« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1409 - Why I’m Glad I Fled California


California considers universal healthcare – and doubling its taxes; an LA Times columnist makes the case for mocking unvaxxed Americans who die of covid; and Democrats insist on running against January 6, 2021 in 2022.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
California considers universal health care and doubling its taxes in L, a Columnist makes the case for marking on vexed Americans who die of covered and democratically based on running against January. Sixteen twenty twenty one and two twenty two I mentioned earlier, is the bench Barroso today, show is bound to my express it bbn. I protect my data bbn, so should you is Express Vivian's outcome, I should then we'll get to all the news in just one moment. First years reminder: inflation is currently at forty. Your highs. This may be a great time to think about diversifying see. Here is the thing historically like throughout history people valued goal goal has never been worth zero. There's a reason that leprechauns hide it. At the end of three, but they're, not hiding government bonds at the end of the rainbow, because you make it to the end of the rainbow and inflation has eaten away. The value of the pot at the end of the rainbow, so if you are interested in precludes gold or any other type of precious metals, the hedge against inflation and uncertainty. You should be
checking out birch gold. Today, right now, inflation rates are higher than the interest on Treasury bonds. So the ever the past of the government or less on its mountain of debt engine of your mortgage had negative interest rate. Would you start paying off? No, you absolutely would not your pain is there gains, will protect your savings right now: hedge against inflation, with gold from birds goal, because the government is sabotaging the value of the United States dollar in its only going to get worse overtime, it's been two. Ninety eight ninety. Ninety I get a free information can on goal and when you buy before the end of month Brcko send you a copy of my newest book, your Terry Moment text Benjamin nine thousand. Eight hundred and ninety eight get your free information kit right now, today, text Benji, nine thousand, eight hundred and ninety eight ninety eight to get started already. So I have to say that every day that I look at the news from California. I am just delighted by the news and the fact that there are no longer live there, because they just decided in California to go peddled to the metal we're going to destroy the state as fast as humanly possible. According to Katy allayed outcome, Hell you lawmakers on Tuesday will start debating whether to create donations. First, universal Health CARE system
a key measure whether the proposal has the support to pass this year progressing have tried for years to create a gun funded universal health care system to replace the one that relies on private insurance borders, the woman we rejected a ninety ninety four ballad initiative. It would have created a universal health care system, another attempt past the states in two thousand seventeen, but it died in state assembly because there is no funding plan attached to it. Busier demo and the state assembling California, where Democrats have a super majority, have failed to build one that would create the universal care system and set its rule. The other would lay out how to pay for everything by raising taxes on code, some wealthier, individuals and larger businesses, as we will see they mean we're to raise taxes Secondly, on pretty much everyone and destroy all business in the states, we can pay for the health care for illegal immigrants which really We are talking about in the state of California because Reality is that poverty stricken Californians were american citizens are still alive. for things like medicate illegal immigrants are not eligible for things like medicate, however, California now wishes to extend cortical universal health care to everyone. Now there are other states
experimented with this sort of stuff in the past, for example, Vermont pride universal of their years ago. Right the Bernie Sanders Attempt Vermont tried you healthcare reform they created state level single pair healthcare system into them and eleven. I two thousand fourteen said we can't do this anymore within three years. There are like yeah. This doesn't work. We can't pay for any of this. I was in Vermont, which has seven people and an elm so think about California, which has a population of forty million people and they are not talking about providing universal health care. What that means is that their either going to have to pursue rationing or they are going to pursue massively higher taxes or both as well first for healthcare means and the state of California, because right now, and under supply of medical care in the state of California. It there's an supplied in over demand means you either have to jog the supply by pay. Doctors, a lot of money or you have to. Artificially lower than man by rationing care, those are the only two things that you can do in order to make supply meet demands at the governmental level the bill is getting
hearing on Tuesday, before the Assembly Health Committee Work, chair, Jim, what a Democrat from Santa Rosa has already said, how vote for it? Because the proposal introduced last year. It has to pass the state assembly by the end of January to have a chance. becoming law this year, universal health. There has been debated for decades in the United States, stay law makers in Vermont, of course, as I say, tried, and fail to implement their own universal health care system, New York considered than there like, Nab California, petals of the metal, stupid supporters and If, when you are adopting a divide and conquer strategy this year, they are trying to say rate the idea of universal healthcare system from how to pay for it, because the method, the Californians realise what exactly they would have. To pay in order to ensure an illegal and just go to the emergency room and claw but the emergency room was they realize cost is on that they're like yeah, not so sure we're into this universal health care thing assembly. An cholera Democrat from San Jose and the author of both proposal says we can debate the policy, If someone says how are you gonna pay for a while? Those are two different issues now, by the way this house emigrates- it's just, I will,
to do this giant costly thing and how do you pay for it accords What's our two completely separate issues, no other area of life. Does anyone think like this? If you say, Your spouse today, sweetheart I really want to abrogating. I mean that is a nice said, we'll our Lamborghini today in your wife's as well power gonna pay for that we can afford. That's supper issues, guys elaborate, guinea is supervised and, as for for where the discussion a little bit later. This is how you, bankrupt yourself, say bankrupt state as well as If we can agree on a policy and get their policy passed, then it becomes more real and are actually telling the voters what their voting for that's really important. In other words, you lead with dependency, and then you tax everybody in order to pay for the new free, newly created dependency assembly republican leader, Mary Waldron, said. I may help in health committee for its very robust discussion on the impact and socialized medicine in California, including how much taxes will increase on the middle class. A plan for Universal Universal Healthcare requires at least eight
Third vote in both houses of the state legislature. After that, the voters have to approve in a state white election democratic, large majorities in all of them to support it, Tax increases will be difficult. The caliph taxpayers associations, as it would raise taxes by one hundred and sixty three billion dollars per year. On This is an individual but the numbers and mean a lot of people, because we talk about billions and trojans. None of these numbers mean anything. So what exactly? So? What exactly do you think the the tax rates mean well national view, as a good run down on what exactly the the tax rates are supposed to mean them in is basically the end of the world you'll get that in just one second. First, let's talk about the simple fact that someone were to happen to you- need me for their families taking care of. Let's say you and your wife, you bear a child in this child is very special child. This is the kind of child, Who could theoretically change the world and suddenly a note.
this man appears from nowhere in search trying to kill your child's you step in front of their noses man's fire, and you take the hit. Your son is scarred across his forehead. You perish in the flames, Don't you know that your son, he might have been better off just a little bit if you'd actually bothered to get life insurance? so having to live under the stairs at like a terrible uncles house. Instead, you theoretically could he's gotten some life insurance and put him in a much better financial position. This is why you should have handed over to policy genius dotcom, Slash Shapiro, to answer a few questions about yourself image. work out how much life insurance coverage you need and compare personalized once you find your best price, you could see fifty and or more life insurance by comparing quotes with balls. You genius their licence exports We understand your options and apply for a policy. The policy industry more for you, not the insurance companies. You can trust them to offer unbiased helping advocate. Are you at every step until you are covered I'll, see genius not at on extra fees, don't sell your information at their parties. If thousands, via our view,
across Google Andrews pilot. Since twenty fourteen miles genius of over thirty million people shop for insurance and placed two hundred and twenty billion dollars and coverage had an over to policy genius calm, slash, arrogate your free life insurance quotes, see how much you could that policy genius, dotcom, Slash, Shapiro, ok, so California, according to the tax on is considering doubling its taxes, doubling it according to jerk walls, writing for the tax I proposed constitutional amendment in California increase taxes by twelve thousand too. Fifty dollars per household, roughly bring the states already high collections to fund that single pair healthcare system. The tough marginal rate on wage income would sort to eight ten percent. you just to be clear. That means that if you're making above say five hundred thousand dollars instead of California, you hang in eight thirteen percent income rate on every dollar you earn above them are. That means that indulgent about them are pay that plus the what is a thirty six percent top federal tax rate
So fifty four sends out of every dollar you make above a certain point, goes to the governor that doesn't include any of the other taxes so much more like fifty sense out of every dollar going to a government of some kind by way nationally. the medium term marginal rate is five point: three percent. You wonder why people like me when California, for Florida or as a zero percent state ass rebuttal, I told my wife when we left at that when we left Tom Marginal Tax, reinstating health warnings about thirteen percent set within three years, will be twenty she's like now. Yes, yes, within three years, it will be twenty, because the left cannot abide the idea that rich people not paying for every single thing that they could ever possibly want. Hillocks boiled children by the way that not the only tax increase the California is currently contemplating. The state also wants to adopt a two point: three percent growth receipts at any rate of more than three times that of the country's highest current pure Georgi,
what exactly is a gross foresee tax. A grocer see tat means any dollar that your business received will now be taxed at two point: three percent, instead of California it what makes this weird. Well, let's say the your business makes ten million dollars this year, but your cross, our twelve million dollars yours, you're actually running in the red you're, not a profitable business according to the state of California, you're still going to have to drop point. Three percent of your gross receipts three percent. We are gross receipts into the state tax covered a couple hundred thousand dollars. Even though your already running twenty percent below margin. Your entire profit margin is gonna for profitable and you're, not profitable paying on top two point: three percent just to operate. The new taxes would take three forms, Sir taxes atop, the current individual income tax rupture beginning at a hundred and forty nine thousand dollars in income a graduated rate, payroll tax system with the top right kicking in for employees, with more than forty, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars an annual income gross receipts tax of two point: three percent
the way? How bizarre is this bill? This bill is sold our that if we have fifty employees, then you have to pay more in terms of peril tax, you're, forty, nine employees, you don't have to pay more apparel tax. What this means if you are paying your fiftieth, employing a little, but under fifty thousand dollars a year. You would never higher that person, because they're gonna cost you by ninety thousand dollars a year there to say the currently payroll taxes for purposes other than funding their unemployment insurance system and ass There's a recently adopted peril tax of zero point: six, eight percent its dropped at that stage, five point: zero percent: individual income tax in Nevada isn't one point: five percent on payroll tax, and I they add that to there Income Tax Washington about have an income tax. California, Jose Peril tax of up to two point: five percent atop, an individual income tax that already has marginal rate of thirteen point three percent and they want a job that eighteen percent. This is insane says I say the peril tax exempt employers with fewer than fifty didn't employees on two things
businesses for expanding and creating a meaningful tax cliff imagine, for instance, the overly simplified hypothetical of a company with forty nine employees making eighty grand each at forty nine he's the company has no peril tax burden It will hear one additional employee generated bill of ninety grin more than the employees and higher salary, a grocer needs answered in a dry business out of state. None of this is shocking is just in saying it's ITALY totally insane again. Atop tax bracket in a state of California, with kids at eighteen percent tax record kickin about two point: four million dollars, but if you're making above say two hundred and ninety nine thousand are actually a hundred fifty thousand dollars and the state of California. Under the new plan used he'll, be paying twelve percent income tax in the state of California. not a ton of money on an fifty thousand dollars and ask for a couple by the way it's not for a single. So all of this is crazy account for Is going to pursue it and then their shocked when we believe CM she pointed out yesterday, you can see just from the sun
It's how Americans are leaving high tax rates for low tax age because it turns out people are economic actors. We ve heard the attic those now the actual numbers more than six hundred thousand believing New York in California for lower tax states during the pandemic. That's, according to census, data Californy lost Three hundred thousand residents between April two thousand and twenty and July two thousand and twenty one New York lost a net three hundred and sixty five thousand people about two percent of its total population of the biggest winners, not surprisingly, were Texas and Florida, which have, of course, no eco taxes, taxes gaining three hundred eighty two thousand Florida, adding two hundred and forty three thousand. People move for many reasons: lower housing prices, lower cost of living with remote work. Their families- maybe there, but there is a continued ship from high tax to low tax states, so: keep it up, keep sending a revenue down to us here in Florida we are more than happy to take. It just leave your full crap politics,
where they were. When you call that means you, Facebook, apparently facebooks parent company, met has no sign the largest ever lease in downtown Austin, according to Fox business. To tell us tower in taxes. Stolen reconstruction will soon be home to met a platform. Sets the parent company a facebook which a surprise silicon he is relocating to Austin, Nashville and Florida and everywhere else, Miami becoming a financial hub use every he's getting the hell out of California and New York and by the way, along with these universal healthcare proposals. there's some social proposals that are going to come into play, etc: Now, though, in California provides going called universal health care to everyone, it's gonna come along with the social values California is famous for you can't. You guys is happening in Washington state. Our friend Jason ran over seven seventy Katy g H, my north West outcome points out. The Washington state now appears to allow minors to undergo if change engender reassignment surgery without parental consent under a new law, health insurers must cover gender affirming care, including surgical treatments that were previously to nine coverage. Democrats rejected a proposal,
apply the new law to patients over eighteen years. Old the children as young as thirteen years old can make the health care decision two hundred gender reassignment surgery without parental consent. And insurers are forced to cover it. If you don't think going to happen in California when they have cortical universal health care run by the state and they sent get rid of private insurers altogether, which is what you swore to have to do. Your argument, that's exactly they are going to do, and then they wonder why the rush continues to read Stato. You know what more of this more of this. I am in favour of federalism. And I- and I am very much in favour of California burning itself out, so we can take all their productive citizens. I was one of the active citizens of California, all my life, and now I took my with a hundred and fifty employees, we put it national together Please came down South Florida and let me tell you everything happier everybody's wealthier, because that is the way that incentive structures work. But what is the left left with but their left with is an unknown sense of moral superiority. That's what it comes down to injustice. Second, we'll get you perhaps the greatest
Couple of hundred moral superiority in print I'd seen during this entire covered pandemic. First, let's talk about the second amendment, Like me, and many Americans are, you believe, you're right tone, firearms and twenty twenty one or more. Three million new gun owners in the United States- is Americans acquire firearms were riding reasons including hunting or shooting sports. Forty two percent- households in the United States have a firearm for all donors. Using a suppressor is a must. It protects your hearing does it suppresses? The sound of the firearm suppressor are also protected me hearing of those around you, because they too are impacted by the sound of a gunshot. Another benefit is that shooting with Asia are improves your accuracy by minimizing recoil. My friends in silence or shop, Arthur Industry, leader force, oppressors area, Texas, based company. They make silencer ownership simplified. Each call, email DM comment: they treat you like family, their customer views are often there is reason to entrust pilot silence. Her shop hasn't drinking a four point: nine out of five stars patient over twenty three thousand reviews, their legal and forty three states? the easiest way to get yours is the silence or shop. If your new to shoot suppressed sounds shop, has chaos that makes the end of a process very easy
Over twelve hundred of these devices throughout the country can locate them its islands or shop can be in and out in less than ten minutes in America, it's the right of people to keep their arms where to get yours, go to silence or shop right now. The variety of suppressor starting interest, three hundred sixty five bucks check out silence or shop, silence or ownership simplified, not available in Calibre Delaware, District of Columbia, hawaiian webmasters, its New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island already, so on unmoral superiority, is all that the left has left and right now they are getting high on their own farts with regard to cover is a here, is the thing about Covet were all getting it. I'm a colonel. Had everyone crippled axed doubled axed quadruple. That's your all getting it. The reason is because It is not going to prevent transmission again. The CDC announced this yesterday. If you said that before the CDC did it would ban you from Youtube. But now we shall ones gives at its I'm allowed to say, because that's the way, our region Leslie, censorious and tyrannical social media apps work, if the government as it now I'm allowed to set the gunman doesn't say it. I'm not allowed to say it, but though the left must,
to its sense of moral superiority over the vaccine. Here's the thing I've been saying all alone. I think that if you are vulnerable, you should get the facts I it in virtually all cases, people above the they deem have higher risk factors from carbon than they do from the vaccine. Samuel. Probably get the vaccine again. I am double that's my wife is triple that's. My parents are tripled act, so I made a van vaccine that does not mean that if you choose not to get backdated, I'm rooting openly for your death, and yet that is exactly what Some people on the left are doing because it makes them feel superior. It makes them feel as though, entire pandemic can be blamed on you, as on their own stupid decisions. I would make the point vaccines are available, which was February March of this year. Now we all get to make our own decisions and you everybody else alone. The left can't let go of that, because if they were to let go of it then they might be admitting perhaps freedom is a better solution and governments yearning
the government is incapable of fulfilling promises. Left believes it can make. The left believes the Universal Healthcare means that everybody is healthy and if not, what that means it check out the ages in Britain, that is not what it means. The left believes, The government promises can keep you safe from an epidemic virus means it can keep. You say from an epidemic virus that is not true, and so now, if and someone else to blame, it's not the government or the Euro, the UN backed now again, if you because you are unbalanced. I think that you have made a generally poor decision, because the bat, in does prevent hospitalization and death in large measure. It's not as effective, as was ten months ago. That's why some people are getting boosted, but it does create Cecil. be cell immunity, and that is a very good thing. However, Does anyone should anyone be laughing at those were on Baxter? good! I don't even know why their backs, maybe they're, invest because they had natural immunity. Maybe they die from a complicating condition, but according to Michael Helsinki, a business column? for the allay times.
Mocking Anti Baxter's covered debts is ghoulish yes, but may be necessary that by the way is not the html address at the top of the column. the aid shell, the top column is: why should we dance on the graves of anti dancers answer is because it makes crappy, human being, I don't dance it the great people who are obese, who die of heart attacks, What why you dance and have anybody's grave, because they the health condition that's absurd, but for the left need the interval. left apparently thinks this is okay, so Michael Homesick says, among all the ways, the combination of ex our lives. The pandemic confronts us the profound moral dilemma. How should we react the deaths of the investigative I've question: why is that profound world? Well It seems like a pretty easy moral dilemma. We should be sad when people die of health conditions, generally speaking, we should be sad meant. I honestly, I see no distinction morally between people who are saying, like Michael Wholesale the EU should be celebrating the death of the invalidated.
beyond the nineteen eighties, we're saying that if someone died of AIDS is probably because they deserved it, both are crappy mobile statuses. I dont understand, on the one hand, is Michael held sick Homework of civilized thought is the sense that every is pressures on the other. Those who have deliberately fly did sober medical advice by refusing vaccine known reduced the risk of serious disease from the virus, including the risk to others and end up in the hospital or the grave can be viewed. Is receiving their just desserts. one of those who not only refused a vaccine for themselves, but publicly advocate that others do so. As you can comment on line and in social media for backing and as that advocates to become the target of ridicule, after they come down with cover nineteen and especially if they die from it. Witness the sub read at her Cain Award, which Lily move barrel of identified in September and squatted a site for heartless an unrepentant schadenfreude Freud, his name for the four republican candidate for president, who became one of the first political mode. was to succumb to the disease after publicly defying social distancing measures, but wait a second. I thought it. Herman Kane
was there. Any information that Herman came was on backs. clear on that, will have to check that out. I'm pretty sure that that the question Herman Kane, was about social distancing, and social distancing as it turns out it kind of made up an arbitrary when it comes to that six foot rules, particularly like the CDC admits that the issue of to think about the deaths of the ambassador has been thrown into high relieve locally by the case of Kelly earning a prominent or Chauncey Republican and deputy district attorney, who advocated against vaccine mandates and covered around New year's day on vaccinated. So I have a question: isn't there a difference green, advocating against actually mandates in advocating against accidents there here here from the left is that we have to expand the deafening demands. I've actually mean, if I don't think you should be forced to get the vaccine is means, I'm anti gas, which is crazy. As Michael Health check, I have a different take to begin with. What stipulate did not all people on vat recovery? like some a remain non vaccinated, religion for medical reasons, so may legitimately face obstacles and getting to a vaccination site. Others may review the vaccine, because they ve been deceived. Finally,
There are those who voiced public opposition to the vaccines All of them are undoubtedly needed themselves, some of couch their opposition in policy terms. And fell into that category. She asserted opposition, not vaccines as such, but to vaccination mandates. She said I Think the government should be involved in mandating what vaccines that people are taking, that town hall, We did the pandemic, but only made clear for opposition extended to cover vaccines. In August, you posted a statement on her Facebook page supporting Huntington, be firefighters, we're opposing of acts mandate. The vaccine is not you're too covered and manage what work she wrote. A managed have now worked and Seen is not in fact a cure to cover that she's she's, not wrong about that. The vaccine is pro then have against hospitalization and death in large measure, doesn't mean it ain't gonna hold dear. It should be Clear that opposing backs mandates as a substitute for opposing vaccination itself is a fundamentally incoherent position, says Michael Healthy. It's a little more than a garden variety small government republican ideology, that's what it was. in all these hands.
contrary to earn these assertions, mandates Jouar, wobble bubble of was the bottom line. Is he's not actually saying that if you do on backed that's bad using it pose any elements? My agenda, you deserve to die, which is really crazy, he's a mockery not necessarily the wrong reaction to those who publicly marked and common measures and encourage others to follow suit before they perished of the disease. The dangers which they ve little by little, the dangers of covered in order recognise that government crackdowns The over broad blunderbuss instruments that are vital, of american freedoms is wrongs is Michael held? Six deny them our sympathy and solicitude, or makes it's. No minarets are marked. They'd stood fast, Hence, measures demanded protecting themselves and others from the fate they succumb to here is the problem of Mccrone is coming Vallejo, but the left can't let it go learn. More superiority is the name of the game, and it's more of that in just one. Second, first Let's talk about getting your mortgage refinance so you're paying much your mortgage right now. If you haven't, we finance in the last couple of years is the rates are really really low timing? The market can be a danger.
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superiority based in fiction. So, for example, sunny hoskin of the view who, that their sort of a running battle on the view as to who is the stupidest person on the view that there are a lot of not predict Brad people on a sunny lost and, in my view, is the worst of the people of you. She is just awful. She repeatedly repeats things that are untrue. She just says things straight out there, a flat out is there. She was yesterday trying to defend Justice Sonya so to me, oars bizarre assertion that a hundred thousand children were in the hospital thanks to call it he's totally crazy? The actual members like thirty five hundred and most of them are totally Many of them are in the hospital with a broken leg uncovered they're, not in the hospital forgot that there is any hostile trying to make the Is it Sonya? So tomorrow is correct that the left you get it gets you crammed downward for policy they want on you based on pure fiction. She may not be accurate for current hospitalizations in children. She is correct that we have more children in the hospital are now more than ever before.
and it certainly reflects the current cases in children. Right now we have eighty two thousand. Eight hundred and forty Three children, a sick with with covered more than a thousand children have died from the virus. In addition, about seven point, eight million children have court covert since dependent started an end, so so that that those are just just the number. And so on. Welfare than eighty three thousand kids have been hospitalized with the virus. We have kids sick with over more than we ever have before, and so that's a real thing in those are real numbers. Ok I certainly did not cite real numbers and by the way, the current case, the current south count for kids under the age of eighteen, means below seven hundred for two years of pandemic, and new studies suggest that four kids hospitalized in the age of twelve and seventeen sixty six percent of them are obese. Again underlying conditions that contribute to weather? you're going to die of called it According to the CDC itself quote
cover. Nineteen was the only cause mentioned on the desert, have get for about five percent of deaths for debts with can or causes, in addition to cover nineteen on average. There are four points RO additional conditions or causes per death, according to the CDC, so I again they need for panic, stricken notions and left are designed to suggest that you tat, if you oppose them, which is why they get, there is case any more for the Bush administration pushing forward with advanced mandate. Almost total killed it entire basis for the employer. Rats mandate was that you have to stop the spreading workplace, but are not stopping the spread. Everyone is getting autocrat Now you on an individual level, as I've said, when I say it again, you on an individual level. above the age of eighteen enchanters at the and get seriously ill or die from covered are still better chances you're going to get seriously ill or die from the vaccine absence some sort of we're getting factor? Which is? Why should talk your doctor,
we'll probably recommending advantage in it? But that does not mean that the federal government has the power, through OSHA, of all things, to mandate that you get a vaccine. dominantly geared to protecting you not for protecting others. Nonetheless, the bulk of the binding vaccine mandate has now taken effect according to the Wall Street Journal as general. All employers of more than a hundred employees must have a procedure in place to ensure employees are vaccinated and keep track of workers. Vaccination status. Employers must also back when their workers are infected and keep those who test positive, a wave work workers we're not vaccinated. where a mask well indoors, labour. carbon in December employers an extra month required the non vaccinated employees take weekly nightclub nineteen test that into effect February neither the rope was that eighty four million workers we are still awaiting the outcome of the Supreme Court case that was heard on Friday. Meanwhile, we by demonstrations continues to maintain that people will die. That mandate is struck down. Need some evidence to people going to dive. That mandate is struck down even the fact than ever,
One is associating outside of work. Also you people The only place you ever see. Anybody else is inside work, and that and that the bank's mandate inside work is going to stop transmission, which of course, very silly Asia, just Secretary Xavier Bassorah. Hopefully the plant is at this, The court will recognise that the federal government by the ministry has the authority to require these. Since we know they work, they save lives. We prove it here at age, Hs with eighty thousand workers new The a hundred per cent of our workers are vaccinated already, and it is important if they don't well. I think that beyond our conscience. I I think, there's some clear authority legal authority for us to move forward, as we have proposed both for the private sector workforce and for Health CARE Workforce, and we understand that if we don't get people vaccinated and covered this way, people will die and if your health care worker for sure
I have a more basic ever more basic question Europe and more basic question here. Is if everybody is going to get COMECON anyway. Why are we actually attempting to prevent the spread of this serious question. We should think it through. Logically, if the argument is that you should get vaccinated, I general agree for the third time in this particular episode. I totally agree that, however, if Amr Crime is making its way around, Why should we be attempting to shield you from getting Amr all given the fact that there could future variants that are significantly more gently- I Delta more deadly than AMO, as in like three to four times more deadly and I was just wait out there and take the chance that you will be able to avoid this disease forever or maybe you're right. I'm getting a mild version of the disease they promised wanting and his wife a poor around the Swami was a doktor. They have a p Today in the Wall Street Journal titled slow, this red speeding, it may be safer. Mccrone bearing to spreading across the globe, but so far the strain appears to be less heavily than its predecessors. That's good news! There is a risk that policy makers every country should appreciate
he's designed to slow? The spread of endocrine may end up creating a super variants that is more infectious, more very went more resistance, vaccines, which would be a man made disaster to minimize as policymakers must tolerate the rapid spread of mild experience. This will require difficult trader. but I will save lives in the long run. We should end ass mandates and social distancing in settings, not because they dont slow. This bread usual argument against such it was because they probably do so either way. You probably should engaging in these sorts of measures says rum is what to say the Roma swamis neither scrapped if they don't slowed, spread and there's no reason for them if they do slow. The spread, then, what exactly are you waiting for for a new variant. That's going to come even milder because that's taking an awful chance, considering the comecon significantly rather than Delta in the first place, by the way, the number of cases one point, five million cases in the United States per day. At this point, let me just point out that way too. Well, that is way too. Oh, I know a lot of people have not. Positive recovery will almost certainly have covered, and that does not mean that there,
there are telling everybody just means: everybody's get no micron. So you see the romish want me to understand. Why first consider an important scientific distinction between antigen drift and energetic shit. antigens or molecule such despite protein of Sars cover to an immune system. The taxes for it Immune system, then mounds responds Antigen adrift describes the process by which a single point mutation randomly occurs during the viral replication process. The result is minor alterations to antigens like despite protein, if applied, mutation, makes the virus less likely to survive at varying. Actually dies off, but if the mutation can an incremental survival advantage, say the ability, spread more quickly from one state to another, framing, who is more likely to spread through the population antigen drift is a gradual, varying process. A single point. Mutation alters one peptide or building block of larger protein so the against prior strange centrally enjoy these partial immunity against drifted variants. The cross protection. each time. An immune houses exposed was slightly differently as you gonna variants. Those can tweak its meaning funds without becoming severely ill
and the more similar the new strain is last version, less risky that Spain will be to the host. By contrast, antigen shift We just quantum leap from one gin or set of antigens for very different antigen new viral strains such as those the jump one species to another tend to emerge from aunt. Janet chef. The biological caused events agenda shift our often different from those of drift. For example, the physical swap Sections of the genome leads to more significant changes to borrow genes than those caused by individual point mutations, but there's a sore at ease paradox. How many unique point mutations collectively constitute transgenic, especially when human rights are deprived of opportunities to update their immune response. to drift variants. Here's the gate, accident in the natural people can prevent their immune response to new viral strange but created by antigen adrift, but so distancing and masking increase the risk of vaccine. Distant strains from angelic shift minimizing fortunately for the vaccinated, unnatural immune to
Their immune response is through periodic exposures to incrementally drifted variants, so to simplify. What they are saying is that there are new variant if slate. agents. If your exposed to these new variant, your body by if you're, never exposed new- and this means after several changes. you're gonna get a variant that is so different from the original there in your body doesn't know how to fight it off. So maybe we should stop folks and preventing transmission, and we should start focusing. As always, I'd, hospitalization and death, and if those we remain low and if we ever acting and shielding most vulnerable there's not much else that we should be doing say. There are One is the absolute risk of more virulent strain of Sars college. Who is low? That's because viruses hear more about propagating themselves than about killing those? Most viruses evolves become more infectious virulent, but that's only a rule of thumb, not a biological law. Managing social distancing measures will have created fertile ground for new variants that evade vaccination even more effectively significant, as shift make
create new strains that are increasingly difficult to target with vaccines at all. There no vaccines for many viruses spy decades of efforts to develop them. By the way you can see how this is true from that stands in South Africa and the deaths debts in Sweden South Africa had very little vaccination, but everyone got delta and then, when autocrat, no one died, Sweden had a shield and protect strategy for the elderly and vulnerable and then arose it is logical that their life's a lotta people got delta. Now a lot of people died. and now they had the best twenty twenty one of pretty much any country on the planet, because everybody in Sweden was was already immune to the virus, I lay I'm seeing headlines about Sweden re walking down by lockdown. Sweden means the shutting the restaurants at eleven p m. When you know shut your restaurants, guys bending down and walked down the money by the way, all of the all the outsize panic, the hospitals are being overwhelms. We're out we're all going to die. This ass demonstrate that this actually is not true. Phil carbon was on top of this stuff. On twitter. He put out a charge
menstruating what the hospitalizations look like it, basically hospitalizations total staffed impatient beds fairly, even and have been since number of twenty twenty and, as you will see, there's an increase in the number of confirmed covered patients. But there is really not a massive increase in the number of impatient bed used. It's been pretty stable all the way through the pandemic, so that this belief that we are in the midst of a massive hospital shortage. If it is that's only because, Biden backs mandates of basically driven healthcare workers out of the business. According to the Wall Street Journal, rising numbers of nurses and other critical healthcare workers are calling in sick across the United States due to cover nineteen, forcing hospitals to cut carbon city, just as the article on various sends the more patients hospitals are leading beds empty because the facade, please don't have enough staffers ably care for the patients. Staff short has prompted Mass General Brigham Hospital in Boston, keep eighty three beds empty on Friday, so I said
vaccination is rigged up and down by media matters, that the Biden backs mandates and the attempt to tat all of your health care employees leading to less healthcare, which is leading to less capacity. That happens to be absolutely true, limiting passenger as a last resort for hospitals, doctrine, healthcare, official, say the facilities to it, to preserve peace we care and saved you from her impatience, but means people in limbo, in emergency rooms making ambulances. Weight and postponing treatment for cancer, heart disease and other conditions also prevent transfer, of a very, very mild variants of covert is pretty. Starting stuff. in the federal government's response is completely confused and confusing, by the way the visor CEO is admitting that the two cove advancing doses according court? Not enough for immigrants when you mean by that, is that they are not preventing infection which we already Real world data from the UK has found that you vaccine doses, are fifty two percent effective in preventing hospitalization twenty five weeks after receiving it, Second shot
adviser. Monotonous vaccines are only about ten percent effective in preventing infection from arm around twenty weeks after the second does so, basically, you're gonna get it every day. Not me near London I hear is here: is the head of adviser announcing that everyone's gang infected? Basically the two doses of action, offer very limited protection, anything in the three dollars with a bush them they offer region. no protection against the delegation and deaths and give their setting very good and the less protection again the infection, So again, the federal government respond here is a complete mess. Yes, Peter juicy. Astern sought you guys keepsakes depend amicably and backs needed. I've noticed that dumb everyone is getting this, including you were triple backs higher sailor. The size says the vaccines prevent them honourable best select over here. well still got filled with life.
And still referring to this endemic I'll, be back and she said well, you know, because the non vaccinated are the ones who are going, the hospital which is true, but that does not change. The fact that the infections are being carried forward by everyone really already in just one second, we'll get to the bottom ministrations response to all of us which has throw your hands and start talking about election law or something like that. Just one moment. First, I'm thrilled to announce incredible app at everyone who buys gas needs to know about get upside. My listeners are making up to twenty five for every gallon gas every time they fill up just Elmo, that free get upside happening after or Google play right now. Use promo code, Shapiro, in about twenty five cents per gallon under first, though, up it's up to fifty cents. Cash back do not pay full price at the pump anymore. Get cash back using get upside just download it for free use, Promo code Shapiro to get up to fifty cents per gallon cash back. the very first I guess some people who travel on are making as much as two to three hundred bucks a month in cash back. There is no catch. The cash back, its added directly to your account in cash out any time
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here too, have on board. The book is available for pre order right now at Amazon, so reserve your copy. Today, in listening to the largest fastest, conservative Pakistan. Radio show in the nation. Well, Joe Biden, Ministration is on the rocks. They ve got no in of new cases of alma crime? They have no way of handling it because they box themselves in an John inflation continues to be so bad that even the Washington Post at its oral borders guys. What are you talking about the Washington Post Editorial Board today Quote present. Is facing mounting criticism for inflation rise to its level since nineteen eighty, two, unfortunately, the White House, later responses to blame, greedy businesses, economists across the board, The spectrum are rightly calling out the White House for this foolishness even within the White House. Our questioning this approach, the reports inflation, which is relatively low for debt AIDS, did not suddenly rise in recent months, because business It decided now was their ideal time time squeeze their customers. What actually happened is the demands
many products as the economy recovered. Often there are not enough progress to meet it surprised many consumers buying goods like cars and washing machines, even at higher prices. what the White House is really struggling with an inflation messaging problem, visuals initial insistence that higher prices would be short lived lot. Patient has now been about five percent since June realities best tool. The nation has to fight inflation. Is the Federal reserve raising interest rates, but the fat operating penalties. The more it Biden could help we announcing his nominees for the three seats on there is general reserves, a board of governors, they're saying that we should destroy the Federal Reserve's independence in order to save Joe Biden, but what they really the Joe, is incredibly down at this jobs. What this means is that Joe Biden, has to rely on a secondary message for twenty twenty two, and so do the Democrats. That secondary message is Republicans our try, stymie the boat. It is all crazy, don't if going to crazy first of all more Oh Christ voted in the last election cycle than in any election cycle in american history, and it is not closed. Turn out rates were extraordinary.
Joe Biden one eighty one million votes. It does our big numbers. If there is a lot, stifling going on. There is no evidence that there is stifling going on. There is less evident at peace, being kept from voting in the United States and the people. Are engaging in widespread voter fraud. Less evidence is, all the people, unless you keep saying that Donald Trump is propagating, the big lie by talking that electoral fraud in the end, the notion that he won the twenty twenty election, aided him bigger lie when you suggest that there are millions of people being disenfranchised at the ballot box, and it's just that It is not true at all, and yet this is what we are relying upon, so and he blowsy those the furthest Youtube we make the argument that conservatives Republicans they ought to be treated like terrorist, He says generous X, the terror attacks and then so says that Republicans the states are pursuing voter verification methods they are Just a continuation of the terror attacks of generous, basically you're, all terrorist- I do have to note here- whoever is doing Nancy blows. He's botox needs to be stopped
Someone needs to be stopped here. She's gone for Jack, nickel Joker fell directly into the vat of toxic waste. I don't know what's going on here. Those of us who suffer from a Emily receding, hairline I've never seen before receiving eyebrows. That is a new one her eyebrows are literally receding all the way up her face, he started just above her eyes, and now they are halfway up her forehead and if she continues in this manner, her eyebrows will eventually be all the way at the back of her head, walking you'll just your eyebrows wiggling all the way up. Here I don't know what's going like these are the people who run our country here. Nancy policy. Crazy Nancy Pelosi looks like a marionette and were EDGAR Bergen Marionette talking about how You are basically a terrorist if you support, vote, ready, there's nothing more important for us to do then protect our constitution and our democracy with a republic so do I across the country, is really
slave continue continuation of what they did on January six, which is to undermine our democracy it's a legislative continuation of January six undermining democracy is line so that The wandering carrying twenty twenty two good luck. With this, you got bad inflation got bad covered policy. You got under employment because none People are getting back into the labour force. You have a complete veiled foreign policy and Nancy Posies Pit, is that everybody who pushing voter idea in states like Georgia was coming in January. Sex. Really good luck with this, running out matching waters to back this, my goodness, you guys have a very, very weak it's yours matching waters doing the same thing last night. This is not something that they have any real issues about relative to how the system is working with this is that, on the other, this is about racism. This is about exclusion. This is about that warning as to be able to participate.
and the policies that govern this country is now racism and exclusion, and and also you should confront people you don't like in parking, lots and scream Adam I will admit that that I was not expecting the John Lennon Nineteen he style. Satellite German was dead by that point, but if he had blown up those sunglasses, the crazy sunglasses amid and very large then put them down on Maxine waters. Out of luck as his great by the way, try trucks you were trying to force. A vote on the filibuster exist desperate. They are he's not demonstrating. Zoning competence is demonstrating. What goes competence? The Senator Mitchell. Leader is going to try to vote on the philosopher and see if Kristen Cinema in Arizona and romantic are going to kill the filibuster on behalf of voting rights. Velvet does not have majority support, good luck with that and then what do you know? My lord is widening the claim what Schuman and claim didn't obstructed by Republicans when I can't even get his own Democrats on board ships.
So that they are so incompetent and they're, so boxed in twenty twenty two is gonna, be so ugly for them until they are left merely with dream of universal health care, and I hatred for those you don't think like them. If atropatia you're gonna get skunk come November, Alright, we'll be back later today, as an additional hour of content coming up soon is the matter showed here's one thirty pm Eastern is sure to check it out for a daily Werner com. I mention here this is the bench Barroso. enjoyed, this episode, dont forget to subscribe to the shop, help spread the word about them the bureau shall, by giving us a five star of you, ensuring the show with friend were available on Apple podcast, Spotify Youtube or wherever you get. Your partner and be sure to check out some of our other daily worshipped, the bench show is produced by Elliot, felt, exact producer, Jeremy boring our Superman, in producer is math is clever and our production manager is, but why Daphne Associate Sir Bradford Carrington is by Adam silence. Audio is meant by Michael Romena here and make up is by fabulous, Christina Production Assistant,
programmes the bench of Euro Show is a daily wire production. Copyright daily. Why, or twenty twenty two and that will show we talk about the things that matter real issues that affect you, your family or country, not just politics, but culture, faith, current events, all the fundamentals, if they matter to you, can check out the show.
Transcript generated on 2022-01-11.