« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 988 - Trouble With The Curve


As America flattens the curve, questions arise about what comes next; the media beclown themselves with a variety of foolish narratives; and Alyssa Milano discovers due process.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As America flattens the curve questions arise about what comes next immediately clown themselves, with variety of foolish narrative and Alyssa Milano discovers due process, I'm Ben Shapiro, this the bench Ben Shapiro, today's bench here. I'll show you sponsored by expressing BP and your online activity should not be public, protect herself at expressive, gps, dot, com, slash ban, all right well time for your corona virus updates, because once more this The only thing happening on planet earth in the news at all, and it's the only thing anybody cares about which makes perfect sense. The United States is past eleven thousand total deaths. This comes basically, we can a half after we were less than three thousand. The United States is seeing a significant curve in turn,
of cumulative debts, but in terms of a new cases we're not seeing cumulative growth? It looks more arithmetic than cumulative it's a percentage of the new tasks that are being taken, we're not sing a sharp uptake in the number of new cases that are being that there are out there more just and uptake a number of cases that are identified as we are doing more testing yesterday, New York's, all five hundred ninety nine deaths according to world amateurs, which is the Johns Hopkins RIP did over. All the United States yesterday saw about twelve hundred and fifty five. That's. These are not good numbers, obviously, but we are starting to see the curve flattened somewhat, and everybody is sort of optimistic, Andrew Cuomo in New York. He said the data are hopeful but inconclusive at this point. Here governor of New York is hopeful, but it's also inconclusive and its depends on what we do right these models or a coefficient of what we do?
and how successful we are social, distancing, etc, and from our decision making point of view, it doesn't really matter. If we ve hit the plateau or not because you have to do the same thing if we plateau we we are. Towing at a very high level. Tremendous stressed on the healthcare system. Okay, so he has said that the crown of areas that have been flat, that's the plateau that he is talking about. The idea is that if you keep halving the number of deaths day after day after day as bad, eventually want that number to go down, we have not had the peak at the peak is expected to hit some time later this week. The study that everybody had been using in order to determine exactly how many deaths there would be is, of course not.
Mercy of Washington Study and they had projected that overall peak resource use in the United States would not happen until April fifteen, twenty twenty in New York. They were expecting that this thing would happen just a little bit later. This week it wasn't, it was going to precede the rest of the United States. They have downgraded, as I mentioned yesterday, the number of total doubts to eighty two thousand in the University of Washington model Andrew Qualmless as the corona virus- that's our indeed flat, which has again good news, Minafer continuing to go up and down below, but scarier and again that the number of court of our steps, if we were to plateau exactly where we are in the United States. I'd be some very, very good news, because we are expecting that this thing is supposed to kill some three thousand people by the middle of the month in a single day and right now again were at about thirteen hundred, which is ugly, but it is nowhere near three thousand years Andrew Cuomo, pointing out the corona ourselves have been flattening city, four thousand seven hundred and fifty, which is
from one. Fifty nine, but which is effectively flat for two days While none of this is good news, the flattening past, slackening of the curve is better. Then the increases that we have seen before we're looking at now is what what is the curve and we ve been he about cases increase increase increase until they don't win stop increasing, then what freeze- and that is the real question- is where we go from here. So what you're? Seeing from cities all over the nation is an attempt to keep people in their homes. The sometimes takes very disturbing informs would seen people being pulled over in place like Pennsylvania, for literally just going for a joint ride, like literally
in time driving there's nothing wrong with that. Its absurd one of the big problems when you have an emergency is that petty tyrants often emerge and then use their petty tyranny as an excuse in order to do really stupid things. There is nothing I getting in your car and going for DR their kids and driving right back home. I do with my kids all the time, because anybody with kids understands you must do this or your kids will go completely mad rip all of the windows off the hinges and start hitting each other with them. You need to get them outside there's no place to go outside. Sometimes you, the romantic, aren't you go for an hour drive that is not a big deal. You have not heard these social distancing curve. All of this is very stupid. It has also taken the form of some pretty freaky very in your city, where the police, oven using groans, does help people to socially distance. Isn't I get it? I do, but it's kind of weird here is this video from New York City
random. Renew your only mean in your name or your did George. I think that's particularly effective having roads that are for fear of walk. What he's and telling people to socially distance print, presumably not, and I look forward judged red arriving to do justice in the middle of of all of us know the reason that obviously there's an amount of focus that there is on these death totals and on the curve is the fact that the the experts keep saying that we can only lower the Corfu continued key people indoors. Afraid of is that people going to say all looks like things are better than they rush out of doors and they in fact each other over and over so doctrinaire. Burke's was, of course, leading up the court of auditors, taskforce and white ass. She said the death total.
Could be a lot lower than we are seeing from University of Washington, but only if we work hard and only if we pay attention to the orders to socially distance instead home doktor fashion. I I strongly believe that If we work as hard as we can over the next several weeks that we will see potential to go under that numbers that we're predict by the models- and I think that Is really to things it is the extraordinary compliance of the american people and they didn't diligence that they have mitigated with, because remember, we are doing this strictly behavior change and in She says: there's not a lot of tracking in place right now. Basically, I guess the goal is that we lower the curve again below the point where we are
the hospital system, as the University of Washington Study shows that actually is likely. We are now likely to not exceed that the requirements of the hospital system actually, as we adjust these totals downward. But the question is gonna, be what happens? Afterward and listen. I'm offer the hopeful language again I like it. I mean it's good. I think that we ought to continue to maintain this sort of thing until we have the date of the problem. Is that now that the data seems to be showing that we are flattening faster than we actually thought was going to be possible? How fast can we actually get back to you something whence normalcy factor Anthony found. She also sounds it off along with alongside Deborah he's. Have we too are hopeful? I dont think Anyone is ever medical. The way I'm seeing people mitigate right now. This has never happened in this country before so I am optimist. Always cautiously optimistic that if we do it when talking about over the past few minutes we can make. That number go down except every day that we're gonna
have to have a hunch, two two hundred thousand debt. I think We can really bring that down no matter what model says everybody is suddenly optimistic and away. They were not optimistic, just a little while ago, we'll get to what the studies are showing, what the data are showing in what are the shortcomings of those data because, as it turns out, all the models are basically What everybody knew this going in and what that Each serve unfollow, viable thesis because every time are just a downward. We just healthcare or adjusting the model. Is new data comes in and then the it becomes okay well, but you modeled with a certain level of certainty. What exactly everything would look like in the counterfactual if we had not all locked down or if we had done so partial lockdown, if we let the healthy people go to work or if we had taken really and we basically segmented them off in the end, the vulnerable and segment in them up, but we were basing our action. On these models and as the models change, our actions should change where actions
not to be changing even as the models change, because nobody has set out any sort of reliable counterfactual. In that case, to give a brief example, let suggest added states experiencing well under eighty thousand doubtful to the United States comes in at say. Fifty thousand doubts- or forty thousand does right in line with the actual numbers that you get every year from the flu enough the flu? Those number of that's happened when we're all going out infecting each other, and this is happening in the absence of us going out and infecting each other bloody we get. Forty thousand deaths but you narratives that emerge, and this is the highest likely. But here is that we actually do a pretty good job and flattening the curves fewer deaths than expected in the first wave, and then you have one side. It says okay, so models are totally wrong and we but the entire american economy and we went to twenty percent unemployment on the basis of models that were wrong. Why did we pursue it this way and other sites? Well, if we haven't pursued it, this way than millions would be dead and there's not gonna, be anyway to bridge that gap at all. Why? Because you can't live in a counterfactual universe, because we actually don't know the counterfactual models we're supposed to provide the counterfactual. But how are you
both to trust the models worst case scenario when their moderated? case scenario, meaning even if you stay indoors, hundred thousand people are gonna die or if the numbers, When way under that? That's all It's the entire model- and this is one of the people do they have going forward because one of the ways that the experts in the folks in charge, and scientists are going to suggest that we stay indoors is again suggesting the counterfactual and a lot of people get a look at the count of actual say wherever you suggested. A counterfeit you're. Like a few months ago, you said two and a half million people were them an eye, and then he said we also endorse? Still a quorum. Keyboard- and I am so we all did stay indoors and forty thousand people died or thirty thousand people died right, and so why should we curiously a worst case scenario like what do you know that we don't and the answer is that a lot of the experts still no more than the average man, I'm not proclaiming that I'm epidemiologists letting a dangerous for anybody to proclaim that. I still think the experts know lot, but they dont know a lot too and their not being transparent about what
I don't know and then actually is going to undermine faith in the experts at a time when the experts are suggesting that we have to listen to them, no matter what right I mean. That's that's the biggest problem here. If you have somebody who proclaims expertise on the subject and then the wrong and a bunch of things, they haven't, told you, where the uncertainties why it makes everybody pretty nervous about the expertise, sometimes make people feel that the institution itself has discredited nets, dangerous waste Radical transparency is necessary and indeed explain or out their explaining the models in unexplained or out their explaining. Why we, doing what we're done, but the truth is. I am not sure that the politicians when the economist or the health care professionals, the epidemiologist, actually no full scale why we are What we are doing in long run or gets that interest on like this really is catches. Catch can read. This really is that we are, are betting that maybe worst case scenario happens. Couple million people die, and so we sort of just said lock it down. Right now is the first move, just lock it down, and now that that has been made the extreme. Where do you go from here? That's the really tough question that keep harping on that cause. It's pretty important that we end what is going on.
Right now I mean Tony Blair of Labour Party right, he was saying was in the end. I trusted gonna collapse if the economy collapses. Do you talk about their healthcare services in Britain you can keep taking our endless them in paying for the healthcare service, because what, if that is not sensible, it'll get more of this in just one second, first, let us talk about the fact that there are lots of things. In life you get wrong like, for example, everybody got everything wrong on everything with regard to corona virus, except for like a couple of people while it is, it is very, easy to get things wrong in life. Are the european it or whether you're, just a person going there their daily business. One thing that you cannot afford to get wrong is your life insurance of irresponsible human being? One of the things that you should be doing is taking out life insurance. We got a family, anyone make sure that your revenue stream does not stop in case you plot. Well, you need to make sure that your family's taking care of get life insurance with policy genius. Dotcom policy genius makes finding the right life insurance a breeze. In minutes. You can compare quote from the top insurers and price, you could say fifteen whereabouts or more every year by using policy genius to compare life. Insurance policies want to apply the policy genius team.
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did flattening in New York City in that does bode well for other cities. Actually, you can see the trend lines flattening in New Jersey, its flattening in Michigan, even though Michigan obviously is having the scary uptake and number of deaths away has been basically flattening. None of the criminal exponential in terms of confirmed cases, all of the curves look like this: they all the curves look like their flattening out and that's a very little parabolic. That's that's very good thing, but I mean that that that's exactly what we are looking for. The growth rate new cases continues to slow in New York. The change in the growth rate day over day is, is for what one percent down California four point. One percent down Washington four point: seven percent down Michigan: seven point: six percent down met Massachusetts, six point: seven percent down slowing transmission is beginning to reduce deaths in your city than we're daily jets has actually been decreasing since the weekend, which indicates a decreasing strain on medical systems and reduces worries that hospitals will be overwhelmed with corona virus cases. Now. Remember, there's a lot of worry about ventilators being
having to be rash and there wasn't. There would have been events. Waiters on order, while Admiral Breccia are who is this and Secretary of Health in human terms is he's, isn't everything who needs events. Waiter has got one of our right. There's nothin anybody's walked into the hospital, and somebody says: ok, sorry, olive ventilators are usually have to die here in the waiting room. Here is Admiral Brett or are we later use gradually every single day and everything we'll state and down at the hospital level, so we have been able to meet and easily meet all the ventilator requirements have been brought us to us by the state. No one it has. I've, the ventilator that needs ventilator and As far as we can project looking at all models, every person who needs a demo later we'll get it later on Daniel Tenreiro, sorry Rosaria, the author of this piece of natural view, looking over sort of the record,
by the way. It is interesting to focus on ventilators, we'll get to the hydraulic works in question and just a little bit. His people are still going. Nuts overtone mentioned, had Roxy Working hours and open from treatment is no. Let me explain something bans later once all of us whether you are in serious, serious trouble. In the Sunday we had on a we had on a a doktor from using University of California San Francisco, and we talk specifically about what ventilator use means. He said anywhere from fifty to ninety and to people and ventilators will die okay, so the idea that the ventilator is sort of the cure. All I understand it's, the last gasp measure but you know it is not a last gasp measure, at least not. To that extent, I draw seek work. We write you start to degrade and they give you had Roxy Chloroprene, ok, you're right there have not been any clinical trials of heads. Working one of the reasons that have not been any clinical trials. Quadratic working is because it's basically unethical you have to people in a room
and then randomly select one of them to get head Roxy right. You can't do that instead give to ask people what they are willing to do. Informed consent is still an element of clinical trials, and you can't actually tell people who are dying. We're not gonna. Give you this experimental drug that is basically off label you EU can help people you're not going to do that so well. The media are fulminating overhead, Roxy, Chloroprene, theirs. Dangerously suggesting that ventilators almost Orton single thing that any hospital can have? At this point? The fact is bends letters are important, but you know what else is super duper important coming up with mitigating medications at this point, and if that means is experimental, If that means that the only evidence for his anecdotal so far. Well, the last thing you we do not have them then end up on the ventilator. Ventilator is not where you want to be a second. I wanna go back through the question of modelling because again it's based on these models that we are making the decisions and that's ok right as models change. We need
update our decision making processes and some of the solutions that we put forward are just not realistic when people are talking about contract racing in the United States. The question is how you contact waste, country of three hundred and thirty million people where people are fairly used to not being monitored by the government. South Korea has had contact pricing and play since two thousand and three since the Sars outbreak in the United States. What are we going to do ramp up contact pricing now when we have community infection and when the testing is not complete, If you're talking about ramping up to the point where you have a millions has today for people who are symptomatic and that you are there contact raised when the number of cases goes all the way down to zero, then you could talk about that seems fairly unrealistic, seems fairly unrealistic but wouldn't get to the point. We are concentrating every single person who has grown a virus in the United States when we
in the United States at last count. Three hundred and fifty thousand cases of corn a virus that have just been identified and tons of people are a symptom attic, maybe up to five to ten times that number that's can be pretty dams difficult, so we'll gets more of this in just one second, first, let's talk about the fact that now is pretty stressful time, and if you have some sort of genetic predisposition to losing your hair, like most guys do two out of three deeds are going experience, some form of male pattern bombers boats under dirty by now it be exacerbating that her last well. What you actually need are the approved clinical drugs that are useful in preventing hairless. How can you do this to this easily
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seen as models have been dramatically downgraded to battle. That's been getting most press in the United States is the university. Why model. I talked about this pretty extensively yesterday, it dramatically downgraded over the weekend the number of expected national debts from ninety. Four thousand eighty one thousand. They also really really driven We downgraded the number of hospital beds, they thought would be necessary and originally they thought that number robots. There were going to be necessary that that was going to that that was going to actually be a lot a lot higher? They thought the number of hospital beds. Those can be necessary. It could stack up at something something like two hundred and sixty thousand by August by August fifth. Instead, they declared they decreased. That number two hundred and forty thousand, which has declined of a hundred thousand. I see you beds needed a pink. They went from thirty nine thousand seven, her twenty seven down to twenty nine thousand two hundred and ten, which is a decline of. For ten thousand eyes, you bet invasive ventilators needed a big. They went down.
Thirty, two thousand all the way down to nineteen thousand. Those are really significant changes in the in the data that they have been providing to us and to the question becomes. Why did the changes occur? Well, first thing to understand about that University of Washington model: everybody is relying upon. Is it a curve fitting model there certain models that sort of attempt to model out what disease vectors look like by looking at particular factors and then speculating, but the the iMa cheat model actually at just use data as it comes in and fit the curved that is coming into originally they're. Using the wool hand, data than there were using the ITALY data and now as their starting at U S data, it looks like you S. Data is actually pretty different from ITALY data and also from my hand, data rubber were broken, has good explanation here, and national review, since the I make she model is very different from the imperial college. Mileage were a lot of attention a few weeks back empirical gentle simulated hell virus, spreads, throw population based on a host of assumptions about how easy,
the disease jump from one person to another and how often people come into contact with each other under various social distancing rules. There are major model by contrast, simply looks at what has actually happened elsewhere in the world. During this outbreak and then uses that information to predict what will happen in the? U S and individual states. That means that the item- eight she model lot more malleable because, as new data put any curve itself changes as opposed to as data comes into the Imperial College Malagasy, actually go in and change the factors that are being used. Where to calculate that model. So when the group release their new predictions, which came out just yet two days ago, they put out a big explanation, including salient petrol, death is head of the timber first release on March twenty six, the only location where the number of daily jets had already pictures will hand city these data for moving from the. This is our estimation of the time from the implementation of social distancing policies to the big Dave. That's one of the reasons that they were. In fact it was a longer curve to Peter Debts is because China was
about its numbers, restarting mass death very early, and then it tailed off really fast, which is why what you saw in the updated numbers from the University of Washington model is a quick rise to apex and then a fairly steep decline from apex. Since then, and additional seven locations in ITALY and Spain with large one virus epidemics appear to have reached the peak number of daily deaths Abbe in Spain, in ITALY, but today's update they say we now ask the time for implementation of social distancing policies to the peak of daily debts using all eight locations where the number of daily doubts appear to be peeking or to have the time of implementation of social distance into the peak of the epidemic is short and what was observed in will hand because China has been lying by the way NBC News when ye omens work, parroting all chinese propaganda, they had a story. Today between doubting America experiences over twelve hundred deaths, China reports, no new debts, yellow tunnel, no debts in Tiananmen Square also turns out that a communist country is a line country also dramatically downgraded in the study. What they Hospital capacity be necessary. Originally did you,
the ratio of eleven point, one hospital admissions, procope nineteen death, now they're saying seven point one hospitalizations per covered nineteen death, and that means what they are doing. Is there just multiplying the number of expected DES by the number of hospital admissions? So you saw the rate of death go down and you southern of hospital admissions, go down as a result of your hospital beds. Needed What chance of overwhelming the system Andrew Como yesterday by the they don't have a hospital bed problem in your city, is they might still haven't later problem, but that has not actually materialise in terms of being overwhelmed. At this point and in terms of hospital bed, that, apparently, is not a problem any more uncertainty in the modeling is both a good thing in the sense that if models were certainly right, that be very scary, it's also a problem because if you are making all of your decisions off of variable models,
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it's almost certainly wrong. All models are wrong, some just less wrong than others, and those are the ones that public health officials rely on NASA Tap climate model or Gavin Schmidt's. Has the key you want to know is what is happening in the future absence a time machine, you're gonna have to use a model. The latest projections show that where from forty nine thousand four hundred thirty one to one hundred thirty six thousand four hundred one Americans will die in the first wave which could last into the summer. A huge range of eighty, seven thousand so again that these mom, laws are somewhat useful, but they are not extraordinarily useful because they are uncertain. There is a huge range on them: they're, not great at modeling human behaviour and so the biggest problem of the model. As I keep mentioning went over and over. What does you d models that it just goes until the beginning of August? Doesn't tell you what happens in a second wave and we are beginning to see even while ITALY is flattening, an even while others consideration being put forward toward the toward. The reopening
places like ITALY, in Denmark, you're starting to a second wave in Asia, according to the can I times the japanese government they're, a state of emergency, the sweet to contain a corona virus, outbreak, shins or object. The prime minister is reportedly set to make a declaration for parts of Japan, including Tokyo, as the number of people infected with the virus continues to increase the news pushed up Tokyo stocked with investors, seeing the move as a positive for containing the break authorities reported a hundred and twenty new virus cases on Sunday, so their declaring an emergency in Japan which, until now have been fairly non hard hit. Also in Singapore, they have been re locking down in Geller areas no walking down dormitory complexes because people are coming in and reinventing everybody. So the big question is what happens when you start to open this thing back up, while ITALY and Norway are beginning to look at easing their lockdown after Denmark and Austria became the first two european countries solution. Restrictions as governments to grab the revised economies crippled by the containment measures without risking a second wave of infections. According to Bloomberg, ITALY, the original
and from the outbreak has begun to plan for emerging from lockdown selected firms could open in MID April, according to an official familiar discussions. Norway may also of these restrictions, with the press briefing scheduled later on Tuesday parts of ITALY's agribusiness and health sectors and mechanical equipment. Companies linked to those industries could be allowed to restart operations, but protection for workers will be critical for each company involved said a person, Who was talking on condition of anonymity. Afterwards, Measures designed to limit contact between people, european governments are seen growing evidence that shutting down much of modern life, his containing the disease, but the scale of the outbreak means officials need away any attempts to restart parts of the economy against the risk of reigniting. The spread Europe has been hard hit hardest hit by the pandemic. Denmark is gonna, press Had with cautious reopening against our day care in primary schools on April fifteenth, if the virus numbers remain stable, they got little also start toxic business leaders and gradual, moving employees back and offices, but with some restrictions in place for months to come this so
This is where the robbers can hit. The road will be fascinating to see what happens in these countries where they go back to some level of reopening. Now people are all over Sweden, because Sweden has basically allowed people to continue going to restaurants. You just don't go to the counter and said you said in your table a new social distance. They ve lab people to continue. Going to work to have kept their schools open, and so they ve seen a jump in death, but we're not gonna know again. The counterfactual, which is, if they had locked everybody home for a year, was not going to be better Was that actually going to turn up at her again? If that is the models are trying to tell you that over the next few months, you are less likely to die if you stay home, that is true. If the models are telling you, that, over the course of next year, you have precisely the same chance of dying if you go out staying in and everybody is just going to go out and that remains the question that no one is willing to answer. What happens with the second wave Once you got two guys use in place once you have the ventilators in place once you ve tested all the drugs- the? U can test, at least for the moment, then why are we not going
to a system where the people who are the most vulnerable, namely the oldest the people of pre existing conditions? Why are we not moving to a system where those people are basically contained offer self quarantining until we have a vaccine and everybody else who is much lower risk goes back to work because One of the things that we ve been seeing even in New York City, is that the people who are dying of corona almost entirely have pre can since when what we are seeing, the data in the data are fairly clear at this point, which is that the in, if you're older, you have a significantly higher rate of death. Have a pre? Existing condition is significantly higher rate of death, and you can see this. This this information is indeed available from the York City government in Iraq, city government is reporting in terms of rates by age, four hundred thousand people, if you aren't seventy five in order to cover nineteen acquisition, if you have caught the rate that has so far measured and again, the rate is not perfect, because the testing
Perfect if you're, seventy five in older than out of a hundred thousand people, you have about one point three percent chance, if you're so newfound older of having grown a virus. One point to five percent chance. If your sixty five seventy four one point two percent chance, if you're forty five to sixty four eight point: seven percent chance of your eating the forty four and you have a point: six, nine percent chance. If your as euro to seventeen, if you look at pre existing conditions, you will see that the the number of people of prey listing conditions is. It is fairly obvious that people have tremendous underlying conditions, and that is if you are typically going to die some looking right at the New York City, health data from today and here is- and I will get you what exactly are finds in just one moment. First, let's talk about your safety and security on your own property inside your own home, so I have for a long time. In word: does agents
area, my property we are seeing in in citys around the nation, Seattle allay knew your crime rates rising as the police are of whelms. Many of them are staying home as people in jail are being released instead of being put into prison or put on trial. This means now be a pretty time to protect your property, and this is why you need ring ring, gives you protection it report helps you create custom, affordable security for your home, video doorbells. Let you answer the door checking on your home any time from anywhere and full home security systems. Give you everything you need to protect your family, pets and property. With those outdoor security cameras, you can check it on every part of your house. You're not going to miss a moment is actually fairly useful. Not even for safety reasons You got my kids playing on the side of the house and gardening or something I can keep an eye on them. From inside the house, one dealing with the baby get us. Often when rings video doorbells when I go to ring dotcom, Slash Ben right now, start building customs security for your home today had on over the ring dot com lifespan? Again that is ring dotcom, slash men go check them out right now ring dot com, slash ban.
I've been using them for years. If I rely on them for my security and I got lots of security threats, you should certainly be able to rely on them for your security ring dot com slashing get started. Building that ring of security today, ok, while in just a moment we're gonna get, you need statistics from New York City again. I wish there more transparency. It seems like a lot of the ECB. Are trying to apply the number of young and healthy people are getting this thing in dying and downplay. The number of people who are elderly have pre existing conditions, who are dying and again it is. It is an enormous tragedy. Every time somebody dies of any of these causes, but certainly corona virus. It's not to downplay that. But if we're going to assess risk factors and who gets you go back to work and who does not stop pretending that every element to the population is equally susceptible denying of growth of our we get more or less in just one. Second, first and you haven't had a chance to see some more new content. All access life should had over it We weren't iconic check it out. Germany boring and I watched a couple of weeks ago. Originally it was scheduled for later this.
Accelerated it cuz you want to hang out with you understand everybody is at home. Everybody is feeling lonely everybody's going cut off Jean Alexis five, it's really informal. Basically, I just take your questions. I hang out with you. Sometimes I play classical music to annoy you off of my phone. All sorts of I wear a short sleeve shirt, which is, if it's at some did you ever thirsted. For then, this would be your time if not well too bad, because I'm not short, all they have kids inside go check. Out over a daily wire dot com, a pm Eastern five him Pacific tonight join us on the all access show tonight it is, I shall be hosting over a daily wired. Come are all access should become a member, and you can at any member and level of member is welcome at this point later will cut all the offer and all access but in the middle of a pandemic, we're not gonna. Do that, when more generous than that become member and hang out with us a daily where to come by and large, the fastest growing conservative podcasting radiation? asian I'm gonna give you right now: some of the IMF she met underline conditions in the state of me in the city of new.
They have the New York City, health data, and I wish that the state or a lot more transparent, because it doesn't actually tell you what the underlying health conditions are, and it's freaking everybody out, because it's fun of people in the United States are overweight and the people are taking statins for slightly high blood pressure. Lot of people have more mild conditions. Are those pre existing conditions? health data, doesn't really sad to see, the underlying illnesses include diabetes, lung disease, cancer, immunodeficiency heart disease, hyper tent, an asthma, kidney disease and July Liver Disease. So towns more serious? Here? Are the numbers on who is dying, so only two people have died under the age of seventeen in New York City, thus far, both of them had underlining health conditions. In the eighteen, forty four group, a hundred eighty people died, a hundred forty: four of them had underlying health conditions. Only twelve had no underlying health conditions. The other twenty four are still pending testing. Forty five to sixty four seven hundred. Seventy seven people Only twenty five had no underlying health conditions. Sixty five to seventy four
seven hundred and eighty nine people that only nine had no underlying health conditions. Seventy five and over one thousand four hundred and fifty four people have died me, nine had no underlying conditions now worse awaiting testing on some of the stuff, but the fact is that would that suggests, is if you have an underlying health condition. You are severely vulnerable from this thing. If you do not have an underlying health condition, then there's an almost extraordinary shot that you're not going to die of this. Gave your young and your healthy and your outworking approach not gonna die. Now you may transmitted to other people, and this is where these studies start to come in right, which is how easily is the thing transmitted? How fast ass it passed, but we may get to the point when we walk this thing down such that the elderly are at least protected for the moment, and those worth mute the compromise on protected, at least for the moment that we may have to say too that group of people, particularly guys you need to stay out of general.
Relation you need to stay home and listen. I know how rough and terrible that, as I understand her rough in terrible that is, I really do. I look my parents right now. There's sixty four years old there, suffered it. Why that our house everyday well number one? We need to help, but, more importantly, we know we don't have corona, because we had a closed loop before some stuff started. We're not super social, and they ve been here for now a month. Basically, in lockdown nobody's got it, and so that means we have a closed loop. What happens when we open back up by what happens when the governments, as my kids can go back to school, will now the chance to make has become carriers dramatically spike right chance that when I go back to work and my wife goes back to work and she's a doctor right at the chances that she becomes a carrier, those dramatically spike and once those spike then can my parents be over. Her house today have to walk themselves inside their house up until January all this stuff. These are really difficult and terrible decisions, but something that we are definitely going to have to look out because the case remains. Remains the fact that shutting down the world economy has pretty dire ramifications and again every
we should be acknowledging this at this point that the direct patients have shutting down the world economy is not insensitivity. It is not insensitive to think of the jobs of literally hundreds of millions of people all over the planet, including tens of millions of people in the United States, their food bank loans There are literally miles long right now in the United States, for people waiting get flew awaiting get food, and so the question is going to become, if we're not even balancing death right, let's say, for example, how can we best possible world? We not this thing down such that beginning of may you rates of death from this thing are basically twentieth day right. We really not the crap out of this thing and by the end of We are down to basically easier, alright we're really low, and then we said the people what most him euro compromised and the elderly we say to those people you need to stay home will bring your groceries drop him at the door step. You need to continue the self Orange
until you get the vaccination because you are the people most likely to die and everybody else go back to school, everybody else go back to work. Everybody else keep the economy humming and maybe that maybe the best we can do any sort of solutions that have been suggested by people who really know what they're talking about right: Scott Gottlieb over the FBI who's now an advisor to the Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, when people talk about contact, raising and hundreds of thousands of tests being done every single week and using the ass green model and electronic surveillance does not seem to in the United States sure is like South Korea has been doing. The sort of stuff for twenty years does not seem realistic to you in the United States better than the alternative which is staying home, but that's more real or does it see more realistic, say people gonna to start to go back to normal life? There if you are vulnerable and your elderly we're gonna have to quarantine you off until either heard immunity is reached or until a vaccine is developed and right now again, people are ripping on Sweden. For taking this exact strategy, I don't know whether Sweden is gonna pay off. Maybe Sweden does because
the things you're doing right now by flattening the curve, is ensuring More people do not get this thing, which means that people will get it in the far right felt. She has said this, a seasonal everybody is saying, MRS Seasonal, so what exactly is going to happen? Next, that's the big question Doctor Anthony Voucher says we may never go back do anything approaching normal here is. The here is the head of the National Institute for allergies and infectious diseases. Back to normal means, acting like there, never was a corona this problem. I don't think that's gonna happen until we do have situation will you can completely protect the population but we say getting back to normal. We mean something very different from what we're going through right now because, right now we are in a very intense mitigation. When we get back to normal. We will go back gradually to the point where we can function as a society, and I dont would that gradual looks like rain, or that looks like again. If you
the kids back to school. Grandparents are still gonna have to walk down their referendum into my kids. Go back to school room rampant grandma have that they d have to walk out, and so they have to do. This is the way. Nor I am no going back to semi normal looks like many people go back to the office if you think they're not gonna get reinvented. I don't know a planet you're living on re like that. If they say that we have to wait till fourteen days of no cases, that's not going to happen, there will not be in a country of three hundred and thirty three and fifty million people there's nothing to come. A point like ITALY's talking about reopening right now ITALY's talking about how they go back to a partial reopening and ITALY had like a lot of death yesterday ok. Italy still had, as of yesterday, six hundred and thirty six deaths right. They had over thirty five hundred new diagnosed cases in ITALY and they're. Talking about reopening right now in Norway, which is talk about reopening, had finally debts in a hundred. Seventy eight new diagnosed cases yesterday so nobody's down to zero
The country this is their known as Euro is China underlying? So can we at some point out, like a realistic assessment of where things are going to be I really don't think anybody has been particularly realistic about this stuff, especially in light of the fact that again, you're not going to keep the economy walk down, and if you really believe that people are going to sit there and take her one thousand two hundred dollars check and be happy for them. We're months while losing their job permanently. If you think that I mean, I know, parents in New York City right now in their apartment, with three kids unable to go to a public park unable to take their kids on, walked, lock him for three weeks. You think you can be able to do that for another three four five, seven months, not going to happen not going to happen. Ok, meanwhile, the media continue to the clown them when a wide variety of issues, Don Lemon Objective journalist who use really journalists being hard. Yesterday, he was shot At the moon shouting at present in Trump
Are you going to take? Are you mad as hell mad as hell over what? What is the thing I'm supposed to be mad as hell over exactly from saying, dumb stuff welcome to Trump world? That's what he does, but am I supposed to be mad, now she embarks on running the show, because those are the people. The media would like to warn the show Rehman trumpets taking their advice. It might well be mad ventilators are being delivered. They are and requirements thanked the White House pretty much every day for their work. With him. Gavin Newsome has been thinking the White House every single day, Gretchen whip. And in Michigan has been thanking the White House, every single that I just don't understand what we are supposed to be so often angry about dont want, and it does make any sense, mahars dominant for the last couple of weeks when I walk into this building I get in for this camera. I swear I feel like I'm in the movie network. I feel like our deal Americans are met as hell. When are you going, How much more can Americans take.
Every single day, berating people lying versus a hoax and then have all along, I knew it was serious. I knew it was a pandemic. How much more. How many people have to die? Ok, I'm sorry! It is it what, in the world for smart truck, never sent one of our seas hopes. He said the Democrats playing up his lack of research HANS, was out, ok and then down lemon says how many more people die before we get serious? Does he walked on seriously having a press conference with the doctors every single day, the amount them the media are so eager to rip on from that. They are making themselves the issue and they are losing credibility in the process. One of the big problems here again is there, the time when you require high institutional health, tremendous institutional health without Trust Congress to get us our checks. We got to trust the White House to provide great information. We got to trust the media to be straight in their coverage. We have to trust the experts in their modelling and nobody has any of these
people since a really difficult problem right now, and then he got down lemon out their channeling Howard bill. I mean for them, having seen the movie, by the way that is done, lemon labeling himself, an insane schizophrenia, because that's what Howard Doyle, actually, as you things got, is talking to him and networks are not not a great way to compare yourself there I'm limit, but the media are sovereigns, happily be interviewed yesterday things on CNN, they interviewed a aid. York City Health, commissioner, whose mother who's in her eighties died of chronic virus and the personal and you didn't blames Trump for it to have the video that one immunity its it is. It's a truly astonishing this. This person gets out there like. Well, you know my mother died and Trump has blood on his hands. You are in New York City government. There's a mayor there is. There is no the plaza yet a governor in your state last enchanters names, Andrew Cuomo, but somehow its transport and solely troms vault
build a blog. You was telling people to go out there and party as an early march. His spare me a little bit, but that this is this is that the media are just their offload. This be the case in point. Obviously, is their coverage of this head rocky Chloroprene issue, so I'm afraid to clips one is from Donald Trump. The other is from Andrew Cuomo. One of these people them Eight, one of these people, the media love. There seem basically the same thing about hydroxide here as president from touting hydrological. Queen yesterday at his breathing You know the expression. I've used it for certain reasons. What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose? A lot of. People are saying that when an end and are taken it do, you or a doctor, a nurse a first, responder a medical person going into hospitals. They say taken it before. The fact is good What do you have to lose? They say take it, I'm not looking at it one way or the other
but we want to get out of this, it does work. It would be a shame if we didn't do it early myself. First mop, he is wrong You suggest the yard be taking preventative, wait right, there's not evidence the automated missing, preventative way that you should be taken like that is legit backtrack. If president from says you ought to be taken, this thing preventative work. You should not be saying that right that should be prescribed by a doctor when it is useful, ok, but him telling the benefits hydroxide clerk when the media have more broadly suggested it is. There bad how the benefits of hydrogen seek locally? And yet here you have any requirement yesterday, suggesting there's anecdotal evidence and we're going to ask for more of it. Has been anecdotal evidence that it is promising. That's why going ahead. Doctors have to prescribe There are some people who have pre exist, in conditions where it doesn't work or they taking medication. That's not consistent with this treatment. But anecdotally, it's been positive we'll, have a full test
once they have a margin of sampling, Dataset Jesse, but totally: it's been positive: ok itself, he's saying also that there is some benefits to the drug emission endemic, yesterday him had had Roxy saved my life had rocky chloroprene Chmielewski. Thank president from four that right here is so and this has led the this- has led the media to lose them on the worst story. From the New York Times is amazing, so the New York Times is covering hydroxide, Laura Quaint and sang trumpets, pumping it, nor this so wise from pumping this. So the obvious answer is that Trump is trying to give people hope for treatment that is short of event later in death, right. That is the short answer that he's looking at anecdotal evidence using they don't Lebanon's their small studies that suggested this thing is at least somewhat effective, something mildly effect, some say more than mildly. Effective from his trying to give people a ray of hope in the midst of a really really dark time. I get is the most logical explanation:
more than your times goes. Instead. Here is in your time supporting if I'd Roxy clerk, we becomes an accepted treatment. Several pharmaceutical companies tend to profit, including shareholders and senior executives with connections to the president's missed. From himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the french drug maker, the mixed plaque window, the brand inversion of hydroxide chloroprene. So you think that trumpets pushing ahead Roxy Chloroprene has he owns stock in a company that makes plaque well, first of all, the things off patent quadratic work when he's not on patent, which means that the maker of black window is not the company that stands to benefit most. Second of all, how big a stay? Does trump own in avi? According to market watch, his three family trust and investments in a dodging cots mutual fun, whose largest holding is Sanofi from two? Tina financial disclosure of one was stakes in family trust, one two and three value between a thousand bucks in fifteen thousand bucks.
So from has the maximum fifteen thousand dollars in each of the trust he holds a stake in Sylvie that's worth. Fourteen hundred eighty five, edit, the minimum. Ninety nine bucks, you re, probably from who is the very least with billion dollars. Emmanuel tendering is worth at least two billion you're saying that back. I is recommending hydroxide quarrel queen, because the on ran version now that we are off patent that brand version. He needs that a cell because of his ninety nine dollars stake in the company- that's what's happening here, that's chief explanation, I'm sorry, it's just ridiculous is ridiculous, but the ridiculous. If the media has been there there blowing there, credibility they really are, and now is not the time to blow your credibility now be that for some responsible report- I've already time for it
One thing I like and then we'll get you some things that I hate so things that I like it today. So when your cooped up long enough with small children, eventually you take to physically throwing them around That's pretty much. What has happened in my house? I've a six year old in a three year old in their favorite game. Right now is for me to take up my and put an obvious ones, crazy, train and then proceed to a guitar with them as human beings not like. They urged her with me like I physically pick them up and they become the guitar. I am it's it's a fun thing to do. They really been enjoying that they might. My daughter, persevere likes needs so launches long hairs, which can really had bang along too lazy Osborne. So in honour of the only person who has eaten a bat and not gotten cover, Apparently, here is a little bit of crazy train by Alzheimer's marginalized people who asked me about my listens like hard rock music thoroughgood sounds crazy trains, brigades.
no they're making wait right now at anything like you then why are you a warrant? A great song does not want music. All that much my brain disarm freedom. So you know if you're in that had a moon. I think everybody is yours: go how're bill, gauzy, Osborne, stony, the bad guys know eating of the Basques, regardless of color, you're, no eating about ok, other things that I like today. I do love rich irony. There is the enrich irony, the founder of media, which is why can't investments and sanctions from israel- and it was all our Barghouti his offer He wants you to throw the state of Israel has made this absolutely clear from the outset now. He says that if Israel does-
create the vaccine for grown a virus that media supporters can take it weird your principles, winter? We at the window when it turns out that Israel made something you want to use who could have predicted such a thing? He said according to them muslim, positive use, medical equipment from Israel? It's not a problem, cooperating with RO against the virus. To begin with, that's not normalization media announced normalization criteria long ago. If Israel finds a cure for cancer, for example, or any other virus. There's no problem in court meeting with Israel save millions of lives up until now not even in a situation where we need Israel urgency and no one up urgently and no one else can save us, but Israel, if that happens, saving lives more important than anything else. O weird weird. How like All of your Israel is very bad mood. Is any of the product's went directly out of the window as soon as we wanted to use one of the products very odd? How that worked so
I only hope that this materialised, not only because everybody wants the vaccine that great, but also because it would be absolutely delicious, watch all the media as people have to acknowledge that their garbage strategy has indeed failed. So I think that would be quite good morning. For a quick thing that I hate that time there is, this guy's name was judge of bread, Cavanaugh and there's a trial in the Senate, baby, not frowsy hearing for him right, confirmation, hearing form in the sun in the Judiciary Committee and everything was going fairly swimming linked. In fact, I was not particularly high on Judge break have not as the Supreme Court patent, but he was too wishy washy. I was suspicious that he was not going to be his original list as a justice Thomas, for example, and then things went sideways and whether one sideways is that a woman came Fordham, Christine Blasi Ford, and she said that some four decades ago, This person had allegedly attempted to rape her at a party, and nobody came forward with any corroborating details she
Self could not say the night she herself could not say where was she herself improperly named the people were there? of whom denied having been there her out somebody to pressure from the witnesses. At this thing, that's it Stop Alyssum Olano STAR of the magnificent, unparalleled tv show charm it did not stop Alyssum Olano from showing up and like wearing, an maids, tell outfits and sitting behind Brett Cabinet, because ash had me two ladys hashtag me too, and when people like was mulatto, whereas specifically about you know this thing called due process where we have to provide evidence of an allegation. Two to make us think it a little bit more seriously than the mere allegation itself it was. This is because you just don't believe women, if only you believed all women, if only want a vicious sexist trying to cut all women into being child bearing side I was, then you would have just accepted at face value, any accusation, made about any man anywhere where, speaking of hypocrisy,
turns out that there is a woman who is now come forward and she's accused the the former vice president of the United States, of they sexual assault. I tell tee so this woman, Cinemas Terror read not the actress permanent different person. She was an intern for four by his office and she alleges that Biden basically pushed up against the wall and then try to go under her skirt and actually touch for genitals forcibly and then when she told him than he is sort of backed off. Well, listen China is a big backer of Joe Biden, and she did. A radio show yesterday in which he explain why should not spoken about these sexual assault allegation. It turns out the believe. All women goes completely by the wayside. As somebody that she liked so here is Alyssum Olano explaining why she was not going to any credence to the allegations the army answer. Is you not giving credence to the allegations
she doesn't like the allegations. I believe that, even though we should believe women- and that is important, thing in what their statement really mean. Those, like you know, for so long d d go too, has been not to believe them. So really we have to sort of early chip change. That mindset, to believing women, but that does not mean at the expense of not giving men their due process what, now we're way. Jijiu stumble over due process is actually walking along the road and there's a due process. Their embalm just stumbled right upon it, who could have suggested long ago due process. Would it would have been idea, Romanticism Olano right. She actually continue. Say investigate situations, it's gotta, it's gotta be fair in both directions, so I've been very vocal about by domestic.
For him- I've known him for a long time. I did my due diligence because part of it was that the article that tourists Now to me was that time's up decided not to take the case, so so what if time's up decided not to take the case? Does that mean when is lying, what interests does she have in line? We were told that Christine blessed we had no interest in making things up that there is no possible She was miss remembering that there is no, possibility at all but memories from Fort. Years ago, are vague or confusing, or anything like that. It was crystal. We are in her memory and other allegations which required lawyers to basically convince people to go out and say things where there's another allegation were a woman enemy six times their aware in order to accuse break, have not something that was perfectly good evidence that break Havana was indeed a rate. First registers? I don't just feel comfortable throwing away a decent man, I've known for fifteen years in this time of complete chaos without them, thorough investigation, I'm sure that in Romania would be jumping all over. This is well if, if you know, if they found more evidence so
stay quiet about it. I sent the meat you tweet over two years ago. I never thought I would be something that is going to destroy innocent men right. We don't want that to happen either to have to find balancing the Believe women movement and also giving men their due process, realize we're destroying lines. We probably don't go through the right steps in order to find out if an axe. Action is credible or not. Ok, in in September, two thousand eighteen years what she had to say. I was more, let me be as clear as possible, I believe Christine Blasi for I demand or centres vote to reject bright Cavenaugh as the next justice on the Supreme Court. Every person who refuses loudly and openly reject break avenues. Nomination is something every generation of Americans that an alleged abuse, its grip. Is more valuable than the survivors humanity, the highest court. No land is no place for an alleged sexual offended at the White House between us. Is that a good place for an alleged sexual offender to sit, and also it seems to me that if this is the standard for rare cavenaugh it should it should be the standard for you, but up We not apparently shocker shock of shots was mulatto is a giant hypocrite and they meet
Standards only apply to people that we don't like everybody else we do like at that point. We just call them trailer trade people who have you, drag a hundred dollar bills Roy, throw a trailer park then that you, then you pick up people like this, which is what chance cargo suggested and suggested about the the alleged victims of Bill Clinton. So he asked me to and due process of the smaller rediscovering due process, pretty the wishes already we'll be back here, although the later today, with traditional hours, content and all your updates. Also all access live tonight, I'll be hanging out with you for an hour. Taken all your questions. Maybe forty five minutes zone not hang over the outcome at the very least, will hang out for forty five minutes before my screaming children common invade the place otherwise will see here tomorrow. I'm entropy are this: is the Venture bureau show
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Alyssum Olano, believes all women, except for the women accusing her friends of sexual assault. We will examine how the meat to movement died yesterday and what lessons we can learn from its demise on everything from politics to the corona virus, then more good news out of New York, more bad news, Fake news, media and burning Rowan doors meant for President Trump, all that in more check it out and the Michael notion
Transcript generated on 2020-04-15.