« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 337 - Trump Jr.’s Big Meeting

2017-07-11 | 🔗
Don Jr. gets slammed with a New York Times bombshell, the self-righteous media announce their own glory, and we deconstruct some culture. This episode is brought to you by: Birch Gold! Get your no-cost, no-obligation free information kit by going to BirchGold.com/BEN. Mack Weldon! Save 20% off your 1st order when you go to MackWeldon.com and enter promo code SHAPIRO. Realty Shares! Get $100 towards your first investment by going to RealtyShares.com/BEN.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On Tuesday David Brooks the foe conservative columnist for the New York Times, an economist so ensconced in right analysis of the american Upper Middle class. There seems to be completely lost, touch with reality and a pretty condescending column, aren't they all about how upper middle class Americans have created their own society? Broaches these quote over the past generation. Members of the college educated class have become amazingly good at making sure there children retain the privileged status. They ve also become devastatingly good at making sure the children of other classes have limited chances to When their ranks this very astonishing Given the income, mobility in United States hasn't really changed since the nineteen seventies and an income a bill the in the? U S is the same as Europe's despite Europe's higher levels of redistribution, virtually all France is an income mobility between you, the state in Europe are attributable to dropping out of ice or haven't babies in wedlock, but according to Brooks the new elite, have chopped off the latter. Behind them Brooks blames the PD accuracy stupid. He cites these facts.
Upper Middle Class man's had the means in the maternity leave to breast feed, their babies at much higher rates in high school educated moms and for much longer periods, upper middle parents have the means to spend two to three times more time with their pre school kids, then less affluent parents since ninety ninety six, patient expenditures among the affluent have increased by almost three hundred percent, while education's like every other blue, is basically flat. Yes, it turns out that may more money. Does a courtier children extra benefits, but it doesn't mean that you are responsible for shutting off someone else's path to success. According the Brooks, however, the criminal classes, now become exclusionary how cell first site. Zoning laws in college admissions, fair game for talk of binding rules in favour of the upper middle class of votes, important to know that the vast majority of high school graduates in the UK, sees no go to college sixty six percent, as of twenty thirteen, including forty six percent of graduates from low income families, but then Brooks gets weird. He goes after what he calls informal social bit
fears that segregate the lower eighty percent. Here is the best example quote recently: ethical free, with only a high school degree, to lunch insensitive. I led her into a bore me sandwich up. Suddenly I saw her face frees up issues. Confronted with gems and in parallel and permit and ingredients, like so precise, cut Petroleum Street gotta get. I quickly asked her if she would. To go somewhere else and she anxiously knotted, yes and we ate mexican. This is idiotic. To Brooks seek to make his friend feel stupid. Did he mean to suggest that has run was not well, or did you just want to go or may sandwich attributing malice two peoples preferences is as nasty as excluding people through selection of what you twenty restaurants, but Brooks continues to feel at home. An opportunity which areas you ve got to understand. The right borrow techniques, sport, the right baby carrier have the right, podcast food truck tee. One plodding sees not to mention the right attitudes about David Foster. Wallace childhood engender norms, an intersection reality status rules are apparently about collusion about attracting educated,
What's your circle, tightening the bonds between you and erecting shields against everyone else. We in the educated class have created barriers, mobility that are more devastating for being invisible thrust of America, can't name them can't understand, and they just no there. There know we have not created informal barriers to mobility we so You people who think like us. This is just as true for the she she yoga instructor moving the Lubbock as it is for loving moving to Hollywood, but to pretend the habits of the upper middle class and taxes are the same. Habits of the upper middle class in Massachusetts is stupid and ignorant british colonies. Another way to suggest that low income Americans have ensued. Will they are your success in America and those barriers can be found in sandwich choices, not merely the institutional obstacles we can identify and tackle in his column, Brooks actually contributes to offer greater barrier to success in America than cultural striations. He contributed, unearned sense of victimhood when the best option would be to encourage people to make solid life choices rather than low. Putting their ignorance about sovereign aside for the record
I have no idea what they also presented is because I keep kosher, so there is a cultural barrier alters all nine bench. Pair of this is the venture Russia, so many is we be talked about the idea, so everything is insane. Donald from you has now blown up the new cycle, his release and email exchange, which we will talk about is illegal, is reason so, obviously TIM can centre, Virginia he's already out front saying that this is the reason we will discuss. Whether indeed down from Junior will be executed or whether, in fact, the Democrats are going a little too far will discuss the facts here. They are not break for Donald Trump Junior, but we'll talk about all that plus I have a huge announcement coming up in about thirty seconds, but first I want to say thank you to our friends over at Brcko, so you're looking to stock market, which we could dive today in your thinking mood I wish I had some money and precious metals. That's because you're smart, you should have
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Does wonderful work sponsoring me going all over the country. They have worked out that I will be going to Berkeley on September fourteen and I fully expect, The administration abruptly will do its legal duty to prevent the hecklers veto violence. Ninety five is not going to stop us attempted violence from anti fraud is not going to prevent this, and if the abruptly If the burglar administration decide they want to shut down my speech because they can't control their own students or outside agitators, while the net to be on their own head, but we are coming to Berkeley and about while couple months now so in September, fourteenth we are coming to Berkeley I look forward to seeing everyone there and hopefully we can have a good sound. Discussions we have a camps is all over the country wherever they let me speaks up Bennett Berkeley, it's a right now. Moving on twitter, Hashtag, Ben abruptly looking forward to seeing you all their on September, fourteenth no hecklers veto. Ok, so onto the news actually you know before I mentioned that is non really like straining Miss abbot before I get
the huge news of the day I saw dimension. I ve seen this cup. This cups really great. I was told that I need to tell you about this cup earlier in the show. So here is this beautiful I've seen CUP left his tears, hot or cold. I can't drink from a today jewish faster, but you will enjoy drinking from this cup. When you subscribe over at daily wire I'll tell you about that later, but the cup is fantastic, so there you have it okay, so the Big NEWS of the day is, of course, Donald Trump Junior has politically pooped his pants, so this is a problem. So, as just yesterday. There was a story from the New York Times. That said, that there is a meeting between Donald Trump, Junior and Paul Manifold ensured, cushion her and a Russian acting lawyer, name Natalia Vessel net skier, which is inappropriately Russia and the UN and there are open questions about this, there is a story- the came out from the times also a file on story. That says, the trump knew that she was in ancient for russian government there isn't it exchange containing that information and that had not yet been confirmed to us a little bit skeptical of that information until we actually saw the emails and-
yesterday. The media decided that they were gonna go nuts over this in lieu of seeing the emails they're going to suggest that the meeting itself was criminal, no matter what there are some open questions number one was this woman, vessel and sky are actually a russian agent number two Trump Junior notaries. Russian agent number two number three: did he attempt to get information from about Hillary Clinton and finally, number four? Is that actual? a number five August is: is it legal so we're gonna go through all of those questions? First, the media and the in the end, the laugh decided immediately that this was in fact criminal, and it was collusion, John Podesta, who has the most at stake here, because if he can claim that the Russians won the election for Trump, then he looks less a dope, because you rent Hilary is idiotic campaign last year. He said this is starting to smelly collusion. This is yesterday before the new revelations came out, which will talk about just a second
Oh you know it's. It's drip drip drip. We keep learning more information. The story keeps changing now. It is clear that they had a specific meeting to gather dirt on Hilary well with a russian lawyer, close ties with the Kremlin you know we d story again keeps changing. We never knew about that meeting that MR cushion your attended earlier. Tromp Junior said that he was specifically went to the meeting with the hopes of the soliciting negative information about Hilary, though it's starting to smell more and more like collusion too, I think the public, but, most importantly, we really need to get the facts straight on this occasion deserve drip drip language. Of course, we had to take the greatest sought, because this I have been saying that, since literally the middle of last year and the drip drip drip had naturally amounted to anything centre, richer Blumenthal here
the same thing as the meeting is criminal. We don't know what happened yesterday. We don't know what but we know its criminal. Finally, we have we're gonna get the smoking on. This will be our chance, will finally nail the sucker down richer Blumenthal from Connecticut this meeting and most from Donald, clear acknowledgement, clear. The The reason for it is bombshell, evidence of conspiracy and criminal intent. Because he went to that meeting for a purpose and that purpose was seeking dirt. Hillary Clinton, potentially in violation of the law. What stage it would there be be eighteen. I states code, ten thirty, which is the computer fraud and, among others, choose their variety of other statute that might coming, but an agreement, to violate the law. Even if some doesn't know. All the actions to be taken is a in spirits in the law, because what you are here is not true: ok, the legal profession, that he just cited is really inapplicable. The idea that this was absolutely collusion from.
We know is that no information was actually pass and there was no actual collusion. It was Quarterboat attempted collusion if anything, ok We didn't even know that as as late as yesterday, and then we finally get this email strange, so the New York Times about to break a story on Donald Trump Juniors emails and we're finally, gonna get the full story, and that's when Donald from Junior makes the genius move feeling all of the emails himself here. All of the emails himself and then, They are not good, so we are going to go through them and I'm going to explain what exactly is happening here. So first I want to introduce you to a man named Rob Goldstone Rob Goldstone was. Apparently in agents who is involved with one of its sponsors. Russian families catches the russian government and a Trump originally. That family was one of the co partners or sponsors of the two thousand, thirteen this universe contest over in Moscow and Rumbold son was the agent for those people. That's how we got to know trumped junior and the term family at first. And introduce you to rob Goldstone who's the gulf between here, because, honestly, if you're gonna have to go
Jeanne scandal has to be done in the most ridiculous. Stupid possible way. Doesn't clip fourteen meet Rob Goldstone. The clever go between. In this collusion scandal, my children, I shall now ass an episode. How well then a very criminal, masterminded, the nexus of Putin and Trump we're finally discovered
ok so rob Goldstone contact, that'll junior against the June thirty thousand sixteen just days before trumpet going to lock up the nomination effectively and here's what old rights. Ok, and this is what Donald Trump Junior we did this out today himself, which I guess is there. I there's an unjust king of the meme other of that black sea, going like this really can't be implicated for some bad, if you expose yourself so here is airs. The actual email from Rob Goldstone is as good morning. It means it's called a mean is the is the guy who was a co investor with Trump and the two thousand certain this universe contest mean just called and asked me to contact. You had something very interesting. The crown prosecutor of I just met with his father are ass this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the trunk campaign with some official documents and information that incriminate Hilary and for dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father. This is obviously very high level and sensitive, but as part of Russia and its government support for Mr Trump. Let me repeat that part of Russia and its government
support for Mr Trump helped along by arrests enemy. What do you think is the best way to not this information, and would you be able to speak to a about it directly I can also send this info to your father Verona, but it is also a sensitive I wanted to send to you. First best Rob Goldstone, so there are a few problems with this regular email that again Donald Trump Junior himself release today problem number one. This is openly stating that the good the meeting based on the notion that russian government was going to provide information to the trunk campaign number two. It openly says that this was going to be part of it. And its government support for Mr Trump Third, the email whistle. He says that if we don't go to you than we can just go right around you to download from senior right, the implication being Then maybe they have some sort of connection to down from senior, or at least could get some connections down from senior trumped junior right back thanks rabbi, shit that I'm on the road at the moment. But perhaps I just speak to mean first we have some time. If it's what you say, I love it
actually later in the summer like we can drop the information later in the summer, could we do a fur call first thing? Next week back best on. Ok, so assume four seconds We must continue to dump right. Ok, so you just a dope and doesn't know any better any figures. Ok, people gather information from all sorts of sources, all the time in fact, story last year that the ukrainian government, was meeting with surrogates of Hillary Clinton in order to provide them information about Trump in Russia. So the idea that foreign actors have no ruins over american elections is just not true. The daily college Peter has reported that yesterday pointed us in its political link. Where talked about this last year at the time so lets us the donging you're thinking the same thing. Ok, I'm gonna go gather. Information even goes to manifest You should know better, endured, Kirshner and all three of them meet, but meeting with the notion that this is going to be some sort of russian government source? The email change continues and now run also it is high time. Let me know when your free top of the mean by phone about this Hilary info. You mentioned We, this week's. I wanted to try to schedule a time and day best to you in your
Emily Rob Goldstone, ok,. And then it continues to there's more of these email, four pages of his email exchanges and and the email exchanges continue. Along these lines. They say that that mean is in Moscow. He'll call you when it gets off stage and then finally, here is the the critical email June. Seventh Don hope all is well this from rebels You mean asked that schedule a meeting with you and the russian government attorney who is flying from Moscow. For this Thursday. I believe you are aware of the meeting and so wondered at three p m or later on Thursday works for you. I assume it would be at your office best Rob Goldstone, Kate. Now the key phrase there is the russian government attorney so now. I need show you tape of the russian government attorney. Ok, it's this Natalia vessel. This all need skier lady. So we ve already met the gulf between understanding now we're about to meet new tie from this harsh. I endorse, as she is an attorney who clearly has links to the russian government, which was on NBC News crying about she feels betrayed and talk
about from Junior and says she doesn't actually work for the russian government? They The impression it appears that they were, owing to be told in information that you had out the day and see how did they get the impression to ideas what about that? Maybe they were looking for. Such information lay one today so badly, and this morning she denies claims. She is connected to a russian government effort to a Donald Trump, presidency. Have you ever worked for the russian government? Do you have connections to the russian government? Yet? No, ok up if you listen to vessels in its Gaia than she's not related to the russian government, but the trump seamlessly eager to get information from the russian government. They met with her randomly another. The story makes any sense from her perspective. She is clearly pre closely linked to the russian government. She works closely with the russian government has represented state owned businesses in a senior government officials, son, I she is what they call a cunning
meaning that she somebody who has deniable links with Russia, but pretty clearly associated with Russia. Ok, so what is the upshot of all of this? Is it illegal is Donald Trump. Don't be executed for treason, esteem, Kane ridiculously suggested today. Does it matter is their mortify? we'll talk about all that in just a second. But first I want to say thank you, so our sponsors over at MAC, Weldon, so mad wilderness and whenever you are wearing right now they are the most comfortable underwear ersatz, choose shirts, undershirts, hoodie, sweat pants when the home, I don't dress is beautifully as I do here on this, and I get immediately into my MAC welding here. In fact, I'm wearing Map Walden underwear right now there are the greatest underwear that I own they're just fantastic. I won't even describes you all the ways in which they are phenomenal. I will just said they hold up than any underwear that I on you get like other brands and they fall apart, Effie Warp women, the wash fifteen times, and that is certainly not the case.
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Yesterday and the assumption which was confirmed this morning, the Trump Junior met with the Russians, knowing that they were the Russians and that he was attempting to get information. He says, even if that's the case, not necessarily illegal. I think he's right here is his analysis when look at some of the twin from other former campaign operatives for other campaign? They said yes, we do lots of opposition research, but not with foreign entities, not with someone from another country. First of all, it does appear to be true based on the Ukraine connection that we heard about today on the DMZ sides, but is that true dip into the complex it is legally. Then it was a meeting with someone from another country who may have tied to the Kremlin. Is most people do in some tension away or otherwise.
It only if we have certainly we get more information. There could be some wire, that's trip, but the very fact that you receive information from a foreign sources, not itself any type of crime. Unless you start to radically broaden the campaign finance rules, the fact is, campaigns and AIDS meet with foreign leaders and nationals all the time they share information about trade and other issues. Sometimes they share information that that runs against them opponents in a campaign that is fairly routine now. What is not routine is have high ranking people like this meat with someone without knowing the nature of the meeting. Ok, what he said There is exactly right, it is unusual, but it's not clear, there's a criminal act if we're I'm going to say that getting information from a foreign actor is a violation of campaign finance that that basically, infirm encountered some sort of donation, then Hillary Clinton was getting in from and apparently from the ukrainian government as Jim earlier and sets a little bit difficult to make their case, though it may not be illegal, but it is certain.
You're going to be the beginning of the Democrats really ravenous and hygiene. He thought the rapid now wait a minute they're gonna get really rather because they're gonna be ok. This was just the beginning, obviously, the willingness on the part of the trunk campaign to meet with members russian government or people who they are members- the russian government, because you have a willingness on the part of the russian government to audiences straight out that they were attempting to swing the election for trot now. There's read that which is the russian government, was approaching Trump in an effort to entrap him, the basically they wanted to mess with the election. The only way to get two trunk was to say we support you, and so he said that in order to get drunk, but really their entire goal was to mess with the election. Bottom line is that this is going to ramp the democratic machine into high gear, their number, the claim that there is absolute collusion. However, however, this is not whole story and to talk about what the whole story is in just a second, but for now gonna have to over to daily wired icon. So right now, if you over to daily We are not count and you subscribe for nine ninety nine a month. We just raise our Rachel
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a comment or rather of you well appreciate, appreciated. We are the largest consumer podcast in the nation, already? So here is the problem. With these story, so the story would be granted glory for left, except that it was attempted collusion now attempted collusion. Stowbody ass. He chose bad intent on the part of Trump. It shows bad intent on the part of his people, but does that necessary? What does it really should be intent on the part of companies from israeli implicated here? Billy some hard dishonest campaign manager, like everybody around him right every single person around him. It sort of hard to believe trump know. Any of this was going on, but let's assume the worst I assume the doubts that that, what's in the best now trumpet he didn't know any of that was going out. Ok, we still don't know whether collusion actually took place. We found out that from this meeting, no information was actually exchange
lady showed up in an attempt, presumably to gain some sort of leverage over the trunk campaign, because now, if you could always say, ok, we were helping them outright and then tremendous when they did have to, but you can always go for the russian government can always say yes, yes, we did mess with your election, see her American see you see ready, they could they have leverage but there's obvious collusion here, in the sense that what the democratic claiming is true, the Trump was working with the russian government to do what NICE, the Wikileaks Right, which was always the accusation. The accusation was that wiki leaks had hacks the DMZ at the behest of the russian government. The russian government was working with the trunk campaign, your weapon eyes that material and send it out there. So what you really have Europe is now here's what we know, trumped junior and manner for inclusion of resemblance their informed of his work. Where that the russian government was reaching out to them and they reached out to the russian government. We do not have actual Evan
of collusion. We have attempted collusion, but not actual collusion at this point, and that is a pretty big distinction and then, finally, We have information that Trump is going round and the campaign trail saying that he hopes it. Vladimir Putin hacks the emails, ok, but that is not evidence of collusion, in fact, that sort of evidence against glue if you knew that they were going to hack the emails and and militarism and send them out into the world. Why would he be out there begging, Putin openly to do that is to be shutting his mouth so that the whole thing doesn't truly hold together? but it is bad news for the trouble administration and again impeachment is just a political matter. Ok, impeachment has not no matter so much people on the right are going to say it wasn't clear criminal act from unit, and so you think women Criminal, is not the only standard here, ok impeachment as a political standard, meaning that, if the democratic at the vote in twenty eight in they will attempt to impeach and everyone around him. This is why MIKE Pence is trying to separate himself off as far as humanly possible. He's saying I didn't know about any of this stuff. I wasn't even there during the campaign during this kind of stuff, the Trump White House is separated itself off. People are sending
walls and hiring where's. That's never a good sign. So if democratic control they will attempt to impeach now I would warn conservatives on one thing: can Republicans in conservatism one thing, and that is the attempting Jack Nicholson. I ordered the code red moment and that is where the right and I'm sorry we see hints of this on the right they say well. So what if there is collusion so What's in the trunk, did all this stuff lets you the transported, Putin, why that's your man I mean Hilary had to be stopped. Hilary had to be two feet. And if we had to collude with the russian government in participating in the legal acts and ordered you that, while I'm in the end justifies the means they can see, the watch has been building for this. For a year among certain crap when I mention names of particular hosts on Fox NEWS. You I think, would go down this road, but I think there are people in. Conservative movement would immediately embracing yeah. Well, Hilary was so corrupt and if you have to cooperate with us and almost literally stolen to defeat Hitler. Then you do it right that the the
Stalin, Hitler analogy was used very often during twenty sixteen to talk about siding with Trump in order to feed Hilary, but from siding with put if Ye Hilary seems to me a difference in kind there are. Certain lines in american politics, and the lines should be. How would you feel five. Hillary Clinton was actively soliciting information about Donald Trump from the Russian government in the middle of an election cycle it? How did we feel and bright about most promising flexibility to the russian government in the middle of an election cycle? This would be a lot worse because it would just be promising flexibility. The quid pro quo. It would also be actively shaping the election cycle itself in coordination with a foreign power, so dont into that trap. If you want to retain the credibility of the conservative movement, you have to have some standard, because then the question- that's ok. What standard of Hilary was so so so so so evil that it was ok to cooperate with the world's worst dictator. Then why not cooperate with Al Qaeda one o clock? with China. Why not cooperate with some of the worst people? Aren't you can see, where this logic leads and it isn't any place
I'm not saying that from actually did any of this stuff. I'm saying don't preemptively dump your morality on the side of the road in the expert and you're, going to have to dump your morality on the side of the road of something bad comes out in nothing. True The incriminating, as happened to trump himself, no true evidence of actual, not attempted actual collusion is taking place. No evidence exists that the trunk campaign worked with the Russians in order to hack Wiki, to have the decency and then use those emails against Hillary Clinton. That was the original claim. There is no evidence of that whatsoever. At this point, all we have is a meeting that shows willingness right, usually they say that a crime you have to have that you have to have me the chain of events. And then you have to have motive means. An opportunity to have motive means an opportunity right now. All this shows is motive, It doesn't show means, and doesn't Robert unity because don't show means because we don't actually know how did the males begotten Don't know the channels and Edward doesn't show opportunity, because we don't see the opportunity for that sort of cheating in terms of Trump
meeting with other people in the russian government or his people meeting with other people in the russian government's weapon eyes all the stuff. So there is still a gap in the left logic. They do have the first step. The motive, but they don't have the means or the opportunity. You might argue that they might have be the means, but they don't have the opportunity to get to the full crime has not yet been established. I think that is important to point. That out in all of its. Meanwhile, you know that the media are going to be self righteous and crazy about all of this that the worst clip yesterday was CNN Chris COM or the stupidest of all the quabos, a walking block of wood who, whose speaks mean he's like grandmother Willow, accept we're in a dude I, and I am sure he is talking to Kelly and Conway yesterday on CNN. This was not my favorite segment. We'll television, yes rigorous, Chris Cuomo. Talking about how his mission is clear. I mean I guess that he thinks his mission do is, to just say silly things on Ebay, but here is he my self righteous? Our mission is clear.
I admire your moxie sitting there. The CNN Cairo rate near you, talkin about credibility, is loosen up a week. Are we finally got it wrong when origins of Greek? I could not be more proud I could not be more proud here representing the White have known on board, and we want you here because of the now not supposed to be an argument addressing this question started with. Why did the president Change his position about working with Russia used bonnet over to this. That was my original question and answer to a new. Is really something because years you're invested in months now as a network in something that simply doesn't exist? the solution lies in our on me. I go now. Why don't you tell people What we're doing on health care on jobs. Eight hundred thousand are the kind of witness more talk about how to hear and thats hawk about the job one. I don't like Helium Conway's misdirection here, but crisp almost routine words that we have no bias we're not, of course they have a bias. Of course they
by an entire media is gonna jump. All over that by us over and over and over again, because that is what they think they did. They think that this is the kill shot from the trunk administration to me tried their best during the actual general election cycle to defeat Trump. They failed and now they think that they are going to get trump with all of this, so you're gonna get Chris Coma pushing it needed Joy Bay, Har pushing it saying that Trumpets Putin's bottom It's funny how the left gets to make gay sex references with regard to trumpet but if anyone else ever made a gay sex reference would be homophobic, of course, coursers joy. They are doing this routine One important shook hands with trompe. If you did this, this is put on his hat. On top Sylvia, so tromp was abominably added the disease being stopped by Putin from the rear minutes nets. Be that apparently it's amazing how to work. Just fine with the study was directed against them.
Just Scarborough obviously has an axe to grind against Trump, since Trump ones, after makers, bloody face left her whenever he he says they put, must have something on Trump must have something for trumped to be acting this way If you look at all this from a distance, you might even lake. That's why the mere Putin and the Russians have something on Donald Trump. It's great! I don't know this goes back to December. Twenty fifteen were interviewing Donald Trump on the air, and it is the first time the Donald Trump compares Vladimir Putin favourably. The Brok Obama says he's a strong leader Brok Obama's weekly each under the media here to the fact that Donald Trump Junior spill, pc male sedate, in fact to Trumpet Ministration its own competence in all of this- is just ending the media, the club that they want to use against the Trump administration
I don't think this direction is going to work on this, because the media are laser, focused on stuff it that matters, but I'm not sure matters much of the media think it matter in again they should be focused on a defence of we didn't collude. Intense glued is not the same as colluding. And also gets himself to undress like really get some stuff. Do you want to shift the narrative stopped, I'm about to the media that how you're getting stuck done when you're not getting anything done? We are now seven months in and you have not passed any sort of Obamacare up. There is talk about Obamacare appeal. The Mitch Mcconnell is apparently cutting out conservatives from metal. There is talk about tax reform, that's not happening There is talk about IRAN zeal, that's not get it s not being dumped on side the road you want to get rid of all the Russia talk. How about we just get things done, that there really is not happening. Ok before I get to things like things, I hate, I first want to say thank you. Tore sponsors over it real you're? So if you're interested in investing in in real time investing in real estate any, and you want to make more money based on Monday. The already have you
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it is slightly mediocre. East of Eden, however, is a phenomenal block, and EAST of Eden is all about its all about Cain and able repeated twice, Adam and Eve. I it's just fantastic that it's it's about a fox in his sons and sun, desperately trying to prove his worth to his dad used to be the great book my way Sabre Book, actually as in go check that out great book. Ok, other things that I like so Chris Christie is apparently crying out for sports top radio. Really he did a sitting on sports operator he's the current governor of New Jersey and when he's sitting on a beach he sitting on sport. Talk. Radio, and this actually happened on sports operator. You might do Claire, which are my governor next time. You want to sit on a beach that is close to the entire world, except you,
you put your fat assed in a car and going on that open to or you can stay well. You know he was your interesting MIKE. You know what that one, that Lebanon, that God below MIKE I love love, getting calls from communism on Communist and Clare. You know better than I dont like boldly you, no one, and this is not the one who came on the air hey hold on my higher combined. I'm not the guy, came on the air swore on the air. You did. You know you swearing on the air MIKE you're you're you're, a bum. It also left so much you're gonna buy up all bad objects like MIKE I'd love to come looking here, optics everyday by rating, and that's it. You know what you're doing and you know what MIKE what matters is what you do. That's what matters have you done? Well, I just did was stopped polluting the Airways with a guy like that Christmas Eve, obviously down to be successful. Sport supposed amazing good for by
mom Clare, because that is exactly right. I love the crisscross. These best response was I've done. I hung up on you. Man well played Chris Christie me Oh man, so somebody should send MIKE Montclair Mental. That's pretty spectacular, stuff, ok time for some things that I hate, ok, so Cosmo Magazine has an article today it is dear parents to be stopped celebrating gender. Really. This is what its and it is just an insane piece of stupidity you shouldn't: have gender parties stop celebrating your babies, Jenner, cutting into pink or blue cake seems innocent enough, but honestly, it's not as by Diana stop neurons to pirates stupid a few weeks. I wanted to cross the back garden, suburban Pennsylvania with a ping pong ball between monies after twenty feet. A woman I've never met snap wrote me squatting over a metal saucepan gray, legend released the ball, which tinged off the edge of the pine bounced into the grass a group of women behind me. Let out a collective, when applauded my effort, it was last year.
A relay team in a game called tinkle in the pot which pokes fun at expectant mothers near constant urge to pee. That's weird: I hit. This game was the piece de resistance and our friends baby shower. If you're. Like me, a woman in early thirties you're weakens our increase we plan run these pastel celebration in their games and, if you're like needs, while you're feminist pride loan of DVD shaped cookies, weird fingerprints it's in normative colours and support a pregnant friend and says this is just terrible. It's just awful how in the world could you have gender revealed? he's because come on gender isn't binary gang. Ok, you should celebrate the gender of your, maybe because gender is indeed binary. Ok, you can have a lot of things you can. You can be a feminine mail. Be a masculine female, but men and women to categories There is in western intersects person mobility. Categories and you should celebrate trials, gender and reinforced
because gender is an important thing? Ok, I want my boy to be a boy. I want my boy to be masculine. I want my boys gender to be in coordination with his sex as far as possible, because the fact is that you will need a happier more fulfilled life. If that is the case, of course, should celebrate your baby sex and pretending that sex doesn't exist. Presenting the gender doesn't This is just stupidity. Its feminist garbage meant a knock out. The distinctions between the sexes, which, by the way, undercuts the entire case for feminism in the first place, feminism, is about the idea that women are equal to men, not that women are the same as men. It is that women have your qualities. Men do not in certain ways, and that is certain, the case. Celebrating those gender differences is vital. Went up in the stupid world of Riley. Dennis this transgender woman, I think she's, a woman he treated yesterday that sexes not biological, which begs the question. Ethanol he's how do they work so again. I think it's rather important that we reinforce these differences, not downplay them.
So we'll be back here tomorrow with the latest on trumped junior gate and we'll find out whether indeed Fredo coordinated with Boris Natasha nor to bring Lenin's Lenin's regimes. United States. I think I got that we'll talk about all the tomorrow bench bear this is the Ben Shapiro Show,
Transcript generated on 2020-03-27.