« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 388 - Trump vs. The NFL

2017-09-25 | 🔗
Trump takes on those who kneel during the anthem, NFL players fight back, and we engage in another useless culture war sure to line the pockets of both sides!
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
When I left on Wednesday, I told you not to make everything more stupid or no one would be going to Disneyland no Disneyland for anyone know Disneyland. You understand me. I've been turning this car right around I mentioned here. This is the Ben Shapiro and Dammit every time I sign off the internet every time I finish the podcast, I think to myself. The world can't get any dumber and then the next come on. I think things are some smart and last time I was doing a podcast and that's what happened over the weekend. We're gonna get into all and I'll related and bend the knee and Neil and Knights of NI and all the get to all of those things. But first I want to say thank you answers over and ring dot com, so rings mission is to make your neighborhood safer. Okay, that's what they're there for burglars like to ring your doorbell, find out whether your home and then break in your house. This is how they don't get shot well, one of
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okay! So, as I say everyone's more on that is the quick of today's episode, so we can skip the rest of the shop. So the Unity begins with the NFL everybody's, trying to blame Trump for the advent of the stupidity now Trump, has his own brand. Of silliness that he has injected in here, and I actually don't think it's politically silly, I think, is bad for the country, but I think it's politically smart, but we need to start off with a simple fact: the NFL politicized itself years ago, his id the Trump politicize the NFL is sheer nonsense. It's just not true. The NFL made conscious decision to allow politics on the field. He they've done this for years in twenty fourteen Well after the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson Missouri, the St Louis Rams came out on the field and did the infamous hands up, don't shoot pose, as they were coming out of the tunnel on the field big deal at the time. Did they get fined if they did not get find? It was nothing from the and the, and if I was fine with it, no problem, then in two thousand six, Colin Capper Nick decided that he was going to kneel down from the national anthem on this.
A preseason games to the NFL find him. No, they did nothing, but what did the NFL do? They threatened the Dallas cowboys with fine if they were police decals in regular season on their helmets after the reset shooting of police officers by a black lives matter, associate radical in in two thousand sixteen, so you so here's the headline. If you the detail on your helmet, they would not allow you to where the detail on your helmet, okay, Sameer. If you want to wear cleats, that that paid homage to to victims of nine a lot, the NFL said you were not allowed to do this. Some players did it anyway and then the NFL, waving the fine, but with your even you are even special breast cancer gear in the NFL friend if you did in end zone dance that was too provocative. The the NFL find you so the NFL cracked down on everything, except for leftist political expression, everything set for leftist political expression. I see you know the response would be well. They didn't crack down on him to email. The team table kneeling to do his own private prayer is not really a political presentation
kneeling for the national anthem. Pretty clearly is the NFL had politicized itself long ago and then President Trump decided step. So let's be clear about something. There was a consensus until the middle of last week until Wednesday of last week, when last, we left our story there as a consensus in the United States. Kneeling for the national anthem is a stupid thing to do. It is an unpaid trying to do this with the general american consensus. Now there are some people who said well. It still pay tree I can for the anthem, because you're really trying to say that the anthem isn't being fifty cold in the way that it was meant to be fulfilled. You made the statement about the anthem. The anthem is one of the few unifying features of american life, the american flag, the national and these are unifying features of american life and to Neil for the some suggest that you are Anti american. Ok, it does. There are plenty of ways to protest against police brutality or systemic racism. If these are things that you feel the necessity to do, wasn't I think that you're wrong that you are, you are operating on faulty assumptions according to watch
composed of seven hundred and sixty one police shootings this year, nine of them nine of them or unarmed black person of those nine, not all mine, were cases in which the person was just sitting around doing nothing. In many cases there is questionable, serious questions about confrontations with the police, so the idea after going around shooting people is in and of itself ridiculous that they're going around shooting people based on race, not a lot of evidence to support that. That said, if you want to protest, there are plenty of ways to protest, making specific statement that you're going to bow down during the national anthem on National TV. It's a statement, it's a political and it says that America is inherently steeped in racism founded in racism and inescapable e tide to racism. That's what that says. So Americans didn't like that. If you look at the polls, Americans didn't like this and it was actually hurting the NFL's ratings. The NFL had a a trio of serious pr problems. Before the middle of last week, the NFL had
c t e scandal yeah the fact that if you get hit in the head many times and then you are likely to end up or but it's possible that you end up with brain damage, they could end with early day. Cte is is a brain disease in which you get plaque in your brain essentially, and that comes from too many hits to the head. So that was one thing NFL had to deal with the NFL. Also the old, serious speed of domestic violence, incidents where a bunch of their players were not going around women and the NFL they were all this with Ray Rice. The NFL didn't know what to do. They sort of said that they were going to something they didn't do anything, and then they did something again. So that was the second thing, and then they had the capper Nick thing. All of this was contr, leading to a drop in ratings for the NFL and in fact, JD powers at a pole, and it showed that, for whatever number of people we're not watching the NFL anymore, who had watched before twenty six percent of those people said that their number one reason for turning off the NFL was the national anthem protests. They didn't like the politicisation of sport, which makes sense we have to have a water, cooler culture. We have to have something in common. We order politics in common
we don't have church in common. We don't even have entertainment in common, but sport seems like a pretty easy one right bunch. People run around after a ball. How do you screw that up? Well, we found a way to screw it up. So the uh, I was facing all of these problems. There is a consensus that consensus was people like Colin Capper Nick dolts doing stupid things, not good for the country. Should Colin Capper Nick be fired, because of that, probably not most people didn't, I feel like it was necessary to call for a firing didn't really feel like it was important to call for wiring or if the owners wanted to fire on their own recognizance. That's their problem. I mean right that it's a private business if they want to fire capper Nick they can fire capper Nick, that's their call. What it is not is the governments job to get involved. The government should not be involved in this now. The reason those of us on the right thought this is because we don't like when the government or government DORA sounds off on these issues generally and how would we feel if President Job my headset Brendan ICE, the former ceo of Mozilla, that it's a good thing Wasilla fired him? After all, the guy was for it was
for traditional marriage. I mean it's pretty discriminate. Tori we would have all been fighting. Mad would have said what business is it of the president, The United States to make noises about that. Imagine for a second, the counterfactual, let's say TIM Tebo, that's down on any, but he doesn't just get down on a knee to pray. He gets down on a knee because he is overtly protesting. The abortion culture in the United States and let's say that Barack Obama's hasn't he comes out. He says that's in a pro sports. Is sports cut down stuff out, I hope TIM T bill gets fired so many to fire TIM T, but let's boycott the NFL. Until TIM T bows fire, we always a wait. A second is that the job of the President thanks are my job to decide whether or not we want to watch a game. It's the owners, jobs decide whether or not somebody gets fired. So this was the consensus. Stupid politics are stupid and all so it's the owners, job and the patrons job to decide what we want to watch something or fire somebody that this was the consensus. It was pretty well settled. You
not seeing a significant increase in the number of NFL players who are kneeling for the anthem, it was basically Colin Capper Nick and now it's not even Capper Nick, because the guy doesn't have a job have crappy quarterback. So that is the lead up. Then along comes President Trump. Now, I'm not sure that President Trump did last week was politically design, I'm not sure that he meant to to start this fire fight. I think that some place to say things to audiences, where they clap right. I think that's really as deep as it goes for President Trump, but the effect of what President Trump does is that president trump, whether he likes it or not. Basically, no and what he says. It's going to be taken the same way that reverse psychology is taken with my three year old. So the way that I get my three year old to eat her to eat her food- and I say to her- sweetheart you're, not no you're, not big enough to eat all that food. You can't eat all that food no way, and then she goes yes, I can I'm a big girl and then she eat solid food right. Well, no matter what Trump says the left responds like three year olds. So, never trump says they immediately respond with
you say we should kneel for the anthem, not only when we kneel for the anthem will stretch during the anthem. Not only will we kneel for the anthem will poop on the field that will do just show you 'cause trump huh, huh, ok, so Trump leads all this off with statements: that really are divisive and not useful. Ok, so here's the part of what Trump says. That's useful, what he says: that's useful kneeling for the national anthem is stupid, agree, everyone agrees, but that's not enough. Trump goes further. He gets back into his full on WWE Tv persona, and he decides that he's going to call for people to be fired, he's going to give Fayad I'm going to bring out his old slogan because he's not getting anything done legislatively and everybody sort of disappointed in him. An people are sort of frustrated, so he's bring back in applause line in Alabama because whenever he gets in front of a crowd, this is what he does. Trump is a consummate performer, it's what he does for a living president for living he's a performer for letting who happens to be president! That's how he got here. He did get her through great legislative legerdemain has not how he got here, I'm going to play
tape of Trump and explain what happens next in just a second. But first, let me say if things feel chaotic, if things feel like we on the brink of a national disaster. If it feels like the n Koreans could try to fire a nuke at us at any moment, because there may and those kinds of noises. If you feel like natural disasters around the corner, you need to have enough food in your house, so you don't have to worry about the local grocery stores shelves being non stocked, you know about the government being able to get to you. That's why you need to go to my friends over at my patriot supply and get their new survival, food supply for just ninety nine dollars. It includes one hundred and two servings of breakfasts lunches in dinners for less than a buck per serving order. Now, eight hundred and eighty eight eight hundred and three one thousand four hundred and thirteen eight eight thousand eight hundred and eighty three one thousand four hundred and thirteen or online at Prope here with Ben dot com, is just ninety nine dollars, plus free shipping, which cheap price too
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okay, so when the the the him condemning the the players who Neil I'm fine with that I've been doing it for years now, I think most people in the United states me doing it for years. He is the president of the United States. He is not a bright bar commenter. He is not the local Drunk air pub. Okay, he's the president of the United States, and now it's I'm for the president to be the president perfectly fine for him to say people should not meal for the national anthem. It destroys a feeling of unity that America is built upon. We all strive to do better, not okay for the President of the United States to say the owner should move to fire people and that's not work from stops to try post to twitter and he unleashes a full on Hurricane five level tweetstorm. So here's what he tweets if a player wants the privilege of May millions of dollars in the NFL or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our great american flag or country and should stand for the national
tandem, if not you fire find something else to do. Ok, so here is the problem there, a couple of words here to start that are a problem. One allowed to go back to the first week for a second allowed, so in that first week should not be allowed by whom I, whom k the NFL, gets to make its own rules if they decide they want to let these dolts be dolts, that's their problem, but this allowed coming from the President of the United States carries the Petina of government. Action Trump probably doesn't mean that Trump doesn't even have the power to get health care bill pass. But this is not the kind of stuff that the President of the United States should be saying and then when he says that they should be fired again. I ask you if the situation reversed take off your take off your part in half, the moment if he had said no one should be allowed to kneel against our great american law, ROE V Wade, if not you're fired. How would you feel about that? And if you, if you'll find about that you're lying. Ok in here is President Trump continuing along these lines, and then he tweets, Roger Goodell of NFL, put just put out a statement. Trying
justify the total disrespect, certain players showed or country tell them to stand. Ok, wait! Look at this point. I don't have a problem with ok, Roger Goodell, again private industry. I don't think the President of the United States would be saying this. I agree with the general sentiment again there's a difference when I say it or you say it and the President says it because he has a different role in the American Republic. This is not something the president should be doing. Then he continues again. He just can't let this thing go because he thinks he's got a winner here and he does okay, here's the r I the irony. The irony is that Trump does have a winner here from says: if NFL fans refused to go to games until player, stop disrespecting our flag and country you'll, see change, take play fast fire or suspend so now he's openly calling for people to boycott a particular business until suspender fire, someone imagine if Barack Obama said everyone should stop. Patronizing chick fil a until the owner of the business is moved out of the power. Would that be ok? The answer is no,
now and then he says: NFL attendance and ratings are way down. Boring games, yes, but many stay away because they love our country league should back us again, it's just more and more of the same. He feels like he's a terrier with a bone and now he's not going to let it go and he continues along these lines. Just never ends great solidarity for our national anthem and for our country. Standing with locked arms is good. Kneeling is not acceptable, bad ratings, and I don't know if that was translated into n korean and then into korean and then back into English, but in any case. When he says here you know I actually here's what I suggested, I said: listen if you want to show solidarity with the people who are kneeling, but you disagree with them and put your hand on their shoulder or something and then after the game? I disagree with him, but it is right to say what he wants to say and that's America Trump, I think, is sort of trying to say the same thing there. But then, if it says, courageous patriots have fought and died for great american flag. We must honor, respect it make America great again and then the choir start singing. Ok, so I agree, I agree with all of this. I agree with all of this, but again he's the president. I'm a talk. Show host, ok, there's a diff.
Truth is that is that the finale of his great rant, I think that's a fan. Alpha now- is great rent. Then that's not all he. And his treasury secretary, Stephen a new chain to go out and comment on this too. I can't why is the president involved in telling private business is what to do? Okay, as a conservative I want the government less involved in telling private businesses what to do. Even if I disagree with what a business is doing that plenty of businesses that I think are full of shocks that doesn't mean that as the President of the United States, I get to tell them what to do so again. Two things can be true. Once you should not meal for the anthem, it makes you an a hole too. As the president of the United States, you should not going or you should not go around telling other businesses to fire people based on political predilection K. This makes you now fees into in your duty as a here Stephen New Chin, a guy most famous recently for using taxpayers' dollars again take his wife on their honeymoon or something here. Stephen New Chin explain
and why why Trump is right to Jake Tapper on CNN, the NFL has all different types of rules. You can't have stickers on your helmet. You have to have your uniforms tucked in what the president is saying and I think the owner should meet and they should vote on a rule. This is about respect for our military. This is about respect for our first responders. This is not about Republicans or Democrats. Players have the right for free speech off the field on the field. This is about respect for lots of people, and I don't understand why there's rules that when the Dallas Cowboys wanted put stickers on their helmets out of respect for people there. They couldn't do it right now. Why the Treasury secretary of the United States commenting on this. Why we complain when Barack Obama and his his government got involved in trying to regulate the name of the Washington Redskins, and we said why are you talking about go do your stupid job, you stupid
okay and now everybody's time. Okay, so why is this really happening? It's because Trump's actually doing something quite clever whether he means to or not what he's doing right now is quite clever. What he's doing is saying I am on the side. I right here, I'm on the side of the national anthem, the flag. I love it it's great and then he know The Democrats are going to respond like three year old children and say yeah. We like the flag, you screw you. I hate the anthem, I the flag and that's exactly what Democrats do he? Naturally, this is exactly where Democrats go because they just can't help themselves. So there? A former Maryland Democratic representative, saying that all NFL play there should kneel in response to Trump right? She said Sunday. I hope every NFL player takes a knee in solidarity with Colin Capper against the white supremacist who squats in our White House. So what happens a lot of the NFL players? Do they decide that they hate Trump, so much they're going to kneel for the anthem. So here's what the lefties in here is with the right sees 'cause. We now live in completely different bubbles. Right. We don't have conversations with each other. They don't talk with each other,
try to standing understand each other. So here's the left sees the left sees a bunch of people kneeling to protest. The president of the United States making statements that are beyond his KEN right? The president should not be commenting on this. Let's all kneel in solidarity to show that we don't like what the president said here. The rest of America sees. They see a bun. People kneeling during the national anthem that people have fought and died to protect? They see a bunch of people disrespecting the flag that a bunch of people who fought and died to respect. So what the left did is they took an unpopular protest movement I would not a protest movement that no one on the left was seriously backing and then they made it there they made it there. Rallying cry. This is what we're going to rally around now. Is this unpopular stupid thing and Trump over here going, I love the flag. It's great, because people kneeling is about me. I hate the fact that the national anthem move it right in the it's it's so everyone, so that the re. Debate here is not even had the real debate is whether it's appropriate to kneel for the flag. Half the people kneeling about the back national anthem are doing it specifically to piss off trump. If
pissing off from your wrong. Ok, Trump is winning because of this you back Ohio and Michigan and Pennsylvania. And Wisconsin by kneeling during the national anthem? Are you out of your mind, but the Democrats think they're going to win with their base. Trump thinks he's going to win with his base they're, both sort of right, they're, both sort of right to what breaks down the only thing that breaks down is our capacity to speak with one, and Americans are the ones who get hurt right. We just want to be watch our football and drink a beer and be left alone. That's all it's all we ask. Is it so? I've been saying this about sports. For years. I was saying this when the NFL was trying out Beyonc to do a black lives matter routine during Halftime River Katie. It who's, a very political person right. I've been saying this for a long time. Let me watch my sports and leave me alone, and they won't do it, and now Trump has just taken it to the next level. It's a logical next step and now everybody's mad. Okay. Now we have nothing to talk about the ratings,
for the NFL are going to tank, because the NFL is going to defend its players? People are going to get mad. They don't want to watch the players kneel for the anthem. They think it's unpatriotic, because it is now. There are people who say it's not unpatriotic. For two reasons one is when you the then you're really kneeling, because you respect the right, because you respect the anthem, You not living up to it. This I seen I it's a poor argument. This runs in the same category as people who say the burning. The flag is showing the highest form of respect to the flags or burning the flag to show the flag doesn't live up to what we think it should live up to, and it's not real. You want kneeling for the anthem shows. The other thing is a little more understandable that is, is not unpatriotic to kneel, because we're not kneeling, because we don't like the end of the flag. When I knew you were kneeling because want to show trump that he can't tell people not to deal okay again stupid, but not unpatriotic, but what a lot of people in the middle of the country see is people kneeling during the anti here is: what people see and you're going to see what you want to see it right: here's what you're going to see Le Sean Mccoy right, who is a running back for the Buffalo bills? This is what he was doing during the national anthem, not even kneeling stretching.
Who is the Redskins okay garbage thing to do. I don't when you're doing that for stretching during the national anthem is garbage thing. It is any kneeling right. Kneeling is bad enough, but stretching it really just you being a garbage person, so press and thanks Lashaun Mccoy for his campaign donation, twenty twenty. They promise you this helps trump. This helps trump and It becomes a big thing right. You've got national anthem, singers, who are kneeling. You had one, do it at the Seahawks Titans game right, so you've got the color guard out there. Then in the color guard is is out. These are men and women serving in our american military standing there for the flat. And the national anthem singers kneeling in front of the people who are willing to spend their lives and their lifeblood protecting that flag in this national anthem, it's gross
The actress in Romania LAW, because we have to show that kneeling is important. Kneeling is not important again, don't kneel, just hole ends with them, while they kneel right over you lock. Arms locking arms is trump from himself said. Anything he's right, locking, arms, fine right, we're all part of the same country. Lincoln said we must be friends, not enemies who must be brothers, not enemies. Ok, here's another national anthem! Singer kneeling again! This is a Detroit Atlanta. And other free where, although so there are a lot of places where people were booted right, the patriots
sample were booed, a bunch of them the and the and the crowd booed them, which I think is totally appropriate. You can hear them pulling the players right. This is Trump is done, and this is what the left fell right into Trump said. If you kneel you're unpatriotic and you should be fired and a bunch of people said well. That's fine, then, Will O'Neill. So what are you doing? You're alienating your own audience. Here's a montage of all the players around the NFL Cleveland Browns, who kneeled who and then just kept kneeling throughout the game, they stink local, I here's the chain and jaguars. There's the Atlanta Falcons the jets people were locking arms okay. So now I'm gonna show you how this breaks down because of what trump it. Instead of this being a debate about. Instead of this debate about kneeling about police,
now it's turned into a debate about the national anthem itself and about Trump Trump is taken. What was a tiny protest movement earned a huge and in the process polarized the country in a politically intelligent way, but in a way that's not very good for the country I'm going to get to the hero of last night hero in yesterday and some of the villains so we'll Get to that in just a second. But first I want to say thank you to our So you have a lot to do today. Right, I mean it's Monday. Just came off really stupid weekend, and so now you have a back email. You got a lot of work to do you're not going to be able to spend a lot of time reading. Are you just things that you want to read? Well, that's why wouldn't get in the car is I'm free to turn on blinkist. You need to download the blankets to app, It allows you to go through the world's best books in fifteen minutes, unless they boiled down the main points of books into fifteen minute power packets. They call blanks and then you can listen to them. It really is amazing. I know a lot of people listen to show? People at Dana Perino now use blankets and the real, and for that is because blink is, is just a tremendous way of gathering information. You can spend five. Hours, reading a book and come away,
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hero of yesterday, when all was said and done was not any of the players were kneeling, it was one player on the Pittsburgh Steelers Alejandro Villanueva he is A380. Three tours, I believe in Iraq and afghanistan- and he is a West point Graduate he's an offensive tackle for the Pittsburgh Steelers. The entire Pittsburgh Steelers team decided that it was necessary not to come, now for the national anthem over all of this stupidity, an the entire Pittsburgh This team stayed in the locker room, except for Villanueva, who served in the line of duty in Order- protect this national anthem and protect this flag. And here is some video of standing for the anthem. Or the hour or more sweetie war, was God
under orders word search helibars. They came out there all linked arms. It didn't feel the only player on the Steelers who came out with this guy 'cause. He served in the military, his jersey, His jersey sales nuns ever heard them his jersey sales immediately skyrocketed to number six, that's good. He is the hero of the day If you are an NFL fan, I recommend that you go online right now and buy Villanueva Jersey. Let's end it all the way to number one I'd like that be the number one selling jersey, not Tom, Brady, not Aaron Rogers. This nearly anonymous, offensive, tackle who served in our military and stood up for the national anthem in the flag. Let's do that to go over to your your on online, where you get your jerseys online and go find Villa. His Jersey and buy one, because I think that the more Americans were the Villanueva Jersey, the better off. We are the better off Obviously, you know this. Guy is the hero of the day, and this is
new debate? Trump got what he wanted. He got what he wanted. He wanted us to be saying that the heroes of the data that people who stood for the anthem and the people who weren't Neil That's what we felt before, but now a lot more people are kneeling because they don't like Trump, and you can see the the virtue, signaling stupidity of the left. Here I mean it really is astonishing. Alyssa Milano the actress she took a picture of her kid kneeling because there's sing better than politicizing your own child. I know it's just wonderful. I really object to this. As I say, I have two kids under four. I keep them separate from politics. I don't even put pictures online of them. People are willing to use their kids for this kind of stuff. I really don't like it. I wasn't wanted. Thank you, John for giving me opportunities to teach my children, the difference between right and wrong tape okay. So what does Alyssa Milano objective? Does she object to President Trump saying that people who kneel for the anthem, Rs Obies, is that what she objects to, or did she object to the President of the United States saying they should be fired? If the latter, then we're out to know from Alyssa Milano is, does
stand up for the rights of people to speak at Berkeley that she stand up for the rights of people to work in Mozilla fire Fox, does she stand up for the rights of people to continue? working at their bakery. If they don't wish to service the same sex wedding like how much freedom More places almost Malana four, or is this just virtue signalling? I think we all know the answer. Stevie wonder: did the same routine Stevie wonder got down on one knee as well, so it's become a big cultural thing. Now. Tonight, I'm taking a knee for America. Pineapple the risky business are wow, so emotional if Monica Lewinsky Childcare won't tell, but in any case the the idea that you know this is
now doing some sort of great service to the United States for the United States. If you praying for America, that's one thing: that's normally what we mean when we kneel, but this idea that we all have to take a knee for America. This is our solidarity is protesting the anthem, so american solidarity now is protesting. The things that we stand for that's weird, my favorite one by the way was the surgeon who's. The name is Eugene Gu M b and he says I'm an asian american doctrine today I take the need to fight white supremacy is currently one hundred and seventeen thousand likes on Twitter Jin Goo is a surgeon scientist hoping to cure heart and kidney disease in babies, he's blocked by President Trump he's the president of damage in ink and stay Duke Med School a lot. He just say that if we're talking about institutional racism going to go with Eugene Gould's not really get to talk about that so much play jingle, as I say, went to Stanford and Duke Medical School and let's be clear about this: five sense of the american population is asian. Twenty percent of med school graduates are asian last I checked so we're talking about
institutional racism. I think they keep picking for examples. So all of this redounds to Trump's benefit is the amazing thing right. If you're a trump fan, then you, like if you're a big trump fan. You like all this, not because you care of not because of what it does to the country. I think it's terrible for the country, but if you think that Trump needs political support, the best way to political support, is to play this game that we like to call in a political sumo wrestling. So sumo wrestling is about you get the person in the circle with you, and then you throw them out of the circle. Right, you get your enemy in the circle with you, and then you throw them out of the circle. So what? seems politically. Is you get everybody to agree to a certain proposition and then make your enemy and you throw them out of the circle. They don't believe in that proposition. Most people in America, like the anthem most people in America like flag. If you get your enemy somehow to make the idiotic mistake of somehow saying I hate the flag, I hate the anthem, you have one and that's why Trump inadvertently, did because the left is so damn stupid
I mean so unbelievably stupid, like light years of stupid. Basically, the left does something dumb with the ant Trump did something dumber with regarding the anthem and then the uh, something even dumber. We are now in an endless vortex of stupid yeah. We we have not yet read it it. It's a black hole, stupid and eventually will emerge on the other side met Ronnie will been elected in twenty twelve. When you merge on the other side that warm hole. That's how dumb everything is It didn't end there by the way. Trump is now in a fight with me the NBA as well so Steph Curry, said he was going to go to the White House to meet Trump, as I've said before. I think players have a right to do this. I think TIM Thomas did that the goalie for Boston Bruins. He did that with with Obama, because he's a pro Obama's pro choice. I think it's perfectly acceptable. Steph curry. We didn't want to meet Trump so Trump. Instead of accepting that with grace or just moving on and saying, you know that too bad. I really would like to meet him is being gentlemanly instead, Trump does what he always does, which is you can't quit? You're fired writing without going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship. Team stuff, curry is
therefore invitation is withdrawn. He wasn't. He said he was going to come so again, that's the same thing that Trump did with. Economic and jobs Advisory council. You remember this after Charlottesville, all of them quit, and he said you can't. I've disbanded, your counsel Sucuri immediately responded by taking the high road. He said this is beneath the President mean surreal. To be honest, I mean just well I don't I don't know why he doesn't need to target certain individuals rather than others. I have an idea of why, but this is kind of just kind of beneath I think of a leader, the country to to go that route. It's not what leaders do so so so the left loves this battle. Lebron James also sounds it off, because we definitely needed the king to sound
On all of this, I mean I lied to not be complete without Lebron James political commentary areas. Just a little frustrated manages because this guy that we've in charge has taught us try to divide us once again and obviously we all know what happened with Charles V, o and and the divide that Echols then and now is even hit more home for me now, even more because he's now use sports as a platform to try to divide us right. Okay, so you know yeah. I love again that Lebron James had a prom with Colin Kaepernick dividing us, our President Obama dividing us. The Trump is when he's dividing Us- and this is the point. Okay, we are now living in white eyes, we talked about. The idea of this military industrial complex, we're going to go out and get into wars that were stupid because we have this military and uh. Real complex. It has an interest in building up our armaments, then using them so we'll get into wars that are done. This is what Eisenhower
His farewell address address one thousand nine hundred and sixty well. When it comes to political, cultural, entertainment, we have a political entertainment wing, a political entertainment complex that has an interest in culture, wars, stupid, culture, wars, culture, wars that don't benefit anyone except the politicians and the cultural figures. That's it, they don't benefit Americans. They don't help the country, they don't tie us closer together. They divide right now we're supposed to choose sports like if you love America, you're supposed to choose NASCAR and if you hate trump you're supposed to choose the NFL in the NBA. This is the game that we're going to play now, and only people who benefit from this or cultural figures who get to feel very special about themselves and feel like they are culturally and politically important and medical figures like President Trump get to make hay off now. The left is ok with this. Is left, dominates the culture right. There's point dude has made over it over at the New York Times. He says the left. We've never had a greater dichotomy between politics and cult. The right is dominating politics and left is dominating the culture and that's because the act off of each other politics
people reacting to culture and cultures, people reacting to politics, but they also clutch in this love embrace right were trouble. This is great for him politically and Just loves this culturale, because it's great for them culturally. They get to complain about America and talk about how terrible it is and talk about Trump and win some adherents and fans and double down with their own pace. Everyone but their base in the middle of the country, everybody who just wants a better country where we can live together and respect each others, opinions we hate each other, and we think that we're jerks. Now like I it's it's made everything significantly worse. This political entertainment complexes they tweeted yesterday, politics and payment populated and now they both have syphilitic brain disease. Politics is big hum infused with entertainment, oriented stupidity and entertainment has become oriented with politically oriented stupidity, and that means that both are worse off both or meanwhile. We ignore the actual policy problems. So I'm going to talk about the policy problems in just one. Second But first we're going to have to go over the dailywire dot com and subscribe for nine hundred and ninety nine a month. You can become a subscriber to this, the very greatest in all podcasts. You also become a subscriber,
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as well. If you want to check us out later, just listen. Go over to Itunes or Soundcloud go over to Youtube hit subscribe. We always appreciate your subscribership annual reviews. We are largest fastest growing conservative podcast in the nation already so now. All of this is going on in this just goes to show you that entertainment has overcome politics entirely. President Trump tweets this okay, she had that giant, tweet storm at the NFL. That's what everyone is paying attention today: 'cause, let's be frank, it's more fun and entertaining to talk about that. So here is president Trump tweeting about N Korea. Yesterday, here is what he treated Last heard, for it just heard foreign Minister of North Korea speak at you if the echoes thought a little rocket man. They I'll be around much longer, exclamation point the president of the it. States is threatening nuclear war calling the dictator of North Korea Little Rock a menace, he's adding and he's like it's like little Marco and Rocket man's that's exciting. This happens
any blow. Blowback is zero. Why? Because we've been in your to this, but we've not been in to the control war. So we pay more attention to the culture wars. Then you know that possibility of a nuclear conflagration with another country's that's exciting. Meanwhile, policy. Everything proceeds apace. It's amazing about this. Is you recall that when I left, we left our story? I was talking about Jimmy Kimmel and Healthcare. Remember that, like a year ago, like four days ago, you remember that well, this was supposed to be the health care. Push right. Donald Trump is going to ram through Cassidy Graham Healthcare bill. Finally going pill, these parts of a we're going to the vast majority of in place, but we're going make some significant substantive changes to it. Trump's closing pitch does the NFL is stupid and full of sons of bitches right. That was his closing patch, which is just great remember. His closing pitcher on health last time was my attorney. General is terrible, so his car isn't. She needs a little bit of work, an we're not paying any intent into the health care stuff. Meanwhile,
it's unclear whether the health care bill is going to pass so why it doesn't present focus on rounding up the votes for that, because he enjoying the limelight because, again he's a performer is not a politician. So here's and Paul saying he's not going to vote for the Graham Cassidy Bill. I think what it sets up as a perpetual food fight over the formula, what happen crosswind they're, going to try to claw back that money from republican states and give it to Democrats. Take this is a bad idea. It's not repeal, however, all that being said, if they narrow the focus to the things we all agree on expanding health savings accounts give governors more freedom through waivers slowing down the rate of growth of an outrageous or out of control entitlement spending, sure I'd be for that, but I'm just not for this block granting concept, because to me that is a form of art that have agreed to keep Obama care. Ok, so here he is. This is Rand Paul, Stick by the way, he's always too pure to vote for things again. I like Grand,
a lot and a lot of things. But in this case, if this is the best that we're going to do the best that we're going to do, I mean TED, Cruz and MIKE Lee, are saying they're going to try and extract concessions in word two in order to vote on this thing, which I think is the proper stance. That's what Rand Paul should be saying if you wanted to make a better piece of legislation, but he's the only ones remember, Republicans only have fifty two votes in the Senate. They lose three and the sucker is done. Mccain is already saying he probably won't vote for it. That means they can only lose two more house in another ones. That means any of the lost anyone. The loss in the Senate and this latest, and Cassidy, Obamacare fix or a change goes down, and Susan Collins is also saying that she probably won't vote for it. So this thing is, you know it's right on the brink. This is where the president's weight could be useful, Jake, it's very difficult for me to envision thus scenario where I would end up voting for this bill. Ok, so again,
this is where Trump really should be putting his efforts right now. That is not. Where he's putting his efforts. Obviously, okay time for some quick things I like and then the thing I hate, yeah and then please, let me break don't run things more guys, it's just there, there's only so much more. We can okay time for some things. I like self Edward fees are recommended one of his books other day that was the last superstition. Here's a brand new book that just came out called five proofs of the existence of God Aristotle, Plotinus Augustine Aquinas in Leibnitz, and it talks about the logical proofs forgot that had been put over history in that really have not been well debunked by the secular, theistic movement, and it is not the the usual cosmological argument that you hear usually you here when it comes to the Cosmo argument. Is everything has a creator? Therefore, God right if everything has greater there. Their forgotten that usually leads like SAM Harris, the atheism be on his podcast. That should be fun at people like SAM Harris and say well. If everything has a creator who created God, that's not what these arguments actually say: ok,
it's, not what the argument is, and if you want the fully fleshed out argument in readable prose five crew The existence of God by Edward Feser is is quite a good book. I had an opportunity to speak with professor for a little bit yesterday and price of my own questions about the arguments that he was making. In the book. I think that it is well worthwhile. Do I think that these are diss positive? Do I think that do I think that they absolutely prove that God exist? Just don't think it's possible to argue. I think it's possible to argue with them, but I think that they are a good, logical presentation of what an argument in favor of looks like that, isn't based simply on revelation so yeah, I think that's said. That's a worthwhile again. Five proofs of the existence of God from movies are ok. Other things that I like. I love that now people OC, who is the least hip, and in the world, although she may have had a hip replacement. I don't know so. Maybe she got more recently but in any case, Nancy Poulos E is very unhappy and she doesn't know who Colin Capper Nick is or what football is or why she's here or what's going on in the room around her here, she was yes
trying to pronounce Colin Kaepernick's name. He should see this as an opportunity, somebody at a con covering company company doing what he did says this flag in Naples me to do this coming, come back and do good in green, so well done Nancy Polacy, demonstrating how cool you are. Ok. Finally, time for a thing I hate. The answer is everything? Ok, but besides everything here specific thing that I hate so according to the Washington Free Beacon, late night comedian, Jimmy Kimmel in Senate Minority leader, Chuck Schumer have coordinated behind the scenes for months to oppose republican efforts. Repeal Obamacare Kimmel, whose son was born with a congenital heart disease, has been an outspoken critic of the republican efforts to repeal Obama CARE, because he believes the most recent republican efforts to replace Obamacare. Don't protect people with pre existing conditions like his son according to the daily beast, so he is and a bunch of monologues. This week he did some after I left the air. If you wanna see my monologue about Kimmel's monologue go back to last Wednesday's so. I did a very long explanation of what Kimmel was saying and why
is wrong and why it's not right to stand on your child's health condition in order to promote your views of health care. In any case, it turns out that Schumer and were speaking, speak out in opposition to Graham and Cassidy's bill when it became apparent. Republicans would try pass it so, in other words, does Kim alone. Think about the bill. Did he make an independent study? Know he's dumb, so you talked to chuck Schumer. He doesn't like anything that is Obamacare there. Would be no republican program, Jimmy Kimmel Back end of story, that's the whole thing so long as that is the case. That's all that matters, So long as that's the case, that is the only thing that matters right is that he was never going back. Anything Republicans had to propose so as a political put up job. And I think that means something because we're going to make an emotional appeal. Then we should know if you were planning to use the emotional appeal in order promulgate your politics, because you were talking with partisans on one side. You didn't come to your own, your own illusions: you just talk to chuck Schumer and have it ahead and give you some talking points alright. So we will be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, as I say,
everything is getting ruined. Just stop it. Take a break. Go out for ice, enjoy your family, enjoy your kids enjoy your neighbors. We still live in the greatest country on the face of the earth, and if we would look into others faces once in a while, instead of trying to see into the blackness of each other souls that darkness. So each other souls, then perhaps we'd all be little bit better off I'll, see her tomorrow and then ship here. This is the Ben Shapiro show and
Transcript generated on 2019-10-14.