« The Breakfast Club

DL Hughley Interview and more


Thursday 1/11- If you thought "The Breakfast Club" was dangerous before well comedian DL Hughley and his co host Jasmine Sanders just made it a lot more dangerous with this interview. He spoke about not having a filter, politics, gender roles and other trending topics. However, someone who doesn't know about what is trending is Floyd Mayweather Jr. in which he got "Donkey of the Day" for not knowing about the "Me too" movement; denouncing sexual assault and harassment. Moreover, Yee also helped some listeners with "Ask Yee".

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In the past few months. The notion of home is no longer just a place we drop into at the end of the day, especially when our homes have become our workplace, school and full service restaurant. Well, here something good. For today we spoke to Morgan Brochure, scientific communications manager at Pee, Angie about how cleaning can foster a sense of calm and control. You can start with an easier way to clean thanks to DAWN power wash display, so you can spend less time scrubbing and soaking dishes, and you can get back to the things you love visit, Don Dish, dot com. The only way is through a new podcasting partnership with our radio under arms numbered so picked Asia has been a nightmare for quarterbacks in the college level, but now you have to elevate his gains. The pros his chase I'm goin in majority. Well done anything to start from scratch: That's, why massive only motorcyclists are without any lessons
The only way is through available now on the radio or wherever you get your pockets. Angela Charlemagne, the garb of a rapid club rates and the voice of the culture wash like means more. My baby shows just because I always keep young, but there were aware on faith there. You know their listening through the back door
Usa, Georgia's Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, Yo Yo. Good morning, AIDS, Lee Mining designed the Charlemagne, whose land it is. Yes, it's Thursday morning now listen collectively family Microsoft, but we too. Cousin, because eventually, yes area, we have a cousin coming in morning as well. Ok, couple cousins cut because our cousin jam sand is there the other I didn t tell you yes Mammy Day, I know and got India. Usually you ve never been. Never been over before you ve been overcome, I've never heard a moment. If you know what mainly now weeds to a reasonable level. You ve never been.
Finally, on a breakfast club year, correct garden de drinks, heavily man when he drinks ever leave that we want to say how does need to know that doesn't make it normal drink doesn't get back on its feet. Lava bretons pretty near my pretty normal were laughing at him, a man and not a vampire the marble icy idea, usually on lifesavers. It was one of our most entertaining interviews in its every individual, not only Vienna, to any individual, very smart. I like to call it a intellectual ignorance. Yes, you know, but, all I'm telling Yalu Don. Good now and Garden India turned to cook this morning, I like I've, India, do a guiding the outdo. Ok on don't get mad at us, cousin be out turn to cook, got his bag. I got a huge complaints, now at last, Lastly, but the station would have a show sometimes take alone that right now, if you know me, I asked leave naked asked me: I gotta sleeping bag station. Yes, I got a little sleeping bag
the last more daddy way these red light, and when you do like daddy gasoline or my boxes, yes, Mamma boxes, I think ass. We but I like the way I do like dad daddy blight last night. You know who is looking at me were asleep and start the music Charlemagne naturally as it is the means whereby a body and kindness Lebanon will guide them read if they got is big as head of Charlemagne right that they deserve more care and put the bigger, has had a shot, maistly been in a room. So when I wake up in a minute- and there was a big head of him sleeping those knows a big. Is this the big ahead of Charlemagne, the press ounds crazy, I'm will be out of it. He had issued got him in his studio in IRAN is a lot of big pictures of me as tough, and I'm really appreciate your rooms, arms it. Well, we got it. I see Charlemagne in any Gallagher twinkle I looking at me. You said that that I really rather low twinkle Azra at me, and I felt strange out well when you
as in a round not enough. Now you see that only a gay- and I want you to think about duty on drink chance telling nor I like it when you do like that day arrived that is probably on a bigger. No Lahti Oppose does not cause a united, so awkward, I'm taken. Then I wake up and just look at my internet. Just move Nassau does move much bigger mall over to build Mcelroy JANET around me that you gotta move is one right. There alone, goodness no, please now, Zita so low that about you. Wake up, I got look, it actually is, and here it is always chain is now running. Like is now water written you to try to get it right dad because of that the ideas
well lighted windows gravely like dead as he did. You call me back on what that, in this system, put did from drink champ illnesses to buy me dead in the systematic to hit every now, and then, when I listen to show cracker for impatiently what we talked about, we're going to think about a class called white racism which take their course at a university nigger. You need to table. I will talk about
back at the breakfast locomotive. What everybody is Dj Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we are, the breakfast club was happening good morning heard I was Thursday goddammit before we get less keen some front page news. Now we want to start as white racism class. Yes, this is a Florida university and they actually had to have extra security and police officers just because of a class called white racism of press. The professor was flooded with harassing emails and messages. Some of them were very openly racist. Now here is tat. Doornail he's the assessed assistant professor sociology of Florida, golf course: university, hazelnuts, teaching the courtiers what he had to say about
the class and why you ve got like he needed to make sure everyone was protected. The term white racism is the language of the literature, their scholarly books with the title journal articles with the title. I've used the term myself, my own writing and, of course, by a similar name, was taught nearly a quarter of a century ago at the University of Connecticut, and so I thought at this point in my career and given the nature of political climate, now
necessary to give it an apt and appropriate title and the Sun s. What I did, what you did a matter either view teaching the real history of America than the real. His dear America is white races. It was built on white racism. Are they going to be talking about? According to the quest description, the concept of race examined the racist ideology, law policies and practices that evaporated for hundreds of years to maintain white Rachel domination over those visualized as non white. So they can discuss ways to challenge white racism and white supremacy to promoting and antiracist society where whitenesses not tied to greater life. Chances are right and I was shocked by what model with seven eleven or see yes so eyes. The is targeting seven eleven store. They, China, punish employers. Federal immigration agents have descended upon at ninety eight stores in seventeen different states and arrested twenty one people, so whether China do is find undocumented workers. They, China, demand paperwork for managers and they're, saying it's: the largest enforcement operations
employers. So far, now seven eleven released a statement saying that the individual stars are franchises, so their independently owned by different business owners and they respect their responsible for hiring their own employees. They decide who they want hire and they verify their eligibility to work in the United States right now, at seven, eleven telling their employees to make sure that all of their records are up to date, just in case ice decides to come and visit them. Well, well, I'm so soon learn inherit. Illegal immigration are undocumented, yeah document, and I thought about day at Leona thought about about them like running up in a quickie modern appointed ground from the Simpsons unanimously, and I would you do I wouldn't be blamed bother nobody Let us try to make a living right well as front page news that get it off my chest. Eight hundred five, eight five one off I want if you're upset you need of it, it is up right now. Maybe
need to clear some energy. Maybe I having a bad night or had a bad a bad morning, just want to clear the air or, if you feel blessed me with a person positivity and wide open, eight hundred and five eight thousand five hundred and ten. One is the breakfast locomotive, the breakfast club a pounding down, you're gonna, get it on the agenda. You want a breakfast laughing, but I remember I was there they were of Charlotte may what the ban You know my browser brow gear up it s all about people at whether the law, but the beef will wake up this morning to have a job hey, you know what it s beautiful enjoin, enjoying a simple things in living and around with that that was up. Bangalore will have a believer. Well, you never were living goes Craig and choices. Alcoa end up above the hook up with loud. What did you say about the things you don't?
a man whose tree guys to go to scrap eyes, Guph one would allow once I got, you got a burglary high school goose tradition of notify women. My daughter was born in some of our most call area, but a fairly but Europe under the yoke of a clump of command and about the privilege of enmity with Billy did the big bad you man and of you're doing a thing with every. Actually we're not gonna bring you use, bots applauded, lacking, we were going on expanding salad. You know as soon as we know, irritable as you know that in your leg of a boy, no giving any of these things happening allows is We're gonna, marry my name's curved and promotes the crucible features and fellow member, both at the same time, some things went on last week for worker transportation was an issue much you, provided I told me I had picked up the covers. You know with no power from a company the next week and he comes up to me at my worst Asia in front of a bunch of other employees and he'll, though you should be fired,
me, I had no big day after he previously told me. I had a day completely a little me in front of all the other employees which I found kinder disrespectful and unprofessional by mean things happen. People have their problems, anything to anybody else, onto the same situation any similar anything bad, keep your head up, things get better. God bless you and mysterious way. You time comments. Everybody there. You didn't rattled of every. I just gotta it affirmation that no, we want you to data with one another door glow in the dark low. When opening they go out of five four times Adamo. How can you be? I mean I'm a little worried about it, but bless about a job. I got money. Families healthy, Roupell guy, has put on the table thugs. Man I really should be a motivation there, you go get out of action, has eight hundred.
Our marriage, able I'd want or five wanted happy birthday to Maritime marries verdict. Vanity emerging blood boiled then Nanda valuable work of fame. Today, while get it off my chest to breakfast locomotives, The breakfast club, go away, wake up or black. We want to hear from you allow. This is gallows neighbours. Getting pretty by one say: why have you know Blair's sprang up my letter I've been working for you know about seventeen years in the field, I'll be thirty five this year, and I bless you know the VA to take care of five, my kids and stuff, but I'm a little mad
I will make my gear you know day. They pretty much told me yesterday so mad glad about the work that they datum travelling and, as we have heard much while make all my money you know tat, I had a compromise will be not buried. My daughter, she values old when he did a dad wind daisy. What I'm telling you it'll day, we're gonna dig in only one area. That is that we have led by long when you travel anywhere from from too weak to Yemen. As war alone, I spoke to flout, studied, go to scarlet damages job. May you your father, your job is to protect and provide you gotta bring our brain home and family just got understand or just to sacrificing their father gotta make some citizens asking Goddess whose case doses, visa the keys life and kiss my view in a little while- and I have no one else- is no now not materially women.
Last year, a rarity, you saw squat of airline Father, they got all with Caitlin. What times I agent may know. I want to be a naughty lad on waited, though you know. Basically, they live with me, you're my lad. What you know of Relate was otherwise to give you an idea. Moms loud yeah my mom demanded. I wish now to make clear the bum reasonable for now the breeze. You know about zero, now, tat other related to a man the guy respected, are gotta respect that I am attitude. I write Burma. Thank you because it is a fine balance. Don't you are working. Mother working fathers did is difficult makers. You wanna being accused, live in order. Mr moment, you also that a beat it a plant, those seas, but you gotta, you gotta, make you gotta give them my man. Ok, I gotta have a roof over eight and clothes on a bag and food aid. We are always on away. Yes, we are going to be talking about having Welcome home, also find out who they had. No idea with me to movement is all right with you. That when we come back as the breakfast locomotive
the breakfast club more everybody's dj envy annually, Charlemagne, the God you're the breakfast club, as gets aromas. Let's talk Floyd may weather with Angela. His club laugh lay May where there were doing a rag carpet interview and men's health. Reporter asked him what his thoughts were on the whole hashtag me to movements and clearly Floyd, doesn't really know
that movement is here's. What happened? I might have how a man when he saw the meeting movement speaking out about sexual assault, how women mothers this was a more visible to myself. I got to know about me to move away from the beginning was more like me, so I say to you that you can't even see if you can use this law. It is making lighted and me to move now. Do you know what it is you ve all social media lab, but I do feel that you have no idea what it is. Ok, but I do wonder how I feel to be so rigid I'll have to care about the problems of about the people must be great, but he does have daughter, so you should care about me too. Now our credibility, as is nowhere near. I think he was thinking about the song miss me two years ago.
Who have you didn't at best Pardo assault and women me who about away flight is made a tough line? Ok, him Children are Kelly, made the same token, the matter what he does it says, no matter who, fails gives his out the case. People still be supportive. You still Gump he wouldn't even biased, based on Paypal. You, if you have a fight again, he was appointed Vitus, don't you! because you know you know really you mean it doesn't get any endorsement deals I'll do hears about them. That can only be allowed any is lodging his new business venture may, whether boxing and fitness others It was all about name, nobody, motel Floyd Euro area. With the Roma, nor did I have explained or what it is. We will soon be able or boy usual forty one. I will go with me to national somebody. Tell right now: cabin gates he's added jail. He is a free man. Again, they said he left Hale yesterday of nine months out of a thirty month sentence. Why felony weapons Tarzan. He was Lego on parole and they last year he initially was released from prison and then he got rearrested the same day for an outstanding weapons
they weren't, so he I posted on Instagram and as it is out of jail, a great yes limits, believe so about you, gonna landing, turning, Lastly, whatever level you line is to become a party to males like double platinum voice went in manslaughter that Iraq is for, you went out and applauded of let him what I'd rather die away his white forest. Thank you. Don't you think what would be Cinema Jake? At least I think rightly that building he wants to do is come home and go seed, Eureka! and hang out with her feelings of his duty. I think I've seen a picture of ministerial ass right now,
No! What words he learned in detail with. Having me, I know you would arrange some books. I re as an ivy wine scene and Georgiana Chapman. That's his wife, whose fashion designer they reach the terms of their divorce and that sentiment is with fifteen to twenty million dollars, so they are pre nap requires nowadays three hundred thousand espouses support for each year of the marriage. If it lasted more than a decade now have the merit had past ten years, then she would have jumped to four hundred thousand dollars, so they also have their assets, which will be divided. Isabel s, village, townhouse in that's worth fifty million in Hampton to state. That's worth about twelve four million and they have homes in Connecticut and allay she's gonna get primary custody of their kids, who are four and seven? So that's all you too low smacks. Makin arrest, reservation about maximally ran up on him and smack colors are easy. Smell was apparently has made my mother, I have no illusions, light moms.
In that way, haughty lienemann smack into by backing. By a moment, you said around thing: blackmail where this ain't, that person mosaic harassing and to try to get a picture with him and he refuse and then later on that page and got you they came up in smack them about these migrants. Only the horrible priority, the little girl, but that this is anything to happen before any one picture first wanted to take a picture. What a horrible present within smack me for being harmed Harvey told him. No is another! Now and eight I got matter like Mama, so you other really matter, but the Duke him with loathing women, you maybe get a pig idiocy, rattle went away, came back, drunk and then smacked. Am I right? Well, I'm Angela YE and that's your room. A report are I thank you miss you, come back deal hugely will be, listen. Archiving beer come in by cutting, beyond that. Maybe now right we're gonna be I'll, get the falcon saying. We need to say your leg
then the EL, because India Kane all nobody get offended. Nano body try to lead a cook out that effect. If you are sensitive present, don't even come and outcome, then it is aiming for you this morning. Our right got India coming over. We got two bourbon. Ok, I gotta javelin. Come it wouldn't s right. Are I keep elected to breakfast locomotive, Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago, we oughta burnt them, put it down the one about a large early this morning. My counsel ignore what is arguably jasmine people when you go back about a decade ago, leave those speakers who they do the breadth of global maritime. Me Meriden, algorithm, leaving here why there the other, though, rather have the way more, overnight. We are you a navy, but you always already nodded is loud rather ten
Maybe you tell me they got a motel myself right am I going? Are you let me Amy Outer Jamnia, but nobody's gonna feel ass though it authority with no somebody were nor did he's back ass. He did you pack having observed in order packers what happened? You lie. Right near here, you have a year once you have what we ve got owning. It came up, but I know they're dead than it had been bubbling around its peoples in their rural Thomas. I had aside Amy, and you know you know what to do. Go that way because the pitcher Vienna back with the receipts not with the front while back where you re dead, the leather, what a black is coming vinyl they'll come, but you know- and I talked about it had a baby in the end, the on us on the site and at my baby, my baby mother boyfriend killed a baby and though
You know it by me all the time, but ultimately it was gonna. We talk about my radio show the people tat. We are we don't tail now. I got it and your wife Raleigh mad because proudly her friends like I can't believe youth day. I wait had arrived at re mighty men you like with like how often do not have all been you know. I saw one of my friend asked me why a vice the other day and I was like ok, this happened, India using ourselves, but he got his eyes had. Finally, he hasn't told his wife, yet and these our know what to do, how should I tell her the one even the baby in everything that we know who do. I would never wished only by those but she's gonna find out. You know I used to be a measure to have a baby advancing and others that town, nobody fine onto the funeral, I God intended you know, remained
they look like there's gotta, be argued way. Benito, real, daddy would. But ultimately, I've got my because of social media and used to be a time when everybody that they themselves and nobody can. He chose visible There would have been added the outbreak of war woman that you can give a woman at the dean. You can get another woman break absolutely I came and ask you to stick around. They go out here by a city, local media law. Look maybe by the bracket taking ever younger stay together. I give it ain't never violated, but there's a lot of women s day with the man after that anyway, you I wouldn't I wanted- I just couldn't get. I couldn't trust you did you a reckless, and now you re reckless to me. That's the problem they'll breaker near the of that, Inter ethnic or written me. Could you not? We all remember the king, the comedy, but an arm of when you got.
The show on cnn- and I remember thinking on the work of the eu- we have a political scene in, but now you later to stay. Why you had it when they were in where its among other it without it, I think everything comes back around like like now watching. What's habit is such an interesting things that I saw over speech. And I was like that what we are right now you can give us peace and war show, and now you can be properly if I get it we have read on and I was given a speech in front of people. They pretend to be other people for living. People will be an entire day. I had to go back on what has been talking about like I've missed the point when she said you wanted to be president like why? What did? What did she say enough? Beat I made earlier by relaxing riverbed? Listen, you can. You can be proficient in one aspect like Michael Jordan, great basketball player. He basically dialogue,
bovines because you a great rapid on legal, be great clothing to that level, and nothing was so desperate for some, like. Obviously why why people told shows now, as if you broke and white like if you broke, and why you way without the privilege that, like the car without a gun like, for you know, do you get your Malta why'd? You wasted the eel whiteness leg. You only haunted white skin, like Mr Paul Moonies, Laplante Union, stop, that's you broke in wine in american additives and I could see that they wanted. Somebody to you know they wanted a euro up there a cabinet had they wanted some. I made him feel good about themselves. Only in America. Could you pick a politician and the end, the predicated? They have no experience. I never been washed, inevitably goodwill, that than ever before, because minorities, black people, women gaze, feel broken when I brought, but we feel broken. That's why we're looking for
body like over to say, was black think that their mad about trot, but I think you care black women and gay people haven't pretty good role right now. I may tell you no one is like that. Given that thing that happened with armed with genuine yesterday, this woman, France, woman, tried to kiss him lecturer, thought him in all these. You sexually assaulted emanate, demanded the victim yeah. That's what I don't understand, because you know she's a fool transported. Ability to all the mailbox away and in user were white woman, privilege Colonna. Why women things in case you an end use the ones who never has many Maggie Nobody that I knew was a piece of July that ignored called India. Will it be a victim and who are the arguments transphobia my? Furthermore, if somebody tried the key
you in a way they all want them to hug you in case you. You have the right to reject any advances and I should not be as better homey movement at all about and Terry Cruises, a hero so as genuine yes and an anything responded to me. As you ain't got too, like everybody else, I could be phobic, I could be bigoted, alchemy. The Haug, the gig is, I'm not supposed to lead that. Initially, what how you treated dislike, you can get the like. Somebody got their white and black, the leaden gay you you could disliked people you just can't treat and poorly because you had this life is that possible. I think that this is in a world where we retain the problem is that we pretend, like we ve all seen
we see that you could be a transgender, I get it. I understand what that you're, not exempt from certain biological ravaging copies of one would have mentally adopted on call. You need a prosthetic that examination. Like MRS Johnson, can you move you don't need to take your browser? You could do can be whatever you want to be in. You can say what have you and people could dislike. It have disagreements with it or you now we're trying to make everybody like everything just cause. We say so and then- and I think that part of from exists because people bug back against, but as a community right can you really enjoy with people being so sensitive, but now you just made up, the duke that nobody will be mandatory- definitely melodramatic whereby don't be mad at the right time
we not literally, can care less about illiteracy rig it. If you dig me could meet you, don't don't like. It is pointed out with your front of an audience. Someone who did its liberation. Give me that so one for you, it doesn't like me making to tailor made sue. You put. It also adopted gay one for you. Have you ever said anything and been like? Maybe I should say that none of us ever- I guess about that, because you didn't come from militias place at added. I don't I don't say I could see have that was taken wrong. Maybe I what that would mean I would put myself in issues on a wooden. I wouldn't let me look I'm ago the autonomic. Expert. It is why, like people have all these sensitivities, I just don't understand it that then I can see the validity to imagine talk here. We are more. We deal
locally and Jasmine sand is. When we come back, don't move the breakfast locomotive breakfast floating. Everybody is the J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago. We are the breakfast club we have comedian. Dio hugely and his co whole jazz ASEAN is in a building. Charlemagne intention is very important, but that we live in. Very well intentioned other matter anymore about my impact. But may I what did you what you said impact it in this way right we would do The implacable, in a matter that you don't know, I mean I like em right now, air, but you know you, I was more mounted their parents than a word. Listen if the impossible, Maggie, so don't give a damn how much money they pay me. They win it. If you have a mental photos, you you know, repairs are right the right at how much I was how much you can't expect people to be a better advocate for you,
and then you are always in that. We will know whether it was in the jungle and we're gonna mug, like I got out of the Amazon, slow right muslin as Asperger sent right there. They have things like we all talk about like he's on the show I give primarily on it cause I don't want to leave and hold the Burma get them out. I know you told have lab. Zimbabwe must and higher hookers leg was, Now you told the eyes the guys that lucky broke over his girlfriend I hears hose and your file does. It is twenty eight by we would have what is exactly the right way to be willing to enable wet but inflow using like twenty one like out and get to do. They haven't get the key. They ve got a black jack. You know like Raymond, adding get him a crime, a guy yoga.
It is very wrong. The crab got you a strong, but by all President Arafat, Martha hired all my white dismayed and, unlike he hired him and he's dead. Bet it out. I had house you know, maybe, though, maybe at the table, I'm goddamn, peels added is I do not have this kind of perspective where's that vat is love muslin. He loves me. We have a relationship we play. We get to work together with his on common vote, Yoda, very uncommon and tenacity. I say we love each other play, but it, but somebody looking on the inside out they could have a different perspective. How did you know he was higher at all because he told me,
the vile money, you pretty words about their gambados. Really here I'm worried about you gonna work, though you may have already dead work, but you know somebody got your high escort, so he had to go to it, though, is the area met any of em now all, but only those living there all night and now go You for that matter. Did you heard the is the boy? That's what I get for two reasons. Some slow people may actually. I know right away. My went together like you gotta get. Where does it come all? Look at him he's its fingers You know you know right away. I beg you to give tat. If you won't do this, we need to help them. Right. Now it s not going to that IP doesn't like my like. Martha was like you so depressed at what point you wanted me to say. So
I'm like you just come. The worker me we'll work it out together. Whatever you gotta do is is what will do, and so he had a girlfriend. My point and what I learned is the sacred to cure and ass Bernard is getting I'm telling. You must, is my rifle YO universal volatility has the same because usually Buddhism Slogan may arrive going very dying in media scrap it wouldn't be. We have one man will never find the face: you can say what the I knew. I, though, when it making them, How did you prince when you unable idea was that? Are you sure you want to say that I think you're going to revise? I worry about the sexual man's within is real male again met
for a while, but death over now, the rat ragged came, but you know what, though it is women timely, any one at that time, that was actually a great house tat great slogan. Could have found a bona fide, but the whole thing about you, you gotta be very girl. You look nice. If that's, ok with you like on a movement, how can you buy began that I don't want you know, but I just Oh, how filing or back legacy ten years fifteen years is thirty. Why don't we go over the tat somebody firmware thirty two years ago? Anything just come forward where we go about it. We last debated of em, but imagine if we went back in time like harmonizing was horrible, but Thomas was war. There you go. I swear worth thinking about. If, though, the data that was saying to myself, if we're gonna, start punishing people for atrocities right, Ass white Peabody shaken enable where they stood at anyone like Thomas Jefferson, Emmi on the one thing, the statue, a limitation in Russia and Thomas Jefferson got a statue, so it is his life is bad. Yet is horrible,
then I will. I will give you a movie, let me but the more damaging than any. I feel your keys lower, but we as if I don't understand what we get angry but like demanded cotton cap, renege because he led a peaceful protest, but you're not mad at you. Rob a little bit let available in an end. To me, why did we can keep to give better? Mine is dealing with our black because they will ask the first. If we don't even know what I'm gonna horse is like, then we ve got a sword. Amyloid beta happy wasting his may now. You still producing movies and still doing things, so it was important to do that at this time is still affected people right now, so I thought you know what I'm talking about the fact that we could do something right now as far as getting him, how to get him about a sub evolved. A job is the is easy appear to me. What happens? Those men like that? Didn't get away with their by themselves, Yes, those powerful men did horrible they'd, but a lotta
women help drive the getaway car they pretended like agency, like a from typifies allotted people who still going on about its rob, was still went on, If a Roma Junior, you get to say how you as the port, you know what all proceed, but one of the primary call procedure father, who you normally at all that the end they get to do it all the time and they keep voting these back to the fifty three percent live in women both for dropped, sixty to vote for or merging the. Why people, let this be a lesson to you? You want black people vote. Led away. May say America's bet on the slavery riding on a horse. What can we learn about them? They don't even now be the environment. Will I be able to call races, widened bigots crack at another white Devil, beg your marriage, vagabonds amendments, because the matter is about what happened. Cincinnati did that
Why? God went out there on the back of a journey, they had Coon in Negro it. It was by offering waited my labor. Why we thought raid call reasons why we have dragged white leading, and I think that ultimately, like with my sister whereas racism maize is like you up there, the apparatus that did that that kind of infuses your racism. I can be a big it at home, but if I can't make government or business work against you actually on motorways and do Toby, but but they were not the same you you can't preteen, as if you don't see the things you see because saying them out loud makes them hath. No, you saw it and when a dull that people get away with too much, you can't tell me to downtown flatteries. You can't him at all as it is and can tell me now. If you put it, you might want to pretend like he's. Not because that would mean you and accomplished is right, but he is very much a raises. Is all apparatus is about?
and an end. So though, for people at you, I don't think that you can. You can say anything for a lot of people they just gonna. Racism will never really affect him, so they get to pretend I did all these are vital seed and whenever he does, I can just call it something else, and I have to feel bad. So I just think that you are absolutely right that we should recall what they are. Guess so I came here till I got. No freedom are always you can't take a look at him, dumb ass if they like beer Mars. Davy. They went in lieu of everywhere privacy glove they jumped, among other revealed. How come the molecule No, why I we got more would be hugely in just the same as when we come back to don't move as the breakfast locomotive boarding, everybody is DJ,
envy Angela YE solemnly the guy. We are the breakfast club. We have deal you Glee and Jasper Sanders is co hosting to build and show me notice. We should give Lobe did bill cavity, really tell you didn't like you why all the cup waiting like anybody like you do likewise it didn't like nobody did do family the weighty. He really hated definite. He hated him. An integrated negative one is get down and he really tried to make them not doing rarely look at all or grey comics that came from, the deadline. It is ironic, as he thought it was a speed depiction of lackey who wears drug and broad might be worth you not aware. No Beverly, lady, the word and I had an argument when Amy like using dinner, they were LISA by way over. They pay them back. Then. That's like Hollywood, it was no thing their bill. Coffee with no one is in the comedy were human. When I was on a case yet right and he colony into do in interviews, and
me and Jackie read were another care where we were where the moisture He called in Andalusia. Like me, sore subtler eleven do yet of you about five, and is there any way such a guy with a man with who would you want to know who did a deal? You usually you say, do you do this? As you know, this is backed by a leaf when I say that our colleague don't wake up to what appears on terrorism. And you know when I let them he they would. Let me hear you miss came down his leg. Is it you think I am right in here what employment is lay or timmins laid? Those people came out. Pathetic, save you air it. You won't be radioed. Why? So? You can see why a woman will be passed on to speak out against the rules because he could damage your career. Absolutely absolutely crazy. The after he elevated coming to a level that we all have learned from and is impossible at the D Ancona elastic using animals.
Employment by him in some kind of way, but that doesn't mean he's not home. You want me to what really I disagree. I jam when I remembered what I'm quite barbarian behaviour when you do, then radios you'll know say where we disagree on everything from relationships: Zoo, a woman's raw he's, yoletta chauvinism. We had finally d, I went and when you know There was busy with our women yeah him, though you know a joint paper knowledge, but we are we gonna restraint, kind of relationship we fight hard. We really do with them when we do agree on on something It works. Just because you believe somebody has a different role, does it mean a specific role? Does me, you have a lack of respect like like movies on my gender and get here that I think, like my wife, doesn't work if she makes a meal. I don't think this effect for her for her to make my plate. I don't think is disrespectful. Isn't here is the gig,
I think I may have only gig is to provide and protecting Santa everything them nothing at all. They should do that if we are not doing. That is no reason for us to be, but I also think sometimes that that means I'm gonna do things you know like, and I will explain in like what is late at night. In my way of, say, I'm gonna go to store and its twelve o clock at ten o clock at night. I am, I didn't know what about you know. You angle, I don't even get undressed my family home, like I like our policy, my clothes onto my family home, I'm open doors, but you're not going to do so. I believe what you in jeopardy and I've been who went out the death. I gave the explanation. I know why you normally go because ten o clock at night is a bad element. I live how right all you won't get it. You could we're going to have a very disturbing you to go to now bad part, but I believe some of my my boy from would be like I'm coming with you.
I too am pleased with evil. Fairly record of our life is therefore in our last Koreans, where we know that the amounts that different, because we're gonna drive he wore like you'll just cause, is before the shock is we're talking about this or whatever and he'll say where, where you go, and other. Oh, I'm gonna run whatever, but then, if I say so, where you going his answer is all don't worry about it, I get busy as they do. A man should have to sell a woman
we're orange. I always arrived home, a library. I gotta tell you my death, we gotta go. I don't believe that you like, when I said my father, we're going to see a man about a dog out. I learn to walk away and other dough leggy would always made ever under item the doll never would oppose any with what it was and is none of your business. I believe there is a reason that men die before women there's a reason there. We have some that health problem we had and its because we spent a lot not not to say that women don't. But I believe that one or two problems in in our communities is it. Men have left women to fend for themselves and their doing their best approximation of what it's like to be amazed at what I'm gonna do. This do better than that I can, in terms of is that it has taken really is,
the blown about. I don't believe it that that that we have the same rules. I believe our roads are distinctly different, and now they ve been comes to muddle, because you guys have to do so many things I mean I can be of a dude and take years. I really have you got a made in the Middle EAST. They don't get arose are alarming because that used to be that men work and women's network. That is how I used to be. We can vote. There were a lot of things that we didn't do there was hands there. We didn't even go to school but as things are bobbing there's women they make more money than men. Do look you know these women I is allowed. More happening now for women is there's been a process, and now we have been somewhat human he is right, but everything we can evolve but don't be like us. Can we
driving to continue to be better than you right, but I'm the name. No roads have been evolving. None of you not better than some other guys. You say you are you bet in somebody. Could you actually? But if you take on the worst attribute our care, how pristine as water is up with dirt in it is thirty thirty order and- and I can understand why people think that the worst attributes the main exhibit on- did you grab me why you want to be one of you. I don't wanna be like the way. I don't know what to do and what are they doing? I think part of it is like I still just because you Tito me doesn't mean I'm going to cheat on you, please not a day that guy, but I have to stay with. You know. I think that allowed who don't you like, but I do think that has men have to put themselves in a woman's position. As well as in terms of how it is going to make her feel.
I agree with that. Every, but that's death, human, that's it as they could be inability to be empathic like I don't I don't think like I remember I am not totally. Is another thing men it to displace? They stopped doing some of these when he said it when gas prices real high employment. Well, they re like tat. I got the money goes out of my way. That is why we mainly Lloyd when you want to forward your wife and your wife ass. We are you because you like doing at the moment. I would you really want the hygiene rules gemini family here, while you bother doesn't line three better. I think that right, right leg, you will you tongue by wiping realistic Bavaria statue. We got eyes right. Now, when I go an interview, I, what are you doing that the rival glove you can still actually look all is going to be about
they only women. In the background I have you got your history ray. I can't I can't. I never get mad about that. We use it. It's all jump out of utmost ones. Before we leave out like I've been sexually assaulted you re by a woman. How come men don't look at it. The same way. Women do when I was thirteen like this little girl, ellipses twenty three, and I know how delighted I liked her right. Where am, I would always talks, wont, let me let me have it whatever their view of New York Do you know where you're not? You know? It is a one time she said okay, so she takes me to her play and played down, and I was thirteen language you gave me the data. They were out you they, don't you ever say out when a woman,
Don't ever do you mother here, unless I know like I had no carthoris out. That was my woman to me. Like she's Duma Uma, you my main, so she was. She would come pick me up and take me over there and had to be this woman for ever, but I had the merit She would make flew. Would I knew that you do not enlargement with smoking debate, as we have been like on thirteen? May I don't want to leave my likely. I wasn't there be for use in it that that subject never came. I never thought about I didn't even wrong, but I've heard how the Perry on Oprah crying about another wars were laughing. He added no matter. What did I do is they would have been very big black men look bad news movies because he wanted to have all the black man for himself
black woman and look at black men? If you like, I am. I think he went to me that these figures mammon a system like this. Are they wanted a gaze place them ever seen? His lectures, Loretta Gaze place like like is referring to do. Go to church gay dues, children, calibre and and and and many of them so bad a white make like like lately like no straight, do go to shared like if you go to turn all the time and you single you're goin to pray the love yeah, you really are United Europe mad, go away. You know, matter
Why am I beheld and job and have their own radio right right, not to hear about abruptness already become on every avenue we just gotta, filial, Lana, Dallas, Cincinnati Indianapolis beg you got that in our view, you Germans added value. Gas is the breakfast welcome on. The breakfast club embodies DJ envy Angela YE Shall I mean that we are the breakfast club muskets room. Is this talk the movie black Panther Bob
This is the route towards annually on the breakfast club? Black Panther is going to be a huge in the box office next month. Now this is the first twenty four hours of ticket prices for them will be accorded appending over the largest, its ever seen for a marvel movie. Their record was previously held by Captain America civil war. They also said that black Panther was twenty eighteens. Second, most anticipate a movie behind us perverse adventures, infinity wall, ogre gloomy though and TAT Bozeman is the most anxious to pay to stand alone. Comic book movie here out or blueprints go Mig over a billion dollars globally. In reason, I say that because you can have all a marvel, heads were going to see black panther than you have all a casual black people that have never been so long as we are not
in the common both are gonna go to the movies the was gonna make going to perfect storm. Now last summer they said that I wonder: woman had the biggest ever opening weekend for a firm directed by a woman so that huge as well, I ran away women's avoided. Wonder woman blood was Pablo Grant, is, can be huge. I right, I'm gonna be supporting Katy, be she's gonna, be performing alongside Bruno, there's trouble uncle Bob gotta. Be them yes, yes, and she also recently did an interview and she sat down with beats weren't. You had a lot of different things to say about things like dealing with her haters and so on, and so forth by here is cardy, be talking about being called ugly, but what we actually does get to you, though, sometimes my looks, you know if you like everyone, man, hey where we will face mean about the milk women. Don't ever one to fill up, leading to fill ugly, and sometimes be boys want to make me feel like all dead
whack or like. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do that. If I didn't, I wouldn't call number one that some people think that I call I need to sign me because I was really popular, no cuz. I have mixtapes. So that's what we would all real love. You were gonna gaudy didn't have a catalogue before boat ideology had to full mixed takes a musical against big bomb one until I tried it all. Bilbil carry b is definitely not ugly she's, a pretty girl dormant as long as I can. Okay, you have to talk to about the haters. A lot of these celebrities do see they comments, and this is like, I feel like they don't respond, because this is like this, like the celebrity thinks Dooley Cuz, I used to call cool we're going to talk about me like if you know me like. If you know this is not easy, like my career
and see me. I was hearing crazy rumours about me like every two weeks on friendly. He worries our colleague deficit over about, as he always talk, was given him clubs in the days and not to pull back at job at all, but the problem is people be doing now, just because they wonder response. Somebody says something crazy to me and I responded and they were like actually a big fanny. As I can tell you just responded. It is essential to them they wait now. Media are responded stuff that stuff that I shall respond to their provision. Piss me off dozen, but a stupid stuff like some as my tumblr the day, you're, not a taste, make our vital have a call me a taste make our northern meets immediately still. I shudder. Expertise may gonna do what the same way somebody would die enabling do you see what you guys they handed out. It's gotta, be us attacked about. Never talking about. Are the men who have hurt her by curbing her, so I can really make a song of her
as I have been heard by a lot of men, I'm talking about like like how sad I be when adored curves me and I never saw the cover of fuels that before nor did, I guess, said a man ass, the mark, all my man there in, of course she is getting there to offset says you talked about her wedding song, we'll wait all out. Oh, I don't know what I saw he'll pink, another one, that our people will take a lot going to say because I'm not gonna sound sensitive. Are you serious is between our be sure or Greece John? What sort of Georgia pull up to my bumper to abide by a gradual, no more regular, the mirror, I doubt, but I was trying to figure out why song is she talking about, in particular, regional sola? Yes, your shoe out on a western issue talking about, in particular,
pull up to my boy, a positive result- and I really don't know nine years are always going to nineteen. Forty eight of the relative real rights tomb about blank. My man, that to the rhythm and never ending. I buggered Joneses bomber. That's a shame. That's all I know is beyond those ground, you don't know nine eleven a slave to the rather know someone Bombay grandees died, no great job of rumours project. My god. Adam plague ratios identical. Ever since she was famous in the classroom. I requested a no music. She was famous enough in a movie for me to know that was great jobs. You don't know says that you don't play in a club. I do, but I know, as history has never a baby Ellison everybody in this room is all that is way before I die mine upon regional sorry, somebody's Gumi Cosmogonic
I'm sorry. I have a record at home, they behold, I look at you know my peers game. You audio record, so but I want to say how old are you prepared the ground that Mug Rachel Pearl, to day I well I may easily, and that is your room, a report alright shoreline. Yes, we felt like that was where they let go. Daddy do you guys in both cases. May there is little point in talking to me like that, one, when you talk to me, like their data gimme, a low Bundy's improvidence Union aiming at everybody allies. Otherwise, you like this there, A light will use all available in this great big, like that, like when you grab little green group. When I doubt if you don't get to Floyd more on me, whether needs to come to the front garden, visionary, like everywhere, wouldn't believe our right we'll get to that. When we come back, he blocked at the breakfast table more.
The date come as you get donkey of the day today is used for don't do that. Knowledge is meant to imply, was made available. Charlemagne determining I've got to make a judgment was gonna, be on the the other day, a page, you are the breakfast club Betty give the day to day, while now get a David thirty January, love of gold, Floyd money may whether Floyd me, whether junior look man, one thing I'm realizing, I did do in my old age, as I growers of all the union is not the margin alive. What other people have going on, especially if I'm not aware, was goin on sea? We as people have a tendency to dismiss and make light of things Presently. We are unaware, said thing, but dig this ok yoga tell you all the time because you not aware of it tell me- is not happening.
Floyd may, was at the consumer. Electronics show in Vegas you having an interview with Means Health magazine, and he was asked about the cultural evolution going on in America. Right now called me to move me now is no secret. Everybody so May, whether an alleged cereal domestic abuse so ask him about me to movement is not far fetched it all you have died, isn't he has been accused of assaulting women before let's see ways mine, is that on a matter as listen, what Floyd may weather
they? When asked about me to move, I may minded man speaking out about sexual assault. However women mothers. This wasn't me too. What am I gonna do you know about me to move away from the beginning was obliged me to some, I say said: permitted Minos, Boon, and now, when I first heard, I said to myself: well is hard to say: Floyd was making light of the ME to movement, because He has no idea what to me to movement is but listen. How a question was asked again play plate played with her. I'm in light of the man, one eighth of the meeting,
when speaking out about sexual celebrate, she said were asking a lot of men in light of me to movement. How mentioned two twenty and eighteen Floyd replies the who the interviewer reply, me too movement, women speaking out about sexual assault, now I've Loi may, the even a vile, allegedly, don't know what to me to movement is when I asked what, it is in the end of your reply to me, the me to movement is women speaking out about sexual assault by autumn, when she change right. If my eagle got me drunk, I should sober up, quick and realize this is something serious. I didn't ask you Floyd. What is me too to you? I asked you what think of me to movement. Are you Floyd money? May, whether our Floyd more on me? When I wonder, I feel to be so rich, and so disconnected from regular everyday people do not have to care about the problems of others floor clearly have the sense of privilege what my brother, you got daughters, so you should care about me to movement, because that along with the times that movement is a cultural revolution, I'll make the world a better place for young girls in Floyd. Your rolls Royce your private jet.
Billion dollars, you know all it at all. It is none of it is gone, take your little girls from trash ass men, ok, I'll ass men, when essentially a soldier, your little girls. They will and it doesn't matter how much money you got. Ok, Today I want to do I regard downward. When you got that's why you should care? Are I, though, marginalized the people who are fighting to make the world a better place for the women. You love and if you dont know, if you're not sure about that, about what the me to movement is just say less until you get educated on a situation are rather you say: let then get in the way of these women's movement. Ok, say lesson get out the way. What the interview I should have said, Floyd well, you know Floyd, along which rolls Royce your private jet, a billion dollars. You can also see accused the resulting The women mates Floyd more on me, whether the biggest the obvious
about who we ve never gonna, stop this babe. You have made it the same stuff. They Donald Trump is made of his made the same stuff. All Kelly made up is certain tat law. Material and no matter what he says. Who fellow we give? Is that the case people still goes apart from you nobody would amuse they're gonna, take pictures Woodham, you still buys fights if you decide come on time and again, if I don't give a damn, could really give adapt our right, but they give Don't you today having some? I need to explain to them. What they need to the lady did in that moment, stop if you in advance, get out of here, maybe explained it. You want to play it again here. I might have been with you man, speaking out about sexual. So how does it even said? Oh, I do she said to me. A moment when we speak about things that he's a oh, so he thought about it. Stop
they go make an excuse. It would have ready to take a picture. Necktie museum. I turned out about only think things like not even a donkey The text as equals in a member may eight hundred five, a five one, o five one. If you got a course, if you could call up right now and ask of eight hundred five five one o five one is the number to help you. I would all your relationship advice, call announced the breakfast club One allows this data to general. I was somewhere which, of course, if you was going to tell us that it will not come about four months ago before we had its when she was bought, hydropower now she's kind of like White sixty and she was the money back all the rope Edward already approved the whole big bodies that you don't want to go to the James. You don't wanna, do not have any longer. The baby's is a form of digital for much. I mean it,
As I know you know what I think the problem is. We look on social media and we see people snap and back so quick. So we think right not knowing that they are getting all kinds of Nixon Tax and also their different peoples. Bodies are different. Some people might lose that wait right away. Ass. She had twin so clearly see gay more weight than the average pregnant woman right here she doesn't go the gym occupy busy soon with the twins, though, she was of the easy way out Armenia issues. These workers are due to the remark, I'm not gonna lie like I'd. Dawdled pocket can't be kind of job to Bristol I've been going through. The three of you know how I got my body back right. You know I'll make a better offer she's. Just now we're going to the gym even thereby colourless. Let's take the kid below the pilot, terribly exhausting you know she just gave birth for men. And having twins to take care of is double the amount of work of having once I'm sure it is not easy right now, but I would and I'm sure you do,
she's beautiful, all the time of course. Of course, I think her breastfeeding also she breastfeeding and ass. You know so what could afford a lot better support for your, though, is that most of my colleagues from the guerriere like it if it is absolutely necessary for a conference although hidden and to have or are just all water walkin around here, looking like like China, that now is the time to do it. S not the looks, he's gone further re she's just trying to get her confidence. I could give us running on a little bit of Angola to array babies dead, baby steps here. Ok, you know, of course you think she's beautiful, I think, is important for a woman. You know it's her body, so obviously, if she decides that she wants to do something for her, Now she can, but I was a you just had the baby four months ago, let's at least give it a four year less way, eight more months. You know, I see how you feeling then, and I support it. Whatever is that you want to do to use up, but I want you to know that I love you beautiful. I love you natural, but I support the fact that you know this is what you want to do, that
in eight months from now, then, whatever it is, we gotta do out I'm down for it as long as it's safe as they approved to go to a real doctor and not some basement somewhere, remarked with a good programme to our array and see how she fails. Then, and if she still feels like this, those men things that she wants to get done, or even if sepia still feels that way, and I would say, thou try to get her to come to them to make it. Whether that your revisit that in a month, but that you also has not come into the Jimmy you loose put right and is thus a word ass. She could do at home, so maybe there's some things. Yulka have fun with their home, shoot you or other pursuit cannot have an arena. As already eight hundred five a five five one of you that, of course, if you call a now, is to breakfast lunch tomorrow morning, everybody e g envy, Angela YE shall amend the car. We are. The breakfast club in a mill of ask ye allows is our main aim if they think they Stacy wish, of course, to free market
is, I believe, a relationship for the past seven years. An recently I lost my job and would then need more financial help with my boyfriend and now I feel for financial help. You use guy in, like worse, turned into a monster where we can communicate and eyes Germany's. That was because, if I have to help you, then I should be treated the best way. So it's ok for made a curse. I jus it's ok for me out at night. We do this. Oh my place me with idle nor to do because I do need the financial help, but I do know that it is. Behaviour is crap yeah, first of all, because I've come across some hard times, never work. Another time something unfortunate has happened to me. I was I'm already fell in a little bit down because I don't have the finances it. I need an uncomfortable with and then to have somebody they supposed to be a support system, be, as you said, abusive. Thus
like like S, a great warning sign that there's no somebody that you should be within the future, as images TAT, saying, somebody's abusive to you as soon as something affords. Happens in a night there for you in your corner, any action that he could talk. You crazy man. What he would do if y'all was together. Y'all had kids anything like that. That doesn't sound like somebody. That's an ideal mate you guys who do? We do have kids, and even with that I'll say, okay! Well, then we should try to co parent and hills. Well, we don't really had to compare- and I know when I can pick up- my kids were wounded things that go back for you guys was about it before you lost. His job has been like this, like now, probably like a little bit, I lost my job, but then once I lost that I guess before I used to just work and he could see that I'm independent and if you argue you know, I don't have to ask him for anything, but now it's. I need the financial help I feel like he feels like it's
but I can say and do it I want to do, and you need my help. So if I try to talk to him, it's more like ok what shut up, I don't want to hear it damn near. There's, no reason that your husband, I mean your boyfriend to ever talk you like that and when you start saying a summons abuse it to you. That indicates, deeper, more serious problem. So what in your heart? What do you feel like you want to do? I wish she would change by. Seven years, you should already know how to act. So he's been like this pretty much say like you build some of reserving like you know them by now, so you should use you should love and respect, and so you know what you're supposed to do with the person that you love. And how do you react when he speaks to you like that? And what do you tell him
today, seeing him speak to you like that? No so he does it just in private. Just the two of you now have hunted kids, all aid. Does it no matter where, but I just try to hold it together, presiding over this informed, a kid I just try to play at all for that way. They all think that's the best behaviour here, because this sounds like a gateway to things getting. As a judge in private. Just the two of you now in front of the kids, all a dull moment aware, but I just try to hold it together, because animals destined for a kid. I just try to play at all. For that way. They all think that's the bench behaviour here, because this sounds like a gateway to things getting even worse, K, L and right now you really and this in the bed. In what I, when I say that I mean, if he's now willing to work on himself and understand what he's doing is wrong, then you have to be thinking about our exit strategy,
Ray and Lena. Let him know like this is good for him too, for him, so wanted changes have to be a better person, has ever put his hands on you yeah. This is absolutely unacceptable way. Those and call it that he says it's called a growth in Europe is on a big, and you already know it is a big deal is a huge deal here. He spoke into any of your friends or family or anybody that can be supportive to you Vulcan to them, but they care really is a border, but because they are You embarrassed to tell them what is really going on. Stacy hold underline Amazon, you off, I'm by here's. The thing I don't want you to feel, This is in any way. Your fault is all his firelight like there's no reason for a man to be putting his hands on you. There's no reason for him to be speaking to you in an abusive manner. You don't deserve that. He is but the issue and use it and be embarrassed. Ok, I held on the line you alright ascii
here are some professional. However yeah early, I'm gonna get information in a have. Somebody does she could talk to, but you know this. I feel that this has been an ongoing city, when people reaching out to me behind the scenes in over the EMA, how me he gmail dot com. I have one woman, semi pieces pictures herself a marks all over her and those first, that's it you have to take as far as getting away from the person who is abusing. You, though, is a really difficult thing to do. People say was: I'm a put they hands on me. I would leave, but you don't know what you would do unless you get yourself in that situation and clearly she's in a tough spot and if you don't want to God believe I'll call the police for your, you gotta get action and listen. You gotta go. I may so you do. The proper procedures get a restraining order. If you don't make him stab now has never gonna. Stop are ya, do give it a young man name assuming a producer of us in a right that a proper thirty day gloves are right. There him em right. There arrived As we are rooms on away, let's talk about somebody who must again his girl back would love to see them back together was how you who it is our right, we'll get internet when we come back here
Breakfast Cogema plotting, everybody is dj, envy easily ye Charlemagne ungodly hour. The breakfast closed, the looting of India, you gleeful common to many qualities, lusher, who just restart and say on Charlemagne. De L, really taking a comedy. When was this gotta? Ask because I could be wrong, but maybe I'm just young year as a whole What is your God became reality in which the EU has resulted in its anti the late Great Bernie magazine De L, hugely yet quality my needed, though you young industry, unless kids rooms are so me having
Building the day this is the Weber report annually on the breakfast club, where earlier in the week, according to billboards me, I being will be leaving apple around August after his death absens vast, while he responded to that. He said. Ah this step you seeing in the newspapers. Let me tell you my stag invested a long time ago. We need Donald Trump here to call it fake news knows it is not leaving apple anytime soon, but he said he proudly will be the business within the next ten years. He said, I don't see myself as seventy five years old running around doing music, eventually Abbe slowing down, but right now committed to getting streaming right. So there you have it he's not really leaving this year, I write Serena Williams, who did an interview on the cover of vulgar with her format.
Order Alex Alexis Olympia, albanian Junior and she talks about the highs and lows of her first few months as a mother. Now she also talked about after she gave birth a day after the baby was born. She had a c section. She said that she had some scary health complications. She said in a daze have followed. She has shortness of breath, and doctors later found out that he had blood clots in her lungs and she ended up spending the first six weeks of her daughters, life just embed not able to do much. So, thank goodness, she handled everything. I guess you to take the lead dinners, but after she had the c section she had to stop taking them so that she could em so that the Syrian can heal. Then she got a blood clots in that think and bled dinners and- and I think there was a complication with the Syrian with the stitching after that is all kinds of issues mutton. Fortunately she is ok. I write gum play my guy. Well, new reports say that he is now accused of assaulting an ex girlfriend. Oh God, his
curse Unita. When I heard my God, you forgot, what am I gonna wait? I suppose it s address my room now his former girlfriend and make a chance, and they were at the office, Mr Clever Miami, and they had some words. Exchange Annie, waited in the parking lot and tell her shift ended and that's when allegedly she's, claiming that he attacked her. Now, according to the police report that she filed, she said she and gum play were involved in a verbal dispute in regards to relationship issues and then, after the verbal into interaction, heated up, she, he allegedly physically assaulted her. She said he became irate, struck her upon her face with his head and then she added I have received the nearest hospital where she was treated for bruising to her face and that as well as a scratch cornea. So I will see what happens you think I'm gonna comes at a defensive. My guy gun player, something like that of name is gun play. I don't know I'm just this one up
right now decided whether never going to pursue charges of misdemeanor battery so noble. Nobody about Miami. I began to have started it. Yeah does not have any second episode. Yulka arise, the fiery there's some new footing, they came out and he perhaps is really really ready to try to get back with Nick. You see a single now right, spires, and here's what he said on stage where we know AIDS mugged, Miss MC you baby. What any day, nor do I am pretty sure that he would rather be a new peddlers admission. Baby I wouldn't go, who is the boss be messed around? My time is limited. I miss animated would rise as bet I have a feeling that was decided me Nicky, Miss Let me illustrate he suspicions,
go get a ragged? Did you tell him? You have sneak use these visit his glass on call you. I pull up your socks, pull up your thoughts This I think we can go, get em too. Obviously I have a feeling sneaky specified. It asked where the universe works. Go get it. I reckon I will name s very, does work hard and he's always putting stuff out? Yes, he won't stop. Does you handled annoying devilmoss that people are just won't, stop he's very personable at that We'll get one is condemned, I've will be some coiner gravest stupid dared to it, but is going up. Results is ox, as now is out. There is ox, is going to stop this would like their mark. My words definitely be doing to police, and I have long since you were still be Collins, afar gaudy either Does he go to work with us for Joe get em all got only not even come up here. Pull up is that such we could do so far as it is a wise old with this is a right and once again welcome home to calving. Gaiety is a free man again,
being released from jail. Yesterday, I re, while I may as energy- and that is your room. A report are right now are today, is Mary J bloggers. Birthdays will give me all large value of the merger blood rugged everyday, Alison, some type of Mary Lou blood record everyday good. You know I believe that uptown reckons is probably degree. Record label ever in my eyes, so I listen. There's something for Mary, everyday Godiva. Uptown wreckage playlist all right! Well, how we get an exclusive school kings did featuring J Rock future. Terrible record the play and Kendrick while Boom one is about to be mine. Luther king Jr weaken why what is left of rights arable tobacco? Let's get it doesn't have anything to do my looking now so who the king of the while you have listened to some purpose. Furthermore, Hey Pham Data think Smith here, bringing your favorite my table taught at the sides
upon cast. I want to introduce you to the most important women in my life, my mom gamete, she's really old school. I never wanted you to be in that situation like that they will at all, and then we have my daughter. Will I'm gonna be my ancestors interests? Do what I needed to listen to the red table. Talk podcast, presented by Facebook Watch and Westbrook Audio on the eye, hard radio at Apple pie, cats, or were you get your parkers It seems like it should be easy, but it's not just getting out of bed and getting your day started. Trying to accomplish everything you need to do in your day. That to do list is a lot easier when you're getting news stories and music to lift your mood and prepare you for the day ahead, get connected to the things that make you laugh and make you think or make you want to reach out and share with a friend every morning with us, it's Elvis Duran in the morning show listen to us on Q102 or anywhere in the world on the Iheartradio app.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-29.