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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, March 15, 2023


A letter from John Adams to his son sums up the state of the world.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly here. The new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today: billow riley, dot com,
slash ad free, that's billow, riley, dotcom, slash ad free from morning my sight of her pillow riley standby video riley update morning edition about John Adams, but first a word am. I cite a feeling of her bill o reilly on this wednesday morning. I am thinking about a letter that John Adams wrote to his son. If you are paying attention to the world A new are because your listing the iraqi up day right now you ve got feel I don't uneasy destabilize banks are failing, for instance, that's why Third trains are derailing with tat. chemicals on them in the transportation secretaries as don't worry about it, this happens all the time, but in yesterday said it sinful to not get puberty blocking drugs to children, The wall street journal road nautical about a defence department report, so
the china makes most of the world's cranes that are used that shipping ports and they could- used for spying, and possibly china could just turn them off this chinese company makes nearly eighty percent of the ship to shore crane that are used in our? U S, ports. That seems like a really dumb thing to have. Let happen We could go on. It all seems very unwise. Some minded this letter. The John Adams wrote to his son John Quincy. In seventeen, ninety four. John Quincy was appointed to become the ambassador to holland, so john device press wrote, a letter to his son, say george Washington, wanted him to have this job thought he was ready for it. and dad wrote out all the responsibilities that are needed and why I and the president think that you're the man for the job and he ended the letter with go and see what how little wisdom this world is covered above that go see for yourself son. You won't believe it with how little wisdom this world is governed. just changed.
And two hundred twenty nine years. How mice, later more coming up. How might later from the park ass politics by faith. This has been the rally update morning edition
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.