« The Breakfast Club

Cardi B and 2 Chainz interview


Today on the show we had friend to the show Cardi B call in, and they had a lot to catch up on and discuss, such as mommy life during the quarantine, new music, QC label and more. Also, we had 2 Chainz call in to discuss the verzuz battle with Rick Ross and promote his new song. Moreover, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to North Paulding Highschool for not mandating wearing masks for students.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And TAT he was an unimaginable. Retainable leaves something like that would happen here from us family. This is the picture: mask listened to the pact massacre on the eye heart, radio, up on apple pod casts or wherever you get. Your pod casts
allow me to read out the most prominent when you asked earlier more bluntly, Tommy was young. People's choice was: nobody knew a Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, born and easily gambling agency, Andy Charlemagne, the Gatt please do
Planet is Friday. Toronto. What's was happening brothers. I offer us. This is all and everybody S. It's a fraud we can is here, I'm excited about today. I got my power, a backlash. Last night cuz I got my. MAC last yes, indeed How about it now No. What we had in order to generate a but degenerated only does the I was saying yes, just as the whole ways. It does, of course refrigerators so keeps to food, good and parts of the master bedroom. So they. Don't you decide your wifi, and I know you re walking around in the dark dog does create neatly net. As I was saying yesterday. Haven't you know five kids with no teeth no wifi, no lights, oh my goodness, that yesterday, because the verses battle was on
be a mega stallion put out the new web video. There was a logo annoying yesterday. Why cod joining us this morning about awaited. We Toyota will kick. It will clearly be in a low bits of them. A new project. Canoe, single and everything is not autumn copies. Life naturally to change, might be checking in his well in our last night. With about. Did you guys watching you think I got ogier like love, love Rick into and two I did was way before the energy to come, but they know bring the energy to hold the school Wolfe was given that we're not gonna do most talkin like me, they want to sweat on its way into chains, always like a very animated perform. I made toward the n. I, like random so started to do a little little son, but I now know how they got sums.
Some amazing exotic. I came here to a grass mentioned cookies or something like that Somethin Adam, looking like they were slightly stuck last night. I may I should like I was watching, for better at our borders are turned off. Then, when I came back, I see like a bunch of money on a flaw. How did the money for no one knows what asked him ass, though they had chosen to two essential workers awful who both for measuring mass came nearer social distancing. Ok, that did not was the doubt the best now that one of the best possible, though the happier derived from net in the topical, who had best who got the best group clubs, Miami island- and I was, I guess it s, a pretty tough one. The honest with you win the note either through that best group clubs within our car line is in it in
The wood unbiased goes on from circular at the Atlanta made at it, but then the Miami does our know how I got it. I don't know carbonated it ain't it ain't is not an thing for me really got us did not give some thought to the rescue close Miami Island? If you from the oil place you going to be biased, but you know that the outside of a suspected that's a tough decision. It's alright! Well, let's get the show crack in front page news what we talked about Sebastian com instead Joe Biden made, and that is about the african american community right. Well, let's go it is new COD Ii be reckoned we're playing at every hour on our did in so many times. I guess it is their right dramas. Yes, I know it well, let's get inside is feature Megan. His diet is, where is the breakfast locomotive?
morning everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club. There was no call to be free to remain a stallion. She's gonna be actual reality and a little bit blueskins in front page news or restart you, Joe Biden, was doing it in a view that was her by the National Association of Hispanic journalists and the National Association, a black journalists, and they put out this interview yesterday. And here is what the question was in his response. Are you going to re engage with Cuba, though I mean I'm specifically wondering about. You know the floors, communities at and bank. You know your assembly interested in and the Cuba issue and see status given to Venezuelans, while Cubans are being deported Yes, and by the way, you all know, but most people don't know. Unlike african American commute notable exceptions? Election community, is incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes. Different things. You go too far. Do you find a very
for an attitude about immigration inserted. Then you do not know when you're in Arizona Bull get out to stage, listen, people got mad at ditty when he's all folks to hold the vote, but the reality is. If there is a twenty, twenty black voter boycott is being led by Joe Biden. Ok, he is organizer in leader of a boy guide. If there is one good there's, nobody encourage implied motives, though their votes and stay on board in him. A little to the dumb ass com is like that larger volume and on twitter and try to clarify, said earlier today. I may some candidates at university. And the African American and that's you- know, communities that I want to clarify and no Did I mean suggested african american community is a monolith not by identity, not on issues and that an odd throughout my career, I witnessed the diversity of thought background in Central Africa. American community is this diversity that makes our workplaces communities and country a better place. My commitment to you is
I will always listen. I will never stop fighting for the african american community and I will never stop fighting far more equitable future now down on Trump and, of course, seized upon. This moment to say this about Joe Biden, Joe Biden, sporting sword, wages, verge insulted the black community, what he said is incredible, and I don't know what's going on with them, but it was a very insulting statement in May in our respective more Joe Biden JUICE. Stood already said like he said he only said the lad, every time you have something to say about black people. You end up having to clarify hey, but no more the reality of life. You will adjust diverse regions, We know that because the first african american mail he met that was bright, articulating clean, the President Obama in two thousand and eight does his words. Not my in a survivor is by net. Would you then I was gonna say on Sanders? Who is his camp in advisers- that, if you look at the full video and transcript, is clear there vice
then embedding was referring to diversity of attitudes among Latinos from different latin american countries. The video relating- is conveniently cutlery about ratio diversity, but that's not the case. I was the or even even though No black, even I have different attitudes, I'm gonna go in August Locrian. What is accuracy that people get? My worship me talking about would use to see. Well, you look ass. If no, we just pointing out what we see night like that. I'm just because he's a Democrat doesn't mean we eat, we guarantee a vote. We still went out the biased, honestly Balnette, that's what it is regarded as you can criticism and point to be as because s nest. Hopefully vessels go, make him be better, but I gotta get you can't it all away mean new tricks. Are then the next outlets at about went down attempted yesterday? In contrast? Yes, yes, so disappointed. Bided Biden has too many apologies to many bootleggers who make excuses for those blatantly dishes. Devil com is proving once again can do and say whatever you want about black people and no one will give a day.
About it and that's why he needs the disquiet and announce his black vice president? Hopefully ascended a calm allows as that's one vote for it as well. The boy I know, damn Joe Biden within the any detailed camping slogan is that of a binding twenty twenty two. That's all we do. You set an hour for a white. We settle of all compassionate segregationist waste premises as opposed to evil fascist someone coming. Ass and policies that will benefit our community dollars. My risk to respect our common, get it over your chest. Eight hundred five, a fire No, I won't have you need event. It is a right now. Maybe you had a bad day may be right in your bag and got a flat time had to figure out how to fix a flat on your bike. Last night, or maybe you feel bless, maybe a power via the game back or whatever. It is eight hundred five, eight five one o five one get it off just as the breakfast cloak morning, a breakfast
Bagua for an unfiltered dose of comedy from GM and Audio Bob media. Full disclosure. I've had a lot of facts that obviously having sex with me like buying a pre as much quieter than you'd ecstatic know for a fact that I could not make my kid. God is great and arabic fly, like literally once fly, we advocated started growing to ban and everybody sitting there. Why go you here that, as I listen I'm just trying to be mistaken for unarmed black me again? It s our view. Your way were ex presidents unprotected sex. Listen you wherever you! Yes! up
go away, go mad or black we want to hear from you allowed is Amy from California. Good morning. Everyone, the parents actually do believe that it should be able to go back to My daughter has been infamous go for the past months and there had been no corona virus cases. Her teacher actually contacted me and says she was excited to come back to the classroom, one eight ratio and asked me if I wanted to have a role in, I think guides the opportunity- and I haven't had any issues only on a market as they use a case by case thinkers using in certain places where inserted school systems corona virus is in effect in that community. I can see why they would say- and I think this like under family
Henderson delight that then you can go back to school as long as you take those safety measures taken stand. There is really no safety measures and this brings the master was a nightmare. For me, my daughter is optimistic. She had said delay and they were not following her ip. They were trying to have reduced from online reading comprehension. That was not a her level and I ended up having to do her homework for her just those sheep. We could finish it because she couldn't answer those questions. You she's at best peace level of its clear old. So wait it nine amid the plagiarism black man. How am I supposed to how much? How am I going to turn in homework that she does not know how to do if she's supposed to be getting a grade for that? So when they ask for her, the summary schooling about extra help? Absolutely I had her go back there. Do it and you know why it does not call babe. It's gonna be the flu. It is not a flu with our its veto to Vietnam.
We have is a lot of other viruses out there. That could kill you, but you know I just why you're here, and where your man Baithanus, part of the reason why I don't want to bring my kids school because he had the process and that those aimed at it I just don't necessarily think that you know to say: ok, well, yet is other disease out their duty to Flewed is this? Does that I get it the oil companies really kill chinese people and killing these kids and killing these older people, and I don't want the kids come back and bring it to me, bring it's my grand predicts into their grandparents bring into other points. What are you guys? You can bring? You get us. Does the movie about my memory material but is not as if not killing? Kids, like that, like right what exactly is killing their parents and grandparents that, yes, they legs were and that's what I don't want that she was saying it is now. There's no cases aims. You have a good day have a good data, but just as the produced about them,
great thing about being apparent, you can decide. What do you want to do in a good school? That's why I'm just now- and I think it is managed where you live too, because in some places the cases are so high that feels it will allow more dangerous than places where there is no cases it all it takes is wonder, lament you're sure from California all it takes. Is it interaction. One person is not necessarily social, distancing and spread. My wife like it into a lot at ease overall, curbs in Jersey renewable energy and just to be accurate children of all ages can become ill with Corona buys the enemies promote, but but not by most kids, but most kids, who are infected typically don't become sick of the dose and some might not show any symptoms it all. But you know this problem is they can be asymptomatic. Impasse in articles, adults and those older people and those are the ones that a better approach to really enough diving, krona, bars and kids have died from Verona powers.
But even to see that even the CDC says, children of all ages can become ill will corona wise, but most kids, who are affected typically not become as similar to those that, in fact, is dead. Now trump stupid ass conveyed it so silly when he said, kids are almost alone. There are almost him, he put. My God is in essence a hasty worded. It stupidly. Yeah gated chess openly eastwardly a word. Sure eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one if you need to vent his up now, is the breakfast club come on. The breakfast club,
It seems like it should be easy, but it's not just getting out of bed and getting your day started, trying to accomplish everything you need to do in your day that to do list as a lot easier when you're getting news stories and music to lift your mood and preparing for the day ahead, get connected to the things that make you laugh and make you think or make you want to reach out and share with a friend every morning with us, it's Elvis Joanne in the morning show listen to us on cue, one or two or anywhere in the world, on the Iheart Radio APP I was glad your mornings will never be the same. Really rather is bringing about an honest even at the Rio has wiser, Potomac. Finally, address did the trailer and one thing is for sure they do, Lay in a p honey, don't miss. The Rio has wiser Potomac Sunday night.
An essential. Only I'm rather is your job to get it off your Jas, whether your man, what we want to hear from you on the breadth of allows, is quite level Florida. Climate a regular apply while well, I get off my chest. The later Cody yesterday said at all. She was eighteen year professional, something as she stock market for black people and not you could find a job. Yes, how did you know she go? Blame black people for not her final job or for her? Could you start enough for tat? She cant find it out. That's an issue, is blaming arrays his way, people but I want to blame a black people like people see, was aimed at people don't like her because she stands up for black people lab lag people. Have it sees bathrooms Jordan
MRS Immigration, that perhaps simply stopping them from getting the job. How do these people jobs did we put a higher because, most because she's testing for black people become less easy, is dead, she's, an ally of black people? people know she's an ally, black people. They are prevented her from getting work. I can see lucky you imagine, you live in a magazine. You live in a town and you a white woman, walkin around a black lad. Madison are going around like loud mad design and people see Ptolemais, guys guys called it think about what you need is no bad thing. At an end, and I want you to finish that thought that finished at that way, where we going you about today is goeben idea. What what is it but I ve met nobody. Really everybody word about this pandemic. You think somebody job someone fee of accompanied me. I want you all which white pursue its potential for black people
you have the other day. I think I've seen why people I've see why people walk up to other. Why people, who snatched designs and tell him you're white? What are you protest and live mail yesterday that it does happen platform as professionally in a job come on well come on something having I have made my pop. Why can you not go make me do this morning? Is the thin white people? I don't want you. Ve got a lot of people it broadly, I'm the one who has brought a smile, you dont use our are plausible as of course, but do not gain a job as carbon ip. Because of curbing, I think, not cause your marginal black people. What can I say that we can sit here and say why, the boy not knowing I beg for gold- I don't know I came out of it and borrowing the type of person that I watch Fox news that I'd like to see the other side's as I've heard, took a cause and AIR Rudy Giuliani. Both say
lives matter in the people who support teams are basically saying you beneath the loves it. So, yes, and as I can see, people getting points for being a allies of black lives matters Friday. Fried and love, it is multiple Friday composition. Get it off my chest: eight hundred five, a five one viable if you need a go, we got room for the waking yes and let's go right into it. Let's talk about make this down, according to new video. They just came out. Why? Because everybody was wise and at last night and I want to tell you guys about the battle to less discuss, verses, I will get internet legs keep a lacklustre the breakfast locomotive breakfast morning. Everybody is dj. Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we are the breakfast club. Let's get to the room, is less talk, verses,
feeling that this is the rumour report annually on the breakfast club, yes said last night: where's the verses with two chains and rigorous digital rights management, think I'm I was born at this moment in a book before those two to have those big, energetic club records. I expected a better performances from both in Bombay That's me: maybe us it is a setback and enjoyed mute, did as always, but was deafening boy that that was is gonna want were turned out. I was excited about this. What did you stated to seem like they want obedient? It had no energy. Was it like than any other ones we seen it was. It was born It looks like the way I mean. Maybe they don't know, let's talk about the actual battle in the songs up against each other, because I know We were having discussions and who we thought would win. So I just want to get it from european concept It was a really close one. Maybe one of the close, his ones Ah I saw I as they did,
Ross would win, but don't sleep on to change to change, as has some dope music, but now, when you hear when you hear the music side by side to Jane Davos and he deserves everything he got bologna days. I'm that damn regrows arrows I've. Always then you got one of the best cataloguing rabble, one could argue, Recross might be tin top ten hip hop Addis Ababa IRA. Tapped him. Yes, task, airlock, yes, Roscoe! log is phenomenal. Entail enemy travellers a better man cadenza you, which ones I was stuck on. Ok rigorous, has limbers is to change. I'm different awesome. Our little way. Future requires John Verses, a sad rakkeed to change. Draken Kendrick Lamar's FM problems yon easily it, but you know he'd, even verses from problems.
It is a debate, is the dope? Is it up? Ok, reads: forever suspended, spend, spend it dies, pineapples, verses, duffel, bag boy, stuff about were born to different, I'm a record, but with a website the essence of window could have two totally different type of regular, actually thought he was going counter be enough. We doubled boys, but our dove still preferred of my boy, though de facto pineapple ere. I think it was some rules it I was. I got now sure which went I'm going with you. You know I thought it was that it was a good battle, so I'm not as diverse as birthday son. Birthday song. Even I love. I love you on that acid. When I'm in Ireland at the impact of birthdays on with bigger thought, I'm not a start to be at a record, yet I'm not a start at a record, but Bertie songs to be the songs or animal area. Now here is some of their surprises. It had they may grass
put up his verse? That was on the sound famous kind they were famous what have you been all day with wonder and enable debuted new songs at the end of the battle to change at a nuisance? what little weighing on money maker.
Make it you know, I don't know you may make the baby right down. No one baby miss no car payments. I just love my working life agitated, something that you do not make. A tropical Basel moneymaker sounds are concerned too, and a rigorous has a new sound, featuring thin
use pinned to the cross border people need these revelations about running. You know laws tearing, we drove include Basel painted across some, Please go check on Van dangerous nobody said Ivy, Galicia echoes. What did he say about? Band zones are key I feel, like you, televangelist become a janitor, didn't you say so He's a go get a bomb I would. If I was, I can't tell them what is that all is well. You saying go, get a bomb. You go, get a bromine
pass any laws which is it true by them an Jones is very instrumental in getting the first step back passed through what what Reform Alliance and his arm organization cut. Fifty so revenges organization cut. Fifty is gonna lotta people released from prison sire. I had shot is warranted amateur granted, not to say last night was a battlefield dare to occur to me, who will be joining us shortly? Russie put out her video for web per an magnets, Alan as you posted better, take a bath unjust cry, I'm too emotional right now. All I can say is I M F and thank you all. The love mean so much to me from celebs appeared to any somebody. A dead ass means a lot, so she seems very happy about the response, as everybody talking about it last night, the women supporting our so mad society that was really doble colonies, deadline down all the women just six
Danny lay so congratulations security be, and I see the sun climate at the charge on Itunes. Last I saw was number so Simonov is number one right now yet by our own, locally and her team in Brooklyn Johnny, you know he landed. Foot forget near right when I heard directly threatening us there was this all needs of visual decided that a day beyond radio declaim version cause, people probably wouldn't appreciated, but they did rightly road, visual, visual out narrative of dirty version and his don't allow seeing young folks doin. Things that their young loud and free energy, all those young lady, just enjoying their life celebrating the Mai, should Pompones salute I re while uneasily and that's your rumour reports, all right, love to see my girl over their celebrating we got. Rules can be got out for business up. Yes, let's talk about Donald Trump and some comments that he had about a
see yesterday and Vienna as damage up we'll get internet access to breakfast locomotive. That's no call to be making a stallion. What morning. Everybody is the G envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne, God has given some front page news. I will restore me where less tat were damaged. We had an event in Ohio and the bay on Friday event, a wise guns in rose is live and let die here is this on. there are now raised on to play at an event when we're talkin about corona virus and the governor of Ohio couldn't even attendee event, because he just came down with carbon nineteen. Also and here he is having lab events playing Livin let die now. Yes, During is what it is. You touch about, Alexandria, Casio, Cortez and here's what he had to say about her.
Air sea, a real beauty is she knows as much about the environment. Do we have any young children as that young child over there? I think he knows then she certainly knows nothing about the economy and if they have had their chance, you would find that out loud. Coming to Elsie like what did I miss, will what? What are you trying to distract us from coming ABC when he talks about the environment and the green new deal and he says that it will be a socialist take over of the U S economy, so he doesn't like her stance. On the environment, I'm sure he doesn't like hurry there anyway, so I wondered That is why, all of a sudden, my, why they'll see on his mind why d? the door random shouted Elsie is now that he's running against Elsie oilseeds whenever anything at all, I don't know you haven't. We came up with the environmental package so, No, have you meant was never a long time I don't say why. Now when I guess what I'm saying you been pushing it
Why? Now all of a sudden on a random Thursday, you could shoot net Elsie? but I do know, Donald Trump is call for mandatory lockdown on November. Second, who doubted twenty watched, mandatory quarantine very by nobody wanted to. I stammered somebody's also utter. The banning of? U S, companies, time transacting with Tik Tok parent company, so he signed an executive board. Oh yes, the day and he said that was done in forty five days. So, no, U S. Company can do business, but the parent company of social media sector. Jimmy Man, semi automatic rifles, while through symptom, some some proper health, a reform. No police reform like it is what it is actually the camping slogan, but twenty twenty it is when it is at a male horse. I was always rather his life's savings outside of a bank. He was
as a a beat him and took two hundred thousand dollars from them. That was his whole entire life savings. He withdrew their cash following the sale of his home and says that you said he tell anybody he was going to the bank it in TAT anybody he was taking out a large amount of cash and ass. He approached his car that these grabbed his satchel containing the money and fled. People are starving man, people are hungry, forty million plus people unemployed, how do they will begin to a hundred thousand dollars out of the bank somebody they know everything I was just a lucky grab ages pick the guy by moving again we don't know, as we don't know, did it, but it just seems random them. It will be waiting outside the bank to rob you of a statue feels like I mean I don't know
What has in mind when they want to render it? Does anybody know what he's a guy? Doesn't have thought his house, I don't see that I see no satchel resource actually address is exaggerated, is sending out a sacho that the guy grant us out I was looking to seek. As you know, I'm positive outlook majority. Will I taken out that large amount of money You mean people take out. Well, that's probably happened Somebody proudly Cinema, the bank is seen cavalier money out and take it out. The quicker the muddy them make us, I think you can add to give them advance notice. When you in a large amount of money. Even if you do like a wire transfer, absolutely these are vital if somebody money, that's what I'm thinking I right now Louisiana Supreme Court upheld a black man's alive said
since you know what he did, that he's bending the rest of his life in prison. For MR heads, clippers, hedge clip usage clippers only like to cut bushes. Yes, he was convicted in ninety ninety seven on me the count of attempted simple burglary and he got a life sentence for that is in sixty two years old all right. Look. How did it happen? How, today that nobody fought for, of course, would like, but nobody for only one person. Ok, there was the loan centre and a decision, and that was Supreme Court Chief Justice, Burnett Johnson and she felt like this sentence imposed- is excessive and disproportionate to the US as the defender committed, she was the only FEMA and the only black person on the court, the rest of the justices, our white men Think about how many other cases it is like that and as nobody making noise about their debt, that no brother,
If nobody is making noise about the situation, nobody knows our ingested, isn't he is basically buried under the jail for stealing a pair goddamn headquarters at is creating a failed attempt to steal a set of three heads clippers. Like that's ridiculous, It s like Senate worthy. I was daily. This Louisiana Jesus Christ. Right in Hasbro is pulling a trawls dolphin storytellers, because, because of a petition with over a hundred, fifty thousand signatures is a little button that these is on a dog's private area under her skirt. So when you pushed his button on the DAS private, she gasped and giggles, it's ok for a child toy jewish. Too bad men for today, I can as we and what are we
We have had enough. I've had enough of America just what a day not restart tomorrow. My guide me, I ain't nobody thinking. How do these things like is pass through so many people? I know no point. Does somebody say this is a good idea. We lift, The current legal rules do not yet know how many people have that pass through right in order they hit the shelves and actually make it. The stores like there was nobody said you not that's a good idea and doesn't feel no one. I want to lift the boy, a doll skirt and make it go. He like I don't know. I think in this area. Since earlier this morning, we ve been talking about Joe Biden and down a tramp. Nonstop you wanna, always take the time to remind everybody to make sure that you are registered to vote. Ok Levi, has seen river and they haven't get as many people as possible registered and are ready to vote. This vile are yet to do with tax alibis. Two, seven, eight eight six, eight three
and you'll make sure that your register it if you're not already, and you can find out what are some key date you need to know about when it comes to voting in debt. Eyes and other voting. How two's you need to know from the votes are right. Well, I figured I e that was front page. News now? Will we come back? Car ebay will be joining us. She has a new single. She just put out an adult about all that I know all. That is how it is worse than for any. Where ass pupil, ok, we'll get to annexes a locomotive you eat, you just eat, you and waiting incidental isolating. If I were introduced on, she asked me a question so answered families that it has a wet ass. Well, Hey Joe Rapid Local, that's what it's all about reference everybody's dj envy yea Charlemagne, the girl, we are the breakfast club he got his person gets all alone.
Body fairly. Nobody knows day today, really do any good. You know, I just think so everything I just think of the California lie are you gonna carry a lad. I thought you were just a bigger how'd, you just boy, the latter window, where I sat down and navigate We was already a leg, just sort of airline travel alone. At the meeting of battle to his work is just now now is now plays for me. For me too! Slow, arms girl. You know the greatest people in America, conference, bronze and all the flawed as the you need to you need to be someplace. Logan, more active yeah a little bit more and then at my job more, we hear more and everything. So you know I just been
Yeah hey earlier, and I warn you that is very wise. Guy, your pages, a culture, looking all lie: yeah he's a black sheep farmers and you look applies even during this whole pandemic. How is it like every day you know being able to get up there? Just as I know me other, where light teachers and pajama pass every day by Eu Ban Superfly it's on a lot of grass literally like forty percent, because they're doing just me not about these roads and bridges grab a state like you do in views and let nobody did did the pandemic did. Is this like your creative process them anyway, when it came to work on in the absolute bulk is more because I was I was a white appointed just be in the studio every single day and night. There was nothing to do but think think
pink and sit down and think you know sometimes the studio and I just be like I can only be here for two more. I got to go. Go in daylight, you rushing in two other damn it. I had no place to be bought. The studio does sometimes I just gotta know this man. Isn't that nine sadly there going on in the world about what the first mass this uprising in everything. Firstly, as you know, the letting net I really but then family members did you start getting sick and you these diving worry, then not on. I saw my kids when you door the people around them. Getting sick? I might know what I just to me: let him be safe and everything and then do you? No friends? barely losing jobs. Now
what they want to do everything slowing down just your whole life going down, and then I was stuck here in la just me and my husband and then it was raining. Alas, is that this is a good browser. Go go, go you always talk about. You never get over never sit down. You always on the road. You always do is yours, but this is the time for you had to do nothing, What's that you, as there lacks the super sit down, take a nap over here. You woke up after seven p. Dot M like that, so you can even get my Donald's going to get. Everything was super duper god damn it was just. What about my marriage did it? It is money out of it.
I'm not lying there, but it's where you can get back to think about the Eagle eye can have this debt. Are you aware thereby be state about your ideas during his time right before we get into the new thing? I just want to talk about this. We were on the zoom call about Brianna Taylor and just how passionate you been about all the causes and activism where everything going on right now- and I know that depressing to two even happier and have to address in this time it is really the pressing Bah. Sometimes I would think that certain things the starry night, if this pandemic, what happened? Some people would have been so busy and soul into their lives, and they all jobs, is by what I have made this big revolution.
Go outside go marching to go, defend a whole race like no I'm saying like this been going on for a while, and there was a time that people just got so discouraged because I'm black lives matter happened. It was such a movement, but then I don't know I feel like black black black man, black women, getting killed discriminated it. They just died when I was getting normalizing, it would just was better and people had time to blossom. And yet what they and how do you feel Niger? Your guide that not be didn't, you didn't become the democratic nominee. Bernie Sanders didn't become. His was beat you stop by society Ok, you spoke to Joe Biden. He called you I'm tellin you not debate. I don't listen, then climb down weapons alone. We have an account with Asian all this data because they don't talk about it. What are you gonna do? Is they?
you know what I'm saying and I always feel like biting. You know he balance Obama Cuz, I feel like he was like conservative and I do know that's what way like the cookie, they ve and did they dared immoderate day in the middle. In the middle right. So you know me, no human everything I think he's he's getting at. You understand he's getting well. We watch because they always is just the way we want so much we want. We want that. It's simple things: no one's gonna be graduated by regular citizens like business, but we won T get and
I shall listen tonight we don't want was almost no one will fix, gave you boy. This is well one night Make you happy- and I don't want to hear people. You know a lobby pushes that call. Now, I'm stuck with Joe Biden couple of months ago I kept stressing stressing the dairy store. Can a candidate alarm again? Oh, I was just because in every single one of you Bernie when I gotta be more, may show Ya Yogi armies. There's only one way to get did not hear me and now You know what I think. I think we should just go with your writing like it is what it is if you'd seen and have a black woman added added renovate is by private employment carrier. Does because when we see that the sounds like
right now. My arm Lama has the moral right. She always tell me how it is used extremely intelligent. She she's a delta and everything It is really a vulgar how community and wish you I'd some. She would tell you where those them he's gonna make sure that your warning that you're out there and life they're out your day out here in our communities and everything, and I feel like that when you need somebody, people need a mama exactly like yeah and they no longer always go like this any lesser you wrong. How do you want a big, what it you do, what is also mom is like a Mamma mamma. The aim of this moment. I had to do the cost of an advocate, the cause she hold. The desk
none in any notice. My baby guys, you may have this better back, but have that I love you baby, but you gotta have always done before you get. Those g is serious about black women. That will let you ignore. It does what it is and taking on paper, but I we got more. Accordingly, women come back as the breakfast cloak morning morning. Everybody is T J, envy, Angela YE shall I mean to go. We are the breakfast club was still kicking, Bacardi be YE, isn't it occurred to me? Have you been again? Where are you now? way more now than the whole family of a year. Where you cook a guy, I be doing the same, about cooking gaudy. Nor can it always especially huts about myself. Is gonna go salad.
That'd be bad as my senior over here in that lady. That has be dry as a special strength and I got baked chicken and you know what I wanted to do in my cousin? I want to do a avocado ice cream. I don't know about that, and Jerry's Ben Jerry call. You want to do an avocado ice cream may I remind you, ve, come up with that, Avogadro Gray, why? You must love abacha logos group because it did not do that, thereby because I will cover collector texture almost extremely such a story. You eat, you do what the raised it gives a lack of training, nazi fascist and ended coconut meal. No, I'm standing all gonna milk is the circle. Imagine how that's gonna know shop meal.
You going to be stupid. Days are usually do I have a maid of course, or that remain are, but sometimes like I was taking a bath, but then sometimes my daughter, she don't want to like, like take a little shower what about Sammy cleaning all you boys, he hath index that clean someday shall do same unclean on earth and now a dim nails didn't fast expanding like like a live without them it? How did you Megan get up. What is this wreck then? No, you support it make an early on our commitment when she first came out. He supported.
Megan holiday. I seen you guys, gonna split up now you guys of directed together. How did you get it would make it put his right so daily life first time it was taken on everything I get they allow whatever was and then the next day my style became much sooner The other thing you know it's easy, yeah, yeah masses Macbook but they ve got a wife dream about we're. Gonna be harbours, Unum their gas. You got gas gas now I said I'm yours, you guys, like we were stalking, Iyi girls having a tough guy like you guys have to leave you. I know you see the comments all the time that people who love or a song with child- and I just got These guys just wanted to know each other, and that's all that cuz. I you know I'm just died like one of my Bae
day that I raised I especially when it comes to girls. Why, as I am area, could be in the house and lives, but they it happen. And every later we had conversations dirty conversations. It was that money, and after that, you know like we ve got a standing each other and she she hurt. She loved me as soon as I got her. Oh of course, that it will create a drop, hear a video due to the fourth thing I say when I heard directed out like I did needs of visual immediately because you need to see any need to hear a dirty word glad I don't know they would appreciate it. Much of ages! Hurried decree verging on the radio. I like that, Various you already know
I tried my best. I tried my heart. Is it took me a long time to even try to replace the dirty words to it's just too nasty but the video and when it comes to the video to like it's like working with her and her team was just so butter like you not like, it was like a hand in hand thing when it came to our clothes when it came to choreography everybody work hand in hand for her stylist or hairstylist makeup. She got, she doesn't make them and everything, and it was just so great-
easy and like every single time we came up with ideas and just exchanging it with each other. Having meeting with it was just gold. The way I like it. We also came up with a big list of a lot of girls that we wanted on the music video. But you know I'm staying the butt You got the budget now another a lot of money because of the coronavirus it cost of the extra like almost one hundred thousand dollars to get everybody. That's it it was a very expensive video and then I you know the biggest kind of short, but we have to make it all in two days. It was a lot of notes, so we got Rosalia. We guy more money. We will be rose. That's ok and with our
it was a process to get everything together until the debts were crazy, innocent little boys, you got the cigar or shot before citizens way before it, and you have you ve taken earth as you gotta, I don't her something, but I do want to write anything because I don't know where we're going You don't need a minute later, just not talk to people in practice things. You know something about the sun, some harsh something crazy and the media is like where people have to hear you I'll call you. When did you get more and more snored, one Friday? They know I was ever like a mainly with the media stop and everything is allowed.
Good. It did a new rapid, a new rap women reach out to you is Megan reach out. Do you wear vice? Could you gonna? Let you gonna like a young, Oji least towering everything is now and she ever loved fills a sensible way. Things to get overwhelming and everything like I will give her advice. I feel like we have like some of the stories went in the street, but there's there's also a lot of green around, and you know I'm saying to you also got to make sure you have a have a team that is like thirty with you as always kiss your ass and always and always be firm and always saw you. I love love, make me team family. She has that. Well, you know how it is when it comes to certain things when curve agreed when it comes to. You know: everybody laughed at the beginning.
A little crazy way, you already at the time, thence overwhelm me scar, ease and aggressive. This, moreover, is always have so much pressure rather late, We will want to give. You are back on your career. I guess I don't know, maybe I am I gonna two years ago There was no wasn't, isn't this? What can be the next looked like as there is always something like is always that they are expecting to be eaten and saw somebody new come may guess overwhelming, as beautiful as you see, I was beautiful and our lyrics is buried company envy.
So confident, but it's just to get very overwhelming and very down inside. I would love to get any young and young girl advice and everything. That's how I feel like it is important for female rappers like to have unity, because nobody could relate better to them, but you another female rapper, but you know that takes time, it'll go. The fresh images takes time. I ve got more accordingly when we come back, let's get into a party, be many makes gaudy busiest breakfast club the morning that was it Would he be many mix morning everybody's dj envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy? We are the breakfast club now COD Ii B is here now these to let people stress you out. I seen you go back and forth. People about us by his little baby girl a broken bag, sometimes to respond, because it says that the people
They don T like me and is not even like you little small rumours which is to raise the rumours that got to shut this down like yeah, is bugging already China side, you meet the stormy. This is something that I believe now yeah Let me bring them right now. There s an end, the dangerous things. Could you look you baby and said you re reporting? You got that It's crazy, like you, wake up and then does not know what to do and I'm over people at the gate we ban is respondents in those areas in people had to say about you online. Is that maybe So it's sometimes, if get out of hand, sometimes- and it's like if y'all are looking cuz. I put that people pick on me cuz. They want to reply for me and, if y'all want her
Michael greatly arena. Where are they now? What is the aim? ban dopey one of the worst kind of ice no no you're gonna make people was thick with a damn. Got eyes, dream now body size, the legal. Now that would happen. We would choose the drainage of managing to make this very clear. Love accused feel lots of people being accused emails. May I never have to see magazine contrast that they were never knight of fisheries management. There were helping me, and they did a good job for me- was the always check their very professional
everything. So I've never have nothing to say about the Tuesday. I don't know why. I'm always getting dragged in these sad things when you have nothing to do with me or when it comes to the boy. Send this whole thing is going on. Now you know what you see. I think as I with a lawyer or something, but when it comes to man, business I'll, get it, the Daniel men and women are very different men bessie when young Human rights are a long time. When he's got a, they always resolve everything. They always become full again and ask that or ever like put myself in that situation in any good, something because we're medical cool you stay somewheres now there would be cool with you because he took away from my business, but I think that the issue, or whatever
Well, it's gone on. His back. You see here is light with a lawyer or something now I get asked you about this on, whereas well what was happening that new decided this you wanted to do what was going on a day or in a moment when you will lay. I decided that very obvious question. Do you know The moment may use day, and I got a letter What about it Congo is the mother dragon I'd be, and I may go. This is the star rule nasty those Let us not waste a little bit like you, no more, no less. Whereas the inner. So as you like, you had to be a old mining salsa, that's what I did I did for. You saw MCA ever Davy You know what I did you ever saw. My dear wife would allow girls of the song were as I can. The song warm water, more hours, one
Lincoln. The song is, does that is so nasty that is like whose neck was can be financed using? I always knew that one hurt, but I always wanted other girls in it, but I feel like the simple, the song and the time of the song it wouldn't it wouldn't work out, You know when you write a thought. They would have your mother now than they ever make. You reconsider your lyrics away. You might do many video like a man. I will be closely to stop. I warn you know everything. I already dead, don't go my whole body in the day. We have a lot of explanations to do it. Already got explanation to do so. You know I'm the guy is. I did go on So many thanks, It is clear that these are worse. Would you let her
did I want. Would you let her listen that Iraq is all about what they are saying? How do you think she's J? You should have been I have a better understanding for moms, and now I respect moms I hate that amounts to more than a year daylight downwards is because, like a bad attitude, they re, like other guys, always think like that is worth me. You know my career for my kids know how much is prey on it and I was so they would you. Would you gotta bring your sometimes I get evil thoughts. My boy was built with the love. You thought you were a body of a case.
I'll get anywhere near that was a mile away. You lead a leg away, you name there. I thought that I was like and I began now, but I got it right guys I used to sneak out I when I used to go back and everything I gotta hold another. Then something is, I think, a mouth like this guy down different than me, as you will be because our environment is gonna, be different. You knows, as you know, I read in the Bronx, you know you, the union provides you going privileged and allowed away SR one of those we are celebrity.
Gave some of these minorities are weird too large to be like me, a lotta be funny you understand, and just be to want to be like that. That is a matter raised. Eyebrows bat like stood open undertaking will tackle class blue with addressing about your body. There. People beg you lived all your life be a social media, but you keep a lot of things. Private, like your relationship with assets. Are the kids like How do you know what the show and would not be so? Does babies another so much and then my baby so might? And they just talk you together and I think I'm in some signs that there have been coming some sound like us all party yeah. She never saw a kid. You always want to repeat a wine as it does not do so.
Ah said Kate Unnecessary, because I never reacting moms were negative I think now is the time for them I have like a you know like a friendship with them, and I never asked him like hey. Can I put your kids on my social media and I don't want to night like this respect them, because you just never know they going to like that or not, and I don't want to bring that up. I don't want to bring that type of attention. And about the Van DE, because when I see you excited about that were yeah, you know, I really want our wanna. Do you no one, but maybe I'm tellin you your answer, you, maybe it's another guy. I've got an idea.
A party? Thank you so much that is aunt em for ass. I feel a lot of pressure. I myself now, like I gotta hit that dangling thing and about the matter of things you so out of me. Yeah boys make sure yet suspecting do you look. Parliament has examined down while parties love you baby. I was glad your morning. So now would be the same. I would beg you gotta be for joining us now being obliged to Scotty Bees Benito, who I was less, give rights, aromas, less talk with regard to the report. The reul report was glad I re sow. Forbes has an exclusive, any view were kindly wasted, they did the text, and the headline is that canyon
indeed running for president trying to get onto barriers day ballots because he wants to siphon votes from Joe Biden now according to this article, when he was asked about that directly western. They rather than running for president. He was walking quickly and adding that he was walking to win when they point that he ass? He can't win in twenty twenty and he will be on enough ballots to yield two hundred and seventy electoral boats, and that are right. Campaign is feasible and was serving as a spoiler they replied, I'm not going to argue with you. Jesus is king. So, now. I I know you have some of these messages. I mean I've seen from tax. Nor is it intended after Jesus King do from Forbes names, Randal Foxy, tweeted text. So then what person people are driving it? Who is directing the ballad access, etc, because when you things you do the vague and how doesn't it feel like a colony was production and Canada.
Reply, God production sites understand. I get all. Can you says, he's trying to siphon pulse votes from Joe Biden, Are you create all article saying that, based off those textbook, everything we have suggested Egypt, milky strategies could potentially be doing that and income He doesn't know. All you would have to do is offer assistance and and get him on about it, but he's not on any at about it in once again, why are we talking about this stupid? Ass doric colony was campaign, is not real. Now candies SL, according to this article adding a school within the next month and he's meaning we're Betsy divorce about the post, Kobe Curriculum, so and also weird when people even get upset about stuff, like that, we like to is showing that he is now a g o p p boys dislike on democratic now. Would you you people as well. They got to work across the out to get things done
a mother Teresa. Will ya wanna hear some Good news. Please near the cost, is captain Marble two's directed? She is the first black woman to direct a marble film Congratulations to Nia Dacosta! That is amazing, to see what the director and co writer for Jordan Peele to be having a kid man which is coming out in October. If you were selected by Jordan Peele, specifically to direct what it was called Candyman twenty slash twenty. So. Regulations to her? That is amazing. Definitely will be watching that MAC, if you remember, had talked about the lack of diversity it within my Well, he had said it really bothered me that I've been several marble. Seven, marble movies, where every producer every direct, every some person, because into that every p, every single person has been white. We ve had one. Lack of his name was big more. He could do that. I've got there as hot on one I guess I'm one of the few guys that, like captain model, but they kept them all.
Well, you know those he heard as it. Yes, you won't be long. That's! Ok! I love you yea intimacy, Paul one Why was it before? I go see it by whatever I'm still gonna go support What matters now be Mark Zuckerberg is just just became the very person on earth over one hundred billion dollars change. Yes, his fortune surpassed one hundred billion after Facebook launch their Tik Tok competitor. In the U S, Congress, lessons to him and left out, and I might add that I don't get mad when I hid a continent where there is an argument I hit or common numbers is because mobs like a bird created, something and that something became the biggest something had he gets paid for what he created. That's what a capitalist you know. Free enterprise society is all about not mad at. Already, since we're talking about at Snapchat is now going to let uses registered a vote in their app, so they have new guys in feed,
and it's gonna help young users register and otherwise prepared to vote is called voter registration. Many it also keep it. How of how many users have registered to both throughout the app and they offer using a new voter guide which will provide now tat uses with information on voting by mail order, registration and ballot education so that job to net Palmer is gonna, be hosting the visa. So, congratulations to her she's been announced as the host that's gonna take place at the Barclay Centre in Brooklyn on August Thirtieth, so that that'd be great. I think she's a great house, I'm interested. I beg of you, don't like you, ve got a lot of. Like you use energy, she does. She want your girls, so it can be live at the bog. Listen I yet and relies. I don't have that, even if there are out on think that there's gonna be people there, oh, but it will take place at the back. These
whereas I re well I'm Angela YE, and that is your room. Oh, and one last thing I want to talk about- is mega stallion she's a new face of Revlon's. So congratulations to her. This was announced yesterday she got it A positive things happen and for her right now, some really happy for making a stallion. Obviously, the new tat song came out last night, a midnight as just announced yesterday she is a new face. Revlon's, you also went live to talk about things that are happening in her life and she was responding to the questions on her live? Listen to this, the person fares. What did you feel after getting shot apple like really crazy? I felt like. Why did I? U Charlotte but there are still very betray buffer in May. Betrayed my friends, Gandia enough with the jokes: ok, about her getting side? That's a charm, enticing experience leave it alone. Let it go that her process, it I'm sure. As sampling
Whatever happened. Welcome our bed just leave it alone. She got shot, that's terrible, within his aunt is absolutely correctly, but then- and I don't give a damn- the The internet is ruthless and cold hearted, and yet one against them. She's gotta turn you damn off all right That is your rumour report. National aim- yes, sir or even a donkey, do I need nor Paulding High School to come to the front of the congregation. We would like to have a word with them, and injustice happened in Dallas, Georgia, which I never heard of Dallas George until yesterday, when it just as happened in Dallas Georgia, and we need to talk about all right, we'll get internet next. Keep allowed this to breakfast club the morning
Don't do that knowledge is meant to imply was made available. Charlemagne determining I've got to make a judgment, is gonna, be all about the other day page, how you the breakfast Club Bitsy, whose doggie day today, dog you today for Friday August Sevenfold, the north parding high schooling, Alice Georgia. I have never heard of Dallas Georgia ever in my life, but they are on a map. Now, for all the wrong reasons I want to see, Hannah Waters, who is a student at North parding high school? I was watching. This story on CNN after MRS went off. Laura coach was filling Hoddan Lemon ass. She was having a conversation Hannah Waters because Hannah got suspended for no damn, good reason. Ok, I really hate when people get in trouble for doing the right thing, we do. It says a lot about the world planted. No,
Our existing on when folks punish you for being a good human. Let's go to lower coach on CNN to hear the injustice that happen and wars a fifteen year old student ensures that says that she has been suspended from her school after posting, a photo of a crime hallway between classes, Hannah Waters put up with major, seeing right now on Twitter. It shows can't wear jam path in the halls of North Paulding High School, and she says Many were not wearing any masks. The Paulding kind of super and tenants had a letter to the community saying the photo is really out of context. Writing this class changes at the high school level. Our challenge would mean meaning a specific schedule. It is an area we are continuing to work on in this new environment, define practicable ways to further limit students from congregated students or in this hallway environment. Just
brief period as they move to their next class. He went on to say there is no question that the photo does not look good. In that wearing a mask is a personal choice and there is no practical way to enforce a mandate to wear them as right hand. Water Gus suspended because he was concerned about the pact hallway and lack of mask at the school. Clearly, she was concerned about people spreading this virus folks keep trying to ignore, call Colvin nineteen. Now what confused me was thing. Parding, county, superintended, Doktor, Rhine Otto said in their clip. You just heard he said wearing a mask is a personal choice and no practical way to enforce them. This is so were intending to school, he said wearing a math is a personal choice. In no practical waiting for him. I went and looked up the boy policy for north pardoning eyes. The middle in high school parent and student information guy What do you mean? Doktor, oh tat? If I'm proposing an image not anymore,
What do you mean? There is no practical way to enforce kids wearing a mask original, forced them to where mass to say, will you and for others, you suspended Hannah Waters or by lady rules. Ok, rules that you made up, so how can you inform them but can enforce other rules? Ok, you implemented rules that got Hannah fire. I mean an assistant does she violated? So I can't you implement rules to make people where mass page thirteen of this handbook in dress code. They have things that are approved for school, where, like pants, in short, they have to be a certain length starts in dresses, must be Certain left showed this must be covered for four four young ladys. They have rules, dare say you have to wear appropriate shoes and then they have a long list of things that are not approved for school where so, if you wanted to and each kid wearing mask yet absolutely could their kids and you're a school right. In fact, you suspended Hannah violating three different kinds of policies. So don't act like you can't
Make new kind of policies are right. You can make no rules the same way. You can prohibit things. You can mandate. In wearing a mass you'd be a mandate mandatory, rightly listen Hannah waters having a conversation with Laura Coats about. What's happened to her. Let's go back to the unemployed published violated three of the code of conduct policies, one of them saying that I use my phone during instruction time and that I use it in the hallway during clash change, but it also says that students, nine through twelve, have permission to use it. The second one that they said I broke was using my found during school hours for social media
said the photo onto twitter after school, during dismissal and in the fourth one I did break it was the one about filming students and posting on social media platforms. Do you regret doing any of this? I like to say that this is good and necessary trouble, so it needed to be said that they were intended did send out that message to families and isn't it the photo ways just out of context. We have about five minutes ago. Third class change, so those five In its least ass, so many people in the hallway Tropical Bob Hand, was young woman. Clearly inspired by honourable Jean Louis, she said some good and necessary trouble eighty year old, oh gee, Jean Louis and flaws in young, school kid, your love to see, but no of high school on
rules are rules. What you're saying she violated three kind of policy using our phone during instruction time, using our phone during school hours for social media and filming students in posting on a social media platforms. Well according to hand students in great night through twelve, where exempt from the fall man and Hannah didn't posed a photo until school was over. Ok Anna emitted. She broke the policy on posting images of students, but, as you heard her say, she does her regret it because it some good and necessary trouble? Where did John Lewis? Listen? She broke a rule, I get it. You suspended her, but the reason you really suspended it because you want to send a message. The other students and that message is happens at North parding high school days at nor finding high school, ok when the reality is no applauding high school is not doing everything in their power to prevent the spread of Corona vires because they aren't you. Dating kid. The wear masks. Ok, it's a high school. Your rules apply if the kids have to be their close together,
Classes in masks in the hallway should absolutely be mandatory. I don't understand leadership in America anymore when change to have more sense than the superintendent's in the superintendent. Don't know what's best for the kids and don't know what safety is, but the kids do and they're calling out the leadership after school for it, something is wrong. I write an award. I just want to say to you salute and always remember doing. The right thing is always the right thing into superintendent. Doktor, brine, oh tat! There is no right way to do Toronto. And what you did to handle waters suspending her is wrong. And not mandating mass at nor parding high school is wrong. Please give north pausing high school in Dallas. Georgia is sweet, sounds an amateur, You are Ye D.
Yeah we'll take it. I told you to day Charlemagne judgment. We call me, sir, before so, which one is it MA am sir? What he's a man, sir? Would you say, young lady, sir, suddenly withdrawn Albert, serves a sir yeah yeah. Then we finished I will we come back to change will be joining us. Are we gonna kick it would do? Is the breakfast locomotive breakfast warning Are you d J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy? We oughta breakfast club. We got a special guessing to build a right now what brought her. I know them I gotta get you gotta get. I assume you on your daughter's. Oh man,
through yeah last night, you have new run what are you better as Alyosha detail, Demi Brother, you know the meal was over cool. You know, I beg you will need it. I want to speak Maktub Telescope You know me get some time and with the girl may help build that strong black companies. Someone at all, hello. Ma am also give me time to be creative doin. This pandemic happen happened to actually use did you have to you know I mean that you can't really you can't do anything. You know it's hard to cast people it's hard to shoot things it's hard to just come up with content. So for me, this pandemic with me to be more creatively. Not you not load. Have you sat down at last night not them miles a load a bit a slip, a little bit
as you got the wrong things absolutely asleep might say so, girl nodded Why would I would note that no new borders, no yeah were extended it. At least that is my breeze. Didn't sleep in Germany what was also taken last night man and to Begin- and I was given a low Borg. You arouses back into who for school. Why we allies. Must? Why would abbot? I think we probably just feeding off each other, trying to see who is going to lose so much respect in the room trying to see who was going to be the one to step on each other shoes to barely crank it up the first couple song. You know I was going to go. First, a state, I'm going first and then I start we just you from celebration.
Oh I'm gonna be to play. I want. Me to wifi this combination of life in our me so much good, every hour rehearsed right now. I am a lot to me. So my whole thing was about me really, Let people know that I wanted my roses. While I can smell them, you know I mean it was more like it was just a respectful. You know honorable stands for me just to I d, rather than annoy you, ve, been a game Logan a mere, nor yet a few J T work finally, on a few careless angle, imo, none of those so Bang was that they cannot be like you, and I want to be to jump in all over the place because I know he had this can ammunition, but I was in a highly competent and stop the people now, I'm with you, because I seen you call out a lot of people for a long time, and is he let nobody wanted to battle chains? Adverse yeah I gotta make before
in our lab here he had and respectfully decline, and I was cool I want, but you know all this is about celebration umbrella, geographic. What am I rose is about. I my roses. While I can a lot of these people, I see they have emotion, they have an answer. Gotta be glad to see that people really look of the way meat guideline only norms. Ah me: now RO there, you know me, we know we're here to industry and many branches of industry and our anybody else. They don't turn down no smoke. So once wisdom call me about eyebrows, I even further about catalogs and nothing. I I'm calling nobody. I just said. Yes, let me know when you know I mean I'm going to be there, so you know I apologize. I performed my second phone, which is I'm different and just to try to ask many to buy apologize for the you know like a Daisy
like this being so lazy, what I'm being whatever people thought we was told laid back, you know being high whatever it was, and I apologize for that. But from deep down inside I took that very seriously from I was gonna tell you did as essential work workers in the room, no You remember that any at all mass laws. Where was, I was all right, Nassau drinks, last night in the com is dead there? You are wrong with two of his idols there's a: how does that make you feel Nazism in animals tat surgery, you know to fix them in the game in Army deadlier go too, we play the the boys behind you crawling on the floor. Who is that
and you ve always been found in I welcome the fact that stuff about great thing, you know we base we had a thin lips granted from you know. Man rose had plenty of joy You know me so you know he always get a phone call away when it comes to point out some on some dough material so appreciate that I didn't make you appreciate roses catalogue. Last night No, it's hard to judge drank it. I've got personal preference, personal privacy like rose, and I like change. But when you hate immunity, you gotta say back see Ross got a different type of catalogue meant, but let us talk about there. We come back right now, let's get into change record right now. He just released last night money, moneymaker breaker,
We are a little Wayne. Is the breakfast cloak come on? Let's get the Jonah, Some say a little way to change in a building. He is here. Now now you asked about Russia's catalogue. Rash element. When you sit back watching it at home network. That's what it is. You appreciate both I'd. Rather you start. Your Haiti's wreck is new they give overturning flowers. Would you get you the other rap. As a rapid person change, you had to say some may arrive, got a different type of catalogue, listen whose lives have been up in my studio for two weeks, like no other way. What the right. Why? When you come to this, I will listen more pressure, the mood, because more material. I knew I hear you're talking about twenty he's right, don't come about where the twinning it it's what it really I'm not going back to port with TAT allowed an already paid you all here,
the white flag up a black list as a great about Davidson rounds. I really could choose you describe it out of doors. Wasn't doing I round, I wouldn't play a here for here. I want to know about. The four would not allow. No is be. No big home is little home. All over me. It was about none of their powers. Hits is another plan. I bet you do pay out the hard all time. Therefore, that was nine women like these. Where there's some signs afterwards, you will, I damn sure, to play that cause. You know people always respond on social media and allow you miss this now. You, MRS Sommer, this unsound, you feel, like you missed out about focused on Norway, torn mobile or out rehearsal comply with our new. I understood what she did
I guess what I do is show and allows men have merited behind. I noted I will go, have cost it would dance ya, gotta neurons, a bit more than his market in my ya know: may take they doin. It allows you know, I know beat behind me. No Britney downloaded come straight from me. The idea come straight from my gavel: Gimme my rules. Work is no out at a botanist weights on my planet, twenty here, but but now what I do. I don't want nobody else like I'm always now, my twentieth day go up. Authority are still being a turnkey. Did they go before my I get a little long under been real. You know unfair, like let's talk about an inhabitant by other stubby differ men didn't notice, my guy way more than that I had a whole, MR than he that I felt record that I feel that it will not didn't do so. I wasn't surprised I was surprised that he dropped I'm disapproval the see how hard I am that's, what I'm said going to stop
We know that it is vital that it was a pretty bad yeah yeah got all, but young people, I gotta young man, you put me to look around in the dark, I always liked to gotta turn club zones. There is sometimes it's hard to put those as against lay back songs like always been its ban. I don't too, guidelines to our plans. When I got my by german unfair democracy right now, I've got laid by the rebel. They live in tat doubt how they're back robot everything I wanted to do it. That's what I'm trying to think they don't give you everything. I don't know why
They do give Shane disrespect. What is wait at the work I always felt like I had to work five or ten times hard to be the same. One another person happened immune to it. Doesn't bother me at all: please don't take. This is frustrating cuz. If it is, is probably just cuz, I'm sleeping for the most part I've all then people- that's close to me, know that I have these champions about being want to have my roses. While I can smell them, you know I'm saying don't be cry that that be tell me happy. La world on the top. You know me: I've been much emphasis on less steadily he suddenly taken it. I've been a media, you never take them up. Family mom community, all back about see their own beverages own breast. Why said? Asked the boy members only have two at the bottom but open up a third.
Playing with me. Everybody, everybody. Everybody know that about change, and I just I just. I just think it's the fact. When it comes to the versus it's two artists rights. One odd is probably go, get appreciated more in these verses bad. This is happened. Every single versus at home and in This is just one in a wonderful people. Just was like listen in the wrong idea. Ross really got a catalogue, that's all night Jane you don't change, not saying you don't know that unless they would die as long as it is about playing the hits, though, and you definitely played out. In this matter. I thought this was a pretty even when there was a lot around rounds that could again another one The other is a lot around that you one day is allowed arouse. There were it was, I think, was a pretty even matter as far as that is that you guys are playing below that of article of another guy, wasn't much less worthy. No matter what part the last I was into to my gun. I would point out, and I was saddened
Then it's me to know my bad. It was a light, is working or ask them. Martin. Are this wasn't or wouldn't be added? no matter what you ve been apply, may open up How'd you get when all day. Other battles with a bit of money. Isn't my proud of you indicate my bread? Will regrettably plenty of other hey? What are you going away? I'd better dealt twenty one story found no matter, people rely like them robbed, you have ten album, you know them however, it is going over there that now, that's not my great my whole bay with that I pay to do what I'm supposed to do and I was fed up with twenty three years. They everybody. So they heard they were out, remembered it out no everywhere robot to say that's what I play every sound. I did up there I didn't have to do to birth. People could have done the birth. There is talk about that bill
bit billboards, guided eleven team for their that's pretty fair. I mean he's going to arouse, but eleven team in four ties and they say everybody loves die. He with the legacy most being celebrated. The night was clearly that of rigorous ain't nothin, I'm glad was there celebrate what are the most important, but why? I take a big in the trap of ITALY Bag, a loaded clone, although we get less clear cut, but we got more were to change. We come back to changes here. Don't you five five, what all five one is the breakfast club good morning DJ envy Angela envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club that is usually where we do Romas, but to James is here. He just came over the verses of last night. Him verses, Rick Ross Now you are asking about going into all catalogues element. I mean I'm not going to do
large towns. I want our. I was wondering if you were gonna dig in the trap of Valley bag low bit. Maybe left the roof lie you think about it. That's what I'm trying to pay. The whole thing was that I have, I don't have an hour, but it, but we can meet face. Some of those were some of those that are not ears onto work and economists. You know impact but more me, but the game that they told me that that, due to the Roma was hand about his bank, our versus the play from here and now I greatly when you know you know, like a man, listen thought player with me. Don't say from the overseas better like when you watch. Data has, in fact right the one thing that data he was doing, was making fabs, which the songs that he showed a played to respond to this challenge, he was playing. I think it is a great idea to stick to their heads and others yams. Let you go, fabric is dealing in China come into his lane and ass. We found it ass, well ass with dust, which is the case how to play
man listen? I knew not to play like that because it was so huge, and so I stuck to my guns- and you know I wasn't playing- I wasn't doing this stuff on those scoring or no scoring type of couple, even keeping score, that allows by twenty spread it out with Moscow in Alma mater work, but at the end of the day like up, there are definitely appreciate. Whereupon, but I used every- I saw every person- you know me almost maybe miss one or two leading them the man. So I studied those till you know, you know, method would know. O noble, ended, right arm, say intellectual in a fucking plays down norm have written. It would be worth every penny. So I know me I could have told you all that the dancing Ross was going through was going to be a mean. Like fifteen minutes. I knew what this was when I saw him dancing like I saw I came, I saw
what you go bows ages. It is what it is all right. If you don T do tat, you know what I want to do. I'm just gonna, be me What I was thinking, maybe another many dry now as then. He try not to be me. That's. Why are you being so way? To put it that's a great way, to put you no real for real, and I was born. This way might be indicted. Nice call, I'm cool a problem, but would unfortunately did not want is made that you'd be cool with a may burying to fill it in a day, but that might well have been a lot of work with me and they know the bunch of people in a row. We know there and I beg you- know people thought it don't you think I want if they work and then energy thought a car a pop up.
Santa again up around an author opera. I want to do I once again you nothin, I dropped the beautiful young. North America. Com on any may suffer from the southern University ban and, as you know, from Asia, do you and it's just know. I know what this you have to know what our Louisiana automated visa you're gonna have to and not to allow gonna tropical But what I want people to know is it's hundreds of Hbcus and it's only two or three minutes and a song, and I will try to bear with me love YA and went out the aid we feel the earth were under problems together, though, don't feel like that- and I hope that general answer in small this out, I know one thing I realized the Bumble Bee Catalogue last night is how much you are both have contributed, described club, it's the soundtrack to clubs brought in a railway, absolutely man. You know
in about an hour an hour. They pick a lotta directed. They have the motion. They the direction our climate. The meat is about the guy who they break. Read up on the table. Company down over was the rest clubs. Was it Miami or Lancer, he's gonna failure You ve been above years and was I'm sure, multiple job above, but I like it like a long enough or here in churches, do not make us ass a teenager, and you know the whole cultural aspect I have an understanding of what I know that dances pay taxes to. So I get it. I respect them. I respect that I think big Atlanta get both from other most engaging in Austria closely enough a decade. Now, a moroccan alone.
Yeah. We had called you on the show this morning and she said the same thing. She said she didn't know who would win because because both of y'all contributed so much to the to the to the Strip Club coaching with the my job, I made them a lot of money card, but thank you too. Is for checking, and I know it's been a long night for you. We know you got the news on money maker feature in little Wayne Dash your partner so as to ensure chains always gives us is aware. May change James is very well celebrated in Portugal. We know that no s last night. It was definitely now what y'all, be showing me love forever. I love you forever ain't no smoke, you know that it just you know I'll beat. You know if you know who y'all, if y'all wasn't actually y'all, it was the other phone. Neild, other YA, the yeah, but not appreciate it. I had a great. I sat with no time when the birth of the bed with deadly up
ere. You will be seeing a roll out. You know me out, but you will see a poor roll out of it. YO out it then content in the hold? The video me. Everything in the Bible New, not on the way so help me God and ban on dropping Hollygrove to to untried do Barbara old Project within the year player bar up to park. They know what no well under way. It has a name and so help me, God, you're, ok, I will be a procedure for joining us. Let's get into a true chains mix right now. Let me know your favorite chains, joint revolt, you have a great. We can everybody else. Eight hundred a viable five one. Let me know your favorite J J, all right now is the breakfast club Pneumonia,
where's your mornings will never be the same, for everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall I mean to go. We are the breakfast club now shout the coffee be for joining us this morning. I salute the body. Wipe out right now plus Eric as wipe away, and I was a web page my middle by I'm. You know you're shouts, cardio mega stallion, and I love the fact that I feel like Attica, so I went to my home girls yesterday after, like is empowering sir for women. You know I that some people are criticising, but I think he's dope for women's express themselves how they went to express their sexuality. I've always been a big fan of. Men on the narrative of their own sexuality and filling free and open, and talk about topics that people try to tell us a taboo. So I appreciate a song like this in his fun in sounds like I have someone
to do. It is a very powerful song, except for several young women experiencing virginal dryness, but other than that you, you know you can always he's. Lou I right you know, lab laugh, rides Maybe we'll talk about it and also a gentle meal. L B lack a bill was Lube, ITALY, no Google. They could do. I remove cod dab drivers. Ok, I'll write, anything change. Thank you for joining us when we come back to get. The positive note is the Four click morning morning everybody is e g envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club.
Shot. Everybody know I do these webinars. I'm doing my. I think the last album of the year, maybe for real estate, but we don't be talkin to contract- is going to be talkin to inspectors, we're going to be talking to real estate agents in different markets and breaking down how we do a lot of ideas and different markets cuz. I can't believe you would even tell you finding a contractor in these different market. Guy vehicle yeah. I had to do an infidel anchors, I'm workin eyes and projects myself here in Berkeley in and it has not been easy rose. So if you want more information, liver despots available the link in my by Yonah Charlemagne, you got a positive number, before you say before. You say that, though, just in reference to end these, seminar over the weekend. I do want to say this is real valuable information cuz? You could end up wasting a lot of time and money if you don't do your research and get the right contractor. So I do think something like this is so important. I know to know that you can buy a home right. Then these work and see the
in doing that and spend a lot less money than you would on a finished home. So I think that's just important things that you can understand. You can buy a fix their upper. If you know how to find the right contractors, the work you needn't adieu and also know what that should cost. So information like that is very valuable. Absolutely Charlemagne! You got a positive note. I do is come from new hope. The great football coach used me to cultural circles. Game gods were law says I followed three rules. Do the right thing do the best you can and always show people you care remembered at this weekend wherever it is nonsensical. Yonder
walk along or an unfiltered dose of comedy full disclosure. I've had a lot of sags that obviously having sex with me like buying a free as much quieter than you'd, expect Ex presidents unprotected sex with radio broadcasts or wherever you get your bike gases
Transcript generated on 2020-08-07.