« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 604 - The Rise Of The Socialists

2018-08-16 | 🔗
Democrats gain in the generic ballot amid talk about socialism, the government comes after religious Americans again, and the media demonstrate how they drive Americans to the right – we’re live in Dallas! 08-16-2018
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Already Democrats gain in the generic ballot. Amid talk of socialism, the government comes after Religious Americans again and the media demonstrate how they drive Americans, to the right, we are live in Dallas, I'm Bench bureau. This is the bench of Hiroshima. Well, let's get into itself. Let's get to hear today, lotta gets it wants, gets it tonight. You're prison from is trolling left again we'll get to that will also get to Andrew Cuomo was an idiot first. First. First, I would like to remind you all of this is Texas. Come on every loves their second amendment right and if you are a, if you are a gun lover, then you need to enter its when your brand new gun from the? U s easier. If not, what are you waiting for your about amidst the deadline that gonna they give way and very soon, you couldn't get up to seventeen chances to win organ daily, but only if you act right now would be seventeen given, seventeen Glock seventeen, six or even seventeen a our head over to defend
your family, now dot com reveal which gun you could be taken home today, but hurry the Regan. Last prolong? Today's gun disappears at midnight tonight, the? U see? I want to get more guns into the hands of responsibly armed Americans like you, because the left will try to take away your gun rights. The USA will fight back. They are here to help train and protect the protectors and put it off. Don't miss your chance, because you could when a new gun every single day just go to defend your family, now dot com to enter right now again, you'll know how until midnight tonight, Wednesdays, Gunboat defend your family. Now that combat is defend you family. Now dot com, you ass, you see it does wonderful work, educating people who want to carry guns, Billy and in law abiding fashion, making the country's safer place going come out right now I defend your family now that calm again, that is defend your family now dot com so the Democrats I have decided on their programme for the next election cycle and the programme for the next elections, goes something like this. Socialism plus race, talk pleasant. Getting up in our girl.
That is the basic idea of the democratic platform comet twenty eighteen income, twenty twenty and right now and President Trump, I think- actually has this relatively well pack in his own in his own peculiar fashion. The president's weeded out this today pretty spectacular, presently a happy birthday to the leader of the Democratic Party Maxine Waters and The president of the United States is a master, for all I mean he's. Just fantastic controlling folks clearly is ready to troll matching worth, but what he says has a ring of true to the Democratic Party is no longer the party of even trucks humor. The democratic party is now the party of people like Maxine Waters and the party of people like Alexandra, causing Cortez in a party of Bernie Sanders and the key to this whole philosophy. The key to the whole left philosophy is that America is not that wonderful America's, not that
So Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, was running gun battle with his brother Quest Chris for stupidest hormone America. I'll get suppress a little bit later on Andrew Cuomo did a speech I believe is last night. It was released today in which he suggested that he has certain perspective on America. Here's what Andrew Cuomo be block of wood there that runs New York had to say about the United States. We're not gonna make Amerika great again. It was ever that great. we have not reached great mess. We will reach Rhamnus when every American is fully engaged. We will reach greatness when discrimination and stereo typing against women. Fifty one percent of our population,
is gone and every women's full potential is realised and unleash, and every woman is making her full contribution. When that happens, this nation is going to be taken. Even that is what this stupid things. I've ever heard. Are all stupid or per having heard it so, even Andrew Coma was was bright enough to realise that this is not a smart thing to say so. His office clarified the releases statement after he said this in here is their statement. Governor Cuomo disagrees with the president. The governor believes America is and then her full greatness will be fully realised when every man, woman and child has full equality. America has not yet reached its maximum potential, so in other words. What he meant when he said. Amerika was not great and has never been great. Is that America is great. But is not great enough.
What about you guys? That's what I heard or that's what I when I first heard that has like, of course, he means America is great now. The truth is that the reason that he has to say this is because he's running against Cynthia Nixon. This is not a minority viewpoint and democratic Party. It's a growing viewpoint inside the Democratic Party that America is a bad place now, in order for you to come up with the idea that America is a bad play, you have to be comparing America to something that doesn't exist and when you, when you listen to what Cuomo says right there, you basically makes that clear what he says is we have to live in a country where fifty one percent of the population is is treated with utter respect and there is no crime, and he's wonderful and everybody loves each other and unicorns poop rainbows and everything is just as utopian possibly being well. If that is your vision of what America has to be, in order for you to say that America is great or was great in Amerika will never be great, because that something you can never reach is very easy to say that something, if you're, comparing your wife to a model who's, not even
the person who agents I had some sort of virtual model, then your wife is never going to be that ok, you're comparing America some that is never going to exist is very easy to say. Amerika was never right. Now, of course, Amerika was great. Of course, America is great. Is the greatest worth for bringing people all around the world, poverty in history, America, more than anything, is great, not because it is financially our forum or militarily powerful, though I think you can argue that there are hundreds of millions of people around the world not living in power. Not living under tyranny, who thank us for being that powerful. The rest, that America really is great is because we are founded The greatest idea in the history of humanity when it comes to government and that the idea of God, given rights protected by limited government That's what makes America Fantastic reacted. Liberty and freedom that America represents, that the left hates the right? That's the park they don't actually like, and what Chris Cuomo is doing here. He's trying to head off in the past in the annexes are Cynthia
and you'll remember for being the least likeable member of the second, the city group, which is saying a lot, and she is running him and she is a full fledged hard core socialists choose at net roots a couple of weeks ago, and she said: listen if they're gonna call us all socialist. We may as well be Socialists and Cuomo needs to cover, offer the pass retro, probably when thirty percent of the primary vote against crystal against gender equality and therefore he needs to move to the left. To cut her off what's happening is reached a recent hearing of the Democratic Party. There's a lot of talk in the last couple of weeks. If you watch any of the election analysis about how this whole socialist upswing, its being exaggerated inside the Democratic Party, made silver tweeted out that eighty nine percent of all the candidates one primaries, our mainstream Democrats, not socialists, but that's not really. The question that the question is: are mainstreamed Democrats no embracing the tenets of socialism in order to prevent socialists from bringing their milkshake and that's what happened with Cuomo, Cuomo
in order to prevent Cynthia Nixon and people like Cynthia Nixon from drinking his milkshake, and you can see this growing inside the Democratic Party there's Gallup poll it came out in the last couple of days, and it showed that a majority of Democrats no longer hold the positive view of capitalism. Nearly sixty percent of Democrats feel good about socialism. Now you know all the positive view of capitalism. Who does not will the positive view of capitalism but feels really about socialism. Somebody who spent their entire life living you spent their entire life living under capitalism in no time living under socialism.
Now. The second we're gonna talk about what the left says about socialism and why it's actually not only incorrect. It is factually it's just a why what what they say about socialism, what they believe socialism is what socialism is not when you hear votes on. Let's say Norway is a socialist country. Norway is not a socialist country, Norway's capitalist country, with some socialist welfare state policies, the economy of Norway, is run as a capitalist entity. Even the state owned enterprises are run in profit seeking fashion the basis of the democratic Socialist of America. It's in there platform is that profit is to be issue you're not supposed to have proper profits bad, so even Norway says that's not correct, but the Democrats sort of shifting the definition of socialism to make it warm and bosnian Nordic when, in reality, that's not actually what's happening at all to the polls
Democrats are moving in the direction of of socialism and what you see when you actually dig down into this? Is the Democrats don't even know what socialism is they don't, even though they are talking about a perfect example of this is the Vermont democratic gubernatorial candidate, who Christine help West, who happens to be a transgender woman, which means that he is a biological man, believes that he's woman and Christine how Quest was on CNN talking about his programme for Vermont? I use hit again the reason I say this is because I use pronouns based on biology, not based on what you think Christine how coast is being quizzed by CNN about Perspective on the economy- and here is what Christine, how quest hesitates. Pretty amazing, more Democrats viewed socialism favourably, then capitalism, but when faced with a choice, but when the two it does sound like you, look more favourably again labels issue with on the ideas behind social as well
I am not sure I know what socialism is so so so I just don't have that the background to to answer that question. I dont know what socialism is, but I am one I mean there are some other things that this and thinks they are, but they don't understand the definition of. If you can't describe socialism, then you are not a socialist. I think that is fair to say and if you are living in Vermont, it's easy to get away with this sort of thing because you are living in Vermont is not quite Easy to get away with this sort of thing when you are living in Cuba or Venezuela, which are significantly more socialist in terms of issuing the profit motive. The nationalizing all resources, then, is then is Vermont, but this is indicative of the left embrace of the language of the hard left
without actually embracing anything remotely resembling the actual concepts that they say they are embracing ray. It's a lie that is being toll and, of course, the chief purveyor of this lie that the new ideological bought leader of the Democratic Party, shockingly enough is, of course, Bernie Sanders. So Bernie Sanders has become be fond of wisdom in the Democratic Party, which is a pretty incredible rise from a guy. Who's kicked of a commune for not doing work back in the ninety seven, when you imagine a guy who had run is an independent, because the Democrats did even want him on their team really and now he is the leader of the Democratic Party and shows how radical the democratic become feminist show you some type of our good friend Bernie Sanders, just. Secondly, first, let's talk about your sleeve quality, so you're not getting enough sleep. We all know it you're not getting enough sleep, and that is why you need to try out helix sleep. Helix sleep is built,
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the great mattress everybody loves. You actually come on, so go check it out right now. Ok, so Bernie Sanders is the ideological thought, leader of the Democratic party. He is the wise man and upon the mountain who sits there, convey his genius to the rest of the american public, and he was yet he he's stupid. Member Bernie, I run out of accolades Bernie Sanders on CBS this morning. Nothing why America is fundamentally immoral and wrong in this links. Up with the Andrew Cuomo Perspective that America is inherently bad when it. What would Amerika batteries of Amerika will no longer America of America would embrace all of these other programmes and policies that America has historically not embrace, because we believe in individual liberty over collective redistribution and that's the basic idea So Bernie Sanders is on with seed, this morning, he explains why America is fundamentally immortal its fundamental immoral and it is fundamentally wrong and I would like my pudding cut, please
I killed over my blood so that simply below I cannot handle this any longer. Please played the I couldn't get there. Is growing, was up, and not only among young people when many case I'm gonna have a lower standard of living than their parents. I think that there. Isn't understand. They grow something fundamentally immoral and warm, but a nation. Which we have three people All more wealth, then the bottom half of the american people. That does not make sense. One of the things that you have to love that Bernie Sanders is that his take on economics is so disconnected from the reality of economics. The only thing I can think too analogy to is the use of his hands to what he saying: either there completely disconnected Asia, say you sitting down and he's talking to you and you don't know what he is doing with his hands, but it just seems like at the end, he's going to be doing the mockery, and no one understands why. No one understands why, but what's really, remembering is what Bernie does. He says there are problems in life and these problems are bad problems, and that means socialism say so.
Ok, there are three rich people and a lot of poor people. Unless you can show me that the rich people stole from the poor people- I don't dunno Bernie Sanders problem is burning. I don't begrudge Bernie Sanders his leg house other than I paid for it, because I'm a taxpayer, But if you actually work in private industry and bodily house, then I certainly don't begrudge him. His leg has Bernie Sanders. His entire priority is pointing out inequalities that are endemic to the human condition. Every society has inequality. The question is not the inequality. The question is how our poor people in the United States living in the answer is poor. People in the United States live better than poor people at any time in any place in human history, not particularly close, and that is not to say that's not to say that we can't have community programmes that are designed to help poor people. It doesn't mean that there isn't endemic corruption to the american government that benefits, so I'm at the expense of others. What it does mean is that for him to sit there insecure,
that income inequality is indicative of Amerika being immoral, is to ignore all of human history as well as any context, and that's a serious problem for four four Bernie Sanders in this entire perspective. Now is Bernie Sanders. The media will never ask about any of this and I want to show you the evidence in this CBS as banana dollar dried up, she was interviewed. And they reach the end of the interview. He's gone through fifteen minutes interview and when reach the end of the interview. She finally said she's she's, about to ask him how he is going to pay for any of this and then shockingly they run out of time, it's unbelievable. These run out. It's amazing watch coarser response for many years the idea ideas. How do we pay for them? This conversation force will continue, but we have run out of time. Senator what if any one of any now it's funny how the rotation always runs out of time. At just that point. The conversation elegant Euro cause your Cortez has when I offered to either debater
or have her on the show I wasn't doing so. I wasn't doing so because I am just in law with the idea of spending time with Alexandria, Abkhazia, Hortense I'm so things I would like for someone to actually ask for a series of questions about how she intends to pay for things, because what happens if she goes on left shows in the media and they say things like well how we gonna pay for their interests as well. The Republicans never pay for anything as well. That's kind of proof. But how are you going to pay for? I dont nobody quadrupling of federal spending that you are now proposing, and then they run out of time and highly highly hurting, but that the Good NEWS for Democrats. All they have to do is gotten complain about how the world is, and then they can pose solutions that have no relation to reality by the way. This is a terrible recipe for life just for every individual. The audience leading a successful life is about recognising the realities of the world and in dealing with those realities, as they are, the people of the
this time in life, whether its in relationships or whether it is in economics. Those people are people who refuse to recognise the reality on the ground. Instead, they rebelled against the realities. It shouldn't be this way. It shouldn't be this way or their certain things that shouldn't be because it's an act of oppression by the American Revolution happened because there are certain things that shouldn't be this way and that we could change. But there are a lot of things about how human beings operate that are not changeable. The fact is that there are certain people who are going to be smarter than others. As I know whether certain people are going to be taller than others right. There are lots of their large discrepancies in spirit, is in life, accepting those discrepancies in disparities and then trying to deal with those on a collective level, but by working within the rules is the way you have a successful society complaining.
Selling at the moon is way, have an unsuccessful society and a society in which we tear each other apart and tear each other down. But that is, I think, what, but that I think, is what so many Democrats and members the media wanted. This point is to separate us and terrorist yet, which is which brings us to the second problem of democratic programme, and that second prong is, of course, the race issue right. You have already heard that their first prong is a bunch of free crap and they won't say how to pay for it and America's terrible. That's wrong number one and then there's prone number two in Prague number two is everybody I disagree with is a racist now, the example that I could find today. This is really an astonishing example. So if you follow the news at all today, what you saw was the John Brennan who's. The former CIA director, under Brok, Obama had his security clearance. Revoked
by president- and frankly, I think rightly so. I dont even understand the policy where your security clearance operates beyond your actual working for the government. It doesn't make any sense to me if you want a contract with a government for anybody. Does that not a partisan issue? It seems to me weird: they are out of government, but somebody can come spill, classified secrets to you and it's totally. Ok, because you still have your security clearance with Brennan. It's a particular issue, because Brennan is he in extraordinarily politically active democratic. He was even when he was at the CIA Kimberly's fragile over at the wall. Street journal had a peace back in July, in which he detailed exactly how it was that Brennan was basically feeding information to Harry read in order to have Harry Red come out and suggest that there is russian collusion between Russia and then candidate, Donald Trump Strasser talked about that at the time, so revoking Brennan's security clearance seems to me like kind of a no brainer honestly and the and the White House explained why exactly they did. They said Mister Brennan's, lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly.
Frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nations most closely held secrets and facilitates the aim of our adversaries, which is too so division and chaos. Now it seems to me what they really just say is the Brenner, those who work with the government anymore. He doesn't need a security clearance, it's a little, but we are to have this particular president, talking about like frenzied commentary and eccentric conduct and behaviors rationale for not seeing secret information. It is the president is elected, Brennan is not elected, so he has the ability to say that by. But the part of this, that's really weird, is what the Democrats actually had to say about this. What the left is saying about this, because what what you're about to here is that there are people on the left who believe that the Brennan thing has to do with racism Brennan, if you hadn't noticed, is not a person of color. Brennan is wider than the backside of this piece of paper.
But it has to do with raises now explain in just a minute, but first, let's talk about twenty three and me: it's a dna testing service that ought to be used and Elizabeth WAR and at the first available opportunity now without report, Of course we wouldn't want anything like that, but you should take a twenty three in me: ancestry, ways, because I think that she owes it to herself really not do not even have to herself to know about her Cherokee routes where those high cheek bones came from. The twenty three may help in ancestry. Service includes reports on how DNA can influence your weight, sleep, quality, capping and take sense of taste, with your likely to be lactose intolerant. As more and more it's very easy to do. All you have to do to spit into a tube provided in that twenty three me get an email that saliva back to the lab, The analyzing give you all sorts of information about yourself, including your ancestry, so if you ever decide to apply for professorship at Harvard LAW School under some minority guys and speculating here, then would be good to me. This sort of information lying around or are you
Twenty three me help an ancestry service get right now at twenty three and me dotcom, slash. We're really is a lot of fun. I've tried it myself, go check it out. Twenty three meat outcomes, lecturer, that's two three and me dot com, Slash Shapiro, go check it out right now. So what is so racist about the firing or the removal of security clearance from John Brennan? No one knows what the Huffington Posts knows. So this is what the Huffington process It wasn't just John bright and the White House is now talking about. Removing security clearance is from a lot of people a lot of people to talk about removing it from James Clapper and James call me who doesn't have a security clearance anymore, Michael Hayden, who doesn't have a security clearance anymore, Sally AIDS, Susan Rice, anaemic, hey Peter, struck, LISA, page and brutal. We're all those people in one or more security clearance is from sound. Finally, now what is it good politics to remove it from people?
as you, it's not smart politics, but it would be good if we just had a blanket rule again that if you're not employed with a government or security clearance goes away and that's the end of the story. But here is how the Huffington Pose plays this kid you not. This is their lead headline over the Huffington Post criticized for racism from goes after black former national security adviser. Who are you talking about Susan Rice? So I just name to you: what's even count, one, two, three, four: five, six, seven, eight nine ten people. One of those people is black. They pick out the one person whose black he's talking about and they say that the entire thing is racist. This is how far the left is willing to stretch in order to accuse the president of racism. This, of course, is why they are so overjoyed about a morose man, adult who suddenly is earning a strange new respect from the left and the Ladys. They call the liar and whatever the female version, but Uncle Tom is now she's a strange new respect from left. I mean that seriously. There's an article in the Chicago Tribune
two column is by women in Dublin. Glancing and here is the column title. Amr Rossa may have earned back her black card, but a guy guys guys, that's not racist. That's our raisins physician Nassau raising its racist. We take John to take away John Brennan's security clearance. That's races, that's true! MRS Bowles Conor Racism, but saying that almost Mangold just got back of black Argus criticized from doesnt racism at all. That's just vicious spicy talk so.
The reason I say that is because literally this was the argument that was made a week and a half ago about Sarah Jong it over the New York Times. They said that's just how people of color talk about why people you have to understand. That's, not. Racism is just how people talk remedy this kind of spicy talk that used in any case here is the column. Come on African Americans have a heart, Amro, semantically Newman desperately wants her black car back. I think we ought to consider giving it to her look. I know we can take this exclusive membership card awarded to every black person at birth for granted. It takes a lot to get it taken away and it's only fitting that black people have to jump through a lot of hoops to get it back. Maybe shade onto the stage Donald Trump Campaign Rally in Ohio two years ago and criticise Barack Obama for trying to sell us hope. African Americans collectively snatched her card away when she took a job and from the White House is a thing that is like is how works, I'm pretty sure not I'm like. Where is there an actual card? Is there a crew people who go to your house? They remove the card from you today revoking over the phone line
Is there a cruel people who go to your house? Do they remove the card from you? They revoke it over the phone like a credit card to go to a credit agency if you're, really good at being black to get like a black black card or like like a platinum black card, if you're really extraordinary according to this colonists, Now that I'm a Rosa is promoting a new. Tell all broke she's practically renews begging for black people's forgiveness and she has come bearing gifts engaged so now that national criticising from this means she's legitimately black again so this column good she's, given African Americans yet another example of what happens every time one of us tries to get from perchance, she's forced trumped reveal on twitter, his downright disdain for african american women. She's challenge black people not only to think smart, but ACT smart, especially in these troubled times. Black Carter, not a morose, is still one of hours. She has nowhere else to go so tolerant, nothing but tower it's nothing, but tolerance from work, but don't worry they're out there. Fighting president from
vicious brutal racism. I also appreciate that that everything about morose, like from criticising morose, has now raised when there are criticising herds, associate how can a wire five minutes ago. Then it wasn't racist, but now trumpets racist, so South Myers says that Trump is racist with a rotted out, so that this is. This is real comedy styling from South Myers. Rigour lately comedians really just showing their meat it chops night in a night out here, are set Myers making. You laugh with your mind, not with the mouth we had a fine here, but in regards this zone, whereas the business- let's not forget that anyone calls a black woman. A dog is a racist with a rotten out soul and that's when the clapped her conference out laughter its claptrap where the entire audience awkwardly collapse, and we set out a new kind of comedy, a comedy without laughter sovereignty, so great how democratic to win with this message that
is a racist and, by extension, everybody else's racist and there are other chiming that argument explicitly Charles blow over than your times. He says that if the, if the the aptly named Charles Charles, both in your time, he says, if the Trump Edward tape Israel Ambrose, has been going around peddling. This idea that there is a tape of president from saying the inward. So far, we have seen zero evidence of this. I'm extraordinarily skeptical of this claim, because he's been president, for a year and a half, he ran a highly contentious race. We got tape of him talk about grabbing women by the general you figure, if that one's out there, probably somebody would paid for by this point by Charles Blow says if that take surface, is it would increase its support has everybody in this room. Everybody on the right secretly loves the inward, even though I've, use the inward in my life and hate the inward and I've said openly that I think that if president from is caught using the n disparagingly on tape, it might be termed
primary challenge. Even people like me, I would actually be celebrating if the Edward tapers rose were Charles Gould has to say that if you found the tape of using the inward, it might actually increase his support among women who supported this. Isn't this does nothing to them. They are so big. Do they believe. Whole heartedly in this approach that he is taking the castigation of an entire happened. The country as racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic didn't work for, or equipment, but they're going to double down on that and it is going to come by
Bernie Sanders socialism and hope that this somehow achieves electoral victory. Now, maybe it'll work, but only only if the right is so toxic that drives the middle away, because the fact is left is so toxic. It is driving the middle way. It should be driving the middle way. Their programme is to control their programme is to condemn their programme is to suggest that anyone who disagrees with them is somehow morally bankrupt. The New York Times has an amazing piece. It just came out tonight going after me personally, which always one it's always a badge of honor when the New York Times comes after you because you're not describe it except to say every so often make two and a half years.
Sign. Just randomly decides to charge me an attack me and it's really cute and it's really fun, and I let him pretend to knock me over and the whole deal except he's cute news. Two and a half years, all the New York Times has about the same impact except it's the world's most famous newspaper, so they have a column common, your tongue, I wouldn't ginea Bela Funding and the column is titled. Ignore condescend dismiss debate playbook for men facing women name. I think that's really weird title for a column. Talking about how I challenge the woman to discuss issues with me. Did I ignore. Did I condescend deny dismiss. I asked her offered to pay money to a charity of her choice or to her campaign to talk with me, but this is somehow ignoring condescending or dismissing her pretty amazing. I'm it to go through all of that injustice. Second, first I remind you that if you are listening to us, then you ought to go over to daily wire dotcom right now in subscribe.
Four nine. Ninety nine a month to get you subscription to daily wired icon and he's got my short means you get the Andrew Craven show you get. The equable Michael Knolls show, I hope, they're keeping him in the jail beneath this facility and you all when you spend ninety nine dollars jeering at that annual subscription. You get this the very greatest All beverage vessel feel the magnificence emanating from it you're in the presence of the vessel left his tears hot or cold tumbler, yet that with the annual subscription also, we have a Sunday special every Sunday when you subscribe at Youtube or Itunes. You get that as well, and that means that you get see I got belt is coming on Sunday, which can be blast so go check that out right now we are the largest gas. Is growing concern department connection to the New York Times is busily castigating everybody on the right side of the alley? Have them cast getting. Everybody is racist and now you're castigated, a sexist? If you ask a Democrat to talk about issues
so this column in the New York Times as last week, Ben Shapiro, the right wing pundit, elicited outrage on his behalf from conservatives when he asked the democratic congressional candidate, Alexandria, Abkhazia, Cortez, to debate him and said she did not, and she said she did not o responds to unsolicited request from men with bad intentions, right that drew outrage, because what legitimately, what the thing about that response that I found so humorous budget when when I first saw that pop up on my twitter, if you actually started laughing out loud, it is so funny. What's funny about that, isn't there about five different responses that would have sufficed. You can just at now or she couldn't just said. You know what you're not running against me, not all that interested, but thanks to them a dozen different ways, but instead she got together with a room of her top advisers and decided to suggest that I was cat calling her by asking for a debate. Now you may notice, as a member and charter member of Ben Shapiro
the Texas you. I am not well known for my cat, calling abilities I tried it on my wife recently and it did not go great and apparently but apparently I've just been doing it wrong all these years. If I just started challenging women on the street to debate. It would have been amazing when I was college I just stood honest, recommend, hey baby. Let's talk to me come about. We redistributed in essence what you think, what what in the world.
So she suggested that I was kept calling her and then the New York Times suggests that I was somehow doing something deeply wrong is what they say missile cause. Your Cortez is under no obligation to debate, someone who is not running for anything. She does find herself, however, in the comparatively unusual position of igniting the interests of men who want to argue with her, whatever their motives. Well, I think it has more to do with the fact that you declared her the face of the Democratic Party, then that I just feel like, Talking to a former bartender from New York, I barely have friends to talk to, let alone random bartenders from New York. Why would I possibly do that what's so funny. Somebody from the New York Times actually called me up about the story and they said so giving both sexes to offer ten thousand dollars to talk to our agenda because it does not get fifty thousand. It talked Bernie right in the fucking kidding, but the idea here is, of course, that if you try to talk with the left, you
success in racist. If you don't try to talk with the left, you are a sexist interfaces. No matter what you do, you're a sexist in a racist and then they wonder why people are running screaming from them and then the screaming is going to become even louder, because this is just an astonishing case. They broke yesterday. It's really amazing thing, and that is this case having to do with masterpiece cake trap. So the government is coming after masterpiece, Kate, shop again so masterpiece cake shopping case. You don't recall, is irreligious baker. He lives in Colorado. His name is Jack Philips and he declined to bigger cake for same sex wedding and the this one. Although I have to the Supreme Court, because the cholera Civil Rights Commission decided to find him inordinate amount of money, because you would not big a cake for lesbian wedding because he is a christian Baker which is his right in the United States of America. So this goes. Although
up to the Supreme Court. This goes all the way to the Supreme Court and Supreme Court issued a very narrow ruling in which they say that you're not allowed to tell a religious baker that he must be a same sex wedding cake. Unless you really nice That's really what that ruling says. Four people were celebrating the ruling. The ruling basically said that this is the Colorado Civil Rights Mission was meaning. It and condescending about it and that's. Why was unconstitutional, but if they just said you have to beg the cake and on a nice fashion, it would have been ok, we'll that gave all sorts of of ideas to folks on left. So on Tuesday, Jack Philips filed a new lawsuit against the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, because the Civil Rights Commission has apparently issued a preliminary ruling, penalizing him again this time for not begging gender transition celebration K, which I didn't even know was a thing I mean the real question. Is it is a cake or is it a pie? In any case,
On the same day, the high court agreed for review the masterpiece case according to the daily collar and it turned into autumn scar, Dena called fillip to shop and asked him to create a cake celebrating a sex transition. The color ass, the cake include a blue exterior in a pink interior, a reflection of sardines trends. Gender identity are at Philips, declines we had to take in the months that followed the bakery received, requests, partakes, featuring marijuana use sexually was it messages calm down there And say: tonic symbols as well. One solicitations But you may ask the cage up to create a three tiered white cake to picking Satan licking a functional nine inch sex toy. This guy has some creative ideas about cakes and too much time on his hands. So Philips, Blue, starting to meet all these requests and and finally decided to go to the civil rights mission into the Civil Rights Commission issued a poem
Mary penalty and now he's doing the Civil Rights Commission? The left really wants to play this game is the game they want to play. This is the game where they force you to believe all the things they you don't believe and to behave in ways that they see fit to force you to behave if they think is winning formula socialism, your racist and your religious bigot, and so we can afford to do everything in our power to violate your religion outside of your church and probably insight. Your church in preach order, I just don't think that that is a solid pitch and the media are helping out in making a non salad pit for Democrats honestly, like Donald Trump, is very unpopular as president, just in terms of his popularity ratings, popular particular group, people, but its overall popularity rating is not particularly high. He has a fifty fifty shouted winning reluctant because the left is this garbage itself, the New York Times. How crazy is the left? Is this my favorite story of the day, this stories, oh good,
it's so good. I saved it for you, I bring it to you. I bring it to you and I operate in humble obeisance for your phantom. It is just picked killer, so there is a there. Is a advice, column, there's an advice, column in the New York Times? I know why would you read? It was wrought their advice more, but apparently some people do so so somebody writes a letter any is that his name is Whitey. Now this should have been the New York Times is first clue that may be there we're getting fraud. It was not because we have now reached the point in american politics, where now violating what is called pose law oppose laws in internet law. The basically says that if you are not extraordinarily or about when you are being facetious on the internet. Everyone will take you literally, that's exactly what happened in this case. Here is the advice letter. Dear sugars. Yes, that's the name of the advice, colonists, I'm riddled with shame, white, shame. This is
helpful to me or to anyone, especially people of color. I feel like there is no me outside of my white upper middle class, Sis, gender identity. I feel, like my literal existence, hurts people like I'm always taking up space that should belong to someone else. Human being wrote this I consider myself an ally, I research, proper etiquette, red writers of color vote in a way that will not harm people of color and other vulnerable people. I engage in conversations about privilege with other white people. Boy person is a real party. I take courses that will further. Educated me, I don't it its black lives matter, yet I fear that nothing is enough. Part of my fear come from the fact that privileges invisible to itself what, if I'm doing or saying, insensitive things without realising it and then it continues it continue. There's more, I don't talk about my feelings, because it's hard to justify doing so well, people of color are dying due to systemic racism and making.
This conversation about me, would be again. Centering whiteness, yet borrowing it up makes me feel an existential anger, and I have a hard time channeling since I dont know my place instead of harnessing my privilege for greater good, I'm curled up in a ball shame. How can I be more than my heritage? Sign whitey by here is the best that's only good part. The good part is the response from Steve ARM in one of the others. Shame and anger are powerful emotions, Whitey.
Yeah, let's give these people power over a government, and yet your central struggle is around identity. You right, you, don't know your place. In fact, your letter describes your places, a kind of prison cell of privilege. What you really feel is trapped within an identity that marks you inescapably as an oppressor. This feeling is especially if you right now, I suspect, because you're suddenly immersed in the mill you there are Fletcher Privilege back to you. We do live in a culture steeped in white supremacy in class bigotry as well as patriarchal values. This is the New York Times right, Ok, so the answer is go, kill yourself. Basically, in their final solution is the day they say that this person should give more money to black lives matter, of course, and then by an extra subscription to the New York Times,
and then read a lot of time to seek out and I kind of thing and then you then that's how you get over your white privilege and that's how you feel better about yourselves by reading a bunch of people would tell you that Europe is a crap venetian in real have no place in the world. That is the best way to do. This, why why would people resonates tunnel trump? I can't understand it. It's just a puzzlement and then the media continue pushing this sets. I promise you that we do. The book ended Cuomo, so we started with Andrew Cuomo stupor of the formal brothers, but don't worry he's brothers, giving him a run for his money. Crisp warm up over on CNN had this to say again driving from voters back into the arms of from saying we treat trump Then we treat our own children, because we let him get away with everything Chris Cuomo Block of wood part two. Why? Because this kind of ugly talk is contagious, it creates two coarseness that leads to unintelligent confrontation, you wouldn't say it at your best. You wouldn't let your kid say why let the present
This is the man charged with the greatest powers over the mightiest nation animals up. Yet it s up. He is. I love that Donald Trump steeply, immoral. You treat him better than you treat your own children Flashback Chris Cuomo, like forty eight hours ago, Pierpont, who comes to start trouble in a mask and hurt people you're not but any virtuous calls you just somebody who's gonna be held to the standard of doing something wrong. But when someone comes to call out bigots and it gets even physical, are they equally wrong as the big it they are fighting, I argue no within within seventy two hours calling on Russia a dog is bad. A great fair. Ok, although, as I said yesterday on the show president from legitimately, is called half the population of the United States a dug its ready, you look like you're, fired Mc Kristen Stewart Demmed Robert Pattinson, like a dog.
So that is really really terrible, but encouraging people amassed a whale on other people in the United States. An attack cops bottles, that's kind of ok, it's kind of ok, I don't know what happened when God passed out the brains. You just went right over the Cuomo family already, so you know, I think what I want to get to the cuban agar. Let let's, let's do some things I like in some things. I hate things I like I, I dont like this. I love this I safer. This Jason Kessler is the worst Jason Kessler is in actual white supremacist use the leader of the United Right Rally, part one and then unite the right part to the pathetic revenge, and he was doing an interview with an actual Nazi visa in his basement via a.
We have a phone, the games, Patrick Little, and what happens next is just delicious to the eyes and the ears You gotta remember me there green, your room, communism that apparent there, I'm not sure Jason. Why were you not staying with the northern? Ask you? Are you my father what happened for those who missed it is it Jason Kessler was literally in his father's basement, and his father came to the door and doesn't like that. His son is a Nazi and started yelling at him
to stop it in the middle of an interview about Nazi is also you I'm fairly. Certain of this is the first time in history that anyone has utter this ends- oh, my God of the Orthodox Jews, or have they come for us starkly. That works. The reverse way, ok time for a couple of things that I hate: ok, so hatred galore. Let's do this thing, so the NFL is now initially now. The truth is that Melchior leaders have been a thing for a long time, but there the guys actually pick up the girls like throw them in air and everything right actually Male cheerleaders had been a thing for a long time, but there the guys who actually took up the girls like throw them in the air and everything right they actually use. You know their superior upper body, strength and masculinity to perform physical feats. That's usually do, but that is The NFL is doing any more the
the northern saints will have male cheerleaders dancing on their squads now for the first time- and it is just a spectacular various of these dangers and come out and said this is a real change. Its really great they're gonna be doing the same. Danced moves the Ladys Now we have a large audience sitting here right now question later in the audio give us shouts. I can see all your ladys in the audience Ok, you got. It a Ladys in the audience when you watch what say you watch what it so happens. There is an attractive men who play football, which we hear some enthusiasm for that. Are you more interested in the attractive menu play football or the men for performing exactly the same? Dance moves? Is the Ladys with the pompous yeah? I'm gettin a sense that it's the football
and I know that what is definitely gonna pull the NFL out of its reading spiral is, is a real feminist nation of this for a real openness to new aspects of gender that we hadn't actually considered before one day, a young boy might not just aspire to play. Linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys, a young boy might aspire. A young man, but what I mean if you want to make plans while, but in any case getting guys just getting I'll, be honest with you, I can't I gotta go. I gotta take their heads where I can get him embarrassment but it's ok that presidency, because tobacco we find evidence some pussy stands up for the anthem systems,
no one, but it seems to me that there are certain areas in american life where a little bit of teaching of sports would be good. Then the masculine hard work is a good thing that something I want to teach my own son. I'm not sure. I want my son to play football because I'm not being on the brain damage, but I would want my son to play baseball. I wouldn't want my son to play to ask if I want my son's play sports, because I do think that it incorporates not only team spirit but a sense of responsibility. Sport is a meritocracy. It inculcates gave you that you are part of a team in there's something larger than you all. This is good stuff. Now it's I don't care
if boys are dancing, it really makes no difference to me at all, but you're trying to suggest that this is what the NFL has been lacking is just so we thought that the new audiences are can be drawn in because they need to watch the two guys among the twenty four hot women with Burma drifts. That's that's! Gonna drop it come on, come on. Ok, so that's the thing that other things that I hate the so patent Oswald was very upset. Patent Oswald is the guy who is most famous for playing the voice of the written ratatouille he's also is a comedian has been a lot of shows probably recognizes base from something just so he treated out is very angry at me, because I challenge no cause your Hortense two debates we treated out. Why does bench appear to want to debate our general cause? You're Cortez he's not running for office. He should debate me, I'm also a short clown. No one takes seriously fair, ok, so confining right man.
At the heart of this, that's weird is that I immediately responded had not one can find come on the Sunday special and suddenly he is gone poof magic. That turned out as soon as you actually offer someone the ability to talk about the issues he I guess, I'm tackling Patton Oswalt now yeah. If you could really really really cut that out that I hate today This one's a little bits buys you have a few younger audiences and the crowds I'll try to make this peachy rated as much as I can see. There is in article from the daily mail and there's another article in salon today, talking about sex robot has become a new thing, that's been pushed by a lot of members and media sex robots are going to take over the future, which is gonna put
Mr President, compound after a mean hardest hit, is sex robots take over the future hardest hit, Stormy Daniels right, but The argument that is now being made is that sex robots could one day help failing. Marriages are going to the daily mail. Weren't- you been economics, professor. At the University of British Columbia, and who would you talked about relationships other than an economics, professor, the futuristic droids could improve marriages. Making husbands and wives focus more on love and parenting instead of sexual compatibility in a book called robot sex, social and ethical implications. Hard sell Professor Marina, add shade claims. The advent of sex robots will change
idle norms around marriage, particularly when it comes to monogamy? She refers to this phenomenon. Is sex bought induce social change and shows little be just like birth control? She says this availability will give couples greater opportunity to define their own types of marriages now. The part of this, the deeply troubling is the idea that the goal of your sex life is solely sexual pleasure, and this, of course, has been a cause on the left for a very very long time. The idea that you're supposed to separate off relationships and love from sex are supposed to separate off sexes, role in the creation and bearing of Chile.
And from actual sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is the be all, and also the only thing that matters, and so the natural outgrowth of that is too can have sex with the robot we can live with. Somebody like me, don't actually ought to have sex with them. That is totally called a new kind of marriage. One of the things about marriage that marriage is designed to do. Marriage is designed to allow you to have sex with a person presumable of the opposite sex who then produce children with, and it's designed to teach you to grow up really that's what marriages designed to do is to teach you to become an adult outside is really adolescent view of what marriage is that marriages or what sexes that sex is supposed to be. Every relationship you ever have is supposed to be
that that, first time in back of a pickup truck when you were seventeen, that's that's what sex is gonna, be like your entire life? That's what sex should always be, and then, if you more and the sex isn't like that, something is missing in your relationship, because relationship is built around sex and she's, saying the predictable outgrowth of that is ok. Well, it's not gonna be like that with your wife, because you both get older, you know each other better and there isn't that same excitement through. So why not to stop a robot? We're not, and why not go when I got to Roby for rosy from objectives, and the answer is first of all, don't harass the help, but, second of all, but second of all sexual compatibility is something that actually is built overtime. Pay. There is the initial sexual spark, obviously, but sexual compatibility is something that grows and changes within a marriage and sex becomes not just a form of physical stimulus. It becomes a form of emotional bonding with your spouse. Now. This is why such within marriage is particularly important for women, because the truth is that women have been disproportionately.
Harmed by the promiscuous sexual mentality of modern society, because women inherently are built evolution airily to connect the motion would section away. The men simply are not, but this is what teaches men to become men, to curb their own behaviour, to actually treat women like human beings and not just sex objects. Having sex confined within marriage makes men better men. It makes them better. And if they are treating with their spouses badly, if there are treating women badly within marriage because they have an adolescent, you have sex, that's because they need to grow up like all the Jews in the audience, to notice something most of the issues that are happy right now are from the Ladys in the audience, because you know what it turns out there. What Ladys actually wants is What our Oriana Grundy says they want in her music videos. What Ladys actually want is to get married and be married to one person and have children for that. One person with that one person can enter for partnership with that. One person and to grow- and
age and love for their whole life. That is what women are looking for. So if you're a good man, That is what you are looking for to the commercialization of sex is merely an outgrowth of prior commercialization sets its inevitable thing that eventually we will get to the point where we're having sex with inanimate objects and in bragging to ourselves about how we ve made society a better place. We made society an infinitely worse place if you won't have a solid relationship. If you want to have a better life, if you wanna be a better person, what should be our goal should be or tell us The Chilean Golan life should be your tea loss in life to become a better person to use your reason and not your genitals as our guiding force. If that is the case, then yes, sex has a wonderful and glorious and fun place within life, but to make it the sole goal of relationship or taken outside of relationship altogether is to rob it of its actual importance and meaning
all right? Well, you have much more to talk about tomorrow. I mention here. This is the bench of Hiroshima. Shapiro show is produced by sending a villa real executive producer, Germany boring senior producer, Jonathan, hey our supervising producers, math is clever, and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Alex Angora Audio is mixed by my car. Mina Heron make up is by just while there then Shapiro Show is a daily wire for publishing production. Copyright for publishing twenty eighteen.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-11.