« The Breakfast Club

Humble the Poet and More


Today on the show we had Canadian author and rapper Humble the Poet stop by where he spoke about his book "Unlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life", his career start and more. Also, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to Ben Carson for dropping the ball on first impressions after not knowing the housing term REO with Oreo during the congressional hearing and Angela helped some listeners out during "Ask Yee". 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Social distancing slows the spread of corona virus, so stay a minimum of six feet away from others and stay home. If you can more info, I corona virus stock of. Let's all do our part because we're all Tad alone together, brought to you by add council My name is Sir Pearl wealth. For the past four years, I've been trying to figure out how my twenty two year old Son Courtney, wound up with the bullet back outside of Chicago police station. There's what you hear on the news that Courtney got shot then drove himself to the station were office's: did everything they could to help him and then there's the true listen to somebody on the heart. Radio apple pie or wherever you get your party, casts,
Illegal Charlemagne, the garb of a rapid, forbids the voice of the culture wash like one of my baby shows just because I always keep your young, but there are quite aware on paper there. You know their listening through the back door good Morning, USA, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah. Maybe we have no head false identities. Familiar what's happened with low, they were born and actually get minor. Detail
We use our guy had a right of you, don't know you and eighty right, you're gonna have to use all of beaten. Everything was off, damn rhythm is lacking, like he'd been, there must grow great maximum worm trotted HIV hated. All point could get it on point ass, soon, ass I live which too low to slow loads. Who saw my God morning what one day. Yes, it is Wednesday hope, day now annually behind the scenes with tell me a story, the abbots about hey. I was this I'm in allay. I got my Gracie aware at last nay, self. Congratulation winners from the graces amazing, amazing errors are women. That were winning avoids and so The way this morning I was on my way here, a closet, the lift and I'm stairs, and then we'll tell in some guy is in the lobby, and I guess he must have thought I was
in another room and stolen George wronging. So, like you thought you were not of one his friend and stole from his room. I don't know who is venomous by saying where you're coming from room nine, twenty seven there is not even an nine floors and the hotel any procedure to follow me outside and tells me that, stealing, instead is wrong and he's not China. Let us leave, and so then the left pulls up the lift drivers we get in the car and would like to go Her love, any they lived ever walked, philosophies engaging with his guide in the cab books or do not work for something. I don't know what These told the whole exercise some irregularities. Does somebody stole some items from a room that didn't exist at this particular motel Nolan? are you sure you're not trying to get in front of them?
The jury earlier had an absolutely no idea what he was talking about at first when it came down many sick ere. You here with Verena somebody room now, twenty seven I was, I can now I'm mad at various looking for someone. Maybe if you don't know screaming, but this is as well, but why like? He was on something you probably war, that for some time in the world, three, seven one little some just what I want is out of through them, the cops came and they had to you wouldn't leave and he was gone crazy. I made it make it made an author of jobs is let's get to showcase, now for places where we talk about where we are. When you talk about left and I'm glad we're doing a story this morning, because you're putting all kinds of systems in place now, just in case something like this happens to you- grow right, into all that when we come back, he believed the breakfast locomotive. More,
Everybody is the G envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne God we oughta breakfast club was killed some front page news last night and supports the rapid, beat the box once once. He one or two retired a series. To get a third is definitely going seven games. Now I guess the worries relax and just words, scenarios woman, you that's all. You ve got more complicated to him, whatever the mob, because they have more time for other players, the rest up an ngo and therefore champion These are the values after the now several new initiatives and they analyses initiatives yesterday it supposed to enhance the safety of their passengers, so they doing in an app. Panic button. If you need to call nine one, when other things they have done save enlarged the driver's license plate number in the abso people, don't get into the wrong vehicle that happens to people. Sometimes when and they also offering sexual harassment bent prevention training to all of the agenda.
There's an writers because of the numerous incidence of harassment or thought that have occurred in these vehicles over the last few years, and they are also going to require passengers to pay. Provide feedback every time they re a driver less than four stars. If you do a lesson forced our rating, you have to give some feedback. People are going really have time to do that, though, meaning like, if you give lessons the arena, you really will have time to write a review I gotta get like yeah, at a time that is just you like giving it scale of you. No one's died, a five stars. What what what the issues where so they sometimes a person toxic, As you know, we now will lead to require that the driver doesn't talk to you. When I would complain about smells, I can't stand smells in a car, but I got in my view, be you be looked around. Look at yourself like that step. Some some cause a filthy. Some cars are discussed but like this morning, I was, I think, only listened.
No, I haven't you decided like few jobs. Air landed is whether, in the middle of what you were saying, just when a great honour to enhance our was smell the dislike auditing and then turned into a robot. Secondly, I write it sesame through there's a new character named curly and curly is a map it who is in foster care check it out. Conny says I don't really want to tell you about she's having a hard time, oh, but we're here for her we're her. For now parents Paris me, sometimes even mommy and daddy. I need some help taking care of their children. Carla's mommy's been having a hard time, so we are her foster parents or her for now parents What does he want present ever? Do my whole life check on asking to crouch
and I wonder why he would they can never undivided console. Ask alike that effect. They call him a crowd. You'd be glad you do. You live in a transkei way with the empathy for I've, gotta grouch. Now new person on unseen and they get knowledge empathy. Could they had an open? they clearly Emerson Epilepsy uses like he has she's as well, you always about you cry. And with the aim that that is the other visibility begging. The authors mystery for characters that we clearly saw were in pain. I write and a thousand PETE speaking of being in pain and the end of our place. Association has announced a new mental health initiative. So the new initiatives requires at every team, has to employ a mental health. Professional loves and work in the building and also could potentially to a change in the leaves attitude to our marijuana as far as pain management treatment. So they going to explore all the strategies that help a players here with acute and crime.
Pain as well. I love it. This should be in every corporation. We need this in schools. You know you need social, emotional learning in schools. You need grief counselors in me, schools. You need people that can would you trauma and all these different organisations may people come to work. Every day dealing with something people go to school every day. Dealer was, So, yes, he has invited to talk to you, for that is beautiful. Diana fellow I rights Malaysia Front Page NEWS, get it off your chest, five five, a five one, o five one. If you're upset you need to vent, hit us up right now. Maybe a bad night may be had a horrible lifted over uber, whatever it may be. All us now, eight hundred foggy five one. Eighty five wants to bring, Welcome all the breakfast club is your job to get it off your just whether your man, but I've been. We want to hear from you on the breadth of allow this aid, it Brian people in a dream.
As the world really largely was happening, my money on every month day, my working in one breath positively, ok, I will, but does it was spreading its? What all they were body is a thirty two away. They get it down or what you do to handled made today, a good day override they can pass it ain't, you, sir. We appreciate I needed them that very obvious word now re hello positivity Day every there was a trap I miss you bet I would as is. Are you I live area living there and everywhere the morning automatic vitally. Why did he do you let like
see you yesterday that I waited two hours in my life watching a better level of horrible unemployment We had ever been a model Yoda had to figure out how to Europe in the movie I didn't have, as they have invested a movie Nonetheless, EPA, any Obadiah out here by the regular mooted the ended so badly. Did you hear about the risk of a movie? I might finally like really that met them are weakened I don't know my ugly out no movie Annapolis Althea today and I dont argument Darwin there wasn't, I believe, is go, but the anyways so bad, a ruined. If, where you get your end of our lives, as is widely joint. Did you know that definitely the job. Moving alone. Has this lady good morning good morning, Angela, come we infer, highly areas. Charlemagne
future, I came across a text message our getting ready one morning and added that of the bigger my significant other phone. Without a word and it was on violence and it had message from crystal Let the volume and a mile gain the goal. Is the girl, the EU, both in himself with bad? I'm asking him my. Why are you having all these other communities Who do you open? It? Is you and I were in Managua relationship you wanna meet a good mind off. I did. I have had no contact with any one. No one I have contacted me up. I cut it off like their bed is over here, not contact me and how the by now that he's still a communication with people from a bad way. Where you goin, on what we're gonna do a little insurance policy in case you act of he go some way to go it s all night and serious. Do you know what the Tec say
haven't, they would have saved the and no one is there. Yes, I didn't want to say was if what was important and he will try and see what, I'm very are like math and underlying. Let me in the girl? I really am aging and a conversation with air before that, before their yeah, whatever by friendly, the one, in my view, in the method, message, clock. In the morning my elder moody call our yeah in my view, black now hours, here you see the cheetah no authority where we do not black is all you should know about it in that area. He wasn't floor and it might be nothing now. You might even have it isn't gonna dotted with black black men? Don't you would not, even though you the other day, the whole team? nowhere Wednesday, when you confronted him, he said that he was a friend: they fight urban growth store. Doing bad while they, and while we know why she decided than the men
is cheating using words like that she's just a friend off. Well banks needed disgusts me, so you might be speaking the truth, but thank you for calling on our. I get it off your chest. Eight hundred five, a five on offer. One of you need event. It is a right now is to breakfast club the breakfast, go away, go mad or black we want to hear from you fellows is better get it off. Your just learnt that determines the guide. About like the people in a barrel how they're gonna get people to talk to them about that bet, they're gone through like expressly like mistaken. It they're your word replied. I agree like I feel like you now Martha my birthday. You're out near do were murdered and Gary go on already gone through a moment after like work
neither be your work, your pain or your be tailor. July work is lucky because I, like you, elderly people. In last thing I want a year when I'm goin in the work with a bunch of people complain like we come for this job do that by being every day we beg clarity of grassland, and the last thing that you want to hear people complain about. A believe a matter now, they're, like everybody leave without delay, even either what I'm bored girl, but after like work at my piece out, will you listen? How about you sounded you to go to present a job in a lot of time to go to prison, doesn't have any body to go to it that way, air everybody they look at me like you, strong, like how you hold it together. Like you now I'm sorry about bed like bit by bit dry, big bang. They would try my best but went on Burma. Have you not break there? I think about. I prefer my nephew alive, Just happened in large I've gotta tell my call. Workers like leave there were like
you got a blatant they'll come to me because you know, like me, light by bay. We shall be happy if I wake up one day have been a good day ran down me like you, deadly need their view. Sometime aggrieved constantly been absolutely I agree I will, but I thank you and I live before you I've every day. Did you know my sharing all of with us this morning, Ok, then I'll be ok. People go get you some appealing, The irony is shea shaking of Cheshire. I wanna get out methods than a baby girl, I'm at a new baby. I thought it had been our goal Attention wasn't, but she turned it around, and I want to tell her how proud of her I am, and she will always be my first baby and I love her He has no radio on her way to school, baby girl back online baby girl. I'm so glad I got to go to that. I got a ten year old at three on the seven hundred and four to my thirty thousand two hundred and seventy four love each other. There you are lowest level.
More five grand baby earth everything guy she's. Why, when I had a baby, thirty came up, I mean a phone call every day by day, a round, and I want to tell I said, TAT, I loved it baby, nay, you go right. Thank you moment, hello. This gb from Brooklyn was gone. I envy the union, a God! Please can I leave em burgling get off just one fellow men built that is more than I did want to keep on, gives us a merchant there. My brain I created for rich father, rich motherhood is well for a moment. I thought is basically stone appreciation for the job. In fact the agreements will refund of it within my brother said some product. No doubt it. I guess a merchant item I might depend on you, get it off my chest. Eight hundred Father what oh five one you with our was unaware. May what is going on the city girl
versus Hazel II will tell you about this social media. Beef has been going on in Hazel, even if it is check all right, we'll get their necks, keep locked periods. The morning a social distancing Tipp, while the CDC urges you to avoid close contact like hugging her shaking hands. There are other nonphysical ways to say hello, wave wink, you sign language. Salute smile, give the peace. I throw open air high five do jazz hands. Remember stay a minimum of six feet or two arms length away from others and stay home if you can for more info visit, Corona virus doc off. Let's all do our part, because we're all hashtag alone together, brought to you by the Council the breakfast body is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club listened to these rumours. Let's talk ice
with his clothes were, I see, said to social media with some advice for Amazon. Now he put message to Amazon. Now that you have regularly, but making your home deliveries. Maybe they should wear vest with Amazon delivery on it? I almost shadow Emma creeping up to my crib last night, just saying now. Many row was he not wearing a delivery? Man, uniformity said: no, they don't wear. Any uniforms is regular people work and I met at them. Just say that is a We know that Georgia is last week. We know I let the dog cattle somebody. Last week e came in the yard. He added. Thing only at a U wall truck and I guess I was like scan on at the door. The guy ran and use that he was at Amazon but yeah. They write but of the whole wanna have in Amazon branding onto truck and have the Amazon uniform rates so
now there was a response from Amazon. They said just saying things for the suggestion we m effing love you and I drive us bottles of it. I'm still live on trust that until I see a bunch of different people in Amazon uniforms, and I see a bunch of different Amazon truck. I need to know what they look like. That can be a quick little look for the moment Britain Amazon logo on vehicle, the Amazon stuff when a shower gap, the dual movie. That could be a quick alone lick right now. Amazon would also responded lots of innovations. Being on this and many that already exist to help you track your package and delivery. A map, so that was their respective or look I'll, be mighty by dog in the meantime, comparable my good shot, but it will eventually even itself up as a scare is l scary. I re now. Let's talk about Hazel versus young Miami from the city, girls. How did all of this even start? Well, it all started because, according to hazel eyes, she feels like. The city? Girls stole her song. She had a Sancho. Acting up in city goes as a sound clocked. Up now we apply
both of those previously in Minnesota like to me, so I don't know that the city girls even heard this hazily song, so after that whole incident Hap in Croatia, young Miami, the social media to let her know this you know anything about her song and she also add to Hazel II. We never had, by the ugly ass bitch that says, you're going head and now hazily, responded and put out a disarm cod added up. Pick up and you play follows the swallow. But leaders tapping knives follows the teacher he got up now. You need a page. Just a little girl was taken in the camps. No flash is no applause,
risk or fraud like you that much, I think its answer, the I'm trying to be more positive. I might add, is always find something positive in everything. Someone a saloon produces engineers, these videos who make money of people going to require a terrible music. There should be foisted on ass. I am actually supported that song and put go off dates in the comments and Does Vinci Horrible jumped in is a hell man. This is weak as hell, I'm bro so now All these other people are involved in the middle of this beef, so that leads me to join So in having something to say she support taser IE and responded with this shot. After my beard should Hazel. And I know it was a crime to the point was all The challenge now beheaded ass, joining as you know, to find me young man,
this ban and am in Miami where you want to meet. Media. Yes, tomorrow, you'll see always the Vatican's. This has only now jazz them. Actually more to say about coming to Miami whether they bitch I've been on tv says you have focusing your nose. The mother who is bent the drowsily, get your hair busted, the asshole. The throne reality tv as immodest got youngsters and I made responded on about play when no man's on your home, when attention now ya got it well, my son, I will either one are you hosted, death, Jessica's bitches, though drinks hippo here cross tables on tv? Don't do it? Simeon me: I'm from Miami Allison and commercial joscelyn you on you get you uncle bad. You get high and eat vagina for fun who respects you home.
People either european or left off. You assign that nothing. Nobody! No! You are you amusing. What sexy line and you delusional ass bitchy was crying for birds happy with their career. You clown ass, be going W W G read not ass. I was valid as yesterday. No young Miami also had this to say more more highs. Ever be summing up anything you that you will manage to minimise their legal drags regulators website, Ethiopia to remind me how play if you want to Many went off with a comment of a far what I feel about animal kingdom right now. As our low density city girl right, but I need young Miami to go back in the studio. Every recorder personal act up, because the council, albeit not only present, led know it's all been did as all of you. I thought I was chip it out of my sight. Now I got run maybe singing obeying the curve deadline. Could they be all pills? Listen. I'm too
unlike amount to over my really here I ve never made it look like a virus right majority, although it may be, but this she comes on his leg. What happened? I love side, as you know, is young Miami boyfriend in excess producer extraordinaire also jumped in and hears what he said. I shall not go over your job I shall gladly comes out and people be ours. Side. No, my brother, we don't condone, I wouldn't go dome input names, all women ethnology, my brother, let you sister female cousins, older woman down on that level. About your Miami Abiola, afraid right now what you beat whip should take. It can happen, I re. Well I mean only ye and there is your room. A room here condone nozzle, no right what we from pays knows you are we talking about my lesson
a commonly Harris and a new bill that she wants to reintroduce we'll get internet. Next, keep unlocked the breakfast club morning. Everybody you D, J, envy, Angela YE shall amend a guy. We oughta breakfast club asking some front page news last night this debate the box once when he what old suit a tattoo series, too, to the autonomous, no one s areas, but I never believed us. There is no seven games. And to give the broadest they wore a lot more time to rest up inhale exactly what else we got you call senator commonly Harris reintroducing a bill from twenty eighteen that she had, and that is to tackle racial disparities. And maternal health. Now she release this statement. Black mothers across the country are facing a health crisis that has driven in part by implicit bias in our health care system. We must take action to address this issue and we must do it with a sense of urgency.
It deserves. So what she wants to do is invest one hundred and fifty million dollars in programmes that identify high risk pregnancies and establish implicit, buys training throughout the medical profession and medical schools. So that way they can help its heck stereotypes and improve care black women, by reducing values in judgment or behaviour. They said that they re fill of debts for a white women in pregnancy related is very teen per one hundred thousand live births by for black when women. That number jumps to forty two point: eight M into buys in in a bid to the lapse in judgment, comes from the fact that it is being black. Women is so strong ass. I thought at first hand My third child was born last year. Cuz, it's like you know we in a nice hospital. I got insurance. I got lotion you know I mean and enables like all. We will have any epidaurus like you epidermis against Greece,
no epidural than the builders. That of evidence do unnatural in over. You noticed this ridiculous. I re now listen about a news. That's the mystery character knew my big name. Coralie and curly is in foster care. She has a foster family colleagues. I don't really want to tell you about she's having a hard time normal, but we're here for her we're her for now parents, but that's funny Paris me sometimes even mommy and daddy. You need some help taking care of their children. Carly mommy's been having a hard time I'm so we are her foster parents or her. For now, parents know no disease, but the Collie Iceberg Foster care case, but I have a problem with the fact that nobody ever gave ass good a grouch, a hug. You know me Where was his parents? Nobody cared that he lived out of a guy named trash. Can you not? He does
they would have gradually be glad to have you had to live in a goddamn dumpster. Ok, there was. This is hanging out there. Did you knock it off they, even though he was hanging out they have even worse. Nobody said why you hang out in his tracks cannot go and therapy in a home which parents are where are your parents elicited Chaskey was clean? Colleagues, not I love have, can never look lean used to prop up the drafting of bananas. Field all over his head What's going on an interest in, you clearly was eating a banana staff, knock it off I and lived is adding a panic button. So if you have an issue inside of your left, you can do nine when one from the app they offer are doing an enlarged version of the driver's license plate number in the EP so that you don't end up going into the wrong car. Was people have been doing and they giving sexual harassment prevent? in training to all of Oliver drivers and writers because of all the harassment or assaults have occurred and ride hell vehicles over the last few years. So all of those things
Do any also went live passengers to provide feedback so every time you give a driver lesson forest stars which I have to do today that of information by them be anonymously communicated to the job. As I can see why you got that low rating, so all right! Well, front page news. Now we come back home on the poet. Will be joining us? Man element explain to the people. That is a low homeward report on what a poet is a rap from Toronto, but he wrote his great book called unlearn. A hundred and one simple choose for a better life is a real, quick greed already I read it about a month ago. I think I think it's an amazing book and is what ailed book that you can. You know go to every day. You ve got these like little wanted to page affirmations in and thought idea tat. He had what is a very, very sharply visual, so much goddamn bodies, but would also listen to humbled a point when he pulls up in a few moments array. Humble support will be kicking it. What s next
Also, you can get on the phone lines right now. Ask ye if you need relationship advice to any type of advice, he's here to help you today, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one don't move. Is the breakfast club good morning he's a ghost hunting de Berulle in the FU fighters. Why does IRAN claimed covered? Nineteen? Is a? U S by a weapon, I'm begging bowl and in our new show strange news daily. We are shedding light on the most bizarre, disturbing and unusual news of the day, every from the latest exploits of Florida man to the mind, boggling developments in space exploration from Topsy experiments to the remarkable stories of people places in events just off the edge of the main street Map newly revealed stories of the paranormal and more listened. Rynch NEWS daily on the Iheart Radio, app apple podcast or wherever you find your favorite shows?
The breakfast club Everybody is dj, envy and Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast club, we got a special guests in the building of a boy Thank you, so much ram local site, I've read too great books did I've read more to book, but my two favorite books, a digital minimalism in his book right here, Unlearn mama man humbled a poet. You know why I thought a title. Look, I think that is what I'm doing at this point, my life, more so than anything on learning. So what's more important, learning on learning humble is definitely online, and I think that this point You know it is not really a generation gap is just people who are open to new ideas, and people were not open to new ideas. Oh you're, not with new ideas. In August You can do that if you let go of old ideas, but some stuff that mattered when we were teenagers, doesn't matter no more going to let that go and we have to continually relearn. You think the only way to relearn and to keep ourselves over.
Alone may now things go. Not only does not matter does not serve us anymore. You exact, We I mean again for a lot of us grew up in challenging neighbours a lot over the group and challenging situations. You you get certain strategies, you put up certain guards and it made sense back then in and you come into a holder. World and it doesn't matter anymore now, just holding back yes and I There's one out any life is the obstacles. Strudel listless was bring it back. Listless foreigner who humbled polities, where you from what you do I wanna go, we use is more than just a book is wrap it around you are a real busy from the beautiful city Toronto born and raised and I was an elementary school teacher. I was working as a school teacher and I discovered spoken word poetry. I saw someone before him and fell in love with it lay the great enemy girls. I can do this better on perform doing it for fun. From that transition into music in just put a bit on the back, I wrap in on their fellow lyricism was doing that. But does the whenever foreign never thought I'd never saw nor, looking like me doing it, I never thought I could do
the bigger level. So you did all is why you still been at that the teacher of doing this puts up on you putting lyrics videos on Youtube gnomish over my face at this point at the confidence to do that say. Yes, it has had no idea that their teacher and the first couple you know, and then eventually they figured it out. As I got more more popular in the city and as open, music videos, gonna, learn the game and then about probably a couple years into it and like stone is new and they relate. Mr things, you were in on the internet and others are your tv and everything so every school with it at all grow up in the neighborhood. That was all hip hop as well and from there I fell in love with the last on the teachers in Canada at least we get paid in the summer. So I suspend summers just being a wild eyed is no all it out by now, no one I had money coming in from teaching job and a foul overdue
spell love with the life. You know I'm hanging out with people who are nickel and diamond trying to make it all happened just to wrap, and I had a little bit of a cushion with me, but the end of twenty ten MSM Jews. Ever let you know we can get you a deal and just pay you more than you guys, a teacher, and you know without thinking about it. I was just in love with the idea I left every and I got into and music, and it took me about a year to realise that this deal wasn't happening. You never got a deal. There was no matter where do people in your news of those word. I went and you guys you know, one do saw the beetle. They won wrapper ones who elect signs of some label out in Japan, and then he just took the people were changed. It up. A believed in my town features like look like keeping us in this parliament the money. Eventually he a good incentive. He had. He had funny intentions, but I don't think he was trying to hurt me, but I think when he got exposed here- and you know he didn't have it at all. Conversation with me is like your mess. This up Belgium system. Now, are you usually spaceman with those who have young people not only
Nobody, I didn't know his paper was a real. He was just trying to finance a huge shrine above him envy and give the Charlemagne and try to get it from you and give him at a huge amount of finance upon they gave him. Yeah. A hundred percent have no ill will wasn't that you see em your bottom up. Money more amendment goes far now Delco he's. Why help me pull the trigger and and and leave the conference? they lie in a journey that that's the thing in all other as Josie, the laws in the laws of the lesson and that's exactly Wagner, learn from this. It took me: buddy you to figure it out and by then outlay level of credit cards living off line of credible when using any grand and death I know way to make no money and I'll just feeling, sorry for myself and I'm taking muscle, relaxants and whole bunch of other stuff and is lying in bed, avoiding everybody and then, after about two weeks it was if that's a J, Cole dollar and a dream part three. Where you goes, you know that you turn bitter and cold again
dollar turn into a dream and its failure to weeks arrest as well, but I got up and dislike snap and others like I had to do something and step. One was take responsibility, start feeling. Sorry for yourself, stop blaming other people you're, not a victim. You always. The only way you have power is when you find the responsibility in the story where you could have done I'm different and where I had control. So I control in terms of who I trust that I control in terms of was that listening to somebody's words, which sounded nice, will that pay attention to the actions of actions cream words whispered? And it took me about four years to get my ass out of debt and it came from selling everything I had moving back with my mom and dad doing the struggling. Life that I was avoiding for so long book in my own shows fifty people in a room. At the same time, I just kept
when my studio, guys topping up the phone calls, you haven't zone domestic issues, as I don't know what to do, and in my friend Louis Lily thing you have not heard of Jews in Vigo, NBC show we are just become friends at this point, they figure out what you can do by yourself, and only start writing. So I just kept writing and I was really getting upset at all the tumblr quotes and all these motivational quotes. I was reading cuz there's nothing in there was practical. It was just like you know. Everything will work out. Just believe just have faith, don't think I'm not going to pay my Mor when was your motivational quotes? I needed to focus on something way more pragmatic, and would you like focus on what you can do by yourself? I just started writing and posting up on my facebook back then and people were like YO. You telling me my story. Do you know it sounds like you live in my head and people I used to write a book.
I don't know how to do that either and then I learned about crowd funding than actually crowd funded. This book Hemingway's was three hundred people. I raise twenty six thousand dollars. Maybe my biggest contributor was a Harvard professor. I never met before and Amy fifteen hundred dollars and unjust, proud of watching an artist taketh business in his hands and he showed me a corners off that would have a visit him hybrid. Yet a quarter Andy Warhol, saying businesses most interesting type of art. Are. Those, though, do, though, is getting a lot of support being given to this point rouses let you have a lot of people have to prove right. I we get more, would humble appall when we come back, don't move is the breakfast locomotive. Everybody is T J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast club was still kicking, it would humble a poet now. What did your mom say about? You go from a teacher to now wrapper but it's all that I was working and there was supportive, but when I have to come back I know you know what my head down tail between my legs a little bit broken. There was a lot of. I told you so
cuz. It wasn't like it wasn't my fault right. You know I have to own that you have to own the consequences of what you do so I owned it and I just have to kind of start from zero and build myself back up and just learning different people stories. If you know a big one for me was fifty, It is the job you call fifty in his book alike, near a word from fifty cent. I wonder why fifty meant so much to the point is probably just because I pick up the fifty of line and spend our time reading them in a lot about the amazing book in a lot they had to do was just fear, fear and also the idea that listen opportunity in being inopportune. Opportunistic person does not mean a negative thing. It means you're finding opportunity at every situations, this manga shot nine times and he figured out a way to turn into a market. Employment figured out a way to sell off that he'd know he turned himself into a figure guy author and
really understand that there is no good and bad. I think you're real simple back there. This is good news. This is bad news is a good person is in a bad person, and he really that book really help me see the gray and really sad to realise that in every situation I stopped judging you spend more time understanding it a lot more than a come from that and was understood. Situations are far more opportunities and now is, like every other said about Josie, alas, in losses lesson, and these are picking up all the different jewels and gems. When people speak, I've learned so much from breakfast Clement, anything from Like Jaycees last to view from a rust, giving you the blueprint for MRS Interview, Linen Abbas, get scarcity mindset and scarcely principles it just you can learn from everybody. Everybody is richer when you have an open mind, even ragged, even cracking, let alone from the outset how about some of your lessons. Man, you say: expectations are a bigger enemy to our happiness and art are circumstances found on that a little bit
we were happy is win the pitcher and I had the match the pitcher in front of us, but the problem is we focus on what's happening in front of us, which we don't have a lot of control over, so for me it became listen if you're not happy and you feel helpless in your attic and things. How to control. Ok, what's in your power and the number one thing in our power, as always in our power, is we can control expectations expectations? We can control attitude attitude, win controller effort. People can take that away from us patented failing students here for
students heads you have now. As I said at all there now you do anything you may remember they ve been looking for show. Some of them are like running student unions at the universities stuff. It feels amazing- and it also has changed this from a privileged or responsibility in the beginning of may suggest- be lay all men of so blessing to meet all these people. Now let you met so many people in so many people have gone out of the way to help you there's a reason. You're doing this, you have a responsibility. You know, though, what took me ten years to figure out my responsibility, the major somewhat you figured out five, an input in there that the next generation that figure it out into a because our catching talent Super young, supporting them in a building on Japan or ship. Taken all these lessons that I've learned from hip hop my entire life and taken it that nice level, because for me it was thing Audrey thousand Elevators video, where the Turban thousand first,
You know that put you know that straightened out my spine and gave me some confidence and be like look. I can fit into this culture, and you know Nick Cannon doesn't give you that same confidence. When you see him and his servant, I mean I have to have a conversation with him about it. So I'm not sure I haven't talked to him about that. I seen him once with it. I don't know what, like his motivations behind You bet somebody's lessons in the book. He sent a fear of one comfortable ideas and uncomfortable situations and uncomfortable places. Raw As of the amazing potential that we all have we, how to understand our relationship with fear. There's nothing wrong with being afraid, we're all afraid of something, and sometimes not even about being afraid of danger. The problem is in Ten thousand years ago we had the worry Bogan eaten by some next animal now were worried about going ass. I would almost as a mustard stain on our short or going out.
Somebody recognise no, we recycle the outfit or being bears a mouse, and upon with that is those fears kind of stay a lot longer, but we do Then a weak groups when we lean interferes and any time were scared. The first thing we want to do is run to something that we know when some very familiar, and so we call our comfort zone. I would encourage. You will like find someone who doesn't believe what you believe and hang out with back with them as we want to go to Facebook me Yes, oh we were. I happy is win the pitcher and head of the match, the pitcher in front of us, but the problem is we focus on what is happening in front of us, which we don't have a lot of control over so from? dollars regularly. You want to be in a situation where, every single day you learn some brand new and just like that, would make life exciting learning new things in. Oh, if you're not growing, do not living you. How do you handle such a media? Personally, I mean I'm really fortunate. If you go
Look at my comments and was souvenirs to me, and our allies in you know, is really challenging me, and I mean I grew up. What was your brother's carboys, eight hundred, which only let love to know it? So I was thinking I don't get offended ever and ever get offended. I think people can offend you without your permission or, and nobody else from mission to offend me, an oath with that. Even if someone says I mean to me on a line of a witty at home like I'll, feel bad. The didn't put. No everything right. We can be pushed by fear of pull my love and exact same direction, and we just gotta be a lot more self aware and pay attention today. I think every single person, one of the secrets, is not even a secret, but one of the simple, my shift we can all make to feel better about life is think about yourself in terms of how you can bring value to other people, and when you can bring value to other people that'll help? You pay your bills that will help you move farther in life. Cuz! That's what you do for other people, which matters and that's what's going to be left here when you're long gone
guess. Your true purpose in life is service. Does one hundred and six heritage there since I grew up and it's called saver and that's what it was, and it was everything from cleaning people, shoes, the serving people food you in sharing your knowledge, sharing gems. In all understanding. What can I do for you? You say you say, is healthy a bunch of emotions occupying your heart. As long as you clean up afterwards, I would you best advice, somebody to clean of them. So the analogy, but I read those best. Let you in on all your emotions are important and your kind of the hotel room for every day and new important check them, and sometimes emotions, leave the room, spick and span spotless, and your grateful to have them another ruses trash like a rock star and yawned a hotel is your job, is to clean up and get ready for the next guess, though you know, every every emotion exists for a reason like pain is important. Paint tells us things in a regret is in It tells us some. It tells us a hey revisit that memory until you learn something from it and learn learned from it. We gonna keep poking at you until you do I'm so often we
had this idea and I think we got a from tv in o or movies or religion that you can live happily ever after. You know you hit the certain level. Now you can live out your life happy, but there's no such thing as ever laughing happiness. This is always to be challenges. It always going to be bullshit. This always no matter who you are and how much matter how much money you got is always going to be there. Some of us are going to be fortunate enough to choose those problems. Some of us are going to be fortunate to be in a situation where problems or exciting those challenges? Are there but they're not going anywhere. So let go of that promise that you can be happy. You can live happily ever after stop looking at somebody's instagram and thinking that they got it all and they're always happy we're all dealing with different things and the moment you're able to lean into that and you like, look I'm looking forward to the to today's challenges. You know I'm going to embrace these things. I'm not going to judge today as a good day or a bad day. I think you completely free and now you can
Learn grow, stay stimulated and have as much one as you want this planet. While unlearn you could pick it up right now. I've got to go get. I learn. How lovely stole movement Amber the poet we appreciate you for join us. Handing over the gifts morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast club good morning, was asking about arm. Humble a poet to allow people been hit. Me was able to show me the book. Odd, unlearn, a hundred and one simple truths to live a better one hundred one simple truth for a better life, an arm Is a really great remagen go follow him report is actually the gray follow on is to grant to his instagram is at humble thou, poet and expelled T. Eighty nine talk of negro boy. But neither very very, very sharp do man in his book has caught unlearn. Could I feel like at this point life I'm on learning more than I am actually learning if that makes any sense for as well that's why gravitated toward the Bulgarian is this a lot of things that I grew up
leaving in thinking that just don't serve me anymore? So I'm doing a lot on learning. That's. Why not one when I thought I tied all my own elephant wrath in an already in a lovely downward, a poet right or ye? Yes, we have almost no way what we talked about. Yes, votes had about your favorite talk so hose who has renewed their contract alcohol or I will get rednecks keep a lot? Is the purpose locomotive esteem Envy Angela YE shall I mean the guy we oughta breakfast club. Let's get to these rumours, let's talk Ellen about The report annually eat breakfast club where there were rumours airlines, Degenerous was ready to step away from her daytime talk show, but it looks like those rumors were ass. She tweeted out a video talking about extending her contract for three more years. So I have been doing this show for sixteen years. That's about three thousand episode
It's been a lot of blood and sixteen years is a pretty good run. Sometimes in a relationship you need to take a break, but I dont you're stuck with me, as I just said: for three more years are like the misdirect, don't use about the Nazis return, but he's back well you're, not going anywhere. I right now: Jessica, Elbows, Utah, it's about her relationship with her own body. She was doing a goop health conference in L, a whether we again and she was there during a talk with when a pouch rail to Roger. Bolivia, wild and busy Philips, and she said that, because she was voluptuous a booty, her family will not let who is certain types of clothing. She said, then I stopped eating allow when I became an actress, I made myself look more like a boy, so I wouldn't get as much attention. She says yes fell preyed upon by Madame and she was first starting out in Hollywood. She said nothing about being successful in this business is easy. She said you can't be bitter, but she did admit that she has faced
sexism, both in Hollywood and in the board room, because she does have her on his company. She said certain people in Hollywood, underestimated me they absolutely one hundred percent thought I was nuts, but as a woman as an act, I've dealt with that before I deal with people undermining me, I've dealt with people, thinking that I would do anything to get ahead and be successful, so good her that she's man managed to us still overcome all of those juggles that she had in everything that she's felt about her body and still become successful, because I can really take atonement. You are right now get into little noise x. You still got out of them. Yes, as his name still and old town road, that song has been so successful for him that he did something really nice, but Billy re site. Who jumped on the remix check it out everybody we're about to pull up a billiard. Sars is criminal posts. Meeting him a give
I you got you. Are you talking about money and even our own was we wait? A bit announcement ready. Was my writing. I was actually in a video announced pretty dark tat. He did he make that kind of money. Already several weeks in the mornings perform unlike crazy asian immediately guttural Mars, it showed us as positive imposed musical these important like three times, but no, in front of you keep me some good record from being number one. I love that each year in Justin, Bieber record, I don't care about the angle fry it debuted at number, two main Erika germinated king. Well, maybe later on somewhere down the line that a new number one right, yeah tag and a e g in aviation attainment have announced a brand new indoor alive event. Concept is called family business and its security, the event that will take place August, thirty first in Dallas, Texas, they said, were not about being there.
I stayed festival with three stages and everyone in their mother on the lineup there's enough people in market and very respected people doing that already we don't want to get in that lean, there's so much maternity right now with happy. So many things I haven't been Jan, yet so they are- in about adding different ideas. They gonna announce seven additional artist on May twenty. Ninth, besides young Doug tickets, do go on, sale are made there. First, so I guess you don't know a whole lot about it yet, but they gonna also expand that event into multiple markets in twenty twenty okra I write when I'm Angela YE, and that is your rumour report. Thank you. Monsieur Charlemagne. Yes, when a donkey too. You know I need doktor, been cars and come to the front of the congregation we like to have a word with him and please bring you milk can, I think, we're gonna have cookies, thou right, we'll get internet next, keep alive
the breakfast club, Donkey gavel dog you today for Wednesday May. Twenty second goes to the secretary of Housing in urban development, doktor being As you know, I don't know why I thought doktor been cars and stepped out from this position, but he'd Dayton well right now he's leaving to transfer a term. Yes, he leaving out the chance for a term of he's only time now, yesterday, Doktor been Carthage testified before Queen Maxie Ward is Financial Services Committee for the first time since Maxine. Came and share in January. If it is true that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, well, Doktor been Carson Blue Eye, not quick backs. Are you a doctor been for those who? No no he's a former brow
sergeant, a republican presidential candidate who are celebrity and chief dodgy Trump nominated as his home secretary in twenty seventeen, despite him having zero relevant experience, not doctor I've been trying to defend a budget proposal that would cut sixteen point. Four percent from husband, It would also questioned about a plan had announced last year to impose run increases of as much as a hundred fifty percent on people who lived in some dies housing. Now, if you thought doktor been causing had no idea what he was doing, a secretary of hide or this exchange confirms it. Ok, because as basic housing terminology and no little basic having terminology like every under you know some basic having terminology right correct. No, Affordable housing is, for the most part, a mixed use. Housing. I mean What opportunities owns? I we know it. I am eyes, are right pm these american medium income present market value. They I we all know some basic. Terminology. Well, we might know more basic. Terms about housing in the Secretary of HUD. Been Carson because Representative Katy Porter-
as that been about a common acronym usage. Scribe foreclose properties. She asked him about are a owes. Are he owes that's an r and d? Oh ok, would you like to hear what doktor been cars and thought she was talking about, but listen I'd, also like you to it back to me. If you don't mind to explain the disparity in Oreo rates, do you know what in our railways or are worried are ye are approved? was the ocean for the organization owned real estate owned. That's what happens when a property goes to foreclosure, we call it an already. Oh ok, easier to export it, was our seminar. There was a mushroom in Ireland alone. He would learn now do it when you talk of workers properties in our your stance for real estate on ok, if you want a snack with some warm milk, if its Chris
Can you trying to leave with aunt is something to snack on and Oreo the chocolate sandwich cookie. Now, let me tell you something doctor been was doing something called psychological projection. With that statement, I'm no neurosurgeon agony. What college I graduated from high school in eighteen, ninety, eight and migration class was supposed to be one thousand nine hundred and ninety six. That tells you all. You need to know about me all right, but psychological projection is a defense Isn't it was the human ego defend itself against unconscious impulses equality? So I think that two been has an unconscious imposed to defend it. Self when he hears the word Oreo, because he had been called one. So much in his life. Ok, you Memorial in Orioles, above person who act white. You know black on the outside white on the inside. Not I don't like that term, because black people are not monolithic and there's no way to act. Black and there's no way that I quite right, productive been causing as well educated neurosurgeon, who doesn't speak fluent Nigger, better means acknowledging hey, I don't agree with calling people oriole, but I can see what you would call doktor been causing one, and I truly believe.
We ve been called when his whole life that it was a psychological projection. Ok feels like milks favorite cookie, so when he heard TAT he just got to, and some are you ready to prove that he did not consist of two chocolate wave was, and he was not full of sweet cream filling a rate of report really cod that been causing a Oreo. He was right me to reply. You don't know me, I am big, be from the d and you will put some respect. Me around yacht. Oh no big be from the de I'd, be big, be from the different, discreet big, be talk up as a team, I would go out to people with rocks all Dixon baseball Bat DES Moines Carson describes punching a classmate with a lock in his hand. At age. Fourteen another teenager angered me and I had a large camping night and I tried to stand firm in Amman. Fortunately, under his clothing,
large metal uncle had a knife play struck with such force, big be from the Diedre optical above big different, a deal or your goddamn or Yoda big beef Medea day. You call him a Oreo, now big beef when it decided to play along and he got on Twitter and posted a picture of him holding a pack of family size Orioles. Now I am a stern believe of living. Your truth. It's the Eminem eight mile theory. I wrote a body to my first book black privilege and I guess in the big d from the Diaz from Detroit, he decided to take a page the rapid book and say everything about himself that any hated could possibly say so. He held of dead Packer Orioles. While there were four b rabbits I don't work for Dr Ben Carson because, even though I don't agree with the term Oreo, I can see why they call him that you can't take a picture with a pack of oreos and take a picture in front of a high school
I write OJ can pretend to be Jason. Voice for Halloween is just something that should not be done in a Oreo. Holding a pack of Orioles is wanted him. Look if you dont know something, don't pretend to ok, I'm not an expert at anything. I just haven't currencies and when you don't know like that, have been causing, I have any experiences in a certain feel like doktor been causing and you end up mistaken our egos for cookies. I'm smart enough to know I'm dumb again. You have to be smart enough to know you not very smart. I, u can be like not been Carson and not be smart enough to know everything, but be dumb enough to try anything including being secretary of hurt when you have no idea what the hell you are doing. Please, let me remind you: ve not been causing the biggest hee hee. I you stupid mother, mothers. Are you darling? There was no other requirements. Are anything cleared out clearly that, you see what you can do some acronyms messed up. I am I talking to me
said: NBA right now, probably been young boy. You know before anything else in UK. P s. I think adjacent just blade. Allow me to reintroduce myself in arms at, but I would Would you back focused in two seconds or beg you for a donkey today? Not next ask ye eight hundred five, a five one, o five one. If you need relationship with vice of any type of advice, call ye now was the breakfast club. The morning the body is D J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne ago, we oughta breakfast club, you serve as key. Let's go to the full, hello. This, Chris, which, of course you re not a bit right now to build a major, always dreary were ordinary Hemingway, a lot of Charlemagne that yes, ok, gambled away. I've got a question if you just really got hospital to four days.
Not one every member in the area of the view that right now is that the whole now as one of our farmers to contact me up here, lots and lots of four days without with vegetative, muzzle issue right perimeter me, you d, better social spot. They dropped in our daily lives in an attempt to see you, they devilish com, and I would have said, are you coming to see me? I was happening. Ok, wow my alarm around you, don't get along with your family charge you, but they don't. You dare devil treatment, away our dreams they don't love you broom status as the true Daddy told me that if the people daddy that come visit, you in the about you gotta make my dad
well, metal is not you know I just because people have family just because you will. Does it mean new automatically our love each other? Just so you know all about what brand as Emily meet among them my only when a hospital for if they did not know it. I can't even remember the bow granted downtown anyway. I would point out one go see review and even though its role which you broke a day and night about was wrongly acting, the latter go to read Greg Days Station was warm, and I know that it was day rare motto, issue about my legs: visa
and after that you knew all the time, and I want to talk s scary, my left. You I've never felt like our wish that undergo that's all RO rubber and what it should allow some you'd ever am glad if anybody- but you know, is even more important that you have friends who are your family anyway, Babylon work was not well down. We might need to have your funeral to have me waiting cuz. If you have your funeral in Columbia, is going to be what all right, I re sounds like some less obligations, for you must have a wonderful day. No tuna, alright asking eight hundred five a five one o five one. If you need event you gave about any time, comes down to breakfast on component Jake envy. Julie, Ye Charlemagne, the guy we oughta breakfast club, we're in the middle of
As you know, this is infringing a French. You wish, of course, to view the painful yesterday and that if your man picking up and has bitten and each admitted that get out and legislate in the fine, how are you guys going like me, Do you like for five years that a relationship motion for you gonna trip? Now I was I will say this. If I was this is I will get out and that he has about him look bad. I would. I would do that. You know that sometimes I give my boyfriend picks me up and distances in the car I'll be like sit in the front if she won't she'll move and get in the back, but I think that's more on him too. Because I think I was a girlfriend shouldn't be the person the bill, Hey you gotta get back the boys if she does move again the back, then the boy for needs to be like hey. Let us in the front. That's what should happen. I agree. I wanted another man, you gotta with a big thing. After all, Facebook, so,
As you all know, it is real highbrows stuff on Facebook summit at education. I will stay here only go on a few blocks is none Maybe only- and I know she's gonna get out before me. I don't have a problem with that, but everybody belong right. I'm definitely not, it may not know for our trip around me. Adapt merely not thank however, I have a good. I will just go to another learn hello who is to pay? Brittany wish a question for you, my boy, you re air. We will have to kill you. A loud and he wanted to move to another phase. We gave them, and not only will they put other aid where you are the break up, nor am I gave every day, but now you want to break them well and then sent you guys are broken up because you can stay with somebody that doesn't want to be with you right away,
who are they appear that without leaving were being here cause? He said I was gonna takers weren't. Why I may lead clearly he doesn't want to be with you any somebody was their break up with you in there telling you that you can't force in his day earlier by a boy. Yesterday we gotta be arguing that you have my old. We reckon opposition now because you you'll know innocent I looked up at him. She replied with a great with Digital. If there is anything very doesn't want to work on things and It's how you were led, arguing, every day we could get together. Whatever we do, we will have a fire, and now you know your mouth, you do that Love girl sounds like he's back home anyone's. Do him back?
I beg you need to do what you need to do for yourself. Ok, he said he must have break up at them, each other broken up. So now you gotta worry about you and your kids ass. The priority. Now him a grey area, You guys everybody obey you rob nowadays. Thank you are right as key eight hundred foggy- I one hundred and five one that we got rooms in a way yes, Cardi B had to cancel and reschedule. It show find out what happened that force. It has to do. You know, she's, very honest about everything, all right, we'll get into that next. Keep it locked at the breakfast club good morning body is the J envy. Angela ye shall remain the guy. We oughta breakfast club, less gets aromas vessel, Michael Jackson, This is the Weber report annually on the breakfast club. Well, let's not talk Michael Jackson for rail, because airing corridor is gonna, be on a marriage boo camp,
he's gonna, be hearing his thoughts. I Michael Jackson and other controversy firm, leaving Neverland documentary. Now here's what he had to say and exclusive footage that people magazine got from that series. I learn that I had revealed and put all everything else, except for that participating in available Campbell literally gave me. They strengthen the ability to feel more comfortable in my own skin, like it was a really good guy. He never did anything that was inappropriate, suffer one time one thing that he didn't. I was a little bit inappropriate. Look it Michael Jackson have done that was inappropriate. He still hold a debate, that is to say it is a great guy. So I dont know why what it is now he said. I told the same two years ago and what he said this for no money. So what's your point, I'm also that is best advocate, considering my story validated, Do anything I think tell my book is about my life, not about my life having around Michael everyone back the F off, so it could be some back last Eddie might have gone
and from even mentioning anything that might have him scared to say what it is, but I guess we'll have to watch Maris bouquet to find outward elders, anymore, information. I was on a flight when he went home and he looks bad. He looks like he's in bad shape. Like, really really bad at an I haven't, seen her in person. I can tell you I know cardy be she had to reschedule a concert and that's because she's had a plastic surgery, and she's simply has to arrest. Doctors had encouraged that she just shootin performer, now she has to let the swelling go down that takes time and nobody has to fully recover from her plastic surgery. So they're saying she needs a couple of weeks of rest and relaxation, so she's been very open about the fact that she's decided to undergo some procedures after giving birth, and now she can't get right back to She d say she's very disappointed. She hates the latter fans down, but she wants to make sure that they know they will see her in September for cod in his arrest. I think
as we, she said that she was, but we do want to show just how liposuction, but she wanted to work for fans arms, but what s it section liposuction, sometimes just got arrested down resolution Are you an ass in time and with your baby? I know you, I D get now money again ass, many but you're bad. Is important and if its telling you get Slow down, you got a slow down. I right now what we go back. Begin a slowing down according to her doktor. She had a one in three chance of dying from pneumonia array, I'm a Monday's episode of the view. She was joined by her primary physician, backed away Rodriguez, and Green Barrack, who treated during a three week hospitals day, and he has what they said. I could barely understand what we wish. She was sure she was heaped with chat or for travel. Expenses. Band was gasping for air
and then, when she said I I just want to lay down and go to sleep, unlike oh hell, no you're according to sleep, because you don't know me, they just sounded very serious. But when he said I, want to lay down the bad. Do it for you absolutely. I tried not to sound scared. Tom says I I was afraid she wasn't gonna. Wait. I'm saying you gotta. Take these things seriously. Absolutely I write. MAX being his birthday was yesterday and he put out an. Single is his first single in eight years in French Montana is on it as well. So before we close out the rumours, here's a little snippet for yeah, we have always wanted
I write whether it is MAX become at home this year. We don't see what Kim Kardashian can make happen Oh, my goodness Roca, I re when I'm Angela YE, and that is your river report are right. Thank you. Miss ye up next is the people's choice. Mixed kid you requested. Let me know what you wanna hear. Eight hundred farming five on offer Let's go with the breakfast club come on. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Yee Charlamagne, tha god we are the breakfast club and I got a shot to everybody in the d had a good Ms De last night, you always, though, stop it. Nor do I why have we ever me every Evelyn come in. If you d like to talk about Detroit Man,
They want more may I envy Devon Levy and I'll, even think of close s neck we now know you got more experience, waited but been catching. Nobody is below the deal the Adieu shouts, ITALY. I got a couple of properties in a deep now shouting, but it came up the quiet storm tuesdays oppression. To ensure that our House of Mary Jane they got packages for yadda, they gave to me to give to you guys I be Andy Tray. On Friday I was leaving its own baggage the ground floor. This stuff man, you gotta, live a little wonder. You goes down to the House of Mary, Jane and shouted body and D Ye comrades again you wanna Gracie. Yes, I wanna gratia ways. I thank you so much to everybody from the great and they said, lady love. Does she actually gave me my word and I absolutely Levin adore Lonnie Love, so I appreciated Anjou says: has an amazing, incredible, sweet things That means, I think you, lady love, and we were thinking about, has used.
You gonna be hosting the essence of words this year. Also, the first time women's ever hosted in Lahti. Love does, though, I salute anybody nor to outline nor yesterday, for his magazine. They had opportunities. Those summit and my god they would grows, De I Marquise Harris Dawson. You know we had a panel panel about opportunities. All legislation- so about mental health, from just how your environment in all effects your mental health. So you know day by day came out to the opportunities, all Forbes opportunities own summit. Yet of New Jersey, ok right well and also shout the humble upon just happened through today out of my God, whom you have please go by his book. Man caught on learn a hundred and one simple truth for a better life. I promise you. It is a good I read that you can turn to every day and is a quick greed and any speed in our language you will. You will love this book. I promise you caught unlearn when we come back, we got you positive, no door
Is the breakfast welcome a warning? Everybody is T J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne, the girl we oughta breakfast Club, the Solomon, your positive. As you know, it is meant to help away in his mouth I just want to remind you described as people are not those who show Scrimpy fronted a world but those who fight when battle that others do not know anything about, keep in rural New Hampshire on the side of it. Highway. The hill the witness a light in the sky, the craft, hovering above a field they thought that was the end of their story. Two years later, under Hypnosis David Lee that there is more that night. So what had they forgotten? the strange case, a Betty and Barney Hell this season on strange arrivals, a coat action of Iheart radio and grim and mild from Aaron Monkey, listen to range arrivals on the Iheart Radio, APP on Apple podcast, sore or wherever you get your podcast
This is new Gingrich, inviting you to listen to my free weekly, podcast called Newts world every Sunday. We will explore topics and issues that are relevant to your life and, as a historian, I will offer stories in context of how the past influences are present and future download newts world on the eye. Higher radio Epp on Apple pie, cast neutral dot com or wherever you get your pod cast,
Transcript generated on 2020-04-06.