« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1859 - Musk Is Right: Kill DEI To Fight Anti-Semitism

2023-11-30 | 🔗

The ADL tries to push Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs as a way to fight anti-Semitism, while Elon Musk pushes back; international humanitarian groups show how awful they are in the Israel-Hamas war; and Henry Kissinger is dead at 100.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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in the problem of anti semitism. Among liberals, here's what he had to say. I feel compelled to speak because I'm the highest ranking jewish elected official in america, in fact the highest ranking jewish elected official ever in american history, and I have noticed a significant disparity b, between how jewish people regard the rise of anti semitism and how many of my non jewish friends regard anti semites are taking advantage of the pro palestinian movement to staff, espouse hatred and bigotry towards jewish people, but rather than call out this dangerous avian for what it is we see so many of our friends and fellow citizens, particularly young people, who yearn for justice, unknowingly, aiding and abetting their cause, not the language there,
there we were hijacking the pro palestinian movement hijacking it the young people there there's so. Good hearted, they just don't know what they do sure We explained that the phrase from the river to the sea, a genocidal call to destroy all jews, was actually just ignorance, plenty of peace some are actually said, chant that phrase what not, because they hate jewish people, but because they support a better future for palestinians. Of course, that is a lie it's a particularly egregious lie when Schumer himself has had zero to say about anti semite sure she'd have to leave in one omar inside his own caucus. For example, there are some last night chanting from the river to the z in new york city. While they attend stop the weighting of the christmas tree, a rockefeller sensor last night to these look like good. And but slightly misinformed people to you Did he won't happen? Police officers bit outside rockefeller centre.
Don't worry according to where they're? Just u passionate about the pro palestinian cars that are not anti semitic there radical and anyway, there's they're, just ignorant, you know liberal there, never the bad guys according to touch him. What we're watching is precisely the mentality created by the world of leftist ideology and humor knows that, but he has to lie about it, because I recognise the route of left wing anti semitism would be straw? He progressive ideology wholesale that live this ideology is based on a matrix of oppressor versus oppressed. That in given situation, the powerless are oppressed and the powerful are the oppressors that oppressor, oppressed, matrix maps directly onto anti semitic, conspiracy, theories about jewish power, jews are pseudo white because juice financially well off and Israel is disproportionately successful and it really unsuccessful region of the world. The oppressor press matrix simply doesn't fit
jews who are actually being victimized by widespread jus hatred in the middle east and abroad, but who also are very successful, so left keeps pushing ally. That's also true of the anti defamation link which put out a pull yesterday with Hillel international, which is a college group asking college students if diversity, only an inclusion should cover anti jewish prejudice, diversion Equity and inclusion de I'd is the rubric under which left pushes the idea that unequal group outcomes are result of systemic discrimination. So by that math are the beneficiaries of systemic discrimination is, of course, there are disproportionately successful d. I We cannot include jews because de eyes, basic logic forbids it d opposes meritocracy. It opposes performance. It opposes success. Nonetheless, The eighty four percent of jewish students in seventy five percent of non jewish college students said use should be included in De I training that you, Should we somehow included in the oppressor oppressed, matrix on the side of the oppressed
Of course, these didn't say that what else exactly what they say, the premise of the question is so deeply flawed. Only one answer is possible to see the Jews shouldn't be included in the eu, I would be to discriminate against Jews, which violates the supposed basis of the eye itself, but to include jews explodes the entire. De I superstructure because again too is based on the idea of oppressor, press oppressed and the Jews are incurred. Comes out of the oppressed. How are they so swell so these students are saying what their expected is assured. The Jews can be included in the victim class without in the central truth of de I it is a scam victims. Is not inherently connected to level of success. Sometime, The powerless are evil, sometimes the powerful are good something the powerless are actually victimized. Sometimes the powerful are the victims. He can't fight anti semitism with d, you can only increase anti semitism with d ya. Think the entire framework is a conspiracy theory. The
the only way to truly fight antisemitism is to recognize what the bible says in deuteronomy quote. You shall not been partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor, but that's the one thing chuck Schumer and the radio will never say because again, it would violate their ideology. Instead, people on the left will pretend the true anti semitism doesn't lie in oppressor, oppressed matrices, but in people like elon, musk and they'll target him. Typically because he doesn't like de. I welcome the g eyes the way to fight anti semitism so of elon musk fight d. I them she's that those lander him as an anti semite unity, to Israel to express solidarity with the families of murder, Jews, they try to activate advertisers to pull money from twitter. Supposedly, you on mosque, is the root of all anti semitic. Evil. You unmask to his credit, is fighting back against this. Here's a clip yesterday of you. I must get an absolute classic he's being asked about advertisers cancelling. Because they don't like his politics here is what he had to say to Andrew Ross sorkin over a deal book in at the new york times. Apology tour! If you will,
that would this had been said online. There was The criticism there is advertisers weaving we talk bob, I stop you don't advertise You don't want them to africa now, wouldn't it Somebody for to blackmail me with advertising back no money, go yourself, but go yourself. Is that clear how it is hey Bob bob, is reference to bob iger was in the audience and head of disney all the people, pushing d Are the exacting people seeking to boycott mosque? Are the exact in people who are seeking? pussy pussyfoot around come ass. His feelings like right now, the vendor diagram agree: group is a circle. That circle is the true threat. Two jews in Israel and in the west in just one. Second, we get the latest from Israel where the tenuous ceasefire,
seems to be on the rocks specifically because Hamas is below murdering jews. Again we get that momentarily. First hear talk. Has you covered for the holidays with free, moto g, five g phone, no going no trading necessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gigs of data and get all of them for just thirty. Five bucks you'll get the moto g five g phone for free, but here's the deal you need to move fast because these phones are almost gone. So if your current phone is on life, support upgrade for free with pure talk. The new moto g, five g boasts a two day: battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more pure talk. It gives you america's most annabelle, five g network at half the price so make the switch today just go to pure talk, dot com, slash shapiro, get this exclusive offer select the plan, that's right for your family. Or pure talk, gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make debts which today that's pure talk, dotcom, slash, Shapiro in claim your free moto gi, five g phone with a qualifying plan. Again, it's pure talk down,
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need. The idea here is: is that just a pause that does the united states and we expect that Israel is going to stop what is doing. Israel cannot stop pollution. in fact they can vary. Most to ending the ceasefire last night, because Hamas literally wait until five minutes before the deadline to come up with new hostages, you might want Hamas is doing right now is so unbelievably evil it it's as That is what they do not towards. Heaven is just in slow motion on october, some dimmer twelve hundred people and they can never know their children. Forty and now there separating families out there saying Some people are dead, who are still lie there. Some there's things: some people who are alive are are actually dead. Any well, they are pursuing terror attacks. So literally this morning in Israel, israel time there is a terror attack is in the a major highly traffic street corner. Jerusalem eta stop and you can. These are two brothers from east Jerusalem who I
I would come ass, the master craig for this attack they get out of their car and you start moving down a bunch of people who are at a bus. Stop. They ended up killing three people, including a pregnant twenty four year old woman they were shot by. people who are on the scene, reserves you shut up with their guns out a civilian, whose off duty and when I'm shooting them three dead, six injured, suppose We this in the middle of a cease fire come ass, took full credit for this. Come ass, as this is a good thing. Israel is supposed to keep going with some sort of pause to get the hostages, and I gotta say there is a moral question- is whether Israel should or can can new to do this sort of routine because, again, what's happened to hostages verbal and evil, and continues to be horrible and evil. At the same time is this
the hostage any more valuable than the life of that twenty four year old, pregnant women who just murdered on the street corner jerusalem, which presumably would not have happened if Israel were continuing. It's military operations to defenestration Hamas, speaking of the treatment of the hostages, it's amazing to watch as world and international organizations. Pretend that me huh were treated well in some way: a levy who's. The spokesperson for the Israel, I he says I know the hostages were not in fact held in reasonable conditions. As these survivors of Hamas captivity return home over the last week were beginning to discover new chilling details about life as humming.
hostages and, of course, not at liberty to share information from the official investigations. But the evidence of the families have been sharing with the media is killing. The hostages were not held in reasonable conditions, as some have clear cynically claim. Our children were seriously abused. Just like Hamas recorded its own crimes against humanity on october. Seventh, it continues to document its own atrocities, releasing footage of crowds terrorizing the hostages in their final moments of captivity, those scenes bringing to mind that scene game of thrones and fans of the series will of course know which scene I'm talking about. Of course, the hostages were not held in reasonable condition. What else do you expect from you know? A terrorist group The simple fact of matter is that the hostages were treated precisely as you would expect Hamas to treat the hostages we'll get to that in just one. Second. First, I've got a holiday gift idea,
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egg and genocide, dotcom, slash, shapiro self me were discussing those who oppose Israel destroying from us. They continue to make a variety of arguments again: I was considering going back in they're going to have to the only question is when, and so there are a bunch of people predominantly on the left, who are attempting to make the claim that Israel should stop complaining that after come ass, no one knows what comes next. As a weird accusation is pretty much. Everybody knows what comes next in israeli led we of the Gaza strip. Hopefully some input from Egypt, saudi arabia, you re eating fund this and to establish? peaceful regime that eleven we break, the back of the p and hamas notification efforts over the past four generations to indoctrinate literally two million people in the idea that the Jews must be destroyed, but the media pretend they don't understand. I gotta see this ignorance of members. The media is free, in amazing thing to watch. These are people who pretend that they know everything, but suddenly they turned to simple minded village idiots when confronted with bare facts and here's chris haze them as NBC picking up rachel matters ass, putting them on and ireland
The village idiot. There is a question of what comes after people A Hamas must be destroyed. Yes, I must, but then ok well well, then, what there's some who said? Maybe the palestinian authority can can be the governing and sound. I can't shall I pray? You know that you you you you report, because I feel that you caters for hate. You know but there were others round not from us by their educated for hay, but then who, in their way for sleigh, so they can't who ok, What do you want to do for us is to eliminate from us and then to have a buffer zone? You know in order to to keep our villages safe and then they should be like maybe international international allies form in all countries like egypt, like the? U I e that will come, and men age their lives, though, for a few years when they to do. You know the notification of illnesses vacation.
in order to one another in its aims. I advocate the identification etch because right now, there children from the age systems. Since they born from the age of two or three we cite in, they got in the kindle god, as waste I think those school there have been educated to slaughtered jew this is how they are being you can, with all due respect, will only need, but let me just say this: whether that is true or not. It is true you can, ok, you can't argue on the facts. Okay, we in those school there are cases. cuts in fifteen thousand people have died. There have been children who had died this and indeed we realize tat this law you did. But might my question to you is what I hear from you is: Joe Biden says we have to restart the two state solution. What I hear from you, what I hear from most of israeli political leaders in the centre right in the coalition government is no hamas. No,
yeah you're right, maybe an international coalition, and we will manage the occupation in perpetuity and we will sell the west bank and that's it, and you will have to deal with that and you will have to deal crusades then goes on to suggest? We are denying self determination to these people. It is worth pointing out at this point Chris. ridiculous assumption that self determination is somehow owed to every single group, regardless of the Those of their belief system is extraordinarily dangerous. Didn't isis deserve self determination about, because the law Its premises he's he's around every corner. They deserve self determination, but nor to back his point, the left continues to push the aid. That the palestinian arabs in the Gaza strip and the west bank are somehow magically a moderate group. simply dominated by a few terror masters. I know. There's a very flattering met the left that the west, particularly we love to tell ourselves this myth, but this is the we agreed as liberators in iraq, myths, the same thing from bush administration here is the pentagon spokesman
saying just that course the israelis are taking into account innocent civilians. That's why again in all of our calls are that the secretary has with his counterpart mature, go on. We continue to urge, of course, for the protection of innocent civilians wherever they are in Gaza and again we have to remember how much does not represent the palestinian people and they should it. The palestinian people deserve true leadership, and and again, Hamas really should be rooted out from within Gaza. So the idea that they dont represent the palestinian people is a lie. there is precisely zero evidence that Hamas does not represent the palestinians that like zero, no and of that fact doesn't mean they're all terrorists. It means they do support a terrorist group period, they elected Hamas and then every available since then, they support from us, including in the west bank or hamas, has not govern so for all the people who are saying you can't trust. The pole holds in Gaza. Fine, don't trust those poor results, trust the poor result in
bank with the palestinian authority is the governing entity. Then there's the complained that the left is lodging. That is a stop its campaign against come ass in order to minimize civilian casualties, as we have repeatedly discuss, Israel tries to do that, but to focus on this question gives total leverage to come ass because Hamas doesn't care at all at the care zero about their topic the what's complains that international institutions are being hampered in their efforts to help. Well, let's talk a little bit about the so called international institutions. They are a sick joke. They are broken. They are broke, because there is no such thing as an international community. There can, no community with tyrannical helmholz and people who support terrorism. Apparently, so, you say the magic words international humanitarian institution. Everybody is supposed to bow and scrape before you though you are, in fact a good hearted seem to an wondrous healing work more often than that more often than not
term. International humanitarian organization is a tremendous. Why take, for example, the united nations? The disgrace. That is the EU and is nothing new. Of course, you came into being aftermath world war, two when the west was seeking to end all conflict. The internet, diplomacy, as literally of history. Since that has shown that plan was a giant failure. It turns out the best guarantor of international safety and security as a strong hegemonic western power, namely the united states. Whenever the union has been entrusted to guarantee safety and security, it has failed in korea, in rwanda, in yugoslavia, in the Sinai desert in lebanon, literally everywhere, whenever un peacekeepers are put in a place, and then ethical review demands they be removed. They just leave you and agencies have. Times been helpful and distributing aid, but just as often a stolen that aid or worked on behalf of nefarious powers. Nowhere has all ensure than in the Gaza strip we'll get to that in just one. Second, first, holidays are here. The last thing you need, during this busy time of yours, to miss out on a great night's sleep. This is why my team has been using beams dream powder beams dream.
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in the Gaza strip, including many terrorists and terror supporters who talked about on the show when the trouble construction cut aid to the? U n ardently way the state department said quote the fundamental business model and fiscal practices that have marked you and ardently way. Four years time you un, aren't always endlessly an exponential expanding community. Even title beneficiaries is simply unsustainable and has been in crisis mode for many years. The vitamin is quickly restored aid to view and ardently wake, but now the? U n, W is giving western powers heartburn again, that's because of reports that one of the child hostages held back was actually being held by a you and our w teacher, barely even any food and no medicine by the way that would be the can person teaching at the schools that Chris eyes are actually teaching at the schools when I yell at kate, in that clip, tells Chris hate that people are being doc, added by teachers from the EU and ardently wayne is well even if that literally, one of those teachers was holding a hostage a child hostage in his attic. No wonder the book you ask foreign affairs committee's frank, mueller,
instead in germany, called on the german government to cut aid to the EU and orderly way and is not just an orderly way. That's the problem here is sir hendricks deputy executive director for you and women straw, and that has not bothered to condemn. Come Mass rape of israeli women aren't number seven here. She was question by the honourable a driver of unit. Is there a reason, though, Sarah, that you can specifically call out Hamas and the mounting evidence now, over seven weeks that israeli investigators have collected that we ve shown our viewers about the atrocities they committed specifically on october seven, because I think that's the crux of the issue here: it's not just condemning sexual violence against women and in any war in general. It specifically what occurred on october, seventh, perpetrated by Hamas.
Indeed, you and women always supports impartial, independent investigations into any serious allegations of gender based or sexual violence and within the EU and family. These investigations are led by the office of the high commissioner for human rights and to provide a little bit of context in terms of human women's role. You, when women specifically provides an has extensive knowledge on gender based violence and provide and supports investigations as we do with all you in investigations, says me no on condemning from us. That is an awful lot of Tell it to avoid condemning come ass. What else would you expect from our humanitarian organisations? Take, another example the international red cross? because the international committee of the red cross requires the help of groups like Hamas ass, even work in the Gaza strip. They end up as tools of commerce. The ice
our sea has been little or no time condemning Hamas for its october seventh atrocities. Instead, they focused on Israel's action in Gaza. The icy arcy also failed to report the facts which they knew about israeli hostages being held a thousand hospitals either the international media allied that those hospitals were civilian sites. Meanwhile, the icy arcy, has not fulfilled one of the key components of Israel's original hostage deal with Hamas, verification of life and health of the hostages being held by hamas that failure. has had particularly tragic consequences in the case of the BBC family there were kidnapped from a village called near owes Are your mother sherry four year old, our and ten months old, fear or taken to Gaza shares the footage of them being abducted. You can see mom carries you red, headed kids. ecommerce kidnaps them they are physically healthy obviously healthy when taken, but nobody knows if they are alive earlier this week it was
Where did that the family was trades, the popular front for the liberation of palestine and other terrorist group by Hamas? And then yesterday, Hamas claimed the family had been old by israeli bombs. So where is the icy arcy to testify to any of this tonight? Verify that absolutely must Instead, the icy arcy, the wonderful, monitoring organization has become a shuttle service for israeli hostages, helping him release the hostages as causing crowds cheer in blood thirsty fashion. There is more that last night, don't worry: folksy palestinian air population. They hate Hamas, which is They are literally jeering mocking cheering filming the release of israeli hostages, mostly women and children. He's a wonderful moderate deserves self determination. Obviously, role will be a better place if they had a state. The international humanitarian institutions would be clown themselves in the current israel hammas war, but there are suspect mom before that
just the radical muslims and left wing press and laundered lies in a public view by adding the employment or of the magical international community to corrupt institutions, riddled with political radicals and corrupt functionaries in just one second on to talk about. For national institutions in international politics, because a lot what you are saying today in the obits about Henry Kissinger is predicated on people's views about particularly this subject up last night: Kissinger died was a hundred years old at Madame very briefly once and I had interviewed him once it end up being tapes, He is a fascinating character, obviously very chequered character. A lot of the decisions made were extremely cold, I'd extremely cold I'd. Why do people ranging from anthony boarding to christopher Higgins. Aunt em as war criminal for his decision making during the next in administration with regard to, for example, the indonesian invasion of east Timor or the amount An intervention on behalf of
shape in she lay in eighteen, seventy, three but or or the coming of cambodia by the same token, how you view cousin is very much reflection of how you view international politics as a whole and the reason is broken down and sort left right divide, despite the fact that Kissinger's history was very in terms of left right decision making. So, for example, the right doesn't like the fact that Kissinger clinical open china, whose in europe who really lead to the opening of china at the time is we'll polity decision, because he saw a gap emerging between china and russia, and he was attempting to exploit their gap by women china, away from russia. But that was the goal. The goal, Whew China way from russia remove, as a source of trade and resources for russia and you'll end up weakening the russian regime, which is why the the trip to china initiated with nixon speaking with now. So in retrospect, we can say- and I would say that's a bad mistake at the time choice between two bad decisions- and this was the guiding light of kissinger's foreign policy too?
kissinger for those you'll know much about kissinger himself. He was a massive so already in the nineteen seventy susie secretary of state during Nixon and gerald ford administrations horns whilst we journal no, you a secretary of state were achieved such celebrity well, in offices, Henry Kissinger, an angel before news, we cover depicted him soubriquet comic book, hero time called him the worlds indispensable man, gala brantome, America's most admired man, and I mean seventy two life magazines, broad picture him with a baby of actresses, including jill saint John. You know four the secretary of state has been more vehemently criticized of the many anti kissinger books. The most influential was christopher. Hitchens is the trial of Henry kissinger, which explicitly accused kissinger of responsibility for war. Crime and crimes against humanity and indochina. She lay argentina, Cyprus, east timor and several other places mention only one other supposed crimes in bangladesh and mention the soviet union only three times as Neil ferguson, who autobiography of Henry kissinger talking about Henry Kissinger, he said
accusations stuck like mud late in life. Kissinger regulate these protests, that is public appearances, yet they are at odds with a historical record and frogs and point out that kissinger was both the white house, national security adviser and the secretary of state. His account events included the negotiation of the first strategic arms limitation treaty, the a treaty with the soviet union, the opening to china fire and young people are war in nineteen. Seventy three: the envious involvement in the vietnam war, for which both he and north vietnamese counterpart vidocq, though what are the nineteen seventy three nobel peace prize? But here is the problem: if you see foreign policy as a family of nations, not a good hearted people out there, they all just want the same thing, but they have different ways of achieving that. Then hard core foreign policy
nasty deal because the easiest thing is just wash your hands everything up there. If the united states just goes hands off what why we're even involved in these places? Why didn't from the right? What you here- and I think this critical corrective henry kissinger is that Henry Kissinger was so focused. on the sort of metro, Nicky and balance of power that he forgot, that the united states is a global headline and from the left, we hear of Henry Kissinger, is he was engaged the dirty game of politics, net men, the united states was constantly engage in dirty little wars. All around them We should have been engaged in and the reality is somewhere between the regions of the world. That is because the left believes that if a communist regime were to arise in latin america with deep a hat with the help of the soviet union, that's not a bad thing. Giving a marxist regime. latin america or many marxist regimes in latin america. What's the big deal wisely Problem lies a matter in vietnam, turns com, Why does it matter if cambodia from communist. What does it matter? If you see more terms communist? What does any of that matter? First of all that demonstrates a complete misreading of how foreign policy works. Foreign policy is a dirty tariffs.
business in which, if, as I say, Kissinger had one central foreign policy message is already message was avoid the worst outcome. Which means sometimes embracing the second worst outcome. If you re It was but his cousin kissinger's main thing was avoid the worst outcome this by the way. This recommendation ukraine. So when it came to ukraine during this war, it is currently ongoing very early on. He suggested that there should be an offer amp in ukraine. Many new that ukraine is not gonna take the dumbass or crimea in which ukraine was given security guarantees, D, formerly enter nato, but was given enough armaments to defend itself against the predatory russian invasion and russia Basically, given dominion over the territories, it was very likely to hold anyway and is pleased no one in the early days work it turns out, is rather pressure, because what who's attempting to avoid the straight up face to face confrontation between nato and russia,. that's what he was attempting to avoid any new there. What they want the stones for it in the west and so realise. What happening on the ground and adjust to it. So when people rippling Kissinger there too rips one is that he
missed red particular situations, you should have done things differently all of its legitimate. The second rip which is just wrong, is the rip that you don't have to make these sort of considerations. When you make american foreign policy that american foreign policy is either the most sinful foreign policy on planet earth. Every ill can be ascribed to it. You see this in the critique of kitchen with regard to cambodia, and allows, for example, by the basic idea that is promoted, left with Cambodia is that kissinger, when he took over as secretary of state in the aftermath of lbj, complete barging the vietnam war when he came in We need a star bombing. The communist supply in cambodia, and you authorize mass huge bombing raids into cambodia without the approval of congress They can talk about whether it needed congressional approval and all the rest. That's fine, but as a policy matter did by in Cambodia clause, for example, left now claims that that caused the rise of pol pot Cambodia, the khmer rouge, who never happened. If we had not bomb cambodia that
soon it there's. No such thing as an engine see in the world is a wise, not route. The minute the united states got out of the unarmed cambodia fell. The ball pot, so again it's a bunch of consideration This is the overriding message of kissinger's life and something we should take away from it, while still quibbling arguing or strenuously hitting many of its foreign policy decisions. Foreign policy is a dangerous and dirty business. It is not possible to engage in foreign policy and keep your hands totally clean. That is not something that you can do, because there are in fact nefarious power, who hate you and who wish the worst for you and who will have an impact on your life, whether you're talking about them. Controlling choked it's an international trade's. We talked about on the show from the straits. Ormuzd illustrates the taiwan or whether you are talking about active, military operations against the united states in far from places an yes indeed at home. You have to recognise that the world is a complex placed. Where's, complex choices and very often those choices are the choices of the least bad scenario. And having to actually engaged with the second worst scenario.
really is the story of Henry Kissinger. Is one policy agenda I agree with many the produce from the right. That sometimes whose engaging in the second worst area when say, like butter scenario is available and again that's a good critique. When I don't agree is the total isolationist or libertarian position, which is that america should go hands off in the world and somehow the world will be a better place for it as a very difficult position to maintain in the in face of the fact that again, there are countries all over the world hate us that do not agree with our values that seek to maximize. own power at the expense of the american people. There's this weird notion, that is, en route on the right and the left as this horse youth, everything, which is that everybody who ass badly in the world was somehow driven to it by the united It is by using the left, embraced tick talks of osama bin laden, circa two thousand too, because You would never have done that if we had been so mean in saudi arabia, yeah sure You see the right do the same things around what russia never would have invaded ukraine if it had not been for our attempts to extend
helping hand you jus grain and made overtures tornado. Or maybe russia has a long history under vladimir putin of territorial invasions of neighboring countries. Maybe it turns out that other people, except for the west, have agency, and once you realize how the people, except for the west have it changes your decision making dramatically all over the world, the fundamental farmhouse mistake is the assumption that only the west has agency the sort of ethnocentric city. This political arrogance leads to, ironically mortar then a humility that acknowledges that other people have interests. First to our own, and then you have to respect those interests. if that means, fighting those interests again, just one second, we'll get to the twenty twenty four campaign, which Again, this evening, the weirdest campaign in american history first balance of nature fruit. That is, our great, would make sure you're getting a central nutritional ingredients every single day, mountain it uses in advance, call back and process that encapsulates fruits and vegetables into whole food supplements.
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second prisons, and I had not seen the movie until last night and I m- is hilarious. A guy's, a special props, do tyler special special prompted the crane boys David cone mean there. There is so much that is very funny in this movie and most of all, it is the moon that hollywood should have in making, but they couldn't- and so we did they're, making jokes about a thing that needs to be marked, and that is the idea. boys and girls and girls. Can the boys too stupid idea requires jokes and that's worth doing late dollars from yours tomorrow, night exclusively, a daily wire applause at eight p m, eastern or meanwhile you, twenty twenty four election continues apace right now in the real, clear politics average donald trump is up about two there are two recent polls that have Biden back up a couple of points, but he is never above forty four forty three percent in these poles in fact, in the polls, where he's at forty, nine or forty seven or forty six trumped up on him in those poles, so in other words Joe Biden stuck his ceiling is like forty
were forty five percent, and when people are forced to decision Matt right now, they are breaking in favour of trump. In fact, what the poles are showing is not right now, actually increase or decrease support for binding over the course of the last couple months. His supporters lightly up Biden in these polls that problem, is that all the independence are breaking in favour of tromp why's. That happening. Because, again, all the focus is on Joe Biden. Question is gonna, be. Can donald trump keep the focus on Joe Biden as this election moves forward In order for that to happen from cannot runny revenge campaign? He cannot. His campaign can be a political, a policy revenge campaign. He is innocent. Here are my policies, Joe Biden got rid of all of them, and the world is now on fire. I close the border, Joe Biden opened the border. I was negotiating peace in the Middle EAST. Joe Biden has blown up all of that by legitimizing the who these in yemen. funding iran by restoring aid to the palestinians. He can say all of that
If the economy was going great guns before covet and then even in the middle of cobit, the economy was recovering at a steeper pace than it did subsequently under Joe Biden. Japan is broken all the economic levers, which is why, right now, The economy is running extremely hot, but also are in danger of continued begged in inflation? Where he can say all those things that that would be a great campaign making their campaign of get about. Were you better off in twenty dean, or are you better off in twenty twenty four? That is a good winning campaign for donald trump. You know it's not a great winning campaign for donald trump. I'm coming in, I'm going to break all the people who came after me. That is not something I think the american people are up for again, because the best of donald trump always and forever was evil, donald trump? Who said I am your tool. you wheeled me, in order to achieve certain objectives, I am the shield for you when he starts to make about the voters being a shield for him. People tend to objective that they don't want to buy into his personal issues, even if they think, like
do that many of those issues are being created by the left and are false if the answer to two down from its being unjustly secluded is election. I don't buy that. I think that the answer to donald trump, the tramping, unjustly persecuted it's funny legal defence fun, but. again. He has an independent case to make that is way better than that which is wagon has been soaring in the polls. The less you see of him. You have not seen him he's been gone. All the focus has been underlined. The need to stay that way, which is why I think is particularly foolish for down from to go out there and stuff warning. People about the weapon is of the g o j, so trump put out a giant step stanford social yesterday said: I'm twelve points up on crooked Joe Biden, I dunno what poll he's looking at where he's twelve points up on an I when I was her wish, a wish he's. Not there are no polls where he's up twelve on Biden but he's got the justice department. Another soon me wherever and whenever possible weapon is it's called, and maybe that can make it
it. This has never been done on this scale before not in our country. It opens up a very big and dangerous pandora's box. Joe Biden should stop his election interfering funds before it is too late for him and the rest of the country as leader opposition party. I should not be forced campaign from inside a court house which is very doable but not very democratic or convenient. This is where they want me to my time and money, it does not work. system, is supposed to work they filed these get. Many just goes on along these lines. Again, I don't think he's wrong about any of this. I just don't see why that should be the centrepiece of the campaign. It can certainly be a part of the campaign. Him saying was in your minds at present he's going to lose. That's the reason is targeting me back Joe Biden has a bad precedent that is holy worthwhile. But if his campaign is in fact about his sword, sir personal vanished, taking I think this can be a problem for him into a thought expressed by his and we're erstwhile alike mccarthy, former speaker and ass. He said this. interested if campaigners campaign, revenge or lose. I don't think that's wrong and, like I hate mccarthy's,
bad political analysis I'm trying to square in my brain. How are you have those feelings about him at that time and say I think you'd be a great present today. I didn't say it great present. I said he'd be a better president. What we're have, I said the country would be in a better place if his campaign is about renew, rebuild and restore your win. If it's about revenge he'll lose that The only person it's gonna determined, not is that is not his campaign at- is an and he's right about that. Mccarthy is right about that which is right from needs to be careful. Now I will state from did something absolutely kind of ridiculous. That is worth noting as true too, because, frankly, if any other candidate country,
I understand that trump has a hall pass from the entire republican party for pretty much anything. He does this point because it's all baked into the cake at this point, but donald trump did in fact endorse be yesterday, which is like an insane thing to do. So what happened is that there is a prisoner mark fischer who buildings of the co of be alarming, rhode, island, he said he was. we honoured to have his and be alarms. Support be alone is a garbage organization. You will be a support. I mean I understand again that thing from says has to be taken, not just with a grain of something like a giant iceberg of salt like a giant salt block from the dead sea. I get it, but can we want beyond the horrifying organization. It's a giant grifter not only get a giant rift. It's giant anti semitic, gripped indonesian, anti white griffin really really bad. So this is in terms of the record by the way. This is the part of his record. I think that's. The worst is the criminal justice reform kind of stuff. The idea that he's going to jailbreak a bunch of people who are criminals,
But in any case, if ve done from once when he is going to have to focusing on the failures of Joe Biden, of which there are many we get to that in just one. Second, first tobar fifteenth tax deadline has already passed. I know many of you might be dreading the stress of filing those taxes and it's terrible. Every year filing your taxes can be a long excruciating process. But if you fail to file you'll start to pile penalties on your tax debt, which is why you need to check out tax the usa. The team attacks network usa has a track record of success that reduced tax debts from noon. clients totalling over a billion dollars when you're. Looking at Ten thousand or one million dollar task that they can help you with the settlement. It doesn't. Have you been filed in a year five years you can hold decade tax network usa equipped to secure the best settlement for you, their export, attorneys and tax. Perfect This can help resolve all tax cases. No matter how they started, dont, let taxed at control your life any longer. Take the first step
So resolving your tax issues by visiting tax network usa, dot com, slash up europe, that is, tax network, usa, dot com, slash broken. When you fall behind on your tax debts, it can eat your life. I mean like for years for decades. You need to get that solved today. If you have tax issues, visit tax network, usa, dot com, slash appear on get started. Solving that issue. Today. That's tax network, usa, dotcom sledge shapiro. Today, while there is a rule in presidential politics particular campaign politics than when something goes wrong. Sort of everything goes wrong. My friend John had here over the commentary magazine, I cast dinner of commentary magazine or a book in the early. and he nineties, about the bush, doomed. Reelect effort. Ninety ninety one, ninety ninety two and one of its basic theses was that when a campaign, is failing. Everything starts to go wrong all at once seems to be happening to Joe Biden. Right now, weathers just wandering around onstage as a comedian. Shane gillis puts it like that, like a roomba when he sort of confused the end of his speeches just bumping into
or whether it's what happened last night, so idly by christmas tree just fell over there and pulled up in fell over again where's villages- they don't mean anything on their own, but they do it the generalised sort of feeling of instability and when the christmas tree? Presents the actual president of the united states and falls over again is hinted: is he in charge of the weather? Know the Jews are in charge of the weather, as we all know, but when, when it falls over everybody is did it with flashing to Joe Biden following up the stairs I didn't here hear it look like last night and you put the screws like go faster on his head and you make sure it's equal and you stand that tree up and you should be able to walk out of that room and no one will fall down. Sadly, no one listened to me yesterday. Down goes frazier for what reason I don't know that you read all the details about the national christmas tree which blew over in a wilderness forms well used to think they, What are they stand they planted? It says I
the lesson arriving on the zest. You know they are trying to pull a back up again. Are these major that they're not major things? Obviously there silly things, but when all this things seem to fall in one direction. That is a bad sign for the incumbent president. The united states, like Jimmy's, curbing attacked lozano. nineteen seventy nine by rabbit legal rabelais like rapid rabbit is a natural thing that happened apparently well. Here's the thing is not just Joe Biden. Things are going wrong for him is that, of course, things are going wrong from because not good at the president thing according to act, He has evidently stack up. Strong americans are saving lesson drawing down their existing savings cushions. Of course, they because the more you save and inflationary economy less your money is worth, but a hundred bucks in the bank today and then my dollar is with fifty percent what it was worth. Six months from now I've lost money by keeping my money part instead, you're better off. things this. Why you're seeing an accelerating rate of growth so cute three showed a five point: two percent increase in gdp
That's an amazing right, that's great, except the what's actually happenings everybody is pre. Buying materials for you for it Anticipation of the back, the prices are probably gonna continue to rise. We had to holidays according to access the show don't you say they cover six month. Expenses using their savings, is considerably lower than it was last year, according to calling for more in council, the shirts doesn't know how long their savings will carry them has grown from about fifteen point, five percent July, twenty twenty two to twenty one percent. The spending Right now is boosting the economy, but it's likely to cry on the other end and nobody's gonna have savings because they already spent their savings because of the inflation That is, is really bad news again. The economic news here is so makes this. Why people are feeling on ten zero inflation, each everything intravenous being able to tame inflation in such a way that people feel secure in the economy now all national experts are expecting that the federal reserve is gonna actually decrease. The info rates in the near future, which, of course, that a lot of people await isn't inflation still running high.
Right now- and the answer is yes: it is dawning hot right now and if you decrease those inflation, the those interest rates than presumably you're going to get new spending, new investment and all the rest of it. The bond markets jumped at. obviously, because your bond is worth more now than was yesterday if the interest rates started started to drop with. That said, is any of this good news for Joe Biden economy that their stuck between a rock and a hard place on the actual policy. Meanwhile, the river kids are starting to go after Joe Biden again on the appeasement inquiry. Republicans are apparently concerned an official house vote next month, to authorize the impeachment ingrained abiden mccarthy initiated at one whose speaker of the house, without in actual vote, because you didn't think he had the votes now. Giovanni leaders are too about the possibility of the vote during a closed or meeting with republican lawmakers what leaders have long set a vote on the impeachment investigation was unnecessary. There now required and his white house, lawyers are using. The lack of a formal
authorization to argue that the investigation lacks constitutional legitimacy. The problem, of course, is that it's not clear they've got the votes for that. That's why I've yet to see the evidence that MIKE Johnson is like significantly better a whipping votes than than Kevin. Mccarthy was Mccarthy was pretty good at that he's pretty good at counting the heads Johnson may be good at it. We just no as yet, no matter the impeachment inquiry on top of job items, failing press He is not going to help him. It isn't. And I'm in the white house doesn't have a great rebuttal to it. Here is corinne jean Pierre yesterday trying to go after republicans for pursuing the impeachment inquiry house republicans should should really focus on american families instead of the president's family? That's what americans want to see that lets icon? If that doesn't work on it,
nobody buys the focus on american families, not on Joe Biden's family. First of all, Joe Biden, family is an american family and a rather key american family. I will say again: I think that that one hundred Biden's new tactic is actually somewhat intelligent, calling on the house gp to open up the meetings. I I think is actually pretty smart because it is basically calling their bluff. Is he saying? Listen whatever you have to come after me about? Let's do this all in front of in front of everybody. The house has denied that request. James comin the house oversight committee? He said our Hopefully, we issue subpoenaed hundred nine requires him to appear for a deposition December thirteenth. We expect full cooperation with our subpoena, for position we also very hunter buying should have the opportunity to testify in a public setting at a future date typically panels, insist on a private deposition before allowing the public appearance, the generous like many denied several requested has five publicly, including one rudy, giuliani, Jim Jordan, for him.
I said sure, we'd love to have one hundred and for an open hearing. First, we need to have him testify behind closed doors. We can ask him all the questions we want to ask him and those facts are confirmed by some of the evidence. We've uncovered already already this ten twenty three form where the confidential human source told the fb items recorded in this form that those are the key facts and now it's important. We got a lot of those key facts when we interviewed one hundred Biden's business partners. Mr archer, it's important. We talked to the others. We need to talk to Eric schwerin. We need to talk to rob walker. We need to talk to tony bob Alinsky and we're in conversations with their lawyers, and we think there is going to happen and we need to talk to Jim Biden, who was also in business with hunter Biden. Those things need to happen and then, as the chairman just said, as chairman comer just said, we will have one hundred Biden in a deposition. Anne Frank
I think in a in an open hearing, I think that would be. That would be great that's what needs to happen. So the american people get the facts, get the truth he's up again, republicans are going to keep pushing. None of it is going to be particularly good for Joe Biden already. just a second we're going to get to the the dumbest excuse for the american national debt that I've seen recently. I remember, become a member use code, Shapiro check out for two months, free on all annual plans. Click that link in the description and join us at the small businesses are the backbone of our communities and mastercard understands that every business has unique needs together with our partners, we support small business owners with innovative and tailor tools, resources. An solutions with mastercard. Small businesses can connect to capital acknowledging financial tools and more to help grow and protect their business every step of the way whether at setting up shop online accepting digital payments,
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-02.