« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

A Divided America, the Left's Push for Guaranteed Wages, Doug Schoen on Political Power, Michigan Shooter, & More

Tonight's rundown: 
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill comments on the reaction to the playing of the "Black national anthem" at the Super Bowl
  • President Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders are calling for guaranteed wages. What's the significance?
  • Democratic strategist Doug Schoen joins the No Spin News to discuss power and politics
  • How the shooting at Michigan State University could have been prevented
  • This Day in History: The battleship USS Maine explodes
  • Final Thought: Team Normal sends a message

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says just puts vetch in spending. to what it was formed. Ago,. there will be here with your message today. Next the chairman of the fed is promising more pain had lashers. dropped twenty. Percent, and this year could be You are right to be worried so call the only precious metal deal or I trust american hartford go I'll. Show you Protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with the gold and silver since, then a client and spokes person price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent. please call today and they'll. Have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door? put inside your eye are a or for o one kay hello, I'm bill, O'Reilly sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver. On your first order,
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The bill. Welcome to the no spin news, Wednesday february. Fifty two thousand twenty three stand up for your country, as I knew would happen, lotta mail about this black national anthem with song the super bowl. and, of course, there is no black national ev and I'm going to explain is because it is much more than a song. Controversy is way bigger than that, and that is the subject of this evening's talking whites memo, so the scientists call a lift every voice saying it was written in nineteen hundred and some americans have elevated the song to anthem status, but it's not officially any.
And any body say well as long as there's this song is that whatever they can say it here, are the facts. Ok in nineteen, sixteen President woodrow, wilson, side and executive order designating the star spangled banner, then actual anthem of the united states, nineteen, sixteen The song, as you know, was written by francis got key on september, fourteenth eighteen for teen during the war of eighteen, twelve wall, key watch, the barrage in baltimore, ok in nineteen thirty one old herbert hoover sign, into law. A measure declaring the stars spangled banner as the official national anthem of the united states that was voted on in congress. has hoover signed it end of story why national anthem
There will never be another. We all clear on this. Oh, can enter the race situation at the superbowl. Some people, as I reported yesterday, cause I was in the stadium, didn't stand during lift ever voice and that's fine. It was fine. I mean a left wing press gonna, criticising, ok, but there's a mandate to stand, that's wrong or america, the beautiful for that matter, get out was sung as well. I stood, and I explained it fairly vividly out of respect.
for the seventy percent of african american players in the nfl seventy percent. And if you take a survey, they all like the song, because it was written to lift the spirits of african americans who badly needed that it is a noble song, though, why wouldn't I stand? I stand up. Thank god, we say when that same school marching in his play. Okay, now, why is it so the visit? Because there are wide americans that don't like black americans and there are black americans that don't like white americans.
Ok, that's no truth! In my life, I've never really understood this. Skin color thing at means nothing to me But I do understand that if you are raised as a child in a home where the parents don't wake white people wore black people, that is going to hit you and if your life experience includes a negative because of your skin color
You are going to incorporate that for jabba. I know a very successful and intelligent african american woman who was really hassled in a store, and it was all other reason because she was black and that is, you know, made a tremendous effect on her and I know a very intelligent white woman who was assaulted by a black guy. In this rate, tremendous tremendous effect on both individuals psychologically.
But this blanket bias against people because of their skin. Color is not only morally wrong because god created us all, though you're offending god. If you do that, if you believe that all right, but it's dumb, each individual should be evaluated as martin luther You said on the content of their character. So what I knew when I went out there and told you that I stood during the song that people would object and ate and they have now. There are two types of it objection, there's the objection that comes from bias. Racism? And then there's the objection that well all americans, we shouldn't be divided by a song.
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Amber casino always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere you can redeem since various private schomburgh casino, dotcom live the jumbo life nobody's. Necessarily we're going to need a lot of us to rethink this divisive. What I've got to go now, point of view. The latter I think, is worth discussing in debating, which is what I've got. gags. Why why I do what I did, but I didn't look askance word of the day.
On anybody who didn't stand, I didn't, I didn't, judge them or accuse them of being racist as the progressives do every single day I did not and about- and I would say, twenty five percent of the stadium in phoenix did not stand. A lot of people were distracted, as I said yesterday, because the anthem was the national anthem was televised and you know on display right before kickoff, so everybody was honed in on a star spangled matter and nobody. knelt or any of that? Okay, but the lift up song was twenty five minutes before kick off a lot of people. Even I it took me a little while focusing on what was going on. Okay
I think the bottom line on this and I hate to use the word bottom line, but I don't even know what other synonym there is for. That is that everyone should think about this. This is really worth thinking about, particularly if you object to people standing for the song. If you object would think about why, based upon not only what I say but ask around, discuss it, the only way that this country is gonna get past the. So we're not one nation under god, number one Americans, who don't believe in god the fast is rising group among any religion. A number two we're tribes now in this country are absolute tribes. We're not
gather. Now nine eleven we came together we're war too. We came together if it was another. Terrible incident- I'm not sure this country could come together again. The gulf between traditional people like me and the progressives is so vast. There is very little common ground. Now, if we have a common enemy like Al Qaeda and isis, maybe we could come together, but I'm not sure any more and and objecting to a song that honors the struggle of african americans. Certainly.
is hacking to bring us together and that's a memo. Let's go to prison Biden eyes all out there again today. Talking about is economic genius. That he is a fabulous economic guy is that he wants the economy to reward work, not wealth. You know on and on the socialist tenant, that's what he wants, and he said so in the state of the union. With the living wage comment,
everybody missed, but me and by the way I'm going to be on news nation tonight- and you might remember last wednesday, I'm on every wednesday with cuomo cuomo said: oh no, he meant to say on minimum wage. No, he didn't believe me. It was living wage and I'm going to get to that in a moment so Biden's out there touting. You know that the trickle down effect is no good and it helps the wealthy and he's going to build the economy from the ground would you just bull it'll never happen what drives the american economy is consumer spending, if you are Ilion ere you spend more money, is a simple as that. Ok, that On comes down to working class people, you saw it and faint x, I saw at first hand every worker in Maricopa county that was associated with the superbowl Rarely well and it wasn't, the ground up would buy.
and others want. Is the government to control who gets what that's what they want? Keep that in mind going to be a big campaign issue guaranteed wages, okay, so first I'm going to go with Biden himself here is his Philosophy economically go, and I ran for president god my word to build the economy from the bottom bottom up in the middle out, because you you do that the poor have a chance to climb up the ladder. Middle class do while the wealthy still do very well. The poor have a better chance to climb up. The ladder of people are tipping them twenty, hours for driving them or whatever. rather than your insane federal policies that have driven inflation through the roof and damage the poor in more than anything that I've seen in thirty years of violence, Anything about economics believe me.
Bernie sanders now saw happen. Yesterday, speaking to national teachers. Union leaders rollin. We must understand that it is absurd that there are school districts throughout this country where there are major shortages of teachers and if we understand the enormously important work teaches do that means, in my view, among in other things, that we should re paying public school teachers, a minimum of at least sixty thousand dollars a year now, I dont disagree with the numb so teachers six thousand a year. That's fair, they get
the eight thousand now on average in this country. Now, if you teaching in a rural district in idaho. Your expenses are far lower than if your teaching in san francisco or new york city and each school district sets the wages for the teachers Cannot tolerate such as our bernie wants or Biden they want. This is what the two there's get no matter where you live and their new tap on. Of living or whatever, but there We want to make the play, in it. Ironic he's talking to teachers, unions, because the union's set the teacher salaries, but most places in the usa. Don't have unions, I so this step number why everybody sympathetic to teachers, although I think police officers, minimum wage
wouldn't get Bernie Sinai that add. Ah, but everybody situation is different. However, we all know the teachers are vital and we want to encourage bright people to enter the professions stay there, but that's not the role of the rolled government to impose. Any wage on the local counties, the local school boards, and once you get one, it's never gonna stop. The goal is right to make a guaranteed wage law in the united states that socialism that's what sanders wants watson Biden that nobody wants, but that's what he's told to want so the guarantee wage we'd be fifty thousand fifty five thousand.
if everybody would have to get that socialist. Oh cat, I pull a pie, so she had a press. One thousand sixty eight adults, Democrat forty, three republican, thirty, nine questions. For republicans. Only who is the current leader of the republican party, Donald trump eighteen percent, Kevin Mccarthy, speaker of the house, eleven mitch, Mcconnell, seven ronda santa seven, who should lead the republican part ron, Desantis, twenty two donald trump, twenty other twenty one game is pretty spread out question for democrats, only who's, the current leader of the democratic party biden, forty
on pelosi, seven humor seven had came Jeffrey second in command in the house, three who should lead the democratic party Biden, twelve, only twelve jeffreys five sanders. Five quotas so by his own party, is like interesting. Now that survey is about power who hold power and right now in america. There is not one politician that holds vast power present. Of course, as the off Yes, but he certainly not looked upon as a powerful man, even one's own part,. so, there's no book- and it is a good book. I am learning a lot power. The fifty truce came out Yesterday, threatened by our power, does she
do. You know always been on broadcast a lot works and politically advises. He palsy. He knows every body and he joins us now from new york, city to go a dog. Thank you for educating, married or not where out. Ok, let's start with the regular folks, many americans perhaps most think
are powerless. Are they? Yes, I think most are given the way our system works, the lack of collaboration you were talking about before the role of money in politics. Ordinary people have far less power today than they have ever had before, and that is because of what it is because of the way our societies developed. The way the political system functions. The way our political leaders right! Ultimately, we are dealing in a country which is, in my judgment, in decline, because we have a less engaged, less involve citizenry. Now, isn't that the fault of the individual citizen, who is less involved in their circumstance, I can go and get elected to the school board or they
run for mayor or they could do a whole bunch of things attach themselves to campaigns of people that they admire, but only a few do that and look it's a very fair play and donald trump became president because whole cadre of people who were disenfranchised disengaged, got active and involved in his campaign through campaigning funding and advocating for the former president, so it can be it's just more difficult, now, you're right right, so the people in the trunk campaign in two thousand sixteen when he won
they have more power than in sixteen than you think they have now in twenty three strip. I do, I think I think power is getting more disperse throughout our society. Hurdy ordinary people give it the polarization d the shape and nature of american society today. Now I always say: money is power, the more money that you have as an individual american, the more power it personal power that you have, because you have options you can protect yourself. You could do certain things. You want to do. Look at george soros. How powerful that man
as he gives billions of dollars and buys political candidates to do what he wants. I mean there is the best example of a private citizen. Soros was attain massive power through money, correct, of course, exactly right and that's what I was alluding to in my answer to your earlier question. Take the whole issue that the fund, the police, are cashless bail, that came from george soros and the progressive wing of the party electing DA's, who, in my judgment, or outside the mainstream of our culture values in society? Okay, let's get specific, now you're right about all the politicians that you know very well, we'll start with trump. Now trump loves power, kite lovers: he do and I write. I wrote a book on the united states, a trap, and you know when I know the guy as well as everybody knows he loves power,
loves it more than money at more than interpersonal relationships, he loves it. He uses his power like a baseball bat if you threaten him and his power, because that's what it's all about, he just smashes you. It worked, obviously would not be elected president and if he didn't use that kind of technique, is it still working. It is working
more than most people would acknowledge. Trump remains strong. We ve seen in the last few days, is attacks on run the sad to surround the sanctimonious medicare such security personal attacks as well. I don't count donald trump out his understanding of how to exercise power, which I talk about in the book is really pre, eminent
and not fully understood. Ok, I think an argument can be may that tromp use the power of the presidency to protect americans overseas during his four years. Potent and she did not want to mess with tromp. Would you agree with that? I would, and despite some rhetoric that I wouldn't have engaged in these, we rush it. He did arm ukraine, he did hold the russians in the chinese at bay and ultimately defeated out came, and he was not the author. Fortunately, of the disastrous withdraw from applicants. Ok, so that was a good thing on our aggressive. He uses his power, you could say remain in mexico policy,
hope that all our power, however, he's perceived by most americans now- and this is according to according the poles as being too much of a megalomaniac daddy, that he abuses of power with his constant attacks. So it looks to me like there's, been a turn and the way he wields powers now working against him to a very large degree. That is exactly right by constantly attacking and not offering an alternative vision for our country and society. People look at him and say: will he ever talk about order needs rather than his knees? He exercises power in gently and shrewdly, but our society now is looking.
new leadership because of the issues you raised with Joe Biden, inflation. Some foreign policy concerns certainly that a writ large now and the real question is, can donald trump right the case. Okay, ok, I gotta Barack Obama. I know him fairly well, not nearly as well as tromp and I saw the way he used power. I want to know if you agree with this, he was more passive. Aggressive trump is aggressive aggressive in his wielding of power. Obama was more passive, aggressive by I and the scenes is where he really did his work. Am I right or wrong? You are completely right. We did not get public leadership from president obama. I was witness in the book accounts for have abandoned,
it precisely what you said. Bill use power behind the scenes to influence behavior, but he was not the morrow leader with the leader of our country, with a few exceptions during Presidency, behind the scenes of you offended Barack Obama, you would done correct. Yes, that is absolutely true, but he would never go public very rarely. Would he and try to slice and dies you in front of the press and in front of the people like trump does precisely correct, which is a better which is better. I think you need a company should a box. I work, as you know, for bill Clinton. He was somebody who, despite his claws, could articulating the vision and a good planning inside politics and most of all, keep a smile on his face. Was he ruthless bill Clinton?
building a power more so than you would ever imagine known How to get results and he got them. Sadly, it was often times when he was in extremists than you would get. The most demonstrable results For him and again, that is an example of him being an extremist. Oh excuse me, extremists, whether that is what I was saying. He handled the scandals of his second term in a way to end his presidency, with an over sixty percent, approval. He was able to position himself and pivot and the first term from a disastrous first, two years, to an overwhelming reelection by doing a balanced budget, yeah using honnami propelled. Him now
but he was almost like obama behind the scenes power wielder for, but Hillary Clinton, naked power, so much different than her husband, correct, yeah sure was more naked power and she was more. I use the word advisedly malleable that is, she was always looking for the new measures. since the new strategy. The new way to campaign leaving people with the sense frequently correct correctly that the first lady built when the first lady did not have coherent and consistent vision for america, that in fact she was just playing politics, but she was out there wanting to
what, though, all for them trump obama, bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have in common all for them have in common. So if you went against them, they were after you correct, and they ain't a yes they state after ok, didn't forgive forget, forget. Finally, we cannot forget Joe Biden, the current present, the united states. He looks befuddled often he dot looked upon as a macho man or anything like that. How do you see?
him wielding his power. I think she was involved and bill by the results of the mid term, which no one on the democratic side or the republic inside felt would go his way by understands that, whatever his weakness and he is quite weak in the polls still notwithstanding, that victory his greatest ally republicans who play into his hands over and over, as we saw at the state of the union by no ruthless man, I think he knows again how to wield power, how to exercise it and how to achieve results. Perhaps not is glad that I was going to say. Perhaps none is ruthless from an old burma or even bill Clinton, but you don't get it
or he's been vice president and president without knowing how to exercise power. Witnesses deal with Jim cliburn to become the consensus front. Runner in exotic carolina deal sure the alright. The book is power dog shot. And do you know if you are into politics, and you really want to know what the behind the scenes stuff is. This is the book for you Doug, good luck with it, we'll talk with you soon. Okay, thank you bill. Thank you again, you're very kind, you're, alright, eyes very interesting story and michigan state. As you know, another mass shooting, a three young americans, Brian Frazier, Alexandra verner Arielle Anderson, while dead five, others wounded one in critical condition and this loon who goes in
anthony, Mccrae, forty three years old, shoots them dead and then commit suicide. No reason for this: he didn't have any attachment to the school order. These people, immediately. The progressive left is gun, control, guns, control, gun control, governor whittemore, gun control, gun control, none of them None of them will point out to you and me this guy Mccrae, ok was arrested in two thousand nineteen Right through years ago, really for carrying it could sealed pistol without a part of it, and then he got another charge, does. He was in an automobile, ok, he could have faced five years in prison.
for those felonies at the the first one is a felony k, and that means he would have been off the street and he couldn't have done the murders that he did at michigan state. But no no Ok, so carol seamen, I the ingram county prosecutor, and I saw arose person. I played down so the guy didn't get any prison time. He got probation, Then he violated is probations, wouldn't put him back and in a prison they extended his probation. Okay, but you don't hear whittemore Biden or. Como or anybody go hey. Maybe the soft on criminal approach, tat people
The gun guns isn't working. No, it's the guns themselves, not the people, shooting guns that the progressives care. off just off o reilly. Here the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio. We are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free, you can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content, we have including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause you members also get exclusive access to special video programming, even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends. So
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Well, they have a new public safely initiative. Ok, it's on armed policing. You ready for this include Yoga healing circles and meditation yes, I this was law, just this week and allay two million city funding project turn therapeutic on armed response for neighborhoods so. They're gonna bring new yoga people in to convince the drug gangs not to shoot anybody. Maybe because they have their hand over here, I dont sure this is insane allay. You voted for. Alone latest there is no latest other than The chinese say: they're gonna, take counter measures against the EU s entities.
So. Apparently america sanction six chinese companies that work in the aerospace programme. Ok, a minor hannity today on his radio programme. and you can get that on bill. O'reilly, dot, com access it and I how did these real charge up about this? I see it differently, so that might be a good thing to listen to, but there isn't any hard news up other than that disney is the most woe company in the world. Now I'm convinced, okay, so in february. First, this month I a message of anti whiteness was put on a disney plus programme. The show is called the proud family
Here is a clip this country was built on slavery, which means slave built. This country feel this land from state to state to see. First, there was rice tobacco sugarcane. Nobody did his thing and we were soldiers fighting for america's freedom, even though we remain america's country. The country, that's just propulsion forests are right. I'm writing a book called killing the witches, the horror of sailor, massachusetts, new england, plymouth, sale, they were the first structured colony. Yes, there were people in virginia and they were farming to live. Ok and then slaves came over. Were brought here brutally and the agrarian economy in the south was dependent on slate
but not in the nor their words. lives there, but the economy was dependent on them in The way at all, not in I did not in new york, not in philadelphia. Nowhere lie. The disney pushes out do the banner of entertainment is insidious and dishonest I will never ever consume another disney product again. stay in history february, fifteenth, eighteen, ninety eight, the battles. It made in the u s as may, and explodes and sinks in havana, harbor, leading to the spanish american war fascinating. Two hundred and sixty eight. U s sailors dead, three quarters of the crew, the majors blows up nap, a navy captain said it was a spontaneous fire
That led to the explosion, but teddy Roosevelt said ball and he was the assistant secretary of the navy at the time. This was sabotage. Thus spanish blew up the main. William Randolph hers too owned. All the tabloids backed roosevelt. Ok, andy lead america into the spanish american war. Now that came because cuba was trying to get its freedom from Spain, And the: u S, s main: was there too
that. You wait americans in cuba in that conflict, but that led directly to the spanish american war and has never been resolved, whether it was the spanish blown up that chip or a combustible fire close by no never been defined. Interestingly enough, that happened today that blew up but take quick break male lot of it about the anthem A final thought: ok, let's go to the male larry de bit, tonto bel air marilyn I heard your explanation of the black anthem, but I believe there should be only one anthem and one is played. I stand out respect, although the songs or just that's ok
priscilla hap. All highlands ranch colorado, your coverages superbowl before during and after was very good, o reilly- take exception to the black national anthem. My concern question to you is: why does the black community needs special saw because they were brutalized for two hundred fifty years? All right, let's be honest, african americans, a terrible legacy in this country. Now we have done everything that I think we can do as a country to reverse that, but back then, in year nineteen hundred, when that song was written, lot of suffering. They want a special song. We see in the specialist adobe adobe tolland, connecticut, connecticut toll it told I've worked and harvard bill more than a twenty year listener and watcher my most trusted journalist and historian, is you have all your killing books, I'm okay, with the singing of lift every voice before the superbowl, but I'm not okay with it, because
national anthem. Well, I'm glad you were dialed in because it isn't anybody calls it out. As being fallacious word of the day, our trot Cibola texas, the reason caroline didn't stand for the song is that every time a theme is created that we are going to stand and show respect. As you said, most of the nfl is black. So what now it isn't just so what we, I need to respect each other port bob hall can use in texas. I fully agree with your statement. Our country benefits from the superbowl and the world as a whole is suffering and they need to know the united states is still
leader in it is jerry, grown libertyville illinois. I disagree with you on Nikki haley. I think she's a good person, a good present you're, implying, I don't think she's a good person which I I I've met her once. I think she's fine person, but I she'd have to prove to me she'd be a good person not going to just on that bandwagon, ok, sir, Oh I've mentioned killing two, which is you can pre order that book. It's hot guidebook, lot approval. Is on it. You will be very pleased with this book and it's not what it appears to be plenty of witches pony killing, but is much bigger than that. and then we have killing a legend, still a factor pardon upon, and I have not read it. I mean it's a good book. You you'll, like it going bring break it. That ok word today, no caper lush, caper lash.
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You are not a luna k, that's important! Everybody can get into the team normal now, if you want to be team crazy, that's the other team. Okay, that's up to you, but I purposely designed this campaign to send a message that good people, whether you're, conservative or liberal, or traditional or libertarian, or whatever, there's common ground, because normal people want to have conversations and they really want. You know a lot of. Point the crazy people at team, crazy and again MSNBC can do that what we're doing team norm. So you could reorder this stuff good at a quick That I'm yesterday, we I want to explain why I don't have. right now is a little supply livestock, but we are cutting through it. But if you want to
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.