« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 21, 2023


AG Garland grilled by the House Judiciary Committee, government relaunches free COVID test program, the Federal Reserve holds interest rates, and a public service announcement from a Michigan fire department.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the mixed legacy of Mitt Romney.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Wrap jagged foundation, repair specializes. In one thing: the science of foundation, repair You noticed cracks in your breaker or she'd rock a chimney pulling I bore have doors and windows that are miss aligned contact. jack for an on evaluation. We aren't roofers pardon. I'm contractors or plumbers we're foundation, repair specialist trained to provide you with permanent, affordable solutions. Schedule your onsite evaluation today at rammed jack dot com, that's rammed jack dot, com, no o reilly year. You are listening to the orally update, coming up The new swift mike's later thank you. It is thursday September twenty first, twenty twenty three years adapting today in america, garlic in front of the house free covert test for everybody interest rates
stay the same and a very important public service announcement from a michigan fire department. That's all come up in the bill will be here with your message to the table. First, the attorney general america garland went in front of the house judiciary, committee, medical, since when republicans about they just This department role in the end Instigation of hunter, bided and garland said he did not interfere. The investigation is that I'm going to say it again and again, if necessary, I did not interfere with, did not investigate did not make determinations. Congressmen, my johnson asked had personal contact with any one of the fbi headquarters about the hunter bought, an investigation and where garland said, I don't recollect the answer to that. The federal government has relaunched the free covert tests sent to any american home. Who wants it? If you want it, you can get starting september. Twenty fifth
Each household can request for tests. Is the rapid tests Last winter Biden promised one billion tests than the website shut down back on what biter, but then they shouted back down a june, not back up again. This will cost six huh did million dollars sort of good news. The federal reserve did not move the interest rates. It is expected. They will increase the rates one more time by the end of the year, but they say There are enough side that the economy is slowing, that they could. but where it is for now it's been complicated as last year or sell, because good economic news is bad news and bad economic news canoes a bad job numbers, for instance, will that's good news for the fair because they want the economy to slow down. That's one way that mason will go to bad economic growth. While that's good news, and they want the economy to slow down has been very confusing. The service announcement from me mission
fire department, a woman in michigan without a boat launch a lake chatting the bathroom went to the nearby outhouse while on the toilet she somehow dropped her apple watch into the pool chicken rigid so, naturally she decided to climb into the toilet to retrieve it. Where She got stuck policing, I recall they pull out with a rope. So this is a good time to remind everyone, as the michigan state police and fire wrote in their press release. If you lose an item in an outhouse toilet, do now attempt to venture inside Syria. injury may occur I'll make slater militarily with your message today. Next Judy was born. Yellow then
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He ran the very liberal commonwealth of massachusetts, pretty well As senator he lost his way: feuding with donald trump as a prayer, potential candidate, running against Barack obama in two thousand twelve mitt romney. A totally blow it. In fact, one of the few arguments. I have with roger elles the bosses fox news, was over romney, I reporting that, although president obama had some major weaknesses in its quest for reelection romney, was far too timid. Pointing them out, It was almost as if he fear obama Therefore I analyze mitt was likely to lose well miss rousing, not like my tape. Fine. but I wasn't gonna modify it because I was true and run
we did lose. I took no pleasure in that, but my job is a column. As I see I, which I did right up till election day, the trump Was stupid? Former president call romney a loser, the centre to despise them for doing that, so romany voted to convict trump in both policy trumped up impeachment foolish on doubts, mitt romney is a flawed patron. As many of us are I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me bill bill o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine. Ok, let's go into the mail bag. Alan hanks, manchester vermont, beautiful town manchester, particularly in the autumn Vida rawness wanting, was very refreshing peals of me.
distrust of both parties and as a legal immigrant, I value my usa ship dearly wish the country remains. The best spot on a planet of AK may be a bit young, but as enthusiasm and bowl thoughts are what our country needs alright, so we had MR ramaswamy on Naturally, our reaction to that sally mussulman trinity Florida by that was a great guest review is excellent as always. Reilly, very insightful, not everybody. Robert message board by that around the swami reminds me of a fast talking used. Car salesman come on now prevail, car salesman that's a cliche. I know a lot of them in there and some of them are good guys. He has no chance of getting the republican nomination. I agree with that. Tonya concierge member, which means tanya, has direct access to me. It's an insurance policy
What time is life Bilbo, baggins, extremely naive about ukraine? The ukrainians are never going to surrender their russian speaking territory. I don't think either side is going to give a lot there, but eventually something will have to break david concierge. Member trump will keep on with his non participate, in the debates to his own detriment. Meanwhile, those to be participants will slowly getting round as it happened yet put, but from where at right now, Neil harris in Arlington texas? How do you expect to reorganize the fbi without congressional approval, neil congress, anything to do with the fbi? He falls under the executive branch. The president, the president controls the justice department. He appoints the attorney general. He appoints the f b. I director Arnaud do with it just funds it. Okay, if a president wants to do away with the f b, I the president can do that by executive order
in a moment, something you might not know: rib jagged foundation, repair specializes in one thing: the science of foundation, repair, you noticed cracks in your breaker or she'd rock a chimney pulling, I bore have doors and windows that are miss aligned, contact jack for an outside evaluation. We aren't roofers pardon I'm contractors or plumbers we're foundation, repair specialist trained to provide you with permanent, affordable solutions schedule your onsite evaluation today at ram jack dot com, that's ram, jacked, odd com. now the arrival of day brings you something you might not know twenties ten years ago today, president bill Clinton sign the defence of marriage act. I, by partisan piece of legislation that blocked same sex. Unions. The law lasted until the supreme court. Legalized, gay marriage two decades later
Here is a story behind defence of marriage. Gay. Became a national issue during the nineteen eighties because of aids. The disease caused court battles over inheritance, deaf benefits, visitation rights to stop them. Gold, confusion, same sex marriage was first proposed in the early nineties. Nineties in opposition. a bipartisan group of republicans and democrats in congress, the defensive mary act or doma pass. With super majority of three hundred forty two members of the house in eighty four senators out of andred president Clinton oppose the ledge, relations pointed quote unnecessary and divisive, but he signed the bill on september, twenty first nineteen. Ninety six Anyway. The law simply stated quote the word: marriage,
Means only illegal union between one man and one woman, as husband and wife, and the word spouse refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife, years later, Clinton said he signed dormant, a preventive constitutional amendment that would fall ever ban gay weddings. Despite the legislate many states who recognise same sex, marriage massachusetts. Rising unions in two thousand for follow by california in new york and vermont the discord between state and federal law, ended on June twenty six, two thousand and fifteen. In a five to four decision, the supreme court ruled that same sex marriage is protected by the fourteenth amendment of the us constitution, requiring all states to recognize gay nuptials. The case rendered the defense of marriage act quote superseded
an enforceable and here's something else you might not know. Today there are about one hundred, eighty thousand married same sex couples living in the usa zero point three percent of all marriages back after this. my brother in law died suddenly and now my sister under kids have to sell their home. That's why I told my husband. We could not put off getting life insurance any longer. An agent offered us a ten year, five hundred thousand dollar policy for nearly fifty dollars a month, then we called select quote select quote, found us idea. He'll coverage for only nineteen dollars a month as savings of three hundred and sixty nine dollars a year, whether you need a five hundred thousand dollar policy
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-22.