« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 318 - The Get-Trump Brigade

2017-06-13 | 🔗
Democrats search for a new narrative, Trump trots out his sycophants, and Katy Perry has another awful interview.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rumors are now flying the brand new NBA Champion Golden state warriors will unanimously refused to go to the White House to celebrate their title several major sites have reported such rumors. Many members of the warriors have criticized from personally before athletes have skipped White House celebration, or two. Earlier this year, many members of the New England Patriots decided to forgo the trip to the White House to protest trump. Two thousand and eleven Boston, Bruins goalie TIM Thomas, refused to visit the White House to meet with President Obama with Thomas explaining quote. I believe the federal government has grown out of control, threatening the rights, liberties and properties the people back in twenty eleven. Of course, leftist media was the one ripping an athlete getting involved in politics, as Heatstreet reported to Mcdonald's of ESPN wrote that TIM Thomas put himself above the team. James Hardie from Bleacher report said if Thomas was a real man who would have gone to the Boston, Bruins management and ownership returned the money from his contract and quit the balance of it by retiring. So he could exercise his rights of
citizen and it sports illustrated Stu Hackel wrote, quote TIM Thomas decided to exploit a non political event to expose his personal political views. The temp, asian on the right to condemn the patriots, are standing against. Trump was strong as well. Here is the truth, though. All of these people have the absolute right not to stand next to a president. They don't like, and actually I I think we should kill the tradition of winning teams visiting the White House altogether. The presidency is not the ceremonial position. It is an executive. One would expect Local high school regional, champs to visit their head of local water board for a photo op. Why should politicians treat athletes, light subjects who must visit the White House at the whim of honor, and none of this actually used to be a big deal? According to ESPN, the first sports team to visit the White House where the Brooklyn Atlantics and the Washington Nationals back in eighteen, sixty five, the first World Series team champions to visit the White House where the Washington senators in one thousand nine hundred and twenty four, but both of those visits were by local teams. The first NBA champions to visit the White House for the Boston Celtics in sixty three with JFK, for
NCAA Champions to show up came in one thousand nine hundred and seventy six, but ESPN reports quote. It was Ronald Reagan who made the practice of honoring championship teams at the White House a regular occurrence, whoever invented the practice. It should die a quick and painless death there, nothing dumber than athletes coming to pay homage to a president who doesn't even wash their sports. You, for example, the Wnba Champions we show up every year to meet with some dude he's, never seen a Wnba game and there something on the target about the national expectation that sports champions must receive the blessing of the President of the United States. Everything the president from the sporting scene would also prevent the infusion of politics into sports. If we don't want athletes political there's, one easy way to avoid that eventuality. Prevent politicians from trying to co opt athletic popularity in the first place I mentioned Shapiro. This is the bed shop, okay, we're gonna into everything sessions related we're going to get to everything. Bob Mueller related we're going to get to a bizarre press conference yesterday at the White House with Trump's cabinet and we're also
we get to the big hubbub over Alex Jones and Megyn Kelly, but before we get to any of that, I want to say thank you to our friends over at birch school. So right now it worth noting that gold has been up the last five months in a row. There are some doubts about the stock market, about weather in the stock market bubble of real estate bubble. Whatever you think there No doubt they should have some of your assets in gold and precious metals, and that's why I work with my friends over at Birch gold group. They have a longstanding track record of continued success with thousands of satisfied clients count five star reviews in a plus rating from the better in this video right now, when you call them, you can get a comprehensive sixteen page kit, which shows how gold and silver can protect your savings and how you can move your IRA or four. Oh one, K out of stocks and into a precious metals IRA. If that's something you want to do to get that, no cost, no obligation to go to birch gold dot com, slash than it is Burke schooled at dot com. Slash make sure you ask all your questions, and then
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the general that Jeff Sessions, the senator in Alabama, is in Cahoots with the Russians to somehow affect the election cycle or is attempting to cover up such collusion again, I don't think they're metro session seen Jeff sessions heard Jeff sessions. It doesn't make any sense at all, but here are some of the questions that they are going to be asking senator sessions. He did something former senator said he did something smart yesterday. He said that he wanted to have the hearing out in the open. He didn't want to do it behind closed doors, I said yesterday. I think that smart, the reason, I think that Smart is because it means that we get a first hand. Look at what he saying. We don't have to hear the leaked information from behind closed doors from Democrats who spend that information in the worst possible way. Here are the four questions. The Democrats will certainly ask attorney general
tions today. First they're gonna ask him if he lied about meeting with the Russian. So if you recall one of the reasons the Chechens recused himself in the first place from the Trump Russia Investigation were, there was a. There was an accusation that he testified in front of Congress and he never met with the russian government officials that he he was not involved in any sort of collusion, and then it came out that he had had a couple of meetings with, and russian Ambassador Sergei Kinsley ACT was widely seen as a and F S b, which is the case should be an fsb operative. In any case, that was overblown in the first place. The first meeting that session supposedly had with his liac, was at Heritage foundation event where there are something like fifty other ambassadors present. That's according to the Washington Post The second meeting that sessions had with KISS Liac was at the center offices and has led me to routinely with members of the Senate like all the time. So you know the sessions has a pretty easy rebuttal. Their second question and sessions will be asked today. Is why FBI director former FBI director James calmly, would you
there were reasons for call for sessions to recuse himself beyond the meetings with casely acts of you recall all the way back to last week. I know time has slowed, there's so much in it. Last week, former FBI director testified in front. Congress. He said quote our judgment, as I recall, was that sessions was very close to an inevitably going to recuse himself for a variety of reasons. We were also aware of facts that I can't discuss in an open setting that would make his continued engagement, a russian related investigation problematic now pretty vague right. It's it's pretty sneaky of coming to drop that in there and then hide the ball behind. The classified info asian wok? What are the reasons sessions will be? Asking sessions hasn't easy answer here, too, you can say I have no idea what company was talking about. I don't know company was talking about. Do you know I was talking about nobody, know so he was talking about who's. Just saying stuff, ok, third question: that sessions will be asked is, will you stand up to Trump, so as we're going to talk about in a few minutes here there is a room
flying around Capitol Hill put out there by Newsmax CEO, Chris Ruddy who's friends with Trump very close friends with Trump actually Ruddy said that Trump was thinking about firing. The spell counsel, Robert Mueller, so this is cool. Did all sorts of chaos inside the Trump Administration attorney deputy attorney general rod. Rosenstein had to come out earlier this morning and say that there was no intent to fire Bob Mueller and that he would not participate in the firing of Bob Mueller sessions will be asked the same question again. I think it is worthwhile here to note that sessions is basically being asked what level of independence he has from from Barack Obama. Attorney general Eric holder called himself Barack Obama's wing man, and no, Don't care. No one there is always just an assumption that the attorney general under Barack Obama was dirty. Obama used executive privilege in order to protect their Eric holder in a fast and furious investigation. I Eric holder used his methodologies to try and protect rock about a multiple times. So again I the sessions being held to a standard that Democrats certainly are not being held to should sessions. How
some semblance of independence. Absolutely, but again, I think they're asking something of sessions that is a little bit over the top. Finally, they are going to ask questions it. Will it why he recommended the comedy fired after he recused himself from from Russia, the implication, of course, being that sessions was involved in something? Yes, then you were using. Something called me was getting too close, so sessions recommended that Trump firing? There is an alternative explanation that makes a lot more sense here. That is, there was no Trump Russia collusion sessions recuse himself because he didn't want to be the center of the Trump Russia stuff and he thought that it would muddy the waters and then finally Trump wants him and said: hey: do you think that we should fire this Kamegai and sessions said yeah? I think he's incompetent that the most his answer but watch the media will make hay out of the out of the hearings today to make a very big deal out of the hearings today, no matter how dumb that is, and you can see how, over the top that the left is in their tents, get from
Elizabeth Warren, who was fresh from some sort of raindance. Actually, she she came in out of the out of the cold. She she exited her when WHAM and the Senator from native american land yeah as she came out. She said the sessions should just be fired. He should be fired for what she couldn't really explain, but fire sections look. I pose sessions for being attorney general of the It states of- and you may remember I got I got- I got sent away from the Senate for that and got shut down and not allowed to speak again until after the vote. That was the rule. I could not speak again until the Senate had a chance to vote on Jeff sessions and then, when it came out that Jeff sessions have lied to Congress at lied to the Senate. During his confirmation hearing, I called again for it. He needs to be fired. He needs to be taken out of that job. If you're not going to be honest during your,
information hearing. Then you ought to be gone. Okay again, this is just ridiculous. The the the quote unquote lie is that sessions didn't remember that he once shook the hand of Russian and ask for his lack of the odd one meeting with him. One time and again there, pictures all over the internet of various democratic senators meeting with sessions. But you can see that Democrats are running in twenty eighteen on how much they hate trump. I keep saying this Republicans need to get with. Program is not enough for us. You just say that that's what's happening here, because clearly, that's what's happening here. Trump has to do a good job. Now Trump has to not make mistakes in a little while I'm gonna get to Trump's response to all of this, but I just want to show you. The extent to which Democrats have lost mines on the Impeach Trump step, Maxine waters legitimately one of the dirtiest figures in Congress during the financial meltdown, choose attempting to get bail for her husband's bay. Alleged Maxine Waters congresswoman from from my neck of the woods here in California, who called the LA riot LA uprising and stood in and and said it was not, and violence is called for this,
in person is out there shouting impeach Trump there, please, because they don't know what to make of this man in Washington DC. Who calls himself president up until now not my president, there is a joke. Realize change. Is the filet disrespects us all? Ok and then I I love, have left his term for Anti Maxine she's. Only your aunt in the sense that there's this crazy old loony aunt who shows up at your barbecues and you don't really know she is because she's not related to anybody, but she just seems some receive answer: Auntie Maxine! Yes, it turns trump. Is your president he's everybody's president because he was duly elected in an election in the United States? That's how things work out here
Bernie Sanders out there doing this routine to here is the the senator from Llewellyn out there. Talking about how Trump is the most dangerous president. We have ever seen he the most dangerous he is so dangerous. I am very much afraid you will take my pudding cup and then I will not know what to eat, and I will be four drink, canceling jewel, which I just not as tasty as my putting money Sanders goal the day to day in the White House, we have perhaps the worst and most dangerous president in the history of our country, and we all saw how not to be forgotten. Extreme right wing leadership, in the: U S, house and the: U S, Senate. I love how the Democrats can't decide whether from his incompetence or super dangerous, it's it's all. There is to watch him bounce around between the two find the the DC and Maryland Attorneys General held a press conference
today, which they announced, they filing a lawsuit against President Trump they're trying to suggest that he I lay the emoluments clause of the United States constitution. Emoluments clause of the US constitution bans public figures in the United States, a lot from taking bribes, basically from foreign governments and they're, trying to suggest that that is what Trump is doing with the Trump hotels that there's a bunch of foreigners are renting rooms in an attempt to get in good with Trump. I hear these attorneys general wasting the time of their citizens, time money of their citizens. Earlier this morning, the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit in federal court. Again The president, the United States, the suit alleges that President Trump is flagrantly violating the constitution, which explicitly bars presidents from receiving gifts or in
use mentsh from foreign or domestic government entities. Never in the history of this country. Have we had a president with these kinds of extensive business? Entanglements? Ok, look! I am not a fan of how President Trump is handled his business. I don't think that I think you should have divested himself. I always thought that his his ethics, rules were not stringent enough, but the idea that they're going to be able to do number one. They don't have standing. You have something called legal standing, they can't show they were damaged, but they're trying to say is that there is damage because one of the Trump Hotels in Washington DC or some such nonsense. No, second of all the emoluments clause does not really talk about what happens. If the president has an ongoing business and then I'm going business, does business with somebody else when the president isn't running it right now, Trump is actually running his business is kids are running the business and it's not clear what constitutes a gift
then there were services rendered by the Trump Hotel and people from abroad are allowed to pay for those services. Not clearly. This amounts to a gift. Get in the moments was always been pretty vaguely defined, particularly since president end up receiving all sorts of president and presents from foreign governments. Remember when the Clinton left the White House, the took a crap load of presents from foreign governments in order two in order to enrich themselves, and that was not considered a violation of the emoluments clause, but just goes to show you. The Democrats are just searching out there. This is not really get rid from. This is all driving up the base and an increase in the perception that Trump is crap. Going talk about, Trump has been responding that in just a second, but first I want to say thank you to our over at my patriot supply so right now, North Korea is as militant as it has ever been. There's a new study showing the Russians are attempting to live. They they tended to hack voting machines. Now we know the natural disasters run. We were heading hurricane.
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prepare with Benz at com prepare with Ben dot com. Ok, so all of this said if it's obvious that the agenda of the Democrats is to takedown trump, it would be who President Trump to behave in the most morally rectitude in this fashion, he can possibly find right that he should behave. He should be as clean as the driven snow. He should say come check me out. Everything is great. You know welcome the health inspectors. Everything is fine. You certainly should not continue to boost this, this kind of widespread ocean that he sees himself as a potentate, which is why it was not great yesterday when he had a meeting with his cabinet and bunch cameras showed up His cabinet members know, unfortunately, that President Trump's personality foibles mean the best way to get through to President Trump. The best way to stand his good side is flattery and so this just kind of humiliating exchange happen. Reince Priebus, his chief of staff, says This at the meeting in front of all the cameras it senior mister president, we thank you for
the opportunity and the blessing that you've given us to serve your agenda and the american people and working You need work very hard every day to accomplish those goals: the opera, energy and the blessing and the law responded with favor to Ryan spend Richard. I mean really come on come on by you work for him, like we all get that, but the entire it goes around and thanks Trump for the opportunity to serve you wouldn't serve the agenda. Wilbur Ross is said something similar again. This sort of just does not look good on a president. I don't care who the president is. If you're a Democrat, can you imagine them operating from the right with Barack Obama had forced all of the members of his cabinet to go around and praise him personally for pointing them? Can you imagine how the mockery would never end, and rightly so, it's sad when Chuck Schumer successfully trolls the President of the United States, the truck from a first
but here's, the Senate minority leader successfully trolling Trump yesterday, I want to thank everybody for coming. I just thought: we'd go around the room Lucy. How do we do on the Sunday show? Yesterday your tone was perfect. You were right on message. Michelle how's, my hair look coming out of the gym this morning. You have great hair. Nobody has better known for further. I just want to say thank you for the uh unity in blessing to serve your job. Eight again, I have to admit I laughed and then the the thing is kind of ridiculous. Now is it damning of drums the end of the world? No and one of them will this happen portion, but I just want to point out that it when it comes to trump most of the problems he's had our problems of his own making and they spring from his personality, which is volatile and egocentric, and that is not a good combo when your presidents of the United States he's going to need to get himself under control. Although we're gonna talk about that in injustice
plus, I want to talk about what happened with Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones. I want to talk about all of the all of the hubbub. Surrounding Katy Perry it to construct the culture a little bit today, 'cause, it's a Tuesday more coming up you're going to our daily wired dot com right now and subscribe to that eight dollars a month. Gets you a subscription to daily wire dot com plus? Yes, he Are the mail that I guess I say it's your money part now that this week I think my dad is going to come in studio and to talk about our brand new book on the White Sox. If you have any questions for my father, your questions that you wouldn't want me it's about my dad. My dad can answer around me then go over wired dot com right now, inscribed eight dollars a month gets you a subscription plus, if you're an adult and scrappy. I should get a copy of that very book to get a copy of this very book. Right here say itself, it's about me and my dad and my grandpa pop up all white Sox fans and in the two thousand five, what tax camp which season a great father's day, gift to get a free signed copy right now, when you come to annual subscriber over at dailywire dot com, so going over and check it out,
or if you just want to listen later at Itunes or Soundcloud gone over subscribe leave a review. We always appreciate it. We are the largest conservative podcast in the nation, uhhuh. Okay, so the reason that I brought up the rent free this thing is because I think that we have to understand Trump's personality to understand the problems that he's been having beating back the scandals. There are good there's a good case for Trump in each one of these scenarios. There's a good solid case for Trump. With regard to the firing of James Comey, for example, John you, this constitutional scholar, we're going president very well respected, I believe, he's up at Berkeley now and a professor you he comes out and he says, listen call me had to go. He did not do what he was supposed to do. I think. Uh was acting more and more outside the control of the people. We elect to office to run our government, and so I think, especially
during his mistaken decisions. I think three times in the Clinton email investigation. It was already time for me to go in January. Okay, and I think that Johnny was exactly right. I said this in January. I said it back in June, I said in October. I said it in July, I mean, I said it didn't uh in May, when from actually fired him actually a week before Trump fired him. Comi always check on these are all defensible positions from the President United States, but unfortunately, because President Trump is very, very ego driven, you know just do you know, driven more ego driven than any politician I've ever seen, because of that he tends to make mistakes. So as an example, we talked yesterday about President Trump saying that he would testify Underoath to try we, the testimony of James Comey FBI, director a totally unnecessary. A totally unnecessary moved here was trying to walk that back and saying. Instead, no trump would be willing to talk about Mueller. The special counsel, I think the use.
She specifically asked whether or not he would talk to you druckenmiller, and he made it very clear. Was position was sorry. Sorry just wanted to be a very clear about this, so he's not saying that you were going for Congress. I I don't know I've not had a further discussion with that. I know what exact What he said on Friday in the rose garden is exactly what what he believes. Okay so, not exactly true. He was asked whether he would go under oath. He said yes to follow up with Mueller. In any case, that's just the beginning, because it turns out that there is now full assault on Mueller. So it's not enough for them to just go direct up against call me and try and pit Trump's credibility against Comey's credibility, which again is a useless ego play that is not smart. Now they're going to try and go up against Bob Mueller, the special counsel. Now Bob Mueller is well respected. He served under several administrations. Democrat and Republican is the longest tenured director of the FBI. Since Emily J,
the Hoover I sell. He has been around for quite a long. Time is a very good reputation, but now they're attempting to say that Mueller is not capable of carrying out this investigation. Now remember: Mueller was picked up by Rob Rosenstein, who is the deputy attorney general the president of the United States, I'm sure knew that Mueller was coming. He has the capacity to fire Mueller and replace him. He has not done that. Mueller New Gingrich. A week ago, two weeks ago, saying Bob Mueller is good. Pick for special counsel. Lot of people on the right were saying. The special counsel investigation is very good for Trump because it allows him to just kick all these questions down the road instead of going to answer every question, you just say: look Bob Mueller is well respected. He's looking at all this stuff- and we will get back to you right. I that would have been the smart play instead. Now they're attempting
after Bob Mueller. Now, if you wanted to look innocent and as I say, it's important that Trump look innocent, not just being innocent. Look innocent because remember Democrats are banking on him, looking guilty not being guilty looking guilty so that they can wipe out Republicans in twenty eighteen and right now it looks like a pretty good shot that they will. President Trump's best move here would be to say: ok, let Bob Mueller do his job, but now you've got the entire Right! Going out there and saying that Bob Mueller is basically a Patsy for Obama or for the left and one of sorry they're using to do this- is they're talking about how he just hired a bunch of attorneys. His legal team have given a bunch of money to Democrats according to the FTC, the Federal Election Commission, Lee they're, saying that three of the members legal team nodes have been hired so far by Mueller have given money almost exclusively to Democrats. This is being reported by CNN. More than half of the more than fifty six thousand dollars came from just one lawyer. More than half of it was donated before the twenty sixteen election, but two of the lawyer
gave the maximum two thousand seven hundred dollars to Hillary Clinton. Last year. Three of the five. Who are appointed? Have donations in Fec records? Two of them do not, These attorneys are very seasoned, so the implication is they gave money to Hillary Clinton campaign. Therefore they can't be trusted to investigate Trump, Russia or Trump obstruction of justice. Kind of stop. No that's very possible trip. It's very possible! That's true! I think that Miller has responsibility to staff up with people who are bipartisan, partisan thing, is also worthwhile, noting that the vast majority of Biglaw are Democrats. Ok, let's just be real about this- I worked at a law. Firm is called the proctor. I worked there for about a year back when I graduated from law school. Every major law firm is dominated by Democrats. So, if you're going to hire a top notch lawyer, the chances are the top notch lawyer is probably going to be a Democrat. That's just the way. It works particularly to Washington D,
where, with governmental knowledge again to me, will go out of his way to hire more people who are on the right. Yes, I think you should is this. Just positive doesn't mean that he's clearly in the pocket of the Democrats. No, I think that's over the top. And suggesting the Mueller's dishonest is is too much. I I just don't think that that's correct, but that's not stopping the attempts to kill the Mueller investigation. Now they're saying some culture. She was saying well Comi said that he wanted the Mueller investigation. Mueller isn't investigating anything except because call me did it so we should just kill the investigation. All well no. I mean he should recuse himself there to set separate sections of the special counsel investigation. One section deals with from Russia: Mueller is fully capable of investigating. Now one deals with coming instruction. Justice now be the trunk. I think the law should recuse himself in that case, but the idea that the entire investigation she just be killed by Trump should I should go like yes, but you die on its own terms if you died because Trump is innocent, not because from kills it. This is,
a mistake to be talking this way and unfortunately the rumor was given new life by Chris right. I mentioned earlier, Newsmax CEO. He comes out and he says that
is thinking about firing. Mueller outright, considering perhaps terminating the special counsel, I think he's he's weighing about option. I think it's pretty clear by what one of his lawyers said on television recently. I personally think it would be a very significant mistake, even though I don't think, there's a justification, and even though I mean here, you have a situation, I think there's a justification for for a special counsel in this case, but also I mean Robert Muller there's some real conflicts. He comes from a law firm that represent members of the Trump Trump family of he interviewed the day before a few days before he was appointed special counsel with the President, who is looking at him potentially to become the next F B. I director that hasn't been published, but it's true and I think it would be strange that he would have a confidential conversation and then a few days later become the prosecutor of the person he may be
investigating. I think that Muller should have not taken the position if he was under consideration and had a private meeting with the president and was privy maybe to some of his thoughts about that investigation or other matters before the bureau. Okay. Okay, this makes no sense any. What ready is saying, I'm hoping that it's right slowly, travel and specifically said that Trump will shoot it down and it appears today the White House is backing off of this sort of stuff. The depth attorney general rod. Rosenstein is already come out and said: there's no reason to fire Mueller at the current time. It's really not smart. To do this. Ok forget about right, forget about right for a second, it's just not smart politics. Ok, Mueller is well like if you're pitting Trump's credibility against comedy. That's already not a good start for against Mueller's credibility. That's super not a good start, and
fuck. Schumer knows this. Ok, when Chuck Schumer is happy and smiling. That means that Trump is doing something stupid here is Chuck Schumer, basically happy and smiling, because the right is attacking Bob Miller seems a new strategy by some on. The right is now to question the credibility of special counsel, Muller already former Speaker, Gingrich and others have negative, have said negative things about Muller just weeks after praising his selection. They know that Mister Muller is the man now responsible for following up on Mister combies testimony, so the hard right is trying to discredit him in advance. They know they can't debate the facts or the issues or defend the actions of the White House on the merits so
they do. They attacked the referee and try to be Smirch. The reputation of someone like Mister Muller. Ok, again, the reason that Chuck Schumer is going hard on this is because he thinks he's got a bone and he's not going to let it go. Don't attack Muller, guys. Ok, let him go because if you attack him now that he's been appointed, it's going to be very difficult, especially after everybody came out and said that he was honest as the day is long five minutes ago, it's just a mistake and then fine Trump really needs to let these tapes thing delegations place was asked again for, like one thousand time yesterday at the White House about are their tapes of you. Talking with coming in here with Sean Spicer is response. What is what I, I think, the president made it very clear on Friday that he would get back as soon as possible on this and his position on on that conversation. So what is he waiting for? What's the delay is waiting in being these out way for anything when he's raises further discuss you well, but I think he laid out
position very clearly very concisely. On Friday, this is so stupid. It's so counterproductive once you say there are tapes, the only portion of the obstruction of justice law that Trump is even mildly in danger of is the stuff that says you can't destroy any sort of record that impedes an investigation. If there are tapes, then he has he's going to end up turning them over they're, probably not going to be great for and if there are no tapes. Now the Democrats are going to say you lied or where are the tapes? Did you destroy them? This is all not particularly smart and it's all coming based on the same tendency from Trump that led to reince Priebus, paying do homage Renfield style to him in the oval office there it's just in or in the meeting room the executive meeting room. It's just not if you want them to succeed, he needs to be good. Ok, I keep saying this
it's not going to change. If you want from to succeed, he needs to be good at this job and don't give me the forty testing on the election there for his great everything. Okay, I know a lot of people who are great one thing and turned out not to be great at other things. Okay, it happens all the time. In fact, on my favorite cases, it is it in fictional literature, have you ever watched Silicon Valley? There's a guy who's, a billionaire because he created some stupid app and now he's just a complete idiot. This happens all the time in Hollywood, it happens all the time. I know people who are again, not saying the Trump is a complete idiot. I am saying that from strategy right here is not effective and it's not useful. So it's not it's not. You know it's. It's not a great thing. Okay, so well before I get to things I like and things I hate. Let's talk about, my friends over at the? U S, CCA cell right now, you know a sales can see concealed carry association. You live in a state like California, where, if you shoot somebody coming on your property to rob your house, you may end up being prosecuted. Even if you live in Texas man up being prosecuted for defending your,
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I'm going to go over there and register just to try and win the lottery over there defend myfamily dot com, five big chances to win, defend, Myfamily dot com for free shot on seventeen thousand one hundred and seventy six dollars worth guns and ammo. It's not going to last long. It expires because it's coming up on July. Fourth, one thousand seven hundred and seventy six worth of guns and ammo defend my dot com. That's defend my family com, super cool program, providing great services, plus you get a shot at winning, much money for guns and ammo. What's better than that? Okay time for some things I like and then some things that I hate and then we'll get to deconstructing the call sell things that I like Megyn Kelly, is being raked over the coals because she had the temerity to do an interview with Alex Jones and this interview with Alex Jones it it's pretty clear that she's taking a very adversarial position with with Alex Jones as well. She should ok for people who don't know that much about Alex Jones have marks on the program before Alex Jones is a wild conspiracy theorist. He suggested that the Sandy hook massacre was a false flag. At the victims were actors.
He said that nine Slash eleven was an inside job that the US government was basically covering for the Saudis he's he's the boss. Marathon bombing was was a false flag. He said the Orlando Nightclub Jihadi attack was a false flag to he, The government is pursuing animal human hybrids and using chemicals in water to turn the frogs gay things turn the freaking frogs that things you, the government controls the weather, he promoted pizza I walked out and then back a little bit. He calls bill gates. A? U Genesis, because Bill gates, where is mom, I think once gave money to planned parenthood, because me Genesis and things not just that planned parenthood is eugenics and he is involved with planned parenthood, but he's pursuing some sort of global attempt at eugenics across the world goes on and Jones, actually so crazy to his own. Where was forced, arguing a custody hearing that Jones is playing a role pull on radio and tv so that he could avoid the implication, which is the Joneses actually like that in real life, so it wouldn't lose custody of his kids. So why is Kelly
interviewing this guy. Well, there are a lot of people saying Kelly, should not interview Jones, because you're just giving him credibility, you're just giving him there now. I think there are certain people with you should ignore them, because they're just getting an error. I just as an example Richard Spencer. That's because Richard Spencer is irrelevant. No one would know who Richard Spencer is, except for the mainstream media coverage of Richard Spencer, which is designed to make it look as though Richard Spencer is a conservative who is representative of all conservatives, it's ridiculous. It's foolish, but Alex Jones is not Richard Spencer. Not just because of you point, because the Alex Jones is actually a very, very prominent figure, so prominent in fact that President Trump is very with Alex Jones. Can we know the Trump has praised Jones repeatedly after Trump was elected Joan come out in a video and said Trump and called him personally in February, Alex Jones said that he talks on the phone with Trump and that he was quote taking on a new role as occasional information, source and validator for the President Jones website. Infowars super high traffic website. They have some
information. That is true, and they have some information that is not so true. Jones also claims that Trump and his kids watched only show regularly in April Jones said he received a call from Trump and who asked Alex Jones if he was happy with Trump's job performance just a couple of weeks ago that administration distributed a link from in to their entire email itself, that that doesn't not saying that Trump Jones per Say, except that Jones is relevant. He clearly relevant and it is not wrong. Megyn Kelly grill, someone who is relevant because he is tight with the president of the United States and has a massive following. These are important things for the american public.
No in the video segment that was already released to the public, which will show you it's right here. They call you the most paranoid man in America. Is that true, absolutely not a paranoid person would be hiding out in their house not venturing out in public. I go out there on the street in battle black lives matter. The communist point. Blank range we talked controversies and conspiracies nine hundred and eleven. Now nine hundred and eleven was an inside job. When I say inside job, it means criminal elements in our government working with Saudi Arabia and others wanted to frame Iraq for it just a fact. Sandy hook well sandy hooks complex, because I've had debates where we've devil's advocate said. The whole story is true, and then I've had to base where I've said that none of it's true when you say
parents fate their children's death. People get very angry. Let's all I know, but they don't get angry about the happily that Iraq is from the sanctions. Are they don't get angry about all that? John? No? No, it was not a dodge. The media never covers all the evil. Wars is promoted all that it doesn't excuse what you did and said about new here's, the difference, hi, look at all the angles of the town, and I made my statement long before the media even picked up on it. We don't get any of the really important stuff. What do you mean? We talked about all the important style: here's the big one. They always make fun of you probably want for dinner. Thirty years ago they began creating animal human hybrids is adapt big story. Megyn Kelly should be in that video segment Kelly actually takes Jones to test. She actually says when you say parents take their chill The staff people get very angry and then John says something nonsensical about iraqi word at and then she says, that's misdirection to dodge. It doesn't excuse what
You did or said about new town. Okay, this is what news anchors are supposed to do in Kelly's to do it all. The time at Fox NEWS have on people who were widely considered. Unpalatable were important so that she could grill them, and I think that a lot of this is being driven on the right by people who are angry and Megyn Kelly, because she wasn't pro trump enough and then left Fox NEWS, and I think, is being driven on the left by people who think making Kelly is too right wing because she was on Fox NEWS, and so she has to be destroyed. Any of these people on the left would be reading Megan Kelly of her name or Lester Holt insure interviewing Alex Jones. No, I don't so. I think a lot of people on the right would be super upset with making Kelly. It's your own Fox news, interviewing Alex Jones. No, I don't and again this just comes down to tribalism. I don't see anything wrong with her interviewing Alex Jones. In fact, I think it's a good thing. I think people should be exposed to the viewpoints. People are close to the president. I wish to hell. The media had done this when it was Barack, Jeremiah Wright. I would have paid good money to
ca, prime time, interview with Jeremiah right in the middle of the two thousand and eight campaign and beyond, but that never happened because people are trying to cover for the president. I don't like people who cover for the president. I don't like that, and it doesn't matter to me who the president is so good for making Kelly that the stupidest thing about all this is that the sandy hook there's some standing, a charity that was supposed to have Megan Kelly host their vent and now they've canceled her, because they said that you shouldn't be getting Jones AIR time. I hate that, okay, at first of all it as a parent. I I can't even fathom the same kind of pain. These parents have gone we're. Obviously, but if God forbid something like that happen in some idiot were out there saying routinely that I had staged my own child's death, I would want that person exposed and humiliated on a nightly basis on national, So I just I don't understand the hub other than I think there's a lot of animals on both sides of the aisle at Megyn Kelly, especially so I think that's really quite ridiculous. Ok
Let's do a thing that I hate who was bragging about moving at NASA T shirts from the boys section to the girls section and the tweet is just as insane as you would think it is it is it somebody who's talking, Now, how it says, did I did I just take a bunch of NASA tank tops from the boys section and put them in the girls section? Yes, yes, I did and this has is Katie Hines. I guess it one hundred and sixteen thousand lights, one hundred and sixteen thousand lights. I just would like to point something out here. If you I go to any NASA facility, if you visit any of these facilities visit the Smithsonian, there are girls, T shirts from NASA, you can get them, and the idea that girls are somehow dissuaded from being involved in math and science because there was not a NASA t shirt available at whatever particular locale. And this woman was is just stupidity plus you just made a bunch of minimum wage workers have to move the thing back
You know one saying: girls can't work for NASA, that's ridiculous! Anyone can work for NASA but this sort of virtue say again: it's left playing this game where they suggest that women are put upon and they have the worst time in american society, and everything is just terrible nonsense. Nonsense, nonsense what an unbelievable waste of time effort it just so silly! So silly! Ok! Now, let's deconstruct a little bit of culture now nice thing deconstructing the culture is that uh. I could also put in section in things that I hate so on Tuesdays. I really get to double down on stuff that I hate so today, the episode of deconstructing the culture we're going to look at a couple of things, one we're going to look at the Tony awards and two we're going to look at Katy Perry, so Katy Perry. I thought the best comments on this came from Steven Miller. Katy Perry looks like the nice girl from the neighborhood who went to college and came back all screwed up from the first year,
College like shave, her head now, she's a lesbian and that's Katy Perry. Doing this interview with that with the rate may Casson a over at didn't really hasn't is that black lives matter activists and here is Katy Perry. Doing the interview with Remick hasn't basically apologizing for the great crime of being popular and white. I've made several mistakes even in like that. This is how we do a video about how I wore my hair and having a hard com. Station with one of my empower Angels Cleo about what does it mean? Why? Why can't I wear my hair that way or what is the history behind wearing the hair? That way, I listened- and I heard- and I didn't know- an. I won't ever understand some of those things because of who I am, I will never understand, but I can educate myself educate myself and that's why I'm trying to do along the way, and even then you know my intention to like appreciate japanese culture. I did it wrong with the performance and
I didn't know that I did it wrong until I heard people saying I did it wrong and sometimes that's what it takes is it takes someone to say out of compassion out of love, hey dude. This is where Gordon, is you know and do understand it done. Watchable, I'm sorry, I'm losing brain cells such a rapid pace that I will be dead by the end of this clip if we actually pay the play the entire thing. So what. Katy Perry wrong. Ok, so Katy Perry supposedly wore her hair in stereotypical black fashion in this video. This is how we do ok, I guess now she has stereotypically, taken the hair off like a NEO Nazi, so exciting, so she's, culturally appropriated they hear from NEO Nazis, which is which is just awesome or from the movie, the fifth element, and I can't really decide which now I love the cheese. So sad about my God, it's just terrible. First of all, just the sending of this thing is amazing. It's amazing this whole this whole Jess. You want in
snowflake should be written all over this clip, because they're sitting on this white couch, Crosslegged Cross leg and who's it's cross, like it doing an interview. I mean this is just the most ridiculous stupid thing that should be smoking pot and wearing hemp clothing. While they do this idiocy and then bird drop the most cultural appropriation, I don't how much I've heard people. Yes, I'm sure black people all over the United States were hurting deeply, because Katy Perry wore her hair, a particular way in a music video. I was told that people were really suffering in this country. If that's true, it seems to me that the last of their concerns would be Katy Perry wearing her hair in a particular way inches aligned to concert Japan, let's be clear about cultural appropriation. Ok when it comes to cultural appropriation, cultural appropriation is a good thing, because it means that cool things cultural lines and that White couches cultural appropriation from Sweden or something from a cultural appropriation from IKEA and the
microphone is cultural appropriation from whoever invented the microphone, because every invention is an outgrowth of the culture that created it apparently, all just nonsense, all just stupidity, but this is the are you signaling that is necessary from the entire Hollywood left and that they feel the necessity to push it's really really foolish and again, it just demonstrates that the culture is more important than politics. When it comes to shaping how people think Katy Perry sing. Kind of dumb stuff to Jeremic. Hasn't ceramic hasn't should not be in any legitimate company. You talk about people who ceramic hasn't is one of them. A guy who didn't entire lecture at Yale about how riots are justified in violence is justified. So just ridiculous. Ok, other things in deconstructing the culture. I am a big fan of Broadway, I love Broadway. I mean I've written a musical two musicals. Actually, with my dad, I really enjoy Broadway Musicals Broadway, unfortunately, income niche and that's because they basically turned it into
do two things: it is social justice, warrior stuff and Disney musicals. Those are the only two things they produce on Broadway anymore. It's beauty and the beast and they turn we into a musical which they turned back into a movie, or it is some in order to rent it to its. You gave people dying of AIDS, but singing about it. You know that in that, that's that's basically what what it's become now, it's it's a bunch, it's every so often recently that was really good on Broadway I I have to admit I did not see any of the shows that were nominated for best for best Tony this year for best musical Tony. I guess they did Groundhog tag so again, kind of Disney. They take a movie and then they turn it into a musical. They did. It was legally blonde, is the new profit model, and then apparently, they did some musical with Josh Groban, which is weird, and it was a section from war and peace so that one, I would be mildly interested to say they also did one that I've heard is very good
about teenagers committing suicide, which is, I thought, a show on Netflix, but in any case, what the Tony's really are for, and this is theater in New York. So you know everybody is talking about this play in central park where President Trump or standing for president plays Julius Caesar and then gets murdered, but the the theater scene in New York, nobody when they staged this thought it was going to be a big deal because that's how the interesting works- and you can tell from the Tony awards which were near entirely dedicated to bashing President Trump. Stefan Cole Bear one of the hosts of it and he came out in the middle of it. He just said for no reason that Trump might be impeached. The DC productions supposed to have a four year run, but reviews have not been kind close early. We don't know, we don't know best of luck to everyone involved. Okay again, this is just the the sort of crowd that pervades New York's. When you look at it did you
this user production, you say wow. How did anybody think that was ok or you look at Kathy Griffin, and you say how wounded what in the world is going through her head when she decided to when she decided to chop off the head of a Trump doll and then cover it in blood? and hold it up like she was some sort of genius went through her head. Is that all her friends would think it was funny and cool and that's what the Tonys are and that's what the Oscars an Hollywood is deeply insular and if they don't get over that Is the only reason that superhero movies are doing well because they're, the only thing that's mass market anymore, everything else is is moonlight. Everything else is whatever is the leftist social issue of the day they decide to push and Tony's are no exception. Ok will be back here tomorrow with the updates on Jeff sessions. Testimony attorney general sessions define before the Senate Intelligence Committee. We will bring you all the headlines tomorrow, I'm Ben Shapiro, this is the Ben Shapiro, show
Transcript generated on 2019-10-15.