« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1862 - Democrats Run Against “Whiteness” And “Christian Nationalism”

2023-12-05 | 🔗

The Democratic Party struggles for a message, and comes up with total alarmism; Hunter Biden’s records show money moving from him to Joe, but is it enough to put Joe on Impeachment Watch?; and the White House calls everyone who won’t send more aid to Ukraine a Putin apologist.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The Ben shapiro show sponsored by express vpn protect your online privacy today at express vpn dot com. Slash men will get to the news: just a minute. But if you haven't seen lady ballers from the daily wire, yet you're missing out on the most triggering comedy of the year, it's the biggest launch in delaware history. You can watch exclusively at daily wire, plus, not a member. Luckily, for you with code coach, you can become a part of the daily wire plus team and save fifty bucks. I knew annual memberships well, there are a lot of threats facing them These days, one is the threat of fiscal collapse mid to long term. America's economic system is increasingly unsustainable, where currently running a thirty reed trillion dollar national, that our actual national including unfunded liabilities runs at least another eighty trillion dollars over the next seventy five years. Virtually all of that is driven by medicare medicaid social security shortfalls. This means, sooner or later we're going to have to radically increase taxes, cut benefits or inflate our own currency. Those are the only options available. Another threat is the threat of foreign aggression. The united states is lucky or surround
My ocean on one side ocean on the other side mexicans to the south and canadians to the north. But that's not me that we are in vulnerable as the becomes a more and more dangerous place as american power recedes. We will feel that everywhere from our pocket book to our military budget, american hegemony has created a global gimme that has paid off for the american consumers in extraordinary ways that can easily be reversed and indicators are that it will be Third threat is the threat of internal moral collapse. Indeed, this threat is the chief factor behind the first two threat, as our communities die are local petitions lose credibility and loyalty and we stop having kids. Our economy turns upside down. The government grows, but the population that has to fund it doesn't government spending grows, but the population supporting that government spending does not as the post american future takes hold at home. It will similarly take hold abroad with our enemies ready to fill the gap that last threat is. The truly frightening one is, reason for america's polarized politics. We used to
our basic values, particularly at the local level. Now those values are falling away, replaced with hatred and rage. Largely christians in white americans take, for example, James carville. Cargo is continuing political voice. In fact, he was the lead political strategies. Where the planned he's a person who is routinely urged the democratic party to move away from its most extreme radical woke positions, understanding that they are electoral poison, but now his pay We decided that the republican party in general is a threat to the united states is what he calls a christian nationalist party now. What does he mean by that term, Apparently he doesn't mean that many republicans preferred to see a revitalized church at the centre of american life. A proposition which not only is reasonable? Its proposition with which I wholeheartedly agree as an orthodox. True americans need more church, that's not what James Carville means. He me The republican party is in the words of far left dealey co. Founder marcos, malichus in american taliban here was caught
bill until march on friday, night MIKE Johnson and what he believed is one of the greatest threats we have today to be united. Where are you from a christian national is absolutely indonesia there's whose activities are a bigger threat and Al Qaeda up to this country? In little data, the speaker house, they got problems at least Two supreme court justices. Maybe more don't kid yourself in ill people in the press, Have no idea who this guy is high. He was warm water through the years, and this is a fundamental threat to the united states. It is a fundamental if they don't believe in the constitution, to tell you that that, johnson himself says what is democracy but but two worlds and I'm having lunch what are you doing here is truly nutty incarnate.
use he says to scream justice is and the speaker of the house a We charge for christian theocracy by the way that quote from my johnson is not eight revocation of republicanism, meaning it represents, If democracy, it is a revocation of the idea that you can simply through majority vote societal issues, but according to James carville, that is a christian theocracy. and again. He says there are two supreme court justices were on board with christian theocracy. I wonder who those would be maybe Amy coney, bear it thomas. You doesn't make a clear and says James Carville there, a bigger threat and the terrorist group the committed nine eleven and by that you really means than radical islam in general. Again this is wild stuff, we'll get to All of this in just one second, first pure talk has covered for the holidays. Free moto, five g phone, no gimmicks, no trade sorry just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited tax, fifteen years of data and get all this for just thirty.
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now. The coverage is great, you're, going to love it and again yet that special deal pure talk, dot com, slash, Shapiro, to get started now. James carville isn't the only democratic voice who sees traditional republicans as the enemy carville says. It's all about the christian nationalism that is inherent in the Republican already, but that's leaving aside the walker side of the party body represented by drifter extra near is some extending Can you will recall is the author of how to be antiracist. His entire premise is that if you do not mirror descriptions and ever max candied. Then you are in fact a racist and he says, his fellow americans are generally white supremacist. I dont think why people worldwide have really reckon with how much their own personal identity is shaped.
By constructions of whiteness and how much that construction of whiteness prevents white people from thing to humanity, in other words, recognising that when you, when you recognise that you are part and parcel of humane I always do- you're not over humanity. He tell white people are all emblematic of wages. missy, they are over other members of humanity, and this accords have met many and his own. This is represented by their working party in the united states. This, apparently will be democratic party's campaign in twenty twenty four republicans are cynthia crafts and white supremacist, According to them, the entire republican party is dominated by a desire for white christian fascism or something the
presumably, would be an alliance of the second workers and people of color not shock, That is precisely the coalition. The democratic party seems to be willing running abortion and quote court anti racism, their push For this agenda with ugly scare tactics, that is why the atlantic magazine you're kidding it's the first issue of twenty twenty four two suggesting that any vote for donald trump in two thousand. Twenty four is a vote for a fascist regime into official obama, jock strap sniffer Jeffrey Goldberg, editor of that rag quote, and I urge you to read all the articles in this special issue carefully, though, perhaps not in one sitting for reasons of mental hygiene, our team of brilliant writers makes convincingly just positive case that both trump and trumpism pose in excess potential threat to america and to the ideas that animated unquote. Yes, according to these folks, if you vote for trump handed way america's future. This sort oxygen is also being brought in by republicans experiencing strange new respect. That is the respect you receive
Suddenly you start mimicking democratic wines, that'd be people like Liz Cheney, who's, mirroring the doom mongering of the left. Here she was yesterday say Donald trump. If he is reelected, it will be the end of the republic. What do you mean he's told us what he will do people who say well, if he's elected, it's not that dangerous. as we have all of these checks and balances dont fully. Understand the extent to which the republicans and tongue today have been collected One of the things that we see happening today is a sleep walking in to a dictatorship and the united states sleep walking into dictatorship. Fascism, white supremacy, christian nationalism, all the buzzwords and all of it is going to materialise, have donald trump becomes president in twenty twenty
Ironically, this sort of alarm ism is one of the very biggest route threats to the country, countries in which both sides start speaking, but how the next election is. The last about how their political opponents, if they win mean the end of the country, are in serious, serious trouble. That's her scare mongering gets out votes because everybody, for example, but it also sets the house on fire in the name of saving the house. Wasn't I wonder why to losing twenty. Twenty four, I think, is a terrible present doing dangerous things, they'll be incredibly difficult to rectify, but the end of erika is not in fact nigh and twenty twenty four most ironically, everyone keeps saying it is the closer both sides draw the abyss. The more each party says the next election is the last election, the more that fantasy draws closer to reality. If you have to members, couple and both of them keep saying the next thing you do. I'm going to divorce, you divorced becomes significantly more likely. When you do the same thing inside of a country, the same thing is true: the country comes closer and closer.
to falling apart. When you see your neighbours on the right, as people were white, supremacist christian nationalist fast is it makes it very difficult to live with those people. Conversely, if you're on the right- and you see, people who vote Democrat as such a to the nature of the very republic that we are part of that, Joe Biden would win. The next election will be. The last election which, by the way, no one believes Donald trump said the same thing in twenty twenty and then Joe Biden won and guess what he's running again in twenty twenty four once both sides decide that selection is last election. The reality of that threat starts to materialise, and that, in fact, is age. The threat to the republic is a serious, serious problem. Now, speaking of the twenty twenty four election, Joe Biden is in fact in dire trouble, the current pulling is really really bad for Joe Biden right now again, there is no point during the twenty twelve race.
in which Rocco I'm a seriously trailed mitt romney. There is no point in the twenty twenty raised and which, down from any serious lead on Joe Biden, and this particularly Donald trump does have a material led against Joe Biden. And things are only gonna get worse for bindings. Everything is pretty much bigger into the cake with regard to try. This is why your seeing the language with regarded from get more and more heated, It is very hard to add new information to the trump system. From is such that, mrs durant, since twenty sixteen, he is monster the more money you throw at him, the more it looks like mud and then you for more money still covered in mud. That means that even where he'd beat to be convicted of a crime, there'll be a brief spike. in terms of people outraged and then it would immediately get absorbed into the rest of the mud monster and everything would go away. That is not true with Joe Biden, Joe Biden has been made to look very incompetent, Joe Biden, has been made to look very bad. Largely because of his own performance mean in reality,
Joe Biden, sagging economy has been quite terrible for him, especially among the groups who needs to vote for him accordingly. street journal the pandemic made You richer across every rachel. I think an income group, but not equally home you shut up with fewer opportunities to spend money during locked and many people paid down debt and boosted. Savings between when you, nineteen and twenty twenty one immediate households net worth increase thirty percent the what wait, an asian households increase the most in total dollars during those years, but for many black Spanish families, the boost wasn't enough to lift them fully out of debt, one in four black council, one in seven hispanic household had zero wealth at the end of twenty twenty one. They manage make a dent in their debt, but families, are like lindore greater strain now that many of the factors that boosted wealth during the pandemic have reversed. In other words, the economy has been particularly bad. Blackened hispanic americans. Those are exactly the sort of people. The democratic party is counting on. What's more the economy is, in fact starting to cool in flight. Is coming down, but
so too is the stock market. Stock market is starting to mediate because, of course, as inflation comes down Price on bonds are going up, which means prices on stocks are comparatively less good. You're starting the unemployment stats creeping up so that that sort of we each even if we find it it's going to mean an increase in unemployment generated by bad economic plan. From the bite administration and radical overspending? I all of that is up to the election image, Joe Biden is going to be eighty some years old, are you. We not doing well physically, obviously not all there mentally plus it with more corruption scandals we get to that in just one. Second, first is the season of giving what better way to express, love and appreciation than representing the timeless and exquisite gift of fine pearl jewelry at the prosource you get the highest quality pearl jewelry at up to seventy percent off. Retail prices. The pearl source cuts out the middlemen by eliminating those crazy jewelry store markups in selling directly to you, you consumer, you can order from the comfort of your home, you'll, find it
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not my monster. People perceive them in a certain way that perception can be shattered. Hilary had the same exact problem in twenty. Sixteen the right hated her, but just at the right hated her it's that them. where she got hit the worst she looked. The same is true for jobs, yesterday, James comber was the head of the house oversight committee. He came out the announcement that by did in fact receive payments from eight in organization that was run by a hundred binding, a fund that was essentially funded by foreign sources and belongs hunter here was James comber explaining Joe Biden claim. There was an absolute wall between his official government duties and his family's influence peddling schemes. This so I present president Joe Biden claimed to Spain. We didn't receive money from china. This was a lie. Prison Joe Biden claimed. He never spoke to his son hundred Biden about the binds families shady business dealings. This was alive now hundred binds legal
and the white house is media allies claim hunters corporate entities never make payments directly to Joe Biden. We can officially add this latest talking point to the list of eyes. Today the house oversight committee is releasing subpoenaed bank workers that show hunter binds business entity a wasp go pc, may direct monthly payments to Joe Biden. This wasn't a payment from hunter binds personal account, but an account for his cooperation that receive payments from china and the shady corners of the world. Okay, so this is commerce claim and the claim happens to be true. There was money that passed between this particular law firm, a Wasco pc which had received payments from a chinese state, lng company and other foreign companies. To by there's some direct monthly payments now, where they large payments, they weren't the three payments
one thousand three hundred and eighty dollars that occurred in September october november, two thousand and eighteen or apparently for a twenty eighteen ford, raptor truck that Biden had purchased that hunter by. was using according to an email verified by washington, post forensic analysis binds attorney below us, had quote their chairmen. Comber goes again reheating. What is all this new tried revive the sham of an investigation? The truth is that hundreds father helped him struggling financially due to his addiction and could not secure credit to finance a truck one hundred was able to evade his father. and took over the payments himself. So what that doesn't actually to bump the charge the charge that comber is making Is that money that was got me ill? Gotten gains from foreign sources were used to reimburse Joe Biden as a matter the size of the payments as how matters? The matter is that this now a documented instances of money passing from chinese linked firms to hunter Biden. and to Joe Biden, it doesn't have to be the Joe Biden, I see this as like an on top form of enrichment, just because you have a loan to his son and then his son paid back the loan using money from the
ill gotten gains doesn't mean that Joe Biden has not benefited from ill gotten gains. If I give you alone and you go you rob a bank, and then you pay me back that alone. I still benefited I gave you won't. You owe me money and so, if you give me the money, I have benefited. Obviously a spokesperson: Yours, like many use. The fact of the payments came up from one of hundred binds accounts. something more nefarious quote there, Now a pattern of members of my family, using their bank accounts, have been funded by chinese and other foreign entities to send money to Joe Biden based on the his testimony by new and participated in his family's influence peddling schemes, the chechen payments within reveal Joe Biden benefited from them. But the washington post says the disease in oversold story. There misrepresenting the committee's findings and all the rest. Again, I don't even understand what they're trying to debunk here the thing that they're trying to debunk is pretty awful the true meaning that Joe Biden did receive money from hunter binds accounts in those accounts, were in fact getting money from foreign sources. The size of the of the payment doesn't really mean
her germany's jesse. He never receive money from any of these relationships. Firstly suggested Hundred never done anything wrong. That turned out to be obviously untrue, benes did they had no knowledge of hunter ever having done anything wrong? That obviously, was untrue. Uneasy so that he was not involved in any way and his sons business. That obviously was untrue than it was then in business with his son, that's not clear was that he received no money from his son from ill gotten gains, and that obviously, is not true in green. Jean Pierre was asked yesterday Wordsworth press secretary about these, and ass. She simply under the press conference The white house has said repeatedly that the president and his son were never in business together. I've said that repeatedly, also in this room, according to bank records obtained by the house oversight committee, though one of hunter Biden, businesses have saw a lot of pc setup. Direct payments to the president did the President accept payment, and why
there be such an arrangement if they were never business together war, if there was a wall of separation present as previously set so as to be clearly I have not seen the report, so I would have to refer you to my colleagues over at the white house councils office on that particular question. Alright, everyone see somebody in Boston or on Wednesday. I think I'll catch you later by again. None of this is going to benefit Joe Biden, his record the economy is weak. His personal foibles are obvious to everyone in the more. Maybe I keep trying to talk pass them. The more everybody knows Then there is a reason. The Joe Biden is not going to end up debating donald trump in this election cycle, and it is because he we cannot be on the same stage as donald trump. Donald trump is very alive. Seventy seven year old and Joe Biden is a very not alive. Eighty one year old at this point in time or we'll be by the time the election happens in second, we'll get you Joe Biden foreign policy record. Finally, the perfect gifts for buddy, who has everything a gift that will reach eternity? What could be more important pre born gives this gift.
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foreign policy that are threatening to binds reelect efforts. One of them is obviously ukraine. This was the great moral war that Joe Biden got behind very early on and it was an immoral for the united states to support ukraine in preventing russia from taking over the entire country. All the isolation is out there who are like well, Ukraine provoked russia into it. What's assume first, in that you're totally right that mean that russia now gets to completely unjust. Ukraine is the actual solution is that russia gets to ingest ukraine and put itself on the borders of nato by the way without delay, smart solution or does make signs the you provide enough aid for ukraine to actually be able to that invasion and then ready as with the realities are on the ground which the russia has significant build up in danby in crimea and that short of going direct war with russia which nobody wants. The final lines of demarcation were pretty obvious by, like April may june, of twenty twenty two and yet never made clear what exactly his goals were in ukraine. Instead, they just kept say
things like as long as it takes. Whatever the ukrainians want well. The problem is that the ukrainian? had never even articulated a goal other than that blue liberation of don bass and crimea, and then stage was not willing to provide the weaponry that would actually be necessary on the sixteenth would be necessary in order to actually achieve air superiority, for example in those particular regions they not been given the m ammunition in armaments necessary to actually make that sort of thing effective into hundreds of thousands of people have been dying on. Both sides of this particular war in pursuit of moving a line that has not moved turn into world, where one trench warfare essentially, and yet the white house is now proclaiming that this thing turns into a stalemate which are already is then, obviously thou because of some shortcoming in funding. That's pretty obvious all long. What should have happened here and syndrome spelled it out again. Last year was an unpopular point of view, but I happen to be correct. He basically said that the united states is going to have to make clear to the ukrainians what the solution was, namely will provide you enough
that you guys are not met invaded again, and I can defend yourselves against future invasion. We'll provided some sort of defence guarantee. Also, you're, probably not can end and her nato because of you enter nato, then that is obviously going to pay jack, aggression against the russians you're. Not we formerly admitted to the eu at least not right now and also Russia is going to basically maintain the lines that they gained under president obama by the way into fourteen when they invaded russia when they invented crimea and the donbass. And then the united states was going to have to make that side your putin and go Jews wednesday and the ukrainians, and basically cram it down on them and illicit We're the ones who are signing the checks and that's the way this deal is going to go. Why not? Because that's bad for ukraine or zelensky, but because it's good for ukraine or zelensky because of lenski at this point, can go back to his own people and tell them I'm not Higgins, on best I'm not taking crimea. Obviously has every interest in saying that he's going to take both of those things, but it's not really a plausible solution, and so instead because the by demonstrations not have the stones to simply go.
And negotiate the deal and then it, gives the lenski the ability to rip and biden and say listen. I wanted more of a bite and forced it on me, because Biden wasn't willing to take that hit. Instead, Biden is going to take the entire hit, which is going to be a consist feeling of stalemate with no offer him anywhere in here and he's going to be the one who pays the political price for that so for his part, Biden and the white house. There are now trying to project all responsible For that stalemate, not on their own failure to spell out a strategy in the first place or direct. As reality on the ground. When a materialise me again, united states tried to the men's material necessary for a major winter offensive from ukraine. in russia, and it has never broke through in any serious way in they are now trying to protect their own failures onto congress, for not wanting stand aid. Now we'll congress extending it. Yes, congresswoman standing aid to these it necessary that ukraine will not fall to the russians. That is a thing that the united states will do. There's large support even republican circles for at least that much
even republicans don't want to see, keep fall to the russians, at least the vast majority of them But what the white house now saying is that unless you continue to swerve rant blank tracks, as the white house uses in its discretion. Then you are somehow helping putin, so national sick, adviser, Jake, seldom need oppressor yesterday and which you without that ukraine would run out of resources by the end of the year. In ukraine as you've all seen earlier today, oh and be directors shall anda young sent a letter to congressional leaders which corinne was just referencing, explaining that without congressional action, the illustration will run out of resources by the end of the year procure more weapons and equipment for ukraine and to provide equipment u S, military stocks without him in our own military readiness. So speaker, the house, johnson responded. He said the by the has failed to substantively address any of my conferences, legitimate concerns about the lack of a clear strategy in ukraine, a path to resolving the conflict or
we're adequately ensuring accountability for aid provided by american taxpayers. House republicans that any national security, supplemental baggage, must begin with our own borders. And again there will be some: a package deal that ends up signs here, mainly because Joe Biden and the Democrats keep vetoing each independent part of this bill, but my house instead of spelling out what their actual plan here is. Instead, there are suggesting that, if you don't what kind of funding they want. You are helping output in which again is not going to be a particularly strong argument. Do you saying that any member of congress who voted against aid to ukraine the leave that any member of congress who does not support funding ukraine is vote for an outcome that will make it easier for prudent to prevail. That is, against supporting ukraine is a vow to improve important strategic position? That's just an inescapable reality. That's not speaking to someone's motive why they
to vote against it. That's just speaking to the outcome of their folk ma. I mean happens to be true that if ukraine would collapse to the russians, of course that helps when reboot and the question is: how do you It's an agreement on what exactly the united states should be doing here in our times, reports that the democratic glad said, is preparing to vote wednesday and more than sixty one billion dollars in ukraine focused assistance as part of one hundred six billion dollar national security package. There are also fund. Rose war effort in gaza, but apparently the white house, I'm trying to pressure gnp lawmakers to abandon border security concerns, so the republicans are aiming for some sort of birth dirty package attached. Twelve, as democrats are saying now so now, who is against the aid again of isabella ways and pills. It's pretty significant poison pill, you're, throwing in their republicans haven't some border security and democratic, saying? No, why would you say no- and by It's not as those administration has led forth a cohesive strategy with regard to ukraine.
washington post enriches much quote: miscalculations divisions, markup offensive planning, I? U S, ukraine, a pair a meeting in Brussels less than two weeks into the campaign illustrates how a counter offensive born and optimism has failed to deliver its expected punch, generating friction I can guessing, was in washington in kiev and raising deeper questions about ukraine's ability to take decisive amounts of territory as winter approaches in the front lines freezing to place Ukraine's senior military officials acknowledge the war. Has You stay stalemate. This examination of the lead up to Ukraine's counter offensive is based on interviews with more than thirty senior officials from ukraine, the united states and european nations, and it shows that there is a gap between what the, u s and ukraine thought were actually possible. So, for example, us military officials were confident a mechanized frontal attack on russian lines was feasible with the troops and weapons Ukraine had
relations concluded that keeps forces in the best case could reach the sea of azov and cut off russian troops in the south in sixty to ninety days. But apparently that never happened. Ukrainians didn't want to do that. So there was a gap in strategic planning between the united states grain. There is no off ramp and then the idea is that unless you give the funding, the white house is sort of asking for that. You are anti ukraine. How about you spell out a plan that, but again Joe Biden is box himself in here because he has spelled. There is no offer him. What looks like a victory for twenty twenty four for ukraine. Abs Look the unclear at this point. Meanwhile, victory is well within grasp for america's ally, ro against Hamas and meanwhile the white house is sort of putting around over there so when it comes to grinning gung ho, all in let's do this thing: unstoppable aid, no plan, unstoppable, eight, no victory! No answer keep the money pouring into you up. Putin and then on Israel issue is released. has the military capacity to finish off Hamas. Israel has
military capacity to make the Gaza strip, at the very least quiescent with regard to anti terrorism, And this is where the united states is putting its anti focus. This is where, like identity, I gotta stop short. Why the gap why the gap. I mean it comes from a fundamental under misunderstanding of foreign policies, where the gap comes from Russia is a nuclear armed, heavily weapon eyes. Large power. There does in when it comes to John best in the crimea there is. There is no rationale for any sort of logic that ukraine is going to take both those areas. Absolutely clear. The situation on the ground is the situation around. Meanwhile, the reason to bite administration keeps fucking around with regard to the Middle EAST. because they are still under the john kerry mis impression that palestinians are central to middle east peace, which is a lie. It was debunked completely by the abraham accords. In fact, it is specifically because that notion
exploded by the Abram accords in by the burgeoning relationships in Israel in saudi Arabia and commerce tried you throw a wrench. Into the gears with their attack on October. Seven, So what is the by demonstration? Doing there immediately doing Hamas is work by calling for concessions from is. the palestinians and telling Israel stop short. What is the rationale for that other than a complete done? headed foreign policy from forbidden is it's gonna, be pretty obvious that if you stop Israel from what And cohesive military victory in the Gaza strip, as I look great either danny trying to pleases radical base and democrats are filled with rat? those who hate Israel, I get it, but that's not gonna. Look like a victory. American people were going to punish. America whenever american regime is in place, whenever administrations in place for military Americans, don't like lost war? Is there not a big fan, and so far Joe Biden has fighting over lost war in afghanistan. You presiding stalemate that he refuses to declare a stalemate in ukraine and he's presiding or could be a clear miller
Sorry victory for israel, but is being hamstrung by the american by the american state department and articles in the democratic party we'll get to that momentarily first holidays, not only allow us to spend time with family, they are reminder of how important our responsibility is to protect them. That includes planning to secure their future policy. Genius makes it easy to compare life insurance, quotes from top companies and find your lowest price. Their license agents work for you, not the insurance company, That means you can trust their guidance because they don't have an incentive to recommend one insurer over another. There are no added fees. Your personal information is in fact kept private, very important for my family that we have life insurance, it's a pain in the butt, but it's something you need but here's the thing policies can make it not a pain in the butt and they can take it off your to do list. It is two percent to check life insurance off that to do list. A good life insurance plan can give you peace of mind that if something here
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has to join us in the battle to take back culture and build a future. We want to see get fifty bucks off your daily, where plus annual subscript, with code coach at daily, where dot com slash subscribe, Now, speaking of the Israel come ass war. This would be a good opportunity for Joe Biden to court and win a victory, that victory would be Israel completely destroyed, moss. A despised terrorist organisation labelled as such by pretty much every western power from us, is here that their absolute hariri, in fact every day, brings news of more of their our cities, including the fact that they apparently drugged the hostages their returning to Israel, so that with rubies they literally roof them. So they would look as though we're happier or calmer, when they were released from hostage captivity back to the israelis. In fact, the state department yesterday announced that Hamas is not Leaning over a bunch of young women are still hostages because they know want those young women talking about what they did to them. One of the reasons they dont want to turn women over. they ve been holding hostage. In the reason this pause fell apart. Is they don't vetoes?
to be able to talk about what happened to them during their in custody, not one of the things. It's me happening inside the administration is a bit of a gap between the state department, which is shockingly shockingly pro israel in many of these ways and the pentagon, which has shocked The pro israel eli kirby, is immense. the higher up. The these people are national security administration, for example. So an essay Sullivan was asked about Why Hamas was not turning over these women and he said we're not going to speculate, which is you know completely at odds with what the state department spokesperson just said. There why is the fighter not going to speculate on that only to say that they haven't done it, and I only say we are gravely concerned about that, but I'm not going to speculate as to the wheezing again, one of the things that the administration has been doing is waffling and wavering, which
because when you came when it came, ukraine there's no waffling, no wavering, no nothing, despite no actual end of conflict that that was projected or expected or articulated here is obvious? What the goal is an the administration is working to obfuscate, back or not the administration is working really hard not to take off its progressive left, when based on this issue, and they somehow taken believe that, in order to win over its left wing and there and that's when the present, so you'd throw israel under bus, which of course, is ridiculous because by polling data most americans are much more supportive of israel than, for example, Hamas so the administration play to the other ways had Hamas has to go. Hamas is evil commerce committed mass rape, Hamas committed mass murderer. Israel actually going to do what it has to do and wouldn't worry about what happens on the other and afterward this immoral, but If the administration were to say something like that in the same way that they say about ukraine, that's victory is. What actually win
truly amazing about this. Meanwhile of green korea, jean Pierre yesterday, she s asked about pramila. Jayapal was that of the congressional progressive clock? Is your call? Yesterday we played a clip of her ex, meaning that the region be balance with road. Are you how people talked about rape by hamas? It you're Hamas has written given have to be balanced, and how are you talk about that, so as to establish moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas, His career, jean Pierre, refusing to condemn it Jai Paul on this.
Can I get the white house's response to casual and giant paws comments over the weekend. In her interview she said sexual violence should be condemned, but that we have to be balanced in our condemnation. Was that inappropriate comment? So we've been very, very clear: you heard a little bit from project solomon about this. I can only speak for for the president. That's who I can speak for and we've been clear. What Hamas did is absolutely reprehensible and full stop we're going to continue to be clear about that, and we think about. You know rape and the use of rape as being used as as a weapon. That is also reprehensible, but why exactly won't they condemn pramila jayapal over them interrelated leave or for that matter eleven omar, and the answer is because there for if they're left wing base leftwing bases still governing this administration, at least at the margins, and that left wing base is crazy. Okay, Brian enjoy greg, who is kind of a crazy person.
She's, the former national press secretary for Bernie sanders unsurprising. She treated this quote. believe. All women shocking, that the rape of israeli women believe are. Women was always an absurd over each women should be heard. Claims should be investigated. Evidence is required. The same is true of allegations out of Israel, but also this to believe women scenario, because no female victims have offered testimony so, first of all they were shot in the head He knows not around. You explains you about the rate the people who are dead because they were shot in the head or kidnapped those people. Not around talk about it. but there are many contemporaneous accounts witnessed testimony medical reports, but does matter does Matt because again, the idea from the radical left is to re, establish this moral and anybody ministration, for some reason keeps on falling for over and over it, the democratic party and certainly in the media. Bernie sanders yesterday did what he best establish that moral equivalence, he suggested that the Netanyahu government is being a moral. Now you have to understand the coded language here, there's a bit of a coat
When people on what's the netanyahu government, they are ignoring the fact that there is a unity government in Israel right now. Yes, Benjamin Netanyahu is the prime minister here as part of a war, but it can be overruled by that work amman. He just about in that war, cabinet, benny gods or of the opposition party he's the person. Many Democrats would like to see leaving the country right now in Israel, and he's partly government as a unity government, that's why Bernie, saying it's in yahoo, because there is Bizarre notion on the left, if knitting we're not there's some have us we're going differently. It would not be going exactly the same or in some may in some ways, probably harsher potentially, an incremental has done a lot of this sort of stuff guns and gallant, not particularly clear. That's the case anyway. Here is,
Bernie yesterday during his routine, at a time when over two hundred and fifty people have been killed in the west bank, I'm not talking about Gaza. Talking about the west bank since october summit and more than a thousand palestinians have been driven out of their land in the west bank, nor in the midst of all that, I do not believe we should be appropriating over ten billion dollars for the right wing extremists, Netanyahu government to continue its current military approach. What the Netanyahu government is doing is
immoral, it is in violation of international law and the united states should not be complicit in those actions. Love hearing about international law from communist fellow travelers is rich, really a lot of fun and when he talks about what's going on in the Thank you ignoring the fact that there are eight hundred terrorists in the west bank, in fact, it was the amount of terrorism in the west bank that drove Israel to prior to october, seven move many of its force from the Gaza angelo braver on Gaza and we'd have talked over seven into judea and maria to train fight terror. in places like Janine as far as accusation that palestinians are being driven off their land on mass, no the end. There is the very bunch of illegal palestinian settlements that are, in fact, pen of corrugated iron shacks. In many of these cases, and those are being dismantled by the israeli military. In many cases,. It is amazing, build an extra bedroom in a fra which is like a really nice city in the west bank and is jewish city in the west bank. Then this means you're violating international law. If, however, you probably
in an iron shack in judea and mary Ann, you called historic palestinian territory and then the idea of comes in dismantles it then this is somehow dispossession. That's why this works. In any case, this narratives driven by the media as well. The that Israel is engaging in vast human its violation, despite the fact that they are engaging in more strength attempts to avoid civilian casualties than any army in modern history. By the way worth noting at this point that all the casual casualties, there are being repeated ad nausea by the press are being garnered by the Gaza ministry of health, namely ass, they are lying about all of those this has been pointed out by and by an account, iceberg. Fifty five is board member of honest reporting, and he points out that the women and children numbers from the Gaza ministry of health are grossly inflated in. That is perfectly obvious. So, for example, you an odour publishes a daily flat update since october eight insights, detailed gaza casualty figures provided by Hamas,
immediately obvious. The committee does not report any combatant deaths. The numbers amazingly seem to indicate that idea. Bombs and bullets disproportionately hit women, children and the elderly, but the numbers are fake. It first becomes apparent, and until the nineteenth reporting or come reports three thousand seven hundred eighty five deaths versus three thousand for her and seventy eight, the prior day orange three hundred seven deaths, but children magically moved up from eight hundred fifty three dead to one in five hundred and twenty four dead, plus six. Seventy one october, eighteenth reporting, just sort if I kids next age, up to forty percent kids no explanation is given, and this sort of idiocy marks every single additional casualties. Again it took Israel weeks and weeks to determine who is even dead in far off I know people who attended funerals literally yesterday for people who are october seven
and by the way language law when somebody is dangerous, was very them the next day. That's how long till took Israel a highly a highly technical, technocratic government to figure out how many people have died. Well come on just throwing out one million, but julian child poets being killed in Gaza. Nobody taking that at face value, courses is leading members, the media, to repeat that sort of nonsense we'll get to that in just one second, first, the holidays are here. If you are looking for the perfect give her somebody, love or even something nice yourselves. You need to check out bond charge, Bonn charges a holistic moments brand with a huge range of evidence based products to optimize your life in every way. Their extensive range of premium well miss price obviously better perform better recover, fast, reduce inflammation and so much more from blue eye glasses, red light therapy on charge. Products help you actually address the issues of our modern day way of life effortlessly and with maximum impact might have a product from bunch archer. Their infrared sought blanket by the way is not just me, though, loves it, isn't just brett cooper. The loves it
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in which he points out that a bunch of members of a family of asean, cnn producer had been killed in gaza and ragged points out that there are like weeks and months of Israel telling people to get out of the Gaza strip If people dead and happier than says, we can't blame people who didn't. Why mean you start we can point out that they had warning and they didn't get out of a war zone when millions a people literally did like over a million people moved there was. This exchange is very hard to believe that, especially on a day when one of our producers was nine members of his family, nine members of his family, who are not members of Hamas, not members of the palestinian islamic jihad, not members of any group, just nine people just trying to live their lives. To what I extend my sorrow to him and my sympathies, but if I saw your report correctly in and please correct me if I says, Well, that happened in northern gaza, In Gaza city, where, The ago we already asked all the civilians to leave and
most of them did. If there was like one million, two hundred thousand people are. There was only a couple of tens of thousands left and one has to ask, is they had ample opportunity? leave him and I don't know what happened, I don't have a specific circumstances. I know this deadly combat going on now in the north. Still between these ideas and and and and commerce, cs and we don't see anyone caught up in the crossfire, but why didn't they heed the advice? Early in my area, I can't blame them. There's now don t blame them, but the account this fighting in the south now unaware aware are. I mean I've been asking that since october, seventh, where these people supposed to go, they did go they d go. A million of them moved their suppose. You to the areas that Israel tells them to go to doesn't mean perfect, hell of a lot better security than staying where Israel tell you not to be examined, but cnn deal which that somehow, if Israel gives weak suborning than people, don't move that somehow it. What what echo is Israel supposed to do. I am wondering seems to think that Israel has a magic julie's, or it's amazing also, People were pissed off and marguerite,
agreeing with our silly we're space. Letters does seem to think the Jews actually have a space laser in Israel and they can use it. Two days later, we just had the bad guys, while leaving all of the norms sort of untouched. That is not the way war works and when you go out of your way to tell people to leave for weeks on end And then they don't it's not that it's point what their fault it is that they are in a dangerous area. They have been told to leave a busy news, doing the same sort of moral equivalence, nonsense or a b c news, or a full report on the supposed maltreatment of palestinian quote: unquote: detainees. Now these detainees are people who tried to commit acts, the terror against israelis, and the idea here is that Israel is just like hostages. No, it isn't My concern is that the israeli authorities are not treating palestinian children like children. I dont think that anybody can claim that locking up large numbers of children for long periods of time is either just or helpful. beyond that law is also different groups. Indians and israelis, palestinians living in the west bank.
or tried in military courts is really settlers legally living. There are tried and civil court in israeli child in a settlement next to a palestinian village throws a stone that child is try under the israeli system of palestine? in child in the village next door, who throws the same stone is subject to a military court system. Pre trial detention is the warm hold up a second, that's because the palestinians are living under the palestinian authority, very foreign population. In terms of actual governance. That is like saying that when that when a crime is committed against an american soldiers overseas, that person is tried in military court postman american civil court- well, yes, that's! Yes, he again. The whole hopeful here is to try and generate some sort of moral equivalents in Israel as enemies here So this is a whole stack norfolk. Here's the bottom line for for Joe Biden, the entire confused more line taken by Joe Biden is likely to result in no victory for job. I, because even a vision,
If needs to do in the face of american pressure, the administration is now making it impossible for it to claim any sort of victory in all of this speaking up. victory in the generalised area seems to be difficult to combat. For a? U S, administration that is focused on basically appeasing iran. According to political, in hours. Long firefight, involving- u s commercial vessels in the red sea this weekend has left some. U S, officials frustrated by what they see as by demonstrations, deliberate downplaying of a major threat to american forces are using worship grandma to respond. Multiple distress calls on sunday as healthy rebels in yemen, launch missiles and roads against three separate commercial vehicles. U s s carney, fight backing down three unmanned aerial systems for other officials, knowledge of the discussion. Setting interviews use naval forces are clearly under threat in the red sea and the persian gulf ones. Yogi officials had quote Our ships see something is coming near. Them are toward them to assess it is threatening to down you'd be hard. To find another time that u s, ships have been this challenge in the region and yet again
U officials are downplaying in pretending that it is not iran run or does not part of a broader effort against? U s. Forces sums the officials have set explicitly the increase in attacks on commercial shipping is an escalation lessons retaliated against dozens of attacks by iranian proxies in iraq or syria in recent weeks, including straightened facility. used by the militants in both of those countries in iraq and syria. But you know United states is not doing, is striking any targets inside IRAN where this is coming from now. Let me just point out if, if donald trump or president right now, there would have been a missile flying into IRAN. Iran, not because donald trump would want to provoke some sort of broader worth run, but because of the threat to the iranians would be clear. Stop this right! Now! Stop it right now, and you know what would happen iranians would stop. You know they don't actually want to be a war with the united states of america have something iran seriously does not want, but the power American deterrence is basically gone at this point. According to political, u s. Officials are
frustrated by the by administrations response to the attacks. The power of deterrence is going away former national security official said he. Administration. Is you more to deter the who, these from attacking ships in the red sea, other around back groups from launching additional attacks on yours forces in Iraq and Syria retired vice admiral John Miller, former commander of yours to fleet, said we're not taken seriously you so we're not stirring anybody right now that sound like a victorious white house to you? Are you coming up we'll be joined by jake crane of the crane boys on crane? how many anti w plus he's one of the stars are new original movie. Lady bothering me talking about this insane and see doubleday play off not going to allow an unbeaten florida if you're, not a member, become member use code shapiro check out for two months: regional annual plans, click that linking the description and join us yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-12-08.