« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

What's Happening With Russia and Ukraine? Kelley Vlahos and Bill Debate the Ukraine War, Whistleblower Indicted, Fox News Lawsuit, & More

2023-07-11 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, July 11, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:  

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill takes a look at the situation in Russia and Ukraine, as well as President Biden's NATO conference visit.
  • The Quincy Institute's Kelley Vlahos joins the No Spin News for a lively debate.
  • The Republicans' key whistleblower is indicted for "working to advance the interests of China."
  • Fox News may face another lawsuit in the wake of Tucker Carlson's firing.
  • This Day in History: 'In God We Trust'
  • Final Thought: Biden Investigation Roadblock

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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O reilly you're welcome to no spare news for tuesday July eleven thousand twenty three stand up for your country. You know: We americans are self centered people, we ve always been that way. a lot of it I do with so. Dating from england, fighting a war over that and then basically being preoccupied. With our own situations rather than looking around the world, and if you trace american history, isolationism is always present in every decade. Now things have changed because of the high tech era.
and all countries are tied into each other. So what happens overseas in the developed countries directly affects us now, I'm not talking about africa or south america or south asia, where, inter country, Firstly, stone affect us at all, but I am talking about the developed world and china and russia on IRAN and india. Everything that happens in those places influences the way we live here. Keep that in mind now with the collapse of the american public school system, and it has collapsed, should look at the test. Scores ridiculous history and geography of you quit the urgent so near. They have no blanket idea about what happened when it happened where it happened in, nor do they care, even though
have adobe machine your hand. I get just google whatever they want a pot shepherd before their eyes and so easy. It is to get information with care. What do they want to know where zambia is no idea right so anyway. Against that backdrop, we have a significant meeting in Lithuania. Where is question where Lithuania do you know I was part of the three baltic states. That border russian, ok and were occupied by the soviet union for decades, but they got their freedom when the soviet union, elapsed. So thirty one nato countries, their leadership- have gone to lithuania to point potent, that's what they're doing there. The torrent Him because if they want to have a nato meaning in belgium, far away from russia,.
They want to be right on pollutants doorstep because they sense weakness in potent They want to show the world Nato is a lot stronger than Putin, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points. Memo to President Biden leads the charge we are the most powerful country in the world. China would like to be not yet. I now today, Sweden's. we ship in nato, pretty much confirmed turkey was blocking that for somebody, his reason about migrants, but the EU s bought off turkey, allowing the transfer of F sixteen jet fighters to Aragon, government alone, you by these people off. That's what you do. That's called diplomacy. We sent jets over there, they gotta pay for them, and but you know, turkey is a dubious country to say the least.
And as soon as I d always made arrogance at all, you will like Sweden, into nato. This accords tease are prudent because they got finland, sweden unlined against him, that's thirty! Three! in all countries and counting also today, ukraine, and was reaffirmed that nato continue to help they'll deliver a france is going to deliver deep strike missiles. Germany is going to give ukraine twenty thousand realms of artillery ammo germany's arrive. They really are. bottom line is NATO's united against put has nothing to do with ukraine, Ukraine's justly facilitator here so, let's give you some stats in the usa, the load ladys paw and ukraine was pew. Pew research centre K june early june You approve providence. Moreover, the by demonstrations sponsor russia's invasion of ukraine
approve. Thirty. Nine disapprove! Thirty five! So it's pretty close and twenty five percent of no black and close. I said what this is all about where ukraine is. Who Putin is? I don't know. All but its claws and the reason is closed, is at the conservative media has been sceptical of helping ukraine and the main people are talker carlson. As you know, when he was on fox, he was against the ukraine assistance jones at far right, guy toasty, gabert homer, congresswoman marjorie green war involve word. Senator, ran Paul, senator J D vance, commissioner gate. governor rhonda scientists and on and on I mean those that a big names it don't wanna help ukraine Ok, they or their own reasons and their entitled do that this is america. You wanted to send you to say
All Democrats have fallen lockstep behind by news they usually do. Now, the stats in the war was going on about a year and a half fifty thousand in at least russians have been killed. Fifty thousand that's a big loss, obviously ukrainians of laws about twenty thousand, but does love, we don't get real reliable reporting of ukraine or russia. Ukraine Civilians is a little bit better because, u s red cross is there in national requests. Well, civilians killed about ten thousand. Civilians injured about sixteen thousand, but here is a sad six million ukrainians fled the country and they got out live somewhere in somewhere here in the usa million? So this is a unbelievable global disaster. The
kiev school of economics again on reliable estimates that the destruction in ukraine and has cost one hundred and forty three billion. Now NATO has pledged one hundred and sixty five billion to ukraine, of which the usa is poor, paying forty percent seventy five million billion so far, and a lot of taxpayer money over there is ukraine, corrupt yeah, it is but the enemy of your enemy is your friend and there's no way we can He lay what happens inside you craig. What. want to do is downgrade putin, so he gets overthrown which I have predicted will happen k and that would be a big win for the world so that where we are and I'm a realist. I want what's best for america. First,
And then the world is better, potent disappears and here's something interesting and he's the richest man in the world put and his money is tied up in switzerland, other easy banking places under phony names and all that you know how it goes, putting can't spend it. He can't spend money, there isn't a country on the planet, it will take Putin with the possible exception of iran and Putin. Why go to IRAN? Nobody is going to take them b, Afghanistan, alright, but he got nowhere to go so he can like flee. The country like iti, mean amended and went to saudi arabia, so nobody's going to take pool and he can't spend his money. I guess he, his friends, are buying his girlfriend and Switzerland's buying stuff, but he can't now he has got everything he needs in russia, but it's still russian.
I can't go on vacation, so potent is gonna wind up in handcuffs. with a bullet in his head. That's what's gonna happen because, as ukraine things not going to get a better for him to stalemate now I and two size or looking at each other- and you know I don't know, what's going to happen- I kept us We predict, but nato in the two day meeting is pretty firm, we're not back and often ukraine's our backing off, so potent would put in would do, is try to get a piece thing going on. Remember it pope francis went over there and offered to broker a peace deal puts it. No putin said no to every peace, overture, everyone, okay, that's the memo and let's bring in a guest to, I think, disagrees with me a little, and I love that you know how I like that,
Mr Kelly. They hose. I hope, like that. She works for the Quincy institute, which is a think tank and studies situations all over the world in a u s, context joining us out from one Washington, so where did I go wrong? Did I go wrong anywhere. I mean, I think you might be a little optimistic ruins demise There are plenty of people who we hope. Then he would disappear I guess the question is: how did it happen I think the american people are interested in another regime change war and which are tired who s farm policies geared towards sing. Another foreign leader and then having to deal with a vacuum a power, after many experts on russia say poland, was gone tomorrow, I'll, probably be aware, nationalistic
hard line person waiting in the wings, because where then the power centre is right. Never let me let me descend from that analysis. The military would take over russia, as you know, probably the old, other body that could run the country the oligarchy making any money now go back the military business as usual, everybody gets rich potent and stay there he's been embarrassed I, the bognor group, even though there's some data in the year. Nobody believes that russian, well, don't like potent, that nationalism is war. On on the backs of the fifty thousand dead and more than two thousand maimed. He can't recruit people are leaving russia in droves, he's done manner how not to survive this in
if he does I'll, have you back on and I'll say you were right and I was wrong, but I can't I'm a historian. There is no leader on the skids, like Putin, who has ever survived it and a vacuum Sylvia military takes over seventy soviet militarism bid does that make money and the oligarchy come in and it'll be back to business, and that's what I say go ahead. Well, I mean, I think, they're there's plenty appalling and russia, as it is America, as you say that no one away where it wait. You know with you. If a public outfit calls you when you go again, sport and you're gonna get a knock on the door come on right, but I've seen pulling my companies that are actually trusted by the kremlin come out with with much more tebrick. Results in terms of what people are thinking and
they do. You know in many ways do support the war effort and ukraine. I don't blame you for a second. I've always again for a second, I, for example. Where way: like every totalitarian regime on earth. They always put that stuff that you The russian people are happy with this. Ukraine thing you think you're happy I don't know what else we have to go by bill when you have left their paul after all, that show that the russian people support the war effort all going by the rainy. Then there that you can probably just dismiss but an employee, The russian people have some support in this. I just want to give you one example: the balmy, who is the. How much heralded democracy leader in in russia was in jail for his. His political activism has been a supporter.
Russia remaining in crimea, because the russian People believe crimea is russian a similar situation, where you will know when to Gaza or the war effort rats only if the it's very complicated there is. There are russian speaking people in ukraine. There are russian partners of ukraine that are supported by the people in russia and they support russia, unable to meet their. If you want to say that made answer before the war, they don't support whereby who is your wise, then reply version? If what you say is true- and I don't believe it is not because you're being deceitful, I think you're buying into properly. and when the bognor group rebelled a few weeks ago against moscow, no military russian military unit stepped up fight them. They seized.
Fairly large russian city without any resistance right. In fact, six russian generals crossed over to help the volga group. All six have been arrested in there probably dead now, because the volga group back down, for whatever reason I dont know. My analysis is based on: u s in british intelligence what they are putting out, because I have access to some of them and they are directly contradicting any kind of pole, though, would be taken in a country where the people are right into death of saying anything negative about their government. So let's advance it a little bit long. If you were advising president Biden. What would you tell him to do right now is for ukraine Well, I will tell him to start opening up communications with their russian
counterparts, whether it be the secretary of state's counterpart, the cia's counterpart secretary of defense counterpart, and gets into talking going because I agree with you build this is a stalemate and enjoy you wrong Surely you know that the united states, ambassador to the vatican, was involved with pope Francis his trip to try to convince Putin to go to the peace stable. So there there are avenues where the united states and great britain and the new Countries have said the putin, I will talk about peace, nasa, they say we ask that the bill, why we're gonna say when their press, but I don't see any evidence of it. I don't see any evidence that they are focus on a diplomatic pathway. I see a lot more than I would pull worry more money into the war and the more fighting which is only destroying ukraine.
because, as you know, the best they can get out of this is still only a bad loser gets better for Putin to run ukraine, take it over as those bela roofs and george, you think that's better Only I think they re writing is therefore, is here, because the current forces at work. because our work and opponent, but its workin for ukraine, because they fought in stalemate You don't have they don't have as many soldiers they don't have as many weapons. They don't have. They don't have doktor light. We just had to give them cluster munitions because we're running out of regular artillery shells to give ukraine we believe that all of our allies together every piece And now that we possibly you gets better action lines going enough defined it's a news. You think it's better for the ukrainian people to be subjugated by moscow resident
For their freedom, now I didn't say that I do. We need to get talks going to end the war that doesn't mean obligation, ignoring appalled parameters on track. Only ignoring The man went with the blessing of Biden? And? U s ambassador and potent tell him to get back pumping the pope. and like worn and eating with with washington, appalled by the emission? Of course, a cool today would work You wouldn't be yours. I'm glad I'm not a bad again does. I don't. I don't believe that, but I guess I dont believe that, because if they really did continuum pushing the vatican to. That shuttle diplomacy going. Those men were out about the pony, say now:
Say to acknowledge that the pope is going over there, but I can't do that. It's been reported widely, but they they can't say, look proposed. no one over there I mean I'm a big, because the security, It's no longer the knowledge that the pope is actually trying for peace. They don't really care to even begin went over his blessing to putin to baptize some kid. Of course he went over there to try to get or some kind of peace. Anyway, look I put my case forth and you did a very good job. I must say, I love these debates and- and I will let the viewers of course process it and thanks for coming. I hope you hope you come back. Thank you very much time. Have you okay and are always get back here? Biden, family finances stupid by the way. If you want to comment on that debate, bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, billet bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, name in town.
If you wish to opine, I got em gal luft. Fifty seven years old he's got a dual passport. Israeli and usa, he said that he knows or has evidence that Joe Biden took money from hunter binding in all. Is china, romania, ukraine, russia, stuff? This is what the guy said he's been arrested, all right by the justice department and charged with eight counts of arms track of trafficking. Alright, apparently brokered a deal, China was going to sell arms to libya. Okay, so use your department issue
warrant he's on the lam gay is gone and when nobody knows where he is now the conspiracy people come out, they come out all over the place because comer, the oversight committee chair in the house already mentioned this guy loved as some kind of informant. Now people are saying: oh because he had information against president Biden. They arrested him. Hola k, just wait. I understand the united states, a conspiracy. I understand talk, radio, I did talk radio, I know the conspiracies cell. I know they make money both sides most us. So I have to report this guy loved, I don't know what he did data could I possibly nobody did maybe he's completely innocent.
Maybe the vitamins region is trying to shut him up possible. Would you can say it, as fact, Chief christopher re tomorrow- and we are this- we all these story and talking points goes before the house judiciary committee- that george To the house committee is investigating the polarization of the nation's preeminent law enforcement agency, the fbi under the direction of re. In general girl, so a hunter and Jim gotta come up. Gotta come up, have to be front and centre, so I told you. What I think is going to happen is that right.
we're going to do what he always does. I can't comment it's under investigation or maybe will maybe other charges would be lodged against somebody in the Biden family. So I can't comment. I can't do this. I can't do that. I can't veg raise going to go in and answer these questions were on it. I hope he answers to questions. We. The people have a right. I know what the deuce is happening in a fb. I will do hollywood, a listers, bourbon distillers and survival experts all have in common living life aggressively join me, Brian tome, an adventure hunter and a pastor. You grab a beer with in conversation with intriguing guest, squeezing the most out of life join millions of listeners, growing spiritual muscles as far away from your grandma's stained glass windows, as you can get search for the aggressive life of brian to wherever you listen to podcasts. Okay,.
by the way we are going to have a special event bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, no spin news event. It's going to be Monday July. Twenty fourth, alright about our investigation into the Biden family finances. This event is simply are your questions to me and I will answer them for about forty five minutes, but it's only for premium and concierge members of bill, o'reilly dot com. So, if you're thinking about it joining us on getting all of the things we have for you for a very, very low price, you will get access to that special for the thousands of premium and concierge members. We are.
You have ok, it's more debt, counter, eight p m July. Twenty fourth live the emails right in front of me pop pop pop pop. So we do not for you, so we know you're very interested in this. The violent administration does not like this federal order. That federal, Employees are no longer to consult with social media mavens. This comes off the censorship by twitter and others about the covert vaccine, so federal judges have. Add your federal employee, you care meetings with the social media crew. the judge at issue. That order? Is: u s? District court judge terry dokey. Ok, and he is issued.
Temporarily. The order bars many agencies. employees from urging encouraging pressuring or inducing social media ways to remove or restrict content. Ok, So that by demonstration asked for a delay- and the judge said now- this is gonna go to the supreme court, that's where a tenant first amendment, but you can see the intent because the censorship on social- it was so horrific, driven by the fbi and other federal agencies, that the federal judiciary is appalled and you can't be making secret deals with these people too. and sir opinions if the me or any place else, that's under the federal government's umbrella, fascinating story.
I fox news may face a lawsuit from re apps. Now those are you follow january. Six, you certainly know re epps is I was a trump supporter, former marine from arizona he was at the riot on january. Sixth, and a was not charged would still could be. Camps is not free and clear of charges. On january six, however, Tucker carlson in particular, and others at fox news, suggested. I think that's the word I'm looking for that. Eps was part of a false flag operation. He was a plant to incite the riot at the capitol. epps went on sixty minutes and saved his life is ruined after watching not here's what I said. First of all, if you watch sixty minutes last night,
saw. A man named re apps right tell the audience. Talker Tucker were ruined his life. I'm gonna deal with MR in the final thought of today's broadcast, but that was a pretty strong, a search on sixty minutes. And when I saw it, I sit here- comes the lawsuit against Tucker, carson and fox news from re apps. Now the gordian knot, a reliable source, the guardian news, It reports that abs is going to sue. His lawyer has already demanded an apology, sent fox news, a cease and desist letter demanding a retraction four of the conspiracy theory and on and on my question is: why has an epa sued before this? What's holding that up.
see something something in there that we don't know of that again, we report the facts. Do we trust the guardian? Not is it likely eps will sue yes, but there's something holding it up? Okay. What else do we have here on the sheet? Oh by the way fox news stock was downgraded yesterday by wells, fargo and and then the left went wild. But this is across the board. This isn't just inefficiency, problem, cable, news and programming. Entertainment is done, it's done its obsolete because it too expensive. So cable news. If you get a full boot of cable offerings,.
you pay two hundred and twenty five hours. People can do that. I mean I islander channels. I don't watch ninety of em. It's very very hard to find anything to watch life below zero. I don't need to watch that stone,
sorry and cable news ratings. I mean since I love six and a half years ago. I mean booth with this, because people can get information elsewhere. They don't have to invest in our but, more importantly, all news operation, so boring euro. Repetitive, they're all boring. The analysts are afraid to say anything now will get them in trouble and why why why so the audience has fled and at the same time downsize because the money to just select the things that they want. What you can do all so very interesting things taking place and here's another disney kid. This is a titanic corporation is lost more than fifty percent of it.
value in the stock market. Two reasons disney is greedy. In fact, there's going to be an eighth dwarf named Grady jailers, dopey, doc and news greedy. So if your family of four and you go to disneyworld disneyland, you could easily spend one thousand dollars a day. Most people can't do that. Most families can't do that. And now disease woke unapologetically, walk, walk to the core. So there's enough had called touring plans. They did a study of weight times.
Ah in disney land and Yeah disney world epcot hollywood studios animal kingdom studied it and wait times are down forty three percent. Since two thousand and nineteen, which means there are fewer people going to the parks, and I believe it's mainly because of the money, it's so expensive, so greedy, the dwarf, you know he may get let go, they might have to furlough greedy brown university. Providence, rhode, island, ah, okay, so I have a master's degree from Harvard ivy league school. Obviously I enjoyed my time in cambridge, but I understand the ivy league mentality. Alright, and still today, an ivy league degree in this country is, will get you open doors so brad
an ivy league school in newspaper there, the daily harold brown daily earlier. They do serve it, so they asked students. Are you gay and thirty? Eight percent of the students at yeah, I'm get big headlines. Huge social media story come look at this and I know exactly what happened here so.
Many ivy league students are wise, guys and gals the cynical there. They get a question like that: yeah, okay, even if they're, not they just want to cause trouble they just want to. You know. I did that. I do that if I were at a harvard kennedy school- and I got a call from the daily newspaper, are you yeah, yeah yeah? Of course I am just give them some jazz, that's what this is about. So it's estimated that gay americans comprise about six the eight percent of the population so breath threatens thirty eight percent. Now I get a real kick out of that cancer he's got a kansas, so the last four years you can chew in your gender on your driver's license. If you're trans you could do that, but then
the legislature in kansas, pass laws that you can't? So if you will or in a biological, male or female turn your birth certificate. That's! What's on your driver's license! Trans people go nuts. Five goes ok, so there's all kinds of back and forth, but did Judge stage teresa watson, issued an order. prohibits this. It from allowing transgender drivers to change the sex on the license. That should be. It should be it, but it'll probably go federal, but kids are going to be allowed to do that. I think in the end they can do it now, smart life. This is very important. I hope you appreciate the smart life segments, we put a lot into them and this is directly because we want you to have the best life you can possibly have so. Does this study.
The european heart journal, puts it out since now, if you consume a little dairy,
could help prevent heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases. Whoa wait! Wait. What do you mean we weren't supposed to have any dairy low fat milk to present this or that, but that no cheese, no ice cream, no dairy, bad cow, bad cow, but now it's okay couple of times a week that will dairy okay. Now all of this is member. You can eat eggs now, then you could eat eggs. Not then you couldn't again and you Kenny begun, but maybe you can eat turkey bacon. Remember all this is you'll drive me, nuts, ignore it eat in moderation, so I eat whole milk. I don't like to two percent watery stuff, but I don't drink a lot of it. I put it on a cereal. Alright, I have a little cheese once in a while, but I'm not a cheese. Whiz guy
once in a while, just moderation lies greenness. My weakness only two times a week, the guy moderation and everything, because if you're not moderate, you could get diabetes which you dont want. So the estimate is that by the year two thousand fifty are right. That's twenty seven years from now one billion, People worldwide will have diabetes and all that is is blood sugar. So, when you go to the doctor and you should go every year. You haven't test your blood sugar and if it's in the pre diabetes cycle you gotta cut back to sugar, that's the most important thing get that sugar down fruit juice is a killer, but now they have reduced that tastes, pretty good. That's lower, alright, nothing over fifteen grams on a label! You see! Okay, how many grams of sugar fifteen, if it's above that no
that your words, ten to fifteen, you can is below ten. You get smart life state history july, eleven nineteen, fifty five president dwight Eisenhower, signs of bill requiring the inscription in god, which, Asked on all paper and coin currency in the usa. I write a message today about it. Oh god was happy with that. How do I know a good connections anyway? That happened sixty eight years ago, can challenge a challenge and challenging challenge still there. In fact, it's a national model. Did you know that
lot of people. Think e pluribus unum latin for out of many one is the national motto it is it's been replaced by in god. We trust the atheist drives him nuts, but the supreme court has ruled consistently that this is not a promotion of a certain religion. It's not. It is a sentiment and it's allies. Kate Dwight eyes: now that's what he did. Gaga mail and a final thought will be right back with those guys go to them, francisco rights people?
see and hear what they want to see and hear bill, I was talking to an old friend about the Byd money trail and the many different accounts corporations, banks and all of the stuff. That's been reported his answer. They all do it, god he doesn't care and there are millions and millions americans don't care what the bidens did don't care not in the least, and there are a million millions americans, I don't care what trump did perry a bill once again, it's most evident. The reason for our corruption in the country is lack of an honest media. That is absolutely true. Corrupt media leads and makes it much easier for corrupt politician software. Catherine part them wyndham new hampshire building.
I hear you say that if Fatima grades was placed in front of a congressional committee, she could not plead the fifth or why would she not charged with any crime? Fatima graves? Is the wife of us attorney Matthew graves in washington dc matthew is refused to cooperate in the abide investigation Fatima is made of the wires twenty eight times with no explanation. Bizarre crop charging and crime not illegal, go to the white house or take a message at the white house, not illegal, so why? If she, if she would ever pleaded fifth and all kinds of doors, Gabriel capone era sorry gave Gabriel capone era chicago. Why so many. he bore once thought: noble willing to foreigners saws for the Biden, family.
I know any people willing to fall on their swords for the Biden family, who I thought were noble. Can you send me some names? I dunno any mostly zealots Joseph Morland ellie quite long island bill. You stated russia's. For one enemy. I thought it was. China is russia, because russia is military, rising and acting to invade the countries. China has not yet done that much want account tibet, dick Ago, linda horwitz, myrtle beach, south carolina read your message today and I have a question: do you think that if neither Donald nor Joe Biden were in the race, for people would vote with their hearts and brains, stead of hatred. I think, still easier for zealots to take an objective. Look at both men were not in there, but on.
The launch on saturday, a man, Fredy, lincoln university of pennsylvania is no way a teacher in the. U s can confiscate a phone from a kid all hell would break loose too many kids have no respect for teachers. Saying is look. The school has a right to make rules in the classroom. If the school's rule is the kid doesn't have a cell phone, while in the class out, keep it in a backpack or something then, and the kid violates the rules, you just send the kid right down to the principal: that's it principal has The force the roles and, if you don't then you're going to have chaos and a lot of schools do okay, killing, which is ah we're getting a good buzz. We sent out a few copies for review. Ah, everybody likes Saw a book observed september, twenty six of unitary order, bill o reilly, dotcom, amazon, Barnes ennoble, you know the drill.
these summer reading programme, three kick but books. Ok, you get plus a team normal half, so you get crazy horse killers, legends and the hat. Thirty two! five tremendous summer deal and we have bumpersticker brando bumpersticker, don't be a pin. And boy. I got a lot of people, I'm going to give that too. I'm just handing it to him and then atheists, nothing there team normal. So we got pack of six very low price, have fun with him. I hope you check that out where they did not be restive our yes tee. I ve When writing to me bill bill o reilly, dotcom name in town, please final thought: a moment
It's the final thought here and of course, with this new july: twenty fourth special for premium and concierge members about the Biden investigation, which I'm in the forefront now and we are going to stay on the story. Obviously, but the story is going to be difficult in august, because congress goes on recess from July thirty, first monday, to September fourth after labor day, so no hearing, no,
at the hearings, all right nothing's going to go on, but there will be stuff and I'm going to work, I'm going to take a year out some days off in august toward the end. But I'm I'm that's a good time for me to talk to a bunch of congress, people in private and get an idea of what's going to happen in september. That's the big push. Big push is september until the primaries start to vote in January. I don't think Biden is going to make. I've said that and said then said that, but boy, oh boy, see evidence is mounting any way. We're going to be your go to people in the final photo. I hope you will become premium in karachi. Irish members, you stay with us. Through the summer we will have the abbess reporting on the Biden, family finance story. Thank you for what you know. Spin news tonight. Thank you for listening. Our felice all across country see anymore.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-31.