« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 3, 2023


Pence defends Trump, Lindsey Graham booed in South Carolina, Tennessee doubles down on drag show bans, and cities forego fireworks this 4th of July.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, a word on risk.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Testosterone levels in our society have been cut in half in just the last fifty years. Isn't that staggering? You know that that's end of america right if that that trend, global, that's the end of every thing, my friends at chalk, they're out to pray stop to it now. Actually, not with more big pharma, filth, Surely you know thyself they vitality, stats now actual herbal supplements we're talkin twenty percent increase in your testosterone and ninety days. Naturally, you feeling better a better mood. Better energy ladys. Don't worry there's, female vitality stack for you. We speed strong, and we must be ready to take on the communists in this country. Chalk go get. Some now c, h, o q, dot com shock is the way forward, make sure you used a promo code bill cosette
It's you a thirty five percent discount for the law, at time. Your subscription chalk, doc, promo code bill bill o reilly year. You are listening to the rightly update coming up next, the new swift mike's later Thank you bill. It is a Monday july. Third, twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, pants defence, trump tennessee, not stepping down our fireworks and the way out tallest flagpole in the world that are coming up, then bill, be here with your message the day, but first the next attempt at the take down of donald trump is going to be that donald trump somehow did something illegal. Pressure, the governors of certain states, toe
throw the two thousand and twenty election results well MIKE pence, as vice president. At the time who's now running. For president said he never pressured any governors to do anything illegal. He would call governors to encourage them to quote go through the legal process of reviewing their election results. Pence said I was calling to get an update. I pass along that information to the president and other tromp new senator Lindsey graham spoken a trump rally in south carolina, but He got booed for six straight minutes. one minute in he said our. I just come down for a second and I didn't get any better from there. The back and forth continues. Tennessee passed a law saying you can't perform sexual explicit drag, shows where kids might be present and also can't let minors take
cross sex hormones, while two different federal judges blocked both of those laws from going into effect, the tennessee attorney general file to appeal to the courts on both of those he vowed to fight this and knowing the people in the elected officials of the great state of tennessee, they will not stop until this goes all the way to the supreme court. and patriotic news this fourth of July eve, more more cities, are choosing to forego fireworks and replace them with drone shows what you think of this Some cities are doing this because of wild fire fears, gasp, how many wildfires up and started by sanctioned firework shows the never say Other city say it's more environmentally friendly, especially in california and subsidies. They all want the fireworks because they say the drones or quiet I get
but the boom is part of the whole firework thing. It was John Adams who, the day after the signing, the declaration wrote a letter to his wife and said this will be the great anniversary festival commemorated as a day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to god to be silent eyes with pomp and parade and shows game sports guns, bells, bonfires and elimination from one end to this continent. To the other, from this time forward for evermore, John Adams never mentioned. Drone shows. and finally, there is a plan to hoist an american flag, the size of a football field on a flagpole taller than the empire state building outside of a town of four hundred eighty five people in maine. There would be elevators to bring people to a top observation, dec. Which would be seventeen seventy six feet above sea level.
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is precarious and off without diving, two miles under the ocean. Climbing MT everest are going into space with elon musk. if you do, those things help will not beyond the way If it goes wrong, risk taking is hard wired into some of us, and I, your humble corresponded and one of those folks in my life I have wing walked on top of a biplane covered a massacre in the mountains of El Salvador. Propelled myself into a violent riot, when the argentine surrendered in the falklands war and really I are a higher in belfast, Comparing the british on a raid I did all of those things in the name of journalism, and I probably do them all again. If I were a younger man. But there's a question I put myself at risk. I was lucky, and in his life. You should never count on lock.
as a I discouraged, dangerous activities from my kids and always provide an explanation. If you desire to achieve our competitive country, I have to take calculated risks. thrill seeking and stupid behaviour like consuming drugs itself. The stress so is gambling and rusting unstable people, always do the protocol math when presented with a dicey situation. Most the time self protection is the wisest course. I'm bill, o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male. Excellent reporting on bill bar Joe Biden and abiding crime, family missus, Carroll.
Yet I still cannot comprehend why politicians and legacy me to continue to support the binding crime family, because ideologies more important Joe Biden does whatever the progressive left wants it head on, If he's off upon their don't care, if he's pretty boy, lloyd song is sports, progresses, subordinate. David concierge member, what's even more astonishing, the indies Paul about direction. The countries that NBC favours the bite administration, Again, as all ideology, their executives far left guys comcast philadelphia. Look it up. They love it. They love the far left. We send kallas richmond Virginia, bravo bill your latest com and not victims, nothing short of stunning. I can your personal integrity and strength and writing. It is always thank you for being the very best of few are willing. We stand up as human beings. I will tell the truth,
I always have done. I've had a price, but it's ok, our country, remember lotta concierge and was written. It bill well said on your column, while have empathy for people down on their lock. I can agree that people raising a family and working should have to suffer because a small minority refused to take personal responsibility. Good letter. I would thank you for writing. It richard catalans gates, mills, ohio bill. I met your recipe. I read your message about Putin. His demise does not guarantee a better leader in russia in the world. So what so? Why he's a war crime He's a villain go? What's gonna happen that you get rid? I am in a moment, Something you might not know. astonished rome levels in our society have been cut in half in, Just the last fifty years. Isn't that staggering? You know that that
end of america right. If that that trend global. That's the end of every thing, my friends at chalk, they're out to pray stop to it Naturally, not with more big farm of filth surely you know thyself mail. Vitality, stats actual herbal supplements. We're talkin, Twenty percent increase in your testosterone and ninety days. Naturally you feeling better a better mood. Better energy ladys. Don't worry, there's female vitality stack for you. We speed strong and we must be ready to take on the communists in this country. Chalk go get some now C, H, o q dot com shock, is the way forward, make sure you used a promo code bill, cosette, It's you a thirty five percent discount for the law, at time, your subscription chalk, doc promo code bill.
Now the up update brings you something you might not know on this day and nineteen? Eighty three, an american ban synonymous would serve sun and fun. found themselves in the middle of a huge controversy here. Is story of the each boys, banishment. After series of hits in the nineteen, sixty two group remain when the biggest touring acts in america. An idea eighty three, the boys were scheduled to perform on the national mall in Washington dc for the fourth of July, in April of that year, president ronald wagons, interior secretary Jane, why banned all rock groups from playing in that no barks, why controlled the nash, park service. which runs all events on the national mall. He claimed. Why did that pop music quote
brought the wrong element of drinking and drug taking and not Family based entertainment to the mall. so instead secretary, what swapped? beach boys, for Las vegas, kroner, wayne newton. Not everybody was happy, then eyes president george h tubby, you boys back them, The boys. calling them in american institution, lawmakers in congress sent the interior secretary their personal copies. good vibrations, and therefore, in u. But it was reagan's take and his rebuke of what That would be the harshest after. publicly declaring himself a fan of the beach boys, the president awarded
James watt, a plaster boot. With a hole in it so defying that he had shot himself in the foot. ronald reagan apologize to the ban, invited them to perform at the white house for the fifteen. And anniversary of the special olympics. Ultimately, James watt did back down invited the beach boys to play in DC, but they klein because they add on their concerts, scheduled in atlantic city, but the following year, nineteen eighty four, The boys returned to the national mall sick, hundred thousand americans showed up to hear the concert on the fourth of July. Back after this, Reilly here, the new cycle can be overwhelming. As you know,. What bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything. As a loyal listener of the no spin news audio, we are
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thank you for listening to the arriv update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always looking out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-07-04.