« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 823 - The Hard Stuff

2019-07-23 | 🔗

Trump signs off on a massive budget deal, Democrats make grand promises, and Robert Mueller prepares to testify. Date: 07-23-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President from signs off on a massive budget deal Democrats make grand promises and Robert Mahler prepares to testify. I'm bench appear, this The bench bureau show a man, I've lots, yet today, including the craziest story of that which continues to spin out of control, courtesy of Canada, were? Apparently, the courts are set to decide whether a woman can be forced to wax a man's junk, yes, this is the west, the civilization that built human rights. They built the idea of natural rights that built the Notre Dame Cathedral that built the great libraries and universities of the west. Now we have been relegated to deciding whether to use he or she for biological, male or female, and also whether people should be forced to wax one another's balls fit This is this is where the how far we have come, a great job, everyone, the founders, would be proud, we'll get in a second, unfortunately, the first
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Without proposing ways to make it right is complaining. Suggesting potential fixes is constructive. Testing them is proactive. I know all that sales tautological, but unfortunately, we live in a world where this is not true. We live in a world where our politicians are constantly lecturing. Thus on the problems and then like yeah, that guy he at least nosegay problem. He knows no problem and then, when it comes to him to implement solution, then everybody scattered for the hills. Then everybody runs away. So we'll take a couple of examples today. So let's begin with the example of global warming, so One woman, a felony, Steve, Silberman, tweeted out a who is a train member? What exactly he does the author of neural tribes, and he has written a bunch of of books for than they have been the best seller list. Over than your times, he treated out a picture of a plaque from Iceland and the Icelandic Hiking society and its the letter to the future, and it says: ok, is the first icelandic Glacier to lose
its status as a glacier and then two hundred years. All our glaciers are expected to follow the same path. This monument is to acknowledge that no, what is happening and what needs to be done only you know if we did, it sets a letter from the you're only. You know if we actually stopped the global warming that is threatening the planet. If we did what needs to be done, This is virtue signalling of the highest order because, of course, the entire question when it comes to climate changes. What do you do about it? in accepting the IPCC report Intern intergovernmental panel on climate change. Even if you accept those statistics which, by the way I do even if you accept the risk modeling, much of which has been wrong, but some of which have been wrong in email. Their direction. Some people say climate change, has been more extreme in it. Even if you accept that there are no good solutions on the table there. Just aren't people who talk about also alternate energy solutions that are ready to go are lying to you, the only alternate energy solution that actually with lower carbon emissions, is nuclear power which left opposes, and when people talk about a carbon cap and trade deal that would not cure the problem. It
now take the carbon the tardy up their down out of the air. It would not actually apply, presumably in places like India and China, and it would deal a bunch of living in the third world live in absolute penury if they can't use carbon based sources of fuel, so there are no good solutions. So, when people talk about climate change, typically what you here for over and over and over again is well least, we agree on the problem these. We know the problem, MRS White folks, on the left to independent and norton- had melted time, calling people on the right climate change deniers. Why? Because, then, you don't have to talk about something since then, it turns into a moral battle about cure those people whom even acknowledged the problem. They won't even accept that there is a problem and then the folks who are promoting the problem don't actually have to offer a solution. This is what the left has done in the United States. With the green new deal. For example, Democrats. Signing onto a resolution talking about the necessity for a green new deal that is non binding. That has no practical means of of ex execute. That is insane and its actual proposals, if you actually took it seriously and it got zero votes in the Senate, so they can become
point where everybody serve signs off on the problem and then, if you, one sign off on the problem: you're the bad guy but they're- no solutions Nobody actually ends up coming to anything remotely approaching a practical solution. A politician is a perfect example of somebody who does this. All the time is coming Booker's Corey Bulgaria, the former mayor of Newark work Mr Potato head, who always brings his angry eyes, Corey Booker tweeted out this morning. It's not enough to tell us what you're going to do for our communities show us what you ve done for the last forty years, you created this system we'll dismantle it ah sufficiently vague, noting that there are people poems in the United States, and he did not create the problems you created the problems. Now, who is this? You worry you're, the mayor of Newark, which still has murder rate in the top. Thirty, in you, I did states so far as I am aware, you're them of Newark which still has an unemployed rate a solid one point: five percent higher than the average unemployment rate across the United States, and if we're talking about the problems created over the last forty years, inquiry Booker says that he must to dismantle the system.
I'm glad to hear that he wants to dismantle welfare, the federally control, public education system, Medicare, Medicaid and broadly applied Social, security all but of a in the last fifty years in the United States, in other words Corey where LE politicians very often do he's pointing at a problem, and then he refuses to solve the problem. Instead, a virtue is in simply noting the problem. This does not move the ball at all, because we cannot talk about problems all day, long well problems in our life, but you have a solution is not helpful and politics is not the place for sympathy. It really isn't. Politics is not a place. You go where people just grant you sympathy. Politics is supposed to be for problem solving, so my wife- and I have talked about this on the shovel my wife and I have a rule. It was developed very early on in our marriage. When I discovered one of the major differences between men and women is sometimes what women would like from a conversation. So my wife would come home and should be complaining about work and my first instinct being a man, because this is a very
male approach to issues- was not to offer a sympathetic ear but to immediately jumped you, ok, how do we solve their problems? Shoots M have the problem at work, and that's it will you should do That's why uneasy and require don't want it well. What I should do all I want you to do is no that I have a problem. I want you to hear me. I want you to sympathise when this happens so often and became such content This point that we instituted a rule the rule was, I was allowed to ask at the beginning of a conversation whether this was a sum the conversation or solutions conversation was this conversation oriented towards finding answer, or was this conversation oriented toward me, Germans, trading that I love my wife by offering sympathy or politics should be about finding solutions. It should not be about offering sympathy of politics has become nearly entirely about offering sympathy, and so, whichever candidate is most likely to offer you and people Like you, sympathy is the candidate that you like the most, even if they offer no solutions, even if they leave you bereft of solutions. Even if this machines they implement suck. This is all backdrop to our politics.
Left and right. So, let's take an example from the right president. Trump is prepared to back a budget deal that is garbage Ok, he's about to no support for a two year by partisan budget deal that boosts spending and suspend the debt limit for a full two years. Now, I'm old enough to remember when President Trump railed against debt spending he talked about how that debt spending was a really bad thing. You talked about. Deficits were really bad things before he became president the any torture about correctly. The fact that this intergenerational stealing, if you don't like tax increases on you today, why would you assume that your children beloved tax increases and then, when the bills come? Do you re at you? You are doing something that
is actually illegal in the United States for credit card company did it. You are doing this. We sign off on these budget deals. If you took out a credit card and the credit card had a provision that your children have to pay off the credit card. If you do not pay off the credit card, that would be illegal labour, illegal, you're, gonna took out the debt. You're alone was to pay the debt. If you have to declare bankruptcy, declare bankruptcy, but it's on you when it comes to the national that you are actually allowed to foist off your lot. You pass off the debt onto your children. So if you raise the debt, if you spend in huge deficit numbers and never pay for it, you're, not the one who pays for your kids in your grandkids pay for it. It is intergenerational stealing My generation, a millennium, we ve been baby boomers intergenerational stealing. If you look at how security operates, it used to be that every person on social security was supported by fourteen or fifteen american taxpayers. We are now down to the point where every person on social security is supported by between two and three taxpayers. So I basically
an additional member of my family. I don't even know, and I get to pay every month- is very exciting, and that was because people too, sides put money in their own pocket at the expense of future generations, which is a problem and present trump even acknowledged this problem. Last year he signed a bad budget deal last year and he's the time. I'm not gonna do this again, because you, I acknowledge the problem of the debt. Well, knowledge the problem is not solving the problem. Mr President, here is the president last year. My highest duty is to keep America safe, nothing more wouldn't, therefore, as a matter of national security, I have signed this omnibus budget bill. A lot of things that we shouldn't have in this bill, but we were in a sense, forced if we want to build our military. We were forced to have. There are some things that we should have in the bill. But I say to Congress. I will never sign another bill like this again, I'm not gonna. Do it again,
a forty year. Can your time machine, the White House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, reaching attentive to your budget deal Monday. They re spending limits by three hundred twenty billion dollars and suspend the federal debt ceiling until after the twenties ones. You presidential election. The agreement, which still must be passed by Congress, probably would prevent a debt ceiling crisis later this year, but also continue Washington's borrowing, then, for at least two years present. From Sweden on Monday. I am pleased to announce that it he'll has been struck with Senate Majority leader Mitch, Mcconnell Senate Minority leader Charles Shimmer, speaker of the house, Nancy Blowsy and House Minority leader cover Mccarthy on a two year budget and debt ceiling, with no poison pills, he's a real compromise to give another big victory to our great military and vessels, and I understand the problem of not funding our military, but we did have a unified republican Congress until about seven to why didn't we lower spending? Then the deal was met with fierce risen. Than from some prominent Republicans, who said it would add much to the debt. A backlash. Little forest congressional leaders
car this week to ensure they have enough votes for passage by the way they should not. They should not have enough votes for passage because, again we are raising debt on future generations and Republicans are complicit in this as much as demo rats, Barack Obama, blew out. The national debt, gave Georgie Bush contributes the national debt, Barack Obama then proceeded to blow out the national debt, almost doubling it in his time in office is reg rigging up a trillion dollar deficit pretty much every year, four trillion budgets, Donald Trump enters office, and now that's the new normal until he just keep spending at tat rate. The agreement could spark concerns from house liberals because who concessions made, to the Trump administration. The agreement marks a significant retreat for the White House, which insisted just a few months ago. It would force Congress to cut spending out of, dead the white to re spending, discipline most the White House agreed to re. Spending for most agencies particularly depend and so I say, you're not allowed to propose problems that solutions. Here's the solution do not sign a budget that raises spending at the very least amendments aiming to cut spending, do not see
a budget that raises spending start from the premise. If you had a cut in particular areas, you cut in particular areas, and if that includes some defence cuts, then you cut their too, because guess what we're still spending an enormous enormous amounts of money under military, because here reality. We shouldn't have a deal like sequestration, where fifty percent of the cuts came from the Miller. Harry those Barack bombers deal. Donald Trump is the president. Now he doesn't have to do that, but if we don't cut our spending, we are in a world of hurt we, we are in serious, serious trouble for refuse to acknowledge what exactly is we have here- and here is the reality to the discretionary spending which rose about four percent this year is not. The real problem is the systemic spending. That is the real power I'll explain in just a second everybody knows the solution for that, nobody will take that solution. The letter from the future too, american people look something like were now in a debt crisis, because you selfish bastards, wouldn't actually cut back or social Security, Medicare Medicaid,
restructure them their workable. That's what the letter from the future looks like an that's exactly what's going to happen, I get to that in a second first. If you ve ever gone shopping for shaving products, you know it's hard to tell which ones are actually worth the money someone cost a fortune of them, don't they're, just too many options which and they guarantee quality shaving products. I love all. My dollar showed club product quality shaving packed. I love all about dollar show club products. They ve got the best shaving green, that are the best razors they ve got the basalt they're gonna buy shampoo, it's all fantastic. I really are Amber lavender body cleansers. Most delightful does a shave club has recovered, had to tell them everything you need to shower shaved, stallion hair brush her teeth, state fully stock, get what you want whenever you need it, whether that's once a month or a few times a year. As a shave, club member, I know what I'm getting as the highest quality. No more walking through the the store wondering what the heck I want right now. You can put the quality of dollar shave clubs, products to the test, their ultimate starter, set,
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for generations, or we are racking up debts by selling bonds. Whatever it is, the debt is going to come. Do no Rossman has apiece over a commentary magazine did in April. Talking about what in american debt crisis would look like He says in twenty thirty five, just sixteen years from now, social security funds will be insufficient to meet its obligations. Social security trustees announced that the programmes ballooning class are Spected to exceed the revenue it takes in by next year. Medicare is just as bad that programs, hospital insurance fund will run the ground as early as two thousand and twenty six, and I'm like the situation with social security. Medicare trustees found that increase tax revenue has not altered its doing that trajectory. According to last year's estimate from the Cbo, the federal debt, which is currently equivalent to seventy eight percent of the US gross domestic product, one hundred percent of GDP in twenty twenty eight and confiscated every dollar made in the United States by two thousand and twenty eight. It still would not be sufficient to pay off the? U dot S national debt
that projection rests on several assumptions, all of which are false notes, federal spending initiatives. Democrats are plunging many new federal spending initiatives No new wars, no recessions, a projected decline in defence spending, That is true, which means that we will be in it. Percent debt to GDP ratio, probably by twenty twenty four twenty twenty five at the latest Robbins Americans. No, a debt crisis is coming. They don't care in two thousand five George W. Bush outlined a major initiative to reform social security. That would introduce secured individual investments into the system stabilizing the programme during it financially sustainable. The effort failed in twenty Twond. Mitt, Romney and Paul Ryan recommended grab really raising the retirement age for younger workers and slowing the girl, and benefits for Americans with higher incomes, they were defeated way. Sixteen trumpery explicitly against conservative efforts to rein in entitlement spending and he won This is the new normal in America. Everybody bitches about the problem and nobody has any solutions, and if you do by the solution than your immediately ruled out of order,
we'll see from the Democrats. So the national debt crisis is not going to stop and it didn't stop just because the the ought, the name on the oval office changed from Obama. I've just because the the ought the name on the oval office chain from Obama Trump. I was caught think about the national that out, I'm old enough to remember when there is a thing called the tea party and the tea party complain that we are spending out of control that we couldn't afford things like Obamacare we couldn't afford. Tarp, though, couldn't afford all of Obama, spending initiatives, cash for clunkers and all the rest, wherever we go where everybody I understand well intoxicated by the brutal of having Donald Trump in the White House, but guess what they didn't change the underlying fact. So, if you're comply, about the problem then, but you're not now check yourself before Europe yourself, more importantly, check herself very erect the american economy. If your president, Trump or republican voting in Congress, get your head on straight, it's time for you to put your money where your mouth is or rather stopped it
money from the mouths of kids have not yet been born, because that's what's going on here again! Here's because one of the problems when you label problems, income actually and then come up with solutions. Here's a second problem. We have a couple problems: one is people who want to carve about the problem, but not solve it, and then there are people who were to carve about the wrong problem and then solve it in the wrong fashion. So this would bring us to the problem that we have seen of of criminal justice reform. Now I am very much in favour of some of the provisions of criminal justice reform. The so called first Step ACT by partisan bill passed by President Trump. The first step act in a couple of things that are good: it moved prisoners closer to their home towns it so presumably family could visit them Family reunification easier in the aftermath of prison, but it also did some stuff. I don't like it lowered sentencing capacity. It made it easier for people to let other people out of prison well. Naturally, this means that some criminals are getting out of prison. We should note here that there are
Citizen rate for american prisoners is extraordinarily high somewhere between sixty and eighty percent. Now Fox news reporting More than a hundred violent criminals have been released under the first Step act. The data were first obtained exclusively by Talkin Karlsson tonight, they seemingly contradictory lawmakers promises. The legislation would affect only prisoners sentenced for minor drug related offences, of the two thousand two hundred forty three inmates released under the first step back only nine. Sixty or incarcerated for drug related offences four hundred ninety six were in prison for weapons and explosives related crimes. So people had guns, were they weren't supposed to or explicit two hundred and thirty nine for sex offences. The people being released early, a hundred seventy eight for fraud, bribery extortion, a hundred eighteen for burglary and larceny, and a hundred and six for robbery, another fifty nine when and over homicide or aggravated assault and now released onto the street. Forty six four
migration related offences, nine for counterfeiting, embezzlement, embezzlement and two for national security reasons in all two thousand twenty three of the inmates were male. Only two hundred eleven were female. About half of the inmates were black about half were white, so about A thousand of the inmates were black than eleven hundred were white, which reflects the the general sort of breakdown of America's federal prison population which it which is heavily minority, and this, of course, was the driving force for people complaining that America's critical mass incarceration Tom was targeting blacks and Hispanics, and that this is all about drug crime. It, as it turns out. It wasn't all about drug crime. A lot of these people are being released from prison. Africa winning non drug related offences. And we're starting to see the effects of liberal governments when it comes to cry, and I would not be surprised over the past few years we have seen around two thousand fourteen two thousand fifty.
Particularly saw the so called Ferguson effect, rising murder rates in cities round the country that seems to have levelled often two thousand seventeen thousand eighteen would not be surprised to see. Crime rate starts to go up again. As America takes him more liberal position when it comes to fighting crime. And anecdotal example comes courtesy of Seattle, Jason Rance, my friend over at at my northwestern he's, hosted formally before He says a prolific Seattle offender with over seventy criminal convictions. Alleged They attacked another victim. This I'm a toddler in a stroller. It's the same under Seattle, city attorney, PETE Homes, is thought to keep out of jail. The latest incident happened in downtown Seattle on July Twentieth, Francisco called their own, a homeless man. Entered multiple businesses along the five hundred block of Pine street, causing disturbances in a police report, Calderon grabbed a cup of coffee from random passer by and threw it in the face of random toddler. The child's father struck called your own roughly six times, not rooms of the grand when police arrives, using
run roughly six times, knocking him to the ground. When police arrived, he was arrested for assault three of a child. The child is rushed inside the nearby gap by his mom or whose cleaned entreated in the stores bathroom. The officer unseen, said the temperature of the coup It was unclear. It was unknown if there was any biohazard component. The kid was not physically injured or appear not to be. That was not communicative and appeared to be staring off into space, possibly in truck when questioned by police call. The road said he tripped is filling the coffee, but apparently multiple witnesses say this is not true. This is supposed to call the runs. 100Th running law enforcement as ran, says, he's a criminal who shouldn't be on our streets, but in Seattle we don't punish criminals because social justice, the same thing by the way happens in LOS Angeles, we're crime rates are undoubted rising, despite the attempts of the mayor's office to try and hide all of that when you miss label the problem as a problem of discrimination rather than a problem of crime. You end up with bad policy.
That bad policy involves. Reversing the policy, namely punishment of criminals and just a second we're going to get to people making new promises, new promises that are completely unfulfilling, we'll get to that in just one second, first, getting in shape is about more than just exercise. I know this because listen I've been working out pretty much every day for five years. I am still waiting for the six pack to appear. It just has not happened. Despite all the talk about having the body of a greek God, I don't look like Michelangelo's David amid a massive and admittedly, but let me just tell you, I still need to work on myself, and this is where new comes in,
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being set by the most radical members of the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, it's funny when you talk to democratic legislators when they're off the record, there will not be that there is room for compromise, Philip knowledge. There are solutions that might be able to be reached, but when they go out in public the first thing that they do, I mean I know democratic legislators who do this. I've talked with them, but unfortunately happens on the right to its not unique to the left. Unfortunately, when you go and public, then it becomes more about posturing. Then it is about. Anything else, and so you see Democrats throwing out rat agenda items that make no sense at all it really no sense at all and starting civil wars inside the Democratic Party, it's bad for the Democratic Party for them to be impractical, New York Times as time is Friedman whose role about pretty much. Everything is right about this. He says if the Democrats fight amongst themselves, because the radicals are fighting the moderates, nothing it's done and you're not going to have a unified agenda if you're facing up against Trump. I think there's just a lot of people out there who I really want someone to keep everything basically simple into me. The simple. The simple is democratic messages
I then national unity. I think there are a lot of people around the country, Anderson yearning for someone, who's, gonna pull the country together. I think there's a lot of people feel like we're like heading for civil war and political civil wars. I think does exist huge journey for that. Ok, so I think that he is actually right here, but the Democrats you're not gonna, go for it because for the Democrats they don't actually have a unifying national agenda, so becomes about what kind of promises you can make what kind of problems you can identify? No solutions allowed. None ended credit party knows that if you're going to go to a place where the problems are misidentified and no solutions are available yet go to the squad. Those are the people you go to when it's time to come up with solutions that are completely unworkable and stupid when it comes to label and problems that don't exist when it comes to exacerbating problems that do exist, we don't you call female ghostbusters bastards, you call the squad, so here you have a democratic represent and of Underwood admitting at this. What is now setting the agenda for the Democratic Party. It's been really disturbing to see the president.
Wait. This exchange of words between fitting democratic congresswoman and you, Mr President, like it or not. Sir, we are here we are serving in the United States Congress. There is a cohort of smart prepared dynamic young women serving in the Congress and, yes, they are bold and are setting the agenda, but, quite frankly, Andrea women are setting agenda, this hundred fifteen Congress and that something that we haven't seen before does all about identity politics, and it's not at all about what are the actual ideas. You know what they're doing that you know whether focusing on the face, rather than the ideas, because the ideas absolutely blow the ideas are terrible. Images are absolutely awful. So let's take some examples of these supposed problem. And solutions being offered had democratic left, okay, so ill. Omar. We knew in same thought, leader of the Democratic Party. My goodness me, unless last week, such about leader that she proposed an open. The anti semitic probity S, resolution labour,
Thence medically Nancy blows you month earlier today back not a Democrats at a word, because this is how things work. Now here is ill had Omar, creating what can only be scribes a medley of democratic policies. So when I am adamant, I mean that you can already. The scent that you write and then I will put it in Madeline form and your real is that this is basically how Democrats are now doing. Policy she's as no one should be receiving medical care because their undocumented. We must ensure that all people in our country have access to reproductive health care. She said in a lot in there. What are you talking about there? She is saying that we should have taxpayer did abortion for illegal immigrants. That is what is angry. There she's a little new illegal immigrant comes across the border and wants you to pay for their abortion. We should pay for it. So this is the new democratic, mad lib formulation, taxpayer funded known for group. I just have to take what fits in that now and group my favorite, Taxpayer funded dolphins for lesbian, single moms range
pick any new and any group, and it totally works. Taxpayer funded avocado toast for millennials ran. This just becomes part of the democratic. Agenda and visit. This is their whole thing again. These promises that will never come through the american people are not up for spending taxpayer funded money on abortion, let alone abortions. For Legal immigrants come here to have your baby you're welcome to America, no one's up for that, but this is what the Democrats are proposing because they don't have any solutions to actual problems. What are some of the other solutions have our You need to leave so retreated to leave another member of the squad presenting ideas for your consumption. Yesterday she comes out and she's an economic policy it creates, it kills jobs artificially. Boosting wages means that your artificially boosting prices. It also means the artificially lowering the number of hours that people can work minimum wage. In prices. It also means the artificially lowering the number of hours that people can work. Minimum wage
is a bad idea, but it is a particularly bad idea when you randomly pick a number out of out of the air and then decided. This is what the minimum wage should be. So why fifteen dollars? Why not? Twenty repeatedly just good question? Let's make it twenty for no reason, because she says so now like this one our Asia Why it's hard to hear her using? It should be twenty dollars an hour and then a basically turns into a bidding set forget it. Well, that's what you were doing, or twenty one and twenty two diner twentieth waiter. Fifty two I hear one thousand dollars if you really think that minimum wages to solve this problem solving
inequality. I have a proposal. I propose your love Those who show must want was a socialist City Council woman in the city of Seattle. We had a long debate on this topic. You can find it on Youtube. It's pretty amusing I asked her straight off why not? thousand dollars an hour will solve it. Come inequality, quality in one day, you'll be unbelievable and she could not explain why not a thousand dollars an hour. People who are sitting next to her? There were well. That would just be unrealistic, really know you explain to me what unrealistic Apparently, you know how to run businesses better than all the people who have built run businesses and hired everyone. You dont higher anyone to ITALY not hiring anyone, the folks in Congress. Calling for fifteen dollar minimum wage, have no employees paid for by them all of their employees are for by the american taxpayer, which means future taxpayers really. Yeah, they're, going to stand on their high horse and tell people sit on their high horse and tell people what Actually minimum wage should be again identifying a problem that people are making enough money and provide
no solution other than something that is completely unworkable and stupid this new democratic Party of your making ends Why Donald Trump, despite all of his foibles, spite all the things that he tweets, despite the fact that he pursued policy, sometimes that I dont like is in a strong position going into twenty twenty. It is because, for whatever his problems at least provided some solutions. Oh are out there providing pretty much no solutions at this point. Their are supposedly to make the country better by just not being Trump and natural that that's enough. Yet more of this in just one. Second, first make sure you tuning this Thursday July, twenty fifth at seven p, M Eastern four, P M Pacific for later steps. The conversation hosting Andrew claims will be answering your questions live on air, so make them good questions. The episode will be free for everyone to wash on Facebook and Youtube. Only subscribers can ask the questions. Since evidently wire, get your questions answered by Andrew Clayton, this Thursday, seven p m eastern four P M Pacific joined the conversation. Also a reminder next month
taking our backstage show on the road for special one night. Only then August twenty first and the beautiful terrorists theatre in long Beach, cow Where have you been dying to meet me and a white? What, but, if you are, then you can meet me live will be live at that terrorists, theatre, long, Beach, caliph. When you meet Delaware, God can Jeremy Boring Andrew Clayton, any equable Michael Knolls will be their lives, will be talking politics pop culture, answering questions from the audience we'll get to hear or make animals give disquisition on catholic doctrine so make all of this good ticket. Our answer right now, a daily wire dotcom, Slash backstage, including our limited VIP packages, the guarantee premiums, eating photos and meeting greets with each of us a gift for me. I'm shopping for right after the show me to go out to the Store. You never know what it's gonna. Be I mean. Is it a break up gift? Is it? Is it a meeting at what is it who knows, check it out right now, head on over to daily wired outcomes, lashed backstage and get your tickets. Today it is going to be terrific
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and the way the you protect the content you love is by subscribing. So please join the team of our daily work on ninety nine dollars. Year gets you everything that you want all of us, including this, the greatest in all beverage vessels leftist, yours, hot or cold tumblr, go check that out right. Nobody subscribed by the way I made a rare mistake it I can't it was. My mistake It may be a mistake by producers, but our conversation is not happening on Thursday is actually happening on Wednesday. I have been informed. My ears go check out the conversation. On Wednesday night there, as they were the largest fastest growing conservative Pakistan. Radio show in the nation of cases we're Craddock solutions are apparently according to the sky, who are now the ideological file leaders taxpayer funded abortion for illegal immigrants. Twenty. Dollar minimum wage and to Alexander O Cortez, the illustrious the brilliant the fought leader, everyone
in the United States illegally should be allowed to stay, and everyone around the planet who wants to cross into our countries should be allowed to come Apparently the United States personal. I do know why this isn't imperialist I really she's word colonialism and imperialism haven't making everyone on earth and american citizen. Basically, this what she suggests. Anyone who makes it into United States should stay. So here's what you ve got tat pair, funded abortions for illegal immigrants who can stay no matter how they got here so for billions of illegal immigrants, cross our borders and also they get paid twenty dollar minimum wage. How could it ever go wrong? Hearsay Yossi, I think, tat. Migration to me is liberation. It's the ability to
move and be it's the freedom to be really is what we're talking about, and I think that all people should be free to be here and in our communities, because I think that when you start viewing human beings as intrinsically value ball, you feel blast that they have come to you with their presence of haven't. You should open her front door and feel increasingly bless the random people, walk in and studied her cookies, but this is This is ridiculous, is ready, well she's Marian Williamson. If Marian Williamson were birth by Karl Marx, it's insane by way of contrast, is not just the ABC squat. It's also the democratic, leading lights. Elizabeth Lauren, who, by the way, is be loved by all of the intelligentsia in the Democratic Party, because, of course, she's a smart lady, because she taught at Harvard but that's not stopping her from proposing radical solutions that are not going to be implemented. She says we're all going to die,
transition to gonna run healthcare, depriving a hundred and fifty five million Americans of their private health insurance. This being openly proposed. She did this in a r p presidential candidate for It is amazing, by the way, how left the entropy, as we have sponsors here on the programme who are providing shelter, to a our pay. There is a reason: the fact that the eight hour p doing a forum where everybody nods and laughed when she talked about government run healthcare for everyone. You know benefits a lot from private health insurance, older folks or buying supplemental insurance, even if they have Medicare an older folks who have private insurance you by the way represents an enormous health care burden on the United States. Medicare system here
same we'll put everybody on Medicare, but don't worry. We heard the old people so now here is here's Elizabeth Warren, saying nonsense would eliminate private insurance. Crack is right and what it does is it transitions, peoples and people to more complete insurance coverage. More complete healthcare coverage at a lower cost, which I think is what we all want. Everyone gets covered, but we do it at the lowest possible cause. It's about health care from our babies to our seniors, so that no one has to go bankrupt over a medical problem. Ok, so that this is the Democrats have nothing and the radical agendas alienating americans- and here is how you know that this can be a very competitive election and twenty twenty, because the Democrats, by ignoring all the issues, I bring the problems that don't exist in order to address
to avoid problems that do exist by providing no solutions? If Donald Trump could just control himself you'd? When this thing in a walk? Here's a new Gallup Poll out just now, and it is a question as to what is the most important problem facing the country today was the most important question facing the country. Today number one immigration, twenty seven percent emigration number one, the vast majority, those people. I would assume our people who are not in favour of open borders and the Democrats preaching open borders and taxpayer funded abortions for illegal immigrants. That is not going to help them number two is the government and poor leadership, and this is where, if President trumpet shut his pie hole, he would be in pretty good position from twenty towards eggs. That's a lot of Democrats who again Don't have real policy solutions, but are angry at present interim only seven percent say race relations and racism, so the media's key focus. Relations and racism, only seven percent of Americans say that is their their top problem in the United States.
Which, by the way, is a lot the minority population of the United States. Only ten percent of the american population is black. Another thirteen percent is latino only seven percent of American saying that race relations are the number one problem in America which is correct there, not the number one problem in America, only seven percent name Healthcare, only four percent say climate change, the media's top priorities, which are racism, healthcare and climate change rate, those those represent a collective eighteen send a people who say their top priority, as opposed to immigration, which is twenty seven percent, and then you get to unifying the country four percent, the economy in general. At three percent poverty, hunger and homelessness at three percent- the Democrats are blowing this thing because innately, I think most people understand what I ve been talking about. This entire, our, I think most people in understand that if you're not providing solutions than your part of the problem and right now, Democrats are part of the problem and that's why President trump their polls that show that more than half of Americans approve President Trump on the economy and more than half
who say that they will not vote for him. I really wonder whether the latter number is true, because in the end, people feel the impact of politics on their lives. That's what from past to hope. For and again it's why the best thing from could do. Is make his personality secondary to the actual policy he is pursuing. Even if I don't like some of the policy that he is pursuing. Ok, meanwhile, across the pond in Britain, the big story is that Boris Johnson has become the next Prime Minister of Britain according to the Washington Post, whereas Johnson handily one the race to lead the conservative party on Tuesday and we'll be Britain's next Prime minister within a day, Johnson,
been perceived as sort of the tramp of Britain. This is not the case. He has pretty sterling intellectual credentials as Boris Johnson. He tends to act like a buffoon for fun, because it's good for his imagine. He understands that being straight leysen up type. What Teresa me that that is not actually going to help you when it comes to british politics, it is the sort of cartoonish character who happens to be a pretty solid knife fighter when it comes to british politics. I spoke of Daniel Hannan, who is the the UK representative to the European Parliament. We did a Sunday special. A couple of weeks ago, we talked about Boris Johnson. He said the borders were the smartest people, you know according to the Washington Post, Johnson, bombastic Latin, quoting Oxford classicist, not quite trompe, with a map of fins bench. Italy must yellow air made his knee is an over the top journalist in Brussels and then His London mayor and galvanise the successful bricks campaign in twenty sixteen, you walk through the black enamelled, the words of ten Downing street on Wednesday fulfilling what his biographers describe, as is relentless.
Blonde the ambition to follow his Euro Winston Churchill into the top spot Johnson, captured by ninety two thousand votes inside the conservative party Jeremy Hunt. He current form your secretary of Foreign Secretary, whose at forty seven thirty the dominant victory shown towards wants a leader who promises, above all else, to deliver breaks at present in front of courses rooting for Johnson. It we did. Congratulations to Boris Johnson, I'm becoming the new prime minister of the UK. He will be great. IRAN's Foreign Minister, Mohammed, provides reef, also congratulated Johnson Iran's nazi confrontation we have fifteen hundred miles of Pershing goes cover Persian Gulf Coastline. These are our waters and will protect them so there is an ongoing stand off right now between the iranian government and the government in London. The hand off will be very quick and then the question will be exactly how Johnson gets breaks it done because breaths it was voted for two years ago. The clock is ticking basically according to current law by October thirty. First, if there is no deal on bricks it,
then no deal breaks. It happens, which means that Britain just leaves the EU without any negotiated deal with the EU. The problem for Teresa me she didn't want. Any of that to happen. She wanted a deal with the EU. The EU holds a lot of leverage over Britain in terms of trade, have been threatening Britain not to leave the EU them in trying to overrule the will of the people, which, of course explains exactly why Brits voted for in the first place. They voted for bricks it because they said the EU is trying to control our lives with their own risk, regulations, and we don't trust you to handle Like immigration, we don't trust the EU to handle things like trade agreements as a block with other countries. We ve created internal freedom to trade, but then you ve got The EU is actually setting barriers to our trade with, for example, the United States that we should have that, and so we are voting, leave an EU says. You say that to controlling. Will you we're gonna hurt you the use pretty use have obviously toward member states that do not wish to accede to all of their demands. So
Johnson has on the table. No deal breaks it which would go forward October. Thirty first has vowed if there is no deal by October, thirty. First, that is exactly what happened. The markets dropped slightly on this news, but basically desiring all Preston would be the end of the world that your breath it no wouldn't because the fact is that the UK is still in economic powerhouse. With regard to the EU, and people inside the EU are still gonna want british products and vice versa, so there will be agreements between the UK and EU. The UK is not gonna be frozen out by the EU. One of the wise that has been told by the media is that the folks who are in favour of bricks it are in favour of high tariffs against the EU. Of course, that is untrue. They are seeking lower tariffs with the rest of the world and from his already found that he will negotiate quickly in agreement with the UK separate from the EU. So how does this move forward will find? now, ready in Monday's Telegraph Johnson's had signed. The country recovered some of its candy spirit. He said that if the America Hence could land man on the moon fifty years ago using hand bits of computer code, then twenty first century Britain
but imagine away to provide for frictionless trade across the northern irish border, which had been one of the stumbling blocks of the breccia deal, the region as part of the stumbling block is because the nation of Ireland is divided on the island of Ireland is divided and part of the part of the country which actually to separate countries. Technically speaking, thanks to the Irish, piecemeal part of the country is still part of the UK, power is independent and the there are no barriers in terms of crossing that borer. That could change if bricks it goes forward, because then you would need barriers. Monitor one country that is part of the. U and one that is part of the UK. Tony Blair is telling the BBC that these things are technically difference when it comes to how to how to do all of this,
Europeans have brought it negotiator, Michael Barney AIR, said that his side. I look forward to working constructively with Johnson Bernier said. The e was prepared for some compromise ready to rework the declaration on future relations. In all likelihood, wherever people kick a deal down the road it worse does usually come the worse, I'm predicting that there will be no deal breaks it And if that happens than that happens- and I dont think that the fall out is gonna, be nearly as bad as folks think that the fallout is going to be the Washington Post, of course predicting Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister is then going to fall apart on him as no deal bricks. It goes forward. You shine through your writing at the Washington post. He says varies widely anticipated. Confirmation, in leadership, vote by members of the conservative party on Tuesday Johnson is expected to carry out the ritual visiting a
in Palestine, Washington, on Wednesday, before assuming his role as Britain's newest Prime Minister Johnson's rise to power has long been telegraphed, a sign of wealth and privilege, Johnson Wednesday, Eaten and Oxford. Before embarking on a controversial career in journalism, though catapulted into politics now Johnson gets the chance to prove that the manure in Britain smells different, has vowed to push forward breaks. It break free of the turning of the EU and Legal liberated Britain to its former global greatness. His supporters are willing to look beyond cringe worthy record of gaps, sorted peccadilloes and, soft bigotry, and so there are ready trying to portray him. Is that as big as always? How this goes most analyse reckon his in for a rude awakening, because if he goes for with bricks it, then that will be deeply unpopular but
again. I think that is unlikely, and I think that the british public is willing to grant him at least a window of opportunity to do all the things that he says that he is going to do so. Boris Johnson in the UK. Congratulations on his accession to the prime Minister ship, and I think that a lot of folks across the pond, our rooting for Boris Johnson, to be successful in negotiating a bricks its deal and providing for more independence from Brussels already time for some things I like and then some things that I hate. So I stumbled on this singer named yoga and she is just first rate, you really is terrific. So, as you know, when I recommend music, typically, it is classical music or old. School jazz is very rare that I recommend a modern artist. There's an artist. Her name is Yola. She is from Britain, and she does this sort of country,
Rhythm and blues deal that is really unique. Her voice is just terrific and her personal story. She shows of victim irritability, abusive home. She her newest album is, is something called walk through fire in its literally based on her house catching on fire and her catching on fire and He says that you was laughing while her house is on fire. Why? Because, when she was on fire, she thought to herself okay to distract from the pain. I need to think of the worst thing that happened to me and she thought of her abusive childhood. She started to laugh because you realize literally being on. Fire was not as pats abuse of childhood. In any case, she is immense. The challenge here is a little bit of one of her songs the jury.
me. Yes, The issues surrounding it means you really is talented. She has been in CBS. This morning, I guess back in March, she was before
This is really only this year that she started break out before this. She was a backup singer for massive attack, the Chemical brothers, Enigmas Hill, so that is going wildly unappreciated, because she is just tremendous a check out her album, she's, really good, ok time for some things I hate Now we reach the other side of ledger. So we talk about artistic failings. I don't know if you have been. I love you. You ve been what's the opposite of privileged damned to see the the trailer for cats, so cats is one of the worst musicals Waldheim. I may musical theatre aficionados rub with the musical theatre, my father musicals, if my father and I are writing a musical together right now. Cats is an abomination. It's awful, it is just a pastiche of cats. Singing to you by underlined Weber, who is a talented dire, advancing the opera is, is a well crafted piece of musical theatre. This cat is just it was,
always garbage and the only people who are in the audience for a very long time are blue hair Ladys, who, like tat now they have decided that they are going to make a movie of cats, and this is some of the previous bleep you will ever see in your entire- Her life, I mean this is creepy. I couldn't make it all the way through the trailer, because I was afraid that I would have nightmares the rest of my natural life. It is so frightening. It is a bunch of people who are dressed up as cats, but they're not dressed up kind of as cats in the kind of fairy way the beta Roquat dressed up as a cat. No, there dressed up as cats that are sort of Fiji I'd a little bit.
As the humans were merge with cats, it falls directly into the uncanny valley, Ready Uncanny Valley, something they say it animation. Where the closer you get to portray human unscreened the worse. It is because we consume and beings our programme to be able to see what looks human and what does it until just kind of creeps you out of this is like tax or not cats and are not human. It looks as though Doktor Morose lab, where real and it is creepy as all hell. Here's a little bit of the trailer if you subscribe than you too, can share my nightmares. Here's a little bit of one of the worst trailers in the history of humanity or nah I haven't seen porno
So could I went cry interest you in a movie about humanoid cats, singing to you directed by the guy? Who did the Danish will create entry? do in a movie by the director of Lame is about a movie or Idris, Elba one of the most awesome actors on planet earth right now plays a cat. Where Jason's Rouleaux shows up playing a cat. Could I interest you in something like this now I dont know how they got a cast. This large accepted. I hope this thing bombs, but bombs terrifically. Let me We need the castor this movie because people are insane. Are you crazy? They ve got Idris Elbow playing my cavity cat, yet Taylor swift as bumble arena rebel it shows up. Judy Dense, shows up in Mcmullen. It shows up Jennifer
then show up. Jim's cordon shows up Jason Rouleaux shows up Raven. Stone shows up so, like half of Hollywood shows up before this thing and all I can think of burnt is burnt with fire burning with are the best tweet on this, as in former one of my producers, MIKE is, is that the is that this trailer makes me want to kick in actual cat, which no one don't abuse animals. Folks enough animal abuse took place in the making of this film. They don't need. This. Is human abuse, wasn't even cat abuse? What a horror shop? Ok speaking of horror show's over in Canada things have gotten wild. There is a case that has that has made a lot of headlines of the Bc Human Rights Tribunal. According to the National Post, a beast Human Rights Tribunal, hearing, devolved and repeated outbursts, and name calling this week as it considered a transgender woman's complaint. Then a home. They salon discriminated against her by denying her a brazilian wax. Now so far you may think. Well, this is bad. I mean here there's a transgender woman
who presumably had all the surgeries and doesn't have the male genitalia and at once just turn surgically altered. Female parts we waxed wrong. You are. This is the case about a person named Jessica. You need a man who believes he has a woman, but still has very very female penis in testicle Just go, you need the complainant told the hearing she was entitled to receive the advertised whack service and that of the tribunal ruled against her. It could lead to a dangerous precedent. You cannot choose your clientele is going to be. She said that she is coming courtesy of the national post. This would be a he had one or two. He because genetically it's a he donor, Marcia Silva, said she was not comfortable carrying out a brazilian lax on a person with male genitalia nordic. Graph. Six of this article is the actual news Business owner marchioness almost said she was not comfortable carrying out a brazilian lax on a purse. With male genitalia. Nor did she have the training for it, so we weren't real, quick from big decay.
Big, to wax my balls bigot Jake here so another right about this guy's J Cameron. The silver lawyer and litigation manager with the Alberta based Justice Centre for constitutional freedoms. The hearing that ruling against his client would be tantamount to ordering intimate services again, someone's will, of course. This is true. Of course, this is true, so we live in a world where we are willing to acknowledge that women are very often threatened by males than women for too long, their experiences have been overlooked at the hands I've cortical toxic masculinity, and some of that is true. For too long women have been mistreated by males and there is a reason why women might be afraid of random male coming to their house where they perform service on their intimate areas. There might be a reason for that, but I guess the Bc Court now has and whether a women does not have a right to be nervous about any of this. She has to serve this person because this person says they are women, so in other words, you should be more afraid. Of a man with a straight out. I want you to wax my testicles. Then a man
who says he is a woman who says that he wants to have his technicals wax by you so somehow it is, it is more dangerous for a person who I do not believe there a member of the opposite sex and suffer from suffer from the mental disorder known as gender identity disorder is more dangerous to serve a male. Who does not from that disorder than to serve a male who suffers from that disorder and still has all of his parts and is demanding that you service him in or home. I waxing his genitals. That This case is all about so just going anyway asked about all this interview and didn't call that great for Jessica. You need, but it doesn't have to you, because the social justice years will always come out in defence of the stupidest possible solution. Look you do what you want do Jessica, you live your life went away. You want to live your life, but the consumer health is that all women not also be allowed to live their lives. The way they want to live live their lives, but not, but not when they discriminate against the right.
Of others that data that are not discriminating, that you're saying I'm sorry, we don't supply a service of became, he works or a brazilian or whatever happens, to be other remove of Heroin genitalia via a man as far as they are concerned, because its male genitalia and that's what they're saying they're saying we shouldn't be forced to do that.
We lost his line there alone either. When do I get it back? His egg museums in Lhasa, like I will also light shone like eight or ten seconds silence, because this person hung up because, of course, by any object to measure, and we have moved from the objective to the subject of. I know that we are now also post you. We are now all supposed to comply with these subjective demands of people, so in the real world, when we interact with one another, we have to use objective measurements of what things are so to take an example before me sits a computer if I thought that this computer weren't elephant Toby, because I'm wrong- and we can tell em neuron- is because you can look at the computer yourself, and you can tell that this right here would be a computer right. Well, I'm fairly certain that if a woman looks at a set of Sweden, berries and says you know what that is right there, that would be a penis
Hasta calls and the other persons has known and unknown. I say I feel that these are female genitalia. These are a female penis in testicles. That would be just as wrong. Is me saying right here that this is an elephant. This is not an elephant. This is computer Petersen Testicles. That was be male appendages and you are a male jessica. You need is a male and if you ve, just guinea, went to the doktor for services, the doktor would treat that they would do a prostate, for example, they would not do an exam for the uterus and if they did, they would be more on their be wasting time. Be wasting money, but we now live in a world where doctors are expected to do uterine exam on biological mail.
Told you about a story in nature where they suggested that there is a real problem with doctors, classifying people by their biological set, you no doctors are taught biology. You know we are all taught here in the real world objective reality. We are taught in the real world that their objective indicators- you don't have to it's, not a giant mystery offices and to try and mystery you'll have to sit around wondering whether a person is a male or female Generally, you can look at them. There are few outlying cases where people are so androgynous. Looking that you don't know, there are few outlying cases where people have had surgeries to appear as member of the opposite. Sex and when it comes to some of those cases, when we talk about, for example, bathrooms, then it's less of a problem. If a person who like a female goes into a female bathroom is a lot more of a problem because in the bathroom, will not think too to be frightened or upset about all of that? If a male watching us email, bathroom and females get upset. I think they have every right to do so, while they're using their eyes and they're using their head. We're we're supposed to disable, are prefrontal cortex, an old.
What one person was unwilling to disable her prefrontal cortex was Lindsey Shepherd, so Linsey Shepherd as an activist in Canada, Jefferies each activist graduate of Wilfred, lorry or university, and she was permanently banned from twitter earlier this week. Why She, a woman got into Exchange with a man just got any in which the activist mock shepherd from supper. Suffering from a uterine condition known as separate uterus in it. In a tweet she replied. This person at least, I have a uterus. You, ugly, fat man, harsh harsh fact check they, but not something that is kind but is that banipal? Because you called a man, a man, the suspension came after a jousting match with notorious Trans woman named J. Why who's been accused of predatory behaviour, to our children and making frivolous human rights complaints. The post millennial reached out to Shepard, who sent I got suspended for tweets although they didn't tell me exactly which treats where the problems from giving my best guess, she said
who is concerned about her inability to respond to miss truths. Now that she is banned, the platform was deleted that we write so very often on twitter people are suspended. They delete between them, they're allowed beckoned, not twitter, not shepherd they decided to ban her outright shepherd first came to international problem, in late twenty seventeen when should release recording of being interrogated by staff at will for university. Following a class in which you presented a Jordan, there's clip, in contrast with the pro transgender video as part of a class exercise for issues threatened, would have with having violated canadian human rights law for having presented a video of perfect, promote Professor Petersen, Jordan, friends them. This is ridiculous. This day, compared Jordan, Peters to being as bad as Hitler or Milo Ye Annapolis. So a couple of things there, the gradation of Hitler to Jordan Petersen. It doesn't go like within this tiny, circumscribed circle here days, Hitler, Milo Jordan Petersen. I saw how this works.
I I don't like my wedding, Milo stinks. I think that was a bad person, but Milo is also not Hitler. It turns out Hitler's Hitler and comparing people to Hitler Bengal that well, but Lindsey Shepherd ended up five a three point: six million dollar defamation lawsuit nor a lawsuit against Wilfred Warrior, and then Professor Peter, and while the subsequent defamation lawsuit shepherd is not a controversial voice. In a free speech, debate. She's a left, leaning centrist, who supports vegetarianism, but she's been banned. On Twitter Gears Lindsey Shepherd talking about her and from Twitter for the great crime of suggesting that a mail is a mail. I was banned from twitter for responding to a couple of tea it's, that an individual that I will only refer to as J. Why made about me j. Why on twitter starts tweeting about how I'm dumb and how I have a loose vagina from pushing out a ten pound baby, so I've waited back and basically said
If you want to sound like a woman, this is not really. Way to do it, because this is normal. Male way of speaking then J. Why start small? king. How I have a reproductive abnormality called us out her uterus, and then I will Why, and I say at least I have a uterus- you ugly fat man, ok, so neither by the way J where was not suspended, Vernon this for any of us, so this is in exchange for people are being mean to each other and Lindsey Shepherd with responding to a person who is criticising her uterus and her vagina and she suspended from Twitter, because this is the world we now occupy in which, if you are a member of a protected class, you can be offensive and terrible as you want to be, and everyone is supposed to respect that, whereas, if you're Not, then, if you respond in kind in any way, then you will be thrown out of polite society or consider cruel and mean and terrible wax. My balls, you bigot right. That's the is. This is where we are and now as being
who didn't why, in places like Berkeley, how stupid is Berkeley so briskly has a few problems: one a massive homeless problem, poop on the streets, the fact in Anti, runs. Half the city mean there's some serious problems in Berkeley. California, when I visited Berkeley a couple years ago, required six hundred police officers and the stadium in order that can give a speech there. I mean they got some problems over in Berkeley, but Berkeley is taking on the issues that matter. According to the Associated Press, Berkeley, California has adopted an ordinance to replace some terms with gender neutral words in the city codes. This inference, fiscal chronicle reports that she and he will be replaced by they, which is going to me these very awkward when it comes to, for example, I dunno separate funding of sports. For example, title mine specifically says that you have female sports in male sports. I guess now, we'll just have they sport, which means no female, will ever competing sport again. If you have a government sponsored sporting links, for example, the words
manpower and manhole will become workforce and maintenance. Whole maidens hold violations awful. Just gonna tell you you're, not helping yourself, maybe GB person, Since all the city council that says what is the one in the world, the city on Tuesday unanimously passed the measures to replace more than two dozen commonly used terms, there will be no more craftsmen and city could only craftspeople or artisans. Berkeley says the ape. He has a long history of leading on politically and socially liberal issues. You might say that they have a long history being idiots sponsor the ordinances. Councilman wrangle Robinson, a twenty three year old, recent grad of Berkeley. Of course, he says his time in college expanded his awareness of gender issues. Super duper, important, gladly or cleaning up the trash and making sure crime doesn't take place, but everything is called now. A maintenance whole that is that is entertaining some also also. It is important note here that this whole routine, where folks are being silenced in their view,
that men are men and women are women, has carried over into the field of science, is so wildly controversial to publish anything they talked about Scientific rigour and examination of gender is for your gender identity disorder that scientists are just not doing it anymore, we talk about the case last year. Even though that there is a danger to political correctness, shutting down science? One danger? Is that kills science another? dangerous. We don't actually know the consequences of what in the world we are doing the politically correct declared that something is healthy. Thus it becomes healthy, and if you study it, then you're a big it We had this last year with Brown University, where a professor wrote a paper on what was called rat but answer gendered is forty of the fact that was becoming trendy to become transgender in high school, and there is data to back it up and Brown, basically pull back the paper temporarily. And apologize for running an abstract, now, there's report for BBC Newsnight called transgender treatment. Puberty blockers study under Investigation England
only an age: ass, national Health service, youth, gender clinic lowered the age at which it offer children, puberty blockers, partly based on a study now being investing? In other words, a study came out, it was a bad study. It suggested the puberty blockers didn't do anything bad kids. It turns out, it does do bad stuff decades, but one went along with the myth, because it was more weren't you go along with the myth and to tell the truth and protect children which would be evil right if you have a study that is flawed and you push it out there, because you have an agenda that is broader than that, then that would be and it affects children pressure. This is almost the essence evil. The studies full findings have not been published. Early data should some taking the drugs reported, an increase in thoughts of suicide and self harm. I can't imagine why that would be that if you take a child who's, not hormonally developed, and you start giving them puberty blockers to prevent them from growth
in the way that they normally would grow, naturally that this might harm their sought, their mental awareness them in their mental health. I can't imagine that's the case, absolutely ridiculous. In the United States, you can't get an antibiotic prescription at school without parental permission, making an abortion in many cases, without parental per in Britain. Now they're saying we should be able to shoot you up with hormones that prevent you from growing and if your girl will prevent your group, your breast from growing, if your boy will prevent you from during embody, hair growing enter testicles dropping. We can give you all of that and don't worry, it'll be fine door. It'll be totally fine. Well, it turns out it's not we find children as young as eleven are now being offered these hormone blocking drugs, the clinic
The data from a small sample and so no meaningful conclusion can be drawn from it. Of course, of course, experts and clinical trials have criticized the design of the study which they say makes it hard to tell if the reported effects were due to puberty blockers or something else, but experts said they warranted further investigation. Yes, I'm sure that additional depression has more to do with this. Is that the all purpose blame machine it has to do with societal intolerance, I'm sure more than it has to do with physically taking hormones in shooting them into children. I'm sure the health researcher Authority, which ensures that medical studies are ethical and transparent, is now investigating claims brought them by BBC Newsnight Programme about the early findings From the study and the information that is understood to have been shared with Asians and parents about the possible effects of purity blocking drugs, in other words, the BBC, Now, trying to stop people from disseminating study information that make dissuade them from hormone, treating their kids when a child
UK is questioning their gender. They can be referred to the gender identity Development service at Tavistock. Important nature Foundation Trust in London and leads one treatment and offers puberty blockers. They work on the brain to stop the eventual release of estrogen of testosterone. I'm sure that's the only effect on the brain, guys, I'm sure it's fine before twenty eleven kids would give puberty blockers. Two children only once they turn sixteen, but now they are now doing this, for kids were eleven acknowledging the weak evidence for the drugs the research team made up of goods and University College Hospital staff set out to evaluate the psychological, social and physical effects of the blockers on a carefully suggested group of young people. Details about the risks such as potential adverse effects on one strength, the development of sexual organs, body shape or final adult height were provided an apparent a patient information see sheet, but whose night found certain information was not included. Previous features, research had suggested all young people who took the blockers went on to take cross sex hormones, the next stage dreadfully transitioning, but patience and parents. We're not told this in the information she
Michael bigs associate professor sociology at Oxford said. I don't see the debate their children could really have given inform, can and given the lack of information that was provided? Professor bigs was attracted criticism from some transgender coming. And he said they were not given the information they needed. In order to take this momentous life changing step, then this is what is going to work from here. On is that you are you're going to end up with science being silence in the name of subjective ism, you're, going to end up with people's rights being violated in the name of the supposed rights of of people to have others. Services directed at them in the name of their subjective self identification. If we don't even share language anymore, if we don't even share common definitions of male and female anymore still it none of this makes any sense. I'm just a point out that folks court, who are pushing the idea that a woman must be forced to wax degenerate Ellie of man. These people still have not provided any definition by which drastically and even natural woman, not one self identity.
Is not identification as a woman because you still have not defined woman. My colleague mouthwash makes this point in Time If you can't find woman had white Antiphon as one is, a woman is not biological wolden? And what he's not a set of stereotypes. So what exactly is woman A woman is into social role fulfilled by women, because these same advocates- say the gender as a social contract? So how are you identifying is woman? Your idea, fine as what a set of stereotypes or as a biological woman. If it's a set of Rio type? Why can't you be a male and fulfil those set of stereotypes? Is biological you're? Not it? All of this suffers from a lack of definitional awareness. Again there is a problem that is being labelled, which is that anyone who does reason, bigot, there's, no solutions being provided and the world gets worse already, we'll be back here later today with two additional hours. Otherwise will soon be here tomorrow, I'm Ben,
here this is the bench. A barrage of the bench of Euro show is produced by Robert Sterling directed by MIKE Joiner executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan hey are supervising, producer is Mathis Glover, and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Adam. Sigh of its audio is mixed by Michael Romena Hair and make up is by just one overall production assistant Nick. She him the bench appear or show is a daily wire production. Copyright. Daily, why or twenty nineteen? If you want to delve the depths of leftist madness head on over to the Michael Knoll Show where we examined? What's really going on beneath the surface of our politics and basque and the simple joys of being right,
Transcript generated on 2020-03-25.