« The Breakfast Club

Jemele Hill Interview and More


Tuesday 11/20 - Today on the show we flashed back to the time we had listeners call in about kissing their dog on the mouth, and lets just say some was not for it. Also we had Sports analyst Jemele Hill stop by where she spoke leaving ESPN, sports, and other production projects. Also, we flashed back to the time Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to Jackie Ades the woman accused of stalking a man after a date, and we also flashed back to when Michael B. Jordan stopped by. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I always wanted to be a woman in charge. I became that one because of the little dress the Enron Furstenberg. The season of my path cast in charge would be vs. I sit down with some of the women I admire most for intimate conversations about the journey of life and survival list. We only unspotted, five beginning march, twelve, with new episodes every Thursday, either from Zagreb. And I'm gonna phase on with real life best friends, but we met playing fake life, best friends, turn
indeed, on the sit come Scrubbs. Twenty years later, we ve decided to re watch the series one have pursued at a time and put our memories into a pod cast. You can listen to it home, we're gonna, get all our special guess. Friends, like sour chalk, John C Mckinley meal Flynn, Judy raise show create a bill. Lawrence editors, writers and even prop masters would tell us about what inspired the serious and how we became a family. You can listen to the pond, cast fake doctors, real friends with Second Donald on the high heart, radio, up apple podcast and wherever you get your Marcus.
Angela Charlemagne, the death of a rapid forbids the voice of the culture Wash lightnings is one of my baby shows just because I always keep young, but there were a bear on paper. There you know their listening at the back of your job, to get it off your chest, whether your man, what we want to hear from you, wanna bread, but there's a Ford three was have no country was happening- was that my ok maybe get out now that a new job. I love the grave at that airline, it There are many banks there. You really like physical snakes are like human beings now go play. I get somebody.
There have been and maybe leave them in the work that they become about all over the place, and there was this really law, one like this bag. Like three may, by the interstate anyway, they can't do now. You get bigger ass, lieutenant. You know what then it goes on ready without batting shocked the hell out of my mouth long ago. You, even if you found your money, you know each other. They had often been hold ethnic, thereby become. Look at Charlemagne. Youth organisations Nagy, the AIDS Obama, that's eversleigh, Mama, He's your mother one as Nick. I'm sure I don't want no one. I know why you so as to why thinking about what I've makes early this morning. Hasn't you say you have paid you just eight before I say nothing, you, ok! You don't thought that this morning we were all very bad, Thank you Mamma allows there's no doors. You know Doris calling from South Dakota
I'm not crazy, what is it? You got himself the corner from Florida? Would you say, Lena Crazy, worth I'll call from South Dakota, but I applauded God. You are right. There what is our theory? I love your message here every morning when the added value not as factors I wanna suddenly be too detailed com. Of did not a language me. Another alone are not as a business too detailed work. On the other, the ground due to details underscore outside the EU needs have school. There did you d underscore: TAT, is has signalled I will get us nowhere. Why did you do you do their meaning or dangerous determined at then I thought of the thought of this business, and now so I am delighted that it was like a deeds indeed for tat tat com.
You can get his morning, hello, this. Yes, this is William Will you good morning, sir? Allow bill was gone. I saw you, Jerry was a man. Can refugees was matter well? The first thing I want to get off my chest is that in the morning you know you guys say at all or Charlemagne. Basically, Mr Lambsdorff, and he asked him to go to his feel and watching, so am I supposed to feel about he'll, never drop! You raise a ball. I think this be asked because I had a case just recently any ground. I'll drive out everybody very body statements. Dilemma saw an attorney. I ll tell you what it is. I can imagine that, like a lot of personal injury cases and accidents install oh yeah, you do to commercial study. This argument is that clean the house. I was learning and live a little soul. Feminine, do anything I anthems among them. Is the result of the feminine product related drama grows, you'd limits or a shout of upper limits on drug wear it
the house together understand Noah. Now, ok, you wouldn't know. What does this have to do things? Are you mad Adams, one man, because he shows on a radio, usable he'll, never drop your case and I bought my case got drunk because I missed some other be certain that their reserves. I fancy said he a response. Barely settings are amazing. So now I was hurt. Furthermore, there is the thereby physical back up. I got hurt in accident, we'll call the lemon law and call his office and was now you're only legged. Not call me the last mile and take this up officer, and I respect you expressing your frustration, but he is a great outstanding spending customer Let me were already about the people who use that money are able to call them now. I can't get it off. It shares aid under five, a firewall or fire one. If you need to various have now was to breakfast locomotive
the breakfast is your time to get it off each ass, the the man from Yonder breakfast land this morning that the Nicaraguan going to today the good what's up Mamma. I welcome tat. You are mad mad, because the court of horror, I drove five hours about what the two days and I get there, and I'm going to do about the mayor my case and he had to be met by which they re opened it because of the marathon. I have to go back again, but the more I get real tat judge, whether also worker, and though she was a little more than me. That's not fair, don't put nobody after me with all of the law is wasting your time right. Anyway, I would. What are you accused of organs?
that guy or or violate the law. The father now allow me to see that child. How can you not as the role reversal, you is the other way around negative strange actually had the job alone Tom of Birth, of up and built by then find out about a reach out. They had you have a time and we gotta be a nightmare for the farm and immediately you got a cursory alarm because he was in the military and he's with more painful than me with believed review doorway into the thick of child from the market That is ridiculous and without coming to say for you what I think everybody a child need both parents when a child deadly needs is moderate, I'm sorry Mama already. I have a good day. My uncle you Fran for you realize it at its heart is taken from my good morning. It is our home from California, hey you guys be early. Maybe ha you hard is more than that. I now know, unfortunately, not unfortunately we'll get it reaches a mile. We
They were boys began, he raised in a row, and we want to give a sad at war by ran up and was very me. I don T there all our friends that we are we ever little click that we were the Breton by reminding you of a prisoner where you're Fresno will tell the gang broker what did you very much of TB circle just ass marble? Do we have a group of data there? I know? Well, we kind of we went around our little Pirkl. I told everyone that we got through the phone yesterday. Tell everyone. Today, though, work will gang. Gang jostle record is to play a bag later, very, oh
don't you know it on the youth? You I'll get Mattel in our food. It aren't you Mamma. We know it's on Youtube. To beg you to allow this, I think one can delay and able has brought the morning the morning of just been alive from a guy went down again. Back in the shop, and I got a kind of hold that back cuz. I got a trial for custody of my daughter next week. I pay. My library stack soldiers, crazy, but no one can always be large neighbour. We wish you that man and collect beg you embody. Jeremy, Charlemagne Montague, Annetta Shoulder, Charlie, sparing cannibals showed not always just better kill with sawdust.
They're not even of competition are not my dress and is trying to do, and I don't like it. You know Charlemagne more sassy. Now we're targeted measures. Does it, furthermore, have nothing to do says? Yes, it's ok, I do have a low zayigo animal Sassy, savage, I'm gonna lose levels, but I'm here years of age, has eight hundred five a one off. I want you to sorting everybody's J envy annually Ye Charlemagne ago. We are, the breakfast club now were asking they know cabin gates recently got a lotta. I will say a lot of criticism for him in his dog. We ask and do you mind what people cast a dog and do you kiss your dog now, so you don't have a doll correct not on over the bad experiences with dogs grown up. Two rottweiler may bear in terror Terror was real, real me and so on. They ended up having to put him down, and my other albergo got poisoned by my neighbors and he d
I've had a very bad experiences with, and I had another dog Budweiser that I found on. We are well now the spray and my daddy to get to the problem, whose I've had bad experiences with dogs? I don't I get my heartbroken. I dont, ok, but have you the Cassini of Night feed Gummy, Bertha, okay, anyway, Well, I have two dogs in have Enzo Belgium, Ottawa, and I also have a german shepherd name Chuck Norris. And those dogs are dirty dogs like they play outside a play, with wit with their oh toys and balls, and his dirty is nasty. I would not come up dog is a gimmick, his eye. What am I gonna get things? The dolls loves, clean and inhuman. My doll don't wake up in the morning to birthday teeth and allows it is about it. What are you know, pull they answer to make people into my bank and you can you Dan Dance rooted alone, one or total bunch this morning, because Can I believe that we don't kiss in a dozen Amano? Have a dog darling? It's a bigger, you don't think a increasing, kiss you dog and about before. Yes, you do. Occasions, the amount closer.
They disclaim with no town no time. Ok, if you like accidentally snakes in this discussion what is happening there, oh, my goodness that you ip off of it? If it gives your facing was accusing you go hey baboon? What is it like? Yellow my dog, I guess who's gonna like child or I could have you not go internal Chiswick from childhood dog might have a kid narrative. Gave new sperm became a jet, your wife or you, girls, vagina invitations for what Just Romani lives, not you tellin. Us know that without some younger, why you bought that does not just problems, farm and egg democratic involvement of women in the dining in abeyance bargain, but you gotta complete their recipe. Ok, you can't get have the respite from you have enough will take from Robin on your lives like lightning speed. All the image is told me that this is not just in case. You were absolutely not
No, you quit money. You're going! dog bro? No, absolutely not people. People kill me with that cuz. You would love to be like. Oh yes, I just said that you know is a bacteria and a mouth, but never be the same. People that be like all scientists said that you should take back then, but big number my yogurt EU taking. If you already have you ever done anything to research on the key mild, could make the elected bailed out edgy dead animals all the camphor one irregular bade me a big these guys. Dolly did animal now, Cabo you're gonna, No, you can't album. No, no, I literally just seen a dog eat his own, throw up, though, that why would somebody gets that I endorse these nip another those birds to man, and you don't like him, but so I don't know no boundaries and stop it off. We all das now get mad at the darker demanded, the dutch dog. All we know
Well, I would, between eighty lay with liquor. You'd have again have ADA inevitable, but more about a cable. You know I love the way. Comes out of my good burrito. So now Oh yes, I know you and want to make another man, because you know what comes out of yours. I did you just say good disgrace. Is everything all right. What's in ownership, a larger, maybe five, a five one of my we do that we talk about the hissing dog, eight hundred five, a viable Finally, do you kiss dogs, the improbable call is now at the breakfast table. The breakfast club morning, everybody's dj envy Angela YE shall remain the guy. We all the breakfast club now Kevin Gates.
He got a little odd criticism for kissing his door. We have the audio firebombing, given my bow D day, a dog of the bacteria and his mouth, the key of germs, a dogma, cleaner dinner you, so we ask in eight hundred foggy firewood o five one. Do you kiss your dog? Our own? Two dogs are own, a belgian Magua name. The german shepherd named Chuck Norris autism in a mouth I'd. I'd know. I tried to get my mouth to closely face anyway, real yeah guess: there are tat, no matter what you do, what you my face. I don't have any dog and bad experiences with dogs in my life in, but I don't knock anybody who does let their dog like them. Faith richest a dog, because the dog is like your child, so it's like if a child runs up on you and tried to kiss you in the face, you're not going to say no, the border region in Euro has drawn drown. Withdrawal was up. There was enough said as one A dog right am, I had dug up and you gotta beard on them.
This is an area that is also what they would do. You like your new blog about Zoellick, one of my favorite pass Tasmanian, because new magazine yards, No, don't matter President Cox Baby, what's there to be any dog sideburns, let's yeah. I know what I know: you could get you use the kiss you dont use our you know a lot about what they are. A boy named cannot adopt a cramp man died in the motor car now I'll make it by daylight. We want to leave now. But I beg you may ask: why can't you know that of pre operator? Wendy, everyone? Do you don't want to see you in your woman and then, when you try to kiss you dog, you want to hear from you what I want
above all, what you do with it. Now right, begging above allows this data. Jason. You are you? U kitchen, all Jason, nor do not give my dog. I did a coward refers paper about about in years ago, taught me with some facts: they do evil and they do very the milder bacteria. Yes, there is backyard about that. Other back to you, but you do not have it back to you in your mouth and there is a lot of people articulate. That is another matter that I would not want in my mouth Mulgarry Nazi. I mean what you just said. It very angry. We don't have to say bacteria dogs have Enigma, sneaking EU visas. We can and we regulate who they need. Animal. Let me pick out the bacterium. Apple kill, it alone will not kill it, though you are eating cope. If you please you're talking about is what a replica of s listeners cause as much ignorance as we have called on it, for we have small guys. Like you said you, Sir thank you. Hello, there is a lot to me
a good morning. I adore Moon, its Amerika should all mouth now absolutely lack when I think of you think it's mine You know my father Adam on adoption of other and his, why they have five dogs, air, and you know that keep him out of the kitchen will assign the cook all end. I do know that Anna, how about it and they go out by, but it all they don't remember that in the mouth of bastard, Now, what we do you know if we compact licking the family onto outlet? You remember, I made it my family care, but for the most part, you not far better Megan Kelly on Thank you. So it is the small boy who was kissing the neighbour of God and he lost the arm because green wire
yeah yeah. I mean a very rare, I thought maybe I like barrier Bernardo towards the bacteria and deceit it really data base at a very rare, but if it happens in a little boy, he lost his land busy. Additionally, I am very glad to hear that or you fell into the hands of the people. No, I mean it can happen. Do what you do, but you know those possibilities for it, everything. I wouldn't say that it would be way more one armed why people in this world of the bacteria dog, my going along somebody to go out there and do a study about you know it ain't gonna. Be me what we now can be protected statistics about. I pay, my God mixed almost feel one arm or want all my personal decision not accuse to do just that. I give the dog: was them all their story them all? stories. I never underestimate the power of a sloppy kids in a wet knows on a bad day, our Lord enemies, you
I don't know- I do not want any more resources. All right morning, everybody's d, J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club because best guess he's back Mister mill Hell. I don't want your mouth and I offer heavenly chain so drastically from when you were here land now exactly. How was it wasn't you guys allow but deliberate differences as circumstances and the last time I was not now, but he has brought with it like I just session situation when he asked why you're right, it's right, I know more likely to get away. I know now right into our congratulations. You, like that of congratulation for didn't rich we ve got no talk about them. Sure it was a thing it was like. I know you hear amicable party, everybody immediately godlike business be as like. This is not the case, but in this case
It really was. The main I been at twelve years are obviously I love the place is the longest I've ever had the best I've ever had, and I think a sort of Compared to a relationship- and I'm sure you guys of experience is where You know you're in love with somebody, but you realize that you have no business being together. Right, so we love each other and no business being together. Not it not at this point, so we adjust Conner, reach the end of the rope and other Billy. Sometimes you love your job and what it is that you do, but you don't love other things. Helmut that behind the scenes I mean for me it was just what I didn't love is that I feel a little constrained in the sense that there was just such a bigger opportunity to do more and I realise that it has been a sports network. Does there there too, fans and put all games, were there to talk about you know results, but especially in this I made there was just a lot more that I just kind of wanted to get mixed up in an hour
the things I wanted to get mixed up with an agony of big business for them. We surprised with Guiche right now because their considering what the company is about here, they problem should be there. I thought I just can't. I reached the point where I wanted to be a little more active, a little more vocal and not have to worry about a male chain, starting every time. I say something about how he told them what a pupil Eddie is being too, where they say. Don't talk about politics when the head of state is knocking about sport It'll devastated Talkin about sport and why wouldn't sports journalist hung about politics to see? This is the thing now. I know that people have looked at the comments that have been made by the car present age and Qatar, and even by the chairman, Disney Bob eager having people took what they said. A bit too literally never die. I hear that,
it may says when it was newsworthy, not to talk about these things, because you don't when the president inserts themselves in the interval, anthem issue and all these other things concerning sports. You have to talk about it s our job and a role to play as early as at the White House and arousing you have to talk about it, cause that's newsworthy right, the people that come and about European Bee into political aid, probably didn't appreciate the viewpoint be expressed. So they had an issue with the issues being discussed in the point of view being taken, and it was easy and dumb and a stupid area because is now. We turn to live when we were on the six o clock sports Inner Mongolia. Talking about illegal immigration, none of them ever happens. We were talking about sports in anything having to do with politics or social justice involving sports. Within the frame of news They feel that you have done wrong by as many would not at all. Changed my life. And the main. Obviously
changes your fortune, a little bit of loss of reporting million guy, like that, I know they set and they all that I am not here to confirm any of those that it is our right. I just why everybody I didn't know matters they again and you never a figure come out of my mouth, a bright, the above the first ever say is naturally there again we have come a long way since you you'll be like a gadget round legally secure. So you mouth, like a big number, moved away: do not area in old age gap at about twenty five vessels out you're gonna love. How here, under the broad documentary Indonesia, they re net Jerry, shut up interval, which is a very also time on demand that, after that, in their animals
UNICEF right at the Atlantic, Zaga jobs on production cut my mom reduction Valeo, union banking? Let me not China. The friend about was sent me a long time ago that you gotta have five hustles. I got Resiny to moors. I've got some for me, let me now are- we can invest in some stuff. Ok, you got six million, you I'm on it Perhaps you mention you, you do have a script assuredly Kelly come and get her years, so we're working on a scripted comedy on with that may develop Sony also with Gabrielle Union as a producer, not as as in front of the cap. This is the thing you know as a journalist or a storyteller, and you guys know you know you collect some crazy stories, the longer you in the media gaming no Vienna a black created. Now his hat and Hollywood like a totally different sort of expense,
and I think that what it used to be a so looking at Netflix. Japanese Billy, oh God, said in Hulu and Amazon and all these different places we wanted to get into or italian, but doing it in a little bit of a different way. Are we got Would you mail here when we come back? Don't move? Is a breakfast club bemoaning the breakfast d J envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We oughta breakfast club. We have Gmail Hill in the building You know where I was. I wanted to ask you a bad thought about yesterday Ray I was at the gratia wars and they honoured PAMELA pursuing you, no speaker, and I hear this time for women who have to work in sports who choose to work in sports how much hydrogen is because and especially being a black women working in sports. Not just he bought that way in a comment on your abilities, but also from coworkers lazy, active at the beginning of her career was, as you know earlier than the beginning of your career, by just even like offering her Airbus is too how bout and no one wanted her help. Just because
with a black woman when, as your experience of what there is definitely a level of scrutiny and criticism that you face, that will be a lot different than the men, and I don't know how we got to this point or I'd just always- was amused by the fact that, even though, for many years I worked alongside man that never play professionals, Was I had a better high school sports career than a lot of them? The inner right I started every year I was I like. I added some those small gout college offers and allowed to use even go. Do that, but yet, when it comes to talking about sports in Vienna, These boys. For some reason, we think you're level. A sports knowledge is directly related to your genitalia and access the way that it works and so You know for me. I I had to, of course, will is that a lot of times when I write something or my commentary, especially is going against what conventional will analyse, say, and you have to be prepared for the fact that people are going to say: that's why and talk about boys. I remember and I still like to you know them.
Few times. I'm actually write about things I as daylight, the Lord, this overflows, I've never win. Coolio MAC was coming down. The draft and I saw him play is Ohio state. Any was the best player in a field, and I was, I I know you David Cloudy Head, you know they hit of all hits against Michigan, but likely as the best player in his draft. Mad so many dues rip me to shreds by saying that I gotta say is how you like me. Now little bag is probably the best defence. A plan league and more Aaron down does interest logo. Skip it. Was they never right about that and I want, and I cannot think of what does your bills Edna Wright above them they get out. He had thought of him things here and there, but doesn't is that, like you know, he has a edgy opinion and while he is ridicule for that opinion at times, but is still,
more welcome for him to have that kind of abandoned. As a house is about it, we all make mistakes at times right I mean where things they may not be true or are making a mistake to hold an app ridiculous as our guy just upper, thereby we predicted the chargeable windows you we know that goes into a guy or just like our borders, who bore every year over the browser. But will you let you get attacked a lot more o absolutely a man had because when I do, issues like again is supposed to be some kind of indictment of my genders. Involvement in sports, the media will restrict opinions from strong weapon. As question time to MR, your president doesn't seem to write. I would say that always be as a slippery slope for most black women, because where we express an opinion, especially a strong point of view in general, were like angry or allowed were fitted fitness certain stereotype. So I just think in in spaces, yes, but in most cases, probably not only go to MBA.
Embryo everyone anymore- for any more or does that team when the next five years, seven years, eight you now, you need, have no living and look at this rift as going on between Kevin's ran a J, my grandma, I don't buy it, I sort of do and is not one of those things, I think it's gonna blow over easily about what we had to start clearly the day. The real tension is in the fact that in our Kevin Terrain is coming up on some free on free agency and Clearly, Dray migraine feel some kind of way about the that he has not been eliminated some of the speculation and has it down in his allowed it to be a story lad and less just talk money. During my green is not be up soon and he could get a max deal. They can't keep. Everybody you have played a lotta got. Somebody gonna have to somebody is now is not be left without a change that clear mixed farms and was coming had not away whichever one of them leaving on early diploma weathers. Haven't around. I remain so
Let me ask you this. What would be the reaction have covered the railway to play with the bronze? They people get no more big apple abroad decision and kept going to go to state holding peoples. A motley owns deal allocate easy at about going to go to state and taken the quota equal economic reality that none of you figured. It would be outrageous. Keep this more the relationship with the brain like because now that she had narrating has found an eye you marry some people, might like one as you're, not gonna, say nothing Nega had because they work together. Now now I mean I, I think he understands the functioning of what my job as an I've always had this attitude, regardless of whether I had the sort of working relationship there I will abroad or not. Is that I'm never going to say something on Taliban oh right, something about an I can say to their face right and I think this is a good guy lie for journalists to have, because, regardless
if a guy is not necessarily good. I have enough professional risk for the amount of work they have put in to get to I point this is hard to be a professional. I saw understand ready and even when I'm talking to coaches, I never come into the situation like I know more than them. I don't I never tat because they practice of this kind. Much longer Does it mean that I'm not going to ask me and a bottom our silence, because you know we could all at sea and at the bottom and it's but Marshawn Lynch, but that being just there's just respect, their ass for the even armed narrating. This document area mean the broad and I like we're going to them all together did know like we know and are aware of who each other is, and we ve had conversations before in the past, and I just I came for honesty allowing me to have this opportunity. Eddie to narrate this documentary because, as you notice, now. We hear a lot of women, narrating sports documentaries and so not only to pick a woman, but to pick a black woman. I think that's it is allowed about who he is and what's important him we got.
Would you Maria? When we come back? Don't move? Is the breakfast club Damone importing? Everybody is D J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy? We oughta breakfast club, we have Gmail Hill in a building Charlemagne, they drew, must have been suspended for argue, governor innocents, teeming where the fact that you dig suspended less. You know the seriousness of this thing is not gonna blow over. I think there's someone. Animosity there and even hearing how come into rant responded when ass If he and man had talk, the fact that they hadn't any yea play. I would tell you, through a course of a season, is a guide and a If you want a lot together, you ve spent a lot of time. Whether you know is light familiarity, brute breeze content, that's where they often say: Orton rapid, and so I think some issues that they had their and remind you know he has a very forceful personality. Always at guys, and he has just made a mistake haven't, grant was indeed it was light. So why you are here. Let me speculation right of creators. These they won't do. The real issue here is so that leaves
we too believe that this is not just one, Those arguments that take place that takes place during the course of the season we might be. And at how their team wines up in does Dinah down foreign capital dream ongoing. Also, would dynasty right. They wouldn't get upset when going they went every year. We nobody reopen the board when Instinct champions the Baldwin was everywhere, as does it feel like a fire. When you have not interesting, not interesting in early childhood, the bulls we're doin I do is I might we knew that was a foregone conclusion. He was later what what was it a so called all star team that he put those plays a make both play, you lie, does it matter? Does now might never little games? Evan indefinably know what might will go into an empty. My going at a dogmatic everybody's going thirty and nobody greenish where the next I'm gonna get away. I shall briefly about Magnolia new economic governance. Eleven but I want to understand this.
I didn't, do it at a charity belated! Do it because they have a social conscience. They did it to make Look I missed you, if a man thought that it would it make money now they knew Gummy is mighty. Like me, may look into market research and other things as always bothered me whenever their discussions about colleague happening. Is we spend so much I'm talking about people who dislike his dad's and the detractors not realizing like he has a huge fan base by Obama, It has been a burning Ozma Walker, eleven of whatever there are twice many people who would buy anything Carling, Catherine S, name or likeness. All that said. He has been Maggie. They already God, like you, can't even get those things writing another company. Would it was China's? Bob, and even do I do word or I do I'm double it was it was. I completely believe that, because he can see
generate buzz. I mean the amount of media attention. What they say was almost two hundred million dollars, Eddie generated for Nike in two days, so wherever he goes like he somebody who's in us. Polarizing that he's gonna draw from both sides is gonna have The values that are gonna ran for them and the people that don't lie some are still gonna pay attention to days. Every move so he's sort of in the perfect space in that regard, but it was You know about decision by Nike and ultimate troll move by his first commercial running at first week of ETA failed. These are the most brilliant check. My uncle Harry due to deal with all of you who are you like make use new black houses were not made any to relax, I'm at all, so don't like Olano same as people thing in that you have to be broke. If you activists You know I've had conversations with both Tommy with a giant Carlos about what life was like for them. After they raise the fears, Beckett they could afford to feed their families and they couldn't get jobs and they were ostracize in this country and that put
under financial hardship. Part of the reason why our colleague cabinet is able to keep his activism. Fight. Gully is because he has financial leverage because he the money is San Francisco, because you know he can probably any became engagement. He was the committee. Has any dollar figure because Nike is is continuing. To give him a contract. That's part of what gets this keeps him in the news and cases precision is very important conversation going, so he saw you just because you stand sudden. Does it mean that your checking account has to be a zero as some people are, say these China profit of being involve this house. Just as issue with issues, what They can just doing this Martha and that dimension is jersey. Sales. With fail. He donated all of that to different social justice causes so he's put his beliefs. In his money they have certainly allied legend says we're talkin about decisions rain. I leave teams, lest I value for us again, are you feeling
eight and comfortable now not being in front of the camera being more behind the scenes you like that better. Ah, I do I mean I will better is relative and I will be would understand. I have a retired from tellers. Ok, right now just sort of mulling options and thinking about what makes the most since I've never, This is a very foreign stage, me and my career, like I've, came up under the number of traditional media SOM used to working for just one place, that's where the paycheck has come from represent. Just them and then that's it I am now building my career, more Alec, heart and soul. You know. As you mentioned, I have the production company writing for the Atlantic mulling. Some pike, opportunities as well and thinking about what direction? I want my television compared to go like a producer on tv, so I could buy. You know most of the stuff that I want to do with the production company does not evolve me being front facing, tell it, because I still
to tell stories as the whole reason I became a journalist and so the The other part of it, I think, for me, too, is is one thing. I think I learned of the land a year and a half is I don't know that I ever want to be sort of solely one by one entity, unama greater ass- it is my versatility and, as you guys know, there's a lot of companies that you work for that won't let you do other things, and I don't know if I want to be under that kind of constraint. Again, so let me walk in demanding what you want because in essence raising where you don't need to have something else, and you can see.
Look, I really had this. This is going on around sixty away relative I've. Never really it's my job, multiple rhythm, because you every don't have a lawyer recent everything happens only you can not be here of the male who has much to offer to work. Everything happens for a reason. I'm a big believer in that in a definite believe in the average of one guy closes, the door opened the window right, and so that I am able, or was it but to levy is payable with a great deal of a piece of mine, because I knew I was in the exact place that I was supposed to be appreciated. As we have taken a millionaire woman in the room you now. So we appreciate you. I know that you got it de mille. Hell, yes, is to breakfast club. They give a custom through tv
envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy? We are the breakfast club now if he just joined us, we were talking about you, two pink its mere. She did her interview, wit sway and they were talking about wills X Y, see what they had to say enough. He's gone on vacations with will without me with tray. You know what I mean, because I feel as though train needs defeat that dynamic between his two parents as very important that he can feel that connection and feel you know where they do meet so that he can feel. You know that that parental canoe while you Mary, what will they met all the case again? Yes, they have actually just came off a while so Charlemagne. What do you think of worthwhile wanted drabant accused by the data Pinkus move? I am of figures. Midwifery knows Carter. I feel, like I respect your in hers enough and sheep well enough that he will gone, is trip and do the right thing
because I really don't think I have a problem with two parents. Co parenting, we have. Both parents have moved on in their medicine via that I have a problem with coal. Parenting is still doing things with the child rights, as I think that the commission is a different stepped up. I mean is really might not have you. Have you the trust, your partner? Can you really feel like nothing is going on between these two and you feel like it, he's gonna go out and in forward, the child. I don't think that anything wrong. That whatsoever are really don't. I bore me personally when I before that no wait. You know still, do you know what a lot of my own security than you know, my emotional intelligence is, is high, but my sometimes I can you lose sensitive economic camps, I mean I can Donald. They argued that global issue like yeah. I know what I'm supposed to say as well, that we, like sure guy, got out. We. I have a great time that affect you know. I just get me when you hit me just bringing
a souvenir lobby that does not. However, they really get a long time. Bre woollen data together long time and has always been the room, was that these swing, you know you wouldn't give a damn if you went out with ex baby Mamma, if that was the relationship in a swaying, NEA S cool, but I don't think I'm NASA Calibre I am just not like. I was a our respect, jails. Charity, low right in the fact that she trust will that much and I got a few baby mom about ass, he loved their little mama might not be a new right. I come back would be a lot. They know what to do and as part of a good thing about. If she is, she not attracted the age limit. She knows me word in outline triggering a turbulent. Why well baby Mama? Look like you now, then today, dad dad factors into two I thought about. This must have official act out loud think about this issue, and I say this: it will baby Mama, limiting some. I shall let me like a coal Murphy called. I should go on ass. He just got a book
Now would you that we have to become more of a Kelly, Roland Type, glistened loaded, it boy, but I do know Kelly's marriage and uneven that are going to them, that our marriage or no negro ETA comes to get it. That's why I've been out consider jelly rolling, Godiva juggler! God is rife, and I would say I forget it. I see what you are my scenario right away. If my baby mama but look I Jelly Roland. She would not be my egg Mama's. You be my wife of be clear about that back among the play, this game in which your brother, hello, this is it baby stay single morning. Warning Would you let me go on vacation? What is x, I definitely lead. I think, is right that They need to have a dynamic between trade by themselves. I agree with that. Gonna. Do you mean you know that? Did this sensitive side of meat in secure side said how no held within which Shaw adult side that's been going therapy and can deal with. My securities says
that I am wrong with it. I'm in the middle Brok. No thank you Mamma allows is away they mama. Now. Would you let your ex girlfriend case it? Would it baby? no, I would never have to be made more attractive. Then, why are you why you always you addressed him? Why do you ask them me. You is secure like you, I need no wonder you, Jack Bout go go, go, Why were you? I would just ask you, though I wouldn't go comparable with that but like a mere came back to life may be working on a related issue for more apparent, though we all know one day They lingered. You know, We have always been a roman idle back. I don't know, maybe look I thank you when I get back The Roma's I buried in the truth is mostly ones monitoring.
I became more I my mama, eight hundred throbbing firewood or five one now would you your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your wife, your husband, go on vacation without you quit their ex because they have a happy together for the sake of the baby. Would you call us now with the breakfast club good morning, everybody is dj. Envy Angela Yee Charlamagne, tha god we are the breakfast club. Now, if you just join us, we're Talkin, Jada, Pinkett Smith in a view with sway and she was talking about wills. Myths acts in them going over engaged without her was listen. You know, she's gone on vacation with will without me with trade. You know what I mean, because I feel as though train needs defeat. That dynamic between his two parents as very important that he can feel that connection and fear you know where they do meet so that he can feel you know that that prevents
connection while you Mary, what will they little vacation again? Yes, they have actually just came off awhile and beyond, and I've been thinking about the Stockholm and think about isn't added, remove myself situation in big. If I was jaded world and how long we ve been together, and if I had a exe, baby mama. They go and have a problem with this brain region. I would not have a problem with this because you do have to trust insignificant other. You have to be secure, You have to have the utmost confidence that significant other would do the right thing, but the number one for me would be out of the agri Mamma, you know maybe mommy's banging, then I don't I put my man in opposition and I was thinking the same thing like at my wife go, but now what? I've, been if her axes, Michael Jordan.
Ah axes. Oh, it was him. It was an Asia more or boardroom than brothers is all chiseled. I'm gonna legacy. Yes, no doubt! Yes, we're gonna get a sexy woman guys you dig you set out those out of guys, say: yeah annulled yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah you're right now. We wise you know I would be so much ado about, does enjoys la quite Give me ok, honey Why are you loved that for me, then I can't be that night Avogadro make you have that much say why? Why? Why did you leave em? For me? That's what made me secure by those who want to make our name only left off. Maybe I would know We secure, our relationship? Could I would be wondering why you left him from me? Michael, be Jordan. Chillun IONA beat share at all your wife come out which, without a right enough, I think all of us although this female, pay. Would you let your man Golan vacation? What his ex no one night
me and my job you ve been lead piping. Ochre Wilson is six years old I mean what do you got your vacation this year that they have done in the past twenty five, a matter of having a little vacation ass, the thing in a factory Oh you'll need The only know the vacation over give myself allows. Is I'm calling I'm calling in because I feel like on some foreign stuff. Some parents do need to sit down when they kids, of aid is better law. Colleagues or they got lie plans that will allow it to sit down to figure out. What do I know what they hear a lot of work? There is doubt communique whale when he called the parasites that wording. I would issue a match. Our father made him have re report. He got hears about other women, but we have to say now have with Norway. We could small talk about our you may allow. You know who glare of the bay about there
You know you ve beggar and get me a doubtful about time when you back here do Andrew. So let me ask because it would you let your man occasion what his ex would a child without you right now. I really wish you would be able to go on a trip with his ex because he doesn't really get to see his daughter, like that. Maybe they could sit down and account status. How have we lay daughter, the handbill together, mushroom how I think, what a load of you can sit down at the your gear, smile and now my plan is co about it. Here. A growing about me when I'm gonna give me a Marquis of Babylon together, a boar by fixing now the way he call my phone. I pick up where you ve made me about your Peter from Hall workers on package, I'm a male and back one in five, a doctor damp look at him because he is important and I am for my daughter. Ok, we need some of beyond all be it or not. I might be to have a better leave, not even a tragedy. Let me now more neurotic arrived
Thank moment how do not need to be aware of our most you, Liberia, what I've done good go. I was more this time the most stories, I guess we have to stop being so insecure and I say- and I respect the level of security that Data Pinky Smith is shown by allow Ozma to go on a date, A date nodded data vacation with his Ex wife, but if you would like they Mama look like go, I've got the homage willpower. Will Smith. That's right. Well, things like a highly in the lake individual right by good. If anybody can go out and out The time what is I've is well Psmith. Origin the more I think about it as I get old and I'll give it to you, I don't have those crazy or just like that, cuz it's in a way. It's like when you the town by yourself, you right
after we have. I myself and my wife not around is plenty opportunity to do so because I'm does not whether Raina and wondering I read it. No more ever have now wouldn't know Moiled EVA analysed by ten fifteen. Yet no house was move or will they have their continued older me thou as they take six. Seventy ITALY, Norway rolling they wanted only fifty five forty six. Forty seven will there be damned if ITALY, at least so all in all those areas of policy I believe that these other things slowly so they were wars. Move is if he tied her forty, nine of our entire thirty nine I'd know, will die exactly as all breakfast club your morning. So now would be the same as a team that without this dumbo, though it is that the Dac wizard Grund of odds plans, divide the visiting world, fantastic, beat that
times have grinned of odd now playing rate mpg thirteen I'm a fat knowledge. What this man to imply was made available Charlemagne to tat they ve got make a judgement, is gonna, be on a donkey other day. Eight shows you the breakfast club bitchy, whose doggie the day to day I listen man. Charlemagne got you a movie occasion. I don't give a damn, which I think about that, because I deserve it. Now, the clubs in eighty plus markets and one hundred and fifty country. So we have a lot of new listings and probably don't even know who Charlemagne the God is so use my time off to catch up on some of my password. Okay, okay
if you knew here, I do a segment everyday called donkey today, donkey as in jackass, and that's what I give someone the credit they deserve for being stupid. So if you never heard of it, this is new to you. But if you are regular, listen to this is an oldie but goodie, because it's the best of the donkey of the day to a young woman from Amazon and aimed Jacqueline ideas, thirty one years old and was arrested on suspicion of talking and laughing a man she met online limit. On two May. We have are dealt with someone in our lives just wasn't into us to where we were into them. Ok, it happens, but I will always taught to never make someone a priority. If you only remained option while Jacqueline didn't get them memo at all. In fact, on large reminded who tell us that there is levels. The third ok, ass humans. We all have a basic instinct when it comes to. There is a right and natural craving for fluids, but that's not the level of their thumbs organ about. I'm talking,
in ten years, the address and I'm talking a deficit of total body. What I'm talking about the kind of deregulation and happens when free water laws exceeds reward and take? What are the causes of this kind of dehydration, were usually do the exercise, disease, high environmental temperatures, but most commonly caused by a new love interest, a newbie or a prospect of they can make the most hydrate M M hydrated amongst us thirsty. Are writing Jacqueline is just another example of that only met a man on a dating website. She said a few days and Jacqueline immediately felt like she had met her soul. Me love thing. But that also made thing both parties have to feel that way. I'll give you feel like I'm. You saw me and I feel, like you, some chick gums measure for the summer. The feathers Make me more walk out of this situation. Save me you're, my soul made. Do you realize you can scare man away with kind of talk too early on a couple
they'd what a woman- and you know it, and indeed have that woman tell tell you you want to get married array said that out Third, I mean you wanna, have his baby tell him you feel at Yalu, soul, maids and there was there may quickly fade away like an avenger did they know, gives Ali Infinities thought okay, what I've got would have been in this situation, but Jacqueline, refuse to fade death without a fight. Let's go to Asia. Doc Hanford report please accused of stopping and running about the man she met online after they went on only one date: police shape. She blob respond with sixty five thousand text. Jacqueline additives claims. She went on three days with a Paradise valley. Man, she met, grew in online, dating service were millionaire, matchmaking or record, say added, sent the victim sixty five thousand text messages, including threats to kill him where his body parts and bathed in his blood added.
Does not want either volume of tax messages. She did, however, regret the nature of some of those messages. At his said, she never intended to hurt or scare the victim, and she doesn't blame him for her incarceration Jacqueline, add, as is being held in jail without bond sixty five vows that's crazy, sick! For that, our joint how'd, you even surrounded with a government that many any text message in my life Mama ringing, Blocker Mama Zack women men would receive a tax. At what point you decide, you may need to block this for thirty five thousand tax bra crazy, Can you not every talks bite me after three or four texts are sixty? Five thousand late Please don't ever come across his part. I remember lot. Thirty, six the forty laws of power, disdain things you cannot have ignored, ignoring. Them is the best revenge I give fly on his ass. I just make sure you
block him on social media that you can see you shine and act like you having a ball without him, and I guarantee you will hit you up for whatever you do. Don't sound like this. Okay, this is Jacqueline Addis from jail, but it was you had to say I felt like I I thought we'd everything was just the way was. Then I thought we would just do what everybody why didn't you just get married? Everything would be fine but about what happened. So much is going to love him and if he doesn't like it, then I'll go moment. I love my. What am I supposed to do the painter Love is too cheap, giving it the math equation. If love equals three point: three, which is Infinities Times Square, which is like light, is forever our work with wonder? It would be very soon infinity times like, which is also very those just forward forever forward and if you're selfish, you can't understand that, because you want something in return, he like it
anything in return, and I still have many way. That's what love is that for the universe, Busby Meta, my ear, finding love. Not everything is perfect. The journey, and I want to apologize because nobody would ever be more sorry, Seattle, This new, crazy fees that I really would dare kind of crazy connect a creamy didn't just come out, and no it had to be a sign of that type of crazy when you first kicking, it would each other. I got a homeboy right now deal with some crazy early early early on in the relationship, he found out that this young woman left her children in her crib by by themselves so she go check are we to do with the club right, but in that I had a crazy over the kid toddlers. That's great enough. So when you can show you the beginning and end of escalate
things even worse, that's your fault. Could you had to say? table crazy, comrade flags, kids, this summer What is a fine line between interest in stocking unless dissolves day, on the right side? Of that? Ok, some doggie today just found himself. Please give Jacqueline at this debate the biggest he does she say that he she's just gonna go back to her ex. As you said, it pleaded. Fabricated I play the issues as you can go back to two areas that I felt like I met my saw me. Everything was just the way it was. Then I thought we would you do everybody else did, and if I get married, everything would be fine, but that's how it happened no. I love him. So much love him and if he doesn't like it, then I'll go moment. I love my life,
the ex boyfriend. I got a bit of the noise from the main. What we have now set as well as the one are either not because I don't want no no come back to me, go be bought me saying I'm trying to of gray, but the big nonhuman alone in August was vain. The cardinal lie, LUCA, was more and everybody is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club. We got a special guess, inability, I'm telling you the sex symbol. Extraordinaire air may be well all the Ladys in all the fellows, like Michael, be doin. Ok as There is a big man, that's a little joke with real blue eye diseases near movement going. I now you go
Kansas Harass, Michael, you have to say to our youth, I'm no good. How would you live chains of black panther? It's insane. It's kind of known before I guess now is this is, can go anywhere miles off limits imposed mates in our statement, Postman's built went through the roof and the house issues is it's incredible solely with the kids next generation and seeing them kind? How excited they ve been. You know at the scene, movies come their reaction to me. Walkin around has been has been pretty incredible. Grab that bear me and also of my ancestors had jumped from ships you could they knew death bed embodied? Who wrote that lie? I was Reimer. Why Ryan Rank? Who is he ease incredible man? We wonder no really get the essence of what kill monger was trot. I was trying to say- and you know gone and change in China. China live wasn't really want. Is a gender usual in the Darfur. What he believed in a corner legs ass. There was proven its point. I think that you won't have any got his point across him. It s how you see the child actually go back to Oakland Yon Saint by the buildings really like in open up the borders. Will kindness of that was, you know, kill mongers victory. We forget my diary during the time that you dead black Panther year for most of our characters in general, not for television before foam alike, to write a diary from like the earliest memory of a character of answer. The first page of the script is gonna gives me like a back story. A subtext always know where my characters residues. Can I keep those I gotta create full of. Like me, notebooks, like all my colleagues and I play this morning,.
Your memory, you anything with that, you think well know. Maybe maybe one is also done I'll. Let you know anybody know something that people can look back on this kind of get a sub takes all the care Gazeta. Actually gonna do something. I never really thought about it. We must break it, doubtless go to begin what made. What may I introduce you to his character? Why did you want to play him right here? Making commitments are you? My you might be. Ours was cooked that railways are nothing, it was. I wasn't even just ass soon ass. He got job pretty much. You hit me up a little bit after then that you played his commander using a villain. Think would be a good move like I could wish it would. You went to converse with winter, usually come with a growing mobility, see more more ok. I mean I always liked like Batman. That may not have been the best of the best one he was like me. He was smart is always like. I, like ahead of everybody else here ways kill everybody. Does cases that are driven out that those lay Superdome, but marble was always like Tom if they jump in at the window. On my thing about making beat anal steady happen, no, never man and not a nice, not that's more wasn't have always been a become bogot grown up. Basalt plank your mother was like a no brain for sure and for some plain of them are you prepare for the role like? Did you woke up? It was a lot of training
you watch and eighty or the black mean getting shot by police, and I get angry. I went from now mean that in a man s not too hard, you knows and life of me it was more or less a allergies. Look not as I do that it is not any doubt are familiar down get at nice. Things will like it took me to a dark place, this character, not even a dark place where it is isolated, like he was one of those things were Kiyomori or what he was fighting for wasn't too far from. We know what the culture was villain at the moment and then it was absolutely for me to come to express a thing what our generation spilling right now, you know through my art sand, and that was that was like a real, liberating say from me, so I spent a lot of some way from a family utterly talk. Mamma, you know, satellite brothers and sisters and stuff like that. You know I was worked out alive is a sad plays monodist. Kindly state of myself is the physical aspect was as easy part, mentally kind of going to tat lonely place, unwilling to do whatever it takes. The kind of freeze people was not that was more challenging part, but was left
one to one about white women, you cut off why women doing man? Why would they go back there? I, like women, Pirie all women. Everybody is on the table. Ok, everybody's gonna, save may error by how much amateur kilowatt have allowed me to. You agree with a mean affiliate proposal movie now, since it has a lot of things that human has to do to serves the character and I'm saying to search the store and attack the challenge to challenge he's a too in a movie, but there's a lot of it that yummy grubbing up, press assigning. You know, since the stomach society you gonna create kilometres. Let you you can create that, so I think this is something I agree with the summit. I dont use an extreme version or nothing
People feel today, and we have outlined glad kind of be able to play that care to bring its network load. Double will create jobs. You gave me just now you have to pay them will be. We have the impact that it was going to have. When you were funding, I mean I thought we thought we had something special now, if we all kind of data jobs no safe from behind a camera from the camp, I never imagined that it was going to have the reach that I did at all right last summer. I say you know black medical mingle, a billion out you'd like what I say, I'm tellin you could you have all mobile phone, every black burthen in Amerika who ain't even upon common goals. He is going to have a bill not end in winning over the account. For I think people going to see a three four times. I saw Rita S, that's your hundred evil buying at the dared. As asking saying yes to play as well being able I take he's. I wouldn't necessarily had absolutely Yoda means to go see the firm, so it was it was. It was a big do in this kind of like it's kind of a robot. Mpeg has a really hit me right now. It's still like still live in Estonia know, so I think the real impact for me personally will happen so years later, desperately said what you can see to shift within those details, like Michael, can have almost every said that acts like next. It was without a coup interview. I do home near times my honest. It is to be able to have cars and spit those gems and being able to argue hear him kind of like you know that wisdom was was there was a big dave. He said you next, the lot of pressure brought low, but not for me, is there a mean, I'm just what you don't. I've been to say, like a crane production company, our society was a big deal for me because I realized the true powers. Bonica goes out.
Was that you know we have a camera beast be famous no say on August of Anne S, cool fun on August of, but you know when you gotta make decisions when you get a chance to employ people put key people of color of sand. Women, USA, like in and in those positions that are really gonna, make a difference ass. When you really started, we got more when I could be Georgia when we come back, keep a laugh. Is the breakfast club, kimono commodities D, J envy Angela YE shall remain the guy. We are the breakfast Club Michael, be Jordan's Independent II as fair high for fifty one is from your production company is a collaboration between you know HBO, remain Bahrainis, whose director his blood companies will an asthma offers no real project, and I got it to produce. So how lighting not very myself, but you gotta, go from my wireless and why are you know being cast a defined became so you NOS fifteen years later being able to like produce something
It is a national one in which all was not do have the black Panther. So watch me like this in general, I blame you. What was the next role? You take? What you do some that monumental alive baron? I thought someone. I think it because it is so relevance was going on today. The same relate media control. You answer intellectual ism, you no say in the fact that you know free thought, rethinking Otto distraction that we have the technology and I'm saying propaganda, etc, etc. You know what we re bribery did know of sixty years ago. Still vary so relevant today and we wrote them will be before the Oder presidential election. So his leg, it is a lot of things- are in this film that that are every railed today, obviously, to some changes due to like new technology, and I didn't the digital area error that we live in. We incorporated a lotta like no kind of future success by things, but it's in the near future like things that we really are equal, we can see if we go ten more use than a role we can probably be in this situation.
I myself, as one of the reasons why really one step into a carriage and played a role in origami tv movie, ideally anger. Nine also going to be ok, I mean, for me honesty is, but it is an opportunity to eight arrest or be able to produce something. Get credit cinema production company gives some real estate with credibility. Yo you themselves be able to, like you know, have my logo go up wrath. Hbo is like ok, cool ITALY, gizmo on company, a lotta cachet and then in story. I believe in a working democracy and also know says they credible actor. So it is a win win from the other way round, but about God that you and I know you you were raised and nor a lot of times no problem. It was based. This is what did your hands? You shouted out, you could somebody. May we constantly firms is we'll get you in Athens I mean it was. It was. Rather, My mom has Lupus whatever she was once were bags appoint. When I was eleven years old, I was sitting
in your own. She came out the receptionist leg only when they should get a son in a model throughout Monolith like twas Russell motels. How will we that eleven well, let us use the better for it, I'm gonna that have not yet she had some signs that was in a business related. My mom was probably sultans where some of the appointments about no report was actually make. Xbox was easy. Come to the city goals will go, see quick booking whatever whatever, and I guess over time as our booking, so I guess over the next year, or so my agent was his leg only when a lifecycle enough now commercials background and extra organised, oven and it slowly evolved into act can never really like to acting seriously. In so hobby, the wire and being around like address and David Simon, Jedi Williams and Andrzej Royal and obviously not a phenomenal, better and act as an issue like you might you actually do something you can make it created is an asshole,
The third thing is they have had a relationship of SB out for a while. It is the last sixteen years lot more respect now show without a doubt yummy I in America, they pay my duty as a kid and kind grew into the man that I am today and I guess I was a child actor, but it wasn't like I got too much too fast, while I was like emotionally not able to handle what was going on. So when you go see me or no, crazy, no signal drug have is gonna, go family, my family, my friends, everybody can accuse me grounded around me. My friends like any. You might need some new friends. They each room. It's ok, you know say: Ladys came home used to leverage of earth.
Let me underline that he's day positions, because they, why wouldn't you know save you good opportunity make money can also make enough. Maybe a particular your family took care, you your whole life. Why wouldn't you move? Never let you know say and other well, you feel like you. I shall, after four by bad, has begun a money about looking at the salary that is decisive
didn't look to jog way made almost every little. Is that what is Amy, I maybe two million. I don't know I mean I'm does amount there really wrong. Are you? Are you getting that you can these numbers? We can use those from the internet related say that's. Why would you want us all pornography reading any true, true, true, no sale, bonobos, one of things like either, which mom not I'm asking you guys, like you know at a daily. More was marble you gotta be do is best for the project at this stage in the game you Jose word no individually and acting careers were all kind of like you know, which- and I quote- we don't we gotta. Do I let you have it have legs movies, who deals with Netflix. When I got home, I gotta show that I owe that I saw two Netflix reason there a single mom reason. Her eight euro was of ours is told that perspective are severely
single black mom you're, not raising the kid, and you know producing that as well, so I'm actually being in the storm starting and it for a couple episodes that was a trade off know when you get that whenever you're making production deals right now is actor there. Got to kind of like negotiate a little bit in your trade yourself off a little bit for a couple episodes to get that producer credits to get that show on the air? So that was one of those things, but networks is incredible: homes work with Rick laboratories, they believe in creative. They give us a lot, in short a glove and do I think so? I think that what macro trials came over here is amazing.
And Yemen we get. What guarantees are soon to some other thought about these women man. You know I was going away. Why am I wouldn't know about what I'm your mama, you gotta be disciplined Michael? Could they are you alright? They on you now that now recently, this girl from Temple gotten you dams and bought you a movie and you pulled up or no new pulled up. One of the new budget movie you hold up on you read the internet. Add the clan smoothly. Ok Bobby knows more than others were less ass. You know, I think the aims and it is absolutely cosy. Listen, there's! No! No is we're happy. Kara here would so wishes. So the university and I are base camp is behind the door come out here. Maybe really it wasn't, a windows went crazy one out talk. Talk
come through the window. Just ignore Samson love, be one often could. I call comes on whatever just realized this later Medea. Where can I seen a fool? I answered a couple of seconds condoning Mimi Emma at the base camp at that is purely to chill out when other areas, some other friends. I thought it bring a friends we completely new eighty. That was it. I took some ways. Would you know a period blind, I've gotta get you wrote voodoo Mommy matzoh Goodbyes Doyle's may whatever it was cool they'll pay is coming as I do from a database that bears the military political bite. It was cool during daylight. There was some craziest thing. A girl has done to get your attention at anytime. Pavlovitch create lady debate, No, no, you don't
see the blonde redemption. I know you ve been talk. Much. Can you ask why don't we write my early animal videos? They sure you want to come in here. Control, you gonna, tell me: what do you make one additional energy today we might will be joined by thy. Rumour has it that even a relationship so rarely Suliman IKEA, actually mom. Keep me personally is based only on Cuban that I'm chill more with Michael, be Jordan ACT or when we come back, he belongs to breakfast global morning. The breakfast table is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club. We are Michael, be Jordan in building now what is the craziest thing of female fan is done for you, I mean it's my friend Philly August made of cut out of me leg. No actually took
the problem is in order to give out the broadly exactly and out now is the extreme knows. Answer responded back. Those are my since you will see how much ensure that was so in a manner wrapper like these robertspierre leg knows in his veins Dublin crazed living musicians, vans and aggravated the different levels of them type of light. You know, obsession love it, so I really gets me craze crazed craze makes. It was tat of a woman donor Pentagon's day view the thing in an act of war. As Greece, out of her with without paeonies I'd, know, Elizabeth Activity, hellish mafia I was crazy elevators entering, but she told me seminar University repeatedly made so don't know, listen. She though she says you not even our view Bulgaria and Turkey s eggs, which you ok, you know can be hard to some need, do you want to have her down there? All bushy? Can you make that happen? I know you going to see her tonight at the met gala, so you don't put that on me.
Yeah. What do you mean? I gotta do England a warmer out a Bush Langen, undue manner because, furthermore, hearing about yesterday socially No, no! It's not about been growing at a good luck. Fyodor lab african prince anyone do stay. There were major thing about it. Now I know: what's real does data legacy and I've got to? Let me know Joe, you all religions why China baby enhancing, has got their quest. I'm silly! I'm Cimarron shown us that what did you want on his name in about? What are you talking about? Seeing obediently real? Oh anything does ask Madam similar mail, so no religious integrity had it is what you mean to please do so. You have a good thing, going to bade him in this interview is basic law on selling. You can use IE eight and that of the media. Is you got a full boys dinosaurs on you saw me beginning removed,
Those are the love and why you can't you get a visit to get it. She want to use this United Nations value in our neighbourhood, initial gotta think, while the money she will make in the future- and I think that your comments on other things- leave me alone that doing all these have to be very fitting in shape. You ve noticed something where you actually had to gain sixty pounds. I d say I can wait oh man. I can't wait to just like I got to do it soon. Cuz, like the older, you get the harder it is to get back into shape. So I really can't wait till I play a role I got to put on a lot of weight I can just eat. I do not go now, we're go it'll, be all right. Now, in the Middle EAST Shootin creed to enslave a bodies lay move. I hired I'm tired When will they any party they didn't want to come back and do creed took a dry weather doing it in the beginning. I was, I was a little hesitant honestly, there was something
started we created you, nobody came on board. Is noise producing in as well, so he still has fingerprints on he's done evolve but in the beginning you know yea was a little hesitation, air, but Stephen cables. When we finally got him, we locked down to a directive from Cleveland. When did you ever see? You know that has been called the land? No, it allowed. It made a lot of noise in Sunday as he's an incredible filmmaker, and I were really lucky to have him, because work has put his finger prints on its social rigour. Wrangling I don't like the premises, though where's it. You know Is that really remit at an end and a Russian is so predictable light for its own sake? the signals really tough, ok suited Things will be hard to make you don't say in a really like bring in the started back in Time union, I'm saying rocky and in still give creed is own legacy and life branch of doubt in Give creed is always only is theirs
Does a natural x natural balance there between making a second a little bit bigger than the first one, and I'm saying that we don't have a true bad guy that wasn't a real antagonist. First film, it was really about the origin story. The dinosaur this language rather don't make these Livermore icelandic Airiness one, because the first and we want to live together, and I look up. And being S cry tariff quota? Ragged was off when you will try to come up with no baby gravity a rat. You know you are naturally more emotional when you play in it furthermore, you you're more likely to cry wash. You learn a pediatric saying now, read your internet speed
Let this is America, you tweet Energy Community programme. For the moment you enjoy deputy man. It is incredible having as they right on time honestly home in awful, I donno, and I will we actually kicking it last night hanging out last night in have for the. If there were with no singing praises of anatomy, we had a good time but Donald, is a distraction, danger childcare. Such at Nottingham distraction towards really gone on sand and in the world right now does much where distracted by everything else is going on now really pay attention to the world around US farm. I I encourage people to watch them video, but don't look at a job now to the agency to pay a horse in the background, the car following decades on their cell phone cordon everything you know saying you see you see, you know now announcing Schuman, Sanjay memorials permanent head or whatever, but then so seeing him premium on genuine is other now is now is not
Another idea is its artist or Miss book. There were a lot of people died. Ass, neither was ok cool. I saw their resemble. Isn't? Ok, ok but anyway, but you see the way to conquer using we put the gun, you know say nightly away, but the bodies dragged away somewhere that gonna feel exactly so there's a lot of little things in it for like his soup important needs. A genius heroes is made to the directive does not remain in charge of music video so Yemen is governing, I loved it. I just wish that I now one scene when he shot the choir was it was a white programme actually Shootin acquire? Instead, I sat down on a teddy package growled a move. I feel, and people like the antics of black people, black not so it might have been a little bit more like clear, yeah. China's economic view, Whiting, you watching it always is black and I'm gonna kill him live. He asked in a reinforces the next steps. Have you already have a was anyway? What are they
I thought it was a genius iconic, video eleven goes down. Legendary you're gonna get a bodyguard. How can you do that? Very busy, but we really appreciate you for staff and American always tell people from Hollywood, especially the black argues. They forget. At their black bases in autumn sands was good to see ya still come about. Four o clock. Runnin off did why people are now more than ever lose touch. Man almost as well rising outrage, absolutely is Michael, be joy. Is the breakfast Cloacam on Syria? Is the country whose name is often associated with hope these days. But when I try held there in July of two thousand nineteen to a place in the Northeast Cholera Java. I didn't just fine. I fear and violence. I found hope a group of feminist revolutionaries fighting to establish a more equitable society. You can hear what I learned their on my new podcast series, the women war,
to the women's war on the Iheart Radio, app Apple podcast, wherever you get your podcast. Is a ghost haunting de Berulle in the food fighters? Why does IRAN claimed covered? Nineteen? Is a? U S, bio weapon. I'm then vote. And in our new show strange news daily. We are shedding light on the most bizarre, disturbing and unusual news of the day every from the latest exploits of Florida man to the mind, boggling developments in space exploration, topsecret government experiments, duly revealed stories of the paranormal and more listened to. News daily on the Iheart Radio, app apple pie, gas or wherever you find your favorite, shows
Transcript generated on 2020-04-08.