« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 431 - Trump's Gutsy Jerusalem Call

2017-12-06 | 🔗
Trump calls Jerusalem Israel's capital, the Roy Moore controversy gets even uglier, and everything you need to know about John Conyers and the Kingdom of Detroit. Date: 12-06-2017
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A huge day in news president from making a very gutsy call on Israel and Jerusalem, L, Frank and finally looks like he's on his way out the door and serious controversy still when over we mourn Alabama with Steve Ban in the ECB screwball getting involved, I'll, explain a mention here. This is the bench bureaus. Such as We have laid. The news is just coming out of the fire hose and there is an almost no way to imbibe enough of it to really stay abreast of it. There's so much news. Making so quickly present from about making major announcement on Jerusalem as Israel's capital, long overdue at least decades overdue? So that's a great thing, plus frank and on his way out. I will explain why that's happening. Did Democrats suddenly discover principle that really, but does that achieves republicans for having abandoned principle? Not really speaking of that will talk about Roy more in the latest from down south. But first I want to say thank you to our sponsors. Overhead helix leads to us
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Missy from TEL Aviv to Jerusalem. This is a great and brave thing to do, and I will give you a multiplicity of reasons why this is a great and brave thing to do by President Trump and not something frankly that expected from President Trump. I maybe the statement about Jerusalem being Israel's capital. Has lots of presidency said similar stuff, but not the statement about moving the embassy because that's always been politically dicey, so the law is and has been since thankee. Ninety five congress past? law, and they passed it overwhelmingly. That dead said that Israel's capital was Jerusalem and that it should remain undivided. That law was passed. Ninety three to five in the Senate and three hundred seventy four to thirty, seven in the house in ninety ninety five, four years, the President and waving that law. Bush did it Clinton did it Obama did it. None of them would actually build the embassy because they supposedly didn't want undercut the peace process, but really what it was about. Is they they to cater to and surrender to the whims of the palace,
authority, a terrorist group as well as other muslim nations that are propping up that terrorist group. This was stupid policy. So, let's begin with the facts, Jerusalem is was and will be, the eternal capital of Israel. Jerusalem is only important. The only reason you ve heard of it, if there is anyone cares about it, is because the Jews made it important it is literally the only reason otherwise just another city in the Middle EAST, because both the capital of the kingdom of Israel and the sight of the Temple it was the wellspring of today. Thought for literally millennia. Ok, when I pray three times a day, Jerusalem is mentioned frequently in this. Prayers, both Christianity and Islam, value Jerusalem, because Judaism did first the dream of Jerusalem animated, the jewish people for its entire existence, most famous case being in Psalms one seven words, as if I forget, the Jerusalem, they my right hand forget its skill. Jerusalem is mentioned literally hundreds of times in what we call turn off that be the old testament to that includes the Torah, as was the profits, and the writing is the only reason that has not mentioned specifically. And if I books of Moses, because at that time was actually two cities, one called you ruined the other cultural aim and then it was put together into
crucial. I am right became one city serve like Buddha. Unpatched became Budapest in any case. It's always been the centre of judaic thing. It's always been the holiest spot in Judaism, Jerusalem by country does not mention one single time anywhere in the Koran. If you don't have a claim to jerusalem- and this is the root of why muslins wanted declared that you don't have a claim. Also it's the route of why the papacy has been really split on Jerusalem, whether there have been popes who have been proved, the idea of jewish sovereignty, injuries, and then the current hope says that it should be internationalize, which is just insipid, because if you have muslim rule over Jerusalem lemmings, nobody else gets to come in and again, jewish sovereignty over a jewish wholly side seems like the basic. The basic notion is just moral, especially since Jews have maintained the holy site about Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem with you, don't have a claim to Jerusalem, their employment. Anything if claims you nothing. If there are going to Jerusalem there's no time to tell me, there's no claim to high fathers. No remedy offer yeah fo there. Isn't it there's no claim to others
I to any other city in Israel, if you dont have a claim to Jerusalem and that's that number one and from his recognising an established fact on the ground We're too, as I say, Congress has long recognised. Jerusalem is Israel's capital, not just in ninety. Ninety five this year is using a bunch of Senate Democrats. Now how dare Trump, how terrible for president trumpeted? How could president trumpet he's gonna led to a conflagration. Wasn't jerks were saying literally six month, now in June. There was a rest Lucian that was passed on the floor of the Senate. It was past ninety two, nothing zero dissenting votes. Ninety two: nothing saying that Israel's remain here: it is its eternal capital is Jerusalem and it to remain undivided. A third point recognizing Jerusalem is Israel's capital recognizes israeli sovereignty. Israel gets to negotiate on its own behalf, is not up to the United States or any other formation to negotiate on Israel's behalf with regard to its own capital. To understand how important it is imagined that foreign bodies came in and told
United States that we had to give up Washington DC now. Imagine that Washington DC wasn't just a city, those built on a swamps that you didn't have to build it inside a state. It had been divinely organ by God for the american people, in that. What in Jerusalem is to the Jews? It is the basis of all judaic thought and all judaic history and people who are saying that force Israel into making these concessions? Its moral, ok, Israel gets to make a call on its own recognizing Jerusalem is Israel's capital, minimize violence, you're doing a lot of myths. Today, from the left all look at it violence. Terrorism is coming first of all the panel, in an authority is, was, and always will be. A terrorist, as E commerce is was, will be Harris Anthony Islamic Jihad is was will be a terrorist entity of the people threatening violence. Today, we're in Some might yesterday, they'll be anti Semites tomorrow they were terrorists yesterday and they will be terrorist tomorrow if it today and why the Palestinian Authority is interested in murdering Jews in terror attacks. The same is true, of course, of commerce. The idea that the Jerusalem is this in point in negotiations, is just not true. One thing that will happen.
Recognising Israel sovereignty over Jerusalem is that the Palestinians may lose hope that they can pride slim from Israel by pressuring the United States or pressuring the west, through terror attack naval finally recognise reality and recognise this is just not going part of the negotiations. Take fifth. The United States should not be bullied by terrorists. Period anywhere all over the world? The idea that the United ever signed off on the Oslo Accords is ridiculous. Israel never should have either the idea that Europe can be blackmailed by people they're didn't say to you, you know if you just give us land most are murdering your children, blackmail used be a violation of both domestic and insurance. A law. Then it was made into the centre piece of american foreign policy in the Middle EAST for twenty years and the centrepiece of Israel palestinian policy for twenty five years. It never worked as well as a full scale disasters it turns out. The person is trying to blackmail you once the money can and want to turn back over. The dagger did that the degrading material, if somebody seals the porn off your computer and then they want to blackmail UK's, they have the porn on your,
Peter their goal is not give you back the porn on your computer. Their goal is to continue getting money. Out of you can Ozma was always a blackmail deal. Ending their blackmail deal is good for the United States, its not keeping to terrorism as I say, recognising reality makes peace more possible. So big under developed piece of news that came out last week is the Sadie monarchy. Thirdly, summon palestinian leadership and told them to support a peace deal with the Israelis. Not only that that's would retain major israeli settlement blocks, prevent the establishment of a standing palestinian army and leave the Pierre without Jurists one is a palestinian capital, in other words, the Saudis know about this already. Everybody's we're not facilities are so man. The Saudis are not man. The Saudis knew about this. There are paving the way about this jarred cushion over the, has, I'm sure was talking to Saudi Arabia. Two weeks ago, people are saying he's kowtowing to the South EAST and others He stabbing salaries in the back. Is it possible that maybe he was talking with a shout? It is possible
that the new anti iranian Alliance- Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel that that alliance is strengthened by this status being clarified that we finally get this issue on the table, then now that this is clear that did the United States wrecking This is the truth. The Jerusalem is Israel's capital that Saudi Arabia and Jordan and Egypt are just gonna, have to accept that if they want this alliance against the Iranians as ice, This also means continuing the anti iranian alliance and forwarding the anti iranian alliance right in and ninety ninety wondering the Gulf WAR. George W Bush face a choice. Israel was hit by scud missiles by surroundings: and Israel wanted to join the coalition to topple Saddam Hussein and the or at least to push. Saddam Hussein, out of weight and each double said to the Israelis, don't get involved, has your fracture coalition. It was a bad move. A shovel use I have said sure, get involved in any should have sent it. You don't like it will find your that yourself, like Israel. Being on your side. That's your problem. He could have forced a piece
mutual assurance he could have forced peace through mutual recognition of common interests, and that's exactly what is happening in the aftermath of IRAN. Ok, so I wanted to lay out all of those reasons to show you that what Europe is doing here is Just moral is also smart. Also want to point out here that all of the talk about how this recognition is going to cause violence. Violence in Jerusalem has long predated any of these negotiations and give you a brief history of Jerusalem. Here more information today than you did yesterday. Ok, in nineteen twenty nine before there was an Israel before there is jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem before those arab sovereignty, over Jerusalem, those british mandate, Palestine, writers, the british running Jerusalem and their rights. In Jerusalem. I Arabs against Jews. Seventeen people were killed. Why? Because Jews have temerity to bring chairs to the wailing wall to the western. While the second wholly saying Judaism, the holiest entreaties and is the Temple Jews are still not allowed up on the Temple now, because the germ of Iraq is up there and the Muslims run it so juice or allow muscle
into jewish areas. The Muslims will never allowed using the jewish areas, which is why you should run the place and Muslims about nineteen. Twenty nine before any of this was an issue for any that existed at that time. The Jews just wanted to bring As for the elderly, and confirms the western Walsall Arabs ride and killed seventeen people, then they ride if in Hebron and in Hebron and they killed sixty more Jews, there's a report from the british years. What is described quote Arabs in Hebron, made most ferocious attack on the jewish ghetto and on isolated jewish houses lying outside the crowded corners of the town when sixty including many women and children, were murdered? More than fifty were wounded passwords? Nineteen? Forty eight! So Israel accepts the deal the partition neo, On the? U N, the? U N was gonna partition, Jerusalem, there's gonna divide Euro zone; instead, the Arabs blockaded Jerusalem, cut off all the roads and I do basically put the Jews in Jerusalem, the largest most your city in Israel, under siege, the Israelis at the cost of thousands of lives. Finally broken but EAST Jerusalem is in aeroplanes. Muslim hands, and not only that
What are the western all sort of the Temple Mount? So was everything peaceful? was everything fine when the Arabs running at the answer was no, of course, because a nineteen Therefore, while the herbs were still running, EAST Jerusalem and Jordan had sovereignty over EAST Jerusalem, the palace Liberation organization was warm that would later become palestinian Authority, that was Yasser Arafat's group in nineteen sixty four their stated goal: the full destruction, The state of Israel from the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free. That was their slogan that was how they were running Jerusalem. So anyone who says that Jerusalem is the sticking point. Jerusalem is not the same, in nineteen sixty seven. Israel finally takes over EAST Jerusalem and freeze east Jerusalem by the USA. Freeze I mean that the airports Jerusalem are still run like an air of dictatorship, even though Israel has sovereignty when I visited Israel in two thousand one, his middle, the second intifada, when we came out each truce I had to be guarded by israeli soldiers. Have your age you walking through it
muslim therapies, Jerusalem. Your life is in danger, if you're an arab and muslim walking through West Jerusalem, no problems at all, because that's the way tyranny versus democracy works by the way Israel handed back control of the Temple Mount to the islamic world. J, huge miscalculation, Jews are still out upon the Temple Mount. If I went there and try to pray be arrested in ninety. Ninety three Israel agreed to negotiate the terror palestinian authority. Including over Jerusalem, what happened massive uptake and tear in two thousand at Camp David Summit, israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak of the Israeli Labour Party, offered palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat, control over EAST Jerusalem and the Temple Mount itself. According to Bill Clinton Arafat's even submit a counter offer. He left the table any started. The second vodka resulting in the murder of over seven hundred Jews. I was in Israel and spiral, pizzeria was bombed and I remember walking past the ruins of the pizza and the centre of Jerusalem. All of that after Israel had offered EAST Jerusalem to the Palestinians in two thousand, eight israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, offered a new palestinian terrorist dictator mouth. Would Abbas enter
national control of Jerusalem's old city, which will include the holy site not only that he also some of really land to make up for the israeli settlements that have been built. An israeli land, strap that connect the Gaza Strip to Judaism area Abbas turned down without a counter offer. And then launched another round of violence in coordination with the mass in Gaza. So all of this song about how it's just rousillon, that, if we have we were to solidify the status of Jerusalem, this would cause violence no Jerusalem as an excuse for violence and of Jerusalem hands. There is still be violence because there was when it was an air of hands here and now you have all the background that you need on this particular topics. I don't believe any. The mythology trump is making a moral move and it politically smart move and it politically valuable move
for american policy in the Middle EAST. Ok, so now I want to move to another topic. That topic, of course, is Democrats. So Democrats have now decided that Al Frank and has to go. It's actually kind of an amazing thing. They are now saying that is seven senators, I believe come out in the last hour and said that outbreak needs to go. Why? Because there was a new allegation and with regard to with regard to our frank- and there is an aid who said that he tried to force self honor. They tried to kiss her and then, when she refused, then she then then he said I'm an entertainer and I'm owed this. He denies this allegation. Doesn't matter Democrats decided from under the boss. Their mostly programme under the boss, because they want to push republicans into a corner. With regard to Roy, more than once, we have the moral high ground guys are backing remorse. Tell you don't have the moral high ground? Are Democrats really being honest about this democratic really? Do they really care that Al Frank and sexually abused as people not really is another question?
Ella Brand like two seconds ago, was saying that that you didn't have to resign I'll show you in just a second first I want to say thank you to our sponsors over at stamps. Dotcom, so stem Stockholm is helping you save time this holiday season, it's a great way for you not have to go to the post office. You like them stops post offices great, but if you wanna go stand in line deposed office, you wanna able to sit your desk prince all your postage. Waiters packages never have to go out leader desk, save time before the holidays. Thence I'm stuck com is made for you. They bring all the services of the postal service right, your finger trip tips. We use it here, a daily wire by inference. Officially, U S postage for any letter, any package, any class of male using your own computer and printer, and then the male man comes and picked it up. They even send you a digital scale, automatically calculating exact postage for you, and I hope you decide the best class of mail to re use, Damn Stockholm, because this time- and it takes us money right now- you can enjoy the stamps outcome service with a special offer that includes forward trial, plus postage and digital scale. Without long term, commitments go to
I'm stuck come click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and typing Shapiro that stamps dot com Shapiro any yet again that for we trial, plus postage and digital scale, no long term commitments go check. It out. Save yourself in times of crisis in Japan today says L, Frank it has to go. The senator has to leave that's our using literally yesterday. Here she was talking yesterday, I believe the women. I believe that what if that happened happened and I There is a reckoning I think there needs to be accountability and it needs to happen now better. Yes, I'm telling you. I am so angry and frustrated, and I'm not gonna say that today, but it is something that I am very troubled about. Ok, so of course she says that bringing she stepped down so yesterday, on the Frank in stepping down now, of course, Sean's Frank and gone, and this, of course is because she Democrats trying to seize the moral high ground with regard to rule more they're, saying Republican.
We're back anybody up to including an alleged Sham Lester, but we won't support outbreak in there. Did you notice until two days or the day after the orange he jumped back in Roy more issue where they wait until then after and then they say: ok, we'll dumb, Frank and over the side. So there's a political Motivated does mean it's wrong, don't mean it immoral, but it is politically They learn to ignore that is just foolish. You can see politically motivated? It is when you look at when you look at Another topic right and that topic, of course, is John Conyers. John Conyers said yesterday that he was going to retire. He said he was retiring, effective immediately and then he recommended that his son take over for him. So here is John Conyers for the record, but those may not have understood. I heard what you said is that you're very confident in your legacy. You are today at this time at this moment in this period, preparing for your retirement, a date in which you are not prepared:
to announce a thank you for cutting murder retirement plans together more about that very soon I want everyone to know how much I appreciate the support diminish the boy everything because the EU economies, says that use retiring yesterday notice at the radio host actually has to Prague him to retire, where he forgot on this phone call he should retire. Could you see now will bad luck, but he also says that he wants his son to fill in, for him so let me tell you lowbrow to son: did this shows you, the political fiefdoms that exists. Democratic or punishing Conyers or punishing Frank and was in again its moral that these guys should go. I don't think wrote Roy more should sit in this right, I'm. This is not a matter of I am using. This has what about as much more should go, I think Frank and should go. I think you should go, but you do have to recognise the political motivations that are a play here. John Conyers is lead
but he's leaving his son in charge. Ok, he wants you. His son is Conyers, the third John Country's authorities, each one seven year old guy who has really done. Nothing like I literally no, nobody does for letting no one knows what he does for letting. Also he came out he's a big thunder of his dad saying that, his dad originally he said that his father was completely clean. He said it's a unfortunate to see him fight so long for so many people into automatically have the allegations assumed to be true unfortunate. There's also this table John Conyers. The third will be your new congressperson from City of Detroit wrapping about father was a player eleven boyfriend and make history me. Around like it. In the same amendment, thirty seven was destined to sit I guess grads rents side their cultural appropriation of wearing that hat navigate John Kinds, the charger New Congress. And then she shows you that politics, for so many Americans has become a fiefdom right, isn't it
judgment for John Conyers to step down Henry the second to step down and hand his crown over to his own Richard, the Lionheart, that's not actually a thing and what? What I love about this- that there is actually in introducing battle- that's happening right now, writes oconnors. The third wants to take over the sea, but so does his good. So does John Counters Grand nephew, so Conyers Three wants to fight his own nephew for the seat. I assume it given the way that history works. John countries, the thermal eventually take his nephew, throw him in the tower of one and have him killed Allah Richard Third, but that's the way these fiefdoms work. John Kinder sat in the house for years, because we lose because there's this tendency to believe as disturbing there's this tendency to believe that our politicians are not our representatives. They represent us. There are lords and ladys of the manner they have their own fiefdoms. John Conyers has his own fiefdom but in two thousand six he was investigated by the house for use.
Telling three staffers to basically be his personal servants in babysitters and enforcing them to work on state and local campaigns. You want to eighty five percent of the vote in his district that year K a couple of years later, his wife Queen Queen Monica raking Conyers, include Monica. She served on that. Fright City Council and she was convicted of bribery. She spent three years in jail K Conyers self, was involved in this reverse its position on the project that she was bribe take to get through a Conyers one seventy seven percent of the vote in the elections cycle now he's turning over his seat to his son. So this is how we think of our politicians, they're not there are present us. So now we only to worry about whether they provided that face for politics? All they do is what we want them to do and as long as, protect us as long as they protect us from invading nobles, then we are happy to pay.
An extra share of our harvest has basically the way we see. People like John Kindness- and this holds true on both sides of this- is why I think that so many people seem untroubled by all the royal more stuff they decided in their heads. That way, more is a fine guy, not because they actually think he's fine guy, but they feel like well the Lord of the manor song, you know he was taking his right to Senor with with with a bunch of sixteen year old girls, but You know so long as he protects my values. A monkey protects. What I want is that really a big deal. Democrats, as I say are using this logic. In order to tear down a publicans and they're doing it quite successfully, Republicans by the way are tearing themselves down pretty successfully on this one, they took the worst possible position, they abandoned more and then they rushed back to more just in time for this elections, go after Trump endorsed him, and in doing so, they re embrace all of the worst things about Roy more. As you can see, the Democrats are trying to run a. We are that we are the great clean party campaign. This is there anything
trade and a second and I'll show you why the Republicans are running right into the teeth of it and it's gonna cause them serious political harm. First, I want to say thank you to our sponsors over at scale share so skills. Europe is a way for you to make your resolute, deeper and better. It's a way for you to enjoy, your and when you come up for raise your boss, who say absolutely as opposed to losing you because you're constantly growing your skill set. That's what skills sure does over three million members more than seventeen thousand classes. It is the Netflix for online learning and take classes in graphic design, social media, marketing digital illustration and more their taught by industry experts, the sculpture classes experienced professionals, it's perfect if you're looking to build your career or start decide, hustle of your dreams, I've taken both their watercolor class, which has deepened by emotions and also me about a painter but, more importantly, I've been taking their social media marketing ceo classes, which has helped us out over here a daily wire,
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to jail, and not the United States. Ok So this is gonna, be his campaign. In order for them to make this campaign credible, they had to get rid of frank, and it appears that now there moved to get rid of rank in the days leading up to more and then, if the Republicans elect more, they say. Well, that's because republicans are sleaze there Unfortunately, Republicans are falling right into the teeth, the best by actually being sleaze bags. So that's not helpful and by sleaze dad. I don't mean people who vote for more, as I've said, I think they're alot of people voting for more because they think he's the second this choice and in July people voting for more because they think he'll be expelled in the Senate. But if you are saying that boy, war is an honourable decent human being in the aftermath of the delegations. All I would say, is that there is now a lot of evidence to prove any of that. There is now a lot of evidence now. This is leading some Republicans to immediately virtually signal to the furthest possible extent. Jeff Lake is one of those Jeff like of course, of Europe.
Lookin senator from Arizona. Yesterday he treated our country over party and you got what you wanted. One thousand one hundred seventy one thousand likes on the street and its has dug Jones for use any tweet a picture of a check how sensitive Jones a hundred dollars instead country over party in the subject line, and then he signed a Jeff Lake. You don't have to give money to the Democrat in order to oppose ever I oppose the Joneses policies. I oppose Roy more I've said stay home or right. Somebody in dont vote for Roy more by Republicans feel the necessity in order to alleviate their own sense of of cosmic of cognitive dissonance in guilt. As I mentioned yesterday, they feel the necessity to fully embraced, re more and leading the way is the avatar of Republican Satanism. That, of course, is the bandit so as said before I know Steve really. Well, I try not to talk about Steve because I know Steve really. Well, I think Steve is one of the worst people. I've ever met and Steve is in that clear in Alabama, so he's doing this whole? I'm a populist steckler K, Steve as a Goldman Sachs Guy Okays, a golden facts. Guy went to Harvard Business
go and he walked around dress. Like a homeless, man said he can pretend that he's actually in such with the blue collar grass roots feel of the United States. He jumped in the more race really late and then claimed credit from wars primary victory. Then he disappeared law. The controversy happen, and now he's re emerging only after the currency has reinforce up. That's your courageous Steve than an abandoned didn't just now yesterday to rally he decided to slam, Mitt Romney says we discussed yesterday, Mitt Romney, maybe one sustainable people ever run for president of the United States, Romney came out and said you shouldn't back more more as an alleged child molesters, incredibly alleged child molesters, Hasty Bannon the opportunity to bash Mitt Romney and say that why more as you'd, better human, then Mitt Romney writing. I was trolling food courts, allegedly fifteen year old, when he's thirty. Three is a better person than Mitt Romney guy has been married to his high school. Sweetheart has led the cleanest life of anyone. National in the history of american politics and that guy's a bad die because we have to back Roy more. This is why I say that that ban an interesting avatar he's like that.
In the end, the image in the cartoon. You know where you have the cartoon care during the devil on one children, the angel and on the other, are not true. The angel on the shoulder is Republicans, but I know the devil on the shoulder s neck. I see ban it so the devil on the shoulder to ban it starts ripping into Mitt Romney well, dressed like a derelict homeless person who just got his clothes from the Salvation Army, TA about how Roy more is equality, human beings, poster Romney, was a leech Mormon leech. It's basically what he says: in one of the toughest wars we've ever had Vietnam, that's honor integrity, one We, war. There's there's been in doing his manner. The people stick, the Romany sons didn't Sir apple play more second round me something
seven rock ok voting to hold that this is a standard for all. Integrity in a western sovereign Iraq. Any of trump signs you certain Vietnam, Trump reverently, go down this road, Romney gotta deferment issues Mormons who went on mission and his sons, one on mission to the idea that you have serve in the military nordby. Honourable, if that's the case, Donald Trump had five separate deferments from Vietnam, including four for college and one for bad feet. I bet I don't see, ban and ripping on him. That way, and I seem to recall, ban in being totally fine with raw with with Trump smacking around John Mccain on his war service. I remember banned in being particularly upset about that, but then it gets here, worse than banning, decides to God to say that that Where has more honour than the entire Romney family.
He says they didn't Roy more personal vanity is just a terrible speaker, but be He also when he says that he what he said they retire to hear is that right, More has more honour and integrity in his little finger then did Mitt Romney this family hasn't their entire dna just grows job grows. I'll say one thing: Mitt Romney has not been credibly accused of taking a fourteen year old girl, home and trying to and trying to get inside her panties. That's something that Mitt Romney has never been credibly used up ordering a sixteen year old girl and was carries and authorities and attempting to grow per breast and grabber by the generals that did what this is in the area of the Republicans want to embrace the dark side there? There is no better way to do this and that, as I say it,
a democratic manipulation for them to suggest that they are clean and all of this, but they are growing. Moral high ground is almost impossible for them to grab them a low ground away from a republican party that is doing the ban and retain again, you can vote, or not did abandoned routine, but there are too many republicans or joint abandoned, retain that is going to have some serious global There's the reluctantly supporting more crowd and then there's the bad and crown and the bad and crowd he's gonna do severe damage to the republican brand band. Doesn't care? Could all banning cares about? Is his own image as a The populist firebrand, even though he's been irrelevant con man for most of his Greer until he let leeched onto Donald Trump and after leaching onto Andrew, bright button bright bird stuff ok. So now I want to talk a little bit about the about the Trump investigation and the latest on the Trump investigation, so right now
there there is. There is report yesterday that bank records have been subpoenaed from Donald Trump. It turns out. This was another false report from the media, so you always have to wait for twenty four hours to find out what the media reporting is true and what the reporting is false about. President Trump White House, press secretary, secular, Sarah Huckabee standards on Tuesday disputing reports that special council robber Mahler had subpoenaed President trumps bank records. She said we confirm that the news reports that the special council had subpoenaed financial reports related to the president are completely false. No subpoena has been issued or received. We have confirmed this with the bank and other sources. I think this is another example. The media are going too far too fast, so I dont see it going in that direction. So all the talk about how trumpets being subpoena in his financial records were online. That turns out not to be true that part of the investigation that has not yet developed. Meanwhile, there is the the rumour out there from CNN that present their vice president pants is gonna, be brought
in to talk with the FBI. According to see, a new revelations about microphones lies to the FBI. Our laying bare vice president, might pensions in the dark strategy when it comes to Russia's election meddling, raising new questions about whether he could have been in there. In the dark, as he has argued for nearly a year advisors of long insisted that hence was unaware, Flint to then russian ambassador to the Eu S Surrogate, Kingsley about a new set of your sanctions. On a day they were announced last December, my court violence and sealed last week pair with new details about president trumps, o knowledge events indicate a wide circle of advisers were aware that Flint when he spoke by phone to Moscow's on why even reportedly remained in the dark. Well, pence was not even in town. When any of this happened, I mean that there was a political report talking about where pence was at. The time was apparently back in Indiana this entire time. So the idea that pence was sitting on top of MIKE Flynn for these phone calls
there there is now a lot of evidence to support that. The reason that the the media want to get parents is because now they have to get an active member of the administration. Vice president pens, one more powerful vice president in recent memory in terms of helping direct policy inside the White House and if they get pens, the suggestions, gonna be Palco pence. No one trumped not trying to make the case that moves up the chain. There's not a lot of evidence to support that as yet. Most of this looks a lot like speculation. So, let's not get out over our seas. I think people are out over their skis and the media on all of their. So with all of that said, there is now breaking news that President Obama is speaking out again. So this is exciting. President Obama just continues to talk and talk and talk apparently
the issue is stark warning about growing native ism, in the U S and throughout the world that the economic Club of Chicago invoking complacency and the rise of Hitler. Oh yes, now are ongoing talk. It learn, learn Hitler Mc Hitler. He says we have to tend to this garden of democracy, or else things could follow. Particularly that's what happened in Germany in the nineteen thirty, which, despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic and centuries of high level cultural and scientific achievements, Adolf Hitler rose to dominate, sixty million people died. You ve gotta pay attention. So is that supposed to be some sort of veiled market trump, because President Obama does not get to make those sorts of veiled remarks with regard to President tromp after enabling they most nazi like regime on planet earth, the iranian regime- and that seems like sadly, what Obama is doing this sort of political polarisation and the attempts to apparently throw Trump out of power the enemy the nation that really has uncovered no underline crime. Thus far, you want destabilize the United States as the best way to destabilize the United States. As everyone knows, I have tried to be as objective as I can about president trumpet. I think the evidence is bad for trump I'll, say so:
the evidence is not bad for president from I'll say so, but I will not do is humor. This notion from left that president from must be deposed simply because he is present in Trump, because that is crap K. He wasn't elected official who was elected to the presidency of the it states in all of these dire warnings about Hitler. Hitler's rise ignores the fact Hitler's rise occurred because there is a feeling in Germany that there was a complete on work ability of the of the chair ownership and the government in Germany, the dictatorship actually preexisting Hitler, because people were so dissatisfied that cat tending more power to centralize government in Germany, Hitler just grab the reins of that our that is a long process, not a short process and so for Obama suggested were right on the verge of that and then look in the mirror at all is is somewhat shocking overall. So with all that said final piece of news here before we have two before we have to break And that is that there is an islamic suicide plan that was foiled to assassinate Prime Minister Teresa may, according to skies crime, chorus,
It is the latest in a number of terror, plus the police, into my five believe they foil this year. I understand However, my five Andrew Parker Brief Cabinet ministers, Tuesday, such as the seriousness of what they believe they ve been covered. In essence, there is an extreme islamic suicide plot against Downing Street police. Believe the plan was launched. Some sort of the improvised explosive device, downing Street and in the ensuing, has attack and kill Teresa may now a mere. As a courier razumihin, twenty from north one into Mohammed, keep em around twenty one Roussel fees. Birmingham are due to appear at Westminster, magistrates, cork on terrorists. Just on Wednesday morning. So if President Obama's gotta worry about the rise of Nazi is Mount suggested, you start by worry about the rise of radical Islam, which she radically helped all the way through. His presidency, particularly among the the iranian popular among with with you, with regard to the iranian government, so with all of this said. With all of the said, I now I'm going to take a break from Facebook and we're going to move on, but you have to subscribe for that took over to deal.
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So time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like. I started this series. I can't SAM far enough in it to fully endorse it yet, but the first episode is is good and solid. It's the series, godless Netflix, its serve a feminist western than you can say is that math is using all think, ok see most of their right say using Giles you're one up said Aramis I want so. Your opinion is of no consequence to me. In any case, the first in the first episode is quite good. Jack Daniels is very frightening as the bad guy. Basically, the idea that there is this mining Tamar, all the men were killed in a mining accidents and now there's a bad guy.
In the town with his crew and they are searching for a guy who has robbed them and the danger is that they may come in and kill. Everyone has ten women than to defend itself and the answer. Of course they will all we're pussycat. So I have not gone into the power they were about pussycats yet, but I don't think that's right. I think, though, actually shop with guns to defend themselves, making the case for the honouring the series is godless so check that out on Netflix is rated are as our most of the Netflix areas that I actually recommend ok time for some things that I hate so thing I hate number one, as I mentioned, is that this movie, the post is, is coming out. I went to live here last night watch, Moroni Orient Express, which I quite liked actually there's something I didn't like about, but I liked it overall and they showed a preview for the post. We're at some point actually have to grab the video the post, but thou be up to me to tell my producers to do that. In any case, the the actual trailer is insufferable insufferable, as I just
yesterday on the show, but now Merrill striven Steven Spielberg, are doing joint interviews and they're. Talking about all of the similarities between the Nixon administration, the Trump administration. No note there have been zero crackdowns. None on media under the Trump administration is not a paper. There's been put out of business. There's not a journalist. That's been sued, nothing as far as I am aware and am happy to be corrected. I see no actual practice I seen a White house it. Doesn't I talking to the press that stone walls, the press that was true of alarm as well? The difference is it about actually prosecuted members of the press, but here it seems Bilbil said I could not believe the similarities between today and what happened with the next in administration. I realized was the only here to make the stone Well, what you realize that you have made a film that virtually signalled for at least a couple years. It is time to make a new one. Narrow strip talked about what she reads: she's in my political reading, everything your times the Washington Post in the guardian, shocker I check and on political Attica, Oxytocin Drudge and I go too far.
Often to see the manipulation right. Yes make clear that Chile watches, because she chose to see how evil, faxes and Spielberg talks about from the house. You like, I said I like Don Lemon, like Rachel, Matthau, shocker and- and there is also who are you talking to Hannah whose screenwriter and Amy Pascal who's the producer and Diana said the bravery Anderson Cooper has to go to war zones. Pretty admiral and then Spielberg says, yards or and follow Christiana Manure Christiana manure is the worst journalist ever Christiana. Manure is wildly anti Israel wildly Anti American Christiana. Manure is terrible, but of course, is very fashionable in the sort of left his circles in which Steven Spielberg walks. I'm sure it's because you just Christiana on board that he thought the Munich would make it its own ends and then narrow Strip said Maggie Haber men. Also, I also like Maggie headlines reported. I tend to trust the women yeah! Well, you interest lemon enough to actually stand up against Harvey Wine scene when he had the chance
it now has a new report out about how everyone knew at once. He was doing including apparently, whose injecting his wing land with with chemicals in order to make it performs certain magical tasks and everybody knew about whose having his assistance, form as well. Well, good get on your marrow. You trust the woman, but you had nothing to say that any they suffer years, you're a real pillar of strength of the other things that aid so spring of you signalling it seems like all of these pop stars now coming up and saying that they want their children to be screwed up for lifelike. Their actual goal and lead to scrub there get so pop stupors. Superstar pink has two kids Willow who's your six year old daughter and famous her eleven months old son, whose named after some sort of alcohol, I guess she has big dreams for them, but they dont subscribe to the idea willow as a girl and Jamieson is a boy pink said quote, I was in a school The battlements kindergartens had gender neutral anybody drawing on many shades into the picture of, and I wrote progress. I thought that was awesome. I love the kids are having this conversation. Yes, there's nothing better for small children, then being confused as to whether there
boy or girl and they can switch randomly and arbitrarily between them. That's not linked with hired suicide attempts, rage, selling depression soldiers any that stuff general confusion is really good for kids. It's fantastic work! It if you're insane, You're insane part of what your job is to do as parents is to look at what your kids are and then attempt to make their life easier by having them develop in psychologically healthy way. You're the same people will say that we need to teach men not to rape. And the men inherently I'm a tendency to replicate a man who doesn't even exist in a man can be a woman as an insane proposition. Ok, the whole point is that if you want men to be good, you have to ignore the nature of man, and then you have to teach men to be gentlemen, that comes along with with a positive masculinity, The same thing is true among women. There is such a thing is positive. Femininity there is such a thing is toxic. Femininity, too. I think if we didn't talk about taxes, city tat, it just meaning. Bad behaviour among men are bad behaviour among women to suggest
All women are angels and all men are devils is not the case. In the whole point of civilising your children is to bring them up through the best man or woman they can be if they suffer from general confusion issues that some of you have to deal with, but two, pose gender confusion on your child, because you're so progressive is just pathetic and sick pink is in Is the willow told her she wants to Marian african woman when she grows up her? Kid is six. Her kid is six induced about telling her kid doesn't even know she's talking about that. Does anyone have sexual hormones running through her at this point in time. Oh yeah, that's good! If you wanna be a lesbian, just Gulf WAR, she's a six year old. What the hell is wrong with you can we are, label, as household last week will atomic interfering african woman when our nation womanish is her six year olds are racist and as a great can you tell We have to make african projects your and we are going to live with you, while our house is getting ready as like what the f. Why are you who is paying for this by the way and says this is just great
and it is worth noting, as Hank burying does over a daily wire it after spending or preview passing years using ecstasy crystal meth and acid, she came close to over a dozen is pink in a club and choose fifteen shipping. We think you screwed up then, but she's much better. Now say I went off the rails before all this. I got my blue. Hundreds? Why was that a problem? Why can't you just be who you want to be when you crystal Meth, when you're fifteen that's mine and if you wanna be a boy when you're a girl at three? What's the problem self definition and if you want to be a boy when you're a girl at three. What's the problem, self definition subjective ism, that's the ticket
NASH as much more mom than I am aimed at anything else, absolutely a hundred percent. I feel bad for our kids. Honestly, kids want lines. Kids want rules, kids want structures, kid want to know that their predictability in the universe, parents, who fail to recognise this bring up bad children and children is even if they're, not bad. Why are troubled and have difficulty? Children are looking for lines there unformed by civilization. It's why we form civilizations, to make better human beings, but bless us believe that they believe that you should be able to do at every want in terms of children like children should do whatever they want. We don't have any role and cultivate. Now and then their surprise. When uncultivated human beings end up doing bad things when they grow up or are not being troubled when they grow up, ok time for a little bit of bibles. So this week I felt that it was useful to go through the actual portion of genesis, or Jerusalem is first referenced according to jewish tradition. This, of course, is the section in Genesis talking about Jacobs Dream, so Jacob leaves bear show that this is in genesis. Twenty eight ten through twenty two Jacob left bare shudder, and he set out for her on when you reached a certain place. He stopped for the night because
on it said, he took out one of the stones. There any put it under his head. He lay down to sleep, he had a dream and what you saw stairway resting on the earth with its top reaching to Heaven and the angels of the Lord were ascending and descending on it. There, it stood the warden. He said I am the Lord thy God, the Father of a Europe of the God of your father, Abraham in the God of Isaac, your forefathers- I will give you the sentence, the land on which you are standing here. Descendants will be like that. Of the earth and you'll spread out to the west into the east. In the north and the south. All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. I'm with you. I will watch over you wherever you go, I will bring you back to the land. I will not leave you until I had done what I promised you, God wasn't lying for three thousand years. The jewish people wanted to go back to the land for three thousand years. The jewish religion was inextricably intertwined with the very place where Jacob was laying his hat. For three thousand years, the jewish people have had the same dream is Jacob, that there would be a footstool for God in Jerusalem and the jewish people would be able to to live there in peace.
That's all the juice of ever wanted. Thank you to present interim for bringing that reality closer to fruition for acknowledging the reality that already exists, Jacob away from asleep he said Surely the Lord is in this place. I was not aware of it. He was afraid he said how Awesome is this place. There is none other than the This is none other than the House of God. This is the gate of Heaven. No one! natural Islam, except for the Jews, and that is my jewish sovereignty. Over Jerusalem is important, it's also the founding the same Jews. The brought Jerusalem fourth brought forth the basis of western civilization, and we would not have the civilization we have without those words in the book of Genesis and it's great to acknowledge the legitimacy of those words from the White House, but much more to discuss tomorrow
Lots of breaking news- as always I mentioned here- this is the bench of Hiroshima debenture Piero Show is produced by Math- is Glover executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan hey, our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Alex Zangara Audio Might Corina Heron make up is by just one of era. The bench of Euro Show is a daily wire for publishing production. Copyright for people.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-27.