« The Breakfast Club

Dr Sampson Davis Phoner and more


Today on the show we had a expert call up and give us more information about the Corona Virus and how to prevent others from getting it. Also, since it is Freak freaky Friday we opened up the phone lines to see what out listeners thought about certain things being essential, with one being dildos, after an Amazon worker spoke out about them not being as important. Also, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for spreading misinformation.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Days, evenings weekends, holidays, vetoes clinicians are always available for our hospice patients, families and healthcare partners, our team This can be reached twenty four seven, all mine by phone or via our mobile app for hospice consultations, referrals admissions and see This transition to hospice care in the patient's preferred setting of care for more information on how the tuscan help you and your patient or resident go to view stay calm, slash advantage
was made so loud, makes a huge adieu. My cell Charlemagne, the Gulf WAR, came along the way. I think I have a certain amount of space. What everybody else does just a vessel which, on this platform, reach out. How did you make space, but somebody like you guys were due to the court's all I do is read of a practice. Every morning you guys are trending every euro. I drag my ass, not like what happened today.
Good morning: you're, a Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO good morning, easily them when it is Annie, Charlemagne God, please the planet has fraud, as is Friday men a week in his ear. What does that mean, though,
What does that mean for us? We want to get up early tomorrow is sending me there. We ve made it to another. We gotta go about job every day above ground. Every dated are weaker, breathing everyday I wake up with allow all alive is a blessing. The measles I'm happy to see another Wigan. Alright, it's out for another weaken every day it just seemed like is today just you going over and over and over wake up the same time. Every morning I was not there, but seems like nothing, no user. You look forward to weaken cause. You look forward to being We look forward to go outside you look forward to what things, but now exists is another day I'll just have to be an added madrigal mom had I'm have look of borders, we get em look afforded. We can cause like an angel easier. We get to sleep in a little bit later. Animal for to the fact that little John and T paying a battle in the mark and I'm looking forward to the effect that Teddy Rally in baby face a battle in all Sunday goddammit line? If a little later, you know about relates to the death. Do not worthwhile
two legends like it s, not even like that, he resigned like to have you if I have to guides going again each other's. I don't know. Google await at a guy can defeat another God, but you know I am Teddy Rally. Uptown record just concept, I reckon is one of my favorite record. It was about time, Rockefeller resident directs. Much will favour reckon they was a voter. Did you know me? You know that be how lowbrow allowing young people s surprise when they west these battles. I love a lot about that already noted as on. So I think tat So no matter what, with these battles, people have favoured. Was a even if someone clearly one over another person is still impressive. A bolder huge records like this can be a tough one. Understatement leaks you'd! whose record understatement forward Teddy Rally a baby phased into the culture of music,
Ok, you Talkin about a brother, then in invented Ho Jon Room called new Jack Swing and Teddy Rally baby faces broadly responsible for every goddamn. In L, a red most era arm be hidden early nineties, late, eighties know who's the early Ninetys ever going to whole nineties right Well, if you examine serrated Mohammed, very Louis, could get into this guy we face was late, eighties, early, ninety elite, eighties, early nineties. So as to fight I mean look, I don't know no one. There is no one in about a like this. We all with this one here, but you know you just gotta suited the demographic in these battles. Good, like certainly alien early nineties, Teddy Rally was late night. These can be a great moment. I'm excited about it use the word that we only need to care about when it comes to his battle. Demographics, design named. It is ain't decision for nothing, but people know grew up in an era great, if you, if you pay, now listen to music, and you know what it is great is simply for
people who know all that time explained the greatness, a teddy. Rather, what I want to say only way body is the same thing with many fresh gas storage. You know if you from the south, who knows maybe fresh record. So if your dj, you notice mainly fresh records, lotta people might not have known of ragged saving if you know that owning, alas, learning a matter where just a moment there in an hour so but I'm excel at intimidated, was need a metal. When all is said and done, because people are going, Definitely remember how Timmins was made them feel during this quarantine people. Would you would you said that you would you did, but they never forgive you made him feel in timmins was. Would these battles are making the code you feel good replicas market in bananas was absolutely will ask it to show crack in front page knows what are you talking about? I we wine to give you some update
the new guidelines for a long term, health care facilities, and you do know that you should be closing the toilet before you flesh. It will talk about that. Also right. It into their necks and let's get into a new joint is Drake is called to see sly I seen that on Salazar Diktat, right. Well as to breakfast loved the body name. It is only right now is that you, like you, like you like, arrogant, of one I've already at abolition. Does. At least that is what is called yeah. I've never heard a year are suited to the video is well mature, get out during next break commercial brain. They added a whole sissy dates that at a hotel in John, took antique taxes doing. Ella challenge result: chronically is not work. I get why people would like it, but I don't want to hear somebody on Drake Louisville doing Tik Tok records like it is just calling you to me, but I mean I'm sure it's going to work for you. I mean this is what I do not count as it does expect more from drink. It does
point in his career start of a new decade like I want to see a goat, doing, Tik Tok records if you do a record and it becomes a hate on Tiktok, organically cool, but to force. One like, let me as historic, afforded kids and then he'll come back when another record, but it makes sense anybody's at home. What are you to do? Tiktok that has seen I aid, don't I cannot see somebody on Drake's, whatever dismantling arrival, some four page news where we start new. I will list out with some things that you should be doing right now to take care of yourself now didn't know this, but there echo, meaning that you close the lid of the toilet before you flash the toilet. They saying that bug can spread through fecal matter that escapes from the toilet boy bow when you flesh it so bold as to what the grant of ours yes, really the corona viruses, but may I call it era civilized feces. This is upheld no into the air. There was called a toy.
The and sometimes that can contain infectious legal matter caused by flushing, so close the lid and then flesh, ok, now you tell me that it it it. It doesn't want us to talk and wanted to stay away from people, and we got to put the toilet down when we poo poo the coronavirus and go on it. You need to do is clean. Your phone, Sanjay Gupta was talking about this, the most common surface that we touches our phone. You don't think about it. We think about our counters and all that sort of stuff. So yeah, you know cleaning found him and wiping the phone, just like I showed with some of those cans, is a good idea. I've been doing that pretty regularly, and here Just let me show you there's. This is a hack from Kapital said the doktor sent me. They are now doing that no put their phone and zip block bag like that, and they sickly. You know, use it throughout the day like that and then be able to take the bag off and then when they take their phone. I'm at night. We try and keep it alive A cleaner,
didn't need have neglected to tell me that Benjamin Runaway been doing anything. That too, as we need tested iphones, but to see him many Germans will add another day, no man down jumper. I can about was using scarves over your face. Also help protect you, people wanted to wear them. They can. If people want to do, you scarves, which they have they can in many cases the scarf is better sticker. Maybe you can, if view depending on the material its thicker, but they could do, If they want now recommendations coming out we'll see what that recommendation is what I will say this, they can pretty much too for themselves, radio, great once again, didn't you tell me that de, I would do everything. Yet another nowhere does it they made. Are loaded changes every today's right away. It absolutely everyday changes, subtler
those on the other day, putting a red bandanna. Yes, you to be, as you would, I thought it would have had accede as such, so that those things the same type of thing like coffee, a face like I asked. What happened but they say, Madam President, that they say before those didn't protect from the virus. They said you recover your face, but it doesn't necessarily protection. A virus in the particles still get through. That's what they said which one is so, why would a mask protecting them? is different as we need a particular type of mass aware when you go out which has to be said. That today said you, They said to ninety five miles. You should leave Deaf would have the healthcare workers illusion like a regular, a sum to other type of I forgot what it was like: a surgical mask or something like that would lead, but they said about having got it out, Mask Dodge emphasised. Given new guidelines for long term how care facilities now nursing homes should have suspended the entry of all ethically unnecessary personnel today were
further recommending that all nursing home facilities aside the same staff to care were the same group of residents consistently to minimize any potential spread. And were also urging facilities to designate separate areas for healthy and sick residents, and this a practice that we probably will be recommending into the future. I raised and which has the throughout the moment and I'm Angela YE, and that is your front page news not been devices the best devices, the steel ass on; ok, I've run aground law, something forgot low hats to be out in the street. Ok, just stay your ass off, get about math glove, raise a home, Some people can't like yesterday, I had to drive to queens, which is the hot spot, because my parents needed supplies and I had to go out and get it done. So I had to drop off supplies to my parents had to drop, the plasma mother law and I I wanna be out, and I definitely want to be in queens without it was the biggest hotspot New York's New York City,
I'd rather be out in M, apparent gonna get in water and told the people in pay towel and milk in orange use, nor let other stuff that they need. So I had to our goal and people working little door is where you have to buy those. I absolutely example, while I was only if we act is ours, they gotta be under the church. I visited deliveries, so I once again once again dimension. This is from the beginning, if you're, not an essential worker, stay your ass home period. Get it off your chest. Eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one if you need to vent hit us up now, is the breakfast club good morning Did you get get it your chest, whether your man wore black but have the we want to hear from you? Wanna breakfast allow this guy. My lord, the minded Thea
about my main man, normal drive down now Pierre Land be added the oh. You know all this has to be too much. We add up. Diana ground by nobody. People be led by the terrible of weeping when we got over about fifty murder. But you know maybe the danger you I've been, though my plate with, like New York You know you're a boy you're really big day: I'm there will come a bar, but they re. You know they like that. We really like it. Oh, and I believe, though it may be over us, like overreacting debate, didn't know the right job, when it got to contain it my brother little wanted they don't want it all they wanted to spread and get crazy like it is in the EU can only be wrong. The yoke is more but didn't city people on top of each other than South Carolina? But still you don't want at this rate, but faintly
the biggest problem you you're about people, and I think we may be contributing to the spreading of something obeyed! Allow you any blow the mad. Anyone tried every day, not Can I go to the atm be born in and such the before? They do not have that. I think that maybe contributes to the love it rather Really you think. So you think you think I don't you think. People going out and breathing stuff in touching stuff in input. Problems all over things is pregnant for real. Do you think about it? You top level about what is assuming you were not You wear the same blow that you won't go from this body. Time you go at every day, I don't know. Man is the know. How were you? with everybody. If I shake your hand, am I get it,
if we say guys know based on what he said, I really think the only way to fix this is to stay six feet away from each other. I think we need also should distance. What do you think? get it off your chest. Eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand four hundred and fifty one if you need to vent it, is up now with the breakfast club good morning. The breakfast club, doesn't matter black? We want to hear from you allow this muslim artist. A mark is critical features rope. For our part of the more Navy game Charlemagne may mark is how are you Marcus I don't wanna blessed Blankenheim, they answer! That's what I do here, math solar, look here, our Kroger right now Conditions have only been that badly. Get an under my skin, is out of withhold live my there Where does the one is the gay overtime? Yet they want. Is the book
stop on the shelf. All these people are all these people need. These products- I wonder how it wants to do my job. If I can't to do my job and I'm sure they make a lot more money than normal at Kroger's right, everybody's come in and stack up one thing selling out of things so use, I agree and I dont give raw bless. They gave us having a bonus check this week and we're gonna get like a little extra money on our tax for the next again like a little extra money on our tax for the next couple but mildly All these people are thinking behind this at home to be important, however, on the front line three with the OECD emollient resent you gotta say: People work yesterday when I had to go to the supermarket and go to the stores and everybody with restocking, and I'm like man. I appreciate you guys man, thank you so much man think they need to get hasn't pay at a time like this hello. Allow this aim later airy get it off my chest Gallagher
like a hard but late, my body he passed away last week. He lived, what happened to the right method I came to light a hugely because you know what move like one and a half but when I might make Hey Willie for that law, what had made him look like they Heru, you know that I don't know, I've been told me or the like You know what I mean life, you salad, you need to be close. It always. I do need to be around on your face. In people love me even always: social dissimilar knowledge. You properly gossip me when somebody Linda being Quarantine, wit s deck and be more of a foundation, use a mighty the lean on others. Like me, no more than a mere committee be set up my mom and dad I mean that the bodily by those with lights out at TAT time re national people. Yet
have time for funerals in travelling and being around people. At a time when you know you wanna comfort, your family members, and you need there I'm pretty well, and I mean It is a really great because you just gotta make show you how the other in Ireland are you. Are you ensure that no checking temperature have you got me? symptoms. I wouldn't in a fly back and be around Mama, but I don't know just arrests Yams Richard take rather wherever we Davy and the family who went to a year. They went to a few. Well in seventeen members of the family ended up positive corona virus, so it is super risky, though That is something that is a common story happening right now, as so many people passing in the far right. Some corona viruses from anything else and having. As gatherings in funerals, is something that right now, you can't really do away. People would want to light like us. Yes, I want my parents, house and my mother law and I had to talk to him to the door like I left it only a porch and told him don't come out. My pops trotted out. You know how bout the outcome.
When I give you a log out, ok, I'm like no had life ass, a dead. I will spare you with his life all in your face back to F up as this one those things accurate. I couldn't do it myself, nor that I had it and pass it on to him. You know just one or two things, and this is our life is gone before, while you know irrationally being, and we don't even know how it spreads- detain it if you breathe around some body, if you talk around, somebody might enable us to put our oil seed down clearly nobody knows how it spreads, we're all learning on the fly, and I don't want to learn the way you right I feel the same way, get it off your chest, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one. If you need to vent, you can hit us up in the next hour. We have Dr Sampson Davis. Now what is he working? Since the EU is a doctor, he best selling author to limiting dying and brick city he's from Newark, but he's been working inside. Four different hospitals and tell you what's happening in the EU. Are all right, we'll talk next hour. In it we got rooms on away, yes will be taken about Bernie Sanders on the view he called into the view as some people.
This is with how Whoopi Goldberg was questioning him right
movies to breakfast locomotive breakfast, my name is shook her wealth. This is the story of my son. Courtney, your money was critical to dollar. Thirteen is the biggest here, my life. He was a ladies man even which have anti in his grandmother, I'm just the robber Cornick Oboes for animals in twenty. Sixteen. He wound up with a bullet in his back outside of Chicago police station cunning, I've gotta, gratified your order Photoshop and it's the story of my search for the truth. This is somebody a coal production of invisible institute, the Inner South and Topic Studios in association with Tenderfoot TV available. Now this is somebody's chai. Somebody deserve to know what happened I desire to know what happened must listen to some
on the ice, radio, app apple podcast or wherever you get your bike. The report is the reul report. Libretto, yes, Bernie Sanders Cause Initiative, you even second about how damage hemp is handling the pandemic, also his decision to stay in the racing. And Joe Biden, Whoopi Goldberg had told him that he didn't support Hillary Clinton, enough last time around she said it's been waiting to see what he's gonna do and she said I M told you in and stay in this race for president, because you believe there's a path to victory so will be global. Question him on what their path is. Can you explain why you're still in the way they have is they already are. You are we are addressing I would campaigner tomorrow about where we want to go home and right now it live at the moment in american history. I think we need to have a very serious discussion about We got going avoidable.
That I am working on with other members of the Senate and Congress a new stimulus package. Which not only make sure that all about people in the prices of health care, but also but they continue to repeat their paycheck. Well, what we go back, he's gonna let a backlash after that. Would people saying that she did Bernie actually answer the questions that she's asking in some people thought it was disrespectful. What did you think I did? The question was this: apple she can ass. Would she was ass if she's call, if he's calling her platform, I think the question was disrespectful do I guess it? Was it a little bit more back and forth and thereby make people are questioning Bernie about they? So he has anybody that he talks? You right now is going to ask him about that, and you know it. They get a lot of criticism last time for everything that happened. We Hillary Clinton and his supporters is not supporting herself. It is something he does have to answer for right, a color, in the same feel like I did, and now enough is enough. Why enough enough? Because was
probability from actually window right now, one is dividing. The parties is easy. Dividing same thing, like we said before is is support, is never supported. The and just imagine we had that actual support think there were an unprecedented time, because some primaries got pushed back and yes, he probably wasn't long. It did necessary delicate. The wind, but I think the process should still be unfolded I don't think he has the right to do that. Then people Anthony Joe Biden was gonna, be the front runner at all. It's kind of what was he to do about it for a period of time? So you never know when we have been we will live in a very unprecedented time of I would Bernie Sanders ends. I wouldn't draw body. I don't think this is dividing the body I think was divided. The body is the fact that while Trump is out there frightened sinner no taking charge and looking like he's a leader there too busy in fighting amongst each other. They should be aiming at Donald Trump instead aiming at Bernie Sanders. I think that's your problem. I am in each other. It you'll feel I Bernie Sanders supporters,
the boy Hillary Clinton wait when he dropped out years ago Ah, my dear, I had a choice. Bernie, we came around not as a partner with, but that's not only not on Bernie Borders. Good choice. If you don't inspire the voters, have you know in a giant devoted death on you? You can expect people just a run out view, just because Bernie Sanders told him to know you need to start talking to those people in a way Zeb Joe Joe Biden changing his messaging a little too. You know, In sum of burmese policies and start talking to a little bit more but yeah you gotta do some to inspire those people that is expected of you they said: is it our aims? That is, it is a two percent chance right. Maybe this is wrong, but two percent chance that you'll win twenty twenty is that no right now we are moving about it. I just think that you know, being The primary gap was back like you allowed a process did. Did the play out. Things will invite us is, as is dragging our longer just can we go to the corner where everything that is happening right now are now. Let's talk about as we can
Romania, the biggest event in professional wrestling is going to move forward this weekend, even with corona virus. So if you are watch your ass a mania, thirty six! It will air starting at seven p M eastern on April. Fourth, and it will continue the next day. At the same time, also, if your subscribes to the Debbie W E network, you can watch that for free and new subscribers can use the service for free for a month. So you can also see it on facts. Boards and fats now, acts forfeit loaded and ninety nine They were recently just yes, yes, gonna be in Orlando at the Debbie W E performance center. I remember previously. We told you about Roma rays. Dropping out, just because of his own previous, use and sickness and illnesses is so he's not going to be. I had lining, but the biggest matter. The event will be Brac listener. Fighting off it drew Mcintyre he's trying to defend his Debbie double each championship belt and rock and cast he's gonna be hosting so no audience. No, no,
Debbie hostility that we in Orlando Lando, in their performance centre, detest restless like the depressed you take the temperatures and giving covered nineteen Tesla. How does this work? Why? Why did they get to be right? So I was thinking about last night when I was watching Teddy Rallies living room. I they were doing Knossos distance and it was in his singing in Sweden, in our own one poison cough he had a production crew, aided not give a damn. Wasn't a man with no gloves antennae and risk in it offer us far and attain down that road. With amateur my order, just just because a decision, yet I'm lucky let me oh Mamma, in a low Jackson, a multimodal wrestling as we get. I ran out to Cassie six. Is officially released. He left the jail out of the back entrance before the judge announced that so because you will be on house arrest so about the remainder of his time. So the first four months will be soon. Revised release on home
isolation here, where a gps monitoring angle bracelet to track his whereabouts, and probably prodigal, be right back to business It is a little money for our domestic again, He can be our social media and people. It is only reasonable consumer because they don't have the same values. When you come to terms from the street, they don't look at the street the same way as that gets people industry do like their consumers of music S Ali care about. That's all I care about I re well, I'm Angela YE, and that is your room, a report and the fact that he's home right now in begging for entertainment, they does deafening or flock to it depends what he does do you can come back. I e there is no way you can. I gotta be on the same energy right, needed. There's nobody. You could buy into that right. You know, you'd deftly knuckle, believed that from him, no more I see our hope not right all right what we are proposing
That's what you told me you are able took about a potential federally mandated stay at home order, would tell you who is asking for that. Our right, we'll get internet, makes keep unlocked the breakfast club the morning Iraq. It is terrible. Irregulars wag, lad arguments behind the scenes and I was gone against Charlemagne. I mean I was like nice. Don't afforded. Kids is a tick tock. This is destroy our rhetoric that an ear. Nor did I see the video then after the vigour I seen the video and urges all alike is called you're, not feeling Emma didn't. You know why cause Drake is supposed to be a wave, not a circle. Now looks like you ve, just Rhine ways right now: he's chastened trains, like he's too big eyes into double rapporteur, be making tik Tok right, If you men, living radically. Yes, Asia, he's a rather make out at night. If you, make a reckoning to become the tick tock sensation organically cool, but to force one that ain't. It does DES Weber, I'm sure it
We had to think as wag drinks better than that to me like the bears moves. May does he look like looking needle horny looks fast man arrival, Duskiness, a front page news. Restoring you while this our DEC two? He really believe it should be a better, really mandated stay at home order hears what he said the stand. Why that's not happening? I guess you said the tension between federally mandated versus states rights to do what they want thing I want to get into. But if you look at what's going on country. I just don't understand why we're not doing that. We really me what are you talkin talking about Donald Trump, who said that its different state by state? So that's, why he's not doing a federally mandated order and people have fairly mandate in order to stay at home in a automatically think martial law and is Somebody like Donald Trump will people look at is a racist and a bigot and a dictator, and they don't want it. They don't want to take orders like that from him cuz. They don't know where that on in where we at liberties in your freedom
you know when you ever get that back after they don't need that right now. We definitely need that right now, people are not staying in people are still out and about the part that still at the piers like we need that right now, honestly,. Right now. Experts are also saying the corona virus, can spread through just talking or even breathing, so that by their welcome any that you were a mask when you go anywhere to the grocery store, whatever, because yes, spreading by more than just sneezing our coughing level. What's the quiet place this weekend is a good time to watch. You can get a good tutorial on how to survive. Silence at you, but ass, the data We don't know we ve been saying they don't know every day is something new like they don't know. I now Pittsburgh sign his have developed a passable corona virus vaccine at the university of his. School of medicine, their in a possible candidate vaccine. Karen Virus and will see the China check that right now and get that out there. So well,
figure that out. That will be good news. Is that if there is a vaccine for it, they also have puzzle. The presidential convention, further Dnc two August because of corona virus and someone and last but not least how about zoom right as a lot of people are doing. Zoom right now, appeal has warned that videos are getting hijacked the cooling zoom bombing, so what's happening the people are, king in and hijacking fr, zoom videos in saying all kinds of crime things? Are there so right now there figure out how to protect people's safety and actively educate users on how they can protect their meetings and help prevent incidents of harassment? So it's been happening to a lot of people Yeah, I'm asean men. I was getting DM yesterday from my home and we all we Giuliano Coup in the room, right, yeah, Nogueira and in news ask asking me for for an interview for no jumper and other work
and I think I know getting guide their well. If they know Q DM in me ask me for the give him a hundred fifty thousand doing interview with no jumper I get the hell out of here. Well, you have people in his hand. I realise that is your front. Paws right. Well, thank you miss ye. Now, when we come back, we gonna talk to adapt. The he's from New Jersey does the EU did Andrew David David What is needed is he's an ear. Doktor he's gonna did three doctors are, And you are so sensitive a house but also he asked them inside information on what is going on in the yard was treated a lad of pay and New York stated a lot of patients who are corona virus, positive and people who just came in to get tested. Give you a lot of information, more taught him.
Don't move is to breakfast locomotive breakfast T J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club. We got a special guest on the farm and right now he's a hero. He saving. So many, blood. There we have Doktor Samson Davis, welcome. Robin was ok. More than the morning, you guys no doubt is like me, whisper dated. In David? You work in the ear at several defended jersey, hospitals, correct, that's right! Yes, I work at very city I work in. I despise General and I say books as well and today we have bad, is it out there, and that is that yesterday I work we had a thirty pages. I took care of twenty, I would twenty six Adam was grown up. Iris, positive patients are when I last night, this point, which is based upon symptoms and a few other things maybe they get x rays,
formed when you can tell that they have grown apart based upon the infection every we on your chest x ray. Lastly, the town I get an extra euro necessarily have to do to think of the nose anymore, the minute we We just don't have the supplies and another. I stand by one of my other heartily. Sorry, general six about nurses is out. The virus, and we just laws. One about doctors asked the wait two days ago, That is our new european pathway, great, Are you the only sixty years old, young man Is it a nurses and other health care professionals and doctors who do have families at home and are basically, missing in their lives to come to work and u yours, I know you have a child also and just became risking your life. To come to work, to take care of other patients like how can you protect yourself or may escape Angelos really mean right. Now, I'm going, my god.
I have a face mask a heavy ninety by Base as I have about protected by cargo. Away a gown. I put a dead one ahead as well. But my dear I always Gary time, then we're doing the best. We can do what we have in the unfortunate bar that were finding out more and more about this virus, an impact at its having each day. So what we do want today at last week, what I'm trying to do next week is gonna, be but then what we're doing today, I did so morbid right now. Many women have a trailer outside the hospital because we ran out of space in the morgue I'm so people are gay impact, we're going to lose live in? Stanley you took about social justice, then I like the kind of call political deficit dick that they might now socially, especially in a boat, community need to come together, more support each other more be the upward. Each other. We're gonna get do this, but we are definitely about three to five weeks away from taking, I think across the country,
I was doing anything like this before, as is the first time it has been like this. You know this is the first time ever since like this. The last major situation I remember, I was HIV Aids when it was running at a rapid rate, and I will see people always literally diet, but ass built housing caparisoned. That is what we are seeing now that everyone would be an effective impact it about a quarter. Buyers and what's happening outside of running shorter supplies. There's more people come into the emerging apartment unless people to take care of those pace, because the losers that members as well and so we have this kind of dichotomy where there's more people come into the emerging apartment unless people to take care of those patients, because the losers members as well and very important, you have a minor simply the best thing for you. I know it sounds kind of counter intuitive, but the best thing for you to stay home, because
when it comes to emerging. Apparently, not only can we expose yourself more between their scope, others, who the virus as well. Doesn't this proved at the american healthcare system just needs? A total revamped at the american healthcare system is just I know you might be low bias become all we have to speak truth to power right now it definitely an overall? I agree that the challenge and made us is another soda level, but the challenge that healthcare that is truly cooks in the kitchen, oh yeah way to leave people s. Bob and argued and are not positions, were not medical experts whatsoever and saw everyone is short. Not yet at the same time, if you will By doing so it confuses the mighty things, a grey thing than anything about nature, and so on we're probably one of the only industry that is told how to do a lot to do and because without telling how to do and what do they never went to medical school, and I wanted
on a school, and I went to the addition of this school, the nurses or any technical schools aid they they have no skill set an arena, but yet they control all the pieces and That is my personal opinion, but we still need to be backed Algeria, system and and, quite frankly, by Now we are where everything that happened It will, as one had nothing do the other ideas go on a virus is just just really something that I don't care how prepared we could have been avoided if it it just makes had. That is why I have some Davis, I'm sorry, it's car to cut you off this one. I know you said at least it is not an issue could have done about it, but I mean it just where that you live in a country where, as more jails and presented in it, is possible, none of them like what he put more money into the military than they actually do the healthcare system. It s not an indictment of yard ass, an indictment of american gum yeah, that's kind of I agree with you some right. I mean it: it's the focus on health,
here in the availability of hospital spaces in hospital beds. Dogmas. Be revamped and don't noticed the specific particular numbers. I can't really speak upon that, but I do know says practices Use. This example in my area, where I live and upright the bus saying over the privatized fifteen years, seventy eight hospitals clothes. There are still open. Was they became absorbed by that's what it in business one or one right? What more business even a secret absorb the business, but at the same I would even say even looking at a lack of health care access. What you're talking about and so should determine the could help in Heaven the place to go with us. They see the ability to get to the dog in the finances. The paper, the doktor diplomacy and exaggerate. Will you look at those aspects of it. You know we have to have more kind of satellite facilities for people to go to, but is also important that they understand navigate doctor.
This confusion, if you don't know witted local, why every patient things be imposed upon the answer I may I have Asian, you know in the merger Department or a democratic issue guided by fundamentalists, and I'm here is welcome the ties sharply attire and now yet why we get more without the Samson Davis, when we come back, don't move as to breakfast club the morning everybody is dj, Envy Angela envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we are. The breakfast club was on a former with Doktor Samson Davis he's your doctor New Jersey, P, that is absent. It is. I want to ask you if you don't have insurance right now and you're having really terrible symptoms come from corona virus and you do need to go to the doctor. What can happen because I saw yesterday there, China make sure everybody has health care right now. So what do you do if you are extremely? Second, you dont have insurance love. If you don't have an assurance. That is not
a reason to not go the hospital. You are an sometimes I don't care what you financial situation is and unite. But a breed and showed her breath you come to us. You go to your name, my colleague, there passed away in our red in the paper about its past and he died at home, I sound like he was short of bread and butter particulars. Without with it, they obviously bizarre like he was shorter. Brandon was breathing and sometimes healthcare workers. We could be ours enemies because we feel like we ve. The monitoring centre is one of the heroic as well. In a moment, we don't overburden the system, so we'll stay all, but by no means that Europe Symptomatic, breathe a well yeah hi, be ready for, like you're going to pass out Can you call nine hundred and eleven go to the emergency department? That's what you have to do for people with minor symptoms, just a minor car for somebody and there's no special tests that I can do
to tell you. Ok come on a virus, but there's nothing. We can do it. Just squinting yourself in Spain, home put up working day period, We talk about a lot of people at a die. Now what about these people that are actually living in? How are they getting through it like? What do you advise people who have symptoms or trying to avoid happened and how can they build their immune? system up like talk about some of those people who are living through this virus right, so that people are limited, which is which, by the way in which the great majority of the great majority of us will lead to this area? They look at the big names like Canada ran and look ahead, Albert remaining beat up both that were pretty much asymptomatic. Kennedy had symptoms whatsoever and they lived. Was it s going to be the great majority? above all, but in the end to your like how to build immunity is eating about mill, exercise and saying
so you can go on Youtube and download some sort of exercise run. They still appear to go outside, get fresh air and I just keep your distance from people and then sleep proper sleep and make sure you not abusing your body what alcohol or drugs or whatever it at it. In other other devices you made some of us may have, but those are the things get us through it and if you do about the symptom, then say yourself. Ok, I have a cop bodies appeal, hot fever. I have a headache. Let me take em town all drink twinning of fluid plenty of water and rest, and What are you up to fourteen days? What we're recommending now? What's what one symptom we should be, at about, because you know, if you work you gonna be eggs. You know people have headaches Albert people driving them selves, crazy right now about the like. What's the word, will you be like ok, this is alarming. Is it shortness of breath? Is it viva like? What's the one thing that you say this is alarming: has almost halved? Did you just?
I've had and last three weeks I believe my elbows I got can only like that's out. People are thinking yeah I get it. I get it. I always say shortness abroad, if you're not able to breathe anything like a wounded, especially if it is going to progress gradually. I just want I want to know is not like bomb all of studying and should a breath I can't breathe in my stoplight man appeal wondered like I just did a quick spread or job or ran down the block up your window, and then am I start to progress the point, but I love you can't get enough here. I just regrows what I can't get comfortable expression especially have exerted, Stop at you start to walk to your apartment at your home. You start to feel more short of breath. Then that's a sign that the progressing and I wrote out outside corn? I won one or go to your courses. Emerging, departmental call, your doctor, I tat the when you use all your resources of you, had a personal got to give them a call and and go something.
What then, was not applying that misery in average written cough like gunshots? Let go my look like I am a low Dolokhov Somalia was going. Are you feel good? You told the chicken temperature so as not to call it a cop. What we all like that, that day is it called the dying Colonna and a gradual? And, as you know, and as an end I get it I mean. I trust me I I the symptoms and I've. Seen at this point, hundreds, ok, HU, the krona virus, which amazed at the bank too weak the guys I saw, There are cases are well over a hundred cases that I've seen entreated, but I even when I call but I've like to check my boy had to say about it This matter is not uncommon made, but you'll do corporate differ. Reading You could show them. What are you could just positioning Ben Secretions, calculating if you can call, but is the persistent one going up
that is lingering, that it concerns associated with the body, eggs and fever, Ann plus, or minus the shortness of bread. That is Damson Davis, as seen people say not to take ibuprofen right. That's a story has been in the news. A whole lot of you the head ache or any type of eggs. Don't take out this ain't to take tylenol instead. Is there any too That is a necessary like all? That's not true, that's a myth is thought is not enough information that the problem is there. Lot of literature up there? Now our information, I did a thing I'd be quoted by political worsen. The situation we don't know, that's business. Answer so until we know for sure do not take it I didn't want, as they can tell it all arsenal just a minute, then for your fever, you could take when all early school hours that visa people just make sure you don't you take a proper dosage per year. Size in you and your weight embassy?
today, where cardiac arrest, there was a story about how, if you go into cardiac arrest, they are now Dammit you into the hospital. Is there to do that. We recommend that Saddam LISA Bigley Glass later today, RO as saying that the medics our own saying so, if you call my one, why led the and the medics arrived and their treating you and they start to do CPR at some point we have that transportation from the same to the hospital right, but if risk and had done its process of your your unable to be revised so that the minutes are working well. You that today are to be built up, agree that giving you adrenaline medication to try to help me start the heart if, after a certain period of time, There is no sign of life, not bring the person to the hospital because they have unfortunately expired. They take their guide, but are there died size, but but you want to the body on bringing back home
no they're not going to regard the facility to bring a body back home. I wouldn't age with the body so the coroner no right to do right through the greater the more they will require an obvious Morgan, in our banquets and then asked the other day and be given another space. Where the body I mean, sound morbidly. I can you imagine a glimmering Riva speaking of a situation like this, but we don't have the space where the body, and in the hospitals. Valor use him trailers with freezers to store the body. We got more with Doktor Sampson Davis when we come back, don't move as to breakfast club. The morning putting everybody is d: J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we are. The breakfast club was stolen, a former with Doktor Samson Davis, his ear doc out in New Jersey, no following our they're on their pan inmates, Erika six thousand out de grace. How about that? I shall obey. I haven't you, What about that denies I'd like I've been heard that, but I am I mad
all hands on deck by Tinashe all. But that's another point you bring up to. I think. As far as the the area is like our prisons, we have to be mine for because these are highly populated areas which there is a lot of congestion. So how do you practice physical distance and spaces that I could find, such as your prison is your nursing home to your group homes, your boarding home, I mean if one person picked up the virus, who was spread across the whole system that we have to get extremely careful in practice a caution wash your hands disobeyed. The area you broke space as soon as I get to work on this is that model works besides, but my my arsenal of no my shield and my gown in my goggles society,
get her on a virus right. Does that mean that you have the antibodies and you won't be able to get infected again, as I've been hearing that also I there's really low chance, then you can get infected again. Do we have enough information about that? So we don't Justice Doctor Jones, that's what we're. Fearful of so. We regretted her ways. Worst case scenario showed you do about it. The whole part of what you mentioned as that we will develop anybody south it just like no get the same cold twice and serve the virus stopping a body used in your body. Again, you are protected system? Your immune system were attacked the buyers and would most likely show no something now the challenges as well. The passes is good. We will apply so we'll get past his mom every Well Pekin Savage point where were now ahead of the virus. Goods were run in a mad, find that those that were so far for high trying to catch up with viruses right now, but as the summer
rise in at the move back into the ball in the winter months. Woke he don't know at this point is that the virus with new tastes were devised, changes outer shell to a certain way like the blue and Appertain to this outer shell, somewhat like with the blue, does in every year, Mammy minor risk above contriving a virus again. Ah, but at that point noise, you have a vaccine will have some sort of treatment and definitive treatment that we know for sure. There's also we were when anybody you they're not like? We know which today AIDS, malaria, drugs right now that we're trying to get that have some impact on a treatment? Corona bars, those who are really very sick, but we don't know yet, and then the hope is that this virus will go away, but we don't know as we going to the fall, and what am I this upcoming year, if we going to see the virus go through a different asian and then you're susceptible to re contrivance earth again. The devises mutated, already got. It seems like some cases.
Scrawled than in others, magazine Some is like his levels did corona virus things like wrote, a buyer than has grown virus plus, or is it away? It affects the system year. So we don't know, that's that's that That's the point- and I am wonder about that now, what we're going to do a start for those who have recovered discussions about testing the blood about that. The cover to see that there is some sort of passion mechanism or something, but any individual show no symptom the no side by side, your war great help in that person, there's something within the EU. Nay more than something that this person As we know, those obviously would call morbidity asthma diabetes. More pressure, which is a lot of people on our community? I'd have tougher chant, never top, of course, with the cologne, a virus but are we wonder why no not to know that there are different brands right now, the answer, The short answer is no, but I've got a carpet answer because we dealt with just stop now,
and how do we hope, like you know, I know that you know. Hospitals are short on p p like is this something that we could do specifically, hospital. You work at like how do we help healthcare workers He be not even that can we get dimly deliver food? Can we oughta pizza by what? What can we do to help outside adjust ppp? Anything we can do here on deck right now. Everything you both mention is important. So any donations as far as food labelling love mask we need. We need protecting the people they are proposed. A protective equipment will need a gowns. We need a global so odd, biomass or anything you can do to contribute to reach out to the local hospitals. Information there ah called it in an end and support that what any philanthropic upward meals Ah supplies will go a long way and each of us individually, just be conscious of your distance, and keeping a physical space are at work in time.
I had to be my body, because a lot of time the nurses warp patients they want to approach. I like him in personalized. I need you need a distance right now each and every one of us can do that especially comes to our young community, our young heroes out there. Make sure that they practice brightest day. They lead to charge, they should a day state and those talks to give or at home when a good writer, but we have to keep on distance right now we do so. I can promise you that debt numbers while we're not he too much develop without Please give any light at information, so a weakened in only send some food up there something place and as active Samson Davis. If you want ask him any questions on social media, also, the best selling author. You know that the pact is one of the three doctors and you have living and dying and break city right. Yes, this and also to spot the opt out and now at the art, Samson David saw its values. Kind of shorter than the two yards Samson Davis. Ok, we'll take it out of a job.
In it. We appreciate you and I don't strange, we call on you some says if we need some answers I'm done down this gigantic policy. We are leaving it that we will get ass. It was his week to week by mandate today will begin is this: how did you run off? The Samson Davis is to breakfast club the morning with Angela his club. I re fellas diet with Frank Ocean because he is the tap trending topic on Twitter he's release to new tracks, the cod dear April, and a kind o. Now you previously songs praise Lee last October during his first ever crap club night in New York, and here is a snippets of deer April,
if you got Kyoto, is also and partially in Spanish. Just so you know so. People are excited for New Frank Ocean, be managers, it goes in the number of children and topical intuitive. You think he's trolling Drake, because member and drink tabooed Andrei got bored it's out of the creator festival or whatever. That is an and people bought him because they thought Frankel. She was coming up, so you think Frank saw drink, put out to decide. As you know it with a couple records, are the biggest all injury, but me and my mama what is happening to our thinking to save the life of all days will put her out and a year later, on children but I mean this is something that he's been planning to put us at some point. He was gonna have to put it out, but down now now it has a new single this out today as well and
he put out a video preview by the way Russia web is on there with her staring into videos, hilarious and single is called, come and get your baby daddy here. This negative that you gotta know how come down here rather be in order to look at paragraph. Look alike: she had got the best seller oppressed by the manicurist wage. Everybody Mamma you just. Let me try to cover up. Do you gonna, bring insalubrious. It's gotta, be grew to be a comedian right, good, there's, no expectations for you too, for your music, like Duvall if any just allow areas. Just regular day of his funny people, Iraq would grant
You know they still wanted to do well to cause. I also felt like when you're a comedian people also efforts, don't take it. Seriously when you search engine music and makes it sometimes a little harder. I don't know if they try to be seriously. I think the moment that we knew tat. They were taken a serious. We would judge the records in a different way, leaving likely Jamie language, Amy, livelong versions, come in our music ray. We all knew he could sing before that, but it was a little ethical and then he blew up and he definitely emu. In with Jamie Latterly lawmaking Jamie was made. Real records, dough like like they were actual wreckers, would substance slight differences, coming into baby day Adam member. What Eddie If we put out party all the time, knew he also to put our Bulgarian Bulgaria by or that that was at his candidate. That was his comedy reckoned, goes ahead of his comedy within a real song. It was a cavity thing bit, I don't know it's is by I get it like, the lesson we gonna get the attention to put it out by two had already boylike people. Lacy sounds decent.
So she got american jeers put out a whole album as well and so she did a haven't imposed in view where she was talking about girls chip to and how they're all the way in to do that. You ve been saying right, but you know shillings, pay eighty thousand dollars for girls trip That's because you, whether this big, obviously as she has now that kind of helped Caterpillar so the position that she's in, but you look back at. Like oh actually made thousand dollars so obviously, next time around she's gonna get a lot more money. Oh, you know that I regard as being too many Jeff Bays has donated a hundred million dollars to help the nations food banks he's got a and other people. Have donated money. Sony has announced a one hundred million dollar global relief fund in support of those who are affected by corona virus. So other people over Winfrey she's donating ten million dollars to have the corona virus pandemic and she's going to be donating to Leonardo, happy owes funding
he started the Americas food Fund. It was launched by Leonardo, Dicaprio and Lauren Our jobs apple in the fourth Foundation Asian Souci donated one minute to America's food Van and ten million over, all is what you are planning to do That's a good one. Fine I'll help, healthcare workers get. DE. I would add that in Mango South icy committed, and millions who America's food fund she's donating ten million over all. So I guess she's gonna be spreading it, and now all emitted, ten million Roma to the food. For God you get. No one million to the food fun ten million overalls I'm sure she's, putting it indifferent funds? You just hasn't, announced Oliver innovations rose garden, all right, I'm Angela Ye- and that is your rumour report- all right Thank you miss ye, no shadow! May we gonna do.
And another elected official who has no idea what the hell is going on in regard to the corona buyers. And you wonder why the corona virus spreading awaited his spreading is because our so called leaders don't know what the hell they're doing right, camping income from the college will have a world. You are right, we'll get you that next keep unlocked the breakfast club. Morning. Don't you I don't give a damn dog. You today does not discriminate. My now the song today biogas, the donkey breakfast club- please don't keep the day today delegated day for Friday April third, goes to Georgia, governor bride Camp. I literally told ya. Yesterday and have been telling ya over the past couple of weeks that our electorate visuals are going to cause. Many people to get sick in many people die soon, because they are uninformed about
Corona buyers and is not the role of being a new form. Nobody knows everything, but we have now problem spreading that misinformation. Ok, with the utmost confidence despotism problem. Why because the majority of these elected officials have seen simply don't know what the hell they are talking about comply. We clueless So what's Goin on the Corona bar is just like a lot of us. Ok, just like the majority of people are a Rona is new to the masses. We ve never seen anything like this before we are trying to figure it out and what a world attempts to figure it out, Today, my ass home, like the experts, tell me to do. Ok, social distance, then stand way from people seemed like the most logical thing to do until everyone figures out what the hell is happening. Ok literally, have was living in a real live version of the quiet place yesterday, Did you can't talk a bream around people, you gotTA, Hong Kong. Studied and just recently found out that a single flush of your toilet
release about? Eighty thousand dirty droplets. Tat are left in the air for hours, so you gotta clothes delayed in these dirty, which might just lead the corona virus. Bringing to the next use of detail at sea. I mean, like God, is to match corona lives on services on car boy between you. Why was it you? sire? I know you package's when they come from Amazon, you sad eyeing. You know food, if you, if you still eat now, we just don't know anything about this disease. For real Ok, we're all learning on the fly. We just don't hope to learn the hardway. Ok, what I said I think by now a lot of us not a basic store right social distance eating staying home. If you are out for essential runs like a grocery store, medicine may show you a six feet away from each other, and I think we all know that you can have grown up I without showing like symptoms, writer, everybody's aware of that at this point right. Yes, yeah, ok,
what are we to general public know that, but for some reason, Brine camp governor of Georgia and elect- official doesn't don't believe me. Listen to him yourself. Do you not think is the reason I'm taking this action is like I've continued, sell Paypal and found the data followed. The advice of doktor to me, her not both mentioned in our remarks. You know fine and now that this viruses now transmitting before people see signs. So what we ve been telling people from Direct from the CDC for weeks now that, if start feeling bad stay home. Those Individuals could have been in in Paypal before they ever felt bad. We didn't know that until the last twenty four hours and his daughter to me tell me she goes. This is a game changer. Now you wonder, why does these bread, new areas in America. It's because he's elected officials have No clue was going on. If you have a clue, was going on, and how can you make decisions about It should be done. Ryan camp is
governor of Georgia, ok, He doesn't know asymptomatic folks spread the virus. This is what happens when you watch too much Fox news. Ok, all your like each other in his heart the country Botz noses busies, Ankara alibis was a democratic hopes to make trouble. Bad and the Ladys Godlike Brian Kim Dae do I do not really think that's when you get the information from. We noted the celebrity achieved president does, but I think they are all influenced by this because I'm not in the least an official I'm a man raised on a dirt road amongst going to salve collated by education, doesn't go any eyed and a high school diploma. I've gotten might cool. I tell you all the time, then I'm not the highest rate of wheat and dispensary, but I know that a symptomatic folks can spread device, That was really wanted. A first things they told us, you don't have to have symptoms to spread this thing. FR. I kept the governor of Georgia, didn't find this out. Last twenty four hours,
for those of you like rank, who may have just found this information, not in the past twenty four hours? Let's go! January thirty of two dozen twenty? This is Doctor Roger DE short enough as a last name right, probably night, he told and you can be asymptomatic in spread, devours, listen and the grandparents were tested and, of course they turned out to be passed As for the novel corona virus, while the parents insisted that their ten year old boy be tested even though he was a symptomatic and they didn't want to test the boy because he wasn't showing any signs of illness, but they went ahead and tested anyway and the ten year old child tested. Guess what positive for them novel crony virus, even though he was completely asymptomatic, as just one person. Gold was gone away to South Korea. Ok, South Korea.
Wrong tv. I think I'm pronounced now right, probably not, but this was February. Second, two thousand twenty day reported an ancient domestic folks could spread. It was here health authorities in South Korea, have acknowledged, for the first time the possibility of the novel corona virus spreading the travelers were asymptomatic or Miley ill and have decided to tighten their focus as a result. Ok how about February eleven two thousand twenty Doktor Isaac, bowl gotcha, I think, on promoting their right, probably met. He explained that asymptomatic false can get it. Let's hear it.
On a very high profile study that was recently conducted. The report suggests that the virus was transmitted from someone with no symptoms to other people, person that travelled from China to Germany for a meeting this person of purportedly felt well and then, on her return trip back to China, it was reported that she subsequently developed some signs and symptom suggestive of an infection, and indeed this person did has positive for the novel cologne of ours. The morals of the story is a simple matter: We can spread the virus. We noticed two months ago, kip. There is no excuse for this kind of ignorant when you're the governor of Florida. Now but you should be informed about the corona virus in infectious disease experts in medical doctors, and then next should be elected officials working hand in hand with these exports in darkness
term, in what it is, they should be doing the king, the people they govern over safe. I have nothing left say some dog you two days just sell themselves. Please the handling of the governor of Georgia, Brian Jim, the pig is here. That is why do you write down? Man is right away. These are the people you will like. Ok, this is. We are put in office right my guy Georgia, all right what they give it a dog you today We now back RO in the more pressing matters is frankly breaking I do now for one heard this order. If we play the audio nation. Be selling non essential items. If you go on the website, all the essential items are also allow it to u restart until you clauses building shut it down Viewed are not essential items boots for kids, yes, but they'll dolls
I disagree with him, ok What sort of Ladys? I think that a dildo is essential. Who can anything right you nor do we know you're with as right at eight hundred five, a firewall or five one. So the question is deal those essential. Yes, that's it play selfish, dude right there, cuz he's not thinking about all the single. Ladies, all the single. Ladies, all the ladies that are quarantined alone Self IC being alone, they need their vibrator yeah stay down and we are now going to as it is I was I was waiting for Ye Bugger telematic. Had you sell, go there would have been aviators is common sense, but going back there it is there. I don't want people to China, Dela their home. I saw a lot of pictures of people like you to use this. Instead, yeah was no better, balls. No, you know make it both at home and abroad, with ray wrapped around and people do in all kinds of weird things: I'd. Rather you get the real thing that safe is safe to go inside of you.
Who safer for your body, so, I would say, is pretty essential. I salute all of those, ladies because those ladies are thinking about the future that, like looking to be quarantined for the next couple months, let me buy a new vibrator. I don't have a man, I don't have a woman get tired of. I don't see the from eight hundred family five one and five when the question is are deal those essential. That is the question is frank: you're freaking, forgive Friday in the breakfast locomotive. We ve, have a breakfast warning. Everybody is D, J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club now, if you just, When does we talk, and although this morning is proud of you know, TAT means Freedom where you think you ve you Ricky Freaky, Friday and list of priorities, They should not be selling non essential items. If you go on the website. All the essential items are also out it to: u restart
and so you clauses building shut it down, are not essential. Idols boots procures, yes, but dolls, dude out his goddamn, day after day disrespect old woman like that The deal goes on essential for single lady Sidney. Whole body self during his Corti tell him solemnly now, common sense, you. What do you think as woman this programme I mean I do believe that they are essential items. You know it's hard to say, because I dont want women also being at home ten experiment with different things like fruits and vegetables in objects. This dickens themselves. I rather you do things safely, so yes back there You should be able to order those. Online, and I have two necessarily go to the store all right. What's up the whole point. No, are you saying that Doug you dont use death is delivering them. There should be an essential delivery is what he has tabled. Appointed, it doesn't even know as in the package.
I, have no idea what I'm doing right on the bay. I met his business within the packets or maybe he's taken it up from the section, but he knows is either dildos a summer and I mean is hard not to order a dog Amazon when you Google vibrate, isn't everything that comes up is the best vibrated you can buy on Amazon. They got to Magic was Roger Hamley, humming bird women. I order you know Charlemagne, there are many halo compact power, one massage or is number one in case anybody know I'm a days of another reason. I'm so adamant about this is good as a main sitting of David Amass gone telling women and they don't need a dildo, would have somebody told him and he ll need his hand during his quarantine and he didn't have no body to be what what are you gonna do sit around. Try to suck you so passionate love it go to the phone eight hundred five. Five one o five one allows this aid Stephanie I don't have anyone for right now. Yes, they are How many do you have a field, but
many since health care worker and do risk in fear inviting depression or all time high we need an emotional believe. I need a physical believed they get to my daddy and I hope that, with the help of my health care filled, That's right, I wanna get give her a dildo right now. How are you, how are you saying I see them any differently. I just the same. I get it, I believe, by weight. Any instrument is the hospital because I was perfectly aware this virus a month ago, and I knew this was carbon out. Some people think it's a joke. I have enough that it shouldn't they will do well before I have it I'll. Do you want to sit on? I'm not going to make any, because I'm fully thought I've been single for a long time. So I'm aware I need a room. Where would I what I'm aware how to get what I need done it for myself and for myself deputy hollow now, you know wasn't it open at the hospital. I know that, but at that
Is it my belgian law, once you get home at the dealing with their infant death as the families and see in all, you go home, you're woman, you cry, but I still have to be a minor myself the pictures like his thinking here of I've ever make sure your homework is then, but I try every night, no one given this. You go in the shower. Are you doing here I mean makes you feel better. They tell me that right to feel like you got together, so there's you gonna love it right there proves how essential dildos are and that's what I do need to shut the hell up to say they would have you think he don't want it after a long stressful day, come on man. Well, let's go to the fatherland hello. This two places from air Mama ordeal, those essential materials now I'll get morning by the way I listen, we mourn remorse to actually a vine delivery job we're like I'm on the road right now. What
we're goin away. I doubt they young, be delivering filled out people on a very important right now at all that way? Look from this I lay dead issue. They fight internet. He's doing out there in the elements and then Somebody's housing is a dildo like that is when a little one, when the latter, when the last time you had orgasm Unalaska, you masturbated, I don't mean to be a person or did she spent from does ask another question. Could I know we now considering into university and tell me that you know my given the worrying about you. I don't have to worry about that, build our planet well now you say your relationship. You gotta, have see that's not fair, then that's not fair for the people who might be quarantine away from their birth Mary. But if not there had the delayed think about it. You know all I know we is equally. I want you to look at them. From the other side, we did have a health care worker on line who just said that is various just of her work. And is causing a lot of people all kinds of emotional issues, and that's why
helping her and that is to be able to have that. So, if you look at that as a way of actually taken care, mental health, but people we can use their fingers. Lady. Can They get the corona virus, delivering packages in deliver a dildo. You. I did a guard at right. Now, envy the thing MA. I love you. What's your name again, wait: wait! You god! Yes, tomorrow, I've got out because all be applicable for your words. For everyone, and I go inside the Cathy and my boyfriend and I wanna, thank God that my grandmother is not a lot of other people reach into the crowd of irish rail must honour of operative day. Stop it. Name's marriage homage Asia most demur. I appreciate your service would Amazon, but you not qualified to comment on this conversation cause. You got the house, then aspirations how'd, you Mamma eight hundred feet
five, one o five one. What she said it is true, she's out no alive levering these packages. She could cast the corona virus and is it worth it over? Dildo she, so my guide me, you got a deal you can do. I made the house she the in the house. You get tied at a finger, don't you got available unveiled as when it when they're sending out the issue does not supposed to be marked or in Pakistan to even nobody is so I don't know how people are knowing within these packages. Anyway, they getting one hundred people delivery, step to my eyes and, unlike I told you done a rolling semi ashy candle, unlike this, isn't real, The eight hundred a five one and five one dildos essential less requesting call us now is to breakfast locomotive morning. Everybody is T J envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club as broad as you know, what that means is Phrygia freely.
Forgive me yes, it's freaky, freaky freaky Friday and would asking ordeal those essential now comes out of place, click. I want you to think we just out here The Athenais had inherited earlier. They should not be selling non essential items. If you go on the website, all those things I saw it all it see you restart, so you clauses building shut it down those are not essential items boots. Procures, yes, but no dolls, need to shut the fuck up: ok, single women lived or in a quarantine. Ok, now Nobody by everybody knows idea to house not at first I was against the banana. What about these? Airbus? Our work as you, people are delivering packages, their riskin they allow because they can catch the eye. The virus delivering packages in him. It was now like a deliberative was a mass made sanitized. Some food people need
well, don't you here. Did you hear what the Dutch to health worker who called earlier? What was her name Teresa mother Teresa, our what her name was deafening, Stephanie one, seventy God Stephanie say Did you know you need an emotional release and of physical he's nor in times like this, because this a is, it weighs heavy on your mental health parliament they. Yet people right now to self distance in all of that- and you know so so distant seeing, but then you don't want them to be able to get dodoes. I think that is as safe as you right now. If you dont have a man finger you, our blocker array of adult learning, go well, ok, so envy when you want to yoke the tourist as what you use ass. You have guessed your dirty old ass, your weapon, a choice against local Torres. Your fingers are what're, you haven't you re here, but what are you use? here's what you use. What do you use I would want to deal with come in and I didn't have a man. I would want a dildo. Ok, I want you in Bari, many Hallo complex. Our warmest argue. Ok, thank you very much.
It's not the dog jobs that doesn't have great products occasion, goodness, gracious is all right. Let's go live long. Joy allows this argument: birth, global Brian Cowen, from falling thirty nine arriving at a deal, those essential by absolutely? you know that don't you go myself. However, I allowed you to release, so you might only fulfil her. Need I'm willing to the money it has. What about those things? but ass delivering a capacity to a virus over your deal. Dahlberg sacrifices have been raised. Your delight away by the way is by the way. I do we just a package Amazon. Deliveries are gonna, be delivering package's regardless, doesn't matter what, whether as a dildo, are of a flat screen tv or whatever? It is it's just a package, it long them Alonso, but then they got it. M
People are ordering things, they're gonna be delivering hello. This now hey. What's your name, You don't sound like dodoes. Yes, ideal? Those essential they are you actually Bilbil was prevented from now for nine hundred. Yet it became known Yeah, oh, tell me more we need to be is right now, old man backing. I think they farther away will point than they actually structure. How all around the one about five hundred and they actually gave the man to make sure they kept them topic. I go into the barrier and made backdoor about want to know what the far gone, but they wouldn't want a ban. Ok, I'm along a very interesting cloud would think today would even one nuns do thanks. Sexual thought even was impossible not to, but I would think that they wouldn't want to do that. But one word one animal will go crazy if they dont relief, anything
in the light of some re. You lose your man I gotta get. Then you have to get you got a royal by mafia. Do of gotta go with me is plants and maintain your sanity, no more the story is what he is saying is absolutely true. As you know, a Philly, they call people, not ass right and you know like when they sit data. You stop acting like a nut and reason people. Da going crazy he's goin on nutty. Could they got too much in a? why you gotta get it out shut up? You didn't know that you need to study abroad. One hundreds ok hundred people would there not have restored in the fifty hundreds of how to use, to get didn't garden that as array terrain That is all right now you ve got rumours runaway. Yes, ever tell you about a found, it yes vote. How can about a one million dollar relief fund for business owners of color and for women of color, who are affected by corona virus? Will tell you how you can participate
we'll get internet next, keep unlocked the breakfast locomotive. Breakfast is a bad sign that in ITALY, the breakfast club where we ve been talking about this battle, that's going on on Sunday. That's Teddy Rally, verses baby face they gonna go hit. Forehead Teddy Riley also did a medley of his greatest hits from his home. On Teddy Riley lived out, come on his website. That happened last night, so here he is announcing. The challenge of the food is open. Challenge the sun, This they sell, is shall, You already know Unama of directives, fanatic Teddy Rallies, oh god I was looking at our guy be done on what can be done said. What are you doing? You are producer and baby face it,
I've got a winner. I've gotta bring my robin to array annually. Where are they doing on Sunday? Yes, staff. You already know unama of direct fanatic Teddy rallies of God. I was looking at our guy, be down onto a and b does say. What are you doing here producer and baby face. Its plea on ended a road. How do you really You know that you always gone again and again to the road is a great record. What you act like a steady rally, can't reply. Would he swayed make it last forever guy less chill? What do we do? Talking about scars, got ready record now. I've got classics, I see people and our colleague where economies versus for Rail battle Debbie come on. Let's stateless deal would teddy in baby food. We talk. To Gaza? the Berlin colony was, but we don't want to people that we never thought we would see challenging each other You asked the great question earlier who the hell we'll tell rally a baby face up to Instagram Laugh advocate
make them a lot of bigger. Ask is actually only we suggest on Teddy Riley Landau com do in a whole performance than they had all our whole team. Salute him, grow least ok, yet d of young uns around and helping to put their together right? Well, I'm sorry! I wanted the people there was. There will be. There also are right now, let's move on and talk about rapid craft, he sent his plane to go pick up more than one million mask he did have those mass for New York and for Boston. So that's pretty amazing thing varied. Now why was he willing to help New York city? Is it about watching governor Edge plumber Andrew Cuomo over the last few weeks, and I too think he's done an outstanding job he's at the epicenter of this crisis He has a calming way about him. Any brings competence, and I Personal tied in New York City Colombia was it's me and gave me a full scholarship as a kid. I love city! I love the people there. I don't think we're going line is something any of us. Could imagine so calm also,
thank him for his generosity. He sold CNN. I think that was the only go. Call I've gotten in about ten days. Mr Craft is especial man and what he did here is our generosity and goodness array, Let's move on to his brother, though Chris Cuomo now critical most says, and you know you see in an anchor who was positive. Has a positive, corona virus. Here's what he had to say about battling corona virus. I've had a fever. Now to one who drew one or three plus that wouldn't quit it was like somebody was beating me like a pen yadda, and I was shivering so much. I checked my tooth. I was up all night was Antonios hallucinating ice. My Baghdad was talking to me. It was freaking when I lived through last night may happen again tonight. Doctor says, may happen like five eight times I get it now and if match that with chest constriction people can't breathe? I totally Why would lose in so many people allow hospitals are so crowded, he's Tele working now
yeah devolution on here from the wound. Aren't you know what I don't love you ve been all, but he comes on in does segments Antonov, he's doin is full show ADA from Ukraine yeah. I think he does. I think it so that a different group he's been Workin knows that you can see that he still is able to do that. He's been sharing his battle with corona virus. He cities, in eating and drinking constantly he sweating it out? You know laws that thirteen pound, so he just given you an inside view of what's happening with him. Now. Cardy be was hospitalized, forest stomach pain and she posted a picture of. Their rest ban that she had on apparent. She was havin some issues with some food that she thinks that she ate so doesn't look like the corona virus cause. She has been talking a lot about. What's been going on, you know she has a Cremona virus me mixed song, but you said you must wait and she's been vomiting, leading up to owing to the hospital. But this saying that as according to publicize the stomach, you are not corona virus related, so maybe with something that she ate that she has to recover from air.
Talk about the rock he was singing to his daughter, while he was watching her hands he did and the video are sheltering at home, pre, daddy, shower ritual. Before my shower, now baby, it's here demands I sing the rat portion of my song you're welcome. While I your her hands, they'll! Listen to this article. The grass was now. I. the Bible has gotta Ok, it was created You don't realize how long twenty seconds is a you washing s some you get him. I personally right now When he said I write a longer say, moisture hasn't a one million dollar relief fund for business owners of color affected by covert nineteen. So that's an amazing thing. They want to support men of color and small businesses during this crisis,
this as well. There working in partnership with we by black, which is the largest market place for black, businesses and a warning relief, as do our April two black on businesses, it's called community com, where's our lie marketplace, so it is live now. I say my instagram account and you can the shop and support businesses from that whole we by black market place? And then you can look. I to making sure that people get these funds. I think that's a great thing that doing us a great thing salute a shameless dissolute salute the robber crab to what, in common and absolute, the robber grandma. I respect any body whose using their resources to help We need it at a time like this is this is the whole point of having resources is at all, point of having money. That's the whole point to have in power yet able to help those who need it. Do it absolutely I write I'm Angela YE. That's your rumour report. Our resolution is, are you bob? as well as drink record again, and we do it every hour at the top. It out that we know
a part of my make stowed alma makes this it is. I had so much fun listening to the Scots Torch Battle, Scott Stores, unrest, go back and forth its got storch many fresh records Monday, I'm gonna do a Teddy rally baby face one Riley you played a manufacturer of their many didn't play in a battle that he should have played like no one wants Dunaway. Nonetheless, whenever there are boy has money, his army better, yet a navy big ball in number. I got that fire by juvenile, set it off by juveniles. Iraq, as should apply that he did. They definition why is it a boy definition a plate? Now ye What solemnize live yesterday right and Charlotte was trying connect with some of and absolve journal. Check with Jamie Harrison you're really will enable laws almost like. How do I connect is? Why does not work and You got a friend, you will call the friend you needed help.
To call my guys, like you, said tat. He really needs help in early period for scale merely corrupt, because it could not speak from experience so who suffer withdraw withdrawn. I was trying to figure out how to love Jimmy, I think, but not just Teddy rally. Maybe if you ve been watching these battles, all oh geez, I have trouble what I July Swiss adds. Little that is swiss address TIM, admirable, even dream and shit Garriga drug wheels is, kind of weird watch now wait. If this is, is I give it my goodness, alright the breakfast locomotive warning. Everybody is D, J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club now on flight, yet a town I gotta show in Detroit tonight sob. Let's go away, I go out. Ok, you gotta, relax over Nothin's open, I'm decides what the seed and I want to feel. Leg was built a couple months ago, but We cannot allow this to go on Saturday. Night is a battle between Little John in Tee pain, leverage.
T pain. I can't wait to see that first of all, love T pain. I love Lil Jon. I listen to Lil Jon everyday. I'm about to go, listen to some lil Jon! Now cuz, that's my that's literally! My workout playlist has been my workout playlist for year. There's nothing more energy. Again in an punctual morning, crop music, I love crumbling. So Sunday, I didn't even know, listen, there's a big day, of course, Teddy Rally, verse baby he's: gotta, be great God versus God S like door, verses, Hercules but I like that key right air Craig. You know better than that. You know Unama uptown records fanatic, oh god, a born uptown record salute the Andrea around. I guess my tooth directly with water Rockefeller in in uptown records man, s desk, incredible. I can't wait to see Teddy rather get busy against baby freeze should, beyond all around They get a winner in that one. Well, now you will be aware that we will see what we see is weak in a Monday opportunities. We will be talking about itself, Tunisia.
Get here, get Teddy to disarm zoom in as the sum I write in regional and nothing has been said about this weekend. Romania is this weekend's, who is still happening so sadly runner everybody who their home Saturday and Sunday, yes, I haven't- was resolutely Lord Warburton Border Ribeiro, almost on the check it almost six years, or did you like it be doesn't rioting moves on his youngest sister, but I'm definitely wrestling is weakens our right. Well, we come back, we got the positive. No don't move is the breakfast club. Everybody is D, J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club. Now you guys have a great weaken out there. Please stay inside only go out if you have too, and if you do what makes you protect yourself, you act to protect yourself when you come back in a crab. You take a closer of you lie solely packages, just be extra costs, Nobody really knows. What's going on, so you gotta take the precaution. The only be extra extra careful, and I really want to know what do you idiots think Ya'Ll rebelling against my pretty who live
when I tell you this day and age. Aid is social distance and I tell you not to go out. Why do you think you're rebelling against government by going out anyway, no stupid? They want you to stay in the house for your own safety, for the safety of your all family group. Well here's where everybody out there and hopefully, as many of us, possible will come out of this safe and healthy. Absolutely got a positive note yes, sir, and a positive note is simply this man the purpose of our lives is to be happy. I know it seem like that. I'm not I mean like there right now what the purpose of our laws to be had prevalent, visit, finical yonder from I have radio and Tribeca studios. This is fierce upon Castro. The incredible women who never made it nor history books and the modern women carrying on their legacies today, I'm your host hosts shipyards
weak or bring you the story of a ground breaking woman from the past, who made huge contributions to the present, but his name still is among the tipps of our time, for whatever reason chinese she classes. Other known: pirate by every measure, a human use discover success, Phyllis sweetly she published a book when she was most twenty years all while she was still a slave, really kind of astounding stored for life at the end of each other, so it will be joined by a woman living today who standing on the shoulders of this historical woman, whether she knows it or not, join us for fierce and let us expand your world with a few other women who should have been included in your history books, lesson subscribed to fear Sonny. I heart radio lab pod cassis or wherever you listen. The pot casks
Transcript generated on 2020-05-07.