« The Breakfast Club

No Means No


Today on the show we opened our phone lines to first let our listeners vent about anything that has been bothering them for our segment "Get it Off Your Chest". Next, we opened the phone lines to if any of our listeners would return a bag with 300k in it, after a video surfaced of a girl getting teased for allegedly returning a bag to Nelly with 300k in inside, but only received $100 for returning. Also, we opened the phone lines to see if any of our listeners have given out or was given a fake number, after Nia Long revealed that Chris Rock gave her fake number after their date a long time ago. Moreover, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease, Dr Rochelle Walensky for confusing the facts on covid.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Executive producer Paris help bring us back their hit, podcast gas, how men think and that's good news for anyone that is confused by men, which is basically everyone. It's real talk straight from the source the how men think podcast is exactly what we need to figure them out. It's going to be fun, informative and probably a bit scary at times, because Britain They going inside the minds of men, listen to how men think on the eye, heart, radio at apple vodkas or wherever you get. Your pod casts what girls in the forest imagination and a family bones. The forest is closer than you think, find a forest near you, discover the fourth dot org brought to you by the United States, fourth service and the council, I was eighteen years old and none at my high school was brutally murdered. Get
to the truth, has opened Pandora's Box of secrets, exposing abuse of power and a world of lies at one Miami monastery a mean one step by Ms Ashton. There's gotta be something else: Goin Honor Listen to sacred scandal and the I hurt radio at Apple podcast or wherever you get your pockets. The breakfast is get down indescribable. When we listen to this by the pakistani people watch the breathless glove would like news and really be torn down the aisle you better flood beside branch.
Salami way: God hath get out of bed and listen to the breakfast club and waved another body. Usa, Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, Angela Ease almost hear depends on carbon So we all almost rivers based on coal. We're results. We all only almost almost say: ok, which is crazy. We all took out a covert test this morning before we can walk and build a meeting at the result it even taken before nice can. I walked in, and so when I walked in and got up video like or juries. the other. What results? we have the emails, my emails, they said five, thirty beard test will call the one thing you should know about me: working with Kelly for almost foremost eleven years, five, thirty, there are three so out of the re, real thirty, eight in great who regularly Bobo.
as their only but they ate I'm takin God for another day alive. This morning absolute has been Tellin ya man. I take a deep breath for those of us who kit ok for those of us who are now no longer with us in physical. I did take Mobutu shall yet they give a boost to, were did is dead is feel like I got a dead arm right now. I feel but you gotta get on. That's it you're, not a symptom than all the symptoms. I was tired of it. Wasn't body eggs that, like I thank God, the second shot I took when I took the vaccine I was I was her. I was chills eggs. I was in a bed for a day. I told you and you know I caught a card nor in the holidays. Like doubt my whole, how can cope with the wife think but not at everybody right, and I must say in all of you didn't get it in the house- was those who were vaccinated and boost to collect. My mom was up here, but holidays remain on cheap internet provider later on when she final Singa symptoms. So so, probably because she was,
vaccinated and boasted? Maybe I don't know I'm not go sit here and put it on eighty there. I don't know. Maybe this Ellen everyone out, Caroline telling everybody take the problem regarding you need to take when I might the city in die no here about nothing on designing, trying to figure it out like the revenue only, but I am not disease, he anybody's exe Is that why you? Don't I don't want to see the cedar? Maybe they say they need to work on a message. You know the best methods, and sometimes I don't know I was eight. I was scared American. So why are rather than be ruined me like? May we don't know what the hell's Goin on you know and trying to get on television mag like may know every single day and in message and keep changing every single day. And then you wonder why you will confusion in them, not believe in nothing Ethel tolerate, well, something I don't know, is front page news- I don't know we going to do it when we come back. I don't know what we talkin about. I don't know if we get, there
so you were, a baby knows is based on whether we positive has what is based on at some point. We gotta learn to live with yes, What I mean is is it out, I want to say, is gonna, be like a flu, but it's gonna be like you, you go. You didn't have to keep moving positively country down again but awesome great news. This country down, but now boss of great knows my info. Man is a classic Greg is now you not a big brother feel great come on now. Now talking about another failure today, the queen is born. Dazzled burnout wanna play Ball Bob's. My will guide today green light of day in all morning, long manager lies makes little mix is just to get us to redeem. Whenever I have argued in the move, whenever I get down mentally Whenever I got any worries
the curate anything is to join our turn on right here. Yes, it you are now move, We want all we wanted to be happy eyes. Maybe what we did show up at the breakfast front, page news, happy birthday, marriage, ay, ay, ay ay. let it brief what the hell you about the debris? No man, let a brave man, through the REACH programme gang and here is playing and lose out to me. On the other hand, the EU joining us today is marriages lies at birth, queen of your pop song, drop articles, bombs, merger Blithe, some people, just me more culture in others. It is what it is ok to packing order was tat, his legendary things in marriage blighted at the tip top master, I mean only to marry mixes all morning. Long I mean we have to do, is to queensberry mixes songs, mixes, Nokia, mistress mixed so right. What lessons
page news now, George Alabama, yeah last night for the national championship, so congratulations to the George boomed, also to G drama include bonds with IE eight Georgia. those easy IRA, well you know I was waiting for my test results honestly. Have you seen? Others means about people ducking covert? Yes, as The call there's been a better means the karate mean, is the domain with God leaving their monopoly. Does that mean That's for people who still have been tested positive and so that our attitude, night, a dream that acts as a positive and then you know my birthday dinner ass. I was alone nervous. I let me just take it easy, but right now they sang covert hospitalizations in the. U S, reach levels that we have not seen since last winter, sir, right now more than a hundred and forty one thousand Americans are hospitalized
they're saying that is putting arose strain on health care networks. Is hospitals have to deal with staffing issues coupled with the increased demands, a couple with please, you are at a higher risk of infection having to isolate and recover after testing positive, they do stay at home. Tests must be paid for by health insurers starting this weekend so starting Saturday they said Most consumers are private health insurance can buy at home, test online and or in stores and had been paid for at the time of purchase or get reimbursed. Their insurance companies. While I won a mother, somewhat ghetto cover one month or one a week. What was emotional now think they said it's like up to eight, but then, if its man, if you're told your employer or adapted a go get one. Then insurance was still covered over that. I would like to talk did not do know how many people in the hospital actually really need to be in the hospital, because you know in so much, you know fear instead
in people when it comes to call would soon as you get it. Do you just go to the hospital now they say we have sometimes in their bad. If the humble Evans ever a bad symptom considered now mom, I'm a crime since the majority of murders of alma granting educated brief you have. You have underlined that if you have is breathing, you know anything like that. Then you should go to the hospital bed. you're, just a little under the weather like a cold, you dont really needs, the item. You know how many people would just on that the brutal farther than would be saved aside zero job like if anger home, the negative, keep you in a hospital but they said they will be hiccups and helping Sarah to trying to work quickly right now to limit confusion and challenges. But they said there are some pick up. That's a China address issue as they are rising and see Isla Pfizer says there are more crime vaccine will be ready in a market that is confusing. Nassau. Do just that. I thought it had learned yesterday and I was like we're gonna Amr combat these, where, like green as we are now
and we know that in the three the two doses of boxing offer very limited protection for the three dollars with abuse them. They offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and less protection hence the infection. Now we are working on a new version, far vaccine to one point one. Let me put it that way that there will cover all is what we are waiting to have the final results they vexing will be ready in March. I then always made it. I don't know and how would be used, but would be right for three doses, often limited protection, three doses and boost of limited protection, but there's no one. We had much gotcha. Why don't you made me? Go get moving, gotta go get the boat. Was the ILO crowd? Now we got the bulls, tell me, I got limited protection.
Soldiers and also to have a kind of violence, creating a vaccine vomit Ryanair admitting that the vaccine that we currently have does not work against. I'm glad, I think, they're thing, if not as effective, because as then as I keep them mutating as a virus mutating, it is different. certain time. Certain vaccines, while work as well as meeting the direct FEMA be have out now does not work. None in everything it doesn't work, but it can be more effective and they are saying that against alma crime, it'll make sure that you don't get sick and have to be half but alive. When they're saying, there's a lot more breakthrough cases, we let the people who are vaccinated are the ones that are hospitalized like people are under somebody. Tell me there's somethin offers limited protection right, but I'm gonna go something no for you to take that, to give you probably touching net to me than a mission that what they have currently out is not properly protect, always Johnson ajar with its shut up and put its end quote? front page too much get off your eight hundred five, a fireman
fifty one if you need to vent phone lines, a wide open, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one it's the breakfast club come on. the breakfast club go away, go in imitation of the man of letters we want to hear from you page, and I want to give up your chest. I wouldn't let the view that brought about the global begbie in all board, with the whole thing. The argument about a little too quickly for me- and I have a medical background by having a degree in everyday man
Recently, my job and you ve met last night thing that they're like butter lottery or back related employees who went and thousand dollar and to remove it and thou. Then people will get a thousand dollars all hunger backdated really. Also, if you are back related movie, forty extra hours appeals did you come up positive? If your unpack, the lady, you will know, go with you, camera was to deal is not even pc. I would like an additional forty extra hours pay no more, but there were given that away to people who are vaccinated, but if you're on back the native you get nothing except the killer they pretty much and that a multilateral pregnant I didn't want to do it and you go on about them adopted within you, pull me with the get anything get either one of em, don't matter whenever you get it and then after he called me that he would like. I was a who, like us, feel like I've got pay for every time. I told them
it out. I'd make a lot of money, and I would like our day for this made me an appointment. You don't even act I mean, if you haven't gotten a jet I'll, even though it when they get at this point. Like do you get good old wanna? Do you get the new one has come out in March? What do you do idea I don't wanna glue only I goodbye. Only I've been doing Where am I mad invasive I've never had to overcome for I allowed people to obey my whole family have had it are. You know it's about it, I'm honestly not nervous beyond with you on that. another lie. Every time I get tested, I'm always lay waiting. A man is today the day to day work. Ray. I know been of use now, but for some reason it never hit me Oh my god, I'm gonna have Kobe in but other than like. I know covered in the form of a cold rang. Oh it is it not
but they have not been beers. Those areas presented as serious persistently both by the majority of people is not by some people. It is Syria beg you should not good luck a mother too late last year to he went out quick from it, and I do think it very. It now, but I don T mean employer and their doors that, like drawing lottery than us, crews buying off for what lay down I ve about the flu vaccine, but Lucy, then, why aren't you the flu is bad, as you too, even those now being talked about that it out about the lady is that up and I'm by I've gotta get loose that at this point what you say you seven months in your wanna just there. Beyond constitute baby is not baby god I gotta hold it in a row,
We arrange made, especially when you have the people who are in positions of power like the fees when you got the CDC directive, saying we need to work on messaging, flash of Light, Aidan Jeep five, a five one or fire won't get it all future Is the breakfast logo on the breakfast club? Is your job to get it off your just whether your man, but we want to hear from you on the breadth of the danger painting? You know my favorite overdue. I would just any of the regional as we owe you vague, which I was wrong. my house, I was that I was ever meant that I was a meal one meal- meal one is an arrest warrant. Like US boys, bar restaurant club, it was realised a black own. It was really really nightmare.
the money to buy a day. So today I want to get my said. We gotta get American allowed her to go forward from this thing. Something happened in my life and I would have liked to have been here. I would like to talk about in a buttered basin and thirdly, that the birth there is community. I think I think that we now have a better deal with a girl on the way that absolutely no one prepared, we thank you have today a very early period is they need to be addressed. I agree with you on a business. Why incurred folds to go to their view? All the time you gotta be generational, curse breaks out better to have a hand in it about you pay the way you can upload fight. I get all this up as someone they can actually do something about it,
only if we make. I would you a hundred to two hundred and ten percent already. Thank you haven't away about now. Am I got a regular sugar, a copy to us? apologetic. God, black mental health allows. There's you cold. Water the parliament are you gonna? Let me take up in now me no right out of going No one on the job I went and everything will be. Raising children right. Tell him. Yesterday and without reason, when the guy more map linen me, they feel that they can decide to give my by so many new round. Even China does not, by an upper lightly, moved his head and needed to know
Well, don't leave now we're gonna drive. Are you gonna? Let him he eventually. Now I don't like him but give up what started playing that aid Now what matters? Where would you like to do? But touching you know, hey, hey, don't ask him like that, but you don't ask him like that. How ask tried would have a very dark the man trap? What do you like to get touched since you don't like it to be a, but not my boy, since TAT, even make that effort to try, I said no leave it alone, keep a mood. Would you like to touch but but you know what I was finding his bride. What was I wasn't, anybody. I don't like that in the UK ok and they used to do it again, like five minutes later nocturnal, I needed a dude. You say that also serves, but
How many times you will say that man already said that we make it clear that I listened it. Don't touch travel, Jesus crises, I drive you ever go. What did you just under five? Eight, five, one and five one of you need event. You get us up at any time. They also shouted the J D. Oh yes, our programme directed in our land, we station traces birthday to me so happy a day, strong arriving our rules on away yes and will be talking about an exclusive on salmon ha today, juice worlds, MA am speaking, and she talks about what song she listened to have his. That may her cry when she first her
now right will be internet Lex. Is the breakfast locomotive the breakfast, the prevailing narrative applaud, Casper people haven't made up her mind before here and the issue. As I'm sure you ve noticed the world's been changing global pandemics, political upheaval, profound changes in how we connect and communicate with each other MSNBC, the New York Times Fox NEWS, the Washington Post. You can smell the agenda mile away, hey, let's be honest, hit the mark sometimes, but can you really take them at their wording? More seems that we have to ask ourselves who can you trust and that's why? have the prevailing narrative on that point. and I'm here to sort filter and process all the info and scrutinise the loud voices to see. Who really has credibility, just a common sense. Breakdown of the most important issues of the day. No topic off limits: politics, culture, business speech, sex race, religion, common sense, scalpel to all of them were also good, are you the most compelling thinkers leaders and innovators and give you access to their great minds, ideas and mental models, to empower you with knowledge in perspective,
The conversations that matter with the people that you need to be hearing from far the prevailing narrative with Map Linsky on Iheart Radio, app apple podcast or wherever you get your broadcasts picture to check out drink chance. Your number one Using pop cast on the black effect podcast network, in a worrying dj. Yet then sat down with artists, Nikon Yea, which vulture called one of twenty ones, most significant interviewed literally has to go like Danaus, and I don't want to have to be developed. But when I went and did the damn thing, yea returned by had to sit back and watch the real leader, check out drink, can't conversation with yea and many more legendary artist, each and every Friday on the other, radioactive apple, podcast or every listen to your favorite shows. yeah a low and welcome to the pod club on your hosts, Joe Piazza, their powers
of shows up there. But frankly, life is just In short, to be listening to bad part casts that's where we come in every way We will be bringing you complete us and say. The greatest in podcast releases has reached out with some of the smartest funniest, most talented folks in the business like Malcolm Gladwell, revisionist history, we think with our eyes and feel with our years every tree for men. Nice? Try now is Joe wasn't more mortifying to be applied, castor when no one knew what it was or now that every is applied, CASTOR, SAM centres of it's been a minute. Can we make the case to our listener that this is worth hearing about right now and so many more tickle your ears with something new. to join the path of, and you should too
the lessons of the past, but on the radio asks for wherever you got your podcast the woman at war, Julie, Le Breton Glow, worm juice. World MA, am Carmelo Wireless, his aunt tamarind hot day and in a snake preview clip there was posted on Basle. She talks about listening
to one of her son songs and how it opened up her eyes to the struggle that he was going through this more particular day. I was listening to a song stuck in a maze, not just begin weep. I just wept in this was months before his death, but I guess I was so scared Ngos and I told them that at a share my experience with him- and I told him you know if you ever die like data, which has my life ever I just wouldn't be the same address, could not stop the tears cause. I knew and new Similarly, in the end, that is either you get help or you know, you're not gonna make it when song maize, they actually posted the lyrics for it too, but he does say something. He said, I'm too meant everyday mama, I'm losing my mental the sorrows it I've been through story to be continued as Sybil Pap Hills crack seals? when anything, to none the way that I feel the recent in his mother and his family, ailing energy. I mean as well. We need that's why I'm such a big proponent of middle of, because you know
somebody should have put the armor on a young girl and you know, put them in therapy or something maybe they tried to. Some are always wonder how somebody gets to that point like what gets them Ere. You know, I don't know, I guess what I knowed draw gives you are now much. I know Our right now are Lennox in the meantime, has responded that she's good after some unexpected backlash from when she went to Ghana. Now I did not understand this at all, but she was on social meat. And she was sharing photos and posts in saying, really positive things about Ghana. She said it's a rare good feeling to consistently wake up with peace and happiness. I oh that's gonna. She said suddenly cried The first I'm going to a beach in Ghana was so triggering. I didn't feel alone. My heart ached eggs from my ancestor was a surreal experience. And people were online trolling, her and bullying her and basically making it seem like she was disingenuous, so she ended up deleting all her post related to the trip and a photo that she shared on Instagram.
and then she went ahead and said that from now on, she's off social media and she'll, let her people handle her account as well. Isn't that crazy knows my grave niggers go need enigmas and miserable and people at a miserable. They see you enjoying your life and soon in EU ports. Something tat looks like you enjoying your love, dick and wait. Donnie misery on you as a budget. We will reject in other areas as it is. Sometimes we get a focus on a positive and negative cause. I mean you'll, get a thousand rate, tweets of people say no, I love it. I wish I was the Oaks universal access to any other than you just get that one may wonder, effort that you do. You know how to mete out one or two at the blog or in which, in turn into a headline now becomes away a big issue. I will be not adopting a real people offered a lesson. in a levy on I'm good? In the studio too- and she said my heart hasn't changed, nobody can take the peace I felt away from me, not like twitter or social media, rather some giving my password to my level. Hopefully this will last
while in thanks for the kindness, miserable people rejected their pain and their heard on others. Would you Is it a long time ago to hate it love in his life, as the effect I right now see then two of euphoria, the first episode was huge. The network said the episodes are to blame Four million viewers in total is the biggest digital premier since HBO Max launched in May of twenty twenty, and it was the best performing be MAC Show or movie on a Sunday nights, so that also lets the app experiencing some crashing around. P M, when I tell you that was a very intense first episode of season two. There's a lot going on on out of you guys site I couldn't find it. I want to go. Watch its Sunday may know what an my real name
You know why I ended up watching it on actual HBO, like this new regulation HBO, when it came on you care for mandatory Jude extravagance. There was. There was a third see the two, but when I clicked it knows no, I was looking for a wills move joy. You combine Levin older version of enormous. I saw yesterday that it be I when I was looking for thinking rigid yeah. I think they remove differ while the now it's back our right now women is being cloud and that's because allegedly she turn Nellie Love, Devil Baghdad had three hundred thousand dollars in it now whether a night have really had their money in it or how they knew. How much was in there, who knows, but here is the person. this filming her about the incident, we react, all round reloaded bowed in and go as you do. She gave you that what I do tell what to do I wanna go.
no negative on a dollar for Amerika. We learn about tat by providing o thou then, as I hope they gotta know. Maybe we see on top of that. We have had here. Equity, counted it three unavowed now, as you went to the whole day, you Canada, to run it and use it. Oh God give it back. I highly doubt million organ around you're done doesn't look even now that I got it. I pay cash percentage. Nell eulogy veterinary walk around. I do I really one and I did not. He thought it withdrew into that and was wrong. One hundred and zero It was all about it. I was left, let's just say, hypothetically worth three hundred thousand dollars in a bag and many times they give you a hundred and guess what you're not entitled the Gimme Mucky back. But thank you. give me the money back hidden hundred dollar two free now mackerel. I know you're not no larger than what you can kind of three thousand thousand. I lost you down now, as I would give somebody more the average as they get there, that whatever means wrong, I'm anything out by what I do is no way Nellie which give it. If that was true, no one there
for as long as I know, Nellie Nellie Wooden gives him, but I know a lot of money, but, as it is What about the latter day? My we don't know what was in that bag. I don't know and after ballot number game from who said that ended I bet you're, making about three hundred thousand lay. I always do it was not you, I'm just reported story, as it came the regulated argue they shot a day when we see that includes bond for that I write where that is your room, a report we turn it in this amendment produces probably not no, no, all right, but we got from patients. Therefore, we talk about. Yes, we do have an update on Zagat and where they are saying they believe, are the reasons why he died. investigation that is continuing nor I will get into that. The breakfast locomotive
breakfast Club Angela Year and my brains are the general insurance give you quality car insurance relax take out. They are affordable rates, inflexible payment options by calling eight hundred RO are visiting the genera that com general, auto insurance services and Assyrians agency Nashville Tennessee some restrictions apply. morning. Everybody is dj. J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne, the God we oughta breakfast club now who's getting some front. Each new congratulations to Georgia. Baby Alabama laugh at international cheer bishop. So congratulations to the young g was happening now. Let us go easy for bad Zagat. According to authorities and law enforcement sources, there saying that they believe that his cause of death looks like they see some signs of a heart attack or Stoka might take week. Long They officially determine what happened, but that's what they are saying. It's looking like
now he was found his writs cotton, Orlando Hotel room by security. They said he was laying face up on the bed. His left arm was across his chest and his right arm was beside him. So they said the rat the hand on the chest could point towards a heart attack. They also didn't find anything I use or foul play any evidence. That in the room, so that's why they suspect a heart attack. They also said that they are exploring, has revelation last week that he had recently battle. Cove id developing blockheads class have been reported as a possible complication from Movin. so they we don't have a final clause that won't be determined until the medical examiner gets a toxicology results that could take ten to twelve weeks to complete, but that's what early indications are then listen highly energy to him and his family sixty five year loaded way to young the Goma, but God bless them a calamity. President Joe Biden has reiterated his belief that school should stay open in the United States. Even though,
there is a wave of corona virus cases than had been largely driven by COMECON by that variant here's, what he had to say. We are not reason to think at this point in alma. Crown is worse for children in previous variants. We know that our kids can be safe one in school. By the way. That's why believe school should remain open. They have what they need. We provided the states with a hundred and thirty billion will be billion dollars to specifically keeps our students and schools open. We also back then include an additional ten billion dollars for testing for schools. I am so Few none and I swear I'm so contained a middle of December. Joe Biden warned of severe illness and death Henry Guards, the So how is it like? A kid? A whole lot, more recently said Nay said, were, I think, ok.
Now, though, I can we, may I say that this homage grant is in as to bear and cause death as much as the delta very did so. The delta variables more severe. I think that's something that we be hearing across the board right, so maybe but he saying is with Amr Crime Variant, largely driving this wave of corona virus cases right now, it haven't even been a month on December. Sixteen he warned of severe illness and death for those who The Rex committee the Gears Colvin eighteen hours, then it's not as severe Mamma Mamma, oh me that it affects kills more. This this examined my mom, where my kids are getting because my kids are vaccinated than the average person.
Let me use because the job I through, which we really should be severe illness, indefinite, renounce lifespan, schools matter, but, like I don't know that let us all on my language learning, but they ve, never vaccination lash. It wasn't like this would accuse. The connection is your last year to kids. Are you made? It wasn't, approve a kid? No, it wasn't approved for kids and kids, get it at this rate, elastic Listen. I don't know, I don't know much about that. I'm a crown isn't as severe as delta, yes or no No, I haven't her, I mean, I don't know they say it one minute they say it's not detected. They say it is. I thought they said it was more kids in the hospital than ever before. So I guess they lived, it needs more data. I'll, prove not to be true. They are actually the CDC to say that I now you isn't it the CDC, direct Nazario going on. I don't know what's going on, this must take them. I don't know he spoke. I hated someday my mom
like something shootin just before content, all the time and industry alike. All it is not just for cards in a slight yarrow have to feel space. People is tell us when you sure vessel, but that is your air from pages of use me on issues of articles are right. Well, that's over the phone lines, eight hundred five, eight five, one and five- why you're in abundance allegedly becomes you find a bag full of money, allegedly straggling Alice. Three on about that was allegedly you inside I'll, be a nice citizen, a number return it to the person, left his money, alleys, Asher backs or as a real monodist real money and what it is We started this ordinary solar debased. After now, you tell Us- and that start to those who tell you so legit Lee someone found. Duffel bag filled with three hundred thousand dollars, and
returned the devil bag to its rightful owner Nellie, and they gave her a hundred bucks Nora. So the question aid under Finally, I have one or five one. If somebody around three hundred thousand Alice, how do we know it? Was you that better, the Ladys in waiting comic? We have already she said, do down here. We are now wow never reloaded, bowed in and go as you do. She gave you that what I tell what to do with honour no gotta negative on a dollar Roberto, reload, thou materialism, delusion ever eligible, buys come last longer no, never himself tat people to give back to hunt down whether what the hell I said, ok We would then people gave it back and once again, that's why you don't judge book by a FAO Wagner That's why don't you think I have covered under that today, the lap by eight hundred five, a five one or far worse. What's the question
They gave it threw down that tobacco is Nellie Faff I will leave during the day before the sacred and said I think they did the right thing. Not only did the right thing. Do you think a hundred hours is good enough. in man- everybody they were, they were forced to do the goodness it hot right. So you find it during two thousand dollars. You know is not you're, so I did a good answer. Your heart, you return back to its rightful owner when I say that every day right in a calm and super lie, I don't know, I believe as a civilised and one, I don't believe it with three hundred thousand dollars and Nellie Nellie would, if it was nearly, would Just give a hundred. What I'm saying there is light at the way only give us every did so what you data they give the present bang anything the game on it. I was cool like we always do, does what other people's money and what other people should do? He gave her own, and I always listless open at the former- would have a discussion. Eight hundred five, a five one of my voice
by the way, if you are doing in the goodness of your heart, would you care what you got back your return now exactly he's a hundred dollars riches today, let's talk about this debate, this global Bonnie, the breakfast club. It's topics eight hundred Bobby five one by one, the joint discussion with the practice of adding morning everybody is the envy. Angela ye shall remain the guy. We are the breakfast club, never join as we were talking about. Nellie, allegedly, Whenever we really will break down you yes get me. A woman found a duffel bag with three hundred thousand dollars in it, return it to Nellie and got a one hundred dollars prize for that and Nellie's by the way they write. comments. Big lie under gives a big lie to number one. How did they noted duffel bag was narrowly numbered. How did they know three hundred thousand dollars women three hundred even know where to return at the mouth?
They said he when a bowling alley and I get the same Nellie with Interpol now located somewhere in whatever may be, but the whole thing is: is one. Would you give them money back in, should Nellie have given more money goes into things if, if it was my three hundred thousand dollars. I dare flew to gain more than ours. Clearly, for a long time, I think Nellie would give more than a hundred dollars if there was three hundred thousand never out of the game nobody gave only a hundred dollars, that's why, because a supply- and now if this was all meaning, I only ten twenty years ago, you definitely kept gotta get back to her down. It depends how independent how you found the right. I found three hundred thousand dollars in a random police. and there was no name attached to it. No, nothing probably would have found in it like a bowling alley. happy like young mail was in here now, and by we. I would even turned over to the ball in the Abbey like Yahoo within here, and they would have without find out who was here and try to get it to them.
Having a set up through about found a bag of three hundred thousand handling. Who is trying to set me lay automaton, my God, who beat me out here now we out in industry Nicholas Riad if anyone camera, if it's as if this is All true correct right is ridiculous. We odyssey Nellie should give more money because she gave the money back out of the goodness of our hearts. You shouldn't care about what she received ash in return for that. That is true, but if no but another. She cared, though they were this clown in her death The workers which you can be blessed allows this year would, above all, what we wish to take. My Lord mayor afraid lose out and they won't be walking around with a double bearing. There would have been my cat remember my way to work. Loot movie made about the money I was Odin was a thank. You remain largely through a mighty deeds of dignity.
I'm glad you feel it out. We do not want to stay where we get off and is world telling people what I should what I should receive if you're doing something from the good as a european noise overloading the I do not expect to receive nothing back like I, Frances Clouding allows this theme, which would you take sought to talk of I'll get the Baghdad? think about back. I tell you what you ve all money back, now you organize, even though you know the way to fit you when I found here now. That is daily, steel you're not going in there. When does not know it s deal, and you never get noblesse enlightenment lesson. Deflected is meeting that is the right there. Then you, God, you tell and Alonzo entertain. Damon went along garden, video link, took a little bit of money but then gave the rest of the people would having two lines on the end. Exactly That's what you call me now:
Bang and enabling well yeah files, not what I call the now, then it now allegedly Lily left a bag in a bold, and I only have two thousand. I was an allegedly I don't believe nodded it and he said, is, alas, on people found it gave back in an hour. Allegedly Nellie only gave another figure down now that we ask what what would you do it as situated? Let's talk about it and to day on a sound. It was married, a birthday so with great guy commonplace of Mary. We will play a little Mary. right now we really play mere now war showed a marriage, oblige you hear problem
miles, marriages, large absent birthday, Mary is the breakfast global hi. I'm circus sack, I'm the NBA analyse for the yes network of Broadcaster, Fox forts, and now I'm hosting a new cod cast called NBA Flashbacks MBA flashed back is the pod cast. It takes you back to the best moments in India, history through exclusive archival audio from the yet be able to fly with new interviews with players and coaches to work in the building, its the. and be a games in moments? The you remember like when staff piece of thunder from just inside MID court or otherwise doric Series winner for the raptors, took four pounds.
check out. Nba flashed back on the irish, radioactive apple podcast or wherever you go
you're podcast, what clothes in the forest trees sure no one else, girls in the forest, our imagination, I sense of wonder and a family bonds grow too, because when we disconnect from this and connect with this, we connect with each other. The forest is closer than you think, find a forest near you and start exploring. I discover the forest dark brought by the United States or Service and the council. This is Danny Shapiro, post and family secrets. The thing about family secrets is that well, we all have
I mean everybody when the truth finally does come out, even if we think we ve moved on it can send us reeling. The pod now has over twenty two million downloads it turns out. So many of us can relate I hope you'll join me and my amazing guests for this new season. A family secrets inside every secret is a truth, and you know what they say. The truth will set us free, I'm so excited to share ten extraordinary stories with you. This is our best season, yet listen and subscribe. Annie. I hurt radio an apple pie.
asked, or ever you listen to your favorite broadcasts. Your dream did very well why everybody's dj envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast club. Yes, Mary is ok to raise her birthday, you noticed. A bunch of autism. Just acting in the very things ok marries find today is a birthday we celebrate in a birthday, happy birthday Marian we can. We play a merry mixes, but we're taking you call right now. Eight hundred five, a five one and five one, and this is what allegedly happy what Nellie down you, allegedly they were the duffel bag with three hundred and doubtless in it, there was misplaced in a bowling alley that belong to Nellie and a woman returned it and got a hundred dollars as a reward for we losers would show Reopened
wow, never reloaded bowed in and go as you do. She gave you that what I do tell what to do. I gave up on a dollar. I will now go to night. They on a dollar could be regularly whether thousand knowest sounds. you tried in a beggar when she's ain't now is by the way. I don't believe any of this store. None, not a knot of peat would have it. It's true, She did the right thing and when you do the right thing you shouldn't expect anything in return, so she got blessed with a hundred dollars. the way I look at it now. Russia were asking eight hundred five, a five one, o five one. What would you do it s situation, Chris Gabon? body to ask what would you do in as situation? Chris increases our definitely which back that, like I was a boy in exactly one minute. I don't need valley out the pigeon
but I'm not gonna take it. a thousand wicked. Oh, my god, Thou Fanny duly and take a mile prize money back any doubt. I gotta take that So let me as requested what, if you took the fifty thousand right going back a quarter, he don't know you took it fifty, so he reaches into give you an extra ten. You will take the tend to reject it, Damn will ya mean anything to call me they found out. I think is that prevent those of us who cares he will clown. You do the right thing and I, the God broke. I did the right thing can back in the eyes of the law like that, we have to give me a ride.
But beyond my guys and he's gotta know about their driving asian hello, this is really very from their goods were ginger rule supper was so much a yard. You do. I gotta grad school of dawn was something good. Do want good, thereby man back about him out what a day that money back now, what has bought it but the geisha they want to look back at the cameras iraqi. He go at all and if the one you go to jail? Why for what? I would call on all issues about water? Put it back anyway, so aren't they That's exactly what exactly what I said. They gonna see you with their Baghdad Duffel bag anyway, so I thought only will they will come out, there's bought, it would get it back. The geisha they look at cameras and instead there now is right, pull up. Example, you a discreet sweep of baby cocked, ready to let it go anyway, no love indian one egg born yesterday. I them and gave us lab
save now here, not giving them money back that value. Given that many bag leg my life- I'm not even if you're gonna, be an argument about one hundred you wanna be nervous that they will see you on camera as aid as the woman s airport, because that bullet I find out about the man I'm out of here throws war must be clear. We don't know who's gonna down those. I don't believe you threw him down off at a high political question here, yet people have been given evolves, say what was that what amount of money would you give back say you find a thousand a club, you gotta, let me what they think. I did it. given their back and that's why you will never be blushing. I wanna be black, but I'm by one, not fine, not finally, levellers. That is not your router money. Like you know,
it also great everybody's they'll find, is keep within thirty, lose them and they will you lose out women apart and finally, you want to buy a lot of money, but I'm not that much of what I am. I am well aware of that I do not doubt that a j I love, you know it. J. I love you, I love you shave from flab was, but I really want you to look in the mirror and look at the fact that that you losing your edges what and are ready to now you're not going to change our minds on the drafting That was the boilers, remember what is known as do the right thing. You, when you do the right thing, don't expect anything you're returns. I don't understand why people do things like. two hundred thousand in and they want to present gives a hundred dollar two hundred out that they didn't have before for, like you, shouldn't gave. Are the person didn't
we give anything, because the present was supposedly just giving them money back out of the goods that they are right. and allowed the great low come up by the way around Aramis Runaway. Our right well is caught our black or that for this generally lemme tell you what wrapper has dubbed the man we'll get into that next, the breakfast locomotives, morning. Everybody's dj envy angel Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club good money good morning. You have the main reason. I would argue that three hundred thousand dollars back is literally simply because I believe in commenting com. I just believe in energy. You know what and I truly believe in the autumn, school golden rule do one. Otherwise you would have to do any of you lost. type of money, which I don't even believe was three thousand of the gas exaggerate, but if it has any If you off any bit of money, you would want that yet
back to have the grow internet, though, because if this was early on, I deftly wouldn't negate Emily back. But now I'm a different place in my life. I understand com. I understand I could possibly lose money and I would want it back so another minute. the situation does it was you? I found a whole bunch of money that we don't have a dollar. He won't. Let me ask the question of a blacklist of Pisa stolen property pieces stolen. throughout all property. You may have found a tv and abandon the truck em, you boy I mean back in the day. I rise outcry about well, by the way now bartering give him credit for what I would end by way of an atom of stolen, but you know we don't know, I didn't know I didn't I can t I didn't. I went away, you got this visa from. I have no idea what we ve got to see where you know where your best buy. I don't know that's why we're here is welcome, as we see the often best behaving it's because you won't crack
Will you tell me Ray as a way to get it for me Bobby Stolliver, someone? I know no amount of that. Why wanted one? Maybe someone his own neck like ask your somebody's house last night. Right now, you'd have now become, as is now you're, gonna sell and crack of deadly might go back in the day. I headed man if he fell off. The back of a troika by two point now haven't you know you ever go to cost, go or beat Is there any those stores and you might forget it to pay for an item apple back and leave it at that time now go back and paper about, but I really feel like I've always been like them. I feel like that's while always been blessed you. Don't hang on people just nuclear magazine, there's something I do the magyars told, that is to say the walk, the walk storing up ignoble exile, Marguerite, Saint and walk up in red it out it s the same thing, if not three hundred thousand dollars. Let us do what are you? The way is still comment. You guys go. You know, domain regardless, and I don't think you steal, and if you tell her body, you stole
but by a third way, lay diarrhoea waylaid, it's ok! I've ever seen years late in coming to times Vanessa been appear, double that's how they can even up to the last party. You talk, unemployment even who helps Vanessa, promote double exert right. Just say everybody can defy their acts of now night. Another allowed down their biggest Burghardt model about a because all back home. I would rather give their money back because you just I've done having to meet like somebody stole a magazine for me. I can live with it. So you do some leveller inadvertently. Somebody thought about me: I can't lose. I was alive. No, That's right you Bob and grow into bans, and you have to give them the space layers. Women only lunar writing doing You didn't do you, I don't want to do in things on my? U dont want. They haven't been able in your mouth. Ray without the money they reminded me. I can live with about a new, we got room is underway. We talk about yes
as in giving me along the wrong number. Well, she talks about this on her tv one instance. Look the children's eyes to see the true magic of a forest, its storybook world. For them you look and see a tree. They see their wrinkled face of a wizard with arms outstretched.
This guy, they see treasure in pebbles. They see a windy path that could lead to adventure, and they see you there Feliz. God is a fascinating world by the forest near you and start exploring at discover the forest dot. Org rock you by the United States Forest Service and the ad council folks, I want to tell you about a place and island. In fact, that was green fertile, unspoiled towering oaks, shitted rolling streams, quenching the thirst of cottontail, rabbit, mountain lions in the whole lot of beavers, and one day a great ship arrived at the floating house and seen from a far off land. However, those were in the first place.
Honest island and when cultures collide, eventually there's going to be an explosion. Yet, on the other side of the conflict and chaos, this island would evolve into the greatest city on Earth Island, the incredible history of the The men had sixteen o nine to nineteen listen to I heard radio podcast or wherever upon climate histories coup. morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall remain a god. We oughta breakfast club, let's get suitable MA's. Let's talk code, This is the Weber report annually on the breakfast club. Where could I black was on live and drag within the comments and he posted?
really are that for this generation and the next one, if we be an honest and then Kodak PIN, that is profile, and I saw a lot of people waiting in and some reactions, you that sundry gave another code, I blog is very low in full to really listen. The code argue in no Adobe in us, I'm ruined everybody gave load wall, help mellowed. Why did jump out the window and say that Kodak isn't Google, my level lyrically but odd, devolved, on his ease, connect blackened very dull withdrawal include barbecue I'm glad you gotta number ten song in the country. I not through super grammar nothin song in the country on a global around you know above be charged to the country. Now Netflix just released the first official rail or for gene. Yes, a cognate trilogy its report, documentary on yeas rise to a claim and infamy and its awesome. Directed by Cootie, Anti gay and here, is that
really we re very rarely do you encounter self ten people is making do everything self eleven always I got the same the heads of the world she's no at any given time. I could take it away from our night, so you can get ready to watch. This is going to prepare in February sixteenth on Netflix. So a lot of home video but is, in things tat we ve never seen before, the groundwater doesn't just a lover, great documentary. I can't I can't wait to wash that he has had to cutting edge. He gave a desk at another been working on this for some time,
our right now. Young doves alleged killer released a music video, even though he was supposed to turn himself in yesterday autonomous. Yes, it was as a single. You put our call track hawk. I don't know if this is him time to put this out before you turn self in think he's gonna make some money real, quick but not a great idea. Please go on ahead and Antonia up any saying that is innocent and that he was planning to turn himself and in the meantime, paper out empire is planning to pay out a long lived off mix tape, so that's gonna becoming is life has really turned into the boondocks for rail freight. We need another one turn himself in yesterday when he studied drop of video. I guess you like a man people watching long. It is music off a you know. It's crazy people! Happy Diego listen to song to see what away where he was. Cities have money in a packet, so let's see that then himself, and I can't imagine being able to be on a run for too long. Our rights oh, is gearing up to return to the world of sick come tell him.
Then he starring in an executive producing undue sitcom that is based on his life. It's gonna follow him as he navigates life as a husband and father to an algae, BT, Q plus daughter, a sun on the autism spectrum, whose white girlfriend lives with them and another door You can't leave his credit card alone drop on the poor. Dear you. Why look idea? Maybe I wanted a smart is funny is hidden people alive, men loved him. He is a member. He did at the hearings before salaries in another. So it's really based on his life. It may announced, are quick to dinner quickly to show a solid bustled deal in earthquake guttural earthquake on us all to suit the earthquake. Ok, I know just in a special to write for like you. We got a script to show a mad if I'm not mistaken us already, What did the element announcement? You gotta script issue I write any along. I said the jasmine. In a flash back to this in people didn't recall this situation, but when she was on
He be ones uncensored. She talked about going on a blind date were Chris Rock. I remember Chris Rock and I were set up on a blind date. He was on sound and I live he picked me up. We went out, we hated each other. I was like this. Do does not even that funny. And he's the only do that has ever given me a false number. Matthew given ere long. A big never report include:
from crews run by the way they are friends, ok, good. They were and Wendy Williams together previously to and here's what he said about why he gave her the main, never make a long story short a weakened by and I didn't hear from having. Finally, I call him- and I dialed of number in this man gave me a wrong number mad now now harmlessly yes, a kind of noxious. If I was a bit of so simple, They are used in any by right. She says no, what I know where to get some. If I need it Freedom of movement rocket ass, so many questions about this situation,
and this was a new story- is hispanic as people never heard it before never before what was it you, Why did she call she didn't I came, she didn't think you would finance, she didn't enjoyed a date. Why did she call are legally, as she knows where to get the best? My point some impress misdoubt little. He said it s you with it MAX is what of noxious got to do with it? That's right where that is your room, I'm going to say clearly sheep with one and I got more closed. I really do want to watch. It decided to call a weekly if you didn't like it would begin with cheap, highlight the fact that he didn't even clearer, inoculate commie. Like me, well, who you givin, you don't gotta, let allegedly alleged- monopolize let a legend be allowed. Delegated. They had gone to the CDC directive. Rochelle will linsky system to try keep a timeline of all the confusion. And leave your more confused for half an hour. Join me. Why don't you will get internet next to breakfast locomotive
A breakfast club your morning so now would be to say. Naomi and Debbie is a girl who knows exactly where she's going in life, but he's about to find out that nothing is what it seems. Tuesday, this day, undersea w from a juvenile comes. The can't miss new Series, Naomi, don't believe everything you think and don't miss Naomi Tuesday. Nine, eight central, only honesty, w this is America, There is no question that there are problems in this country between police and community. You are
later on that police killing of a black man out of new developments in the deadly small shooting rampage lives, really bad, they ve ruined, and so we are in a state of emergency white supremacist. Violence is always have been the number one threat. The authors, that's what I am also very proud wife's life. The breakfast club rigid, please tell me: why was I knew nothing other than a mad dog you to day to day January, live go the CDC right there, Rochelle Doktor, Rochelle woman Ski now. One thing I pride myself on is not knowing ok. you all the time when his radio- I am not an expert anything. I have my experiences. I have my belief and I M very fluid when it the? What I think you know based on whatever information is presented at the time more so than the information sometimes is just a good old guy Given discernment, ok, everyone is beginning a golden idea. From the beginning of this pandemic, I had one thought and that one thought consisted of three words:
don't know, you know how powerful I dont know is see when you don't know what you know. No, you don't deserve. Is anything you just listening listening, ultimately make decision that you are comfortable with based on information received, but when you think you know, when you are a hundred, since sure you'll believe about something then you're stuck to their belief annually. Its no room, the pivot there ladies and gentlemen, is not healthy place to be, and I unhealthy places with So many people have been over the past couple years, because people have absolute beliefs about what this pandemic is about. What Piracy is about what these vaccines are in. Reality is now. None of us know nothing. I write closing the people who are supposed to know and if the exports would just simply say, LUG Queen home now whom we just trying to figure it out as we go along. Instead, it did not see every other day in changing this door, then maybe just me, It wouldn't be so much confusion, and that brings me to see he director, Rochelle woman, Ski God, bless her heart,
she's just doing the best. He can s hand in his woman out every other data be devoured by the media wolves because she is forced to correct a lot. This information that is being put out there and yes, we're alighted at information, has come from them, the CDC he hoped If you have been confused by any medicine from the CDC or anything you hear about Colvin Guidelines, don't feel bad. They know are confusing. In fact, will linsky too the CDC decided to give media training, so she can go out and restore trust in the agency. She has been meeting with them. Craddock Media, consulting Mandy Grund to improve her communication skills, and I want to be the first to say it has not worked. Age is. How can we go on a list of things? We have been told? Ok that have And have had to be walked back by Willy Ski Right, In February the White House was forced to explain whiskeys com instead teaches did not need to be fully vaccinated, for schools are real.
a day later, Whitehouse Press Secretary, Jim Jim Zackie that I've another name said woman's key was speaking. her own personal capacity in May will list said fully vaccinated. People could stop wearing mask indoors, only reverse cos Few months later, when new information showed even those would all recommended, shots could still transmit the virus latest messaging setback happened last month when the CDC cut his. amended isolation period for those with Colvin eighteen five days and recommended people who tested positive chicken. He knew where mask in public for five digital days confused the hell. out of us all in folks urges CDC to add a recommendation for a rapid test at the end of the first five days you nor to headed the CDC said you know it, doctor, woman he said she told CNN we actually I don't know how our rapid test perform and how willing predict whether your transmissible during ended in the disease, who is supposed to listen,
ok, I saw it is poor. Woman Fox NEWS yesterday haven't clean up rhetoric from Supreme Court Justice. On your side of mayor sodomize, I pronounced could judge. Sodomize gave out inaccurate claims about kids being hospitalized, listen we have over hundred thousand children, which we ve never had before in in serious condition. Many on ventilators we can find from Friday suggest there are fewer than thirty five hundred current pediatric hospital positions from covered. Nineteen is that your first the vast majority of children who are in the hospital or on vaccinated and for those children who are not eligible for vaccination, we do know that they are most likely to get sick with covered family members aren't vaccinated. So the most important thing we can do for those children to keep them out of the hospital is to vaccinate
and to act and their family members around them. But without brightest operated judge said it was over one hundred other kids. I realize we call it in ventilators right, an arm they said that wasn't true. That is how you know what whiskey is getting coached by democratic consultant, because she didn't answer the initial question about what the judge said. That's why you always have to ask him to quest We will have to have given you two scripted, rehearsed prepped answer. All you get at the truth now continue. We can find from Friday suggest there are fewer than thirty five hundred cars, pediatric hospitalizations from covered nineteen. Is that your first of all the vast dirty of children who are in the hospital or on vaccinated and for those children who are not eligible for back. the nation? We do know that they are most likely to get sick with covered if their family members aren't vaccinated. So the most important thing we can do for those children to keep them out of the hospital is vaccinate them and to vaccinate their family members around them all as it was approved
Justice is given out inaccurate, inaccurate information, if the CDC, It is that they need to work on it messaging, who the hell. Are we supposed to listen not now hear the last one. Now you know seems to be giving it a pandemic. People who are sceptical about the vaccine said over nineteen death toll was inflated by people who died with cold nineteen pull the dying of coordinating, basically that they had underlying conditions are right. People used to get their act and to whom we even suggesting this Well CDC, directed Doktor Russia Linsky FED on ABC's good morning America Assembly, percent of people Of course we can at least forecourt or morbidity. Listen! The overlapping number of death over seventy five percent occurred in people who had at least for co. Morbidity is so really. These are people who were unwell to begin with, and yes, really encouraging news in the context of alma crime. This means not only just to get your primary serious, but to get your booster series
and, yes, we were really encouraged by these results. Now I don't even know what come come. Abilities meant, so I googled it and made the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases are met. Conditions in a patient is basically those sceptics at a vaccine were right. This is what happens when you live in an era where people are afraid to simply say I don't know we don't know, we are just trying to figure it out, and I wish it our powers that be would be o K, saying because you know why we are all confuse is because they keep confusing US please give Doktor Rochelle Walensky is sweet, sounds Switzerland Amazon's You don T, e g, yeah All right not now ready, you do have the cliff wooded would it which would he asked her to second question again
We played I just for those who didn't here, but the average a hundred thousand is roughly thirty five hundred in hospitals and capability Yes, there are in fact what I was day while pediatric hospitalizations are rising, as is still about fifteen, for does it I just don't know how a supreme court, just as there is a hundred thousand killed hospital, I would call on ventilators only for it. to be truly to be shot down by this easy directive, and you want to our all confused need to make it better, and I did when I want to put the information, people s what information right or wrong. That's all that's accurate. I thought they all mouth he made. but is it right or wrong was right. The information given up She said you know what I'm gonna settle. She said the judge was wrong. I don't know you know what you have we right, we don't know erect thanks. Use me somewhere Mass as Alan of direct aid under five.
five when o five a little but the phone line, and it comes out of the room, was of course we were talking about me along and Chris Rock. I now Chris Rock. NI along a faint number noted, a judge Supreme Court Justice but like to ask in eight hundred five five, Oh five one you have added, gives muddy fake number and why? What a annoy body of noxious may mean a poor smell whatever it may be? Why did you gives a body of favourable? Let's talk about breakfast club, large pelagic follow. They rightly jumping into the breakfast club for three hundred fibre bad when o five one, the breakfast. Its topics.
Hundred by the five one by one, the joint discussion with dramatic morning, everybody is the J envy Angelo YE shouldering the guy we oughta breakfast club averages join us we're talking about Even somebody, a fake number right now comes from the story of Chris rocket me alone. We went on a date and I guess he found a blockage gave or a big number. So we ask an eight hundred flat five one and five: what have you ever given somebody a fake number, I majority support, I am the Tories Board and I'll be out. Isn't she We'll call me and asked only do so. If you give you its rapid and alone, can you give me a further eighteen manner, but now I wish a number no nine times out of ten. You might get my mama individual number. You might do YE animal now. You were given at my member. Don't blame right, but that, but when it comes to their eyes? Now I will wait a minute what about you that normally about assemblies and if its business I'll give us
but he has never like terrorists who works with me for somebody else like that. If they do a bookings and I'll do that, When I was younger and I was out my girls- we use it, and this is so rude. Everything is that we will. I give each other's numbers out. Ass pointed over, but it will you ever got into instance, where you know somebody gives you to fall, and you put the thick number and in effect numbers are an eagle eye. They call you right away colleague, railway comically right now, but a muffled guy get aid, and what about you? Charlemagne? I don't do that. That is give up my room number even ideas. Changed my new number, but I don't think that's away to set a healthy boundary. You know given out a fig number is not a way to set a healthy boundaries. Please no completely to simply say no. No, I don't. my phone number, for whatever reason you don't need a model even Odo President declination like to meet us, that's clean. Indication like when away to set out the boundary clearly communicate. Sometimes you should just celebrated. Nobody knows go having It's time sit over there. You may you gave me a fair ignoble lab.
Now. You have create other, lie achieved up. Getting your bad remedy anomaly again? How do you know you never mostly emigrants? Yet another country, ok, was so. Thus even more reason to tell him look imagined. Here's my email, somebody! You know when I heard this and am I Blake. Probably right now is to give my way, but my way such a boundary Otto people know about bad now. Follow me right now, like that. I did not do that to me. Like you, don't I don't do it, because when you called me, would you fool? You voted a gram. Show me like such a man. Droopy wheel, two thousand and twenty two. If I can tell y'all one thing to do with people with such a boundary, we all adults, you ain't, got no reason to lie to each other. as you know, and when they say why you're really just don't want to What's wrong with that that not enough of evil about no more, no less this Would you do with Algeria? I gave you the road, a bizarre like it
They would have been better if we were actually date. on the day that alcohol and then again it was called. grandma wow. If they don't oh yes, that they give you my grandmother's member. Maybe she got confused. You confirm that you wouldn't give a family members know about Turkey's determined. I just told you got it. You say no allow this I was on this anonymous. Mere was seven now You broke the offer I'll go get my darling. vote you see, I acknowledge that he take quiet. I thought about it job. I let you down.
Rebecca ally. Yeah, wasn't it Do you know it's I'm tail, in other words, a page that more, never you gave out I'll be careful. Plainly likely messages only well. Yes, there What about thirteen years ago? they ve got of rain That was you. Don't you gave me no more number all got work to do, and I think you ve got me. I am able to support new, wanted he's traumatized. As far as China TAT, your phone is Mary. You know it's a promising yoke, obvious you're gonna, I'm actually bought the give me a box of US set boundaries. Find peace could answer that it is not giving away glum realised in a job on a how do they know, got an odyssey boundaries. Ada Jake the five one five one have you ever gave somebody the wrong number, maybe our own data. Whatever may be that happening, you call us now's the breakfast locomotive
don't call me jogging, did very well by morning everybody's dj envy Angela YE shall I mean the guy we oughta breakfast club. They have just joined us to talk about Chris Rocky along. They went on a day at a crossroads able to roll Nablus. It audio. I remember Chris Rock and I were set up on a blind date. He was on Saturday night alive. He picked me up. We went out we ain't at each end. I was like the students, not even that funny and he's the only do that has ever given me. A false number so were asking eight hundred feet. the five one five one have you ever gave somebody the wrong number raven. Is this. You raven tell us about hello, Raven. I gave out a number of the time now give my twenty.
Number or I'll- tell you. Why please tell me why. Why don't you You say no, because they won't thought ass gave no want me. They're, like repeated back, not like, above all, to give up a leopard there's a web is when they call you sister. She get mad. She Gabriel, I always believe always people knew that. Have you no real beg somebody's boundaries that lets. You know that at present should never be in your life like. If I tell you Know- and you keep pressing me pressing me pressing me present me they proceeded to be around me now? What have you says they gave out your number she's? She hung low. There's a Brittany was going on Brittany ready now. Beginning people have the wrong number or somebody give you to rule number. Mary may in the day, but it is clear that give from out of iranian over it
why go nowhere pudding and they thought of it. I call you wherever you can. I bade me me. You got your photos that your muffin Just then a ring with you, the crazy you gotta give up, which all the applauded in cash out to finding other file you're, no cash, the current number. Do you have a blog, so evidently call you go see right into the lottery that oversee, like you, did all right, we'll do. Maggie Mamma is harder. I is about food or respecting boundaries meant when people who don't respectable boundary allows this we are in a man vary from new law. Bertie. Do no boundaries jack I'll, be out in due voluntarily to was a burning? That's all to us. You can people's effect numbers. You man, I would have you been no, you man, but you gotta keep him out of the way fraud. That's why
just tell them not to touch you could not man. Are you don't do unafraid? Another colleague appealed to the way they did when they try to call our purpose. You went into Theo student, oh yeah, I'm gonna break out goodness die Bernie. I set out in the comedy men are marked by our dialogue and media Duvall Man, I'm burning, whereby the gray, I'm all black war it had with DV eighty be allowed me. Are you- and I little do I want to hear and for reasons of dialogue, but you know that all the great body may in all day and on a more homage adequately I am sure we would all true true true, I ll have a go and buy a solemn. May I just got a book My bad. I ain't I pay boy back, re presented you with one you got. I got all black privilege, you already know,
Dad you king, I appreciated prejudice taken information. Brother burning get there yet there will be a jam, actually be a Heaven Jacksonville this Saturday now, What, with more that historic moment stories, I want all the ata goddamn by doktor nature. Gloves book said boundaries find peace because saying no is so employed for you and you personal boundaries, but if you do not respect your personal boundaries, perhaps in fear of somebody else's reaction, is this going the maiden, isn't resentment over time. The people you want to surround yourself with Oswald Becky boundaries either If they initially feel of set, are disappointed that you, second our right now governments on away yes, air lesson about the desert that Kevin High made on checked, or I will get it right next to breakfast slogan.
The breakfast room for the breakfast. While cabin heart has been making some deals on shark tank able, India that he may was with black stand in attainment, they secured a five hundred dollars. Dolly deal, I starting with Kevin her and my Cuban and hears what happened, Mark and Kevin. We are interested in animation company black sans, but they want a much bigger stake in the company than the five. percent. They came in offering plugin a fireman about now on the table, but we want thirty percent. Can I think, there's more than fear five hundred thousand for ten percent between the two of you and perpetuity on books, twenty five cents. our cover, I would not be as you for this particular number. If you didn't have to act, my real resources, my fans, they want this done. They saw
Guy's got a deal, Saluda, blacks and acid. That is a great deal because it's not Kevin Hart is a master marketer and promoter as well. So you know you got to think about you'll, be getting a lot of that too she's, getting its twenty. Sixteen produce comic books, novels children's books, animation inspired by african mythology. It also created black hair or surrounded by debt. Storytelling and they have also The beta, independent artisan right is to publish their work through them and to date they raise more than two million dollars from over five thousand investors from its fund, raising campaigns on we fund there, but they have also joined forces with senior animated from did stony Pixar Amazon Studio, Nickelodeon a whole that accompanies it. Really gotta families already to the Black Sea and lacks here. Let's blacksmith vaccines, entertainment I right now Antonio Brown, We think that happened to lead him eventually getting cut from the bucks is getting an end if t treatment. So that is gonna be up for auction.
And move on their. He allows, therefore, is: do you I am not sure who doesn't network owners and phone it does team own. It We do know that it's gonna start. They saying that it's gonna get about one point: five million dollars to own a day. They think that's what the final price and are being for that and if tee Thou bidding does start on the thirteenth valor webmails grew question: why could ask the why that food is worth one point. Some tomatoes does not like that footage isn't everywhere, not like a lot of different fuel. As I said when I got out and polar footage of any time, I want to know how to keep us out sweets and get money from that moment. The first we member or by while only what is remarkable lebanese imo under still wondered. Why I thought what in the world were listening for people who bidding on bad and hoping that it will be worth more than as people sell at its official comes with blockchain technology, of course, aware of the value coming from two to collecting artwork you now. People by this is digital art, so you know how you could buy piece of art and you can buy a print of it, but it's not the original Vienna
this letter. This feels, like yeah by region, orders usually a one to one threat, Ryan, times. The artist will make prince and make like fifty prince in their number on the back, and then you own one of the prince, but the actual original is worth the most, and so that's what this is. You have the original within a people duplicated and they have to pay an inner same type, a thing, but what I mean is even with the original, where this value for that come from. I found it who said this Antonio browsing is worth afforded. We're point five man who puts the price on it, but they haven't. It's is a bidding. So that's what they anticipate that it's going to go far based off of what other things have so far Betty, while judge our right now is a curry, has shut down those rumours, dashi and staff. Curry have an open marriage, she's tide of yards going about this? Now Now there has been these rumours going around that the two of them do what they do and their relationship may have an open marriage as somebody had responded on social media after she captain the picture of her and her husband.
gracious God. Almighty sewing how good she thought that deaf, curry looked, and somebody say by yet used when want an open relationship smh. If I were him, you would have been sent to the streets already. She responded, don't believe everything you really do. You know how ridiculous that is. Don't disrespect reduce respect. My marriage like that. Please and thank you. I hate this even ideas: Then there is such a lie in people make of anything in people, believe everything and you it's gone, Dr Yourself, crazy. If you respond to every single thing you see about, you know you I'll phone line. I wasted Jimmy, give that no energy cause now a headline is: are you should carry replies? The room was about her instead of having an open marriage, correct, she probably which is fed up, but everybody can I get it and said I must say it. Is this one time and as that I regret that is your room. A report right not a people's choice mixes up next, get your request in eight hundred five, eight five, one o five. Why we will get a Marianna makes out is to breakfast cloak morning
Those close your morning so now would be to NATO may make death is a girl who knows exactly where she's going in life, but she is about to find out that nothing is what it is. seems to us they from w from a juvenile comes the can't, miss new Series, Naomi, don't believe everything you think and don't miss Naomi Tuesday night Sancho only honesty, W. What everybody is D J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne, the girl, we breakfast club again happy birthday. Two marriages blithely the queen's birthday. Yes, we love, you marry Upstairs saluted the queen of hip hop soul, marriage oblige you know last year. At the privilege and of doing I'm Andy Cohen watch what happens lie would marry obliging. It is incredible how you know Of course you realize how much of a fan you are proposing, but it's like every time I'm around oblige. It never ceases to amaze me how much of a fan I am like. I literally worship, marriage black and if some
people who mean more to culture than others. Mary. is definitely one of the few means more, a cultured and then a lot. The people do, but have you got our music merriment provided soundtrack our lives and still does like whenever you know in press data, something at our marriage obliged be happy. Instant mood, changes, happy birthday, marriage, a bloody laid, a queen Abdul many mix all morning, also against Lou, two marriages blast, I'm using our music me so much to people. Why don't we talk versus certain people? Don't disrespect talking above us is merited blood said here in this room and married oblige it was worth going with the musical duties, absolutely goddamn right, but guess what it would be about her before us absent our bracket. Would you I want improbable Mary obliged maybe, but I've got nuclear weapons. You see TAT James said he must do with Russia that it take us out of this eat. It Diana Wandel problems. Would I see you and journalism may, if this anomaly
I wonder what certain people be looking at and what certain he'll be listening to, but I guess I'm not an artist, so I don't understand. If I was him, I would feel like I can battle anybody good bye, she hasn't responded, undesired, I'm John Eames record. We, stay awhile Jai. He filled the way he feels cause he's. An artist is just like we're rap was right is like I knowed it. I'm never go say. Somebody's better to me, I'm doubtful whatever challenge but leave us your Raymond alone? us another one, man, nuclear weapons days. We talk about J. The marriages blithely guy weapons of mass destruction leave them alone, Agri arrival. Combat positive builders to breakfast club them off the J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago. We oughta breakfast club and There wanted to remind you. Last week I told you guys from my birthday I do something really special on building this act. That is, as you gonna help you it builds on time, which will also help build to credit reports, the bills that you pay on time, whether it your neck.
Eggs Bell you Jim payments, whatever it is, that's a payment that you have to make We meant that a help go towards building your credit, and you know that's about eighty percent of your credit score, so the app is called stellar. While this Its officially launched and right now. What we are doing is for the waiting list. If you try to sign up starting today, you have, until April thirtieth were giving away up to seventy thousand dollars. So if you want to be part of that and when some money to help go towards bills, then all you gotta, do it sign up, so you can go to stellar credit com, so ass wealth when days, and then your automatically entered into the contest. Some really excited about this bedlam. First app Starling about a me. You got a positive note was cold. I own EAST goes out unaware body else's, but it was like tea, this more. When I will go like thirteen, it is listen, Manta rays. Conversation is really reinforced to me why boundaries is so important and telling a marine norm set boundaries. Fine piece by
talk to major global, I recommend everybody to get them actually going to bring a bunch of those in here and just give him away to listen is, but they know it's very important, and why is saying no important for you and your personal matters cuz, like I said earlier, if you do not respect your personal boundaries fear of someone else's reaction is likely to lead to bid in his resentment overtime the people you Want to surround yourself with who will respect your boundaries even the initially feel of said are disappointing, said boundaries, ya, breathless, bidding them outer space, a vast, unknown frontier. We don't yet know the dangers that look beyond the stars, but Unfortunately, for Captain Sidney, Owens engender Prescott there about to find out from Ireland Radio and damp productions listen to AG mail on the eye heart, lab apple, podcast,
wherever you get your podcast, I'm Tellin you, SAM Post of the money, moves podcast powered by Greenwood. This daily podcast will help give you the keys to the kingdom of financial stability, wealth and abundance. The celebrity gas like Rick Ross Amanda Seals, Angela Ye Roland Martin, J B, flew than Terrain Owens tune in to learn how to turn liabilities into asset and make your money subscribed to the money. Moose podcast powered by agreement on the I hurt radio up or wherever you get your upon costs and make sure you the review, hello and welcome to the platform primary host Joe Piazza. Every week we will bring you the latest and, dare I say the greatest in contrast releases as we chat with some of the smartest plenteous and most talented folks in the business we are going to help you get
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Transcript generated on 2022-01-11.