« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, August 28, 2023


A tropical storm hurdles toward Florida, three American marines killed in Australia, a “blue moon” to shine on August 31st, Nordstrom closes in San Francisco, and Bob Barker passes away at 99.

Plus, the Message of the Day, betrayal in America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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nord stream closes and bob Barker passed away. It's all coming up The bill will be here with your message that I prefer to govern. Iran santas left the campaign trail to go back to do governor things. A tropical storm watch for much of florida, the store my turn into a category two hurricane come up to the gulf of mexico. One thousand one international guardsmen have been they have asked two: two thousand four hundred high water vehicles and twelve aircraft for rescue and recovery efforts, the strong as early as tuesday, the brunt, the storm on Wednesday at least three U s. Marines were killed in an osprey aircraft crash in Australia. There are twenty three americans on the aircraft when a crass during a training exercise, five, others transported to a local hospital and serious condition. This was during a training exercise with the military's of the united states, Australia, indonesia, the philippines and east timor.
believed only americans were on board a rare Not only blue moon, but a super blue moon will shine on august thirtieth. On your mind, you're thinking, it's gonna be blue. It's not blues expression. It means it's. The second floor moon that occurs in a single month, wednesday. Nine thirty ex pm eastern. That is the maximum of these super blue moon moment, the Nord stream downtown san francisco, is closed. After thirty years in business they can no longer take the homelessness. Drug use and crime. Nor should made it through covered recessions. You name it they could I get another day of a far democratic control, city itself, since go downtown for traffic down sixty five percent. Ninety five I've stores of closed thirty one percent office vacancy public transport, actually used out. Sixty five percent and property tax revenues are down a hundred and eighty six million dollars compared to pre covert levels. The great barker
asked way at the age of ninety nine, he hosted the prizes right for third five years barbara was raised in south dakota and Missouri and join the navy during world war. Two, He started hosting the show when he was forty, eight retired. and two thousand seven at the age of eighty three. He meant wife in high school married, a nineteen. Forty five people, after a night in anyone from lung cancer Bobby that I never had any inclination to remarry. She was my wife. Mike's later. The great bill o is here with your message of the day next, but remember
help control the pair population. Have your pet spade or neutered. Have you watch my programme or have been paying attention at all since call them? You are aware of the risks we all face to our supply chain: critical infrastructure and the power grid. Cyber attacks gunfire pandemics, all on a table. What would your family do facing a month? Long, blacker, no electricity, no fridge, no phone, no respirator and an empty grocery store well for patriots as a new solar powered portable generator in harnesses the power the sun can be moved around the house and is used to power essentials in a time of crisis, so don't across date on ensuring you families well being at a time they need it most. Please go to for patriots,
calm today use my code no span for ten percent off. That's the number for patriots. Dotcom again use code, no spin for ten percent of time now for the early update message of the day One day I am following, but not closely this football story where the ball inside. You may remember that it was a movie and it was but where there was an african american football player adopted by a white family in the south and the family raised the boy in college and he became a pro football player and it was a hard warming story and all that and now it turns around and Michael or the football players as he was expelled aided by the family and the family says that's a lot of bologna that we did everything we could to make this boy's life better, and all that
I don't know I'm not there. I can't pronounced judgment on it, but what I can talk about this morning and it's a topic that disturbs me greatly Betrayal, so somebody in this case betrayed somebody else: either Michael or the football player betrayed the family or the family exploited, Michael or again, I dont subpoena power. I don't know, but I do know that every one of us in the world is betrayed at one time: I'm or another. That is why Judas scoria has such a prominent place in the new testament. That story was inserted in the bible for a reason to warn everybody. Then you are like, We'd too be betrayed and there's nothing. you can do about it. I'm bill O'Reilly. I approve the message by writing. It. You can reach me
bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male then, why do you always say Bobby Kennedy, juniors, no chance of winning, because he has no chance of winning. The odds are eleven percent that he will be the next president, the biggest odds and if you go to london, you can actually put money on it. So legal here in the united states is just another constituency. The democratic like on most republicans. All live in the anti vacuous like em with us, not enough. Christopher mark TWAIN said, if you don't read the news you are on info. and if you do worry that you are misinformed, our twain love em. Roberta san LAN jason tax is building a finger wider. aids? Why the red letters from the fox now view right here, senator or congress person or president cancer staffer might read it, but they never.
I read it in a million years, David concierge remember. Whenever you discuss the rising gas prices, rarely mention those of us who rate reside in california painting another book. I always mention it. You get. The as tax they tax on gas and a country probably in a world where maybe that's any country, that's why you're paying so much ethan you back You can bash Hillary Clinton or you want, but she won the popular voting against trump. The electoral college must be about if the electoral college Ethan is abolished and america are democracy is finished. Because the reason Hillary Clinton one part of the boat is california in Europe, they are dramatically liberal states and always will be that the because so many people live in those two states, a republican can't win. The popular vote do propaganda when many more states, but not the popular vote. So the question, if it is to you, want ellie
new york run in this country view than you abolish above jot. Really you are the best because you are the best. Ok, how I'll take it very nice of you to say so
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to the bizarre uniform his parents forced him to wear after the death of his family, the young child was adopted by roman emperor tiberius. Illegal was twenty four years old when he took over Power in rome after us somewhat promising start, the young ruler was diagnosed with what doctors at the time called brain fever, which is really power noise. A immediately ordered his closest advisers, kill then force members of his own family to commit suicide, he terrorize members of the senate under penalty of death, lawmakers forced to run naked along Long sigh, the emperor's chariot, even right, if the senator's wife as political retribution
colored Yola. Had roman citizens murdered at will and often watches victims being tortured before their execution. When presiding over the sacrifice of a ball, collegial up pardon the animal then beat the cleric to death with a hammer. After All of these things and much much more, including the roman empire descending into bankruptcy. The roman elite had seen enough on January twenty. Fourth, forty one, eighty caligula went to the theatre on his way home. Military officers forced him into a dark alley, with a stabbed him thirty times and here's as you might not know well remembered for his deprived. they colored, yellow, is instrumental in expanding the empire.
His reign. Rome conquered new territories, including great britain, back after this Foundation damage is a serious problem for many homeowners in our area, if you say cracks and brick cracks and walls sloping force or chimney separation foundation, damage could be present, don't wait, call the x at ram jack foundation, repair at ram jack, our foundation, repair specialists are trained to identify foundation problems and provide you with permanent of workable solutions. Schedule neurons, I'd evaluation today, add ram jack dot com, that's ram, jack dot, com. Thank you for listening to the arrival update. I am below riley no spin, just fact, and always looking out for you,
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-30.