« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 38 - Stop Calling Trump's Supporters Islamophobic

2015-12-09 | 🔗
Fear of radical Islam is not irrational, plus Ben talks about his magical journey to Otay Ranch High School and the fascism of the education system.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We're here on Wednesday and there's tonnes going on in the world. I will explain to you what happened to me yesterday when I spoke at a high school, we'll talk about down from plus a combined episode of things I hate and deconstructing the culture. So it's a too for one. If someone, in store for you, I'm Ben Shapiro. This is the best attentions humanize people here about feeling. Ok, so Here we are, and it is indeed a Wednesday we have a lot to get to today. First of all, you should know folks it if you just lie. This on you're missing out on all the fantastic technicolor technicolor actual a brand new said that looks like I'm. I'm hanging out like the arrow cave. It's pretty awesome. We have multiple cameras and I looked stunning as always, but you do know that before because just wasn't debt level sophistication seal, look at all the angles. It's unbelievable, you're missing! All of this. Unless you're subscribe, you need to subscribes. They can see not only all the things that I talk about, but also said you can see this beautiful, visage income come on, my wife gets it every day, but you can pay for it.
Make sure that you go to daily wired outcome and check that right. So yesterday will become a big U story now I spoke over it. Ok, ranch high school, a near San, Diego and is a road down there from couple. What a half hours and I get to the school many have been scheduled by the Young America's Foundation and Young America's foundation is is a wonderful organization. It? local chapter, this high school and it's very left Highschool lot of the teachers are left as the administrators are left us, and so the students wanted me to come and talk to all of their fellow high school students about the differences between conservatism and leftism. Just like I do on the show every day and I got a call- we can advance from one of the administrators and this this writer, who is also the title mine applicator- they did their elsewhere too stupid titles it at public schools, and this guy has one of them having his name's d, never read something like that and D. Never at here
calls me up and he and he said he wants to find out what I'm talking about. I said: well, it's not going to be happy. Dappy, I'm glad you're, okay, everybody's great, be a leader speeches. I'm going to actually talk about politics. We're going to talk about right, vs left and the differences in political ideology, and why Bernie Sanders is wrong and Whitehead cruises right now. This will get into all of this. and he says well, you know you, can violate our standards. Protocol should know ever understands and protocols are not going to use the funds in language you're, not going to say anything terrible. I'm not gonna get up there and talk about sex. I'm not gonna do anything that is gonna violate your standards and protocols, the ones that you sent It's ok well know the reason I'm calling and asking is because we ve had to basically quash this event a couple of times, because a bunch of tea and this time they found out a bunch of teachers, were very upset about this right now, the students, the teachers were very upset that somebody would come in and talk to the students about ideas that the two
Yours did not agree with, because in a state of California there's a monopoly on truth held by the left, and thus anybody of the right has to be shut up. Ok, so we end up going forward the event I get there, the place pact, four hundred and fifty students. When I start talking about the differences between the left and the right, and basically the speeches about how the left belief is that fairness of outcome is the only thing that matters in life, it doesnt matter where you start, it doesn't matter what decisions that you make. The only thing that matters is the outcome should always be equal right. If I make a bunch of terrible decisions and I dont get an education and I'm a loser for most of my life, I should make the same. Out of money as Bill gates in a matter that I ve never produced anything like Bill Gates produced. I should have the same amount of money. That's the left's idea of adjusting good universe and I explained why that's bad idea and wide Lutz idea is wrong in the right idea of equality of opportunity is correct and that micromanaging people's lives in the name of equality is actually evil. Can I do this for about half and then we start to go into culinary and one of the questions that are mass
and if you know it was it that there should be a tape of coming out pretty soon the full speech and was pretty amusing. One of the teachers got up clearly very left guy any. He starts going into a diatribe is always the mistake when, when it, whenever you're in a begging and somebody hands you the microphone, that is not a licence for you to be the speaker, get a speaker as the speaker and you're. The question. Does this teacher start speaking after about two and a half minutes, I said to him: is there a question at the end of this too high schools, while the could go in and we're the it goes like this ten minutes and finally one of the students says I want you to explain why is that Bernie Sanders is ideal, isn't Bernie Sanders idea right that you'll have a better economy and you'll you'll help poor people, if you take money from rich people and give it to poor people are basically communism. If you are poor people not to be poor, you take money away from them and you give it did from the rich and you give it to the poor people right, Robin Hood redistribution as it'll be fantastic spreading.
Alpha your bet, everybody's better off, as President Obama said, and so I gave my answer. My answer was basically no, that's not how- But it turns out that, in order for you to rise from poverty, you actually have to take corrective action and we have to train you to take corrective action. This is why we need for people who win the lottery on a disproportionate share of those people end up going back to being poor after work they blow through all of their money, and here is the tape of what happened next and what's causing all the controversy when lottery three recycling recently impossible for second, what I'm saying there tardy here a little bit because the audio qualities bad at what I'm saying is exactly what I just said. You know what I said is lottery wonders our poor go back to being poor because their bad with money, people who are permanently poor
country, and I use the phrase permanently poor if your poor forever forty years in America not temporarily permanently, if your per. porn America, unless your disable in some way and can't work unless your men We disease, your mental illness of some sort, The only reason are permanently poor in the United States is because you sought with money is inherently. there is no one in the United States whose fabulous one hundred percent fabulous with money and is then poor for fifty years in the United States. There is not one of these people, they do not exist and then I you know if your temporarily poor. There are a variety of reasons for that. You can lose your job, you could be unhealthy and you can have medical, but lately there's a lot of reasons to be temporarily for pretty much everybody in the United States at one point or another goes to temporarily poor. If you who's your job, your income, goes from something to nothing. At that point, income level is temporarily poor, pretty much. Everybody has experienced this at some point, some saying all this and I was not even where this controversial it. I know what I'm saying controversial things I do for a living hisself, I'm a fairly certain when I'm backdrop, rhetorical able
This was not a rhetorical Avon. This wasn't even rhetorical. Cluster bomb is, wasn't it rhetorical smart bomb right? This was like a rhetorical pin Rick, I mean what I when I said here is, oh, eminently true and so obvious to everyone. That ITALY is really should not be offensive in anywhere. But here is is what happens next here about C Dean, never Eddie appear ends and basically try to dismiss all the kids, Why, where
Yes, always all you guys based off of his opinion, what he believes and in what he wants to share with, I know that the occasion was there, an Aldis in the standing left side by side, but not, but also the option least allow brands compressed find me some of the good things about certain things. I think it was getting into now. Isn't it's time to frost a lot and like this
and there we go. So He gets up there and he says this is. Are you know this is his impressing whose opinion I am, after all, these kids left there and you can see half the kids we for people can't hear he gets up there and he says that I've been expressing my opinion, which is what I do for a living. I mean I'm not sure what I was going to who was going to go there and read out of the phone book, I mean that it was easy speech about politics, and he says the alignment crossing you hear me say what was that and he has no answer. He just dismisses the kid so breathing. You dismisses the kids because their former fifty kids there about two hundred. Fifty the kids signed up- the to come to this and then apparently about two hundred the kids I found out afterwards. There were teachers who want their kids to come here and opposing point of view, which last I checked is allowed you're allowed to do that
she allowed to have an opposing point of view in America's public schools and just demonstrates the tyranny of thought that happens folks at America's public schools. A truly is incredible right. The way that this work is that, if you are a certain political bent and you have an advantage- and so after all of these kids After all, these kids left I went ahead and- and I said you know- I saw a sarcastic lee- I wish that our California state employees being paid by the taxpayer is then I could force you to stay here and listen to everything I say for the rest of the year, because that's basically what happens on these camps is so that's what went down here I have to say that it was a bit of an eye opener for me, not because I thought the administration would would be cool with any of this. I was kind of surprise they let me speak in the first place, but because some of the ways a lot of the sea- reactor was kind of shocking personal. I will say this a lot of students to get up and leave. They get up and leave not because they hate what I'm saying or they think it so terrible it's because they ve never free period. Now they can leave. When I was in high school, if somebody said you dont have to comes,
this autonomy. Many more I'm outright amendment, that's probably a lot of these students. After all, I'm sure that their someplace on campus then go to smoke their pot and into rubber in his hand, or so that there is a lot going on in their lives. But beyond that, one of the things that I thought was kind of shocking about all of this is that there was a there is a point in the speech was talking about the the phantom wage I was talking about the fact that women are not paid less than men in american society. We get rid of all of the conflicting factors when you get rid of the fact that women work, less than men will last hours less years. Different positions choose to take time, offer their kids when you're. published actors. Women are paid exactly the same as men and women shocking, that single woman, fresh out of school, who are not Marian, don't have kids. Those Women in all of major in of America's major cities, are paid more than men there. I should pay more than men, so I said all of this, and what was amazing, this was kind of amazing to me is that you could see all of the girls in the room. There's a contingent of girls in the room I and they said, there's a ripple that ran through the crowd winners.
In public. You can feel when there's unease in the crowd, and there was unease in the crowd and girl started hissing and- and I thought to myself. This is why we are doomed as a country. None of these girls have ever held the job. None of them, therefore in fifteen sixteen years old, they ve never held job there living off mommy and daddy paycheck right. That's what they're doing living up, mommy and daddy paycheck, and yet they think that there are obstacles to them ever succeeding. And what we're we take off the administrator here and what ticked off the students is that I was saying to them. There are no obstacles to your success, except for you. If you wanna succeed in America, take control of your life actually said this in a speech. But what does it mean? greater said after he dismissed all these students? I said so. Why is this happening and he said it's my job to protect the students. I said from what he said. Well that a lot of them in the back of their children of low income families, there are funded as well, you're, not doing them any favours by coddling them from reality and in that is certainly true because it turns out, but both here's that here's the deal they're, not
the kids any favours but they're doing the Democratic Party alot of favours, because when you tell poor people that the reason therefore is not through bad decision making or because we need to keep their nose to the grindstone in work hard. When you tell him it's through exploitation in an injustice in the american system. What you're saying is vote Democrats? You can still people's money. That's. Why Democrats, when Democrats by turning everybody into a victim of the system, as opposed to telling people get out, they're in work, your ass off and everything will basically be okay, if you do that and by the way everything basically will be it's so funny? I got a lotta tweets after this from folks on what are you a silver spoon, baby or silver spoon baby? I don't like talking about my childhood cuz. I don't think there's any virtue in poverty. I just don't. I don't think that it's important if you grow up- or I don't think it's important. I know people who grew up rich, who are jerks. I know people who grew up poor, who are jerks the idea that you're a better person cuz. You grew up poor and we get it from all the presidential candidate.
Now ray. I grew up. Poor wanna things actually like about Donald Trump is that he doesn't do this routine. There's no virtue to poverty. There is virtually virtue, but for me personally I grew up in a small house in Burma, California, to bedroom house with three public, so I was sharing a room until I was eleven years old with three of my sisters. We had one bathroom for six. People can want poor by any stretch of the imagination, but we certainly want rich in we'll you're, probably middle middle class. At best when I was growing up gazed at it and there's nothing wrong with that? It doesn't make me a better person. Doesn't make me a worse person. Income level has nothing to say about who you are as a human being. Your decisions have something. set out who you are as a human being and in your wealth status, tells you something about the kind of visions that you made on the economic front, which very often correlate with your decisions on the responsibility front, the more responsible you are in your life, the better the chance you're not gonna, be in permanent poverty, but we can't tell that students it might make them feel bad. They have to be told that their victims of evil EVIL America. So that's what
given the high school yesterday, moving from that to be big topic of the day, and that, of course continue to be Donald Trump Proposal muslim immigration for those who missed it? Yesterday I talked about Rachel profiling because I thought that was important to lay the groundwork for what a good policy would look like. I don't think trumps policy is a good policy have written about this. A daily wire I don't think that banning all muslim immigration to the country is the proper answer to the danger of radical Islam. The reason I say- That is because there are some Muslims who I think that we can bet. You know if you have a kurdish fighter whose in Iraq and needs to escape for human rights reasons and his vouch for by them if the US military, who fought alongside him and kill bad guys alongside him, that I can live with if we're talking about unfair, it muslim refugees, whose area different story. I don't think it's completely impossible to that people, in other words, for for security background, whereas Trump apparently thinks that it is that's that's an honest difference of opinion
I think that we are his policy of banning all muslim immigration, also doesn't answer what you do with the three million Muslims were already here: right once you say no more Muslims come in what Muslim in the United States is going to help you in terms of intelligence gathering both domestically and foreign and on foreign affairs. That's my taken on trumps actual policy but, as I said yesterday, religious profiling, religious behaviour, profiling, certain ninety allergies are more likely to be terrorism than others. Any denial of that is a politically correct nonsense language, but this is this is where Trumpet trump is gonna win on this issue in the region. Trumpets gonna, win on this issue in the public. Mind is not because he's right in his policy its because his enemies as owns can't just restrict our criticism to the policy. They cannot restrict their criticism. To Trump is wrong on this. They can't you say: yeah Donald Trump he's goes too far, but yeah there's a threat of radical Islam. That's better handled this way. No, it turns into everyone, could possibly support Donald Trump proposal hates
Muslims and is a big it helm, explain something. Bigotry is saying that no Muslim is capable of being westernized K. That's that's bigotry to say that no Muslim, biologically for some brain reason is Cape of being westernized were living in peace and harmony in the west. That's bigotry, it is not bigotry! It is actually reasonable to say many. Muslims are not westernized or capable of Leicester innovation? That is a fact that tat bigotry and to say that it's hard to screen for these folks is also fact. That's not bigotry. So that the media goes too far and you'll see them go too far secures trump announcing his his muslim immigration and the other night in South Carolina. This is what caused the entire hubbub. As I say, as I have said before, I think the reason from did this is is not necessarily because deeply believes that, although I am sure right now, he does, as I said, I think that every time from says anything he believes at a time. He says it, but the reason Tromp is pushing it out. Now is because he started to lose to take
crews in Iowa, so now he has to get back in the headlines and obviously he's on MAC as every headlines. No Donald Trump here is Trump announcing his policy. The other night in South Carolina got OJ. Trot is calling for that was pretty pretty every some common sense and we have to remember the polar twenty five percent. Fifty one percent remember the phone numbers so remember so was Donald J Drop is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. Representatives can figure out what the hell what's going on, Ok, this he had no choice. You can, and you can see. Everybody is very enthused about all of this, because they feel rightly, that the government is incompetent and if you'll rightly that radical Islam is threat and then I believe
the stuff about Islam not having to do with radical Islam. They don't believe that and the right not to believe that because clearly there is a relationship. How significant that relationship is can argue about, I think, actually fairly significant. If you look at the percentages of Muslims globally, who believe in things, we would consider radical here in the west is a very high percentage. It's not two percent, it's not ten percent. It's not twenty percent, its much closer to at least fifty percent, who believe all these things. Ok, so that's why people are during both. media have done? Is they ve decided that Trump personally is a bigger and, more importantly, all of his supporters are big it. So I I think, from his allowed now threaten me, I'd think you'd be impossible, not to think the Trump is allowed mouth at this point, but but the urge the media is always to call him a big it. It is always to suggest that there is something wrong with trumps intent. It's not that it's just wrong on policy. He must be a xenophobic Roy.
Assist jerk, although I don't a higher races with Muslims, because Islam is not a race. So you actually Barbara Walter's, actually asked Donald Trump as yours, Barbara Walter's, with Donald Trump asking him. If he is a big it. are you a big it? Not at all, probably the least of anybody. You ve ever met some person that, common sense. I miss him a person I know to run things. I know how to make Amerika great again. This is about in Amerika great again I'll get so. First of all, there is no laughing is because its system, what when he said are, you beg me says: not only may not a big it I'm the least bigoted person. You ve never met anyone, life, its mother teresa- had nothing on Donald Trump boy did Martin Luther king, nothing on Donald Trump, he is the least bigoted person you never even heard of you ve ever conceived
if you could imagine and not bigoted person, he would look exactly like Donald Trump and has been is funny. Headed is weird hair and the whole deal. And again I don't have evidence that Donald Trump. Easy is a big it based on him saying that Radical Islam is a problem and he doesn't trust the government about people, in fact, is the tenth, gruesome ran Paul citizen. Thing. They just have limited level of trust, inventing muslim immigrants. They say it can be easier to that muslim immigrants from Canada or Britain or friends than it is to that Muslim. Emily, from Syria or Libya or terror links countries gay. I tend to agree with that. I, in fact, we would suggest that there are certain countries where we should be careful of immigration from us where's, including France. I think that in France has shown that there is that that muslim immigrants to France, a significant percentage of them, are in support of terrorism. But when I disagree with the total muslim ban for the reasons that just explained and what I would say instead of a total muslim ban is, I would say that we have a basic ideological bandits, bans all religions and spends all philosophies
basic ideological ban is. Do you agree with freedom of speech to believe that the government should prosecute people for drawing religious figures? For example, do you believe that violence is justified? If somebody says something to this by the way, probably get rid of half the left us in Amerika, we actually applied this ideological ban, but I believe that you should have to have a certain ideology that agrees with America's founding principles in order to enter the country. I think everyone has a right to enter America. America gets to choose what in an Muslim. Not Muslim, makes less of a difference to me, then what you believe, and so we should screen along ideological lines, whether you believe that Mohammed ascended to Heaven on a horse from Jerusalem or whether you believe that the God came down and give time outside of your specific would you please make no difference to major ideological philosophical beliefs, about the name a man and nature of government. The matter a lot more to me than your specific, ritualistic beliefs about the nature of revelation Now. Is it true that disproportionately Islam is going to produce people who are not in line
well yeah, because Islam is now western religion, because western isms rings for major you, christian Heritage didn't come from nowhere. I know the left, to assume that all this came from nowhere, but didn't it came from Judeo Christianity, judeo she is a different thing than Islam. End of story. That's not bigotry! That's fact. Ideas are different. There are distinctions between ideas and left wants to suggest that are not but there are okay. So meanwhile, I will say that there is one aspect of the Trump campaign that it sounded a lot more like bigotry, and that was the saddest thing that happened on CNN Katrina. Pierson is the spokesperson for Donald Trump and she was on CNN and she was asked about Donald Trump's Muslim ban. Here's what it sounded like we need republic. Air have been win again, the kind he ever. I implore the Boar Donald Trump said anything I see, and yes, this country has done it before never in United States history have we ever allowed insurgents to come across these books
and, if, worse now, today talking about allowing administrations you're talking to an otter allowing leading regular Muslims, that's what you're talking about. No one is talking about insurgents who wants yes of arab nations, when you know what so, what their Muslim the issue war is a liar. I live in. Canada has read it, but it is as they simply because you have people coming across through the refugee system and the visa system, including the woman, came in San Bernardino on a visa system as well as some of the nine eleven hijackers. We have to put a pause to figure out how we can better vat things, people who so what their Muslim is, the line that seems to cross the line right minutes, that's where it's not just so there are Muslims. Also are human beings mean this is this is where the this is where she crosses,
over the line ripened. I haven't seen trumps. Anything like that of indifferent appears and say something like that. So argues that come into being a racist comments, now not even raise a religious fold comment, but I'm not going to accuse Trump because maybe the from campaign, maybe but but not not not from himself, at least from what he has personally said and not based on a policy that he has suggested. But what? What? What truly irritating to me in there? But a bunch of people on the left have suggested that trumps policies unconstitutional that's not true, there's nothing in the constitution that gives rise to foreigners. If you're born overseas, you do not have a right to enter the United States is not unconstitutional for us to say you don't get to come in based on these criteria that are listed, in the past? Those criteria have included place of origin. We banned all chinese immigration from eighteen. Eighty, two to eighteen. Ninety two, for example, Calvin Coolidge, shut down duration in large part during the nineteen twenties and was actually problem for the country obvious. After our shutdown, immigration after Europe do one for native american citizens and put them in interment camps in the industry.
court gave the green light up the constitution It has nothing to say about whether to good policy or not. The constitution is not the answer. The answer is whether to good policy or not, but the part that that annoys me is the idea. Sixty five pull today, sixty four percent of Americans on the right foot of sixty four percent of likely republican voters agree with trumps proposal. I think crumbs proposal is good, so left has suggested that this is widely Islamophobia. The word Islamic fall back. I think that we actually have to define, because it's it's a term that doesn't mean anything. What does it mean to me Wanna Phobic, I'm not afraid of Islam. Right, I'm not afraid of Muslims. Islamophobia is really just a way to say, shut up in the same way that when people unlucky racist what they really mean is shot up Islamophobia. Then we have a good. reason to be scared of radical radical Islam and we have the reason to ask questions about the relationship between radical Islam and and normal Islam if more moderate Islam, if you put it that way,
there are. There are good reasons to ask those questions. Give you an example. This will what kind of crazy. So here's what how have left to find his Lama phobia. Let's give a definition of the left. The left's view of Islamophobia Kay the University of California at Berkeley Centre for race engender studies right, which that is left, is you're gonna, get they define Islamophobia as irrational fear of Islam, and first of all, you can have rational fear of Islam is possible for that to happen right. If they did, there is irrational fear of radical Islam at the very least or re, or what relationship there is Islam and Radical Islam. They say that is: Lama phobia is based on coal prevailing attitude that incorporate beliefs such ass quote. Islam does not share common values with other major fates. That's islamophobia if you believe that that is, one doesn't share common values with other major fades. That's not Islamophobia! That's true! Ok, that is through, because guess what most major fates don't share values with other major fades Judaism.
Reality share a basic set of values, because Christianity hijack the first book right and beat the wee wee wee. The Jews the original and then the in the Christians added the sequel. So at least there was there we sort share the first half right he's just when we get to the sequel I classified in the fiction section and you guys classified in the nonfiction section, but you only but but we share that first book we agree. The first book is good and Jesus was drawing heavily from the first book. Even if you believe that everything that Jesus said was gospel, truth right, if you believe that then Jesus, came not to change a jot or tittle gang, so Judaea Judeo Christianity has a common sprang right. It comes from the same route. The same is not true for us. it doesn't come from the same route: Islam rewrites, the Bible, Islamic it takes the bible and rewrite it in the Koran. For example, these Is that it's not Isaac, sacrificed on or attempted to be sacrificed by Abram, its Ishmael, but the narrative, it's not the same, it's not the same book, so Buddhism doesn't have the same sort of arises: Judeo, Christianity, which is why Buddhism and beauty
civilization, didn't develop the way judeo christian civilization did. Of course Islam. Doesn't it common values with other major fettes I say. It's Islamophobia, if you say Islam is a religion that is inferior to the west, is archaic, barbaric and irrational Can we talk about Islam itself, but islamic illustration is inferior to the west. It is by every available measures. Fury or to the last, and if you don't believe that go live there, everything is better over there by all means, get a plane ticket and if you look, Afghanistan or rock, or how even more modernize countries like Indonesia, compare those to the United States and they are correct and barbaric and irrational in the ways that those countries recover beside it. Islam is, if you believe, islamic religion of violence and supports terrorism. Then? This is somehow Islamophobia As I said before, I'm not a fan of we're of red verses from Koran, but there's plenty in there at the very least that supports violence, Islam is a violent political ideology. Of Islam may not be a violent political ideology, but there are certainly swap
of Islam that are there not, but all of its is phobic, and this is the problem that I have and folks on. The left. they feel the need and end its even folks on the right. Paul Ryan, for example, criticise Donald Trump and play this cost.
Right on the right, and he gets this completely wrong. Here is Paul Ryan talking about Donald Trump, freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is a fundamental constitutional principle. It's a founding principle of this country. Normally, I do not comment on what's going on in the presidential watch, and I will take an exception today. This is not conservatism. What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and, more importantly, it start with this country stands for. Not only are there are many muslim serving in our armed forces dying for this country. There are Muslims serving right here in the house working every day to uphold and to defend the constitution, some of our best and biggest allies in this struggle and fight against
Radical islamic terror are Muslims, the vast vast vast vast majority of whom are peaceful, who believe in pluralism. Freedom, democracy, ok, this is where he's off the rails. Ok! Well, when I told our members We must not only be granted to point what what, once you get to Paul Ryan, explaining to you right that the vast dash dash majority of Muslims globally believing pluralism, freedom, democracy and individual rights knew no. There is no study by which this is true. There is no possible pull by which this is true. Ninety nine percent of the inhabitants of Iraq, according to appeal, global research, pole in twenty thirteen believe and honour killings. No, that is not true. So again, you can say the electrons policies I dont like trumps policy either. I was one of the first people out of the gate so that I thought his policy was backwards and
and stupid and irrational, but the point that the media have tried makes they tried to paint Trump as Hitler and all of his followers. It's hilarious than your daily news use this on their cover, as they wish grabbed the cover of the New York Daily NEWS. We can't and they're just so desperate for attention at this point is absurd. They they bid for those who can see it's a picture of Donald trumpeted, it's a caricature of De Donald Trump and it's him slicing the head off of the statue of Liberty, ISIS style and says one Donald Trump came from the Mexicans. I did not speak out as I was not a mexican when it came to the Muslims. I didn't
speak out. I was not a Muslim, then you came for me like Donald Trump Gonna come for you because he's concern about radical Islam. Ok, this is nonsense of the highest order and is not the only person saying this Trevor Noah on comedy central. Actually, he and his guest suggested the Donald Trump was white. Isis, that's what he said is White ISIS, really how many elderly people has doubled. Frumpy headed actually beheaded. How many people is that Hemi babies, his Donald Trump, actually murmured? How many women has Donald Trump actually raped over a new Zealand? Has that working out a issues? It's so over the top and absurd? Again, you can disagree with him to suggest that I'll trump is, is horrifying and terrible in every possible way. Because of all this is just a more importantly, I don't care about Trump that everybody was worried about. The threat of radical Islam must be an Islamophobia and if you like, Donald Trump Policy, that that is not a reflection of rationality, it's more reflection of something else that stupid. Ok, you can visit. Rational people are rash
only afraid of radical Islam and they're buying into an international policy, because they have a rational fear of radical Islam. That is not the same as saying that people are bigot and racist and terrible okay, things that I hate so first it first the thing that I first thing that I let me let me think of something that I might have wanted my head earlier. But after all of this I am running out of things that I like so many things that I like. Let's see there there was it I saw the last hundred game, so Martha was ok how's. That is and I that I love it's just the thing that I'm lukewarm Actually, I hear something like the way I did this show. The grinder is terrific. If you haven't seen it on Fox, to really really good show, it's a really really funny clever clean show. You can watch with your kid. Is it really really funny show so the grinder is terrific. You check it out. Ok, things that I hate, Kendrick Lamar got the most. What is it the ground?
ways that they did they just to release the nominations for so he got the most Grammy nominations. Kendrick. I've never heard of him because I pay attention to real, are, as you know, it Beethoven, but Kendrick Lamar. Here at the most nomination. Seein Taylor. Swift got the most nominations. Taylor Swift does this routine by the way where she praises everybody who ought to be praised so that she can be seen is forward looking forward, leaning and we ripped on Taylor Swift, yesterday's we won't refunds, Taylor Swift! Today she gets off Scot Free, but Kendrick Lamar I'll, be honest with you. I never really her anything that can really MAR had ever done or if I'd heard it, I hadn't identified it as his there's one video. That's now been nominated for best music video and it's called all right. I mean to play some of this, because this just shows you where the head of the left is in its in its pretty sickening. So here we go. All right from Kindred Lamar and describe what's happening, the the music video to to who can actually see it, is, it is showing the port of Oakland and our cutting interior to Oakland.
And it's easy shoes hang on. A wires is obviously a high prime areas, the implication right. Deserted houses, guy screaming nonsense, island. I remember, you was afflicted, misusing AIR France, tabs that dared to say. the more powerful resentment sent me that to a deep depression, found myself screaming and hotel room Lucifer's all around
you have one there's a dead deadlock it on the streets and in their people, rioting, bitterness, Almah, safe in their people. Writing carefully strike. I got a burning things and throwing me myself lazy almost found asian worse and I went But while my love was was finer continues were back in a city, I was entering a new award. I was based on a part time and discrimination. Ok, so we got a black eye or a person of color whose put down on the floor and then he is and then a few key breaks away from a cop was trying to contain him
and he runs okay. So, what's going to happen in this music, video eventually is a Kendrick Lamar at one point he starts floating into the sky and he ends up being shot by a cop. whole Lama, panda. I won't be the greatest ok and they did this YO continues along these lines as just the intro right. Is it personal, color being shot by the cops and then the actual lyric is about how he has to fight and word all his life easy it's bad times, and I he talks out and word. We ended with forever Williams, who, of course now in every song has been produced for the last five years and he says, and what we gonna be all right and we're we're gonna be all right. We can be all right. Do you hear me, do you feel me we're gonna be all right and we're we're gonna be all right and it continues along these lines. It talks about how he is going to shoot guns and he's going to go after women's lady parts, but does not words did that use energy continues along the line he talks in any talks about. How would you want a house, or Our forty acres in a mule, a piano guitar and things you my name is Lucy, I'm a jog. Remember you can live at them all. I can see the evil. I can tell it. I know when it's illegal, I don't
about it. I deposit every other zero thinking of my partner, put the candy painted on the regal out, even though he's talking about here. This is all nonsensical rhyming, but what you get from the video and if we actually watch the entire video, which we don't have time to do here, but if you actually watch the entire video, the entire thing is as a black men, America, Europe put down and that's what people riot and that's what people are unsatisfied and white cops shoot black people. That is the premise of this video, and this is the most nominated video at Grammy's by a bunch of white people by the way, because the people vote for the Grammy's are disproportionately white is much of upper class white people living in Hollywood. Who vote for the Grammy's and this makes them feel special because it makes them feel like they're doing something for the impoverished inner city use it or not. You know what they need more of in the inner city need less of this guy. what they need more of these cops in the inner city who actually protect private property rights, which makes it safe for investment, which makes it safe for jobs, which makes you safe for apart from one to be invested in the in the crappy public schools, which makes it safe to raise your kid. That's what they actually need:
That's not what our culture pushes, because if you are seen as someone fights the man you ve seen as somebody who fights the prevailing culture, that makes you hero like Hendrick Lamar, even though the stuff diminished, the fertile music is garbage that the message is garbage, but it makes you a special human being if you fight the prevailing wisdom- and this is the whole point right- this is the message the kids are hearing him schools and any any contrary message. Any any message from the other side has to be immediately quieted. It can't be allowed in because the minute, the kids actually realise, hey, wait a second I'm in control of my own life. They don't need the government anymore and suddenly their actual individual, but the capacity for agency and free will and that doesn't fit the leftist model. So instead we get more videos like this and will get more coal you're like this created by the left for the purpose of creating more left us, I'm Ben Shapiro. This is the bench of Eurostar
Transcript generated on 2020-10-09.