« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 970 - Trump Gets Serious About Coronavirus


Trump bans all travel to and from Europe, the NBA suspends its season, and Tom Hanks comes down with coronavirus.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From bans nearly all travel to and from Europe, the NBA suspended season and Tom Hanks comes down with corona virus. Adventure of this is the venture garage. Today, always sponsored by expressly beyond my savvy fan, secure their internet, join them and Express bbn dot com, Slash Ben already so last night, president from it equally said, the corona virus, I'm in control here in front of IRA, said, do control fear so things not gone great out there with the growth of ours. The big problem, of course, continued lack of information. The testing kids are not widely available. We just don't know how many people in the United States actually have grown up. We don't even know how many people abroad have for a virus. What we do know is that their certain measures that have been again the harsh measures it seems that the faster the grown a virus is brought under control. This is true in one hand, it was true in South Korea, where you have seen a significant bending of the curve. That is what people are calling it the curve being the number of people who are infected and then the number of people who are dying this obviously
means that people are now getting increasingly serious and cautious about going to wide scale. Public events, not that if your young and go to the public and I are gonna die, but that if you go to a public good may become a carrier or transmitter to somebody who is more vulnerable. Somebody with a preexisting condition, somebody who does a strong immune system. Cancer patients, leukemia patients, people who are older than all of this is is deeply frightening. Me there's no other way. To put it you look, the news is harder be scared- and the reason is hard not to be scared, is when you see ITALY, shutting down every public space like all public spaces, except grocery stores, in pharmacies no church service is going on in ITALY. No stores open in ITALY when you see Israel shutting down not only all travel but all public events over one hundred people. When you see people trying to down public events in Washington state. Obviously, all of this is predicated on the notion that corona virus is easily transmitted which, as far as we know, is true and also
corona virus is a lot more deadly than the flu which, as far as we know, is also true, but it does differ based on age bracket in his ears, and some reporting to suggest that every person who who takes could gets corona virus is equally likely to die of it or experience significant ramifications from corroded virus. The younger you are the better chance you have of recovering from this end, even if you're older, the majority of the people who are getting it are indeed recovering the death rates of even for people above eighty, yes, like fifteen percent, which the unbelievably high really frightening. But that means that eighty five percent of the people getting it above the invading our recovering I'm corona virus, but it is lack of information that, of course, is going living how out of everyone- and this means that President from stepping into the fray and presenting some sort of plan here was absolutely necessary. President from did that last night he got some mixed reviews will put it that way, but first, let's get to the actual me. So yes, today, the World Health Organisation declared a pandemic of grown a virus disease covered nineteen. Accordingly,
Washington, Post. The w H declared trot a virus abandoning reflecting alarm the country's aren't working quickly and aggressively enough to fight the disease it causes covered. Nineteen we are deeply concerned by both the alarming levels of spreading severity and of the alarming levels, actions had debate show director General TED rose at home for weeks now, the w has hesitated to make a pandemic declaration for fear of inciting panic or prompting some countries to flag in their efforts. Even many uppity me I'll just believe the corona virus had already spread to pandemic levels, but I once date, tethers noted the widespread scale of the outbreak said there. More than a hundred eighteen thousand cases in a hundred and fourteen countries over four thousand people for two hundred and ninety one that count have lost their lives in the days and weeks expect to see the number of corn a virus cases of the number of deaths and the number of affected countries climb. Even higher federal said that the word pandemic is not a word to be used lightly or carelessly It's a word that of misuse can cause unreasonable, fear or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading unnecessary suffering and death. The doubly chosen
It does not require any new funding protocols or regulations. It basically just scares moving health. If everyone is what you get from that, it's not that anybody gets a release of funding. Thanks to like you declare national emergency in the United States that gives additional powers to the government. That's not the same thing for the W H out when they declare a pandemic. It basically has the same effect as Michael Scott going to the centre of the office and shouting I declare bankruptcy like ok. Thanks super help. Would that said, the NBA has now put it season on hold after one player tested positive for corona virus. Now, finding out that a second player has disappeared if work run a virus according to the allay times, Ba on Wednesday indefinitely suspended the two thousand and thousand twenty season after you touch us
and already Gilbert tested positive recover. Nineteen just a couple of days ago, Gilbert who apparently was coughing and locker room. He jokingly went around he press room and started touching everything like as a joke started touching the microphones start touching all the reporter stuff. What turns out dude had corona virus, and now it turns out that another player has come down with Chrome, iris as well according to the league. The test result was reported shortly prior to this above tonight's game between the jazz note, Lama, city thunder at Chesapeake Energy Arena. At that time tonight scheme was cancelled, effective player was not in the area the NBA suspending gameplay following the conclusion of tonight schedule games until further notice or now living inside space jam. If you remember the plot of space jump, all the players refuse to play because they are there can be infected with the alien by hurts after the NBA use this hiatus to determine next steps for moving forward in regard to the corona virus Pandemic, Maar Cuban who's, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks here yesterday. He said that he's gonna try and find a way to continue paying his hourly employees, which is really cool thing to do,
Obviously, the Lakers and clippers were considered favorites. Championship. Blinkers landed in China for exhibition games after an internet, no incident. This was just the end of last year Lakers employees are being advised work from home for the foreseeable future. The clippers will not practise on Thursday. Meanwhile, we are now finding the Tom Hanks in Riga, Wilson have tested positive for corona virus, which is always good news, and by good news I mean ridiculous in horrifying. So even celebrities skirt virus falls on the on the blessed any blessed alike, as first reported by deadline had we award wonder and his wife I'm location in Australia for pre production of a film on Elvis Presley when they began exe rinsing symptoms, Hanks wrote in a statement first published by deadline and later shared twitter. We felt a bit tired, like we had calls the Ex reading had some chose the came and went slight fevers due to playthings right, as is needed in the world. Right now we are tested for grown a virus and were found to be positive. Hanks went on to say that he and Wilson will be tested, observed an isolated for as long as public health and safety require it. Meanwhile,
as I mentioned. We we now have a aid. A breaking news that jazz our Donovan Mitchell has tested positive for corona virus as well Jaspers privately say that Rudy go had been click careless in the locker room, touching other players, their belongings as well. So that's scary, stuff Theirs is reporting the president amiable scenario of Brazil is being tested for grown a virus. We know the health Minister of Great Britain has grown a virus, so this thing is, it is widespread. It is, it is hitting a lot of people. Be surprising to me that of universal testing were available in the United States. Hundreds of thousands of people have grown a virus already. That would not be shocking. At The brazilian government spokesman, who met with president from last weekend was pictured. Standing next to him, has now tested positive corona virus as well. So we would hope that the President of the United States has been tested for corner virus them Ilene. President's dimension is now being monitored for coronavirus. Viruses schedule for the week was cancelled. Both were with Donald Trump and my pencil Saturday at Marilla, though, as
So all of this is on. All of this is deeply disturbing. We're going to get you more. In just one second and president trumps response which, as I say, is receiving at best a mixed reviews and frankly, those mixed reviews are well deserved. We'll get to that in just one second. First, if you want to give a truly meaningful gift, the season get yourself a beautiful pauper. Nine over Tellson S, gonna cost you a fortune is, can be supremely expensive, but here is the truth: it isn't over paint your lifetime com, fantastic, fantastic gifts, available to you. We have a painter life portrait of my vote. They may my wife, two of our three kids hanging over our mantle right now. I can't wait to get our next one. Once we have a portrait of all the kids it'll just be fantastic, You have an original painting of yourself, your children, your family, a special place at church, pet and appraise you can afford from paint your lifetime com. It's a true painting. It's done by hand by world class artist created from a favorite photo. It makes the perfect for birthdays, anniversaries or special family holiday. You choose the artist and then you work with that artists.
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The great god fell. Show is dropping into audience as well, so everybody is cutting down on the audiences. The anti doubly tournament is now going. We played without fans in a statement post on Wednesday afternoon. The Anti W President MARC Emirate announced the upcoming championship. Events, including the men's and women's basketball tournaments, will be played in front of only essential staff and limited family as well, and what role I understand how disappointing this is for all the bands of our sports. My decision is based on current understanding of how Corbett nineteen is progressing in the United States. This decision is in the best interests of public health, including that of just administrators fans and, most importantly, our student athletes, the men. An awful related take place before us, allow crowded, probably seventy thousand people and Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta as well. Meanwhile, New York City has cancelled the Saint Patrick stay put That is no shock at all. I predicted that a little bit earlier this week, although Bill Plaza and on Monday. There are no plans to cancel the brain. The bread has now been cancelled there. Now. Fifty three known cases of cover
nineteen in New York City. The answer is probably a lot lot higher parent teacher conference is a public schools have been cancelled. And I M requirements on Wednesday that all of these Sunni and Juny schools will switch to remote learning one of the big con He's right now is whether there should be widespread school shutdowns. The case in favour of widespread school shutdowns is that the kids are basic. From factories negative passing this stuff to each other than they got home. They bring into mom and dad who bring to grandparents. That is the case for shutter. Down the schools. Schools are germ. Factor is the case for not shutting down the schools is kids or germ factories. You bring them home from What exactly do you do with them all day and lotta people have child care if you send them today, characteristic they are sending them to a school if their home, more likely in touch with other members of their family. So it's not really a cure. All it is unclear whether school shutdowns are the best idea at this point for schools that do not actually have any incidents of growth, a virus, but again because testing corona viruses so scanty, it's difficult tell who the hell even has corona virus. At this point
SL, with, with all of the said, and Anglo Merkel in Germany is is telling the the german people that seventy percent of the population could come in contact with. Irish said the consensus among experts is that sixty to seventy percent of the population will be infected as long as this remains the situation, she says that we have to basically shut down all social media. We have made and no more handshakes behaviour. We really have to change our law. Insignificant ways in our prevent this sort of widespread spread of grown a virus and them perfect sense. I mean remember right now, we're just buying time, but that that's what this is about. This is not the kind of virus will disappear if well, take two weeks off. The idea here is that you're buying time you're slowing the spread that every day that you adds that curve means a day that researchers are, to develop a vaccine, its data brings us closer to summer. There's a lot of speculation that, during warm weather seasons, the flu tends to die out, and so, if we can into summer and warm weather in the northern hemisphere, and that will help curb the spread of crime
virus in general, but what we can all pray and hope for that bottom line is that everybody is rightly at this point worried about current virus, because we do not have enough information and a lot of that has to do with lack of testing. That is the fault of the federal government the fault of state government. We talked yesterday about the fact that even local testing in Seattle was shut down by the FDA and CD see all this has resulted no doubt Jones Industrial Average absolutely collapsing. Yesterday, the DOW ended its eleven. Your ball market has grown a virus defied economic remedies. All this talk about how we're going to solve this thing by pumping the economy full of money. That's not right. People are not spent you are not going out in public places, they shouldn't be spending, they shouldn't be going out and in hanging out in public places. So of course, you can see in economic contraction these days on there's an economic contraction that is not a great shock now. What you would expect is that once corona viruses under control, no matter what you would see of the ship recover, because the underlying economic fundamentals are not really the problem. The problem right now is that
is it nobody knows what is coming and that uncertainty is being priced into the market? So, if I should say the DOW Jones Industrial Average is taking the absolute beating, it took a beating. Yesterday it was down one thousand four hundred yesterday, it opened this morning down two thousand points, so it is dropped down well below twenty, Two thousand it is. It is headed toward twenty, one thousand right now and just remember folks that when Barack Obama left off as the DOW Jones Industrial Average was in the neighborhood of about twenty thousand, is about nineteen thousand eight hundred. We are now at twenty one thousand twenty one thousand five hundred, so we are approaching the point. All stock market gains under President Trump had been lost thanks to corona virus alone, which is an amazing amazing statement about globalization and the cost of globalization. The benefits of globalization,
Everybody who see the costs of globalization are, if your Blackstone about like this one, can completely shutdown supply lines all over the globe, and the DOW Jones is collapse today does demonstrate that president trumps attempts last night's attempt this thing down were a failure, At least in the public mind there. There is no sense of confidence that is emanating from the federal government. There isn't that this does not mean that the federal government could, at this point to anything that attempt down the markets like bottom line. Is that have trumpet interstellar job last night? What you did not even if from had done a stellar last night. It is unlikely that the markets wouldn't drop this morning because he can provide assurances that everything is under control. Everything isn't under control. We don't know exactly what the hell is happening right now mean. The fact is that ITALY, I shut down all life there and the deaths continue to rise in ITALY, so bringing this in just one second I'll get you President trumps response yesterday, which was marred by a bunch of Scrubbs unfortunate we'll get it at momentarily. First, let us talk about taking your online activities, so here is the reality of respecting the next two weeks. Self Florentine. Well,
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everyone shares your wife. I can still be protected even if they dont have expressed deep. Yet, if you're not using the piano summary seals or data kind of your fault a little. But at this point protect your on that activity. Today with the Vienna, I trust to secure my privacy visit my special link. It expressly peons outcomes lifespan. You get an extra three months for free on a one year package that is act, P, R S, Vps outcomes, lifespan, Express Vps, dot, com, slash bundle or, more again, it's expressive. Gps, dot, com, Slash Ben S. President Trump spoke last night on Corona virus, whoever whoever green, let this bleep show should be fired mean seriously. It's not in it. It is not entirely trumps fault because again, here, speechwriters uses
for him. What's with his late, this thing started with Donald Trump on C Span, saying the F word, ok, and because he had an ink stain on his shirt. That is never a good way to start this thing they do not make the cameras live morons until the president is ready to speak, then president from got on air and he spoke about grown a virus. It did not setting the market it didn't make. People feel a lot more secure whose getting serious about it. There is a lot, Madam President, from going on public and suggesting that were fifteen cases, and it was moving down to zero, as you did a couple of weeks ago, which was obviously untrue, but without said here is the president it states last night announcing we're. Are showing the full force of the american government today the World Health Organization, officially announced that this is a global pandemic We have been in frequent contact with our allies and we are marshalling the full power, the federal government and the private sector to protect the american people?
since the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history I'll get well. There is only one problem, which is that he didn't actually get to be the key points. The speech, so here's what he announced. He announced that we're suspending all travel from Europe to the United States. There's one problem that we are not in fact suspending all travel from Europe to the United States. You can still get in if you are coming in from the Uk also, it turns out that if you're an american citizen Overseas Ver soldier overseas, you can come home. He didn't make that clear. So a lot people foresees were rushing to by plane tickets, hoping to sneak in under the deadline, sort of shame. If the original travel ban that prison from issued when he first came in office. There was a debacle in the way was originally instituted. If you're going to have a speech like this, you have to have everything lockdown trying provide a sense of solidity you're, trying to provide a sense that you know what you're doing that the federal government has thought these policies out fully and that they are providing detailed guidance to people, but president from was furious about krona virus, which again is a good thing, but
when you give a speech like this, you got to make sure that everything is locked down. It was not locked down his president Trump suggesting that all travel from Europe is going to be suspended to keep new cases from entering our shores, we will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States. For the next thirty days, the new rules will go into effect Friday at midnight. These risks directions will be adjusted subject to conditions on the ground, There will be exemptions for Americans who have undergone appropriate screenings, and prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo. But various other things as we get approval anything coming from Europe to the United States is what we are discussing ok, so that is not true. Ok, so that that is a mistake. Number two, ok
Mr Number two is that he announced that there will be basically bans on the importation of european goods which would shut down the entire global economy, and the stock market was like what the act is this and it turns out of. Where's that his executive weren't there's no such thing. It doesn't apply to trade in goods and apply only to it applies to humans, because you buy something from Europe. It is not as though the viruses over on your food thing from Europe so announcing apparently accident media and then teleprompter so much or had its inaction and whoever put then the teleprompter needs to be fired forthwith at the prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trading but various other things. As we get approval, the White House then had to clarifying that the ban only applies to human beings, not goods or cargo. The people transporting goods will not be admitted into the country the goodwill and then present from had to go on Twitter incorrect himself. He said: please, We are very important for all countries and businesses to no trade will in no way be affected by the thirty day restriction on travel from Europe. The restriction stops people, not goods, also important to note, His thirty eight restriction, the executive words not have
three day timeline, so it could be extended beyond thirty days. Also, Trump didn't mention that and would not apply to american residents citizens or generally citizens, immediate family members and the De Age ass. The department of Homeland Security had to issue a statement making that clear gate. Then President Trump announced that health insurance providers had agreed to waive customer payments for corona by treatment, and he said earlier this week, I met with the leaders of health insurance industry, who have agreed to waive all payments for corona virus treatments, extend insurance coverage to these treatments and to prevent surprise medical billing, but that's not true, they met with trumpet they said, will make declared a virus testing free. That is a very different thing from growing virus treatment. If you get double pneumonia as result of kroner virus insurance, companies can make every exactly. How are they going to survive that, but now sort of federal government bail out await us. He'll confirmed as yet, and that ensures had only agree to waive co payments on testing, not the not the actual cost of the treatment itself.
Then, president from attack the European Union saying that large numbers of clusters in U S had been seated by european travellers mean some of that is true, but the fact is that we are not even sure whether banning travel from Europe at this point is going to be incredibly effective, considering that we now have community infection in the United States. So while it may be a good idea to prevent further travel generally, because travel is basically people in small, enclosed spaces with lots of other people with that said, the idea that a travel shut down with this point can be completely effective. It was effective originally now the virus is widespread, it's difficult to imagine how that's going to be completely effective. In the United States, we can't even trace where the cases are coming from right. Now we have community infections and president from did announce that the Small Business administration probably providing fifty billion dollars in small, as loans? One of the problems with with this particular policy is that how do you determine which small businesses ought to get the loans in the first once the government becomes the lender of last resort to businesses, you're picking and choose winners in waiting,
the policies would not apparel tax holiday would not pick and choose winners if the federal government were frankly to give every a thousand dollars Andrew gang style that would not be picking and choosing winners, but instead to to use the sba to sort of power. Of particular business has been out other businesses, I mustn't, universals, very difficulty. This workers, president from talk about Small Business administration. I am Drafting these small Business Administration exercise available authority to provide capital and liquidity to firms affected by the corona virus. Active immediately. There Ba will begin providing economic loans and affected states and dirt, rose these low interest loans will help small businesses overcome temporary economic disruptions. By the virus To this end, I am asking Congress to increase funding for this programme by an additional fifty million dollars bouquet self. Now, we'll see whether that is effective or not. Bottom line is that there is going to have
some government responds to the fact that there can be a lot of short term lay offs people being followed from work. Thanks to all of this, it would not be surprising, for the federal government is to step it. We're going to get to the media's responds to tromp, because from speech had serious problems need not look. Good when it made some real mistakes. In the middle of the speech for the media's responses, overwhelmingly stupid, like in credit an overwhelmingly stupid we're gonna get to that in just one moment. First, let's talk about it. You can make your business more efficient. Obviously you got to be on top of your data very important for you to be on top of your data. That is the only way to ensure or that you know where your efficiencies and inefficiencies lie. What you companies like ring hint into I'll have in common, they all use nets, we to accelerate their growth, successful he's. No, the Nordic grow faster. You have to have the right tools if you wanna take your company from two millions. Million, or ten million to hundreds of millions in revenue. Net sweet by Oracle gives you the tools to turbo charger growth with nets. We get a full picture business finance inventory, each our customers and more its everything. You need to grow all in one place directly from your phone or computer nets. We will give you the visibility,
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ok, so he is getting more serious about all this without question, when it is true that the administrations response put put trump aside, the administrations response has been quite serious and that the fact is that that Stephen Red, who is one of the trump key officials on all of this Stephen Red, suggested yes today that the growth of our response is significantly larger than the American responds to each one, and one which was a major epidemic, happened in two thousand and nine is so much. Larger response than we had for each one in one. I think there are more sectors of government involved. We didn't do a lot of things that we're doing now, because they weren't a programme the border issues we had cases here that the ate a pandemic was recognising the United States so that its totally different situation. Okay- so now, obviously, is is true: red is
the way the assistant surgeon general. He also mentioned that president from its original chinese travel restrictions were very useful, and this happens to be true. Here is Stephen Red explaining the China's travel restrictions were at work I think that that was a period of time. We were not anything we would have done differently. We were working on a diagnostic. Ass. We were sending materials that started the ball rolling on vaccine production. We As you know, within weeks of identifying the outbreak really on the restriction of travel from China, but he's travelled by ninety percent, I think I was a very helpful move to prevent more cases from China coming into being. It saves we'll get with all that said, Doktor Anthony fancies. They had of national institutes for allergies and infectious diseases. He says we have to crack down on large crowds this
next Jude measure again that the administration is on top of this, to the extent that any federal administration is on top of it. The problem has been the disconnect for transit from getting serious less. That was a good thing, even if the speech was, screw up, here's Anthony's out yesterday, saying no large crowds would be a good start. We would recommend that the and not be large crowds if that means not having any people in the already innocently NBA plays so be it, but as a public health official. Anything that has large crowds is something that would if a risk to spread. Now there is some good news down. She said we are reaching a stage, one nineteen faster than anyone. As ever reached a stage one vaccine, so there's been a good news for you with regard to vaccines, as I mentioned the publicly many times we were able to very quick
go from an understanding of what this virus was to what the genetic sequence was to actually developing a vaccine. But there's a lot of confusion about developing a vaccine Next I would say for weeks or so we will go into what is called a phase. One clinical trial, getting it into phase one in a matter of months is the quick as that, anyone is ever done literally in the history of acts and member the governments are also pointing out that, while we are ramping up for wider, housing is gonna, take another two weeks for widespread testing, which that of course, is bad news. That means more informational deficits at this point, all of which is, is bad news Now, as I say, the media's response to all of this has been absolutely egregious. Aren't you mean like criticism from that? All that is fair enough. If present present from has to handle this better. His speech was not good again, he said
in his oval office speech, the vast majority of Americans. The risk is very, very low, but does that not not the reservation getting at the risk of dying? I mean that that particularly, is true with, with all of that said, The president also is getting criticising Israel. Media have really gone off the rails. President from last night said that this is the key, a major government responds to a foreign virus as the largest foreign nature thoughts. Iris- and this immediately lead people in the media to wine about the fact that Trump had said that the one viruses in fact for Virus- ok, I've ever question: why is that of a girl? It is a foreign virus. What why's that a problem It is an element of xenophobia luxuriously. This is what this is. What your focused on your focused on the fact that Trump points out that another, Major virus comes from China is that that's tramping might have some implications for american policy, and your initial take away. Is that that's tramping racist against chinese people that that's really where you going with us, I'm sorry!
Can I consider usurious person if you think that a major problem for the President of the United States to point out that a foreign virus is indeed a foreign virus, the entire media two months ago, was calling as the wind virus anyway. Here is the brothers Cuomo Chris and Andrew Chris interviewing Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, about all this and Governor Cuomo, very angry at from called the virus foreign. This is not about a foreign virus, whatever that means it's here. It's communities, It is much more prevalent. Then we know the testing does not reflect what it is. These are not random samples tests. It's because we have no testing capacity. That's why the numbers are low, if you, actually, he had testing capacity. You would see how high the numbers are already gay, so it is true that we need better testing capacity, but if you're really bitching at this point about calling The foreign virus. Your priorities are completely and utterly misplaced mean that is a disaster. And you ve, seen additional media.
Billy down lemon on CNN today or last night isn't John case a case is no friend of president drop. I mean drawn basic, hates, presbyters, frock and John case. It was on and he said, like I thought that the present there, okay, let go find his speech was fine and done. Lost. His mind lost his mind. This is your media. This is your very objective: mediators down women going after John K, sick John. The governors can't make choices. They can't this term no test. Kids, if the test case, thirteen The federal government has promised aren't out there than those governors make choices, and you said that listen, the president, you so the presence Justin to the script. I don't know if he's such a script or not, but that whatever script? He rare! I was wrong because they need to clarify it at times I just gotta, say the president came out called people's fears. He didn't do good job of it, because I had to come back and clarified several times, and it is been going on for them to get it right. We straight
do you know what made from this president, IRAN this administration and we're not getting it, and I don't understand why you are tiptoeing around it. He came out gave an address that all that usually happens very rarely and he doesn't get it right. Can I tell you first of all, he read it and somebody that wrote this book I do want to get into that. He can where it was, Why you're, here longer than the prototype hisses, can open and down lemons is no. You can't finish he's done. Lemon has an agenda here, and the agenda is to paint trump as obviously incompetent and terrible at everything again their real problems with the speech. But let's be real about this. This speech is not the problem. The problem is lack of information it what the president's, as makes a difference, but the markets we're not going to respond well anyway to the factory. Tremendous lack of information. The president is obviously a personal level, taking everything a lot more seriously that the president is meeting with the prime minister to
and they agreed not to shake hands and from said it's a strange feeling for politicians, because handshaking is routine but again the media have an agenda here. Their agenda is to paint tromp as it like. Several things can be for wants. One from is not doing the world's best job of handling missing. On a personal level, too, The Trump administration is doing everything that it can in their doing just as much as any other administration. What Anthony found she has served in several different administrations and governor by giving some from California sing they're getting what they need from the federal government. Three noble has this thing under control and for the media wants Citroen fall flat on his face and they are eager to paint trump as unable to handle this whole thing too Those things can be true at once, and in fact, all those things are true at once in just a second and gets gonna get to more media malfeasance. The media really really trying to play up the idea that the federal government's response- is not only insufficient but uniquely insufficient, because Trump, because everything is Trump or gets that in just one. Second, first, let's talk about making your house book morbid
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straighten visit. This is something of the media have learned to play and play the game really well, and that is, if you remember the trumpet, ministration and from says something dumb you're not allowed to go on tv, and you say you have a presence in this at that or yet a present and mean that you're not allowed to do that. Then from gets mad at you, and so what the media have decided to do is basically every member of the Trump administrations will count for anything done the president's, as well as what else income it was doing today with my pants and it got pretty ugly present trump's speech last night after he talked about the travel ban from Europe or travel restrictions. I guess I should say from Europe and the handling of cargo shipments to clarifications basically had to be issued within the space of our one from day, just saying that they travel restrictions, do not apply to all travel and then the president himself tweeted, he didn't mean cargo, so so
the confusion. I don't think there is confusion. The president took another historic step, just like you did in January with China to suspend all travel from Europe Alison the next thirty days, because we recognised our health experts, tracking global data that the epicenter of the Verona virus has shifted from China and South Korea to Europe and gay. So again, This being trotted around media as evidence depends, won't talk up to Trump. Look. We all know the situation. Where the situation is that the president has personal character of laws when it comes to being thin skinned, he does Anybody in his administration contradicting him and Trump, isn't the guy who wrote the speech or loaded the teleprompter? Wasn't there the buck stops with the with the President, with that said again, quivered put that crap and tell her We need to be fired like for you, put an arrow ridden speech in the middle of a global pandemic in the president's teleprompter be fired,
seriously somebody needs that there's match the need, the role. Now we should be in the business not of looking for head rolling but we should be in the business of seeing what the response ought to look like and right now. The answer is it Nobody knows what they held. The response ought to look like what we do know is that pumping is now did solution. President Trump has been fixated to this point on the stock market. He continued to be fixated on the stock market today, whose time now the stock market is gonna, be just like. Maybe it will, but only in response to an underlying ease in what we know about corona virus right now in people the sun Trump right trumps response to current virus. That's why the sap market is dropping now that the reality is what people are looking for from the president last night was a reassurance. Everything was under control. Trumped can't give that reassurance, because no one can the Prime Minister of ITALY can't do it the Prime minister of Israel can do it. The prime minister of Ireland can't do it. Nobody that the head of the double you Joe can't do it. What would trumpet said last night that really would have com or could seriously?
there's, nothing from said. Ok, you know what it is you tomorrow we're shutting down all public gatherings across the nation and a request. Nobody go to an event with more than a hundred people. What do you think the stock market? Would it done this morning there were dumped who's, gonna jump anyway, there's not enough information out there. So that's not I'm spot with. That said, president from bizarre notion that if the fair just easy money, the tomato stock markets, be propped up that we go to negative interest rates that were some having to prop up the market one is spending no one is going out, you'll serious, underlying problem. If no one is consuming, then there's nobody was actually going to be hiring and if nobody is hiring there's going to be a lack of people who are capable of Things were entering recession territory. We are now there's things that can be done to stop gap. This thing right, we can have, as we mentioned apparel tax holiday. There ve been conservatives urging the federal government to basically sign unemployment checks for people who are unemployed for the period that quota virus requires you to stay home, we had. We ve had talk about paid sick leave. There's fairly,
I bipartisan support for a lot of these proposals, at least in the short term as an emergency is an emergency that, but, but with that said in all the blame being cast on from it, it's too much it's too much like from certainly could handle this better. He continues to need to handle. Better, but the suggestion that Trump is not taken seriously right now is ridiculous. Jim accosted tried this yesterday, Jim Acosta from she had asked from specifically is taking seriously enough and from ended him What you're saying Thank you very much. I gave up. There is ending Jim accosted. Meanwhile, the media trying to prop up Joe Biden as the alternative. Remember there, always political political ramifications, for all of this a month ago, president from was on a solid path to re election is running against and when an old, Crone socialist but then Bernie Sanders. The stock market was a twenty nine thirty
and present from his leading outgoing state now stock market is a twenty one thousand Bernie, Bernie Sanders is out of the race and president from is tweeting things, okay, so things change fast in power according to the New York Times Joe Biden, seeking a contrast with trouble, speak today on run a virus. It he's going to take. The microphones train shall why he would be a better president than the president, and presumably he will get all sorts of rich rewarding media coverage, even if he can't actual say the work run a virus properly because he is malfunctioning a day after president from address the nation about corona virus. Mid criticism has minimize the threat of the pandemic according to the New York Times Joe Biden plenty of his own remarks on the virus. So into project steadiness, resolve from his purchase front runner for the democratic nomination. His campaign announced its plans for the speech on Tuesday before forms of Olaf's address a benefit. Describe the upcoming remarks is offering a view into how Biden will lead in times of crisis as president. This is why president from batching that speech last night was not only bad for the country was bad political
on Wednesday, his campaign announced the formation of a public health, buys recommends. He's gonna run a shadow government to prove that he will be more competent than the President of the United States. Members include vivid, our from research in general is equal Emmanuel. One of the architects of Obamacare and LISA Monica was served. His homeland security and counter terrorism, adviser to Barack Obama Biden, has previously sketched out sets. You would take as president to fight the virus noted his work as european combating Oh up Biden has said he would insist on transparency from China and has expressed shock and frustration with trumped pass skeptical remarks. That is the opening right. You know that if this thing deepens than all of the old comrades the present from made about the flu, those are just gonna become pay. That is urgent. Gonna be campaign, adds a trump getting serious about. This is not only necessary, it is worthwhile again what, with all of that said, it is pretty clear Albania is seeking to make Hey the media are seeking to make Hey. I said for a long time from each run a discipline campaign if he wishes to win the discipline extent, to his actual presidency and as well
grow as celebrities. Get this thing as as politicians and get this thing as it seems as though we have no data then combing presidential leadership is necessary. Time like this calming is not a thing the present interim tends to do now. Meanwhile, there are still as a threat. Inside the democratic. However, the best case scenario for President trumpets there's vitiate recovery in a month month and a half. This thing comes down a little bit. The social distancing measures take effect. We have the scenes well, on their way summer heads and grown a virus diagnoses go down. The death rate is not as high as we thought it was, and then people buy up the stock market. I mean the fact is that people like me, if you're young, we have any sort of cash slope continuing to bind the stock market is a smart move because eventual whether its now or six months from now or a year from now, the stock market is not linked to recover its going to start zooming again and you're gonna make a lot of money buying
oh and selling hides the name of the game in the stock market. We haven't had bottom, yet Goldman Sachs suggesting we may drop another fifteen percent on the stock market, which would put president from stock market below where it was when president trumped up took office. Again, if you look at the charges, frightening me, Charlie, so it looks like continued arithmetic growth in the stock market than boom right off a cliff thanks. It will end virus, but the Good NEWS is that that does not reveal systemic failures of the american government. What that does it or great underline weaknesses like in the in the crash or two thousand. Seventy thousand eight just reveals a major global pandemic. Disruption of the system is out system itself. That means that when the pan I make is over released when a wanes or less than we think it's waning, then you're gonna see presumably a v shaped. Were you shaped Recount the question is whether that comes in time to help president from if, if it does, then Maybe this thing is over by the time the election? Remember things change really quickly in politics. If we had to do and things weighing down corona virus and president from takes significant action, which is what you should be doing right now, then he'll be.
Fairly good shape will be able to say, listen, we did everything we could. We stopped corona virus in its tracks. The initial, by the time we had October November, that best, scenario for president from gate, but that requires some pretty solid leadership. Meanwhile, inside the Democratic Party, the conflict continues to plan between the Bernie Sanders Wing and the job. When yesterday Bernie Sanders got up, and he said I am not dropping out of this race, no matter what I meant to stick around he suggested we are winning that rate, but were not winning the elect ability debate, which is a very weird argument. There's is Sanders yesterday, announcing that here going to say in the race, despite the fact that he has no shouted winning the nomination, while our campaign has I cannot tell you how many people our campaign has spoken to who have said, and I quote I like what your campaign
people. Our campaign has spoken to who have said, and I quote I'd like what your campaign stands form. I agree with what your campaign stands for, but I'm gonna vote for Joe Biden, because I think Joe is the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump. Of course we have heard that statement all over this country. Needless to say, I strongly disagree without assertion nasal. Bernie Sanders, is not dropping out. He says you look forward to debating Joe Biden on Sunday like what is this strategy has no way of winning the nomination. Maybe his strategy stand in the shadows and then is Joe Biden walked past you jumped Jessica, boat and then something that happens to show by many thousand. I I don't know what Bernie Sanders strategies for winning limitation. It clearly is not winning boats cause. He ain't, gonna win any votes,
the less generous as you staying in. It looks forward to debating by not divide in the Democratic Party if there is a recovery from corona virus, which of course is top priority for everybody. If the country, if the world economy recovers, the divide between centres and binding is gonna, take a lot larger status of the election approaches here Sandra saying he looks forward to debating Joe Biden for no apparent reason on Sunday. I very much look forward to the debate in our results with my friend Joe by Donald Trump. Most be defeated and I will do everything in my power to make that happens. On Sunday night in the first one on one debate of this campaign, the american people will have the opportunity to see which candidate is best positioned to accomplish that goal me. So that is where we currently stand. Basically, everything is on hold in serious terms, because corona virus, but a form of past one virus than all of the political stuff is back on the table, and obviously this
who had grown. A virus is being politicized by people who are looking for a political advantage. President from ought not hand, people a club with which state and politically plus I mean he- is that putting aside politics for second his leader, the free world is the leader most powerful country on the planet is the leader of the country in which your lip confidence is necessary. Calming is necessary. Exactitude is necessary. Stop with the put a crap stop with downplaying the virus. Stop with suggesting that the market is is going to be just fine, Mine is what we need right now is solid, concerted leadership from the President of the United States and his administration. No slipshod crap enough. Ok, you live in the country I live in, a car We all want to see this thing and also we all want to look out for each other. What we need right, How is a level of seriousness that I think from started to evidence last night? It needs to continue forward any needs and not get caught up in all the political back and forth. With Democrats, people are not up for this anyway. If the Democrats decides
politicized. This thing will backfire on them and from should know that trumps job right now is to lead. Is the president of the United States and he's been absolved from a lot of? responsibilities of leadership by the fact that we ve already begged him, to take the demands and sweet a lot. But when you're in the middle of a serious national or international crisis like this, there is no substitute for leadership, is sign for the president to step up and get it done. Ok time for a couple of things I like and then a third, that I hate up as long as you can be self quarantining, I just restart. Better call solves a better council is spin off from breaking bad if never seen, breaking down the stream it I'll take a couple of weeks and then they made a spin off called better calls all which is about one which was about the wire character in breakin bad the first reason I thought was fairly good. I started the second season recently, as I had heard that it got better and it is indeed a fantastically well written, show Let's go again whose behind the show is a tremendously talented, dude, so check out better Casal hears trailer foresees in one
yeah right forces of nature, and what can we do for? what Chuck did for this for one third of this place belongs to him. If chopped, can call this been extended sabbatical than so. Can we do? You know I'm going to beat this it's time to do right by him and cash him out hamlets making you are job. I've got to get better, I'm going on the side of you. Ok, seldom as long as you're staying home for the swimming services are going to do great by the lake the subscriber daily. Why wouldn't have lots of competence to bring this self quarantine period, but there are calls is definitely worth the watching, though, check that out today, ok time for a couple of things that I hate already, so a couple of things first far had managed.
Is a really dumb column. Today it's called the Republicans want Medicare for all, but just for this one disease, everyone's a socialist and a man in a pandemic. Ok, let's just be clear about something, even libertarians when it comes two policing externalities when it comes to collective action and the necessity of fighting a collective threat are not libertarians. Everyone knows this ok, libertarian principles June. Apply in wartime. Had there not want a libertarian to think that we should disband the? U S. Army one will protect those who believe that, in a time of pandemic, we should collect, Have we mobilise and use the resources at our disposal to prevent externalities hate too, that the idiocy is trying to equate a pandemic situation with you? Have a non communicable these or you have a disease that I'm gonna kill anybody else here. When you're talking about a pandemic, I've been having things for years and I am very pretty libertarian when it comes to vaccinations. I do believe in regulations at
we'll level that you should be able to come to school or monsieur vaccinated, why? Because those have externalities that is not anti libertarian only morons think that a pandemic situation is the same thing as you have cancer coverage through your health insurance. Hey, don't Medicare for all its called shutting down externalities The people are reason magazine, wouldn't even argue with this Charles W Cook See w cook over it, show you. A libertarian is fully on board with the idea of government action in times of crisis like this, when there is a collective threat to the collective, because you can't avoid the threat the idiocy of people on the left, suggesting that every situation is a crisis situation and therefore Medicare for always the same thing as taken care of population during a pandemic as nonsense. Now always it now. The idiotic nonsense so far had Matthew, whose aim was replete with idiotic nonsense. Has apiece today raises all it took, was appended potentially unprecedented scale in severity and suddenly it's like we're turning into Denmark over here in the last year The of american companies that had long resisted provide.
Humane, unnecessary benefits to the workers abruptly changed their minds, announcing plans to pay and protect even their lowest from employees harmed by the ravages of kroner virus, get first of all. That would not be the government, so where's the socialism, or have marked cuban ahead of the Dallas Mavericks, the owner. If he'd suggest that he's gonna come out of pocket and make sure that followed workers get paid. What is left of the government the ushers I think so how's that Denmark in October and lived, which are currently fighting state efforts to force them to pay benefits to drivers. Another get workers announced that actually a form of paid sickly was such a bad idea. Overall again, these are private companies. Drivers who contract a new virus or replacing weren't. You will get pay after two weeks said Wilbur. Why are they doing that? Because I didn't want the responsibility of a driver going out there then getting the passenger second, the numbers on the hook trader Jos as it will cover for time off for the virus. Again, all of these are private companies. What the hell does that have to do with government with an intervention he's not like he's such an idiot he's not even citing instances of gum, intervention of which there are plenty. It wasn't just
leave overnight. Workplaces around the country were transformed into scandinavian edens. Flexibility can make to the office, because your kid has two unexpectedly stay home from school last week to be this week. What are you been doing? Asking go home, be with your kid again fallen? Terry action by private and he's proving the exact opposite. What he thinks is broken private into free, is acting responsibly in ways in order to minimize the risk of the spread of this virus more responsibly than the dams government, which had been lax in nearly every respect on this thing lag a month behind and didn't get the testing cuts out anywhere If anything, this column is proving the private industry is doing the crap. That government has has been unable to do this, or does it mean that government is unnecessary? Government is very necessary when it comes to providing the testing cats, although private labs, by the way, are the ones that gonna have to ramp up production in order to make sure that those testing cats are available, but it is just a but you can conflate private voluntary action with government action then call it Denmark, pretty amazing, then here, a here's where far had man, you finally gets a government programme, says the Trump Administration lasting proposed.
Slash or pay raise for federal workers and endorsing a fit family leave policy that doesn't actually pay for family leave. Is singing the praises of universal sick bay. When we tell people if you're sick stay home, the present his desk team with developing economic policies, though, make it very, very clear, organist and by those hardworking Americans vices depends on a Monday offering the sort of rhetoric that wouldn't be out of places on the page of Jacobin. Ok, the difference is you're talking about a widespread pandemic. It is very difficult to determine whether bill are truly sick or whether they are fully not if you're talking about government provide paid sickly organism a serious problem in terms of american disability, a huge number of American on disability are not actually disabled, they are people who claimed disappear. And then they are on disability because they say they have back pain or something disability the serious problem now in a pandemic, the answer is ok. Well, the risk is the risk of people coming into work as a lot higher than the risk of people defrauding the system
you gotta keep people homey. That means they are paying some people to fraudulently stay home, but that's because the risk factors changed. You idiot, Representative TED, you, your whole report, then from Florida said you can look at it in socialized medicine, but in the face of an outbreak of pandemic. What's your options as I It's almost funny everyone's a socialist a pandemic. Yes- and everyone is more of a socialist in wartime. Collected reactions are necessary for collective threats, but medicine is not. A collective threat you having an individual case of a particular disease. That is not communicable is not a matter of everybody's interests; financially, that doesn't mean they're all two things that we can do as a society and as communities to make sure that people get health insurance we can but to pretend that all situations are equal is the idiocy of the simple minded to pretend the pandemic situation. Are equivalent to non pandemic situations. It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous on its face, but that's what far had wandered does for a living and get one more thing that I hate so Margie
Who is one of the leading force behind the sixteen and nineteen project and who was a leading factor in the serious mistakes of the sixteen nineteen project the other week we are making verbal, really Miss Viner Brainwaves brain ones, brought the tweet on MSNBC. And the MSNBC suggested that Michael Bloomberg could have everybody a million dollars and still had money left over, eager made everybody in the United States a million dollars for as much money as he spends on the campaign. That, of course, is not true Amerika. Was there she laughed along a sort of laughter little bit, but I said on the show that our gaze following I feel kind of bad for her honestly, because the fact is that she just a guess which in fact, checked by whims in real time it, but because people are making fun of her now get a full on four from eight in the New York Times talking about how its racist to make fun of her first growing things up they as somebody who has been made fun for screwing things up before. Let me just say that
I just called life as called life, but Margaret literally wrote a piece for the Neuroscience Times called. My people have been through worse than a twitter mom when you're a black woman in America with a public voice. A trivial matter There were, can lead to a deluge of hate. Spare me spare me the hysterics Margie, your member of the editorial Board than your times your on national tv. You screwed up it wasn't a big deal, people kind of made fun of it. That was it. And yes, there always idiots we're gonna, send you nasty hate, mail, I've gotten more nasty hate mail. I would bet by by scores than anybody in your terms, Editorial board, but the idea that my people have been worth through worse than it from guess. I'm I'm fairly well aware that black people in America have been through a lot worse, like slavery and Jim Crow, then you taking a little bit of heat for making it, mistaken MSNBC, but suggested like this is anywhere on par or that this raises its such in your times it's in your terms, like Brain Linz, got him for this to his white, but Margie, says
an MSNBC the eleventh hour with brain limbs. The night before we mentioned it, we written by someone else about the enormous amount of money Michael Bloomberg had spent on a scale presidential run about five a million dollars. Here's what I said, somebody tweeted, The way that actually, with the money husband you gotTA given every American a million dollars the math as a few people pointed out, was wrong overnight: become an online sensation and not in a good way. The video gone viral for shared, the right wing and thereby, seemingly everyone else to some people, seem surprised. I couldn't faction arithmetic on live tv, let me assure you my high school now: teachers are not among those people. Give me three with math. I thought the flood was pretty funny. I tried to laugh it off buying a calculator. I rode on Twitter on Friday be right back in a normal That would mean the end of it, but the country's lost its minds. Instead, it was only the beginning. Ok well know the kind of wasn't like she says across social media rightwing, trolls celebrated the next time they make mister he'll be borne nicer than than they were to me? How did this end up
tv one of them helpfully wrote sharing the video. Unfortunately, quite a few Americans can tell you what it's like to be the target of a twitter mob over gas migrates and was trivial, harmless and silly. What's it like, when people are trying to cancel you from ass mistake, reared and maddening and painful, can nobody, nobody was their small person in suggesting that they should be fired, open mouth mistake like anyone there. There's no, which does, of course, in my case, wasn't really about math. Is anyone who read from dimensions on twitter or so my inbox would know you're a great example of why we need to end affirmative Can someone named Jim be wrote me in an email? Is we can get a job scrubbing floors? It's the only thing, you're good for ok. So now she has can go through a mail box and find all the racist or mailbox. Does the EU. His game in the world. If I found you all the best so much of my mailbox I could do full shows just right. May I say, summit my mailbox guess what who cares, but these sort of sacrificial official woe is me, I'm a heroine of the movement, because I'm black person on tv and therefore the criticism of me as criticism of blackness, as opposed to making a math mistake again. I thought the reaction was all willingly stupid tomorrow, gaze dumb mistake, but to suggest that it's because
of warming american racism. It's ridiculous! Many of those Americans. She says when which is when I appeared on that tv programme last week had been working for many days, interviewing black voters in the south who are determined to defeat Donald Trump, who made He is the nightmare embodiment of the old hatreds. Many of them thought to overcome. Many of those Americans had survived far worse under the racial too. Jim Crow there anything. I can imagine I thought about the black man I met at March, crossed the admin Paris Bridge, and so my Alabama wouldn't beaten bloody by the police. There have century, though I thought about the older black woman who approached me and some coffee shop. I thought about my father group during the daily indignities. Aggregated South Carolina in Detroit I'm here because of them- and there is nothing to haters- can do about it. Gave. Was anybody argument that luxuriously whose whose argon would then? Why are you comparing herself to do that? It's not the same thing at all self pit, of oh. I made a mistake on tv people made fun of me. It must be because my raise you can always it has to say things you can always find it is to saving seriously not hard already well, we'll be back later today to additional hours. If my voice,
up. If not, then we'll be back here tomorrow, I'm bench bear this. Is the venture bureau show if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple pod, Cast Spotify and wherever you listened upon. Gas also be sure to check out the other daily, whereupon pass, including Andrew Craven, show the microbial show and the mat washer thanks for listening, debenture Piero Show is produced by coltan, has directed by my joints. Executive producer, Jeremy, boring supervising producer math is clever and Robert Sterling assistance. Rector Pavel, my desktop technical producer, Austin Stevens play back and media operated by Nick. She hid associate producer Katie's Winterton, edited by Adam side of it audio is mixed by MIKE core amino here and make up is by Nikko Geneva. Adventure bureau show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty president tromp addresses the corona virus epidemic from the oval office. We will examine how,
Gonna die. Then Bernie refuses to drop out of the race. I mathematically challenge times at a Tory aboard member rise racism when people corrector and AOL ceases its racist not to eat low main all that plus the mailbag check it out on the Michael Knolls Europe.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-25.