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Presidential Election 2020 LIVE | Full Coverage


Election Day 2020 has arrived! As the U.S. enters into one of the most contentious presidential elections in American history, The Daily Wire has you covered with the latest election results, hard-hitting political analysis, bonus interviews with guests, and much more! 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
well here we are the day the Mayans warned us about election night, twenty twenty the Superbowl the World Series and that whatever the heck soccer calls at all rolled into one we'll Donald Trump. well off. Another upset did the media do enough to get an old man and his basement elected to the highest office in the world. Do any of us any idea whatsoever. What's going to happen nonsense, does anybody know what's gonna happen? No, not me yes, really know. I'm going to know this guy, so there it is,
a profound and pressing a political analysis people comes from my God. It's gonna be a long night. The first Paul's closed in just under one hour and no matter what happens. I think what couldn't be more clear is that the establishment, media and social media have utterly failed in their basic responsibilities. We're going to devote some of the many many many hours that will be together tonight discussing problem and discussing what we can do about it, but the first thing you can do if you're watching them right now in one of those channels you to Facebook or click on the daily wire dot com and watch the exact same show us over there. We ve made some terrific enhancements them. Your viewing experience on our website tonight and to create a truly one. Stop election h, q? Were you all the information you need to know exactly what's happening as we go and we're making the entire broadcast free for everyone. Not just for our daily wire dotcom members. That said, we will be taking questions from members throughout the night and we'd love for you to get your questions in
so members will also have access to our live. Discussing discussion feature throughout the shop, don't be afraid to become a member today use the promo code. Election you'll get twenty five percent off tonight, show is going to be bigger and better than anything we ve ever stage before the daily wire. We're gonna have killer guests all night from candidate ones to make cuts Stephen crowded, Dave, Reuben click back more, but we have also set up a war run, to bring you the most up to date, numbers analysis and social reactions throughout well throughout Armageddon, which is what we're facing tonight. to tell you how all that is, gonna work, I'm gonna, kick it over to the brilliant Ilusha Kraus. Yes, I said the brilliant Ilusha Kraus, because my attorneys
credibly inform me. I can no longer than all have a lovely without getting rid of the first sign. A waiver ilusha show us how the war room is gonna work. I hope I look pretty lovely night, and I know that I have other lovely people here with me and we're gonna be bringing you hard hitting brand new news, information and data all throughout the night, including what people on social media are saying, with a very familiar face of the daily. Where audience Cathy Dylan Eyes, on Twitter all night long watching the reactions, maybe another, later will see what happens but I'll be watch, You guys are saying so if you want to get involved tweet out us real daily wire and I'll, be here keeping you updated election night and ass. The other thing that we have had those daily, whereas editor in Chief John Beckley John exclaim, what's going on in there, actual physical war room, that's behind you gorgeously ass. Thank you very much who got the woman, but this is where we're crunch and the numbers in the rest of the most recent data. All the updates on the election feeding
to you guys, through alive deed in websites or trying to just keep you up today, you can stay with us the whole night to worry about your missing something now we ve got it we're on it. Editorial staff is is on the ball, so we're doing in there. Let's take a walk over here and see what we need to be looking for it. So let show this is another continuation of our war room. We have the data entry happening over here and, like you said, it's gonna be cohesive, so people are watching the stream, hopefully Andy, where dot com and then also check out the homepage our team of working people there is gonna, be updating this mass throughout the night rights. We have this interactive map here today, not interrupt so we ve got map has lain other saying what you know we were. We thought about the best way. How do you explain to people? What are we looking for tonight? We just were twenty sixteen. This is how, wanna in shocked everyone. He Lee total.
over three hundred electoral? That's, how do you do it? He one ten, twelve battleground states known so this coming at all no active in no one's actually predicting. He will do that this year. He doesn't need to do it this year. He needs to get over two hundred and seventy to do that. We ve looked at it. Looked at all the latest, pulling in the last week has been major movements, actually Nepal, which for highlight later he needs to win seven of the twelve battleground states, so the twelve. Seven to watch out of the twelve or Florida Texas. Both must wins, George North Carolina, Ohio, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, so we're gonna, especially focus on those Pennsylvania's, become a major focal point for both campaigns What are you up to date on that and beware: in these razor thin margins,
for these reasons, as you know, it could be a long night like we said, and rightly along couple of weeks, we ve got to keep up to date on sale in and in this scenario, what are you paying attention to rights We're looking at where comparing results, the early results from twenty, still looking at how it's it's a playing on the different states. Florida is the to watch shut? It George, closes next watching those very carefully. Those are super tighter within one the margin of error of one in terms of the polling same with North Carolina text. close to that Ohio in of Pennsylvania, all of them within two ok
so is going to tat, so I wanna watch them in the order that they closed and in the updating and be an audience ass. We get information, ready, updating the guys on their set over there and, of course, also be taking subscriber questions. Member questions which we love to hear from the audience. So we have a lot happening over here. It's going to be really interesting, hard, hitting news lots of data, and you guys can just enough chat and smoke severity or something very little. That's essentially all were good for adding in smoking. Cigars guys looking ahead, at the night. We agreed. No predictions think this sound everybody all day keeps texting and asking me predictions that some people want. I think when they topless, but my my spirits with this is Only prediction you can win, if you say trumpets, gonna, win forty states and then from points forty states, if that happens, you're a genius, but is a high risk with every other play only makes us look like added our drafts are not here today.
What's going to happen, we're here to tell you what's happening and what it means when you talk about the stakes of the night, because I think the same are as high as they have been in any election, probably in modern memory. It's funny everybody says every election is the most consequential election of our lifetime. Part of that, of course, is probably part of it is the sort of bias of the now, but part of it is because, as government, intrudes further and further and further into our lives. The actual sakes do ratchet in one direction I hardly ever get that ratcheted abandoned as the thing about a wretched. It doesn't go. we are very important? I we're gonna help. People contextual lies that, let's start just by talking about the stakes here together, What are we facing tonight? What does it mean? Well, I think, before you get to policy. I think you have to talk about culture, because cultures, where the future fight are going to be one lost and when the things we have seen as we have seen: a news media that has wholly corrupted itself
the legacy news media, which has just all in four one candidate to the point of actually blockade reasonable news after three after years of selling us a russian collusion story that didn't happen. They actually shut down a Biden, corruption story, the breath much looks like it might well have happened and certainly better source than the rest. The collusion story right out of ship doesn't know. It'd have first wasn't there and it wasn't physically, and this comes after. What to me was the turning point of everything which was the tower relaxations, we're after listening to a woman, acute bread, governor of something with no proof that you never met him. We Have you read, accuse Joe Biden of having done something even worse and actually has met him and, in the one case, a full court press to destroy bread. Cavenaugh went into place wash the mediaeval all the way from one side to the other end.
What from the left over the four left, the offender and with the other, it was buried? The other case didn't distort wasn't told for nineteen days, nortons buried in the Easter paper, and so what we do, you know now what do they have the power, as you said in your opening? Finally, but it's also not that money is do they have the power to take a clearly senile old man was a front for a radical left party. and push him over the top, and I think if we say That's stopped! going to be very meaningful because it means that we the replacement media, have a good, gotta replacing this dishonest and corrupt desiccated legacy. Finally, but not that finally is gonna, be the name of my autobiography, been. I agree with what you just said. I think that the real story tonight, no matter who wins no matter who is the next president, the most the most consequential event of bananas, must consequential stories is the state of the media in the country. What you no question that that's the guy
I think the media, I think more broadly. It's the take over of virtually every cultural institution by the left, and I think that did. The right has typically fought the cultural or violating Republicans. If the Democrats are able to take back the auspices government power and use that to foster the culture war as well, All guns are turned against conservatives against religious people against people who just want to be left alone, daily lives, we watch takeover of nearly every institution in America by article left very small. movement made extraordinary gains and are not just talking about the sort of thing. Democratic. Let's I'm talking about the Woke lasted six to cancel everybody who doesn't fill the obligations put upon them by everyone, candy and Robin the Angela. I'm talking about I believe that you shouldn't be friends of anybody who would even consider voting Republican certainly should employ those people. Those people have become I
moving force in American, linked to the point where so many Americans are even afraid to speak freely. It's that that cultural level, yet the power of government behind they did Joe Biden Uncommonly Harrison Democrats in the Senate, wrecking institutions in pursuit of majority Marian crammed down on everybody else. And things can get really really ugly, really really quickly and when we talk about the institutions as well, Obviously, we are talking here about the establishment media, which has been worth eight to ten points in nearly every election for Democrats in my lifetime in this election, I guess the problem or ten to fifteen points, given how much they hate Donald Trump and Helen, rage. They have stopped against tromp, particularly, where they just promoted, The Donald Trump is almost like a sort of bizarre Blake, upon the land, that of trumpets removed from office covered will just go away, but it's not just them its business over of corporate Amerika. It scared the hell out of me as well, and that includes social media, because corporate there was this conventional wisdom idea that report It's about into for a very long time, which was that,
that you sure everybody gets walkin college for everybody goes radical in college and then grow up Ray get out, get job get married. You pay taxes, they, the old Winston Churchill kind of did the old old saw about liberals being being YO having heart, but but your brain by two hundred. Forty thousand now start to apply. People would move up movement, but instead, whatever people got out of college. They actually change the institutions to fit them and said. Are you have me a corporation saying that they will not do business with you. If you are of a particular point of view openly catering to the other side, you have a credit card but he's that are rejecting business with particular- with particular. Businesses gives social media that is acting the same way with the kind of live halfway and that space between media and corporate Amerika, but though the social media shutting down the hundred Biden story, not because they thought it was false, but because they thought they feared might be true, and so it had. down, because if it were allowed to be put out there than you might have enough information to make your own choices. This is the battle that were in right now the trump is at the forefront of the Federal Republic.
These are at the forefront of their battle, not because that's what when the cultural war, but because if we continue to lose the cultural war and we lose the political war as well, there will be nothing other than a complete separation of the american public, which is what we're watching in real time gap. It does seem like for the first time in my lifetime. Balkanization is an actual possible outcome, as has the red gets. Redder is the blue? It's blue, and, unlike the last time that we saw a separation happen in our country, I not sure that anyone actually cares and a further for their work citizen who disagrees with them politically We engage in any sort of armed conflict to keep them You can really see the possibility of something like Rex it forming, and you know You spoke about this eloquently in your book, but a sort of de unionization right. It is right that the dissolution of the republic try it could be at hand. The only reason I think that it could get ugly is because people who are in charge of the federal government. If their democrats don't want to see the tax payer dollars, walk out the door in their very much afraid that if job create
it's happening the reds days and dying in the blue stage. You can't let everybody has got the money, actually walk out that door, there's a reason that that Germany has actually build a wall to keep people flying from escaping all communism is international communism right it actually doesnt work in any sort of local Emmy. It isn't working under that would at least like us they they don't know that when Joe Biden says he's a unifying figure and then it is perfectly is that his party has decided that they wish to basic subsume individual rights and personal freedoms and the philosophy of the declaration of independence in favour. The pursuit of left wing utopia that they're making Why that's an ugly choice- and I thought that maybe the future the country rested on good hearted liberals getting together with conservatives in classical liberals and and at least we're, unified over what we thought, our basic Rights war, and then we would argue about policy, but it seems A lot of members of the Democratic Party, including people like Joe Biden, have decided, is much easier to go along with awoke left that gives them an easier past utopia, even if that means getting rid of american philosophy. American history and those personal rights will never is another important issue, Michael, which is that
seen and unleashing of racial analyse during the last four years. That is certainly different and anything that I've seen him in my lifetime lived through. I don't know problem Civil war ass ever let bathrooms real shooting. I believe you can only moved once, but still you know. Nevertheless, it really seems like in my lifetime Lisbon great wreck. Racial reconciliation has taken place all throughout my life and now you know even piles of ours. David French made up a speech in it the debate that he did with Eric Metaxas, in which he kept accusing trumpet fuelling racial hatred and the country port pouring fuel on racial animals, I think, is what is but I look around and see the only people who really wielding race and stirring racial animists or this modern left its Joe Biden saying the Republicans when a patrol back and chains, it's the burning down, It is now apparently, even when an armed black man attacking police is killed by police and Self Defense Europe. What what does it mean for our country that these racial division
are being played upon. The way that they are. Is there a way to get back to a place where we can? All? Colleagues, Why think? What it means is that Donald Trump just has not condemn the white supremacy. I hope I election night he would do that is, I think, he's done about seven hundred million times so far, but what he should do it seven hundred million and one tonnes. Of course, don't from Miss LISA racism is evenly goes on because we all believe the same blood of patriots. which is true, we do obey the same water patriots, if we're patriots, if we love our country and the left has made clear- they don't love the country. I wish it didn't come down to that, but I think this election presents a clear choice. Trump supporters, We have the american flag Principle, Restoring the american flag. Nano abiding supporters Obviously there are many who do not, but all the people burning the flags right now support Joe Biden over Donald Trump and more, in a greater number than the flag burners there
Many many Biden supporters, you don't like the flag on fire, but they think that America was founded in sixteen nineteen, not seventeen, seventy six. They think that America's fundamentally defined by the worst aspects of our history, namely slavery. Among other issues there now people in this country who want to fundamentally transform it, who think the past of Amerika is uniformly evil. We think that the present of Amerika is uniformly evil and they love America in the future and the future of their dreams where its unrecognisable they want to, to quote Rock Obama funding them transform America for when looking at in America, that is becoming fundamentally transformed and it's pretty ugly that fundamental transformation is, as you are, pointing a German, creating a new american caste system ripping racial animosity sexual animosities also its animosities, that that is a really awful thing, and I think the election comes down to do you embrace your fellow American as an american wave the flag, or do you torch that country and it's a new project that looks pretty scary, yeah, there's a lot of scary things. out there. Not all of them are related to this election
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It's the same way they used because, obviously, in two thousand there is a lot of fear the by releasing early results in Florida. Thereafter we're going to lead to decrease voter turnout in the Panhandle, which is sort of what happened to start announcing. The results are alien flora, bunch people in the panel's at August. The voting is over and didn't show up in Panhandle rival Forbush. They shifted how they report devotes in Florida and most states basically it can Eastern are in Illinois Main their Maryland S, dismissive, Mississippi, misery, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oglala, Pennsylvania, Rhode, island and tenancy. As far as when the states actually tell those vote Florida, nearly right away. The Lord is gonna, be probably earliest indicator of where the election is going at this point and I haven't spent some time in Florida. It's it's! Alright! really competitive and always tends to pull a little bit more democratic. Being that's what happened with round his answers and Andrew, given last time toil raise in two thousand and eighteen just anecdotally enthusiasm for private, extremely extremely high, and for I think the trunk is The wind Florida, although right now
If you watch Twitter, if you watch the various parties there suggests that there is a lot of late turn out from four to six p m for democratically in Brower County, which the Blue County in Florida, its close to Miami, because Miami didn't and Brower than pallaby each as you move up the coast. So we will see I've learned turns out keep an eye on. If China and slaughter early on later keep an eye on Arizona from Eastwind Florida. North Carolina areas, diseases path for Carolina, Arizona, Pennsylvania, that's his path, It does not win any of those states. You're gonna start seeing we're ta about Nevada, Minnesota, maybe filling the gap. That is unlikely. I think at best I sell key. He doesn't even those three southern south western state He needs when Pennsylvania as well, that the binding campaign was betraying lobe of anxiety about the way prevent really what it really comes down to. Four people watching right now is trunk can lose quite early tonight. As with
Romney and twentieth wealth. He can only win quite late tonight as with trunk twenty. Sixteen, if we, if we see the Poles close in in just under fifty eight minutes at the polls club, I'm sorry in just under thirty eight minutes. If the false close in Florida, president were to lose. Florida would be like twenty twelve Mitt Romney, a very short night we hear the commiserate with you, but it won't be the joyful celebration we're all hoping for and for the present president awareness can have to pick up. There which means we're gonna, be here, probably till eight new. All that, of course, best case scenario that if that were not within the margin of error that we're not litigating this bank until I don't know Yet to find me yes, Florida again, most of the votes come in pretty early they ve been tabulating about. So they go on. Pencilling is the one it's the nightmare scenario. If it comes down to Pennsylvania's people been talking about, there's a court ruling the basically take the can down the road on how late? This can be received. Bout can other received four days after the election is unclear, whether they can be postmarked
the election, which means that the election day is not actually the election. They are doing everything they can to fill them outright. It'll be, would be pretty while I need a pen. I've thought about you look at me. Look at a time. There lived a sort of basic Nath, thus far is that it there is an expectation that Democrats are going well in mail in voting either public are doing well in early voting, not melon wagon personally voting are doing very well and that at all the Republicans are expected. Is the Democrats significant, really surprising the early voting link, the Republicans really turned out Republicans or a little stodgy. They liked vote on election day I like to vote on election day, but they did turn out earlier than that was kind of a surprise. I think that the term campaign really put a lot focus on then. I think we made a strategic early error by saying that mail and values are in essence bad, but from shift on their rights are travelling to accelerate floored, informed that a lot of public and started to take him up on the ok. I don't trust anyone doubts, but I do want a voter away. Some gonna go in order to show to listen. I don't blame them. Let me take up an annex that are going on in California. I've gotten I've been permanent.
some tea in California says it. Basically, since it is impossible to be permanent absentee in California, I dont believe in voting until election day, but what my wife I have always done is of caution in case we needed to travel around and any other kind of problems were permanent absentee on election day we take our absentee ballots were pulling place and we turn it in instead of taking it in the mail I've, never trusted million voting, but always thought that it was that it was prudent to get the absentee ballot for the first time this year. Restaurant republican? I did not receive an Ex ante ballot. I received these. ample ballot islands- I receive the instruction packet, you get about things over the course of the months leading up to the elections. Not all of them did not get about. My wife did not get a ballot. My neighbour, whose registered a Republican did not get their ballot, his wife was a registered independent, did get her ballot. I've been stories, like this anecdotally from my friends all around, California, several people who work here so for the first time in
in quite a long time. I went down to my pulling place without an absentee ballot. I checked the and I asked them track as if any one had voted on my ballot. Fortunately, they said no, and they were. cancel that ballot and when we vote on the machine in the past one is always used up the ink punch ink system. Here it was a digital system is basically an Ipad in that, isn't even all that private right people can watch you, but you outta. This I've had. and amazingly, when you get to the section on voting for president. They listed the presidential candidates in order alphabetical by party d is for democratic, so right at the top, there was Joe Biden calmly Harris. Then you had your green party. Then you had your libertarian party, and that was it that was also is on the pat there's a little button down at the bottom. The said more now, I'm of a certain age where I grew up with computers. Everyone here is accept, Emily
Europa than advocacy you kind of honesty and what we can do nothing, but you weren't a media, your entire life. You can navigating you actually almost every you access fairly intuitive, but we all have parents and grandparents were of a slightly different generation who can't navigate. unlike the simplest apple, you x, you know one when you have, apple up? I always extra Iowa. I always ex point one. looks exactly the same, but the colored changing your mom's like Germany, I Anderson was the worst a green button at almost the same, but what used to be green you'll get now it's like almost my green! It was therefore a screen anyway, if you're. Eighty, There are ninety nor more. likely to vote for tromp than younger age demos. You dont know how to navigate these operating systems in this sort of organic user experience. You dont know to push the little tiny more button at the bottom idea, and it takes it
second place. Even on that page Donald Trump. Isn't the first name is there so many parties an hour, is pretty low in the alphabet, but can you just that small thing how how much how many votes get lost its people of a certain age at the end of the booth they didn't get their male imbalances are accustomed to getting they get into the boat it doesn't even look like Donald Trump is on the ballot you will they can ask but in order to ask you don't have to tell people who are voting for right, where I wish you wouldn't. I had a strange experience, also California, and voting in a very liberal district, and I insisted show my wife's chagrin on wearing the mega had to go vote and I wanted to do a little danced avatar we're Donald Trump. Ultimately, I that should be illegal to do that dance of your mate. So I go down I'm wearing the mega hat and she said we're gonna get shot at best yelled at and she was right, we did get yelled out. There was a little box that you can put it in, and then there were people waiting in line to cast their early ballot and I did get yelled at a guy who is
four Donald Trump any said: hey man Mega loved Lyra, and then yelled out by another guy, also voting for Trump thing don't put your ballot box, you gotta do it in here a safer. This to me would have an unthinkable I voted in California. In many times I have I, We weren't silly republic insurance or matters at me like that. Never I see that kind of enthusiasm, alot of people haven't lived out here, don't realize there rallies in Beverly Hills during this compliment that I've ever received, because I'm unbeknownst to vital What is essentially saying is that I am damn good at my job as some poor schmuck action, recognize y know that personally I think I've got the appalling places, my entire life, no one's ever wrote. I guess no. This is very serious and give Germany. My regards is an absolutely I couldn't get. I mean these were fired up from Verona in a liberal precinct in L a
been rallies has openly here. What's going on, I'm not saying from going California numbing any pernicious unfairly, not making that we're right. This is a big change. This is a big change and Republicans we're not to bring did which they are where the stupid body that level party, if they, not set such everybody. They would catch onto this that this is an important thing job. Exclamation Mark was never gonna, get that they have. No John Mccain was never gonna get there haven't. You know Mitt Romney never gonna happen. This is something that has really ignited people, and it is what the Republican Party into new strain of enthusiasm won't turn California, this time for could turn California eventually, and when you see those crowds coming out. I know they don't mean anything in terms of the poles, the ultimate votes, but when you see crowds. Turning out that does tell you that there are people in their desperate for the kind of talk that their hearing from Donald Trump- and you know I think we have all, I think, very honest about Frumps character flaws. We ve talked about this. Have we met? We all
under the three of us knows how I had one time. You only got thirty thousand morality, you didn't get forty, but we should talk for just a moment if we might about his character virgins, one of which is the fact that while Biden was hiding in a basement with a mask. He was after walking around covered three days later, pay more in a single day than Biden is in a month for time, any new findings varies from him today. The main inquiry, obviously doors that gives greater understanding heat he's, he's flooding nearly everything right. It is very difficult to look at how we believe that this guy's got me president, in four years, with even even beyond. That is just when you remember when, when Trump got the disease, we came and you don't want to dominate your life and the meat, once have no don't be afraid media variable domino I actually want to talk about is a virtue represents the Americans. I want to talk about the president and covert of my talk about the president and the energy that is really shown here in the last thirty days of this election
but before we do that, we have to have some news breaking that I want to bring into the conversation and before I can even do that, I have to make us a little money honey. I talking about our friends over at birch gold. If twenty Twenty has taught us anything about, Twenty has taught us anything. It's run, Bisbee of Arabia, very wary of its thought. You two things is that you will have to head your investment. You have to be prepared for the worst. Today is one of the most content His presidential elections and our nations history. What a fine words! What, if the outcome, certain for weeks Wall Street for go haywire, that's what happens! Markets haven't met markets, hate uncertain, and uncertainty could very well be what we're facing. So Are you doing now to shirk their investments and safeguard your future against the unknown? What are you going to do before the markets react, Many uncertainties. You dont want to be the one person who sits around into the stocks crash and until gold skyrockets, that's occasionally drew verbal fate, let me like, you, won't be going. It's two thousand eight, recalls me up and the others rivers of blood,
for this reason, there sulphur fallen from the sky. Andrews, like I just bought five rental properties No, you don't do it don't be like drew what I do and diversify into gold with vertical, where you been I have a layer of security. Whichever way the wind blows text been too for seven, four, seven, four seven one of the great people of Birch gold watch through your conversion of your eligible Irish or for one k into precious metals, Benjamin, indeed virtual. the people that I trust when it comes diversification and if you're watching the absolute an utter Kay that is dominated by the political and economic landscape of last year, you might be thinking yourself weight. maybe I should take some money and put nothing that has always been worth more than zero dollars. Well, if your thing, I thought you might want to talk to our friends over a virtual tax burdens. Forty seven forty, seven, forty seven and opened up metals irate today against expensive forty seven and forty seven, forty seven ask all your questions are answered and then, when you feel comfortable dive Spain, precious metals, their friends over average gold. So I promised you Ngos and breaking news you shall have, rather than
You tell it to you because I don't know nothing about it. We're gonna, go to Cassie when in the worm fastening, what's goin on other citing keeping an eye twitter and a lot of things, are going on right now DC boarded up before them actions and so did many other cities. Others action wall outside the White House, but right now in DC there is violence taking place. There are many of us going around on social media. There's one of a man with a mental back outside the White House and then there's one of actually people getting arrested. The police are taught him than on the ground and apparently the violent started after. Besides you dispersed across to move a car that was parked illegally, but by this is already taking place in poles have not even close yet You know that's not really telling the rest of the night, but these videos, you coming out in its very trouble You can take a look here: people on the ground, is through them on the ground and deliver what people are coming. What things and already caused some problems. It seems like. Have we seen anything like this?
in living memory. During a presidential election in Bosnia and other asian day for trot brand people went nuts and there was a bit riding and you see but but action. They they deprive that you're, seeing on the ongoing for violence that people are looking for. Violence like the fact is. If Joe Biden listen, I think there are still valid by the way. I think that there's gonna be celebratory. Eluding I mean when you out here and allay when the Lakers win the championship. There's laboratory looting means, there's always group Both are gonna, take advantage of any situation to do that, but everybody understands that of Trump wins. The violence is to be extraordinary and a lot of blue cities nobody's boarding up here, they're, afraid of mega headed dog coming down the street and wailing on their business front. Anybody who tells you different ways just lying to you why I'm gonna go and get myself a gucci purse tonight. People always mention this horse. Michael, I need an come on, does not go beyond one thousand people have said as for years. Donald Trump It's me so ashamed. You Uranus mostly from the lively when some Republicans makes me ashamed to be an American trumped up ignore shamed. I is the best present in my lifetime. You know what does making
came to be an American, though those seen because the world's greatest democracy now looks like a third world banana Republic with doors burning up and people already engaging in violence because of an election antonyms famously said in the two thousand election bushmeat war, but it was so humiliating as a country that the greatest We see in the world couldn't conducted zone election, how much we're humiliating that before the results have come in, we are warning up shop the political violence in the street like we're like worse, I think it is in danger of this, but I can't help myself that four years ago, when Trump One and you were kind of saying over this bad election- and I so well these we have the peaceful transfer of power you scoffed at the course we have a peaceful. That's nothing to celebrate. value, these things, what we gotta, because they disappear like that.
it is another element of what we're tired. When we talk about replacing the media that the fact that there have been calls shown, a plurality of Americans believed that the violence in America, cities are being caused by militias and right wing groups, etc. And that is because of the ongoing propaganda effort by the Democratic Party in the media, which are arms one another, and then they are the same to you, claim that violence in America is chiefly caused by the right wing. Simple poverty party, terrorist workforce, Joe Biden, the even it's up to say anything bad about Antigua, and then they could. that the violence on the streets has nothing. Do them, I'm sorry, but the a lot of what we're talking about tonight there are problems in there is violence, love what we're talking about it has been actively fostered by media. That has been proclaiming the only way the general from loses the only result from wages, voter suppression undecided their actively saying this day after day. They are arguing that all of these losses being found all over the country by Republicans about what
to be illegally counted out. What ought not to be legally counts about that? That is an act of voters suppress. We saw an oppressive interest that long lines, for I think our voters suppression almost for bread. Bernie Sanders love guidelines for the line. Devote offended then is very bad, for airlines are good because at the end, you get red lines are bad because at the end you vote, but they also that's voter suppression so that the devil Claims of voters- suppression had been so much more loud and boisterous, and you republican claims of voter, fried I'm not a big fan of the border front claims because I don't think there's systemic evidence of hundreds of thousands of votes being counted fraudulent I think that it has cropped up its head in particular congressional distress from very, very, very tight raises. I would you some worry that, but when you click, why red voters, oppression, which has been the democratic, lie the last several years right. Debt, Stacy Abrams, must by fifty thousand boats, but if it hadn't been for voters, suppression turnout year? Then Stacy Abrams definitely would want. If there is violence the streets because of that, when you HIV of Pennsylvania, literally saying there is no way for Donald from to win this state. Almost active voters
it takes place. What do you think the result of that is going to be a sound from whence they can. If it is sad because it's not, I don't think it is the typical Democrat, the typical democrat voter. It is a small portion of the democratic population dawn. by these mash of corporations. These massive wealthy duration, news, industry, social media, Amazon, Amazon. Sending me max. Can these book your advertising? That is now you know if you like the poetry of John Keats like it, but that's the kind of thing and and the thing is it never. It's never seems to occur, occur to our stalwart communists on the left? Elsie or anybody in the squad. How come if we Socialists on these rich people are supporting us, we'll never seems to that but never goes on the left, but here's the thing. I think that I think that when you're talking about that, when you talk about, I you know, the Socialists. The corporations are supporting them that I think
corporations- are the ones who are being short sighted. I think socialists know full well: that's corporations are supporting them and willing to ride that trade as far as it goes till they turn around and execute everybody, often against until robes fear takes over and- and I think that they understand that if they get the court, the backing of the bewildering cudgel them in debt and back them into a corner, and the corporate world goes along with them. This is the thing the scariest may I mean again, I mentioned earlier, but that the take over of corporate Amerika by anti racist April next annual city and the take over of the media, philosophy that that is scary as all hell normal. Leaving the allay times the Ebner and he's gonna, be leaving out for the election of articles on beds with how many members, the media, like if promptly from losing our job here, is done because democracy dies and darkness and others it's bullshit is the basic notion. ignoring protein said you said one from his out of office, the media are going to change their mission. They have to more diverse and more antiracist, so openly acknowledging
political agenda, acquitted Wesley Lowery Report for the Washington Post and was fired, guess who's, overtly political in his coverage of Ferguson Missouri and who now says that all reports should be overly political in their coverage, and he says, yeah of the media corporations came around us that that's what's morning, had not only scary, because the ordinary person who has three kids in a job and Jan, yet while not only are they not be attention, but even if they disagree, what do they do have What right do when you have to go into hr and take the antiracist class and say you know, and basically now, of all this nonsense from those racist nonsense and you losing their job? If you don't do it, that is, that is awake thinking over people's bodies. That's because freedom of speech, yes, a legal contract in the country that present the first amendment is the case that the government can't infringe upon your freedom of speech, freedom of expression, but freedom of speech is also always been a mentality in the country. We, basically country of people who want going to be told what they could think we're going to be told what they could say. The problem is
lose the mentality, and all your left with at the end of the day, is that legal protection you ve already lost its legal protection will hold right in a society where people don't grant the actual moral premise. This is where people like David French within my profound sorry about this election, or he is an altogether wrong when he says, for example, that characterise destiny. I think that David French, Piper Mitt Romney these sort of decent man who can't let go of theirs stability is being so shattered by Donald Trump. They try to make this happen, that the character of a leader is the destiny of a country at its most extreme. Of course, that's true. I dont think that that actually the day to day. I think almost all national leaders have always been of dubious moral character because power corrupts wealth, corrupt, fame, corrupt This is why even a leader, Applegarth Zone Heart, like David still doesn't get to build a temple right because Why Moses can't inherit the latter promised, because being the leader actually comes with some consequence net. Nevertheless, it is true that the character of a people
is the destiny of eleven nations, and so, if the character of our people is no longer a character of freedom from the desk our nation is not only that this is also a very if I can just finished this thought. This is also why I've been so hard on the social media and dont believe that there is any argument, will you say well their private businesses, because you have to stop the idea that our right to free speech comes from God. Fishermen protects us. from the government interfering with it given rights, but the government has to protect us from social media or anybody else. Interfering with the white is absolutely right. The right to free speech comes from God and if we don't believe, we let it go right there. You know I remember, and in two thousand eight when Braun Paul was running for president people would make fun of him because every other word he would say the constitution. You know you're always go back to that. In our means. We run the internet, raising oh you're gonna talk about my constitution again and more about the constitution and in the the joke. If that is not that we don't love the constitution, the joke of that is that if the people move,
they're, on their knowledge of and respect for, our constitutional order, that piece of paper isn't going to help us has to be. Our founding fathers talked about this so much Abraham, Lincoln, especially talked about this week. We have to review our founding documents. Are Vanni institutions- the men who gave us our country when you lose that, because now the legacy media are constantly Bush and as they actually rewrote, the curriculum is called the sixteen nineteen project, these Bank educators. These pseudo scholars are pushing this kind of nonsense. Big Tec is put, this nonsense, then all some you woke up, and you realize you dont have a country and well We may all with women quibble with Donald Trump on various policies. I do I really like the guy, but I still quibble with some of the policies, but you ve got this image from hugging the american flag and you ve got the others. I basically saying that country's right into the core that that's a big the station, and I will defend the first amendment every single day of the week we have to build.
That we have to embody it. We have to act everyday virtuous, visceral level country up that don't from developing countries, and that is. I don't know the loving your country is virtuous per se. Loving your countrymen, your country is possible, is certainly virtuous hating. Your country, when your country is lovable, is anti virtue right, don't hate three as good as America is a failure of character and love. A country is good, as America is a requires, a who is requirements, and I would also sees its unnatural, not yours. Like love EU countries like loving your mother, video, you might have to have a problem with her, but she's your mom, it's an extension of filial, piety the other countries and Extension of Europe and, of course, and of course your country goes so far, just like remind you can think of seeing you gotta talk or over the outlaws and getting it as it is. It is true. I think that when you look at how added Willie everybody approaches election day. I wouldn't from the right is a lot of nervousness about. What's gonna happen
in the aftermath of the Elect and one thing from the left is sheer panic in the very. idea that Donald Trump would be re elected. So if Joe Biden Wind, very concerned about the state of the country and they don't get tomorrow in order to keep fighting for the values that we are fighting for? What from democratic sheriff for on panic and the same crazy here on fire way, but they ve been sheriff on panicked since two thousand sixteen a minute, let me read you this fleet, from the estimable Sally Code just sitting there About four years ago, I used my jobs here next, the knight of the election. Now I have my own happy. Twenty two While why adds that somebody? This use definitely healthy and we should put our tragic thousands of it ass. I was with drew about this before the shops, One of the things that I think is so indicative of the conflict is happening right now in the country. Is that the left believes that insight oceans are only there to be used very their obstacles to utopia, or they are tools in pursuit of utopia. The right tends to believe institutions are built in order to protect certain values, and so we respect
prostitution, because we believe the constitution is there to protect the eyes of the declaration of independence. The left believes that the constitution is there in order to do all the things that it wants to do and if the constitution doesn't do it, you just get rid of the constitution. They believe this rather university system. They believe throughout the educational system, was about pretty much all that about the family. Nuclear family if it doesnt achieve what they wanted to achieve, then all those things are responsible. an indispensable, though, is your home, and that's why you need ring. Why are you doing better than I think about what this personal information about? Where I wasn't check you work could make you feel better than being able to communicate with people when they come to your door without actually opening the door The olden days you have a lot of people in Europe have no authority to railways. You who is out there. I was likely funhouse mere now you can actually see inglorious hd, who isn't your front door from anywhere in the world over the internet because of ring there's a thousand by protecting your home matters to you ring, has security products for every corner of your home inside and out best of all, you can see it all.
One simple out with rings keep an eye on your home, no matter where you are right from your phone- is somewhat sobs fire something's going on. If someone delivers a packet ring lets, you know it's peace of mind any time, knowing that your home is protected, especially invades like today. In a way we have so much male fraud happening right now, people still packages, they still things right out of your mouth. I ve been doing since covert people getting so much material delivered to their homes as easy pickings for a lot of people who work in it. Whatever you call home ring, has everything you need to protect its safe and speak to whoever at your door from anywhere with video doorbells, keep an eye on every corner of your house with easy to install indoor an outdoor cams, protect your whole home with a ring alarm, a powerful, affordable, wholesome security system. You can easily install yourself, indeed
so here's the thing. I have three kids under the age of seven and if you have small children, one of the things you know is that small children are tiny suicide machines. All they do. All they want is trying to kill themselves by seeking their fingers and Eliza gets in running into a proof of this is what there's only one of you, but I have three children, so I can actually call myself as much as the world needs it and actually you follow my children and instead I use rings, keep track of my children. You can use range, keep track of your home, keep track of your security, get a special offer. The ring welcome kit a ring. Cons laughed when it comes of rings. Videos or about free entry approach is the perfect way to start your ring experienced plus, there's reputation go to ring that comes lifespan? That is indeed ring dotcom slashed by so much better than I am it s. The idea of cloned than Shapiro lost upon that
it- is that kind of something like that way: CNN, okay, so there haven't healthy one over its yet at the brain, stouter and also a very reliable source, yes is very, very reliable, mythical was very reliable. Source of resources are reliable sources, are reliable and fair, reliable himself in his horses, so he just wait. out in slap motivational user, bouncing back and forth. Here we go good luck. Everyone don't forget to eat, stay hydro. and more ominously stay safe, there's, nothing left to say, except let's count the votes, by embarrassment that lie in the fact that this is happening to reinstall threats facing stay. Hydrated semi is uniquely committed nuclear glaringly display hydra, I'm glad it's better than his uncle S. The Gibsons get a pop into the car, we're all counting on drinking problem. How to answer tat is right. It does mean that between mats boot declaring himself,
a hero last. I wonder what did he say? I met. It is pretty great he treated out last night about how she and the, her trumpery, like the true, never tempers the people. When I want you to look for Democrats, another real Republicans, the people, love conservatism so much. They should not just vote against Donald Trump Surely vote actively in favour of Susan colleges seizing how upon and made ready. that's what you need to do so he treated out this peace he'd written for the Washington Post all about what an incredible here He isn't. I wanted at the wording right summit to dig for it and set a ceiling for times yes offers. I can do I find that, rather than that, I want to take a question from one of our daily wire dot com subscribers there, the people who make it possible for us to bring you the show free tonight we're making free, a daily weren't com at Youtube Facebook for everyone, because we know This is an eye when you want a lot of information, it wants them inside, as we want to be here for you it's because of our daily work. I come members were able to do that ilusha. What are you hearing from our people? I'm here, and I will make sure that I don't throw anybody under the bed.
Michael Animals is not that interesting and slack. You just talks about where he gets the cigars and what we're we're drinking later tonight, which you know depending on happens, depends on how heavily Michael will be drinking. Our first question from an amazing daily where member goes to the God, King himself, Jeremy boring you once now do guys didn't the media is going to drop the covert stuff after this election or Babylon down. So I think that most of you, sadly, I wanted a list this week of different states whose mask and covert restriction policies expire within, ten days of the election, and it is remarkable, amass mandate for New York ends the third and on the fifth, as some of them are realising that they were a little too on the nose with how they said What are these things in their racing to extend them now, but that's just cover. in their own a tart they knew what they were doing when they made these mass mandates three months ago, expire on eleven, three or eleven five or eleven six. What magic thing was
staff and by eleven three or eleven five or eleven sex. We all know what it is it's the election. Does that mean that the covert is exclusive we political, the people, don't have a legitimate health concern. I don't think so, but it does mean that their primary concern, the primary concern of democratic governance. The primary concern of democratic mayors has been to ensue. fear and to be able to blame Donald Trump for all the deaths that happen with open arms. That's a let up on all of it. I don't think so. I think that now they ve actually It is a problem that they can't solve by example wedding. These businesses be locked down four seven, eight nine months now it can be very hard for businesses to make we'll go back to work when they try to reopen their employees are rightly going to say. Why am I speak now when I was safe four months ago? What's happened? There's no vaccine. Active anything cases are taking up as we into the forest? as we enter into the part of the year when viral infections most likely to happen winter when it's cold when its stamp
They have created a lot of challenges for themselves were now. I wouldn't be surprised if covert is essentially with us as a political issue until June now, I'm not been has an opinion about this. I've heard him talk about, or they may even spoken about it on his show today. I wish I do think important, additional which is how they they? I think they gained the system, another trapped a little bit, but then I think there's a way they can extricate themselves by gaming. What happens next, which is other decline. That will naturally happened at the end of the viruses and then do not talk about that. This is this is my only protection of the night. I am fully confident of them really really conference of this protection, so we know that every single November we know the number signalled up in December and according to basically every law that being the algae, apparently going to start declining in January February, and so because that's what happens, it goes up It comes down again and then once it's down, what do you think people are not really paying attention to? Is the fact that the states where it got hit hard first time are not really getting hit hard. This time floors, I can hit hard Georgia's like it and had heard your features. Not getting hit hard right now. There really is
a second wave there's really just a bit first wave really stupid for countries exactly That's what you think Europe to raise our second wave in Germany or France is actually kind of a big, firstly, because the harder you walked down at the beginning, the worst, the second type, so what is that you are going to see this thing skyrocket continuously. Rocket, nostrils, dustbins forms of cases and by the way, if you follow the stuff Doubts and hospitalizations. Don't pay attention to cases. Cases are incredibly useless statistic, particularly among children. You keep seeing headlines hundred thousands of cases have been diagnosed monkeys a hundred and twenty one children have died in the United States of Cuban nineteen out of several hundred thousand infections, the desperate passing away lower limbs lubricant anyone here, what's gonna happen, generated integration. They assume Biden wines for the sake of argument. What, then, They happen is vital. Come enable declare mass mandate, even though it the constitutional power to do so or I'll, try to bully Satan you doing it with a variety of incentive programmes, there will be a media celebration of this as the first. And that we as a country have overtaken cobbler seriously, then the numbers
will already be declining by joining. Twenty as well continue to decline, and then they will declared that the mass mandate is the reason for the decline electronic. Declined to the actual Joe Biden. Even those who have absolutely no whatsoever to do with one another, because every country in Europe basically has a mass mandate and has seen a massive spike. Nonetheless, ITALY, France, Germany and all however, another just as they did exactly within regatta. Think eat and then homo declared mass mandate, and then they declared it was Andrew, almost stellar and intrepid leadership of the decline in Europe, but I've I've been promising. You guys, so far tonight that we're gonna have all kinds of the process is the biggest show that we ever mounted here at the daily wire and the first one is upon us. The poles close info in seven minutes, working to start getting our first important information about the future of the country, and here too walkest through what that might look like is the guy are afforded himself a man who, while only one year older than me, is far more successful and slightly his handsome governor Rhonda TAT Morning
to be here and just for the record poles in the eastern times that arouses seven ripen hand, always seven central, so they will continue to go until eight p m eastern time. Member back in two thousand and now the network's forgot about that, and I made a big mistake by calling floored of Al Gore before the pioneer, not even close yet keep voting in the Panhandle here and there, and if your line you vote will be taken to stay in life in the pan, handle it in line about also governor dissenters, welcome, meteor, stay Some are now residents of us today and I will say, your state is far superior to the state in which I currently set. It is more beautiful. It has better governance, better women's. My wife is there right now and I it's a good supper, spectacular advice, I have to say it is: it is nice to live in a state where they have decided not to walk down. Every single thing in I went to the gems. I try to go to the gym this morning. An ally in the hotel was complete.
something like there's, no one in the entire hotel in they locked the gym thanks to Governor Gavin. If some that is not what is happening in Florida, I so should we start by about looking politics dumber disaster, which you start with thy covert stuff because he's the best of their eyes eagerly. I want just in terms of the elections. Have you register the boat in Florida night? But I would ask you bet your ass. I did my entire length interesting because you know what we're seeing any one of the things for you guys to just remind your view, resolve when Florida reports resolves the first dumper votes will be the absentee nail votes and the early votes, The Democrats had a huge migration away from in person voting towards the May. Also, we usually Republicans when usually be Democrats invoked by male. They would usually be Republicans in person early voting that
well this year they had a huge advantage over. The male Republicans actually did very well in early voting. We still at a deficit going into election day. It was about a hundred thousand more democratic balance than republican bowels had been cast but now we ve seen so far and election day word about so we we re Republicans or race that advantage by about nine thirty in the morning, while in now there's been two hundred and twenty thousand more republican bow its task, then,
crap ballots, obviously, with the Panhandle still voting. We think that that will increase even more and just to compare that in twenty sixteen, when Donald Trump one Florida he had about a sixty five thousand ballot advantage are overdue and so he's enemy in a much better position and as we and you look Florida historically absent strange circumstances, it typically have the Republican nominated. Ninety plus per cent of Republicans and democratic typically gets a pointer to less in turn, calling the Democrats. Part of that is because we have the ancestral Democrats who go republican in federal, racist still, so looking at him going into this, I gotta think he's in a stronger position. If you look at the turn out in Miami Dade County He will present a lost by thirty points in twenty. Sixteen, it's a big county. I was, I told them you can just cut into twenty, that's like fifty's.
Fifty thousand vote, swaying that could win you the state. What I'm hearing is it's gonna, be less than twenty point. Margin is a chance to get it in the ten to twelve point margin, and that may be best case, but the turn out has been really really good for Republicans. Republicans are turning out down there and I'm here the way these races in Florida go you know, Democrats have this three really strong counties in southern Florida and smart candidates on the republican side. Don't ignore and you go down, you try to reduce the margin, and I think the present has done that in Miami Gay County and I think he's gonna win the state, and I think that will be a big reason. Why obviously he doesn't need to end the state of law and order retained the presidency. If it goes, the other way will be an early night, so you're talkin. The timing and how fast the votes are tabulated. So, if we're watching tonight, what time do you think the vote? are going to be all into the point. We're gonna start seeing people call the stake.
So what will happen? Is one supposed close you'll get the initial down of the early in absentee ballot and then start to get the precincts reporting with election day boats, so that the process that will take, you know a couple hours, so I think case scenario, you're, looking at nine between nine and ten, but I definitely think we're gonna be able to make the call no later than that ten o clock to eleven o clock. Our it just depends on it elevating things are looking favourable for the president. Does he went a typical Florida victory? You know eighty thousand boats or These bow in advance agent and strengthen alive today within person voting you know, does he does he went by two hundred fifty thousand end. I think both are possible. Obviously, that's the latter. We're gonna be able to determine that you no closer to ninety eight and eleven p M governor Floridians count. Donald Trump is one of their own. Obviously he he lives in the state,
great deal at the time, our logo, such a beautiful suitability, location therein, Beach added Floridians, perceived Donald Trump, I think that they do to see a connection with Florida and obviously you do have Marilla go. He goes down here in the winter and has been doing that for a long time has also been very smart. tending to Florida issues now Parliament's because I call em in Belgium too, then. Suddenly we have certain issues here. Like you know, our water resources were big. Unleashing voting stayed are Everglades restoration, some of the military bases that on that he's help save one of them was in the Panhandle Pope AIR Force Base he's been very strong on space. We have a huge space renaissance and the speed because the Florida right now keep Canaveral area, so I think he's done a good job of turning the Florida agencies also been good,
supporting democracy in Latin America, which is very important to a lot of our residents in southern Florida. So I think that yes, they count on, but I think what he's done is he's really done. Things then resonate with thirty ends in a way that you know like a bite and just wouldn't do without having that that connection, but I would also say how many if you already and young, proud of it, but at the same time our states always in flocks. I mean you always have a new people coming. It's just not the same as being a lifelong clarity and doesn't get you as much as save your life long. You know a resident of some of the other states that have a little bit more stable populations. Well, then, alluded This at the beginning, you ve been the best governor in the country and dealing with the covert crisis. Can you tell us just briefly a little bit about your philosophy, on how to handle covered. Why you ve done why you ve been able
preserve liberty in your state in a way that many governors haven't been able to end when you're gonna run for President one within the law. So you know that marks. There is a lot we were still learning. I mean I thought it was pretty clear by MID March that this had a disproportionate effect on elderly. Yet we focused a lot of our efforts on the nursing homes. Now, of course, and we were sending p p, we're doing things like that, we didn't essentially have all the testing supplies at that point. we get the fifteen days slow, the spread and Canada's followed president's krona Vires task force. But then, when you start to see in April worthy serological studies to show that, for every documented case there ten times as many actual infections, which meant a couple things one and then that the authority of this was less than we thought and in fact, if you look under the age of fifty survival rate, is ninety nine point, nine percent per CDC raw analysis.
and then we are, but it also means that its much more prevalent than we thought we thought in March there, maybe there's a cobra case in this county or three cases, let's find out. What's isolated, turns out that this was something that a lot of people that had had didn't develop significant symptoms. It was more prevalent in the community. So for me now I thought at that point. It made sense that we needed to make sure we opened the state and move forward and that we get it deliberately, but we were resolute and doing it, and I think what we ve been able to see is the areas they look at what is happening in Europe in a lot of harsh mandates walk down over the summer, people were celebrating that, but really they just had a seasonal respite and now coming back, and so I think, you're better off with an age specific strategy focusing on support for our most vulnerable residents, but having society function so, for example, in Florida, these seven counties we're school open for in person, school districts, charter, schools, private,
because in fact ten most populous school districts in that country, five, Florida all open the five New York City name about ten percent of the kids in person Chicago closed, Los Angeles, closed, LAS Vegas, closed Houston, I think, has just started getting kids back I think, though, that what you what's been frustrating on this is one it's been very political because they wanted to use it against the president. but just a lack of fidelity to data and evidence. I mean, schools? It was very clear by made at schools needed to open in the fall. Studies done in Europe which were conclusive and there was literally no countervailing evidence, and so we push forward with doing that. In July thing, parents have a right to send a kids school. You don't want to do it. You want to do distance fine, but we have to do it. Oh, my gosh, nor that the blow people were complaining all the seller stuff sure enough. We ve gone into school
Parents had opted for distance learning. A lot of them are each and to get the kid back in person. Very few parents at opted for in person are trying to get their kid and distance learning, but we knew that obviously, the dick, the kids were not significant risks for this certainly lesson flu, but we also knew they were insignificant, spread after the actors in the community. In fact, we are not at a single example of a student infecting a teacher, and I don't think very many states are countries have very many examples of that as well. So I just think that the data are focusing on the data understanding that, just from a health perspective, one virus is not the sum total of everything involving health. I mean when you start having myopic focus on just corona virus at all costs. You cause problem
with mental health. You cause problems with other elements any we had people so scared in this country that they would literally be having heart attacks at home, but they wouldn't go into the emergency department because they thought they were gonna, get corona and die from that inaction. Basically fear that was whipped up by the media and responsibly. So we focused on your mental health focus on helping people who are abusing drugs focusing on getting people into the house will mean that the thing about it started all this remember that the hospitals were somehow gonna be overrun, is up in any hospital system in the country. Even New York was not over run, they did not use the ship, they did not use the jacket centre and I can tell you Florida peak wait about ninety six hundred co
positive patients in Florida hospitals, but we have sixty five thousand licence hospital beds, and so we never even came close to capacity, and in fact it that's the case. It really should inform how you do this, and so I think, we're in a situation now where we have obviously businesses, open schools, open and really trusting people to make decisions about the environments that their comfortable be. I am, but I think what we found is the more and more we returned to normal and more and more people appreciate it. governor dances, really appreciate your time and frankly, look we're getting out of this hell hole in getting back to your wonderful say over the next couple of days and look forward to seeing in person their absence we take care given around from the great state of Florida. One of the states that will have the most impact on what happens is that either through you heard him say, importantly, that while the Poles closed in the in Time zone in Florida five minutes ago, the poles do not close. In the past,
and handle until an hour from now and if you're standing in line of Florida, you will still get into vote. So, if you're in line stay in line, don't forfeit your right to register your choice in this That's about the aggregate harping on a lot on twitter. A lot of my friends will say: I voted I don't blame me about four Donald Trump now say that that's great well, You voted for a huge about four four congressmen who guided next Both for a moment I supported by many of my god, I think everyone is going to do about. It- from being a latin vote. On it off your sorry, ass, it don't write about it as in the high like Donald Trump, I shall go in voting for the report and say that I was going to propose to you so please, if you're in love. If we are to stay in line of one of your online anywhere in the country and your Poland place closes stay where you are and make sure that your vote is counted tonight collection. Common for just an illusion, the governor, but the sufi was changed from a kind of sin:
century point of view. Yes, I have been listening to the left talk about Donald Trump Dubai, He is the vibrate and its, and I keep thinking these people some children is at me. you know I mean my my just hearing this kind of logic. We're done companies, the big man, but he must be spreading the disease the sound of that guy was show adult and so rational, and I urge coming out of his mouth made so much sense, but now it is the actual, your children more, that more than even children, honestly, they occur like religious fervor from around from it really is the elderly is that they believe- and they made this clear- that that Trump is the devil, whether that they really into it, is that it is from? Is this sort of cloud paint Henrietta peanuts, gonna get rid of France. Encoded magically goes away. That's why over the last forty eight hours, seventy two hours, Joe Biden, final page, was I'm not. we're getting that he was going to be your parents, the Pope, if you like, Michael the night was it was those nothing. He literally said that if you know what
you will treat you like members. Failure that excellent economic bags of cash in Ukraine in trying to say, is going to save our collective soldiers it if I figure that crap Politicians who want to save myself you're right, the seventy eight year old, geriatric can't put a certain together, lifelong corrupt, bureaucratic, Did every major positioning ever held, including one where he used me for life, to probe choice that Guy's, gonna save myself and then his vital page was that he was going to crush the virus, but I'm not going to crush the economy. I'm not gonna crusher the questioner hopes I meant to crush the virus really outlook with your foot or widely how's. It feel like Hillary Clinton, cloth or racism. Smaller, its method of the virus is gone, and I thought to myself. This is Captain Moon shot to kill cancer. Is, though, people are trying to kill cancer like the in religious faith that isn't it didn't the power of government by so many people. Unless these sickening it is wrong. It is
Alfred Productive and it is childish. Calling you know why I mean you deserve saying something perfectly obvious you can crush the virus. I can do. Is yours and protect most vulnerable? They used to be how we all dealt with medical product was not yet, but the reason why, of course, is that everybody's got a serb somebody, so you always you're. The left talk about religious kooks, the left, which believes that babies aren't you men in the belief that men can be women and police. Rural is gonna end in ten years. So you you do have a natural religious longing and you put it on this guy. I mean that this has been going on for a very long time in this country and most recently, I guess Brok Obama, who said that the earth would heal in the oceans would lower. If you, if you will accept Mr Elles said she was gonna, he's gonna take out our are hard to study replaced at the heart of life. Basically, that's right! I really don't you. Yes, he said that one of the Indian Jones movies into you know that the statement that Biden made that I thought was most shocking in a campaign of shocking mostly incomprehensible statement was when he came out, and he said that if I had been president two hundred,
one thousand Americans would realise that no one would have died, that the votes that America, unlike every other country on earth, would have no deaths from the virus and if you believe that than Donald Trump really must be the virus. I wish the president trumpet asked by age. If you ve been present, can you give me a number inhumane, specific item right? Why one thousand two hundred and and and unfortunately, we didn't get that hit in making it would have gotten a crap. You would have gotten a crappy soundbites, not nearly as many as five hundred you, but that's not the answer. Right dancers, pal mainly in Vienna people, so the early poles those are starting to closed. I wanna go to our daily wire election, more room where Ilusha in John thickly are going to give us a little bit of analysis about what we can expect next, some of the states have already been called- unsurprisingly, of course, Vermont in Virginia and going to bite and Harris once again. Rats, unsurprising and the pulses close in Florida and here for a breakdown of what we need to be looking for in Florida is the daily whereas own in Howard. And what are we
was the lay of the land in Florida. Twenty sixteen verse twenty twenty laid out there for us, so people when they think about Florida. They think of it. Things I think I've always closely runways. So two thousand technocrats yap into the month of legal wrangling two whole saw that myself, twenty twelve. They would only stay twice decide between by under one percent between broth abandonment run wild. So it's always close people. Think above Florida is another country, but a trump only one by one point six percent between sixty, so we can assume, as can be very close, really also as I asked, but with Cabot earlier, when the crucial phase that trunk simply has to win, if you must have it. So what parts of the fate should we be paying attention to? Is that those metropolitan areas as the Panhandle? What are you looking at? we should keep an eye on by the Panhandle North Stay, because he has have big turn out there: but, as always assumed, I think, given the creator see those both rates, I wanted about bread redefined, so we need to then be focusing on the blue areas towards Miami day. Brow county those accounts
where Hillary Clinton, one by almost three thousand votes in each county and she still lost so Democrats, will be for a huge about ten I'll bet. being kind of interesting in terms of turn out early paused suggested that, the Republicans why she, having better turn out proportionately, can enter this answer but other poles are coming in saying that Democrats are actually outpacing Republicans as the day went on social reality, and then also in twenty. Sixteen Donald Trump was able to outperform perform even the poles of what they thought he might get in the cuban Americans. Manatee could not help him make up some of those Lena, pretty liberal places because human arrogance and reside in that palm beach County Miami area, xenophobia he's community level, we will be suddenly looking quite closely and twenty steam. He got between fifty and fifty four percent of the cuban american vote. This year sums poles to justice. Actually I mean there are sixty percent allowed. If that's true, that can be a huge deal for tromp. It has no
true than he's, gonna really have to pull. Some of us have someone? Ok, so we will be continuing to bring all of you all. The information as people are appalling, faith and poles are closing everywhere. A lot of people are paying attention to the trend of Florida, though, because it someone might hence can't pull it out in Florida? You know their pathway to victory just continues to get smaller and smaller so when we have more updates will be bringing those two of your. Thank you. In, and thank you Ilusha Simon telling you guys all neither we're gonna have some big announcements and I and are all focused on the exact same which is that we have to replace the media. You have this establishment media in this country in, in connection in conjunction with sulphur media in this country deciding what kind of stories you yet. here and what kind of stories you dont? What kind of expression you get to have and what kind of expression you don't I don't think we ve done enough to communicate the scope of the problem, the New York.
is essential. Even for us, the Neuro Times is essential. The new times has forty five hundred employees. They have sixteen hundred active journalists. They have a budget of one point: two billion dollars a year, they do over a hundred million dollars of profit every year you wanted, conservatives are granted investigative journalism. No, no, my conservatives are such the bandage when it comes to subjecting the left to the kind of scrutiny that the left subjects us to desperate, the New York Times is only one piece of the establishment media juggernaut. there is nothing like that that exists on the right. Are you might say right, but there you're, saying that nothing like it on the right that nothing like it on the left either the New York Times is mainstream there in the middle, there are not in the middle. There is more diversity of opinion at the daily wire about Donald Trump, and there is in the
higher forty five hundred persons staff of the New York Times where there is no diversity of opinion about Donald Trump name. One single prominent approach from republican conservative voice New York Times. Forty five hundred employees, I'm not asking for one percent, I'm asking for a single person. You cannot do it. It does not exist. That's how bad where they have us outmaneuvered. The way that we're going to deal with that is to replace them in your subscription to New York Times. Interest subscription for the Washington Post endure touch cable cut the court. You know that some of the many of your cable build goes to see an end was you watch CNN are not some of the money you for cable, just MSNBC, what you watch you mustn't be sea or not because of carriage these. You are funding the left as they try to take your It is a way from you. The only way we can to stop, that is to replace them and replace them. We on our side of the idiot, logical divide, have to our game part of them.
We have to get out and laid apartment. He means we need you to follow. We need your support. We need your help so daily wires, going to start taking the lead in fight in ways that we have not before we have a ton of huge announcements coming for its tonight and the first point is gonna. Come courtesy of our of our guest Canvas Owens Hand, as is the case of the Box of foundation. Henderson is the host of the canvas Owen. Show for pressure you she's one of the most important, not only political, but I would say cultural voices in the country today she's blaming it from Washington DC, because I'm just gonna be honest with you. We can afford to get candles to allay the fears she moves all over the world all over the time. All the times he's busy doing. The work of not just commenting on culture but creating culture and change in culture. She's. Here with a slight, we couldn't be more thrilled to have her hand ass, though you with us, I'm with you, there's a go on talking so we're here
Reports right now about rioting, taking place in Washington DC. So the first question is: are you sex? I am safe. I am safe right now in a pseudo on, but I will tell you just leading up to this the last couple of days watching all the boarding going up and here's what's really remarkable on a lot of these stores non these borders there. Actually writing. We support black lives matter. Nominate, let fashion why would a business owner First board up his business and then right? We support black lives matter and the answer is simple because they recognise that it is black lives matter. It is anti, for it is alleged that is doing these. These riots and action of a friend who runs a German. He tells me that he puts assigns window. That says we support likewise matter. I know he does not support
This matter is not left leaning. He is a republican, but does that? Because today bad for business owners is like putting up like Sloman Shield in our joint riot? Please don't please don't from this down. We support you and it's very sad that we ve gone to this point and then just getting to the studio. I don't live two partners. You should have been a five minute drive. It took thirty That's because of ST closures. Because of why it's I mean the left is ready to go and live in planning this for months and months. In my question, I guess, but I would ask, is how can we be have the baby to shut down the cell, how they went to coordinate this. How are they bring in you halls and Metal Batson and at all of these things of this nature, so it included. We frustrating that has come to this point. We should have been able to suspect this and to guard against it, but DC is really really scary right now we just know they're going to expect a lot later on in the night remarkable that what's your point the F b I haven't been able to get on top of their. Not I can I want to kick that around to have it is a discussion with the five other is is the,
Recent I mean. Obviously one reason is that free speeches is sacred in this country, and so you expect our law. first went to get the maximum latitude possible right. You want them to err on the of letting people over expressed and not under expressed, but given what we ve seen in the country in the wake of the George Floyd killing, given what we ve seen in the Chaz Chop Zone in Seattle, the constant burning of Portland, the burning of Minneapolis been going on for but why is it that the federal law oarsmen hasn't been more proactive and cracking down, It's really good question, because when Donald Trump announced that he was going to enforce the law against point over statues and vandalism largely stop, that was a big movement, largely went away and that you know the Ep I sent out something like a dozen age to investigate what turned out to be a hoax attack, a black NASCAR driver.
there were some major civil rights problem there, which there wasn't, and yet they can't seem to infiltrate, or at least the star, to discourage these people. I have to I have faith. I have faith that the FBI's on it but their working hours. I dont think the FBI's totally gone. I think, obviously there under James call me their leadership was corrupted, but I think, for the agents are cooperating on our hope that their work yet Michael is it is it is it that there are complicit? Isn't it deep? Spain did state conspiracy against they said all of that- and I think I found upon the president as it is this- that there are complicit I've talked to friends of mine who were in the administration who have worked at some of these various swell agencies in the deep state and you can go agency by agency and no their ideological linux. Now you might say, agencies are exposed to have any illogical things, but they do and We always joke about. The state department, for instance, is always pretty far left. This is true even go down the line. Fbi Cia, although all the various alphabet agencies- and they have
insistently undermine the president and part of this by the way might not be some nefarious, tinfoil hat conspiracy. Part of this is that people at those agencies just happened to share the views of like lives matter or anti that war of the Democratic Party. I guess there, basically all the same thing now, and so it's very difficult route that obvious the President S elected is there for years are hopefully eight years, but the the agencies, are so deep, even example. You know how many people are employed by the Department of Homeland Security quarter million people. Yes, they existed five units about yell ill, almost twenty years, nobody right sixteen to twenty years and innocent That large, it's taken in other agencies, that's the tip of the iceberg on this, this federal bureaucracy, the problem runs very, very fast new by it? Is it is it I heard you say I find the west interesting question is to what does he can speculate? All days what closed agencies are doing behind closed doors, and I have no clue- I welcome it, and I have a clue what I've done a lot more problems
fact that the entire median democratic party apparatus continue to cover for this book. Rapid and suggest that were wrong, phrasing. One gas questions about it that if he is even question whether black lives matter has and connections, and why so many these protein Surely the riots this hell? This is because you are not sufficiently antiracist or you have jobs suggesting that antifreeze, a philosophy rather than actual mean that that's that's, what and consider more in an election year and the participation of the interests of the intelligence agencies has been an ongoing issue, but having a party overtly Amber This crap, I think, is a much much bigger as Canada. Thoughts about that at once. Ganders, listen! one of the things we love about you at the daily wires that you're a cultural figure- and I know that only talking to you about raise issues- is actually a waste of of your insight. But I do think it's important in this particular election to talk about the work that you have done with black set theirs lot of talk, especially on the right about how we might see a major swing in not only the
black men in particular voted for the president, but also the hispanic population. Something I've been is observed, first hand happening down in Florida. You probably have your Europe finger on the temperature of that movement more than anybody else in the country? What do you say happens tonight, or are we going to see something historic, we're going to say something different than what we ve seen in the past salute lay and suffer so I will say how remarkable is to consider that over the last for years. The latter could not have heart on race harder and more how many times if we actually had a ticker like we have the cuban nineteen death ticker the Vienna Racism Ticker honestly, an end must then be seen every time they said the word racist. What were the number be seriously emphasise a hard question right and yet, despite that, despite, they are acknowledging that black american support is shifting towards Republican Party is shifting towards President Trump very dangerous, flapper Democrats to be it, of course, because they can not be to at least get eighty five percent of the black,
sustain their party and an I've always bell. I instantly said in twenty twenty I think trunk and get twenty point. Two people thought that was a pipe dream and it was never a pipe dream. It was just so obviously have somebody to actually community it's a black Americans in a cultural manner, which is what I try to do. What is actually going on. We ve been married to this party for seventy years and nothing has changed and the problem is, I think, Republican Party for a really long time. It's almost like the suffering. Just eat. You guys have been called racists for so long that get out when I, when somebody calls you raise issues, let them shut down the conversation and needs to be somebody like Donald Trump, because he's the only person I know that he gets called races any doubles down on whatever it is. He said right what
Erica. What do you have to lose remedy off, freaked out and said? Oh, my goodness, how can we possibly say that it's so racists? And now it's his favorite thing to say and in front of minority crowds black America? I asked you in twenty sixteen. What are you had to lose? The answer was nothing. I d seen article two days ago, which mainly really happy about black men. Now between the age of twenty five and thirty five, there already calling them chauvinist saying the reason for freezing my other friends, because they are chauvinist so black men welcome to the Republican Party when you're, just a life is a second system. So otherness lay like a game of Bohemia and I've gotta catch him all right. It didn't expect to get the White Supremacist one. I got that one randomly in a neutral, I'm really winning the left this programme on game yesterday, the Poles couple weeks ago said eight percent blacks. Poor unmoved now is like you, gotta, be kidding me now, they're saying fourteen percent and I think it's going to be a little bit higher, which is gonna, be it's going to be a game changer. It's gonna be the first opportunity for the republican Party.
to win back the black boat. Well, if happen, you're gonna be one of the most important people in the country, because you, more than any other there's another than the president himself. I have devoted so much your attention to that issue. I do think we have to give some credit through the president on this as well is his. I don't want you turnpike reach to the black community living you're. Talking about Americans outreach meeting is absurd, but what Donald Trump has done that I think Republicans have been afraid to do in the past. Is he actually just talk to people? Who might and I think, is able to do that, because so many people hate implicit actually is actually comfortable. Can invite for people aren't kindly hands because he's a custom even just being up. Builder in New York, probably is entire life has been talking to people who don't necessarily I can trying to find common cause with them and use them fairly remarkable job alone. Will, when you talk about communities in the United States, have just got in both from politicians for decades and that the black money in the United States gotten bullshit from politicians literally since the beginning of each country and an down from when he talks the people. There is not
funds are bullshit, I mean it in and cutting threaten speaking the way that he does, I think, actually translates really well. The non politician aspect of Trump speaks very good. We then the same typical, politically speaking, you get from every other politician and guess what would canvas mentioned his thick skin, which is part of some of the things that maybe we dislike about him sometimes, but is also one of the reasons he is where he is. You have to take on the left the massiveness of the legacy media, think of how about corporate power legacy, media and the sky has been stand against them all by his long enough for four years, and he has just given us, eaten it up spit it out, and this is the hardest thing, because America is a country that is reckoned with its historic racism and we I want to go. There again is very sensitive to the charge and the law. does used that better people into submission and only trumps
turtle. Shell of skin, could withstand. Well, you that's what I saw just the other day with Chelsea Handler right when I dont know how president from history among the black community, but he's totally killing it among the rap communities on the island of little way and fifty cents. A thirty seconds then says yeah like trumpet. I wanna be twenty cents and shall see gamblers set. I couldn't the words came out of her mouth. She said I had to remind him that he was a black man and in many she also offered him some sort of favours. If you go to for mines we candidate, but anyway, it is unbelievable. Could you imagine a political coalition? Ten years five years ago, where you ve got an amish parade and a rapid paraded going on inside binding. I can imagine political coalition was an orthodox you and a platform best doubling wrapper. I'm calling for John Tramp in this room. The things I love about our team, her, the daily life, just how different we all are, and yet we have this kind of
community that I think other publications, unlike especially in a woman planning the show without what we the as good a job as Safe Fox NEWS at bringing for information and now I dont want to feel they can go down to the precinct levels. I dont want to say that we fully succeeded at that, but we set a high go for ourselves we're gonna bring people the best deepest must set the data from and we can for the night So when I really focus on what makes us us, what makes us unique, what makes us other than cable news in a big part of that is just it's yours. Can a cigar we're having conversation that might be a little unorthodox settings. If you may not be able to get away with saying on cable things replies, as my boy tat you over but part of things, because there's so much about us as a group that is You brought it up and you're a very religious, orthodox it you got through. this document it is conversion from sort of secular Judaism to faithful Christine.
Eddie. You have Michael knows who we all Maroni, wasn't catholic banality fairy the biggest papers. We really hard more catholic than the Pope, who doesn't mean what it used to be something I'm essentially a protestant colt leader. You really get outta my present with you. You see some of this too, not just on the religious side, not just on the political side you have canvas is actually quite close to the present you have been- and I who were major trumped sceptics in twenty. Sixteen you have the two of you whose Would the president in twenty sixteen you have Michael who not only support Michael who actually just wishes. He was a successful askin, have been friends with the private? Why? What are you going to do about it? I've already ended. I did my texts, because the war ended afraid to engage in these ideas in a way this that's friendly and one thing the canvas has that none of that, I think, is the is an important part as an actual. Holding the culture. So somebody told me wait it I'm not famous,
They always does at least like appeal list internet celebrity checkmark. Don't I gotta aren't going to offer me you ve got been whose extraordinarily famous we ve been these market surveys, that weapon right only from Europe is the most famous conservative in the country in terms of social and gay when is higher than like the entire primetime bought canvasses. Something here something that none of us are, which is not its not famous it's so what are you actually managed to become a cultural in a way that, in my view, time, no conservative, no one- is what There is definitely no one who started in the political sphere as a conservative pundit been able to cross over into being a political celebrity. Yet people have moved the other direction. People we were like they have a big acting career and then Depart stopped coming in and then they realize they could talk about politics and was on reality. Tv Sarsnet became President network, you equally been able to cross the average the other way
I am very curious what that's like em in you, you kind of live a life that the rest of us. We never get to live. How are you received when you, when you and you have to name names- the hurry received behind this and when you deal with other people who are sort of cultural celebrity, they're more support out there. Then it seems like there is. definitely is now say that everything, but I did was a much more. Strategic and people really gave me credit? For I mean I had a sort of sort out when I had you might come to moment when I was like, I lived my entire life as a lie. I bought into Democrat propaganda, the education system, propaganda and I emerged as a person gradually the high school and genuinely believe that Republicans were racist, that conservatives were racists but pretty smart girl. So this stuff, it wasn't something
I came up with my own, it was actively taught to me, and so, when I weren't you no kind of dabble in the politics of bursting, I ask myself is how the left do this to me, and I wanted to end and intentionally with intention, reverse engineer exactly what it was that deluded media. They begin to begin with, and I understood how important culture was an end look into. Conservatives had just given up on culture at virtually everything you see in a new sort of hit at this earlier Jeremy, but everything you see on tv is done at the expense of conservatives. I think, for that reason I have conservatives began to stick up their noses culture and say: ok, we're does not gonna do culture and there's gonna be the smart guys and- and I thought to myself- we to be both actually end, and I want to be funny. I do I love culture, I love music and ain't. Oh I get it it's I get a why people like
music. I know Ben doesn't like rap music, but I get round as soon as the rapporteur does enable rapid alerts and other friends let them in a way that no one would have if you are really good and wipe, I will say a failure while you're at it is beyond doubt that, although these appreciated, what can I say, one of the things we recently canvassed I found really interesting- is that I don't want people to know if I'm about to run, president or to drop a rap album. I do think that volatile my art of what gives you the ability to do the things that you do. right right?
and that's exactly how I feel, because I love so much of it, and I think that both if it is really important- and I think your bride part was right years ago when he said politics is downstream from culture, and we have to make sure that we're sort of connecting that men and I have always want to exist as a conduit- and- I will say, anti anti earlier question behind closed doors. It is incredible I mean I wish I could publish a list of the Alias celebrities that I'm in occasion where
all around the world. I mean not just in America to see my husband's British in England. You would just be shocked and go. Oh, my goodness, what we're all really doing something they know all of us. They they follow bench purely followed, daily wire in other dowager. They know I ask, is that you do not know you leave me when we know we love software. You first answer we're having a huge impact, and I think that, because I've been sort of in between your comp reaching out to me to have these sort of private meetings behind closed doors, my wish more of them would come out ahead of a head of today are not going to reckon. You can expect a lot more aid, Lesters actors, nice decided to come out in the next few months and really say what they believe and I think we are doing so Odin, and now I think it would make a coolers if you did it with us. You have just come from it.
me, I'm a woman joining the Daily Y yeah man, I mean if I well, I've heard of any woman we're gonna. Do you invited to accompany daily wire? I think one hundred percent, I will take Up on that offer, if my slogan can be feeling care about your fat. I love that I'd like a deal's a deal not kidding. They wanted to come from the daily wire. I would one I would love to join the daily. Why? I think there is a lot of stuff we can do together. Should we make official honor should I America, joining a daily wire. Is it real bench appearance You first abso.
Like others, I am I gonna do what do you think this is the most formal way by the way Germany's ever done. Business usually interest over. My only drinks that are far have been at least now doing a casual conversation. Yes, absolutely come, join US ganders. Andrew I've been Angie lobbying for this. For many many years gathers, please come over sailors favours. Guys. While that is a done deal on election, I never knew that made good. Ghana sounds is common in Nashville Baby right. What would that this is a totally we're gonna break them neither like, and this is going to make the move with us to Nashville. I can't I don't. I tell people so much about what we're workin on, but I assure you as ex out? This is not as violence, no more of a joke in everything, we're wasn't, gonna show together. Canvas and I've been collaborating about this behind the scenes. There will be not only unlike anything, this happened at the daily, where I think truly different in kind. anything, that's ever happened and conservative new media we're not gonna. Do
too many details, because it's got here. We want the big impact when it happens, I'll give you the one tenth of utility in front of their lives, studio audience in natural and you're gonna- be able to see it the beginning of March, and we can be more excited at the on the team, so excited. I think the time is now the energy bills. Right. I've been saying for years that conservatives were all doing different things. We need to all come together under the same umbrella. and just you know, fight back for culture. I mean people are paying attention to us. I know Ben Shapiro gets more downloads, Michael, mostly towards animals were better than CNN, we're bigger were bigger than all of MSNBC, but we're not united and in its high times I couldn't be more excited. I wish we could unveil more about what we ve been working on it's gonna, be really good guys. Twenty twenty one is going to be a really big here. Oh thank you so much for in time for tonight I know
you're in they say you're, probably right at all kinds of parties that will never be invited. Let's hope that worry about to lift a glass later tonight and celebrate a huge trump victory and we'll be there and people more and more about what we're working together over the coming weeks. Thank a canvas. Thank you guys so bad smell. If the glass decanters reinsurance arouses enters overflying right, so that is the first our big announcements. For then I can't sell is moving to national joining the daily wire. We are going to replace the media. That doesn't just mean replace the media in terms of investigative investigative journalism, it doesn't just me placing the media in terms of The troll commentary means we have to make culture. We have to make the kinds of shows that they make. We have to engage in fiction. We have to engage in Shows we have to engage in a broad swathes of content, reaches people where they are and that's what we're going to be doing both with canvas and
Mother, exciting announcements that would be making for you as the night, those on the right now the poles have been closed on the east coast for thirty seven minutes we know you're looking for an update on what's happening, we are going to kick it LISA Crowd daily Wire Election war run, hopefully they're gonna be able to walk as tourism of what's been going on what we ve been busy celebrating ourselves. Writing our nearest edition in Canada, so one so again bit pointed this out. I think it's important that you know now. a joke, and this is actually joining us in Nashville, for It is going to be just a true, I mean revolutionary kind of change in the kind of content that you can come to us in conservative media and best of all only one of the EU announcements that we have for you tonight survives went about the ticket to the war room and here what's going on in the country, and what are we seeing those first, on social media. Are there any states, reporting that are are critical to our request is arresting the night. Yes,
have some updates here with Cabot, actually won the editors at the daily wire cabinet that I mean we ve been together all day, long realities and it wasn't for longer than that few hours. I had to spend inherent make up you're there with me. That's all There's some updates that are coming from the cable news networks as those east coast. Poles are closing like Germany, just like he also right now. Florida is over sixty percent reporting. Fox news currently has president trump trailing by about one point: four percent in Florida, abortion around. In your times, projections now has present trumpet ninety six percent to win Florida with the remit. Votes are left at forty percent left, so people kicking that around saying will nor times already predicting essentially ninety six percent chance of winning for a long time ago. Still a of people lies laws you're in line you can still vote winning action or the poles close joys of President Trump is down about two percent. Only fifteen reporting, so it's gonna be a long night ahead and so
that's where we all right now, no big surprise as yet in the states that have been called Virginia, has been called by Fox NEWS for Joe Biden few other Ngos have not called it yet, but side Virginia being called a Fox news. There have been any big surprises, anything call, ok and the thing that I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised about, as if we can go home tonight- and I mean, thank God, we're on the West Coast about world still pretty tired and in full how long it's gonna be? How long are we gonna be there here? How long is it gonna be drawn out? everyone's been contemplating. Is this going to be a contested election and as we talk about with an earlier, we have a history of contested election. Sometimes I don't actually sometimes I do relish bring the bearer news. This is not one of those times and there's the bad news. Is that Very high likelihood that we're not going to know the true results tonight and I especially if President Trump is performing better than some unexpected, which we now does look like is happening right now, so gonna walk into a few scenarios looks like going. We don't have the results tonight. Starting from
likely till you, like the most likely organism recounts. So twenty states across the country, if the final tallies under one percent and automatic reconsidered, and that includes Arizona, Florida and Ohio. Now one percent automatic recognition That is something that we should certainly expect to see. Some of those states, okay, now, could be out of the hand anyway. It could be a situation where one can it s. A big league with recount doesn't really matter at the end of the day. We only know, but ever anyway in forty two states, Canada can demand to recount. If there isn't one automatically triggered and in a few others its lawsuits can happen. Where, for Canada has clear proof of some sort, election malpractice dumped balance that kind of thing they have clear evidence of it. They can sue the state to try and get some kind of injunction going on there and at least likely scenario, but the one I should like to bring up is congressional intervention. If there is, their winter. That is chosen by the Electoral college by December six Congress. ravine they step in and they will help. Choose, the winner is something we saw back in two thousand pushing
Four. Ok, so we have a month. Do you think we're through a month out, I dont, think I looked out. I have I am optimistic. We have some clear Samples of of what the reasons are hopefully with an extra days, but I dont think People should necessarily expect to know exactly what's gonna happen tonight, because this is an incredibly close race or to overstate just how close the results are right now that we're seeing coming- and we have heard both candidates talk about how they have those legal team is re, exactly the Canada reflects their illegal muscles, something so we're thing to envisage mine, but they have made clear that if the results are close, especially in some of those keep our own states they will be demanding recounts if there is an automatic one that they are willing to go to court to suit and make sure that happens, keep an eye on that
again, the re so far tidying up in Florida in Georgia. Those are the two main state for keeping an eye on the world. Right now are also North Carolina Mesh again of those other Pennsylvania view of those other battleground Ohio. The poles just closed, like I said we're on the West Coast, were keeping an eye on everything. That's happened, and one more thing I will add both candidates encouraging all their supporters telling them if you are in line staying line, would do the same thing here. Is that the wire for anyone listening watching that's in line stay like, voting on the support of clothes. Ok and as we get those Pope results that are coming in and being solidified will continue to bring those two. You guys excellent, ok, so a couple of things in Miami gave. Margin in Florida is excellent news for president from from got three Four thousand votes in Miami date. In all point sixteen. He already has more than four hundred fifty thousand vote in Miami date. Cubans are showing up on Mass in Miami day he's doing extraordinarily, while their Biden was the wind Miami Day by some thirty points is artillery one by last time. He's really running it by like ten this time, which is bad news for guidance. It looks like a very good shot. The Trump takes Florida
expected also. It looks like a fairly detracted from six Georgia as expected. If we are to trust the famous, our times needle them quick reminder for we just had on gender balance in Germany. as it is one played his. This was a silly move, threatens they silly movies, because it's an actual thing real Candice Airlines is in fact joining daily wire she'll be having a show here. We can, but we can't wait for it. It's a creative brand new really oriented alive audience type thing, there's gonna be amazing and we your support in order to turn this into like a full on NPR help us replace NPR page, you need it over the daily wired outcome right now and you get twenty five percent off with Cody Election, we have all sorts of big initiatives that we are pushing gonna hear about them. out the night. There was only the first of a bunch of big announcements tonight we need your help, we do because it brings a programme like this, isn't exactly dream, and not only that bringing onboard more and more programming to counter the essay. Women media and to replace them. That's. The whole goal here is to replace the establishment media so goes right now, which I want every joint go to jail
I'll come if you haven't on this yet you're watching a daily? Where I come because you're watching alive, because this part is for free, please don't over there and you promo code election get twenty five percent often subscribe over a daily wire dot com. A candy citizens is in fact, coming with. Stu, Nashville and she's joining the daily wire YAP. It's gonna be twenty four and is going to be a turning point for conservative media and daily wires be leading the charge you know, who else changing the face of media. As we know, one over on the right is our good friend Megan Kelly to launch the podcast, and this is what I love about making tell me what she decides to do. Something like take twenty sixteen for him, she decided to walk down the hall girl knows how to down the hall with a purpose attains the game. That's what he's doing now, Podcast Megan, we're so glad that you, this and we love your new pike ass, its bad guys. Thank you. So much will help. Thank you for that. We need to promote it and for being assisted in people backers of it from the time it was in his little embryonic stage has been kind of a tree for Us
to talk you behind the scenes and watch you give birth to this thing and to see its success right out of the gate. It's really a wonderful thing. I think this is the Europe that are really free they engage in the podcast, I'm sure coming off being in the more restrictive environment of television. I think it'll give you the opportunity to say all the things that you what you say in your already doing that in doing a very whilst welcoming work must talk about the election. So asked first of all, since you spend so much time in the media covering this stuff, I believe that the media have been worth eight cents. for Joe Biden in this race needy Maybe the media seem to have given up on any pretence of objective journalism, since you have worked in the halls of the media, not just a Fox news, but obviously it network news. What are you of the what looks like the decline of establishment journalism, I'm gonna get it done.
I did I not talking placement all my pike yesterday was already almost downloaded. We have yet to talking about the media. Committed suicide and truck was their Kevorkian hidden them something I willingly jumped for rich. They didn't see themselves and it's been set aside for me was respected disgusting for me to watch. we ve been trying to take him out from from day one and look I I wasn't exactly Ludwig President's role for years ago, but I'll tell you something what the thing they helped me really see him clearly and analyze him with objectivity and fairly was down, was how much the media hated him and how against him they were, and then you know how it is. It's like. You have to rise up your strong itself and in both the most focused lines on the guys that people have someone bacon, listen to whose night don't forget to be part of the resistance in bringing him down everything. Was it
please shirking journalistic responsibility. Their credibility is gone and I cannot get back and I'll. Tell you one reason why people back home you're coming out there and they are trying to tell us they are listening to us where the media were telling you that motorists and we're all like screw. You re like so many times that Covington case just see small, let all the lies about trunk Russia, gay ugric. We no longer believe you properly either hand who doesn't have an adult relationship with the truth. After telling us also stocks are not backed by over this us- regularly going out. Suddenly, I really want to know the truth. I'm anyway so has life in the digital age? For me, I think it's it's a great place. Villages deliver the true whenever it is, and I do think that's why digital media and you don't places like the daily wire on a future better future we see me truly is dying
and what's tromp goes, whether its tonight or for years from now, they're really done, because he is the only thing keeping them alive. I about writing the ironically propping them up right now. I think this about the legacy media I think about. It too, has for some never trumpet. Weapons, are not not people who were trump sceptics in twenty sixteen, but Peter four have gone all in I'm begging, maybe the Lincoln Project and others against the president. Is it there? this interesting irony, where he's responsible for their ascendancy right now, and I dont think that they will have the same kind of reach if they have today with Trans european money. That yeah I mean. I think that in the future the meat has made clear that it is now no longer in the business of objective journalism, and so there are the same as we are now they're playing in our field. Before was like, we had I'm play in their field. Another playing in our view of the important things I want to ask it out. Is you wanted? figures in media who did not succumb to travel arrangements syndrome, so you had every reason by all available sort of objective metrics use. It comes from
arrangements and drove away the nobody also considering the president went directly argue in twenty sixteen repeatedly and yet You didn't you maintain your objectivity. You maintained a perspective on from that away. for the possibility that he would do things that you would like. How are you able maintain an even keel, because it really is a quality that you don't see in a lot of people in the media sphere. I'll take your word You take yourself out of it. You know me: there were many nights during the nine month. He was coming after me, where we had security, where people showing up in our house and has in the mill the night. It was just got a little scary and every night before I went on the report about him, I would remind myself it isn't about you. It's not about you! It's about the voters and him You know, I'm on the sidelines vehicle strata bring me out of the field, but ass was beyond the satellites next year, which allow report It was hard, I'm not gonna lie. It was hard, but I did It is one of the reasons why I really resent the fact that no one's normalcy try in her life. I know they don't like him. There ve been lots of leaders who I haven't light, but I
your job is to not making about here. You'll do to make the Duke lacrosse case about you justify led about you. I need those keys are not about using your opportunities, are important to prove to the audience how woke and liberal a liberating you are. Megan. I understand this feeling of despair that that legacy media is just completely collapsing, you know we have no one, that we can trust, but is there not also a little bit of hope there is there not a silver lining, which is that I think a lot of us felt for a long time that the legacy media were utterly partisan. They were completely unfair. They were just hiding in a little bit better and then, when Donald Trump works and that the scene, all of a sudden, the mask slips a little, and you can see us at the objective journalists, and I would certainly include you in that category, but from the less objective journalists. I don't know, I'm just a name comes to my it Jimmy costs or other people who have made the story always about them in their own political preferences.
That's a good boy and any no use do in his country that when we are about it, be all about partisan breasts, and I think our founding fathers would have understood. The attempt to be equal objective they were set is all about in declaring restoration and arguing for them in a blast, and maybe that's exactly where we're headed but bring it bothers me about. It is the gist honesty about who they are. Was channels are serving, and my assistant is here with me this long ago, like on our agenda I put on MSNBC, I'm going back and forth between Boston. I wasn't saying she's like Amazon, beseech you know that I like them. I don't watch Rachel matter. God knows what truth increase follow once the guards out there. I know what year she explained to me: she's honest about it Please let me know those guys don't want you to believe their objective journalists, news Juba. Do you think we are, and what really bothers me about it is we're all in media
but my imaginary viewer collar mass cheese, I what she's an attack was watching all businesses. Mash doesn't know she's, like my life, I'm not following in other media websites to figure out who's. GonNA buys nonetheless it ass. She thinks just a news: well, it isn't the news, its complete propaganda, so in Europe, me and for now I am- I always Rachel, show but I'd watch a panel autonomous embassy beforehand. What I've seen it would you know? In the early days this country. The media declared thereby seized in the media, actually campaigned for like President's instead of candidates campaigning to get elected, as This is why you still have newspapers like the Tennessee Democrat right there actually named after the parties that they were formed to be propaganda outlets, for we, think of ourselves as a propaganda outlet, we we don't say things that we don't believe are true. We dont say things for which we can't find factual evidence, we're not trying to be an answer to the foot of providence tendencies of left wing
I acknowledge that we have these biases. I actually think that everyone in the country had been so much better shape if we got rid of this entire idea of objective media and everyone. Just Their bias is, of course, the only people who are against credit. If you don't want you to know the Roma, it would work. People could work out the same facts, man I was in a ban all the time I love years. Two german welcome to the broadcasting world was murdered man behind these Anne and Michael, an unseemly to download yours, but that that happens I got I can get out of it What is a guy who he'll tell you when you think speedily, because a backdrop tell you Jesse straight analysis? Anything strong has done something wrong anyway, reed illegal. Back. This is my thought in opinion. Now, if you re just that- and I would say almost bank- not that was never never tramper, you know sometimes tramper, but I think some of the most honest
analysts of the trunk era had been people who started off at Republicans who started off not so into trouble now coup Then watched with the media and the Democrats were doing to him and they can still see him for what he is but they're, not they don't have the derangement glasses on, and I think that one of the reasons why you guys are so valuable. I think it's one Smee report fairly on him? Do me, a set of backs that were agreeing on that were working offer an excellent, The legacy need has got off the day that I think you're absolutely right. That's why grateful that you are now joining us here in new media. I am grateful for the opportunities that our daily wire dot com, audience and particular are. Subscribing members give us to be able to give that alternative point of view. This term legacy media. We were talking at the beginning of the show we have to do away with this. of the mainstream media, which is part of hold over from the early two. Thousands, because There's nothing mainstream about the point of view that are being sold to us day in and day out, by dawn,
by a cost there by the New York Times by the Washington Post. That's not how mainstream Americans see themselves we should. We should take that term back very, very pleased. beyond a certain. I make a thank. You, maybe weaken our circle up tomorrow and raise a glass tat. You know either the tomb of the public or the salvation of their public, either way, be worth a drink: was it, I think, is also that you guys are not drunk this time too soon. Madam, I may I in about myself with me, read its date forgotten new podcast everywhere, where there are podcast. I like like an hour for its headquarters. I can make fun of me he still every time that he speaks in front of alive audiences voted, ten crews, dot com, this TED crews, darker, my name is TED crews, and I have a website TED crews. Come and like everyone else I use. Google search has failed to get your website go we're broadcaster. Megan Tellers, Newport Gas, so the best things out there mega. Thank you for joining us, guys. You later
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with claimants all glass and I have your glass could send out in every day and much much imbibing. Let's start with that, that's never won, but before I do that, I bring my especial thick rim, election, glassy, Emerson, policeman, o a lot. Yes, because you know a lot of times on Amazon BC. You know their wary glasses. Now these are not real glasses. These programmes, as I actually of twenty twenty vision to make a point news, Catherine, is you guys, are blowing up and leaving the year unless Andrews and going to natural, it's very exciting. Those are really does the new. I you guys are gonna have to do more of this. You're gonna have to get sick grim black- that's that's not quite rightly worthy, and then, when you make a point, bandit you're, always making point, and then you he thought wow, that's good you! The way I did I cannot live, I believe the Roma. Let me I didn't need there will be right, it might I made it and then you can also do this. Oh, my god, I wish you'd make a point. We design all live, I'm on your side, reporting biting the president.
is the idea that I problem with that? I always get Mozilla taken format out every time I, where those glasses and if its heritage, I dont, know how to maintain a citizen s. Work was an airline worked very well, but you see, I can't do it now that at no time says there's a ninety. Five percent shouted problems, water The aim of this Miami Day County thing, it sounds like someone is awesome new homes also goes already breaking news from one West Virginia. I don't Is that all then I swear I like that now, whenever I think of for the man, I think ever worth it actually listen run. This answer sprawl of his down home John, is a hybrid loggerhead that right we are. We taking over the state. We have grads anything it's it's it is impressive. I did you know I don't want to I called Florida, but is it is maybe the only state that I actually call this watch and I've been turned from her. Only prediction remotely actual production. This election was the trump wasn't gonna win flora now for the states that actually, you think, he's gonna. When I do things going North Carolina do things grow in Georgia
he's no in Arizona I much more sceptical of the states in the Midwest, that's that's cuts or where I am. If I'm gonna have one of them right, he's gotta have passed. is really the one: you have worked better, I'm bite Florida coming and strong from and not just strong he's he's, apparently getting an outside shared a black hole now treads the house. I share the hispanic vote and this something that the Republican should keep in mind going forward. Is that the a working party had been the party other by weight. Super Ben college, educated people, then under front became the Party of Highschool educated white people and they sort of broke down like stranglehold until those body and says in the Midwest if the republican It becomes the party of more lax more Hispanics and working class white people with some suburban women, because Trump is really the barrier between superwoman? The Republican Party is George W Bush ended, Romney showed. That was what the Majority Party but like a minority guardians over all of the Democrats being very sanguine about tonight. That's reading a lot from Florida, but will see how the election this is. This is the big e, though ban, because it is you mention we ve
told now, for years and years, you know that that their republicans ain't black people in and Democrats about a huge of the Black Box and then during the Trump era, we weren't old, from peacemaking, inroads among, voters- and you have all these poles. These babbling ble is trumped getting twenty percent twenty five percent, two percent- who knows there's only one the matter is that the pull the matter election day we're getting those more members and if from can actually succeed thing that we conservatives have been telling ourselves for the past four years, that could be in a fundamental shift the way the political parties are. No, it just seems obvious to me that minorities are breaking minorities are realising who wants to be owned by a political party, because, if you're, the color of your skin or yours, actuality or your gender. I mean look here- it can design and its great you guys. You may do so together, like she literally change the world, whether weather from winds or not- and I do think you will win tonight and about play and he's gonna win and talk about a frequent
Local evolution over you're gonna get out the sheet. She changed the world, but I do want, give credit to the missing daily. What Mister sitting, and because you remember four years ago, when we were doing this and add as the night was going on and it starts, become more obvious. The trunk was gonna win and everybody was kind of Regan out. You were laughing and cry simultaneous lily somebody's nightmare. What craven cleaving said, something that I have repeated and I try to credit him when I can that I think we do so on the money that what an incredible country we live in that can happen right now, the four of us we live and breathe. This of anything happened tonight you know, and we can anything happened, but it also depends on what the media decides. That only one thing I sighed out have been almost almost only one thing was impossible: colonel, losing his seat so there's been destroyed, amiable graph this money into that's the celebrated ninety million unbelievable trying to defeat Mcconnell, which is this
what is vague by falling on his hands and help to take anything you throwing their care, not Ruth Cocaine Management, there alone, so much money on those raises. Also after It has been called for front, which is good news for lunch am who said also there wasn't a close battle, but it wasn't prickly hospital. I think it's gonna be all right. That. For now, I actually think everything's gonna be ok. I think he's gonna win
I just think people have just woken up. What we no matter, what happens kind enough. People in California is really a question. What you got screwed me. You scrutiny as a matter of fact. I had knows it is lovely wife. Over for dinner. Just a few weeks before you announced that you are leaving an old and I after some whiskey and yeah some wine, we may then he said I will stay within Dave. I will stay here. Why would we trust this failure? Then literally, would like twelve minutes later, I see across the twitter. Can Shapiro announces normally. Why now eyes? I accuse you write a headline was knolls noses soldier up the river. I we had this great dinner little,
Coca COLA. As you know, we were drinking a little bit. We made a plans for the future, we're going back. California we're not! Then I kind though it was like good appetite. You have a few drinks. Did I go in Germany calls me, and I could you not. It was like two days later he was already ready. Eras Dave, who I gotta know what truly guys aquifers I've loved. Haven't you guys here it's been nice and I get to Florence every now and again sunlight. So we will break break again and- and I do not have been to national ones out their white lovely at EU level. But before that the rise in sea utter it was great what you may be enjoying their new habitable bodily. Throw you out of a state will listen. We got and we got a ton of em over what is, to my mind this. How did he said when it is I'm the one that staying I had to get all the gun you guys are leaving prevent, has anger, we need to bring people. That's that's our there So, basically, as ourselves like this today, we are clear liberalism,
can be hilarious, is when all all of us the be married, ledges, Judea, jewish and christian conservatives watch Dave. They, the gay formerly liberal guy being go in the middle of yes, I've gotta have basically by all I always told daily. So you knows I was gonna end up the most worrying. I believe that it was obvious because I've been with these people in their terrible horrible you're on an island and a lot of time with them and their awful, politically you're gonna be further than a right than any of us may become the pope. At some point I dont know and honest. I will for a while- and this is what we decided- that we will stay here for a while and see if we can fix this freakin thing. You know right what happens? You guys know this leftist and progressives break things, and then conservatives fixed and everyone is like- look California, that Reagan guy was once the governor of California. Like things happen, New York, one then begins. I progressive not back in New York. City Giuliani fixes it. So I like a challenge- and I also like aids-
the degree whether every day, when it's not raining fire like the weather, the furthest, other bends living California, his entire life. I've lived here for twenty years two months in two weeks. I love California unfair by accident, so great a state in the country in terms of natural beauty, disagree to state in the country in terms of gesture ability to start off. It's nothing, engage with media and find a voice for years the promised they destroyed it. I mean in the last ten years they ve completely unravelled the magic umbrella. It's a totally different town. Then what was even thirty six months ago my hope is was it my hope? Is you join us? and ass, the failing that. I hope you turn the state around I'll look, there's always a chance like how to any of us do anything in the political world. If we don't think there's a chance right like we think you have the right just putting Jim Carry and of endeavour. Now my political believe they came from my earlier, but like like there
Right now now, what Betty totally myself when I got the reference now I gotta tell you say there is a chance. Ok, now I gotta let us law on our newspaper movies me myself, and I really believe that that night before he lied to me about the greatest movie of all that I'm gonna believe came from the movie yadda yadda yadda anyway, I'm gonna stay and fight for a little bit, and I think that I think people hate Car Seti this this plan, our mayor, I think people he gave a new some and I'm going to see. You know Rick Grenelle still in California, Larry Elder lives here and early. It's not that nobody's here and by the way, as Hollywood crumbles, which it is crumbling indiscreet is crumbling, and Hollywood crumbles, New India, these will have to try to step in and filled out, and they won't be this crazy left. This model is so there's a chance, but let's try this to tonight, which is the right there's, a ten thousand person trumpet. in Beverly Hills he was amazing, unbelievers, a memory there I was there
unbelievable. What was the spirit of what was the attitude like? Was your joy, pure joy? I ve ever done ecstasy, I've. Never Have you ever got accessing come all lines I can Arbela Philip. Was it will let you I've gotta see. This is where I can never say, I'm a full conservative cause. I say ecstasy and I can see all you guys start you get extra collar, I'm gonna be Anthony. I got my wife what time did on my family has a history of drug use and so I've never been tempted to do drugs and even inside for people. I cared a lot about you. People who I was very close to they would we ve been amsterdammers someday boy? I'd be great. If we spoke to join together- and I just I just- I can't do it, because seen where the road can lead? I don't know. What's genes, I got by making a fool around with what if I got those genes you should always answered. I have said to my wife: if our efforts, The target will be ecstasy is called
x x. This was an analogy rises to turn to the european public. Have always what I've always said, as I want to have a little more libertarianism into the best. Everybody movement anyway They were led we're taking crocodile, let's less relevant. Excellency metaphor here was if it was pure joy, thousands of people and it didn't matter if they were black or white or gay or straight or any of that now incense, They were little Rambo. Nobody around. You know there are plenty of ages. It was. It was a serious websites and everybody's happy everybody's hugging. I found out that Prager Dennis Breaker was on his way there. So I take you to my met him right outside and we walked together into watched the people, because your denizens really tall and he's dressed like that. This programme in the teeth of deliberate and until one he's out literally like thousands of people like yelling, like God, bless you Dennis we're gonna take this date back and by the way that sustain you're. So, like you pure joy, it's it's not
eighty refers both the about that. What now? What do you know? I have you any need. We are this lack of euro area where their financial data with issues is, you may caroling, and rigour and I've got Adam on the roads. I mean I I think I can get animals. I think I think I M, like you, got all those fancy cars. It's it's very expensive to move those across dreamy. Lighted rocks, they are made of car car, alien and I led the best argument on Dennis that he is a word which was Dennis Prager. You are too your committing an active immorality by spending your taxpayer dollars in a state. That is hope. Leslie Blue and is using them to reinforce all the values you hate. It contains Scholarship Brown. After an actually told me this week he said I have to say this here's an I say you ball, LINEAR news desire about whose job it is apple, watches Dennis, is taking to heart what
said to him about the morality of thing. For me- and I know I know I know- is that is less right- we're Dennis lives. This are aware, greater and more eligible that he was left. Prager from this is not a show and considerate gender see right back. Is it possible obviously, that there is an innocent gonna win? California, we have low, but that's how you start the recent better. I guess so. I used to run organ donation conference of Abrams about twenty five hundred Hollywood professionals, who were conservative in would bring twenty to forty of them into these new member lunches and people would with whisper it up. the table in a private room outbreak they would they grown men would weep, and I don't mean one or two I made numerous times over that the day that we were in operation, people would say obvious my agent. If I knew I was your one. Guy said, if my I knew I was here and my wife does not know my most deeply held beliefs, but the rally in Beverly Hills said to me what your experience it at the polling place last week said to me, with the caravan
FR, oxen and vehicles. The went down venerable of our three times now said to me is that conservatives, are not in a mood to hide from. well yeah. I guess I think we have finally realize they. Ve got our number. They are going to dogs as they are going to destroy it, The only way you can defend yourself is to take absolute ownership of who you are and stand up and by the way who do we have to thank for that its Donald Trump, because he'd mapped out a way to win guns. Who did the Democrats love now they love. The idea of John Mccain was not even on this earth anymore. They loved Mitt Romney, whose just to sell out they originally love. They want the crystal, of course, but they love they loved, W Bush? Now they love Republicans that are either retired and gone or dead, and it's like like what I'm here and I'm alive, and I'm going to fight for these things. It doesn't make imperfect but she's, the one that that allowed that. So you when you go to this thing in Beverly Hills, I mean the heart of the matter and not just Beverly Hills, Rubio Dry, which was destroyed by black lives matter and eighty four a couple months ago, and it's all boarded up now somehow
Hundreds and thousands of transporters can walk through Rodeo, Dr Germany and, I can believe, is perfect. Nobody bus into were Gimme a fancy store. Come on those nobody's less did into private gucci Iris Gopher come on. There are people boarding up, Dave, Reuben S, conundrums, those aren't gonna burn everything you. Maybe it isn't. Gonna be white christian militias, parading Beverly hills of writing. Gotta get outta the reference to destroy. Ok, I was then known as coming deported brigades door. I don't wanna, tempt you overly, but you know who they just call for Donald Trump, one presented about reporting, and yet they called the state. The great state of Tennessee but here it is Look how read, but how it is very beautiful, color! Isn't it the beautiful color of red
today. This I was in Tennessee once when I was on tour with with Jordan and I performed at the grand old operator Riman Theatre, which is the legendary the right and the people. There were extraordinarily nice. You guys you can have to get used to being round nice people than ever at its very different there being here and allay, but I think just with the right amount of time and maybe a little ecstasy, I think they can organ recently. You know this is something that even I have friends and family were very meek and mild, and they have has lived in blue places him with their conservative and they say there sick of it, because now this is actually something that changed with corona virus we are now when and how the mask as a great symbol on it. You can tell someone's politics by the millimeter of mass is on their no thriving alone on the situation, and now the power you can't deny the pilot. Every single interaction is. Am I of jobs, or am I a fellow American, and am I kill you and I'm either. Everything is so you're, so one edge all the time. I wanted
into a sea of Republicans in Tennessee. I want to feel like I'm, not always on the defensive. What I mean when it comes to ask actually. But what I've noticed for Democrats is that they weaken tell them. How are you There are worrying and improperly serves a prepared that Republicans when they were masters, usually because they actually are concerned about the very risky everyone Democrats. It seems like the masters being warned simply as a pure virtue signal in so doing their job and it wasn't it You know, I'm not his aunts and ask you guys are so that they actually think that that the masking is not the case. give away the chief giveaways when you think them asking is the is the failure of ideological consistency, deputy chief devoid of People who say that it's terrible to go to a crown Donald Trump now we're amass, but then there, like that you know it's very simple, for you to go into a racial protest about the United States. Is evil like someone is literally a story. I think yesterday on Yahoo I think, was Yahoo but said somehow they figured out that when, when people are doing these super spreader black lives matter things
destroying everything. Somehow the virus is actually gone down. Yes, because nobody, but I was lying on the ground there, what they said I did because anyone who stay home he said. Staying home because of the riots writers are actually doing you a favor there having already wouldn't die berwin down European Zizi announced today your day, the CDC says that, even if you, we have an active, go actively have covered nineteen, you should go vote and what welcome I reside ever. What bothers me, the offices and analyse the compass, the shock, the people there is no cost, It has no right to vote for president right. There is a constitutional right to freely worship and yet church basically CDC recommendation remained shuddered all over this country. But if you, if you're gonna vote.
I gotta get down there make sure that there is not a red or are they calling at the Red Red, Murat Red memorize? It doesnt turn out their way. It's a mirage right now. It is worth noting that Georgia looks like it is lining up for Trump as well. So at least Florida in Georgia have lined up for Trump Arizona, looks a little bit ice hereby centrally stats. Ohio is looking a little and at last summer, remember Trumbull supposed when narrowly and how you and broadly in Ohio, looks back to narrow territory good NEWS and George. I was a little bit more worried in Georgia and we ve seen some. The commander had been a little scary and obviously Stacy Abrams as the governor there. So that makes. But then that is good night after tonight, maybe depressive issued voting. She made this all ends with Stacy Abrams. As the president, absolute, we are in a simulation. Yes, absolutely Dave, I wanna go check in with our war room divine sitting around from or second I'm here I have whiskey and I think I'm attached to the chair, so I think that after we have no choice, are we now but these are our most rear analysis. Yes, yes, elation, in the daily Wire war room
I am here, and I have a very own Cabot Philips, as you guys mention. Of course, President Trump, just one Tennessee. We have updated our map here, so how? looking what's going on the guys this reference Georgia's? Well? Can you break down from the data from that angle? The directive will know we have enough to really story get a feel for how the state are shaping out. Georgia Florida camera? Your time, secondly, there projections has trumpet about ninety six percent to win The Panhandle one large areas remaining four votes to come in traditionally conservative stronghold. It's looking very, very good for the President in Florida, Georgia, state were poison. How president from the head is going to be incredibly close right now, you're times has them with a sixty percent chance of winning George, if you believe those numbers we have right now, with thirteen percent reporting present trumped up about almost six percent indoors. Obviously we have to weigh perform countenance wetland is that's where most of the result of income in after the Democrats are really banking, Fulton, cop county to cap, county or counties Democrats stronghold? Traditionally, it's gonna be tough.
for Georgia. But it looks good right now and one of the things about Georgia that we ve been discussing in the early voting there. So what was the early voting turn out like because TAT technically, that tend to ski, more democratic Reda? Technically, you would think that pass elections are definitely benefits. Democrats, this year, democratic, really voting not as they because Republicans have been calling on early voting. Democratic mail in voting is what we're expectancy very high numbers from another interesting point: we talk about projections from New York Times, another one people like to keep an eye on the betting more, sometimes people thinking about a feel for it's going with the money. at present, tromp was sitting down and the high teens the low twenties earlier in the week right now he's up to forty five percent, and some of the larger betting market so seems like people think this more money lying or present. Tromp releases starting get that way. So that's knows and keep islands and Progressive Ohio another one, the big one the people want is higher in Pennsylvania next week, don't have enough data coming from those states. Yet, oh hi!
especially where you do have a few more votes, but a lot of the key areas and Republicans are waiting on not coming. Ok, and I mean who knew that Michael knows had time to get to Vegas, to put in his bets on that springing up, something that democratic spend. A lot of money on a hundred million dollars on the race against which Mcconnell incomes but it did not turn out. That's what's on. All is one reelection. Can we look at a Senate map absent? Actually, we have an update their. Can you give us an update on what's going out with the same? Well, if you close your eyes and listen to their sound, that laughter is actually no cooking match laughing all the people that port a hundred million dollars into EMU Mcgrath came that's what we like burning money and yet the Joker sitting on the Castro before lights and fire gap. As for anyone who sent me, the rat campaign has done with their money. Mr Connell, you bet against him doesn't go well for you, a lot of people did, is going to be remaining. We ve seen a few other races called for form up What Keynes in half in Oklahoma few other states, not many,
big surprise is yet another races were holding all foreign unannounced. You need those. Yet until we get to some of the more your contested election. Ok, thank you Cabot for that of the guys. We're gonna continue to bring those face, but right now we did with love to come on over here and get to some subscriber questions. Everybody Worley wants to know at what point this question is for Ben actually, what we think of the riots and looting will start ban if Trump, what ends up winding Pennsylvania. If someone Pennsylvania immediately so while there can be a lot of folks who actually wait until they results or anything you're gonna start see unrest tonight, if there's not a clear result for by citing, did it get to nine o clock. Goodnight unease coast, Washington, Dc New York, yes, so that their worried about this It turns out that that it's a very all action that looks like it's can go late into the night. You might I can see some preemptive looting. Some preemptive upset we're tomorrow. It looks like from going away Pennsylvania
Rituals is an act of violence for sure. Ok, now can I just say that I agree with that, while demise ionizing man levy. even wiser, not the gets you saucy, but I'm you haven't devouring those glasses and I'm going back to floor, and I'm saying my sweetheart would you like to you know I'm just the outward work. Do you mean they do have three kids? Ok. Next question goes to actually I won't ask this question a David. You don't mind. We will want to know that, given that pulse we're, so act inaccurate in twenty. Sixteen, do you think that the Authors may have air and on the safe side, this election, we ve heard across the board how pollsters have changed. You know the different levels of which they look at Dayton, one type of people they call and include in their polling. But do you think that they ve aired so much on the safe side this year than that they would be
reporting and in a kind of going too much the other side reporting. Similarly inaccurate predictions. You know I've been when people on Twitter and in real life asking friends and family, and nobody that I know I got one person to say that it Ten years ago they were called on a landline. I can't find anyone that was ever have you. There has ever been Paul. I've got one text in my life. I got on one glance: have you ever been pulled, never forever? Bimbo then, if you ever been, oh that's what happens before or after the ecstasy I don't know all environmental work and wounded, and I I don't. I don't believe that all is actually have much bearing anymore. It strikes me as a vestige of the old world and in many ways, no matter what happens to night, but especially, if promptly it seems to me that the old world is coming to a close. Now, it's coming toward home, maybe hangs on fuel for former years. If bite and winds or whoever becomes president wants bite is declared, incompetent or whatever incapacitating
but whatever you want to call it out, and we know why don't you take a, but we also know that in essence, I think that the idea that the posters are getting this stuff right- it's just more signalling and waning us the way the New York Times tried to train us. The way all the studies out of Harvard try to train us to think certain things. What joined and as you know, we did that we did. The breaker unite in informing everything they do is doublespeak in confusion. So the idea that the people who lie about everything in the mainstream that lies about absolutely right everything they don't lie about it this is the one thing that they decided not to live out, because it so serious, and yet we don't know anyone that they ve talked about this and what it is. Actually a debate that we are having before the shell been an eye. Michael was part of a driver's part of it is, can do pollsters have more of an interest. To redeem their profession by being accurate or more of an interest in gratifying
client legacy media these people, don't it's it's almost everything that's got on with the left over the last five years. You would think that Donald Trump being President for the last four years they might got in and reevaluated what they did wrong, but In so deep, you don't want to be the poster. The one pollster added a poster. I guess thereby hang in there. They hang out that they like an eel, chat, room or something that I think, but I do not want to be the one poster whose I cannot be won this a little bit differently in talking to people a little bit differently and you're not going to believe this guy's. But I've got trumped up five So that's why all the Poles said the exact same thing, which, by the way over the last couple days, was a lot closer. Point. Then it was four years ago I just there's also thereby there's just sort of minor historical point here, which is that everything we're talking to modern social science, modern statistics, modern falling, modern media, modern university, modern state- all came up with this in time as part of the same project, the issue, the word statistics them from the word statist read in statistical Germans, that these data dying it was all to feed
the modern administrative state so when it works within that system, if that's some starts to break down the whole thing breaks down. You ve seen the university Britain, you ve seen the legacy media breakdown magnificently and I think The last vestiges pulling it sounds most sciences. You know it sounds the most factual, but as the system crumbles, no one's gonna go to overcome Look at exit pulling the idea that there's a pollster outside of the place where you vote, who is going to come up to you and then you're going tell him what you just did there. I mean I've. You're in LOS Angeles, I'm I'm a public person and people know that I voted for Trump, but the idea that I would have to a random percy. I know firstly with the stupidity of the mass and everything else like all yes, yes, let me tell you my last or you want to come to my house. I stop accordingly, that's all This seems real anymore and I think that's what we're seeing There is a new world on the horizon and I think truly, you know, guys, like us, are going to help blaze a trail to or we'll go to the gulags order going we'll be in good company.
We have breaking news right now coming. Order we're going to the daily wire world room to get the uptake Ilusha now back to that, I'm gonna head on overtired nifty little map over here and our very own Cabot, Philips Cabot, what's going on for so long ago, brought this because I've been running about filling all the latest out now multiple sources have said that present tromp is set to win Florida or that for president twelve multiple sources, operating on the board the outward away for a little bit more clarification, but it looks like barring some kind of unforeseen craziness present trump. gonna come forward, and that is where the eighty six percent the precincts reporting is this. The breakdown of what has happened is a curve Rachel right now. So eighty nine percent is most recent. That present trumpets at fifteen point four percent bottoms point: seven percent in the world, where the remaining votes are coming in from international concern strongholds. It doesn't look like there's anyway, for Vice President Biden to make up the gap in Florida, so first state where it looks like all throughout
section the pulling showed wide enough anywhere from now to five samples even had him up ten, we did it start to get a little bit closer. This week, president tromp invite an alternating being leading Florida, but like border is going to be going present, and that is twenty. Nine very big and important, or has the right and the present within Bigley, important design, This was a must win for present gallop. You didn't take Florida. Strictly speaking, was gonna, be nearly impossible for him to when the election, for this is of the core five say speaking tracking today, the wire events. This was a big one for him. They can for I'll breathe a sigh of relief and now it's onto Caroline of Michigan Ohio Pennsylvania. All those big states are thank you guys, so much will be bringing those updates, specifically North Carolina, intensifying Pennsylvania, where we're paying attention- and you ve been talking about the pulse cabbages mention the Poles were in not now thoroughly. We know how wrong were they once all the votes are counted, we'll see what that margin was an, but if the poles there were two,
being against the president and the vice president in Florida. Does that mean that other pulling data that we ve seen how to places like Pennsylvania, North Carolina is going to follow that trend? We're gonna be paying attention that and bring you guys updates, as we can in this by the way is. The big question is whether now is flawed negative of other pulling errors all over the country, or is this Lord? I just outperforms Republicans that's lordy is running right. I mean did see this last time we saw that Rhonda Santa's dvd and rebuilding a very bad, your for Republicans in twenty eight June and we started Florida remain. rather read. It may be that Florida facts running right, because a voters are turning toward president from particularly in Florida, where they are cuban expatriates, venezuelan expatriates, brazilian expatriates, lumping in everybody from various different countries as less equal member tenanted everybody's from as a kind of latin next right is really just by the way the pulling this year would be pretty egregiously. five. Thirty eight pulling average did have Lord at two point: five four Biden there now predicting that it could be plus three.
for four trumps. That's a significant five point: error in favour of of present outside the margin of error files on the margin of error, we'll see if that carries over to anyplace else, like, for example, Ohio, which right now looks like it's gonna, be a real dogfight them. So what I will say is that we had wondered at the beginning of the night would would be in for a short night or a long night if we're going to be twenty, twelve over again. The president would be losing Florida, we would know there is no path, a victory. That is not what we're facing the present you guys sound from very competitive tonight, picking up the state afforded, almost certain now to pick up the state of Florida and therefore isn't it opposition to battle it out for the rest of the night they Reuben. Thank you for hanging out with us really Pritchett Eminent, especially appreciate the glasses class. The joint out, it's been a pleasure being with you. Obviously, I'm never going to see any of you ever again, I'm going to go down with the ship here and you people will be looking to be very serious right now, I'm in real. You got little that varies out there, that ITALY has a little sad. I mean I mean
What are your funeral I'm in adjusting pats on the side and think remember that time before Dave went down with little one Scarface Blaze of glory, doing ecstasy and firing machine gun under their Letty. Remember that Europe about my impending doom, but I'm not the one. Moving the dough Boca this reverence and ensure Piero bench appeared just carried the state afforded president drawings, this variety, no one vote. I irresponsible just stand as always is radically shifted the blessed in favour. President rob. I shifted the floor to vote in favour of president from by mere presence, just as I have historically shifted to vote in favour of Republicans in the state of California. That's thank you and all joke society, and this because and I can see those leaves Deborah while the fact you guys are going. You put your money where your mouth is like. We can fix this on many fronts. I truly believe that, whether its mean here, you got their wherever everybody else ends up like this is a country if we're going to remain a country than some good people have to stay here and some we'll have to have to get going and we'll do it. Let's do it
fix this thing. I have nothing better to do, but you get nothing at all we really want is jerry. Nba protection not only be an error, but just your friendship in an kinship of these laws. several years as we ve been watching. Our business, you ve, been watching your business ethics everything knowing your right down the street? further away a guy. I had something to do with your higher here also, You know this hair of a thousand only for this work it has done for something that area this happen. I thought was that all joking aside, I was writing sentimental and now you guys are taken what does a very seriously but earnestly no jokes day of the week system- you have shown us over the past, like nine minutes or so since you took the glass is often there shoot on them a little as as floored me in Oh really made me think he's gotta leave now I'm quest, perceptual orders, the guy smoulders, please thank you ghosts fitted up and take your hand, tat students they make you
due to covered restrictions- or I will catch you later on this year- there all right close up on me, so I can get him unplugged before he walks away in tears. I think I heard said terrorists and others that big note. I love this my favorite part of the evening is, when things let's get a little bit worse for Democrats and all the estimate started go down. So I don't know what's going from here, but one I've ever parts of the last with external action, as you will recall, was watching. estimate on political. Or from ninety nine percent to zero percent over the course of the narrow. Dr thirty eight is now re evaluating their shot. Abiden wins the White House. They had been ninety percent. They haven't sixty six percent if it from carries flora, so this does change them rather radically, so that is up is definitely a good thing again there. It is Keep your eye on now is a highly Ohio, is getting those votes in we are still waiting on more results from North Carolina. At this point, it is, It is amazing to see how hispanic voters info
I moved dramatically dramatically away from the Democrats, according to some early examples. Florida Hillary Clinton has vanished in Florida and twenty sustained plus twenty seven February in twenty twenty plus eight forbidden, plus eight four ok, that is, causing a nearly twenty point gap categories instead of Lord of those examples are accurate in Georgia by underperforming by fifteen percent versus Clinton among Hispanics and you Ohio Hispanics are performing when seen better for Donald Trump than they did last time around which, demonstrates once and once again it seminary. Two things one Democrats are fools for lying on. The demography is destiny. Argument attracted foolish and two white nationals are fools. Relying on demography is destiny, argument by the argument that Only if there are more white voters in your hispanic voters can there be any hope rest of the country, The reality is, people are individuals and people will think as individuals have treated as individuals, and that will be the hope of the Republican Party going forward. Apparently
then your terms, needle by the way that those needles back and I normally hates on the needles. But then you know because it honestly ain't, one of things, is greater than ecosystem. Give you like. A quick endure, fell down in dirty way of knowing exactly where things sort of sand in the region This moment they suggest from a slight favorite to carry North Carolina I am obviously they have from one in Florida. Intra heavy favorites win Georgia. That would be a big missed by the posed by the way on Georgia. as well Georgia was turning from the latter is not going to local politics, they're pulling average George, was running basically daddy, even five. There they had Georgia running toward fronting for button. So we'll see if these posts, historically wrongs their systemically wrong it off their no trumpets, reelection, unbelievable somewhere, I too welcome back our own Andrew claimants way. Name on a bathroom break. You got laws, I think you ve been up one
Alpha lovely dinner met some nice people out brought numerous bravely in front of our building. Our boarded up. You missed our farewell: Tar PAL Dave, Reuben yeah, but you also missed the unbelievable news that the president is being some some out which now calling for? Therefore the presidency we are in for a long night, the president's competitive that looked good have remembered when a packet of five points down thought. That's outside the margin of error, Emily that Bastard wouldn't use latin acts. Only only racist refused to use light next races like every latino personal government. Can we also celebrate the term which we can all Isabel said earlier, european, every million bucks. I missed the celebration, it is pretty fantastic. Where have you been cocaine off the table? Olives do not know yet another day they literally just took a giant how money and it it was used the Joker and think it we're just trying to send a message here. I think I'll go there's broke into the Joker laugh. You should have written a letter on issues dollar bill.
a really long, measured, but what's going hi or hope, not looking good, I get Ohio is low, but uglier I sold in in a lot of the counties that tramples winning heavily particulars of suburban counties that he did pretty well, unless I'm here Performing in suburban counties of Ohio, he's really underperforming in places like Cincinnati is performing, he won the county surrounding since it over there not showing up in mass numbers. Here this knowing of closer to what he was pull, that is twenty and twenty sixteen than what he showed out in twenty. Sixteen mocha send twenty sixteen a lot. A lot of rural white voters showed up from if they don't show up but something Ohio. It's hard to see unwitting Pennsylvania. I think because, if that the question competing patterns. Right record of a pattern is or is a highly political influence over, performs my tendencies that you're under performs in Ohio or if he underperformed in taxes. That is more likely to predict the night and open performance in Florida, because Florida is fantastic state, and not only after clicking away again for a bucket one in twenty eighteen, which is why round us answers rather than
a man who was caught in a room with method, a hooker as far as governor of water, a communist who was caught in a room with math, and it gave me We have everything. He looked up at the very fact that we're mighty proud to begun ownership, the data, while every single one of us on this, owns a firearm. We cannot an awesome responsibility when the framers wrote the constitution. The first thing they did was to make sacred the rights of individual, to share their ideas without limitation by government. That is the first amendment. The second right they enumerated was the right of the population to protect that speech and their own persons with force if needed, owning awry. It is a heavy responsibility. Building a rifle is no difference. Our friends at Bravo, company manufacturing, piecing em for short, build professional grade rifles built to combat standards. Why well, because I believe that you deserve the exact same level of protection as any other American, even if you're a private citizen, you deserve the exact same level of protection, but a professional. a soldier, a law enforcement officers might be able to expect from their fire on the people
I assume that, when a rifle leave their shop going to be used in the life or death situation by irresponsible citizen law enforcement officers or a soldier overseas without a mind. Every single component of a beastly rifle is handed simple, attested by Americans people are busy em up because their moral responsibility is Americans to provide you with that will not fail when it's not just the pain target on the line, but someone actually coming to do you arm see and also those that making reliable lifesaving tools. That's only half the story and so What company manufacturing is working with leading instructors marksmanship from top levels of America's special operations forces from the Marine Corps force, reconnaissance, the? U S, army special operations, forces, Connecting them with everyday Americans, these top instructors teach the skills necessary to defend yourself, to defend your family and to defend others. That's what wrong owning a rifle is all about. That's the responsibility of owning arrival is not just a right; it is a duty, the responsible thing to do Benjamin
so to learn more about Bravo Company manufacturing, these dudes, our stellar hadn't. Bravo, company, M, F, Guida com. You can discover more about the products of special offers are coming as it is probable company and f g dot com. If you need more convincing, even more about these young and the often people make their products at Youtube. Dot com, slash! Bravo, company, USA, gonNA, Youtube COM, Slash Bravo come the USA, while others were commander, well he's coming with us. National though ones is moving to Moscow and she is joining the daily wire. So if you want to help us out because let's face it, all- wonderful programming that we are soon to bring. You is going be quite closely and yet incredible, if you only part of our you need a had another right now to Daily Wired, commenting subscribe using promo code election for twenty five percent off. heal your literacy for, while we want to jump on board now, is an excellent time to do it and help us to defeat the stuff. We ve been median become the replacement media. That is our pitch the old join us and now, in the actual, regularly scheduled programme not hold back included by the way that I might not get this humble right at me with the with the actual, but the actual control,
your tumblr, which are better than its hopefully become entangled exiles year's annual subscriber you get the leftist years hot or cold tumblr happiness? we're announcing a lot of really exciting initiatives. Tonight, not only his canvas Owen, international, not only she joining the daily wire with the show, unlike any other show, but we are also these two announced and I told you to be more than one big announcement. Seconding announcement. Is that begin in the coming weeks, we have made a partnership with our friend over Prager University. The most I think that wasn't there are three can the board that have really emerged over the last five years to today, new roles and very important roles in the movement. I think Charlie Cargo People, USA has done something. workable and important. I think the wire bit self serving the way something remarkable unimportant over these last five years and our friends Prager Firstly, we have done something remarkable unimportant. We ve been fighting the five idiot they ve been fighting the fight for education, five minute videos at a time our friend
this programme for an hour s friend, came up with the idea. Ceo Marisa has taken it to hide scenario, Many of us are coming in the early days when me in Jonathan, hey, we're help and draw little videos for Prager when you first started now, these videos have been viewed literally millions of times, and you should be pleased about that because they are watched by people who are young people who will Perhaps it listen to say Ruslan BAR, wouldn't watch Fox news and are getting a d education are learning about the concepts that are actually relevant that four years ago. When then, when Donald Trump went his surprise, twenties Ten victory, a you, video that I have had the pleasure of working on about the electoral college did fifty million views in the wake of that election, as Americans started asking questions like what the electoral college. Why do we have an electoral college and who worth? Who was there too? So who is there to stand? And I got a friends of rigour you in our new partnership with Prager you, we will
ring daily wire dot com members, the entire Prager, you catalogue behind, I pay low on our at. We call an escort service as a stream video on demand service? That's the way you watch been Shapiro on the daily work outcome is the way that you watch Andrew Clayton on the data dot com, and now you will be able to watch the entire catalogue of Remarkable Evergreen, pressing it an important videos from our friends over at further you one of the important we're taking aid to give more value to our subscribers, but More than that to make sure that you are exposed to the exact content that you need arm, for the battles that our ahead and to replace this media academic in Social structure that is alliance against as it's not enough to fight the battle of I the media, we have to fight it on the level of education to we have to teach people the things that they current do not know? We will be doing that with our friends are Prager you we couldn't be more excited about it.
I am also going to welcome to the show a good free. Of while no one and has no friends, but he is a daily wire host and his sometimes with us what he's in town people all the time. Why is it that was part of backstage? that was part of your life in my covered that was doesn't like us. Was it doesn't like aeroplanes and when you don't like us and you dont like airplane, and you live literally thirty, two hundred miles away you're, just not going to be under them, show people I'm sorry. I try believe me. I try. Oh man, what if we send to the first class and his eyes, were they make me a Mombasa? I don't know man coldly. I can't promise it why we can't promise me I'm a motorcycle passed with it, but he is with us tonight streaming in from his new digs in Nashville Tennessee we're hobby, obviously much more integrated, I think, into some of these broadcasting. I'll be in the past, as will be together. Finally, our good friend now mass they stay with us
that's right, and we think that introduction. It is true that I dont like anyone, but I do my best to pretend not very well most now, but I do try to freeze up for when anybody bats are met as a very cynical human being whose always downcast and oppressing are you there hasn't depressing tonight. Are you a bit tonight and if so, why
ah well, my projection with Congo westward when the present on a feeling depressed about that. I don't think that's gonna happen. You know, I don't know I'm looking at a right now. It seems, like things are kind of training like they didn't twenty sixteen and no it s. Only one call myself optimistic, because I never em, but I think no one, that's how it turn. If that's how it turns out, then it's it's. It's no big surprise because of course, the Democrats are gonna if they lose their gotta, be dogma, voter fraud in all these different things, but the reason why they lost if they lose it simply because there are horrible and they ve done absolutely nothing. They ve done not one thing in the last four years to attract new voters, especially the voters they need in some of these states everything they ve done has been to appeal to you know pink haired, gender studies, majors and
the alarm looters, but everything I've done for years, have been just to appeal to that site and what we discover, maybe at the end of the night, is that there aren't enough people in that category through when a national election by what was so mouthwash. We have been working on a media all evening long, and we expect you to do the same as an employee of daily dotcom. We are now building ourselves as replacement media, because our media are such garbage. So please spend the next few minutes and thirty seven seconds ripping the crap out of the media, because it is well deserved well, that's not. Actually they found a mediation in Britain and I love the National about listen. They hear you ll get some of these images and in D C and in Ireland in New York and other, and you gotta talk to others, and so these cities are their boarding up windows. the call on the national guard. You know I've,
in the past, when I've seen other countries doing that sort of thing for their elections? I've, always felt good that an entire sort of superior and thought where we we don't do that here. I feel so good that we have a peaceful actions. I won't have to worry about that, and now we have become that sort of country, and we know we have the media largely to thank for it and its yes, it's no big surprise. When you go around telling people that you got literally Hitler in the White House and his evil to its core and he's in, and there are police officers who are prowling the streets. Hunting and murdering black people need these needs, lies have consequences and we're seeing the consequences and their intentional consequences do this. What the media wants. I have nothing but nothing but contempt for them. exactly what I was looking for, South Africa. What I was looking for either Manawyddan fuck around with us, as we welcome our next guest. I told
were we ve made a new partnership with our friends over prego University, and indeed we have always had a partnership with our friends Prager University from helping within, mason of some of the videos from the earliest days of the company, nearly the earliest days of accompanying the also Michael knows, and I in our own journey the shell having the opportunity to with Alan S for non many of the scripts with always seem pretty here's a bit of a sister company and we're really pleased that will be working more closely going. and here the help us celebrate that new partnership enter. Analyze. Events of the evening we have our dear friend Dennis breaker while I am dear friends. I love you guys The. our minister. I did not expect to say this, but it is what it is. If the Republicans win its law then trump, but but if the Republicans and in the president, when you and what we do and enter
in point and and other, we have made a difference. Now am I I'm really that we have cause this country's two important the world. Lincoln was right. It is the last best hope on earth and Allow me to say one other thing: the story of the day. Is it is the boarding of the stores, cities. You can that we have lived to see this day, but there's even more dark about it. no one, but what we are the media or not, and a lot of Americans are not blaming the left for the fact that people are boarding up their storage right as if
I heard a thing on one on one: a broadcast remember what chaos will break out. that's like when they ve one's eyes. Here s a twinkle in a five year old drops spills grape juice on a white tablecloth. It fell, Five year old says I spilled it. That's what this is. No one has no one does the riot they its chaos breaking out at best that's if they don't actually blame rightwing done, although well said, then its role in the shocking thing to is that this is still not wise of the of the lower orders, Israelites inspired by them richest most successful, most powerful people among us. They inspired Encouraged by media giants, bye Amazon by Netflix feeding into a narrative that makes people in that their country and mixed people feel that this is an evil placed
many people have succeeded most. Your fats are the ones who are selling this now, so there there's a phenomenon that I've been thinking it after a while here, there's an often and Nicholas knows him to leave the rights about this gallery normalization and it's how fringe ideas are wandered into majority propositions, and I think that's what we ve been watching with regret to the towers for writing and by the small group of people need the basic idea here. Is that if you have, saved, whose briefly, whatever you have a family, and one of the members that families vegetarian and they say- ok, I can only vegetarian, but you can do what you want the mountains. one meal and is: can we vegetarian for everybody concerned have time to make emails, and then you take that famine and you put them in a block party- and they say we had we vegetarian for our daughter Jake and make one million materials they make. One meal was the same
With regard to the writing in the looting. If you have one in France in radical group, there are fuses to go along with any silent majority proposition. They can mobilise entire contingents of large based companies who refused to say no, because you have very much a sort of concentrated benefit too. hiding, alluding, but a diffuse diffuse downside. To that end, working people say that if you download offer its also the weapon cessation of decency, this is one of my gripes with our friends who remained never Trump David, French, John Piper Middle. Most of these guys- who you know John Piper and and David french- I think of article this point of view, the most eloquently over the over the past year, but what then, what they really objective, they'll say: Donald Trump isn't have character, and we all know that done Why doesn't have traditional if we might as we might describe, but as we have discussed on what he does have virtues it's a different set of virtues and an important said it Why not seizing power during covert an aversion to,
I was there. We haven't seen in a chief executive really since Reagan, Ronald Reagan, those our actual virtues they were virtues are missing in our chief executives, most recently in Indonesia, but what we might call a decent man is not what we might call in nice man and there is- an important role in the world for decency there's an important role in the world for now This is an important role in the world for kindness, but it is the most important role and one of the things that happened with, I think, the christian church, I suspect, the Mormon Church, I suspect, to some degree the the the jewish community as well, is that since the eightys, we started a pivot away from heart, the illogical truths and pivot toward now. This as a replacement for religion, and this is why evangelicals, by the way, now are more likely to be socialist, then double. Events in concepts like the availability of scripture, which
not making and am not advocating for the availability of scripture. Necessarily they certainly a long held christian belief that you would expect evangelical turns to adhere to, and yet instead, there, Their leaning for itself was and why their religion has been reduced down to my license, We have been reduced down to decent by the way you know devoted my life, and I am finishing point three of my five billion commentary on the Torah battling. She gonna pick it up. Like my wife reads: it average about its hands ass. It is the right way they thank you for that. Give Rebecca three well anyway, but will integrate going to Florida. Where I wanted to talk about, I'm taking you have learned, my son would love that, and you know. God is, and always nice certainly he's just but not, but not always nice. There would, by the way, there is no biblical words for nice. in a strictly, doesn't exist and any of my
from Germany boring I wish you'd be here with us today is pointed out more frequently. You know you have, you have pointed out frequently Jesus isn't that nice was very hard to find Jesus being like a pal, you know is actually that's. That's right is somewhat more trade in movies. Yes, it's like a map. As it happens, there is nothing worse than a hippie. I've always wanted these military differences. There are some worse than a happy, Obviously these the way I have often said I want to write a book called Jesus. The jerk awaited cheating, Jesus, treats people out of love, but biblical love isn't sentimentality right. Biblical love means that you speak to people truthfully. You tell them within their best interests, to hear from a technical point of view, would be telling someone the thing that no one else will dare to to them? Also, you know their virtues for the moment and this the moment for niceness the thing about them that I think is struck me from the very beginning. I'm sorry it takes a man like an affront to do. What,
to do, but it does. I just don't think kind of Man and Michael Man, more elegant man would have stood up for the kind of pressure. He's gotten in that pressure. I will stay visa issue that they never trumpery. A guy called my radio show today and he was so sincere and eloquent any just things than is explained to me. Never trumpets. I know all of them. Most importantly, Prager you, videos and said to him that the truth, I still do not, I kept the icon. explain why God made the mosquito, and I cannot exactly what ever trappers for they are ties for. Among the riddle recognise that damage the left is doing to America and and Vienna trumpet. I tend to be slightly kinder to some of them, because the agony, we're friends about some people. I think that make a division between people who have been.
We decided that they have withdrawn from politics out of mere disgusted everything. There is political and I'm stuck in a vote versus the people, like the Lincoln Pro tor actively fomenting. I we're contrary to our blood. That's what he was reforms have he's. I met the Lincoln Project as Democrats for the integrated and we also have no other way of putting it. It's a pure drift, she's loans or use the poem which may in the Wall Street Journal. Now they heard a couple reports on what I don't know what happened and an end. He is used the child of refugees from the Soviet Union, or he came from the savings of unions and called the week that I was elected. You said he had stolen stolen by one My movie GO said: wash your mouth thousands to fill in fairness, the only difference between Donald Trump instalment about twenty million, but the only democratic. That's a good point because another, let's talk about while you're staying here in this Hell hole state title either the survival I've left. You and I like I've, been gone for like a month and its
nominal. Just like what are you doing? The air is only in the way of theirs re jewish community. Yet I kid there. What do you know why you playing your extraordinary levels of taxation to this hellhole states that they can promote all the values you hate? Whilst I have so many people, I love here. That is the only answer is they message. Rawlins Dennis, I'm sorry invented phones. yeah. You know that exists, you can you. I do not know of any aid, the synagogue here, people I love. Obviously We need every Saturday, There is that's the issue there for me, people was first, people over Alice- is everything that's my reject the little they were wrong. I think what you're saying is actually important one of the things they distresses me from time to time the business, the whirlwind there's something unpleasant about.
Business right and we were referred earlier to Most- is not getting tat. Go into promised land and they did not being able to build the temple. There's a there's, a cost that you pay to willed certain kinds of influence, a cost to leadership, a cost to wealth, the cost of fame posted the kinds of influence that we ve built with our lives we play in a space where we focus on all it takes, is the most important thing that we talked about. But politics is not the most important thing that there is some fundamentally left wing premises. To think that politics is the most important thing of course, both towards that. When your life that people s you the people, they got it I won't load that goes to one of my poor, believes you know I've written a book on happiness alone without mentioning it to sell the boy they just want to make a clear mentioning it, because if we are not trying to sell my user copy folks, I don't get a web site. I am saying it because I have. I have no
from an early age? How important happiness is the moral significance of happiness? Yes and here is where I do now. Every week. I'm a radio show call the happiness, our that's for twenty years. I've done it so that its thousand hours of unhappiness every week I say, ok happiness our because the happy make the world better and the unhappy make it worse, and I I, while the hours not let it go. On other hours of my show, I have noted I have now I met a happy leftist. I have met happy and unhappy liberals happy and unhappy conservatives, but there is no no. moments you become happy. You leave, leave leftism. Here's a beta Middle I've made up one real in my whole life ruddy. What do you call a happy black, a republic in general,
I think that one of the problems in religion and the problems with charity is that it's very easy to be human as people, you don't have to interact with the people, love to give money to Africa or they loved to give money to in foreign contributions they don't want actually give money to their brother alone. Money to five years are going to end up with her it s a bit of a drink up because he's a real. Human to them. They actually know his paws variable two years able to idealize people, you dont know, and one of the problems that I see in politics is we take actual communities that we are in a sofa media's made this much worse with the community we are actually in, and we lesson its value to us in favour of these abstraction it is of strangers who agree with us like us. Social media thumbs up the things that we say I had this Precisely with my mom went hunting and as all of us do, she got riled up about something that someone we know said facebook she's upset about it. We ve all been in the same position
in tat moment. I realized, like that, was my ass. My across this neighbor when I was growing up like when I was a small child, and I would ride my bicycle industry. If I've been hit by a car, that's the actual person Would have come out and cared for me and politics would have been meaningless in that situation in it, but because of the sort of evil temptation of policy, we're dehumanizing those people in our I've sent him is truest room. It's an old shawl, short peanuts, a gag humanity, its people? I can't stand and the other it is, I feel, exactly the opposite fabric. That's it that's our defining element. The conservative I mean I live contempt for humanity, love human! That's that's my line by line somewhere I mean every person I mean I find something incredibly be raised. We ve been doing it on the known, so we're gonna get an update from
our daily Wire war room on what's happening in the various states are now of as much as you love our inside the most about the bishop had to pay the president's so Ilusha fellas, what's happening up here by illusion. I mean what is fascinating, is I'm hanging out in this war room with all the people that are gathering all the data? The understand all the data, like our very own, editor, enhanced powers and like when I say, hear him say while well like what happened. Tell everyone why your wound I mean, especially in English, both in Russia and emotional, toil. Ok, some as a one off throughout its life. Florida was going like in the direction the trunk getting across that we took silently loafers went down little bed now. towards Georgia. North Carolina so got some data here which we found fascinating so new type projection. The Georgia eighty five percent from the north Protection for North Carolina. Seventy five said: trot lavender, just like that it adds in context that Georgia, twenty four percent reporting and button, is up
when Clinton by more than ten percent Enfolding County, ok, where Atlanta, so we should take out of the picture. because if we have huge ten other Stacy Abrams now the gun, Georgia. Now it seems that is pushing pretty hot page, ten out. Ok and North Carolina Sixty sixty seven percent reporting, so the numbers look a little better they're holding up wrath, because if those trumps way this nice. Looking better. While I mean we already said that if Florida went his way, which, if it is, it was gonna, be an easier Patsy victory. We mean you have been looking at the data in Georgia, so you're saying like fascinating that the projections are showing that it could be trending from but you're so waiting on the Atlantic area, yeah I want to see some of those areas sameness like some thought Florida with Miami Gaze. I want to see binding form we could ever forest are celebrating to hang our aid. While I mean we have some daily, our members that are probably in the middle of celebrating right now as there are watching this. Thank you for that faith and come back to you guys. When we have more updates, we promise
for right now we're gets a member questions because people definitely want to know. First of all, my mom wants to know if I have done ecstasy and that's a hard, no such as just just letting a man. I know there are no politeness ecstasy, none, not none of the things never been to coach hell. I don't plan on going at all. I wanted to ask the question to Dennis Prager if we can, because we asked them awesome daily wire fans over there and They want to know from the great Dennis Prager how long you think help not just kidding I'll finish. What you got enough there by Dennis is actually possible to turn. California do think. Like David Urban was saying earlier, our people and our people disgusting aircraft study and gave a new some that we could see a trend in Vienna to Republicans here. I don't see it because this is This is a puzzle up there with the mosquito issue. Why don't
behold, the left responsible for four what they do, I it's a puzzled me telephone. has been ruined to ruin. California actually takes effort right. The rich greatest, whether literally on earth with the possible section of Perth in Cape town. I've looked into it the this, whether on earth, the greatest natural resources, including farming, I mean natural in every way. We have everything and it the place of joy go West young man. This is where the opportunities for the left ruined California and are not held responsible. This is what but blows that right is held responsible for one doesn't do we believe Katrina on right, we dream, we believed by the way
I thought we'd a virus on the present. Why doesn't why didn't the Republican Party take out ads then Do you believe, the belgian Prime Minister for the fact that there are more than four million in Belgium you blame every country's leaders for the court the virus, that's only America's leader, pursue a trump Dennis, I'm an oversight Dennis Prager back to you, because you know the answer to your question, which is this is a religious world view they have made leftism their religion in such a completely unfair survival if left, isn't, doesn't work. it's because it has not been sufficiently tried. If, if Download from is in office? when everything that happens on Donald Trump enough. Hillary Clinton had been in office then she said two million lives to completely unfollow viable thesis. The answer you know it is so is no longer in the mosquito Romania's outlines. The ala had suicide. A man named him demonstrated that Ngos are now available at all aware that combat higher dot com is videos will now be available Dennis the fuel stick around with us.
Have another good treat for our daily wire viewers right now, and that is that we are joined and also joining because of the magic of the internet at a cross dream. I don't know who gets to take four Baino assizes me talking? I'm gonna take credit for we're being joined currently by our good friend Stephen crowded also live all night. The weather we look at in that hand. Yes, we can you hear me now I can hear you I can hear you I tried to call in and then Dennis Prager over there was holding core hundreds of years, something like tat stuff to do too. Well, listen. I want to know what you guys expect and I went through why I think it's far more likely for trying to win them. not and how by naturally needs to be the only person needs to run. The board tonight is abiding by needs to win Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania he's when all of them have trampled under North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona. What I think you will- and I sort of contrasts with the
the model, the party votes, that we saw states and it was accurate when we say guys too, to the letter with florida- has a moral and ethical seat in Ohio. So what are you guys expecting? What's the feeling over there between the two?
Jen tat. Well, I guess one gentile in two and a half do, as you know, actually innocent. I together add up to two Jews Athens Dennis like I do it the way. I think that the feeling we're just enjoy the incredible discomforted Andrew Craven, converted from yeah. We just ignore that we pretend that need the magic Neely outcomes, shouting at odds. Let you handle snakes, remarked claim it will be the first person to find out whether he was right or wrong. I'm gonna get a notice, so I think that the feeling in this room right now he's no will include a tip, cautious optimism. I think, as is the feeling in this room, at least from a cautious optimism,
now they're saying that North Carolina looks like it's. It's running from Georgia's running from Texas is going to stick Trump, which means the next stage really gonna find out about Pennsylvania and Ohio and their these are all too close. These are all too close for comfort. I think I want to know. Now. I was not to close for comforts. Freebies, not a swing. Stay Stephen! You spin time than we do in the respite domain, you have he had a lot of routes in Michigan and spend a lot of time therein and with their governor routinely, rifts Tell us tell us about those states. Why isn't Ohio was state? What are you saying that we're missing Ohio swings it, because if you look at the early voting- and I had this before actually Donald Trump one Ohio by. I believe it was eight points Lascaux around, but actually Democrats outnumbered, Republicans and twenty sixteen, which means it was a huge portion of democratic, voted for Trump registered Democrats and even now, with the early voting without any of today's voting in we're already seeing Republicans with
a pretty wide margin in Ohio verses buying. So if you believe it Democrats will come out today and vote out what republican Street a one then maybe otherwise, I don't even think it's close now side of that Michigan. There's about a four point spread when you look at the the modeled party not model but again down from one that where he was down about four points again, so that would mean that, if he's down four points, he could be up seven really in Michigan, because a lot of Democrats will vote for it out, and I dont know that Donald Trump will be victorious in Michigan or Pennsylvania. I don't think we'll know Pennsylvania until we look in every single, ditch and find a few extra rights. But I well here's a question right. Logically speaking, if Donald Trump hangs onto North Carolina in Georgia, which Heaven was saying, was a swing steak and I said, I'm very, very confident in Florida and Ohio longer for Georgia and North Carolina stuff. Those go trump. then I will. I will eat this bag of coffee. A wonderful sponsor
if Ohio, goes to buy, and I also would be Surprised- the Arizona go to violence when people say I guess what Trump just needs to win either Pennsylvania or mission. that meant that I just laid out for you remains true guess what Biden these two in Minnesota. Not enough was constant, not enough admission. Not enough Pennsylvania. Now he gets over. What do we think is more likely that Donald Trump keeps the stage that we have all agreed upon here and wins either one Michigan or Pennsylvania or Thine runs the entire blue wall. I think former is more likely and of Michigan could go either way, but I dont think I was too close for comfort Ben. I dont want to say that your defeatist, but come on there's no way. I'm going for our by night comes very surprised. Us we're getting over bench of European
cautiously optimistic that let us have a greater I cautiously optimistic for Ben is still very negative. Stephen. I have a question for you. That transcends the political. Are you actually are you strap right now? Yes, for you here,
This is a wonderful actually says: I'm goin classic. This is a three fifty seven Magnum Submissive, Astor Smith and Wesson model. Six. It takes us an old revolver. The tat carry seven shot, two three four: seven monuments, a moon clips in here. So we have many guns in this office. We don't live in California, I dont know you're getting real yea investigating what what exactly happened. Well, you know what I will say this I wore at once for open, carry, and I came home and my wife just got very comfortable enough related, not now I'd like suspenders, but who am I Larry King, so I just where they opened carry and my life like that she's like a really like it and it I enjoy it, and it makes me look tougher than anyone else on this stream, which is
which is really listen. If you didn't look tougher, though, like the one, this dream you begin today, rarely pay you complementary, like there's a big guy he's like six foot. Finally, you don't want you, don't want to wrestle with Dennis thats what I rarely get. You compliments on the agenda by hates you know, and I gotta be waterborne at that time. You don't even need a gun, you're free, giant practices. Brazilian jujitsu. I think that if you take good care of yourself well. Thank you very much. Madam things. I've always avoided physical arctic altercations enables it to anyone who tells you this out there if it does not only physical litigation I'll take a gun just like whole Gracie family, who created the ethical like industry. What are you out of your mind? Law, bang, Bang, George you're dead, it's it's nice to realistically mats and drunk uncle jujitsu, but otherwise are getting some three. Fifty seven or my wonder the real reason that he knows brazilian you're too, is just because that's how he gets to know people in Greece them
the first time he came over my house, you put me in a deadlock and put me back that's a light, has been correct. That lie because you're, an honest guy and I dont want the right people to go out there with ammo and perpetuating the negative stereotypes. I did not walk up and choke you. I asked few and use it. Ok, be careful, and you you forgot to mention that you had a first but I'm feeling, because it saying I have a story that I was outside of budget, because environmental and I think you live, really shot the original parotid kid stating that I have the various non sexual ass. An unrelated first got together the room he put me to edit padlock and then I watched, can be water boarded the end,
Frankly, we just need to stay out of the same state, as you know, was worse than water morning. I was adventure periods that, and I thought we'd never talk again, because Ben Shipping, put me up, for I won't name it specifically, but he put me if he recommended me was very nice for a morning radio drive for, whereas I got news Chinese at hearing yet asshole. I think it shows in Orlando yet has already set up and then like the data
for I did it. I was going alignment to do what they show as they said. We don't want any opinion it straight news. I went and am I a bond in that's half so badly that I remember sitting there for five minutes before I opened the door just because I don't want to abandon the face. If you look me in the eyes- and they told me do straight news and I made a joke about their like word bent, and what would you like something about my penis size? I don't know I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Madam President, oracular at times. Rather then I get on the fact that you have a life and I have a wife and at other times it against the last. I saw nothing, let's focus thank you very, very good, looking life s friend, so I know this has not been a fair world. I mean I think we have to get out of. There are no rules by the way. By the way I just saw
Ben Shapiro sister for the first time three days ago, really not easy, not like a lonely place, get it's insane. It's insane guy, look alike, but also beautiful. It's like square fickleness, got ready of mine met the president for the first time, I'm in the middle aged guy and he has a beautiful wife- and he told me he met the president. This was basically the entirety of the dialogue because they pose for picture. And he said to the president. Mr President, my daughter is currently in turning which he is at the White House. Yes make for great norms on sky and Trump looks at the guy I was told the seriousness and says I hope she got her looks for
your wife, overly complicated, failed to achieve the same story happened was Joe Biden these that I hope she uses per tell us the truth, and then we will have to let you guys go. We were we take this video there today, where I was asking people about Charlottesville, very fine people on both sides of the mediterranean area by the way I think that a growing problem I made a horrible mistake. I should Charlottesville North Carolina. Of course I know it's Virginian Charlotte North Carolina, that's one of those things so fat jet me but I want to make them clear abandoned. But what happened was I dont know what to say what we tell them. How before this somebody out there is a lady sing, the danger was sexist and it's ok, and you believe that an half asian build my level like this, and I didn't you, you believe this. Why should I think he ate everyone having respect from an? I said, ok, but I believe that by now she said yes, absolutely
I did all of these equations. In my head, I swear to you within two seconds. I was close you just leaning into her and going. I live in Canada, Norway to second. If I do that I'll get sued, but then I said wait that would be absolutely hysterical because I could get sued for doing exactly what Joe Biden did. However, I don't wanna be locked up in lawsuits, so maybe I'll just say what, if I snifty right Now- and I think that what undercut the argument so I said nothing gotta. I rather think that talking about leaning go maturity, them watching them ensuring a Stephen crowded with that you're right. I absolutely three years ago I would have been out of snifter, I wouldn't like nibbling or even gave a baker hanging out tonight and basically are predicting, am hopeful You know more about the rest belt and we
I am hopeful that your way of looking at this is the right way, because I think the one thing we all know is it that hair sniffer cannot be present at the United States, right. Well, let me ask you one question one question: everyone, Arizona, Arizona who: how do you think it goes? You know the way the trumpets performed with Hispanics in tatters, what more positive than that. I was earlier today about Arizona either. I thought it was an ice edge. I think I got a favor in Arizona, no one about the block vote that we said might be the biggest
wherefore republic- and so it is in Florida, but we don't have enough staff to what we are seeing where there will be significant we're seeing some of them are seeing some movement not really in Georgia, is violating the North Carolina. Some of the descending majority lightness maintain Mensa members. Let stand Arizona, didn't everyone's aid from providing safe from outside Europe in areas on the question arises rates in Arizona. That's a good point. Our right! Thank you guys, daily wire dot com, where's, your stream for people to watch the word I come back. You stay vented our friends at the place and lack of strategy. We may chicken with you later all right, beguile. Gentlemen. We will see you in the world be well. Even cried away. I turn tell us, is running a little ahead. Right now of president from spoke totally North Carolina. We have paid any attention to the centre S and thus our gardeners already the already held a gardener as done, but that was pretty much a foregone conclusion. Bright wants to keep an eye on tonight or time tell us in North Carolina on Cuba and Johnny Ernst, and I want you to keep an eye on choosing talents in Maine
our friends in the war room, are ready to give us an about data on what actually happening from a data point of view. So let's go to Ilusha Kraus Hang on We actually have a lot of updates right now that we're Natasha two cats in just a moment for some social media, checkmark updates as Well Cabot Philips. What is here So let us now earlier, Florida is still looking very good for present tromp again gonna, taking your miracle for binding, pull that off now more than a little bit more North Georgia. Also can very president from thirty five percent reporting right now. Present is up about fifteen points. Are still waiting for more votes to come in from Fort and counting whereby news about eighty percent, that's where Atlanta is now the real becomes how much ground is able to make up in foreign county when that county Maria? county all buying strongholds. He's gonna have to just hope that voter turnout is high,
to keep him there, the New York Times those projecting. If you play their projections, eighty one percent chance of a victory for Trump in Georgia, moving up world but more to North Carolina than your time projects in their eighty six. sent chance of a Trump victory in last Carolina. Seventy percent of the vote reporting the president does trail by about three percentage points at the moment, but any part of that is what the expected boats northern becoming a little bit later Florida. Looking like an almost shirt from factory in Virginia interesting situation, playing out right when the Poles closed Fox NEWS was the only point service or only knew that they strolled Virginia right away. However, A lot of other outlets holding often calling it because right now present trumped up twenty points with forty percent reporting in some of those counties. The reason people holding off on holding some of the northern counties ardent in county prince doors. Other ones like that for its work on the other companies like that traditionally place it can expect binder perform, wasn't huge voter turnout, some of those counties so well
for a lot of absentee balanced outcome in those might be a little bit later to bring more democratically within its with Ex expectation, is Virginia much closer than people respect finally workings of lost their first see in the Senate. Corey gardener in Colorado wasn't pulling and, as expected, has lost the Republicans down now. The fifty three in the Senate okey dokey. Thank you for the updating of the Alabama we'll get over there. Yeah yeah that to answer that question for you Dennis yes, a lot about, let's have already called Alabama, as you can see, on the map over, there are going to continue updating the map and to update you hear now about what's happening on social media. We have our very own, Cassie Dylan, so now social media. All the talk is Florida. The left is very matter Florida right now to wear the daily show is even put out a little video blown. Florida. That's quite interesting enemy, always out of we have call Hannah Jones of the sixteen nineteen project announcing her next right.
Gate. She wants to write a piece about how glad Tino community is contrived of ethnic hatred. Category the artificially lumps wait. Cubans lack work again, indigenous Guantanamo Yadda yadda. So I guess I guess the Cuban, though, is now cancelled out of the hispanic community. According to Nicole Hannah Jones reactor purity tests are our lovely white House. Press secretary said that she's excited the search for president trumpet no Tino community and happening right now, primarily in my Annie in just one more quick update. It looks like the violence that is happening outside of Washington DC outside the White House has now had a slow down, and now it's a dance party. So, what's the along the dance party continues way now we have more results coming Cassie. Thank you for that. Although I have to say that I've never agreed with the left that words could be violence. Violence is just violence like violence. Is the summit's bisque connect with your chin?
I've seen that line dancing, unwilling to reassess all my previous positions on what constitutes found once and what does your something interesting, Henry also one of the best poor watchers. I know a very honest. here is a conservative but very honest, never lets spies. And away he that forecast and victory last year blessed the Elect he was the closest to forecasting a trumpet greed, and he said I'm going to be a very comfortable win in Washington Post he's doing that that isn't be starting to. He says he says I don't like to eat crow, but tomorrow the data the more, I think I was too optimistic, providing these not calling for Trump but he's dialing back that to me is very encouraging because he's just a smart, smart guy singers insinuated doing so. Bar that I'd like about all of you, I don't he's not my own original thought, but I I this many years ago and it turned out, I think, in the quarter race that in every
Presidential race, the happier candidate, one amateur some very interesting observation is president tromp loses. That would be a firm exception through a pretty ironclad rule could not possibly be true, or do we granted Mitt Romney was less happy that Barack Obama have you have met, Mitt Romney, Mick, Mick, Mitt Romney. I can came for Mitt Romney than theirs. Certain everybody acknowledges that I mean this is certainly a wooden this that's where his person, they may be more, want any more, truly happy, a wine that nobody knows who truly happy. so, the your psychiatrist may know your spouse main oil bill Clinton is really happy I think both lives is truly happy, I'm taking back
have you got a book, certainly somewhat more charismatic version one and, in that case, well structured when fifty. Why? Yes, if that's true, that's that that's wealth. It started because Reagan was the antithesis of porter when the observation was made up and and I was very true- Oh, what was his the National Molly's his talk about anyway, as Jimmy? Can you imagine this is just a thought. I can't. Jimmy Cardinal laughing, when you think about it is not an interesting thing. He was a great. He wasn't groom guy to begin with, but after here asked that a leisure he became one of the most bitter cadets right. Exactly it's exactly right. So it is the The thing is: is another fascinating question, sidebar again I have never seen the passion for a precedent that exists
Donald, and that includes Ronald Reagan. I agree, and I love Ronald Reagan. I never heard massive chanting, we love you this. I have the chills, as I told the steel of people in in cold weather, owing coverage around standing. Gather in the tens of thousands more might might I have two sons. One of them is that you mentioned in Florida. One is in Pennsylvania. I purposely did that. Isn't my gun and America TAT. I have one son. What swings add another at this? They were fifty thousand people unbelievable in in what was it I forgot, but were counting. I think it was an my son lives in Redding Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania have fifteen thousand or twenty thousand people. This is it. This is hardly the sellers. Do you gotta put it up? He sent me a picture of what the
That may be my favorite picture, Amish Shrub Caravan and, of course you shouldn't buggies from who has, I will say, somewhat casual relationship with the truth has said some very actually profound things in his time really I'm serious and maybe the truest thing he ever said is there you, because they hate me, they hate me because they hate you got that right and that is wonderfully hundred turn on, and that is that the man that's, why there's a passion for drop? Really isn't even just because try Benes any any work, is going to be any just one knowing in old media, and he responds to the crowd. Now. That's right is because you are proposing to us- are acts the outlawing of of absolute scorn, hatred, people spies Trump and we're not falling track. I think most Republicans, aside from you know of your work I met earlier, have not fallen trigger believing. We are only doing that because they have disdain for his character. Personally, re recognise
the minute, but Donald Trump is off the national stage. They will turn to whoever the next Republican is and that person will become. repository of all evil, which is probably why Donald Trump was nominated in the first place in twenty. Sixteen, these they did this to Mitt, Romney and Twentys. Well, then, we will hold I dream is to Mitt Romney, most notice, human being rather to walk the planet until you. ok, we need somebody has always been a functioning people directly in the restaurant and that's what tromp was about, and then they have gone so in saying over Donald Trump, but I think every who is even remotely conservative? Look, there's! No, what ways the thing that from it all like really deepening A copy of your heart, isn't that you hate Trump into Europe, at me for voting for from its thinking. me until you hate from has probably just to stand in for me evident. The evidence of this is that Donald Trump Character, probably the most widely known character of any character in in modern media. Right balance has been famous one hundred per the days of my life and not just like a little famous life rafts stars rap about him famous like he mixed, he represented
York City like you to put Donald Trump and moving, and they did frequently represented the idea of New York. They had affairs. We There were strippers, but all of that was known and we love them. We celebrated celebrating the left, elevated and they loved him right up until he decided to represent us only in that moment they decide that there is a problem that is to me to be one of the most telling statistics in the last ten years. Is the fact that so many people were dying of opiates poisoning. In the MID west in the middle of the country that our life expectancy life expectancy of America's was dropping solely because of deaths by suicide by suicidal behaviors, and nobody knew it until to Harvard researchers stumbled. I am totally surprise. That means the vast number of art countrymen. were dying and nobody knew because they were fly over country, but
We, and even we on the white catching yes but you're. Iphones are cheaper because we're about to China we're making them in China and down from got it another two people- ass, well the time. This is the bridge Stevens theory. It was the most discipline to make us think that he is a courageous good men and women. I want to say that, for the record and- and so he hee hee What is what its trump? Don't you conservatism and the Republican Party so I was asked me for my local station in Ellie. having me though we had an event Sebastian, Gorka and Charlie, and and Larry Elder, and I so we re stage. And the moderator said so: ok and throw out a question. You gotTa Windsor with one sentence just stuff I will start with you Dennis what one
as the wanted one effect has as Donald Trump had on conservatives, and it's like I thank you, God he these words in my brain, he gave them testicles. The place went crazy. Yeah big. I am, I know why they went crazy because it's true so here I have been saying for twenty years. We are in a civil war, and only one side is fighting because of Donald Trump. Both sides are fighting Now I didn't think this idea. He made America Manly again, it's not so far off you, that's right. I did. I was lying around without a mask. He gets covert shrugs at all that. I can say that I disagree with this we're talking earlier about how one of the problems this happened in religion the last forty years in America, we ve redefine the love of God. We as sentimentality, we ve, also redefine Syn
where. I genuinely believe that now the almost the definition of sin masculinity, I think the churches basically said all things masculine are evil and the worse the worst failures as the feminine our righteousness. So it's almost like, though the worst, yeah, of course, are negative aspects of masculinity. This ammunition to touch sent the difference. There are now saying that even the positive attributes of masculinity or sent and the most negative attributes of the feminine, our righteousness so to be able to say, conservatives to be able to say to men the fairest masculine virtue again we can talk about. down from visit the most virtuous person. But were really upset about, is that he represents a different set of virtues completely lacking in another set right in doesnt, have behind it is tat. We ve covetous admire, but he has in high measured some of the forgotten virtue.
that's it. That's part of one who was a great way with the people who forgive me for the language. I don't know what goes on in the daily wire would write, but it's not a bad one, but the people who crap on his character- But I know that in this way we are sending out. I thought I had already every that bullshit regional, greeted us, not oil rigs. Where were they with TAT Kennedy the horse breaker forget John Kennedy taken the line of the Senate, I will Wait for translators yet which were sandwiches with right with the right track, but by the way, was advising job he'll, be back by Christa was on the advisory committee, attract through an aunt had Kennedy and Joe Biden really lead all of the great character assassin. Patients became the judiciary right over the last, that's right, forty, The things that people love about from the trunk refuses to accept the premise of what the left is saying to him. and sometimes that means he rejects things that are actually true and that's irritating to people like me, because I mean Frank, later
These are objectives that are true, but very often from will just refused. The a question where you like no other Republican, would actually have the stones to do that. For example, there is a lot that came out Bob Woodward, but most of it was stupid garbage, but there is one exchange that the left really played up where Bob Woodward said to him something like you know: you're it America has real policing problem with racism and to America's kind of racist and from said Elsie you bought into that by an end, I heard them say: ok, We know that you do. I mean it's not like that little bit, conservative, because the fact is that every other can pay lip service to myths and from does not he lives, overestimates into their allow five times in which That is so deeply necessarily she's greatest successes are built on their right is great. Success in the Middle EAST is built on refusing to buy into a prevailing myths and you're saying that animals should submit a right that was so like we focus in media and people who are from skeptical living. We focus.
The times when he called something admit that isn't a myth. Runway does the crown size thing is the biggest crowd size are, but his his refusal said. The promise of nearly any question that is ass if an adversarial way means that meant. the questions that were asked to normal Republicans, avarice airily and they accept them. She refuses to accept. The programme is going to pass the actors who so back to Jesus the jerk. One of the things that I love is that you haven't. You won't grant discontinue Never in the end. That is again, that is a masculine trading on banana regime between men and women, and women are, as I argued, many years or more amiable them. They get one about forcing me, though, oh he's missing our ally allies of dependent completely upon american money and and know how to guard them while they get rich rights will be, excuse me. You made a deal that you spend x amount of your gdp on on armaments, but you're not doing it. Why
Is that wrong? Why shouldn't american leader not say that to our allies and NATO right, because it is a nice visited, that's and you know it better than they used to put out about Trumpery. Doesn't he doesn't pay bills, and I would talk to people you know just ordinary working guidance, and they would take me pays bills. Just people onto the work placements bathing but what I will say, I'm I'm very friendly with a guy who's been one of Donald Trump. Real estate attorneys for his entire career very high end hotel, but the hotel real estate attorney, and he says that Donald from is a bit of a Scrooge. He says that he he in the organization. You would have to approve five hundred dollar expenses it will affect which, if you think about the size of an organisation for these Darlin remarkable personally, but that's right, he said, but I will tell you ever timing ever brought me to New York, which is dozens times over the years. Flew first class carpet me up carpet me up at that brought me state in the best best dinners you take
you know he he would lavish upon us in that way, but he didn't want to be frivolous with his money aside, it may be held on a bit too tight in that regard. I listen. I never want to be killed of covering over what we know our character? Mr President, I think that is a pity that not to cry Ryan of measuring who should be present, and I will agree with the years ago a great the peace, adultery and politicians, God wooden, chose chosen King David, fifty not only committed adultery and had a child when that woman, but has a husband, basically killed, attract on that's pretty sure you for all the way back to Abraham? Is that he's the it system of our Messiah? All like a man, a man at the bar, I ain't Afrikaans zone heart is what the Bible says of David. I actually said this: what are today that you have people saying some people the christian churches, failing because it supports now Donald Trump, when in twenty
And ninety ninety seven they or ninety ninety eight they went all land to say the characters, destiny and condemn, though Clinton, but the problem. Argument? Is it actually assumes the feed even show turn in ninety ninety eight was operating in good faith. Well, they always abiding by the church and ninety? Ninety eight, with leading political, get its agenda. The threats right, don't point deserve to be perjured because broke. The law. I'm sorry, does everything here because he broke the law committed perjury. That was a hot sell to the american people, and so the evangelical church pursuing its policy preferences can, drafted a theological argument which is false, which is then God judges, a nation based on them character of its leader exclusively, which is you cannot find a single biblical killed. Well, I can't find the american president. You can't find a king of England. God seems to go on this way. Actually hoo hoo hoo to God choose to let the Israelites entertaining they could have picked a Canaanites accountants.
a key to night said he picked it came in. I prostitute attract this message. There there's got to be a part of that part of the message. Is that God is God and then the virtue, the virtue of a purse does not make them more than what God S dog uses the week he uses the broken he uses. The sinful focus that first, because I feel people can use, because that's all of us on some level of, but also as a way of saying. I'm the one who's delivering you indicated, he's giving you the land of promise. That's settlement along is recognising the complexity of human beings doesn't mean dismissing the sin of human beings are absolutely have to return to China, not saying that the character of a leader cannot affect the destiny of a country more importantly, very complex question: a saved how many Jews, a thousand Jews, six, a mandate, an unbelievable act. The guy was a surreal adulterer and wait till one without this is not regulatory one of them
major biographers Martin Luther King is already come out with it s not going to come out when the papers from out he was a serial adulterer. What are they if I'm right, credible accusation. Yes, that's right! is really interesting to me. Just listen, there's IQ points in this room and then mean Jeremy and end all are sitting here, having serious conversations prescription God and every one of us I happen to know for a fact: managers yourselves according to how we are moving toward God or way from God or of what we're doing in Gaza That idea is completely ridicule.
Our friends on the left, especially among the elites, etc. You never see a serious conversation about that in the New York Times you never she shares common. Are they not any kind of aid for training and retraining, honey merits energy trying to limit our life and then serve God in her job, and they said that major theocratic, exact idiot and I dont know what do I don't know, withdrawal from believes in his heart of hearts, but at least his? Why can t you become religions, universe, force of the four years I Billy, maybe just a piss off the left, honestly I'd better. I think you're such an atheist godly said you know what I love Jesus. You know that's right, I don't know. I have always convey plainly focused on its problems some ten years ago, how the left, me religious somebody. Somebody told me that that God made down from president to save his soul. if these are usually by worth noting five. Thirty eight says that right now we, the North Carolina Georgia, Florida outrunning, withered Hispanic voted running in taxes now, maybe in Arizona this
There there's himself, as you have to talk about what we are hearing religious yeah, I mean a bit which means that it's all gonna be horrific, Berwick magazine. If you haven't house up electronic comes down of Pennsylvania any have the mess omens. Albania is holding me where's lawyers and the Supreme Court, the mass no any time on one, the Parson point of view, I want, is making Kelly, and that is the key. There are a lot of IQ points in this room and ain't. None of us are smart. Now is our altogether the altogether. None of us as smart as our four main Kelly, whose back with us again right Megan? They will making us more time for us tonight. What do you say? Another? My pleasure, I'm falling on the five thirty eight, so far debacle, as I have just mentioned, she's crazy. How much people putting me? workers and look. I don't know how his nose gonna shit out, but it's really appears that needs over the got altars and laughed at completely blue Florida and blogger, You're gonna get right as the one pulling out. Let those been predicting trumpets, gonna wind is raised tonight,
the works of art. Ohio does not bode well for trunk, but its very early and the boats diy accounted so we'll see right tends to go. Blue First and then it turns more red, but their milk has little higher in Ohio, was never Zawoiski transfer with his racy does not win Ohio. Hispanics is interesting. Alright, guy. You got me all count was not. His Baxter filled their basically white hispanic, so they can claim them as their voters by people did anyone for doubt, and it didn't happen if Lord in the voting for him in other states right now, rising a lot, and I think this is a core. Henderson? There's somebody afforded treating about this that the top Democrat had complained to him privately was the balance of work by Democrats there that turned out a lot of his backs regarding they don't want to define the police by the day. The standard that that caused the love danger as long danger in minority communities and elsewhere.
and use a sort of a liberal dream that they actually try to Minneapolis Minnesota. Only to totally reverses that was the George Floyd City right There were defining them, it was a unanimous vote and it had been reversed it. I think you know what what we're seeing we'll find out. They'll ask you know with the reasons why the examples will show it another pulls Vila. that actually, which has managed to do to your pulse redress. It's gonna be major story. Voting for these are any of you know. I don't know the answer, as is an open question. Maybe Megan those. Why is Ohio close? Who is voting sincerely of eventual leftist Ohio is voting for binding. I think it's college educated whites. I think that that the bigger worry identity in Ohio picked, a big sort of this election may be that Trump actually gets the inroads in. In minority populations. That, though we ve always wanted to see a Republican,
and then he, but he had losses among white voters that still manage to costing the election we'll be an unbelievable story. Well, not validate. The posters has been so wrong. So far tonight they'll be able to live to find another day, because, if binding, when it actually does it matter, if they blew Florida by almost six points right, they just get credit because they were, they may be What I find that a major reason- people don't turn to speak about this when they speak about free college. To wishing are they really? Excuse me. They really want everyone to go to college color produces leftists is, that is that the first thing which the endless think colleges. I don't think the universe, I don't think they Academy can be reformed. I dont that the media can be what the legacy media can be reformed. I dont think Hollywood can be reformed. It's time for us to you can't redeem them. That's right. you can't leave that you have to replace them and that's what pray
you were saying where the academy is concerned, what daily Wire and Megan with her pocket. start doing where the media, concern. We have to figure out how to do it within or told me they will try to shut us down. If he, if they own everything except the Supreme Court, then they will do whatever they can do if others that restoring selection cell farm, obviously still early in the night racism we get the story, Russia is a shift in looking about a minute just enough, it's stunning, and then what really shows is that, when it comes, the Woke coalition is stronger than we noticed. My pointed at the strongest members of the war coalition are the weight idiots, there is a strong members. The local loop lack Americans. Don't care about this work which is why they voted in favour of Joe Biden over Bernie Sanders into democratic primaries. Latino Americans are sick to death of this crap sweet I've seen tonight is Republicans, are winning watching over and Democrats are winning the wet next vote.
All these issues are sterical and it's all these self flattering himself legislating. Why people we think they're going to read minorities the promised land by by came by treating them as as not fully capable Making human adopt decisions there, it's absolutely while Megan wait when you get this right now, I'm in the media coverage so far, it seems like people are really holding back at this point, but we have seen some early indicators of the integrity from the call Hannah Jones and in a couple of reporters now reporting that lets you know people are not. What do you know any more? What do you make of it Of course, you know it's like a knee jerk reaction. The thought that somebody like Nicole Johns, gets the credibility she does united at her Pulitzer Prize has not been revoked for her juggling sixteen nineteen project, which the New York Times is slowly taking out within a razor without enough and announcing always
that were there, any mistakes has been charitable. Intentional lies might be another way to put it any better, even makes candy whose tweeting I want to make money there. It was nominated, like I'm, not talking about her August sang historically when, when people adopt life savings on its eyes and exploit them time and directly to her only with two minutes after she was announced, thousands and thousands of dollars to educate wake people in various corporations and so on, and how they are. Racist immediately is insane, right, and so I do think, though, that the weight suburban women have tended to the problems for trot and day a lot of them have brought into the Woke message, they ve been killed. You so much for the neighbours that their biggest than their awful of adult bet, there's something I want to be like that, that's right, Megan differently,.
by the way you mention about revoking the Pulitzer Prize Big and the New York Times, I still held onto the Pulitzer Prize of give it a try. All around the who denied that Ukrainians were being starved by Stalin million Ukrainians were start by Stalin Route, read an apple bounds bought by moving out rather than I did all now to move it out, as is their right to follow the more it is. It's really really really got. I should bring up by the way for small, like them, congratulate Megan Honorarium Ex candy imitation was excellent. But secondly, I just want to point out that Ohio is closed very very fast- is getting very narrow, gathered there saying that Trump has the momentum there in the final counties and it looks like there's a decent job Then he pulls out Ohio. So if you can our high, then. Obviously the next look moves on to presumably
Albania and end at that, is I mean for the country goodbye right nor yet North Carolina stone there other than your times are saying that that their needle hasn't got an eighty percent shots windows, Carolinas everyone's North Carolina, its echoes Pennsylvania given performance in Ohio and North Carolina. That's very competitive I was extremely fast and opposing North Carolina in the polls, which had been economically off their systemically office here. What is uniformly thing happening is happening about them in and the amish in Michigan those horses, or so they were all or Megan leisure again for giving maybe sitting right for days and days, we rise. You ain't that right. When does have you on in our seventy eight, the horns by the way, is discriminatory in some ways. This nightmare scenario, honestly, if it goes to letting you want me to show you guys. I'm sure know this better than I. The judges ruling in Pennsylvania is that if they
we'll be allowed to open up ballots, how long after election day sent in and they do not have to have a postmark prior to that Two of the election days are correct and I get that right now. So there's this country with its large. If it's much right out of the question, is what right, if its, if it's much and if you like a wide your spam four thousand votes that are coming in all smudge post election? that's going to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court put it off, they didn t anyone been in. There would rule on it. They said that we're not gonna role on a right now because generalities, a coward Roper actively and anything that means that would put the legitimacy of the court in question. Of course, for seeing the possibility. The generosity of the coral we put gravely into question the five years now monastery, like he's just terrible the was to be like. I will say this for John Robertson may be slightly more than he wants to be like. I think he lodge but we believe that the left will destroy the court if they make certain moves against the left. I think it thinks invaded any cases. The state support.
Legitimately. I believe that if America moves, the embassy to Jerusalem arab world will blow what an attractive as he could back, but Jerry that has still not. That is not the chief justice is job, even though I know absolutely right. There's nobody agent of course- and maybe it's one consideration- that he has the associate justices, don't have, but really whose main duty is to uphold the constitution. You no rights in my husband dog, said it theory of good. Looking Supreme Court justices, he doesn't believe we should have any more of that. Is that actual actually Georgetown cocktail parties love being loved you before you know a thing or more in Georgia over here is no more only unattractive once yeah
definitely get behind that, because then I have a shot as long as you don't have that going to college, be a lawyer be a judge or any other quality being homely fast for myself. I wasn't. I agree with you. That is not the job of the chief justice. What one thing that I love about the court swinging with the addition, Amy Coney bear it as for so the right as it has. If that's actually not a partisan swing like having original with some the court is supposed, What the court is its must be nine out of nine. They should disagree about like the new one. Of the law, not broad things like do you have religious freedom for broad things like do you have freedom of speech and never supposed to be with the court was about his so another leftist redefine court packing mean putting people on the court. We don't why we're actually the ones who are deep politicizing the court by putting a region was on there and the problem. The problem for George W Bush with John Roberts is he he put a partisan on the court. He did not put an original listen
why there should be a cautionary tale to advance he. I don't think he knew that I mean. I cover the John Robert Confirmation hearings wall to wall for fast news. I went down to national archives and read everything that guy ever wrote. While I was with the Reagan administration, I of course always judicial opinions, and I will tell you I did not see signs of this jar Roberts. Eight. I didn't miserly seismic potential suitor when I was researching she, John robbers. He looked like he was born in his little grid, with his little justice. Robot get ready to become you know it is a frequent you justice, wonder he lived a late that was sending him in their old. Unlike a sloppy cloud, so in Georgia we wishes defence, I don't think you can see it coming but I think you're right, because we just want incidents liaised safe in the batches lifelike slogger lunchtime, but I also cover the high court for three years. He was sitting in a court of everyday and police. Say you you want to say that either founders, you wrote this document the constitution,
foresaw a constitutional right to privacy to an abortion to same sex, marriage. Even you go convince the citizenry, but that is how it should be used. you'll, get nine unelected people in robes to re. Read it he's not saying it should never happen, I'm against it. He was saying talking the electorate that, time for such arrangement recognise ending limiting appropriately. That's all I ask a megan I'd like to ask you. What are you? Are you were a broadcasting so to speak from home now yeah yeah, I just want to salute you. It is such a joy to see books in a house. I can't tell you recommend seriously people, even if they don't read them, have it one room in their home with bookshelves with books This is a major and kids need to see books. They need to see them, they need to touch them, feel them.
this is a home that says ideas are important a home with books. Well, thank you. I wish I could say it read them all, but I don't know I showed its irrelevance he's a writer and he took a long care and actually selecting which books in wonder there is the one sees ran in the once. He wants to read and judge alone, aspiring writers data so far, so good inviting wake up, and you, like twenty minutes ago by nine year old daughter, was here going through the New York Times of data which state is read in which state is blue, and I am I a little bill hammer in your work into billboards reached us something in these books. Maybe singin does, I think, I too, I mentioned the God bless. You may think never make us how much time for us to night and congratulate again on your wonderful new about gas. Thank you guys, always a pleasure to hear Meanwhile, Tom tell us to close to call in North Carolina really to yeah. Tell us in Kehl. Cunningham are separated with overnight
five percent of the vote. In, like a grand total of I, could you not five hundred votes while home a man out of a two point, seven million cast. I was hoping it wouldn't be an ugly night, but it looks like it is going to be for that. I want to go to our daily Wire war room and he leash across to look at the data. I am glad that you by that I mean for margins during the whole project, without actually referring women's arguing with the House and Senate Zita across the country. We have an update right now with the electoral Matt and daily Wired zone editor in chief genetically here to tell us without This is where we stand so far in something you're looking really good for trap that are not yet showing up on this map. So if we could go back, We want to look at our original scenario. We talked about at the beginning, how does Trump win. This he wins seven of the twelve better. And states, the ones who need Florida? He is a lot of places have called it he's on the path to win it.
Georgia he's now. Let's see eighties six percent chance of winning with a lot of a lot of the voting about fifty percent. Ok, Carolina near ties of projecting nine, five percent chance of winning that so these are three of the absolutely essential states he's looking good. Ohio wearing to talk to account about that he's got some specific numbers for that taxes. Performing pretty well in Texas. We think he's gonna hold on the Texas This means as if you can pull out these states whose training well in the cure Ohio. If you can get Pensacola Philip Pennsylvania absorbed in Arizona. He wins he wins the night. Both of those pull pretty well end. Pennsylvania we said at the beginning. This is gonna, be essential. It's looking good. I think we got a lot to watch, but recently optimistic, doesn't happening and were still waiting. Of course, on final tallies in Georgia in North Carolina ads, you guys have been saying the predictions of the trends seem to be
in the direction of a Trump pence when in those states and now we're gonna take it to the other part of the war room where Cabot is going to be giving us an update because we're starting to see a lot of data, guys starting and from the important swings state of Ohio Cabot. I jumped little bit early there, because I was so excited to tell you about all the new data we're getting in Ohio, one of the key states that people been talking about present from needs to have for his plausible map. Seventy four Reporting present trumpets now up two point: four percent higher. He took the lead there about fifteen minutes ago and since then, he's been rapid, declining Lewis Carroll. the giant s on earlier eighty five percent reporting the present now leads forty nine point, six to forty nine point, two percent and your time projections of we ve been talking about all night. They are now at present trumpet the ninety five percent chance of winning Carolina in Georgia, forty seven percent reporting still waiting some of the larger county surrounding Atlanta present progress up. Fourteen percent we're gonna have to wait to see
how high the voter turnout has been and is rounding counties around at and one more fun little nugget out there in twenty six seen a lot of the betting markets gave a pretty accurate depiction of what going on in the presidential election. This year's throughout for nineteen, twenty twenty, especially after Kobe Present Tromp, was a big underdog in the betting markets. We can now tell you that doesn't from is action. Winning in most of the betting markets by a two point: five to one margin. So if you had money on present trump, I would suggest maybe selling and now maybe pulling a little early to when you get a quick profit, but present truck up in the voting markets. Well or in the betting markets as well, so really continue to monitor all of those another race that we're looking at very carefully. is John Jeems in Michigan. This is a race and a lot of us all. The kids have looked at as a potential opportunity to pick up a seat for the Republicans right now, in Michigan. We have about twenty four percent. The numbers and John James is leading again we're gonna continue to update. You ask me:
warm formation there. Now we're gonna go to a constant now where we started to get some data in was talking with me earlier about some of the results we see. A lot of people are interested in what would happen Canosa and even with Tom you're, really are canosa, whatever. The number is right about now about sixty percent. Yes, we have agreed nice have right now, while neuroscience website. Donald Trump has practically. double the number of votes is vital. Early on in twenty sixteen hours of ivory coast RE, sometimes down burning down your neighborhood and democratic, smiling long doesn't do great for the voting so interesting to watch that county of In addition to the rest of our concept, so people have been asking a lot on line about Virginia as well as something people than thing. Why are we talking more about Virginia again to clarify for people just tuning and recently right? the voting stopped in Virginia Fox NEWS was the first news agency to call it for Joe Biden since and no one else has called it there. emerging have been incredibly close right now, present trumped up fifty three to forty five on Vice President Biden, us
fifty three percent reporting in now. What Surely that is, there are a huge number of absentee values, as well as early voting from Northern Virginia and then down in Newport NEWS Virginia. two areas where violence. Counting on a strong areas for hamsters, similar Atlanta worth gonna come down. Voter turn on land and sea. Fine can turn the tide there in, where he is expected to win. If he can drive up or to turn out more than watching it down or Newport NEWS Virginia Beach is counting on it, Alisha. We got a lotta down a break down, but right now continues to be a positive night for the president. So far its The naming what's happening, and there are some people on twitter and social media and even in the war room, saying ok at the data concerning this way could from parents have a red with twenty. Sixteen, where you know the poles everywhere are up that we will be sure to bring, but you guys more information as we get it back to you, Jeremy.
You Elaine a lot and listen somehow it's an l biter when we went into the night thinking this could be a two hour broadcasting up twenty twelve all over again, the president outperform the Poles beyond the margin of error in Florida, and it is an actual forced race across the country. Right now, if you are watching this you're wondering why Two things look somewhat different than I thought that they might look it's because the media wise to use, because the obviously legacy media lies you social media wise to prevent- from hearing the truth is because Haven't agenda? They dont claim their agenda, and for that reason we need to replace the media we're trying to do that here. The daily wire with made some big announcements- and I can't someone's now officially, joining the daily wire moving to Nashville to do a show for us which will begin in March. The unlike anything, that's ever existed in conservative new media, our partnership with Prager University, where we're gonna carry the entire preview library on our S, thought platform for our subscribers.
through the other things that we're going to be doing with the help of our daily work. Dotcom subscribers and you can become one tonight if you're watching by going to daily wired dot com and used to promote. Election will give you twenty five percent off was. It is itself servant short, but it's not just self serving the only way we are going to take back the code is. If we engage in the culture at in the show the New York Times alone. One publication on the left has a budget of a, a billion dollars a year that forty five hundred employees bay make a hundred million dollars plus in profit every year, one single organization. There is nothing like it on the right there's nothing like that How are they have if we're going to replace them? We have to mobilise and do it well, where you can do this being a daily work, dotcom subscriber we're going to start challenging the stranglehold that the left hand on media and culture we're doing by wanting hand us we're doing it and getting into the more cultural content we're doing it
typically with our partnership with Prager University, we're all going to be launching a morning show to compete with in pr we're gonna call it morning. Why're, you may wonder: why Why would you get into that space? Well, the answer is because a lot of people like to even to service, wasn't NPR because empires very sophisticated if it is most sophisticated in the sensitive dives, deeply into content and its sophisticated, propaganda, because it doesn't hit you over the head with its point of view. Instead It brings you win with Steve Thoughtful content. Make you feel smart. then you maybe even are and then their able to serve. You bye, bye, selection of story, a world you and they do. very successfully for millions of people, in particular millions of women across the country. We don't want to listen to for a polemical talking head angry
the content of the type that were very we weren't going about. We need to compete in all of the places that the right has been unable to compete over the last generation, and one of them is in that kind of people, so in the new year will be launching morning wire, we will be launching the candy someone's in front of alive audience. We will be launching our partnership with Prager you and we have a future. Things that will tell you about throughout the night. Please listen! I'm not asking you to support this as a charity. We want to bring you rate there, you and we're doing that for our members every day, a daily work, dot com become a member, here's the promo code election get your twenty five percent are added, come an annual insider plus we're all access member. You will get vessel a vessel left this here's a hot or cold tumblr. Listen. Why? Why? you want to drink your left his tears from a tumbler such as this. Please subscribe, The progress, the reason that this broadcast is free for everyone tonight, guys it's a horse race, what is
It happened in Ohio, Benjamin well. The later I've seen that it remains a horse race in Ohio from seems you pulling invalid in a higher. So listen he's going to know how the real question is whether The narrow nature of our high, which is narrower than was last time, is more vital for Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin. Whether that translates over by the way work is worthy of Note Lindsey. I has won his race in South Carolina forensic grounds. You point out, I went his raising rather later, and that is that they spent hundreds, and I was on the right to a hundred million dollars. Benefit cocaine match a hundred million dollars to defeat limiting Ramsay Ground two hundred million dollars. They just flushed down the toilet, the right down the rohingya Hagar. This ego is actually made out of their money other guys before we go any further. Our good friend glint back again as with louder with crowded. This is a cross street
I can't say he's coming on our show and I can say that we're going on his show somehow miraculous. They say you never crossed the streams. It could be that in this instance, broadcast fluid. You know I didn't. Thank you very much for me. If I can just stop you here for just a secular, let me tell Ben I was listening to you been honour, locals affiliate Gale. I ask that carries you in the afternoon. I was listening to you today and you brought to mind because I'm listening to all these young people that were calling in and they were just confused by the puddles. It seemed because it wasn't reflecting reality in their life. There are so many things that in popular culture and the things that we have always seen in the past that didn't match up with a narrative for the media or the narrative from the Poles
Are we starting to see that come apart? Like I think so, it's so hard in this business or any other to make the connection between the amateur. evidence and and the data refugees. The stated you assume that people are trying to put their best input into the data and is still early so will have to see floored is obviously a systemic pulling out. I mean off as much as five point. We still don't know how much can be off in other places, but it looks like it's all, often LOS Ang off in one direction, and what that says to me is that less than people experiencing things to remember that in twenty twelve written twenty twelve there, a lot of us think of the enthusiasm from so I use for sugar when there's a disconnected the poles even more than that. It is that the absolute disconnect that is felt between our entire elite class between the entire college, educated, pollster, illegal glass and working class white people, can class Hispanics working class. Black black people is almost unbroken because in twenty one I think they got it right, because nothing
fundamentally, the working class from with blacker hispanic Americans in terms their voting patterns, but something is fundamentally shifting for them CAN party in four Donald Trump and whether or not he wins the election, there is something very serious things happening in its political realign, meditates class realignments, serenity and interracial realignment and then actually boats extraordinarily well for the Republican Party, because, if Donald Trump, able to start pulling your thirty five. Forty percent the hispanic, though the way the Bush was, but he's not talking about immigration, reform, ready just speaking to people as Americans, and if he's here stop calling fifteen twenty percent of the black vote. Unity loses. Tonight is going a lot easier for republicans to pick up more of these suburban female vote, then for them little break into these brandy voting blocks. kind of goes to a question I asked our panel earlier tonight on The who, if Donald Trump, were to lose tonight by God forbid, but if he were to lose tonight, can fill his shoes. I was always again stay Trump
a republican party, but the report again, as I think they d be excited in a way, some of them that I'm going to lose so they could get back to their own crony tentatively, yes, and I'm not interested in that mental dig. America is interested in that, so does survive and transcend Donald Trump If he would lose, is it back to the old party? neither does survive nothing. It transcends from his victory, has wave transcending so the fact that he's ship. The mapping of losers tonight, which I will say, I'm starting to think he's in office, If, if he is, even if you lose it tonight, I think people recognising their vulnerabilities in the democratic firewall. With regard to raise and with the class that have been breached by when I think you're gonna see a lot of candidates on the Republican Party side poor through that I don't For this I don't think we may see a lot more John Mccain, Mitt, Romney, interoperable and parties future. I think you're gonna see a lot more of people who
from friendly than Nicky Haley's in the round us answers, and those are the elites of the of the term friendly folks, you a lot more of the job, how types or open populace. the style of the Republican Party has changed. I think has changed the way. That's actually may have been strange, quite puzzled, by tromp? It's almost like when you, have a piece that's bent out of place on a bicycle. Bicycle spoken spends out of place. You don't bent it to where you want be after Bennet. You far the other direction nor to get into bed where you actually wanted to be, and I feel it maybe that's what from pays for the Republican Party See what The valid number that you guys are voting on where you are actually reintroduce, reintroducing discrimination sexy. Sixteen I've heard. That is close. How do you think that do in in the election in California What are the consequences and really
Why the hell? Are you guys all still there and not a fundamental question? I live in a border of my states, read my brain round. I voted in Florida, avoiding this wing state whose all my is all they have everything in another, and I dont get Stratford from wanting floored. It's me. I moved states it just to make from more if he wins by one Michael, when I leave for our new homes in Nashville this week, but the old man here down just unjust did under touching I've really get old, get old. Let you have a lot of attachments, they can change the subject for just a minute and congratulate you on entering the broadcasting. Absolutely I was acting in a hundred if you did, which need not be the broadcasting all thing. If you put that right now, Thank you very much. I I, I think I think it You know my name is gonna have the plaque.
I've been on the door of the room closet, it's one of those things. I never thought I would get into and its such an honor. But now that I mean it s kind of cheapens it now it's anybody could get it. It's good, that's humility, gland, but the truth of the matter is- and I say this often backed by setting all that- I set it to Michael and Alan S than just this week, but I think that you're, the greatest living broadcaster maybe you have a unique under standing of the medium? But I think it's just an well by any one currently in the industry and Andrew absolutely right if they had somehow opted, not to put you in the brain, I think I was aim the radio all of it. Then the thing would have
absolutely novella. Now I want you to know that Alan and I did tell Jeremy. He was completely insane Gillis. Look guys! You ve got enough alcohol standing. I didn't get actively your like no job. Just just crashed, arduous quick election notification. Just go our national journalists, calling Ohio from trumped up by two point with the election day votes to left accounts if Donald Trump picks up Ohio, we're one state away- I'm environs owner writer, those yearners, although the hispanic turn out so far in the election, what will lead you to believe it may outperform and errors Ok, it couldn't be. Writers have lost our great, isn't going to be the unleashing of the godly force at the end of british lost our media like we're all just getting the tune in it's gonna, be it's gonna, be just
in internet regression of us watching Emerson, museum onwards. We wonder what our assembly and we have to put up with me. You may then, where we all have to do. They all turned into us watching CNN her you will earn swordsmen shot and rod. I was thinking the same thing. We should proceed and then upon what we ve been talking all night about how we have to replace the legacy media replaced legacy media we won't have to replace it will, A few months ago, we less from whims eyeballs will fall out of an important that they will burn himself down into. It already is well on its way, a burning itself down to the ground, but I, I worry about their phase two in other back up I think is actually there their first plan. put as your vice president, the one that every democratic aid
to back up the guy who everybody knows I mean he's, probably not gonna make it the pudding on Friday home to their their plan. Here is to now create doubt and violence in the streets and that's Harry concerning to me, because I ve done enough homework on on what planning through the transition integrity project, which is anything but you guys concerned, then you know I I I want to just say that one at one of the personality traits of conservatives is that we see something to be afraid of me, immediately assume that is going to work is gonna come true, and I don't think that's necessarily the case and in the present case that is there, when when you got it exactly right, but we are now living in a world where an invention that is their rivals, the printing press in importance
come about, which is the internet in the way. The things we're doing right now right here, and that is changed. One thing- and I think their plan is an old plan. I think their plan. From the old days, and I think information spreads now whether they like it or not, I think than their attempt their open attempt to shut down the binding story. When you look at the polls, it didn't work the people sought they believed it. They knew it was real. They got the information I sure, I'm not that old fashioned ideas like wiring and and and pushing and wine that that use works, so well are going to work in this modern moment. We are actually out ahead of the of the because of what we're doing right here on the blaze and on the daily, why replacement, mediately or we are replacing something reflation, something that has burned itself to the ground and I don't know I haven't been able to be up to these. Companies are no one guy,
coming from the one guy who so I'm not ready to leave galloped on, so he doesn't know it's there. It's thank you so much, and I have to tell you when I when I first started the blaze I want. I saw a network where everybody could work together and I didn't know how we work out, but I am, I am so proud to be in the same business with you, and this is something Amy see and NBC never did not. Here I would have done we're, not competitors where all on the same side, we we compete against each other, but we all go home friends and- and it is really nice Protein is I'd really rather noise. Thank you for your kinship and listen. If you want to help us replaced the media, go subscribed to the blaze place tv you're, gonna get Gonna get glad you're gonna get mark within you're gonna get Stephen crowded out, Stuckey Lauren Chin. It's it's a great value. Having subscribe
First, let me have enemy, not only Ireland. May I May I just return the favour, please he's exactly right. You should subscribe to the blaze greatest living broadcaster, someone's guy, we're better, wait, click announcement, Maria Salazar, feed it down the Shall Leyla room. I am indeed district. Twenty seven congressional seats, while, as a democrat bunch of Florida seats that are moving into republics, territory in Florida, Jim Contra, one reelection who are re elected in June, Francesco good friend of Europe, all of our chosen radio, pirate captain bill shirts around often due to the increase in China has one real action, so that that is excellence that you have to keep an eye Chip Roy, whose eyes and a real dogfight and he's gonna dogfight with Wendy Davis. If we lose drew toy brutal to win the day, is district again borders on Houston and whose borders are not lost in aspen. Sorry,
also AP has called for a twenty sixth for another Republican how'd. You manage over Debbie, more council powers. That is another g of you pick up here so pick up yet so this is. This is not twenty in blue waves, democratic territory, the natural Volkswagen we often also give you this is. This is not about and ten point when this is. This is at best unified. The wording of this like abide in four or five point. One wishes one puts it in dicey territory. Here's peers Henry also life by promote because of his honesty- and he says I never like being wrong professionally, but is clear. The burden is not going to win the national vote by anything like what every major pulls cross Tabs implied. That means poorly nearer mammoth proportions. The inn. we will have a lot of serious thinking to do whether capable of serious fifty percent fat narrative about it seriously. Do I want to welcome for the show again daily wires, very own mouth. Whilst I am gone mad facebook back, I'm gonna hand off both this segment and the show itself.
To Michael knows on account of the code of the rest of your life forever. Catholic, our without arguing that watch and the heavenly father. Thank you that thank you for coming as I do want to take a moment, though. Gentlemen, as we have said this, because you know the media are going to completely change the story. Whatever happens tomorrow and they're gonna say the poles were actually right there. Fly to convince us that these rules were right. There, not right, no matter how this turns out tonight, I'm the pool is like got this now? What are you saying out from your garage or your car or wherever you are right now, Well right now, I'm actually I'm a real buildings that that's that's a step up for me, I'm in in a Billy with a nice view of Nashville? I think it was the thing with the poles. As I don't I don't see after this
What role pulling plays. I think that pollsters go to the level of like you know back few years ago, the psychic, so you would call nine hundred, is clear. We want and what happened is clear, but they're gonna Miss Clio level. They really do, and I think part of that is their they're trying to predict son level there trying to predict right what people are gonna do on election day, but that's very heartening, especially because we everybody knows what their predicting and people are responding to those predictions as well. So it just the recent really difficult thing to do, and I I just don't know what role poles play anymore. Now, you're, you were very on focus, win the black lives matter and anti for riots. We're going all around. You were digging up stories of the mainstream media were not covering has been so much weird in this election season and obviously that that might explain why these models got things wrong? What what effect do you think
riots have had. What effect do you think the lock down so that and in what? If this is just because Trump is interesting candidate and Joe Biden can't finish sentence, wasn't Glasgow. You someplace plays a lot into, in other words, at the end of the day, Tromp has a lot of enthusiasm and when you're in incumbent- and you also have enthusiasm- that's gonna be hard for anyone to overcome, and then, when you ve got the guy running against him is your brain is made of soggy Cheerios makes it makes it even more difficult, but I feel I was sceptical. I was worried heading into the election that cause is always talk about it. As as Americans in modern society we have, the memory of house lies. I was worried that, even though we three or four months of rioting and he's rampaging mob, supported by democratic, encouraged by Democrat Party, funded even by liberals burning down cities, I was worried that it would in fact,
in the end, because nobody will remember it, but I think I have instead is still too early to say, but it's it's. When you look at how wrong the poles were. The roads, nor is also far it's it's hard to think than that factor in at least a little bit- and of course it should because, like us before is What what have the Democrats actually done to attract new voters over the last four years. We talk about what what what does trumped up to bring a new voters well didn't need to bring in democracy was he was in line with what he had last time. So what are the Democrats done, and I think encouraging rioting and designated this opening open bigotry and re stating and shutting advocating shutting down the country putting us all muddling us an masks throwing people around here. That's not gonna, do it. Doesn't it just doesn't appeal to two people? So what I would want Democrats to do is I know that if they lose their gonna they're gonna say was voter The pressure in order to say, was bigotry
but reflect on the possibility that you lost because you are horrible and unimpeded lacks an emotional James Gore. bill famously said in the early nineties. It's the economy's stupid about how to win an election. I think you might USA an election if the looting stupid, if they orson stupid there. There is some news coming out from twitter, and I mean it's not on twitter and say it's from twitter itself. There's a big alert not now- that's as election results might be delayed with the grace in voting by mail there might be a delay in the announcement of election result. This means you can encounter unconfirmed claims that it can has won their race. Tell you, Madam reading, that it makes me think that the lips think they're losing. How do you do you read the coverage of the election Neither does it does seem that way, and I would worry I just like everybody else
This thing does drag on for days and we're going to Pennsylvania and they say I've got balanced. I start the count and everything you you worry about shenanigans there. I haven't been like a lot of conservatives. I haven't been ass concerned about things like voter fraud, but that does not become a concern because win win. They believe they are trying to unseat evil himself literally worse than Hitler, then and justify the means. I mean anything. You can do to make that happen. If you really are running against actually Hitler than I would say pretty much anything you do to stop him is. Ok is morally permissible and I believe that that that seems to be their their attitudes. That would make me concerned about about writing arrogance. But as long as these only the mango Mussolini, then it's a little bit less of fearsome than if he were actually Hitler. I think I think you're right The attitude there's something that is really confusing leftists,
night and- and that is the increase in the panic on them and the blackout for Donald this, doesn't make sense them, especially those panic, though, because the Trump launched a campaign. We already came down the escalator and he said, There are lots of bad people coming over illegally from extremism. Ok lost the vote, and yet for some reason. Actually it all went the other direction I know met you focus on culture, so more than you know that the kind of wonky ness of various policies or economics, and I'm I'm lean in that direction as well. The lesson actually, regardless of what happens, then? What is the lesson from just what we know right now for Republicans moving hopeful of laying for years are years at five years after president from how Are we supposed to proceed at the political level watching republican candidates? Look like. well, if we're talking about where you brought up in other minorities out and how that's and how that shaping up, I think
One last amendments is more or less than four Democrats, but also on the reverse, unless the Republicans do, but Trump spoke to voters that, though it the way I look at its Trump spoke to all voters. Basically, the same it is kind of we know is kind of a brass guide is that it could be bolder and sort of thing, but each each tries to appeal everybody the same way on the same level like it or not, and but but what you have for Democrats, eight, they try to put people into different categories and their very patronising to minority voters and maybe their voters? I don't like being spoken to that lie. They just stay just see, I'm just just give it to me strangers to speak to Mister. Like a normal person. You, don't you not to address me as a black voters, banning voter just missed an American. You could talk to me that way, and maybe maybe we're discovering that that that's what that's, what people want, regardless of their race, treat people with dignity like their human beings, that such a shocking government concept. I think all of us here at daily work,
in twenty sixteen were sceptical of prompt even so student, Ivorians always did well informed, but we were all very sceptical man. I know you were, of course critical of him. You are now obviously much less so he's one you over. This is true of so many of my friends and read it is even who did reform in twenty. Sixteen, who did what form this time was there one issue: was there one moment that shifted you or just the combination of everything It's not so much one issue, I guess, like all a lot of people who were in my camp in twenty sixteen
the young. The concern I had about tromp was being in New York Democrat and I was concerned about the policy and I thought that he would govern like New York, Democrat and we just be just simply hasn't said. So it's as simple as that. It's it's more like what he hasn't done. That has shifted my view of them. Now there there were other concerns and criticisms. I've had of tromp adage of traffic point sixteen that I still have now. So it's not like I've gone data not wearing a mega exactly button right, but that that was the main thing and- and he has not govern like that and tea no he's advanced policies. What what is done with the Supreme Court? Obviously, what? If I dont know if tromp is actually programme deep in his heart, but
it doesn't matter, because the Supreme Court justice that is chosen especially emigrant bear the last one that is the springboard justice that any pro life conservative would choose, and so that's, how is governing that's those choices, he's making what he actually believes in his heart doesn't matter to me really honestly, just it just matters what he does and- and so we ve seen that actually play out at this point- that the worst possible cases area, which is also the most hilarious possible case scenario is still very much on the table. There could easily metaphysics united sixteen you're kidding. I wished, I know a hundred percent. This could have right now is failing in Arizona, if he loses Arizona, if you Pennsylvania and if he receives,
one of the votes in Maine in both in Nebraska. You now have a two sixty nine to sixty away twice a worst case scenario sounds great area if, after perfected, it's it's everywhere, it worse case him in kind of that case because, like the fund, has never ends that that it goes on and here's that nobody is the best part you're. If so, then it goes to the house, the House votes by state, that is not vote by the number of members of the house, so the state, our divided twenty six. Twenty three in favour of republican live. One of those states move one heading- one is split exactly evenly. If one of those states or to move into the democratic category of up to sixty nine to sixty nine tie? by the next Congress after they are put into place? If a twenty five twenty five split in the in house and the vice presidency is decided by the Senate, which easily these. What fifty fifty seven the bomb cabin,
the President read in the press enough I'll get a fence gets a vote is usually the Thai breaker in the Senate is eager to vote for himself as at present, Proton any not. I dont know that he's sitting at that point right right now, move past the electorate, and so it some it's pretty much mass did but That's it! That's me that is the early open, all the pandora's box. As you know, I had someone unlocked the tomb of the money like that nets. is is ours I noticed there is on it. Is that look in great Britain no, it's not about what that seventy five percent of the vote in our history, pretty heavily particular America County. The suburbs round, Phoenix right as White Cinema won her last race in Arizona from Point Arizona fairly narrowly in twenty sixteen and then Cinema, one that serenity I so Arizona could be turning away from him. He can still win the way that he still whence he wins Pennsylvania, which he could do and then theoretically Nevadas out there he could pick up Nevada. He could also pick up both of these seats.
Nebraska unwanted decision made if it's a policy to Nebraska once you domain, not Nevada. But yes, vainly everyone's, exactly two hundred seventy miles. Why I mean that there is one thing that is beneficial for everybody, who said This was gonna, be a company blow out the everybody who said that this was going to be that they never had it. There's no reckoning coming for anybody in the media that the overwhelming majority of Americans were so concerned about the evils of down from personally that they're going to shop in voted out of office in massive Ronald like numbers Brok, Obama, like numbers, happening in these people better get with the programme because here's the thing. from Porto lose narrowly there. Looking have down frumps run against next time, which is both a downside for them in a real. outside for them in the sense that from generates I'm a man here, but it is also real downside for them, because this entire campaign has been about from character, not about anything else. If then run it, The policies, the basis of their own interests, actionable grab debian real
he'll drops from real. It's really truly another, not winning, certainly not waiting on policy than not winning on enthusiasm for the all right now in my name, but remember Trump is getting hispanic votes, you getting blackfoot. If that happens, and he loses because of suburban white women, that category of voter went for the Republicans in every election, since two thousand up until that happens Why so, what's more likely that the Republicans are able to pull back some of those votes in twenty twenty four or the Republicans? as all of the gains that Romania has vanished and flat rate that becomes calculation. The ice was that the question does become what the party looks like after Trump is. If the body does revert to a kind of Bush error, Romney type of candidate, something tells me little Wayne is not gonna be endorsing the wrong. You know is aware that the amish coming out in large numbers Karami I googled earlier amish barometer. It has zero search results, so obviously trumpets a unique figure. We will see what happens after that. I think this is like checkups gun when you mention it
Africa has to happen now. We are good friend of mine, said to me and twenty sixteen I want all the poles were going against against Trump I had already had money on the table for trumpet hedged. My bet a little bit lose a lot of money and he said, Michael you're, an idiot questions. Can it when I say when you talk in all the Poles organs from isn't Michael's names Trump in the movie from passed away and in the movie version of this it has to me too, Nineteen sixty nine asked to go to the house that it has to go to the Senate. Nothing else. This is the only election analysis which check off scum has been mentioned is how can I tell us, is running ahead of tramp in North Carolina and that seems more more likely that he's no unnecessary. That's that's protons outlines that sanity there's a very, very good chat. The Republicans retain control in this area, which is like a fantastic backstop. If, God forbid, trumpet loser having Senate republican hands. A massive massive limit is at least can stop the the vast Chris
Yes, that is about we at least on us, God forbid by more than one year absolutely so now, looking into the future. Since you were so where you were so right about all of those riots that we're going on in the past seven months, what you foresee this evening, if Trump wins If Biden wins, if we don't know who wins are the same he's getting burn down, or do we do we get to take up the apply of our stores and resume normal life. I think, the city's armies, they're gonna, argonauts sperience riding we're all expecting. If, if Trump does, when I meet a fight and wins probably there will be some to celebrate way. Writing I don't think it last is long, but I do wonder going back to the question of how everybody around the polling was wrong and everything Because for me the one I never thought I'd be abiden landslide, but the one thing, even though I knew trumpets and accommodate, has got a huge advantage. He's got a lot of enthusiasm. The one thing that always made me think I don't know- maybe Biden wines is that when you look at,
all these cities, where there are, there has been riding mostly peaceful protests and even even going back to the women's Marge four years ago, a million people came out and in all I think, we're there's there's. There is obviously a lot of enthusiasm against him where to those people want Are they not showing up to vote, and you start to wonder, maybe
these people don't really hate tromp as much as they claim they do. Maybe this is maybe this is just the they love go out for a riot protesters alone, especially when you get a free tv out and the dealer friendly than I thought. That's what but actually going to vote. That's like a practical sort of boring step and you gotta go down Balin you're going to send a racist. Who cares about that? I wonder if that's, if that's what it comes down to a lot of these people, they don't go, grab the molotov cocktails, but if it doesn't go boom and exploded they're, just not as an interest rate on every single year. You hear the democratically this year all that youth are going to vote in work and have a blue landslide and the youth a really excited and they tweet and they instagram and they tiktok, but they know about that they don't actually sharp devout, and that's that be the case with the rest of these democratic voters
looks like some good terms, have any appeal: employers in Washington DC. I can't imagine why applause of has been name for be aligned with the seven tonight whatsoever, because a movement that literally rights on the pavement veolan equals defined the police. How good things possibly turn violent apparent people are hitting each other in the head with bats. I don't understand. How could that be? Why why why here's? What is theirs? I? U S, God usually see little step, the intellectual count County Pennsylvania, choppers ahead by twenty percent. Twenty points, this county, the Clinton one by three points while also worth noting Eurovision had had a poll. The other day tromp was losing Cubans in Florida. My fifteen percent is wouldn't keep us informed. Forty percent of the was off by a fifty five boys says within the margin
I've got my security guy had a better be done. His use of of, I believe cuban extraction in Florida, and he was like yeah. You have no idea what it feels like that in Miami Davies and people are showing up on mass Cubans Venezuelans to vote for the vote for Trump and it's it's areas to watch the media preemptively melting down. the preemptively melting down their preemptively, going like all once white people generally held weeded out, but its special. Why just now is not the way to do the opposite. So, like he's he's actually not getting the white votes, they use getting last time he's getting way more minority. But this is not a party of earth usually popular vote. My I, if I get a lot of Alchymy California hasn't come it that's. Why did it but with that said, like the the fact it if he wins Stan elevated, latino and black vote after they called him.
A vicious white supremacist worry years and suggested as Jonathan traded that voting for from meant that you embraced his racism and anyone's not because of a bunch of Cornwall racist. Why? educated high school. education level. Idiots from the rural area isn't win because an even those non existent, mythical people you went instead because routine and blacks, don't see the world in the same terms as the idiot. Your studies, afro american studies, white idiots in major universe. It up that's its dams, has. It is still I blame the declaration place. You know those devil Rob lays down in Miami Day and that you are putting off start renewing. All of them, because that that narrative is going to fall apart, most deplore, lose those deplorable crumbs leading in Ohio. You know it's about an airline's doubts about five point, while so that that that is bad news,
in pencil mania, so keep an eye in areas other than the next one that there should be keeping an eye on. You know you can, if he wins Pennsylvania illegally, without it Pennsylvania, then he loses Arizona anything pick up Nevada or he needs to become both districts in Nebraska and one in Maine. Ok, that's that's where things stand right now, So if you, if you weren't, like the fact that we rely in Nebraska man countrymen, a very, very wild right now, d, the poles retaining shows put in Nebraska. Main, which would not be enough if there were, if there are split in a brass guy, in a split in Maine any losers, nobody picks up high o Pennsylvania and aiming at the real time Growth Carolina, Georgia Florida. I put him to sixty eight sixty eight poisonous Greenland offer thou be over the edge. How did you feel? How do you feel about crowded
crowded analysis. You know I gotta was interested method because he really does know that area yet, and I said I wasn't, it wasn't embedded so he said he knows. I have spent a lot of letting go of iron in that area. Without one on the head again, if. Arizona, Arizona where it says yeah, but we'll be fascinating to say: will the left? Let's say that Biden winds narrow? is still very much on the table. I so, let's put aside the the pre emptive broken rivalry. which maple gets now enables England, rightly if it lets you divide, moons, narrow vitamins near willed, left put aside, the intersection of crap, we'll binding, who's that as an excuse to say, listen, I didn't run on that and you, terrible and when I doing this anymore, but because they can actually be quoted the thing for the hundred, and especially if this we have fifty one in the Senate, I mean if we continue to keep right on it, that only make a big difference, because they just gates just a lot of stuff. They think it through right, yet at the time the son numbers are looking much much better for, for the Republicans so this is it but to watch the meltdown
happening in real time. You can see it, you can see it the meltdown is happening in real time members. The media are starting their remaining that their shifting the narrative almost immediately it's going from look at all ass. If it has the women from has no power to into both from looks like he might we have twenty one are vital to win again and its aftermath again, this could take weeks. I mean it Philadelphia is knocking report photos until nine a M tomorrow, Detroit isn't care finishing, counting a backlog of absence, thousands of tomorrow night it could wait and you'd you remember Joe Biden Atlanta Button campaign leaked this earlier yesterday, which was that if it looked like Joe clearly he was going to come out. He was gonna declare victory, even though the campaigns and said they weren't going to do that now I just don't know where we stand as we get to the end of tonight, is there any world in which one of the campaign can credibly to declare victory. Now the knows him able to collaborate reignite the bank
I can't imagine that isn't true yeah it from both. When the Arizona than has the patriotic claiming victory. If you lose Arizona, states. Imagine that the hidden it is not. It is not clear cut election day by day. I don't see how anyone can inflict midnight. I think that it's gonna be one. the night we might have some index Do we think that the current legal problems? Arizona? I think at that point you have you have to start favor the possibility that that he wins the election. But if he was Arizona I still think you have to slightly favour Biden at that point, but this is a way way way closer than anybody mainstream media, oh God, my god, this time in my guys that when they are not reflected not only in the pool right or not, will the election. I always had a grape with this idea, at the last election, the poles, got it right? I mean too many when you, when you're saying, is a ninety eight percent of those we wins out. You know I get
They said it was right. I get my. They said that some of the numbers were rightly just random wrong. I would sell me in the polls is part of your job right. I mean that anybody can collect that data, but you gotta read the pole, They read the wrong and I can't you say- or we were we were right within the car. Most of our entire wrong, essentially right, but this is different. Actually, I'm wrong. They were wrong and an already no there's no way for them to read this and then. It raises a lot of questions are raised, a question the motion wash them, and we were haven't cigars out of my patio talking to Spencer and Spencer said they are not pulling a country that exists the end, and I think that that's really something that we have to get out of here. I'm really places we have been debating this for for a long time now- and I am always on the side of poles- are secular some data is ridiculous, should basically be ignored. All think people call me a cook. Maybe I was was a goop sometimes when it is the point is that if the system breaks down then then the problem is there modeling, a country that doesn't
exist right now. What what credence do you give to the poles give any still I mean I don't wanna I'd want to throw the baby out with the bathwater here, but it does seem like they got something wrong. I wonder whether we are in a very guy: I've met, that's that's gone, I've got the whole matter is no longer with us. I forgot that's a good way of putting other, don't let them they're pulling a country. It doesn't exist, I think it's a sort of a similar thing, we're talking about what happened with the black modem, the minorities out its- Democrats think
then we ve seen this where they think that black lives matter and black people are the same thing. And so, if you, if you criticise black lives matter, then you criticising black did what have you save above us better say about black people and Grisettes completely ridiculous and untrue blacklist matters an actual organization, and then you look at what they believe they believe in what they profess. It's got nothing to do with likeable whatsoever, but this this is this is how Democrats think they think well. This is what the black boat is, what it was, but a black lives matter, believing they believe in you. Don't disrupting the nuclear family and they care about stuff like hetero, normative thinking, whatever the hell that is, and I know this is this- is another new threats are, but that, but in their minds they think it's exactly the same interchangeable group and so they're trying to appeal to minority voters with this kind of stuff.
And yet again it sort of like appealing to a group that doesn't really exist or at least exists and much smaller numbers, and they believe- and I think that's what's Goin back to bite on right now I say anything and exit polls right now and for what it's worth. This is so great that showing here's the ears they changed from twenty six feet in the air. Suppose ready for this. What's you know women plus three for transport, domain, plus three four from black women back within passport for blackmail up Orford from white willing, plus you for from white men down five four from Cyprus crazy, as our Thou visit were whatever this entails, in reality we're living in a while you, I must simulation where this is not the alternative. Reality is a worry today or they now that's right, but it's it's so counter itself counter to everything. They ve been saying for years that it's not that it's it's
I'm so astonishing. That should be astonishing. That shows why nobody should oversubscribed within your kind of, but should subscribe absurd. I mean forgot about not only for all the announcements that we made today. Candies Owens joining the daily working with us to Nashville in launching nation, with alive audience only that we now have Prager you videos available behind. Ok! Well, for all of our subscribers, not only that we are adding investigative report is that we can compete with mainstream media. We are forging into new territory, but So because you got Bernie suckers down, I mean they. They are just offered their jobs, their awfully theirs. Many of you, if you do not know anything about alternative media using knowing that replacement media. When you I've been watching his narrative. This night must come like a clock on the head. It must it must. It must come like a bridge to the face, because many of US even those was pretended trust more in the data Ryan. There were provided. Like me, I've been saying colonists? I literally said before the night started: I'm not making predictions that I do not think it is possible to make predictions bases of the poles there in front of us. So I have
solid feeling about the night. I hadn't, Rosa prediction about tonight. We only production that I made about the natives. I thought the trump would win North Carolina Florida, Arizona source, you better as Oda. I didn't have a good feeling, one where the other about Pennsylvania, but if you the mainstream media Trumbull is going to lose every single one of those states, plus Georgia, plus maybe taxes and they're just damned wrong wrong. I know you know this. This is I've tried not to make any real predictions of people. Ask me my feeling I'll tell it threw them. I put, I made a very modest bet with a democrat friend of mine who insisted ease and we gotta put some money eyes and made a modest bet, and I knew I bet for trumps these are what what are you basing it on? I said absolutely nothing that you would acknowledge that knowledge, but that's that's. When money is going pretty steady, I'm yahoo- you have steadily, you know what you you're the person I called up when I was in despair because you were constantly saying I think tromp was going with and again it is an open question. I'm not one zero, but the internet is repudiation of everything level they want admitted. Tromp losers, They will not have to bite the bullet.
And they won't because they living in an alternate reality, because they trying to sell that reality to us. But you know this is a good thing for replacement media It does mean that people are gonna start to say. You know that benchmarking I thought he was a bad guy, but maybe he was actually told the truth of what have you ever I mean I. I would say that I say there's only somewhat jokingly. I know that we watch the big clips and on the legacy media, but have you ever sat there in recent years, in watched like an hour of CNN S, power of yes, it is truly. I was. I was actually scandalised by these we're talking to wander Santa's earlier governor runs, very nice guy, very intelligent guy. Very serious man took two one the way that he is portrayed compared to Saint Andrew Cuomo, whose policies led directly to thousands of deaths and, from corona virus. The policies revolt it to see. How does one right, if I only washed CNN, like some of my friends relatives, I too We believe that as well, so it seems to me that is made
priority number one. Is you ve got to crack that legacy, media, Israel and the important thing is that the younger circles? In announcing the reply, I hear a report that the young Turks are saying that quote many people of color hate themselves rohingya like that its goods, but when people are no less in the hope that nothing happens, I'm Dr Weir, I believe like when they are hidden, is by rake in them immediately just jump right back on your angle of this design. Ok, so you just basically said all black bullshit vote a certain way because you say down from his racist as loans, just keep proclaiming applicants, races black people, keep voting like that. This ban is wrong and over you, because you're gonna call down from a racist pleasure unit. talk about amnesty. I was late and suddenly all hispanic people who mostly believe it I came here legally are suddenly gonna get on board. With that an end, then, if they don't really let them till you're, just gonna, say their white. I doubt that is your solution. This is your solution located unless they have got all the things I do ass. I tell my liberal friends. My few remaining liberal friends is just for,
couple days in a row, we, the New York Times up at page and read the Wall Street Journal up. It's me whether you agree with them, but the tone of thought the level of thought The new types of eight pages, literally like people literally and figuratively, like being in a nursery the bunch of people screaming with the Wall Street Journal there they trend right, but they disgusting, very, very high level, with very nuanced ideas, you don't hear anybody's being called Hitler nobody's might at some point. at some point. You start she won't. I want to be with you Dulce. Yes, of course, I know it's like an age go and buy, but speaking of a room full of people screaming, we do have to come to our war room weakened to find out what is going on in the granular level. Nat Walsh, thank you for being with us I'll see you over at the looting parade later on her now to our war room guys. What is the latest what's going on? I mean
what's going on Missouri has now been called for. President tramp and I'm gonna talk to our very own an hour about this editor here daily. Why we ve been in the war room- been getting all that we ve been looking at the projections tell us what is well mean Missouri, emissaries, while those that early on we rush you gonna, worried about it last couple weeks before really trending drums favours. There's nobody can take that and we now have new data coming out of a higher highways, the really exciting one. So we ve been watching that going very excited NASA. Eighty two percent reporting right now trumped up six. Point two percent said: Inga S light yet again the pulse to the off by over five sandwiches, pretty shocking in terms of the difference between twenty sixteen and twenty. Twenty is interesting he's a little small others like around five cent different, Queen Biden and trot right now. I'm buying-
is doing well in like Columbus proven as expected. So it's not like we're waiting for a ton of votes to come in. You read my mind. There is my question is when it came to Georgia or Virginia our pencilling in all these battleground states that we ve been talking about and looking at the data I think everybody gonna wonders. We know that there is those metropolitan a left, leaning bubbles, and we don't want to states- or we don't want get too optimistic customs you can have an entire state, looks really read, but where the votes you know, count or not, they can't everywhere, but where the metropolitan, like population resides, it can skew to the letter.
you're saying in Ohio were not at risk of that right now I wouldn't being quite covered only here's, my that's a little bit, but my british guy, I don't wanna- be that optimistic. Its is impossible. Genetic effect by H, Suzanne reporting is, is a good look for tromp, ok and we wanted to talk a little bit about the Senate raises Ben. You touched on this briefly earlier, and what the Senate was looking like in Arizona and North Carolina. I've worked on campaigns. Michael Moses worked on campaigns, its hellish done ever, do it. You are a data long and when we look at those presidential like Buchanan cut things coming and typically people go in even sometimes p. One voters will really talk about their vote. The presidential race and they ignore things further down, but if things are looking good, Democrats or Republicans depending on what the Senate races. Sometimes that can tell us what the up ballot is. Gonna look like right. Yes, I mean, firstly, thank you call me a day to warn him. That's my regiment excited so chosen.
a car liners interesting, because ignorance and reported tell us ahead of Cunningham by one point: one percent, that kind of mirrors the essential race a little bit worrying for tromp, without a zone of though, if we assume that logic is true sense, Forbes, unreported Kelly, I hadn't Mcnally by ten point three percent, if not worry, a lot of the scenarios we talked about involve Arizona, so we can have to do so restructuring of our not on that one. Lastly, that one interesting state to look on Georgia, fifty four percent reported, but do ahead of us off by thirteen point three percent, one delicious. It's about yourself. I thing is there: he lost Georgia's, sixth district, how Thrace and twenty seventeen financing tunnel money. You spend a tiny money this time, so come deliciously funny when someone spends money twice and loses such it's him spending the money twice its National Democratic Party, choosing to dump a lot of money into that recent turn looks like it didn't turn out for them in Georgia, Devon didn't work for them against Mcconnell Kentucky
so on Iraq are behind me watching those are faced, a scientist whenever you're his name. I have to laugh with watching those races across the country and another thing that is worrying. Unfortunately, a lot of people projected this I made by a grocery store and gun runs earlier this week in anticipation, unfortunately, of put to the potential for rights, no matter how the election night came down the matter who one tonight and for an update on what is happening in Washington DC and what we're seeing on social media. We have our very own. Cathy Dylan, Cathy, when you have so right now in Portland, things are starting to heat up seems at clothes matter. Protesters are walking on the streets of London or armed in their chanting, black powers that things are starting to heat up there, which is expected with that place, but in Washington DC things, are really starting to get heated. The protests was gathered and black lives matter Plaza. Another starting to move further into the city around different neighborhoods. here in this video you can see please our arresting somebody either the ground and then
Video looks like a smoke bomb has gone off. It's not tear gas, some sort of smoke bomb, probably put out by it and cheaper, person and then and another video you can see in tv gearing up their wearing these Holloway masks which actually bought my whole in costume. But apparently one woman hollowing caused and is also an anti a person's right gear as their starting to gear up there in southern them have bats metal, bats and please or trying to disperse them, so we're gonna pay close attention to how the tension is rising throughout the night, especially as President Trump is looking a lot better and impose a lot better in the results. Thank you I am happy, and now I'm gonna get a bit backed and Jeremy and all those guys we promised the war room is still here are still working hard will becoming you guys with more information as soon as we get it. Cassie, Andy Lasher, Cassie, your we're, very talented, but also very young, and clearly you don't
recognize those right wing provocateurs well. Well, it will allow for tonight will excuse it big news, but good work wasn't so equipping waste which point out powerful grab the network news. Are they still have not called Florida? Really really now, of course, the sun, afford a floor is almost all of a sudden. There is no shouted Biden takes. It has been over four when we call it an hour and a half ago attract two hours ago round essential is raging about it on Twitter as well. He should be pointed out that, if we're Joe Biden winning floored. They would call this thing two hours ago he took the president trumped up in Florida by almost four hundred thousand votes. More than ninety percent of precincts reporting. Why haven't networks called the rate is a done deal? The refusal to recognise the obvious speaks volumes about. The lack of objectivity of these outwards is absolutely right. That's why we keep harping on tonight The media cannot be redeemed. The media cannot be formed, the media must be replaced, and the only way to do that is
continue to grow organizations like the daily wire, which is why I've been telling you weaken that little and all night with old. You were starting a show of hands Just moving and ass, though the joined the daily by children we're bringing the entire Prager you library, to the daily we told you that we're launching a new morning show Paul morning. While I am also pleased to tell you, the we're hiring three full time: investigative journalists that weakens start doing the work that up until now, only the left has been able to do. Don't get cocky kid the New York Times alone, has sixteen hundred journalists but we're going to take the steps that are in front of us with you. You know the only way that you can eat the first by in whatever you gotta start where you can start work started by a small, the we're gonna start. Where did keep putting one foot in front of it, and we're getting out ahead. Even of our revenue were asking you. If we take leave on all of this content. We really go and try to replace the media. We try to replace these institutions that, despite this work,
I know that you will come along and start supporting us, instead of supporting them become a subscriber over daily weren't dot com used a promo code. Election will give you twenty five percent off and you can be like the two hundred thousand daily wars subscriber. So we have right now you can be a part of the solution wasn't world and after do whatever we can. If, if we're learning anything tonight, is that the media, which we all know when all in four Donald Trump did so dishonestly It's so with an agenda. They lie to you constantly. What's replace them no nice it can. I say I gotta say I've been talking for over twenty years about the culture and moving into the culture and the fact that the writers abandoned the culture yes and to sit here and to watch this kind.
Actually do what I've been talking about is incredibly move intimate, and if you weren't you, I would appreciate the words. I would actually give you a big wit kiss when your ugly head, because an amazing serious about you're, doing an amazing thing that has been waiting to be done, but it took vision and it took bought, took courage, and then I think that It's just listening you, you wouldn't tell me what you're announcements were before we came on, and I guess couple of him, but still still you're doing exactly what needs to be done, and that's a beautiful, beautiful thing and I actually maybe nice due for twenty minutes for not always had the nice thing. You ve ever said to me that only nice thing you are with the title. I just your botched idiom did make me think of another botched idiom, which is very famously fool me once
shame on you for me twice. The point is full me again that I like a sea media, has fooled us more than once, but certainly twenty sixteen and it looks like they ve all this again, and so it is just from an I'm very sorry. that everything. That's going on a daily wire right now, but even if that weren't, going on the there there We'd have to be something because there is no no matter what happens tonight. There is no credibility left for that old, ossified and its influence on the important thing is that I think that we can all recognise the Joe Biden really brought that front. Manage Amelia pressure. Do amazing about I'm somebody continually topics that we mention his name all night, even though you maybe the President Joel is a complete nonsense? Of course, that is just not entering like no one gives too good dams and about
Joe Biden or anything I think, provided you said I think your video about, what's which, by the way, I want to congratulate you on your by your voting for Trump video. It was one of the most honest one of the most honest for food. France, but I've seen, anyone in media gave its very hard ever be critical of your former? different arrangement with the other tribes, but one Thank you said in the video is that Joe Biden is like a cardboard mask, been warned by the radical left. I think that's a good right. The reason we don't talk about him he's Joe Biden doesn't matter in the election at all. You and I at the opportunity been in the in the West wing to me, Jared and vulgar, and we met with them separately, which I always look is an important part of the conversations. One day we went to the West Wing and we met with Iraq a Trump following day. We went to the West Wing and had breakfast with jerk Kirshner, and that was three years and in that meeting we told them it's Biden. The biggest threat to the president is vital.
and they said now by these. All this has been an identity, is gonna be burnt years can be warned us that there was no its bite and the reason that you should take them seriously. The reason is a genuine threat. Is also, the reason you don't even think about it. It is not on your mind at all. That is what Biden brought to this race Biden is nothing and the argument the pitch of the left is You hate all this task: the violence in the street, the mass, the lock down the dying, the crazy from these, the crazy. You won't condemn white supremacy, at least seventeen times a day you ate. All of that. We could just go back to nothing you don't have to have any opinion of Joe Biden, that's as actual strength, it may so be enough to carry the day. Listen trumps having up for night, I think No matter what happens, the pollsters were actually wrong. There were actually run this election in a way that they weren't even wrong in the twenty sixteen election
even if Biden, manages to point this out at this point, there are still yes, the Joe Biden to be president on a platform of nothing. nothing man on a platform of nothing who held no events and stayed at home in his basement, held no press conferences could win because because his that is his actual value you mean in this moment. You know I was at a Jesse, we Petersen Town Hall last week, which I always enjoy doing in one of the guys. There was this view far left who calls himself destiny, and these on you too, and I I don't know, but rather on the guy, because he showed up at this very, very right wing event, and I admired him and respect for that, but she was tall in about Joe Biden. in these glowing terms and it remit give me the people that, even even nor held at arm's length who sit around and talk my own from his reply little godly man who is doing this,
what we say. Well, no, that's not! What's going on. He was that guy for buying and I thought there are people who are just willing to jump into that ship who say no job, I'm gonna bring back the rule of law. I thought Chinese law put up your own and I thought it was amazing amazing what people will believe if they think they can get what they want. I think he believed it. I don't think you shine. I thought what you know that we always talk about bindings best pitches, turned to normal. They are buying campaign, is making up it. That's returned to normal see. The thing is something about normal was wrong. The region, Donald Trump One, the nomination, the Riis anyone general election is, because normal was wrong by the way moving that we're having the arson the carrying out of the rule of law, the threats to the judiciary and the contribution that is. Part of normal. It's the party of normal. That's doing that right. If the party that's promising us nor one, so I just think we're we're trapped in this system of law.
Normal was obviously in the media and technology in politics and bureaucracy, and all of that and end that night, the wise people have pulled themselves out of that wait. A second, this normal thing? It's not the mainstream anymore. This was not representing what people want. This is not representing reality and we We know you said it very wisely. Last I'm lucky, I can't believe is one wisely. Your memories friend you're drunk with a bottle talk. It argued but use I dont know if down trump is the beginning of something, but he is the end. Some he's not there is marking the end of, error that has run its course and who knows what comes next. That remains to be seen, but whatever Whatever was coming before that to be. I wasn't the people's movement. There was you'll leech normal and the thing about it is until they actually form a glow the coalition that can crush the american people there in those poor sick think they all right after twenty twelve that they had formed in unbeatable coalition,
a coalition that could not be defeated. Bright did that the coalition would would win for all time and then from one and there's assumption was a transitory moment and it was brought by a bunch of extraneous factors ranging from russian interference to the provisions of article book and Facebook, and it turns out. I know all that crap was real and the real honestly. I think, there's big question for the democratic body. The big question for Democrats is that if the if they win narrowly or if they lose narrowly, either way. are they gonna turn further the lesser they d? They learn a lesson because, let's ended Biden, winds anyone's very, very narrowly, does he turned to his work left and say you guys got to go because you, call me this election, or does it to them. I need you that much more, because I have this limit majority if he loses, doesn't know A party say he lost because we re did in the cities have because uncovered and because of a bunch of other factors
or are they gonna say we lost, because we didn't skew far enough left. This hacked in Bernie Sanders Ill hand on my left. And I don't know the answer that question. I don't think they know the answer to that question yet, but the best organise group in the aftermath of TAT usually is one the winds, Elsie is easily won her district again, and I think it's really it makes you thankful that the election colleges in the constitution, that's right there to be got rid of by constitutional amendment. That catches voted out like like the Supreme Court, which I can do. and because I think that these pockets of leftism, but that's not what the fears about still. I don't think it's about this, Manhattan, idle doubts about this much of Brooklyn on the heart of darkness. I think it's about their these pockets of belief in this system. system, the thing about socialism is the oldest system in the world. The only thing that is new and politics is the idea that
freedom should remain indifferent. Fishermen, socialism is essentially essentially the value system of, came right if you feel when you did something here, that something had value, I want that something I'm here, I think even further the Ripper Chambers Yoda Great Ex Communist euro, witness the guys who brought Ronald Reagan over to the right. He said people think of Socialism, communism as this hunter fifty year. Old idea is this. oldest religion in the world began when the serpent in the garden said ye shall be. Is God's has as its gospel of envy. You know it is Winston Churchill called it and you know the sad thing is, is not new, but it is also going to go away. It's gonna chronic in various forms again and again, and we have to beat it. Is this This woman, what's her name from the
the sixteen ninety eight hundred countries are not yet one day after the elections over I'm going to write a piece about how Latinos contrived ethnic category that artificially lumps white Cubans with black border regions and indigenous guatemalans pops explain why Latinos support from half a second highest rate, Lilith chauvinism, contrived category one another permanent back where that, right now we have our friend Governor Rhonda scientists of the great stake afforded governor. What on earth is happening in your fate? Why haven't they called it?. well, I think it's beaks more about their bias. Then I e the facts. I think abide in one every vote outstanding. He still can win. That presents got a four hundred thousand both margin, while not only that we flip two took out to democratic: U S tent congressmen and southern Florida. Few flips there we had Eric holder, spend fifteen million dollars to try to lift the state house in Florida, and
gains. Five seats will likely as dangerous even say it set itself when this is up and down the ballot. This is you re performance for Republicans and the fact did you have these networks, some of whom called Virginia before a single vote was kind and still being willing to call Florida when the dies completely cast. There is no doubt about this. I think it's really frustrating. I think people have a right to be upsetting by frankly. You know you got you're probably get more viewers leaving fox in coming to watch you guys so good, for you are you're, saying it's not just a red mirage as they warn us about all day, but forty solidly going for Donald Trump. But we all know for sure Army one by one hundred and fifteen thousand votes in sixteen
triple that margin at a minimum and and remember CNN Nbc, all these policies no lose by five to seven points same old stuff year after year they haven't gotten election right since twenty twelve, and yet we cannot do this all the time. So at some point there should be a reckoning, ah for this political media complex putting out, funny all doing their bogus analysis and maybe hold somebody accountable, for it is one thing the Miss one, but when you consistently miss in the same direction, every time You know. We think that there is an agenda flavour and governors answers worthy of noting that one of the factors in implored the can it used to be a big wind. For Republicans in that state is the increasing share of latino vote. It is being born hunting uncle had advanced, of course declared. That was, you know, there's no way, which is exciting stuff, but in that apparently, is holding drew across the Country STAR County Is it most latino County in the United States? It is ninety six percent latino. It went for
Joe Biden by a margin of fifty two to forty seven, so we urging a historic realignment among hispanic and latino voters across the country. One so that when you make for that it in terms of the future of the Republican Party in Florida, maybe what the future the Republican Party looks like why did you have to do things? Come to mind? One kind of a larger issue of the Democrats going so far laughed and left on cultural issues left on religion against religion. The anti American in many respects, in terms of some of that that the causes aid embraced and then I also think more specifically, fighting was the lockdown candidate. Hey locking down stopping business is posing schools that hurts blue collar. Folks. Obviously I drive annex are big origin of that. It's not, to do that, but I think when he's talking about a dark winner saying we can have school, he was literally did a video saying
some day. We will be able to have friends over to our house and go to the movies and have kids and spun thinking to myself in Florida. Women doing this, but I think it really spook people because it's the media, they like locked down so bite and things I think thought that was popular. I think at work.
against them in southern Florida in particular. As I mentioned the guy mentioned earlier, we have every county in Florida school in person and it is so important for working class people, but I do think you are saying a realignment. This is more of the working class based its more populous base for the Republicans, somewhat similar Reagan and Nixon in seventy two, but I think it may be in some respects more durable because I think it does cross racial and ethnic lines more so than we had at their if you notice, indeed, county obviously did very well with his spanish, but somebody african american precincts. You see movement in eight when in a majority, but if you win fifteen percent
Keep building off that. Even if it's a percent a year that arts the Democrats, they can't find those boats anywhere else, and so I think that you know this interesting Donald Trump was viewed when he ran and sixteen by the media as a racist, and they kept saying that I always said it, and yet here he has more than any republican president abroad and people from all walks of life and of the republic in full. Governor sense. There talking a lot about the disorder lifting image of the Republican Party that when the round me ran in twenty twelve, this was a college educated, largely White Party. I wanted now about me, the idea of a multi racial answer and Working Class Party as Do you know what the Republican Party was largely perceived as the party for the rich and white? What what do you make a bad? And what did you say about the future of the Republican Party, whether from ends of winning or and losing the postman ethically wrong here, and there is no shot that this thing is anything but a very narrow biting close election.
think I mean a lot in the upper income areas both democratic. Now I mean we see that the areas around Washington DC the most the fluent counties and in the country are all heavily democrat. Obviously the New York City suburbs and what not and I think you get into those acts. Serbs in the rural areas and man Trump is blown off the doors harm, and that I think you know, there's going to be an economic component that Republicans you're gonna need to attend to, and you ve noticed when Nancy plus you wanna, do she wanted to put the salt deduction back and that's a tax that for the red men. So it's interesting others dynamics forgot, but I also think just on the core issues, a page it is on culture and I do think the lockdown being against the lock gowns that really can that- and I think tromp is somebody
He was able to do that to a certain extent, because you know youth, I think I told them the present the other day. This thing. Mr President, someone asked me when I was ten years old, whose a rich guy, I would have said Donald Trump like he was just so known by everybody. When my generation in their thirties and fortys and fifty we grew up what trump we knew him. He was not he's, not just the politician, and so I think now that he's in politics, people have a different frame of reference, and so I think it appeals to four beyond the typical republic unfolded, obviously repel some of the more upper class who consider themselves so highly educated and what not anymore elites, but I think he has a real strong connection was found at the heart of the country, and I know a guy. I accuse in Florida he's one North Carolina these one Georgie's one, oh I'm so now or at the point where if he wins Arizona, and I think that the election day was gonna be two or three two one, France. I think he has done a good chance of that now he still why he's one stayed away just like we had a disappointed and
all the media? You know, wasn't a question of bite and winning. It was to this be a Reagan ass, the landslide. They were talking about four hundred pasture electoral vote. They were talking about a ten point margin in the electoral college that ain't gonna have governor yu makes such a great point here on the frame of reference because the media they play the same old story every time. However, there like it is he's a racist, the big it and then, when it's done drunk you say what you think. I know Donald Trump. I know that he is none of those things, and so it it makes you question the media, but when, when we don't have a nominee, who is a billion era, teeny start that we ve all known for thirty years, we have someone who's a little more in the usual line of political nominees. Do you think that that will be able to carry over that voters will remember and waited the media do lie about these guys. They don't tell the whole story, or do you think they're powers gonna Crete, back in when you, when you don't have this unique type of Donald Trump candidate
Why is it that I think it's a choice? I do we build off with the president's done. I can tell you, since I've been governor in I've, tried to do that to me. We have places in Florida, for example, Gadsden County up your north Florida, the most heavily african american County. I show up and gasping county and work with the local officials. We work on different issues together, probably a hundred percent Democrat, but we work together on common issues and I think, showing up and left people? Now that you care those awful long way in once? You show up and they see, and they know you and they talk to you- not all of Amanda voting for you, but man is sure hard for them to accept a caricature that the media is going to try to do at some point. You know in the future, and so are you some of my strongest democrat allies in the legislature or african Americans, our representatives, I mean we work with them. They help ass. The choice for us based
or us on. We get a parental consent for abortion for minors and they they were lined up with us himself. You know there are a lot of issues that we can work together on you just gotta be willing to show up and you gotta be willing to make the case. I think for so long Republicans have said what we're gonna lose. Ninety percent saliva bother, but you know what, if you lose, eighty five fifteen does matter and I think what tromp showed in Florida was any Democrat counties in southern Florida. He didn't wind day. He didn't wind Brower, he didn't wind palm beach, but he d better than he didn't. Sixteen now probably was a hundred fifty thousand yards in those three visa improvement in terms of his margin, and so I think it was really good and death in Florida. We have a good opportunity for this, because you know not only do we have
not just this means or Hispanics from all over Latin America, Cuba, Venezuela around you name it. We also have our strong african american community, but also includes the Caribbean Americans. I tried to put a the first. You make an American on our States Supreme Court, we had somewhat occasion and that so did my work out, but I mean you have Haitian Jihad Jamaican too, that a lot of stuff down here in my senses is that you don't we a chance to make inroads. If we keep shown up Governor answers. I haven't you. Personally deserve a fair bit of credit. You took an enormous amount flak from the media for months, you're there whipping posts on every and covered related you're. The guy who blew it, even though you are the only person, was actually looking at their data and trotting out rational policy, and the voters of Lord of this has to be. At least in part, as a referendum on your governorship mean the fact is that it's not just the trump ones, going away. It's also that a couple of congressional districts that we're not supposed to shit for public and didn't factual Republican, including a likely democratic districts that was shifting republican republics
pick up a couple of seeds. They went floor to fifteen foreign agents were two twenty six, twenty seven and frankly, I think that a lot of that has to do with the fact that the people of Florida- just don't believe the media's lies about you and in the way that you ve handled an issue like covered. mean I only know now is that the waiters. When you know we are, we did two things that we focused on. One was voter registration, so we went into a twenty twenty. Two hundred thousand more republicans visa, be the Democrats that instead thirteen and yet we had it, but you know a lot of money into that, but I think that that was good and then I think also the registration increases, because people move here because they want to be governed better way than some of these are really liberal state, and I do think that the Arab you know what once you pushed to have society open people don't want to go back to that. Then I know the media wants to set everything down and you
probably fashion of all that, will save people want everything shut down, but that's not how they behave and they want to be able to live their lives and we believe it or not, offer to the average American is not rich enough for the shut down. The most disgusting thing about these shut down, in my estimation, says that the people who call for the political elite the media elite. These are people who can work from home thinks continue to make six figure. and higher incomes working from their homes, and then they, act as though there the champions of people who need to go to work, to put bread on the table for their family? It's disgusting think they ve done. Thank you cover the scientists for standing against it, thanks for being with us again
a night. Thank you and one thing I would just add that you actually have people who support closing schools who turn around and send their kids depriving garrison education, but how does it must be about? I gotta say waited with a thank you, governor and guy. Last and here the boys you. I think that on that note, after wrapping with the governor afforded which had turned our Daily Wire war room and see what's happening in the state of Florida. One most important states in the country You know, Germany, I ve been talking a lot tonight about that legacy, media and legacy media seems very afraid to call Florida and the governor their rightfully calling the mouth so working do something that we ve never done before in daily wire history without the editor in Chief John thickly right here, because what we do and we're very fun for me as a flawed, avoid recalling Florida for trot. If you look at it
This is an easy on, and why is it easy here we ve over ninety five percent reporting is up by three percent. He's got, there's no waited from loses. This, it's like I did is absurd. That's nothing call. the governor was saying with that we look at the electoral map here, as we see, a lotta wins building for trot. Ok, so we're gonna look at the electoral map. We want to see where the tally, as we have this tally of Joe Biden at two nine Donald Jump at one forty one. This is where we sit right now with all the states that have been called by the daily wire and members of mainstream media tell me what's happening in Georgia in North Carolina. Yes, we ve seen him build this heartland, deep red face here, Georgia, North Carolina, like we said trending his direction- was positively gonna when those Ohio He just keeps pulling away more more, no higher than the no state he's doing well, there pencil, but Pennsylvania still too far off again tell one
things are developing. Those not great for tromp. Is that Arizona looks bad for ok, so if Arizona is looking bad, but he can pull when in those states that Euro just mention look, Look at potential pathway to victory. What does that pathway to victory? Look like in this, area of Donald Trump and my pants losing I so when we did our initial analysis. Actually our number two scenario was him losing Arizona we thought there was. Chance. I would happen if that does, happened. How did you make up, for it is actually an easy way to make up for. Ok, Iowa has all been something that was very attainable for him. think he's, gonna get Iowa all here, If there is to make up for the deficit there, which is really only a few points, you can pick up Nevada They picked up. One of these states here, like Wisconsin, which is actually is turning well in beyond expectations for An expectation tell her way behind in pulling and that there is some hope
they're. So there is a way that he could, when still again, dysentery, which we thought was by pulling data. The most likely would give em too. It'S- really went. Ok, and I mean Ben talked about earlier. There is the fear that could we be a to sixty nine to sixty nine. This is that you guys laying down- and I had no audience and unlike giving credit to the war room and all the editors and everybody gathering information here, the daily, where we're not just like copying and pasting, what other politicos are saying on social media and on television, these guys have worked really hard. These guys haven't crunching the numbers and, This is why we have all of these scenarios. Kind of laid out of what trunks pathway to victory is me and why we're not rushing to call balls and strikes here in the words of that Shapiro. We really want to make sure that we're getting everybody the right information when get it and revealing that once again, like twenty? Sixteen, loser draw tonight holing. Wasn't a hundred percent accurate right that the gap
Florida is like a three percent three percent gap, Some of the other states is looking like a five percent miss by pollsters. This is it stating another devastating, I propose there's, no matter what happens Russell night, it's already devastating for them again we heard a very consistent narrative and its. It's a sort of the press, the depression of the republican vote, and I think that's why they're not calling Florida is pretty obvious. We The calls once what's happening in seeing how it develops this is what's happening. There is a trend here, it's a good trend for Trop. It's not that he's he's cleared out for them the rest, the victory he's, got a battle, but it's looking it earlier in the day. Had the final countdown in my head and now I need to come up with a new thing. Song says it looks like we could be here for a while road
The only reason we are able to be here is because of our amazing daily wire member. So I wanted to give you guys some questions from them. This question goes to Andrew Craven. Historically have presidential elections, given any indication of gubernatorial raises, for example, I and many in my social circle would very much like to see the governor of Pennsylvania deposed. What do you think drew the presidential actions have an effect on gubernatorial raised, so another storing the Obama administration. He saw at state Democrats wiped out people liked Obama. He was, he was appealing to them. They thought he was a good guy, but they didn't like his policies and they read that my vote, four Obama, but voting again everybody else- and I think also you know Politics is local at that level can be part of that is that is local politics and some things that are happening, state may not be reflected.
The national average, I think that, if Trump listen, if trump winds from, Winslet it's the end of identity power. I genuinely believe that I think that they didn't identity. Politics is what these show. Was used to replace class policy, because in in Amerika we don't really have class war. but we do have racial tension, and so they use racial tension where they used to use class power. If Trump wins this that strategy, and that is going to have an effect on every single raised in the country for a law in time the com, because they have not got really. anything else we don't have class. We don't have class I wish you and the way they do in other countries, and our eye I personally believe and have said repeatedly that the the racial panic that is going on is a panic about the fact that Blackstone Alex.
Adopted as part of America wasn't always true. I write up in a bad time for this, but it is definitely become through the path to assimilation to becoming part of America accepted part of Amerika is wide open and that's why this kind of panic has started this, violent panic that goes away if blacks reject that Latinos reject that that's gonna have an effect on. We state in an end your net, so you're never gonna have class politics here. Class warfare rank as we are talking about here, is your non with. You may not have racial warfare and you'll never have a war between the sexes because, of course everybody sleeping with the enemy of you have to wonder. What do you move to next and it seems like they ve run out of options it we did. We will be true if this identity politics falls apart, they are going to have to come up. They will come up with You know what it is, but it doesn't matter.
because this is a human right that easily chart out nothing. Let it go that ITALY will they probably then there that's the big question, because the people who are most invested in this particular point of view are not lacking spanning voters are most invest in this point of view, are the White woke liberal we actually won the party. That's right. The people who work at the New York Times, people who decided to give Nicole handed shows the editorship of the flagship of air fares paper rather than people who decided that they were going to infuse anti racism photograph propaganda. to every single aspect of your corporate american war. You think they're just gonna received that easily? I really wonder if they are if they lose Nerli. I wonder They say is that it because we nominating old school non grazing, non crazy, personally Biden and if they win narrowly, it's gonna be because Joe Biden wasn't woken up, otherwise, you'd won by a thousand bucks, but that, if that happened on our side, we would call them out for their stupidity, and I think that would be true. On their side, and other were very. In other words, they will. They may clouds any cling to the strategy. The strategy has failed.
I believe that by the way is calling Joe Biden Winning Arizona which has just devastating for trombones loose version, Fox faxes, calling Functional Virginia those reduced on primary Virginias out of light there. They there is certainly going Biden for Arizona, which means that now, down to basically Pennsylvania and the blue wall and we're backward. Selection cycle from passive live now, not just one. Yes to flip one of those. Yes with Albania and another one or Pennsylvania and about where he s a flip, Pennsylvania and Nebraska. Secondly, what is going on in Nebraska, because on the map here, all the experts have it read, but I that is the kind of weird situation where there were split well, it's rascal, let's by congressional district, it is allocated alongside some states, it has made us. It is well known allocated winner takes all; instead, they split it by congressional district and so right now I think most of the posters are saying the trembling three of the five electoral votes in Nebraska.
When four of the five or five of us I mean I I talk, upholsterer a trump pulsar, I don't know, maybe three weeks ago four weeks ago, who said Omaha, besides this election, and that could very well be true they have called a high overdrawn, so it from The trouble is one Ohio by apparently one Arizona, because what they suggesting, which gives again Biden has a much healthier pathway to the to the presidency. Is Arizona is in fact in his That means that he, you know, only has to win a couple of those blue states, not all three well the fact that they're calling Arizona this early foxes, it's not a good sign. The fact that they won't call Florida, though, meets that I want to actually withhold judgment on Arizona and see what happens as they bring in a few more of those votes, especially because of what we are seeing in Florida with latina vote if you knew that wise of translating into Arizona. I also want to get a few more questions than
our daily wire, dotcom members, there's a reason. The show was free for everyone out there tonight because they support us with their subscription and we try to provide for them great values that inscription with without a lot of value tonight with Canada, cell and starting a show. The Prager you I very come online were bring on this morning, shall bring on new investigative journalists. We have one were announcement that will make later in the evening. But those members tonight have the opportunity to get their questions Any LISA is bringing those questions to us. If we show, what do we have? Yes, sir, and speaking of you talked about the letting, although in Florida Daily Wire member has a question from Michael Knolls. Do think the difference between Arizona in Florida has more to do with mexican emigrants versus cuban emigrants groups do differently whoever Nicole Hannah Jones when she said that the idea of hispanic is contrived were Latinos good right, That is true. That moniker is a creation, basically the nineteen, seventy seven and late sixties through the eighties
because of liberal activists, one to try to replicate what they felt was a successful civil rights movement based on racial identity among other routes and try to bring them to the left, and so they did it with his banning sleep and invitations, they try to do it during the Obama administration, with Middle EAST and North Africa, they called the Mena, wasn't right now that didn't catch underpinning essentially, and so these are different groups. These different nations, Cuba is different in Mexico, is different than Salvador is different than what a model I know I been on the ground in Arizona have not been following Arizona as closely as Florida. I can't give you that the top reason you know- anything more than a guess, but it is the case. Storage late cuban Americans, because they fled a communist country, have signed More conservative incited more Republican do generationally that has fallen off an answer you ve seen recent immigrants strongly conservative next generation, a little less so and then generation, even less? So so have to see you of what happened.
this time round, because the Cuban, but certainly when pretty heavily for them, From this time, but it may vary on age and then than you, people to use raises is quite so easy and identifier of of political life are the next question the God, King Jeremy. Where is the number one place in culture that conservatives cannot take right now that we should be trying to non one place that we cannot take that we should be trying to? I think we have. I think we have three places in the culture that we simply cannot not not quickly the left and take them quickly. They intergenerational plan their executed. It's perfect from we're. Gonna have to do something much the same.
academia? Obviously one of obviously conservatives have zero representation and academia. You may be able to think of that. One conservative, professor, you have actually fruits the point that does it thus accept and approves. The rule. Academia, of course, is prompted by government money. Academia propped by conservatives who hold two credential wisdom and believe that their There aren't that their purchasing for their child, the credential that will do them. Well, I had a conversation once with Secretary Devise are education, secretary, wonderful woman, and yet and she had a blind spot in this particular area sheep. She was that we're at this very well twenty fundraiser and people are asking your questions all very well to do, and if I was always don't we need trade schools for people who just aren't right for college, but we need a place for me. who just aren't the college material now they need to go on, had a welder learn how to be garbage collectors. I found the whole thing. Please allow me first of all the trades were all the money that the cultural right now you want to. good living, learn how to weld because
more welding jobs available to pay six figures. are in, for example, gender. Where there are no jobs to pay. Anything The only reason I found it objectionable, founded objectionable because, well frankly, more Half of all the small business owners and the country lack college degree because the richest man in the world mark Zuckerberg. Michael they'll lack college degrees. They should be kids you're, not college material, What's it is something that we kind of look down on. We should be telling kid you can do whatever you want, drop at a college and be rich drop out of college and gets why things stop at a college and start a business proper, college and yes go to trade scope that only one of the options The main way the we're gonna defeat. The though the latter, and academia is to stop sending our kids their stop letting them take on debt that they will never be able to repay for a credentials That's an early meaning was so that professors can train them to build things that you raise them not to believe the second of horses. Britain is the media. I think we're doin
are there than in any of the three by were still so far behind. Yes, the daily wire with the number one publisher them, no one! engaged publisher in the world on Facebook for the last three months, according to news whip, but that still nothing compared to the reach that allows tat they control almost all the engagements. Almost all of the impressions and social media and, of course they have their own media channels that are worth you know billions of dollars. We have so much work to do there, especially in the investor, Round, which is why we announced rehiring three investigative journalists here tonight. The third place were obviously We have an unbelievable hill decline, is an entertainment media and in entertainment. I include music I include television. I include so basically all the things that we might call popular culture here, the left's domination of us is almost come.
wait. You can count on your hands the films that of openly represented the world view of conservatives, and you can have a forest successful ones. American sniper the number one best selling the number one box office generating rated our film of all time, which actually I'm seated the former number one right arm of the at all times the passion of the price, both very similar stories. In the sense that It was a story that Americans wanted their colleagues would never give them the required a superstar after turned director who works outside the system to bring Hollywood. Did they learn any lessons, of course not, but that's not a lesson they want to learn they like the polarization. They don't want your money and I know you're a chump single, give em your money, even if they don't do anything to earn it. How much money will netflix alone spend twenty billion dollars? that's twenty thousand million dollars on content every single year. That is one single network on the wealth, all told them
action budget of Hollywood I dont know if it's even know about well over a hundred and fifty billion dollars. Every year this why you wind up with duties on likes. This is why you wind up with all the Anti Arap war movies, when George W Bush was president, is why every single election cycle of my lifetime. We ve gotten feature film about bad. The Republican is with that in documentaries about how bad the Republican is within documentaries about how great every left this figure is. Why does everybody? No Ruth Paine Regensburg because he's a cultural pulled figure, because Holly, it will spend billions and billions and billions of dollars promulgating their worldview and telling you their point of view whether you want it or not. So what gonna do we're Hollywood, concerned will that's where we have, I think, the biggest now to climb and that's the next announced I'll make about the daily wire and the ways that we're going to bring value to you in exchange for your subscription. Twenty twenty one, the daily wire will be producing fictional content. We're gonna be the first in our space with S S flat
to really go at this in a major way. We have already occurred the right to our first feature, film, which it will be announcing to you in the coming weeks? We are working on it. Put Andrew claimant for our first series, we are going to again and we and we bring you twenty billion dollars worth of content, though that Netflix can well not to it's a forty year path before going to with the left it and assert ourselves in all of these but we're going to lead the way we're gonna get out ahead of our comfort zone, we're gonna, start making as we know, has to be made more trust in the EU. the follow if it becomes subscribers over daily. Dot com that you're used promo code, Can I get started with a twenty five percent are to get the leftist years. Article tumblr! Listen! It's not about charity, it's not about the left to steer. Tumblr is not even about the amazing community that should participate in with our other daily wire members. We want to bring value, we want to say these are the things that you get elsewhere. While we may not be able to compete with them in turn,
the amount of content that they can give you we can at least start moving into areas and over time we can build something really amazing together. So please can be a part of that with a sneer daily wire dot com like over subscribed button used a promo code election get twenty five years we're gonna, be making movies we're gonna, be making morning cod with morning wire in the style of sort of him pr morning, content we're gonna, have investigative journalists were going to bring you the entire library of daily Wire of Prager. You is competing in academia. bring you a brand new one of a kind show from Canada, someone's shut in front of alive audience Dr Guy, can I just say that I think you're absolutely right about the academy. That's a law, a big hill to climb and its who take a change of attitude. You're! Absolutely right about this on entertainment, I don't think we need their billions of dollars. I think we can beat them in the same way rocky beat the russian boxer, because we all we have to do is produced the content that people want to set right.
they'll come. If you can, we build it, they will come if not charity. I don't wanna make movies that people feel like they're supposed to go say that we want to make content that you want to go see. But we do need you to be in our corner as we do that we can take one more question from a daily wire member. In that spirit, right now from your recent lemon discussion goes to our very own Ben Shapiro. If fighting we're to win, would we reverse all of the progress that we have made in the last four years? More specifically, when it comes to international policy in the Middle EAST and continue with an armed conflict there. So my guess is that, for Policy is the area where the president has most power because- the commander in chief years, most power shape policy. He hasn't we'll have to worry about Congress there as well. Obama when he launched an illegal war, Libya and then just maintained so that that sort of stuff happens fairly regularly, will finally be able to dramatically reshape the Middle EAST without any sort of senatorial approval and the fact that report and had been holding the Senate. I do not think are going to give the green light to that sort of thing. I d and provide some sort of check. I think
I to renegotiate something with the iranian and with the Palestinians. I just don't think, there's a lot of regional interest in their right now, so, no The binding has the capacity to walk everything that will be a lot uglier in the Middle EAST, because Biden is present, if God for everyone's, yet definitely be a lot uglier, but some of the reality on the ground. It simply shifted band because those realities on the ground are the new realities. I don't the we're going back to a time when all of those Arab Israel deals and you start made fall apart. I don't think that's exactly what's going to happen here. I think that there is a high likelihood, the opposite happen, the reality is now reality. Combined is going to be going up against reality and not much is going to end of changing despite viands most for Efforts to the contrary, right well, We are still here: bickering arrogant, head back in the war room guys next time we see you, this map could look a little different. I sure hope it looks a little different. We don't know if that will be turning in the blue or the red direction, but we're gonna head back and toss it back to you guys already. So welcome,
we're in this room again and now we are joined by requesting. Eric, of course, is the, founder of the intellectual dark web and a heterodox thinker, was no longer welcome in his former, we left the circles because was heterodox so you're welcome here. So welcome. Also go yet you ve been watching the results. It come any Eric ends. You you're as a heterodox finger. I in somebody who's been sorted touting. The fact that from has unique appeal to crowds. Did you know historically have not been republican, are even sort of sounding the alarm on this for quite a while. What was it that that folks, unless you're you're off the laughed in terms of your policy provides a movie it never actual left night. The current democratic party version of I really do not have the legal act. I dont understand right. So what What is it that everybody missed about from here, because has left Ngos. It is a hell of a lot closer than it. Supposed to be here. maybe he's been. Life
I would remind you that the point as it is very difficult to keep talking about preference fast, The occasion when nobody listens is very difficult to talk to the left about the fact that scolding people- that they should feel guilty because they resemble people who hundreds of years and other people and you're, not winning friends. Its mines you're not making sense so to be, What about it? I just don't understand what the post Clinton Democratic left is doing institutionally, because this What left of central, tax are supposed to be. This is completely incoherent repudiation of We think we know about the heart of it. A progressive, is the word progress, so you were one why you could have been a progressive and fought the communism was going to be progress because it hadn't been tried, but you know one mark graves later
you have to re, evaluate whether or not you wish to tie your wagon to turn to a stolen star in situation were we're just seeing people lying continuously about Donald Trump and the eye here that every person doesn't go along with. You is a white supremacist whether or not the person is black or asian acquire Jewish. This four made sense to anybody who isn't part of the cold, and I just I guess what I had a tweet about, but I will be very surprised. If there isn't a stronger than expected from surge about, took to earth call the election one, where the other it certainly too early to call the fact that once again it appears to be off so with that said, right now,
like there is still a good possibility. That Biden wins, albeit narrow way, because from what have you at this point, if you ABC, is also called Arizona provided. That means that the trump when Pennsylvania and obvious de, I why any Sweden Nevada or he needs to win another state. Nor, for that tentative manifest victory from the manifest it the bottom was narrowly. Do you think, there's any reckoning at hand for the Democratic party? You think they rethink this thing, given the fact that, from his has pulled it outside support found it they're gonna, walk away with this thing with three hundred fifty electoral. When you decide to go with somebody who seventy eight years old at inauguration right probably know that you don't have a deep bench, to go to, and I would say that what you're looking at is the last gasp, the german talker see very hard to find somebody who's will. To step into these shoes younger now at the tail,
of regimes that end badly, like the Ceausescu's, usually have some guy. We make present for two days the prime minister lacking, I believe is that it's been very hard to attract young people to sign onto a failing ideology, I'm very disturbed about Donald Trump but I will say that the right has been getting more reasonable, as the left continues to portray It is getting Warren saying what it was. What is intellectual leftism look like at this point. What I mean, To be honest with you, I'm worried that you guys aren't getting. I'm worried that you're gonna lose capitalism because you you're not realizing the you better deal in Jen Z and the millennials at a minimum. If you want people to kill new to care about the american experiment that I think that I'm interested in fighting with you guys. about over decades
in other words, we situation in which, if you look at the way in which the millennials are experiencing their lives in terms of homeownership family formation, then part of the american experience that, at an appropriate rate, right right if you guys don't wake up to the wonders of a little bit of socialism in order to make sure that everybody is still trying to make capitalism work. Good luck, Do you mean, in the sense that some people of buying a home they put off having kids, they put up getting there because they don't have enough money, then why the stable job? Recently I get the idea I mean that if you are, thirty five years old, and you don't have a home in your let's say: you're females in your biological clock is of concern. Aren't you you're in a situation where you're about to Europe, Europe, plan that you might have been planning on if it was generic enough, is about to be frustrated
and what's worse is like let's say you have parents who have the second home or third home and You can't even get your first com and then there's some story about a paper out and that that paper made everything working, I put themselves through college. Nor does it never need that when the graduate blah blah blah these young people have now concept of what this capitalist american experience is left or right. Now I think you make a great going here. I would probably dispute that the issue is primarily economic, though I think there is a major economic element and I think you're you're totally right that this, the issue of how we live our lives that we form families have we settle down, how we integrate into a community if you lose that you're gonna lose the whole system and that the question is: how do you get the Genie coefficients that measure the mound of inequality in society to go down without the barrel of a gun
pointed at anyone's. When you see when you talk about a little bit of socialism, the word is come to mean almost nothing originally meant that the state taking over the means of production. That's not what people mean any more now. I think what they're doing is their instructing to a layer of indirection where socialism in in its met a kind of guys. you're, going to have to recognise that the markets distributional mechanism under the political economy that we currently expire science and under some of the intensifying effects where a small number of people can capture almost all of the value in a space from a small difference in quality there isn't it sit morality to the market in wine can't say that that person is wealthy. because they contributed four dollars. the value on average to every American? When you have to say what that prison, wealthy because of something involving reversed loans and trust in the Cayman islands?
Then you have a new problem right. Where damages? What does it Mean, and then you get the word success replaced by the word privilege, and I can tell him you're all enjoying what with Rick Winslow or are we talking about? Are we talking about a fair? you're of capitalism, or are we talking about corruption of capitalism? Are we dealing with what they call cronies capitalism, which is really just cronyism, so that the frame it is now so slanted the aid is worth. It is worth pointing out that the term capitalism was popularized by marks a step towards already kind of a loaded term, but just to play with MIKE, servant a friends here. If I were to say you know the price with communism. Is it's never really been? Try right because what all ass bright, ass, the greater my point of view, it would be right back at the sinking Captain yeah you're, honest with real capital movements, but the solution is being proposed. Is anyone if the solution is government subsidization of particular groups at the expense of other groups which has been well. You can horsemen level
Distribution is as one thing of all talking about relieving the government from providing subsidies than that's precisely the opposite. Well, it will meet women get worse than earlier point. Why I desire to help the loyal up and in some sort of Stockholm centre? bridge over the river climb on rising we're talking about the difficulties of attracting professors. because of a very easy road, if you want to which is stop treating professors is paid, looking for government handouts, because, due to your precious tax dollars, get smarter realise that you have effective. It is impossible to claim on intellectual property rights from basic discoveries and say you know what we're gonna Poker Hall, because We recognise that market failures are real thing. Markets are fantastic, but they don't do everything for you and what we're gonna do is we are going to commit to people in stem subjects to make sure that yet their academic freedom back that they're not worried about grants, the not worried about living humiliated, and then you can have professors again.
The place that you guys went wrong. Is you started treating proof? serves as an famous quote. Is welfare wings in lab code, but I wasn't a winner, I'm off where that Eric I'm only for women, but might my only issues? Did we ever really have the professor, as you I M reminded of God, Yale by buck lasers even back in the fifties. Always professors were pinkos, but that the problem is you guys, tend to see things a little bit black and white. So what I talk about his disseminating Stanfield SAM cameras there nor campus majors had a use yellow, but you you guys think the universities are about. Teaching and great universities are about research and we put a fig leaf of teaching on from unfriendly this event of our bush? That's really the issue, there's always been a mixed thing between Democrats Papa you don't you worry about wheeled Democrats and people who are really of the left, but I will say is that the tumblr or left in the Pierre work right can get along just young writer. That's problem is the best
crazy, Charlottesville right and the ridiculous anti four left, I need to get a Roman leave the rest of us, the how a lot like that. It's right this minute, I always say that the thing with the far right no one in this room is for the far right of the far right. on the common section of bright, but that's not the issue, but but the far left is in Congress yes, there is an asymmetric, but to be blunt about There are norms that prevented the far right from finding each other in the year as they at the beginning of the trumpet ministration. So there was a period that actually, Wasn't that long lived where the stream right then we might call the extreme right and one talk talk about them is the bigoted. We ugly right yeah. They thought they had a affordable lunch and then they got shut down in the question with the same thing happened in abiding administration in which the far left things ok, cool. We ve been part of the big tenant.
This means that the question I want to ask about it, because this is what I've been considering, is that the future of the country at this point it seems to me, is really more about whether mainstream liberals decide that they are more in instead in open the overturn window wide enough to have discussions with people who are not of their political persuasion, but there common an individual rights and freedom of speech and freedom of conversation or So what is their policy priorities that they believe they can more easily achieved this by dumping over all those things and making common cause with work? in short, the anti the crowd, because it seems like that is the question like a Harpers weekly that they put out where there's all these mainstream liberals, all of whom voted for Joe Biden and none of them voted for from talking about the open window needed to be widened on
and I thought, TAT S a good thing. Another hundred thought this would be so much more effective if you'd had one person who voted for Donald Trump on this less, like you want open to overturn window just wide enough to let you in your buddies through which were not quite wide enough to actually have a conversation with anybody who disagrees with you, but you guys are the way The modern left is formulated, you're, not just people with whom I disagree, you're all evil right there, My particular thanks, that's true. I can tell by the lack of a fairly low limit, in fact nothing you're, saying at least for me knows, I would say nothing. You're saying is so far out, we couldn't find some place of common ground that would benefit. said to me Ben. I once asked bend the question: what have
when the market can't reach the median non remarkable, individual anymore nieces, then we'd have to consider other measures as it. Then, why did you say things like that in front of the world is because you Eric are highly specific in which are complaining about. I left my tends to be very just like the one percent you're gonna go after that right. Out of my sight, like that, is regularly live resolution on savings like ok, we did not play. You know for that we need to strengthen patent law for people in stem and protect their like that. Recognising the founding. The patent law is a place where markets actually exists. its failure, because otherwise there be no actual russian for discovering anything, because if you don't protect intellectual property, intellectual property is a form of property policy during the founding actual regulatory letter is literally in the constitution that day, but I dont know because power patterns, I dont want basic research to be patentable. What I want, is to recognise that we have the world's greatest deal. But ensuring that our research scientists give us stuff for simple.
being immunized for the market price of your as from the market and you're doing academic freedom, you don't billion dollars, but you have the security of a guy with a billion dollars right. It really matters that I can go into my work every day. and now that, no matter what I say, I have a job right now that other of its fair enough, everybody wasn't fair because then the whole point was with the right at some point and badly miscarriage, the situation, academics and went into the market. Anything remember market pure in areas like the eighties, though, to me I feel like we are moving out of it. I know, but that's what that my point is that you guys have an easy path. Victory in the academy. You're, not gonna, win the whole academy, but if you get ten percent a beach head you get enough to allow people to have both perspectives in terms of the political party and you have you have a discussion, but if it's like a one line pieces,
back or red retroactive continuity, and you can't even manage that. For you, you know it's fine. Is we ve been talking all night about how for, if present makes inroads with the blackout he's not gonna win fifty is everyone. Sixty percent, we might win fifteen and there would be a huge deal because that really hampers the Democrats. It sounds like you're saying a similar thing with professors you might not get. Fifty percent of the professor. But if you made some roads into academia, you You ve really got a place from which could only look at the reason that I really in the modern era can't stand. The republican Party is that in part on your watch, under Ronald Reagan, you came up with completely disastrous ideas for figuring out how to tamper with the wage mechanism for american scientists. My feeling is that you guys are anti market turkey who completely destroyed the crown Jewel of american intellectual life, which is our research, complex and well done. Gentlemen.
You don't like see seems to. It seems to me that something else, hang you tell your talking, then I'd tell everyone here. Let me be loved to do this on a big programme in nineteen. Eighty six, There was a guy named earth blocked who was the first non academic out of the National Science Foundation and he realise that we will have to pay more money to scientists, because the demographics the baby bust, we're going to mean that the supply curve came, and so it is realised this is that if we flooded the market with the foreign students who are not actually students their workers that we can push out this light curve, and yet the way to go and then what they did in order to disguise the fact that they were manipulating a market is that they were the demand, curves and claimed it was only a demographic and our right right right now. That thing is what led to the immigration active. Ninety ninety, but you don't even know about that, because nobody knows about the story, because nobody in the left of centre media wants wants to talk
This and the right of centre media hasn't caught on now. What unfair, to tell you? Is there so much soul searching, real conservatives and real progressives can do together because to be bought. You guys also want to see the progress of the human race, and I want to see the best aspects of our. Well conserved we're just sitting down at having those conversations instead we're having neurotic conversations about either the market solves everything Everyone's a white supremacist. She, I don't wanna, have either one at least is frightens me that I completely agree with you about that. I know I have to leave the set yeah, I know, but it, but it is also something that the art does it see what seems to me that there is another aspect of this. The flow of information coming in the way you start with eyes in the conflict we'll side guys like Edward Sayin, proclaiming Jane Austen, an imperialist and they those people start to. In fact, the stem People in Europe are universe, young we're, so
they're saying to you: well, if you should certain discoveries, you're fired and that's the kind of thing we ve You wind up, arguing with we wind up arguing with the cultural wealth and maybe not hearing? What's happened? Why not spend less time with the grave and studies people and more time, but the people who actually make that the bombs dont go on prematurely and that they land in the right place because there's a barrier to entry. That's what we're doing it because the cultures are buried entry, meaning you like. Have this conversation because we have a baseline. We cannot conversation because we already have a baseline agreement on certain fundamental values, and this is, I think, the entire problem, and I think it's also behind a lot of what is going on right now, in even the discussion about the demographic chests and end the new voter coalitions, putting a lot of I'll bring a lot away, no Henriette. So we have this conversation a lot on this particular sir backstage up some with a lot of weight on these sort of down from pick it up,
program. Immigration restriction is and in trying to boost wages, either with subsidies or other summits. Official ways. I answered dying towns and I I really I believe the Donald Trump actual appeal to most of the vote is winning over. Has very little to do with that It has very much to do with the fact that the left is refusing a basic level of conversation until four closing, conversations if we had a debate, a public debate right now between Joe Biden, Donald Trump over how to proper if on higher education. Instead, I think that the Americans would go to sleep because they recognise that number one. It doesn't actually part applied. They think it doesnt. It's a second order question. It doesn't apply them in their immediate life. What does apply them in their immediate life? Is the when they go and social media, they are in fact called why'd. You premises for saying I vote for from, or they are subject to be religious bigots if they go to church, and so for that we're conversations happen, I think, is more watching right now for them
conversations to happen there has been wine agreement on values. That is not in evidence right now and I dont think Joe Biden is going to put their back and evidence. Are there needs to be a better way, oddly enough, I suppose, the institutions- Donald Trump, the supposed fascist, Donald Trump, using as a lot more willing to have his conversations of people on the other side in the left is willing gathers conversations. Restaurant is more likely to sign a deal one lines. What you're talking left wants to oppress. You goes right. that is, social justice is actually about social vengeance, recognized right with you. The fundamental problem understand, but I dont want to press you guys and I dont want vengeance. What I do want to do is impress upon you that you started the destruction of the american science and engineering enterprise on your watch, and it would be really great to get right of centre people to be more pay the Arctic to be more individualistic, I feel, like you guys, aren't sophist. the individual, as I certainly am not a member was all that? I have trouble taking blamed
The thing that I happen to know no question is going for going Forget it differently, is an opportunity to have an opportunity to stand outside academic free that's what I think what you're describing is important. I think that its narrow, but that is important then something early in your remarks that that I think those Why that conversation is difficult at new rightly corrected yourself, you sit in the beginning of the Trump ascendancy there were the radical right democratic yourself as a vice and save the extra red stream was your work. I shouldn't stream right. I should say the bigoted right. I think that's fair because I would think of, for example, an extra Christian as someone who really really really believes in christian doctrine, the extreme right. The all right, the America First Chumps, they don't believe like an extreme version of conservative ideology. They believe in this sort of something very Some are very different this because I think that the correct- but there is another that which is the, which is what
for it was alluding to. There is an extreme left which is in a sort of revolutionary movement in this country right now, and it s The extreme left has mainstream power within the Democratic Party. Actually, don't think that Antigua is there left. I would compare them more than your bigoted right there more like the street we bigoted let the extreme left is you and I see that I on they they want to check. the fundamental structures of our society they want to re frame. They want you re frame, the country under the new framers and because of tat, is very difficult for us. They even engaged on these. This is very difficult for me to engage in these issues, so I know what the hell any of your talking about. You have all heard about twenty IQ points. I mean if it is difficult to have these conversations with anyone, because on the left, the extreme movement has actually, although our right click clear
quick update. It is we are doing election. I update Johnny Ursus projected one. Now I dont even tat within told the Senate. That's been Republicans That's her time tell US winds in North Carolina, that's being projected Johnny swans in Iowa, that's being projected Corrigan Losing Colorado. Mathematics is in Arizona Republicans when the seat in Alabama it is, it is extremely likely at this point the Republicans hold the terrible have to in order lose the senator have always both the currency, as well as the eyes the deep seated provided government is the best government unless we control everything I wanted, and also by the edge of a chip Roy did when his raisins hacks ass, they losing nobody deserved the Congress less than Wendy David, the fifth chip Roy, I'm taking Brinkley earlier thing, sneakers soldier rose. I would attract our having a chance to respond to that. Then I actually have my own big news, which weaken Africa to Cassie Villain forebears. Maybe the most cathartic enjoyable
when I think of the night, while their decision as they call deal like the five of us with the four of us, is good. Thank you. I got well, I M excited about the by the government because anyone either of these two potential president's ramming through too much, but I dont even see anybody to take over from with respect and earlier issue. So you were saying that the weird move to the left. The left it doesnt, someone called Liberal left. I wouldn't call it a group of people. Don't believe in the law. The excluded middle immodest opponents brain
can't you get anything somehow spare mounting with the idea that consistency is a white supremacist. He said I am Hamley is yes the quality of objective showing up on time erected for accessing the piano is look like I don't know if it's really I'm stupid, so there's no way responding to it, because you can't even process with the argument. Yet those people are in part. Somebody once said to me you're, not understanding Eric these people are making an error. It's a symmetric warfare, and this is what the powerless do and they don't confusing you with the power. As a kid I was less, why implies the and the employee see means that implies a chicken check on that thing, is really weird, because you see most of the people that I know don't use that kind of thing
in their business. If you use that kind of thinking in your business, your business would usually evaporate cracks you if you use that on your tax returns. You know, turn in such something in red, crowned with lots of pictures of Martin rainbows, no one, would know at the iris what what you were doing now, the Can talk in these crazy terms in political circumstances? What nobody knows is what the stuff means right. What if it's, because I think of the divide between the practical and they ethereal on them. That almost everyone, I say, almost buzz- think probably some of the radicals that the true radicals dump the most. people who are going to vote for Joe Biden tonight, most people even who think that he should back the court most people even Maybe Puerto Rico should be a state without a filibustering. A simple majority vote factually live day to day lives in much more conservative ways that, when their business like the recent children like in service, it's it's when they it's when their asserting their values in the social.
social world in which we live? Something has happened in our culture, where you are a bad person. If you don't, If you don't, you preach what you practice forbidden gear that letter, Harpers letter comes into play. Harpers letters really this very weird story where you had a group of people doing hiring an newsrooms. Let's say publication, raise what sort of centre left bubble patients and they said hey. You know what to appeal to the kids: let's get some of them. stuff and the Wolf report will go There are other people when they want to turn on their masters because we hired the right for a period of time this. This idea playing Tiger king worked, and then feeding these tigers and suddenly that they they view their trainers as a source of protein, and these people are saying, wait a minute you can't come after us. Use posted I'm supposed to go out and get them, and that's what the Harpers letter was all about. Its basically saying
hey. We may have goofed by playing with this in order to Get some buzz and some energy, and suddenly this isn't feeling that much, but in the analogy is that Bitch Karel Basket, That's what I do want to share my ordinary news. It is not my foreigners is actually the fine. Of our very own Cassie Dylan. Who is our war room was something it's just so I made prepared. Of what a nice what this year's, hot or cold tumblr for what you are about to behold well, I haven't update for you. It seems that the left is starting to get a little they anxious expressly over at the young Turks. So I'm a video for you than I think you will all enjoy. Let's watch it and out of the way, both Jake Tapir and May I see policy and all those and every year at the New York Times, has they get out of our way. Let us hit Republicans in the face and said
Patty, cakes with them have any elections? Are we gonna get to razors edge with a monster, any factors like Donald Trump? One last thing I swear to God: I'm gonna go rider, but one last thing on those guys forget handling erases, forget it being a fascist, the guys I q is lower than seventy years with the basque total moron, couldn't question an election mandate We're Democrats, information, media socket this. They absent, it positively suck and they brainwash smart people into compliance? What does that? What we do it out of the way both Jake Tapir and like eighty percent right. You know what he looks like he's having a good time over there, but, like I said we are not in full meltdown motor it now we are in lukewarm meltdown note so there,
a few other things going on in twitter is well a bunch of blue check marks are really getting nervous. One, and I am talking about our entire. Earth is on the line, you know, there's we don't have for more years to gamble with another. One is saying that there are you shouldn't, be shocked, half of them because racists and I'm have Elsie, who said she's not going to comment on today's election results, but that you seem is coming a long time, the latino community with going writes that she's also Madame out Florida islands, We can all said this is like being awake during your own surgeries, theatre, sound lukewarm meltdowns, but I'll be here. If you guys up data, we have anything else interesting you there was more paper hanger, just just just one. Second, Little by the way I do enjoy the I do enjoy Chang doing I take off on the electoral stupidity of. losing an election to Donald. I would just remind you that in twenty twenty he did we're Congress. I didn't Israel. Actually, eighteen and twenty editing NOS twenty one
Why? Because it will replace Katy, Hell, Africa original idea to drop out- and he came in fourth in- better better worth in primary. You want grand hotel, a six point: six percent of the boat after your. I'll Bernie Sanders endorsement and uninteresting so yeah. There's electoral genius Trenck either really doing the omens work. I said that I thought you would enjoy, because how could you not in this, isn't it Change is not a guy with whom you are going to have conversations about other remake the country into some sort of better left them better right. The guy who. Well, I guess I'm getting more. Data were Portland is happening. Oregon has now decriminalize possession of all drugs, including
Heroin in mass Thou, wouldst, thou, decidedly deadlines in Oregon, somewhat we're village. These DM two races pieces are everything broken his move to Oregon turned his car around. You know, even central Reuben just said he was staying in camp. We have is determined, patient work by the way did they just make it legal just remove all the penalties that they made it legal, while decriminalization means that you get find nothing. So this is what I d criminals, This is the worst kind of soft tyranny. Is it it leads took up. she's in the government. If we're going to have a law enforce the law, if we agree that the law is wrong, then change the law, the worst things hey we're gonna, have a law? doesn't matter very much is it erodes the entire idea of each of equal justice rail Their words, entire idea of law will also agree that just the federal
schedule, one designation of controlled substances is being wildly misapply, there's two criteria, matter, one of which is that there's no medical value. what's the weather in the high capacity for harm things on that list where neither of these things is true and so that there is also the question that you have to figure out how the law should be implemented once you ve, come up with a scheme, for it is not even being implemented consistently, but I do want to get there to this the issue about. Yes, the idea of what do we make of let's say commonly Harris tweeting at this cartoon about everybody versus equality where she manages to drop the g. On the end of Germans and things in order to get your life react appeal to what she's doing you mean our african american indian, jamaican candidate for vice president it is interesting. We used to say things like you know. I am a licence to
position, or I am a physicist now you say As a pole, and of color enlighten me that a new set of new designation of whether you have something to say nobody quite knows what to make of this mainstreaming. of the incoherent beyond communism, belief structures for the coming from a background which had plenty of communism. the aphorism I'd always thought was from each according to his ability to each according to its needs, and despite the fact that that using the third person, gender pronoun, the other another problem. That is simply because they laugh sensitive way: that is, is that it acknowledges that people have different abilities.
Point of the ideas we are so far behind communism. We don't even have greatly, and even my feeling about this is I, but I do think we're gonna have to take care of people. The market is not doing the job with distribution, issues and part of the problem is political economy gets ploughed back into the situation, causing a positive feedback nightmare? However, I think that what we have to do is we have to repudiate ideologies that do not compile, and the great benefit of far left ideology is. Is that because it doesn't make, that's very hard to argue with something that gives up on consistency at the outset. We remember the principle of explosions that in any intellectuals if you allow a single contradiction, anything can be deduced so largely the left who is beyond we're, anyplace I've ever
Then it is trying to smuggle one contradiction to airport security so that they can have everything on the other side, and they actually do that, though, with L, L Gb, take your right once you once you love transsexuals in words how sexual you ve created your contradiction, if the entire argument that away forty years is that is this: psychological, sex mile mutable. Yes, on biological, this I'm born this way biological seconds immutable, and then you also within that same framework. Gender is a social contract. You haven't you haven't you take them fundamental contradiction, holders of a bigger headline that came out of real headline came at last week that a woman realized she was a lesbian. After her husband realized, he was really a woman, so nothing has changed in their marriage at all, but they both fundamentally change their sexual preferences and identity. Look Hotmail this out
I saw the picture grinned graves, that's very good, you know, look, there's a bigger and better is the fact that the far left can't play its cards properly. Doesnt mean that they don't have a point and what part of the plan What matters is that you guys have to steal man if you want to understand, what's going on so is there a difference? If I were a longer were killed. Are you telling me that is feminine, not in South Asia. Scotland respect, Thirdly, on the other hand, a skirt is gendered in sight of the concepts of United States, of you guys, even admit to the idea that there is some very ability that these things aren't set at the factory. There's nothing intrinsically masculine, her feminine about the concept of a skirt. We ready
of those cultures, also recognise the difference between male and female garb. That's true, but on the other hand, you have lots of situations. For example, the Ayatollah Khomeini allowed for sex transitions in fact were rice outright Lucchese you, I think, have five identified genders. Intersects is the one thing which I owe you reach out to my conservative friends, which is you guys should you for steering on the basis of interests. Actually, people we have goods who have universes I will bring a persistent malaria and ducks syndrome, and you can it does that echo Biological said. That's exactly right. That's not! There's no biological reality like I'm objected outside Europe. The situation could tell that there was an objective thing happened. My point: this is our opportunity to come together, which is you have to recognise, for example, that the third person single Pronouns in English or inflected for gender, unlike than something like Turkish, where they are not so what
don't do as you never have. The third person singular and plural prone pluck pronoun be the same so using they is ridiculous right. On the other hand, you can imagine a one time backwards: income per won't change in the language as we did when we stopped inflicting the honorific for females with marital than it is worth pointing out, the OECD does defined. He has as gender neutral as well as gender and man the same way in the beginning. God created man, both male and female. He created them and then the women w- I am am I an or, however they spelled it in the seventies- took umbrage at this fact, but if it did Have, it was understood, language was understood, but it had in particular they had a particular buys like everything you want to make fun of these people for not making sense. That's not the place to do it. You can say, look There is a version of the story in which we have neglected people, don't fall
into a sexual identification category either in terms of their attracted by or what they think. The things we lockable is the statement that there is no such thing as a biological dichotomy between male and female. That fact that is already find lockable on his face is the idea that debts that sex is so malleable, ungenerous for malleable, demanding, fully biological meal can call him of a female, and we are also opposed to pretend that person is no biological female. That's absurd. On his face Ben even there again. I dont want to reveal too much about our conversations, but you- and I have talked about the fact that when you ve been faced with somebody's in a great deal of distress over your particular comments on pronouns that you take the compassionate humanist view, and you don't want to hear that person. Your point has been that I dont want give up this argument. If that's what we're discussing, if what we're drivers Pronouns public public The treatment of the UN's is at the mercy is a part of human life, but that does not mean that
broad sooner shouldn't be just as it does on various meaning you slip from one point to another. I always I've made the speech that you're making right now in college you'd, better. So much I was brilliant. I was amazed. No, I mean I mean look nature nature is, is messy and the dots that go with masculinity there they general generally collect with men. They do our spread atmosphere way, but everything, your son everything you change is taking place within a context of male and female is taking place contacts a basic contact the norm. Let's call it what it is a norm of mail and clean out of nature, and I want to be able to eat. You know: sciences an absolute defence. You can ask me, the gate. The science as a scientist when their kind its political ideology. All on trying to suggest is that we had a lot to do that we could have done on intersects and on separating gender from
sexuality just doing it in a intellectually, rigorous and respectful fashion, and then we can go this issue, for example, of the umbrella category, the reason the transit so controversial is like stroke, stroke hat. You can guess from clotting and you can get strokes from having blood that's too thin. So the fact that you have been talking about it drove, doesn't give you enough information. You need extra information because the term overloaded, the Trans Category overload yet in all of this is setting interesting and unworthy of conversation that the biggest problem is. We keep coming back your boys. It literally. These conversations are not possible they're not I've litter I've. I've literally had these exact conversations with people Part of the left wing, bypassing America outside them gas and that we should go across our borders will be huge numbers and the personal speaking do. I won't mention any. It specifically said european
we find with having that conversation publicly, my people would literally Gobi within in this, and that that's that's where it lies. I know that we have to do more election updates, because I know that there is a precedent and likewise onshore people are a people or act in our chat. Room right now say stop. About things. That matter all we want to know what is happening in the rough belt, so Eric. Thank you so much for me. I think it is right- and I were cabin- have to say good luck to you all. What what did you ever think about intersection reality? What do they think the rest spelt abandoned if they haven't? We, I think in the rest, felt about intersection. Now I don't know about that, but we do have some updates and company backing on that AIR Sea tweet. Unfortunately, she's, not the only democratic. Now that's using this talking point that I don't know who the winner is nigh, guys. I'm sorry they sorry and I will say that my bingo card, the last word I needed was the guy's downstairs saying sexuality. Some I just got five neuron bingo sighing ice that every one of you is always well. There's a tweet coming out to your point from Bloom
Bloomberg importers who says according sources in states this state officials is referring to. Constance says: there's no way they are announcing a winner tonight, Michigan officials say they need until Friday, Pennsylvania said they aren't coming out anytime soon either. So, if champagne ready on either side to expect we will celebrate tonight. You may want to your horses there, so they give a breakdown of what the numbers are in those states right now we ve gone since seventy two percent reporting president Trump holding strong fifty two percent to bite is forty six point, six, in Michigan. With this fifty two percent in present trumped up fifty four point: five dividing we point three were still waiting on a lot of results from Wayne County, so we're gonna certain expect that gap to be narrowed quite quickly, Pennsylvania. Thirty five percent in president trumped up fifty six to forty one in pencil.
Fifty five percent in against a waiting for a lot of results, so that gap will likely be narrowing. We also had a lot of viewers commenting asking Virginia they're, saying why in Virginia was called so soon by Fox. No one else has called it since present triumphantly knowing I threw the night now. What's going on to answer those questions, we talk to some people in Virginia and from the what we ve been able to gather the main hold at this Fairfax counties. This is a northern Virginia county that is going on three two one hour about ninety five percent of the county is going to bite. It. Ok, therefore, thousand uncounted votes in Fairfax County that came in early so that same ratio holds up if it's about seventy five to twenty five or Biden. That's where he's gonna make up the gap that there right now, because there is a gap and present trumps, the haunting strong enough in the betting markets, uneven touching on their where's, the money going still going towards present trump and one we're thing to add New York Times prediction in Georgia. I climbed all the way up into the eighty percent for Trump. Yet it seems like he's losing a little momentum in Georgia is downright exceed two percent of the Euro,
protection there so still favoured away by the New York Times models, but it has started rob a little bit in Georgia, and we earlier talked about the correlation between the Senate, races and Presidential race what's happening in Iowa, because that's a race where a lot of people are paying attention to is earnest, gonna be able to keep us. It appears that she will last we church juniors was of about four points with eighty two percent reporting, so it looks like John Yours is going to retain our position in the Senate, which is huge network. We can Suzanne Collins, also looking like she will be retained, position, based on the way that the election result for looking right now so where we stand now guises, it's looking like Whitehouse tossed up at this point, might not fortunate Lincoln Mansour tonight, and I must say that those in their there are plausible scenarios where there is a two sixty nine to sixty nine. I don't say it: twenty twenty. It could happen. Cabinet documents must now could happen if the President wins Pennsylvania and a few others
its invite and holds where he is right now and then wins Minnesota in Michigan were to six. Ninety six tonight, ok and so White House undecided. This points could be a toss up. It looks like Bennett, Republicans going hold, it does look at this. projections right now, if things go in the right direction, it's going to be like the around fifty one to fifty two four Republicans, but it's looking like worst case narrow right now is a fifty. Fifty tie in this sense sudden. The vice president would be a vice president would be presiding over any type votes which vice president pencil. You can imagine doing that. I'm already having terrifying images of commentators coming in walking down the aisle straight up and running everyone other she's there to preside giant, you should learn that over her former colleagues languages theatre like that that that really happy grand on her face without troubling by anything else, scaring me order to sit on top of all the data, though, keep you up to date, but
the big summary here right now- is that, according to Bloomberg reports, state officials are saying hold horses, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, couldn't until Friday, before we have others soaking ice, we're going to keep saying what members want to talk about. Thank you for that very detailed empty once again things that we have the contacts on the ground and thank you guys, working so hard, the war we're going back to the world and then we'll get you guys more information as soon as possible. So one day is, is mass, there are now there are saying that it could be tilting forbidden again, so late votes coming in their there's a lot. controversy over fast and some of the commentators that allocated have led to very angry if Austria, having called Arizona early, although the vote would have to come in very late in very heavy for Trump still win Arizona Minnesota has been called for Biden, which was in economic terms
Those who wish state, as would be the one where is he won Minnesota in replacement for Arizona, for example? That would help him alleys. Nevada is the only slip up state for four trump. At this point, I would oppose, were dead right. So it looks at the one thing that I think we can bank on is that it looks very much like the Republicans hold this. There should pick up some seats in the house and you don't wanna see where Trump is tomorrow That, after all, is what that looks like. So that why is it that the downside risks publicans, just one down pretty significant way, because President with the Republican Senate, eddies a less. Actually I was happy House majority is a very different job administration than Joe Biden with a democratic Senate, Anti democratic thousand, no checks and the like- just me, resemble the failed US rank on yeah filibuster, six around filibustering gone, no court backing no new states, and we know that that is a massive. Yes, I think it also the next
action cycle, twenty twenty two very much favours republicans there, a lot of vulnerable democrats in purple states in those elections so down. In our bodies, unavoidably rare in a birth maternity picture right right so send it. So in that's it. That's a good news from tonight is good news from tonight. Is that Republicans? Look like they're gonna, walk away with this by the way I didn't make predictions on their dry told you this can happen earlier today. It doesn't Can happen I send it, you will ask for protection, again I hesitate to make public predictions about the president rose. I told you I wanted to say that I say I didn't like it always did. I will set a target, Skype and say publicly. By due to them, I got was the trunk was that the bottom was ahead. Narrowly on points The Republicans entertains on it I mean I did that I was one of my off the air protections that we will see if that holds up. Obviously, of that I am wrong about Trump. Losing it result is a major blow to his hopes, because it means that he now has to win
we ve Nebraska. It means Omaha they were all my eyes, pretty people do harm, or it means that he has to pick up. We ve got in and will or much again first Pennsylvania say has to do really well there, stop that that's sort of all things that we're not gonna know we're not any known ass. The night I'm your face was canvassing who wanted to, but we're not going to we're gonna keep the fiddler something to keep going. For the next four days. I am just joking or not anywhere guys, don't ever for the rest of time. So culture I make a cultural momentum from absolutely not. We gonna talk about Nebraska. No, to say the things men like sticking in my head all night, long the level, obviously not among us, where idiots, but at the level of conversation, but we ve had on Rwanda, scientist Megan Kelly, making Kelly off cable news.
Sitting here talking to us just like a person, yet what an intelligent resource more restful, woman, you know a nuanced become we're intelligent insightful, you don't, but just like the kind of person we use if they go like I met this really woman who really understands and has a lot of experience and understanding things, then you have chink. but I think it is a fair comparison, because drink is not that much different than CNN he's not there. ABC B I mean this is a different level. I obviously little conversational just having is different. Just the fact that we are of. These conversations makes us the go to work not just the daily wire, but. the daily work, but also any place this willing to have this conversation, yeah yeah. I know what I mean again. the much violence. But this way it's much better tonight
in terms of actual pulling numbers. Internet is much better than anybody thought that it was going to be just a few hours. Maybe like eating you'd, send the beginning of the night. The trunk was gonna pick up North Carolina Florida, Georgia. I and that Republicans. What remains of it then down considered pretty good night going at considering that the broad promised by the way, Fox NEWS just retracted for binding errs on a mess? I knew it when they call than we would have to say this is what you have said that they have to stop calling these things so damned early and then, while the votes are still made that link- and they were doing about the way Fox announced they were doing this- they can accept polling plus early data. You can't do it based on the actual pulling up the thousand times. You just cannot do this on its heartily. Sorry washed, its were there's no question about the sooner we have we
when John Noughties going after fox. You know that slots and they ve lost their way. They not there. I am not entirely sure that Fox has lost its wailing. I think that our perspective on Fox is has we ve been flawed. I think that we ve always love Fox, because they are unique among cable news rights. In other words, the very fact that we have anything makes us happy right, no question about say the foxes. Conservative is only true because of how far left the entire establishment media has gone and, if you think about the golden era, Fox, the prime time line up was
that, will end it wasn't going back acts. It wasn't him. Prime time. Thank you fairly would say that he was the beginning of their prime time coverage of five glint back. You add not barbarians, who owe a brutal. Thank you presume. You had brought him. You had shown Hannity, you had been o Reilly, you had credit, but such France, and all day you had ship Psmith Smith, as the left is left can be brought. You write great event such of the West Bill O Reilly, not a conservative, not I would note not. Columns of knocking homes have a conservative not of the left, but more of a trump type right. near America, central populist president or populist. Yet Hannity we have the right of Republican Party Guy Amity breed whom an end is his predecessor, is present amber. Remember him both
I think that's the best actual new show on cable news that doesn't leave eskimo young people do not. Envy is the best guarantee that for sure, and going Echo is a true ideological conservative right at that time. So, if you really, about that y know. That is a far more. The first line up then sin and has that invest in Bosnia and in their most important challenges are not. My complaint is not my complaint. For me, the core of Fox NEWS has always been bred. Bear a bit you. new show, which has just delivered a fair and Russia with a conversation with the end. It slanted right kind of like the Wall Street Journal, but included left. We attract, use, more left wing views and you'd find right wing views anywhere else. My problem, is, is that they seem to have lost the capacity the guy the information objectively and do it. Core of that loss is in exactly here that they are no longer gathering polling information with a with restraint and what you're the calling things too early there,
actually getting that information there they're trying to compete with the machinery of the networks without machinery Now, there's a lot of suspicion by the way and in terms of who is actually making the cause of the vast news does because the person is registered Democrat until there is a lot of talk about how that person might allow, thereby is used to prevent my ever its image of them. It is a ABC news, I'm talking about who said why not? We have to talk about Canosa, we have to talk about coordinating, mention anything happening. Canosa. Donald Trump is absolutely wiping the floor with Joe Biden in Canosa just telling him in Canosa, which of course makes perfect sense, of course, where those rights were also The big knife warehouse Republicans, Republicans, are actually gonna. Pick up. Seats in the house are based on the latest stairs. The EPA is called, which was Republicans winning taxes. Twenty second thousands of Democrats, but they're going to flip, firstly, Hansen. I is limited. A sitting democratic congresswoman in daddy's than think an hour. I will wine she's up nearly four point, so Republicans are poisoning
sorting, five and ten seeds. We learned is that I can in the house I so that their over performing an incentive there over performing in in the house, I and some trumpets over performing the pole. So it's it's we see where exactly this is. This is picking up where, where this ends up, but it's gonna go for the next couple days. Europe is aimed at the thing and at night, you know another couple days in question. So our joint now by daily Wire, editor in Chief John Bigley, has been down into daily our war room, thereby jars pay them a lot less enjoy. Your was enjoy worth that always got so how things going on they're going less well yeah than an hour ago, I mean there's big developments, there's a weird thing: going over the New York Times, the sudden shift a dramatic shift in the chances for tromp with no,
I think there is only one percent, more reporting or something like that. Ms shifted from seventy eight percent tromp to sixty five percent Biden somewhere. So here nor ties, projection? Georgia? I'm sorry! Ok, Georgia's, not looking great zone, has been called by most folks at this point that the blow. Pennsylvania will, when are we gonna, learn how many for now going to learn what happens with Pennsylvania trumps, don't really well so far it it's! It feels like set up a job here goes no matter what he's probably gonna go bombing turning general actually said, no matter what you can't. He also. He also gave out the democratic phone number to people who were about that. That's good! That's! Not right, there's an honest mistake, then he says: that's looking tough, you know does a path. I think Wisconsin's cut a stunning elements in the house or stunning,
and it looks a little bit better than we thought so that's good without predicting its complicity. Fifty, whose assumes predicament me the other aspect is only feared. It is really a recital d airport, so desolate. There's something that is a positive development. idea of another. Major blow to the pollsters, his beard This is devastating so much money in Florida puts much money. My homes, love for to thank you for they. They couldn't get that right. best stake in America is necessary. I bought it. If you look at some of those balls, you can have the average, is like a three percent. They have the three point: five percent may be lost. did they got it wrong. So that degree, but then you look at civic poles in its off by
in point ten points, so the poles have I have it. How do you stay a credible pollster after this right in? I don't care who you are? Everyone associates them with a mainstream media, it's very clear when they were at this very homogenous narrative that forms with the by holding that works perfectly in favour of them the media's narrative, it blows year any attempt to sort of have a sense of conflict. This was actually the argument that we had going in then, and I in particular earlier today, in which I mean a claim a little here my argument has been that the pulling organizations actually favour their client, which is established media more than they favour act. seen. In other words, you might say what they haven't. They need to get it right or no one will use them, but I, like it, the Hollywood Pretty where's, making anti Iraq war movies in the early two, thousands dead, no by signalling your virtue
and reinforcing the narrative that we want to reinforce. We will continue hiring you because you're saying what we want to hear. The fact that it is the means I keep using their, not mainstream the establishment that legacy media, but actually rice. The checks for these poles must have some effect, especially when you see them is wrong as they are tonight. But the problem with the theory is that places the Wall Street Journal, which skills in their news coverage. just a little less does big investment in being reliable. They have a big invest, in coming across the EU, like that. I used to think that was true. Actually, don't believe that that's real, I think I think that what's going on right now is that pulling in the age of three particularly as we see realignments, is an incredibly difficult business and basically is written chicken handrails there that the coalition for we study thousand in two thousand for two thousand and eight pretty study. The poles were politically wrong near to those twelve. Even there are pretty study, but Trump really shouldn't.
the map in a major way and they never will the grasp exactly how the map was was shaken up poster? the logically it stuff right. I mean it also that the technological should have been wildly underrated. Here we have said that they are not you're not allowed by federal Wanna call people on their cell phone Redman there you're not really supposed to call call people on their cell phone. I believe you you can be fine. I've been on campaigns that have been find a lot of money for gold people on their offers and if they do shy away from right also what that means that you are going to tend to over sample elderly people who have, I mean, only have a landline rail and then people dont have a landline anymore, so it makes it very, very difficult, but who users who answers those rights? The appalling appointed, difficult business. That's why people have been looking as part of the average of the poles, but what from spinal margin of victory in Florida. Three is out there. three or four two point, five two point, five to the OECD average had beaten up point nine years they're off bite out three point: four points in the final average, which is a lot an average of averages the
Her father got it right. Father, that's right. They order they sent from plus you, and I were the only group to have it right basically and this problem without you, I loved the orgy prescribed because of their great editorial, collector videos and all this, but the fact the idea of an average of poles he's kind of ridiculous, because some of his pulse, will you all, but they are cities better than five thirty, eight and five thirty eight genuine include Trafalgar, Niver, thirty eight rejected out of hand right. They they said it disappears impulse, we're not going to included, but some of these four there are including equanimity I can put it back is based we run about everything. Whenever this is my argument- and this is my entire arguing- but the pulling organisations and the media. I dont think that they any longer. the worry about their reputation for accuracy. I don't think the world regional newsroom cares. I dont think that thing I think they have realized Since Obama Obama broke the media, since Obama
if they are no longer held to any standard except the standard of of speaking the narrative they set the standard. I think that before Barack Obama, could be very biased. The media could lean seventy thirty left because of it. the biases back, that it draws a certain group of people. Nevertheless, if you were an individual journalists, even of an internal sea of the left, you, by and large believe is foundational ethics that you had to speak truth and, in particular, speak first to power. then Barack Obama came along and by the unique virtue of his blackness against the backdrop of America's history of slavery, Jim Crow and racism that actually made him and a figure that could be criticized by media. Also, because he's more of a religious aspirational figure, they didn't want to criticise them and what a Morocco bombers,
said to the media is no longer. Is your foundational ethic speaking for the power you foundational ethic is helping to France, lamentably transform the world into a better placed comedy Tommy by virtue of the people it attracts in their biases, always thirty left, and yet when I couldn't have placed himself in the nineties. If he had made Monica Lewinsky jobs Saturday night wife, could they couldn't call themselves comedians if they didn't make money Monica Lewinsky jobs, then Brok Obama, by virtue of his blackness against the backdrop of american slavery, I know I'm right about this, because the head writer personnel said like a like a large wall of obsidian obscenity, a pure faultless slab of the city. and others, because he's perfect in black there is nothing funny about him and no longer was the job of a comedian too, the shine light on fruit through comedy now, the job was to promote the narrative in other words, Barack Obama, uniquely same with equity,
same with many of these institutions. He changed there's no ethic of them and the foundational a journalist in America today. The foundational ethic of upholstered in America today is not to speak truth. It is this the narrative and as long as they speak, the narrative, they don't have to worry about people thinking They don't have credibility if you dont like oh. I agree with like ninety five percent of what he said. What I don't with his first of all the sweep of it, I don't think that, for instance, the Wall Street Journal. I do think there are still people are interested in telling some. Version of the truth, even though they were sure there are some people, but no no, but I mean people an authority which is not about that decide with Eric. Now read the Harpers better. Now very wise. They listen our statement about leaving Europe comes, has absolutely no interest in telling the truth chase you out for telling me from the chase very white up for speaking the different opinions that doesnt really happen. At the Wall Street Journal last time it happened was bred, Stevens left because he was too far against trumpet and that
was another breadths differences on the editorials, and that was on the editorial slightly exactly, but but in the news in the newsroom they still I can read the Wall Street Journal new side and discern the truth. I can't do that. You have no idea. Why rhythm your thoughts, I know with New York Times, you suddenly me, but I don't know narrative is theirs. they're still venues even CBS has a certain level of commitment to the news that it hasn't been entirely corrupted. Even though Everything you just said is a narrative is true. In other individuals and unique places- I think, in terms of these pollsters They get things wrong. We listening to them now, because they got it. I mean that that had happened this year I mean I can't say how many calls I took on the show from people basically saying: can you tell me why, listen, opposing you're, saying because I can't tell you not, there was something that really let my answer is. I dont believe all the poles, but I can't make complete,
This believe the balls mean are now operating specifically in the absence of evidence, which I, which I refuse to do, I mean I'm innocent, doubt them, but because I do but I cannot say they mean nothing. Nobody like an illegal live in trouble. Holes now is shown much different than the way you talk about, for you saw oftener percent were four years ago. They they once off that much I mean into I mean, hasn't twenty twelve with twenty twelve there systemic pulling era in favour of meat Romney. That's why he's right? Romney actually got over pole, but I've only twelve thousand eight their pretty that on. So there is also twenty sixteen people, I'm ok, they're gonna, know what they're doing and then the boy I'm fell out on Hilary and from such an off the wall character that they had no weight of all that they know what they were doing so this time around like that they made. So I know what they're doing either way. I it turns out that that was a myth that Fox Uncalled Arizona. They recall there is no doubt where they never uncalled. There is only a twitter thing that was going around apparently and they double down on the idea that there is only is environs category four. In order with the president in the white, right now saying there's a lot of confusion. Even in the evening, this phrase in right now about what is actually happening in some of these
the I'm in Wisconsin, apparently, is what Wisconsin is trending toward Biden, which is what we will expect, I Is the Fox news decision dusk? I is Virgil, calling Georgia in favour of trump, even though the New York Times a needle is wobbling about, which means that we are where we were about forty five minutes ago, away non Pennsylvania, wait nine Michigan! I am really wait. Awhile cousin they they have announced that none of those results are coming in and it's going to be quite a while. So it all comes down as we suspected to probably Well, now Pennsylvania and Michigan, it's gonna, be apparently in the next few minutes, we're going start getting some results from without and now the reason its importance Whilst there is on a sofa was Arizona is he went about it if he wins the matter, then he's back on track Quincy Windsor that I and the results from the that our shockingly good, which could and right. One of the outstanding theories about Nevada was there we voting and focus on male and voting would really hurt Democrats mysterious way because their voters are not efforts in Nevada are specifically geared at the rest.
What's envy and the workers in the union as workers in the casinos and No, the casinos have one United workers working right now, because a coded. So that means that people are at home and getting them from home to oppose it one thing than putting them any bars at the end, ground, imposing them to the poles as part of their union, to go vote as a block on man. So it will be interesting to see if its trump does have any durability. Innovation pick up: Nevada that makes up for Arizona there. Now he s, Pennsylvania, Nevada and he said the election, so breaking news right now. Joe Biden is about to take the stage in Delaware to give remarks. Let's go to Vice President Joe Biden in here what he has to say on this strange and the unsettled evening. Declare victory. Where Joe Biden is about to come out and to me it's reminiscent of of what we saw in the primaries, you know when you states, where
being called like Iowa right and then we started to see people coming up stage and giving sort of class. I accept in speeches that weren't except in speeches, but we feel really good about what happened tonight and I think that that is fats I think that the technology difference because then you were in Iowa new worm building towards New Hampshire. There was a reason here, it's a little different. There is, I think, he's really doing it just so psychologically if they, up and challenges he thinks he's a lot stronger. Here's a former vice President Joe Biden, way doktor Joe Biden lets us in it. This procedure is commendable. We knew, but who maybe tomorrow morning, maybe even longer
We feel good about where we are united. We believe we are on track to win this election. We knew because of the unprecedented early vote in the mail in both those who take a while. We're gonna have to be patient until we. The hard work of italian votes is finished. Our vote is carry every battle in this county were feeling good about where we are We believe one that says, suggested wave aren't a one hour, a zone of or carbon about, Arizona to turn around. We also just called for Minnesota.
Still game in jars, although that's not what we expected refrain about was constantly measures and by the way, take jocular councillors, we're gonna, win Pennsylvania, photographer jobs and Fairly Allegheny Counties Grand and there are really encouraged by the turn out and what they say. Look you know we can know the results as tomorrow morning, I tell you no longer, as I've said all along its not I place you're down from his place to declare whose want this election that's a decision of the american people. What
optimistic about this outcome. Thank every one of you came out and vote in this election by the way. Chris prudent Democrats, congratulations, zero, Delaware, John! You! The girl, TAT, the whole team men! a great job. I'm grateful to the power Here's to our volunteers are conversers. Every to participate in the democratic process. First of all, my supporters sharing, dollar and all cross pollination. Thank you. Thank you thank you, and folks, you heard me say before every job I walk gonna grab was how servants grand media joy, keep the faith and ram armatures lobby on no joy, spread it
The phrase guys we're gonna win his. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The crisis is very welcome for those present Joe Biden and is why the Joe Biden anything he feels good town every vote so there. I got a call it on the night of actually thought better of unfair we're gonna hear something from president from based on this, because he's gonna go into morning, hours that isn't. That is where we are at this point in time. Reminder If you really enjoyed our coverage night as opposed to the coverage of mainstream media which, as always is, is pure garbage, then you definitely come like us out a daily wire. We have made a bunch of announcements about our big plans for next year, because here is the deal. If providing president there's gonna, be a lot of work to do to fight back again. Stay institutional media that that, basically edmunds of winning in its this narrow margin. There's no question
Media word margin. There is no question Your margin is: is that from pounds of losing this narrow way, especially in an election cycle? Republicans are maintained? The Senate maybe take up some seats in the house, and that means we need to do for media. We are that different media. We want you to be part of it. Please help the daily wired, our common right now in Europe. local election that twenty five percent off its best globally we have for a while we ve been announcing big things. You want to bring you all night long candidate. joining our team she's moving with us to Nashville, that's how committed she is. We're going the brand new show with canvas it's going to be all some, we can wait till you more about it live audience. The whole deal candidate, major cultural figure, and maybe they are one of the chief figures in helping shift the black vote in United States away from the monolithic democratic vote there. Been for so long watching a brandy morning should compete within your times. The daily, not just don't care about the Euro Times, is the daily to bring you some actual accurate news every morning in short forms, in here that I know what's going on fifteen minutes or was
three new investigate reporters are going to be digging in digging hard, especially Joe Biden as President they'll be doing. This kind of digging the mainstream media simply will not when it comes to Joe Biden and we're gonna, be bringing you movies we're gonna, bringing bringing you actual entertainment. I mean I've. I've really cannot wait to tell you guys about the newer payment options that we are bringing. You know what I'm saying that you're gonna have to get all your entertainment, from a daily, whereby we want you to start thinking about entertainment, some people we actually believe in, and people who agree with, as opposed to giving your money tablets that act we call on you and hate you and we are going to and we are going to be actively promoting that content seriously. This, like the people working with certain make actual movies, is out of the hospital, It's not a it's, not a rinkitink mightily. Thank these are serious films for four conservatives and for everybody else, because they left decided that everything has to be awoke. Marathons will not then be doing that wouldn't be counter programme, and all that you can be part of it. You can you part of that mission.
Mission is going to last long beyond this election we are in a generation of battle for the soul, the country for the philosophy of the country. We all know this room. I know you know that watching so apparent over the daily wired. Our time right now become a subscriber. We really appreciate it. We do here, those big the cost a lot of money there and achieve, and we use that money to make sure that we can bring you all that help shift the culture help shift the country toward a conservative point. for the constitutional point of view through culture and renews and entertainment. In all the ways the institutions have been taken over by the left, we are going to fight back on every front. We need your help to do that, we're adding new people every day we are growing, we are moving and we attempting to threaten in institutional structure that really put in danger a lot of guys. We believe in so check out daily, where I come right now with promo code election, you can subscribe for twenty five percent. of which is the best deal you're going to get for awhile I promise you ve checked it out. We really appreciate all your help tonight. I know thousands and thousands and thousands of you have already subscribed to night alone I want to continue that momentum, obviously plus we're bringing more results. Nevada should be closing any second most going to start bringing you about it.
Was pretty soon right now and right now the Daily Wire WAR room working here from our very own Cassie Dylan, who has the president's reaction on Twitter as we speak? so right now on twitter, president Tromp is responding. We just saw preserve vice president and gave a speech an opera Trump is saying he will be making a statement tonight. And he said a big when he also said we are a big but they're, trying to steal the allow, she will never let them do it. Both cannot be cast after poles are closed, so it seems president ciampi- is going to continue covering this and he's not going down without a fight now its past we're too Elisa within a given up the on the numbers. So we saw how president trumpet just reacted too. What Joe Biden was saying there are a lot of us in the war room, a lot of people that is better in politics for a long time said that his language with setting up the we're not finished tonight we're
giving up tonight. His rhetoric of every vote must be counted, makes it seem like the applicant, Cabot had earlier from officials in those days of Michigan, was Pennsylvania, is also how the boy campaign is kind of pivoting and and making that's their rubber to obsolete he's completely setting the stage was to be expected now he's gonna, be. This is dragged out for a few days of envy, scraping the barrels every single vote they can find in a likelihood, as both sides with mathematics, like accepted, the fact is, we simply don't know the data you saw in his language. It wasn't ready claiming victory is more just the importance of waiting he's telling the stage for patient Democrats because time is good for them That's gonna frustrates her trunk had between ok and so also worth a lot of data guys just so. You know you ve reference it a little bit but I've been having some conversations over. There are some really interesting conversations. By the way we ve been seeing that projections,
been changing and shifting and now states that works funding torn from pence like Georgia and North Carolina. Aren't they are things that a lot of people were projecting, thereby be using. The issue is, as has been said and consistent, so I've had some note here like ours. A trunk. Twenty twenty senior adviser Jason Miller said that its weight you seem to be calling Arizona. Then there were rumours that Fox NEWS retracted. They haven't, but other places haven't called Arizona than Theirs Georgia, which, out of nowhere suddenly started tilting binding, sixty seven percent going to the New York Times and for us that seem to come out of nowhere. The data doesnt really seems to suggest that then with constant Michigan, Pennsylvania or saying they gonna be waiting to count boats and those as we spoke for that a key stay so for an answer which is going to have to wait. You're gonna have to wait and see, and thank you for your audience than the members are here with us, because we will be able to be here and worse,
here, for you guys, aren't you excitement. I asked you guys them questions as the first one goes to ban people want to know on several occasions, then you have talked about terms when, in twenty, sixteen being a reaction to their smear of Romney in twenty twelve, if Trump ends up winning tonight which, as we just discuss, nobody's gone home a winner tonight? What will Let's retaliation, look like and twenty twenty fourth well meaning in twenty twenty four. The wonderingly combat on for sure is that the programmes are going to claim that whoever comes after Trump in this, regardless of whether it winners or losers, is worse than from always right there they will always illness of Nicky Hayley becomes a nominee obi, WAN least I'll. Try wasn't warmonger like Donald Trump was a race but it was clear, aim raced back for Donald from that's all get and it'll be settled. Was racist, but he was an obvious racist, Nicky Haley's, much more subtle with her. You know India background, not being white person at all that's really what it'll be ITALY Random answers, if he's denominate the Elise Alleys Donald,
inside a masquerade is a man of the people. He was a gilded along turn into this revision is history. This happened with every single Republicans white at the strange and respect for George W Bush with Arafat. Was Hitler back in two thousand sex, so you'll you'll get a lot of them. If you download from wins They have the opportunity. The Democrats do too to sit with themselves for a little while and learn some lessons. They ve shown themselves utterly unwilling to do that. To me than twenty succeed, they could learn some lessons I didn't ways have seen. All they had to do was not be crazy and they literally could not do it. They decided what right great ideas to ride in the streets and to talk about help. If you did vote for four Joe Biden or celebrate riding in the middle of cold. It You are somehow vicious racist and you gotta be fired from your job and a lot of people. You know that if it turns out majority from from certainly asylum majority. The redress woke is, I think it s pretty yes, the workmen tat, but I dont have a lot of faith and Democrats,
they're not gonna react to either from victory or narrow Biden victory with anything remotely approaching rationality because they haven't been rational about any of this at all, like in any way shape or form anyway, but then I was drunk they're gonna win. We obviously just lost deletion. I don't know how that happened over here. We are gonna get to more daily wire member questions as we go through the evening Above all, waiting on right now is Nevada, mean all eyes on about right near from is able to somehow flip Nevada than the loss of Arizona becomes less a looming problem right for him Are you hurt? Joe Biden say they want expecting Georgia, but they were blocked domestic about Georgia, George just little bit up in the air, but likely due to go for four tromp at this point, if you had Bob, this thing you still say that binds probably sixty forty favorites me, the president's after all, is said and done. I just the numbers don't seem tat, favor from heavily point if he has to win Pennsylvania plus that put it not a wonderful position you want him had been about impossible now impossible. He could he could when Michigan
John James outperforming the poles. Their apparently not buy up. I'd margin so theoretically could have a shocker in Michigan or a shocker in Wisconsin. He hasn't reforming, was causing quite as was used in Michigan, either folks in Michigan, who are sort of saying this hearing in Michigan that the Poles were just wrong in Michigan, not as much? Wisconsin Nevada. They have some hope held up my prayers, tremble course tweeting out about, we are a big but they're, trying to steal the election, we'll. Never let them go. cannot be cast after the poles are closed. He didn't facts. Potholes peel! Well, yes, So I will have. Maybe you again to put the actual events. about the President, like other prisoners, email now he wants you to know it's him tweeting. Nothing is not an aid. The eye of the Rural Donald from says it right there, Real Donald Trust, the twitter. By the way, breaking news twitter has suspended trumps tweet lose out,
Wait. The bench is really really I'm not sure. If it's the one that says, while a beggar, the memories is big. When but one of the two tweets that Cassie telling deleted he deleted the misspelled paused, we know no one. There is one that is now censored were a big day, we're up big but they're, trying to steal election, even Respell Poles, those who now its parallel Alice, does it. Some, some or all of the content shared in the street is disputed by us and might be misleading about an election rather civic process. There's another warning here: learn about: U S elections! They I mean you. view and on his time when you have to click through another link to see what it actually. At present the United States, unbelievable. That's how they don't want you to get any information to counter so narrative, and this goes the point about the media: it doesnt even change. the voting is mostly over in every place. The matters right now, their own they're, not censoring him for the outcome. There's censoring here the show everybody else who thinks like them, their virtuous that their noble North are on the side of a shrine within was fully I mean it. This could
just an absolutely joyride me later that most obvious problems. This is why all votes on election day. You'll die for the river itself, because the faculties I'm going to drag out, probably for another two days, I would imagine and minimum for another she gets. It means that from voters are going to believe the Trump legit won the election, and then it was Solon from him. If Biden takes it and bind motors really precisely the opposite, it found price it. And if we get to kill us we require we're gonna get a bunch talk that any Coney bear it and cabinet and gorse edge, all have to reduce themselves because they from appointees by the right if you, unless all the way through think about what the president just said for which put her his has penalize him and then think about what Joe Biden actually just said on the state of the art, in his remarks, for he said we're going to win Pennsylvania. Seventy has an authority from the attorney general loving it I've been doing it. I mean he made very declarative statements, but there's no censorship when you're on the left. No, because there's no virtue in showing censorship
what right well absolutely and twitter is an absolute democratic project are left, He was a Democrat there. There are leftist relax. I wouldn't relations and get a few more questions for our daily. Members, you can become a member daily wires Hitler Subscribe button. Promo code election gets you twenty five percent off elation, yes, the next question is for Michael Knowledge, people really want to know and benches that there is going to be a couple more days, but knows what do you think is a realistic timeline for when we have an election result as from the war room. We apparently have until December thinks this gonna be a postings giving thing a little nervous to say, will go on that long dont mean urban people who joke that it'll go until January February or March. I dont think that's the case, there's just too much pressure on it. So it looks like it's been. down the Pennsylvania,
we already know, because the attorney general told us that it's over forbidden several days ago. So that's why it's actually. That tweet, though we'll be grounds for some of the losses that that are guaranteed to go on there. You, you had the binding campaign by the way, ragging months ago that they had hired six hundred lawyers to Let me try to win this election in the courts from campaign lawyer it up as well as the best lawyers them never see lorries likeness folks. So you know that will go on for a while, and who knows I mean it could work all the way up. The courts, as has been said, you'll get arguments about how any judge you ever met. Republicans gotta refuse themselves, but, but I dont know going to go on for two months. For three months As we mentioned earlier, Antonyms Scully assembled was so humiliating about bushmeat or is the greatest demand we see in the world. I couldn't resolve its own election here You know we're not gonna bushmeat items three returns for gems. Five doesn't look that way, so if it does become a matter of pension, I suspect that know they'll be able
resolving relatively quickly, but but There are huge world in which we don't know tomorrow, and maybe we don't even know Friday night drew this quest. It's for you is voter turnout, so hide this election cycle because of mail in popularity with voters, or do you think it's? the highly charged nature of where the country's that's right now politically be. This is obviously the highland towards nature. Trump Trump is sufficient figure but he's also a figure that inspires passion. I don't anybody. I seriously dont think anybody went to the polls because they thought the Joe Biden their dream guy, I think that people went to the polls against Trump or for twelve years world historical figure. Now he is a guy like Napoleon that basically the tenor of the time, whether you think that thing or a bad thing doesn't matter, it is in actual fact This is a guy has occupied colonized our imaginations, people went, pause For in Donald Trump, will a lot of them went to the polls because down
such a powerful figure- and that's that is That'S- what's happened now he is, he is a genuine, Oracle guy. At this point I going there's one thing here. I think it's worth noting, which is there. If there were no such thing as early voting trumpeted one is watching. Indeed the surgery, the where, in the last two weeks of the election based on the polling data, suggested from really The gap in a major way in a lot of his wings states been so many votes given early that people at all loaded and so that last debates and make a dollar the logic of early voting on with you on this a hundred percent. I think people should go to the polls on a day to pursue an election day. Supposed to be inconvenient about? That's supposed to not the primly easy about this, but you have to want to exercise that right, possibility, if you make it too easy for everyone, and it really becomes If you already contest becomes a fetish.
everything was an angel able to target a date that you're you're playing toward. Why shouldn't you be able to say only to it, it is fundamentally wrong to vote before the election is over. It presumes that you know things that you may or may not actually right now, which is why one of the most popular search trends after can debate was ten. I show you some of my right. I think about that after the second debate. How do I change my vote there's an ability, but even if you believe that one day we shall have a voting weak or that we have a voting three days. The debates were weeks ago, like an already fifty sixty seventy million votes had been cast, but listen. We have swapped out. Daily Wire editor in Chief Don wait for another tall handsome. Do there is also a phd whose also intelligent and also as a voice, and that is the young. That's why you're here?
noticed Beckley was gaunt, yet only one of you. This is true. There is built on my way back in the pandemic season. I just recited for Bell by growing square. How I can mention you put out a video with the daily were this week about how what's happening on the left is a revolution I I was sort of inspired at breakfast, but I haven't. You brought up the same point and I've I've expanded on it. and thought about it in my own way. But I wonder if you could give us just a little bit of of that. What do you mean a revolution? Absolutely rulers, two points to make one. Is it not an election about which we were gonna, take the country its election about whether the countries good or evil, and that you know this is this: is the meaning of the phrase stomach racism, it's the fundamental, just definite, nor how much you protest that your moderated that you're buying innocent ones just up all the riots where, if what you're telling people is that, fundamentally in its systems in its structure, your country is races, just an evil thing to be. People are against
rioting and tearing statues down, there's just there's, no logical conclusion other than that. So when you as everyone has said, that there is a sort of racism. Is a plan to rooted out it doesn't matter how you present yourself it matter what else you say to the contrary, or whether you just pretend you're trying to reform your actual these staging and abetting revolutions as the first and second thing is that it's not a popular Rutledge by its not a popular uprising in Cyprus, he bore it stole the supper they claim about. You know these poor marginalize whatever, while the tanks, whatever by people that are rising up, he's an elite phd driven ceo funded right, Jack, Dorsey, splendid, fumbling, tens of millions of dollars and people like a barometer candy university professors that are overthrowing. public in the name of their own corrupt oligarchy and that's what they,
are doing and that the whole idea that this is this kind of uprising from from the ground up is a classic marxist technique. Is this you take all this popular unrest which exists because you generated by locking people either? films for, however many months and making sure they had to wear masks conceal our than these dehumanize we're another. and really into their heads over and over and over again that your countrymen, a racist or countrymen, hate you, ever reason that we then today and then uses tell them, and now you have to right now, I'm going to take to the streets. That's marxism just wasn't it's amazing how they use that playbook so set so the term racism. Now it's just a synonym for evil rights is not enough. Just to not be evil. You have to be actively good or anti racist, and- and this idea that, when, when blacks or Hispanics dont vote, the way that they're supposed to that their exhibiting a false consciousness, theirs Oh, my gosh today in a cool headed Jones, one of the foremost ringleaders of this entire thing. I thought the architect of the New York Times six uniting project tweeted the day after
lectures over. I can you cannot make up the day after this lectures over I'm good a little article about how the term latino is made up because it lumps white Cubans. Then, with little. My glasses white Cubans, monthly meeting with all the actual brown and black. The real truth is looking after this election traders will be stripped of their for instance, there will now be Rachel exactly and their what we will take. You couldn't ask them to stated more outright and rightly refused to believe. We just imagine that they're trying to kind of the original. I can see some good points to you. You maybe they're trying to destroy us. They want to study this breakdown, when you just as an election, updated looks like hell if, when he has had to vote down that idiot acknowledged initiative, getting rid of the getting rid of the anti racial preference which make the lives of a cycle publican that the californian public,
but that it also looks like the proposition that knows how to get rid of Oberon lifted. The state was even too much for California. Voters looks like they're going about. Buber went online. You couldn't get a car in the last three months. Without giving too how about I brought under the unhappy right? Otherwise they literally would not exist if filtering. Just not be here anymore, It shows you what would happen if you were to take all the oppressive been using for minors to vote vote vote ravishes all vote for by right. You open instagram everytime, you tweet, you think if you just took a brazen directed toward one republican bars, so these business people they get incense about the fact that they're gonna, like five to fire all of their people and suddenly and get a number without getting reminded about this, and rightly works like lies in the right doing. This because they control so many of the leaders of influence and the ones even the ones where we get a foothold they try to actually set this up here. I want to pick up The revolution team for one minute, but this is an aspect of it, but I've been hitting on that. I think it goes right along with what you're saying, but it it's a slightly different color not set. Historically, we voted for
policy preferences. I dont like the incident. Listen policy preferences can have extraordinary consequences. Abortion is a great example. I have republican because I'm for life I dont want to see abortion, which I believe is the taking of a human life. That's a very consequential issue, but it is still a fundamental initiative policy. I want taxes to be lower. I think that's better for the economy, human taxes to be higher. You think that's better for equity This is a policy disagreement. This particular election is not about policy the isn't running on a policy platform the running on the idea of changing the structure of the government itself. There a saying Torres College fundamentally unfair, we're going to do away with it. There find em they're saying the Supreme Court as what constituted fundamentally unfair, we're going to change it. They're saying some of this isn't constitutional did it changes to the norms liked to filibuster the filibuster which protects minority?
right has gotten in our way we're going to get rid of it. We ve gotten rid of it. The fifty state structure that health for the last half century or more in this country doesn't favour us in terms of senator representation or for the presidency, so we're going to alter it by simple majority and add states there saying that the first amendment should be mitigated. The second amendment, seven to get a due process should be mitigated. They're saying that equal justice is as airlines that when he was here somehow a sign of white supremacy, the very the fourteenth amendment is a sign of white supremacy what're. What they're saying is They want to have an election. That's post policy, where, if we vote for them policy will actually never beyond the dock it again because you won't be allowed aren't you want be allowed to defend yourself. You won't have any protection from capricious worried by the government. You won't have any representation, the meaningful representation in the Senate
the Supreme Court will exist to validate anything that they try to clamp down your throat in that world. Its foolish to talk about abortion is foolish to talk about taxes. its foolish to talk about any of our green new deal, leaving a sweeping, as that is becomes foolish, because all policy disagreement goes out the door when you or your when I read write a country they have. We said earlier, as you said there trying to reach dream America that is a revolutionary concept. We are voting on the context within which we are going to have. These conversations are not voting on one side. The conversation right of another do those remember when that this football kisses Highschool football players got ended for if your lying, the lives matter, the blue eyes matter flag and what the what the superintendent set things the superintendent wherever suspended them said here we didn't want them to be. A political statement, but so what copyright is political rights.
when we say that were political bobby typically mean is what we should be. Is the structure of our lives together? What we Timothy means, the things that were fighting over right now and the things that are outside the Overton Window. That's the stuff that you can say and considered apolitical. So you can post a boy, square on instigate you have to have you have to ITALY, Glossary and the reason is History is because it's not political, it's their background of the regime and that's what they want. They want their their way of life to be the background of what Israel has to be that way. They have to be so right that we're evil and can't speak because their power, please don't work. I mean right. This is an important point. look at San Francisco, one of the most beautiful cities. I live there, many thousands of years ago it was one of the most beautiful cities in the country. It is now a sash pit and yet If you say, paint something's wrong here, there's something evil about you
to be that way, because otherwise, you or just faced with no policies in the results. You know this is a conversation we have for a long time, which is why I think we often get the conversations over freedom. Your censorship or political correctness? We get it wrong because we're just fighting narrowly over the band you two or the word. You're not allowed to say when really with the battle is about, is the the way in which we view the world that the kind of the background to the world that there are always these norms there, always these standards and with the left has done, is overturned all of the old standards and replace them with the new one such that if what is the meaning of the blacks worthy of the blacks, whereas this country is horrifically racist, there is an epidemic of racist cops, slaughtering innocent black men as Lebron James is black men can't walk out their doors without being hunted, and that is the explicit meaning of the black square. And if you don't believe that you will be ostracised you guys
Did you guys have any of these conversations that I have had the last couple weeks leading up to the election? Where you said you know, I think these poles are catastrophically off. there you are profoundly off and the because they're off, because their their first level premises and Not only the people say well, I think you're wrong, but they reacted with indignation with deep. call the sort of sense of offence, because you threatened not just yes, their idea about what's going to happen, but their entire ethos of how political life is and if you believe, as they do, the people that I met, having conversations with believe that democracy is effectively obsolete because the like mechanism, the algebraic mechanism of the input that you're gonna feeding the aperture gonna get, has been Two percent calculated like Adams bouncing off one another the same way they believe in the whole world is just matter bouncing off each other. They also believed that that's what democracy is and how it can be best option and when you tell them that you think the big just you know
in the world bomb? They respond with. It kind of moral just shock, that they would also refunded if he said, I think systemic racism is alive. It's all part of one attitude is the attitude that Europe outside all, I will say that I think that there is a bit of a different regime to attitude, so the attitude about calling, I think, comes from they just goes to show that logic is not consistent. Among Democrats On the one hand, if you say show me the evidence, is systemic racism, because that's a very miasmatic and unclear arguments you need actually showing the evidence. Then they vary They are asking to see evidence if you said The poles are wrong Then there was ample evidence matters. Having haven't you seen the data in the Romans until it is almost whatever is for whatever break is at hand, is, is what they are used to using. Wasn't I get there come for. I do I experienced myself. I get the discomfort with people saying I don't believe the poles is like ok. Well, what is believe monopoly the writer their wrongs on better believe that either their correct them out of them, frankly model they'll be what they are, but the
I get that level of discomfort I dont get is the wild ire at anybody who says that we should take the positive, an assault Rebecca? the pull themselves are supposed to take with the greatest. Rather is a thing called margin of error to predict the future which we actually do have the science do Levick than regular events in the future, and when it it's the same thing with the with climate change, the climate change is a guess is a reasonable guess. You know it me, but it may be one any and every time the think about size. You compare your gases to reality. They went out on a contradiction. You change your guests and the fact that you could actually, subject to their guesses, tells you that the gas is motivated by ideology. So I'll tell you what it's like the event Jellicoe World every six, years. Eight years are probably as an actual number. I don't know it. Some
comes along and says that the end of days is going to happen and I M a name a date, and they do this because the Bible supposedly says one day, snap there's one chump who's gonna sharpened, twenty devilled built you for tat name and that the crisis but this time and time and timing of a river being at the cell phones, fair and labour taxes. When I was ten ten years old- and I saw this painting of Elation, you know- and it was just happened that year, what my team, eighty eight. Something you know they re at all signs and wonders, and if you read the Bible, accords in latin and converted digits and put it on a metric clock, and even they really pen it down and people get swept up in it. people, I know people, I love, people are intelligent, successful and business people have good families get swept up in it. As some people I know I've been swept up,
not every one of them, but multiple love them across the course of the forty one years that I've been on the planet and when you try to talk to them about it, even just to say, like makes this one different than the one in eighteen. Eighty eight that I remember you are also committed to this same level of indignation it's a religious indignation, which is why bring it up you are, you are now challenging their rights religious belief about what is going to happen, and the reason that I have always said he I have this little home church and I ve been doing it for eighteen years are some some version. I no one comes to it right. It's a small syrup decidedly small. we always say if I ever wanted explode the numbers I would about revelation in the independent, because everyone wants to know what's going to happen everyone wants not only the security of knowing that they want the special now
I wanna be the ones they got chose to reveal special knowledge to they want to know if you dont know, and they have failed. Do they want to tell you and if they really Nature. They might also want to tell you that if there are indifferent to maybe they don't want, you know, because then they wouldn't be right there with a special secret blessing of knowing the future I'm always reminded that all of the people who, in the Bible claim to know the future are wrong, and it's not that they don't know. The prophecy is if they dont know the purpose of prophecy, that biblical prophecy so that is not died, telling you the future so that you will know what's going to happen, if God telling you the future so that future arrives. You will know that he was got the resolute. I can tell the truth right, so you can tell us what that guy. Doesn't God doesn't give us the future because of you? The future there'd be no need for faith. That's a sort of religious I'm thinking about it, but much more practical terms, maybe for our purposes you're, not smart enough to another,
Nothing that you're ever gonna learn is going to tell you the future, because if you knew the future, you would be more than human and you are more than human right now, just another get when you get when you get to your actually, they feel that your object the underlying belief and that's it fatty. When you say the old, I'm not sure about these poles. What you really say that to them is you don't have any special virtue, how are you not spatial and their whole claim to authority, is based on their powers, is based on an end. These the people who have claimed to those- but powers in my entire lifetime have thoroughly but clowns I predict that powers all there. little insight, all their fancy credentials all turned out to be false and wrong, and the whole of all the other five year, plans that are their histories all of their right right, and this is. So there is something- will- can see right agonizing about not
what's going to happen. Five minutes from now accepts that it's the entire human experience I was reading backstage with you get her Dave. Reuben icing, backdated him. We were watching this. This whole thing unfold. We're both for this is the funniest country world like leave binding, was public fifty points, and now every every state, is like this to happen. There is, I mean it's its nail biting, but its super. If you believe the goddess charge ran out of the thing that makes it fun. If you actually have some dinner overarching That is a story with an elevator. If you don't, but if you just think is out and dancing offer one another, of course all you're doing is just trying to get this is so you said something very intelligent. The other day we got me and I had to do with the way. I would obviously like you said something very intelligent on this point of a basically breaking out of the system that that does not have this predictive power and that is totally corrupted and its, but its we hear it with the world.
but it's happening a little bit on the right. You even the language that we use to describe this. That's right, yeah. I think that when people you notice on the left and the right this language of getting woke or getting red old reckoning. Bread riled was waking up out of them. That is to say, the same thing is getting work and both of them just mean I was living in a simulation. We ve looked at her about solution and the simulation is there. Are these two flavors of thing on the table in front of me? One flavors called republican one flavour is called Democrat and I basically feel like both of them have been offering me the same thing: conservatives feel like both of them have been offering me this. This kind of limp rested? A libertarian is exactly that was homophobic anyway, you're, not unless I am already the Ex gay or an undue. I think this is a loss
not unless you know anymore you're better. So that's the thing that the basically, I think a lot of really hard for it. When you think that both of organs and Democrats for offering that The lot of the burning rose feel like both Republicans Democrats for offering this kind of neo liberalism that just benefits the upper class. Ultimately an inner has anyone immigration, but it has to do with the middle class and so forth, and so this whole idea that you knew you trying basically to get something transcends that system. My stick now is like the only actual thing that that could have all the others have people offering is basically just atavism it just tribalism and much less divided we have raised was like lift, wait, a bunch and be super offer whatever, like the only that actually does this It's a genuinely do and say what the american constitution does inside the like, for example, freedom of Association, a radical thing like if my employer could act,
We fire me for being gay. Like the constitution says he should be able to do that, we're not that. I think you would ever do it now that I think the really any body would do it. If this point, but like that, that is most insane red pills woke the thing of anything but we're all looking for that they were all rural searching for the breaks out of that scripted system. I think it important piece of this. We talk about a sometimes on our backstage show. It's probably were saying here now: is this night begins to wane and as it becomes more and more where there were almost certainly not going to know tonight, who is the president millions of Americans are gonna go to bed tonight is in a kind of distress, because, obviously the stakes truly are quite high, in this election. There there always high there, probably uniquely high in this particular election, because we ve been worked into a frenzy
by the media over the last four years, and really, I would say, over the last twelve years as the Obama years were so inciting to Republicans, because we are being told you have no, sure it is not your country. Your day is over. This is the end of history, as they always believe that at the end of history, when they went even further right, we're saying if Joe Biden winds at sea and of America, as we know it is the left to send the scene America's we know it. I think it's worth probably and we don't know. When will we now you can go to bed at night Missus wake up in the morning surveys the president, you don't even see it happen or you can tomorrow were so weak away from now I mean the very distressing time, but I think it's worth observing that, while the stakes are high, the stakes are not ultimate who you are. Ultimately, your ultimate future is not held by the government itself by God. God unfolds history, whoever wins the presidency.
God did that and does ways are not our ways. You know that's one of the first year you having a scratch the surface of wisdom. Until you know their gods, ways aren't our ways evil say things like America will be over if Joe Biden has President's worse something that we know about the things that we don't know. Joe Biden could be like in California. We had a governor named Jerry Brown. Then he was a radical leftist governor and then he goes for a generation, and he comes back one hundred eighty years later, because our government governor again only the second time that he's governor at this stage to become so radical that they left him radicalism behind and while he still does many things I dislike the real consequences of his governorship. He actually serves as a kind of both against the radical left. Getting simply won't sign that it's possible that Joe Biden will actually be. Why should I then the radical left on being able to get the kinds of victor they might otherwise gets plausible to Joe Biden wins the presidency,
because of his age and health, never even nerves, one day as president oil reserves a year, two years or three years and is unable to conclude its charm and calmly Harrison President. Not only will we get that the just unbelievable joy of knowing that the first woman president wasn't like that. I think the funny a separate happen. As our entire campaign has observed, we would be sending someone so unpaid You are even among Democrats, the sheep not when a single vote in the primary drop out not even able to carry the brain, really I've been Republican Linda get him in, for example, me this morning, every time somebody says this is the most important election of our lifetimes he's actually making a prediction
the outcome, but something he doesn't know, because it may be a completely irrelevant election gap because we don't know, what's going to actually have also again that comes down to the arrogance and control the feeling, less ok, to select a matter so much, because I'm involved within right Nick. It's also such a meaningless statement, because elections that happened in the past are by nature the past and the ones that have yet to come are by nature, not happening right now. I think the most important moment of your life is this one, and this one this new rule Renzo literally the moment. Then you are right. I mean they're. There happens to be a surprise, but it's when you earlier today is about, and then you should go, spend so much more important spend time with their kids. And the truth is that the future of the country is a matter of why it's gonna depend a lot less on how people voted, and how much time we spend on our kids he's. Gonna matter all held a lot more and the kind of institutional changes that we push for, guaranteeing that all night and hatching all night that's gonna make a lot more. Different people have a habit United States of thinking that they get sound off once every four years and then just to abdicate rest at the time. The left nervously
which is one of the reasons they taken over so many institutions in an american life you is not the end of your civic responsibility, it's beginning of your civic responsibility in maybe not even that is just what had about it on the accelerator that your civic, you're yourself, responsibility fundamentally, is to think less about Europe. more about your family. If you're not married, get married, if you dont have kids get kids, if you don't a job, get a job and actually be a product. If you are social media too much turn it off to meet your neighbor. If your neighbour has any help them made it if they are worthy, helped them all the more. If you want somebody money, don't expect them to repay you if they wasted and five years later they need more help, and you can do it fate without contributing to their problem, help them because their real humans, they have worked and flaws. Just like you that, where a citizen engage etc it is fundamental. Responsibility is to engage with his community
gonna finish as I always ask leftist, when they're telling me or Donald Trump is the worst thing that I was. How is effected you? How we are? What right have you lost? What how is your life constricted what is going on and they always have this idea. Will we go back to what we're talking about with Dennis about humanity? While humanity is suffering- and I think, like our youth, because if you love suffering, didn't live your life and vote for your best. I've, because everybody votes for his best life will be fine. I somehow, with its soul, given this includes, if Donald Trump wins yet because, like in TWAIN, I'm sixteen been Donald Trump in I have now have delivered the stinging rebuke to those with a deep sigh dates and woke sister in all and end all have to do is just have don't jump. The president read all the stuff tat we set about financial faith in process leading up to the election. We just completely forgot and in fact all that happened is that, like
Donnie Sleep was vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle. There was a beasts like that rose up in the last six months, spacing village and reassure this. We had no idea. We had no idea that we hadn't even begun to do the work from Vienna to get its are doing, or so the work pheasant in an insult. I see people who, in their eighties, is not my grandfather I'll have dearly a true patriarch of my family, a real inspiration he eighth grade education starts a business in his worthies after making a very low workmen's wage and raising seven kids. You start a business and builds it into a success very late in life. He gets his this amazing act and over the last few weeks, he's he's suffered some real health crises, he's been hospitalized, some twice the battle, Parkinson's and diabetes, and over nineteen, whereby we wish we lose very touching, go we weren't sure he had a future now, thank God, he's home and seems to be well recovered from his his bout of covert. I say all of this disease.
as I watched him suffer over the last few weeks, have been painful, because I love- and this has also been a bit of inspiration in it- and I don't mean inspirational, because of how he's faced it know his. he's very old and you don't actually faced things heroically death older, it's their humiliations by design humiliated the last thing that you, Do as you leave this mortal coil soil yourself. In a moment the transparent leaves your body. You will deficit as just gods way of saying yes, that is the ultimate humiliation. All of your dignity is robbed from. So it's not that my grandfather's modest inspiration going further. It's it's that you need to watch and see. Ok, not finished with you even now, there are things you must suffer suffer even now things you must learn even other things. You must ensure that even now there are things that you can teach the rest of us have not not by your wisdom. I experienced by watching your superiors rate and that that is how we should approach
every day. As Americans is saying yet the ban was never over because God and going to give us a victory when he gives us is opportunity, opportunity again and again and again to be to learn to grow, to try to fail to get back up and try us out you re point, I have seen shovel people die of I've been with people in the moment of their death amongst before that, thing. That always amazes me is that this still them and what they have to say by being, there continues to be said, and death means nothing does that when they say deaf where's that victory, that's it that you were mean who you are, and I believe you me who you are even after death, but the fact that you are faced These things, as yourself is everything you have to teach we're all
the left, though issues where you're performing masculinity, I think you bet- I am somewhat masculinity soon at the idea yeah. I want you to see this flash this body this failure, this miserable sooner. I want you to see masculinity in me. I want to see all the good things in me lousy broken person, and that happens right up until the minute they catch walked and Ivan because I'm learning lies just Joe Biden has covered, wait for tonight or for tomorrow, but you don't get it he's. Gotta he's gotta wait for for the evening reference so that their there is that I want to say thank you to you for joining us. If you're not listening to the young heretics, you're missing out, you don't know nothin, I know because every time I listen, I realise that I don't fix that early, fabulous pike, aspirate inside thanks for joining us tonight. We are now going over the Daily Wire war room. Where are you it has updates for us.
Having- and I do have to say real quick. If President Trump Like tweeted comes on and starts to talk to the american people, we will totally cut away from on our war room cut. It covered right now to carry that, for you live so state You won't miss the present. Everybody wants to hear what he's gonna say it's very Resting night, another interesting ted, but as our very own, in how we ve talked about earlier, there had been this. This report that maybe Fox NEWS had decided to retract that Arizona had gone to bite and Fox news. Never retracted that, but they are, only network out there in the mainstream media network out there that called Arizona early and we're gonna talk to Cabot Philips about what Fox NEWS is own Katy public, just saying about the whole region now report that Congo West has one Arizona not just get. It not happened, ass, making sure all of you still think it is in no way actually have a tweet coming from Cape Habitat Fox Underscore read it verbatim. She said quote
spoke to Arizona, Governor Doug Deuces Office. There are these nine hundred thousand votes out that haven't been counted about half or Maricopa County, with every up they say it's breaking significantly toward Trump. Two to one does not mean from when there is still a lot of uncounted votes. So words put there is something they kitty. Pounds from Fox says happened in her conversation with the governors office. So people upset about it being called early, still not abided by Thursday a lot of votes out there from the down we're seeing and I couldn't one reason we have seen recently called by other aren't so we do have a map updates we're gonna head on over here, and we still have Arizona great out guys because of course, as we know, Fox NEWS, the only outlet that is called this and we just don't want give it to anybody right now, when you have a lot of other networks and a lot of other statisticians, there are thing: isn't a hundred an essential because it was It was a light read in twenty sixteen, but President Trump and my parents were able to take Phoenix.
which is right in the center of the state, the metropolitan part of the state that ten, just a few more than the left, but they want it before. Could they went again? So what was the matter? It is those empty states. Georgia Our present tromp them down to a big League new Times projections getting up into the maid eighty percent that he would win. There was huge voter turnout in the cab County foreign County is well rounded Lana that has heavily towards bite in the projections are now looking much better for Joe Biden in Georgia, North Carolina much more of a toss up present. again jumped out from losing their projections for India, the ninety ninety percent out from the New York Times that he went there, counts again have sorted even now. I think you call it a pretty clear fifty fifty toss up in Caroline, mangled earlier about how Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania we might be waiting for a little bit their state officials, reportedly telling Bloomberg NEWS that a sum Our states in Michigan, specifically, you might have to it'll Friday, while Pennsylvania Wisconsin their thing, give us a few days and
It's a national action plan for four years. I think, but I digress, give the views I feel for where we are because in the next few days, you're going to be hearing a lot about Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania done on where we stand right now, Wisconsin president tromp leads fifty one point: three to forty seven point three with eighty five percent of the low reporting in Michigan present trumped up thirty three point: eight to bite forty four point: six with sixty two percent of the vote in Iraq. Whack weighing county, which is the Detroit MECCA always goes blue- has that where did here always goes blue, we're still tracking just how much the results are coming in, like we re pretty healthy amount of votes from one county, as well as a good number of early votes absentee vote, as well and finally, of Pennsylvania present trumpet leading fifty six point. Six to forty two point: two percent with sixty four percent in these are the victory. This is what I was gonna, be keeping their eye on right now. The present trump does hold commanding leads on paper.
Gonna come down and what the voter turnout was in some of those more urban areas that many times our Lage report and what happened with those we vote and often do not the president, as he tweeted things, that he is doing very well, and that is just not getting covered and he wants all the votes to be counted, and he said he's gonna, be speaking to the american people soon will be sure to have that for you and any other updates Geiss Ilusha. Thank you. And if you want to help, keep our war room, runnin and children for the next four years, we can invite you become Bailey Wire, dot com. Subscribers monsieur measly ten dollars, and we will continue Give you not only the kind of coverage would give new for the last four years, but also beginning now. The candy so and show canvas announcing that she's moving with us to still to bring you a show, like no other, that's ever happening. Conservative new media, that's a show dumped in front of a life audience the entire Prager, you library, which were pleased Will that partner with regard to bring you now in our response platform, our new running showed the morning wire, which had a head with new times the daily with employers at first three investigative
journalists who were hiring and, as we announced with just acquired the rights for first feature film and were in the process of developing our first scripted series to bring you in twenty twenty one, We are the replacement media, the media, no matter what happens in this election tonight. The media has gone all in for the left and not just for democracy, for truly a radical revolutionary left? Those utopian ideal is to re the country. You can help us, become a member today, daily border conflict, the subscribed by twenty five percent off. If you used a promo code election, we could use the help and we promised to deliver to you, the value that you need in exchange for that we're join tonight by my very good friend or the first people with whom I began to engage politically, and he was with us last year for some of the most hilarious, shrunken parts of our an election cupboards bill. Why don't you remember those halcyon days of twenty six and when we thought everything
harm and Oliver does all gonna be smooth sailing in dandelions from here to the horizon Well, let me begin by saying hello, german follow my can hope in a hollow the year two thousand sixteen public role MR now. It's just that now out there, you know right now feels like I'm watching my my beloved for today. international trade. We should came against floor estate. There's format is left in the fourth quarter, wrecked by a safety and they have looked like they found a book fumbled the ball, but they ve gone through the instant replay and now the rapture looking in the picture of the feed got it's just that it's this with its state of limbo in this is this: is the world that they structure there was We all knew everybody knew coming into this, that there was no way we're. Gonna know this. There was no that Americans we're gonna know one result of the election on election day. That was the design
try and then we lawyers will, you know Dick Dick Moorish. Just said is analysis, was Biden has fallen apart, meaning a hundred thousand votes behind in Michigan, seven hundred fifty thousand binding Pennsylvania, but gems in the media allies want to create the impression that there is no winner in this race. in a letter dated, and it looks like they'll just be reaffirming right and as well as where we all right. A trump is up by this enormous when I last check was fifteen point leading in Pennsylvania, In any case, in any other election american history that would have been called fix. The core hours system go floor of prize one guy wandering around Lord unroll above where they go in speaking of which, by the way tonight, we can definitely say that we watched the destruction of whatever audience Fox NEWS may have had left. You know in the commentary out. There is just not on, its brutal innocent little any aren't every second of you know they earned every second of its use. We have actually been watching fast. What what did they do? They waited till the Florida Calcutta
four percent- the result they called Arizona instantly from four Biden. I have to tell you, feeling good about the election by watching Turks in watching centre have gas March look and by the way- and this is I think this is really really important, really important, because we're talking about the culture and things changing on a fundamental level. urging the live, jerks feed on the life, Turks Channel and fifty two one, the comments reproach from fifty Tijuana Margo about where we know is stark, reinforcing and were seen. This everywhere were seen worse were seen, applicants come out of this stock Andrew, when you have a trump rarely in Beverly Hills when you went when you hear Abiden bus is coming to Texas and we're gonna meet that it's like theirs. Open willingness to fight back for the first time. In my memory that has certainly never existed. Beverly. That's right! That's that's it! That's a from benefit
the company that I will say this bill you, you know you talk about Fox NEWS falling apart. Obviously we haven't been watching cats picture I think a lot of American still have cable, so they can have foxes the average Bilbil in America. Today is almost two hundred and seventy one dollars a month. You may not know a bit. every time you pay that two hundred and seventy one dollars to the cable company CNN getting some of your money. Even if you don't watch of carriage these innocent he's getting some of their money. Even if you don't watch them because of carriage feet, you're paying people want to destroy you so that you can get Fox NEWS may not want to destroy you but certainly as until he had two straight there, certainly not giving you the information that you need, certainly not giving you the kind of fire power that need to be able to stand up against the Woke left, save yourself some money. becoming all access member daily. Why give us twenty bucks sober the blaze and get with crowd or England back and always Stuckey Lauren chance give them ten bucks goes
The bill Woodhull Dotcom, give built ten bucks, make ten dollar donation over the Prager you you spent fifty dollars now two hundred and twenty dollars back in your pocket Get me started on what happens if you stop paying for your kids, lousy college education. They won't even give them a job. It will cost them their sole and cost. You your family, that's costume, more than a ferrari, and your kids gonna be paying for it for the rest of them. Your family is gonna, be paying for it for the rest of your life, you have to stop funding. The p they want to destroy. You fail com is the best place to start Bill little a good second place to the very mention them First, I put together a kind of a video, like you know, thickest physical wellbeing. Doesn't go well the more we do then, and then I've been thinking about this a lot, and the analogy I made was to say that if this were election to go against Trump, then the way I think about it is is. I would if I look at the can,
like the southern five rocket. Doesn't look at everything like its yes, but seriously. It's like one that that that mission, that on eleven thousand minutes, of which the first two minutes, where the first stage So first two minutes in the first stage is gone. It's nothing but dead weight. It just dead weight. You cut it loose those crashing back into the ocean, and that's how I feel the country right now, I feel like I feel, like the working have country is carrying all of this dead weight. Its carrying all of these. All of these horrible philosophies all of these horrible schools. All of these horrible universities, all of this crop media- all I feel like I feel it is time, just a cut that lose and if you could, then, then what that stage would do would be just accelerate. Like crazy news. Keep going. You know it's just and fair way, I'm almost at the point where it's like arguing this we ve been doing. This will be doing this for a while. It's kind of like this
somebody's got up. Boys come like grabbing the flag, the pending at the back of the time and trying to hold it. You know intrude water and stop. There shouldn't go into your head. There comes a point when you have to really save yourself. Look this things but the bottom now, the only am I go with it or or am I going to, let it go in and let it go and so on such a minute ago about about schools in and not paying people thousand dollars a year to teach them out a hate. You raised is what I mean by letting go, I'm not talking about their lives country, you will not letting go of institutions, I am told it so corrupted this that's what loose we we, finally, I've seen what it is and then by any reasonable election counting. We'll drop won the election today, given the poor, pretty as in Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania. But if you re elected I would trade the border wall. I would trade new aircraft carriers,
in trade during the election system in place, if I could get the Department of Justice breaking a picture, if I could get that one thing when the second term- that's all I want with it, because we, but the mainstream media is obsolete and dinosaurs, but when, but when big tech, there's censuring the president right now, the Hunter Biden Workshop story is the is the Rubicon. That is that there is this, question of a new story by big text, and it makes the election, if it if it had been cut, when you else have been covered. This would be a blow up the lower. I am not up enough. on the breakdown of the male unbalanced and absentee ballots too, to say that from sleep he's right now in these states pulled up existing eighty seven percent of the vote in Pennsylvania, sixty three percent in Michigan. Seventy eight percent in in wisconsin- I'm frankly not enough of the precinct level no more of the vote, Tally today the term silly would hold up there because early on
There is talk about how Joe Biden was bitter walkway with Lord, so he iranian hands. With our talk about Joe Biden, walking away with excess riding over recent days, only desire is I'll I'll wait to see what happens then I'll take. What does scare me is that Pennsylvania's rules are not clear what happens when about what comes in not postmark after the date of the election right. That scares living hell out of me in what what's truly amazing, not it. You know brag on I'm floriszoon more now than I live the earth right, but I will say that floor. election system is actual excellent. We knew the result tonight because they know honey count their damned votes ragged, why is it the Florida, which was a laughing stock in two thousand, knows how to counter damned votes? But nobody else knows how that's an invite right, because they were laughing stock in two thousand. We ve had to do the work, not that hard remains obviously doable. They had all the votes council tonight, any battleground state that was expect the extremely contentious they had it all
and they were done, I only know the resultant flora. So why is it such a grave asked for the american people to say the Pennsylvania or was gone for? The same reason it's been is for the same reason that Youtube doesn't published clear terms and in policies. The same reason but changes the rules continually. The same reason that twitter won't tell you there process for blacklisting, someone or or for for suspending someone, and if you, it suspended. They won't tell you why you were suspended. If you give demonetized on Youtube, they won't tell you why you were demonetized. It's because the the community, allows people to be capricious these states don't want to have clear rules because they want to be able to make up the rules when they need to step and change a result rights it s. The only research. One good piece of news has thought Klein whose executive better over the washings Emma. He just waited. The fox says walkie, so they expect to have returned by three. A m which is the last remaining big batch abiding. Those views that same county medicine, which nearly all in right now has about a hundred. Seven thousand vote lead if that hold
after the Milwaukee Jump in his exoskeleton It is possible that water, by tomorrow morning, from takes response in the chances are that he was the election, because I'm taken was gone so banal taken until they knew it would be a controlling wake up with an answer to our question. It is possible that we wake up in the morning and we have a much clearer answers to where things are much. from ending to the night than what we experienced when we're all together four years ago. We have a clip of what happened. Bill when I was on the show for years what is going on within it. So much wisting it and I was sent over my child- and this is what happened
he's a president he doesn't is not easy to get married. You don't have one piece come over them. The present you finally Ben you finally defiance using my way I get our equipment. It was. I wouldn't have emphatic. I will say that I do feel deprived. We don't get a result tonight because of something like tat because effect
we're all together and we can't watch what would Anonymous NBC if they had done how's that from parliamentary election, and it was the full fledged opening of the ark at the end of raiders. This thing eyeballs falling out loading Bob. I want everybody asleep. They want to do with you going to do in the dead of night. They want to start to be able to watch it. This is is how everything nefarious happens there Obviously, histories, twenty twenty, but there are hills that way understood and died on, and we didn't and the Al Franklin Election, were they shop without two hundred boats offer frankly a fifty fifty elections. There patients as the nearest chance about for a number of zero, but the one we the one we should never ever ever have. I have agreed to was the two thousand Florida election the rules are very clear in that state election, two thousand between born Bush. You have on go down to the boat was one account, If it's within a certain margin of error, you can do another mechanical counted. The vote and
one that killed too, and that should be the end of it and and the fact that we let the thing go on for weeks and months and there bring up the trends in doing this whole thing. That is where we should have said what a vote is not an opinion. It is an action that you have to take started, buckled action. But if you don't actually take this action in the correct order and put it in the Right box and marked the right things, then that's not our. Are you trying to figure out what you really wanted to say and we we just let it go on and on and on and from that moment Ford is one the started, saying that George Bush's presidency was a legitimate yeah. They did this thing with dropping they're gonna. Do it now? George Soros philosophy basically is not who votes who counts of all Germany, that he's been placing the attorney general's. This guy did ride with regular yeah of a lost with breaks, and even the second time is. It is amazing that he figured out doesnt have
do with reality has to do with the guys who announced reality and he's funded them. He's won the day as for allowing all these rights to take place, almost all of the merger source, I can't believe you theory billion will be yet thirty. Four billion with the money Kimberly Bruce spouting these anti semitic dollars. So much too much. I just. I will say that if, from end up losing narrowly, it is entirely due to the media. One hundred million two hundred reserves learn from this already pre stolen right when, when the high Joe Biden Laptop story, is not only not covered, but but you cannot, you can Here, the link with a friend the nodded stolen election and that's also a pretty good definition of a monopoly, because if I decided to call you and say you know, I think trumps to bring me and I find out that the telephone company has cut off my service because their data my opinion that ensuring with you there is time to do so. About about that monopoly Seville you
remember I can't move the name of the Newsweek editor, leave in two thousand eight seven, Thomas Evan Thomas there was a two thousand eight they sit. No, it was. It was two thousand for because of what he said in two thousand for the media. Biased was probably a fifteen point swing, and I did I did a video about A few days later, I took the form of the United States, which would be near the Obama like two thousand and fifteen points in just one them from one cold other just what the news media, biased put into the map and the dynamic carry this e and they carried Hawaii and then Mccain winds. five hundred and eleven to bid, I so if he was saying in two thousand for when the media still as the veneer of objectivity, that the media was worth a fifteen point, swing in favour of it,
that's what must have been now when they literally will just stop your ability to save your radically could be less because there is a movement against the obviously, what we're scenes movements of people displaced. With the media's tell him I'm here, Can you lie before people start to say when you're lying onions? You also have to wondering you you're asking what the purpose of the poles are before and I dont that everybody is notoriously oriented in order to get Democrats elected. But if you are going to variously orient the polls in order to press Republicans turn out what you would do is put out a bunch of push pull suggesting. The Joe Biden was of seventeen point extra jobs in that we have they alone. I don't think the Chinese created covered nineteen in a lab, but if they were going to a disease that primarily those people in the age demographically vote Bertram, and they everyone the opportunity to shut down I can recall we wouldn't be a bad start. I guess my thought on the pulse, with its. Not that they have to be actively face is that there are also in the same bubble.
But they all thinks so exactly the same as that they often so much of their effort reinforcing one another that I dont think that they would even jack their own beliefs or their own pulling processes to this house. neither would be necessary to make them accurate or fair lears question for Germany, what are the twenty twenty election, the Corbett, nine in a pandemic and global warming haven't gone off. Them have large majorities of people who believe the computer models opens up what they see with their own eyes? All three of them are the result of computer modelling, and so was so was the projections, and some of them are some of the poles. There are numbers, people out there who, if you tell them this number, comes out of a computer, then they believe it. And when they say they followed the science when you're done I think we will the parting- follows the sites you not further, that both sides you're the party that follows the scientists with a party that follows the expert and the authority, but you're, not the
this following the data- and this reminds me of the classic joke about about liberal intellectuals, which is they say well, yeah sure it works in practice, but will it work and work in theory? It's absolutely. It's absolutely true in a great point that they, famously with with climate change,. If there are models says that on November twenty twenty five, the temperature and listen the rest will be. Ninety three degrees and today is November, third, twenty twenty and there in Angeles and if eighty seven degrees well not update their model, these guys reality reality as these guys Sydenham after they draw map and they got the coastline in the rivers and they go up to the bridge and they look out the window. And of coastline is predicted there, and these all of these clips and their predicting a river basin, and they look at things at the coastline. They look at their map and said that the coastline must be wrong right, and it's just that simple and and a kind of a mental illness, but but it's real,
and they really are the kind of people who say well. If there's a disagreement between them and the data than the atmosphere is wrong? If there's a disagreement, when the pull numbers and foreboding than there is obviously actual voting. This is actually the hallmark of the left. Is that no matter what sales, the the underlying premise is still correct, right and so, and this is why I do think that appalling, so that its nefarious? I think this problem, the various things that happened. It's not that I'm saying that it's all the various per se is that I'm saying that their system is so flawed and no matter how many times they fail we have no incentive to correctly because to correct that would be to acknowledge that what their rights, about is fundamental and not just around the fringes. Not just is not something that can be tweet couple of peace. The news one, the White House principle is going to be assembling in the EAST room, so we should probably here for improvement of president. Let us The the Montana scenario, been announced for thirty days, so Republicans will in
nearly all probability- retains on it because the Danes winning in Montana, you expect both Georgia races to go to. Publicans you are you expect that done. I mean honestly like the first time of them rooted forcing Collins misusing how's your Haines receipts in vain and that is of major come back down five to seventeen ones to thinkingly speaking of Georgia. Let's not forget this is the second time we thank wished that utterly RO contrivance John Ass off and remember they made a big deal. I poured all your money money, they poured into the Senate them in the amount of money that the Lincoln Project, blue those risks, I hope, the angel they enjoy very happy because they are not can get a lot of repeat business after this one. There are actually in the little dingy that might Bloomberg close behind is bigger than my timber dumping. A hundred million dollars into floor did against aspect and then dump. a hundred million dollars into South Carolina Windsor ramble people can kick your ass down its Wonderin and then which Mcconnell beating.
the grand by one million point nine million dollars into their raise in this that their money on fire in the Senate is it is. It is pretty impressive: Georgia is still up for grabs. Apparently that's a little thrust. That's that's! That's it requesting for comfort there because of the late polling numbers are still coming in particular from Atlanta from the Metro regions and so, if from border, lose Georgia the elections over. Essentially I mean, if you views as Georgia, this prevention awaiting come back and was in Georgia and Arizona. If you were to lose both of those it'll Arizona stolen play it it is. He would have to everything, break for France, winners are the only what that is called Arizona written remains Fox. I believe I don't think anybody else's actually hold Arizona at this point, but he's a sixty five percent in the votes that are still just, I'll come in. My question is how many votes there are those in and does it retain it? I think he has to win sixty seven percent of all outstanding, both ass, we over nine hundred thousand of them suddenly
over nine hundred thousand alone. The question is whether it comes in sixty one percent or sixty seven percent. It is allowed to close it In Arizona which goes to show that in MRS Mcnally's, a person, but you have to have a special kind of scale to lose. Both said horses in the course of three to four years, a trap. I want to take a few questions from our data. I got some members that I keep saying there's a reason. Free all night tonight and that's the truth. We we typically reserve this kind of content, rightly sought chunks of, In a word, I come members, but that tonight we felt that the second Community we ve built, they would want everyone to be able to suspend the show were grateful to them. So let's hear a few questions from them: Ilusha Real, quick. and rural quick eyes I just want to let you know that were hearing from multiple Whitehouse Precipice reporters that the president could be speaking any minute, probably in the next ten minutes, so we'll try to get as many members questions as possible, and we will definitely be going to the White House to hear from President Trump because he has said that he's gonna make
economic that see things that he's running Bigley. We shall see about that, so this cost. as for Andrew Craven, how much voter Do you expect water projects like one for always comes in less than we fear it will, but that me. It doesn't exist in Pennsylvania. I'm genuinely worry. I think that they genuinely put forward and I do when the attorney general tweets, that, when the votes are counted, will have one that suspect and I think the nose is right that that gives Trump a way forward in the courts, good reasons issue, but I'm not expect the kind of I'm not personally the kind of voter father can turn and actual victory into a defeat, Ceptin Pennsylvania, I think, has been as is shown signs of being utterly go. You know that it is worth pointing out in Pennsylvania, a local news affiliate. There did an experiment early on with a male unbalanced and they said but dummy mailbox and they sent an email and balance and that they
receive two birthday cards to the mailbox, so obviously some wires across their. But three three of the hundred ballots went missing the three percent more than an the swing in election. That's just one news affiliate, but on top of all of the evidence, in its praise, significant evidence of fraud and corruption there, That's a lot to be worth giving me a lot allows each by the way in pencil. Oh yeah, they should just going to interest, can be crazy because assent the governor of Pennsylvania decided unilaterally to change the rules and the status quo? anti wishes that there also restart processing, email imbalance and seventeen on Tuesday morning by a county. so there we can wait until tomorrow morning they start processing. All of these all of these ballots, and again it is unclear by Pennsylvania by when your process, whether These things have to be postmarked or not. If they don't have to be, postmark literally have no way of knowing whether the ballots were legally before the election or if they were after the election is gonna backwards.
we weren't. Frankly, John Roberts deserves a user's every single better because that jerk Yon Roberts here one who turned down this case a week ago, thinking it there could avoid all responsibility for ever having drawn and Donald Trump adjust. These heavily like the poles, were saying and now to win back the Supreme Court and he's gonna have to rule on it and then we'll get the spectre of the legitimacy of the Supreme Court being called into question by John Robert seduce Daily well, will be at the level of community rules the wrong way. It will be called into question by me and by preservatives let what? Why is where it? What the court always so afraid of the left, calling their legitimacy into question about. We call their legitimacy into question when they make preposterous rule, because we will change the court they will that right, as you know, you remember only a few weeks ago when the biggest scandal and the country was that Donald Trump was gonna. Destroy the post office are the people. We are one of the things that that I haven't heard. Not people too, about, is that when you use mail in balance, you turn the federal government.
give the federal government a role in state elections, because we don't know people like to sound Donald Trump lost the plot your vote in twenty six need. There is no popular vote, there's no such thing as an hour. Popular vote for president. Is we don't have a national election if you're going to, let should appear democracy everybody in the country divided by to see who that must vote. If that's how you wanted to with your president's you'd have to national standard for elections, but we have unbelievable diversity standards in all of these different states, because we have fifty unique, unique elections when you bring the post office in you alter there and you give the incumbent president, I'm not saying Trump did some. Actually speaking to the concern of the left, you give the incumbent president, who is the head of the post office as an executive agency? Is the chief executive of the country you give him power to influence the one. In other words, what I'm saying is that one of the rare
is that America has resisted. Tyranny is because our government doesn't do much it set up not to do much. As of all these things, we caught checks and balances, and there is this- I don't think you ve been intended, but there's this incident that there's this coincidental protection which is that the chief of the executive doesn't have any real power over the thing that likes him, which is fifty think presidential elections around the country so what they ve done by don't do this male in balanced system, as they actually made it possible for the left always put its always projection with the letters front there there realizing that this is possible, so their preemptively, accusing doing it. This guy obviously isn't doing it. The next I will. We see that the president will use the post office to preserve own power. Now that they ve made the post office the myth, the number one mechanism for voting- and the quick note here just done so slightly separate topic, the President trunk- a lot of credit, and rightly so.
We're getting out crowds and size of the people haven't seen him for the high levels of our enthusiasm. We need a slow clapped from which Mcconnell because that dude is just eyes. Cocaine Mitch rings for Catherine Establishment who we're all ripping on back during the tea party days, and I think, with good reason that the fact is that colonel is almost solely responsible for ramming through hundreds of good judges, and not only that he is going he's been retained as majority leadership in not tonight after all of this and very Poncho If that were nice edge and he replied the resources properly, not try. a tank unless it is worse than usual. If Donald Trump loses the presidency admit, Mcconnell retains the Senate, then truly Mitch Mcconnell will have prevented the left wing revolution and by the way you can outlines grander that today's right give Linsey Grand point. One point one point one and to point out and both of them more radical
for freedom by them, thereby the cabinet they both saw. What was going on over so outright disgusted by the kind of blue that kind of outer shell. A kind of final first away like a downward ok, so you really are bad people. The great the gentleman from the state of whatever you really are a tyrant, arch and at a character says an and thank God for both of us. Also, by the way Republicans did pick up governance ships tonight, Sir Public ended up winning a few more governor ships, which is wrong he really important state legislate it did not go the wrong way, widely speaking, which is a very good thing, all that
equally important, considering redistricting, is coming in twenty twenty patrols that there have been. That would be a big big, big brother time to lose Ilusha. We have done for another question from a daily work on member, absolutely and once again, if the president comes and will be sure to go with it being of course, last week you to show about the resident may or maybe lack of resume of Joe Biden and having from politics for longer than you and I have been alive. So a member wants to know from you which, what do you think that One hundred days, a Biden presidency, would look like at this point now much immediately, that is, if the Republicans maintained the centre majority is gonna, be very difficult to think of what about it, presidency looks like in terms of major ambitions, use planning. You know immigrants Reform is planning. Green new deal is planning a giant covered, I think he proposes a giant college package, anything which, without gives it to em, I think without gets in pretty much what Mcconnell wants to give them. I think that's pretty much I think I'd immigration he's not gonna presented giant. Amnesty package, I think,
his agenda is basically stopped called in its tracks and what you see is what you will say as a resurgence of resurgence of the regulatory state right, one problem with the way that, from his approach to government wasn't he didn't create this Obama. Really created it that when you rule by Executive Thea when you do everything for executive action, the next executive just and do all of it. So a lot of the great victories of the Trump Administration have been through egos and there will be real concept. This drawing those back onto the reason that the economy has surged pre covert under reprieve blocked at all at the bottom of it, though they didn't shut down. Economy right people set down the economy before the covered shutdowns economy, researching in part because of things that president, and his administration, we're doing at the executive level things that you don't hear about setting regulation pulling back organizations like eating getting out of the way of business. You know that having you'll see Biden tried to declare national mass mandate by executive order. I think that you will see Joe Biden. Try to re engage with IRAN in the Palestinian Authority. I think it's the meat
much of anything in the Good NEWS about that is that I think that's gonna radicalized the democratic even further as the genius of the american system right, you knew the and the presidency if you're going to Rio mischief right. If you really gonna mess things up, you gotta have all three and what we I'm out of this with tonight, is exactly like. You said is like that. There is a circuit breaker in there now and in that case from the worst of the words. I would like to throw some pessimism on those that were being united candidate. Your boy Jeremy, though I will defend the executive orders, but is the same on your recognising, which is that we essentially governed by the executive agencies by the administrative state and so defensive executive orders is when it's the been afraid of agencies that are running the country The only way to rot reign, the man is through the executive boards, which thing at overturned by the phenomenon is another problem: that of the problems in that system and their there no way really around that, because even when Congress passes laws the laws, mostly just
empower the agencies to go now, whatever they're going to do. Member, when you learn most he's gonna open that Tesla Factory, despite what the California poured out said, we did in the end. You remember how they didn't arrest him. I'm convinced resolving the rest and was because most new and they knew that they didn't have the legal authority to arrest him with the whole thing is essentially a kind intimidation game and he called their bluff and- and nothing happened to him. Just going to Texas is what's happened, perfect, but but they didn't, but they didn't. It was such a high profile case I think if they had the legal authority to shut the place down, they would have put think didn't come then that's just one, that opinion belonging to all of them can afford to fight them to yeah. You can afford the legal tell me about the way they did current house counts is. Ours are plus five in the house. The applicants
Suffice it to the house which nobody really saw coming there I was lunches. That's deliverables needs, basically anything that was infallible. Distance Republicans wept. I want to make a quick prediction about prison Trump speech. I predict that President Europe will have achieved why density background, unlike anything you'll be swimming Arnold from always diverted right leg. You certainly exists with around with lives. They said you know. I remember you talking about quite rightly how we can never understood the value of a background. Yes, trumped does not have the power, now that the spanish density uranium we leave complain for years about his that's right. That was what was an inability to understand its social proof there. If people behind you smiling and applauding better how stupid or about the ideas row good is, if peep, if you can people nodding in agreeing you are inclined to an agreement.
If there are some of the market is not everybody's. A white male of some of them are black. Some of them right now, he's got all that you'd. You talk about a million times chef, which one thing that I don't have an accident. Like for the outrage could break out because job, I know he declared, he thinks that he's gonna wind, he does, I think of it away and let's just let all the votes be counted and so trouble come out and say precisely the same thing, but he's gonna added implication that vote or fraud might be in play and they lose their damn mine haven't already enjoy one by the sun. Was he said it's not. over until all the votes are counted and there's a big difference there. One extra because, because taken speaking, the it's over when the Poles clothes Biden was setting up. Was he setting up? No, no, it's not over until every boat is counted, which means that the first signs of a handful of votes that we got account those two and it's just gonna, be what it is. It is gonna be a bloody mess this week, unless we see
the numbers and states like Wisconsin them were. Then we have anticipated. It is possible. You could wake up to borrow an with. This is really the problem and build. I've actually heard you talk about this, Republic has summed up the wind they after wind, beyond the mark, That's right now we actually have a fraud. One blue three points ahead. looking real good for that right now, that's right, especially in Pennsylvania, which is now to be the most important steadily each others like fifty one is fifteen percent I gazed about seven hundred thousand votes in Pennsylvania right now, but we're waiting for Major Metro area in Pennsylvania, become it sets Everybody is not calling same thing in Michigan, he's up about three thousand votes in Michigan right now, but there still waiting on a bunch about. I am Wisconsin. He is currently about a hundred and twelve thousand votes, but again it getting from walking to come in. So if we're lucky comes, and it ain't that heavy arousing comes in and ended. I think they're still waiting on Madison to come and if you will
Gaza and then, of course, everything shift again. So it is a real seesaw out there really because of Arizona himself, a throne I mark Levin, I think rightly, ripping on sending Mccain, saying like you going like a personal animas between, Mccain family and our Trump family and has always been the case in the broken up. At a certain point, you do have to say to trumpet and was cutting off his nose to spite Aspasia doesnt work. When this whole thing started, there were two republican senators in Arizona republican governor and by this point there democratic senators in Arizona and republican governor and our duty he wanted to make seen in this date is: is presumably gonna lose in Arizona in the state? I understand that from has personal Animas issues, but do you do me like that. I'd be all the more Republicans says. There's one of an argument here is one of the consequences of Donald Trump it'll, be a great irony of Donald Trump loses because of his treatment of crabs on dynamic. One of the worst things to Donald Trump did was history. John Mccain of that doesnt justify what the MIC, what John Mccain or the Mccain family has then subsequently John Mccain, essentially upheld. Obamacare does
Donald Trump Single handedly ambulant, like like Caesar, bribe me out on the floor, but but You can be angry with John Mccain for his behaviour that doesn't change could also be angry with on the website. Would you be mad? At John Mccain, presbyter should also be managed at dawn, you're gonna get remarried wangwana any comment on this important for four years I've been going on, for you know you shouldn't be rude to people we'll yell at me and sale of dumb or from has to be Ruth. I think that is just not good politics, sweating costs, that's what he caught up. That's that's what Donald Trump cards they have a gun whose who's got that kind of skin and that you're gonna come out in seconds. It he's going to re frame the narrative. From Joe Biden soon. If we keep turning boats, we think we're waiting, don't transgenic amounts and other stealing selection and either framed the narrative and no one else. I've ever seen on the republican side has that kind of its good
it's a good point is the tragic that the downward from that all his strange or also weaknesses, and always with the fair tragedy of humans. There may be other shrink so that he can be left very attractive. How that is thin skinned nature with regard to John Mccain in his answer, rubbing enemies were causing the election, I agree obviously mean a lot of the things that you know. We re Bonner, some things that allow him there blow off the nationalism, invite incredible things for sure didn't bite they like at least in the interest of self interest. You would think that MR poignant lectures laid off do just lay off the boat to close a costume Examples of people complaining to Lincoln. That grant was drinking and Emily. because I can't spare this man he fights, I don't care. If he's a drink, I do care if he's a drink or about events like you great deal that he's a drink and it's a real problem, but he's irreplaceable and and and I'll take the drinking. If that's what you wish to grant cost me, you'll win the war,
right about Better Donald Trump. Has to win the war in Iraq today sees us, grandkids broke off, is yes, it was Vicksburg into different sorts of love. That's that's exactly what and you know he would not be Donald Trump, if you weren't like this everything everything good, we get anybody who get the best of them somewhere moments away from here. From the president from the white. so I'm hoping honestly, I do hope that he uses a little bit unmeasured language about sealing the election. I'd like that. I hope peoples, the urals, the second and disbanded the Congress you're going, I wanna when they does, he need service staff. Diaries Gander, step is put candle step, had never happened, which started lorries without boats affects the bullet debate, that was my wife. My feeling global comes around Babylon. These story was after he got to go with me, said the trumpet, and returns from the white. Nobody gets Jupiter where tonight the Babylon be weeded out, saying election results may take away,
stick out due to the due to the coming or a new method. There really are national treasures, though they were better than he had been there there. Actually unlike the daily, show that put out a meme of death star blowing up Florida, I'm old enough to remember when Republicans putting that kind of stuff out violent, considered violence and bad, and I remember me, live as I'm more than twenty seconds, if that, if someone were murdered in Florida is if the Republicans epithet out in somewhat to be murdered in our day tomorrow, but for anyone I mean life, so a bank robber, Have they know those eyes of Rochester? Yes desperate, so like the ultimate good news is, is that we are still in a fifty fifty election with that found ahead when right after the ability to say that anything that Donald Trump doesn't have a front page of the New York Times and fit ten days of leverage on CNN and then anything that bind does is buried. There's gotta be a forty point headwind that,
facing with big media and big jack I'll bet, it's forty points and the country still here and this right at that to show you how fundamentally sound this country is that you can take this kind of work. the virus and still even be in the game, it shouldn't be there in always like we shouldn't just power has said this is the way it is we got well, you know when we tackle replacement media. That's it we got to replace, we ve got to realise them, yet we're not going are winning by losing that's what I am one of the problems the conservatives face is that we abandon the culture in, higher late for the last forty years and then were shocked that the culture doesn't look like anymore. Why? I thought we were a christian nation, yet we were than other Christian cited, not be part of an ancient either we were conservative, nation yeah you, you thought. I thought we love the method. We thought artists love American. No, we haven't done that in a generation right and you just gave up on and you call it fascism. If we do you, people literally fascism and from says we're. Gonna teach people about the founding of the country and to do so in a patriotic way and we're going to hand out constitutions
Fascism is just like Nazi Germany wants relieving. If only there were some kind of historical, serious about like great about an hour ago twisted no, you know we should make them but what we have got to do that with the daily. Why? I think that the problem of the scripts for you by morning and if you'd like to address those it has offered a daily wired? I come right now. You should subscribe twenty five percent off his coat election. You there's gonna be the chairs, if once more raw, you are my fiveam on this until from comes out other taught me that never pass up a cheap shot. The evidence father taught him to never pass up a promoter. This video converter get hence our road as these levels recently healthier than the other way that worth stressing the divide happened here, but they were so which flag is from fighting by exact words while, though, with flags they're gonna part like like like like that, another of moving from Here- and you just go gotten spotlights can be pitch black gonna sing, fight against
with the late in the evening. People, if you hadn't realise word, we definitely started. And allow or hours most of the Bible risk causing results become not, although far off right it supposed to happen at three p m, Three m Eastern it is now up to twenty began. Also is worth pointing out just for framing the president. You know it is to seventeen there right now he's a seventy five year old man who somehow has a shocking amount of energy, but Joe Biden has been asleep for hours at this point and Ed Donald We're gonna give a speech to thirty. In the morning I tried Donald from who was hospitalized with covert nineteen, Something like forty five is about to walk out on a stage it almost three o clock in the morning and listened one thing about the president with within one truly for president my lifetime transport, something about Georgia. George W Bush would never even consider it beneath his dick He is a man to let us sit here and look at a bunch of flags when he said but he was gonna be on tv. No other precedent has been that way
certainly not brought Obama, definitely not Donald Trump Donald Trump Milk a moment and if you think there's any chance? He's gonna be able to walk out and say that he won Wisconsin? No people staring at these fires, this morning. We all you need to know about. That is when Donald Trump goes, that does a rally and I've covered out of these rallies here, the League Greenwood start playing, and then he walks has he every single second about song, he'll, he'll, dance, a little hill point to walk up The podium he'll pull back from the podium is you once every second, nothing we're getting that's about. Energy is incredibly died right now, if a Cobb County coming at the same rate, they happens going Jonathan Alan ends. I did this from our ambition, is ended he percentages accurate vied with a net a hundred and twenty six thousand votes. The entire margin right now is a hundred nineteen thousand votes, while so it is. It is extremely tight in in Georgia, but problem of trouble the average enable right now you know whatever
happens tomorrow morning. Boy- rising and have to get up and do your shows up. I will not because, while I am the Viking, People need to understand that their no one to be enormous amounts of breaking news tomorrow to us to be covered the daily wire is going to be your place to get that covers what you're, talking about being the replacement media with you about being your source for information. That's not it with women. Ass, the candle someone's addition moving and ass, the weather was announced. The printer you library announced a new show announced the investigative journalist announced for re insufficient. All of that is that the way and over the next three to four months, but right now as we speak, this is still a better place for you to get information than any exists. media forces they're gonna, wake up tomorrow morning, Astarte lying to you daily wire, we'll take the truth to the best of our ability and will at least tell your biases so that you have a filter by which to weigh the things that we tell we're not trying to pull one over on, you would tell you exactly. Who we are
but we think about how we assess these situations. You'll want to turn in first thing in the more Michael, what I'm alive. So occurred to me, I might not be going to sleep tonight because I live for for the website at six thirty, I am Pacific and then lot live for everybody else a little later, so if you're it, if you are a daily wire member, you can watch that live on the website. That is six thirty, a m, which means I will whatever bags you see under my has now. They're gonna be much deeper layer, but the reason, probably I won't be able to go to sleep is we are going to be getting breaking news. All night long will probably still beginning breaking news, as my show starts tomorrow, if anything, I'm thinking of my show tomorrow, as an extension of this live stream, because you're going to get extraordinarily consequential information coming in Might not even lobbying by the end of the shop, get better and better the same for all other guys tomorrow morning, there'll be a lotta news, we're gonna be bringing it all to you to the best of our, bill. I won't be, as I said, I will be sleeping and just assuming that I'm doing a good job and it away
periodically to make sure that the coffers are for that? I should not have power, because these are the only things that matter to me. I'm I'm the drifter in those these guys actual what's your pillow of money here we see the Trump family walking into the briefing room, like literally all of them yeah every trump where's baron, you watch anyways lonely here, there's no need around. You feel better Let the lesser known vanish, shiftless your majority. We open a motel eight, it is only when an airliner grand the black sheep of European States, Donald J,
Thank you very much very diverse, mostly said. Thank you. this, is without question the latest news conference I've ever had. I appreciate it very much and I want to thank the american people for their tremendous support. Millions and millions of people voted for us today. And a very sad group of people is TAT,
two disenfranchise that group of people and we we stand for. We will. I want to thank the first lady, my entire family, and we were getting ready for a bigger. Liberation. We we were winning everything and all of a sudden, it was just called off. the results tonight. I've been phenomenal. And we are getting ready. I mean literally, we were just all set. Get outside and just I've read something that was so beautiful, so good such a vote such a success. The citizens of this country have come out in red, numbers, this is a record. There's never been anything like it to support incredible movement,
We want states that we weren't expected to in Florida. We didn't witted, we want. By a lot. We won the greek state of we weren't taxes, taxes by seven hundred thousand words, and they don't even included in the tabular? Nations is all a clear that we have one Georgia, we're up by two point: five percent to one hundred and seventeen thousand votes, with only seven percent left that never gonna catches. They can catch us Likewise, we ve really one.
If Carolina one point, four percent were seventy seven thousand votes with only approximately five percent left the king catches. we also, if you like, can you see Arizona we have a lot of life in that, and somebody said somebody declared that it was victory for us, and maybe it will be a mean, that's possible. But certainly there were a lot of votes out there that we could get, because we now just coming into what they call Trump territory. I don't know what you call it, but these were friendly trump odors and that could be overturned the gentlemen that called, and I watched tonight he said what we think its fairly unlikely, that he could catch your fairly unlikely, and we don't even needed. We don't need that. That was just if we would have got it would have been nice Arizona, but there's a
possibility, maybe even a good possibility, in fact, since I saw that originally has been changed and the numbers of substantially come down just in small amount of arts, and so we want that. Obviously, the stay in play. but most importantly, where winning Pennsylvania by a tremendous we're up. Six hundred think of the snake speakers were up six and ninety thousand words and pursue these close. It's not like it's was with.
Sixty four percent of the vote in its be almost impossible to catch and we're coming into good. Pennsylvania areas where they happen to, like your president's, probably experts, winning Michigan by tee. I looked at the numbers. I somehow I looked. I said: well, that's alive by almost three hundred thousand words and sixty five percent of the voters and were winning Wisconsin. Also, where will we need all of them? We need When you were Texas in which was an avid, I spoke with the really wonderful, governor access just a little while ago,
Greg at you said the congratulations. You call me to congratulate beyond winning Texas have been. If we want access, I don't think they finished quite the taboo, but there's no way and was almost complete, but he congratulated me Then. He said by the way. What's going on, I've never seen anything like this Canada. what nobody has. so we won my hundred seven thousand votes with eighty one percent of the votes, Michigan, so when you take those three states in particular, Take all of the others I mean we have we have so many. We had such a big night. You just say look at all of these states. Have we ve won tonight, and then you take a look at the kind of margins that we want to buy at all of a sudden. It's not like we're up twelve votes and we have sixty percent live. We won stage and all of a sudden happened to the election. It's off. and we have all these analyses in
happened, and then they should all because you know what happened they they couldn't win. so they said, let's go to court and did I this new did. I say this I've been saying this from the day I heard they wanted to send our tens of millions of pounds. I said exactly. because either they were gonna win or if they didn't win they'll take us to court so. Florida was a tremendous victory. Three hundred and seven exercise, we hire a lie or tremendous data, big state, I level higher. We won by eight point. One percent four hundred almost five hundred thousand nor Carolina big victory with North Carolina So we want there. We led by
Seventy six thousand votes with almost nothing left. And all of a sudden everything just stopped. This is a fraud on the american public. This is an embarrassment to our country, we we're getting ready to win this election frankly We did when this girl now is to ensure the integrity for the of this nation. This is a very big moment This is a major fraud or nation we want law to be used in a proper manner. so will be going to the? U S Supreme Court, We want all Voting to stop, we don't want to find any ballot set forth
back in the morning and added to the list is a very sad moment to me. This is a very sad moment. End. We will win this and what is worse than deterrent. We already have one so I just want to, and I want to support. I want to thank all of the people that worked with us and Mr Vice president, say a few words. Please thank you, Mr President, I want to join you in thinking more than sixty million Americans.
I've already cast their votes for four more years for President Donald Trump. Those continue to be counted. We're going to remain vigilant, as the President said, the writer has been at the centre of our democracy since the founding of this nation. If we're going to protect the integrity of the vote, but I really believe with all my heart with extraordinary margins, Mr President, that you have inspired the states that you just described in the way that you launch this move. Across the country to make Amerika great again I truly do believe, as you do
that we are on the road to victory and we will make Amerika great again very, haven't president and vice president, my pants, making their remarks. President Trump saying as far as I'm concerned with already wanted, but will be The only headline that you read when you wake up tomorrow, every newspaper- country is now so furiously. Ranging during their front page. So take it up, that the Red Mirage and Twitter and Facebook and Youtube and Google I am certain before MR asleep tonight will already be fat. Checking the president's censoring the president saying that. Let me this the date they told us. This is gonna happen. They would often gets what's going to happen all of the major social network. And maybe organization said they would not
allow someone to say what president from just said, the other night, like always faced man. I think the left is cheating. I think they ve been shooting since twenty. Sixteen, I think, they're, obviously feeding now, I think, they're treating by changing the rules. I think they're change cheating by not continuing to count the ballots overnight. I think they're cheating in court and I think, they're cheating with crooked elected. issues like the attorney general of Pennsylvania, all the election for Biden before election day. Even and I think it is a damn fine thing that the president is standing up to it- He said something tonight that I think a lot of when I say with extreme, should have gone over. He said think we're gonna win as far as I'm concerned We already have that. That was where it went for rabies. As far as I'm concerned, we ve already won this race. That is the kind of extreme rhetoric that you're not. We get from Rama you're, not gonna, get it from John. Can you didn't get it from my terms afterwards? It that makes people uncomfortable. It is the evidence
is the maybe it's that negative thing, but it's also the positive thing about from that. He is a fighter. He is going to going to go to I don't think he said anything there about ever. Violating the law, are cheating or doing any Michael didn't lest they set up the president for months. Yes, for this very moment, first by saying What he's definite gonna went on election night, but that's only gonna be put, the story. They have that that nourishment of white and he will not concede the election the eye. So what happened exactly what they predicted election night? you know. Harry is doing very well. They propose on the voting. Essentially they from they don't read, Mirage paid over the coming hours and the president did not proceed in fact that he's gonna fight right in then Ok, so my pencil way you're supposed to say, which is the exact same thing- the button said right, which is, we think, we're on the road of a green when all the votes are counted than the votes will be counted and you, don't you ve got left open
stability. The litigation would be necessary, photo fraud was detected or suspected ride me there's a response way to do this. I am sorry, but it is equally responsible for the President of the United States to declare in the middle of watching were not even close to all the votes have been counted in major swings dates that he's already won the election, and that is a major fraud on the american people. Otherwise, I'm sorry it's, but this resolution Osborne Embassy that many Adrian Pennsylvania visited the course doesnt work you're gonna be countered. The question is in Pennsylvania. They got to invent a bunch of votes because they don't even needs, even if there is evidence that a bunch of voter invented than the lined up in court but to preemptively declare fraud before any of those votes have been counted to declare. These already won the election. When six- presented when he says things like em up a thousand votes in Michigan, and percent of. The vote has been counted for sixty five percent of all this. There is no way that I could lose the state wakening. They, of course, has awakened lose the stately just count the rest of the vote, but gave me taken their logic in Florida, you lost Lord. If we take no logic in Texas, we're lost access has sent the with his words. He sang in Arizona. We need to wait till every single vote is counted, is exactly right about Arizona
then say: ok, we're not gonna wait until every vote is counted in league. Legally how's. It right lines that we all agree is to be legally cassimeres. None of this crap, where you find a box of balance that are filled in Today's labour, no postmarked. That is well, serving of any sort of law suit. He wants to bring that is well deserved, with every speech that he can bring to bear, but you can't preemptively declare the thieves. this vote is a fraud on the american people before there is evidence that is half working out of preemptively won the election before the election is wont to push back just a little bit then, but his generally, you and I see eye to eye on these things. There is a fraud being perpetrated, though the Michael Sport The fraud has been going on, but for four years that certainly the frost been going on for several months. The left has been in a very sophisticated way creating this exact moment and by pushing pause in some of these on the vote counting overnight, but they are essentially saying, is we we dont want the count, the end before our opportunity to cheat bingo
yes, I think that's what we're gonna send everybody homes so that, if more votes in the council more balancing to commit, there's no way to read that other than an opportunity for tee. For that you might you might say, they're not going to cheat her. You might say, there's no evidence that they have cheated you might, it might even be factually were they dont cheap, but they are giving themselves room. The appeal that is, that it does all possible and what he could easily say is they shouldn't have caused the voting, and we have our warriors on the ground in all these states making sure there will be no cheating. We are ready to file lawsuits if we detect the first sign of voter fry by debt, is all precluding He declared himself the pre emptive victor of an election in which half the vote. If not yet been counted in any of the swing stating its twin, remember, if you was the result of which looks like he's going to be, doesn't just needs wind pit, the pencil Dana needs to intensifying endless guns in or pencil they end Michigan right right, I mean George when he says that do they mean putting aside factory Bramble occurred, the declared that he won't Georgia. It may very well with Georgia, but Georgia's very close at this point.
I just don't I dont like the stuff I would be. Ought I spent half my showed ripping off the Pennsylvania age. For saying the exact same thing, I think there are no, I don't think they're gonna take, which is that the Pennsylvania. Eighty actually has a thought. In the Pennsylvania election and almost wrongly, like it doesn't have any authority are banned and end. The principle at the age of saying, before they even vote, started becoming the thing that Donald Trump in this speech, is he not easy? Not you not only just made the case a quantified, it they want to find a large, significant leads and and might take on this is different, you're, has might take, as that is that he is saying that the fraud occurred when they stopped the counting period. You that's, why did it and there's no question that whatever happened to stop the counting happened because Donald PET commanding leads in all of these states. Now, if you're right,
I will try to actually get lost. States was to say the gods, counting the boats. We get an actual count for once then you, ok, so maybe Trumpet Lucy States, but it's the stopping of accounting. That its and if the stopping of accounting in the same way that you throw a circuit breaker when the market starts to crash, because what it does is it takes away was Biden to establish the narrative, and I think what trumpeted was. He established the counter narrative and I think he did it right up front than I tired of our side having to say constantly I'm with you about the about the about the past, missions backing these prototypes around two percent, while the honor, but there comes a point We have to say that if you are going to be victim of a fraud. You dont say I'm a victim of fraud right now. Right now, then, we will be set in stone the sooner he makes that claim the sooner than I want him to win
right. I know you wanted oars him. I don't want to. When I want all. I want him to win, I what I want, I don't. what is the situation in which either here and he has- he- has preemptively lesson his own victory by doing this or he loses and then buddy on our side of the island, wanted him to win, leaves without proper evidence that deal that the election is false and wrong by the way he also, to just as a matter of pr step on the fact that they retain the Senate and they one additional houses right. What we he weighs well I'm playing except that for Donald Trump again, we ve talked about his his flaws and his virtues tonight. One of its fundamental flaws. His Donald Trump, doesn't care if Republicans retained the Senate. If Donald Trump doesn't retained the presidency not wired. To think that way, Donald Trump doesn't take. It is not a self sacrificial figure. Donald Trump sees the entire election is as about Donald Trump, that southern from sees the world, he sees fit,
for the same on any spell those without his name on it. That is named, should one day be on right. So I think I think what I would say is I dont, like the President saying, as far as he is concerned, he's one of David: that's the I think that I agree with Bill and Michael, but to say that a fraud is happening right now, when you start counting the vote in states where he is I do believe that that's a fraud it it's a fraud, it may not be stealing the election, but it they kind of fraud is giving the opportunity for capriciousness they if your ears the break ironic laughing stock market thing is accurate. Something could happen in a collapsing stock market organically to stop the collapse, but they're not giving that thing the opportunity to play a pressing, stop every. I have a question what you like I am perfectly willing to say that that may in fact be fraud. I am not willing to say that that is in and of itself fraud. what are they doing like I need some evidence of what is that ever happened. Slovenia has new was with for this cycle. They got that the whole. Let's keep on voting until we drank
that's a put Pennsylvania so agreed at different society, lost their immediately regular spot, we ve had in those in those other states was a significant lead and it was an ongoing lead. So why did they stop counting? Where have they stopped I join you know because every single election of his I've ever seen, certainly this country. It may take two or three o clock in the morning until they count the boat, but they keep counting. will they get a number so number one. Why did they stop and more importantly, I think, is how they have the power to stop and get away with it. In other words, they were able to throw that circuit breaker on this election and somehow they got away with it and and and how does that up and well, I think Dennis speaking in a universe that I recognise as the moral universe. She saying something that is absolutely right and true unfortunately, were not living in that universal, giving the universe narrative in which one side controls a narrative completely has been useful. That narrative for wheat, if not longer to set up a sin,
whereby they could steal the election and down front protests which seem b, the moral air and shrank Donald Trump as always does because he's tone deaf to it. He doesn't care about. It is ignoring that narrative and setting a narrative of his own. You know I have to say that there has been pretty affect them for the last four years. It bothers. Two. It bothers me what he just. This is the issue that, because now it it bothers me what he just said, but he's a voice. He's a man alone against an incredible machine. Wait Mannheim in what world is unanimous, wait wait hold on. We spend our lives defending the why every one of us in this room spend our entire life defending against the law they are telling it you're telling me that there is not. One of us would be out there screaming with him. The top of the building about border from in Pennsylvania when it is evidenced literally said that he should have said in that speech. If there is voter probably have where's on the ground in every state to make sure that this fraud is not. That does not get started.
I once again I want to see. As always, I wish Trumpery that guy. I wish we had the way of framing things without incredible strategy. He doesn't he he's a hammer, but he's come up against a very big mail, but you d, they really have worked this and they have the power to work it. We don't have the power sheep than out of the way they do yet an, and so he is Back against that narrative. Does he do clumsily. Does he do it urgently and wrongly yeah? Ok, but but you discount that, now than it was in a more as a moral entered, I discovered I'm on his. I want him to fight. I understand the narrative. They all want him. If I backing as when you do not have one, I was one. We do it in a way that doesnt set the predicate from the next democratic narrative, which is going to be that if there is violence in the cities, then blame him, for this is what a blizzard- and this is the biggest potential danger to the President tonight- is that the left has been setting up. The left has trumps number right now. They ve known for
it's what he would do in this moment, and I start creating you say: he's owning the narrative right now, my name is only now that I'm saying he's fighting the narratives within our they. They bade him, I think, into making this statement. Is it what he just said: it's what they are the most prepared for them to have said that the danger I can't I wanna be careful about. that's accurate, I'm not seeing what states have paused the voting. I see some chatter about postponing the president. We didn't widens, was vice householding postal Service actually passed their voting have received these states called think they'd, always an agent shopping halls, sometimes unnoticed Pennsylvania, because this insane ruling by forever is there any call for the voting to not be counted yet. He said, keep voting. It He tells me to vote in Arizona, but we need to stop. What's going on in the blue states did not use their vote counting, he said, he's a cheap counting, the boats he wanted not inconsistent. He kept counting the boats according to his lead and his
Friends in Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, then he is the next didn't or even the president again, I'm not I'm not sure. If that's true, we have talked about economics. Forty saying somebody saying is binding boats he's one is very explicit about is keep counting votes, don't keep accepting. right when you vote there should not be new powers are coming under this system, which I think is actually act. I don't think new balance should be coming into the system, so so banded I've ever known you spoke for you, and this is this is it this is a genuinely serious issue and I dont know the answer to it, but here's what it comes down to four me when Welcome Marines first faced the Japanese and Guadalcanal they fought them. spare me the way they fought. Every other warned where they fought, even with the former in Germany, but when they found out the Japanese would would wave of surrender flag and then they would go and take the surrender than big machine gun these guys down or somebody is calling for a corpsman has a japanese soldiers, gotta a grenade and at explodes and takes three people out there,
The Marines have to make a decision, and that decision is. Do we fight their level or do we lose, and then that is the issue and I dont have a simple answer for that, but there does. But the question is simply this: were fighting a dishonourable opponent and you decide that you're going too far. honourably, and that means that by fire Honourably. You lose the pause. Then evil takes over. I just alone about statement fight the causes may issue meaning that they haven't lawyers. I was small for having. They are to make sure that the broad doesn't occur. I'm awful! I actually generally agree with this. I think that the president's statement was not on the whole useful. I think that the left let him into a statement if he gave it to them. I think that he there are aspects of the speech of a very strong. I think there are a few places where you oversight
and played right into the hands of Jack Dorsey. Here I wouldn't be surprised if, over the next few minutes, we see, for the first time the president actually get suspended from some of these social carbon from Sunday, social, five ones, because each He just crossed the red line that they ve been setting up for him for the last several weeks. The let's put aside, sometimes listen. We we often discuss disagree about the president's tone in tenor, but actually talk about what's going to happen next, where is it away, what are we about the sea take place, then the big line by the weather is not That's what he says I want our voting stop. I think that we all agree here that the media is gonna, take down on our contacts and are going to use that to suggest that he actually wants people not to have the doubts legally counted. What he means is: don't you counting ballots after there. There even arrive here lately cast today. If they arrive at four o clock in the morning, then that's passport that the deadline. I get that its Frankly, we did when the election, that is,
I thought I don't lie. I grew very sad as far as I'm concerned, I mean how certain qualifiers it is. You know it's an important qualified, as one is from ever been responsible in doing this. The only thing that does always combat always comes back to me. from drive me crazy this way and as he says, he thinks I just wanna like shaken and say no, that's not the way you put that, but I understood, and that he is up against this. awful narrative that is set up by light. Cooperation so huge with such reach that here and then by the white with Bio, binding, didn't need to say. As far as I'm concerned, we won the election because the entire establish that networks for Joe Biden he's saying it for him. beside a form of anger. Forty four weeks and energy already been saying at work within eleven. I and again I get all
then I also get that Hillary Clinton been for years claiming that european elections we lost in detail during the governor of Georgia, and I will say something about election respect from the Democrats that are not willing to hear you, and I will say that one of the worst thing that could happen- and it is a real possibility- is that if Donald Trump loses and if he kind of pulls the Hillary Clinton incidents, the next forty years questioning the legitimate of the election, which will almost certainly the then there is no one west who actually believes in the system is the left. Check the system they want to make the system. This system is fundamentally flawed if the right can't, if the right doesn't believe in the system in a more we're in a true cried, as all the country, we're gonna go to the daily Wire WAR room and hear from LISA crowds,
going down there from other guys. We are wrapping up the night I have been here. I think for like twelve hours spent a lot of fun and for some final consensus on what's happening on social media, I'm gonna talk it over to casting Dylan. So right now, social media? Everyone is talking about the speech that Trump just gave for his osier supporters. It really energize than they gave him some confidence by, non supporter group, there very angry about it. People are, and consolidate their saying. I was wrong with what happened Some people are saying that it's wrong. They it'll go to the Supreme Court. One person said this is bad so a lot of different messages coming out around his speech seems pretty partisan. just how most of his features goes, I will see what happens. We're gonna have to keep I and social media for the next twenty four hours? It looks like to really know what we were thinking.
What's going on, so I went to toss it back over to you guys the clothes at the night, our aid and, of course we have the war room. Eighteen, I think we can collars dominating. It's been a lot of fun. We ve covered a lot of information were still waiting on a lot of information to come in editor in chief of the daily, where Beckley what happened Could it have ended any other way? Actually not since not over It still go on other still results to come in if we look at it, look America's honestly. What's The situation Trump We said he underwent. Seven of the twelve battleground states looks like he's five of them Albania, his way ahead in his right about that. Can he possibly lose its statistically? Yes, you can lose it so it is. It is possible, Both countries have an argument Arizona appears likely probably lost it. So we have talked about that with a different scenario. Second scenario took him:
town in Arizona Lawson. Can he win with Arizona without Arizona? Absolutely you can win. one in Wisconsin witches performance pretty well again, Could you lose when all the counts in? Yes, of course, you get two hours from now work were told it bore the cats coming in the hinges. No one can handle sign up early. we'll find out more about myself, I wake up tomorrow morning. I know a little bit more got Wisconsin and by, but I'm warning you mean like in a few minutes. It is tomorrow, maybe some excellent answer We also Pennsylvania. This we knew this is gonna, be a problematic stay. We knew both both can its focus, focusing on it, big time in despair. only with the late count allowed for up to three days ago. the people are talking about look as we might not know till Friday. Let's hope there the case, but it might be the case. So there's lots that to continue to do and for those last become
It became a scimitar really clear. not given an edge leaders gonna given us, so this is gonna go all the way every vote every last legal argument. That's a desert the next few days. I wanna things tat we ve been talking about throughout the night with you guys and here in the war room. Is the media narrative of what's happening, that too close to call or not even calling actual states that from hence one or even biting Harris One and in there's something earlier. They spoke about. You thought that maybe twenty twenty would be a consensus and would be able to have a consensus on the media and is this election, a media, a referendum on the media. As of now, where does that said? Yes, Really. This election is obviously very politically based its politics. but I think part of it is also a cultural referendum, and Trump is an entirely cultural figure and so we ve had for years by the media, have basically lied to us by light,
face, told us not to believe our own lying eyes. They told us. The burning cities are just the result of peaceful protests. He's been time time after time, but they clearly just pushing Democrat narratives, this was archer as conservatives to reject that make a very, very clear statement that the media and Biden or not design as representatives the problem with this outcome is. It creates a delay it creates for the adrenaline lie, we're all feeling right now to fade for the media to calm down redirect inherited terrain, whatever needs to be like this. need to be definitive to be a definitive indictment of their behaviour and the luck. this definition is really gonna. I think make that for them they're gonna, get away with. It is my my real concern, ok and then began that narrative. What are you walking way with tonight? Cabot I mean we also didn't see the blue way. We ve been talking all night long about these polls that had Biden and Harris up the couple digits, not quite double judges,
pretty significant beyond the margin of error ended. being wrong, and things are so so, bad for the European the House in the Senate. There's not a lot of certainty right now, the presidential race, but there is and he had one thing this. The narrative of the blue wave did not have We were assured from president comes first thing office. There will be a huge blow back. If it wants to have a chance to go back, they'll show that this was a terrible mistake. They made that We did not happen and clear evidence of that. Beyond how close presidential raises is the same. The Republican, looking like their known, the ends, when all is said and done was governor of elections in Georgia is going down in January, but when all set we're. Probably looking at fifty two majority for Publicans and the Senate, take away. Their job does when and if court packing becomes a serious policy proposition. It's gonna, be there difficult to get that done with the Senate now in republican control at something that, if you
still uneasy, conservators unease about what's happened, the trump they can go to that, knowing that they ve got much Mcconnell standing Guard. If, if you will on his genetically cooking michilimackinac, they lay the nyamatsanes, but I think that's the main take weight and the second take weight in brought up is just the way the media, the Ceta repudiation of the media. This is people seeing where's that I have been like DR, been misled for Democrats, talk of different police differently for the american people over mad about what the media has been preaching. Then you- the media you pay for paying for that media. That's why the whole night I've been thinking. Do you want her? We're not gonna put you through. All that define the media comes when our team s words, every family was Pittsburgh on a key for paying Mama needs to get paid. That is lying here, habit and Beckley. It's been a lot of
a lot of fun total honour guys talking about you and we are saying good night from the war room. It was Thank you for the good work tonight, thanks to everybody in the social media WAR room and in the writing in and data war, room thinking, Cassie Dylan for her great work tonight to you and to have it for your terrific pre game show which went on for three hours? This act I think brought our daily wire members a lot of great information. It's been and undo. Livable night fellows in four minutes: they're gonna clothes. I believe, though, there suppose have what does it mean this pattern? Seventy thousand absentee ballots in Michigan if anyone was concentrated concept if those come in and they do not break heavily for four Biden, then some pretty job in Afghanistan right now. He leads by about a hundred thousand votes in Wisconsin. Are nine thousand votes in Wisconsin, there's no way firms and reporting in from medicine and from a walkie, but it is wage close for Democrats to feel any sense of comfort
in Wisconsin, then what is your take? Wisconsin is of more liberal state than Pennsylvania Social. Does this mean that goes well, obviously for her in Wisconsin, if Wisconsin's, if he's here, when he was content, then settled he becomes the favourite again right if he maintains Wisconsin assuming he maintains Georgia, which again is extremely extremely close, then comes the favourite again in the election, after having lost Arizona Has there been confirmed by several different Atlantis, as it has in to me for the presidency, Arizona. I've spent some time in earnest even during covered and its it seems like just classic from territory. I mean just wake Cindy Mccain, is that the differences that what's happened, I think the key. He really takes off a lot of people with the suburbs area around seen its really cut against him, and you saw this in the christian Cinema. Election Reggie should lost an election. having changed, she had a radical and re under age, Heather, bevy of material for doing kind of crazy things and die. She ended up winning an election fairly narrowly. It was both
the internet in the horse last four years. That is a state that seems to be twenty more the purple direction or the blue direction, even our Lord. It Please be training. More read, a higher seems between more read the question of All the animals garden is whether the outliers last time over those is that all that are training red overall the much much much better life. it means nothing. Anybody had a right to expect based on appalling data going enemy. The fact is that there are people in our guns maintained a centre majority. That is a big win, and a lot of that has to do with the coattails of president Trump in some of these states. Read me. The fact is that, from winning North Carolina, probably pushes Tom tell us who outperforms by a couple of points over them. Finish line. The fact is that it intervention in Iraq, Some of the states like I'd like his late breaking surgeon. I would definitely help Johnny urged in Iowa, but collins while we are performed and made so criminal. That's. It was really big Danes, outperforms Montana those centres. His mattered, an awful lot in the presidential race Florida, the early
exploitation by the balls, they use no loose warning. He wins Florida walking away. He wins Ohio, walking away your Georgia to close for comfort. North Carolina closer than should be by now, we're still finding out what exactly is going on its powers, sort of final speech. Our bottom line is that, like virtual everything else from says: it's gonna get litigate in court and all of the to talk about. You know whether he wondered whether he was gonna move by the wayside like much else that he says I think it'll be ill end up being a more like a tempest, any teapot than than anything else where, when it all and done, but the election isn't over somebody's house. You, the election, is over at this point. That is because their not being completely honest worthy of the factories that, until these big numbers come in front, he has not been counted in Pennsylvania. Ok, let's go. make a rather large difference. Even though Trump has some hundred thousand voted that have they not counted anything from Pennsylvania, Halleck half of Philadelphia Philadelphia sound something like Gaza. Where
You are in the in the state obviously makes a big difference. Is the ones coming and it's not as though everything is evil proportion in some sixty percent of them is a hundred percent right right. It all depends on words. Come again for the first time since two thousand and eight and you're gonna go to bed on election night, not knowing is actually won. The presidency is that no matter how you twice it, that is bad for our republic. That is bad for people's faith in our institutions. Therefore, people's faith in our system of government and any time people have question anytime, you have a bad night for a system of government is a good night for the left. So the problem that I It is at this point, even if the president does secure his re election over the next hours were days or weeks. We we have lost something important tonight to the narrative to the left the way the people perceive them. Another thing a clean when was on the table for from here. I hear the words ready now Germany is he gonna just said, listen because it exactly were forbidden said, but then in what way, and then, when
the evidence of them. He you the president, although in Hall oppressor any time you want, I mean if he says, I'm speaking right now, all the camera job is president. So He could easily have done this tomorrow if there is actual evidence of voter fraud pouring. or Philadelphia started. Taking you no false votes. There were postmarked or something like that, and there will be lawsuits in pencil. They in their probably should be lawsuits in pencil, mainly because their voting standards a garbage. As far as one of the vote, was it not in all of that, and not just that create potential for I would have seen as Allegheny County in Pennsylvania just Petworth. They they paused. The vote count because so. I guess they said they were short on staff in Milwaukee. Didn't it. possible cabotage as there is an election onto my in Milwaukee. Didn't actually was the vote count they just neither can release, although totals from walking, the absentees at the same time, so it did you to give a continuous after their release. It is about which, obviously, since not a local lunch unofficial. I don't know how that is supposed to work to be debated.
honest with you right, there's something illegal there. There are many many many many many lawyers on the ground was ten albert. Washington Post, as was, can be very, very tight book about getting bows coming from a walkie county by a hundred sixty two thousand Biden, curly head by fifty three thousand from curly head by a hundred and ten thousand, if binding, picks up enough to reach parity is threatened, sixteen, there are virtually died, so well everything much too close for comfort, obviously I do think you know what what is doing and weaken, I think we all feel a little squeamish at least about what he did. But what is doing, is setting his own narrative and- and it is my contention that the left was accuse them whatever they were, not use him up and Whether he takes the battery doesn't like debate. They were going to push their narrative tomorrow that that their Biden, Biden had won, an Trump decided to to jump on top of that and pre empt it. You know, we said we were gonna make predictions we await a really didn't make predictions. I'd have very little bit of money on the election of, but
made it a little bit of money. Does anyone make a big rotation, the one election prediction I made it? This would happen. The one why confrontational made is that this would go to court and the president has already promised us Someone is the old story you we wouldn't have gotten this far. If you weren't trump and we'll be sitting here, yes, uncomfortable if you weren't drop, I mean it always is always the same thing with trompe comes with his his virtues and is flaws in the same back and get at as do we or do. I want to thank all of our viewers tonight, many millions if you have turned it over the course of the evening, and we thank you for that. I think our data wire subscribers and members thank you for making it possible for us the work that we do. Thank you for coming on. This journey, what all the announcement that we made tonight or to add value to your membership. Candice Owens with us live in Nashville Prager use entire catalogue behind our.
walk three new investigative journalist Sunday morning show called morning wire and for the first time fiction we're gonna move into film and and tv in and film on the fiction side. All of that is going to becoming with much more specific announcements over the coming. Weeks a couple of months, we couldn't be more excited, were making enormous investments because we have to replace the media. So thank you for spending time with a snipe thanks for because subscriber over daily wire dot com? It's not too late to be only used to promote code election you'll get your twenty five percent off and you're gonna need it, because all of this is gonna. Kick back up in just a matter of a few hours. We're gonna go, get a small amount of sleep. Come back ready to. You obviously will all wake up. The incredible news in the morning, breaking news and you're gonna get the best analysis of that news right here at the daily wire. Thank if turning in with us tonight- and we will see very very certain what wages it I'm thinking fellows for the greater good.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-04.