that you, Tom anymore, but you know one thing: if I'd unpaid, Mars is brought back We have been able to make a mean right. So does this we'll talk I mean so it was a wake up. Call and sadly it took the public humiliation, I believe in harmony, and I believe that I deserved it, and- and I wish him the best, because he really believe me- we know but he didn't. Hollywood was now that's what he always it. He always really believed in you in and unleaded yeah worked it out here. I love this must not leave them. Do you feel like that about that? You may want to make things right with no the next question who I knew you'd come this way.
This is the desert. You know that situation is what it's going to be. I think they'll have to choose to disagree, and I think that I have I really again. I have nothing but compassion for her and she got a job. Would She got a job. Many years got a job, would judge a commercial with I always campaign. So, like you know now, she's, like you, know, she's. I guess we Friends would all of em saw me, you know he's friends Wallace, so I'm a little nervous, I'm excited or again it's good is a really great gather. Is she's really good in it. So what's the huge impiety huge of empire YO is going to be bombast goshawk. Assessing that what this has done, I think that the empire came at like lightning. Ike came s like lightning, so they are depending on me to come up with some there. Finally thing: ok, Lee what you're gonna do I set up everybody up, and I say this time for me to do something,
lately unexpected discuss a ok dangles back now. Do you kill em off? I told you that's a secret. We were taught you wrote the whole hawk story tat. I know it s really pay
You know why, when I write something that you know that that happened to me this these things have angered hung by would enumerating, but you know that I think is painful. I think that this is real. Like I was abuse, I was chased home every day, bullied and Jordan's next plays about suicide. You know what I mean, because we both thought. He is right in his play about suicide and an eye ass, he hung up. The funds were talking about the situation. That is look kid and he would sing you notice. What man next place about how the fund? I was a boy with this kid, this brilliant kid ever think of suicide, and then he took me to realise that there are actually thought of suicide and ate and our hair black or let it out that's what we are doing to our young men, especially like when you cause. I I had those that twelve thirteen years old and so just seemed a lot easier to should not be a burden to anybody except a special
myself in, like especially being black and queer. So I call this is not what God wants, or this is not what your family wants. You're, not welcome on this earth. You're not welcome here. I was talking to him and I was talking to somebody else. The other day- and I was like cover the morning, sometimes so grateful that I didn't listen to those voices, but those like if he ever did you waiting to see your family of off doing it this year, world above even get to write the stories that are put inside of you when you get to be sitting here on the breakfast club, now you wouldn't you, wouldn't you wouldn't be able to see what what life actually has for you, which is so much more than that dark moment that you feel people people realize that especially the black community. I don't think we we really. Is that what you say that joke that you say you could have your little cousin sitting on the couch in the corner over there. He can be hearing you hear me laughing along, but you don't know what that point. That's planting inside of his head
are. We live for uses one so grateful for you in your book. But this is like you x and talk about. Miss health in the black communion break it down, and we too that's not something that we. We talk. Now, because I didn't hurt us, you pray you get it over with, but because I think a lot of us to have a site mentality. I really do think a lot of a still think that we are meant to get married. We are meant to go to church in work yeah, we're uninterrupted people, especially when it comes to like homosexuality, because I will tell you wouldn't go now for that. But we want everybody when health killing another black person. Only Goin helpful Sandra, singular Robin people, naturally a solid when they go to have another. That would you go out with me enormous, actual wreck. The passage just now man the male amen. You may think you guys were joining us, a noble ain't, no
all right now that the public be LISA get along well, although mad so men from the little the public theater is for twenty five Lafayette Street AIDS downtown or has replaced in the acceding yeah we're trying to see how we Can you bring it to a wider audience as well? I think it's something that that a lot of people are we really in. We need it, it's something that we need. May fifth, enjoy and be back in a company to tell us how make more money will need. Direct copper is the breakfast my name is sure Pearl wells. This is the story of my son Courtney. Nobody was critical to dollar. Fifty is the biggest here I've used a ladies man even which country in his grandmother, I'm just the robber Cornick Open, was different in twenty six
t. He wound up with a bullet in his back outside of Chicago Police Station granted that damage embedded in its the story of mine search for the truth. This is somebody a coal production of the invisible Institute, the intercept and topic Studios in Association with Tenderfoot CVS coming March, thirty wherever you get your pocket. This is somebody's. Try! Somebody desires to know what I desire to know what happens among listen to somebody on the eye heart radioactive apple, pod cas wherever you get your bike casts.
The report annually on the breakfast club I re work, Heidi B is not having here right now and see posted herself talking about these blogs. In particular, she talked about shade room, anti, even discuss the ownership room, Angie Abbe pat Banal this water Buffalo Bill, Bates Angie, you the owner of the chevron, because you know this is not allowed to post me. So what does she do? She paused? Mass hope you, but this you know, I'm associated with what sample QC see right. There's this the owner of one
most successful Brad label right now, but now she by the Polish Sejm when you ve been a wedge Rama, baby, Mama, Drama Korea, so young Miami. Nobody thought that it was not gonna, be successful, tee thy laptop, but no yeah rather now posed a gap by the post. Some there's gonna sell gauge rag, and that means our reign. In addition, I guess I'm responses at this very room dear pose some screenshots. Some of their past of coverage of Katy B and people around her as well, and she still wasn't buying it. She had this to say about blogs in general, actually fuelling beefs Gaza, that
the example of the people when ya Feelin Flom between these argues that, for example, that quota c I be based on four people, can't fool enough uranium. Is that your idea of a day their stream want these artists to change? Oh yeah, really dont want them to achieve real, want them to stay the same, because it benefits are because our capitalize of these drama and is there a body is saying, but the same logic can be applied to hearing AIDS, because the beef between cardio shade room has gone on to. Nor can we get those who want a foreigner, have accomplices, he's moved their problems. Will one day, as you know, I didn't really know there was a beef between them, not or lastly, I think I think- get at them before I maybe with dollar one an immediate ball phantom, adding lab is less of a problem. And also they blame and belongs, as is a bit off only because social media is gone few, that, regardless of the blood posted at night, if, if the other than the code, I guess it is something the code I black any Kodak like this.
De I social media in general is gonna happen to know that do women report every day and if you say it is fair game from America and if I don't report on things, people like riding to talk about this, not to talk about that. Doesn't me a ton of you're, late and death Lenny, I know what's happening, that's already, posting a shade. Roman ball alert in Hollywood, unlocked and immunities other sites, all their knowing is reacting to what already going on in the culture to react and was already going on, but she say and if you're gonna pull. If, if you can oppose a negative to post a positive as well lessons, I think she say do they really do, as is my short monster, they show it. I dont get it likes, maybe they don't. We know it. You, don't true hurry now kind to be also had this to say about the blogs
a common. They all. Why are there making documentary about our colleague? Why do they green documentaries? About Michael Jackson, because young people elected for capable so loudly by caucasian uprising, China capitalize of the drama that happens in the black entertainment business, where black broad compromise out there all job my problems, yeah, barely pull fatherless Barack Obama, Why is the negative does, though? That is a fact drama cells and all these people claim to be vague in Manhattan, Knighton, sales outlets, beef or another fact rather bad reporting is why G Sonya, but our ideas releasing a check is cost stab. Snitching is about ass. She said nine now is hard for me to even lay snippet of this, because his very not only for work, and that means our job, because we can't play all these curses and slurs. But here's what it sounds like
Smell is miles away. By simply had your horse is absolutely domino you you know, you don't know how she said. Your constant risk factors like Mary went down could use needs, The EU is the largest niches argue for a lot of federal informers, outdated songs, discreetly about the closure of the government about the Gaza at all. Well, you know he has issues way to catch. You know that it has a lot to do again, having sell their problems and cash you got two causes is another snitching along lines. Nicky. I got this dog that now admitted that the gaza- and I
Why would a video for us all is phenomenal, chronicles biology of already thought very Kazi? But I cannot say any video is phenomenal view from March authors, alkaline and you know the story of the mob easy. Then you know As you know, we called citizen informed It is of the slave thereat. It I've been mug, easy. You gonna like to video. I re where the new avenues cloth a real for real and ass out. May there after I I write em Angela YE, and that is your room, a report by right. Thank you miss ye. Now, when we come back Charlemagne God, given a dog to rubber Lee Dana's normal, with the form of a left here today, I leave mom drama the danger that the budget Dramas Albania yea, and we say it is asked about ass. We was a foe normally path, information alone, you don't tell me whether you monsieur pleasant new protein jailer.
New Muse it ass a bridge wow. I know you did money he didn't say no, because I know you, I don't know what I've always do. Yes right, the purpose local boy right now. You want to start talking about the need for the EU. And don't give me that I had become donkey of the day The breakfast club Bitsy duty, yes dog, you today for windy, able Twenty four goes, the Roman Polanski Aviano Roma Polanski is he's a film director
do sir Rider an actor and since nineteen seventy eight the year I was born, he has been a fugitive from the: U S, criminal justice system because he fled the country while awaiting sentencing in a sexual abuse case, he played guilty to statutory re by repeating plague guilty to statutory. Rape and nineteen. Seventy seven, a roman Polanski was arrested and charged with drugging and raping a thirteen year old girl. He plague guilty to less offence of unlawful sex when a minor in forty two days undergoing psychiatric evaluation in prison. As he was preparing for sentencing, and he was expecting to be put on probation, but he fled to Paris. After learning, at the judge plain to be put him in prison. Now Romans career did miss a beat. He went the Europe and continued to make films. In fact he, it, is these award for better picture and best erected received three Oscar norms for film cod test any producing directed to pianist and that film
one three academy award, including best directive, Roman Polanski and into doubt insane he was awarded best directive for a film called, goes right or think about that Rollin Polanski played guild to sleeping with thirteen your girl when he was like forty five right, fled the country, he's a fugitive here in Amerika, yet still one and ask for both direct into doubt into ok, multiple choice, question then role in Valencia gets his brig because he's a white be male, see rich r d, all of the above. What do you think he d envy? What do you think the lead have to see? Ok, hard to say why privileges real when I was worse than a young black college student, was sentenced over twelve years in prison for rape, but didn't even have sex with the victim. I have you heard this story. True story, do you go goes abbot? Wilson was twenty,
at the time in the young girl- was seventeen. They both were in this bar under the legal drinking age. They ended up going back to his place. The young girl said she was raped. I would say all they did was kiss no semen. What are dna was found. What is the levels round on her chest because ass, we said he kissed her and Albert Wilson got twelve years in prison. Time of probation and a mandatory sex offender title. Meanwhile, Roman Polanski forty five years old, amidst the sleeping with thirteen YO girl fleas, the country before sentencing, which is all of the crime, and he gets an Oscar young black world in America. Life is not fair, get used to it One thing I have realised this we're privilege exists entitlement to show to follow in when you give someone an inch of privilege, they will take a yacht. Entitlement, ok, Roman Polanski Isn T an entitled individual because, instead of keeping his fugitive ass low, he is currently attempting to sue the Asker cat.
What is wrong with Polanski Sewing Osgood Carry Academy for let's go to entertainment tonight, CBS Los Angeles report, please, a disgraceful rector is suing get back in the academy. Your motion picture arts and sciences are cases pending and allay superior cord for Roman Polanski. He's, let the? U S a nineteen seventy eight after he was charged with statutory rate. He continued to work and even what an Oscar in two thousand three for the pianist. The eighty five year old was expelled from the academy. Last year, Polanski court Paper say he was removed without notice, and his request for reconsideration was denied. The academy says the procedures taken to expel escape were quote fair and reasonable. The audacity of car Cassidy, here's the thing you can be matter, Roman Polanski, but can you really be mad and Roma velocity seriously of you made? It is dead play reaper nineteen? Seventy eight play guilty the statutory raped and fled the country, but since you
deeply. You anomalies, nominated Foreign Osgood three times, even one one and ask is still kept you honest membership board and then all of a sudden Olaf. Over almost forty years later, since I got his job, You expel me from the boy because I am not in accordance with the organisation standards of conduct, Oscar Academy did to standards of conduct change because Roman been add. These charges Never stop celebrate nobody. I never thought reward him. Why would he not sue you when you all its volume? There are no, no, no grounds on which the House do ya had ever reason aroused him before and kept him on of course, at this stage in the game, he would think he's dead. Nothing wrong. This- is why rewarding bad behaviour is not ok, you don't give a puppy a treat because he tore be couched in deficit. It all over. The house of the puppy thinks he's gonna get a treat for doing so thing wrong, then you will never learned to do any thing right and you will continue the behaviour that was getting him. The treats the ask as I've been in
will is all easier. They have aided and abetted. In fact, Roman Polanski dysfunction so now Roman wants to know why he is not allowed the eight. You know nothing about it. Does make this a double. Please, please give Roman Polanski an Oscar Academy, the biggest hee. both stupid in a situation of live. Neither the no you may get underway murder for a long time ago and ask as had been in a enabling this file. Now. All of a sudden, you wanna have a change of heart. He can't even Here I don't get. You bury warden of criminal law all these years now. You want to take them on board the Mona Flora, what they give it a donkey to gain up next ask IE eight! five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one. If you need relationship, advice or any type of advice, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one ask Yee is next.
Breakfast local morning, the breakfast club everybody is D. J, envy Angelo Ye Charlemagne, the we we oughta breakfast Club now earlier Dern get off your chest. This young man called name is packed Nicky was mad at his girlfriend Andy's online. You need some help, YE paragraph. It lacks planes, he was going on I am very happy to do. It were like about the price to pay we got a one year. Europe wide here too You talk about little help, awareness on the black man. I believe our black listed only thought. I wouldn't have found so alive ass. She was tall for some thousand would like both the voters, who couples go that turn into life they do just argument, can ever expect and deadlines.
To come. Oh you at the outset. Last night, not damaging our three job I get up every morning Two hundred and thirty three, my house at three come back at seven hundred and thirty to take my daughter to school, go to another job and don't get back until eight at night. I have two kids outside of our relationship that she was helping take care of go me almost fear, because there was the fact that the level of their work- So what you guys have a one euro more acutely wonder. Do you think she may have postponed depression? That's what everybody just large offers them. But how you know where she literally starts green. You know you know I gladly able eventually you don't look at a point where it go without break our related illness. Pretty much, whereas I value will argue text messages ad absurdum.
Like you know, I walked on the journey Gennaro Authority, I've been away. I gave you, though we need to get some help. It asked. Did you pay? Was you don't like it? Leave you mean you don't apologize outdoors, we cannot get one word how to replace their anybody ass close to her. Besides you, they can speak to her like a family member. Somebody really tried harder, really going to George got worse after largely embarked will grow by both yesterday as Europe. The letter no one was bought off, but I never got a response, but nobody only people. Around her ideal, but he has done we are now. I did that
can I can I be seen tat the postponement depressing cause he's never act like this before, and I mean it was a little bit before the child, but why not today sixty away why she doesn't work right out? You said she was to work, which I understand, but I provide everything you need for, even if they were trying to get around to stamp out this trial. We look for a job, is gonna work for a family before you just go back to work. A lot of you don't do that Indeed, it is the turn of joy with a child when I first it no, I didn't because without a word about Europe might sell, it It sounds eggs. You definitely has to get some help, but she's not receptive to that. From you and from that suggestion. Coming from you also sounds like every time you guys have a discussion. Leads to an argument which, unless it is your fault at all, but that's what it leads to because she's defensive about it and she probably
as an identified him for some moments, sometimes embarrassing to have these feelings that you can explain right. So I think a less guess I'll get her some real as you know, have to sit down and talk to her about it. But why don't you just compile some of that? I think it also is important for you to have someone else times higher somebody, that's close to us to talk to us about things that they're having issues with, because you heard the people closer to you when you're going through some. And that might be Bihar birds to hear that coming from you, so I might have to come from somebody else, and I do they say in arguments and is difficult somebody's telling you what you need to do, instead of explaining how it affects them, so sometimes you're telling someone or Europe when this you're doing that you're going to make this happen instead essay exactly was bought all, but when I, when I try to spread TAT, wound in this way. Are why think we ve? like Tito Airbus yeah.
Important when we have these discussions, how we phrase things and how we say it. But it also seems that right now, I really time here it anyway. You know, because I find that when I argue, I try not to accuse the other person of doing things. I talk about how I feel I feel like this less figure. How we can work on this together to come up with the resolution because I dont Oh, you know if I'm the person that can get you, you know what I want to make sure that you get it, and I want to make sure that I can support you as so. Sometimes it's best to tat protein. That way without screaming. I yelling, and you said she screaming a yelling at you're, not doing it to her. You just listening, but is also the approach, and hopefully her sister were we back out to you but I will recommend that you try to find a person that can help her ask a professional how you should go about it and otherwise do the research to see if you can get some recommendations for a therapist or somebody can talk to that might not be enough. She might need to be on some type of medication. Right
because I believe that hopeless, but maybe I'll, get in touch with their professional and see what they have to say. I still hold on the line, and let me see if we cannot get somebody for you now global. Let's get his info let's see if we can refer somebody to him asking me eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one. If you need relationship advice to any type of advice. Call you right now it's the breakfast club good morning morning, everybody is dj. Envy Angelo Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast club in the middle of an e, allows there's yards he'll be here. Maybe I was going to name out on me. Will you try to get a job like what then let them my age? You five seven, eight o four ok she's out tonight, let's hear your question. Ok! Ok I would very much better way up your home if we allow the public to the radio, because I propose PTSD,
music and we can't we bow. I can do a lot of things. I can cope with music dance to move their guide. You, Let me read movie. I love me so I had a question because I guy right and I've been thinking about real, though often elderly everyone you ever been in all the guys David, I'm crazy. Anything I'm crazy. In Hampton begin, I've been in the pipeline now. You know my mom came here hidden away from abuse of our relationship that my father was, on the one hand at my Father could get along, so she let my bottom out of Non Winslow unacceptable and I haven't the last build who are having on the guidelines for father figures, not all the guys. I never go younger guy now without now. Don't worry. Breed asteroid attracted younger gang, ok, cool stuff,
who is now. Let's element, when a heavy is about how about why have given these relationships? That was the basis of how can I mean? Did he put me down and it therefore ban, like they lovely like bright awaiting? My too, must be lonely, and then I on they say on I'm creative himself at noon or was it was? It was, of course, to mobilise anything I write. One mama must have like wanting think this account. I did not bananas. Now, if you all I do here, I mean I were ideal. Could I meant well. Mamma was quite unnecessary, while my was supposed to everything but making me, I'm not no bottom afforded by sheer mama was was didn't. You knew, Mamma when a woman had declared them Why do they need guys
They don't believe in God, and I believe in God and how might be from, but I didn't like it, and I want to say what a bicycle: ragged apologies. Everyone thinks you crazy. You haven't got round while sharing. Very many people. Who's there I share their views as a basic it. This morning you gotta Now, then, everybody Caveman Miss Sarah. Now, all sorry unites area. Do you believe advisor Why are we not by a long shot, a big? yeah I'll? Even talking about a lot about? Regrettably, tat, I can tell it all so necessary. You keep dating guys who don't believe in God. Don't ask questions later
I ran on Buddy Gaudy Yang by volume Why have they do believe? In God they own blood and grip. Jerry number Jerry so is now that they don't believe in God. Is they don't praise and worship the way that you do? that is about three though, and I've been in a climate, mom emigrants short every funding, even those that you stayed out all night and inflexible men there and then strengthen all that? I'm never man, I've been the bird woman were now and Beth mother Mamma. He took my but for me like really like that of woe You have a bigger one moment: people kids tat. Nobody would mother, and you are right, it is shared areas have sat here, says you're, not a bible, civilian chaired bibles again impact. Can I share those very note. A bible says a great deal about being quite right here, hold your tongue shut, the hell up, something.
Leave her alone in Lisbon. Guy turnover here? God are you here, God you talk so goddamn man, my now Doha? Why used or tools airbags everybody does it Gimme the Albania, because you want Harry I got here. We want empty, I'm sorry, You know what we just read out: it's your bank Missouri! Even after poised to me. I don't know so ridiculous measure. A lot of them are taken. The war jumping in helping to aid and abet minute what about get a boy somebody's been, we figured played. Oh you wanna go over occasion there, You want to get my money. Do you wonder was rowed? Did you think of the Virginia Beach? Romania, be disarmament, is away from you know why
May I use eleven November evening view when it was made. Their email has helped me. Gmail Dhaka, media, gmail enough reason, you're involved for this email shares about south ever. Thank you for listening investment. That call when I do this. Well, we got rumours unawares. You just don't know, hey fair working in it. We got rooms and away jewish. Yes, I said about a new musical. That's supposed to becoming. I want to see a b. I will go and see. This is preparing an Houston. If that gives you a hint. Goodness, gracious, Uk Flash area now that less every us would take it appears to be determined way. I know I used to live a normal go. The was on a ways to breakfast locomotive the breakfast club prepare their day. The airlines to sharing a coffer ascii she's talking
you never know it was you towards organs. He doesn't know she's a little dog befell. Talk has shown with one of our lives and, as you also called than about his wife and a girlfriend, is actually dealing with post partum depression. I shot out sooner or later time is she's been on the show before glow may drama, goosebumps glow move. Yes, I am actually gonna be chow because he said they have resources as well good to be able to help, and it does so by post the presidency led the now mammoth good advice. You can look for her on Mama glow, dotcom blends those you doing well, maybe knows no. She doin Mama Weiss second child. She had a c section, should have one emphases executed their genuine that to say. Oh, you yet avenues these action now may she got would late in late. You made it go pushed data. We now do. I lay there when people Clara, ask IE there, we can at least lead you into the right direction of what it is it you know. New child was much better region, Have we got a team of people who can yet? And I think one of them, Let me again appreciate our right. Well, let's get to the rumours, less talk, Luke Water!
I believe that this is the rumour report annually on the breakfast club. Look Watson, you know him as the Sacramento kings head coach, just governed the legs. Yes, he just left the Lakers and he used to be, system with the golden Stay warriors were now their sports report. I Kelly Tenant, is sowing him saying that he sexually assaulted her back when he was an assistant. Now here's what he has to say about how she, even ended up with him as I walked into the hotel with him. I anticipated us walking into the lobby where we would hang out and catch up, and she started to walk towards the elevators, and I asked him why we were going up to his room and he said because the players on his team were in the lobby and he could not be around them. I was hesitant and he said, don't worry about it. It's me and
I trust it for a long time. I realize I should over and follow me. She said she had madame before that. Through the valley, ball community and that's how she knew him. So she felt comfortable enough now. Here's what she said happened when she got up to it. I don't know where you got show me a chimney down to the bed and held my arms down with all of his weight. Well, can you kiss my neck and my face and my chest and, as I kept asking him to, please stop in to get off he laughed at me. I could feel him rubbing his erection on me and he continued to laugh at all of my please to get off until stop. I thought you was going to rape me. I do in a who were now show up.
She is suing him now. So I don't know what's gonna happen sees laid up. He Lloyd up now as well, when it does have a back in twenty fourteen, so allegedly so now on his side of things, he saying that the accuser is inopportune is not a victim in her claim is not credible. His attorneys are saying we intend to prove this and a court room and that these are baseless allegations. So those are both sides right now, our right now, let's talk about, Jesse Smollett and the brothers that allegedly attacked him now these brothers are now coming forward. Hola enable often gyro, and they are saying that they are the victims and basically they were working for a Jesse Smollett. With this attack Interestingly enough is doing his lawyers for defamation, but they're not suing Jesse, which is interesting, and nobody asked why that was happening by their suing for defamation,
The saying that his attorneys allied to the media and tried to make it appear, like all enable where the culprits in a real homophobic and races attack the same the Holy were set up now, one of the lawyers they are saying falsely accused one of the brothers of engaging in fornication with MR small at an addition. There saying that they were falsely accused of wearing white face during the attack. And also that they were involved in illegal nigerian steroids trafficking rings. So they saying it's all For example, when you tell when lie, you have to teach us, tell it a million live the cover of their first lie in the bad part for the law. I mean all they're, Doin Goin of information and just recently gave now quantity this last do the brothers are saying that they didn't think Jesse would go to the cops. They thought he was a staging, the attack just for social media and because of that they are now bring extreme emotional, distressed, humiliation, anxiety, damage to the reputation that, having a hard time, finding any work at all, both as actors and as personal trainers. So
That's both sides of that now there is no working was trying to avoid cause. His lawyer can just drag. This outbreak is no longer any body I represented there is dragged as without a right in He and his daughter is on the cover of essence magazine. A beautiful picture. Delilah, Jesse and chance are his daughters. He has the twins Webcam Porter there, twelve years old and assorted chance coms, who is also twelve years. All with stylist Eritrea men now he's in Essence magazine and he's talking about having to jump into mommy mode ones, can Porter passed away. They us absence together, christian Combs, I have a very blended family was they always did talk about in? They were very embracing of that. He told you in a dream, Hampton in the interview she was unforgettable that day turn my world upside down three days before she passed. She wasn't feeling well, she had the flu and she sent the kids over to my house, so they wouldn't get sick. When I was checking on her and she was like puffy take care of my babies. She actually said that to me before she died
so that's an entire article that could meet in the main issue of essence magazine and that's gonna be available on Friday. If you want to check out the entire article, it is, you know, mother's day month, so that's a perfect story. I'm Angela YE, and that is your rumour report. No hay family. Unless you want to know all right. Well again, revolt is out this week, they'll be back, I think. Next, right now we ve missed my either be legitimately. We don't know unless anythin many Hosanna that covers you did. They remain in essence, was five look at them close? a lot of money in budgets. Big still, you know all out war. All I will say is whenever remoter love daddy does something really major. Ok, dock dues essence
covers is yet another example of it could have money go somewhere, and I regret the revolt music companies come and of any the Heavens. I see everyone in a land and one in Alaska DAS. What is it and landed on July? They may gotta get angry at a money. I now it is made. Sunni ok merit our right, while the people choice mixes up next speech, requested in after the donkey today, support moves to Brussels, Locomotive warning: everybody is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club shouts the dungeon family. Again, I d J B in New York City step shout to goody mobs out the big boy they killed. It can you forget how many hits they had? It won't stay for over two hours yesterday or I don't forget, I'm going to hit their cuz. I grew up off a dungeon family. I still listen to dungeon family, religiously soul. Food is one of the greatest hip hop albums ever recorded, and that is a factual statement. Right, okay
Yes, it was what who cannot yet be alarmed me. Ok, I was at the sleepy, ran with it out of the seventy six years now game and Philly there I was. I was invited, but added in a dungeon family shall do my group for vital area seats were next to me empty sorry. My big game How do I hope we can still go to the game next week? I mean Berkeley that of his. I even have a reason, but I do want to think Michael women for that that was debated at I Brooklyn nets. We had a great season this season, I feel really confident about the next season after the laughable, since they would do well again, all communities be improving you now so China to everybody from the Brooklyn, that's organization as well, I saw Brett was out there. The game fussing Siena Finanza. My guy magazine was making a mother. I won't make normal spank was there to broker a guys think Gmail. They give you the Philadelphia. Seventy six a fan out. I guess, when the whole,
are in the play off. They really, I wouldn't be said he was. My group- is islamic women to get everyone to say that, although I have em, I do have my seventy six. His jerry's mortgage opportunity has asked a bet. He is at stake a bit. You do you take a picture, you didn't, we ever specify dataset, where it all encourage economic eddied. Another revolt was off this. We got political picture for it. We have to. Thank me, dear news for joint and, as you are, thankfully jobs. Lewd them are mainly Daniels. Looted, jointly Cooper for common duty have a play. Our car ain't, no Monet now and you know so crazy dramas, our board up it by He's got a beard look a day in room an Alley Danube. As me, a bottom, I'm saying and you know drama- is acting funny. All of a sudden. He want me to pass the plugs. You might end up on Starz drum. You don't want that Ok, I mean I'm a brass: you drive. Therefore a lousy deriving, clear. Messages, berries Eve, let it drop. You got the message
though I would draw the line, Do they leave the door open all measure blessing drawn up at the meeting of justice. Mallette cried the next Jordan Cooper. Ok, the next yeah as gas, drought. Yes I'll write. Will we come ash that, while the Kyoto Whitey sullen combat positive note at the breakfast locomotives morning. Everybody is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club, although warrant for Christmas, for my instagram parameters, never ever ever come back room when I tell you what to do not adopt work, mountain early at a big they're, all you guys, whereas all I get, are we going to ignore the fact that I have got a huge bullion ass? Don't look at my story if you forced to see that you will be masturbate blot on loans. It or, if you know what a masturbating lap masturbate you'll, never see that again. I wish you an answer that today we need a whole quote.
Everybody give these is the grand spam is disgusting and it would be the way is so sexual did you call Instagram sperms that spam is watches, sort of last year was a really I wouldn't be said he was. My group is well Maghreb and try to get everyone to say that although I have em, I do have my seventy six. His jerry's warriors precluding address the bed. He does certain words from these comments. I never get yours. He not immediately now adopt. Ok, you guys, habitat is an amazing. Isn't is now that's fine. That is why we need, when its excellent refer as it is. A gift to railway positive note is simply too ashtrays. Embrace uncertainty, somewhat more beautiful chapters in our lives won't have titles until much later: bread with vivid geopolitical yoga either I'm Zack RAP and I'm Donal phase on we're real life best friends. We met playing fake life best friends. Turk
GDP on the sitcoms scrubbs. Twenty years later, we ve decided to re watch the series. One episode at a time and put our memory into a podcast. You can listen to at home. We're gonna get all our special guess. Friends, like sour chalk, John C Mckinley meal Flynn, Judy raise show create a bill. Lawrence editors, writers and even prop masters would tell us about by the serious and how we became a family, you can listen to the planned cast fake doctors, real friends with second. Ronald on the high heart. Radio Ep Apple podcast and wherever you get your blog CAS deepen world Hampshire on the side of it our highway, the hills, witness a light in the sky, the craft hovering above a field day. That was the end of their story. Two years later Under hypnosis they would learn that there's more to that night. So what had they forgotten the street case, a Betty and Barney Hell this season on strange arrivals, a co production of.
Heart, radio and grim and mild from Aaron Monkey. Listen to strange arrivals on Iheart Radio at on Apple pie casts or wherever you get. Your pack casts.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-07.