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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, April 26, 2023


Why has Biden allowed the border to disintegrate?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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You're, all right here and I'm warming up standby for the o up morning edition. But first I was wednesday, speaker of the house, Kevin Mccarthy, It is first appearance on the no spin news last week and I asked him about the borders. duration, which gets more dangerous by the day. The question was simple: why president Biden, not enforcing immigration law. And allowing what is now six point: six million migrants into the united states, the speakers He did not have an answer to that question. and I believe we really does not know why Biden has destroy the southern border. We can all speculate, but that's useless. Far less certainly wants open borders and does not care about. The flood of narcotics that engender president Biden is an absolute
prisoner of far left ideology on every issue, including unfettered, fortune, for which he will have to answer if there is a judgement day to me Joe Biden, is impaired and absolutely incapable of running this country. Of course, could be wrong about the impairment, but vast evidence is my side to those americans who still support the president, I say that you are partially responsible for hundreds of thousands of drug deaths and the immense suffering of millions of migrants, lord to the EU open board that I'd be a harsh judgment, but it's true, if Biden
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Transcript generated on 2023-04-27.