« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, April 14, 2023


The FBI makes an arrest for the Ukraine document leaks, Senator Mitch McConnell may be considering retirement, a Florida abortion ban, and the Tampa Bay Rays are about to beat a long-standing record.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, Joe Biden’s weakness is inviting trouble.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says just puts vetch in spending back to what it was four months ago. There will be here with your message today next the chair, The third is promising more pain had lasher stocks dropped, twenty percent and this year could be worse. You are right to be worried, so please call the only pressure metal dealer. I trust american hartford goal I'll show you how to protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with physical, gold and silver. Since I have been a client and spokesman, given the price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent, so these call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put in I'd your eye are a or for o one kay, tell em bill o sent you, and they will give you up to five thousand dollars free silver on your first order, please call aids
in seven four: four for gold, eight, seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax geo. the gold to six five, five, three to again eight, seventy, and for four for gold or tax gold to six five, five, three, if the Oh really, here you are listening to the arrival update coming up next, the new swift mike's later Thank you bill. It is product April fourteen twenty twenty three years as avenue today in america, leaker arrested matrix. Considering retiring, affordable. a band at the Tampa bay rays about to break a one hundred and thirty eight year old record. It's all coming up, then Bilbo with the message of the day, but first the f b, I arrested a massachusetts, Our national guardsmen in leaking classified accurate. Which presumably means their real your times, reports that he is the leader of an online group called thugs shaker central and he share
the intelligence with twenty or thirty member in the group and then Those men share them in a public form to a lot of twenty one year olds in the errand No guard have the highest security clearance without about word on the street is that Mitch Mcconnell might be retiring from the? U s senate. On march eighth, at a fundraiser at a dc hotel, he fell got a concussion. He said I be back to work on monday, but some other top man and the republican party are reportedly telling them is to prepare for a new leadership vote? This vast, any political gamesmanship if he does retire, because the governor would get to appoint the replacement of the governor of Kentucky is inexplicably a democrat. The Republican controlled state legislature, recently passed a bill that requires the governor to choose someone from the party of the senator, whose resigning, so he would have to choose a republic it now hast thou bill. The democratic governor vetoed it, but then the veto was overruled by the legislator, so a Republican will replace that seat.
Other republican super majority flora lawmakers voted to ban abortion at six weeks. times, framed it as a ban. I would end flawed as long held role as a destination for women from across the deep south seeking abortions and force them to travel. Further Two states such as north carolina or illinois for care, o heavens no democrats in full offer dozens of amendments. They were all voted down. Protesters shouted hands off our bodies. Last year floors. We should ban was twenty four weeks last spring. They loaded to fifteen another keep chipping away, beautiful also in florida, EL gb, tiki plus group, said we the extraordinary step of issuing a travel advisory warning of the risks the health safety and freedom of those considering short or long term travel or occasion to the state for algae beating. You people, a travel warning, legates, yemen, stephen Miller responded. Yes, gay men, please be advised to stay away from miami beach at all costs there. Maybe dangerous encounters of extreme sunshine, coconut oil role,
blazing and fun. Tiki bars ahead do not proceed for the whatever they re is on the verge of breaking it. One hundred thirty, eight year old record only to other teams have open season. Thirteen and oh. longest win streak of any major league baseball team. At any point in the season is twenty six games, the nineteen sixteen new york giants to the rays are halfway. There are mike slater. Posted podcast politics, my fate, bill o will be here next the hit series claim to fame, is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu now for the arrival update message of the day
this friday. It was strange to see hunter Biden hop off air force, one in belfast this week, living large taxpayers expense strange and provocative because huh there is under investigation for serious crimes, course. He american media under reported this story, as they continue to prop up the by the administration which needs the propping it can get would be unfair to convict hunter Biden of anything he's innocent until proven guilty, but you cannot prove malfeasance if you don't even investigated, and that is certainly a possibility with the: u s: justice apartment compromised by politics. Anyway. President Biden decision to take hunter to airy is Thirdly, and in your face, move as the world becomes more dangerous by the day
it is worth thinking about. What is likely to happen our enemies will test us over the next year. There is no question, in my mind, I see a diminished president of the united states They see a man who need, a handler, and that's why hunter Biden went to ireland he's doing would Jill Biden usually does shepherd. Mr Biden around so prudent. She, the iranians, mullahs. They all see this and again they are going to test this country. Where the next year I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach. Me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine
I was to the male AL says my crystal ball predicts far. When the dominion, lawsuit dissenters, will be trumps, vp and trouble. When the election, china will not beta, I'm gonna get old, you do it. Man, I'll remember let me state would bury minnesota. I grew you bill that have travelled to set, as could put aside their egos inside a run. Together, we give the conservatism edge, mark core factor, raven state. Washington. I disagree that a trump to send a signal would be a positive development having to send his on the ticket would not help truncated, supportive moderates tat on a message board. You say o there is no one
visible enough to replace buying a few Democrats would challenge him anyway for fear of anchoring the left wing, which is by it in his pocket k. Personally, I don't rate Bobby Kennedy juniors chance high, but he is running no chance not with the covert staff and vaccines in other chance now, with the far left, where even the democratic party in general Barry bill: smart life, stared at chicago, ok, pair, lieutenant, colonel bob myth in Ashdown, arkansas majority of hardworking americans, our team, normal folks. I agree, while team, crazy screams wines and attacks normal votes are hard at work, running businesses serving customers and please yeah, that's. Why you get the gear team normal. You know, you're the hard working american, the honest american. You love your
country, you want to see it get better, but you don't think it has be destroyed and the team crazies do in a moment, something you might not know. But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lies, so you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, Elizabeth she's, Can I like that? The road I prevail, get the low we have twenty nine ninety nine per line. U s, cellular built for us terms, apply visit. U s! Cellular dot com for details, we value human connection with people or distractions us cellular built for us visit. Your us cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. now. The arrival of new brings you something you might not know two years ago. Today, the man Ask your mind behind the biggest financial scam. In. U S, history died in federal prison
in total, the fraudsters stall tens of billions of dollars and ruined countless lives. Here the story of Bernie made off Young bernard is warning queens new york. Nineteen thirty, eight use money earning while working as a lifeguard. You open a training firm in nineteen sixty. decades later made off company was one of the biggest independent brokers on wall street base that success. Bernie ass. They shady advisory firm in the nineteen. Ninety the scam was simple. Instead of legally purchasing stocks for his clients, documents were four or showing massive gates. In finance. The operation Bernie took money from new investors and gave it to all investors, the classic Shell game The next twenty years made off. Quite
and were set accounts statements showing can This is really high and phony returns. Well, the scam fell apart, two thousand eight with the uk. The crisis made off financial swindle, began to disintegrate as his clients to money out faster than he could bring fresh cash in on December, ten made off reveal. Do his brother and two sovereigns, that is, eyes or every business was a fraud his sons actually turn their father over to federal authorities. Four months later, Bernie made off pleaded guilty to dozens of felonies. He was. So a hundred and fifty years behind bars he died and prison on April fourteen two thousand Twenty one something else. You may not know the fall out from
made off scheme was a most devastating case of fraud. In u S, history, victims included, public universities, teachers, unions, charities and private individuals, the founder Of holocaust survivor, Ellie These are all lost. More than fifteen million dollars, these will observe losses. Entire savings total Image from madoff scheme sixty five billion dollars. That's more the entire gdp of costa rica. Back after this poverty, it's hard on kids chancing alters every part of life. That's why world vision, child sponsorship and powers, not just kids, with your entire communities to overcome poverty. Together, we think long term partnership with local leaders and families to create lasting solutions for thirty nine dollars a month. You can equip a child to change their future. Is a world vision, dot work back
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.