« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 198 - Laughing Our Way To Doom

2016-10-21 | 🔗
Trump and Clinton both bomb at the Al Smith Dinner, Laura Ingraham goes nuts, and a second mailbag!
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The west censorship of conservatives has now kicked into high gear. Google has at least twenty one videos from Prager University and educational non profit Designed to tell young people about conservative the issues of interest in it risks c mon, preventing young people from seeing them. Google admitted that they quote, taken too generation, what the intent of the video is meaning there happened but anyone who presents political positions that Just don't like meanwhile, it or feel a silicon valley, investment guru, who spoke Could the hour see his face? Serious backlash calls to him from the border facebook of grown over the past few weeks, the New York Times reported just yesterday, quote the news, last week that Mr Theo was given one point. Five million to the Republicans campaign is provoking outrage and tech executives who work with billionaire investors are beginning for our being, to explain why they plan to continue to do business with him unclothed to his credit facebook found remarks October. It was a hard core democratic, then the illicit we care deeply about diversity, hats, to say what it means standing upright years. You agree with it.
Harder want to mean standing up for the rights of people with different viewpoints, to say what they care about that even more important. But that's a prominent left us say publicly, how many of them will continue to do business with feel without external pressure for in them to do so. How many of them were quietly he'll business deals? How many of them will not feel out? Making human outsider in his own industry left us have been doing this for years. That's helmets Firefox Ie Oberon in ice ended up ousted oversight, when international marriage into a demo mayors from Boston to Chicago threatened, chick fillet for its ownership. Or of traditional marriage is why Hollywood Republicans get blacklisted freezing the mildest form of conservatism. Is why speaker? Let me get banned from college campuses. The left is to show stick in their approach to interpersonal relations is not enough to disagree with somebody that person must be exercised from polite society. So that means the right has to fight back. There are two ways: you do that first, you can give to innovations like Prager, you, which is really great place that have been victimized by last. Second turn about is fair play. Leftists, must feel them
in a mutually assured destruction. The second tactic is something Republicans are always loathe to do since is something with which we can disagree, but it's isn't made to understand that a polite society relies on a basic agreement between all of the parties not to FR. I will another based on political differences. They'll continue to destroy it, right while we continue to pay them to do so? The right then using its market power to fight the left by turning off the tv with regard to the NFL services can do this more broadly and more specifically its harsh its nasty. Is necessary in a world built by the left and yes rigged to the debt. Many of those who disagree adventure pair of this is the bench a parachute, Ok, so you apologize for people who normally watch this on Facebook. At the very beginning, we projects that people who normally watch this live at daily work we ve had some technical difficulties. The entire internet has apparently been taken down by Donald Trump, mythical. Hundred pound man living in a basement somewhere
where is down right now, Facebook is kind of down right now and in the internet is, is giving everybody else works in trouble, but there's lots to talk about, so don't worry we'll get to all of it. But first we have to say our friends over at birch gold. So if somebody who's interested in investing in precious metals. If you look at them, I get right now- and you said yourself- my goodness- I no clue where this is going- you at least one about part of your portfolio and precious metals have part of my portfolio in precious metals. The people, a birch gold group- are the folks you wanted talk to you about that. Their website is birch gold, dot com, slash ban. The net I gotta know cause. No, legation kids, that tells you. How can I tat your savings. Is sixteen page cared about how you move your I re for one k into pressure metals in, and there are no tax consequences for doing so, obviously, not their website. Ask all your questions get all your answers and if your interested in investing work with birch gold, dot com, Slash Ben Brcko, cons, lash band use bachelor he's the slash bends, that people know that waste
you and they continue to advertise it with us, which makes this show possible and all of the technical abilities that we have demonstrated today. So we How do we begin today with the collapse of Obamacare the Democrats They need the craziness surrounding Trump Clinton has over. Not everything in the world at the Democrats are truly collapsing. Obama care is toast, lay the premiums are rising dramatically. They were always designed to do. No Democrats are our panicking a little bit because they realize there's a backlash and Obama in popular. But There is always designed to see the regime of Obamacare was the idea that we are going to find basically young healthy people into buying insurance, and they would be they pay really really expensive insurance that they need in or to redistribute that insurance coverage to old people who are already second have pre existing conditions. That was the basic notion behind Obamacare, that young people who are earning an income, we're going to pay for older people and and people. That was the idea and Medicaid was going
be expanded in the states and federal government would pick up a lot of the lot of the requirements at the beginning, Sooner or later, the states will take over this expanded medicate burden so that poor people could you Medicaid for free now counters obamacare those parts of the part of the routine dwell. How does he too will not expanding medicate we're not that he can't force us to do that and we're not going to do that and you can all go. Stick it, but that's These is skyrocketing premiums for young people skyrocketing cream for a lot of people who want a better plan, because their doctors and alone, covered under the new Obamacare plans. Did a lot of services are covered? Now? They don't have to be like, for example, I believe that under you Obamacare rules. Every person is eligible to receive a breast pump which works from my wife's and she's nursing. It doesn't. Work is well for me since I'm not, but oh Cares, Do these kind of stupidity is the idea was They were going to destroy the the Sharon's industry where it stands, so they get the insurance industry on board the insurance history, says: Obamacare wondrous. It's great look at all these new sign up and then they have to raise the rage
because it turns out that you can't keep the rates low while you're paying for people of pre existing conditions and then the next step would be ok need a government option, love now reaching point where people on the left are saying. Now we get to go to the inevitable mixed up its government option time, because obviously the insurance markets can't keep up with all these new requirements we put on them because their evil and greedy knock as the requirements are stupid, but because work because their evil and greedy so now over. I was trying to make their case and he accidentally makes the worst case Obamacare in history when a war, these companies comes out with a new smartphone, then there's view bugs where they do. They fix it merit unless it catches fire than they pull of heart. But you don't go back to using a robbery phone. It real. Is he realizes halfway through that joke that you just made a big bubu, whereas what he paused is there,
because what he saying just compared Obamacare, understand some Galaxy note: seven, which has been exploding like literally melting down and bursting into flames. It's been banned airplanes and he even hidden cities. As you know, the way when something burst into full- and you have to recall it right like Obamacare but is actually arguing for, however, is We should all in instead of worrying about the Samsung Galaxy. No seven. We should stick it up to our face, burn off our skin, and then we should reply. HU, the Samsung Galaxy. No aid government sponsored addition, as it is a look. There's nothing worked Funding Obamacare garbage planned always was garbage plan announced failing, has a bomb allotted to fail and he's embarrassed by its use in trying to limit on somebody else. You are historically it is having trouble to yesterday. Issues are pressing, in France or choose your shoes at some sort of events and one of the report. Where's asked her about James O Keefe in these allegations that people were. Were you who, in her employ were attempting to create vial Tromp rallies and were participating in or fraud. The guy standing behind her by the way is John
Lester, alpha male John Fidessa! Here's Hillary Clinton, dressed in Christian bales outfit from equal Andy, and here she asked, is- have questioned here's what she does I found you have. I know nothing about this. I'm not like. I can't deal with every one of his conspiracy theories, but I hope you all have something to eat something to drink and by way of acting off the plane worlds and middle of light senator Then there are running from this now to be fair trump. Also running from questions whose asked yesterday by Rapporteur not about specific allegations, but about the idea that he's a sexist in a racist and here's. How Trumpery did it? We don't have it? Ok, fine, so Trump ran from questions as well. In any way, there's one from Twitter, I think in Twitter is down so ruining everything, but in any case, Trump ran from some questions as well. All this was was prelude to the Alps myths in herself. The ultimate dinner is this:
do they have in New York City every. I think they have every year out assume, but every four years when it gets publicize, because the presidential nominees show up to do a comedy bet and its already events, so that makes it acceptable if it will not. You bet, I wouldn't really dislike this event. As much as I dislike the White House Press correspondence dinner, which I really really dislike, dead, the so called nerd prom. All of these. These fancy people with their and he sued in their taxes, are pretending to love each other and demonstrating that there is a super elite in our country who hobnob with each other. Easy to get the same feeling from the owl Psmith dinner, but at least they are attempting to raise money for charity. Normally, the alchemist The idea is that the two candidates get up and assorted softly rib each other, while making self deprecating jokes were exposed to be kind of a year we're getting near the election, but we're all Americans, and we can all laugh at ourselves and in this fun it sort of a respite from the from the normal political rigmarole, an impasse days,
it's easier to have good feelings about people. On the other side, when you feel like you have something in common with them. The reason that we watch comedies in theatres- and you don't watch com- movies alone is because when everybody is laughing it creates a feeling of community. It's very hard to do comedy in a place where there's no feeling of community ok said the ultimate, then the ultimate dinner last night after having destroyed the electoral cycle and in politics generally and decency and truth and hope, Hilary and and Trump turned to just. Going comedy, and then they take it out back and she like all the other, so Donald Trump start off and he starts off with some jokes there's our itself deprecating, nothing, nothing strict and, as you will see, that senior level collagen trump bad front, because this is good from bad trump improve. If we ve got the theme, which will begin early everybody's excited about good Trump Andrew himself, we begin with some good trompe l, a good trumps. A trump starts off,
And this is what is supposed to be good in writing in the region. We nominated him because we wanted someone who is entertaining and good in front of a camera, and so now he s your comedy routine. Ok great should do should play to his strength. He starts off and it starts I find areas the areas can make yourself. Deprecating joke with all the Governor Cuomo Saunders. I jack he used to love me when I was a democratic Europe I do not check shimmer saying to him. He just looks very angry about life, but neither there's from making the joke about used to be a Democrat. There are those of us who a drug that he still is, but in any case he continues to joke along these lines and its fine, it's fine here. He is talking about how than the media and politicians have turned on him: the politicians they ve had me to their homes David Dismay to their children, I become
best friends in many instances ass for my endorsement and they always wanted my money and even called me really dear dear, but then suddenly Decided when I ran for President as a Republican that I've always been a oh good, right disgusting scoundrel and they totally forgot about me. But that's: ok,. You know they say when you do this kind of an event. You always sought out with a self deprecating joke. Some people think this would be tough for me, but the truth is Didn't I hate when we pretend to like each other, but in any case he does
Routine, he says that the EU can see it's already getting awkward righted staring at awkward, because people know that there's a lot of truth. What he saying these to treat him nicely until you disagree with them Legally and they decided he was come of the earth and he continues to tell Some funny jokes and then the worm turns there a few more here that are sort of funny self deprecating, ok, and it will continue to go from because some of these are per hour, pretty decent. Singers and even denied them- With all of the heated back and forth between my opponent and me. The debate last night. We have proven that we can actually be civil to each other. In fact, before taking the days. Henry accidently bump into me, and she very civilly said pardon me.
And a lively replied. Let me talk to you about that after I get Adolphus Sidney continues along these lines see you written today, rips into the media, and died in again. This in all of this is always a fine and guarantee the best joke that he told of the night was born Babylonia tromp. If we know that one and so skipping Maloney Trump one. Now with Hitler, The present adored me to stop riding.
But I really have to say the media is even more by us this year than ever before. Ever you want, Michelle. Obama gives a speech and everyone loves it's fantastic. They think she's apps, thirdly great, my wife, malaria gives the exact same space and k these visits from being charming right? This is funny stuff, ok and then it starts to go south, and now we turn to bad trump, and what you'll see is true. It is telling about how these candidates are, as human beings Trump is getting place to the crowd. So when it proud, turns against him. You'll see he turns angry and vicious
and an he begins to let the rage monster inside out and he starts tipping over tables and hitting people of lying glasses in such an it gets wild. So here it is. He actually gets booed at this dinner and here's where it begins. I'd like to address an important religious matter, the issue of going to confession Or as causing the fourth of July weekend with FBI director coming, Now I went to confession before tonight's over. But the priest was having a hard time when he s you're about her sins, and she said she could. Remember thirty nine times Simeon, then. Why are you so? you: got, kicked off.
The commission. And everybody sorts doing, and he just in any loose it because neither Billingham unheeded next, But you can see even before that he starting to get angry is actually going to campaign mode, so he Ashura it gets worse here. You're Trump is talking about Wikileaks user, not jokes, anymore. Folks. This is just him yelling at Hillary Clinton in front of a crowd of people at its hurt me because that's what this election has become watch the guy, who is sitting directly to trumps, laughed bid, they kind of balding fella. I believe, somewhere in here, you see an epic face when, when Trump drops, one of these jokes he kind of loses mine. We ve learned so much from Wikileaks. For example, That is vital to deceive the people by one public policy.
Different policy in bribe- that's ok! I don't know who they are angry at every year. Are you, for example, here, she is denied in public pretending not to hate Catholics. Ok and the crowd loses their mind, driving they go crazy and everybody look. I mean look at these dick look at that faces in this crowd, I mean this is a morgue. I mean it's it's bad and then He and I loved that he prepared the speech obviously have to and the way he continues is pretty hysterical, no one's laughing they're all Billingham and it's just wow. So here is now some of you haven't noticed. Laughing as much as the rest of us, that's because she knows the jobs and the wall of the jokes were given to
in advance of the cardinal tell them. What's inside China, Brazil Ridge is. Everyone knows, of course, it is believed that it takes a village which only makes sense after all, in places like eighty, where she's taken a number of them histories wow bag. You they're calling the car I don't want it on their sales language, my opponent, Hilary Benn in Washington a long time. She knows a lot about how government works and, according to arrest warrant testimony Hilary has forgotten more things than most of us will ever ever.
No, that I can ok and just stone faces all around remedies. Suppose we laugh lines they all looked like they want you crawl into a hole and die so Donald Trump, turning the laughter and is at the end, the elements that are so he does this and now the crowd obviously wants to be until I received this. Is this election? In a nutshell, I mean it's just what should have been laughter enjoyed, to misery in an ash. In both Hilary got all the crowds on our side, there right she's, the victim, she's, the victim, and she can help herself either because Hilary bad person do so Hilary. It's up there and she to start off with some friendly jokes and then things start to go south. So she begins with the with some self deprecating jokes, most of whom are supposed to be self.
Abrogating n t she starts on that note. This is such a special event that I took a break from my rigorous nap schedule to be here and, as you have already heard, it's a tree for all of you to, because usually I charge a lot for speed is like this gives a first of all, how you gonna get operators from the audience, because Hillary Clinton delivering Joe two minutes is like hell. Two thousand delivering jokes right before you drop stayed out of it, our law community really is really quite awful. But but her jokes are our lot friendlier than from the beginning, and then she ratchet them up so old play. If you more than friendly jokes, to be fair to Hilary clan, and which is something that I don't know I would rather do, but we do and there. She is kind of telling her more cutie jokes. Now I've got it
there are a lot of friendly faces here in this room, people that I've been privileged to know and to work with. I just want to put you all in a basket of adorable and you look so good in your taxes or, as I referred to them, formal pants suits who had weak material, but don't worry, gets better, so she she did a better job in her in her speech than he did of mixing it up so trumps. First, half of his routine here was all trump just telling someone we're getting jokes in the second half of the routine. Was I'm going to take Hillary Clinton out into the woods somewhere and hid her with the blood side of the acts, and then a Hilary was like. Ok, I'm in a shared view and their monopoly on that then we should view and they had a pat on the back. So there is it. There Lord of more back and forth tat her speech,
She is she hears what should finally goes on attacking unstable trump and because this is a friendly dinner for such a great cause. Donald, if at any time you don't like what I'm saying feel free to stand up and shout wrong, while I'm talking now come to think of it, it's amazing. I'm up Hereafter Donald, I didn't think he'd be ok with a peaceful transition of power. And that is a big lap because of course trumps when making a big deal out of the rigged in the rigged in the wreck, and she makes another joke about that men. She gets to a statue of liberty, joke so skip one. She gets to the statue of liberty, Joe people, look at the statue of liberty, all get the statue of liberty and they say a proud symbol of our history as a nation of immigrants, a beacon of hope for people around the world. Donal looks at the statue of liberty and sees a four
Well, maybe I rely loses the torch and tablet and changes her hair. Like any other woman The background explaining to Baldy over here what them could they jogged methods, a good joke, actual a hit, the idea trump rating, the sexuality of the statue of liberty and she she went after trumpet, harder. She says I should start. I met the teleprompter and she she really hit him hard for his warm towards Vladimir Putin. Now you notice, there is no teleprompter here tonight, which is probably smart, because maybe you saw Donal dismantle his prompted the other day and I get that their hard to keep up with and I'm sure it's even harder when you're translating the original Russian Ain t it, and then she goes brutal. Unruly Giuliani should now she's moving into Trump territory right now you just get more and more and more brutal here is here, as are going out for Rudy
we only Juliana just sitting there on one eyed hook and she's clocking and what that would mean she broke out. It's like you broke a champagne, glasses I was wondering at his face with it and look out at the die ass. We ve got the honourable Chuck humor the honourable Andrew Cuomo honourable Might Bloomberg built Blasi O the honourable David Dickens, and so many other wonderful elected officials, and we have Rudy We are now many dont know this, but Rudy actually got his start as a prosecutor going after wealthy new Yorkers who avoided paying taxes. But, as the saying goes, you can't beat him go on Fox NEWS and call him a genius, no game units abuses,
Stephanie gets even more vicious. She really goes hard after Donald Trump. It and the reason I'm taking time with this folks is because number one is revealing about how our political discourse has just become utterly untenable. I mean there there's nothing funny about a lot of this is just turned into insult comic roasts that are bad. This is this. Is it honestly? It's the end of casino, what they're doing too they're doing TAT comedy right here and they hitting it with a shovel and then bearing in a shallow grave and middle while, but he hit, but more than that, wait until you see what
how the media responds to all this Hillary Clinton Clip twenty, because this is where she really starts going after from hard. Now, Republicans in particular seem frustrated with their nominee, Paul Ryan, told the republic and members of the house. You you're gonna, have to support the top of the ticket. Dont worry about anyone besides yourself just do what's in your own best interests. So I guess Donald really has unified his party around his core philosophy, and I dont understand their unhappiness. They say Donald doesn't have any pilot sees. He has no policies. I keep hearing that I'd actually like to defend him on this Donald
has issues serious issues really really serious issues I mean this is this is a challenge and then she- and then she pushes again on tuesday- and here she goes, but Donald, really it's as healthy as a horse. You know the one glamour Putin rides around this is a brutal jack. So here's the reaction from the media. Ok. So what you saw here is that from one after Hilary and I got very ugly uneasy. Hilary goes after Trump in much the same way and here is the way to meet responses CNN panel, as you can imagine, not per
The early Abu Donald Trump today with point antiquaries point the license you get to beat up to sing the other one come from the south deprecation the more years thing yourself, the more license you get to gradually. Other Donald Trump did very little self deprecation used. His wife is an example that she took one for the team. If you will with that joke there, it was very funny with that that one was very funny. But look these two. I agree with everything that has been said before me that Hillary Clinton was more in the spirit of the event and beat up herself low, but first in a funny way and it gave her licence. But, let's be honest: if we went back and compare this to the last few cycles, these two dont, like each other and at the beginning and Donald trumps Speech- he didn't even acknowledged that Hillary Clinton was there the other part of this that I think that distinguishes the to reduce it
at the end, she had the staple purplish bout unity, not about respect and linking a beggar elsewhere and lay her back to our Psmith. That's my own watch the clips folks. It's the same. I mean it's. The same thing trump is a little more brutal and she was here he had less days, comedy writers. Obviously, hunters goods do bandits, very funny guy. So him riding harmony for four tromp is not is not strong, but this is the way the media plays. Everything Trump is right to complain about the media coverage because in its asinine member, the Smith Families, yeah Psmith dinner member, the Smith families, as our trump went too far. Not Hilary Trump went too far. Donald had some very solid minutes in the early on and eventually he crossed the line, and I got a little too far Hilary you know, on the other hand, was able to laugh at herself and at the same time, not under play any of the serious things that Donald Trump said or done.
Ok. So here again there all going to to make the case they trumpet some sort outlier here that Hilary glorious that there are two sides of the same coin and that's really what we saw last night. Ok is made up of a short chokes at the technical, difficult he said I, but I was you some things I like and then some things I hate and then a little bit of mailbags are things I like it. So I was trying to think of comic books that I like that have been. I read a fair number of graphic novels, comic books and I have recommended a lot of them. The best one That, I think has ever been put out is- is long Halloween ridden by Jeff, Lobe and and TIM sale. Jeff lobbies was the creative director on DARE Devil long Halloween. Is this the best Batman Comic? It doesn't
and straight into the magical territory that Alot of Batman comics tend to do with the aliens in the superpowers and this kind of stuff. It's much more about bad men as the detective. It's great, the sequel is also great dark victory. Both really really good check it out. It's it's really a lot of fun down the long Halloween Batman, demographic novel K. Let's do so unless you released. One thing I hate so today's thing I hate, since we have cut. It short. I had so many things I hated today, but unfortunately it starts with the technical problems, on the show that I hit the most, but is that thing eight? The second most is Lord Ingram, whose just gone completely off the rails mean Laura, is intended woman. But she is just made a fool of herself in this election cycle, and I and she's now desperate to blame everybody but herself for Donald Trump, impending electoral doom, so who she is blame sitting to blame the Republicans who say that they're not gonna vote for Donald Trump because they find him to be unpalatable as a candidate as a human being. He hasn't meet the basic standards for earning a vote,
so what did she say? She says the reason than ever Trump isn't voting for Trump is because they must be in favour of abortion, which is just the stupidest crap I have ever heard and for all these never trappers out there. They need to get off there t stir. If you will just stand, I got eyes there no say the word governor choice: harsher Jesse the word yet just start be soundly in a bunch of EU I've. Already some of these there come on governance. You're, a genius sell their standing. Are there standing with the woman who stood up there are things that I'm four hundred percent for Rovers is weighed and partial birth abortion. That's what never tromp stands for. A guess, rovers is weighed impartial, birth. Abortion. Ok use is sickening. This is sickening it sickening particular because there is only one candidate in the seventeen who has ever for partial birth abortion, the one that she was pushing one candidate among the seventeen in the primary who she was pushing, who said that they like plan parenthood, there's only,
candidate among those seventeen who was talking about nothin. Injustices who did not care about Roby wait. There's only one candidate who's been boosted by people again culture. By saying I don't care if trumpet performs abortions in the White House so long as he builds the wall hey. This is stupidity you nominated. A bad candidate me pointing out that he's a bad candidate is now going to make him lose him being about candidate is going to make him loose. Ok. Consider what I do color commentary, because basically is right. Ok, if I point out that the Cubs beat the Dodgers last night, I didn't make the Cubs beat the Dodgers. Last night, I pointed out a fact becomes beat the Dodgers last night to my everlasting regret and James. I'm awaits Oxfam, ok, but this idea that never trumpets blame, because these. The three on the screen, how it pushed from the victorian primaries, and then he imploded during the general election, and we set one up part of this because he doesn't meet our basic moral criteria is asinine by the way. Every election pits a couple of people,
election between Democrats, we get these and in California overtime pitch to people who have differences on the issues That does not mean that I am obligated to vote in every election. Nor does it mean that I embrace the agenda of the person who wins. If I wanted to vote for Hillary Clinton. I'd four Hillary Clinton, I'm not in one of the reasons I would never vote for. Hillary Clinton is specifically because of her stance on abortion. If we didn't talk abortion politics, let's be real about something, Donald Trump never and is never going to appoint justices who overturn Roby Wayne. Donald Trump is not and never will go to fight very hard against plan parenthood, since he's not made that a priority and said so in the primaries. Donald Trump Pro life position is extraordinarily weak beyond that. The fact is that, right now, abortion law is relatively said, because Congress is in the hands of Republicans. Hopefully, it stays in the hands of Republicans, but the idea, the Donald Trump the great God King Savior, when it came to abortion, is ridiculous and the people who foisted the pro choice until five seconds ago Trump on US primaries and insist that we jump on the bandwagon or
on one side of abortion- I mean it's really: it's really grows. It really grows. You don't get to play this game where you stick us with a turd sandwich, and then you suggest that if we don't take a bite, it's our fault of the turn sandwich doesn't become president. Maybe shouldn't cooked it. Laura is this. Is this? Is your fault and- and you know I don't blame me- for voting trumped to stop Hilary. I don't blame people at all for doing that. I consider whether I oughta do that every morning and every evening and I spent a lot of my day trying to decide what I'm going to do in this election and I'm somebody who's YO considered, never trunks. I say that I'm not gonna vote for tromp. You know every day. I have to consider whether that's right, true and good. Then I think the good people have to consider that about their vote for tromp, but it that it's just as simple as you know, putting a big guy out there and openly siding with the guy, who is
smearing the conservative brand for every growing demographic and America simply to lose by ten. And if you don't do that, then you must be in favour of killing babies on the day that there are supposed to be born it. Just it's pathetic and it's not true when its end it an insult to morality and Lord Ingram knows better, but since she's a demo actually really doesn't give a crap, ok time for a couple of mailbag entries heaven and lowered in low mailbags, because we had to cut short yesterday and Kevin Red Tape and not a stoner. Had been out of curiosity what you're taken marijuana legalization, I'm insane of marijuana legalization. I have been in favour of marijuana legalization for a long time. That's not because I am in favour of marijuana use. I think people who smoke marijuana are generally annoying. I what school of a lot of them. When I was, when I was in college and I was in high school and I I'm really annoying. If it were up to me an hour, a fascist dictator that I would make an illegal, but I'm not a fascist dictator, someone you're not harming anyone else. I don't really see the issue. People drink people,
not marijuana. We already have laws against you driving while being drunk. We already have laws against you, miss treating other people, and it seems to me the worst that the governor government state governments suck royally when it comes to policing generally, and so the idea that that they're gonna do job when it comes to policing marijuana. I just don't see the evidence is that when I was in junior high, it is much easier for a seventh greater to get pot that to get a kind of beer. Maybe if you regular rise it and maybe it make it part of the taxable system and make people show I do to get it. You actually have better shot of preventing children from getting Adam rights. Durban, if can vote in Harare. They were each running for president. Who would you go for cod? her arm, a candle, has all sorts of apple. That's been dumped on, can vote, which I feel bad about, but you know Make your own button. You lie on it if you can bone running for president of the United States. Unfortunately, unfortunately, we have to. We have to cut it short because of text. Inconvenience today, but don't worry we'll exact next week we won't be back Monday, Tuesday, because it's more doing its is. Jewish holiday Monday and Tuesday. But after that, then we will be. We will definitely
back on Wednesday, Thursday died. We may have a Friday shall nothing we buy think we do next week will find out, but in any case there we plenty more bench brochure try not to ruin everything in the next five years. So you're. Not? Who cares you already ruined everything? May a party in the ruins enjoy it I mentioned here. This is the bench of Europe.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-28.