« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, February 10, 2023


Mike Pence subpoenaed, Biden proposes a billionaire tax, the state department says stay away from parts of Mexico, and who's the Super Bowl favorite?

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, the stark difference between Sarah Huckabee-Sanders and Joe Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says just puts vetch in spending back to what it was. Four months ago, there will be here with your message today. Next the chair, the third is promising more pain had lasher stocks dropped, twenty percent and this year could be worse. You are right to be worried, so please call the only pressure, metal dealer. I trust american hartford goal I'll, show you how to protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with physical, gold and silver. Since I have been a client and spokesman in the price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent. So these call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put in I'd your eye are a or for o one kay. tell em bill o sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars free silver on your first order. Please call aids,
in seven four four for gold. Eight, seven, seven, four. Four! for gold, where tax geo, the gold to six five, five, three to again, eight evans and for four for gold or tax gold to six five. Five, three, Your arrival here you are listening to the orally update coming up the new swift mike's later thank you bill. It is product february, tenth. Twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, my pants subpoenaed Biden billion air tax. The state barman has warned you do not travel here and favorite and win the game? Don't come in? then bill will be here with the message of the day. First former vice president, my pants been subpoenaed. Biased your council, to investigate donald trump role in january. Sixth, the council reported looking into how much donald trump pressure might pets to refused
certify the electoral college results, which, of course, my pants ultimately did worth noting the time line of the greatest attack on democracy since the civil war, the fur, person entered the capital building at to twelve miles. It was removed from the Senate chamber at two thirteen and men of congress, returned the capital at seven thirteen, so exactly five hours Joe Biden proposed a billionaire's tax, state of the union address, but many corporate leaders backed by in twenty twenty say its delay. So this plan we require households with a net worth above a hundred million dollars to permit a manual tax of twenty percent on both their taxable income and on unrealized gains of sir ex bonds mutual funds stuff, like that. now, you only pay ro gains on your profit when you sell it,
but under bided plan you have to pay twenty percent on unrealized gaze. That's ridiculous, but go get it eventually the? U S, state department issuing the strongest do not travel warning to six states inside mexico due to threats of crime and kidnapping, even at resort centres, only two areas, have the lowest level normal precautions designation, the countries that have the highest level travel warning or I ran Iraq, somalia, Haiti, ukraine, north korea and syria and mexico. Isn't stopping every one, though last year thirty million americans visited mexico, The report is on a sunday. You know the president has done an interview every year since two thousand nine during the superbowl, but bite. It seems, is not going to do that trump. It twice Eighteen did not do it either. I think this is fine. Can we have one thing? That's not political office. Of your egos. Verse kansas city achieves kick off fox.
six thirty eastern from phoenix fourth time the superbowl has been their job. I can t we are not the announcers they won over to you spend money enough about Joe box. seven superbowl. The record is Michael's and pat some with eleven travis, elsie adjacent kelsey, the first brothers on opposing teams at a suitable and the two quarterbacks twenty seven and twenty four youngest paired quarterbacks. Ever Take ticket price tag, thousand dollars a seat vegas has the eagles as a slight favorite. Am I later bill, o reilly. We here with the bastard today, next buddy army eleven year from teams ii? We have something really exciting for you. We have officially launched be tansy audio network. In addition to the thames pot cast, we have three all new shows. There is last days which explores the final days of the biggest icons in sports and entertainment pip year into the drama surrounding the royal family, but we have spilling royalty and values.
Or through an exact. Their Michael Babcock needs the host. The dmz sports broadcasts check out all podcast right here on spotify, now for the o'reilly update message of the day. The contrast is weak between president I'd and governor Huckabee Sanders is something pay we are americans, meaning those who actually care about their country should study both gay political speeches to the nation. but there was no common ground at all, MR barton believes, is economic stewardship is benefiting the folks. The governor not believe that Paul sides with the lady from arkansas, but that in a matter much to the president, who showed absolutely no empathy for those struggling to pay the bills in this time of damaging inflation, I'd and blames inflation on president trump either The rate. Was a man
excuse one point: four percent went trump left office in two thousand: twenty one. Send inflation as brutalized the poor and middle classes in the usa, governor I sanders believes Joe Biden. Is being held captive by the far left and there ample evidence. That is true. The president says he is the capitalist, but then as a quote: living wage for workers, a phrase right out of the marxist handbook and who we decide that living wage. Why the gun? a word that socialism, and would absolutely wreck small business and barely damage. Many corporations lay offs would be substantial. no matter Bernie sanders and Elizabeth war and demanded. So MR barton complies captives have to comply
They I'm billow riley. I approve the message by writing. It. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, billow, riley, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, Go to the male david concierge member David gets direct access to me. I found the lack of decorum from some of the republic in from some of the republican members from last night speech, insulting while certainly hope. Shake your head either. Nor, yes to what is being said. Blurting. Our common to insult during your speech is not a good luck. Elmer We urge member love the republican defiance in the audience hilarious. I you know where I think come down on this. Alex The no spin news was the best summary in commentary on that terrible state of the union address. Yesterday we try, we try robert pony sent Anna California. The vine speech was insane
The democratic party cannot understand that when you tax corporations, we, the people, will eventually pay the price, and that is true to a very good point. Robert oh yeah corporations, right because right back to us Bush alive into beaumont colorado bill, you propose. usa be deliberate and dealing with china over the balloon, based on the fact that its nuclear power, wonder why you do not cover similar measure of caution against russia's involvement in you. Can I do I absolutely debt, and to this day I say, don't don't send planes to ukraine don't send jets there. We ve been very deliberate. The united states very delivered in the ukraine situation. Andrew concierge member prefer
it's from collin college, which is one of the most hard left liberal arts colleges in the world at one hundred percent wrong when he stated that Biden's china policies is toughest. President trump's, it's a matter of opinion, and you know I can tell you this. She feared trump, she doesn't fear. Biden that's what I can tell you in a moment, something you might not know. I fed ex office, we know running a business. Is america. Sometimes every task feels like a sprint to sign. The protocol pick up the new boxes, print the business cards notifies the least, put up twenty more yard signs. It's a lot. Luckily, for you, fedex office is here to help turn your ideas into reality. You can stop running yourself. Encircled instead start concentrating on the important things like the deciding. What's for luck, visit your nearest location or office diabetics dot com to get started. Fedex office there are the o'reilly update. Brings you something you might not know
Thirty years ago today, Oprah winfrey sat down for would become the most watched interview and television history more than ninety million people tuned into sea. Oprah. Talk with Michael Jackson. Here is the story. Jackson, a private person had refused interviews for fourteen years. The unprecedented live event they speak for any allegations were made against the singer regarding minors during the sixty minute exchange, Michael Jackson, talked about his trouble childhood family relief, ships fame and his ranging skin, I'm american I'm proud to be black american- I am proud of my raise. I am proud of who I am. I have a lot. Pride and who I am and dignity you want an oriental person to play. You as a child is then makes sense now, so please people stop believe,
ok, my horrifying, then, let's go to the thing that is most discussed about. You, I think, is the fact that the color of yours and is obviously different, then was when you were younger, and so I think it has caused. a deal of speculation and controversy as to why, You have done or are doing, are you bleaching your skin and have our whose skin lighter, because you don't like being black number one there, as I No there's, no such thing as skin bleaching, I've never seen it. I don't know what it is to have those products growing up. I used here always use bleach and glow, but you'd have to have about three hundred thousand gallons took a number one. This is the situation I have a skin disorder that destroys the pigmentation of the skin is something that I cannot help Now shortly after the interview, Michael Jackson's life spiral out of control in august, eighteen? Ninety three, the los Angeles police, opened investigation into jackson's relationships with underage bore,
allegations were levied against the performers for the next ten years. Two thousand three jackson was arrested for child molestation. He was ultimately acquitted court on june, twenty fifty thousand nine Michael jackson was discovered dead at his home and If you at the age of fifty his personal physician was guilty of involuntary manslaughter after administering the singer, with a lethal dose of narcotics back after that's a leftovers. john de envy, or cleaning.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.