« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 943 - Decision Day Approaches

2020-01-30 | 🔗

Impeachment lawyers take questions from Republicans and Democrats, Alan Dershowitz finds himself under fire after explaining the nature of impeachable activity, and Republicans mull more witnesses. If you like The Ben Shapiro Show, become a member TODAY with promo code: SHAPIRO and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 10% off at dailywire.com/Shapiro

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Impeachment lawyers take questions from Republicans and Democrats Ellen Dershowitz finds himself under fire after explaining the nature of the mutual activity and Republicans more witnesses. Adventurer visits the venture I shall be sure, is sponsored by Express Phoebean, stop putting your online data at risk. How many times I have to say that skip protected at expressive, gps, dot, com, Slash bent, okay, so tomorrow is decision day, big Friday vote expected on whether Republicans or allow further witnesses. It is up in the air as to how this goes, I mean is absolutely unclear, according to the our post president from some Piedmont defence team expects of Friday Cliffhanger one senders vote on whether to call witnesses in terms trial of Democrats find for publicans to vote for witnesses. The trial could stretch until March if they fail trumpet likely be acquitted. No, I think it's a bit of an exaggeration. I think that if the Republicans decide to allow witnesses- and basically they allow two witnesses
They probably John Bolton, maybe Mc Mulvaney, and that's it. I think they say everybody hardy testified where they have their testimony. We don't need to cut need you, Gordon someone again. I would be like Joe it maybe Hunter Biden and John Bolton MIKE Mulvaney and that's it so no. I don't think this is going to stretch for another month just to just a hash out all of the witness activity from conflict mark meadows, Southern Europe Post, he doesn't believe there'll, be clarity on the outcome until Friday of this week. Right now, their base ugly three senators, who are fairly certain to vote in favour of more witnesses? That would be we I'm Rakowski of Alaska, Adobe, Mitt Romney of Utah, and not be Susan Collins of main summer. Lookin senders according to the new posts, were optimistic after the mechanism or Caskey Talk, which followed a conference meeting of centres on Tuesday when the economy
you, didn't yet have the votes to block witnesses. Rakowski was tight. Lipped after meeting with Mcconnell telling reporters, I had a meeting with leader, Mcconnell Roma, going to talk to you about it. She said I ve been talking with the folks in the cloakroom about what the universe is to see how we can supplement that with regard to witnesses, Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi told the New York posted to feeling one Republicans cortical pretty good, he said. Obviously, we need to make a decision at this point whether dragged a foregone conclusion out for another four to six weeks. We know the outcome is just a question of how long is going to last and Senator Richard shall be republican of Alabama. Now here is the here's. The problem I mean seriously, if you all believe something that I believe. I said this yesterday on the show, if you believe that the impeachment outcome is a foregone conclusion, because John, but he's not gonna, get up and testifies just not going to get up and testify that president from said explicitly to him. I want you condition Ukraine aid and then make up information about Joe Biden for purposes of twenty twenty, which is the only thing that would be impossible here. If that's not the case, then why not get all this out in the open now, because otherwise, just a week refugees
have more leagues and then it's not just can implicate Trump. I got attacks interim trumpets, Teflon it more than Teflon Trump is kind of a mud monster, in the sense that, if you throw more mud at him, he's already made him to gas is made a mud. Look, there's more moderate in whatever that's how everybody has treated from since the beginning, and rightly so, because nothing is new in the world from them. Everything is baked into that cake at their sugar. There's, caramel and there's dog poop, like everything, is an egg everything. So that's not gonna hurt Trump, but it could hurt incumbent senators in purple state. This is what I was talking about yesterday. If you're worried about anything beyond Trump, and you should shouldn't because the Republicans are vulnerable in the Senate. They had a very slim majority in the Senate. If Trump is reelected, and he doesn't have the Senate and he doesn't have the house. Nothing is getting done if from his not re elected and Republicans loses Senate and the Republicans, don't we take the house, then you have a world of her. President Bernie Sanders of the congressional majority I mean God bless me now just be
worst of all available world. So that means that the prudent move here is to head your best to the extent that you can, and that would presumably mean allowing a couple of witnesses to be called, including Hunter Biden, who would in fact be damaging to Joe Biden and then move on, because Trump is not getting impeached or remove, at least over any of this centre. Time. Tell us of North Carolina angrily tonight, reports that he told fellow Republicans on Tuesday night that extending trumps trial, what her vulnerable, she'll be incumbent. He said why everyone out of them eating and whoever inform the press, Zita misled lying or an imbecile, I didn't say There have been very firm on this. I have no problem whatsoever with voting no eye witnesses for Republicans, including Rakowski, have expressed interest impossibly hearing from witnesses retiring Senator, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, said he intended to make up his mind after referred the questions and answers to the questions on Thursday. Mitt Romney, of course, has been the clearest and in saying that he is interested in hearing from some of the witnesses. Now the
The deep trunk team is basically saying that a framework split case, an unnatural to break it. On the one hand, they are saying that we don't need to hear from witnesses. On the other hand, they are saying that the Democrats don't have enough information, because they didn't hear from witnesses and while a weird take read what you want to say is the Democrats came with all they could call witnesses because they knew there is now can be anything there and why would we com witnesses when the Democrats say that they present a complete case right. Instead, the Republicans arming a slightly different case, which is less well articulated in that case, is that the democratic, and do their job if they had done their job and heard from witnesses, then we wouldn't have to do this whole should aim at all, but the implication is that the Democrats failure was not that they did a complete report and just and end up with the goods their failures that they didn't even do a complete report, which sort of suggest that ok. Well now you could do a complete report. Enemy could have more witnesses, Patrick filled and was one of the lawyers for president
from said as much Esther day in the closing arguments that basically yesterday was a day when the MP from managers for the house had been Democrats like shift and the Trump team that would be Patrick fell. Then, and I wonder what or asked questions via the chief justice by the centres, the sender submitted written questions to the chief Justice Boeing can I just say we should always do this like every congressional hearing should be this, be one person whose delegated to ask the questions, because otherwise you end up with this insane grandstanding. I will say the process yesterday was so much better just because, he had senators who couldn't stand there and grandstand for five minutes before getting to a question mark. I do a lot of cuban AIDS publicly, there's nothing more irritating than when someone takes the Mai tells you, though, life story and never had to question mark what they did, that yesterday, the least the process, which was almost a Patrick filled and made the case yesterday that no one goes to travel without hearing from the witnesses first widen the Democrats call the witnesses if it was so I'll fire important again it's the argument is not found. Hassock, there's a better way to articulate it, but that's
argument anyway. The house manager's try to present it. As if So it's just a simple question: how can you have a trial without witnesses, but in real litigation knowing goes to trial without doing discovery. No one goes trial without having heard from the witnesses. First, you don't show up a trial and then start trying to call witnesses for the first time and locations here in our constitutional structure, for trying, to run things in such an upside down way would be very grave for this body as an inch situation, namely the argument that is bad for the sentence call witnesses. Big NEWS, Democrat say that they had a complete case and their cases is insufficient, so we agree with them. This is their completely
so we agree with them. This is their complete case, their complete cases insufficient. That is the best possible case for not having when this is really get to more on the witnesses in just one. Second, then, we'll get to a in an attack on Eleanor should set is utterly utterly unearned. I mean truly unearned people deliberately taking Eleanor shoots out of context to pretend I don't understand what he's talking about we'll get to all of that in just once again. First, let's talk about that time, they are car battery. That's I remember one time my car battery died in for some odd reason. I went over to the now I gotta body part store and they did not have the right bad ran. A weary didn't have the though the correct battery, and so I had to go to a second- are stored the whole day out or have a car. Because of all of this you know it would have been a lot easier. Just going to rock auto outcome and getting the exact part, I need it and I'm look, I'm not a car expert. If I work are expert Ebby, look in Iraq, Otto like every eggs, they ve got all the parts of the specialised parts. You're never gonna find at a generic Otto on apart store rock uttered outcome is found,
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This is true. Does it make any difference, reduce the best strategy for not calling you witness? If your cases the witnesses are damned liar and everything that the witness as a lie and violates national security or the question is why column is witnessing a cross examining whether this is bad legal tactics, but really Giuliani is used to be a good price, it's been a while since, as a prosecutor say here is really Giuliani. Going after John Bolton with a hatchet In conclusion, I can come to end its harsh one and I feel very bad about he's back stabbing. He never said to me: I've got a problem with what you are doing in Ukraine. Never what's next. Winked never assembly will know, that's classic Baxter. I feel I got a swamp territory here. I find it testimony about the president, pretty close to incredible close you incredible, his nose calling a liar and a back stabber, but dont comas, witness guys don't columns, witnessed that's a very hard case to make no people on the on the right are trot.
Out there trying to use their minded. As I can about this, and I set a thousand times I dont think fronted. Anything impeach will hear Babylon. Impeach role is but my standards since the very beginning, where I don't think they did something great here, but I also think it anything impeach failure or get, but people on the right are trying to trot out this old clip of John Bonham talking that present from cause with with Vladimir Zalewski who's the president of Ukraine and trying to show that they're saying well. If John Bonham hadn't had a problem with this. Why did he say so at the time and we need an interview where he talked about trumps calls with Zaleski, and the answer is yes, you say something different publicly about the company work. Can you say privately behind the scenes, your boss, when they got all these things are not mutually exclusive. Are we really going to treat it as though everything adding ones has publicly about the place where they work is a reflection of what their actually saying inside the house and that that that's that's so us anyway. Here's that clip of Bolton the people are trotting out is the proof positive, the buttons, no, I will be meeting presents Lansky. He and present tromp have already spoken twice at present
to congratulate, presents Lansky on his election and then on his success in the parliamentary election. They were very warm and cordial calls were hoping that they'll be able to meet in Warsaw and have a few minutes together, so that at last line right there we were hoping that can be able to meet more so than Easley, Reddit John Bolton, trying to telegraph and president meet with him and horse all right, because this is what people in the Trump administration do they go on tv specifically in order to get President Trump to pay attention to them? This is not a joke, the same thing that happened on a regular basis in the White House. If you want the president to take you SIRI Hugo go on tv, he watches you won, T be any taken more seriously. This is well known in all the halls of power in she can t see it, this bill on the beans. It's just a reality. Okay, so people trotting that out and then Mark meadows, we're gonna, like congressmen, meadows from from go on using the GNP senators. Americans are paying attention to your votes. He should be very careful how you vote on the other prospects more witnesses. I mean, I think, that's true, but I dont think Americans were in red states, particularly care
about this mean when I say care, I mean they. Dont want more witnesses, but Americans in Purple states, like my meadows, doesn't have to wear about his district, but Susan Collins. Certain last worry about her seat in here's mark meadows, this is the most consequential vote that any signature will take, perhaps other than syn The american people are gonna, be looking at this gonna say what did you vote with the present that I voted for or against him, and that's why I don't have repercussions it's nothing that will happen here, have repercussions, it's nothing I have been here on capital they all, but it really will be the voters, because They are paying attention to this one though they may have to doubt on the hearings. They may not be viewing, but they are our tuning in their how their senator is. When we vote on this particular issue, I mean and again, that's ok for some of the senators and in real red states. It's it's more problem for some, the centres were not in those states. Ok, so that some of the people who have come under serious fire from the right side of the Isle, our people in Nairobi, so Romney submitted a series of questions,
Today there were answered on the floor of the Senate by both the White House counsel, and the house managers on democratic side and for all the people who are ripping Roy me up and down the questions that he asked yesterday are basically the correct questions in this particular case. So the questions that Romney asked where these were and this is to the White House Council, even the Rudy Giuliani, may tenth twenty nineteen letter to President Olenska asserted he was acting with the knowledge and consent of president from what did president from specifically Task Giuliani to do in Ukraine there. This is the basic question. Of the gates. Right was Giuliani there to dig up dirt about Hunter and Joe Biden for prospects of twenty twenty, or is there to dig up stuff about twenty? Sixteen, it is perfectly obvious whose there you dig up stuff about twenty. Sixteen
It was in Ukraine, in twenty eighteen, before Joe Biden and even announced that he was going to be running for the presidency at didn't happen until twenty nineteen. So it is pretty obvious that that was not about hundred Joe Biden Giuliani original deployed to deployment to Ukraine. The second question that Rami asked was evidence indicates president from had multiple purposes, summoned the national interest, some political for holding up the security assistance. Is it the house managers position that the presence of any political purpose should be grounds for removing a president for abuse of power? Ok, now this is that this is the big question right and it's a question. I been here since the very start offered to different theories? One was the trunk was planning to go after Joe Biden, theory and one is to me ass, my of corruption theory. The me asthma, corruption theory is that Trump was concerned about some legitimate things and also if it happens not Joe Biden whatever right. That knows, miasma corruption thing that was, he was concerned about twenty sixteen, whose concern, but everything from crowd, strike to two ukrainian corruption to american
funding of Ukraine who is concerned about everything from bereavement to the two be record of Ukraine and fighter, corruption overall Z mentions. All of these things right, every single one of those things as mentioned in that phone call, it Zalewski, if France, groups of which is now public right or the Elise, the memo of which is now public. So the question being asked is: let's say that a president has dual purposes have been set a good Veronica. This has been the question I ve been asking all long, everyday, literally everyday for months. What's it at present? Has real purposes one is he wants to be more stingy with regret? ukrainian aid because he doesn't like foreign generally and his word about corruption, and the second is that it They help his re election prospects if you withholds the foreign aid and somehow get in. Instigation started against a bunch of Democrats, but its budget to get those invest. The Haitian started, because it also in America's interest to find out what happened in twenty succeeded, whether there was indeed anything corrupt going on right. Let's say that there is a dual purpose to what's going on. Is that enough to impeach in the answer, of course, is no that's not enough to impeach, because the problem is that then create
the principle that literally anything a president does unimpeachable, because there is not a precedent, has ever lived. Who is not looking with one eye What reelection endeavours term, not one everything Barack Obama didn't his first home was at best directed towards you, purposes, one what he thought was in the national interest and to every election, because your politician as politicians do I'm just gonna pretend the politicians are truly out who's the public servants who never have an eye on real action at all. Of course, everything I do is designated for a couple of purposes. It's only corruption. When you cut against the national interest deliberately for your own private purposes right, then you have something that's impeachable! Something is removable right when you are talking about something where it's a dual purpose thing, right worded it serves both your political interest and also what you believe to be the national interests of the country and is not just that. You believe it to be the national interests of the country, but there can be a fair case made that the american people should believe it to be in the national interests of the country. Then that, obviously, is not impossible, but that's it.
Watching the Mitt Romney is asking, and this is where the left is growing ever Ellen Dershowitz today, nearly at the left, it is it's going after Dershowitz Dershowitz is, of course, the acting as attorney for Trump in this case will get to the attacks on Dershowitz in just a moment. First, let us talk about offence, sick thing that you can do for yourself in your family this year and talk about something. I'm doing myself that is, use legacy box. What is legacy box? What you got your derive a bunch of films, film rules out there. Do you still have one, those old cameras, the projects on the wall? If the answer is no, if you have any, one, those for sixty years. They get those of out in the in the garage and there's mouldering wanna take doesn't work. When a digital format, and I can see all the tapes from one grandma was young when mom and dad we're young when Euro. Why not do all that? It's just fantastic and make it easier to slip that stuff around your box of that stuff in the garage Instead, I can get it on a thumb, drive or dvd or digital download. That's what Lexie Box you take all of your stuff. You just dump it in a box for legacy box. Put some labels on it, so that you can
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Ellen Dershowitz, suggesting that activity that helps a president and helps the country is fine and the media are reading this, as though Dershowitz is saying that any action you take in your own reelect an interest is fine. That, of course, is that, with their swords, saying because Albion, idiotic case you'd, have to be like a complete dunderheads believe that light, because that basically says it gave the president goes kills I didn't, but he believes that its in his own electoral interests to do so on, that's, ok, it's and these not impeach will, of course nobody believes that it be saying that that Nixon's crimes during Watergate been fine because, after all, it is in his unreal active interest. Tertiary isn't making their Don't you want to say something that is perfectly obvious, and everybody in the media is pretending. They don't understand it because everybody in the media is corrupt or waste. A huge number of people in the media are corrupt the media law, but later on in the programming of the truly are awful. But what Dershowitz is is trying to say here for we obviously since he has set it on this programme- is that if a president both has a public purpose for what
he's doing. It also has an eye toward reelection that is not impossible, because the war and peaceful and president, would never be able to do anything, so here is Dershowitz in and what he actually had to say yesterday, every public official would, I know, believes that his election is in the public interest and mostly right your election, is in the public interest and if a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest. That cannot be the kind of quid pro quo. That results in impeachment. Ok, so the way the people are reading, that is the first to say that if you do something that is only in your own reelected interest, because you believe it you're better candidate, as he can do what you want. That would be an over broaden ridiculous argument. Obvious in Evian insane argument would be patently crazy. But what does what is actually saying? I believe strongly since he is
this before. Is that if you do something they? U believes in the national interest, and it is in your reelected interest, then, act. It is also in your reelected interests, does not make it impossible because everybody has there. I toward reelection, read it like clearly and obviously it now, with the Democrats immediately jump on this nurse and will now Trump is making a foreign dictatorial argument and by the way you would be true registers, which were actually saying that yours wish to be re elected, allows you to do anything in pursuit of reelection. Yes, that would be a dictatorial argument. That's not what Dershowitz is actually state visit Adam if those are national tv is, this gives us Carte Blanche to cheat red is getting from Carte Blanche to cheat, because he could then just go. Do whatever we want in pursuit of its own reelection all could propose are fine, it's Carte Blanche. Is that really what were prepared to say? with respect to this present conduct or the next, because if we are then
The next presidency states can ask for an infection investigation of you. They can ask for help in their next election from any foreign power, and the art will be made no Donald, tromp was acquitted for doing exactly the same thing. Therefore, it must not be impeachment. Okhinnah shifts that's right in it here. The recently steps right and needs is the next president can do anything that Ex president could, like you, know four Example just use a foreign source to initiate investigation against a political opponent and if they follow the real active interest would be it be totally would be totally ok under the standard, clearly articulated o J secular was the council for the White House gets up an interim like have you not been watching for passed several years when the Obama FBI, in the OJ initiate an investigation into Donald Trump based on trumped up got garbage from the Russians like we re, not where that the department of just the FBI engaged in an investigation of the candidate
for present in the United States when they started their operation called crossfire hurricane. He said it would be targeting arrival. Will that's what that did. He said it would be calling for foreign assistance in that this was in twenty sixteen against a rival campaign, so we don't have to do with it because that's precisely this situation It was what nuts over this, but, of course, what secular is saying is sent they drove when people say well, it was an investigation into from personally. Well, it kind of was ok, let's be real about It was initiated as an investigation into Carter page and quickly became resignation into the entire from campaign, which is why the from campaign was not notified. That car page was being investigated. Biomedical was being investigated until much much later, because, anyway, the Democrats decide that they are going to move with with this basic notion and Eleanor Schwartz Zoo Dictator, right, civil Labour Harry now, natural dictator, who wants the president to be able to get off Scot free for
thing. He does so long as he can claim that it in his real active interest, Laura Border on CNN is one under and standard. Two, a rest, your political opponents. I the answer is yes, but that's not what the standard Maybe he was trying to appeal to know It's a system of politicians. I have absolutely no idea what he was trying to do, but he effectively said if you believe you should be president, then You can do anything you want to make yourself. President. Cause. You will believe that is in the national interest, so my question would be: can you arrest an opponent of yours and you know the story? You can ask questions like that. So ok stipulate that stipulates that. Well I mean won't. We stipulate that everybody is deliberately messengers You understand what I'm saying, because you have to assume a baseline level intelligence undershirts apart he's an idiot. Nobody is going to make the actual overt case at the present can do anything he wants on behalf of his own reelection. That's predict
But, of course, this is what the media run with, because it they're trying to persuade trumpeted dictator trying to suggest that Alan Dershowitz stumping infant and have a dictatorship or to trying to suggested Alan Dershowitz, stumping intent on behalf of dictatorship is a pretty rich vain to mind. Your la carte on CNN the same things he jesting. Mrs Hitler. Again, it's Mussolini. It's a kick. Let go your lacquered go. Having worked in about a dozen campaigns, there is always a sense that boy. If we went better for the country, but that doesn't give you a licence to commit crimes, or did you the things that are unethical, so it was absurd and it will do what I thought when I was watching it was this American. This is what you hear from. Stalin? This is what you hear from Mussolini, which here from a third from Hitler from all the authoritarian people.
Rationalized out, in some cases, genocide based on what was in the public interest? Ok, so if you think this is that this is truly just about what, if you think that their interrupting Dershowitz correctly- and I ask what there should just talking about in the next one. It's a dirty. What's then asks he would go on to ask: was it impeachment window bombers in Bulgaria because he believed would help his that it would, it would hurt his electoral chances. The point being Foreign policy is quite valuable and that, if you do something- you believe in the national interest and includes your interest. Then that's answerable. That's ok! Right! Here's Ellen Dershowitz left wing. Your party is really going to give you a hard time if used are showing lethal weapons and getting into a lethal war potentially with Russia. Would anybody here suggest that wasn't reachable Well, let's assume President Obama said. I promise
bomb, Syria if they had chemical weapons, but I'm now told by my pulse that bombing Syria would hurt my electoral chances certainly not competing at all the point, it is making is that it is not a crime in the essence of it is not a crime and the essence of it right of the present has plenty of discretion in a particular area, and politics plays into the scrap the use of discretion, That's not a peaceable, giving the argument I making right. If you do something and you believe that it could go either way. It's in the national interest in the actual could go either way and also you haven't. I told reelection, that's not impeachment, and that of course is true. In the left has also been going nuts over Patrick filled in one of the president's attorneys yesterday, making me perfectly obvious point that it is not a campaign. As violation to accept information from foreign source, now have talked at length about this before Look over usually school of raw rode along piece about this, probably no three to four years ago, regarding the use of informed
Asian from a foreign source in a campaign and pointed out does not campaign finance violation, because that is not a quantum called thing of value in our campaign. Finance la, but when the president's Here says this is apparently a big big deal, apparently information is not something that would violate the campaign, finance laws and if there is credible information, credible information of doing by some? one who is running for public office is not campaign. Interference for credit information about wrong doing to be brought to light if its credible information, so I think that the dear that any information that happens to come from overseas is necessarily campaigner Ference is is a mistake. Again. Then, in what he sang. There is again uncontroversial, but it was played as controversial today, because everything was played is controversial. There's a study out today showing that one hundred percent of the media coverage of team trump in this has been negative, not ninety nine percent, one hundred percent of the meat.
A coverage from mainstream media. Non Fox NEWS has been negative. Ninety five percent of them positive for Democrats, which is not new shock at all, even though the Democrats have been fitting throughout this process of Adam Shift yesterday. Is it a couple of things where you just overtly wide some one? He characterize trumps conversation with the Wednesday. He again lied about what from said regions before when he made up his whole. Like I'm, a mafiosi okay, Precision with trompe remembered ass. You did a whole spiel in the house where he suggested that Trump had gotten underlines that I want you to do me a favor, go out there and do what I want, and I won't break down, has re like that. I'm hoping while he did the same thing yesterday, again because he actually change the language. If you read the Zaleski, call trumps as we like you to do us favour meaning. He believes in the national interest rates and then shifts Edna its. Do me a favor will note if you change the language from do us to do me, a favor, that's actually a distinction with a difference. It makes a difference. Ok then she claims yesterday that he hasn't hadn't, that his staff has had no contact with the whistle blower, which of course is an overt lie in the fact. Is that
staff coordinated with those whistleblower. We already have testimony that affect first. Well, I don't know who the whistle blower is. I haven't met them, communicated with them in any way, the community, the committee's staff, did not write The complaint or coach so blower what to put in the complaint the committee staff did not see the can played before was submitted to the inspector general that commit including its staff, did not receive the complaint until the night before acting Director of national intelligence, We had an open hearing with the active director on support. For twenty six more than three
weeks after the legal deadline by which the committee should have received a complaint engaged in a point out, his staff overtly coordinated with whistleblower like we know that that is not a speculation. That is a fat where they do. We know that because shift staff has actually said as much richer, who said that his own staff coordinated with whistleblowers. That, of course, is absolute. Inherent nonsense manages absolute silly towns. Meanwhile, the Democrats who are desperate for witnesses they're just refer witnesses, accept four hundred and of course it came Jeffrey says, there's no reason we should ever call hundred Biden. Why should we have hunter by an hundred binds not relevant here, even though he is at the centre of the entire thing right? If trumpet never asked about hundred Biden, we would be talking about any of this. What we really if you'd, been ask about crowd strike, if even ask about all of the crazy conspiracy theories who's asking about Ukraine, but he never mentioned hundred by. We would be talking Not any of this. So yes hundred Biden is relevant because it matters whether or not hundred Biden did something corrupted prompted the question in the first place,
what's my view, that Hunter Biden is not a relevant witness, but I have great respect for Joe Manchin and for all of the senators on both sides of the aisle and ultimately they in the first instance, make this decision in terms of with that should be called. Although, as mentioned indicated, I do believe that chief justice, John Roberts, should be the ultimate arbiter and referee arms of deciding relevant ass in other Democrats are trying to kick it over the Roberts. They can blame Roberts a bushel pointy. Obviously, if it turns out that he that that he allows Hunter binding should be brought in testimony. Meanwhile, the Democrats are trying to claim, with regard to Hunter Biden, that unless Donald Trump asked about Hunter Biden and Breeze MA before Biden announced his investigation, then it would be that then he's only doing this for his re election prospects. I first of all that take sort of ignores the timeline the recently I was wandering around Ukraine in the middle of twenty eighteen, according whistleblower report, rightly so, like he was wandering around there.
During information breeze, my apparently in twenty eighteen. So, first of all, that's pretty obvious. Second of all, even if Donald Trump only asked about Hunter Biden ones, it became the Jew clear that that Joe was actually running for president. That again does not mean, as directed toward twenty twenty, it means that maybe it's a little bit more relevant, whether the the guy who just declared for president was engaged in corruption and twenty sixteen than it was five minutes ago. Really does elevated. Nobody was asking about the trunk about Donald Trump associations with Russia until he declared who's running for the presidency. So is it then illegitimate for that the agenda look and am because you declared that he was running for the presidency. Its very weird take Ellen Dershowitz deconstructed that one yesterday on the floor, let's assume, hypothetically, that the president was in his second term and he said to himself. You know Joe Biden running for president. I really should now get concerned about whether his son is corrupt because he's not only candidate and he's not running. It's me, I'm finished with my term, but he could be the president of the United States,
and if he's the president of the United States, it is a corrupt son. The fact that is announced his candidacy is a very good reason for upping the interest in his son. If he wasn't running for President he's a has been he's the former vice president, I did stage ok big deal But if he's running for president that's enormous big deal, ok? So as we move forward, people are asking like ok, so it's perfectly obvious everybody in the media that they are right in everybody else is wrong. I got down lemon on tv laughing all the heck, Rube Trump supporters and all the rest of this, and then they wonder. Why is it that so many men, Can I just ignore the media's take on this, and the answer is because, as always, this is not really about republican versus Democrat is about from four to the media. As always, everything boil sounded from,
so the media, because the filter you are seeing things through unless you are sitting there and actually watching the wall to Wall testimony in this case, which nobody has done, I haven't done it. Rather I've been watching it pretty steadily, but even I have not done it, then. The filter that your hearing is the filter of the media and most people just don't trust the media on either side we're gonna get to that in just one. Second, first, quick note: if you know anything about the show, you know that we are dramatically pro life. You may remember that last year I did my pocket. Life from the March for life in Washington DC. I spoke to tens of thousands of people about prolific cause. What you may not know is that we then receive blow back from all of the jack asses we're on the wild left wing or interested in council culture that went after some of our advertised. We did loosen revenue, and this is why we ask you to subscribe daily wire, but we have better news and that if you subscribe right now, it dearly where will give a portion of your subscription when you use promo code, live action to my friends over alive action. There now
fuel pro life group, there, an educational group and they spend their days, trying to push the messages of wife and then the messages of protection of the unborn to the american public and the public. A broad use, promo code LIVE action right now and when you subscribe from now until January thirty first, I gotta get like right now. There's this ends to my A portion of any daily word I come. Membership will be donated to my friends over alive action with promo code. Live action while arose runs that place. It is fantastic. I personally give money to live action. There's only a few days left, meaning like today tomorrow's adjoin. The only way to combat make your prolific voice heard before it is too late. You are listening to the largest fastest growing conservative podcast. Radio show the nation I'll get so leave,
breakdown on impeachment is puzzling to the media. They dont understand why, after one hundred percent negative media coverage, the american public is still split. Fifty fifty and the answer to that is because nobody trusts the media and of the constant refrain from the right, and I know that the left believes that this is because a trumpet is not because of trump. The media had lost all credibility before Trump came on the scene. There you don't, member back and twenty. It had been twenty twelve when New Gingrich was running for president and New Gingrich bash. The moderator believes John Harwood in one of the debate, exchanges and immediately swords on top of the republican bowls. It people have hated the mainstream media for decades in the Republican Party. They do so with a reason and the mainstream media prove every day why we should trust them when it comes to analysis of ongoing issues, perfect example, so you remember that just now full of days. Go down. Lemon, went on air and was laughing hysterically as wash our hot Ali and Rick Wilson made nasty jokes about from supporters, suggesting that they were toothless ruby
who didn't know how to read a map will then down lemon, went on tv last night to apologise and simply forgot the power he was going to apologize, and one final note that I have for you, because this is personally important to me to addresses. Ok, anyone ask anyone who knows me they'll tell you, I don't believe in belittling people belittling anyone for who they are they believe a whether from during the review on Saturday night? One of my guess said something that made me laugh and while, in the moment I found a joke, humorous didn't catch everything that was said just to make this perfectly clear. I was laughing at the joke and not at any group of people who can it will? What
the juggles about group of people say you're gonna have to explain that one. It don't worry, no apology necessary by the way I do find it funny Dunlop introduced on it. Right that the fact that done lemon clings to this ridiculous notion that he has some sort of objective journalist is its absolute silliness. It's it's funny. I remember I was covering the currency back in twenty twelve and one of the and one of the serve big name. Reporters from the nineteen eightys was was walking around in the sand also send out- and I remember because the eyebrows and ten thousand was walking around at the at the currency in temper and beautiful tab. And we are- and I came across him- and I started asking him at the time who socio political show, for I believe it was ABC News, and I asked him so you're overtly political now and said. Yes, I said in your own: only a Democrat now he said yes, I said why Were you all? You always hold these political views and said yes, I said so. Why did you just say that for thirty years and you are very agitated- you have very agitated
He got right up in my face and said: are you saying that you're, better name rather well me, I kind of money because I like I, I just say that I'm a conservative and I don't lie about it like I just I will tell you exactly that. Don't pretend for thirty years that I'm objective voice of truth. And go on the errand spout exactly the same kind of crap, I do when I'm an opinion nosed it. This is the problem for places like CNN and also the self centered nest in the media, the self centered. This is truly astonishing, there's a great and by granting ridiculous peace in the New York Times today by a gun in Charlie Wurzel, he's an opinion writer, a large for the New York Times called. What will you do when the culture war comes for you? newsroom still are ready for the trolls Mozilla. How hard it is to be Rapporteur, the culture the culture will come for us all. On Sunday, I can for Washington, Post reporter Felicia on mess. Nine people were killed in a helicopter crashing calabash Californy. That morning, including the basketball, legend, Kobe Bryant and its thirteen year old, daughter, Gina. The news rocketed around She'll were motorist, shared their heartbreak at the news as come with major breaking news, some reports were inaccurate or false
wearing anxiety on top of grief into the mix miss on mistreated the linked two thousand sixteen article from the daily beast about a young woman's accusation that Mr Brian had rate during Colorado. Criminal charges against more drops in two thousand for a civil suit was settled out of court between highlighted the fact. Mr Brons legacy is fraught and complicated and attracted the attention of bans, as well as trolls Rhubarb Potter, who bombarded her in bouts of abuse and posted her home address come on, all of which is completely unjustified. Mason was then posted a selection of the threats you received without obscuring the names of people would centre hate mail. She slept in a hotel on Sunday night fearing for her safety at home. We don't know all the details, but it seems that the post managing an executive editors when up leads they chastised her over the email they placed her on administrative leave, while the organisation reviewed whether should violet, the companies social media guidelines. The reasoning on Monday? Was the tweets displayed poor judgment that undermine the work of her colleagues? The postern reversed her suspension onto day roughly thirty six hours after the initial tweets state,
It's in your managers have concluded that miss on measures tweets, didn't violate company policy. This, of course, is obvious, almost everyone, but the posts higher ups. It was impossible to imagine how posting a link to a story by different publication on Twitter could undermine the work of colleagues, just as it was impossible to imagine which colleagues would have felt her mind. There remains a glaring question to the executive at her Marty. Baron inquire about Miss on MRS Safety when he emailed her to criticise your tweets. What beyond a reflex for online civility led the post to deter in the reporter was hurting this institution. By discussing a part of Mr Brian legacy that appeared in the postal newspaper, ok up here's the thing. This article is right that the Washington Post should not have suspended the journalists. They should know the council. Culture is stupid. It is idiotic. In fact, the people didn't like what this person tweeted does not mean that you should have been removed from her job at the Washington Post for Ill for tweeting in, I would say at least ill timed fashion, an article about Kobe, Bryant Red case from two thousand for ok, but the lack of the utter lack of understanding that what the media do every day
is cancelled. Culture is astonishing, since only bad when it hits report, but let us be real about this. The New York Times has come for the coming in catholic heads. The New York Times has come for shows like mine, the the folks over media matters, work who are in cahoots with them, stray media they have again or their own little retweet circle where they tried to join up outrage at particular outrages of the day and should about rigid advertisers. I've been doing this for years and only one it's, the media, the media's only get upset about it, they don't. Here want to normal citizen. They don't care when their digging up all the crap on show the plumber from two thousand eight. Then that perfect lets us journalists Ming guys. But if you guys object to any of our journalists saying X, Y orgy, and then you Emily, the editors and our newspaper, then that's cancel culture and its very bad, the utter blind spot. The media have their own incompetence, and this is what they do every day. Is truly amazing and freely we're fine and is one of the reasons why the american people do not believe that the media stand for them, and I believe that the media stand for the truth. They believe that the media,
for the media and the media are in it, for the glory of the media are in it for the clicks and the damn We are in it for the money you: do not have a consistent standards when it comes to even things like cancel culture, I'm pretty consistent standard, I defended people right, left and centre have been subjected to cancel culture. I think it's garbage, but people unless they don't have the standard and people in the media. Dont have the standard and the sort of self pitying attitude. With regard to the media. All over is just it's off putting in the extreme and that the whole take you ve gotten from the media during the Trump era. For you now years. That Trump is uniquely brutal to the media. Barack Obama arrested journalists, buggy wiretapped journalists, James Rosen was wiretapped the ape he was wiretapped with the notion that journalists have an extremely rough because my compels had a mean thing to a journalist from the is just absurd, is ridiculous. You back and forth Journalists in their subjects have been anything for quite a long time and he can't take the heat out of the kitchen and yet in Europe
prince another piece from Mary. Louise cover the cost of enviers. All things considered, because my pumping was a mean, if were very, very mean sure, I'd, ask journalist why they do the job. They do and you'll hear a range of answers. Here's mine not every tabled on the best ones. We get to put questions to powerful people and hold them to account. This is both a privilege and responsibility. I would love just one question from parents: Bernie Sanders but whether he believes private property is right. The reason we don't trust you guys is when you say you put put questions to powerful people and hold them to account only mean one side of the island. Only one of benefits you politically so you don't get any sort of special exemption in the rough and tumble of american politics by my come help put out his own comments with regard to his tete, a tete with Mary with with Mary Louise Kelly, because it turns out that that she approached pale and somehow got mad at her and palm pale suggested that she didn't know where Ukraine was on a map irrelevant portion of the
Our view was Kelly's and how do you stop around from getting a nuclear weapon and compatible stop them? She said how sanctions that will stop them. Ok, and then she talked about how the how the Iranian were blustering and then he apparently called her a liar during another exchange and challenge for defined Ukraine on an unmarked man. This was currently very, very bad, very, very bad and very, very mean I'm here. Says. The Kelly first lied and setting up our interview. He says I agree, come on you're show today to talk about IRAN, and then she he said. No, no, you came on to talk about Ukraine and then he shouted it. Her a little bit- and this is very mean in very bad, and how dare anybody do any sort of thing, because from powerlessness it means had look, go back and take a look. There's a lot of history, then in my hometown, IRAN, it goes back to two thousand fifteen two thousand fifteen or NPR why'd. They took money from ploughshares or part of the Ben roads, echo but they also really had to go on air and take up its true. We took money from ploughshares and didn't disclose it after enormous pressure from congressmen compels. There's a lot of history. There such a leap of faith of Mary Louise
I turn to the states permit back in December, a grey conversation. She asked me if I do the favouring granting your interview ass. It sure there's a lot of history to fix. Let's talk about it She agreed that we would talk about IRAN and we set up an interview. I hope you find peace or get but here's my mind. Whatever the kind of details of this silly dust up the fact that members of the media are a writing in other media outlets via have they are as members of the media because it so rough for them. It's the reason why the credibility of the media has been in the toilet for years. At this point and from has been able to take advantage of that, hey guys, which, if you like to restore credibility, to do something very simple you could stopping awfully or jobs did stopping completely thoroughgoing the awful at your jobs and if you're gonna be unlocked, it an answer on the left, because guess what I'm criticise, MSNBC for being biased, I've never done it on their own, criticise them for being left there, illegal criticise what they say: I'm gonna Chris Matthews over them as they say, but I never go on what I can't believe the biased MSNBC they think they are good.
I criticise CNN, precise and pr exercise than your times. You guys want your credibility back. You're gonna have to earn it in a second we're. Gonna get two things I like and things that I hate. So let's do it lest you a thing. I like ok, so thing that I like so I'm into watching stupid ninety nine, these action films with my wife at this point- and it is indeed a fun thing to do so. Because there is a new bad boys movie that is coming up. There's a new bad boys movie coming
and I haven't seen yet- I never needs in the original bad boys, but I will say that Michael Bay, because Michael Bay is Michael Bay and who was the first person to be Michael Bay, and so many people ripped off Michael Bay. He has now become servant unappreciated. My the fact is: he's made some of his best films in the recent past, like thirteen thirteen hours is actually very good film and the critics savaged it because they don't like that. Michael Bays, Roblee Republican he's probably a little bit right wings. They don't like that. They so Michael by his first movie was bad boys, which of course has become this. This major franchise now with will Psmith Mart more it's. So I went back and watch with my wife and his delightful Easter. But it is. It is truly a pleasure of of idiocy and it's exactly what you would think it is right. It is. It is guns and cursing and jokes in scantily, clad women, all the things that have made Amerika Great historic with anyway. Here's a lowering of the trailer for bad boys. I did this in preparation for taking my wife's. Also huge will Psmith band. So here is a little bit of these,
for bad boys, so, Michael back for my own objectives. Marcus Burnett and my glowering. So it is a very, very silly little obviously, and yet that is the glory of it. If you want to watch him, better they will be. The rock is actually an actively go in my where is gonna, make me so innocent perfected. The heights of Michael like in any case, Mugabe look: I kind of your bad Michaelmas new stuff is actually better than his old stuff it because you, Michael Bags, been sort of discounted anyway. If you want to go back to work, back in what like my life, you ve been honest, JAG lately because honestly make it to ripen me out. I wash em dumb at nights and head of like bring you back a little bit so check out,
I believe it would have something dumb to wash night is definitely rated are simply not up for rigid our movies. Then that is not, for. You know, K time for a quick thing that I eight August, a couple of quick things that I hate so number, one. This is an absurd story, so going you Jessica, contrary over the Washington Post on Friday, president from it spected to attend a White House summit organised by his daughter of Unc on human trafficking and issue. He frequently invokes the top priority, but some of the countries most prominent anti trafficking organisations and advocates we'll be there. They ve decided to boycott the event. That group includes Polaris nonprofit organization that runs than national, human trafficking hotline and the leader of the Freedom Network, USA, the country's largest anti trafficking coalition. Their decision comes up, months of anguish over what they describes and active public deception. They say that, although the president frequently invokes human trafficking, his administration is actively endangering a significant portion of trafficking victims, immigrants, so in other words they dont like
trumps policies on illegal immigration, so they're not going to show up to fight human trafficking from the White House. This is the height of stupidity is incredibly done, because these two things actively do not have all that much to do with each are, in fact, if they do have something to do with each other than the thing that should be happening. Is you should explain how the policy of the against illegal immigration does not actually help stop? The coyotes were engaged in human trafficking across the border, but because everybody has connected the two policies and the Rhine there there boycotting the invitations three of the groups, the Washington Post, if you're backlash over their decision, so they sat a conflict of other events. This is what they're doing that if a backlash from their what debased and even though, if I'm control, is trying to work hard on human trafficking, they are not going to stand up to their left. You base and on the other hand, they fear backlash from the right into their citing conflict from repeatedly brings of humans.
African when discussing immigration policy in two thousand eighteen, he became the first sitting president to attend a meeting of the federal trafficking taskforce since its creation in two thousand, a bunker trumpets advocated anti trafficking legislation, including a law intended to strengthen prosecutors, ability to go after websites that host advertisements for commercial sex. She wrote about these efforts and others and in two thousand eating up ad in the Washington in the Washington post. But now people are boycotting this because they don't like trumps immigration position, which again is just pretty wild stuff, it's pretty wild stuff, but perfectly typical for this moment in time. Ok, one other thing that I hate so yesterday I so yesterday I did a a long along bit on the history of the middle seized and there's a map going around. That is complete idiocy it. It has. No, listen to realities. I figure I will just above this year. Online line machine was who is a
muslim commentator in Britain actually debunked as yesterday, but I figured that I will walk you through this, since you probably seen this online. So if you can't see the map, you should subscribes, you can see things like this if you can see them out. Basically, It shows historic, Palestine, and then it shows the entire thing agreed the entire state of Israel agreed. Then it shows no in forty seven, you and partition plan and the arab areas in green, and it shows the nineteen sixty seven borders, the pre nineteen sixty seven borders right, because after nineteen sixty seven and Israel had control the entire land visit I was currently constituted, and they show that and then they show. These are the borderlines endorsed by the PLO in nineteen. Eighty eight as historic, a compromise for peace, and then it shows basically the pre one thousand nine hundred and sixty seven borders and then it shows it trumps projected plan and how much control it would actually give to the tv how's the needs in terms of the areas that they would control. Ok, so these maps are just a mess there, a complete mess, Alex Plain why they are complete mess moving from early July. First,
It shows a map of Concord, historic Palestine, all green. It was never herb territory ever. It was eight, was not eight was never an independent state. There was no historic Palestine State, it did not exist. It was a territory of british mandate at the time of the of the Balfour declaration. Before that it was, it was just a part of the Ottoman Empire. There never was a quantum court, independent, historic Palestine. That was all that was arab owned. But that is not a thing that has ever happens. This map is just a fantasy, it doesn't exist, ok and then- and there is no way to explain this map is saying this was called unquote era populate exert reduce their to citizens. You're, not a population map. The the map is a complete fiction. The idea is that there is a legal status of an independent Palestine that was arab, never has been the case in human history. Ok next map, so then they move forward to nineteen, forty, seven, you and partition plan, and it does depict the nineteen forty seven urine. Partition cleanliness has forty four percent of historic Palestine. Ok, this neglects the fact that the original Balfour declaration number
who did Jordan as part of the jewish state that was in sliced off and then another forty four percent with sliced off for another state for the Arabs, and then there's also neglected to mention that you know who rejected this plan their acting as though this was the plan that had been accepted in these railways overran at this plan, which was accepted by the Jews, the Jews accepted this you and partition plan you know didn't, except the shoe and protection plan, the Arabs who then launch the nineteen, forty seven forty eight war of independence and proceeded to get their asses get cell ba. Problem, baby, a your fault problem. If you are a member of an arab government, and then you do so to launch a war without accepting a deal yoga to wine about the deal that was on the table that you rejected. Ok, that's your fault problem. The entire refugee problem with regard to the Palestinians would not exist if the herbs and simply accepted this deal. That was on the table that these really did accept By the way you can see those words are absolute nonsense. Remedies wars are insane for adversity. The integrity of any jewish state, completely crazy, like no way to make our work.
Basically is roles in three separate parts. There is completely why look at so they show that map- and supposed to show the palestinian territory swung. It did not shrink. Has it didn't exist before and beyond that it didn't shrink because they didn't except it where it was, Believe me not accepted. Ok now to the next map, so they move forward to the sixty three sixty seven borders. They say no in sixty seven borderline endorsed by pillow in nineteen. Eighty, eight as historic compromise for peace. Ok, a couple of things about this one: this is priests, These have been worse than this in nineteen sixty seven, they mean pre, nineteen sixty seven really again, then the say twenty, two percent historic Palestine. First of all, they All of this character. The Arabs controlled all this territory, private, nineteen sixty seven. So what happened in nineteen? Sixty seven you- you may be asking yourself: oh that's right, Jordan, Egypt, Syria in Saudi Arabia, launched another war of extermination against the Jews and they pay. You need to lose that territory, so they happen territory, and then they lost their territory. Your whining about the fact that territory that you had and then you launching a tap beyond that, he's just a why these border lines were indoors
by the pillow and ninety nine nineteen. Eighty eight. If this had been endorsed by the pillow, we already have still we already be over right. They were endorsed as the starting point for negotiations, but they did not acknowledge that already a lot of Jews living in that area. They didn't answer that the map includes Jerusalem, ranging them includes Jerusalem in the green area. Can I was never agree to buy the Jews there is never any negotiation in which you were going to either split up or give up Jerusalem, the holiest city and Judaism, not going to happen in a city that had been split prior to nineteen sixty. Seven and in which Jews were not allowed to any of the holy sight. It was never going to happen beyond that. The notion This was the boar endorsed by the Palestinians is complete and abject crap. The reason is completely abject crap is because of their other demands, the so called right of return which were swamp. The state of Israel with indifference. Five million Palestinians as of now, which means never accepted the territorial deal you. This is the great lie they keep saying well to its arguments. Over territory is not arguments over it.
Oratory. You know we know it's not arguments over territory, because you know who offer this exact map with a few land swaps it would break in two thousand, and it would only in two thousand eight Palestinians dead when dead. When offered this map with half of Jerusalem, you know they did, they walked away from the table without often launched with violence with violence is crap two to three of the four maps have gone through our now crap. Finally, we get to the trunk plan okay, so they show that from projected plan and here It shows fifteen percent of historic Palestine and they show the the green areas as the parts that would be the palestinian state. Ok will now they ve actually changed the metric that they are using for explaining which territory is held by the Palestinians, because before you go back to these sixty seven map raving about sixty seven map. They are showing territory that is not population. Based rather just gonna, drawing a line you ll notice at the next nap tv. The trump plan is possible action based meaning these are the areas that are actively control by the Palestinians. They weren't actively control by the Palestinians pose sixty seven
even in nineteen. Eighty, eight right, those none of those areas included. Any of the highways and by he's in the jewish settlements, already carved out together using a completely different metric it using, and would actually be controlled by the Palestinians in a peace deal, the sixty the sixty seven borders I was never endorsed by anybody and it was never going to be a final. The final status negotiations so that map is going around is complete, abject crap from beginning to end people who tell them number one believer in ignoramus and see you don't know what they're doing and number two hour propagandists, because this is perfect propaganda. It is absolute propaganda. The goal of it is to show how palestinian territory has shrunk over and over and over and over and over again there was no independent state of Palestine in this area did not exist to the sixty seven and forty seven borders were rejected by the Palestinians, not by Jews and third, they are shifting the standard by which they draw the border for two thousand and twenty is a that's just the fact that by way could draw this exact opposite map, it actually be realistic about the amount of land that was promised, the Jews
generally right could show the amount of land promises, Jews, nineteen, seventeen, including all of Jordan, and can watch it, get sliced off exudes sliced off in the war in the british White papers from nineteen thirty and then you can watch the the nineteen forty seven words appear and the differences in those maps Israel accepted every single one of those deals in order to have an independent judicial, The bottom line is this conflict. There has never been a deal, nor will there ever be a deal so long as the palestinian leadership and the palestinian people do not change their opinion about these. Since of the state of Israel, Israel has accepted every serious piece you'll put before it since, before the inception of the state, the herbs have never accepted a single one, not one that's the problem in so anybody who suggested that the people who continue to walk away from deals are the are the innocence and all and the people continue to propose deals unilaterally withdraw from territory. Then there are the problem: that's because you are determined to be ignorant or you just have a problem which is already we'll be back here a little later today to additional hours of content or we'll be back here tomorrow for you
listening in viewing pleasure you listening of entropy Russia, if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gas also be sure to check out the other daily where podcast, including reclaiming, show that Michael Mole Show and the mat Walsh thanks for listening, debenture Bureau show is produced by coltan, has directed by MEG Joiner executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer. Jonathan Hank supervising producer math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel. Why dusky technical producer, Austin Stevens play back and media operated by Nick. She him associate police, Arcadius Winterton,
by Adam silent Audio is mixed by MIKE poor amino here and make up its mind. Eco Geneva. The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty Siemens Don Lemon makes an awkward honour apology for marking. Half of his fellow countrymen is ignorant illiterate groups. The only problem with his apology, is that you never actually apologized. We will accept, and why being a leftist means, never having to say you're sorry, then the fate of impeachment comes down to a nail biter. We take a look at the stakes the I will. Caucasus are just four days away and finally, the meal bad check it out on the Michael all show
Transcript generated on 2020-02-09.