« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 866 - The Ukraine Problem

2019-09-23 | 🔗

Trump defends himself from allegations that he pressured Ukraine to investigate Biden, Democrats ramp up their attacks but quarrel over impeachment, and Warren surges in Iowa. Date: 09-23-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President Trump defends himself from allegations. He pressured Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, Democrats ramp up their attacks, a quarrel over impeachment and Elizabeth Warren surges in Iowa straight for our brand new Ben Shapiro show studios. This is the Ben Shapiro Show broadcasting from the hellish box of doom known as our prior studios, I mean that place was it was ghoulish. It was a terrible place. There are flies everywhere. You may have noticed during the show when I was randomly batting at the flies. That was the thing that was actually happen. It wasn't just me going crazy. It smelled awful. You can never get the temperature control exactly right. Well, now Look at this magnificence! I can just feel the energy seeping into my bones: we're going to get to actual material in just one second have to celebrate that for just one moment, but first there's a lot of talk of war with round leading to increasing and geopolitical insecurity. Skyrocket. National debt and, of course, the FED just cut the intro
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For you again get that comprehensive. Sixteen page kit revealing how gold and silver can protect your savings to get that no cost, no obligation, kit, simply text Ben and forty seven four thousand seven hundred and forty seven again text, my name hundred and forty seven, four thousand seven hundred and forty seven Ben two hundred and forty seven thousand seven hundred and forty seven ok. So the big story of the day is the continued fallout from the this will blower report that has not yet been revealed. Remember we still don't know what's in this whistleblower report. So to recapitulate, for folks who may not have been following this story with all of its requisite gravity. So here is the the the story is that there was a whistleblower inside the intelligence community inform the inspector general of the teligent community that there was some sort of urgent violation that had taken place if this violation had been deemed urgent. It would have had to be reported to Congress, so the whistle the inspector general says, you're right. It is urgent and then declares that this is gonna go to Congress. At this point, the director
of national intelligence, the acting director of national intelligence steps and he's well hold on just a second. This isn't urgent under the Applicables law, because under the optical ought to be typically for a whistle blower complaint to be deemed urgent. It has to deal with after jewel intelligence? It can't just be that the intelligence community heard about something criminal, that's bad! That's going on that, doesn't actually have to do with the intelligence community and then reported. In the inspector general and then reported it to Congress. Instead, has to deal with the actual intelligence community. Well, supposedly this report we have to do with the Intel community at all. It has to do with President Trump on the phone with Ukraine, so the Democrats immediately shift to this is a cover up. Obviously, Trump is trying to hide something, and then we get it kind of slow week about information that was in this whistleblower repo. So. What was in the whistleblower report? Well, the whistleblower That we know so far is that President Trump had conversations with the president of Ukraine. Supposedly, in those conversations, the president of the United States repeatedly suggested that
ukrainian government investigate Joe Biden? Why, or is Joe Biden and Hunter Biden father and son relationship they have a nexus with great Hunter Biden was made. The was made the ceo or a board member of some organization in Ukraine called charisma in Ukraine at the same time that Joe Biden was pressuring the Ukraine to fire a to to fire a prosecutor who is overseeing the Hunter Biden case, so the scandal which started to break. Maybe earlier this year last year, that's that was supposedly the Joe Biden, had personally attempted to one billion dollars in loan guarantees to Ukraine until Ukraine fired a prosecutor that prosecutor's seeing Hunter Biden's possible investigation. At the time So now, President Trump comes along and he's apparently telling the ukrainian president. You know I'd be great. Zelinsky it'd be great. If you just investigate Joe Biden, because I mean did anyone really invest in no look, the Trump campaign has four months but attempting to push the ukrainian government
to investigate Joe Biden, and this is not a secret Rudy Giuliani's been going over there for a year trying to investigate himself trying to cooperate with government sources in Ukraine. To find out whether in fact hunter Hayden was under investigation by the prosecutor and whether Joe Biden exerted his authority in order to hold back american taxpayer dollars to get the prosecutor ousted to protect his son Hunter and they're. All sorts of serious questions to be asked about Joe Biden's relationship with Hunter by because, as it turns out, Hunter Biden has led a rather dissolute life and Hunter Biden has taken seriously advantage of the fact that his dad happens to be Joe Biden has gotten a series of kush positions in which he has paid hundreds of since dollars. Basically, because daddy was a senator and then a vice president, can get into those allegations in just a second well, President Trump over the weekend came out and he said yeah. You know I did talk with Ukrainians about Joe Biden, but that is not A big deal according to the New York Times, President Trump acknowledged on Sunday. He raised corruption, l accusations against former vice president
Joseph R Biden Junior during a phone call with Ukraine's leader, a stunning, admission. According to the New York Times as pressure, mounted on Democrats to impeach Trump over alligator. And he leaned on a foreign government to help damage a political rival in public and in private Democrats said the evidence that has emerged in recent days indicating that Mr Trump pushed the ukrainian government to investigate Mr Biden and his dad rations, stonewalling of attempts by Congress to learn more we're changing calculations about whether to charge him with articles of impeachment. The influential of the House Intelligence Committee was resisted. Such action said the house might now have crossed the Rubicon in light of the new disclosures, so that would be Adam Schiff, who came out and said the Rubicon may have been crossed. We may now have to look at impeaching President Trump over all of this here is Adam Schiff saying as much you know, I have been very reluctant to go down the path of impeachment, but if the president is essentially withholding military aid. At the same time that he is trying to browbeat
a foreign leader, into doing something illicit that is providing dirt on his opponent. During a presidential campaign. Then he may force to go down this road. I have spoken with a number of my colleagues over the last week and this seemed different. Kind, and we may very well have crossed the Rubicon here: ok, well, the Rubicon he is noting is something that is not been shown yet. So, as I explained last Friday, when this whole thing came up and last Thursday, if President Trump engaged in an actual quid pro quo, if did what he's accusing Joe Biden of doing if he said to the Ukrainians. Two hundred and fifteen One million dollars in military aid is not forthcoming unless you investigate Joe Biden, that is using american taxpayer dollars for a campaign. Quid pro quo, that is, Lee a violation of law it is, it is a violation of bribery statute and president Trump should be impeached. It really bad that a quid pro quo with a four government to investigate your political rival is in fact violation of law an impeachable. If, however, this is just
trump getting on the phone and saying to the crazy, be great if you guys really investigate your. You know that be great. Is that impeachable? Well, that is not what Adam Schiff is saying right there right, Adam Schiff is saying no, not so much. Adams himself is saying the quid pro quo has to be there. Well. Why? Because President Trump has a rather bad habit of mouthing off, as you may have noticed, as he is a man named Donald Trump, who does very Donald Trump like things different that Jim Garrity has a piece over it now interview in which he talks about this and he's correct, he says Donald, believes that just about everyone he doesn't like must be corrupt or engaged in law breaking of some manner and should be investigated. Earlier this week he tweet it out. Look at the Obama book Deal or the ridiculous Netflix deal then look at other deals made by the dams in Congress, the congressional slush fund and, lastly, the ig reports take a look at them. Those investigations would be over fast.
So. We wanted like Obama's book deal investigated. Anyone in his Netflix deal investigated Trump indicated that law enforcement should investigate the Clintons over Jeffrey Epstein. He called for an investigation of corrupt government in Baltimore. He suggested that larger coming should investigate himself. He called on law enforcement to subpoena all records having to do with the Clinton foundation. This is all since July. Trump is constantly asking people for investigations, Maine because he's been subjected to a lot of investigations, and so he's like well turnabout is fair play on the pc and the FCC to invest whether the weather Saturday night live, is colluding with the Democratic Party, so Garrity's point over National review, he says you notice that few of these calls for investigation lead to any investigations right reasonable to worry about the politicization of law enforcement. At a moment like this, but so far, there's not much evidence for it. You said, what's more trump speaks constantly, as if he's convinced that some sort of colossal ruinous scandal is lurking behind each one of his foes and all of them could be
Woman federal investigators could look just hard enough, so it shouldn't be. The Lee bit surprising that Trump and allies, like Rudy Giuliani, believe that Biden's work for a giant gas company in Ukraine must be not nearly unsavory or created the appearance of a conflict of interest, but somewhere along the line, the buttons must have broken the law. The President of the United States repeatedly call for law enforcement investigations of his political enemies based upon rumors. The report's in his own theories. No, of course not, but Donald Trump, a lot of those kinds of things. Does this a different area? If the president is missing extra foreign officials in exchange for an investigation. Well depends on the specific says: Jim Garrity. He says that insert trump. So here is a I'll cook. Everybody knows that everybody saying so. If you guys caught him and nailed him to the wall, I'd be thrilled is probably just trump being from with it honestly like. If you had to ballpark what Trump said
conversation, do you think there's more long lines off? You know we got this two and fifty dollars million in aid and um. Maybe it's forthcoming, and maybe it's not. I don't know, but if you just investigate Joe Biden, it's fourth camp, do you think it's that? Or do you think that it's do you think the conversation when something like this Zilinski is the head of Ukraine Window MR pleasant and great will speak to you and Trump going in Hey Joe Biden is the waste an investigator and one's, giving like no we're not doing that and something like, but it be great if you dead as long as you make well now and coming okay, as everything else going, I mean that that like with which they, sounds more like trump and a lot of the tested too, with whether you see President Trump has a serious thinker like a person who thinks, through the things he says, or a guy who just says stuff, it's very difficult to square the sort of four D chest President Trump, that so many people have in their heads on the right and the forty chests
from that. So many people on the left have in their heads right. They simultaneously will claim that he's an idiot in mastermind with who Trump is in reality, which is a guy who says lots of stuff. As I've said before, President I'm still I'm still in one day, will eventually read Donald Trump, forty fifth, president of the United States, he said a lot of crap right that that is what president from does it frankly thing that President Trump would say the same thing to like Emmanuel Macron. I think you get on the phone with the prime Minister of Friends and microbial Mister President. How are you and from the they can investigate Joe Biden and I'm gonna, be like I don't know what you're talking about and from it well and in a french six right, we're not too grainy and and that a yes hands in thank like the chances. The Donald Trump was seriously offering a quid pro quo. Do the Ukrainians? It would take four color me a little bit so nickel of all that. Nonetheless, this is driving in the
narrative. Today, Nancy Pelosi has issued a letter to her colleagues in the house, basically suggesting that Impeachment may be on the table in the near future. It dear colleague, on Thursday acting of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire will appear before the House Intel in committee in an open hearing at that time we expect him to obey. Blah and turn over the whistleblowers full complaint to the committee. We also expect that he will establish a path for the whistleblower to speak directly to the House and Senate intelligence committees, as required by the intelligence community inspector general was appointed by President Trump has determined that the complaint is both of urgent concern. Incredible and its disclosure relates to one of the most significant and important of the director of national intelligence is responsibilities to the american people. The administration walking of acting the and I'm a wire from provide providing Congress with the whistle blower complaint calls upon him to violate the federal statute, which unequivocally states that the d and I shall provide Congress, this information. Well, it also has conditions under which the information is to be provided, including that
has to deal with the intelligence community, not with the president. The administration is endangering our national security and having a chilling effect on any future with Whistleblower, who sees wrongdoing. We must be sure, the President and his administration are always conducting our national security and foreign policy in the best interest of the american people, not the president's personal or political interest, well I'll that Sure it would be great if Congress did that you know what else would be great if Barack Obama had not pledge flexibility to the Russians in the run up to the twenty twelve election, it would be great if Teddy, back in the 1980s had not been working with the russian government undermined Ronald Reagan. It would. Fantastic if Hillary Clinton not been working with. Yes, the ukrainian government to dig up dirt on President Trump. I to pretend that that the area of foreign policy is where all of the all of the honor of the american people still resides yeah. Not so much not so much. I'm old enough to remember when Nancy Pelosi was traveling to the Middle EAST under undercut George W Bush's foreign policies anyway, she says I'm calling on Republicans to join us in insisting that the
and I obey the law as we seek the truth to protect the american people and our constitution. This violation is about National Security if the administration persists in blocking this whistleblower from disclosing to Congress, a serious possible breach of constitutional duties by the president, there will be entering a grave new chapter of lawlessness which will take us into a whole new stage of investigation. Thank you for your patriotism. Best regards Nancy, so a couple of things, one I honestly think that we should find out what exactly the whistleblowers is complaining about, so I think there publicans, probably should work with Nancy Pelosi to pry loose this whistle blower complaint. If, if the administration provides no clarity on what happened here, but there are a couple of details that are being left out of a lot of the reporting here and we do need to mention them we'll get to that in just one. Second, first, let's talk about your sleep quality, so the fact is that you've done all the right things. We've got a good mattress and you've got to make sure that your room is dark and it's the right temperature is still having trouble sleeping. Maybe the reason is because
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We thought I mean if you read those reports on Thursday and Friday, it sounds like the whistle blower was listening in on the phone call with Donald Trump and someone ski the president of Ukraine, as it turns out. Not so much according to CNN, the whistle blower didn't have direct knowledge of the communications director under the communications. Instead, the whistleblowers concerns came in part from learning in nation that was not obtained during the course of their work. Okay well then, how is he making an in intelligence whistleblower claim he didn't gain the intelligence through the intelligence process, nor does it have to do with intelligence sources and methods. Those details have apparently played a role in the administration's determination that the complaint didn't fit the reporting women's center, the intelligence, whistleblower law. The official said it's hard to know the potential exposure faced by the president, so we we still look like that's kind of amazing right
that would have been a detail that we should have known, because originally on Wednesday, when the Washington Post broke this report, they reference to promise Trump allegedly made to Ukraine. But nowhere beyond that, if we actually heard what the promise was. Instead, we've heard a lot of trump solicit: solicitation, right in the same way that Trump publicly solicited Vladimir Putin to put Hillary Clinton's emails out there? and that is not really like a secret. He went out on the campaign trail saying that if you got the emails break him do it love it live it. Hey, so is this anything new now. Is it Add, of course, is bad. The president of the United States should not be calling on foreign leaders to investigate his political opponents. Yes, that's a bad thing, among the other bad things that presidents have done, but that are not impeachable Barack Obama caught on tape. The Russians flexibility in the in the lead up to the twenty twelve election, Hillary Clinton working openly with the
NC and members of the ukrainian government to dig up dirt on President Trump there's a lot of bad stuff happens here, and all of it is worthy of condemnation. The question here is whether something criminal happened that is worthy of impeachment: okay, so, President Trump has now responded to all of this. He said we'll consider rely. Missing some details of the phone calls. He said the conversation medal. It was absolutely perfect. This is clip one. My conversation was perfect. It was a perfect conversation. It was couldn't have been any better, but
Will make a determination about how to release it? Releasing it saying what we said was an absolutely perfect conversation, perfect tenant conversation, conversation like a nineteen year old, a a beautiful, perfect, unbelievable conversation, it a just a good conversation guys it was the best conversation, the greatest of all conversations I mean like Socrates, various Socrates, not his various interlocutors, not even close Donald Trump with the greatest and then President Trump says, and then I'm going to hurt bad, and this is where you start going. Ok, Mister President, let's let's not go too thick on the on the peanut butter here is President Trump Vice President advises edit
herbal thing. The way he put it, I'm not looking at told them to anything. I'm not looking to hurt him with respect to his son Joe'S got a lot of problems. Just got enough problems without that, but what he said was a terrible thing. There was no pressure. That was not pressure. I I will. I know when I get pressure, and that was not press okay, so President Trump then went on a rampage on twitter. Explaining all of this said now, the fake news media says I pressured the ukrainian President at least eight times during my telephone call with him. I'm gonna read this in straight voice. I can to trump voice for the next eight paragraphs. I mean it's a five paragraph essay is This supposedly comes from a so called whistleblower who they say, doesn't even have a first hand account of what was that more democrat crooked media con breaking news ukrainian government said they weren't, pressured at all during the nice call sleepy job hiding, on the other hand, forced a tough prosecutor out from investigating his son's company by threat of not giving big dollars to Ukraine. That's the real story. Now the Democrats in the fake news media have gone bust on every
other of their witch hunt schemes they're, trying to start one just as ridiculous as the others called the Ukraine witch hunts, while at the same time, trying to protect sleepy Joe Biden will fail again, the fake news, media and the partner of the Democratic Party. I mean it or just in the book, the fake news, media and their partner. The democratic party stay as far away as possible from the job I the demand that the ukrainian government fire a prosecutor. Was investigating his son or they won't a very large amount of us money, so they fabricated store about me and a perfectly fine and routine conversation I had with the new president of Ukraine. Nothing was said that was in any way wrong, but by his demand, on the other hand, was a complete and total disaster. The fake news knows this, but don't want to report the radical left Democrats and their fake news your partners headed up by little Adam Schiff and batting zero for twenty one against me are at it again. They think I may have had a dicey conversation with a certain form leader based on a highly partisan whistleblower statement, strange that with so many other people hearing or knowing of the perfectly fine and respectful conversation that they would not have also come forward. Do you know that and why they did not, because there was
Nothing said wrong: it was pitch perfect. Another fake news story there. It never ends virtually any time. I speak on the phone to a foreign leader understand that there may be people listening from various US agencies not to and those from the other country itself, no problem. Knowing all of this is anyone dumb enough to believe, I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially heavily populated call. I would only do what is right anyway, and only do good for the US. Then later he made more remarks about all of this. He said the problem is when you're Did the foreign leaders you don't want foreign leaders to feel they shouldn't be speaking openly and good. You have to you have to be talking to people and the same thing for american president. You want them to be able to express them, lives without knowing that not every single word is going to be out and going all over the world now that this is fair. Okay, this particular critique that Trump is making his absolutely fair right. The president of the United States has a lot of conversations that are not meant for public scrutiny, A lot of conversation with foreign leaders in which highly classified stuff is said. You do want him to be
well, they have open conversations without whistleblowers going and seeing a political problem and then reporting that to the legislative branch, because the president is indeed the commander in chief. So all of that happens to be true and having so blowers, who are making complaints that have nothing to do with the intelligence community, which is the actual. Maybe problem here is a serious problem, but to go to the core for that President Trump is basically saying. I did nothing wrong. There was no quid CALL Rudy Giuliani then said the same Giuliani went on Twitter, he said was a lower still is, and that is it was a lower story like having a story. Is the going up? No no mention of money or quid pro quo, so probably conduct. Now, let's look at Biden, family pattern of corruption, of selling his public offices for five decades of corruption enabled I swung okay, so the room in Trump administration position is do anything wrong. The person who something wrong here is Joe Biden
and Joe Biden is you're sitting there like what did I do man? Why am I even part of this story? And the answer is your part of the story, because your relations with your son Hunter are a problem for your campaign, make a real problem. According to the Washington Post this morning, a whistleblower complain about President Trump made by an intelligence official centers on Ukraine. According to people familiar with the matter which is set up, a struggle between Congress and the executive branch TIM Garrity says. If the discussion is about Ukraine, it probably revolves around the Trump campaign's interest in what Hunter Biden did for ukrainian companies. In the tail end of the Obama administration Garrity says when the Obama campaign was vetting, Joe Biden to be vice president in the summer of two thousand and eight one of the most sensitive issues they examined was the relationship between the senator and his family connection to a large your bank called Mbna largest donor to buy camp, games over his career hunter hired Hunter in one thousand nine hundred and ninety six made hundred vice president by nine ninety eight, when he was twenty, eight years old Hunter departed to do a short stint in the Department of Commerce. They kept one
one thousand dollars a year, retainer from the bank after returning to the private. As a lawyer in Washington, working for lobbying firm, the bidens insist hunters lobbying work never crossed paths with his father's work in the Senate, but during this time Joe voted in favor of a bank the reform bill that Mbna another bank supported and that many Democrats, including including then enter Barack Obama opposed Right Elizabeth. When will probably at some point jump in here. One of the famous senator or VP doors, keep opening for you by two thousand and fourteen Hunter Biden. Vice bank vice president lawyer, partnered mergers and acquisitions firm attempted to purchase a hedge fund found to consulting firms and shortly after his father started His second term is VP joined the Us Naval Reserve that ended badly. He was discharged, after about a year for failing a drug test, will get to more of Hunter Biden and why this could in fact the scandal could in fact blowback one hundred and make Elizabeth Warren the nominate we'll get to that in just one second, first, around you on the road right now. What you're seeing is,
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senior White House, aide, said that hunters behavior invited questions about whether he was leveraging access for his benefit was just isn't done in that White House. Optics really mattered, and that seems to be cutting it pretty close. Even if nothing nefarious was going on. Currently several members of Biden. Staff said that they had been too intimidated to talk to Joe Biden about all of this. Everyone who worked for him has been screamed at a former adviser to Others said they were wary of hurting his feelings. One busy this associate told me that Biden during difficult conversations about his family got deep melancholy, which, to me, is more painful than if someone yelled and screamed at me. It's like you've hurt him terribly. That was always my fear that I'd be really touching. A very fragile part of him at the very least hunters business dealings created the appearance. Is a conflict of interest, and that was true also with regard to Ukraine. There's a perception that Hunter was on the loose potentially undermining his father's message when he took a role at Prisma
appearance before the council on Foreign relations Biden describe the time he threatened withhold foreign aid from the ukrainian government unless they fired a prosecutor and Victor Shokhin The argument from the Obama administration is that Shokhin was resisting reform efforts, but one of the problems is that he was preparing a corruption probe, into breeze. My holdings, which was Hunter Biden's Hunter Biden's company right that that that Hunter Biden was on the board of directors. So all of this could come back just in time to truly bite Joe Biden to write Lee on the boat, and I can be a real problem. Meanwhile, Democrats are, of course, ramping up impeachment talk. They are getting very frustrated. Many of the more shall we say into the aspect. Members of the Democratic Party We have been pushing for impeachment for awhile and now they're really ramping up their game. You saw Adam Schiff already saying well, if there's a quid pro quo, maybe we'll talk impeachment well very unlikely. They uncovered quid pro quo. Z, Nancy Pelosi suggests that we are
during a grave new era of lawlessness which again is not calling for impeachment, but is drawing closer to it? You got Elizabeth Warren, who is the odds on favorite to become the next democratic nominee at this point? To get to pull and in a second here she is yesterday calling for impeachment of president Trump over these allegations. Congress failed to act. An now Donald Trump has shown that he wished. He believes he is above the law. He has solicited another foreign government to attack our election system. It is time for us to call about this illegal behavior and start impeachment proceedings right now. Now, of course, the impeachment goes nowhere because you actually have to have proof of a crime in order to get a majority. Well, you need sixty votes in the send it in order to actually oust the president from office so likely an impeachment vote succeeds in the house, but does not succeed in the Senate of the United States. But Democrats at this point are starting to warm up to all of this. Is we get
user, two thousand and twenty they're making the calculation there won't be blowback. If the story is bad enough, and unlike the Trump Russia allegations where there is some smoke, but no fire in the end, as it turned out here, they can say that the conversation itself is really the problem that there's something very bad, and there is something bad about going to a four in government and asking them to investigate your political opponent. As I've said in the past, there are lots of various candidates, particularly Democrats who have gone to foreign sources for information on their opponents, have made offers to try and undercut republican presidents yeah, that's nothing new, but this the question for Democrats is politically whether this appears to be serious enough that they finally have the momentum to go after President Trump on impeachment on all of this AOC and she tweeted out that the
ripping into fellow democrats. The question is how long Nancy Pelosi can withstand the internal pressure? Aoc tweeted out at this point, the bigger national scandal, isn't the president's lawbreaking behavior. It is the Democratic Party's refusal to impeach him for it and you're starting to see this exact line gain momentum. As I say, the Democrats have yet to make a case that Trump actually did something illegal here and we'll see Renato Mariotti legal affairs columnist for politico trying to stretch and twist and turn to get to why this is impeachable, even though it's not criminal we'll get to that in just one. Second. First, let's talk about the fact that when you go to a business gathering, one of the easy ways to make an impression is your business card, but you probably have that old business card that you got from the Kinko's like twenty years ago, when Kinko's was a serious thing and now you're walking around with this, beat up old piece of it. What you really need is a nice looking business card. I can tell you when someone hands me a business card if it is indeed a nice looking business card, there's a better thought that it ends up in my rolodex, as opposed to in my jeans pocket going through the washing
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And in peachment, even though no criminality has yet been uncovered, and we don't even know the details of the whistleblower complaint at this point. We'll get to that in a second first have go and subscribe over a daily wire dot com for nine ninety nine a month you can get a subscription to daily wire dot com, and when you do you get the rest of this show live when you get the annual subscription. You even get this the best of beverage vessels. Look at this the leftist years, hot or cold tumbler. This tumbler is enjoying its new beautiful studio surroundings and helping us bring you the greatest in all conservative commentary, you get all sorts of benefits by the way get to be part of our mailbag, which we used a lot last week. You get to be part of the conversation you get to be part of our backstage. Live there all sorts of benefit and they're more benefits that Cummings. When you subscribe to get all sorts of amazing, plus two additional hours of me a day so who wouldn't want that, except for my wife, go check it out over a daily wire dot com. Ninety nine bucks a year we'll get you a subscription. We are the largest fastest growing conservative podcast
in radio show in the nation uhhuh. Okay, so the the Democrats are trying to broaden out the quid pro quo. Allegation into eight trump did something impeachable allegation and obviously impeachment is not an actual legal standard. I have friends in misdemeanors, not legal standard, meaning that, let's say the you impeach, the president for sneezing. You can do that and that's not challenge. Will the Supreme Court so Democrats gonna be strong for whatever they want but if they actually hope to have a shot of ousting him from office and leaving vice President Pence as the President of the United States. Presumably, the only way to do that would be to actually uncover a crime, while Democrats have not yet done we're not a merry Audi's legal affairs columnist for Politico magazine former federal prosecutor, and he has a piece today in political title: Trump didn't bride, Ukraine, it's actually worse than that, and here is where things start to get dicey. For the Democrats, if they're just saying that from behave badly, then you have to start putting that into the context of what about the president's
done to behave badly, but was not impeachable, and this is where it gets dicey. So he says reports that Trump pressure ukrainian one. The limiters Lynskey to investigate the son of democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has prompted a flurry of speculation, trump by withholding military aid, has committed bribery or extortion This is wrong and even counterproductive to efforts to hold trump accountable. If what Trump is accused of doing is true, it is a kind of corrupt conduct that the criminal system is not equipped to handle labeling his behavior with criminal terms such bribery and extortion not only misunderstands the statutory language and Trump trumpet supporters ammunition with which to defend themselves, making impeachment harder to achieve he The impulse label this as a potential crime, is flawed, legally and even strategically. Even if true, this is in a case that would end up in a criminal proceeding even if Trump we're no longer in office. So he says your know president's push foreign governments to take official act all the time.
The constitution, contemplates the president will interact with foreign leaders and use his or her power to persuade them to do things that help the United States. What is abhorrent about the alleged conduct here is now Trump is pushing a foreign government to do something, but or that he might have used his presidential power to get a foreign government help him win the next election. This is self serving and corrupt, but it is difficult to think of this alleged activity as extortion. He says it's hard to construe. The alleged contact is a threat against Ukraine in the manner contemplated by the extortion, can statute. This is not say there own crimes on the books that better match what Trump is alleged to have done. So maybe it's a campaign, finance crime, but he says what Trump is alleged to have done is not a garden variety crime. It's worse this again is a columnist named Renato Mariotti. Who is the legal correspondent for politico? He says what Trump is alleged to have done is not garden variety crime, it's worse it involved using two hundred and fifty million dollars in eight appropriated by Congress for his benefit. Ok, a uraq
zing of doing something. You don't have a record of doing, and he says that this is not a criminal justice system issue that it really is just a trump behaving badly issue. He says: labeling Trump's alleged contacts, bribery, extortion, cheapens what is alleged to have card and does not capture what makes it roll full. It's not a crime, invite a four nation to influence the twenty twenty presidential elections on the heels of a nearly three year investigation. Now here's where it gets. Thank you for Democrats. If what you are suggesting when I Mariotti is that inviting foreign governments to affect american election is something deeply deeply deeply wrong and I generally agreed as then you do get into the Barack Obama saying to the Russians in the run up to twenty twelve. If you have greater flexibility up to the election, if they would back off a little bit, that is obviously requesting official action from the Russians. That would benefit Barack Obama Elect orally and as a big rule, that sort of stuff does happen all the time room. Leaders
Democrat and Republican. Look for foreign policy. Wins that didn't get from their friends in the lead up to election, that's fairly regular. What's different here is that he specifically asking for an investigation into a political rival, but the investigation never place and apparently wasn't even taken seriously by the ukrainian President, so taking that filly brains, who is a long held to be sort of a a hard nosed, cutting biting brutal kind of hard nosed political agent for Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton hatchet man for a long time. He was on Fox news. He said well, your head would explode if Hillary did anything like this. There is no reason for Joe Biden's name to come up in that conversation once twice eight times whether it's promising threatening quid pro quo, demanding whatever it is, that is crossing the line. And yes, there is a problem with that and let's say
For a moment. Hillary Clinton had one and Donald Trump was challenging her again next year, and we were talking about Hillary Clinton talking into a foreign leader, to help her find dirt on one of the Trump kids, your heads would be exploding, there's only one problem, which is that she literally did that in two thousand and sixteen so sure and the president of the time she literally and the Dnc literally coordinated with the ukrainian Embassy to try and dig up dirt on Donald Trump Political reported that in twenty seventeen we talked about it at extensive length last week. So if you missed last week's podcast Hillary and to do that and it wasn't criminal. It was bad, wasn't criminal in the same way that
requesting that. Let me pull really celery. Clinton's emails was bad, but not from a lots of stuff been happening. Folks, that's bad, but not criminal, Jake Tapper in sort of the same thing and takes a good reporter, but he went after Steven Engines and one of Democrats tried this sort of stuff. If, for instance, President Obama had pressured a foreign leader hooting or the president, you can anyone said I want you to look into Donald Trump Junior or I want you to look into Eric Trump international businessmen both of them. Would you not find that inappropriate? I ache and I'm not going to speculate on that. What I do find is an appropriate is the fact that Vice President Biden at the time saw and did very significant business dealings,
in Ukraine. I, for one, find that to be concerning and to me, that's the issue. Perhaps that should be further investing, because the Trump campaign is gonna, keep pressing in on the one hundred Biden thing now that they are pursuing a strategy that you've seen Scott Adams, who's, the Dilbert creator and sort of the Trump whisper he suggested that Trump often does this and measures himself in scandals where the headline that ends up being elevated from the scandal is actually deleterious to Democrats. So the Trump stuff ended up elevating Hillary's email scandal, for example, so he would say that this whole conversation ends up really Joe Biden most, and I think there is a lot of truth to that. But to go back to the point that if Obama asked a foreign leader to investigate Donald Trump, junior is there. The the allegation by any Mccarthy and others in the republican camp is that the Obama administration literally coordinated to try and raise dirt about Donald Trump and Russia in the middle of the twenty sixteen election and that the entire trunk Russia election conspiracy theory was being pumped by Hillary Clinton. Funneled through Hillary Clinton's campaign
and fusion GPS to the FBI, who then under the auspices of people like Loretta Lynch investigated the thing and that is the allegation from the right, so we don't have to speculate about the rights reaction, it would be bad and Less reaction is similarly bad and as any of the criminal, not really, but it does underscore how dirty things have gotten. Generally speaking now, who the big beneficiary from all of this it isn't really Donald Trump. Donald Trump is going to be impeachment talk and Ukraine talk. It's certainly not Joe Biden. Who is now be dragged into the center of this kicking and screaming and then already doesn't know where he is people he's already. Why are you taking me away from the early bird dinner? Denny's, what, where are we now? Are we in Ukraine, the person from all of this is Elizabeth Warren, who does have the momentum right now? There's a pull out from the DES Moines Register CNN and has
old into a slight lead in Iowa. According to that poll, she now holds a two percent point lead with twenty two percent of likely democratic caucus, goers saying she's their first choice. For president. This is her first lead former Vp Biden who's, let each of the registers three previous two thousand and twenty six peoples follows her at twenty percent. Bernie Sanders has fallen to third place of eleven percent she's, drawing a lot of support from Bernie. Is why didn't for a while this is to get funded. Some Bernie Sanders must open up his socialist guns on Elizabeth Warren and point out that she is wildly wildly disingenuous, the president of Seltzer and company, which conducted at the poll and is a major first major shake up is the first time we've had someone other than Joe Biden at the top of the leader board. People to judge follows the three leaders, as the favorite of nine percent of poll. Respondents he's really running for vice president. At this point, the race is far from settled. Just one in five likely democratic caucus, goers say their minds are made up. Sixty three percent said it could still be persuaded to support a different candidate. But there's no question
momentum right now is with Elizabeth Warren. If you look at the other state polls- so Joe Biden nationally has a pretty wide lead. He still has a ten point lead nationally about thirty percent. According to the real clear politics pull Average Elizabeth Warren is about twenty percent, but if you look at Iowa, Warren has pulled into about a three point lead in the real clear politics poll average, and the latest polls from New Hampshire are still not particularly recent. The latest polls from New Hampshire we're taken November September, sixty two September 11th about two weeks ago, before a lot of the surge, and in that latest poll Biden was up on Sanders, just one and Warren in just six, so there is a good shot that by this point, the next poll will show that Warren is indeed up in New Hampshire as well would be. My prediction he's only up slightly in Nevada to.
In South Carolina where, where Joe Biden really has his has his advantage, but if you look at the elections calendar, it may be too late for him by then, because they remember the Democrats in the aftermath of all the Bob about about Bernie Sanders being jobs during the presidential numbers? Two thousand and sixteen they front loaded, all of their caucuses. You've got the IO clock is happening February. Third, two thousand and twenty the New Hampshire, the New Hampshire primary happening on February eleven two thousand and twenty. You have the Nevada presidential caucuses on Saturday, and then you have South Carolina happening at the 29th. So, maybe maybe if Joe Biden is lucky, if you're, if you're forecasting this and again we're months away, so I could happen, you could have you could have Elizabeth Warren when Iowa New Hampshire, you could have died and come back and win Nevada and South Carolina, and then you get super Tuesday and Super Tuesday.
All that Biden has enough momentum to run away with things. He probably wins. The southern states Alabama. He wins. Arkansas Elizabeth Warren probably wins. California, she probably wins Colorado, you probably wins. Have she certainly was Massachusetts? You probably wouldn't Minnesota. She probably wins Oklahoma. So it's gonna, be it's gonna be neck and neck. I mean Biden is really suffering, and the fact is that, as this story about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden takes the front pages over, that is gonna be very bad, because Elizabeth Warren's entire stick, of course, is that this was the swamp like now would be a great time for Elizabeth Warren to start attacking Joe Biden about that M B in a bank deal that Hunter Biden was part of again the banking industry. She's got the enthusiasm, the media love her love her. So Joe Biden analyst, with worn by the way nor also simultaneously campaigning over the weekend in the same place, They decided to go join the picket line along
general motors worker. In Detroit, Joe Biden went to a Detroit, humbly plant in Kansas City Kansas, because there's nothing that the american people, like better than strikes the democratic presidential candidates according to the New York I have been chasing labor support all summer. Now is the w one of the nation's largest union stages a strike that is drawn words of support from President Trump, Democrats, are seizing. The moment will align themselves with workers in public in dramatic ways. Senator we're not walking at the picket line, Joe Biden, doing it as well Bernie Sanders, to join striking workers in Detroit on Wednesday, so they're all campaigning for the same workers. They're making the case I mean Elizabeth Warren is stopping by to make the case that she is going to make a play for the White Working class vote. Which is really an area where she is lagging and she's got. Basically all of the college. Educated democratic voters want to vote for Elizabeth Warren, a lot of the white blue collar, workers want to vote for Joe Biden and a lot of the black folks in the United States. Black voters want want to vote for Joe Biden she's, trying to carve into that right now,
She may be successful in doing that, and I think that, if friends goal with this with this, Ukraine stuff was to tear down Joe Biden right now, which makes sense, because he runs said you're against Elizabeth Warren, enjoy but then Joe Biden he may achieve his goal. Whether or not the Democrats wanted. Okay. Meanwhile, Washington DC may be shut down by climate rebels. They're they're, bring the bring the city to a standstill now, once again do they have any actual program. Of course, not, of course not. Their goal is just to suggest that if you don't, if you criticize them Okay, about climate change, which is supremely irritating, I mean there, there is climate change act. Was these youth climate strikers like what are they striking from going to school? That's what you want
paid to go to school. You striking from your own education is a problem for you, but it's not particularly smart, but again we're going to pretend that this is all just an act of true bravery that changes the world you gotta gotta, get anyway they're out there striking from again you can't really strike from school, because you're not paid to go to school. The schools don't lose based on your not being there. In fact, many of the schools incentivized kids to come to this sort of thing where they just spouted their emotions and supposed to take seriously emotions if they come from seventeen year old. So here is some of the climate change activists admitting that they have a paralyzing fear of the future, which makes sense considering there are the free's most prosperous young people in the history of humanity. I am here to speak for the trees. I'd like to acknowledge my privilege and my background. I am here for the people who are suffering and dying because of Our country's decision, not here to talk about our sacrifices
gloom and not existing, we are here to create. We do not have time to be polite. This is revolution every day, because every day in action holy okay, so um. First of all, if my child acts like that to get a time out, yeah my five year old acts like this. You get time out screaming into a microphone I don't even know, if you want, I don't, So what you want? What do you want? Okay, you want the earth to not be as warm. What would you like us to do about this? This is my big problem and Barack Obama, of course, incentivizes all this sort of nonsense, because this is the kind of president he was well. He tweeted out. One challenge will define the future for today's young generation more dramatically than any other climate change. The millions of young people worldwide have organized enjoying today's climate strike demand action to protect our planet and they deserve it.
What they deserve demanding action like what does that mean? My daughter demands action for me every morning and I don't know what she wants if she just comes in and says I demand action is like what do you want from me? Would you like to get dressed? You get you some food like what do we talk thing about here and I'm sorry, but that is not political activism. That's just you screaming and things. The thing is: when you take a politically active stance: normally you have to have a program attached to it. When I speak of the March for life, I know at the March for life folks want. They want more legislation to stop abortion, even plan peril? I give a specific program. You got to have a specific program. Folks, if you want people to take you seriously, but of course none of these people have a speech. The program. The whole goal here is to morally castigate people who point this out, so you have Bill Nye supposed science guy saying. Well, you know it's time for a change. Listen do just because you did cool science, experiments.
With baking. Soda back when I was eleven does not mean that you are proposing anything doable and that bow ties is getting old. So are you greetings everyone Bill Nye here, thank you, students for getting out there and calling attention to climate change in the big changes that we need to make to address it. Now we built this remark mobile society with this remarkable infrastructure because of our use of fossil fuels and sort of the fossil fuel industry. I say thank you for your service, but it's time to make big change. Is, and the students are reminding us of that today we can do this, everybody we can change the world ok, what is do this and change the world we knew yeah yeah. My favorite part is when we built this entire beautiful, wonderful society where I get to wear bow ties on tv for money. We built that on fossil fuels. So thanks for that also, just totally destroy that, and I have no program well done. Everyone you've really you've changed the world today by saying nothing,
and just making people angry or for no apparent reason when there should be a least attempt, it seems to me to come up with some sort of workable solution. It is such a point of irritation when people do this sort of stuff screaming at the moon, doesn't get things done. It just does not okay time for some things that I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like Carl Marlon sees is a terrific novelist. He wrote a book called Matterhorn about the Vietnam WAR about what it was like to fight in the Vietnam WAR a few years back, and it is one of the finest books on the Vietnam WAR ever written. It really is terrific. He has a great new book called deep River that hasn't the sort of attention that it should have received
about eight days, a finnish phantom family that moves over to the to the Oregon area and gets involved in logging and its server met. Reminiscent of of can he sometimes a great notion? It's it's really a well written book. I really love my lance's writing. I think that he is a terrific evocative writer. He doesn't try to hide the ball in his writing. His word choice is beautiful. If you're into good novels in deep river is one that I would recommend, even though I disagree some the politics in it. It is well worth the read: go check it out deep river by Karl Marlantes get other things that I like. I like that the community is beginning to come around to the fact that cancel culture is going to clock them directly in the face, so Sarah Silverman, who is as woke as it is possible to be, while still being very, very white jewish person. She says that the host list shows that shows like the Emmys are really terrible, because cancel culture is done. They cut is something means there isn't even a host anymore, and these
shows they don't want comedians to tuck your offer to step in. No nobody wants to do it either. I mean it's thankless, absolutely correct and then Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel get up on stage, and I mean I can't believe this is like the Pope in the Anti Pope of leftism. I guess there's like a papal schism in comedy right here. Take your side, which one of these woke Commedia,
Would you prefer both of them start mocking the hot the hose which has like guys, you're part of the problem? If you don't like the hosts live shows, then maybe you should participate in the cancel culture that is involved in destroying it, but I do like the fact that they're criticizing at least well well well how's the old, no host thing going with a dome idea. What a joke so stupid! You know it has a host Applebee's. Has a house yeah the food too. We were brought food yeah and now you guys are going to starve to death. You know the real victims are here. It's not
Hosting is the only thing we know how to do. I'm sorry, but this show sucks okay and that not only does it suck that they're trying to joke out of it and try to play both sides of this joke, but on the host in the show did set the Emmys and the ratings are down dramatically because, as it turns out, will culture is garbage, woke scold culture is just the worst. It's the worst cancel culture is garbage and even the left in comedy is starting to look around going okay. When are they coming for me? First, they came for everybody else and I laughed and I went along with it and now they're coming for me. Feeding the alligator only means that they get eaten last okay time for a quick thing that I hate okay, so Michelle Williams was on at the Emmys, where she was wearing a very, very expensive dress and winning an Emmy as it turns out and complaining about how she doesn't get paid enough. She gets paid millions of dollars to be in pictures. She's particularly comply
getting because when they re shot all the money in the world because they had to write Kevin Spacey out of history and then they replace him with. Christopher Plummer and did a lot of the reshoot she got paid like one thousand dollars for the reshoot and Mark Wahlberg I paid like one dot, five million dollars for the reshoot. That's because he has a good agent. Her agent is crap, but instead of firing her age and she decided to rail against the industry. I want to say thank you so much to fx and to fox twenty one studios for supporting me completely and for paying me equally, because they understood that when you put value into a person, it empowers that person to get in touch with their own inherent value, and then, where do they put that value? They put it into their work? And so the next time a woman, an especially a woman of color, because she stands to make zero dollars and fifty two cents on dollar compared to her white male counterpart tells you what she needs in order to do her job, listen to her
Well, you know what Michelle Williams could do. She could just give up her jobs to women of color, because it turns out that women of color can play like three slash four of the parts that you I don't see her giving that up. Also, she should talk to her agent if she doesn't like what you got paid and I'm sorry. Michelle Williams, the face of pay inequality, the woman's work, probably twenty million dollars- hey I'm now now, and that that's the testing but she's citing fifty two cents on the dollar is a crap statistic has always been a crap statistic: it doesn't that just for number of hours worked for job type for educational level for years in the work force for job level. Is that like? Doesn't I just for any of that? The fact that we are supposed to listen to lectures from Michelle Williams about you? will pay yeah take it up. Take it up with c a taking a pussy already we'll be back here later today, with two additional hours of content and all the updates. You will ever need I'm Ben Shapiro from our brand new studios in this.
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well there, a production assistant Nick see him. The Ben Shapiro Show is a daily wire production, copyright daily wire, two thousand and nineteen. If you want to delve the depths of leftist madness head on over to the Michael Knowles Show where we examine, what's really going on beneath the surface of our politics and bask in the simple joys of being right
Transcript generated on 2019-09-23.