« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 81 - When Trump Supporters Leave Voicemail

2016-03-01 | 🔗
A subset of delightful Trump supporters contact Ben, Ben gives five reasons Trump must be stopped, plus Ben recommends an Orwell book you've never heard of.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We're here on a Tuesday the last day of american civilization, maybe maybe update, and what's going on for Super Tuesday I'll talk, a voice mail that I received from a delay full individual who supports Donald Trump and what a little bit about the Oscars things I like things are no it'll be Russia will do stuff that show like on this particular show. I'm the bureau. This is the venture bureau shall attend. Demonized people don't care about you feeling all right so in today's reminder, the Donald Trump is a giant liar and you shouldn't believe anything that he says. Donald Trump was on the TVS yesterday and Donald Trump was explaining that when it comes to immigration, comes to his strongest most deeply held convictions about immigration that he decided seven months ago when he went comes to these particular decisions. Is an unshakeable rock you, someone that you should take
we believe in you some when he says he's gonna, build a wall and make Mexico pay, for it is not just gonna build why it will be big. It will be magnificent. Every time he's insulted, it will raise ten feet to the point where eventually there'll be so many insults at the wall between the United States in Mexico will actually extended space and the orbiting satellites will hit it. We'll have to reprogram in order to avoid the wall. Donald Trump is going to build. Then he was ass, well, You really mean this whole immigration wall thing and Assuming this whole we're hearted deport, everybody think, and here is Donald Trump. Planning just how much he had. He believes this, though, already or tie is claiming today that they had an off the record conversation with you in January off the record by the way now they're leaking it. I've got a lady on the most dishonest media group is also fail. I call it the failing New York Times. It is doing so badly and dying, but I did they had a
We had a board meeting was off the record Oliver Sunday leakage all over the place at all. You know that you're its negotiable longer everything by the way it is negotiable things and negotiate Bobby honest with the economic, the wolf to preach order or something I mean every it's not negotiable. I actually said I acknowledge building it not negotiate, not negotiable about what would have been a gush of all about the eleven million. Maybe let some people stay if they register a period I would say that look. I've always said we have some good people over here and they're gonna go out, but we will work out some system, that's fair, but we either have a country we dug. We need a border. We need a war, we need a walk. You know I one New Hampshire and they have a tremendous heroin problem and I promised the people we'll have to stop that heroin from coming in to very hard thing to kick they have tremendous work on the people that have the habit already unwilling to try and get them better. We got it
I get a better. They have tremendous that of all the places New Hampshire. It's like the first question. I get all the time the heroin from comes right over the southern border, not gonna happen anymore. Second happened anymore, with his always gonna, be some negotiation. I mean whether the wall is fifty feet, tall or forty feet tall and one of them, one of the report he said to me, they said well, what happens you know Vincenzo Fox made the statement. Why do you respond because was an arrogant Apple horrible statements, and as it is irish bank? The world just got ten feet higher and I met zig. He knows where he is he's cheer lines. I know, there's a crowd right there so uses the the wall that ten feet higher dissolved stretching from the main message what he sang every. Is negotiable and The building the wall is not negotiable, but if everything is negotiable than building the wall is certainly negotiable. So this is the one principle that his entire life he's. He everything that. He believes has been boiled down to this one principle on which he is unshakeable and movable, and that is that there will be a wall built these days
everything is going to make great deal. Listen if you want to believe this guy. If you have a desperate need, desperate desire to believe Donald Trump go for it knock yourself out but understand that the level of idolatry that is now being attracted to people like Donald Trump and from person, What is really reminiscent of the Obama called following that was built up in two thousand it, and it continues to this day. If you cross Obama, you violate, de the sanctity of the idle and you must be exercised in and trumps. People are like this trumps. People are certainly like this. It's really kind of growth so to just give you an answer above all, we had this morning, one of our advertising guys from the hour. I do this show and then before I do the show I do. A group show a three person show in the mornings on Carol eight hundred and seventy in LOS Angeles and Ktie five hundred and ninety in the inland empire, and you can listen to it online and pops his head in right after the Show- and he says, do you ever check the show? Voicemail know. Why would I
Is it well there's one that came in for you I emailed at EU, and here is what this voice message. So, did like, and this is why, when I say that there is an idolatrous worship of Donald Trump frightens me, it makes me upset. It concerns me a little bit ass because I don't think every trumpet order is like that. I think the most from supporters are not like this. They most trump supporters. Are good, hearted people who are just angry situate. Reason for whatever reason think he'll be the biggest change or whatever the wrong. That's ok, but there is a significant percentage of Donald Trump support that is legitimate, idolatrous, not jobs, and I say that with with full understanding that I'm gonna take people off, but I don't care because this is what it sounds like yours. Here's the voice mail sounded like this morning. My message to you, then appear now used to be
Conservative, I guess all of you Motherfukers used to be conservative, saw I mean every last one of you, Motherfukers is trying to turn on Trump, the mother cuz. It's going to save your punk motherfuking to asses damn Asian and you want to turn on him? Will you know what country is going to turn on you and we need to come crawling out of the woodwork, all those crazy trumpsters willing to drag you to inhale mother? fact leave his phone number by his birth is achieving its obviously and die and I am sure they die if he continues to make threats like that, and there will be people and uniforms knocking at his door, because those are not threats that you make in a civilised society. But now
it's this sort of idolatrous worship of prompted last from to get away with pretty much anything pretty much anything in and is frightening for conservatives, you dont worship people I set out both protect crews. If I were voting today, I'm not if I were out for TED grows. Does that mean that I won't criticized crews knives said that I think cruises in many. He's not again, it doesn't mean I won't critic. Michael Ruby, United, the Merkel Rubio, looked weak negligible stronger. My back pretty much everybody in the race I dont idolatrous worshiper candidates, and it is not a conservative attribute to do so. I don't like it when people idle Ronald Reagan. He did stuff. That was wrong. I don't like when people idolize George W Bush, it is not a conservative attribute to worship politicians. Supposed to believe in conservatism not in human beings and of people don't hold up to the standard you call them out for a trump doesn't hold up to the standard, but his people are not calling him out. Drug from last night is on Fox NEWS, and he because he knows that he can do anything you want. He says anything you want to use Donald Trump on our new smashing, the other fats in his house,
I am not afraid of you, no matter what I do. If I win new Hampshire by a landslide, I win Nevada violence like we killed every as you know, and including we won, the evangelicals. Everything in South Carolina was so incredible and I'm watches gets almost like fact. I jokingly called. I called up a friend of yours, a fox I said she had been watching for You think I want. I want by Laszlo what color of the alarming, when I thought of my young, I know you're here shows greater what I call a call road, the other. You know I just a friend and I'm watching call Wroth and he says Donald Trump. Three hundred points, and I said that thousands of the runway, It is impossible to get rid of months or years. What's gonna happen. If I two hundred and forty two hundred and fifty two hundred sixty which everybody would be thrilled at he'll, say Donald Trump had a bad night because unless it's impossible to get three hundred so lucky get some bad people. In fact, she gets some great people to begin
some bad people and you gotta have when and all that in the last summer's embassy they side. I have great respect for a new and orally, although grab a little bit rough and ready, and so many of the vote, a slob, some relief spots and friends O Brien, but I But let me ask you this: well, I will tell you of a couple of people. They should be stated. He should not be on the shelves. You shouldn't be any so buys a call role here. Something's wrong. We want you remember, after the only one wrongly without a poem was the year that the election ended wrongly, why he should be engaged me on the earth. Even haitian get looking, I think, I'll robes joke as well, but the idea Donald Trump is now going to be the great orbit. Who goes on the air and who doesn't any
the people who deserve to be on the irish people, who fully agree with Donald Trump, it's ridiculous, but is able to get away with it when people are using his behaviour and his behaviour. When we talk about yesterday with the with the refusal to disavow David Duke in the KKK national tv? He did it the next day when there is blow back, of course, because this is what he does. He says insane things and then, when there's blow back, he attempts to walk back and pretended is earpiece was now functioning or some other such nonsense he gets defended anyway. He has defended anyway, because people are so invested in institutions that they are willing to overlook the nasty and evil things that individuals do. So. Here's a bunch Fox NEWS house last night on five defending Donald Trump over the KKK com Mercy, I think they are. Peace must made in China with a lousy, earpiece barrier peace. A few things here, Thou Hillary Clinton. Actively sought out the endorsement of democratic K, K, K, Senator Robber Bird Donald Trump didn't seek out any endorsement. He disavowed that's wants also
Morocco, Obama sat in racist, Reverend Rights, church pews for twenty years, never even this avowed it and then all of a sudden tromp. I don't think he sat and gave a dukes pews third thing. I remember when the new Black Panther Party endorsed Obama in two thousand and eight, but I remember meet the press say what do you do Avow this you know whenever its whack job raises republican being endured, certain doing the adoring media wants. This is neither but they bury it on the left- and I throw this year also anyway in on this, but seeing that they get the kids going after they kept going to the guy said: look I disavowed it already. Can we move on nobody to anyone as it did at sea, and I hold anyone else so that you know like struggling struggling. This is here and kind to me and the top spot. The not gonna get there they're trying to make something at nothing like TAT.
This along in the new cycle. So there's more focus on em, it's very transparent, very obvious is anyway, but there are now working either. But one thing I think that with this momentum or the movement comes an awesome responsibility and an opportunity for somebody like Donald Trump. So so we disavowed David do before one of the things that helps him from around not eradicate, but I denounced the K K, K was ridicule and I would really came from popular culture and down from is an imperfect position now if he chose to further ridicule them in snuff out the hate, and I know he has an opportunity to that he will no doubt be asked again, maybe not here but other places and, let's not get ourselves in the general election. Would this be an issue that the Democrats we are going to push him Yes, it might not be fair to what the points that you just made, but that's not kid ourselves that is coming from
this? Why did I just the Senator Bird was in the United States Senate and long ago, stop being involved with a k, K K? He was a wizard right. There was a drag hammer out long ago if somebody in the minorities and we're talking about something far for anyone the high, the other new black Panther Party and I got the enemy get a new black Panther Party, is, is intimidating, scaring people Birth setting house is on fire and over there gazing at eighty people eroding laying pausing at bottom line. Is that one Williams he starts After what would he actually says? At the beginning, there is correctly that bird had denounced the k, K K by certain point. That doesn't mean it. You get a free pass on their here's. The part of this, this really astounding I agree there is a massive double standard. The media I said yesterday, Obama was backed by all sorts of evil, terrible groups in whose never asked about it. That still doesn't explain why Donald Trump did not denounce them.
A k, K and David Duke when, given the opportunity repeatedly to do so by Jake Tapir on National TV on a highly watch Sunday show doesn't explained it doesn't explain it at all. All these facts in this house are here trying to trying to spin and trying to defend it contained a brain get to. Basically, wretches can be asked about this, you better and better answer than what he gave was bad earpiece or whatever, but everyone he's so interested in redirecting away from from that, sometimes from can be wrong, sometimes from can say bad nasty, terrible fate, and by the way when he says bad, nasty and terrible things, it actually mean something actually has an impact Megan College in a much better job of this last night she had on my Huckabee, then Huckabee, whose just a disappointment in every possible way my contribution, to be the voice of a lot of religious conservatives. Any jumped aboard the bandwagon, oven, adulterer of an adulterous Strip club owning sack of lying debrief, says that women should be treated like blue.
My country jumped on that bandwagon now he's out there defending Donald Trump, mainly because he hates TED crews, alot alot a lot because of some behind the scenes. Maneuvering ears Kelly holding. How can we speak to the fires in a much better job than Eric Bowling? Just did right there or Jesse water. Who's the other guy. There are things Kimberly Gulf. While here is yours, Megan Kelly? What do you make of that? Let's start with Mitt Romney respond as thing. This is coddling of bigotry and disqualify for Donald Trump, I am amazed admit, would say that I mean Donald Trump has repeatedly disavowed David, be Duke disavowed. The clan I don't think it is about a client from what we did it in twitter account. He headed on Friday. We thirty eight repeatedly, while both at No, if anybody who has ever suggested the Donald Trump is races, I'm not speaking as somebody who's out their advocating for tromp. I just want to say that I just don't think that Donald Trump has given any indication that he supports
but the crew ports clan not exempted. And what is not accepting that interviews? What is critic said because it was so strange that he would say on Friday I disavowed David Duke and then when specifically asked on Sunday acts like he didn't know who David Duke was. I can answer that. I really can't you'll have to ask Donald Trump, because I have to talk to him about it. I mean what is critic say as the explanation. Is he heard very well and he was trying to give something- a dog critic say he earlier. I now want to hear David Duke disavowed. That's what Mitt Romney suggesting right there sure Mitra
the one on the earpiece. Neither was Marco Ruby, our TED crimes, and I dont know what in your piece. You know that, because he repeated back David Duke to Jack, Tapir YA, look, here's! The one thing I think is important is Donald Trump, a racist. I don't think he is. Does Donald Trump support. The K K, K, Heavens Oh, I don't think anybody seriously enthusiasts such weak non citizens in a win win because it out and a good for Megan Kelly for for holding his speech the fiery Russia Limburg, is exactly right to rush on the area sturdy. He was too talking about white from didn't disavowed, KKK and EVA Duke on Sunday shows and here's what limbo had to say, and he is totally and completely correct on this year's rush for their health be a reason. The trump the actual Sherwood, JAG Tapir. Hymns in hers and acts like he doesn't know. Who Duke is in the clan and
Well, you need I haven't. I need to investigate. I never heard of the grove. You need to send me a list and checks on gas into the list, but I'm just talking about David, Duke and COO Clutch clan well lot of different people in his group, like our research, and I love you Let me to throw a theory out there to you. The Sunday shows amazingly still. Their own separate and distinct stature. What Said on a Sunday show is treated differently and may be different in terms of its weight than what sand in, sound bite, that's part of an unlikely news, for example, or of a guest appearance on a cable news show during the evening Sunday show.
That's stature by reputation Sunday show is. Serious, no fool around that's nice. This is it's like for the record, what you say on the Sunday show, and it could well be that Trump thinks of it. That way and just didn't want. The quote did not want. Any sound bite from the Sunday show one wearily other, because maybe trumps nervous, Maybe he's nervous aftermath debate. Maybe he's worried other Paul's on indicated, maybe
he's worry, the crews and Ruby are gaining on him and he doesn't want to tick off any body that might vote for it and there you have it and that's exactly right. The reason the trump didn't do. This is because Donald Trump did not want to take off a certain segment of his support. Excuse me that is in fact, that is in fact a racist and xenophobic and anti semitic. And yes, there are those supporters. Their yes, there are the supporters out there. A Louis Farrakhan came out today and endorse Donald Trump, essentially, here's Louis therapy. The leader of the nation of Islam, radical anti Semite, Jus, Haider Extraordinary says that there is one of Satan, useless, barricade, Farrakhan, basically endorsing Trump, specifically because Trump isn't for the Jews. Here we go down from like tromp are here, take em
I urge you to in a rocket ship cause. He really you really got the courage to do it. And Internet was Barrack and the reason I like give cause he bought and paid for it is I who the debt mean you should vote for these bun paid for by the Jews. That's that's therapy online and the Duke said the same thing to have a duke of the cake, a k formerly of the cake, a K. Here's David do talking about. Why trumpet spectacular is the guy that that this is the guy who from disavowed and an undeceive out and then disavowed again David Duke, am, I think the appeal of uptown crop is the fact he's, giving voice to a lot of you, including, and I think I have, that key represents the rights of all people in this country by the actually includes the valley
in the interest of the European American Majority- and I think, that's the underlying appeal behind his popularity. So I know tell me, I know you have endorsed strong support. Attitudes are instead, and close down? Why do find be divisive failure at all? Do you think he polarizing with some moves commenting on minority groups- and Muslims, particularly now. I think the divisive factor is the the overwhelming thrust of american media, which basically is divisive, I think it produces. I think, out of the media today, in light of the movies that differences, the of the popular. We can and many other examples of this weather. Like here, the movie says, kill white people and get paid for it, what's not to live Imagine if there was a movie on the other side of that equation. I don't think it's divisive for the vast majority demand.
The people who want to preserve our western christian heritage in this country and that we have a right to continue that there's a big discussion, in about water. American values are and the idea that immigration with a lot of american second, earned about massive immigration of non european people non christian people to America? and they say this- is to want a priest. Our american heritage, our values in this country that that's against american values, not just totally untrue. Ok, thank you, Sir said Sir David. You basically says the Trump is in essence. Revenge is in essence revenge. We had. We had these president's like brought about- come along and elevated the elevated, the interests of the black man above the interests of the white man, and we need somebody like did like Donald Trump who's elevate, the interests of the European Americans about the interest of other groups of people. Again, it's just group identity in reverse and its nest.
As far as the anti Semitism the reason that the he won't this about people like David, Duke. The reason is because I can tell you I have been in politics since I was seventeen years old. So fifteen years I've been in politics the way: I've bashed an enormous number of candidates, I've national living hell out Rock Obama out of Harry read out of Nancy Pelosi: I've Ashley a lot of wrong Paul, I back the hell out of Romney abashed, the hell out of John Mccain. I've got After an enormous number of politicians, I've gone after I've gone after arab terrorists have gone after. Muslim Palestinian to hate Jews. I have never received the level of anti semitic tweets, as I have in the last couple of months. And this is not about bore me- I'm a victim. Is it just about exposing the fact that there are a significant number of Donald Trump supporters who are actual white supremacist? Who are actual? I supremacy, here. For example, there are just some of them just from yesterday, or some other tweets that I received just yesterday about
in response to some some comes that written about Europe Day here, for example, is, is a picture that looks like it's directly from a Nazi magazine of Assyria. It do long, nose, beard, sweaty, ugly and as in capital, letters oil they shut it down. This is in response to a peace that I wrote about from back in two thousand eleven here's another one and some right. Venture Shapiro has gone full shackles again criticising Trump over Doktor David Duke and it's another picture of Assyria typical, looking jewish car, tune, it's almost like. I, like, I mean middle ages cartoon would carvings carving you again that the terrible teeth in the long nose, the ugly hunchback and as I am your friend, trust me next to that, and this is because another one, the nose has been exposed show for the high score Ma Israel, because I care about. Is Israel, obviously, because if I care about the country not falling in Thrall to it
man, who is not conservative in any respect, it must be because of of the fact that I'm jewish and here's another one. Oh, what would you expect from a cock Jew and then there is a picture of a rooster editors cut. Cock. Ok, cook is some sort of internet speak it. It's the all right speak its before for people who are not sufficiently conservative or interested in America, Kok is supposed to be coupled with your ears. Either your cock, serve it at your coupled concerned, like your somebody who enjoys watching your, I stopped by black man or other men, so some some white supremacist nonsense. They put out there, they are being cock, dear you're, a cock if you don't back Donald Trump and there's more about this one it is, I think, been shapiro- is just upset. The rules is up in holding in front of like a Mason, the Mason sign the Mason holding in front of the Jew
the Mason sign the Mason holding in front of the Jew and against that stereotypical cartoon of the Jew, the dollar sign, and then that in front of what looks like a of a stereotypical badger holding a hamburger, so the Jews are controlling the Americans again and an culture treated me with that calm that I wrote in two thousand eleven. I told about this yesterday, the column or I said the Donald Trump would make a really good candidate, which he is he's very significant. Candid obviously can win, but the he used revealed himself to be an unprincipled disgusting bag of human to break. I end in this person to his back. Not just any magic until muted magic is the com. I wrote in two thousand was called the magic of Donald Trump. Does it not just any magic tom? You too, magic and then there's some sort of creepy picture of a night with wings in looks like something quasi biblical and there's more,
This is the final one. Here is the the stereotypical jewish picture, but somebody who is who has significant powers on the right. I hear he's taken a picture of my face and pasted it over that ugly jewish stereotype. So when people say, why did why why? Why was Donald Trump, not disowned the KKK? Why wouldn't he disowned on National television David Duke? Why wouldn't he do any of those things because they're a lot of supporters of his? large doing things like that, and he doesn't want to alienate them the daily storm or NEO nazi sight of an entire article labelled the jewish problem and another labelled race war. They dedicated article after article all too little old Christ, killing cake Shapiro complete with the naughty style jewish star, painted my shoulder fortune and what what's his shaggy forums it is all these kind of like underground, alright forms they did they ve. Finally,
covered that I was do they realized? I was doing. I didn't back there, their great fewer Donald Trump, It's not just means getting this by logic, tapir at sea and then gets this. My friend bath any Mandela whose Jewish in New York she gets the she bought a gun because she was afraid of of the number of people who are tweeting her and in treating apparently personal information about her John POD, Whores Commentary magazine says that he receives tweets, concern, gently from literally NEO Nazi white supremacist, all anonymous, nor Rossman of Common Terry, he says it never ends blocking, doesn't help either they have lists. On which I seem to find myself now get this doesn't mean that, Nearly the vast majority of down from supporters are these people, the Z, a subset is a small subset of metal down from supporters in they aren't these folks. But there is this subject and Donald Trump, I'm not gonna. How can a slander, Donald Trump or smear him with his supporters who we are support, is to be particularly like people who, if your public figure someone like me yet whales commenter, so you don't agree with who don't you dont like who may like yours
not for whatever reason. But but you can crush this if you really want to if it's a big enough phenomenon, All Donald from has to say is always people are disgusting. I'm not gonna stand for any Anti Semitism in my campaign, I'm not going to stand in favour of David. You could K K anybody whose of those those groups is disgusting, human being if they want to vote. For me, that's their problem. And do anything about that, but they are refugees. He doesn't do that doesn't do that. He talks it off. He kind of blows it off again. Trump doesn't have to tread. Trump doesn't have due to take responsibility for these people he's not respond. Possible for them. But I have a feeling that one of the reasons the Donald Trump in recent weeks has shifted from a thoroughly protest or opposition to a Well I'll have to see where I take moral sides position is because he doesn't want to look like a cock for Israel
This is why he doesn't want to condemn David Duke indicate a k on the national stage, at least until his force do because it is one with like a cock further for the blue acts or for the Jews. This is this is gross stuff up. It's really grows stuff and its political manipulation and its finest, because there's no other. I can't think of another decent explanation for why Donald Trump did that I'm not stupid. I'm not going to buy into your earpiece, didn't work, I'm sorry! I don't buy it a bunch of crap and I'm not gonna buy into that bunch of crap it does it not real, it's not real, and this is why I believe the Donald Trump must must must be defeated and I'll talk about the delegate math of today in just a second. Let me give you five quick reasons why Donald Trump needs to be defeated really needs to be defeated. I'm fully on the anti trump train. Now, five months ago I wasn't cuz. He hadn't revealed him To this extent, five months ago, Donald Trump logistical slapping the establishment he was ignorant and policy. He was in particular
we conservative, but he seems to be moving in that direction. Ok, now Donald Trump has revealed himself or who he is. He is an eco estate, political manipulator, a self centered egoists political monopoly, who is willing to green light, the worst sort of behaviour and his supporters so long as they stick behind him. So here five reasons why Donald Trump must be stopped for the good of the conservative movement. For the the country and is not saying you vote for Hilary This is saying right now. We're in primaries do not vote for Donald Trump. If you're thinking of voting for a fringe candidate, like John K, sick or Ben Carson, please for the love of God. Stop it it's a waste of time to wasted vote in two thousand. Twelve I argued that Mitt Romney would damage conservatism. Here's What about Mitt Romney into thousands well defeating horrible politicians, like Barack Obama, is the topical, but that does not justify redefining conservatism entirely when we deliver we brought in conservatism to encompass government force, purchase of health insurance or raising taxes or appointing liberal judges on forcing same sex me
judge or using taxpayers money to bail out businesses or push trade barriers. We destroy conservatism from within, What is it about Romney? In twenty twelve, I used the exact same standard for Donald Trump, he's not conservative. On any issue. Any issue he's going to grow government he's not going to shrink it. He believes in the unchecked power of the Executive board and his base holds liberal positions on economic issues. According to a study from Rand Corporation today, if Trump wins nomination. All of his followers will seek to broaden the definition of conservatism to include things that are simply not conservative. Second reason you shouldn't, Donald Trump. He is going to destroy the perception of what conservative is. A conservative miss I've spent literally my entire career, and I know looks that way longer than I have fighting the left's lie. The conservatives and republicans- are racist sexes, bigot homophobia, anti semite Esben, my entire career fighting this bees. It's not true conservatism is not a philosophy of bigotry. Donald Trump destroys
entire argument, Netting Donald Trump just gives the balls laughter. Just does he says, he's fighting political correctness, but it's not fighting political correctness to go light on David Duke indicate the KKK. It is not being politically incorrect to hug with Lattimer Putin or mark the disabled or rebound women in cities should be treated like bleep or say to me. In Kelly's bleeding out of her wherever or laugh at prisoners of war. Or entertain nine eleven conspiracy theories or say that judges are inadequate because of their ethnicity. He said this the other day about the Trump EU case. He said you can't trust the judge. The judges panic has any of this house any of this good for the conservative movement it isn't all it does. Is it allows everybody to paint all of us all? served it with the brush of Donald Trump. Today, Nancy Close, he set trumped just being work. And about agenda discrimination. Republicans have been advancing four years. This is going to be the typical line Those of us who understand Donald Trump, is problematic that
hard line to argue against when you're trying to feed him, because he does bring forth these these elements, there's no question third reason: he's fracturing the Republican Party beyond repair beyond repair we're all ticked off can serve as we're ticked off in the cane and Romney after in the face you're to stop a bomb care and the failure to walk back Obama's executive. Amnesty we're all ticked off. We're all upset about that. We were all angry about that and we are right to be upset and re about all that we did, and on the other side, there are the bunch disenchanted blue collar american sick of hearing from Obama from the media that the stock market is going up. Therefore, you must be doing just fine, tired of the politically correct anti americanism of the Obama administration, and that, though, that second group is the Trump people. That's it group, disenchanted blue collar folks, who feel alienated because of all of the politically correct race. Baiting from the left. All of that all those people are our trump people, but the GNP used to be able to hold it coalition, together on the base
certain baseline principle. Small government hawkish foreign policy social conservatism in family life. Trump opposes all this stuff. He opposes all this stuff, so what's happening. Is that the need to conserve movement. The republican party splintering it used to be able to hold together can a populist and concern now, splintering has from he's going full scale populist conservatives are saying no that the parties can going apart, and I know that Anybody can put this back together again. Fourth reason from his ushering in it in Iraq. Of european style politics is. Rocco Bomb is a european leftist left in America. Is European Bernie Cm This is just a european left. As he's a normal you, Opium Labour Party left us that who Bernie Sanders it, but the right in Amerika was always different. This is why America was different things. The right in Amerika was always about the constitution and limited government and negative writes. That means rights against the government rights to freedom and prosperity, rights to free speech, the right to dupe, to be left alone. Essentially, that's what we're about Trump is.
For any of this stuff from looks a lot more like a european right leader, like a nationalist right leader who believes in big yeah government can do the right things we just have to shut the Boers you sound like Marie. LE pen in France he sounds like Silvio Berlusconi, didn't ITALY, he sounds like all of the European Right leaders, the kind of far right nationalist european leaders- that's not the american right, it's not the american rights different brand of being right and has nothing to do with Constitution or John Locke. It has nothing to do with with Monti Skew or to Tocqueville. It has everything to do with an attempt to preserve borders, even as you create a massive welfare state with which normal conservative Americans disagree. Finally, v reason Trump has to be stopped is because I don't think I just got to tell you. I don't think he could. He could shock me. He could you gonna break out of the box. He could. He could be the crazy candidate Hilary can't deal with. He could also lose fifty states, You could see a situation which from lose everything easily that's not. To imagine it all. He was all fifty states we break apart. The republican party reed
fine conservatism, hand. The club of conservative MS racist and sexist and homophobic in its medical, our enemies. We do all that lose to Hell request, and that could be the worst possible scenario and trumpet bring all of that on so this stuff, you know, please recognise Donald Trump is entertaining any. It's a lot of the right people buddy it's lot of their own people to and now he's become a threat to conservatism itself, because while these idolatrous people who follow him, not in forty nine percent and following ten percent of the people who, following ten percent, are just idolatrous from beginning to end and are willing to follow trumpet the ends of the earth, we don't need idolatrous in conservatism Idolatry is not a conservative value. It is pagan idolatries of the left. It should not be of the right. Meanwhile, the other candidates you're just gonna fucking, around Ben Carson. I don't know it is blown more good. Well, then, Doktor Van Carson in this race document, cars into somebody live defended repeatedly. I can't find him. I haven't offended him for a month ever since it became clear he was
Relevant, and yet he sticks around raise money. Here is Doctor Carson, saying he's Can I leave this race pretty much under any circumstances. Make the case for yourself, Doktor, Carson and you'll. Have a good night tonight there's always a possibility that people will awaken and recognise that just what they were asking for is what I have presented for them. You know someone who's honest in other, can't find any scandals. All the law that had been told have been the bonds somebody of accomplishment. Look at my life. You know think anybody could cut that could ask for more. Accomplish there s, for somebody who understands them, as so many different kinds of jobs is unimaginable and somebody has gone from the bottom one percent to the top one percent understands all the socio economic levels of our society and somebody who's an outsider, somebody who is a member of we, the people.
And somebody who's honest. So if you look at all the time some people are asking for. They sit right here, but a lot of time to sitting under your nose. You don't recognize it and maybe they will began to recognize it, but the one thing I do now that millions of social media fans and theirs their mega made not to get out their continuing to support us tremendously, economically. So there is really no reason to destroy what they have to say It is, however, he just gonna stick around his long as people send me money. I understand the rights this Carson's actual line as long as long as people sent a money. The egos enormous ten crews, meanwhile smacking Donald Trump and in here is ears. Crews, rightly smacking Donald Trump over over his KKK
refusal to disavow on Sunday and then his reversal and Monday, which was reversal from his reversal on Friday. Here's crews. I thought it was very sad when Donald was ask about the KKK and asked about David. Do the former grand wizard of the cake, a door thing in that that that Donald was not willing to denounce the clan having this ought to be something that should be easy that should bring all of us together. The clan is repugnant. Racism in bigotry has no place in our society, and I thought it was it was disappointing that that that Donald was unwilling to say that when I was asked about not just Scarborough also use that term disqualifying on morning Joe this morning. That is its very loaded termed. It means you can't be. Then
Many do you agree with that? Well, unless that I think that it is revealing of a willingness to trafficking in some very ugly sentiment. Yet are women who there has also been robot, calls that that that had been playing in early primary states of White Nationalist, urging people to vote for Chrome and saying don't boat ready? What is cuban you know by making it very explicit, very explicit appeals to two to racial and then and an ethnic prejudice and and Donald has not denounce those also that those have no place in politics, and you know we ve had seven years of President Obama dividing up on racial and ethnic lines. The last thing we need is a president who tries to inflame those in it and the thought of something that brings everyone together that the debt bigger.
Three, if not not welcome in our public life, so there there's theirs. For whatever good it does there is, there is crews, saying exactly the right thing about Donald Trump and here's Merkel Rubia doing the same thing going after from seeing a vote for trumpets vote for Hilary, some of the other day said you know. Some of these people are voting for chapter, so angry, a government of soil and great our party believe me. I am to both making and I were elected in twenty two m, I ran against their establishment of my party, but they said to me. This is like someone who marry someone their parents, he just to get back to their parents, and I said yeah, but the differences. If you get married to this guy, you can't get divorced for four years now he's gotta. Remember him for forty and the eldest through an ovum Erika has for more years of ASEAN is not a good direction, were headed wings, not Rubio. Here, that's, that's! That's exactly right,
I will say I think this is exactly right now, I'm trying to remember exactly who it was who tweeted this, but you can find at my twitter stream, Sarah tweeted it trying to convince Trump supporters not to vote for Trump. At least many of them is like trying to convince a good friend of yours not to not to marry a stripper. That's basically what it's like you can try bad idea as much as you want, but you just have to I'm, not I'm so in love, I'm just so in love. Understand that with Trump comes a fair bit of philosophical venereal disease. Tromp, is, is going to bring ideological, syphilis to conservatism and he's gonna poison, the Republican Party for years to come and conservatism for years to come, ok on that depressing no time for that I like and then a couple of things that I hate so things that I like this is actually the my wife and I to start on as John Danvers, any song, which is a great song she's. She stopped straight with herself, because when are choosing our wedding song, she didn't. We know the song and she didn't know how much like the song and instead went with my
Jane Melody or something like that and in but but this this is the song they did whenever, whenever were you know said with the baby and in its just the nice moment, this this song kind of comes to mind, Johns Embers, Annie Song you look like a lion inspired by the legislator, You my son,
it's it's great stuff it really is Johns Ember is, is a really good lyricists o a lot of his stuff is really good. Rocky mountain high, the terrific Song West Virginia great Song, he's it. He jumped really that's ok book recommendation loud people read Orwell's nineteen. Eighty four here she wrote a book, it's better. It's called farewell to cattle Only two nonfiction balking book, a memoir Georgia will actually went to Spain, during the spanish civil war, between the communists and the fascists what, alongside the communist in the book is about how it comes to the realisation that basically, the communists are the fascist than did the communists are fascist and the fascists are fascist? Do so it's fascist, fighting fascists and it's really with a short booked about two hundred pages. I and it's really powerful, and it's really good timing- is better than I can. Eighty four, which ninety four great book too little bit overlong farewelled. Catalonia is a really really good books. He should you should pick out one.
Its order feels like we're living through the thirties right now between the people who are for a thorough, Terry government, the big strong man government and then on the other side, the people who for a big, strong government, redistribute scrap. That's that's how it feels and this is why we need a movement that actually stands for freedom. Ok, quick thing! I hate! So Hollywood made a big deal the other night about protein. In sexual abuse. Your lady gaga, who Jeremy boring, gets us exactly right. It Jeremy says that Lady Gaga doing her answer. Sexual assault routine was she looked exactly like meat love is and if you, if you going you view the videos back to back, maybe we'll pull it for tomorrow, lady got than meat, loaf, identical, they're, the same thing, but a huge deal out of we're: standing up for victims of sexual assault, wow
Yeah Hollywood isn't do that so much mark ruffle. Oh, for example, he went over to outside a catholic church an ally to protest sexual abuse, holding up pictures of sexual abuse, victims, aces standing with the survivors of priests, sexual abuse, what's flashback like thirteen years ago thirteen years ago, so we're going back to two thousand three now there. Movie called the piano and is directed by Roman Polanski. Roman Polanski is an expatriate he lives abroad. Now because he's under indictment in the United States was convicted in absentia of raping a fourteen year old girl and anally raping a fourteen year old girl. He got her drunk and he raped her here is what happened in two thousand three in the best director raise. These are the same. People who are saying sexual abuse must be taken very, very seriously. Look at the audience well actually do we have tape of it. Now we want to take, but if you go back and watch the tape of it, we go back and you watch. The tape of Roma Polanski. Winning the Oscar two thousand three you'll see Harrison Ford, announce the Roman Polanski is one the Oscar, and you will see that big
Roman Polanski, a standing ovation, convicted rapist, Astir, convicted child rapist standing ovation. The hypocrisy of Hollywood knows no bounds. It's another sign that it's all about virtue signalling for left. I don't care about stopping actual rate than all care about convicting rapist or keeping them in prison. Don't care about any of those things. The only thing that they truly truly care about is feeling good about themselves. Even they promote policies that actually ended more rape and more sexual violence against women, including by the The undermining of the notion that men ought to defend women because you tell ought not defend women. It turns out the men want, defend women and then the only Rest of men in the game are the ones who actually want to harm women. As a reason why the world countries have high rates of rape in that's, because there aren't enough people defending women against the rapes. In the United States. Thank God. We ve had a history of men defending against rate, but that's going away relatively quickly as we decide that masculinity is a secondary priority. Ok, All that is unbelievably depressing.
To ninety two goals and Andrew an Andrew Klavan. Give you a little bit of a pick me up and we'll be there care tomorrow- and we won't don't worry that it will still be here, though, the world will have survived that. I expect Donald Trump and my final prognosis, I expected Donald Trump- will win every state, every state outside of Texas, which is wildly depressing. Is a glimmer of hope if Marko Rubel it or not. If Marco Rubio loses Florida, the glimmer of hope is that Rubio see the writing on the wall gets out and it turns into a Cruz versus Trump race. Hopefully it's not too little too late by that point in the race, but trump the one that asked Trump must be stopped, So now is the time to stand up, and now is the time to do it. And bring on the hate, mail gang and hate to eat. Some I've been doing it for weeks and I can handle a few more Harper, I bet you fear. Others is the venture Eurostar.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-28.