« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1729 - Our Porn-Obsessed Society Is Sterilizing Itself


The American birthrate has been in a state of severe decline since 2007 and we examine the reasons why; Barack Obama laments the state of the media as his media allies try to cover up the Durham report; and the Left accuses Elon Musk of anti-Semitism for attacking George Soros.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The american birth rate has been estate of severe decline since two thousand seven weeks, the reasons why Barack Obama and the state of the media, as his media allies. Try to cover up the durham report and left accuses Ellen sk of anti semitism for attacking George soros I mention this as an inspiration to avenge perish response from expressing gps protect your all my privacy today at expressive begins. arms lifespan. Already folks, there are certain indicators bleed the edge indicators as to a society's decline summer statistical Some are moral and typically, they tend to cross streams. There's a story. Yesterday the caught my attention: it flew across the twitter and it was a story about the ceo of only fans, so only and is essentially a in amateur porn site. It is where people unclothed for money. It is visual prostitution, in essence, and according to business insight or the number of creators there. creators, even though just women take off their clothes on a camera signed up to only vans searched by about
forty percent last year, bringing the told him than three million for the subscription platform that mostly features adult content seo I'm again told summit in rio de Janeiro. Last week we ve noticed a huge uptake and creators, as well as fans joining the platform. We tribute that you only this, is very much global. Business went over one hundred countries becoming now setting its sights on latin american australia to further increase his numbers? Ganz had we're looking at growth for the business latin america is a huge part of that apparently only fans had revenues of close one billion dollars in twenty twenty one, and the owner of a if the fans are going to lille, read minsky has made more than five hundred million dollars from the platform. Since twenty twenty and, of course, the parent company was taken, yeah. He took control of that in twenty eighteen. So why is this story. Well as it can out of civilization in which we in our incentivize to prostitute themselves. On camera also tends to be a civilization in decline, so that there's a biblical idea that in our holier than men for all the talk with viable being sexist. There is a deep root
biblical idea that women are holier than men, so, for example, in the book of accidents when it comes to the scene of the golden calf, the idea is the demand participated, but the women did not and that the notion that women, guardians of a society's holiness makes him sent, because, obviously and when left to their own devices, are not oriented toward children, they they don't stickers, There's no biological imperative for a man to stick around raises trials in the same way that there is a connection between a woman, The child, when you suffer connections between women and children, are when you may the highest ideal of any society sexual impulse. What you end up with a society and moral decline in which women, our prostituting themselves on camera for pay and treating this some form of magical empowerment and men are indulging. baser instincts at at it. Under these circumstances- and there Salt is unsurprisingly a massive decline in the american birthrate. There's a chart the jumped out at me yesterday. the university of marijuana wesley college and it there's peace over it economy.
That recalled the mystery of the declining. U s: birth rate, this chart of birth rates in the united states and what you see is births per one thousand women aged fifteen to forty four in the united states, nineteen, eighty two two thousand and twenty. What you see is essentially, there are at least a certain level of stability to american birth rate from about nineteen, eighty throughout two thousand and seven there's some ups, there's downs. There's big jump essentially about ninety ninety, which coincides with the end of the cold war, and this sort of economic optimism and then declines again during the nineties goes back up during the early two thousands and then into thousands having just falls off an absolute cliff. starting in two thousand seven births per one thousand women aged fifteen to forty four drops from that. Sixty eight We don't. We today, just over fifty five, it is a massive decrease according to external fact, out org the great recession disrupted stable period in birth rates, for you,
the three decades, between nineteen, eighty and two thousand and seventy goes birth rate hovered between sixty five and seventy births per one thousand women between the ages of fifteen and forty four, the birth rate followed a predictable procyclical pattern. During economic downturns recovering when the economy improves, but something changed rounded the great recession. The birth rate fell precipitously, but it did not However, when the economy improved rather, the us read has continually steady decline as it twenty twenty years before it was fifty five point births per one thousand women that is down almost twenty percent from the rate of sixty nine point three and two thousand seven. You kind of facts as that. In births cannot be readily explained by changing population composition, the sister declining you experts, since two thousand seven has been driven by declining birth among many demographic growth, rather than Changes in population composition, birds have fallen women in their early twenties, late, twenties and teens as well and there's. No. How's your economic factor that can explain much of that decline, the onset of the good session played a role in the early stages of the decline. But beyond that is difficult.
Dense by any policy or economic factor that can statistically account for the continued decline it doesn't generations. Women are having fewer children at every single eggs from generation to generation. Women are having fewer and fewer kids. Shifting priorities they say could be the primary driver for the decline in the birth rate. Since two thousand of. I want to suggest that what has actually happened is that since you thousand was seven. There's been a bit of a confound. Everybody is saying that two thousand seventy thousand eight economic recession, but is that study pointed out? The real problem here is not actually the I mean two thousand. Seventy thousand eight, because again, according to pretty much everyone, the economy got better after two thousand and seven two thousand and eight it improved pretty dramatically since Donald the gravest one threw down sixteen it. You doesn't nineteen and then dropped off. A cliff and thousand twenty and then has been recovering since then, but hunting the birth rates, going up and down to match all that's something else happened. Something else happened, explain what happened. Just one second, because that is a lot of relevance to how you live your life and what you allow your children to see it and all the rest of the first president trump recently
said from our louder than the dollar is now under fire as the global currency. And that is right in china now is attempting to replace the dollar with the eu on as the global currency. While that could theoretically happened some time in the near future, but here's the reality even if it doesn't happen, do you really trust the federal government with their inflationary policies too attack your savings, I dont, which is one reason why I've diversified into all I've bought gold from birch controlled in preparation the uncertain economic times. You can own goal to and tat sheltered retirement account with the help of virtual. That is correct. Brcko help you convert an existing area or foreign k. Maybe from previous simple into an ira and gold. As far is pay a penny out of pocket. When currencies fail, bold can be your safe. how much more times than I would have ilo. What I do know is that the federal governments inflating the living hell out of it, protect your savings, god, the way that I did birch gold has an a plus rating, with the better business bureau and thousands of happy customers text Ben to ninety eight. Ninety eight. Ninety eight get your free invoke it on gold today, again tax benjy. Ninety eight. Ninety, eight. Ninety eight talk, my friends over brcko
and all of your questions answered then diversify at least a little bit into precious metals. Great way to protect european Ok, so what exactly has happened in western society to lead this decline, birth rate what you see is that this is mirrored pretty much across the west is not unique to the united states, but you can see it very clearly. in the short, so what exactly happened? What happened is the deep more already the prevailing morality of the internet, the internet has very low. harry and morality, which is to say it's a bunch of mystic individuals who are forming alliances of convenience and horror able to access pretty much anything at any time the convenience of the internet skyrocketed in this era, particularly in two thousand seven, particularly in two thousand seven. So what is it happening. Two thousand seventy coincided with the great recession. The release of the iphone, so facebook hits in two thousand and four But you still have access your computer in order. Go on facebook to the idea that that facebook community, we're going to take the place of, for example, your church community.
Really. You still have to be on your computer, if me tethered to a desk somewhere, in our view, to access your friends as that is not the case when you're living in the community you're moving in and out of your social situations, you're seeing people at restaurants, you're, seeing people at church and all of the rest in two thousand and five youtube launches and youtube, of course, is a giant time sucked big. I'm waster, its plating get lots of information. It shows like this one, but it also happens why that atomizer, you, because you sit in front of a screen all day, but that's nothing new again. As long as you're talking any stationary device that is on your wall, or that is on your desk. Basically just talking about the threat of tv, Me youtube in two thousand. Five was just really a tv thing, because again this that was under dazzling. Your computer was effectively atv when you're are watching youtube by the way. Ironically, it now It turned into a t v thing again: people are using their tvs to watch you two, but the real change here. The real and important and pornhub launches in two thousand and seven and of course there have been pornography sites that have dominated the internet. Since the abs,
it's the internet. What really happened in two thousand and seven was launch of the iphone from the iphone launched, which was the first truly effective, globally marketed smartphone or something where you could access the internet easily and the, and you could get all the pictures you wanted and all the connections you wanted on your phone. At all times, people started to be observed. by the glowing screen in front of them, and they ditched of the social connections that reinforced all the societal rules that made life better We need in person contacts and you need people who hold you to particular standard in your local community, nor if you leave that particular standard know what women but ask wise pornography, for example immoral. So there are two answers: what is the rational? then there are a bunch rational interest why pornography is immoral. One reason is because of course it his huge view, women solely a sex objects to It teaches you that women want things are very often women actually dont want, and the resumption of men here is because the vast, the vast majority of consumers of pornography, our men contract with the media, would would like you to believe there are some women who can
important, is much much lower number. The men virtually all born or there's a huge, how much of it is consumed by men. Some talking here about why pornography is bad, and I want to speak to men, particularly the consumers. It's really bad for women who breaks it. It's iraq of their sole. It takes must end. the activity that you people can perform and turned it into a commodity which is really really quite awful. It's a grades, women by treating as an assemblage of body parts, which of course is it perception that women have to fight any way because of man's natural visual biology, and not only that It's a great man, sexual instinct, because, instead of taking that sexual instinct in channeling it towards the creative, which is what family creations about about taking this, while sexual instinct and then channeling it toward one woman, love for that person and production of children, What can be one most destructive and diffuse instant that human beings have and channels it towards the most creative most careful than you can do, which is the creation of family unit and instead of dissipates it in
a in a literally master pretoria series of actions that destroy your capacity to actually building a world. That's what progress he does and now it's become while they access was. Why didn't people put so that's one answer is wiping out of you that the other is all your friends and neighbors think it's bad it. This is the way the most people act in the world that we all because one the political sphere, we tend to come up with rationales for why things are better, why things are good and useful. That's good! But the reality is the reason most of us do? What we do is because there are certain social standards that we all know and we all agreed to- and we all understand and all of our neighbors expect of us and that's why we do those things now, there's a m it might be one of my rabbis over here I in in florida. He he gave me a rabbi. Evan Goldberg I. He gave me a really that what we call the departure right. This is at a word of of sir biblical exposition. He says that the word in hebrew, for taste is the same as the word for reason where the word is tom, so wise have the same word because, just like you eat food for the nutrition, but the taste makes it
You actually do the right thing, because the grating is good for you and then the reason is like based on the regions, like the pepper, it's good to have the paper, but that she now makes the action goodwill makes the action good. Is that your abiding by a good social standard? That is good for you! That's why? The the word for reason and for tat is the same great additional ellen, of why you do the good thing, but not really. Why do the good thing, but the hope, that when you have a societal standard that people don't look at pornography, that your expected to tell your sexual instinct toward marriage and toward them wearing of children better how communities are formed by the original unit of society is not in fact, according to the vast majority of society's cross, all time is based the arrears unit of society is not the individual Individual in a state of nature dies the original unit of society is the family and of society is, is oriented towards the family. What the does it makes the individual locus of society. It is part of the final human integration of the enlightenment value of pure individualism inwards,
Some is great when it is placed up against the the overweening tyranny of of harsh collectivism rowboat makes me what good is the idea that we do have individual spirits and we can be created with those goods, but that was also possibly channel towards protecting your family. I really was family was the unit of society in them with within the boundaries of family. You as an individual are supposed to go out and flourish, which is why, by the way, it works, but we're married men earn more than single men because they feel the necessity to go out and protect and defend their families. This is the way society used to be oriented was a balance between enlightenment individualism and nationalist family units and then the balance has been completely upset by the rise of the internet, because blowing screen makes you they're going green. Is the narcissistic mirror youtube? You think you're? no you're, not you're, not you're. Looking at things that please you it's feeding you the things the please you then our sitting near the iphone in two thousand seven ellison Ivan I vote is an amazing invention. Jobs genius also
the the subjugation of all societal bonds in favour of and alliances of convenience, tenuous connections that form at a moment's notice. The lack of social structure and stability has been horrible for society and can see it in the declining birth rate and in that, by the way I'd with another force again. This is none of this is a coincidence, but guess that other force in just one second first was shocked by the simple fact. If you do have a family would you have dependents? You need a life insurance plan, it's just a responsible thing to do. I have a lot of life insurance on my life. I've joked before if my wife and I ever have a falling out, her solution is murder, probably rather than divorce, because of the amount of life insurance that we have on me. But life insurance is a must for you, because three Is god forbid something should happen? You you're going to need it. Ensure that your family is supported. Policy genius makes it easy to compare life insurance, quotes from top companies and find your lowest price with policy genius. You can find life insurance policy, starting at just twenty five bucks per month for a million dollars in coverage.
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Also see the decline in religiosity in the united states falling at precisely the same point. So this is a in overlay, as you can see, of those declining birth rates and this is an overly of church membership among american adult. She can see The decline in church membership among american adults is fairly basically steady from nineteen. Seventy five, all the way up to about the year. Two thousand the internet boom starts, starts to decline. in two thousand and seven. It seems like it really picks up pace, so you go from about sixty five per cent in two thousand and five sixty four sixty five per cent two thousand and five sixty- probably sixty to sixty three percent in two thousand and seven all the way down to forty seven percent. In two thousand twenty two, you have a fifteen percent drop off in religious observance in the united states at church membership. Among us adults that is, church membership, synagogue, membership, mass membership, that's a drop by fifteen percent in the course of about fifteen years, just from two thousand and seven
in two thousand and twenty, an acceleration in the rate of religious decline. Religious decline was happening in the united states, but not remotely at the same rates that it was happening in the post, two thousand and seven era. Why? Because again, people are mistaking those tenuous connections that they make on their cell phone for the real connections of life they ve been taken out of the realm. of the real world that have been taken into this year. Marks outcomes talk about the creation of a metaphor in which we live full time on the internet or already living have time in internet minimum. If, if you have a walk around in public these days, what you ll notice, we go to them all well, you'll notice is it half the people at the mall have their head buried in their self, and this is why by everyone needs sabbath, I mean like aids wish style, sabbath Rwanda bible talking in this episode, because again I think, only actual solutions. What we're talking about here is biblical living. You actually do need a divide our period every week in which you are forbidden to you, your cell phone, your computer or any other connected device. You need to connect with the people around you out of here
level is why blue was used to exist in the united states in it was a good thing. The edges, They d reserved for one to church and interaction with your community was actually an active good that the the orientation of society around the individual subjective needs has led to more decline and its lead to the most predictable result imaginable, which is the end point of all of this by the end. Point of all of this is again the the victory of subjective individualism We can see in pretty much everything people living their lives to please that screen and everybody else ever. The only thing that matters is you everybody else be damned re. Your needs of the thing the matter more than anybody else, needs the rest of society supposed to adjust to you, and this takes the form of some most absurd sort of symptoms, one absurd symptom, is the symptom that you see, of people dress in incredibly provocative ways, for example at the gin and then being like. Why are you looking at me? Why are you looking at me
the story from the uk daily mail. Actually without a woman who who was wearing their very tight, booty short at the jim and then suggesting that she's doing it for attention and she actually put out little tik tok video in which he is wearing extremely tight. Clothing at the german should go about doing this for attention. I'm doing it for me, I think you're lying because you're filming this, but second of all, this does fit in It's part with the idea that I can do whatever I want from my own subjective self pleasure, and if you call me on it or if you suggest, are externalities to my personal behavior in public, then this is that you have violated my sense of self, because reality is me and the cellphone mirror that that I live in. Here's wilbur this tik tiktok video, it as girls that dress like this and Jim just want male attention and then it's her wearing extremely tight horns and then itself
Jim girls, the men who stare and it's just a guy like we're, right, o clothing and then a woman stereotype. So the idea is that men, how could men start this? Ok? First of all, I think you're lying. I think that you are doing this for attention. I doubt that you dress this way in the privacy of your own home, but beyond that zoo metro. What does that you believe that you can do it. Everyone public, in its everybody, else's job to avert their eyes again. He just symptomatic of the idea. The only thing that matters is what you feel about the world and also means that the social institutions have to be destroyed, and we made in the image that you wish to see. Basically, marriage now becomes a fee book institution to the extent that you can form a group of but friends and call it a marriage. The new york times. Isn't it an article about that, and I quote, interested in polly emory check out these places. Now what amazing about this. Is this is just what we used to call pagan orgies? I mean there's this notion that the group of people lived together all married to each other's an absurdity. It's ridiculous! The work in the real world let's get level a large scale, but again the idea,
is whatever floats your boat because in whenever fletcher, but what the individual subject music is what is necessary, goings on times Jason. I had heard about somerville massachusetts while working on a phd at you firstly of alabama twenty twenty, this city had recently passed a law granting domestic partnership rights like the ability to receive him. benefits or make hospital visits to people in poverty. Amorous relationships mix night am ex period knight who's non binary and has been non monogamous since two thousand and fourteen was impressed in late march Somebody has to more laws extending the rights of non monogamous residence. This time banning discrimination on the basis of family relationships, rupture insidiously in a policing. Society has no interest. however, in the basic family structure, anymore, At the same time, these new laws passed mix night. Thirty, eight. Now a phd in applied mathematics move amendments one thousand somerville with their two partners and a partner of one of those partners this attitude toward now? Monogamy was a big factor in the group's decision to move their you weren't, you
about that the sterilization of society in the name of sexual profligacy. This would be it We simultaneously have been most sexually profligate society in human history and most euro fighting men in human history, which is not a great recipe for civilization, electorate somerville, is close to harvard massachusetts institution acknowledging claims to have more hours per capita than any city. Besides new york, often scribblers hippy or bohemian the city staunchly, EL gb cheek you, I put my survive ice unfriendly. There are significant cross over between those who identify as lesbian, gay sexual actual transfer, pants actual and those who practise non monogamy. According to multiple studies away, they said the quiet part out loud, actual profligacy, is related to alternative sexual orientations or no we're not supposed to say that we're supposed to pretend that they're all monogamous families, all while there's nothing. The quiet part out loud, which is its part again of the generalised decline in morality in our society, and there is no coincidence that birth rates have been simultaneously. Declining? You need social institutions? You need to know your neighbours need to have a family structure. You need to go to church these,
the things that make for a successful society, need to get your nose out of the phone. Tells you you're the only important person on planet earth guardians one second, we get the fall out from the doorn report, which again, I think, maybe a revelation of the greatest political scandal in american history. First, I retired to breathe in polluted air and the comfort of your own home. And would you like to safeguard whose health and wellbeing while we have new friends over enviro plans in very in in home, air purifying unit is designed to destroy, The flu virus is allergy, inflaming toxins more than even more with enviro clans. They promised your cause. Allergies. Ambitiously, there's big promises even give you a free air quality standards tests the difference in your own home if If one purifiers are the same, then why did the us department of defense select in viral cleanse to protect and purify the air on board our navy ships, which is pretty important in viral cleanse? The air purifier said they have hospital grade technology and the purifiers come inside all sizes, colors prices fit every budget reasons and pure air lit a healthier life visit e k, pure dotcom use code ben for ten percent off your enviro cleanse home air purification unit.
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Those report on operation crossfire hurricane and its origins is absolutely damning. Its handling of the Clinton campaign is damning of the fbi is aiming of the obama administration. Just to give you the brief recap of what is in the report. It now seems that, basically, the Clinton campaign trafficked via the f b, I a bunch of bs allegations about donald trump and trump. Russia collusion the f b. I ingested that with alacrity, and then they started pumping it up to full scale. Investigative capacity, and the white house knew about all of this, and at no point did they say to the op yeah guys you might be over your skis on this one and no points they take. It might look a little dirty if you guys were just taking clinic apple research and laundering that into a full scale investigation it's going to last, not only for the twenty sixteen campaign, but also well into the trump years. The story began just for the recap in late. One july, twenty. Sixteen, that is when australia provided information to somebody in london surrounding conversations between australian diplomats in a low level, foreign policy trump adviser in George Papadopoulos in those conversations papadopoulos had allegedly suggested.
The trump team and received some kind of suggestion from russia that it could assist in releasing. Nationwide Hillary Clinton that information alone was used as the products for launching a full blown from russia investigation. Despite the fact that fbi officials, new This was incredibly flimsy and basically there is nothing there. Top fbi officials greenly, that investigation that included peter struck. Of course, it was one of the top officials over there who is deputy assistant director of counter intelligence and a devoted trump hater. He and his lover lisa page, were texting each other about how much they hated trump. Through According to John durham, the investigation was launched called before any dialogue with Australia or the intelligence community prior to any critical analysis of the information itself, so he just jumped in both feet. So what could have prompted eagerness, while the fbi, as durham already acknowledges already had the so called dossier, that was the compendium of lies and innuendo created by fusion gps at the behest of the cliff campaign. The fbi had also been approached by a second, working with fusion gps in July twenty sixteen. So there are a couple of different sources.
Stemming from fusion gps, which is the current campaign feeding this crap to the fbi. The ep has assistant legal attache in london, knew the papadopoulos information was then but told the OECD, that's the opposite inspector general, the fbi Management was quote, pushing the matter so hard. There was no stopping the train, making it his job to clinical, greece, the skids the way at the same exact time, it's not as though they didn't know that the Clinton campaign was pushing this stuff. They did in July, two thousand and one According to this report, use intel agencies found out about russian intelligence, suggesting that hilary had approved today plan to gin up allegations of trump russia collusion. In fact, on august third is like one week after the investigation was known see I direct john brown and quote met with the president vice president and other senior administration officials, including, but not limited to the attorney general and the fbi director and brief them on the so called clinton plan. Nobody decided hey guys, namely per what's but a whole them from russia stuff until we find out if it's just quit, Napo region because, by the way we want free phone calls that could have found out. There is quit Napo research. So here's what you know no top officials-
it has ended the fbi. There were aware that Hillary Clinton had a plan to disseminate information falsely clemming from russia collusion. They knew but they had really really really leg thread thin information on trump in russia, and they want a full scale investigation anyway and ate up not only the election cycle, but wash the entirety of firms presidency pay, so this should be incredibly damning, because what it means is that Hillary Clinton was in fact colluding with the fbi and with the above administration for which she had worked in order to essentially twist election narrative in her own favour and obama. Ok with it Biden, was present for those conversations. but we're in the current campaign who now are part of the binding team, were involved in all of this. And the media went right along with an utterly they go along with it. They fostered it by the new terms when pulitzer prize has been and then from russia collusion reporting, which is madness august. Now the reaction is come out and its led by
Iraq obama, who of course, was informed on August. Third of the Clinton plan was like I wrote. Well, you know it's hillary's plan stewart was from let's go. Let's do it from can be. President, like I said, I was born in kenya. So I yesterday he didn't interviewed, did the former president of the united states and he said deeply worried about the divided country, which is always is hard imagine our own touch on tramping, divisive, Barack Obama's away, more divisive president, then Donald, The reason I say that is because no unexpected down from to be unifying expected from twenty sixteen to be unified. I don't know what you were smoking your high on your election, snorting, parmesan cheese off the carpet like hunter Biden, if you'd expected from to be a great, Byron, twenty sixteen when you there's an aid, everybody thought drop, that a bomb was can be a great unify, and then he turned out to be massively divisive, so the delta between expected unification, onawandah and delivered unification was just pacific ocean wide,
So here is Barack obama explaining that he he's very upset about our divided countries as one of the most divisive people in american history. I'm an optimistic man but I find myself falling into this days? Why have concern about the current that they will inherit once I'm gone post presidency. What about this country keeps you up at night the thing I am most worried about- is the degree to which we now highly delighted? Conversation part, because we have a divided media o says here. What you would like again is a proper, and this the media that always repeats is talking point when the german report is it a perfect example of this in the media still claim that this this guy he's only scandals attends you. Never the ira scandal in which his head of irish was targeting conservative institutions, never mind the fact that The apparent was personally briefed on the current plan and said nothing. While the f b, I launched ace
Curious investigations into donald trump, never mind the fact that brok obama presided over four policy collapse and was palace of cash to the iranian that none of us. we're scandals, goings, media. So of course you would love the media to go back to its propagandistic monopoly. You would love it because then, presumably you could have the kind of media coverage of scene over the storm report thing. So german for breaks he has taken. It is nothing new to see her nothing to see here, you're all overestimating. How terrible it is. There's really not a problem cm legal expert. For example, Jennifer rogers sheet fully dismisses the germ report. You see this report and its three hundred pages long it cost millions of dollars to do, but there is any teeth to this. It doesn't seem like theirs: thing there. Sir. I mean this is really a rehashing of what the deal J inspector general found for you
it's ago I mean there were some problems with the crossfire hurricane investigation. They were all documented by the d o J inspector general f b. I changed policies and dozens of instances to account for those and that's it. So this is the deep state. spiriting right, the f b. I was out to get him. They wanted to help Hillary Clinton, although apparently didn't do it very well. Of course she lost. This was the whole thing. Multiple people at the highest reaches of the affair I go to prison right. Well, no one went to prison. Two people were charged as a result of durham's work. They were both acquitted at trial. This was a whole big, nothing. They did not prove this deep state conspiracy because it never existed in the Alright, you calling us and that's why, of course, the deeps it. Oh my gosh, it's nothing! It's a big boy, nothing would do nothing with cream on top which nothing sprinkled or alternatively, it's the greatest american scandal involving the so called deep state, either Certainly, in my lifetime by war margin and missis worse than Watergate Watergate, was richard Nixon deploying a couple of dullards,
over to the Watergate hotel in an attempt to bug is below opponent which, by the way, had actual happened during elbow the campaign against Barry goldwater that nobody ever talks about. That lbj should try to do the exact same thing to Barry goldwater. No one cares about that here. You have the weaponization of the most powerful to mess law enforcement institution in the united states. At present, when campaign in the obama administration and it's nothing, it's normal jail? Ok. So, by the way Jeanne. That's what standard applied you donald trump down from isn't in jail. Donald trump hasn't been similarly charged with anything beyond jaywalking by elvin brag in manhattan into bs cases. Everybody knows, but they still call him criminal. They still say that he's a scandalous person using peach twice, that's a terrible, donald trump it so the standards radically change but again. This is why Barack Obama wants his monopolistic media back because they will defend anything democrats do anything they do Joe Scarborough too. He jumped into the o to dud. It's a dud says Joe Scarborough on MSNBC. reports. Language is often this stark describing absurd campaign
she now reach as a quote grave counter in legends threat, but let me say it say that again describing from campaign. German format affords receptivity too I am outraged as a quote grave count intelligence throughout that may there campaign susceptible to quote malign russian influence, marco Rubio and other? members of Europe. We can Senate committee the intel committee saying this idea, conclusions that are drawn here again. They really chamber it's just be a complete died. A once again. Another by John durham. Wants you dead guys, it's done so it is a matter that f b. I knew full well that they were operating on nonsensical information of scrap and that they knew full well that here the Clinton was literally wanderings information through them. Apparently that is a big enough.
Berger into nothing burger with nothing catch up and nothing pickles. The new york times is Michael Schmidt due to the exact endemic- and this is why the left loves him- an apple is sick media because they all repeat the same talking point so at the end of the day, for people watching We are trying to remember everything that got us here of the last, what seven years or something like that. What is take away. What is the end result of all of this? What do we know about collusion or allow collusion between the trunk campaign and the russians I Well, what we know is that the term campaign invited this help from the russians. We know our own eyes from watching that donald trump Ass russia to help him. He did a very publicly and doing so brought a lot of. questions on himself is transfer. for bringing the questions on himself. You see it wasn't a couldn't dirty trick. Those absolutely purchase
in by the fbi and the obama administration? The new york times by the way, calls this a conspiracy theory now quote the durham report offered few conclusions. The right drew it's own conservative, this Jonathan weisman, one of the supporters of that. The new york times conservative leaders and right wing outlet say the special council report, which produced no startling revolutions lens credence to their conspiracy theories about the efta states. Conspiracy theory now, So it was not a conspiracy theory when there are literally claiming the donald trump was a cats paw for Vladimir Putin. That was not a conspiracy theory that was fact, and if you didn't believe it, it would yell at your national tv about it. In fact, if you express any doubt, people will after you, americans, you doesn't eighteen us on bill. Marshalling bill asked me specifically about the impression collisions them? As I don't see any evidence of this stuff, it seems like nothing to me. The audience laughed at me like full full on laughed about it, because it was so clear that obviously trump was the russians cat's paw, but don't worry. That was not a conspiracy theory that was in reality, the real conspiracy theory is suggesting that what John germ says in the report is actually what happened. Truly amazing. We went down trumps reaction to all of this momentum.
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Suffice to say he has significant sanguine about. The german report than democrats seem to be here is donald trump reaction yesterday. Well after looking at the report and ask seeing and don't forget, I did ask for I fired alot of people, but the dynamic goes deep. They fired Toby was that well. That was, and I find him very early- you know a lot of people said: why did you wait till he was fired, very very early, and who is a great pirate, w They were looking to do real bad. This is this was a coup that they will look at it, a sick people I am meanwhile the Democrats are responding by essentially saying that nothing had Adam chef, who was one of the great hours of our time spent years with a pub ten actually erected directly has had the green room at CNN that he could run in every five minutes and tell us that we were on the verge of the overthrow of the country, thanks to Vladimir Putin's collusion with with donald trump well now, here he is suggesting that nothing happened.
I m a semi see it's totally fine dies, its everything was fine. This investigation that started in a flood manner. Was conducted in a flawed manner and in conclusion is a final conclusion. So we four years of wasted effort. I am worse than that. We have for years, I think, of undermining the department in a political prosecution? Yes, that was desperate treatment and clearly Hillary Clinton got that far worse and that Hillary Clinton debt the far worse end of it, did They want a false investigation under the auspices of a donald trump leak by what that guy. The fact that that person is still a somewhat respected commentator is just beyond it that he's a congressperson is the he should be impeach for what he did for lines, the american people about what he had access to its totally insane.
like Joe Biden, was proved all this information, because vice president, who is literally briefed on august third, about the Clinton plan, an apparently is fine with it cohesion pairs asked about all this ends ass. She walked away, of course, with the wife S. Reaction to a special council learns report on how the fbi, russia, I would leave it to the department this to to talks about how he wants d, J, f b I to remain independent and about the fray seems like the opposite is: does he agree with special it was apparent that there needs to be wholesale changes at the fbi. Again, that is with the department of justice. That's not something that I'm going to speak from the podium, as you just stated in your question. We believe in an independent, the department of justice, that's what the president said when he was running and that's what he it has said the last few years. Thank you. So much I'll see you guys there there's nothing quite like the independence of the permanent and she will catch up just leaving a cloud of dust behind her. I will note at this point that the department of justice
Apparently has no problem with the irish, no removing its investigative team from hunter binds probe. So this is so Everything is going great eminent. You should believe in your one forspent institutions. According to the new post, the ira, Monday removed the entire investigative team from its long running tax fraud. Probably first son hundred Biden in alleged retaliation, hence the whistle blower, recently contacted congress- will lead you cover up in the case of courting southern Europe post the purchase. That was done on the orders of the justice department. It's totally independent justice department and there's no independent whistleblowers. Turning form congressional leaders in a letter. The lawyers report today the ira criminal supervisory special agent we represent, was informed. He and his entire investigative team are being removed, the ongoing insensitive investigation of the high profile, controversial subject about which our clients, It was a lord disclosures to congress, whose informed the changed at the request of the g o j g o J. Is basically in an attempt to prevent informed from getting out about what exactly hundred Biden being investigated over the d o j k
the irish team that included the whistle blower remember whistleblowers are good at their democrats. Whistleblowers are very, very, very bad if they might damage. Democrats. Ok, meanwhile, need that ceiling debate continues. When Joe Biden main strategy seems to be yelling at the wind. He was out again yesterday, suggesting we just can't you thought we can, you know, might have a say in whether we defaulter not would be you, sir. It was Joe Biden attempting to read it. Teleprompter market can not to fall on instead, if we do that, every calves travel every devastating for merrick and, quite frankly, a world appear recession. We find that everything was in charge of our economy will really create. It really would have a profound impact on how we live our lives. We find ourselves in a position where we no longer are viewed as a leader of a world economically, and we can't let there that is beyond comprehension, no serious person, neither party
as one this is an option. Well I mean you literally voted against the debt ceiling increase when your incentive has ever thought it was an option. I noticed that also you know you could negotiate that that that could be a thing. Apparently Joe Biden is about to nego. and because he has to a genuine again just yelling it at people and suggesting that if the debt ceiling is hit that it's the end of the world is not national negotiation strategy. Here is JANET yellen. The garbage secretary of the treasury fault on our debt would produce an economic and financial catastrophe. How payments on mortgages order, loans in credit card would rise, and american businesses would see credit markets deteriorate, and on top of that, it's unlikely that the federal government would be build issue payments to millions of americans quoting our military families and seniors who rely on social security. This economic catastrophe is entirely preventable.
The solution is simple: congress must fall to raise, suspend the debt limit and it should do so without conditions with conditions as genuine and ensure we have a thirty one trillion dollar national that but there through their national debt. According to the Biden administration raised that ceiling without any sort of reining in of the spending, its literally green, Jean Pierre said yesterday. She said we have to raise it. That ceiling because the national debt is too high, which makes no sense at all? This is like saying I wasn't. I have to take out a second card, because I'm spending too much money. I money. So I have to take out a second credit card here. She is: how is it not a crisis when, country literally owes more than its work. You should ask them. We should the speaker this question. This is his job. This is his constitutional duty to move forward and get the debt limit done. That is,
in, for him are the legislative. It is a co equal branch. As you know, there are the legislative body, and this is what they're supposed to do. That is a question seriously. That is a question for the speaker and the maga republicans who are literally holding our economy hostage. I I have to move on. She has to move on. Of course. She she must. She must she refused to call the debt crisis a crisis, but the only way to solve the debt crisis to take out more debt. Obviously, obviously, now the good news here Is that japan is likely to cave. According to the washington post Biden and top congressional leaders expressed optimism about urgent negotiations over the dead ceiling after me, at the white house on tuesday as the administrations. Liberal allies worry. The talks at house republicans over the budget risk rewarding the geo. Peas. Hardline stands how speaker chemicals covenant agreement could be reached ahead of the june first deadline. Now again, Joe Biden has to do this because, if not he's gonna get her, sure you can try to blame the republicans for that, but the reality
the present against wind when there's recession period, end of story, and so the likelihood that republicans get something out of this is is actually quite good. Which is showing a certain durability to speaker, Mccarthy than I think a lot of people didn't think he had long saga has become a kind of economy. speakership originally any. I go through several votes aids. that he can actually move legislation forward, which is a lot more than can be said for Joe Biden's agenda with a republican congress, thus far, okay in just one second we'll get to congress, blaming not the federal government for its own failings, but blaming the banks for relying on the federal government get to that momentarily. First, you need black rifle coffee. Designing black rifle coffee, so My kids wake me up too early every morning and I'll be honest with you like. Until I have the coffee, I'm in a very, very bad mood. Black rifle coffee is keeping me alive black. Rifle coffee literally fuels the daily wire or office drinks about forty pounds of their coffee every single week, if you haven't tried black rifle coffee, yet you need to a great place to start is their complete the mission fuel sampler, giving you a taste of the entire spectrum of black rifle coffee, flavor profile,
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valley bank experience, financial hardship, it so bad. We had a bell. You guys out. That's terrible to be able to guys out okay, the reason silicon valley bank had to be bailed out is because they had faith in Joe Biden. It is that simple silicon valley bank took a bunch of it's deposit holdings invested it in bond government bonds in what's supposed to be a really solid investment government bonds. You know what the problem was is that they expected Joe Biden was not then going to have a forty year. inflationary run requiring the federal reserve jack up the interest rates, therefore magna bonds worthless? So there big mistake so I can barely bank, is that they relied on jobs not to wrap the ban on the economy and then crept about on the economy, and so the principal result is the silicon valley bank had run on its assets and when the run on its assets happened, they could actually liquidate all their bond. things because their bondholders were effectively worthless. So It's called in silicon valley bank. Instead of calling in, like you know, J power for his garbage federal policy are calling jenny, JANET forbad secretary of the treasury, pausing or calling,
if anybody in the binding ministration instead they call them silicon valley, banked, yellow them. So Elizabeth worn suggested that dumb Silicon valley bank was really the problem again sit. She is the person who would be the first to suggest You should be investing in the government bonds because she actually believes the government should basically take over the banking system entirely that the they. You should be completely reliant on the government. Silicon valley, banks Let me state relied on government you much her solution. the government on the banks. But she's very angry at silicon valley bank, and it's just it's ridiculous. So how much of the twenty million dollars that you earned from loading up signature bank with risk? Are you planning to return to the f d? I c. I believe that signature bank was what responsibly managed bank solvent until the gap will I'm sorry you're singing and on what is a responsible and answering?
now laughable so you're planning to return? How much the answer is? None, that's not planning to do so. No. Let me know how much money is elizabeth, warned and give up on her of her family esteem given the fact that you did a complete useless person for the last thirty years, masquerading as a native american, announcing a lot of that and I'm not big from silicon valley bank merely point here is that if you to blame somebody blamed the federal government's completely boxing the policy so badly that this bank, which is exactly what I mean Elizabeth indeed proponent, of modern monetary theory. Modern monetary theory suggest that you can spend as much. Money is only possible if you're the government and never have an inflationary spiral, which is precisely what you can barely bank apparently banked on, and then they failed and then she's yelling at them. it's really amazing. While those hearings are absurd and of themselves, they are
absurd. When John fetterman try to ask a question so again, we now have not one but two democratic senders, we're not mentally capable of holding the position. I'm not just saying that in political terms mean physically cape incapable on a brain level of holding the position of Diane Feinstein. Who is fully see now at this point, but soon the senate and John fetterman, whose brain damage? stroke, trying to ask questions and sending Hearings- and it's actually painful to watch as it stands. During this, it is staggering response responsibility. They ain't that the head of a bank could literally could literally crash our economy its astonishing, that's like, if you have and they also realises that that that now they have its in guaranteed aren, t, wait to be saved by them.
and the men are number eight, but by how you know so it is a sensitive question. Isn't it appropriate that the those kinds of this kind of control should be stricter to prevent this kind of thing ruin, or should we just go on and start bailing and sailing, whoever bang, regardless of how out or theirs their conduct is And they went his way out. What good is it is that a question is that is an english? Was there a question mark. Was there any association between the words you're trying to say and meaning look what what does that mean? Only that's me, and the best to the united states are ok me well Joe Biden held in about yesterday in of jewish american heritage month and he alone doug m half. Who is our official jewish emissary in the white house? We, the Jews, Doug, I'm half, who is a very very.
observant, jumping extraordinarily sarcastic right now. The these these are the people who are going to talk. Bout, anti semitism and the necessity to fight it. So Joe Biden suggested here The plans fight anti semitism now mine, you that plan will have nothing with trading Bernie sanders for actually participating in full anti semitism with her she leaving no homer again Nothing to do with Joe Biden actually saying members of his own congressional party dies, Maybe you shouldn't hold today declaring israel's x x, into a disaster, not body. Maybe she'll, do that To my mind, have anything to say about that. But he has words about it. I semitism does Joe Biden my process. We're going continue to condemn combatants semitism at every turn That's why I signed a bipartisan covert. Nineteen hate crimes, act, telephone force, better and help for forest law enforcement. Better address these hate crimes,
pointed america's first ambassador level, special envoy to monitor and combating any semitism general. The Deborah he's dead ever here. get. Meanwhile Joe Biden has nothing to say about actual anti semitism. His own party the same administration that restored hundreds of millions of dollars to the palestinian authority, which is an act. we fomenting terrorism against Jews, culminating in vast way the terror attacks and he's actually giving he's been in your task, their money on this guy this month. Would Abbas was the leader of the palestinian authority, the last election that was held in which Mahmoud Abbas about one election? Two thousand six. So he is currently in seventeen year before your term is not what, and we are sending hundreds of millions of dollars to him because of Joe Biden here I am job. I'm really must fight semitism. Here's mahmoud Abbas we can essentially declaring that be wish they'd should not exist and that its colonial outposts in all the rest of his aunts, medic nonsense
that. You do emphasise, role has been digging and remedial automatic for thirty years them in return anything that would prove its past existence, but did not find anything It is not me saying this is really stories and archaeology said nothing. He's saying that israel has no connection with the temple mount, which is absurd. It's called the temple about his work. The temple was they sent me I find anything we have nothing here. interesting existence, so why lie they dug underneath the oxon and above it, and they tell you everywhere but did not find anything. They didn't dig underneath the walk. So what do he see The false I innocent israeli claims continues as mahmoud Abbas at the united nations say that israel made the desert blossom. Think of fatah. maybe the palestine used to be a desert, and then they made a flourish. Yes, clearly us. This is true. Yeah they say they turned it into a heaven on earth I avoid lying. But what can we do? I mean it's just the anti semitic ratio of all jews and middles. They lie like like gerbils. He says the Jews are like nazis. Joe Biden fight
I sent him sitting hundreds of millions of dollars lacking thumbs up Joe again, I would also like to fight anti semitism by defending George soros, who spends every waking moment attempting to under my morn were in the united states and all By the way, undermine the jewish state that it is wildly anti israel, but you I must you and musk is the real anti semite again according to the left, true anti semitism, is apparently saying that george soros is a bad person or leads really bad that I said last week that Bernie Sanders is not jewish. Ok, when I say is not jewish. I don't mean that he's technically, not biologically or ethnically jewish. I said on the show he is ethnically jewish meaning his mom is jewish, but judaism is more than just an ethnic judaism. I give no connect to actual jewish belief or practice in political, jewish Bernie sanders is in anti israel fanatic, who hates leginn, generally speaking, and is a socialist whose fomented the worst members since many party did its wild but a court, but you and musk is bad.
Why you? I must battle what you must realise that the left is focused laser folkestone, anti semitism, hundreds of millions of dollars to the palestinian authority being to the iranian making sure she had to leave has not body over in the congress. Condemnation from the white house for any that stuff, but you and moschino he tweeted about george soros, what it must tweet he treated. Rose reminds me of magneto. Why well apparently, he said a brain cresson. Steam said one fact, many Those experiences during the holocaust as a survivor shaped his perspective as well as his depth and empathy soros A holocaust survivor gets attack non stop for his good intentions, which some americans think are bad merely because I agree with his political affiliations and must have its marriage. Eight is. They use whom they are good intentions. They are not. You must read the very fat. of civilization, sorrows, hates humanity. Ok, now, the same is true of outsourcing things not for about our us, I certainly The George soros has taken inordinately terrible action in america's majors.
And that his international agenda is really scurrilous wit? That's ed! What does that have to do what sort of being ethnically jewish source himself beholds no truck with judaism in any way again? That, though, the role for the left is they become very, very specific about ethnic judaism, only in order to defend jews who really stand contract. Most of judaism, jewish philosophy, jewish practice. The state of Israel then also become very the word in hebrews macbook. They become. They may become incredibly specific about what constitutes a jew. Noam Chomsky, excellent you, but Excellent you jobs are, the only reason would attack these people is because their jewish now because wrong on everything They are wrong on everything and scientists about saito, ridiculous, By the way they never seem to have the same sort of qualms about criticising, for example, sheldon, adelstein, sheldon, ale, someone whose wife knows me well, you I must, sort of astonishing exchange on CNBC that has now gone viral he's asked about factory says.
virtual things on twitter- and here is his answer. You know: do your tweets hurt the company other tests foreigners who sat on agree with his political position because- and I know it because he shares somewhat or there rises on twitter, that lindy our green, come and say you gotta stop man or you know. I can't get these as because of some of the things you tweet. He really thinks about it for twelve seconds he's thinking,
I am reminded of the scene in the france s bride primary grandma, where he confronts the person who killed his father. He says they offer me money offer me power. I don't care The you don't care, you want to share what you have to say also when I want to say, and if the consequence for the money, soviet, ok, good for him, for him? Ok, we're! Morally. Would you think I like and things I hate your, but today we have a bit of surprise here on the bed.
she shapiro show for folks. Here is the surprise: it spread cooper from the common section, with brett cooper, and I m for those of you who say that we have never been in the same place at the same time either our green screening is fabulous or we are not the same person or a day I oughta intact could be. I get so. Bread is here to tell me about pop pop culture, because I'm you know approaching forty, and I have three almost we're, heads and dumb, and so tell me about pop culture, break hooper. Only tell you all about popopo. Thank you! Give you a definition now, ok! So the thing I wanted to tell you about today of slogging me salami no away, so you know like me? Yeah, I mean okay, I can see the root of the word. I feel I know where you're going so it's a new trend. Well, it's kind of starting over the last few years, like in twenty nineteen, Emma watson said that she was self partner. She was not single, was self partner and that is rooted in self care and that she did not want to call ourselves
Well cause. I had like a negative connotation yourself, partner, she's, not a them, though so she's like she's, like a she her. She says she hurt you. She can't she's now multiple people that she's just being with herself, but now people are taking it so far that they are marrying themselves yeah. So that's the log me so I pulled some tech stocks because they're not just saying like it's, not just like I'm committing to myself and like I'm gonna work on myself, but I know they're having wedding ceremonies, which is what I wanted you to look at, wanted to be a real life bench bear reaction. A few weeks ago I went to a self love wedding, so my friend my I love you a married themselves for their birthday, as opposite societies. I no. I understand why, the ceremony was so beautiful you. If there is either a flower girl and mercy looked so beautiful the whole ceremony. What do you want? My daughter's? Under what advantage? Should a few tears
now now- that's really cheap wedding cake for his mouth. In writing. I so I understand like these are not people who to find partners ever so. isn't their last resort is basically the person who couldn't get a data problem, the like. Why didn't even want to go to prom exactly so they're not going to get married, because who would do that and things learning proactive like bulgaria,. If they're getting ahead of the story getting ahead of the story, it's like when Barack Obama in his memoir was like. I did a little blow. It was like he knew, was going to come out and it's already out there. It's like these people are gonna, be single for life, so they're there, but now they're owning the singleness. It's empowering. Well, do you know it's? The woody is the old woody Allen line that yup he masturbation sex with the person he loves, there there there, you have it exact out of their main when they love they. Actually, this spike during covered, because everybody was so lonely and then coming.
I have covered all the women were apparently just drained because of the zoom dates, and you know they just spent all this time inside and they didn't have boyfriends or anything like that. So, apparently, there were a ton of these weddings during covert, and there are all these psychologists like psychologists that were covering this weren't this. wild farmer. I have another one later as well, the one that's oh yeah here we go this one's more elaborate. A little less elaborate was a little last day them and a little more self love The was a child. I don't wanna know, let's head childlike I'll, never have a phone at the moment, It's so lamoureux, as it sounds crazy. I do. It's funny you mentioned that women are getting tired of zoom dates, yeah right, so I I do have a question about that, which is why that seems like the ideal female date, because it's just all talking all the time. Yes, that's that's very true. You just sit there
you're forced to talk? I don't think it's cause whenever I gone there with my wife, she's like why aren't we talking more so like I feel like resumed aid is because normally on a date like you've spent I'm with each other and you're like sitting there. This. I really would ask anybody rebound resume at eight, like nothing's happening, I feel like women would be like there's an inherent pressure to talk entirely. Surprise, so women were were not cortisone day, I'll think they were interesting. I think, it's good for society to think that things progressed enough on zoom dates like to marriage, but I don't know. Maybe it was just like a symptom of the the traditional. Burn out just them online anyway. Ok, we're just like they were being held, and apparently but this that, when that we just watched the comments were actually positive. about her, but people were calling around on it and she spent so much time debating these people, like the bible, says
in the last days people will be lovers of self. I didn't think I would go this far. Somebody else said that my family would never. That was the thing, so many people showed up, and they are applauding this as if it's normal, what would you do if so, invited me to a wedding with, like you, can't even get me little wedding with another person affair. If you're, if you're invited me to a wedding with yourself, I just one go not only my not sending a gift yeah, I might send a drone attack like they won't wait. Wait, that's that's that's horrifying! Yet they are part of me. Would want to go because it would it's so weird, that's great for your show. I can bring a camera and it's like amazing. I need those little snapchat, sunglass sunglasses. Have you seen those that have cameras that james okay, their team there? That I wanted to do a video with him, so he could teach me how to be undercover. So I could go to things like this because I think it to be really good concept, but I don't think I could go in all seriousness it would. It would be for content well yeah I mean how could you go serious
in the whole time. I do know people that probably would do that. Somebody else said no words. If this is my friend it'd be recommending therapy and certainly not showing up for this foolishness, because it's enabling number one narcissism, but it's just it's so unhealthy and it's Mostly women, I mean that first one was even worse. I because that was like a twenty year old girl. It's like, if you ve, lost all hope at my age. It is you need to change your behavior. Why why our birth rates dropping in the united states? Why it's a mystery? No one knows where women are murdering themselves over the other I wanted to talk to you about my way if they then have sex with somebody else were married and we also need cheating on unsolvable its pollyanna. Whereas now I know it's not a legal obvious things you get married up, and so they all they offered along, and I am sure that they will master, whose it's very soon there is in the article in articles that are about you know,
self marriage and all that stuff. They all say what. Of course, you can have tax breaks, yet it's not legally had asked. We wish that you and, of course it doesn't mean that they can't date. Other people that's like well. If you're gonna marry yours of go full out, then this basis elevate actually commit exactly like full priests. None. But can we be committing themselves row that lack of commitment, are the last thing on pop. I wanted to talk to about kardashians. They are all dating a certain kind of man right now. I don't think that it's some kind of like chris jenner manipulation because Kiley generous now dating timothy chalet, who is due to her timothy children. He looks like I could break him in half that castro and vain courtney married men have. Why am I looking out on his aim? Is it travis, Travis worker sure you travis bugger, both of them? It's like they ve moved on four. the black nba players and now they're dating. Why called the wet cigarette men? They have noted
I have no whatsoever there. This big, they are all smaller than all the coronation and women mathematically. I dont know how that works at all and Kim was aiding here. Is it it's the same regime or of man while the that the shift from con you to be due to a radical shift to us, and then I have to say, that's like, I can't think of a much more radical shift, and now I need to be diverted, that's bad. That is for so I dont understand the prediction phenomenon that at all, it makes no sense to me. I don't like it because it is we in these on me and he is not a toxic masculine man. Taxi, I mean he doesn't seem super masculine generally. So just that is one way to get rid of toxic masculinity is to not date. Masculine men like they all just become passport, was oh yeah passport bros. What does a passport okay passport? Bros are men that are so fed up with western women, because we're all, apparently so woke and so terrible and western women? Don't want to be wives that they are now going to other countries to find wives, that's liquid
countries like south east asia. That way, you know the philippines, the dominican republic, slayer your opposite of the mail order bride. Yet Is there instead of ordering out instead of using stamps com them here right wanting animosity yet and then all you expensive, but it is yet well. Actually I mean you can go to these countries and their usually cheaper, and so a lot of these men get remote jobs. and so they go there and they live in these countries, and then they meet these women and the women in the western world is visibly I'd are so pissed off about it. Now, like you're going all these countries. Are these women? Don't even not speak english, they can even read there. So uneducated, and then the men like film themselves with these women and like show themselves on dates and the women are so elegant and they're, so well spoken and they're. So traditional they're, like look at these women like they're, so respectful and kind, and the western women are either sitting on their. You know fresh and fit podcasts or whatever podcast losing their mind over this. We are passport bros, because western women are,
I did not know about that. Yep I made one here, hmm interesting. I mean I I did Maria a woman from abroad. Then she she's been to america since she was twelve still she's israeli jericho, yeah you're, like a reverse passport brown, exactly well, she came here and she got citizenship so kind of even then persuaded had not in her mouth and make that very clear, but the rest of the show He's right now believe it or not. We are going go from this to me talking about the catholic view of lost with Matt Fred, hosting practice the quantity, He'll be joining us momentarily, does a wild show today, if you're, not a member, become member use. Culture code check out for two months, free with our annual bland the
Transcript generated on 2023-08-16.