« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

A Special Presentation

2023-05-18 | 🔗

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh here, the new cycle can be overwhelming. As you know, bill, o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal, Listener, the those bad news audio we are offering a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can I know to become a bill, o'reilly dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming. Even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends. So become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today it below riley, dotcom, slash ad free, that's.
morally dotcom slash ad free. I don't know riley here. Welcome to this special edition of the nose bad news, o reilly, verses, John Stewart Remember that so does it judges it is little more than ten years ago I had October sixty thousand twelve there steward and I did the right-
in bowl in the air conditioned auditorium: it was down in washington d c. It was the biggest internet event in the history of the internet. At that time it was unbelievable. Worldwide, exposition sensually. It was a debate about politics in two thousand and twelve okay, so obama was running against romney. so, I looked back at it about two weeks ago, and it was so much in that debate that is relevant to today that stands to today. So I said to my cracked staff: hey cut bout four
if five minutes of this and will use it as a special on the no spin news, because it's funny it's relevant and you get a good look at it. Okay and that's what we did so we are going to run you a portion of the rumble in the Conditioned auditorium it was moderated by eating hill. She didn't nice job and I think You're going to have a blast watching this roll, it many pageants- and you know who you are say that this is the most important election in a generation. Republicans say that voters should ask themselves? Are you better off now than you were four years ago, president obama can point to a declining unemployment rate. Mister many claims that the obama policy has created the most sluggish recovery in history and its continued will make it even worse so bill. Do you think people will make their choice based on the economy here?
first of all, how's the air conditioning in here. The way you want to turn it up. A little just tells you, where we'll take care of it all right. Now, I'm going to have a look, free, three minute opening and annual market. Ok,. Remember a few weeks ago that tape broke away. Governor romany was saying that forty seven percent forty. Seven percent of americans have slackers all right, they're, not they're, not cutting it as Clinton. Would you say that all right? Well, he was off by about twenty seven percent about twenty seven about twenty percent of us, are slackers and it's a growing industry, and that is what the elections all about. That's what the countries facing right now, We are spending an enormous amount of money on twenty percent who, for whatever reason, we just not going to
we're, not gonna make a living, we're not going to really do anything. We want our staff and we spend a lot of money. Debt is their debt. Is there are sixteen trillion dollars and present a bottle, who are liked by the way, and who is dodging me on a one on one basketball game. Do you know that dodger like biggest spending president by far in the history of the united states? In fact, president obama has spent more money than all of the other presidents combined. If you take out world war two which we had to spend a little money there. Okay, all of us if someone Van Buren, is why why now the reason that the president will tell you we spent a lot of money is because of bush is pushes for you.
people think is pushes for was gone, audio sire law? It's boring out of it may have been bushes war for the first year, maybe too, but not really. The.
the. My friend bill arriving is completely full. No, I agree that country does face some problems. We do have some issues. What we disagree on is the scope of these issues in the all of these issues and the timing of these issues. I believe we have very complex problem in this country, like we have had in this country low. Since its inception. the.
The. What is wrong with this country is not that we face problems that we have not faced before. We face a deficiency in our problem, solving mechanism and the reason we face a difficulty in our problem solving mechanism is that a good portion of the country has created an alternate universe alternate reality. I call this place where these folks live Mountain the dentist, The mountain believe many things. They believe that canyon, muslim president has bundle really change the relationship between government and the people of this country
mountain they believed that if they built it, it was because of their success and a little quick moxie in freedom juice, but if life has worked out for them, it is the, we went on their back mountain is a dangerous place, not just not demand the winters on the winters on mountain along in coal and christmas, the most ubiquitous holiday in The history of mankind is under threat mountain because somewhere a parade in tulsa has changed its name from christmas holiday. I have come here tonight,
To plead the mare of mount talk to your people now I know that you don't look It's on the mountain year round. You obviously have to leave for provisions, and I believe you have a summer place, but until we can agree on a reality that exists in this country, you and those denizens believe that we face a cataclysm, a societal cataclysm between freedom and socialism and on the mountain. Our problems are amplified and our solutions simplified, and that's why they won't work income,
distribution? Yes, do you believe in it? Do you know Pius, I kid I barely katy, I believe in social security do believe in social, so we're both socialists, none so she securities income redistribution knows you pay into it. But I pay into it what you get out of it. You pay into some people pay more and in a cumulative effect. No, no, no, the! If you earn one hundred and twenty five thousand, you pay more into it than someone who pays fifty thousand and that you died. You you dodgy question redistribution, robin hood on steroids, okay, Huber sherwood forest. Now now this is not
This is not how the founding fathers envisioned envision does, or I liked much better back then or go halfway. So we have a president here who believes in social justice. Alright, he wants to take your money, my money, the money of the one percent, and he wants to give it to bill Moyers. If bill gets it, I don't want to do it. Alright, I worked. I worked hard for my money. Let me ask how hard I work. I'm here. Okay, the heart! You don't want your taxes to go to something that I agree with is that europe? Now? Why don't you go? I want my tax is to go to people who need help now. They'll noise needs help. I understand, but not economically right,
this hundred sixteen and we got pay for billboard led him compete on his own. You want educational programme. What your programme springs in a cable or I let him compete on his own. Let me let me iverson alive and still less you gotta, ok, we're historic sought. hundred and three million out of the question. So I'm sorry, we just keep going the opening of this is, I think, a good airy to go on, because I think it gives the scale and it speaks to that psychosis mountains. So let me just beginning to talk about bill riley. As I get a prize. Thirty million dollars from mp are because Antioch should be able to compete on its own. Let me ask you this: should epps on the but a compete on its own behalf. We give them and other companies like at the top children, fifty countries in this country over two hundred and sixty billion
in dollars every year. I actually agree with you what I'm not giving subsidies you mentioned earlier that present obama didn't create them ass. He says I got this. I got this on the first day. I walked into it. So who do you think? Or what do you think is to blame for where we are, Quickly build what is to blame for where we are economically as well. That Mr Barroso, your cards for this. thank you for asking that small business scared of obamacare higher. So when a government starts to call the shots in the free market place and the shots start too.
make people a little nervous, they say- or maybe I'm not going to hire so much and worse than that, maybe I'll start to let people go and maybe I won't lending money like the banks? You guys know that since Obama has been in office. We're a while the bring no yeah system It an office Does it feel much, are now always back five. I was in dollars. The average worker has lost okay, that's a lot to do, and gas prices have more than double all right, so you're paying more for stuff and you're making less. Why? thinking less, because the employers go. You know what for every job I have open. I got ten people wanting it, so I'm not going to pay very much on bringing the salaries down. It is a mess, so you gotta let the free marketplace connor
run a little bit. Nine stand agreed as I understand the wall street stuff. I gotta be wall street guy, which god let them go. You gotta unleash the machine because what. to go wrong like with your real right now we're not doing real great now. But if you take your eye from looking at the world, a toilet paper role and you get a broader perspective. on it see that the things that you are suggesting are not part of a fundamental change. That obama has brought and I was why don't exactly is that change? Will? Let me let me put it this way, so when bush left office, took office, he had a hundred billion dollar surplus. Yes, when he left office, the debt is that he left in one year was one point: two trillion dollars right: ok,
so. That is a change from one hundred billion of surplus to one point two trillion gap. Is it that's a difference of just one point through joint open the president, his first year there is a deficit of one point. You tried this year's one point you try, and so we have held the deficit study, how altogether, how much debt has prisoner bomber six, drawing on very good six trillion dollars. I learn learn on says me before me: ask where what is is any desire? Is that all bushes all right? No, but what is the dead? The bush Rana bush, ok,. Am I well
none is gone, was finding voice wishes, but sadly this is not a question of defending bush is no it's just a decision of putting our issues in contact and I know context, isn't it we. Thank you for your saying. Look yeah! My guy ran up six trillion. But what, if do come on? It's ridiculous It doesn't matter what bush did if we, the job of the president, now is to get the debt under control, and I got exactly that stuff.
But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you build to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope lose a birth she's, not gonna like the road. I prevail, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms, applied visit. You are cellular dot com, pretty deals, we value human connection with beware: distractions, cellular built for us visit your! U s. Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen, fifty two decorator pike in athens: let's go entitlements and get to know. First, this time John, the wall street journal and the washington post recently reviewed census data report, forty nine percent of american households got entitlements last year and that entitles spending climbed even ass. We started moving out of the recession so John, do you think they expansion of entitlements is necessary? Is there
possibility. It's turning us into a nation of takers. First of all, we're an entitlement nation. We were born that way, we're a country that came to another country with people on it and when will have a lot of you now. Have you foreseen, Oprah favorite things episode lead people. We are people that want free things, we're not an entire a nation. We are an entitlement species, but the point of this is: has this point? It is fundamentally change the relationship between entitlements and the government, and that is why it is important to look at his predecessors and what has gone before it. Rather, Burma has increased and expanded your ability to get welfare and food stamps by broadening the pool. More people have fallen into the social safety net that exists. because, as we talk about two point, five trillion dollars of money went out of our
call in the bank crisis in two weeks, so we can all talk about how the government spending too much money and the free market has to take us out of it. But nobody talks about the flip side of the free market, which is the bust And we have to start understanding how they can no longer privatized, their profits and social. as their losses No suddenly complain that somehow the twenty percent of people That are hungry that are not doing well and by the way two percent of people get welfare, as we know it Two percent would be I dunno where there's twenty per cent comes from, I dunno what the figure is. I don't even know what you're I can allow everything is right. It was like it. I would like it. We have, sir,
I drink. The seven million people live in homes. This is thirty five percent of the american population. Alright, that get means tested entitlements. That's not social security, not medicare, all right. That means some kind of food stamp or some kind of thing, but look. Nobody begrudges people I needed a safety net. But right now we have this mindset that you know what. If the times are tough, I'm going to take what I can take. Let me ask you this: do you know what a disability a federal disability is now under president obama? It's almost doubled all right. Let me ask you this chloe's the workplace, that much dangerous, much more dangerous. Since he came in office. Things got that really tough, but that's ridiculous. Ignore their has an expanded, your ability to get it. He has made it easier to orders, are applying right, worried because more than nine say no, it we're getting orbit. The greek set we're getting old here. We are
governmental give it to us here is that you say that the statistics that are forty to fifty year old that states that the largest increase in disability is people aged sixty and above and it's not people, dropping bowling balls on their foot and not wanting to work anymore. It's our three! This! Let me as you quite rightly, this lies our right is now than it was four years ago I play just came in of art and some of the prisoners policies against terrorism. Very good. Ok, particularly the drones, rose gas water boards. Now later you could explain what a boarding we can't do that. However, we will. A missile in the middle of town and wipe out everyone. That's ok! What aborting? No let me agreement or island say I agree on both counts. We shouldn't waterward people
I drop missiles into the middle of the development I like them is the I'm pretty down with that again. By the way, the logical thinking now using other battle and being captured, and there is there's always been sort of a rule that once you got for somebody, you dont torture them, but It's the whole of the muslim brotherhood, not our friends, alright get a clue, not our friends. So that's a mistake that the president has made in the middle east he's done. A good job on terrorism We ask about libya, Syria, because I just very quickly. Yes, you may again Yet if it's just a month, it's interesting about the short term memory loss on the mountain we discussed earlier.
In two thousand and one two thousand and two all we heard about was america must spread democracy in the middle EAST. We must, even if it means invading their country, to get them to have elections. All we had to do was spread democracy because democracy was going to keep us safe, and now we have democracy breaking out in Egypt and libya. tunisia, but because we didn't cause it and we didn't invade those countries and their voting for themselves. Now we have a problem with you. They selected, unfortunately with democracy. The whole idea of it is we don't get too. Instead, all the leader of that country by that country is not good for america, but that's not your choice, anymore and a policy eight years ago of spreading democracy throughout the Middle east has suddenly become as long as they choose the people. We find accept, Of course, you're gonna have that I didn't. But what am I dont get to choose? You get a president and you get get ambassador. You get to choose our
how you react to that right. So, if you're gonna kiss their botz over there, they ain't gonna, respect you and what's happening to you once let me thank the symbols are regulating operating as long as when we bregetio another court. Iran, not frightened really not right, real gay there's. You know you write their car and they're, not here they're having currency rights as we speak there, not scared of us. They may be scared of the rio you're, not scared of us and the reason is not anything that the president has done overtly because he he hasn't backed offering like that. That's foolish, but that signal he sends to the world is.
hey? Let's have a conversation, you're right, you're right and his voice goes up five of your right to say if the president would only lower his voice like that and put a stern look on his face like that, I think IRAN will give up their nuclear ambitions and I believe I believe in my head here- here's a clue for you another one. All Barack obama has to do is go on a double date, with Bibi with Netanyahu. Okay, just double date with them. Are I go anywhere with him that since a little message, teheran, hey well, they might be making some stuff maybe we want to take a look at this hour I bought, but were you when you say you want to be. The secretarial doesn't know that this is not that's a diplomatic policy to say, let's want a double. They would then now and then to ransom. Message are right, but when you say she was You know. I really can't me with you
as I have to go on the meat. That doesn't matter, and moving onto media bias. Vice presidential candidate, Paul Ryan says that most people in mainstream media are left of center and they want a very left of center president. So John, is there this media bias, or is that thank you I mean it depends. You know again. I think that fox news is over reaction to what may be a patina of people that believing in other words, I dont, think abc NBC Cbs are activists. Organizations for liberal causes, I think, fox looks at those organizations and they are so an auto immune disease against that day fox news is sort of the lupus of news. They are I've. Seen something it is. It is there with a suitable and fox news has gone overboard.
I make it more than a billion dollars a year, so sums going right. I will today we see idea can make money selling crap. You work it s, not like crack in honey bubu at the top. Will ignore their signatures. The ones spell why, where you, where to see It- and I worked at abc c CBS, the culture is left wing that plays out. Is he's right, you're not like marching in the newsroom with we love che signs, but into their higher, it's who gets promoted it or what they put in front of you as far story count is concerned. What stories I caught
trade on what stories they ignore all of that plays in and that's why fox news a successful because it gives voice to traditional conservatives at the same level as liberal voices, in my show in particular, which is the big monster. You know that we put one to one. It's one to one right, you're running I think I think, anytime, you run an organization where more people believe that the president is a muslim, then believe in evolution is a problem Then they don't polls. Have your viewers more than believe that the president has a bowl of blogs news. That said, most of the boys at fox news: no, no, no, not employees! I'm sorry viewers eyeball the viewers, yet most viewers know I dunno it wasn't. Moreover, morality bill is well known for carrying pocket sized wilma.
so jealous and declaration of independence which, by the way your hanukkah give this year and in the declaration the us government is charged with making sure that we have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What else should the government have to give us john other than life liberty? in the pursuit of happiness and personal, that's a pretty all encompassing well, let me put it this way. Let me let me go to the constitution bench. Let me go to the constitution. If I could, because I think that's one of the things on bullshit mountain is, they are the protectors of the constitution in this country and freedom and the that the fifty percent of the people who don't live on the mountain that are parasitic and sucking the light out of them do not respect the constitution. So let's look at the first sentence in a constitution which says we the people in order to form a more perfect. What I'll see you in to form a more perfect union and, in fact, promote the general welfare. The first sentence of the kind,
intuition mentions unions and welfare. I dunno what to tell you the and it doesn't mention anything else. Unions in welfare blame the founders. I do because we the country are only as strong as the weakest amongst us as the new test. Tells us the poor will always be with us where what we wait, you ought not to take care of them, but how it's hard to visually bring the.
Poor and those in need back into more productive design. This man is a friendly. This man, this man over here has offended every single american I use gonna stand there are sitting or standing. I read them. Are you going to say? I know what is it that we are? We are. I is good, but when you tell me I'm short, I don't blame the liberal weights and measures bureau. I dont forget my number skewed and I'm really six one. If only the lame stream media would tell people. I trust that I'm five cents That's right, and you don't know this, but the Feds paper lift I went but he's offended every single american by saying that we are only as good as our weakest link, I believe, will, only as good as cnn. Are you
That is why we have to work. Help cnn out of this terrible ridiculous, we need to work together right and help seeing really is yours and those two plotted in favour topics. The two of you have is: is there a war on christmas? if there has been this warrant. Christmas hawaiian looked up there weren't christmas here we handle this in this country. I believe that this christmas think look. I think people have confused not being able to pray everywhere with not being able to pray anywhere, and I think they have confused the loss of absolute power with persecution and the idea that
christmas homage you if you think christmas isn't celebrated in this country. As christmas walk a mile in hand, issues, because now I get it, I get it. There are celebrating the birth of their saviour and I dig that that's an important thing and we are celebrating that the oil Lasted longer than we thought it would equivalent necessarily, but when I hear them complaining about. Oh, my god, I mean fox news. The headquarters of fox news is what on an rockefeller centre. If you walk outside a fox news, it like santa Claus exploded? There's the christmas spectacular at radios, any musical there's the rockefeller christmas tree like this whole idea is. Insanity yeah. I know
First of all, we want we won the war and christmas number one I never do the reason it was lawns. The reason why you remember the ac all you are right. while the number of lawsuits against little towns, the baby Jesus in the major area in this, where, along with a man or a law with the star and cressets along The mcgowan was logo, everybody was there right, the more you. How can I get it out of their slack? The baby it's? Alright I filed lawsuits na suits on paper yeah. Alright, now how we won Barack Obama dropped a drone on asia. You equity, boom, they're, doing alright good in leadership. Why do we say merry christmas? More than one day it's a birthday right like when it's your birthday to people that whole month, we like,
We the like now it's one day. Why shouldn't you say, happy holidays during the season? It's too holidays, it's christmas and new year's. That's please! Why would you just say merry christmas? Merry christmas is actually incorrect to say merry christmas to someone on December. Twenty third Jesus just just be like some about they did. immigration report- I am- I am talking about them. wait. What oh? No, I think again and again, if you were to look at this situation, it is a. I think a smart thing to get children of immigrants who have been illegal had nothing to do with it into the system and I actually think it'd be much smarter if we would find a way to secure the border but take care of the people who are illegal that are here and give them a path to citizenship. But I dunno why we're talking about this in that manner, because we're just going to build a wall actually double wall
a mouth with crocodiles, Joe our pio, there's just gonna walk back and forth without a lot like I don't I don't have any be. If I think that you should be humane and the biggest federal government's wilderness anyway, they did it so facilities. London. you don't have any did you did you see, I have to tell him window guys or work your guy over though randy hey, you promised to do something. You didn't do anything! You see that the interview. I didn't tell him, you know, and they said information english liberal, so I want you to have it. We do not do that contained in the present said I saw I saw, and that was the best interview by the way, these fellow mundo, people that was the best one. So far in the campaign you think they haven't come through me. I don't neither did I'm such a republican, shill, mitt romney's kicking my door indicating area. What's gonna happen, what you're gonna move out here? We're gonna move out there. Yes list of annual tail music leave your left, you haven't. I I think
you are, I don't want you all were given cards when you came in people radio questionnaire exacted. Only the finest corinthian led the head is nice, thanking the The internet audience also has been able to by the way actually that's. Why take away one of the chairs and play little music. see what I have another question from one of the members of the audience here. It's from listen, jersey, she's If a? U s were burning. What famous purse
would you save and why the bill you want to hit that one first, us were very famous person what to say and why and why, if the? U s was burning. Our island. We waiting in line, I would say, growth is worth about a hundred billion. What would you say, my family? Listen offers a great answer to from the internet alex from california rights. If there are viewers supreme ruler of the civilised world. Ass. You have opened again arms there. What type of government would you put in place? I would put in place.
Pretty much, what we have, which is socialism, a social democracy like yours. Social is to do it if your first social security and, if you ever social security and medical, we're all socialist. This argument is about what shade a red we all that's it. It's like that old talk about you know what you see four million dollars short mostly made for a dollar no, but we ready establishing social is. Then we live in cuba, put in pretty much, a more participatory democracy. I would basically model Here's? What I would do this is unconstitutional now, but you would have to vote to be able to vote the next you see if you set it out? One time then you'd miss around so would say? Look you ever dollars, don't like a gamer shoots in ladders. You have you have an obligation to view and on red you only vote for
rational. I won't get results. Those I want folks to be more involved, because, right now we have fifty six. Fifty percent of the people know nothing jersey sure people. You know these people, the coal bear watchers insurance. Healthcare. Do you think everyone should have? I think everyone should have access to it. Do I think we should pay for people's health care, who are able bodied now? Shall we pay for veterans healthcare? Yes, should we pay for because they deserve They should have what they why father had we came back from war or to say, should have discounted healthcare premiums just like to get discounted mortgage. They should be rewarded for their service so that they should have the best outcome while the healthcare system, as this is a system that they have now the best again,
We have now, and I think the whole healthcare system has to be reorganized, and this country you have to do is go to canada or britain and see what they have their. They re it and you can get an operation in canada. They have to come here ford and in britain, everybody's teeth of war I just I lived in england for a year. I know what the system is. The government can know with no one in those places, though, goes broke because they have a meadow initially because they don't get food, they don't get good. I feel like an impact shop right here. then, we'll have chimes and with times everywhere and then will have been common here, life will be come here just look clinics I care, I said How is it two personalities, such as yourselves, we're almost polar opposites.
politically share willingness to come together when congress can't what advice would you give congress where, where where and what would you like? Repression is little boy wouldn't abraham lincoln in this day and age, being abraham, lincoln or would I will the tenacity of the twenty four hour new cycle? Fine way to turn him into jobs is linking the guy with a beer. You too, here in his day, lincoln, was a most hated man in the country, He didn't have the twenty four seven drumbeat, but he couldn't while they were throwing stuff adam- and I mean it will in particular when the north was not do we want a war, so it was in
I had lincoln not outside, and we need somebody like that. What do you think is the most fundamental problem with the public political discourse. Stewart honestly, I think we ve, lost our ability to two people solve, but that we're having the wrong conversation in this country that the com, station. We're having in this country is about a fundamental class. Of civilizations. When I think we have basically agreed. we're social democracy like whether you want to get around that are not this, isn't a conversation between freedom. Tyranny and capitalism and socialism till we lose that artifice and begin to concentrate on making. I think I will government. I don't want it gone. I want a better. I wanted more efficient. I wanted accountable. I want it to be able to bureaucracies, have huge pile. Problems and they need really smart administrators and that's what this country and conversation should be about not about one.
The country is somehow carrying the flag of freedom and the other part of the country is fun mentally undermining it? I think that's bullshit problem by the way, idea what you said, but the problem is with the discourse harvard is, I know I am. I had it. problem there, The problem with the discourse deal is capitalism. That's the problem with it, because when setting the problem with the discourse pra situation, America's capitalism listen to me And follow closely, you can make a lot of money by being an assassin, a lot of money a narrow right wing or left wing you in your haider, rio, cable in print, whatever you paid and is a people who do that.
They go in. I don't even believe have to sup, they say and they just rip it up and they get paid a lot of money and that its course and everything, your phones and capitalism drops there are people, it americans, who want to hear hate and ate the here That is blown it all up. No rules on the internet. Not gold was these comments are after this program. I'm sure they'd be chat rooms about this. Where do you see com? Do you see I'm alright and that it's not coming back either it's not going to get any better, but we have to live with it, freedom of speech, okay, so jack. It is doing what I do now. It's not a news programme. Does its morbid interview thing it's on apple, something. I call them up, but I say to you know: we are: we or update the rumble
and I he didn't want to do it now. I liked stewart, but things have changed in this country ten years, so back then, in two thousand and twelve, you Do that kind of thing and get a big audience on both sides. Conservative liberal independent all sides. Now, if Stuart did, that his left wing base would be angry, see the difference So storytellers need your eyes famous like me and doesn't need to do it. But I wanted to do it because we made money for charity in the original rumble, and I want to try to duplicated, but it probably is not happen unless I see Stuart and then I will chase him. down and make him do it right. Thank you for watching the special edition of the no spin news,
see. You soon presents picture this you're getting together with all your best friends now picture. All your best friends are actually the delicious ingredients of the new king batter cookie. No boys are that's dick. You saw serve kate, better flavour, confetti cooking, to pieces and take your signature sprinkles. It sounds like you got some pretty sweet friends and that's worth queuing confetti. Now the flavor party isn't gonna last forever so hurry hand and get your cake better fix. Today. Only a dick, happy taste good,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.