« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 901 - The Biggest Day

2019-11-20 | 🔗

EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland – the only first-hand witness to President Trump’s thought process on Ukraine – finally speaks! Plus, Democrats prep for a debate battle royale. Date: 11-20-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Eu Embassies, Gordon someone the only first hand witness to president from thought process on Ukraine finally speaks plus Democrats prep for it battle. Royale, I'm Ben Shapiro- this is the Ben Shapiro Show mention Piero Show is sponsored by expressly began. Protect your online privacy today at Express Vps, dotcom, Slash, Ben Gunn really gets you all the news and there's tons of news today. But first let me explain when things field chaotic and tat, if your little chaotic right now it stock market is doing really well, but there's a willing that maybe that might weaken in the near future. We don't know where things are going on foreign front. Obviously things are heating up of China. Things are heating up with IRAN. In the United States, the domestic political situation is unsettled, to say the least, what it might be worth while to diversify least a little bit into precious metals, and something that I have done it something there. A common everybody do goes right now is sitting at its five year high and I've been telling you for years. One of the things that be smart to do a little bit of your money and put it into an asset that
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quasi scandal impeachment inquiry. The reason that today is the biggest day is because the only person who has yet testified or is planning to testify, who has had a direct conversation president from testified today, and that the Eu Ambassador, Gordon someone, so Eureka than his original testimony. Gordon someone suggested that there was no quid pro quo, or at least that he was told by Trump that there was no quid pro quo. In his original testimony. He suggested that he had only spoken with president trumped, maybe five or six times since being appointed ambassador. Other witnesses have suggested that that is not true, that in fact it had many conversations with Gordon someone. He had also suggested that, he spoke briefly to Trump before travelling to Ukraine for meetings on July. Twenty six, which is right before tromp, was supposed to speak with President's a Wednesday in Ukraine, and he had said at the time. I do recall a brief discussion. President Trump, before my visit to Kiev The call was very short non substantive and did not encompass any of the substance of the July. Twenty fifth Whitehouse call with ukrainian President
it brought him here is Olenska also had some sort of July twenty sixth call with Trump, but in it initial deposition, he didn't recall that right. He said he recalled no discussions of any state Department or White House official about former. Vice president Joe Biden son, he sent his original testimony. Remember all these MRS have given closed or testimonies. Now they are being brought out into the open. He said in his original closed door testimony he didn't recall, taking part in any for to encourage an investigation into the viands. Then there are other people have done divide that Gordon someone had spoken to Trump and that he had been overheard speaking Trump there is a witness named David HOMES, his political council, the Us Embassy in Kiev, and he testified TAT. He heard someone speak Trump after a meeting with the Wednesday AIDS enduring that conversation, someone had said he was gonna call trumped to give him an update and apparently home said that he heard the president's voice through the mouthpiece of the phone and at present
from clarified that someone was in Ukraine and that presents olenska corn quote loves your ass. Apparently that's what he said to President Trump. And then apparently trope ass if he was gonna, do the investigation now is any of that substantive in terms of is any of that substantive in terms of it did commit unimpeachable events, but we ve known for a while. I have been arguing for a while. Then facts is pretty obvious. The trouble withholding military aid in exchange for investigations. Raymond that part distort the question is: is the with building of aid for the investigations illegitimate. So what was the purpose of the investigations worthy investigations designed to bring down Joe Biden in advance with twenty twenty or where the investigations designed to investigate What happened in twenty? Sixteen, both because Trump is vindictive about twenty. Sixteen, because he's obsessive about twenty. Sixteen, because you is that he has been given a raw deal by the media and twenty sixteen, which is true, but also be
He believes in conspiracy theories about Ukraine, but you're, not true, because he knows that there have been credible media reports in places like the let it go that Ukraine wasn't, that coordinating with the Dnc to go out Oh man afford his campaign chairman for a while that parts- true, but also Trump, was worry about crowd strike based on bad information, flew Giuliani. My suggestion for months at this point has been that President Trump, basically wrapped up all the stuff in a ball on Ukraine decided he didn't really want Ag Krane anyway cuz. He was always a little bit split. I'm getting more age, Ukrainy always thought that Europeans were doing their fair share We wondered why the United States was was spending so much. Time and effort in Ukraine and he finally allowed that too his judgments, the boy where he said, oh Cameron, withhold the military aid until I get these invest nations in the investigations. Are everything the bothers me about Ukraine up to it,
in Greece, MA and Joe Biden now. The way that you would establish unimpeachable offence is if what you found was that in the Democrats basically said that right is not just me saying this. Does the Democrats setting the standard they suggest that this was to get Biden Zol about by other us of this stuff, the crowd strike stuff, the twenty sixteen election stuff, all that stuff really what Trump wanted was to go, get Joe Biden and all the rest of the stuff. He was mentioning these other investigations having to do with corruption each other. Stations about about the ukrainian embassy. Coordinating with the Dnc in twenty? Sixteen. All of that was merely a pretext for Trump to force Ukraine to go, get Joe Biden right, that's the case, so Gordon Sunland the person who theoretically could speak to that right. Gordon someone who's the guy who could get on new who could get up before Congress today and he could say right. I talked to trumped trumps. I'd go get the violence in the rest of office was you read that isn't exactly what Gordon someone said. So people are holding in the fact the Gordons someone had changed his testimony, his original closed or testimony. He said,
he didn't understand. There is a quid pro quo with Trump and Ukraine. Now, of course, he changed his testimony and he suggested that there was in fact a quid pro quo with Trump and Ukraine, but it is not clear exactly whether that quid pro quo was wrong, whether that could programme was, it was a problem. So here's what Gordon someone had to say in his early testimony today. He hit a bunch of things to say so he began by explaining that ever he was in the loop and everybody knew that Trump was basically with her. The military aid nor to get investigations. Whatever investigations means this clip this clip. Eighteen everybody was in the loop. It's not like this was a giant secret with regard Ukraine policy. He would greatly appreciate a call prior to Sunday so that he can put out some media about a friendly, unproductive call, no details prior to Ukraine election on Sunday chief,
staff mulvaney responded. I asked the NSC to set it up for tomorrow. Everyone was in the loop, it was no secret. Everyone was informed via email on July, 19th days before the presidential. All right. So not only did everybody knows as Gordon someone but everybody at the sage, Harmony Upton, including my Pompey. Oh, that president troubles manipulating Ukraine policy in order to achieve investigations. So every One was in the loop right. Wasn't someone is trying to date. Wasn't just me: it wasn't me making up this foreign policy. It wasn't! No, I don't don't try to throw me under the boss when you got a problem of the foreign policy. I was not the originator the foreign policy. I am not going to be the man who gets caught in the crossfire here I was doing the will of the President of the United States, here's some explaining that everybody at the State Department, New click, nineteen, we kept the leadership of the state to pay
meant and the annex c informed of our activities and that included communications with Secretary of State Palm PEO, his counselor or regret, pull his executive secretary, LISA Canada and also communications with Ambassador Bolton Doktor Hill, Mr Morrison and their staff at the annex c. They knew what we were doing and why everybody knew write. In other words, this is not a giant secret which you would assume at this point. Since half the people on the call the July 25th phone call make now the real. And then someone continues along these lines, and he says was another reason. We're even working with regularity was a trumps behalf. So if you think that I was coordinate with Julia Unexcited, some sort of side relationship with Giuliani not gonna happen. So someone is trying to achieve a couple of things. The system only one who can say anything that every country
his closed or testimony, because then you would be charged for perjury. Republicans would charge from approaching too Gordon someone does not want to be the guy who is basically put out there as he freelancing the foreign policy now listen. I don't think that was a credible accusation. The first place. I think that if anybody had claimed that Gordon someone was making up ukrainian foreign policy on his own, the giant honoured Trump lend it up as Eu Ambassador, suddenly an expert on Ukraine, and it goes with regionally Ani. There was never a credible defence for the trumpet ministration again, the only credible defence was the one that I have presented for Trump, which was an intense based defence. Ideally, no quid pro quo is a perfect phone call and was obviously crap is obviously a crap from from very nearly the beginning. As soon it came out, the Ukrainians had found out pretty soon after the July. Twenty four phone call the military aid was being withheld to say that there is no good program. Obviously untenable to suggest that President Trump was that the president from hitting gave no perfect phone call on July. Twenty fifth obviously was
so untenable. The only tenable defence is that President Trump did not have intense you go after Joe Biden, specifically in extent in advance of twenty twenty. It is not about getting Biden. It was about all of his thoughts on Ukraine, matched up together, thrown out there when Ukraine was supposed to fulfil. All of these concerns that Trump had, some of which were legitimate, So much, some of which were were based on bad information being provided by Rudy Giuliani, but someone is trying to avoid the it's my fault routine. It that debt doubting many in the trumpet Ministry wanted someone to take both here in somebody's gonna. Do it here is someone saying wasn't?
The only reason we're even talk with Rudy Giuliani is because of President Trump. Finally, at all times I was acting in good faith. I was acting in good faith as a presidential appointee. I followed the directions of the president. We worked with Mr Giuliani because the President directed us to do so. We had no desire to set any condition. We had no desire to set any conditions on the Ukrainians. Ok, so there. It is him saying, along with members of either of the foreign policy team and they were trying to get from two different prices: the aid from trump- and it was not about that. Freelancing, regionally on your anything. It was top down. Tromp was the one who is telling him talk with Julie, Ani and then someone says, Rudy wanted a quid pro quo right that the quid pro quo is a thing
that happened and that route is really on. These requests obviously amounted to a quid pro quo. Here is someone using that phrase quid pro quo, which is different than what you it is closed door testimony then he'd revised regionally. He had said he didn't understand. There is a quid pro quo, then you came back I don't know actually got that wrong extra revise this I'm not charge for perjury. I did understand that there was a quid pro quo, even if I didn't understand the full extent of the equipment well here. Is someone saying the Giuliani requests did amounts will could profile in the absence of any Credible explanation for this is of aid. I later came to believe that the resumption of security aid would not occur until there was a public statement from Ukraine committing to the investigations of the two thousand and six. Tina elections and by recent, as Mr Giuliani had demanded. I shared concerns of the potential quid pro quo regarding the security aid with Senator RON Johnson, and I also share my concerns
with the Ukrainians. Someone then conclude by suggesting that President Trump said that there was no good program. That he will. It is true that that he was on the phone with Trump interim. Had said, no quid pro quo played out for you in just one taken. First, let's talk about your sleeve quality, so let's be real about this. It's hard to get sleet these days, six is exciting a lot going on for a lot going on in your life, and we were approaching Thanksgiving were approaching Christmas modesty gonna lie chaos in life. Well, when you I doubt on their mattress. Don't you wanna be comfortable, so why exactly what you have a mattress? They just picked up at some big box store, that's not made for you. He would sleep Personalize your mattress to you. If you would sleep, has a quiz takes two minutes to complete. It matches your body type and sleep preferences to the perfect mattress for you, no matter how you sleep, side back on sleep or whatever he wants to make. You can make what your body needs just go to. Helixsleep dot com then take their two minutes late, because they will match you to a customized. Mattress they'll, give you the best sleep,
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But basically, I didn't believe me when he said no good broken. Nobody believed the monies. A nuclear programme here is someone saying that from did say no good broke well, but I believe I just asked him an open ended question, Mr Chairman: what do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories in this and that what do you want- and it was a very short, abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood and he just said I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell of let's get to do the right thing, something that that effect Ok, so that that's what from said, but it's pretty obvious that someone didn't believe him now there is stuff that someone said that goes to the key question. Rights are Democrats, the media. Focusing in on the broader question which I believe was already established right and in their focusing on that, because the trumpet ministration keeps running away from what is obviously through pride. They keep saying. No, there is no good program. Perfect Funchal can I was always
indefensible. Position is nearly always in nearly always the first couple of weeks. It appeared maybe defensible after That was nearly indefensible position. Quit Broke, always obviously untrue. There was in fact a quid pro quo and I'm sorry, but the defence to beans, lecturing honest that offence that was presented by the trumpet ministration, which was ok. Well, if there's a quid pro quo, you and got its aid didn't give us what we wanted. Where's the quid pro quo right, the accusation by Democrats and by people who don't like Trump. The accusation is that the reason that he changed ukrainian policy in then released the aid is specifically because this him a public issues embarrassing for him, and so he released the aid because he had to say he preemptively corrected the problem before materialized in its fullest form. That is the accusation and so saying that, eventually, Ukraine got its aid. When sort of like saying I try to blackmail somebody, it failed, and therefore I am not guilty for trying to blackmail somebody that that's not a defence. The only defence here that makes any sense
All is the one that I've been presenting over and over and over again, which is that, president from against? I think this is true. President Trump has in his head a bunch of crap and that bunch of crap about Ukraine can be listed on the three by five no card and every time he mentioned any one mentioned Ukraine. He flipped. That no card, and it gives you everything on their no card, but he gives you breeze mining into Biden and gives you crowd strike any give you twenty sixteen election interference those are the things on his no card and he's a general presupposition not to want to give aid Ukraine. That is, something that I disagree with him, but he's the president he's elected, I'm not right. So he's the president of the United States. He does get to set foreign policy. Even foreign policy, with which I disagree it to the question here for someone is, did Trump make clear to you that he only wants in the Biden and the rest of this was a pretext, was trump using taxpayer dollars to go after domestic political opponent or was from using taxpayer dollars in order to pry anti corruption concessions out of Ukraine and information about Ukraine.
The twenty sixteen election and some lend to Democrats chagrin read the part you're not gonna, hear on in the media. Today, someone base- Greece has listen. I know the foreign policy, everybody knows foreign policy, we all knew the quid pro quo is going on. But what we are, did not appear to be wrong. What is going to ignore? Here's, Gordon someone? Could seventeen thing was an? I may disagree to foreign policy. I may have thought from should change it We indeed we're doing anything legally wrong Europe without we're doing something legally wrong when it on it. Here's could seventeen still given what we knew at the time. What we were asked to do did not appear to be wrong. Third, let me say precisely because we did not think that we were engaged in an improper behaviour. We made every effort to ensure that the relevant decision makers at the national sick,
European Council and the State Department knew the important details of our efforts have learned. Someone said that As far as his own conversations with Ukraine hidden recall mentioning the viands, which makes sense because officials from Ukraine of said, we don't rubber hearing from Gordon someone about dividing here, someone saying so this whole thing: Well, Biden than widening mentioned, abiden clicks are equipped sixteen and then on July. Twenty six through confirm it did indeed have the conversation with President Trump from restaurant in cave. That David Holmes testified about last week is not right, correct and you have no reason to doubt. Holmes, recounting your conversation with the president, the only part of Mr Holmes, recounting that I take exception with, as I do not recall, mentioning the violence that did not enter my mind, was bereavement two thousand sixteen elections, you're. No reason to believe that Mr Holmes would make that up. If that's what he recalls, you saying you have no reason to question. I do
I don't recall saying, but I never recalls thing right now k, so he is obviously contradicting the testimony of somebody who says he overheard someone. Okay, so again, the Washington Post is picking up on the fact that the actual question is a question of intent. There's a piece by Josh Douze you today called Republicans defend Trump as concerned with ukrainian corruption, but AIDS tell a different story, but even the peace basically acknowledges the democratic not made their case. So here's what the Washington Post says Some of president from satellites have argued that his motivation for holding up almost four hundred million dollars in aid- Ukraine was deep, It concerned about corruption and that he needed to test new ukrainian administrations, dedication to rooting it out in Brazil, questioning during the House hearings republican girls and their staff. Where have pressed witnesses to agree that Ukraine has long had a corruption problem and to protect trumps desire to have you have investigated political rivals as fitting with that brought a worry, represented Jordan's had last week. What grubs and is not just prevalent in Ukraine is the system our presidency time out time outlets check out this new guy. While there is widespread agreement, the Ukraine
one struggled with corruption, recent congressional testimony along with interviews with officials who works closely with the president raised questions about how much Trump cared about corruption broadly in Ukraine, as opposed to investigations that stood to benefit him politically can now investigations that stood to benefit him politically is not the same thing as solely meant to benefit him politically. Let me give an example, so president from is very upset about the idea that the Ukrainians interference and he sixteen election forget by and for second he's very concerned with the idea that the ukrainian Embassy was coordinated with a woman to Alexander Toolbar was an emissary of the Democratic National Committee in their attempts to dig up dirt on trumps campaign, because ukrainian government perceived that the Trump campaign had been pro Russia, and so they were very certain diplomatic? What was the one who is influencing all this? They started following information to the Dnc, about Pomona for and so trumps concerned about all of that, and he wants Ukraine to investigate all that now. Is that relevant to the american public, of course, that's relevant to the american public. We just did a two and a half year. Investigation
into russian, investigate in russian interference in the american election. Why would it not be relevant to the american public if Ukraine interfered in the once these external action and coordinated with the Dnc. In order to do so, you can't have both ways: either the mobile investigation was a get from effort and relevant, or it was based on a fundamentally who assumption about the nature of american elections, which is that foreign country should not interfere if the latter than from is perfectly within his rights, even if motivated by certain vindictive anger. He is perfectly within his rights to ask whether the Ukrainians interfering in the twenty sixteen election. So when the Washington Post draws this false binary between worrying about ukrainian corruption and quota quote investigations that stood to benefit him politically, that Two broad. There are certain things that fall under both meaning that, presumably, if it turns out that the Ukrainians, one fact targeting trump and twenty sixteen that might benefit him politically, going into twenty twenty, certainly assuaged feelings going into twenty twenty, but is that an area of relevant
little consideration for the american public. Of course it is right. Do you think that it would have benefited Democrats politically? Had they found the troll had coordinated with Russia in advance of twenty. Sixteen, of course, does that make the inquiry illegitimate on its face, no gay. So what the Washington Post is trying to escape. What is that president? From generally doesn't care about corruption? He only cares about Ukraine because it concerns him. Ok, it again. That's too broad, that's true, but that does not mean its illegitimate. It is true, I'm sorry trumped. Doesn't care about corruption in Zambia, right from is worried about corruption in Mexico person. Trump is worried about corruption in most places in the world that he was worried about corruption in Ukraine? Why would you worry about corruption in Ukraine, not because of Joe Biden in twenty twenty, but because he was angry over two thousand and sixteen, and he saw that Ukrainians were attempting to target him according to politico? according to Rudy, Giuliani, Infowars or something post basically acknowledges as much by the Washington Post as for Our former administration officials, who spoke
on the condition of anonymity to describe it. Private conversations shared some This view and said from main contention was that Ukrainians had quote tried to take me down the words of one former Signor Administration official from angrily com. In the official said that they had Hillary Clinton mail server, a reference to an unfounded theory, the dumb what's conspired with Ukrainians to interfere in the twenties election volker someone and other official seven testimony that this you is shaped by Rudy Giuliani. The president's personal lawyer officials had trumped describe. Ukraine is a problem because it cause tensions with Russia and such security money out of the United States. It's a big regionally approve the military aid and twenty seventeen after being repeatedly pushed by national security officials. Ok, so that bats, my theory, not the democratic theory, their backs. My theory that tramples was was sitting there and simply
link over in his mind, obsessing about twenty? Sixteen, not that he was attempting to go after Joe Biden in twenty twenty that that Washington Post peace back my case, not their case came one. Second, we're going to get to more of the testimony over the past couple of days, which was almost be bombshell but turns out in many cases not really to be possible. Get too whether enquiring about breeze. My is, is deeply corrupt in somewhat gets that in just one. Second, first, let's talk about the fact that, as you are driving into work today, you looked around there a thousand different kinds of car on the road. It lets say that your Our broke down you to promote their car and you went to local, auto body par chop. Well, would they have the exact part they need Were they give you something generic off the shelf, the cost much money answer? Probably the ladder- and this is why you should check out rock auto dotcom, their family business. They served auto parts customers online for twenty years, Rock otto dot com to shop for ATO and body parts from hundreds,
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you're about his box if they know that we say that helps us that helps them go check them out rock auto dotcom again, Rock Otto not come ok. So, as I say, Sunland testimony is not actually providing answers to the key question. So the key question, which is what exactly, is the intent here right? What exactly is the intense here now begin. The fact is that that someone is not relieving testifying s contention when he has testified to intense, then the president that then someone has basically suggested that the intent was go after problems in twenty. Sixteen, not problems in twenty twenty and even in his testimony, he basically suggest the same. Now all that based on that information and all that can be based bad information provided by Rudy Giuliani President from being sort of conspiratorial minded dude. Rudy Giuliani overdue crane to dig into what happened in twenty. Sixteen regionally on it appears was feeding him bad information provided by corrupt ukrainians, who are now being
prosecuted under the law, but that's from small. There is bad judgment, not bad intent per se, right it was. It was bad judgment. You trust rules really on his info. That does not mean is all about getting by remember original accusation is the Donald Trump use taxpayer dollars in order to basically bribed the Ukrainians give him bad information on Joe Biden for purposes of the twenty twenty election, not that he had broad ukrainian corruption concerns dating back if you succeed, and that he was using american resources to investigate that there may have been motivated by based political cans, but so is nearly everything in Washington DC. That's not the same as he was weapon eyes in a foreign government to go after domestic political rival, with an eye towards twenty twenty intended and by the way, who say that its illegitimate for people to ask questions about what happened with regard to bereavement, at least if on it, for example, she's the representative republican representative, whose getting all sorts of pressing
is she was talking with Lieutenant Colonel Alexander them, and he was the Democrat STAR witnessed yesterday, and she, I ve been about bereavement and reasonable, and Vinland basically acknowledges that bereavement is corrupt and so from asked referees map what's illegitimate about specifically heres a list of ongoing forbidden? I know that my constituents in new York- twenty one, have many concerns about the fact that Hunter bite in the sum of the vice presidents sat on the board of a corrupt company like, whereas my the Obama administration, State Department was also concerned, and yet Adam Schiff refuses to allow this committee to call Hunter Bide and, despite our requests, every witness who has testified and has been asked. This has answered. Yes, do you agree that Hunter Bide and on the Board of Bereavement has the baton
so for the appearance of a conflict of interest? Certainly the potential us ok and by the way women also is the Democrats. Darwin, as yesterday came for military regalia, obviously served honourably in the United States military for twenty years and stood on that to the chairs of the media He was ass specifically about hundred bindings idea. Of course, Hunter Biden wasn't qualified for the position he held. Him in hundred Biden has acknowledged. That himself has been saying. Hundred Biden was not qualified. We talked a little bit about. Your double this about whether Mr Biden was qualified to serve on this board, and you know, but I believe you acknowledge that, apparently he was not in fact qualified as far as I can tell it didn't seem to be, but, like I said, I don't know his of course an ok? Ok, so again the questions about hundred Biden, those are not going away, you're not going
way and to the fact that the trump was concerned about recent hundred Biden wrapping that all up and twenty sixteen concerns that does not speak to go get Joe Biden doesn't speak to go, get Joe Biden specifically. To go back to someone's testimony. I'm reading through his entire open statement right now. There are few key sections right. He says we all so that if we refuse to work with Mr Giuliani, we lose an important opportunity, cement relations between the United States and Europe, We followed the president orders again. That is someone maintaining I'm, not the fall guy. Here you want to blame somebody blame Trump, but he also says Although we disagreed with the need to involve Mr Giuliani, we did not believe his role as improper at the time as I previously to fight. If I'd known of Mr Giuliani dealings or his associations with individuals now under criminal indictment, I would not have and not have acquiesce to his participation still give more. We know at the time when we were asked to do, do not appear to be wrong.
When he said precisely because we do not think that we are engaging in improper behaviour. We made every effort to ensure that the relevant decision makers at the National Security Council and State Department knew them weren't details of our efforts, question that we are engaged in some irregular rogue diplomacy is absolutely false, so someone is actually kicking back there against the act, section v made by the other witnesses, you'll or general, and that son linen vulgar and and repairing and the president's and pale. In this regular channel, and then there is the regular channel, which was all the career diplomats. The honourable grid, diplomats, something now everybody knew about this everybody was in on it. Everybody basically acknowledged that it was weird, but nobody thought that this was wrong at the time and was only later that people started to suggest that it was wrong which gives the idea that this was in fact politically motivated, or at least could have been politically motivated from the outset, right? Someone also acknowledge the Giuliani requests were a quid pro quo. Billy on he said that he was expressing the desires of the prison. Into the United States and everyone
new. The investigations were important to the President of the United States and he said in July and August, twenty nineteen- we learned the White House and also suspended security AIDS, Ukraine and everybody was upset about all of this shared. His concerns with RON Johnson and with Ukrainians, who says I was acting in good faith at all times. As a presidential appointee, I followed the directions of the president. We wanted building on, because the president's erected us to do so. We had no desire to set any conditions on Ukrainians. Indeed, my personal view was that White House, meeting insecurity assistance should have proceeded without preconditions of any kind. We're working to overcome the problems, given the facts as they existed are only interest. Was to advance longstanding you US policy and support Ukraine's fragile democracy. Ok. Now the question becomes with this testimony with this testimony. Do the Democrats have what they need Do they really believe that they are going to be able to somehow. Are the impeachment rabbit out of his hat, based on some
when saying that there was good Brooklyn. Some of that is going to depend on the White House actively not pursuing the dumbest possible defensive like the one. That's not true. I maybe I don't know why from thinks. That is more embarrassing for him to say either as a quid pro quo, but the quid pro quo is for- my concerns about twenty sixteen. What's the problem right, he was angry and move any for saying that permit moving actually using the actual defence from the White House. I don't know that somehow more embarrassing than whom claiming pretty obviously falsely that there was no quid pro quo and that his phone call July twenty fifth was perfect. I understand trumps, normal defence mechanism is that you defend at you defend at the front line every I'm right. You never make a strategic retreat. You never reveal your plans. Are I get all of that, but in this particular case he is he's put himself out there grounds that are unsustainable and of public internet can be able to sustain those grounds they can easily workers on the grounds that I have suggested that the Washington Post
just suggested again is not just me. The Washington post is reporting the actual testimony of AIDS These are saying the trunk was mainly obsessed with two thousand and sixteen. It was not about twenty slash twenty and by the way, there is crossover between american interests and two thousand and sixteen vindictiveness by President Trump there is cross over there. Where is, there is no crossover with regard to Trump going out Joe Biden specifically because he wanted to buy now and twenty forty that that is the question. Ok, coming up, we'll talk more about this plus big democrat to make an ip booty. Judges surging in both Iowa and New Hampshire, does have a real shot at the nomination. Beyond that point, we'll get to that in just one second First did you know the nearly one billion individuals are effectively back NEA around the world through my dad is one of them. That means that, yes, you see pap equipment separately when a great adventure. While time it is keeping people alive. But here's the problem cleaning as he pap machine, is a real pain into, but also clean as the world's first. Cpap, cleaner and sanitizer,
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If you have not been listening to Andrew Clements, Fantasy podcast, another kingdom you're missing out need to go to daily word. I come right now and subscribe to catch up because, on Monday of Ember, twenty fifth at seven p m eastern four p m. Andrew and Michael moles will be sitting down together to discuss the final season and also to take subscriber questions, live from fans really cool. This life of that will be free for everyone to watch on Facebook and Youtube. Only subscribers will be able to ask questions are daily wired, come plus subscribers exclusively watch. The entirety of the series to the newest seasons on Apple pod cats go check it out, don't miss the The kingdom live discussion. Having Monday seven pm Eastern four P M Pacific by the way, if you are not already a subscriber you're, definitely missing out heading over to dailywire dot com subscribe for as little as ten bucks a month get the articles add free access to all of our live broadcast full show library, exclusive, daily wire applique, all sorts of goodies, that we are adding to daily if you use. The new all access plan you'll get all of their plus the legendary leftist years tumblr and
a brand new ask me anything style, discussion, feature that allows you to engage our hosts writers and special guest. Weekly basis, so stop depriving yourself come join the fun though you right now we are the largest fastest, we can sort of Pakistan radio shown the nation So by when Europe has really a piece of the Washington examiner talking specifically about the the accusation that from never should have asked about bereavement- and he says what other that's real, questionable is one of the most important issues in President Trump's impeachment event is also one of the least explored to what degree turns about Ukraine valid. It's well documented that the President said it on ukrainian activity in the twenty six, election and on the burdens actions in the breeze matter. Demo, rats, and many in the media dismisses concerns as conspiracy theories, but to what extent, where those concerns, in fact legitimate, if there were even mostly legitimate from defenders could say, look at a point, even if one thinks he handled the issue and appropriately
the fact is what was going on in Ukraine was worrisome enough for the US president. Take notice now not age, minds on those dead set an improvement, but among others it would make the case for Piedmont removal much harder to make up from two concerns. Twenty sixteen into Ference invited bereavement. Twenty sixteen part came first and is the foundation for translator, concerns about the former VP, so leave the button art for later article focus on Ukraine and the twenty six unilaterally decided so we're. I keep seeing articles from the mainstream media suggesting that trumps concern that Ukrainian Interference in the twenty. Sixteen election are completely fictitious, infect your testimony to that effect. Yesterday, It was very, very weird: Ray had people who are suggesting that Ukraine was: it was never involved in the twenty sixteen election like, for example, lieutenant colonel. Intervention. This quick, five suggested it trumps focus on Twitter, Sixteen interference by Ukraine was totally fictitious. There was no evidence to what so ever. Are you aware of any evidence to support the theory that the ukrainian government interfered in the twenty sixteen election
Congressmen, I am not, and I am furthermore, I would say that this is a russian narrative that President Putin has promoted and are you aware of any part of the? U S, government, its foreign policy or intelligence apparatus that supports that theory? No, I am not aware of it. You are aware that other parts of the- U s- government, our intelligence community, for example- has said definitively that it was a Russians who intervened. In the twenty sixteen elections. That is correct. Ok, so here is here is the problem. It is true that the Russians interfered in the twenty six in election. It is also true, there have been widely available public reports from credible sources like politico cigarette. If you find political credible, which I do as a general matter, those import say: Ukraine was coordinating with a woman and Alexander truly by whose ideas he hack in order to grab info action on whole manifold, crumbs campaign chairman, so Byron York, says during the summer
Sixteen candidate trunk was under constant criticism for being insufficiently critical of russian President Vladimir Putin from Ukraine's perspective from statements were linked to the presence of all men of war. In the trunk campaign metaphors promote its campaign chairman in June to Americans about manner for whose best no political efforts with the General Ford campaign in nineteen seventy six. Manifold later made millions in Ukraine working for President Viktor Yanukovych and the Pro Russia Party of Regions trumps comments, I'm Crimea and Ukraine Seraph astronomy. Action in Ukraine, somehow Thank you. Members of the ukrainian government took to social media in an attempt to influence, as best they could, the US presidential race on Facebook arson a cough. At that time. The interior minister tweeted the trumpets a clown added. The republican candidate was even bigger danger to the U S than terrorism. He said the shameless statement Yours, presidential candidate trump, on possible recognition of Crimea as Russia is a diagnosis of a dangerous outcasts and call them dangerous and all the rest of this
ok and at the same time, Ukraine's ambassador to the United States, pertinent Valerie, Tralee, road, not bad published in the hill, clearly said from it means on Russia and Crimea. Every serious concerns in Kiev and beyond Ukraine is obviously Kramer. Very very concerned about Trump from commentary for decent reason. It seems, but the question is: did they then interfere in the in the actual election cycle and because it turns out that the Trump Ukraine Brouhaha shed light on the activities of a woman in downtown trooper who worked in the Clinton White House and later with the Dnc shoppers parents emigrated to the? U S from Ukraine. In strong ties, ukrainian american Diaspora, Andy somebody in Ukraine according to agenda, wait. Twenty seventeen article in political ukrainian efforts to sabotage trumpet backfire the best source of information on refugees, political reported that in twenty fourteen kaluza had a client interested in the ukrainian crisis as part of that should began looking into manifolds activities in Ukraine to lubricant development
at work of sources in Kiev in Washington, including investigative journalist government officials and private intelligence. Operatives in twenty fifteen tuba began focusing for research on him the website reported the toolbar, occasionally shorter findings with officials from the Dnc and the Clinton campaign, twenty sixteen months of ukrainian Embassy in Washington and showed her concern with political, according to political with them acid or chilean, one of his deputies oxen a sugar not long after, to a spoke again with the DMZ, according to political? with the DMZ encouragement should but asked embassy staff to try to a ranging interview in which then present in petrol. Rochelle might discuss. Manifolds ties, Tiana College, so in other words it sounds like Toolbar. On behalf of the Anti wanted the ukrainian government to make a public statement discussing trumps camp, manager sound familiar political, then added quote Andrei: till the Genco worked as a political officer in Ukrainian Embassy understood our said. She instructed him to help toolbar research connections between Trump metaphor in Russia.
Acceptance that if I had any information or new new other people who did, I should contact group, recalled tillage Anko who is not political, consulting Kiev. They were coordinating an investigation with them team on Paul Manafort Chalupa I was keeping it all quiet, but the embassy work very closely with trooper. In fact, source is familiar with the effort so that surely our specific The call to lodge angle into a meeting with you look to brighten update on them, media outlets, ongoing investigation into Manafort. Political also reported that you loop, a quote: discuss the passive Billy of the congressional investigation with foreign policy legislative assistance in the Office of Representative Marcy Captor, who cultures at the congressional Ukrainian Caucus investigation didn't end up happening. So is there any evidence about the crowd strike nonsense! No, but is their evidence that the Ukrainian were involved in twenty sixteen yeah there is There are serious, open questions about that and that's what even according to the Washington Post.
According to the Washington Post. So did today's. So did today's testimony change that fundamental intent issue not really not really write. President Trump suggested when someone. So this what you just ass divide moments ago, I said president from never told me directly that aid was condition on the meetings. The only thing we got, from Giuliani was that breeze. My in twenty sixteen elections were condition on the White House meeting. The aid was my own personal. You know guest based on your analogy, two plus two equals for ok, but again, assuming that the quid pro quo is a thing which I am happy to assume, because I think it is true. The question becomes intent. Is the intense impeach will hear my answer. All along has been. I am doubtful that it is an someone's has not yet provided any testimony. The changes that ok so tonight is the next big democratic debate and the field is just a mess. I mean it is an absolute mess. We've had, basically, several people contending at the top of the field there for
Hopkins hunters. Right now, Joe Biden Bernie Sanders still hanging around you. Ve got Elizabeth Horn, who is dropping fast and you ve got p booty judge was climbing fast, so it seems to me that Elizabeth worn is in a lot of trouble. It also seems to me that the romance of people to judge is likely to Peter out there are some new national pulls out today and they show job naturally gaining in the national poles. There's an economist you gobble today, it has Joe Biden up nationally. Thirty, two twenty two over worn sanders at twelve noon. Judge at nine. According to the Hill Harris Pole, they came out in the last couple of days is biting at thirty sanders at eighteen warrant at fifteen booty judged seven. I'm telling you this because a lot like twenty twelve years, a lot like twenty twelve on the republic inside it feels like there was a front runner. Everybody was unhappy with the front runner. Everyone, Elsa gonna get a chance at the top everybody fallen. Binds can be the nominee if he had predicted right now. That's what I would suggest the betting odds are reflecting They still say that Warren is the likeliest nominee, but I'm not seeing why that would be the case right now.
Blue judges leading by big numbers in both, I want any Hampshire there's a brand new pull out in New Hampshire that its deficit, for those with warn that is for neighbouring state she ass. If it was with learn, does not when you hampered. She does not when the nomination but we need to understand and simple people to judge has bolted to a ten Point Lee over the rest of the field. Buddha judge, twenty five by fifteen one, fifteen standards. Nine now people would suggest your maybe hardest hit. Is Joe Biden read because, judge, is stealing sore moderate support away from Joe Biden, early caucus states, but that's not correct the reason correct is because of Elizabeth worn does not wane, and I will only Hampshire, which are so. We're white Super progressive territories. How the hell do you think you're going of women's health care liner. One black person supports her two thirds of the Elect in South Carolina on the democratic primary side of the island black, which is why Joe Biden is way up in South Carolina. He continues to give nineteen points in South Carolina. He continues to give nine points in Nevada, booty judged by ways point seven percent. In about a so booty,
both Iowa and New Hampshire. It's still on Well he's the nominee because he has no minority support, as in none zero zilch. Now any centres is falling out of the race, but his support, it seems, is not bleeding over to Elizabeth Warren, particularly and tonight. The candidates on the debate state Elizabeth worn because she's like Google, judging good position because he is climbing in some of the important state poles, but always with we're and is too widely perceived by the media. Is the front runner anxious opened herself up to every possible attack. Every plan that she has proposed is garbage she's been shifting her plans repeatedly. Her wealth tax is nonsense. Her she she's open and their people on stage or only gonna, be able Kay by attacking, was with more and I'm talking of course, of course, Booker who, if you as any brains at all, should be going Elizabeth Warren on her decision to go against charter schools that you previously supported and he's have to do that. He's gonna have say, listen Elizabeth. I know the euro
very, very white person despite your native american ancestry, but your former support for school choice, which is a good idea. You have now subsume that in all to win over college educated white people in Iowa, and what about people Wesley near better educational opportunity for their kids Newark? I did Excellency read that should be Corey Booker's attend common heritage should be attacking Elizabeth, worn on the basis of stolen a sort of, stolen. Valor, and as a black woman America noticed like to give my you claim to be a victim by claiming native american heritage. That is absolutely unsustainable, rather be a brutal attack on with horns, night Bernie Sanders should attack Elizabeth Warning was in its my plan. You stole my plan and then you presented in the worst stupid as possible way. You lied about the cost of the planet least. I'm honest, you are damn life. I just open yourself up to a text from every possible angle. Every possible angle so expect a pretty good night for people to judge
Expect Joe Biden continue to be Joe Biden, ready he's, never going to have a wonderful night he's not going to have a horrible night expected Elizabeth Warren is going to have to fend off a tack and she has not proved adept at fending off those attacks. She has not the aftermath of this debate. She is the one most at risk here, but if you, if you are Elizabeth Warren. You are nervous, you are very, very nervous and you should be extremely she's, the most vulnerable vulnerable candidate at the top of the field. Right now and as again for the Buddha Judge, search I think that he has a good round operation in Iowa he's getting the glowing. A coverage that was reserved for Lisbon horns about six weeks ago, but the media fall in love with and then out of, love of candidates extremely quickly watch for the next few weeks I was with horn of four four p Buddha judged to be here the state of stories about how he is badly governed racial politics in the city of south, been right. That's what he's most vulnerable watch for that and watch record book or income will Harris to go after him on that and Watch
for job. I knew communicate by so in a certain way. Joe Biden is actually benefiting from the fact that he is the actual for run are being treated as though he's not the front runner in section not a terrible place to be. It means most of the attacks are not gonna, be levelled at your Biden, In fact, the Democrats basically have exhausted their attacks underline what else is there to say about the guy? There are two hid among criminal justice reform. They ve already hit him on working with Republicans I've already had my being old, and what else is there, but they're brand new, some other democratic candidates every day of the week, so I feel it Joe Biden is actually shockingly the chamber in shockingly good shape. So two things were true one. I was right that is best. It was the first time but also known as other candidates. Are rising from the rising from the bottom up to the top is pretty incredible: pretty incredible, ok, temper, equipping I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like today. So there is a fun kids movie called abominable. That is out. It's kind of fastening,
Also to look at the chinese american politics in this film, so this movie was. It was a joint production by chinese production, company and american production company. It's a dream works production. It was obviously meant for me. In China? Have rosy depiction of China is pretty, is pretty hilarious, at the same time it really fun. Kids movie. I took my kids to see if they really enjoyed it. It's really innocent. It's really fun I've around the notion that the movies are just not fun any more, which laboratories going to marvel movies and superhero movies and kids movies. Why those are the big earners and that the less fun the movie is more of it but this is a really nice sweet film for kids, there, no sucker punches or anything it if you're. If you advocate, is three watch the movie loved it So, if you, if you're interested in their kids movie, take the kids out of its films tonight then abominable definitely a worthy choice,
looking for you. Yeah my phasing in great bang is so what one of the things that actually kind of cool about this I'm so a lot of it is about getting that it basically about getting any back to ever spreading to the fantasy got any fun. It's fun. It's fun movie I end up one of the kid. The kid who stars in it wanted to do stars in it is the grandson of Tenzing Norgay, who was a Holi indian Sherpa Mountaineer, one of the first people to climb he summited Mount Everest with Ed healthy, and so his grandson actually place one a part in this in the movie it's kind of aunt and you know again who for fun movie for kids tonight, this would be one to check out ok time for a quick thing that I hate exciting
is the ACLU is celebrating international men's day international men's day. So yes, international men's day was supposed to it was supposed to the problems that men have that men have a higher suicide rate. For example, they have that they have. Health issues did. The idea was that was supposed to celebrate male contributions the society promote male role, models, etc or the Asia. You came out with a tweet that basically tells you about the status of modern politics, and why we are totally screwed here's a yell used. We There is no one way to be men: men who get their periods are men, men who get pregnant and give up. Trans and non binary men along tag international men's day, room enough to ask a question her. If there is such a thing as an international men's day and an international women's day, presumably there is some distinction between them. Explain define man define man your if you're going to say that a man can get his period, then
know what to tell you get. It are obviously or death. Biological? The definition is a characterisation of gender stereotypes, then, which gender stereotypes are our male Is it aggression, aggression that makes a madman, because if so, then, a biological female who says that she is a man, but doesn't Have the male characteristic of aggression is not a man in by the way men were biological men were not aggressive, are not made it like. You have to set a standard. The problem for folks keep suggesting that trans and non binary men are men. It is if the idea is that We are not a biological man, but you are a man and you have to have an alternative definition of man that has some sort of internal coherence. The west has none, and so you end up with this stupid absolute stupidity. Indeed, the Asia. You blames inaccurate stereotypes for opera, into biological male athletes competing in female flights. By the way we need the Israelis completely out of touch they ve lost whatever tenuous ground
reality. They ever had. The ACLU actually give a statement last year suggestion that Trans women should be able to compete as women in a biological mail should be able to compete alongside women an they suggested. It was inaccurate stereotyping to oppose by article male athletes competing against women, as opposed to you, know the basic biological like to me between it, mammalian males and females. True in every mammalian species,. The Asian you at the time treated equal participation networks for train. Gender people does not mean an end. Women, sports transit, our women, including what and girls were transgender at advocate advances. Women's equality and wellbeing having a biological male like Fallon, Fox Fight, a bylaw. We'll female does not advance women's equality while being subdued hitting a weighty, which last I tracked is not
me uncivil rest, but also quite dangerous. This is pretty, and I mean this is just absolute is just ridiculous is just ridiculous of of always through ridiculous, but be. The left is so focused on changing definitions of basic biological reality that they end up in the position of actually taking the interests of of women and making them completely secondary perfect example. There is a school Strip in Illinois that has now decided that you get to go in locker room of your gender decision. So if you're a boy and you decide that you are a girl today, you get to go and unrest in the women's locker room, but here's a video of a teenage girl at one of these schools. Talking about that, He no longer feel safe in the bathroom, because now their biological boys walking into the bathroom who could spotter undressing, is quick. Twenty three
I come from my privacy and data, as I am a summer change. Multiple times may gain in front of the others. In the latter. I understand that the board has an obligation to our students, hoping that we go about this in a different way, and I would also have a comedy: ok there is no, I mean, did the alternative that has been suggested in the past. To having you know, biological toys R. Us alongside females, has been to have like a separate bathroom for transgender kids right or to have these transgender kids dressed behind a curtain. I suggest that repentantly, the privacy concerns where women are no longer relevant. So long as a boy who says he's a girl is treated as a girl in this all insanity with reality has nothing to do with biology. It's it's! It's just that there is no description that is appropriate beyond. It is pure insanity to suggest that this is the case
truly is amazing. I do have to mention this is pretty amazing, so I saw an argument the other day. I have always taken the position that, by that pronouns refer to objective biological characterised by. That is that when I say mail- and I say female, I mean biological mail in biological female, because there is literally no other descriptor that fits you take on the attributes of a male or female. That does not make you a male or female. You have to be biologically mail or biologically a female now for purposes of ideal, fine for going into a bathroom. What you appear to be objective to the outside world will probably be good enough. Because otherwise we're not going to take everybody genitals as you walk in the bathroom or something or bathroom, for purposes of saying male and female, we mean biological, male, biological female, so some dulled suggested to me. Well, there there look. There man's languages. There are lots of romance languages where the verbiage is gendered re. If you wicked Hebrew taken on romance language, then the verbs, our gender related leaving
now are gendered as well? So, for example, the word for table she'll come is a male word said, means that all of the verbs are male verbs and thus because the language issue why should we say that the word male applies to a male and not to a trans male? This is the stupidest argument. You could possibly imagine the fact bet there are gendered object in language for grammatical reason, does not that the table is a male, nor does it mean that email is a table. Mean that a mail is not a male there's, no transitive property. That applies here plus. The logic here is completely asinine, because you have to assume one of two things: either you assume that the gendering of objects means that gender has no actual relevant The term analogy, in which case, what do you care, if I call a male, a male and female if email, because these words nothing anyway, or you have to assume that gender does have in which case you're with me
Then a mail is male and female female, but though the social left wants to have it both ways. And if I both ways I mean that they just want to rewrite the entire doctrine of Human language and human logic favor of the acid. I note that men can help here. It already we'll be back here later today, Two additional hours of contemplates we'll be back here tomorrow. If you miss that and will recap the debate for you, then I'm bench grow. This is
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Wednesday in the UK's first, gay dad is dating his daughter's boyfriend, but don't worry because the governor of South Dakota is on meth check it out on the Michael Knowles show
Transcript generated on 2019-11-22.