« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 983 - The Waiting Game


Trump and governors across America urge citizens to stay in for months; the economy continues to melt down; and the media continue to meditate on the evils of Trump’s press conferences.

Check out The Cold War: What We Saw, a new podcast written and presented by Bill Whittle at https://www.dailywire.com/coldwar. In Part 1 we peel back the layers of mystery cloaking the Terror state run by the Kremlin, and watch as America takes its first small steps onto the stage of world leadership.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President Trump and governors across Amerika urge citizens to stay in four months. The economy continues to melt down and the media continue to meditate on the evils of President trumps press conferences of all things I mentioned This is the entropy Russia. Today's venture Barroso, sponsored by Express VP on your online activities, should not be public protectors, often expressive gps dot com, Slash meant that Express phoebean dotcom Slash benefit seems like Moldova flustered this morning's. What it's like having children in a small space during a pandemic, where everybody is locked in aid? I think everybody is feeling me right now, who has but even if you don't have kids like this a rough time for the country to rough time for all of us and people making light of it like well, you know it's not like world war. Two, that's true! It's not like world war. Two and honestly. That is one of the difficulties that, during world war to the threat, the external threat was pretty obvious because there are bombs falling from the sky on buildings, and you could join
the military. You could go fight back again, see material enemy, it's in some ways, more psychologically difficult, probably to be stuck in when there is so much uncertainty about. If I walk outside my just going to die from a thing that is in the air, that does mean that its tougher than than the sacrifices made during world war, two. Obviously people were literally being killed on beaches in world war, do but psychologically for the average citizen who stayed at home during world war. Two, this I've toxin old people who remember world war two. This is really rough it. This is the z rough time and being told that we are supposed to remain in our homes and shelter in place for an indefinite period of time, without even the ability to really sacrifice on behalf of the country without the ability to take active measures on behalf of the country is in a that's, that's difficult thing and I think the world
in trying to muddle our way through now. Thank God, we have the accoutrements of modern life to make them a lot easier. Thank God you're we're not in the business rationing here in the United States, but I think it is fair to say it s funny sometimes heard somebody complain about a minor health problems and so up. You know there are people starving in Asia, and but that's it. You dumb responses that that has not actually alleviated the person suffering in the here and now it's just comparing it's something is much worse. It is, or their situations in human life that, when a lot worse, it is also true. A lot of people are suffering right. Now,
the growing economic side, a lot of people are suffering on the psychological side and to make light of that would be to be foolish and that, of course, putting aside all of the incredible human suffering that is going on by the people in the hospitals. The medical professionals were trying to work through this thing and now being overwhelmed in certain areas of the country and obviously to people who are suffering from covered nineteenth. Ok, with all of that said in a word, were all been trying it through this together, we will get through this together because there will be an end date. There will be a time when we all go back out. It's gonna take a while before we get back to life as normal. I think I think that this last night, I think, can be at least a year before people are going out to to mass events before Disneyland reopened before theaters, reopen before people circling a basketball and baseball and football games? I would be shocked if the entire, the entirety of the NFL and NBA and MLB seasons are not canceled from here on out, simply because, in order for people to go out on mass and feel safe there going to have to be that teens develop. The soonest. That would happen is probably the beginning of the next year, so
it's hard for me to believe that I think weddings are gonna be down scale, but I think that the big events are gonna be postponed. Its can be a rough bunch of months even after we all start going back to work and by the way, when we do go back to work, I think there's gonna be a lot of social distancing. I think a lot of office basically no empty as people trying continued work from home. I think that the idiocy of the government suggesting the face masts was a bad idea I think, that's gonna, go by the wayside in everybody's, when we were in face masks for at least several months here now there are some possible alleviating factors. Obviously, the possibility, the flu that this this grown virus flew strain, gets killed off during me during the summer that the heat tends to drive down, but in populous areas. That may not be enough. I would that said here. Your updates across the globe on the corona virus levels the death levels across the across the world. Right now there are eight hundred ten thousand diagnosed we're almost forty thousand deaths globally in the United States, where up to a hundred and sixty three thousand
seven hundred eighty eight new cases. As this point, there are almost twenty one thousand new cases identified yesterday again when we see these numbers go up until they start to go down, and simply because we are testing more and by the way, just a note to the media. If you're going to suggest that America is number one in diagnosed cases on the basis of absolute numbers as opposed to per capita basis, then you ought to have
I wish the president from is right when he says we are also doing the most test of any country, because he saying that an absolute basis, not on the basis of per capita, see that you have put your standard either would, in a measure per capita organ, a measure on an absolute basis. One of the two we have five hundred fifty eight new debts in the United States yesterday from Verona virus. Important put this in perspective. In the United States, we have approximately fifteen hundred to two thousand deaths per day of heart disease and cancer, as are the two leading killers in the United States. Heart disease kills about six hundred fifty thousand people a year in the United States. Cancer kills about six hundred thousand people a year in the United States. So we could see him in the estimates suggest that, as we speak there on a daily level, there will be days when corner viruses, more people meant heart disease and cancer, which is a hell of a number. We only hope that those numbers only spike for a couple of days, but we never reach those numbers at all by five point. Fifty eight is a big number. Italy, of course, had eight hundred twelve that's yesterday, Spain is now surpassing ITALY, as the centre
the crisis they had nine hundred and thirteen deaths yesterday, even in places that have lock this down better than ITALY, Spain and probably the United States. Germany had a hundred and four that's. Yesterday, France had four hundred eighteen debts. Today, it's funny for all the people who said the? U S is handling this worse than any other industrialized countries have yet to see the evidence for that. There are countries that have handled a better than we have no question right after you handle it better than we did. Perhaps the Netherlands did you're, comparing apples and oranges, and some of these cases, because when I, when I interviewed doctored upper works over the weekend and Doktor bricks pointed out with regard to, for example, Sweden, that not a lot of people travelling from one hand go to Sweden in the middle of winter work. It's dark to. Thirteen have hurt, so that's very differ thing from the United States, were important for Mendes Travel, huge population, a lot of diversity that is going to change the Math Fair Bet, so comparing apples to oranges is a bad idea, but even Germany, which is supposedly walk this thing down to an increase of almost four thousand five hundred cases yesterday and one hundred and four deaths friend
had four hundred of it had about four thousand diagnose case in four hundred eighteen deaths Iran is lying about their numbers, the UK, which recently went into lockdown they had about twenty six hundred new cases and a hundred and eighty new deaths on a per capita basis deaths per one million population. United States is still ranking near the bottom of the rankings in terms of death per one million population. That is because we're stolen getting up this curve. We're not gonna. Look like these numbers by the time, the silver, because the numbers can only increase from here. That's our absolute, never populations and absolute number and so ass. The debts increase the proportion is going to is going to increase as well right now, the United States, in terms of deaths per one million population we stand at night. That's supposed to ITALY. Italy has a hundred and ninety two death from Verona virus per one million of the population. So, but we are an order of magnitude time to renounce orders magnitude, but order of magnitude and multiply it by two away from ITALY's standing right now seem sort deal with Spain,
Germany will were basically empowered. Germany at this point, Germany has about as many deaths per one billion of the population as we do. France is really way more deaths per one million the population, and then the UK has more desperate Billina population. Again these are placed with smaller populations need the places that seem to have locked down pretty well with small populations. Israel has locked down very well with small population. Canada has locked down very well so far with a fairly small, population, but Sweden has more deaths per one million the population than we do so for all people saying the United States is doing an awful terrible another very bad job. With this, but there are things that we could do better, but let us not pretend that we are up there with ITALY and Spain yet because we just are not that that is not worth. It,
What's going to get you more of this analysis in just one second, more facts, more news and the media. I think there's a comfort right now to people reverting to partisan priors. It makes you feel, like the world is half normal, winning just go on Twitter in Ramallah, people about stupid crap, but the reality is the world is not normal and we need to put some of this nonsense aside for just like five, second should be really. Nice is frankly I'm tired of it you're, tired of it. I was tired of it before all this happened. I think you are tired of it before all the stuff happen. The fighting over stupid garbage every single day I'm really tired of it. When you know I have to worry about health, my children, my parents and I think most people feel the same way in the media- definitely exacerbate that President Trump doesn't bring. The temperature of the media definitely exacerbate. That will will show you how in just a few minutes first, let's talk about the reality of the situation, which has its very nice to know. Stepping on your property, this boy ray we're all gonna paranoid about who's, gonna step set foot on our property. When someone brings the doorbell, you want to know who that is. This is why you should have ring dot com cities across the nation there there mayors
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Though not as good as you would want it to be a new study, those published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal. Yesterday S makes the death rate, of course, Irish significantly lower than previously report now, originally that Will you a child director general tendrils item? Caprices, said the estimated mortality rate of coordinating global, who is about three point. Four percent after Anthony Fatty had suggested that it might be anywhere from one for one to two percent based on initial report out of other countries that then the first week of March, but we are now seeing report from Lancet estimating that the one percent fatality rated. Probably too high a more accurate estimation of the percent of people who die from complications from the vote. Sporting researchers is about point six eggs now before we'll start getting excited points. Six is still six times deadlier, almost seven hundred uglier than the average seasonal Lucy and unexplained when undetected infections aren't taken into account study found the quota by Resteth rate was one point, three percent, which is more consistent with earlier reports, but again one of the Big Bang,
this year. When you're calculating me, fatality rate is the denominator and as we now know what people are lying about denominator in in these particular cases, we don't know how many and symptomatic cases there are out there. The estimates have been anywhere from for every person who s symptoms. Five to ten people may not Sometimes we have no idea how transmissible it is, because there is a new report today suggesting this thing may be possible through air. Again. Take all these sort of new reports of a grain of saw, because we just don't know that hasn't been confirmed yet and, with all that said, lockdown have now become policy across the United States. We are seeing three quarters of the can population locked in place for the most part. According to the New York Times, we are seeing out of every four Americans. Three have restrictions on me. Meant at this point, which is a lot of Americans lock in place, and I'm not going person who says that it sends you go out and party that, because that is not what the models are suggesting. According to the near the american public on Tuesdays, expect to get its first look at the statistical models guiding the power
the decisions that have led governors mares across the country to work more than two hundred and fifty million people to stay at home that could ever bergs try to break my present. And the country for some tough weeks ahead yesterday. She said, even if all social distancing guidelines are valid perfectly. The death toll in the nation could reach a hundred thousand two hundred thousand. Now that would be. She says best case scenario area wise it on the low end about twice what we lose every year from the seasonal flu. As I say, we lose about six hundred fifty thousand people a year from Heart disease in United States. Another six hundred thousand people from cancer Debbie really danger The problem is that if we release everybody into the wild leave your regos We have thousand during two thousand that it could be a million dead right which would easily make this leading cause that in the United States and it would keep recurring you're after all There is some sort of vaccination or heard immunity. Nations across Europe has continued to see the steady rise in new infections and that in the United States breaking your comments, the largest in the nation, more than twelve hundred deaths weeks away from its apex. According to governor,
and require more than two hundred fifty corona virus patients die between Sunday and Monday. The governors are there. Can ultimately reached eight hundred today. In me, work alone in Michigan, state officials reported fifty additional that's on Monday governor they'll Edwards of Louisiana sent. His state is already a few weeks behind a Europe. One of the reasons why we gotta wait. This thing out is because for every day that people don't by the restrictions that's another day when, on the other end, you're gonna have to abide by the restrictions, because eventually you're gonna be unlocked down until this thing passes, given the the possibility of massive carnage across the United States, that is working stand over in Virginia Governor Ralph Northern has declared that people should stay in place up until June He says all the way until June. Remember it is, it is not even April yet right April is tomorrow. Now the updated order allows for people to leave their homes and have to go out for food supplies, medical care fresh air or exercise. It also allows people to travel, to work places of worship, childcare providers and for volunteering caretaking into seek.
She'll services, so the order is not quite as restrictive as people are making it out to be. It's not like the full on stay in place, order that is in place in New York City by a lot of Businesses are still open in Virginia, and this is based the rule, the more restrictive rules, less amount of time you can. You can keep people in place because, in the end, you cannot keep bill place indefinitely, especially as the economy goes down the tubes and- we really must either some pretty significant ramifications the economy going down the tubes last week. If you mentioned this, this is very. You're supposed to talk about this, because this is undermining the work of trying to get people to stay at home. But if you look over ITALY, it is pretty obvious that point cannot stay indoors indefinitely. Italy is now risking the possibility of riots according to Bloomberg, as Prime Minister just the county fights to hold italian society together through crippling nationwide lockdown that oppress South is turning into a powder. Keg police have been wait on the streets of Sicily, capital, Palermo amid reports, gangs are using social media to plot attacks on stores a bankrupt, very company halted service to Palermo, including
It'll supplies of food and medicine as the state creeks under the strain of the coroner virus pandemic officials worry the mafia, maybe preparing to step it now. Italy has always been a place, but with a thriving black market, estimates suggest that perhaps half of ITALY's economy thinks a high tax rates and low ability to juggle it is in the black market. So it is not a great shock that the breakdown of the system has caused the criminal syndicates to step in. But with that said the longer you see, states lock turn down the more that train is going to gun supply chains because who exactly going to pay for the groceries he's going to make sure people keep going back to work? And it's going to be normally the market does all of those things, but the market has been forcibly suspended by governments. What you start to see people say ok, I'm not gonna. Do this anymore, that what happens if the food doesn't get delivered on time? What happens if the red track doesn't come on time They were we're gonna, start seated sort of unrest in the United States to have this thing goes on long enough. So that's why it is imperative that we all down like do it right now, lower that curve ramp up production as fast as possible, and hopefully
can all start getting this economy moving again to forestall the kind of activity we are seeing in ITALY We can do all that faster rather than slower, so that we can nazi riots in the streets and violence in the streets. The way that ITALY is apparently going to see present these unthinkable things that we're talking about, but not so unthinkable that we should be talking about them, given the fact that in the past and united, history. When we have had depressions like that, there's been living in civil unrest fuel. To forget this about the great depression. There is an entire march on Washington by veterans and their March on Washington was was utilized by empty, are in the nineteen thirty two election as as sort of a baton wheeled against what Hoover, but it actually got fairly dangerous, Minero serious concern that there can be like an armed insurrection in Washington DC in nineteen thirty two, so there there is a desire. Stuff that we shall be keeping our eye on. It should be an impetus for all of us to do what we can to flat net curve. So we can all get back to work, a sap, the economy actually matters the real thing
real people when they get into more of this in just one second. First, let's talk about fact that you're staying at home all day and you may be looking at your wasn't thinking. Why is my house? So I will now is a good time. Refresh. Your has one of the things you may not be thinking about your window. Cumbrance may turn out the window. Coverings really lacks savoir faire you really need better window covering. This is why you need blinds dot com and can also blind Sorrento. Those things aren't open instead, should be ordering some lines. Dont come not everyone has. The means to do well renovation. You can make your house with a lot better with blinds dot com window treatments are simple project you can do they really benefit, you feel and style of your home experts. Is it not getting enough son in increased levels of stress hormones in your body should consider like filtering window treatments, roller shades or cellular to transform your home is even more of a sanctuary during these difficult times. If you're nervous about doing yourself really is no reason to be because blinds icon will help you through every single step. They have millions of homeowners through the process of free online design, helpless. They guarantee the perfect that you screwed up. They will fix it for you, gotta blinds it
come see how you can we imagine look of your home today. Rules and restrictions may apply go to blind. Comes here, you can real re. Imagine the look and feel of your home today we ve been doing it in my home and it really does hobble. I go check them out a blind don coming and that's blinds dive comical. South Florida is going to be locked down until April fifteenth according to run Santas sourcing sort. Different timelines and again those timelines wall converge, because the data is going to drive this if it turns out that the pandemic is still out there and that the risk of an exponential increase in death continuing for a long period of time. If, if that risk it used to be out there then you're one to see these deadlines extended to Santa's announce on Monday morning. Those living in Southeast Asia, should stay home until MID May, to spread these two to mitigate the spread of covert nineteen, but then he walked back to April fifteenth for an day, twenty called be safer at home order for millions of residence. In Washington DC. They decided to go even further over the top Maria
Miriam thousand is now threatening residents of Washington issued ninety days in jail and a five thousand dollar. Fine. If you leave your home during the krona virus operate just a shocking rat, obviously thousand A message remains the same, stay at home. The same order has options for grocery shopping and work deemed essential outdoor recreation like running is allowed, but can't involve people outside of a household what the penalties should be if you're are arrested for going outside your home in this is basically military. Walk down from this is that that over the top I mean I don't right now letting criminals out a presence, I'm confused as to how you exactly expect to enforce a lockdown or like this register, arresting people on mass on the streets of Washington DC, while in some in some better loose ends in, but in some better news we are, we are in fact ramping up production,
of the machinery necessary in order to keep that curve beneath the available level of medical supply are going my colleague the Wall Street Journal? When president from last, we criticise general motors is effort to produce, ventilators Jim executives were flabbergasted because they aren't even begun cool Britain, with Ventilator company a couple of weeks earlier and mobilise more than a thousand employees, nearly a hundred autos suppliers to start making the machines and wanted to tourists. Jim Global Manufacturing, chief General Johnson, every ventilator is a life from GM account. Since MID March, they ve been ramping up their ability to do ventilators the GM contingent has been shifting over its production Ford set on Monday. With general electric to make fifty thousand ventilators and one of the autumn facilities in Michigan by early July, obviously we're lagging on this sort of stuff, but the real problem here is the disconnect between disconnect between advantages, which the company that really designs. These things said that it could produce and what actually can produced then take provided range of possibilities for monthly production of letters one as high as twenty thousand a month, each dinner
require gradual increase for the GM operation, get up and running the trumpet. Rachel was under the impression it can move to full production faster. They said they're going to give us a forty. Much needed ventilators very quickly from said in Twitter Post, but they were not able to do that. So that is the. So we are ramping up production, president from pointed out, our histories and private companies are in the process of making hundreds of thousands ventilator. So how is on the way whose president, from yesterday in his in his daily pressure, so have ten thousand, we kept him for this very specific purpose. It sounds like a lot, but it's not when you think about it, but when I get a lot and when you see you're talkin about hundreds of thousands being made in a very short period of time, because if you look at what just We have now ten km but he's at least making the ventilators, and we go ahead because, honestly, other countries really they'll never be able to do it. It's a very complex piece of equipment at its it's big, an expensive NATO
our ramping up production. That is the Good NEWS now. The question is how well all of this is going to work, there's an editorial from the Wall Street Journal today. Talking about all of this is it a good news? Is that D fatality forecast that's being put forward by the illustration. A hundred thousand two hundred thousand deaths is much lower than the two point two million the president suggested as a worst case. That figure, of course, comes not courtesy of the precedent. That figure comes from great Britain. The imperial college studied there's been so widely cited. Estimates could still shift significantly says, regional Murray Group plants updated model is more data flow in from states. In other countries, the Marie model is the one that is coming from University of Washington's Institute for health matters. And evaluation memory model measures, deaths in terms of pay elation rather than confirmed cases because testing varies geographically. It's also extrapolating yours fatalities based on evidence from other hot spots and who had in China after a government lockdown one important point as it took twenty seven days after social distancing was implemented more than before the daily Debts, PETE New York, California, other states,
took early action to close non essential businesses, we're starting weak three. So still, probably another week and a half before we had peak minimum did out of may not be reliable. The Murray study underlines modeling for your states based on one completed epidemic, at least for the first wave, and many incomplete epidemics is entrance We challenging that, maybe especially true if China has been lying about their numbers, which is extraordinarily likely. Marie also simulates healthcare utilization in the states over time based on other countries experience and there directed fatalities in the United States about sixty four thousand hospital beds at seventeen thousand, I see you bet. Nineteen down translators on average will be needed nationwide, but man we most acute and a handful of states. According to that study being cited by the University of Washington exports instance. According to the Wall Street Journal, Europe will need an estimate, thirty, five thousand more hospital, and seventy three hundred. I see you budget next week when demand for care is projected to peek, which is a lot, but that's a lot fewer than fifty five thousand one hundred and ten there
hospital beds in eighteen thousand, at thirty seven thousand ice. You bad, the public health officials had set a week ago could be needed which shows how quickly these projections can vary and change. Time, then the Murray Summary says Daily debts. In the mean forecasts exceed twenty. Three hundred by the second week of April, while peak demand will occur, the national level in the second week of April? This does very by spit states. We may see some bumps along the way, as various stated, their own peaks, so these tests, miles are incredibly variable, it's difficult to make policy based on them. One of the problems with them also is that there are basically unverifiable, because, if the social, just works. If we all stay at home and in the numbers are way lower. The temptation is we say it is So I guess we did too much removed can you done that in the first place, and so it is one verifiable in the sense that perhaps, if we didn't do it at all, death rates would have exactly the same. But at this point better that we do too much forgot. Look we're locked out anyway, better that we all abide by the lockdown. At least let the rules were
for a couple of weeks until we see what exactly this thing looks like no one of the reasons it's hard to tell What this thing is working or not is because other nations are indeed lying about their own statistics. Might Palmdale made this point yesterday, Secretary of State Powell Pale He said that there are lots of nations out there that are withholding their own data. He was always shown Hannity and he says: listen. We have to deal with the fact that we have incomplete data and Oliver modeling is based on this. Incomplete data. Present trouble Then committed to making sure that we had the best data available when you hear doctors, voucher in works, talk about risk, talk about fatality he's trying to think about how to model what they need is data. They need data ITALY. They need data from China. They need data from IRAN. We need every country to step up and pride accurate, transparent information. If we cannot have that We have this information. Instead, there are more that would be a risk, not only nay, but in the weeks ahead, as we battle this enormous challenge
It is obviously an eminently drew. The fact that China has been lying along is a serious, serious promenade. We find out that China does have the show they did: they ve not been releasing not only if we like everyone to have suspected in line that their deaths statistics I give you think they had no deaths for several months over in China. I think of a nose thing coming I mean that there is information we read from Radio Free Asia yesterday suggesting that may have been up to forty thousand deaths in one hand, which obviously radically shift all of the modeling that is happening would look like closer to ITALY that look looked to South Korea, China, but with that said, China apparently has been hiding other statistics as well. According to the Wall Street Journal China, there, they counted their infected population, they excluded infected people, know symptoms, actually would would lower than the fatality rate in China. The original statistics that are being handed out by the W Joe were incredibly skewed. This we already know it turns out that China, Mademoiselle lying about all China said more than fifteen hundred people hundred people infected with new corona virus, but haven't shown symptoms were excluded from International Talley. Confirmed cases as questions arise about
counting of the infectious disease, the burst into a worldwide pandemic. According to the Wall Street Journal public concerns about the risk of infection by a symptomatic carriers have grown in recent weeks as China begins to relax its cordon around who had a city with about his first identified now China to there only fifteen hundred people infected with quota virus from those symptoms who were out there. Of course, is utterly untrue, well we're measuring at three point four percent fatality re based on China's confirmed cases versus the number of people who died with the confirmed cases, but if they their only fifteen hundred people who are measured were asymptomatic. That, of course, is absolute nonsense. Changes attack Chinese held the fish Senator Press briefing and move on on Tuesday that the country report a number of infected people or not choices, that was beginning on Wednesday Jaguar epidemiologist of the chinese Centre for Disease Control in prevention, told us they news. Gesine, it's ok. If they aren't included in the tally of confirmed cases. The key question is: have those people been put under restriction
Scientists do not have a consensus on the impact of asymmetric cases, italian scientists tracing and six thousand infections. Roma Marty, for instance, that a nasal swathes of the ancient matter carriers have similar amounts of virus as those with symptoms which could make them contagious according to a publication, ref They said the small number of asymptomatic cases turned up in contact raising may mean such carriers have played a limited raw in spreading the virus, which would mean that the fatality rate is higher than originally suspected? It's bottom line? Is we just don't know anything at this point and also until we have an antibody test. We're not gonna know how many people have this thing and then got over this thing or just not going one of the things that makes this also extremely difficult, is because of lack of testing and because nobody wants to go to get tested unless you absolutely have to get tested. There are a lot of cases of the flu that are out there that people probably think is grown a virus and that is not why, a couple of weeks ago my son came down with a fever came here. Freaked out about it, but he had a fever, is like for four days was low grade fever. He wasn't feeling good and we went in a week
the test it had them two weeks to get us the result. We literally just got the result and he was negative for growers now, given what is out there, we thought okay. Well, there is a possibility that he has grown a virus, but he did not have converse its seasonal thing: lots of flu cases out there right and this is balancing up a lot of the data as we're gonna see, New York has started to assess whether these distancing measures are actually lowering the carbon They're using his temperature numbers lowering up there there's a problem with that which temperature numbers son. Papa have drawn a virus in first place. That's big confound it, but it is. It is certainly here is my Pompey says that without complete information, it's gonna be extraordinarily difficult. To tell what the hell is going on, and here we need to point out The World Health organisation is a garbage cheap there, just awful at their jobs, the World Health Organization, not today by China's lie originally that there was no human to human transmission. Not only do they wildly overwrite the fatality rate because of chinese misinformation, not only
where the heads of the W h or hanging up on reporters in Hong Kong who were asking about the chinese government. But it now turns out that the World Health Organization has basically become a tool of home the World Health Organisation has done nothing about the chinese government, apparently reopening their wet markets. Their reopening the what markets again, it is neither race, more culturally insensitive to point out that eating the frickin bats, a terrible idea. These web markets have now been responsible for what Sars end this particular disease, and that, frankly, you should not be allowing wet markets which have externalities to be open. Many Alex it's amazing to me. I will say this is amazing to me. I said this on an earlier Pakistan. People's sort of went not at least on the hard core left who have lost their complete everybody minds. But if you, I understand if you're an animal rights lover. Why, We are you really
Seeing my call for shutting the wet markets, which are someone most brutal vicious places on earth there truly awful maritime about the killing of exotic animals for meat and in many cases, I killed her mother alive in some cases similar issues like it's, terrific, terrific and in the ultimate Stephen Miller, not that not one from the administration economist, even Miller over it over a twitter red sees, has beaten the Americans we are talking about. This is the world. The organisation is not just standing by letting this happen, but even running interference for China. During an interview this weekend with Hong Kong's Archie H, canoes Doktor Bruce Aylward blinked questions about Taiwan's member of the World Health organization. Taiwan is excluded from the W H show thanks to China, who backed current doubly. They showed director general those out Hano at First Aylward awkwardly pretended not to hear the question we play the state yesterday, then he abruptly ended the call shortly after the video hobbling Berlin, Twitter Edwards, nameless scrub from the W H a website how four ministers have doubled, show should set politics aside in dealing with the pandemic, but the W H was
Nothing but political throughout the covered nineteen outbreak in there he's gonna have to be some real changes in how it feels international institutions like that, like the like, the W H show, in the aftermath of all this up with all of this Is this working or have some evidence that it is now have some evidence that things are You're gonna get really bad, even if it is, then we may get the economic needs we get to all that interest. A second first have to go to jail. Where a calm and subscribe go check us out right now over there. If you haven't had a chance to hang out with us over knowledge, ass life, you're missing out, it's a lot of one people have been hanging out with us over there. We like five in different questions yesterday on the Holocaust, live that I did not doing it baby twice a week at five P M Pacific Island. We twice we get five pm Pacific eight Pm Eastern, but are other hosts people. I met walls and Michael, knows in Germany, boring and recording we ve all been hanging out with you at night. Just we can get that sense of community again, This is a very lonely and difficult time, obviously very scary time, and so it's imperative that we have these sorts of get together. I think
we'll be really enjoying them really getting a kick out of them right now. All of our members, not just the all access members, get access during this pandemic f impediments over then we'll restricted, probably to all access members, but go get your membership right now, all the goodies shows intended for the all access members again during national emergency. During the pandemic we ve opened up for all of our members of checks, out over a daily wire dont, come not inexpensive proposition. If you're around eight p m Eastern five comes over tonight, you can join Michael, no, Lebron all access live and watch him play the ukulele and sit around in his kimono or whatever it is that in the Bible does every day, I've no idea what Michael Buzz on, as I don't know, on a daily basis, let alone during a pandemic, letting go check that out over a daily, where I come here, listening to the largest fastest, growing Pakistan, radio show in the nation Ok, There is some good news and I am trying to give you the gunners demanded hunting through the full, some oversight of the data, so that we all know what's going on, because I don't like alarm ism, I dont like the we're all going to die from step outside kind of stuff, and we should
yet he economy that going and roll their living locked down forever in the government should take over the entire economy. Out like that kind of stuff. On the other side, I don't like the whistling past the graveyard. Everything is fine. Silver blown, nothing that is happening an eminent again. The theme they show. Until there is further data, is we don't have enough data you're allowed to say that we don't have enough data? We don't know yet we don't know. Yet all we can do is watch the trend lines in ITALY. Things seem to have started to flat note in terms of new cases being diagnosed. The question is: gonna, be how they release people back into society. How we tranche, go back into society. Do we go through and find other if you've had it? Are they the first people to go back to work as young, healthy people who are the first to go back to work? What sort of social restrictions are put on? Do we have masts in social distancing in place the recovery here so what's it less. With his writings me two stages to the recovery. When it comes to the economy, they deforestation, the recovery is going to be a bit of a: u shape recovery, a soft launch of the economy, people starting go back to work slowly in waves
as we recover from this and then after vaccine is developed. This is gonna, be the Warren Twenties, but the more in two thousand twenties where people are gonna, be so it's coming like orgies in the streets, people, a giant raves like people, people lose it because everything lockdown for a year, if you're, a twenty world have been locked down for a year. The notion that you are going to not go to. Every party that is possibly imaginable is just insanity I mean that's, what's going to happen and then the economy will explode belonging to Spain wants money. People going to want to be creative people want again didn't want to get up. So let's put this way, I think this is forever. No. I don't think this is forever, so I think this is bad for having its worst for the next couple of months. I think, after that, and to unpleasant for a few months after that and then a hopefully by the early part of next year. We have vaccine in the works, and then I think everything explodes and I think the economy not only moved forward. For an extraordinary rate, because I think everybody goes back to work.
And we're all excited to be out there. I mean, if you like the first day of spring in Boston in all of this sort of feels like when I was in Moscow, bridge. The winter was really long. It was really only really sought. All there was to do is basically at your dorm room, and I did bring but allow my friends were alcoholism and Harvard LAW School during the winter and then first day of spring, and by spring I mean like it's fifty degrees outside first aid spring everyone is out. Everybody wants to be outside. Everybody knows that. That's what it's gonna be like on the other end of sorts. Keep that in mind. There is a light at the end of the tunnel here. The good news is that, apparently, the restrictions are slowing quota virus infections according to new data than your times as harsh measures, including stayed home orders and restaurant closures are contributing to rapid drops in the number of feverish a signal symptom of most of most concern of ours, infections recordings across the country according to intriguing new data produced by medical technology firm, at least forty millions of million Americans, and at least twenty nine statesmen told to stay at home, and it's you know
impossible for public health officials to know how effective this measure and others have been in slowing. The virus. But the new data offer evidence in real time that title four distancing restrictions, maybe working potential reducing hospital overcrowding and lowering death rates. According to the experts, the company kinda Health produced a national map of fever levels on March. Twenty second was able to spot the trend within a day. Simpson Data from the health Department in New York State in Washington State a buttress defining make me a clear. The total distance thing has saved lives, and this became obvious because President Trump, until the end of April his recommendation that Americans stay in luck, I'm kinda has more than one million thermometers and speculation to be getting up. Two hundred sixty two thousand daily temperature readings since cover nineteen and spreading in the country the company I will use that data to crack the spread of influenza titans by clusters of corn there's infection kinda recently adapted its offer to detect spikes of atypical fever that don't correlate with historical flew pattern
as of noon Wednesday, the company's live, actual fevers, holding steady or dropping almost universally across the country, with two prominent exceptions. One was in an area of new go where the governor only should state homeowners the day before and also an adjacent counties in southern Colorado. The other was a ring of we. Parishes round in New Orleans, but a hundred and two hundred fifty miles away from it, and that was possibly caused by the outward local spread of infections from New Orleans, which was set up by crowding during my the grass up some information. This thing is starting be tempting meanwhile Bob Wachter, who is one of the chief but he's the chair of yes. Yes, yes, yes of medicine over over Berkeley, he said yesterday, that there is no change in the hospitals status at you, Csf, and he says that our committee and her briefings now seem less newsy like we're over that may not becoming, which will be great. He says the overall cases still mile grow. In San Francisco. Everyone is struggling with the curves flavors com before the storm narratives, but even pessimists are starting to tell toward the former. So maybe these latter measures are working well,
we discussed yesterday the fact the corona virus slow downs in Seattle suggests. The restrictions are working now in new or which is ground zero for all. This is where the most people are is working. Are living in extraordinarily close quarters. Things are getting bad over there. Bad remains to be seen. There's an article, no street today talking about and why you language and telling your doctors to think more critically about who gets ventilators, which of course is the sort of rational and we ve seen in ITALY, which is so frightening, and why, hang on health, one of the nation's top academic medical centres, told urgency. When doctors, they have sole discretions place, patients on ventilators and institutional backing to withhold futile innovations, so they are not going to force people to put people on ventilators if they believe that that is going to be a complete waste of time. A marsh funny. If email from Robert Female who heads the New York Health Centres, department of emergency measures underscored the life or death decisions placed on the shoulders of bedside positions as they try increasing numbers of kroner virus patients with a limited supply of ventilators
say? Guidelines established in twenty fifteen recommended hospitals appoint a tree, Ashura officer or committee, side who gets events, whether when rationing is necessary, the guidelines that removing the decision from the physician treating the patient avoids conflict of interest a thousand officer or committee, with access to all relevant waiter availability and make the call prevents health worker burn out and stress, but Doktor Venus, as we just have time, Do all this stuff. In emergency medicine we don't have the luxury of time, data or committees tub with our critical tree ass decisions, you wrote, Senor Hospital leaders, recognise this and supports us use our best clinical judgment. Female wrote that nations, about airway management and whether to use events later or other respiratory support devices or the sole discretion of breeding physicians. He told doctors to think more critically about whom we integrate. That, of course, is scary, scary, stuff now, with that's Ed, Andrew Coma, governor of, north, he says that the rate of doubling is already down yours. Both things can be true right. It can be that we end up in a very I'd medical situation in Europe, because there are shortages, events, waiters and shortages of icy. You beds, and also can be true that things are getting better,
we're not going to see the impact of things getting better, particularly in terms of the deaths which trail the hospitalizations by a week to two weeks that we may not see the results of this. Death rates for another week or two here is Andrew Cuomo. Yesterday, saying that the re doubling is already down in New York, thanks to the measures being taken. The number goes up. The number goes down. There is no doubt that a number is still increasing does also, no doubt that the raised has slowed. We had a doubling of cases every two days, then doubling every three days and doubling every four days in every five. We now have a doubling of cases every six days. So while the overall numbers going up, the rate of Dublin is actually down south
corn by the way? In breaking news has come down with corn viruses. Well, so prominent people are not escaping corona virus, others stable. We get test more quickly, although at this point, testing has been radically increased. Look it's it's scary out their crew Andrew Cuomo. Yesterday he basically pleading for healthcare workers to come out again. I can't said enough the people who are going out in the midst of this epidemic this pandemic and are risking their lives fiercely risking their lives, take care of people. Those are the Are these the people's forming the beaches in Normandy? I mean this is this is heroism if you're watching the the respiratory therapists, the nurses, the the dock? the people who are on the front lines of the singling out doing nothing but admiration for those people. They
honestly congressional medal of honor for all of them when this is over, like mass congressional medal of Honor, because its you're putting your life arrest doing this sort of thing, I mean what we ve seen reports from other countries, that twenty five percent of healthcare workers are coming down with this, because you're in close proximity with people who have this incredibly transmissible virus here is Andrew Cuomo pleading for healthcare workers yesterday by the way about eighty thousand people in your native responded, which is
incredible and in what what what a country this is here is Andrew Coma as governor of New York, and I am asking healthcare professionals across the country. If you don't have a health care crisis in your community, please help us in New York. Now we need relief. We need relief for nurses, who are working twelve hours shifts one after the other. After the other, we need relief for doctors. We need relief for attendance. So if you're not busy com help us please and we will return the favour so that that calls not go unheeded and healthcare workers have been set for now? Obviously, there is an enormous amount of economic fallout from all this as well. The the estimates from the Federal Reserve is the corona virus. Job losses control forty, seven, million forty seven million, which
just an insane number. The fairest Mesa unemployment remains thirty, two percent. Now again, we can all hope and pray that shorter, it will be short term through? Not all, can remain in lockdown forever, but thirty, two percent unemployment. Does those levels that that not even greater pressure reached ethnicity insane levels, one employment, of course, that was caused by bad government action, bad government policy. This is being caused by the forcible lockdown of the entire global call which will be alleviated as corner virus itself wanes, but in this it. These are nightmare scenario, numbers the projection much worse than Saint Louis. That President James Bullets, much publicize estimate of third, Percent according to CNBC that reflect the high nature of ATLAS jobs that ultimately could be lost, a government, just economic freeze aimed at halting the krona virus, spread symbols economists Miguel three, I e Castro road. These are very low numbers by historical standards is a rather unique shock, unlike any other experienced by the US economy in the last one hundred years. Now this does not account for workers may drop out of the labour force, which
He's down the headline unemployment rate, they do not estimate the impact of recently storm and stimulus which will extend unemployment Bennett. In subsidize companies for not cutting staff, but we are sitting by the end of the week, another almost three million but will join you unemployment lines now people are going to receive women that wasn't the neutral two trillion dollar stimulus bell: people going to be receiving unemployment. That basically amounts to, obviously the twelve hundred check promote, but there also embarrassing and unemployment benefits that fill in most of what people were making is, is what was in that bill when you file for on employment for the next four, its most. We want nothin receiving a Czech until MID April, so April them to change and largely to August, so you could be receiving checks up through August according to current estimates. Hopefully, the goal is by the time we get to June and July people are starting to you're back. We are seeing massive follows over at Macy's an gap. Now we hear that We were trying to make sure that everybody stays employed. Everybody in every company is working to make sure they don't have to lay off workers
Maisie gap. Other retailers are forlorn tens of thousands of employees beginning this week. The fellows the swelling ranks of the unemployed and the economic damage resulting from corona virus, which is now in fact more than hundred fifty thousand people. According to the Wall Street Journal, the federal rescue package provides direct payments to individuals, enhancement, Women benefit and loans for small employers that key people on their payrolls Macy's closed its doors March. Seventeenth Macy's employs roughly twenty five thousand people. They said the majority of those employees will be followed, though, still have access to the company health benefits, gap is doing the same thing they're following eighty thousand people. There is universal my ring is the assumption is that at a certain point the retail shops will open back up and those people will come back on the job. So it's not a full on firing in the midst of all of this, there is some talk of economic turmoil and that that is going to that is going to be exacerbated by the length of this thing. This is one of the reasons it's not in a matter of small priority, to ensure that the economy get back on track,
It is a matter of top priority, make sure that we don't have an epidemic. The kills couple million people, but the economy is definitely a priority here. It must be a priority. We're already starting to see signs that this is going to be unworkable. Faster than we thought it was going to be the president yesterday said that the economy, second saving lives. Of course, the strangers president from yesterday so bad for the economy, but the economy is number two on my list. The first I want to save a lot of lives going to get the economy back. I think the economy is going to come back very fast. Steve just asking about the economy. What's it like, we physically shut down our country, and we did in order to keep people separated key people apart there not work in an office. Is that not an aeroplanes? Together, you know we really shut it down neighbour again those priorities are an order, but let's not pretend, not downside costs to every day that we are out of work. I ll give you an example:
the whole food employees are now staging a nationwide sick out right now there are literally millions of people who are dependent on. Hopefully why? Because Amazon Fresh is hopeful, Amazon owns whole foods, so Hopefully, workers storm out its ancestry. You you're losing your organic Hale. You lose their ability to actually obtain many of the supplies that you need. If you're the person in your ordering stuff online to be left at your door. You could be utterly screwed by this, and and I'm sorry, but this is not a time for you to strive for better pay. This is not for you to strive for better pay, because an unknown economy. You know what the company would do they just fire all your and they'll, just higher people who are newly unemployed, that's exam. Logan in normal time. This is not a normal time. It did, but with him a conservative forces. Liberal thing he's back in the The early nineteenth fifties there's a point where, where President Harry from an from internationalized steel industry, because a striking orders, in fact, is that striking in a time of pandemic, not because of bad worker paper, because just
more money, I'm sorry everywhere lost their job and rules Amsterdam, job, ok, leg, if I were Amazon and I had the capacity of fire, everybody constructs right now and I bring and workers who are willing to work. I would because this is is unconscionable The reason I say it's unconscionable is not only are you depriving people the supply lines that are keeping the country running right now? Not only that, but Emma and offered you additional benefits already. This is not your striking because Amazon forcing you to go to work on March thirty first today Hopefully, employees are gonna call in sick to demand paid leave for all workers who stay home or so of self quarantine. During the crisis, frequent of our assessing problem plays hazard, pay, here's the big one hazard pay of double the current hourly wage for employees who shot to work during the pandemic. You might have doubled just for showing up to work. Well, one else in the country is out of work. I'm sorry, no, no, ok, and by the way, the actual, the actual thing that hope, which has done her foods, bearing this article
vice, has increased hourly pay for its workers already by two dollars an hour. In the midst of all this, they ve offered to provide two weeks of paid sickly to workers who has positive recovery, Dean and said it would not penalized workers for calling out sick so already saying what and penalize you're, not gonna fire. You if you call out sick, but you need to go get it. Because we don't just want people staying home without getting a test which is perfectly reasonable, because you need to supply chains working I hope with worker in Chicago organiser of the sick out- wished remain anonymous because they feared retaliation. They should be fired outright. Most. This demand we have, as for an increase in, has repay, were asking for double pay. Double pay We first announced the intensity of sick out, hopefully next September, raise a two dollars an hour which isn't enough. Ok, I'm sorry what happens to call the cops colored sixty one double pay. What happens? If all the medical professionals classic, because they want double pay. You wanted to it's funny, everybody is happy to talk about people in speculative market buying up growing I was mass and in trying to sell them for a thousand dollars on Ebay Business
Same damn thing: you're asking for double pay in the midst of a pandemic, because you know that those employees are necessary in order to make sure that all people get their food gaped at that person should be fired, outright fired outright. And then there is talking in things, are getting an ugly. Then there is talk about red strikes. If people are talking about not just not paying them. Which has been alleviated right. I mean people are not like people already saying that we're going to basically delay you rent they all rent later, which is perfectly reasonable, because the property owner is thing. There's any was Euro interest loan effectively reducing we're not going that you know that you're orders that are already in place across the country, sometimes our balance going to read strike until the coroner virus pandemics subsides, meaning they don't want to pay the rent ever for they play of living in their house or get is like saying that you can get free food from the grocery store for the next three for the next three months. That's not the way this works and we can flow. You a check to cover your rent, but people do need I paid for your use of their resources. They as things get worse here, as this goes
there's more and more demand that you just get stuff for free that you not action have to paste if, on the other end again, no one should be effected. During this thing you Auster jobs. The government said you had a loser drop. You lost, Come strengthens. The gamin said he had a loser: income stream, but It does not mean that on the back and you shouldn't have to pay for the resources that you are using right now or that the government can be feeling that in right now, you're innovation. Nobody's ever able to rent apartment again. Definitely Gulf WAR with IRAN strike you'll make sure that no new development has ever had in the country makes legal form with men. Striking internationalization of housing strike advocates are saying that tenants can't pay rent if they can't earn. A living. What's, cancel rent for ninety days cancel and not again, I'm not saying that you should have to I naturally went nobody's getting evicted right now, I'm saying on Again, of course you should be charged for and you are using the resource. Are you not like saying that we should force everybody to go to work without getting paid for the next ninety days because of the pandemic use of resources costs money. Things are
get so ugly, their net so ugly. If this continues freight long period of time truly ugly. Right now I mean you should know, there's a pictures yesterday over this Pennsylvania Food Bank, and I mean just unbelievable pictures of cars. Waiting in line does Pennsylvania Food Bank because people dont have jobs, because they don't have money right now that money should come in. We hope the other federal government over the next two three weeks by I mean just astonishing astonishing pictures of thousands of people in line waiting to get canned goods good from a food bank. This is stuff. I never thought I would see in America and a better alleviate as fast as possible, or things are going at supremely supremely ugly, ok well time for a quick thing that I like and then a thing that I hate so things that I like everyone watching Tiger king. I started watching Tiger King Netflix last night with the wife, because it was reckoning by coltan, among others and em. If this The average voter in America, then yeah, I'm
with Aristotle's dictatorship of the wise of this, the average voter in american citizens. Obviously Tiger king is the story of crazy people like hang out with tigers and um. They are indeed crazy. Here's Wilbur the trailer. They had a heart and soul into mine. I've learned from them, but girl, basque, and keeps saying ok, probably Tiger. If he ever have an enemy in his life, it was cruel master. Oh you, poor catching methods. Kerala cat rescue are always the mother Teresa of cats and for private possession of these camps. My way eleven and nobody's gonna pay Miami otherwise has an army of people worldwide in the world so that that's being seriously in territories, is what in the world is this seriously? That's the entire series up. If you looking for a good old american craziness, then this is what you are looking for. Other utter craziness, ok time for a thing,
that I hate it has been saying we live in it. Where we should be able to come to some bipartisan consensus. We are not in fact, because people feel a certain level. Comfort in being angry at the other side, and so you are, with idiocy like this. So yesterday the President of the United States had at the White House thee my pillow die right, the guy who makes my pillow, which is great product he he happens to be a fantastic story as well. His name, is MIKE Lindo and Michelangelo. Backstory is really pretty amazing and the guy was essentially, I think, a drug addict, and he made a comeback by becoming his Christian and now he's got tens of thousands of people working for him, making pillows undermine for people pillows that people are able to customize, and so he has now converted his factories over to making man His company has been shifting production two and ninety five mass going to start making fifty thousand and ninety five
asked a day starting this Fridays we dedicated night. Seventy five percent of manufacturing to produce cotton, face ask which amazing amazing thing is. We gets up at the White House and from gives him and here's what he has to say you, Mr President, for your call to action when It shows empowered companies, like my pillow, to help our nation when this invisible war. I rode off the cuff, if I can be god- gave us grace on November, eight two thousand sixteen to chain of course, we were on God, had been taken out of our schools and lives, a nation to turn its back on God, and I encourage you, use this time at home to give us time to get back in the word, read our bibles and spend time with our families. Ok, media lost mind, because, because was praising Trump and invoking God and suggesting that they wanted from present nor that man's entitled. Was police here, but this is so the media lose it. They lose
certain members, the media who are suggesting and is a violation of church and state it is not in fact, violation of church and state for the vote for this guy to talk about God from the podium you idiot and people are like: why is he even there? Why is he even their seriously ram rammed Nepal from CNN each weeded out? He's the executive enter CNN, he said in case you were wondering what my pillow is doing in a time of growing virus, their developing five, fifty thousand face Today? What are you doing in time? A quart of ours, you douche bag. Like? What are you doing over CNN and whining about crap like what what are you doing here? we face, masks you providing ok, you and you do the same things you, and indeed that I do for a living differences. I'm not gonna! Look anybody in the in the face and yell at them for getting a White House credit line, after developing after devoting their entire production resources to developing the medical resources, we need help. What? How much would douche bag you have to be for your priority?
Maybe why is that, even speaking at he's being noise to trump where's even their cause. You develops face mass. What do you do for a living aside from right, Crap Cairo's over it, CNN Ellie Bell over MSNBC did the same thing. Traces trumped just called the Mai guy up to the podium. The rose garden. You cannot make this stuff up. What are you going out you she over it CNBC. I'm MSNBC look, look. How many faces You don't the battle over there, what you're selling machinery may he face masks in the bathroom, putting gather wrestlers News we colonists up Abrams and was just the worst each with a jerk trumpets. This is why media doesnt want to cover your God, Emperors corona virus rallies, because the GDP, my policy was holding forth on the lectern on a day that five Americans died and twenty thousand got sent from the virus. The breathing was intended to focus on and what what have you been doing? Seth Abrams in Scots Workin
he's, deputy director of the two thousand nine presidential inaugural committee and two thousand twelve Dnc that now trumpets having my pillow guy speak. This is absurd. Hashtag stop airing Trump Joy, rid MSNBC when she's, not busy, writing homophobic. What was that you prevent somebody else? Wrote wrote not a prank. Ok, perfect! Everything is fine. Over the same side of the data, be some proponent of tv carrying transgressor, but allowing cooperate. And use them as advertising platforms seems like the exact opposite of news. How are you this blind? How are you this blind that your top, priority is how dear this dimension, God and praise Trump he's developing tens of that thousands of masks. That's the priority. You do like seriously, what, The hell is wrong with you, people what they What is wrong with you people? You say why won't your entire priorities? Trump is not getting the medical resources to the people on time. This guy is going out of his way to converting entire factories, to peruse medical resources, and your chief take away is he's here. Nice to trumps or he's a bad man is bad. Bad man me well meant
the media continue to stump for trans pressures to be cancelled on tv, because very bad terms should be like look you're fat tracking and we all know it we what first of all the worst thing that could happen for members, the media for trumps pressures. To start to stopping air while they do the rest of the day, actually report on the news I instead and be to formulate and pretend righteous indignation downloading last night, overrun Sienese. Why are we even taking trumps? Well because a lot of where these stuff is happening at the transgressors Doktor Bruce you speaking their doctor, oh geez, bigger and yes, it's newsworthy when a self made millionaire in the United States, with tens of thousands of employees converts his dozens of factories, to making mask that happens to be a newsworthy thing, even if you don't like the fact that he's really crushing likes trompe idiots. Here's dominant on CNN, making a fool of himself: I'm not act, sure, if you want to be honest, then we should, that live, I mean, should run snippets. I think we should do it afterwards and get the pertinent point.
The american people, because he's never ever going to tell you the truth is obvious as transparent to me. This is become. Those press briefings have become his new apprentice. They become his new rallies and he treats the press and the media as if he's talking to the people in his rallies. It's the same thing so devices that the audience is not there. He just don't want anything. I get it. I get the hate trump and you hate that he's president. You don't like how he talks and all that I can promise that we talk to guess what he's the presence of the United States. You know why didn't like. We talked also in a different way, Barack Obama Who is just more more subtle, telling lies in self glorying right, trophies, just the blood version of Obama he just here. Ass himself on the back physically, like during during press conferences, actually grows, third armed Pat himself on the back and talks up his own achievements, and engages in the sort of loving that you see in India, the state of the times or poverty that you see in real estate oversight. Ok, I get the hate that he's up.
The president and his newsworthy, what he said and if it's not very worthy, then stop covering all together Idiots and then Critias does the same thing over and MSNBC. Why are we even taking transgressors he's the present of the United States. Why do I have to explain this to? You is more interesting to hear what form Obama, who staffers have to San MSNBC Crusades I think it's pretty harrowing for all of us to watch this lack of leadership from the wider center. Frankly, watch a lot of the media go along with it, because his press conferences, as always are still entertaining in part because he is competitive in part because he does lie in: U S catch him in those lies and hold them accountable, but that doesn't make for an effective public health response yeah. That's why he's bragging about the ratings is obviously above my pay great automates, make call that we taken were or not, but it seems crazy to me that everyone still taking them when you got them. Pillow geike getting up there talking marrying the Bible again like this is your priority.
Ok, that you wonder why people dont trust me. This is why people don't trust the media. Tell us why people know my when president from slammed idiots like em, Acosta and Ladys, find you somebody who loves Eulogium, constables, Jimmy Costa yesterday at the White House from accosted gets up, and his only question is: what do you say? Mr President, two people were upset at you. Ok, if ever there's been a loaded question that question bringing about there is? What do you say to people who love you remedy before for trumpets? What do you say to people who are upset it you? Mr President, every question from chemical. I like this. What is the information you are listening? I happened to do interviews affair a fair bit on this programme. And on the radio programme on Sunday special aid of you, a lot of people, people on the other side of the Isle, too. You know you're trying to do with the question illicit useful information. That is the purpose of a question I had on pens and Burke's on Sunday, and all I did was asked them straight questions about pandemic response about how exam we, the government, was one to deal with this about estimates about numbers in city of Jamaica, they asking from my he's so mean an orange and from rightly slams in here
What do you say to Americans who are upset with you over the way? You down delay this crisis over the last couple of months? You know it is going away and it go away and we're gonna have a great victory and its people like you and see an end that say things like that that it's why people just don't want to listen to see it anymore. You could ask a normal question since I made are I want to keep the country com. I dont want panic in the country. I could cause panic. Much better than even you? I could do much. I would make you look like a minor league player, but you know what I don't want to do that I want to, of our country, be calm and strong and fight and win, and it will go away. It's almost a miracle and it is the way it's all come together and that of asking a nasty snarking question like that you should the real question and he's right, you should ask
question with the media are to be. It was so funny there is that person from away and then who s sort of a fluffy question to Trump and press conference in some some kind of haste. Old, junior high, the media are everyone's an idiot, ok, rule of the day everyone's more on half a time is me, but lots of people are stupid, ok and if somebody slid and noted this person saying how did your question help solve corona virus today, watching for Jimmy Carter wonders your question ever illicit useful information ever from slams woman says you could ask a useful question: Trump is not wrong, Are you all right from hates the MID members, the media and why they hidden Rebecca that kind of stuff? Ok, final note on this particular You don't remember that story a few days ago that we talked about where a woman ten cleaner than blimp. Remember this disease tracking about hydroxide clerk Wayne and chlorine phosphate, and then she went into her pantry enjoyment of fish tank cleaner, but it's called court for Queen Phosphate,
and she promptly down with her husband and the entire videos, like always because trunk is talking about this stuff, drunkest augment the stuff. That's why that's why this person those diner husband, did die. Well, it turns out this. Lady also has some politics to her. The Washington Free Beacon went through the woman and her husband. Identities and they report that woman's most recent donations in February to a democratic pack. The three fourteen action fund that bills itself, as the programme resistance and his vocally criticize The trunk administrations response to the corona virus pandemic, the APC records you're, the one that has dominated thousands of dollars to democratic electoral groups and candidates over the past two years, including Hillary Clinton, the DC and Emily's, lest her contributions today, grassroots sharply over the past two years. Her first recorded political donation is a hundred fifty bucks, you Hillary Clinton in twenty sixteen, an extra she gave five and fifty bucks in DC since thousand eight she's contribute approximately six thousand dollars to democratic electoral groups, wandered told the freebie. Can we won't big supporters?
from what we did see. There are using it and stuff, and we just made a horrible tragic mistake: it stupid, it was horrible. We never should have done it. It's done now. Now I've lost my husband. My whole life was my husband. We didn't think you would kill us. We thought of anything it would help us is that we have been hearing on the news scenes media covered this crazy ladys words. Though they were the words of a deep from supporter disillusioned by president from words about had Roxy glorifying, when, in fact, the lady is a long time, democratic supporter who doesn't like trump anyway and then also happens to be a complete moron who down poisonous chemicals in by the way the media happy to dig into Joe the plumbers camp, contributions back in two thousand eight, don't even by than five minutes looking into the person claims that from killed her husband by recommending a drug that please being used. In addition to as promising in hospitals, right now for people who are in desperate need over over in romance letters are So we'll be back here with two additional hours later today makes region into daily, where all access may become a numbers you can hang out with us, I think knows, is tonight otherwise we'll be back.
Mara with all the updates adventure here. This is the bench bureau show if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread the word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened apart. Gas also be sure to check out the other daily, whereupon s, including reclaiming, show them all show and that, while show thanks, the listening Dementia Piero Show is produced by coltan, has directed by Make Joiner executive producer. Jeremy boring supervising producer math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel light asking technical producer, Austin Stevens play back and media operated by Nick, she had associate producer Katie's Winterton edited by Adam Sigh of it. Audio is mixed by Michael Romena here and make up is by Negro Geneva. The Ben Shapiro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wired, you twenty, the United States, has slowed the spread of corona virus, but there's one scourge whose, via Quality is only increasing fake news
We will examine the most egregious examples of how the left wing media lies to add panic to the pandemic, then in an effort to combat Cove it a democratic mayor politely asks criminals to chill and in New York jail releases, a bunch of child molesters. Meanwhile, prosperity, preachers command the virus to go away and President Trump rains firing brimstone down on Jim accosted during his latest radius. Busting press briefing check it all out so much more on the Michael Nature.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-15.