« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 5, 2023


Biden’s Labor Day speech, US military equipment in Pakistan, an amazing story of survival in California, and a legendary US airman returns home.

Plus, the Message of the Day, why voting is not enough…

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Testosterone levels in our society have been cut in half in just the last fifty years. Isn't that staggering? You know that that's the end of america right, if that, if that trend is global, that's the end of everything, my friends at chalk, they're out to put a stop to it, naturally, not with more big farm of filth. Naturally, you know they sell male vitality, stats, natural herbal supplements we're talking twenty per cent increase in your testosterone in ninety days. Naturally, you feeling better a better mood, better energy. Ladies, don't worry, there's a female vitality stack for you. We must be strong and we must be ready to take on the communists in this country. Chalk go get some now c h, o que dot com shop.
Is the way forward, make sure you used a promo code bill, because I get you a thirty five percent discount for the lifetime of your subscription chalk, dot com, promo code, bill bill, o reilly. Here you are listening to the really update coming up the new swift mike's later Thank you fail. It is tuesday september fifth, twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, Joe from Scranton, american weapons in pakistan. a man survives quite a fall, and never Leave a man might talk coming up, Then build belvedere with your message to the first Joe Biden gave a labour day speech and phil alpha referring to tromp as the last guy and the guy who held this job before me. he said when the last guy was here. You are shipping jobs to china, now we're bringing jobs home from china.
When the last guy was here, he looked at the world from park avenue. I look at it from scratch. added from clay mind, delaware people still fallen for that. But an then said he does not believe that the united autoworkers we'll go on strike, as we talked about on yesterday's update all the workers from the three big american, auto manufacturers. Let me go on strike here. In about a week and half the hundred fifty thousand people, The prime minister of Pakistan said that u s military equipment left behind during our afghanistan withdraw has made its way to the taliban, of course, but also to the taliban that operating in pakistan me. the gold star. Families from the afghanistan withdraw are still speaking out Many were on that tarmac when their sons bodies were coming home and they saw Joe Biden check his watch multiple times, one said in an interview with abc news: it was total disrespect, it's beyond disgusting. a man in southern California drove us
pickup truck over a cliff tumbled, a hundred feet where he stayed alive for five days It was on a back winding road. Someone eventually finally saw the truck down. There called nine one one firefighters found him alive. He was in the truck he could get stuck at the risk of five days. Twenty one people were involved in the rest, I believe- and I know bill agrees- that some of our greatest americans ever more data Ski Erin, ski airmen were black military pilots during war war to fighting for our country for their country. For this country that discriminated against them. Before during and even after. The word somebody was one of those disfigurement was second lieutenant fred brewer junior he was fly is plain when he went missing in action in ITALY have to do We try to find his remains, but couldn't- and recently
so one found an old airplane, crashed in the woods and sure enough his family, says he will be brought back to america and buried in north carolina come on second lieutenant fred, brewer junior mike's later the great bill, or rather with your message today. Next. Foundation damage is a serious problem for many homeowners in our area, if you say cracks and brick cracks and walls sloping force or chimney separation foundation, damage could be present. Don't wait, call the x at ram jack foundation, repair at ram jack, our foundation, repair specialists are trained to identify foundation problems and provide you with permanent of workable solutions, schedule, neurons, I'd evaluation today, add ram jack dot com, that's ram, jack dot com, now for the arrival update message of the day this tuesday. I am thinking that many americans are lazy,
side try to making a living. They don't really want to exert much energy, improving their country others can do that right to divert examples, while people cannot do much about the incredible incompetence or the by bite administration. They can demonstrate visible displeasure with absurd and dangerous situations. Far affluence control. The new york state legislature and their soft on crime policies have led thousands dead and maimed most. Those affected are poor. Minorities had there been the street protests in new york city now have been protests in Chicago philadelphia lost Angela, seattle other violent places, no man, the protests were held after the death of George floyd, but nothing over the murders of thousands of his country met one another The airline industry is hurting americans by delays and cancellations.
The airline. All those routinely lie about not having a pilots in flight crews who operate scheduled flights. The buddha judge, the transportation secretary, will not do anything because he doesn't care so the airlines bank, your money, while I'm can suffer now. I try to organise a citizen's revolt against this horrendous situation, but the response was tepid, so the Airport will continue to be a chaos zone. Few prob, it get solved without pressure. The american we'll still retain the power to improve their lives, but vote It is not enough, we must be active. I'm bill o. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me bill, bill, o reilly, dotcom bill, O'Riley, dot, com, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male nancy burn flacket pro gotta arizona. I do not trust anything about common harris really worried. If something would happen,
into Biden that she would be in there. As president could mainly worsened by an abiding can fulfil its first term. Com take over zagreb able do anything house block anything she tries to do she raised regular borders or immediately get challenging the federal courts. When worry about that, michael brand, new caledonia, new york, the only chance we have to save this country is if trump backs out which will never happen because it's all about drop he gave a damn about this country, bow due to the continuous barrage of legal issues that will continue on ok I mean trunk, doesn't see it that way sees himself as the saviour of this country but all opinions, we want here on this programme, though cars would bridge virginia. I we listen to you o reilly to get my information and news reasoning simple. I want facts and fairness, not some politically driven narrative. You have been
a paragon of journalism for more than twenty years. Thank you and your excellent team what team is the forefront here? Really, with staff. I tell you, I give them a lot of work to do. Wear a coat with the call conference call every morning set the line up for the nose beneath and on just kick like this boom boom boom. I didn't same thing when I did a factor into fox news jail, but it was in person meeting then and then we will set the line up into it, but here it's on the phone I stared scattered all over the country. They all work at home, ok but I give em stuff like that. The romanian thing I just need both without was all about. Bank comes right back, so we have an excellent staff here, and I am proud of them, and I am proud that you have recognised that we are now. in the ideology, business we will never be in a business. We are, in fact, analysis business
in a moment, something you might not know, rib jack, foundation, repair specializes. In one thing, the science of foundation repair you noticed cracks in your breaker or she'd rock a chimney pulling I bore have doors and windows that are miss aligned contact jack for an outside evaluation. We aren't roofers part I'm contractors or plumbers we're foundation, repair specialist trained to provide you with permanent, affordable solutions schedule your onsite evaluation today at rammed jack dot com, that's rammed jack dot, com. Now the orally up day brings you something you might No, on this day and nineteen, seventy five prison journal Ford survived in assassination attempt in Sacramento, California, they use It was a twenty six year old woman he was also a devoted follower of Charles manson.
Here is the story of Lynette squeaky fromme. she joy in man and so called family in nineteen sixty seven man, and four of his acolytes were soon imprisoned. For murdering actress sharon, tate and seven other innocent people. from then started in order. of women If Charles manson, as their savior They call themselves the international people's court of retribution, too ass, the imprisoned manson, the group hats law to assassinate president for uncertain. in the fifth nineteen. Seventy five squeaky fromme dressed herself in a score.
let robe to resemble little red riding, who then approach ford as he spoke with reporters, she pulled out of forty five caliber pistol and shot the prey but nothing happened The gun did I'll go off. Ford walked away, from the encounter unharmed squeaky was immediately taken into federal costly during trial. before became the first president to testify in a criminal case for almost convicted in nineteen. Seventy five cents for life in nineteen. Eighty: seven she managed to escape for two days, but was recapture squeaky fromme was released from prison in two thousand and nine currently lives with her boyfriend enough state new york, there, almost decorated, with dozens of artificial human skulls
When asked to comment on a crimes squeak Fromme recently said quote Was I in love with Charlie yeah? I still am, and here's something else you might not now from. You have targeted another famous person before president for a few months, here to the assassination attempt she neatly into the hotel room of lead the zeppelin guitarist Jimmy page back after this jack foundation, repair specializes in one thing: the science of foundation, repair You noticed cracks in your breaker or she'd rock a chimney pulling I bore, have doors and windows that are miss aligned, contact jack for an on evaluation. We aren't roofers part
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-07.