« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 27, 2023


Troops deployed to the Middle East, a suspect identified in the Maine mass shooting, the U.S. economy grows, and the Beatles release a new song.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the speaker issue comes to an end.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As a roofer. I don't have time to fail. Homer rely on me. I rely on beacon concerning network of branches work together to get me what I need when I needed every branch. Working together and with the big propolis ab. I've got the brain, the pan on like between them are pro write, em, fingertips and now through member purchase certainty, beacon, pro plus weber, app and the seven hundred fifty dollars beacon always building the no o reilly year. You are listening to the orally update coming up. Next, the new swift might sleep Thank you bill. It is Friday October. Twenty seven twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, troops deployed suspect identical economy. Growing and the beatles release, who saw a talker, The deal will be here with your message. The neighbour first, the pentagon says: nine hundred. U S, troops have
point are deploying to the middle EAST. These forces are for fort bliss taxes for What sill oklahoma for liberty, north carolina and fort colossus in texas,. Reports that israeli tanks have briefly entered gaza and Hamas says by the way, I believe anything allow says they reported to you. So you are aware of the propaganda they are putting out, but they say that fifty, of the two hundred and twenty or so hostages have been killed by the israeli airstrikes. They say more information of the mass murderer. They suspected mass murder in maine, the shootings weren't two locations, not three. That was originally reported at least eighteen people that thirteen injured and lewiston main he's wanted for eight years what's a murderer? Is aid of the victims have been identified in their families? Notified I'm not gonna, say his name here,
and I want to give him or any man shooters any notoriety. If you live near main, you know his name is forty. He enlisted in the? U s. Army reserves, reported that he was a firearms instructor at first, but that seems not to be the case. Officials say he heard voices and threatened to shoot up a military base in maine and and to a mental health facilities. For two weeks this last summer, the army reserve said he was quote, behaving radically and was sent to an army hospital at west point. The? U S, economy grew way too fast. Last court of four point: nine percent three months ending in September temper that it demands way. Higher interest rates are coming FED needs to slow down the economy much more than this. It was two point: one growth, the previous core, but usually Forest growth is good boy. Inflation is a major issue. Then it is not the bureau of economic analysis as peoples more money on medical appointments, christian drugs eating out and cars.
the last beetle song is going to be released on november. Second, the song comes from a batch of unreleased demos ever written by John lennon. Two of those songs were released in the nineties by the rest of the bad free as a bird and real love They wanted to release this song, but the technology was there to do it, but now we, the technology to separate lenin's original vocals from the piano in the demo, carney and Ringo completed the track, the song, now and then released on november. Second, friendly reminder, you can read all about John lennon in pillar rallies book killing the legends max I hope a wonderful weekend bill arises here with your message of the day. Next, this episode is brought to you by medical history. Imagine it
couch could turn into court side seats at the text if you're living room could transform into renaissance venice from assassins greed nexus, if your hallway could be along fair way and golf plus imagine, if your breakfast this could we give a breakfast nuke Well, it's got demagogues from stranger things we are in. It do more than imagine, expand your world but the new medical history. Now, with over five hundred tonnes, so to dive, to see chelsea god. It's on my account for ten plastered naps games and experiences may be suitable for a more mature audience tom. for the really update message of the day on a friday. As pretty did. The speaker issue has been resolved, but not without some belied, where the democratic leadership now almost completely progressive.
republicans are the only ones who can stop future. You're bleeding in this country to stay on the fluid imagery, congressman gates and staunch right wing. Conservative crews. seated in booting Kevin Mccarthy from speakership, but what do that really accomplish gates has to know that reform can happen, unless at least a few Democrats are persuaded apparently, the mat meister doesn't much care about that going forward. I have no blank an idea how Louisiana congressmen my Johnson we'll have allowed his new job if you is more successful than Mccarthy all apologize to gates, but the truth. is at washington remains a sanctuary for far less politicians, benda destroying american traditions. That's what the open board is really all about the far left. Also,
spending the nation into bankruptcy and attempting to change social, more right, So again, the republicans better start selling their philosophy and knock off the divisive stuff november. Two thousand twenty for one year, away and we need a change in this country dramatically. I'm no o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me. Bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet, bill, O'Reilly, dot, com name in town. If you wish to opine
Let's go to the male larry cassiar, no syracuse new york, any chance of palestinians will form a resistance defied hamas. Palestinian people don't have anything right. They ve been exploited for fifty years, seventy years, Hamas as all the guns and they live under a dictatorship. anybody resisting get ahead chopped off. Susie Talbert fayetteville georgia bill. I fear you miss the real reason. Mccarthy got booted from speakership. He promised to finish all appropriate it bills before the deadline. Not only did he not do that, he permitted a five week, vacation. Okay, look. You can find things that Mccarthy did wrong, but the fact is out of two hundred and twenty one republican members of the house. Eight were responsible for his getting fired. No.
The exact bad. Who would have been a lot more than eight, my johnson Lana George, I'm trying to be better but if I had a friend and supported in open border, I don't know if I continue being friends with that person, I understand pence. How valuable a person's friendship is. If the person is great and every other issue, then you just say you know. I am. I appeal to you of yours and we'll talk about the mets. Does anybody to talk about the mets or anything else, but if the persons are marginal per it
annoying the extreme positions are annoying christopher schroeder of me in ohio. I was just using some healthy food recipes and- and I am a type two diabetic and I came across eating- well dot com christopher- I took it, it was in smart life and I wanted to give you credit. If you have smart light tips, send them to me like Christ. It very important in a moment something you might not know. I I'm mike baker, cia, veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights,
download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you get your bad guest, get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief. Now they are really uptake rage, you something you might not know hundred Sixty five years ago today, a baby boy was born to a social light family in midtown manhattan. By his forty second birthday, he would become the twenty six president of the united states. Here is a story: Theodore roosevelt young teddy was a sickly child. He suffered from asthma, muscles spasms, migraine headaches, despite doctor's orders to remain a bet. Teddy overcame is health issue, By going outside playing sports boxing here
Inter attended, harvard college and was elected to the new york state legislature after he graduated in February eighteen. Eighty four teddy roosevelt suffered a catastrophic tragedy. Both his mother and his wife died on the same day stricken by grief, roosevelt abandoned politics. He packed up his life, bought a cattle ranch in the dakota territories after a blizzard wiped out the ranch teddy reach And the east coast he fought in the spanish american war, then served as governor of new york. Roosevelt was later selected as republican, william mckinley vice presidential running may, In I do want mckinley was assassinated, making Roosevelt the youngest president in history to yours, too.
here. Nineteen o one too, oh nine is known for environmental conservation. For decades the federal government created national parks, national farce and established historic monuments across the country in total, teddy roosevelt saved wonder thirty million acres of land? After a time in the white house, he launched scientific expeditions into the jungles of south america. He died and nineteen nineteen at the age of sixty and here's something else you might not know. Roosevelt was a very tough guy. He once gave a campaign speech with a bow lodged in his chest after being shot by a deranged man in Milwaukee, teddy Roosevelt refuse to cancel the speech,
you deliver the address in a blood stained shirt back after this o reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but billow rally, dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content. We have including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members. Also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill. O reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-29.