« The Breakfast Club

Family Reunion


Today on the show we had friend to the room Trae the Truth stop by here he cleared up domestic abuse allegations amid custody battle for his daughter and his car show with Dj Envy. Also, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to Calvin Ridley for betting on games, but also to the NFL for being partners with different sport betting platforms. Moreover Angela Yee helped some listeners out during "Ask Yee" with one caller having a family affair with a mother and daughter.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
These are the planet. I will not name Charlemagne. God, it's ok go ahead and ask what is an empty? Maybe you ve heard of an but me you don't know what they really are and what they have to do, with music simply put and of the digital items you can buy. Just like you can only physical item you buy, it is yours, it has a value, it can't be copied and you can save it to sell it. Just like any other item and if these are high and all kinds of people are investing a lot of money and is the future music collecting and sustainable join me at one of data envy ye and solemn everybody does anybody comes through, you know you give voice to people back, would be voiceless right now you show. Has the pulse of the coach one snow, rich ass, expressed mousing was a breakfast club. Why quadrille quite your Paul Jas up
Good morning, USA, Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, Yo Yo Yo morning easily guidelines involving Charlemagne priesthood applied. It wants to do. what day it is just one day, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yes, it's Wednesday Hub day middle at a week right man. I want to remind all your two men, everybody idealism enough to go to the dunes. Admittedly innocent. Two years I forgot all money, is we got a beggar? Was it I wonder of it? I didn't go to college, It will call it and then you know one twenty twenty one came back into play. I wasn't thinking about, and you know Oh you that number one, the mask a humble you a little bit like this. Now, to my wife told me that you lay a Bressani and I might for real brush my teeth like I know them is somewhat did it is? Yes, no did.
before yesterday May, when I tell you, I had a yoke mouth, Maud were guilty: Anna had five cavity. Where did you find out I'm in terrible five feelings? The last every night and everyday what I should do as they are really cause it allowed a cavities and people who have lost. Remember who gets stuck in between you see you do, but I dont Malaga shoot, but I had five cavities and just my mouth was guilty in terrible Anna argue breezes numbers telling all your work. Go to do well, my uncle, who dared to shut out Gary YE so ever since Was young? I've been very train them. Taking care mighty all the time, the time things giving my dad if they come over here and take a right before dinner, you know a lot about let me forget: Nego, even even the last couple days have an accomplice as you like damage emitted innocent, allow difficult just because I call with due everybody's a scheduled us, even if you go for regular cleaning and stuff like that, you might have
forgot where no had a during winter pandemic appendix I What are you guys? Who was the bachelor? I I was I there is good, is good? Man is good so the bachelor. This is unheard of amusement, say yesterday, down to three, usually in during the last three they have is call a fantasy sweet. Where know they stay with each. Erin really learning how to run the camera, but he's knocking them down. I said when I was a girl who have children. I saw there was one girl and she was really upset using energy felt like a queer mistake, if you like, really like me that may cause, I don't want you ever like that, have like the whole experience, because you cited above all, but the amount of the other two many dollar movies a Yahoo secondary issues. Like you just said, you love me and my bodies of temple and effect a body will you actually happened to. Rome has thereby is good me up last night. It was good and the landscape
What I have, however, been watching love is blind. Netflix, an era, already. I filmed the season three so here ready for the town of your wise that George either one that also somebody out there was the best. Let me I guess, envy yes, but anyway, let's get to show cracker front page news when we talk about yes, let's talk about, These new bans on Russia here in the United States, all right, we'll get it mixes. The breakfast locomotive morning everybody's d, J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club skins of front page news matter. wrong goals pulled off a deal to grab Russell Wilson firmly Seattle Seahawks, I mean our but it was difficult to regions that have been brought to us
You got it into your giant near guideline which, as one who danced in Iraq, is a great city, a great market in me, and I know what I'm gonna do the organization. Why would you want to be built around it that, at his at each about how to be built around for the Brok also get a fourth round taken shape? Seahawks will get to first round pics to second round pigs, one fifth round pick July. Shall be Harris and an thing in writing, as will remain a Green Bay pack. According to realize I got a four year hundred million dollar deal one hundred and fifty three that will be guaranteed and ass the highest deal in any in contract and ineffective. history, we got a hundred and fifty million dollars guarantee. Play with sucked such evidence that the ball of money. We even play winner, they see the air managers tweeted out, hey everyone just wanted to clear some things that, yes, I will be playing with. The pack is next year. However, reports about me signing a contract are inaccurate, as I suppose, in terms of the contacts I sign, I'm very excited to be
If that man or put their target on nobody in my pocket, ok out no family members, the no friends after me for more money. Now, ok, please take their head off me. What does the guy all right now, let's talk about and just giving you a heads up, there's some snow on the way to New York to Pennsylvania, the blast in all those places, get ready for a little bit of snow to be hitting us. So again, if your travelling in those areas me so you check those.
And so by then announced yesterday that the administration is banning russian oil, natural gas and call imports to the Eu S that, in response to the russian invasion of Ukraine, here's what he had to say about sanctions. We are, unfortunately, the most significant package of economic sanctions and history and its causes significant damage to Russia's economy. It s cause russian economy to fight for a country crave. The russian roubles now down a fifty percent or fifty percent improves, announced his war. One route is now worth less than one american penny and preventing Russia Central buying from propping up the rouble to keep its value up for non committal. Do that we could?
The largest banks from your national finance system is crippled our ability to do business with the rest of the world. Somebody about to get well who's by the Gue, wealthy of them who couldn't you keep your russian oil out of Amerika. Somebody to replace, as who will be by here is one of the plants has what he had to say about I'm releasing oil here in the United States, whose prune begums military build up a ukrainian borders. Just since then, the price of gas at the pump in American up seventy five cents and with this actually who's gonna go further. I'm gonna do everything I can to minimize prudence. Fry side, here at home, in coordination with our partners, we have already announced that releasing sixteen million barrels of oil from our joint oil reserves. Half of that thirty billion value shoes me is come,
from the United States and we're taking steps to ensure the reliable supply of global energy? I re sell it s also from our contact contacts at the bite, an administration sense officials to Venezuela to me, but the president there, and that might be a play. Where the United States is plainly get oil from in lifting some of those sanctions as well. Did you rich women's will, and they said rest Oil, I would be a twelve in its with an oil, would be a perfect set to do it for a russian oil, because, said before russian oil was perfect, substitute venezuelan oil, so we might be opening back up. Those talks in the technical, Saudi Arabia to school is gonna, hurt the american people like crazy it first, something about regular gascony, be over five dollars. They already have the highest go whatever in american history right now or like we said yesterday, they encourage people going to go back to work and in the fact that you got to go back to work, you got to pay these high prices and if you take the train, if you take the bus or you have to fly back and forth whatever job you dude, I mean price is going to be
Nevin is has already free to Americans after talks at the United States, and so, as you can see, these talks are, moving rather quickly, but that was an apparent goodwill gesture towards the bat. An admonition in following the visit by high level. U S delegation! I would listen into a great from the New York Times yesterday was talking about. Our Putin may have chronic illness and he could be die if you just want to take as many people as possible before you go away. Exe error: that is your front page news. Eight hundred five eight five one a viable and get it off your chest, full lines, a wide open, again, eight hundred five, eight five one or five one can't believe that yet to New York and haven't, acknowledge that they have you ever go to day laid great Majorian Viagra passed away, not your mobile ass. She had a family in autumn salmon celebrating underlines celebrate similar international excuse. They didn't it ass yesterday, because normally use played record. You still acknowledged. It, though, did
We're not gonna acknowledge Biggie. Ok, we did learning knowledge, acknowledge you to play. No Biggie asked me not to the families it didn't want. Acknowledges death, unwilling acknowledges birthday, molest walk right is to breakfast the breakfast club, your job, to get it off your Jas, whether you're mad, but I haven't. We want to hear from you on the breadth of allows theirs, the minor. Let me show you of your chest side and one elected I'd. Do it Are you that every moment, my way by a word, I hate each annual voiced by the yet I am about them
honor before about, but I'm the problem, because I have had it for myself, for while we have been killed in days they thought of poor. We want to build a fool that my daughter. He got that you it's so hard for the funding provided for those who want to go to work in your life. If you want to go up by every time, we tried to do like a black with positive glance, and things like that, if, like nothing but the other boat for our kids to further their ethical bothered me because, as a case is in cause, you don't like it. If we want our kids to do that, and you know the argued, why are we having the pace at which, in my programme for me
as one and, if I turn thousand out for her to go out of that, went into it by how you bought the pay for her great. If I got it right, no thought of it. I feel about you. Is this there's a gentlemen? Their calls all the time that I actually wanted to donate, but I think it is information said you donated to his charity Charlemagne. We actually gives and help people with a chair a without going to school and scholarships things like. That was what they said. maybe to notice what our member voted to so many things? I have not? Yet it is every have anything they are a bunch of our scholarship Del down. They do prevent ass have acts. They can help link you a different scholarships that you might not. otherwise heard about, but I know from me too, in life, and that is had to get a lot of financial aid, and I know that's tough guy when it's time you back here you have to We think that a lot more than they have ever been alone, but I wouldn't do that. I don't want her to have a good outcome,
who am, I do everywhere like warm and grants are available, but not out there, and I don't want prohibit her forbear. Oh, if you really want, because we know what we should keep her home and let her go to South Carolina State University. Have my mama's alma mater, and I actually have my own scholar- should fund set up ass. I can They called before an endowment scholarship fund, and you know we are provide scholarships, the young black girl that are either given into something in the mental health space. Communications are english. So we keep on. If we keep all. I get some money in your pocket That would be outnumbered thing. I never want to go to that in popular one guess, revise their experience and their car, my Scully at sea no l, L. Why and it's a pretty good at and I've heard a lot of people say that his work for them to try to find scholarships. So you could try some of these different acts. There can link you up
good luck, Mama allows this did earlier today offer areas of Diana was going on. The main idea do you want for was had no. No, I don't know if you are a member of a month ago, I called out the twenty one year old that doubts boys ban are no that would you be wants you better still be want powered. I ever terrible Ok, I die, but now the calendar absolutely kind of life like pocket. The Englishman was about a crisis situation and he believed that it Donald Trump wisdom. The power, then this invasion. When that happens, so I was gonna. Give me all the opinion of the think that Donald Trump was gone off. If you think it would happen ah yes, I do- I do think- is there would have been good. You know Donald Trump wanted to actually remove America. You know from from NATO which would- eventually be like say, a Russia that the green light
probably still would have, and I think you know down- attempted more supportive Abou into cause. You know he's a big fan of his and he's even said since everything This is something that the plan for a long time is not overnight plan but in a matter as you probably would let it happen, and honestly nobody would care they would have been like it'll programming it. An immediate internet is that it in writing. I think it's a wonderful thing. Let Putin is doing what a lot of Americans really we shouldn't be meddling and they ve been as anyone and turn affects s at the Gazprom. We'll get it off your chest. Eight hundred five, a far off one of you need event is that now is the breakfast club bemoaning the breakfast tat this is your job to get it off. You jest whether you're, mad or blessed. Eight hundred maybe five, five one. We want to hear from you and a breakfast club egg and refugees, yeah. I ain't got nothing to get off my chest really mad. I was just curious. I was watching ride along yesterday and I swear
this parliament and on it. You need a dead letter I wasn't right along playing a cop people. You know a nice little cameo. I walk out right before I view and Kevin heart come behind. what we do more than one, I beg you rather allows theirs Joe Borg. Prologues come from day. County was around when did you love beautiful, shout out to my beautiful coworker Debbie Capitalist Jobs birthday come enough on the damage to add to my beautiful creature beyond take about a porter all above your honor, seventeen o k, o K would allow right proud you man is it a surprise cause if it was not on our side work right now. So little radio stay sake, Sylvia applied, but you know what do you want The family members tells her a dangled yet reality
was a lot that, at the end of the wedge per se, and allow park avenue who's this. did you gave me this is can be seen from South Africa should remain Oh good or good neighbours. Guy from here to be talking to you right now, get out of each ass was the rum ok from South Africa. Yet I spoke very washed and interview by a U interview in too much mentioned I was talking was talking about how Africa is rolling out. It appeared for Chinese. I just want to say to everybody, but at any point of our country will be ever forced to lead envy. I remember to interview you ever get a lot of tangible from people. There said that when I usually were there
I taught Mandarin his claims. It was not mandatory. I'm closer and closer has always been taught in sums goose. That was mostly closer more should it was a deal in those areas, Portuguese taught in rural areas is thought so that I just didn't like it. When I had that Indonesia bidding sit well with me tat. I wanted to hold it and say: well, people don't get everything right. When I tell you what did he do calling allows any view you deadly called the Russia, China lockets. Imagine if people keep repose the nightly, then just you just to end. My colleague just said: if anybody wants to know what's happening in South Africa wants to know about our celebrities and watch it getting up to get, it must also strive to make cheese was cast in a space.
On Youtube Maxie! Until you are you are you got what you call a resolve, evidence of any said no My god look, my guy Maggie. I can understand and have a good. I can't wait to get back to jail. Were you, the man who came to one of the best arms of the yes at a mega, angry she's out there right now, she's, actually developing her own wine and it's gonna be based ends as gonna be from South Africa. So she's been there for, like the past month, work her. Why, as a great one one, I best wines, ok, all right, we'll get it off your chest! Eight hundred five, a five or far will we ever was why yes and less talk about an agreement after a nasty court battle will tell you have to pay a one million dollar lump sum and forty five thousand dollars a month and child support, and it's a woman well or I will get through mixes the breakfast. good morning. The breakfast hey, it's dead,
I laughed did, you know I have a new daily pod cast. It drops Monday through Friday, and it's about ten to fifteen minutes long each day, it's amid stir of my favorite radio moments, curated around themes like finding her soul, mate. Second chances, learning to love yourself and the power of forgiveness, something a little different. Each day subscribe to pay its Delilah today. Have you ever felt depressed about work? Only to have your daddy like why you so down, so you told them, you hate your job and he said: well, you better talk yourself out of it, and then you thought I love the talk. I could supply gas and then you want a speaker from my heart and started upon casting got good at it than monetizing, quit your boring job and told your dad thanks for the advice and it was like. Well, that's not what I meant and I dont understand what a pot cast is, but you seem happy, so that's great kiddo ever do that. What you could
speaker, dotcom. That's s! P, r e k, E R asked your dad. You actually dealt I'm Elliot, Caleb Comedian, author history, both in host of the who was pod cast a history quiz based on the best selling books, serious we're kid contestants, though total for a chance to win fantastic prizes. Michael host be bad. And I asked the tough questions like wooden Mozart ranked time, but that's not We talk about on the show you, my signature. Luck is bad. Alright I like it, I d gymnastics and I have teeth. Cars are discouraged from gymnastics room where you like wrestling dinosaurs and then I really like him. mom. I know more than those that all we ve got fun games. Silly songs and don't forget to mention me thing gets me: pray that gun
yeah, I'll break up, listen to the who was clad starting March, sixteenth on the Iheartradio, app apple gap and bringing your point stand in favour. The report of the rule of law. The breakfast club. I write a direct their rights, including where we within the bank and he targeted as a bank robber according to in Atlanta pity reports, he was detained, have to stop it the Bank of America? He was making a transaction. This happened back in January and everything was completely. legal but
He was wearing sunglasses. He had on a covert face mask, of course, cause you should be wearing a mass when you're out about and he wrote a message on a slip of paper. Withdrawals if I would like to withdraw twelve thousand is cast. My checking account. Please do the money count somewhere else. I'd like to be discreet well Women apparently thought that he was trying to rob a bank somehow some way and when offices, they detained to people who are waiting outside for him in and ass, you ve, and then they went in and brought him outside in handcuffs another good. Would you see Did you see in the movies in the movie you see people write down and noted and slide into the bank. Tell it s probably why she thought that an effect he was black if your bank somebody right there on a piecemeal gimme, twelve hours. Now is no argument and I added breaking a level where it said. I would like to withdraw its five thousand dollars cash from my checking account. Please do the money count somewhere else. I'd like to be done.
I can understand why you would do that I'll write the know how of his other people around you rob and are even like you know, I've never seen anybody write it down, but if he gave his idea and bake Scottish and having a problem, I write it If I go in and I'm taking a large sum of money on the two total ammo right down what the numbers that way the report rightly went make the transaction on her computer. That's when it get some sort of an alert and she told her boss their rank quickly. With Things are robbed the banks. So, in the end she said, Ryan who yeah I mean it's his name and only those names down in his account like it better than what we have is that, because he had a bizarre needed to get the money, and why do they wrote? I just like you voted not without a deal or card, and they were right is very well when I go into making, I make large, withdraw like no twenty dollars, always write it down and see if it is to on the screen.
in the end, cops realize it was a mistake and that he had done actually nothing wrong, but he wasn't happy. So, according to the report, he did ass for the bad members of all the responding officers. Once everybody was released from the bank, the barely low one goal, as especially if he gave his idea godlike. There's no reason you have is information gap is already should be abroad on even understand how this could potentially happen. But arab. Our right now. She took the account and saw tat. He had had the money you know like us, we're right eye Now Kelly Clarkson has an agreement with her ex husband now so fine they ve been in court. Just China has things out, so what she has agreed to pay him wearing black stuck he's a former music manager he's now a full time answers. He has to give him a lump sum of about one point, four million dollars, and then she also has to pay him for five thousand dollars a month in child support. They do have two kids together, a seven year old and a five year old. None really blogs and will have primary custody
and they ll live a majority the time and allay where she shoots her show and he gets custody one weekend per month. She gonna pay him transport. Yes, who had a baby, she had two kids shit, yeah yeah. I'm gonna run on already identified, as animals could be granted. Babies rights as she has to pay him, even though she has primary custody and he has the kids only for one weekend per month. But you know this is I guess more and less than what was China get because it works. You makes twenty million dollars a year from her the different tb, gigs and music, we're endorsement deal. She had been paying him two hundred thousand a month in temporary support, a hundred which is a hundred fifty thousand his support forty five thousand child support. So now she has to pay spouses support until twenty twenty four. Only. murder, spousal, bowed daddy's get jobs of what I ve never met us I've never heard out. I think it's a because he has prime Mary custody, and he only has them. You know once a month twice
two days at the man. I don't want to know how pleased lawyers school me out of the Daddy collect Giles woman. Well, it's happening I've been having didn't Haileybury have to pay. Also Albanos Basel earlier sharpening go. Brittany had to pay. I thought that was possible in the little child which out I didn't notice custody to get. I right now, Travis it has announced his project heel and he's done in five million dollars for community initiatives. He said over the past few months, I've been taking the time and space degree reflect and do my part to heal my community. Most Personally, I want to use my resources and platform moving forward towards actionable change. This will be a lifelong Ernie for me and my family. While it's easy for corporations and institutions to stay in the shade I feel, is a leader in my community. I need to step up in times of need salaries, my team, and I created project heel to take much need action towards supporting real solutions, they make all events the safest spaces they can possibly be lower.
Nonsense here. Initiative dedicated to addressing challenges facing today's youth is silly, those marginalized and at risk communities. How can you be managed it there's a scholarship fund, He has a youth design centre, mental health resources and a U S, conference of mayors and tech, driven solutions for events, safety, my love our idea Sanders is talking about his tutor said he had a date. If you guys remember, he was in a wheelchair. He was in the hospital and here is what he had to say: yes, to be released, a video that is showing some. be behind the scenes. Who said, I told you we were gonna, show at all in this documentary and that's what this
I got a one euro, this ain't, a pretty sight that final procedure, the amputation of his big toe and his second, which was very much the hardest thing of all, was to look down and seated in others there. You know once upon a time there was this type of at the lead in this. You don't even know if you walk, because all you feel is painting you just want to get out of his hospital. You just want to know why what was the procedure What was a surgery do not, for everything is to tell you why? I'll, because there was a blood clots and I guess they, they thought they might have to amputate his leg. Even self yeah, I guess it's fortune. Ebony was hospitalized for blood clots from a previous operation.
Initially they ability within a lose his leg, and they were talking about amputating his leg from the knee down, but he lost a couple of soldiers in the battle he said created added twenty twenty two Lego amputees do happen. I would think that no side would have improved a lot the way they can. I don't know, get rid of blood clots and wait. Wait, don't have to amputate legs and toes and feet and things of that nature SAM. You don't know, though, until it's too late again, I write what. Is your room, a report on paper models to adapt, like I'm not gonna, pointed out to get a toy everything, I'm keeping motto you'd abroad to some place to go. right now, front page news. We come back when we talk about last night, this woman who was arrested last week and that is for allegedly faking her own kidnapping back and twenty 15in and lying to federal agents. She just got release from jail after her family posted a band but would tell you The whole crazy story,
we'll get internet next to breakfast local morning breakfast club, your mornings will never be the same lack of bank one united No you they. I have your backward to day early pay, unapologetically black bees, a debit card with no monthly fee and a highly rated mobile at Join one United Baker. When united that calm today and spread the word pull up a warning, everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall remain the guy. We oughta breakfast club, bemoaning Nellis Ginsu front. each new. Russia, Wilson, if you haven't heard he was trade from the Seattle Seahawks to the Broncos era, this will remain a green paper, a Green Bay pack. I decided to undermine valid deal one or two and fifty three million dollars it. That is, guarantee Kate up any large denied. He got all that money like a real person. Should don't wait immediately that no claims about statute. I wasn't true. I find nothing and yesterday carry Irving. He scored a season at fifty points against Charlotte
it's about big after gave, he gave his years into debate. Yadda yadda talk about how trusty imagine other coaching, ok, really a terrible, terrible cold and if I'd like Katy inquiry. Don't drop fifty points and stuff like that had been Unwin symbol of that really a terrible. What else to go easy right. Well, asked about this woman, sorry Peppino! She was arrested this week. That is, for a suspicion of lying about her superiors in California back in sweaty. Sixteen, now a core Two reports right back when this happy in her husband really thought she was missing and he actually was targeted insider about China find it why they had a whole entire. You know right:
sound for her return and they were trying to give every word for anybody who had information here is her. I guess now they say might be separated by here was her husband at the time just trying to find his wife bring her home, bring her home does bring her home, bring her home, safe. There's a fifty thousand dollar reward, bring her home, I'm coming honey, I'm trying of doing everything we can
and I love you are right now, there's a nigh one, one call that was even released. She had went jogging and then never went to go pick the kids out. So that's when there has been knew something was wrong here. Was that nine? When one call back then what your last appearance he was made the day her husband, Keith, found her gone from, like poetry, out the good work from watching grafter I confined for called there, the bakers. What are you pick up? The criminal never forgot fridge outside it like a fine. My phone tapping counter reform here, ripped out of it like in the headphones, a pitcher ever fallen on the ground, particularly when's. The last time you heard from our semi take up a lot of very long day lap, what she was wearing their knowledge on the ceiling. She went running over political. Well, it turns out the whole thing was vague. She spent that's when you two days of our supposed captivity at her Ex boyfriend house
in California, and he actually when they found her. She was obvious. she was burned. She was branded, she had broken knows and all of that, but those were things that she inflicted upon herself. She did to herself yes to make, it seem seem like she had been abducted. Now they did keep that fifty two in and they spend it on their bills. That was raised for her safe return. She was with her boyfriend, James Ray is, and he actually did an interview. the daily mail dotcom said that he was actually her childhood sweetheart. The two of them have been engaged previously and we're in love at the time of their prior relationship. That was young love time around, he said she stay with him and that they did not have sex at all. And basically she was saying this trying to get out of her relationship, so he was as China helper any she slept on the couch and all they did with talk. Just tell me, you don't wanna, be minimal, I have a boyfriend analogy with it, the ex the export from other boyfriend. Now that was
was it was all over the news think about it. She was gone for twenty two days and she wouldn't exceedingly the house a whole time that she stated his place as a she's being accused of making false statements and mail for cheese facing up to twenty years in jail along with it, hundred and fifty thousand dollar fine or ex boyfriend has not been charged so far he told invested it is that he did hope their relationship would become romantic whence they were back. It is about but that it never did, and he basically said she mused to him out of the blue. They haven't spoken in a long time because she had got married a kid and he did it that he's the one her off by the roadside and he did help her fair. Kate, the injuries that she had for when she returned home. I think he bought the brow heading towards a brand her and all of the essence. we will come up with intricate plans and plots like that are capable of doing in planning anything. So why not? Just you the energy to do the right thing? You can't get somethin races to build version it has how you want to move. Why, yes, and imagine what our kids, that light
she was missing. It was all over the new. They don't know what happened, during a zoom court appearance. It happened earlier this week as she's ass, the lad away. They said she's only been able to earn an apple since he was taken into custody bad to us out right according to the county, sheriff, there's aimed at sea is goin to most likely face charges and they called her. A selfish nurses, or just because you don't want me to do. No, I guess I did that returning back home to him was wrought or text he had taken. Do I gave in our beauty. Noma here are my door Guess I look, I'm gonna be regional essence. I Jesus Christ well we'll see what he thinks it is showing a punishment be jail, anything up to twenty years, see she's been using resources, police resources where they could have been looking for other people fighting.
the crowd? What are we all did? Juices Mullay Yazoo due to her never Jesse James Jail is that it will get their fighting his title or whatever they did. They do. We re read just to adjust. Celebrities was different, but yes, you need the deadly free from Paypal consequent Dinnery, because it for actions area was sticking by this abduction story, still yeah. That is your front page news you gonna do by airlines and You won't tell a lie like a good one. That will nor no tell a good story to tell you not small tailed like that. Go back right. All right now, when we come back traded truth will be joining us. You know tray was here a couple weeks ago talking about his case and he was soon enough. All adds out there. That's fighting to see the children and he has an update for us. We going to get this update when we come back to trade. The truth when we come back, don't move chapter Houston to breakfast club the breakfast club.
By his DJ envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club because pressure guessing to build, and he was here couple weeks ago and yes, aid programme which will new honorary holes, are you trying to make up for the cold it not being a aggressive more now the owl like Zoo, like this. Like you, I spoke the treaty of a day and I've never heard tray sale so down in my life, trace it. I've been immoral. I have left the house, and I know that you are every every week you fly, to allay, to see a daughter every two weeks now what happened? Last night we spoke to you said you what you were going to see adopted at weak note now what happened in that situation? they didn't they saw. I am accented again, sir and Mama. So I think I see a responsibility for the next week, but they couldn T confined are so actually police is best served by only a day. It
go to this was like that, permission to have with sir put it on the door cuz at this point, you've been chasing over so long. You don't train. So I don't know man I'm trying to gain the path is basically they say you know you speak days into existence, so you know what all of biological, hopefully as a father ages, do was right, the meagre matter, so that sad and then she got served as well. So I guess beautiful. So when I went to see that our two days ago I went to the airport and as wait and see. My baby is that I'm baby coming the man come of the Serbs, does not lie in the sinner follow one alone: the pound, the farm at home. Now leaving us I've seen from the other side, they say did you know, and this will publicity and cried out record. Our I'm glad I allow here cajoled know me. You know, you know me Ray away also, it will say, there are you my baby truth as a proud when I came to do in a view which I like
when I get out of it The if y'all know me I know she won't go to nobody was she with me. You came in abiding on be allowed. The hole in the money can be allowed. The top bar see them be a plan, a single file to sleep of other. Without they see the on the innovative in the city. He also said that you defamed that you say something about what hands What I want I am right now there are. These Loughborough noticed a female in my life, which is this crazy, because in any custody case you can have fifty four The joint custody, if you have any Tiber the myth above any, they actually have ratified the joint costs which are I disagree. The situation because is likely gone down the list of all kinds of things like they take him through the ringer too. prolonged or hopefully hopes stick on the wall and they
me from getting to matter because in the paper, with these actual losses that gives me for you, say things like that they used the courts. The right to say, hey were navigate to Chii. We should restrain her from that everybody who know me know. I never woke the child of my life. That's one thing I don't do and let alone a female like ii. while the thematic try me like than the five legal aid. This is where I would like that. So it is in. The greatest it situation some men and I think now, I'm just as strong as I am is like it could just got me to my limit man this it's like now, I'm just waiting to see what these courts do because out. What I will say is I'm gonna, be ten toes with the movement of goods, pass equal rights, not just from fathers but for mothers to but I'm a bit more for fathers, because the courts not desire for fathers and I'm learning that, because a message- Listen if you have anything from
ah the timber laces, then they said nothing to you, ain't get your slap on the wrist is like what would happen if that was me. Who did that? You know I'm saying so is this you know is the process, man and odd thing. there they got the last say so only my daughter, no, no, no matter what I'm Delaware right now. What I'm saying ass yet no was given that vicinity and unable to her. Much sooner, do you have you? Have a new product coming odyssey. That I feel like I'm out of our british, yet their feel I met until I see now saw them making the goal that the route, the CID thousand people, what I do It is bad enough, I would take to trade to feed a lady triggered. See the lady there. I am my word: a mud at
I would ask what the doing of it ass a man. I've, never change. You need some night when you speak Eagle Uplift Eagle make you feel better, but I d out with my mandrake trade though do it and it is not only a con right. Yes, Sarka, vendor wages meagre. So the reason for this tat right. So I do a lot of pay music and I keep it for myself. Who knows that? Gaza. What I'm doing what I got going on and on what is a heavy money. You know, then, this month, nifty path, My brother got killed. This is birthday tomorrow, the anniversary, a league pass Then I go to court with truth as mothers dislike like this. Is this a lot going on our fellow man for me to make me comfortable I do want to let it out and give it to the were there, and the reason of doing it, also because it pisses me off the has somebody say: oh he, though, and I couldn t requisite like one first and foremost
and about the rub. Again. Lives is of little my company bought by, so they get their clear right now too, Truth has because inside the the paper I guess is, These are worth. being used. Hello, my daughter's name, which you forget, see name that the meat, but also see the hand, then the do best st me they had. Then the do much ass. I, like you not even do honour the reason why you child at thirty stories out there. You know trade issue for a long time, so you can't bandit true, is always a long, so you so to hear that you know it. You take me and true season is, though project, but maybe in the personal justice, so that even gotten and do that. I am here: the promotion and just justice, like the same gotten, then the do with their madness on discharge.
your father, they give much armor, I gotta So, while I gotta does no not at all you back and for your arms there, then stag your heart, because you got people on that. I don't know. What's going on saying go on tobacco billboard print of the article in a said, something about businesslike I never, I know, abused the woman in my life in this light, the archaic feeding without knowing the fact that, without even talking to me in arms answer, but with some good come away, the devil got charter, and it's all about how you are you bill. I feel like a man, of a bull got me bill. Dog at a most. So no matter what I'm gonna through ninety tapped value, great evil, billboard do that, especially when they gave you the wherewithal, so they Its aim is the difference between the wars Emma, the magazine right up for but they did it based off to protect them. And gave them I give them daily way they data based off our love.
got three losses from like sieges, she got lots of sailor, liver earlier, not or liver early. I got allow Suzanne emotional distress. Life was in danger because bears down they say they agree will was ignored I've got another one about the myths while saying a third mothers child. Brian accuse they hurt by you, see him out if they know like you it's. A man, though, give the twisted the problem of the most they end up these out there, but when it comes they run over me man. I don't like, owing to my keys, no let alone from universal because for a situation is like having like right. Now I had to pay for a whole. I got a whole lawyer. La broke, never lived in LA in my life. Why am I fighting three situation right now in early I may use that you know they're, so is this
Access to China, where we now because of about one stone and I'll be they may, even though it yoga, lemme get outside away. They went the waste and that I came in. I can't let that happen formats I'll, because appeal of our walk away of any lifted up, viper I'm will feel like I'm, not the males supposed to be a rather take every day they come under the sun, whether you soon missile rack is whatever me: ah scars everything fight from outside and too late, what they return. I may be. Time go around. according to give out the way? Well, let's get into the single. This is hope. It don't change. You traded drove breakfast club morning. We lost a lot it away
hope I tat was all don't change you traded truth trade. still here and say before you leave, I wanna we gotta make special announced in the rice. So for most people, I don't know when I started to my car shows I wanted to do one and you about four years ago, when I called trade, but I front. I had a money right. The way that was used was too expensive, but now we do in addition, J, envies car showed a drive dreams. Caution is common to Houston reform is dead zone, but is not just a regular college of bringing all my cause all in New York City cause fifty causes, yeah. We come down the Houston right, tray colonies that that's cute. You got your Luke you cause, but did I used it? so we do a little different- is New York City verse.
used to immerse training. Yours is envy used in verse. Is New York jaunting fathers days those the perfect for these illegal? We now I gotta know about it. You got your god like we would have no ladies era, the painful areas does not you know by market Europe, but when you come to, taxes We got the record to cause one thing, my middle about even used as we learn about exactly. As you say it. in New York is no been always cargo to know them. That levels Do we know everybody? We got a lot of power to make it work Is this a pistol?
Srebrenica, D Day in New York versus use them caso with I recommend. get they took his early and I an empty you envy you. I've got to deal with material and the partners. With them so We are actually involve So we have these onto york dotting. The company was created where they lay down. They go with me, so they have even reminded that Albania. Also, yes, though, is near so how we pay before super every down by befell what's up no sale. Two days you could get your tickets today kid five and under a free, there's, gonna be rods. Amusement rides, gobio, timely funds. I gotta get out a joint role that enhance painting Almah under the animals in the beer. They will have to build something already let the animals and to build a so rarely on day bring the kids outbreak,
Pappy Mommy, whoever it is come on I'll have you gonna have a lot of fun is will be music is just can be like a fool, everything's, jaunting. That's a Sunday fathers day come on. We have a large new yogi washed by using Jesus correctly, we have allowed from what is put a culture when it is a fairly flood. They bring the kids out and are we just now? four main trade on mediators mobility surprises and we can't wait see you guys at the first caution that I'm doing a used in the first of many We can't do this every year, a summit of procedures that we do it gonna go back to use them because we like, when we make money in a market we like to give back to the marking, and we will make sure that we take here two kids out in Houston. So did you take, is now tickets or sale click, the link, a marked by a quick, Lincoln Trays, vile and trade beg you for What is with me, you know as soon as you heard, he was I envy of endless students together. Do some felicity was saw a man, you know always learn cause, you know, and then you know, my liberal rods is always crazy about cause too. So you know there's a big on his brow with me
this problem. In the first days of even the url did not the house, I really Then the view the be more up them by the input me back in them by a thing the bar mitzvah Maso again makes come out to the car so as far as The situation with my daughter manages prayers up. Man appeal, I would ever got us all. We got to deal with not take it. Hey version I was, and I'm they are founded on the breathless could have known that Kara bears out or killer put a name out there. So no matter how much data. say they began to this, and I can only speak. Faxa may not be unable to mutter. They have stated truth. Is the breakfast you could almost Jonesy We could be happy takes, but not only believe in a way, which is the breakfast
morning everybody is deemed envy. Angela ye shall remain the girl we oughta breakfast club. Again I shot the age. There will come a damp air for fathers day week in so, if you haven't got to do, is get you tickets, exam, eighteen, ninety, nine right now, four thousand tickets, I think, to be moving. Six seven hundred and tickets already so shout the age town as a family fun day bring it's out bring the family, kids, five and under afraid is gonna, be jumping rides. Our cars every cars, so many give a ways. So we family Fun Day, we have our monster truck mass, call coming so many celebrities that are already told me. I can have that cars going to be in Houston versus New York or I should say text New York Guide. So a lot of guys laws come as can be a great event for fathers them. in a whole family. I can't wait to see and meet you guys. So you haven't got two tickets headed up right now, get your tickets nineteen now ya know. Yesterday was international women's day also. I want to say
This young girl, jazz he's world tv she's eleven years old. Ninety than any views were everybody like J C married a blight. Has it Jimmy. I mean both bay as yet see such a great end of you are only having you guys. Yes, he came by the Jews by yesterday and I really interview with her for international women's day and sell it. She was so great. She makes you feel comfortable. She's got a great energy, yeah she's been doing a lot of stuff have so ya may show you show some love and follow her team. She enemy released key. Yes, so her page is jazzy World TV eleven years always used like a little superstars are set out to her right? So we are rumours unaware. Are we talking about? and we are going to be talking about a minute. Let's, if we can make this positive, Are you hear something good, less toxins we're talking about national women's day. Let celebrate some women who have some new projects and also coming back with them new things like Nicky, menage,
We'll get into that makes us to breakfast logo its women's history month, and I heard media is proud to support rasper for successes, annual Kim aim, your our her power, which highlights the importance and impact of female leaders. If here's one of this year's honour ease, Beth and Day she tell an officer at alliance, Bernstein There is nothing more important to me that I have seen it transformation that comes from amplifying women's voices and getting the resistance of power and seen the impact we convey join the mission at your our her power dot, Org
I'm Elizabeth done and Elizabeth Dutton, sorry don't you want to see a name now, get your guy we're the house of ridiculous crime. People love true crime right the mystery, the intrigue human frailty totally. But what a lot of us don't like is the blood and the guts and may have a way whereby some of us do work. Permit. Ok, let's be real. There's nothing funny about murder or get up. Our show gives you stories like the kidnapping of Frank Sinatra, Junior and the MAX headroom signal. Hijacking. Oh see me. Ridiculous stories Do you care catchy burden, Pablo Escobar's, cocaine, hip yeah stories like the dizzy stole buzzy, the Anna Tonic, whatever he was from Disney World and the woman whose husband try to kill her but came back from the dead and surprised him at her own funeral does good. You can find this new podcast ridiculous crime all over the place. Radio at the Apple pie, cancer, where every get your pride cast out. I a highly use chrome.
hey everyone. This is your favorite latina, honey, German and Carolina Bermudas join as World Podcast licence anglers now you may notice from your radios, but on our podcast. You will get to know the real asked every week we talk about. going on in our lives and even take topics from our listeners join as every Friday, a life in anglers, because we have a lot, If we act like a man as you wish you had, we explore topics like date, sex relationships, careered vice and living our best lives in Spanish in Egypt was, though, we'll get to nose on a deeper level, including the cheese man. All of your favorite Hollywood stars. Listen to license Bangladesh as part of the micro dude. I pod cast network a bit. while on the heart radio Apple podcast castle. Wherever you get your podcast why
Angela listen Candy Wes has shared a poem in its cod dead and you guys know. We talked about the poem that he shared previously. That was called divorce. Now was that I feel are ready compromise that I have to justify my expression after over twenty years of art that have contributed to the planet, but I also see the need to make sure we, as a species are allowed to still feel anything. Men
and a lot of cries levies that allowed a cry. I will not explain this new peace for the explanation, destroys the mystery, a magic of true love and put it in a back that can be counted. Artists objective. Are it only works when it is the artist absolute truth? Someone's truth can be another person's lie. We don't have to feel the same, because we are not the same so he presented this poem called dead. No one wanted to tell me. I was dead and only people that would talk to me were in my head. No one wanted to tell me: I was dead. Only people who loved me would visit in their dreams. Instead, they will come to my grave and sprinkle some bread, so on my tombstone, the birds would be fed to how long poem, but you guys can meet the whole thing so he at the end says this emphasis for the living and surprise you're dead is the ending of that Poland, and also very we need disinclined. U S, immunity yeah, so he again has been expressing himself through poetry,
Our right now get ready for Nicky Menage, Queen radio, to make its come back, and this is actually gonna be on Amazon's radio, APP called amp, and so they ve already secured other celebrities. It behoves seeing their own shows that includes pushy tee to national, oh yeah de big wage as Barker, and that sets a name a few people who have their shows so get ready for a queen radio which originally permit on apple. Musics beats one radio station back in twenty eighteen now she's coming Amazon number Matter and also more radio personalities relaunch show's over there were yes, we know people that are going to be working here too, so that they be amazing situation and the EP is currently available for I found in beta sell that requires an image patient. If you want to join, but you can also sign up right now to join a waiting list so that you can get access are right now some text messages,
had been released between Chris Brown and the woman, who is accusing him of raped right now, seize Jane DOE, and so there is also a voice message that has been released now. Chris Brown posted this and as an audio recording that she said to him after the. legit assault happen and he said no more dragged me through the mud. Clearly, you can all see the cat now, let's see if the media will keep that same energy, they had trying to destroy me to run the real story me and my team are taking legal action on the situation. You don't play with people's lives like that. Here is the audio that he released you haven't plus guessing. You told me to answer the phone
Finally, let me leave you alone. It is ok and then, in addition to Daddy posted some text, messages between them and ass, he was saying missing, you, you were gonna, see the best I've ever had. I just wanted again, while you play with me and he wasn't even responding to those messages and then she posted? I guess something and he tell her, you should take a plan b, and yeah. So I grill Chris. I hope the media amplifies that started with a fire that the accusations which they usually never do.
We know what to do and what the true from the Lord Montfort, while, if he's he's, been cooperating with the police and their investigation in Miami, but he's also pursuing legal action against Jane DOE. So the text messages between the two are being used as evidence and they're trying to guess that evidence will question the validity validity of the dragon assault allegations if you guys were call she's claiming that he shrugged and raped her during a yacht party outside of duties Hence, in back in twenty twenty in Miami Erase, it will keep you updated, I'm that some Angela Ye- and that is your rumour reports, all right. Thank you. is he shouted? May we given a dark? Do you know for half an hour is a double donkey. You know cause I mean Calvin Ridley of Deer, Lana fog of the commissioner for his congregation, but I need an about a common front. The carnation I'd like to have available for them. and also after that asked ye eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one. If you need relationship advice to any type of advice, get on the phone right now. It's the breakfast club come on
I was born and raised a donkey devil got here today for Wednesday March Knife, which they must match view. Certainly like me, when you hit the March night, you automatically think of the canvas learned, greeted him see. A wartime died on watch live long, lived critical. Alice, but today's dont give is going to both the NFL an Calvin Ridley they really are. Rightly the cabin Ridley. Why receive a foot Yolanda Falcons? Not tell you all the time on my various platforms, can't control our someone is going to react to something you have done you just can't.
Ok! If I walk up to you and shove you, you may show me back, but you may pull out a gun and send me back to the essence from which I came and guess what folks may say. You went too far, but DAS not up for us to determine I made a decision, push you that was in my control. Whatever decision you make out that it's a of my which is why it is cabin really. An avowed situation is challenging made his morning. Ok, see. Yesterday cabin really was suspended from the twenty twenty two and fell season for at least the year for gambling on games and twenty twenty one. Let's go to Adam Shifter on he report police, the just suspended the Falcon stand out wide receiver, for least at least the twenty Twond, the tourist season, forbidding on games? Now you remember during the season that really was away from the Falcons training complex to deal with mental health issues and the NFL, but if it is found enough evidence to determine that during a five day
Span in November, Ridley bet on Football Games and the league conducted an investigation and concluded that there is enough evidence to make Calvin really the latest Why are suspended indefinitely and in a world in which betting has become more and more prevalent, something like This is no less jarring. When the Unifil and down a year, long suspension to one of its more key players, but it seemed like a no brain of Don Quixote Day right in a series of tweets Monday. After the suspension was announced, com really said he, but fifteen hundred dollars total doesn't have a gambling problem. I don't gamble, I don't understand you law of gambling. I guess there's something I do, but I'm not into it. I work to hide from my money and I've been unemployed for times in my life? Ok, we seven. If you can't talk about another job, but
Never will I feel comfortable enough to just gamble like years my hard earned money and I know the chance I can win more, but the thought of losing my initial investment just because I want a gamble for recreation. Now. How now? That's not my guide it? middle gay, there would be simple man from me. I got eleven million dollars on schedule. seven million, that was on carbon Ridley, twenty twenty two schedule as much. He was supposed to be paid to risk. All of that Fifteen hundred dollar bet now that's a guaranteed here. Ok, I don't. I will try to understand. The logic. Is gambling net? Fine. It is areas an unknown I enjoy it. Man know he might have been boy. Ok, you hadn't plan an affair. you take it amiss outbreak might have been boy. I don't mind the devil's playground, but if the Lee had no gambling policy, I'm going too far policy, because I'm not fumbling eleven million dollars. Ok for fifteen hundred letters, Finally, what you do and when you gambling I do display and if I wanna play, I play roadblocks what about it now, what makes
situation more puzzling, as he was betting on other sports, including the NBA, and that is not against any fell policy is not against F o policy for play of the ban on other sport cabin. Why couldn't you have just kept it? The other spots If you want to gamble- and it's not illegal- to gamble on other sports, just bent on other sports. Are I dislike couples who have threesome together a wanted him still sleeves people behind their partners back you already get, a threesome bra. Ok, so why are you doin somethin? You have not been ignored when you are getting to do what you clearly want that isn't wagon Had you from me what the Annabel? We all know that an affair has a bunch of gambling partnerships. Now. Ok saw a lot more people will be aging bets on and if Thou games that air the slight level of hypocrisy with this, because you are encouraging folks Ben Ali Games players as human beings. I dislike these plans are betting against a team they play for, should it matter
I totally get out of this, violates a code of ethics, totally get it, but Roger released a statement and statement, and I'm not gonna Rideau dang what he did say that cabin release actions, but the integrity of the game, football at risk threatened to damage public confidence. In the end and potentially undermine the reputations of your fellow players throughout delete. Now, if the ferries that point what does games, I get it If there is nobody making the lovely now it s going, though again, ok in fact, Calvin actually bet on his team to thousands to win. Ok. According to this investigation, fathers was seven ten lasher personally, if I was a gambling man, I would never been on the falcons. Ok, not Latvia! if I don't think he meant any harm and innovation that is investigation uncovered no evidence that really youth inside information on any game, Compromise in any way to also was no evidence that any to fathers, coaches staff play it were aware of his bedding activity in the earliest.
Thirdly, can apply for reinstatement of February fifteen twenty twenty three once again can't tell someone how to react. We all have to deal with the consequences of our actions and we can't choose the consequences, but the reason I think that an avowed deserves some. It is he who is because one I think the suspicion is excessive, and I also believe that this was one of the inner fails. Superstar in your own government, really the marketplace real added value. That is one of the animals superstars. What it faces that illegal, Patrick Mounds, R R, if this happened a Tom Brady, I dont think he gets a full year. I just simply don't maybe came to a gay Aaron Rodgers lied about his covert vaccination status and was fine fourteen. Thousand dollars for it. Donnie Brown was suspended for three games for the same offence. Will, therefore, all in Avail Rosa not created equal mark my words, a bigger stock, if not you call gambling on games and I don't get a year, mama
when you start making gambling available the drafting in fact those and whatever the platform people gotta pull out. These phones do make a better too is gone. These some players- gambling. Ok, no matter how much of an example ya gotta make a cab is cumbersome gambling but a guarantee we goin Year of Annabel STAR of Base ITALY, in the same bed and it won't be such a harsh punishment. But Thou art should cabinet phrase concept. Yes to, I think you should have been a year noble once again. We can't control consequences, only act all I'm Tellin ya, alleys watched the innovative because it will be a NFL star of face it, a league that display the same actions at some point. And I highly doubt they will receive the same consequences. Don't believe me just watch any meantime,
believed unavailing, carbon, really sweet, sounded amateurs, e g, her right beg for our doggie of the day. Up next ask iii: eight hundred five, a five one, o five one. If we need relationship advice of any type of advice, call ye right now is to preface logo born. the breakfast club I unjustly Clinton and I'm so excited to back with a new season of my podcast. In fact
american women's history month with twelve trailblazing, women in sports media politics and more talking about the progress you've made or lost and how far we still need to go from soccer star and equal pay advocate Megan Rapinoe, the veteran White House, correspondent April Ryan, the world renowned fashion, designer Stella Mccartney. These women have risen to the top of their fields and are fighting for equal rights, for equal opportunities, for everyone will hear how they got started and who inspired them, how it feels to have power in their industry and what it looks like when women are finally given an equal, shot, voice and seat at the table. So who will join us and listened to? In fact, with me Chelsea Clinton I hurt radio apple pie casts or wherever you get your podcast
a little over twelve months ago and a ten year old african american young man named Niles Haze was driving a family friends luxury vehicle when he was stopped for routine traffic violation. Things escalate quickly, you revived and then I knock down within hours of the police, stop footage of the entire altercation, its posted online and it those viral I'm falling Sanderson, where here live from LOS Angeles Valley inside IRAN, through a series of challenges to whole Wikipedia asylum, are building regular, like data like how comes it didn't happen? Individuals, I guess what I am struggling, Lou strode, because you live in a different reality. We listened to hashtag manner on the heart radio apple pie cast for wherever they are applied.
Hi. This is built limb and I hope you'll join us on. Why am I telling? Why am I telling you that I tell you? Why am I telling you this because it is your future on the land where we'll talk ideas deal improving our world and deserve more attention every of being interviewed, I'm looking forward to doing the interviewing to some of my people, Sunni gifts, then make life more interesting and firm that our common humanity matters more please join me on. Why am I telling you this for conversation? for some of the most fascinating people are now we'll shares where is and talk about ideas deserve more attention, and why we should be hopeful and optimistic about our future I am I telling you this on the hour ready aware apple vodka, or were revenge or podcast,
in relation to the dice me personally by the real it all up now for ass the rare morning, everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall remain the guy. We oughta Breadthways club to ask you fellows is do they have a year? Where is your question is mining out of her demanded when I was in prison, I got married and above all our delight, you gotta be the guidelines. I do believe that some of you will listen to crown it all. I paid him about that later how'd. You get my main arguments that you'll forget like that, and I might have given the right guy says so high level you in jail. Where are you breathe and said the
you were there, you guys had a good communication. No issues was love are incredibly perpetuity. Organisers of how can, of course, we all know that a boot I rather think. Yes, I always businesses with little weird and there's those red flags when somebody's playing with their phone, changing their pass. Where's doing things like that and, like you said she you gotta bbl, maybe she's, the more competent in herself, but do you feel she's. Cheating on you are rarely, though, not maybe maybe you like and when you ask her about it, what does she say? She did, you know she can t be run a bush. Oh no. She didn't you know about the illegal. So what do you say? There are just? What does what I'd what're you should be on? Our guard pulled out a strategy to own of real paid. When I want
Does it all mean ok pursued by China's Natural born anything, my dad, you never went things deterrent. Physical, ok Don't do that, but I do feel is warranted for you where's, my people. We know us, your intuition is telling you something's going on, and you said, she's act, indifferent now I know sometimes maybe it's a little intimidating for you. You know your wife looks different than she did she getting more attention is ok, so you might be making. too much out of it. I don't know if that's true or not, but you have to talk, you can't just snatch a phone. You gotta, be they look. I want to have a conversation with you and I wanted to be open and with each other. Since I came home, things haven't felt the same and I've been failure like something's going on not accusing arab anything by telling her how you feel and why you feel them where you gotta let her know. This is why I feel this way. Now I'm am the hearing anything that it is that you have to say so we can figure out. How are we going to work on things, or is this not a situation
you wanna be in, because I won as both to be happy the day was angry. But I do wonder why you lie. Don't do anything that could escalate the situation, as I think rather phones. That's when people die really go a crazy, like you said, and you know, a jobs are crazy when you do that, it ain't worth it, but you to put yourself: Position where she might be like He did this. He grandma thought he'd. You know you were there You had to go home now long observers. While I re no problem nor, I ask IE eight hundred five, a firewall or five one. If any relationship advisor I was to breakfast level more real environment as morning everybody's dj envy, Angela YE shall remain the guy. We oughta breakfast club in the middle of ascii hello this, while their leader
the old one at a year. Doubt twenty one may you know we were just a little fling thing, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen that beat no. We didn't each other and then I ended up meeting her daughter threw up her daughter about my age. hey one day lead to another. You know what her mama went around a the daughter been kicked. Keep the two were nearly now delight. You noted Martha may like I'm in love with a bleak where our know how to Eleanor Positive stay away for now situation or follow my heart, hey man, listen, ideally you stay away from. situation in back Can't imagine that you will you saying this woman is just so me, but so far we shall not be allowed. your phone foe already know
So let me ask you this: their relationship with the mother. It wasn't anything serious yo was just kicking me. team, but it ain't gonna pull a medic bill, that wasn't young woman, you weren't in a relationship reply. She said, Lemme sugar moment I got all the king had played a game over now. Does the door to have to say about this super light? She read more. Do this, grimy, so her man have a good relationship with euro area. My leg I must tell you this. Could I read it could tell just by talking to you. You know, stay away from the daughter what their law will be. Okay, so you know what you're not in love. If that's how you feel that interest on me cuz, if that was your soulmate, you wouldn't even be questioned and you would even be thinking about the mom anymore. Let me just make a big it would remain as a mighty dot have even being in a moment. I think about the momentum and
Nobody can say he's there were still wanna hit it Let me say: is this this You bet two tiered is family. Apart ever done anything like this. Before no, not that you know you know you're, not a party back. Maybe if you just put the putting on the table to Mama Indonesia two things on form before you the appointed hour, you ain't mad, you think the man has any idea attention she's. Forty will be on those issues. the forty one. What am I gonna do good in this file back on both a at that age s army, Keyser, Babbage S I'll make. You will still be thinking about continuing our relationship with the mother like so is our way too complicated as sound like this could go left. any time. The fact that they do it, it would do tat to her. Mom is also a red flag. Like they do you see that note
why'd. Another filament of fine find you another song, smashing ascii thirty, five, may ask me eight hundred five five, one o five one. Now we got rooms runaway yes, endless talk about this person. As two hundred and twenty seven point- five million certifications. Alright, we'll get into that mixes. The breakfast locomotive This is the woman report annually on the breakfast. Well, Eminem has made history yesterday, the IRA, a announced that he has received. Seventy three point: five million new golden platinum programmes ratification, so he is the most awarded musician for singles in history he's also one of only seven artisan.
Genera era with three or more diamond album awards. So congratulations to him. He has one hundred and sixty six million single certification Sixty one point: five million album certifications as a big deal. goodbye Gretel? Absolutely now, let's last back to the game, is the game is doubling down on him at being better, wrapper than Eminem? Let's go back to what he had to say on during terms the moon mmmmm and we are like him, and there is one going in seas in sleazy. Rather better you not insignificant. You George The remaining I use the imminent was better than me. What you say he's not challenge a challenge Can you no longer versus yes? I do now and then went on social media and said all this talk I see on the net say. Eminem is better than me because he saw my records, as I say me down with his bed in terms of workers, its false they just put more
a downwards and promoted that is at the happy male dangling toys and kids faces translations for you those of you who don't know how may direct companies do business it's a machine designed to work by the artist play nice in masses house. I was too real too apologetically black and cut the purpose doings earlier. My career and decided to rebell major labels are known for buying albums and paying off everyone to boost sales of the artist they choose to shine a light on a viewing. And in a massive tune, you lose your budget and the machine is taken up your project and put to work on another artists who is willing to, as deep back in the day in IRAN and the machine deftly matted. Would you still gotta have the hits is so that our great record, It is, though, that I read out enough. They were buying enough to make him have three more diamond albums and to get all these certify case for em, lousy, say. Would you want to go on and on Eminem ways rather than is already any mix,
You know you remove any sells a lot of you still now you might is not your type. You know wrapper whatever governor might be. Let's he definitely you lose our right now. Let's talk about state by state analysis of the two point: seven billion dollar american rescue plan investment into h use. So they did announce that two point: seven billion dollars in funding and these funds were provided through the higher education emergency american rescue plan. So you can see a whole break. just to give you some ideas. In Alabama there was over three hundred and thirty four million dollars for thirteen Hbcus Use DC, were eighty eight million dollars for two eight BC use in Florida over a hundred and fifty six million for for a b c use. like moorhouse. Moorhouse got fifteen million dollars that was in Georgia and then what school a medicine got fifty six million dollars collect Lana University Guy,
seven million Spellman Guy thirteen million. So those are just some of the examples and you can see their whole break down on what schools got some of that money. Yes, all the hbcus that got some bread on the South Carolina State University got some bread, for I can put the number out there cuz. You know that ain't, my business, democratically dab megaphone by, like those in Vienna to speak out against the grant pipes tossing folks discreet but given to boil them. They now Dave BC, useless. They Megan around right now You ain't M University got eighty four million Texas Southern University. God? Ninety million North Carolina Anti? Ninety three million We will have to introduce a lesson. I gotta go hunting, others. dinner ready Hazlitt now here got thirty one million thirty one visiting all ennobled out on an ogre children
What is at got Alessi South Carolina Day got twenty four million, I said I am a positive thing array Mars day. More. in the time you know him from you know, working where prance he's been up here in the breakfast club before now. He saying that princess estate has borrowed him from performing as more as day and the time We can't use his name's bellies been using for four decades we paused to be ass. Well, he said I ve forty years of my life building up a name and a legacy that prince and I came up with a name that while he was alive, he had no problem with me using. I literally my blood, sweat and tears into bringing value. to that name. However, another prince is no longer with us. Suddenly the people who can Is multi million dollar estate went to rewrite history taking my name away from me, thus impacting how my family? So as of now per the prince estate, I can no longer use Mars. in the time in earlier lassitude COM,
of more than twenty four hours in the O. Clock now be my name. More is twenty four hours in the o clock. I call myself Prince Morse escapism Furthermore, muttering nobody knows that call in a marked the promoter, Zeta Horseshoe out his formerly known as Mara, then done now. Even the Grammy, no prince still had the rights to the name more say in the time and more a day they continue to perform. You know so prints on the rights to their name. and prince had been Buckingham under that name still by now. According to Mars day, they stay the same No more now, you know. Why am I doubt Macmillan is an attorney for princess Estate and he he told the starch abuse that there was no discussion of telling dates in that user name with the air is so he's now
or what it was. Definitely no assumes that already use animal is hardly a muddles out anomaly. Distorted Martha only marginal live with Y got a letter from somebody now is a state said that they are working up. Their opens a working proactively with more as data resolve. This matter Anna Mars day said, I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and support regarding this estate matter. I felt all of your love and energy and I look forward to your continued support until we find resolve. Thank you. So hopefully they do result that he's been known as more is day and more say in the time all long as I've known who he is so I write. What is your room, a reports all right. Thank you. Miss E, let me shudder at the Bonn, be Bombay is performing at the arose. We owe this Friday and also as an outcome it out. If you download rodeos, like this huge I waited they loaded. I am because they have like three weeks in this issue should I have on a radio show the horse shows nor let me a lot of a lot of food, a lot
most lot of stuff for the kids he's. Actually performance is Friday and sold it out. Certain ideas before but it's sold out under articles loath Blunderby Absolute, allow it that twenty eight March twenty I wanna salute Aragon Alexander to qualify. Media wanna salute every boy, who shown up to support the audible original series finding to meagre. It is number one, an audible, she's a memoir, the number one in politics and social science on audible. So I just want to say thank you in us, looked air galaxy and in color farm mediating, telling a story that need to be told in shedding light on the often ignored stories of missing black grown and women. So thank you to everyone for show. What our project and making a number one where there is great, why everybody saluting people wishes as shadow to our girl de words, if you guys saw this is actually gonna, be.
Roy Ways for college girls draw political love, a dirty word, my chance of graduate. I love these congratulations. That is a deadly going to see her on Broadway sell for college girls de wages in right, while the people choices are next started. People choice, mix, exercise of Nikita requesting to breakfast locomotive. The bread was glad your morning so now would be to send a year and the generally sentence has been saving people money for nearly sixty years. So if you want quality assurance, but let's take a closer look at the general, got eight hundred general or visit a general dot. Com the general auto insurance services ink and insurance agency Nashville Tennessee, some restriction, morning. Everybody is D. J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club now shall have betrayed the true for joining us. This war
without trade we announced tat. My car show it is the first cause some deal with somebody: arms shouted shaded. Truth is going down June team to ninety which, as far as they weaken in here, So it's going to be a Texas, verse, New York, the first time we're doing it some bringing down who's, the cause he's has a hose to cause and if you haven't been to the car, so it's a little bit of everything. So it's rising Jumpy's for the kids, this gaming for the kids face painting there is now a car will be. The aerial showed a kids. How to change ties. The pic Rubia monster, Trot cars bikes, anything you could boss name celebrity cause great food is at In our view, a range of you haven't, got you take it, take it today and ninety ninety nine did you take it and you can get him at a bit right or of no war, now event. No war is a black all take a couple. one of the only ones I ever heard of so light, Ticketmaster end of it right, they sell tickets, but what they do is the wall gives the money that they may
a percentage of it back to the community with an event is so they try to help our kids with books, him backpacks in kids, what clothes and help kids, so shouts of it, no war as the entity and oh, I want a solution and brothers that must not use them, especially if they get back to our community Are you aware of Wednesday yes. You know it is Wednesday sets an eye on what wednesdays we actually dropping episode on the breakfast club you to channel that is taught by Lamar Wilson, who founded black Bitcoin billionaires. So you know he was on the breakfast club and he's gonna talk. and investing in Bitcoin he's also offering a discount for his black billionaire bitcoins course. You got a black. They billion that comes last radio and stated if you have an already study investing in. It also put you in a contest to become a Toshiba millionaire so sad to cash app for making all this happened? Bitcoin one, oh when for all of us in making sure we know what we need to do and have the knowledge,
so you can make a choice if you want to invest, you can, if you dont, want to you don't have to, but at least had the knowledge. When we come back positive noticed a breakfast club good morning everybody is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast club. The shovel that a positive note I do have a positive note. I posted is not. Is the grand other day man and I wanted to repeat here- I hear move in silence. Ok, popular thought, but I challenge you to be vocal: you your healing journey. If you're comfortable could one soul, testimony is another souls roadmap progress, British Minister Yonder priested a planet by the name of Charlemagne, God and M here, to tell you that this is your chance to own a piece of the world's most. It responds, showed ass right breakfast club and of teeth are coming soon to the green and of t play
form one of creating and partnership between me actually, indeed, envy and end of tea artists. Everyone is talking about just enrich progress right. The controversial just enrich burn these digital collectibles are made for true, fair. That is, show head up one of the candidates to be notified. As soon as I and of tease alive
Transcript generated on 2022-03-10.