« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1370 - Kyle Rittenhouse Shouldn’t Even Be On Trial


Joe Biden rolls out his vaccine mandate; Democrats struggle for answers after the Virginia election nightmare; and the prosecution’s case against Kyle Rittenhouse simply does not exist.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden rules out. His vaccine mandate, democrat struggle for answers after the Virginia election nightmare and the prosecutions begins. Kyle written has simply does not exist. I mention services, the bench bureau, eventually Russia Sponsor may express. It depends on like big taken. The government's spying on you visit, Express, vps dot com. Slash ban will get all the news in just one moment. First, let me just tell you I really own. Only one type of t shirt is t shirts from cuts clothing and there Is there a super comfortable and they fit you fantastically well, and they are incredibly durable? I get you don't tend to think a lot about the teachers that you buy because you just turning over what have restored. There is meant by the ten dollar Dietrich. The thing is, the things we scrap, you really should get a really nice t shirt from cuts buzzing. They don't just do tee shirts and twenty six in cuts founders, Stephen Brayley, felt Boston by his wardrobe. He hated having to compromise in style and comfort, so he decided to do
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and having first order cuts. Clothing, dotcom slash battle with a lot of news and a lot of different areas to get to tonight. Why don't we begin with the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, which is finally open. This, of course, is the trial of the seventeen year old issue seventeen year old at the time, a man who was in Canosa Wisconsin. He was there to help with medical care for people on the ground and also to prevent riders from burning down businesses and burning cars and such and they higher situation, ended with three people shot into people dead. How Rittenhouse has been charge now with murder? There is one problem: there is no case against were announced. There really is no case at all against power in house. They brought about some you're done charge that one is a little more commercial, but a murder case, just it never existed and affected. This was ever brought to trial. Just demonstrates how little our judicial system? Sometimes? Is it demonstrates that if a prosecutor gets it in their head that they must prosecute somebody
godless of the facts on the ground. They will do so even when the case just simply does not exist, and we know that against Rittenhouse doesn't exist because the prosecution yesterday brought forth a bunch of witnesses and they all promptly testified to written his self defense case. It's written houses argument is that he shot the people who were threatening him in self defence and the prosecution really really struggled, because it turns out that we knew from there first day when issues the video footage merged. We knew exactly what was going on in the Rittenhouse case, and it was job people in self defence or, for example, this entire incident, the timeline of the cauldron. Rittenhouse incident started when Rittenhouse essentially was chased it down the street by some people were threatening him. And a gun shot was fired in the air he turned around in there is guy was lunching for him, and so he shot the guy There is video. This is courtesy ABC News, this video That night is the first shooting
a man who police identified as written house runs across the parking lot of an auto service shop, followed by a shortlist man, was later identified as Joseph frozen moments later, shots ring out. Ok, now, now the right there, you heard a shot before the narrator says moments later, shots rang out. They well that first shot was actually not rich. How's those somebody who's chasing him firing a shot the air Rittenhouse running away as Noirtier, where the charts coming from. Then it turns out that rose download. It also turns out, was group criminal is chasing him down. And is wondering for his gun Is that a shooting number one is we move on to shooting number two Rittenhouse is now being chased down the street by a of near, dwells and em physically assaulted in their one incomes at him with a gun issued saccharinity arm. Another person tries to hit him in the face with us border- you should mean kills him. I hear, is that against our media, guys
he falls down and you re done recently tried minimal, skateboard issued he shoots the guy and then there's a guy who approaches and he has a pistol in his hand right the approaching him pistol in his hand, a zone all medicine, video right on controverted, its own video pretty clearly and obviously a case of self defence. The prosecution and argued the written. How started the fight in house essentially insult a guy or tried to initiate conflict with rosenbaum was originally chasing him and the big problem is. It is pretty clear that now it happened and there's FBI inferred, video so turns out the FBI. has eyes on nearly everything happening in the United States. Apparently, we never saw this video until now, and you can see From the video exactly how this one down so You have person of interest, one in person of interest to nanny, see that their having some sort of conversation between the cars
personal interest to start running waiting he's my personal interest, one. So what persecution is attempting to claim. Is that some interest, one whose rosenbaum was confronted by Rittenhouse, but that's not what the testimony of the prosecutions own witnesses said they said that precisely the opposite. So there's a writ witnessed named Ryan Bout and he was again he was called by the prosecution was called by the events and write about says, when testimony Rosenbaum had said earlier that, if he caught and has a lonely would kill him, and that's not the prosecutors called this guy. This is their case, the prosecutors Erika. When I turn round, Rosamond was right there in front of my face, yelling and screaming and said to backup
chill out which problem is a catch, you guys alone in item and kill you, and he said that he'll correct. Did he say that through defended as well, the defendant was there. So, yes, that's the prosecutors, witness what that's not dead. Now again, this is all under the entire solution case? It was undercut by other footage from the evening of, in fact, the prosecutors tragic bar testimony and Barbara actual video of written Helstone before any of this happen, because there's video from the house earlier in the night talking about why he was there in connection with content. In the first place. This is nuts like a guy who went out to shoot some people in middle riot, people are getting injured our job, is to protect this business of my job somebody I'm running in harm's way. Why am I right? Am I making projecting from the psychological?
ray my arm person in the ground. Now we can see that we don't have nonlethal, so you guys are ready to defend the property because we are not. I can ask: can you guys radical earmarked way here. Ok, so then the prosecution and Ngos in this video is trying to help. When the placards, then the the prosecution tries to bring a second was This is again enriching Mcguinness, whose Rapporteur for data collar, who you can see The original video who is following after written, how and rose in bomb as they are running down the street and after a shot, you can see Rich Mcguinness, take off his shirt and try and provisions for medical care for Rosenbaum, and so the prosecutor tries to ask Rich Mcguinness, so he was falling over Rosenbaum one who shot right like you, you just trapped, and then she was wrong we shot by Rittenhouse, but he was shot for for no reason because you just fine over and then written
ass one to he killed. Them has not solved the enrichment us like. While no actually, let me explain the kind caught up to them. I was running a bit faster and so at the time, initially us probably very feet back when the first everybody's first started running, but then, by the time I arrived in the lot fifteen feet and you continue to be behind Mr Rose and bomb at the time that the defendant shot and killed him correct, did alter my trajectory a little that when I saw Mister Rittenhouse turn around and saw Miss Rose, mum plunging for the front portion of the rifle lunging for worthy from portion of the rifle in the process: as to push him and tried to say what, it was falling over and and the witness says. No, he said a few and reach for the weapon. So yeah not not right now, great Bob for
for the prosecution now with media trying to portray. This is, though, is just the sort of a conflict of visions. Socio, presses, jurors, heard. Starkly different proposal how Rittenhouse, instigator or victim in opening statements at his trial on Tuesday, on charges of shooting three people on the streets of Canosa during a turbulent protest against racial injustice, prosecutors have has set the bloodshed in motion when he triggered a confrontation with the man that night and then killed him with a bullet to the back ridden houses, and he told the jury. His client acted in self defense, F, men trying to grab Rittenhouse is gone and others kick the scene in the phasing clubs in the head with escape board in one of those. Is true, and monasteries is not, and the prosecution story is not true, and then they call the bunch witnesses ripped apart their own case. This thing, never should have been in front of a jury on a second will discuss why it was fun at an informal jury in the first place and what is says about again institutional in the United States, which is now an all time low. First, let's talk about a simple fact: it is never too early to start gift shopping for the holidays, especially because today, You can save big on a they will use every day, recon wireless ear, but with seamless budgetary and comfort
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and the answer is because we live in a society where the media will not allow a case not to be brought so long as the purported victimize or is of the wrong political persuasion. There is no way that if this were a left, wing person would shot a couple of proud boys in the streets, and the video were available like this, that this prosecutions, overwrought, is just we could. Politics, unfortunately, is now telescope into individual cases of justice. We were no longer a country where individual cases are seen for what they are judged on their fact patterns judged on their merits. Instead, the outside politics, in the there's telescoped into the proceedings, and that is exactly the wrong way to do this by due process of law. it is precisely the opposite. We saw this a lot There are children trail in Minnesota, regardless of what you think of their. phones activities that day, another man has been convicted of murder and regard was what you think of the activity. There is still no evidence in the narrow chauvinism. but any thing he did was motivated by racism. It didn't matter,
It turned into a giant national referendum on whether police across the country raises despite the back? There is no evidence that children himself was racist, or had done anything racist as opposed to just egregiously wrong in the confrontation with George Void, everything is used to stand in for politics. These days in the Rittenhouse trial is just a perfect example of that bees again the prosecution, has so little a case that they are calling witnesses or rebutting the prosecution case, and I can't stop it it somehow written houses convicted here on the basis of the evidence is being presented. You can only talk that up to politics, because there is literally no way to watch the testimony, that's being given and not see that that's self defense case- and this goes to a broader issue in the american public mind, and that is institutional trust out. Another major story that is, that is undermining institution trust these days. Is it the case of eager Dan, Tranquil, so According to the Washington Post and analysed,
the primary source for twenty sixteen dossier of allegations against Donald Trump has been arrested on charges that he repeatedly lied to the FBI about where and how he got his information officials On Thursday evening jungles role in providing information to british expire? Christopher steel, who compiled the accusations about company series of reports, has long been a subject of scrutiny from internal department of just investigators and special Council Johns Room according to people from them, what the investigations still present the dossier to the FBI. It was part of the basis for it when surveillance court orders targeting former Trump adviser Carter page as the FBI investigated Possum, ties between twenty. Sixteen at Trump presidential campaign in Russia, remembered steel dossier was used as the basis to target garbage more than in January, of twenty seventeen of work, trumps inauguration or right after trumps inauguration. James call me approached Donald Trump and told him about you'll dossier and that mere telling him about the still dossier was used as the predicate for Buzzfeed. Then breaking the dossier wide on its website without adding any of the details and this
became the bases of the term brush investigation, I trump had deep ties to Russian for formal, years. All we heard was the trump was russian plants, the steel yeah it was still being trotted out as possibly true as late as like a few weeks ago. Businesses, George Stuff Nobblers, stat, sat down with Christopher Steel and seals, maintaining them. The data in there was still probably drew all turns out that, since twenty seventeen like since the beginning of the saga, Since the early days of point seventeen, the F B, I knew the keys. For this, you ll dossier was lying to them when they know that eighteen, nineteen, eighteen and twenty seventeen- no prosecution, no attempts to to quash state, not no public statements, about why the seal dossier was a load of crap? None of that they just kept investigating the Miller Investigation just going a twenty nineteen report by the Justice Department, inspector general major problems, accuracy of dense ankles information, but the third
I'm page incitement unveiled on Thursday paints. A more detailed picture of claims that were allegedly built on exaggerations, rumours and outright lies. The indictment is likely to buffer republican charges, the Democrats end of intentionally or accidentally turned cheaper partisans meares into a high stakes, national security investigation of a sitting president, then here's buttress it approves it in the Democrats, wandered a bunch of We probably russian, provided misinformation through the FBI and then into the media and then back into law. My hands what was used as the basis for large swathes of me. investigation the indictment It just entanglement, Lodge Christopher Skill and others about where he was getting information. Some of the media, Cambridge Democratic Party operative with long standing ties to democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, according to the charges rat, then even a well connected Russian with insight into Kremlin so turns out. the information was human Russia. It was coming from inside the house from somebody who, just working with Hillary Clinton. the Washington Post, you miss the allegations.
New uncertainty on some past reporting on the dossier by news organisations, including the Washington Post, whilst you let everybody when the soldiers and sailors from his no longer president's a victory achieved gang. Don't hang up your brief Thursday in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia or his lawyer, try to enter a plea of not guilty on his behalf for five council making false statements. The judge Secondly, because the hearing was not an arabian and then Tranquil was released. So Andy Mccarthy has a has a good piece over at near opposed about all of this. Titled arrest illustrates how the steel dossier was a political dirty trick, orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. Get to that in just one moment. First right now, it's hard to find great employees to failure jobs there. Just too many opens I did not know people were coming back in the workforce, there's good again, I'm at the courthouse today. So we had half a million jobs last month, which is indeed excellent news, but they're still telling people out of the workforce, which means that if you're playing of invest employee you really
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in the Washington both about the prosecution of dense Anko, just then tranquil been charged with five council wines, the FBI interviews during twenty seventeen. As the Bureau doubled in futility to verify land allegations that Donald Trump and his campaign or clandestine agents of the Kremlin those allegations were compiled in the so called steel dossier, which the the I relied on in obtaining surveillance warrants my secret federal court, the DAS, was generated by the Clinton campaign. Its principal author was former British by Christopher Steel. Seals means war was then tranquil russian native based in the United States, who worked the Brookings Institute in Washing thing tankers former president strokes habit is a college friend of billions worked in the current states apartment at Brookings Bench, ankle, worn for filling a hill later, a member from the National Security Council and a key witness in the first trumpet judgement over the unrelated Ukraine controversy it was through him. the den Tranquil became acquainted with steel ran a London. Intelligence. Firm terms, indictment alleges potential lied about your major points. First, he fabric
the claim that the President of the russian American Chamber of Commerce informed him tat. During the twenty six presidential campaign, Trump was involved in a well developed consent. C of cooperation with button in reality a conversation ever happen. The chamber Doesn't it is not identified by name in the indictment after them He'll dossier became public. However, there is intense speculation that the chamber's founder, Sergei ME, million he'll dossier, source. As our accounted my book on Russia Gate says any Mccarthy Milly deny being a source of trash. The dossier is fake news, greater basic mind, then Franco's also ledge to conceal that one of his sources for the information he was getting to seal was a long time. Damn party operative, whose close to the coins having worked on both a bill. successful presidential campaigns and the workload. Nay, presidential campaign bedsores was on Thursday to be truck dolen, a public relations executive, russian contacts, to his Pierre Executive Board in the indictment, the FBI, Have you done jangle, because it was desperately trying to corroborate steel dossier claims one question
it must be pressing, is what took the bureau's along The Obama GEO J brought the FBI's sworn claims in secret. Admiral for intelligent surveillance court in October. Twenty sixteen, you have the ice, to verify the allegations before going to court, but it didn't interview den tanker, who is the main source until June. Twenty seventeen, whose any of taking its second ninety days by warrants on Carter page by that point, it appears that Durham theorize is the Trump Russia collusion. Narrative was a political attack manufactured by the Clinton, pain relying on Zan Triangle seal, compiled the reports for Glenn Simpson, cocoa of an intelligence from fusion GPS, which specialise indignant political dirt, GPS, was retained by Perkins, Coy Clinton campaigns, law firm in September terms They did former Perkins quite Michael assessment for making a false into the FBI, while peddling from Russia allegations. The bureau eventually found to be unsubstantiated. Durham his charging instruments suggests, the Clinton campaign used its agents to peddle you trump Russia, rumours of the government in the media and use the fact robust.
Investigated as part of the campaign messaging, in other words, if talk about russian Interference in the election. It's really democratic interference in the election by suggesting that a chief issue in the election is whether Trump was a russian passports which, as recall, was trotted out by the Clinton team throughout the election cycle. It now that the russian probe very likely was just in a piece of F B. I mean elation by the Democratic Party than the FBI had to cover its own ass in so refused to actually investigate all the people thoroughly who had given at the information in the first place. Until now, it's unbelievable you, I like race for Bloomberg. It's been a clever two years. Seals ass yet was garbage, as mainly thanks. The work of Justice Department, Spectre, General Michael Horwitz, released in twenty nineteen skewering, the FBI terms, investigation has taken a different approach is last Wednesday. It suggests the F B. I was not available victim conned by democratic operatives, do bogus investigations into the Trump campaign. Then tranquil is
with hiding his relationship to promote democratic interviews with the FBI about the dossier. Of course, that is Charles Darwin. As we are discussing. The real victim of these democratic partner deceptions was not. The FBI, however, says you I like, but the Democrat, but the american public my terms. Investigation known its thirty remains not only relevant, but vital is an incredible thing. So what we have here, if we, if we ve, got this right, what we have here, Is that the steel dossier, which was used as the basis for the FBI, opening an investigation into Donald Trump campaign which ended up splashed across the front page? Drew newspaper in twenty sixteen and then after the election ended up being the basis of the model investigation, which dawned Trump for four years. and in frustration, a wedge from started, making bizarre phone calls and himself and all sorts of legal how water it turns out that all of that was because the media and the FBI its work along with the Democrats in order to take prompt him dead.
All that it never seeing here and it took years for any of these prosecutions to take place. The It is amazing me, a new danger anchor was lying in twenty seventeen and twenty seventeen the calendar now set. According to my calculations, then it is twenty twenty one. What was the F b? I doing all this time. Institutional trust with the FBI has been broken for quite a while. It should be broken even further. These institutions they are motivated by politics. Politics have infuse them when Donald Trump talk about the so called deep state people took that mean that there is an act of conspiracy. People working inside these departments, sometimes that them he drew. I know a lot of these people were working together. Obviously, if you re looking at, for example, Peter struck and at least a page of you're, looking at that coupling at those people clearly had a similar priorities but in reality all this means that there is a feedback loop of people who
the same political echo chamber and you can apparently retail any piece of garbage to the FBI, and so long as it is coming from a democratic source. They won't even check into the sources of the. General dossier. They won't even track into it and then they will laundering James committed. It will wandered through the press to the public and help to destroy the present, see I sitting president of the United States. That is an amazing amazing thing, as an island To believe a lot of you, we charge. There's some people were on his way earlier now. Is that it for damn sure, as because I have a certain level of baseline american trust in these institutions. That trust has been deeply shaken. If been shaken for you. It's because you not watching this closely enough already coming up we're gonna get to abiding vaccine mandate again, these institutions lose trust or what are they do they decide to double down and try to control every area of your life gets that in just one moment. First, let's talk about you, sleep quality, so I'll be today. At the end of a long day, I am ready to sleep, I'm ready to go down and the reality
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though, if you're on vaccinated, you have chosen to be that way and now, by the way, by users about common market. With a pill that Africa, the diagnosis, lowers your rate of death, and hospitalization by ninety percent. So if learn already done- then we are now we haven't done for months by the way and for the southern state. You know this in uptake northern state, a northeastern state or they're still suggesting that you can be quadruple, backs and still be subjects. The predictions of carbon nineteen even if you're, not amino compromise and is still going on for you ever know, flora. It's pretty much has been done for quite a while, because we're not crazy down here. while the administration is crazy and now, They are saying that every employer of more than a hundred people in the United States must force their employees to bat or test weekly unworthy, ask indefinitely presumably forever he refused to do this in unlawful violation. Quasi at fourteen ran a worthwhile I'm just not not doing that. It's not my
Business, whether my employees are best at this point, had everybody's had the opportunity to get back. If you say that they will, they will send an OSHA agent to your place of work and then attempt to find to up up to one hundred and forty thousand dollars per violation, their aiming at small business they attempting to banks. companies, they don't like and by the way. I promise you that, because we are following a lawsuit first day at the singles form, into effect. In January, there will be an oceans backwards, or I'm sure that is the case. again, one of the reasons that their delaying it is because what they are hoping is that if we find one a court will say it's not right because there's been no harm, yet it is that the case hasn't it what you can do to Katy yet because there's been no harm we filed for polemics. Injunction against, as many states are doing the same, and we need your help. by the way how turnover daily wired outcome slash subscribe, use code. It do not comply to subscribe. That does help us out, because, as fighting on behalf Employees and getting lost struck down on behalf of all Americans is regulation. It is unconscious
Israel and by the illegal and have all Americans does in all of our interests, you can help us out by subscribing We really appreciate it. We need your help with that, but full of divine administration. Only one thing is for this thing to take effect. I think MRS Aubert Crap. I think that their goal here is essentially to pretend that they done all they can do get this thing. brought down and then move on with their lives sort of, like there. There CDC adventure, moratorium, your Mama the Joe Biden said he didn't, have the constitutional power to issue a the revision moratorium because the Supreme Court has any didn't and then it anyway and the reason he did it. Knowing the Supreme Court was going to stay at particular or is because you wanted be able to say to his people. I did all I can. I I did I I did all good as what that's what I wanted to say, but I feel that this is very much. The same thing to Joe Biden has put himself in a box the boxes he said he could uncovered he can't uncovered. The only thing that Joe Biden could do is leave us alone, because immoral leave us alone, because you require
covered in order ran through a dry and spending bills. In order ten control, and so no separate the rock and a hard place the longer called it goes on the worse. It is for the economy the more these. yes go on the worse. It is for the economy and as long as people are dying hope, it is not over from the perspective of Democrats. So well, actions are happening even if their happening as you chose not get vaccinated, Democrat can't you say: well you know major decision and now time you. Instead, they have to say no, we said we're gonna fix it is Joe Biden has got to stop that means, as he needs someone else to blame. So here he's gonna put it regulation out there, we're gonna get its structure, I have very little fear about that really and when that happens, he's gonna throw up his hands he's gonna say we did the best that we could add by the way it's not in there all hippicus, anyway. They they really are. I mean the number of Democrats or vaccine. But on masking in public places. When they been told us, he's not it is astonishing that the rules that apply to the special people
No, a landscape ahead of this aid is used ass yesterday. How many cities, employees, employers in this he's your vaccinate said she had. No idea what percent of CDC employees are vaccinated, were actively encouraging vaccination and all of our employees and doing a lot of education and outrage in order to get our agency fully vaccinated been the but the pursuit. I don't have that free today, so yeah. Of course she doesn't have that by the way. I am notice that the OSHA that's requirements that net the federal government is trying to attach, for example, strings to federal aid, so you are a person who receives food, stamps or welfare federal government, I'm noticing that they're not forcing you to that interesting. How that works. Only employers there, to turn employers into essentially the policeman of the state which they complete violation of both private property and state sovereign. Because this is not a federal issued, the Z state issue. There is now
in the interest of commerce clause, the gives OSHA the power to override the basic health powers of these states that the Ocean OSHA come on there's nothing in the in the ocean. Regulations that says that they can regulate literally The end of time, how you do your work at your business based on a virus that is not going to kill you if your vaccinated by all statistics and, by the way again, everyone's had the opportunity of vaccinated robot new technologies and have the power to do this. Now. Just does it because an authoritarian accordingly Whilst we journal. Words have until January fourth, two thousand and twenty to ensure their employees are vaccinated. After that day, employers have to verify that unvaccinated employees test negative for Covid nineteen, at least once a week Employers need to show they are fully vaccinated, meaning they either received two doses, adviser or Madonna, or one Johnson and Johnson, shot acceptable documents
record of immunization for health provider or pharmacy, a copy of a cuban nineteen vaccination Guard, medical records, etc, etc. The agency plans to inspect some workplaces a former OSHA officials at the agency will likely not rely primarily on in person inspections, but on company record keeping and worker reports of potential violations. This is the dome comply can face fines, as we say, of up to fourteen thousand dollars. Net is if there is a mistake, if you are found to be unwilling two hundred and forty thousand dollars What happens when vaccinated workers who objective getting vaccinated protested? It's possible employers with fire them. Some workers may choose to quit about forty percent of workers. One vaccinated suitable leave their jobs rather than to the sort of stuff is made. The entire OSHA rule here. Is being promulgated in idiotic fashion is not designed to be help, but it can have some pretty significant downstream of. That is why I dont think that it's actually ever going to be implemented, having what it's going to be John, what's gonna happen,
here is that it can be used as an excuse by big business is to say that they have to do it, and then Biden is just going lose his court case and that's gonna be the end of it as here's. The problem for Democrats, they actually goes into effect. It's going to absolutely criminally economy. I shouldn't be horrible for the economy, for example, truckers are not exempted from this. It truckers are not exempted from these regulations. If you lose twenty percent truckers, they not supply chain problems right now, just wait. What has to be present with Jerry, Green, Jean Pierre? She says: don't worry. The bank's mandate isn't going to affect the supply chain, yet it what you're just forcing people to fire their employees. In actual fact, the supply chain at all.
Asking like if we think that the rules impact supply chain. The answer is: no. We don't think that it will first of all vaccine requirements work. We have talked about that. We ve given examples like earlier. Doctors have seen strong compliance, ninety nine percent and United Airlines. Ninety nine percent at Houston method is ninety nine point: five percent at Wreckers University recently Thyssen's food announced that ninety six percent of its workers got vaccinated have ahead of its deadline, so the emergency temporary standard is an even playing field across all employers with hundred or more workers. One reasons by where these percentages are so high, is using fire everyone or force them to quit for non vaccinated. You're percentages go up amazing how that works. When someone is no longer an employee, they don't get counting your percentage. Governors are too, general for more than a dozen states begun filing legal challenges. Already. This includes the ILO governor without a meat legal action on Thursday Christie norm
in South Dakota. She says that their joining a lawsuit is well. Today, I'm announced to you that we are joining several other states and filing litigation against this unconstitutional mandate. We will be taking actions to ensure that the federal government remit first, that the constitution does not give them the authority to take this type of action and that people have freedoms and they have personal responsibility over their health and that here and South Dakota that will be protected and defended. Ok, now here's the thing Gazelle gonna kick in January, and we now Despiser Bill, which is at least in oral pill. You take every get diagnosed and it takes your hostile. Relations, Africa. Ninety percent There is already downloaded presented. Exacting of you. And then you to break through, and then you take bill and basically your Well, I think, is the way that the mouth works there, and even, if you don't take the vaccine, we now have a therapeutic that is effectively As effective as the vaccines vaccines about ninety percent, effective against hospitalization in death, Pfizer's
You can now take a pill, and that is just as effective as vaccine in terms of preventing specialization and out. So what in the world are they doing here again? It is not about stopping be covered pandemic. It is simply about control. It simply about control and in the backlash is coming man. The backlash is absolutely coming for them It's gonna come hard, we'll get to that in just one moment has already begun. First, let's talk about a very different kind of sponsor the Jordan Harbinger shots. Podcast really should take a listen to and everyday somebody tells you you have to listen to some progress or other, and you say Asher I'll get to him. Then you never do well, don't let that happen. Jordan show Apple named at one of its best, eighteen is aimed at making you a better inform our critical think are so you can get us. Of how the world actually works, income your own conclusions about, what's happening even inside your own brain each episodes conversation with a different fascinatingest. When I say there's things everyone here I mean that one episode, for example, Jordan, hostile hostage negotiator from the FBI, lovers techniques and how to get people to like and trust. You send conversations with people like COBRA,
Raymond interesting stuff. Even if you don't always agree with Jordan, I don't always with Jordan. I'm not your Jordan, always Greece! With Jordan, What he he's on his show is really really interesting. He talks with a bunch of people, you'll, learn, we heard daily wiring dry, the shop. You should check it out to Jordan Harbinger calm, slash, start for some episode, recommendations or search for the Jordan Harbinger, show its age a r b in boy. I end as an anti g are on Apple pie cast, but if I or wherever you listen to pass, go check it out right now already it is that glorious time of the weak when it gave a shudder to daily. Remember today, it Sarah Oconnor on Twitter. We took trick or treating the next level in the picture. Sarah and her fellow both clutching the wheel greatest tumblr, while absolutely killing the costume game. The captain Reid, we are celebrating all how is eve by dressing up as bench appear on his wife was a doktor folks drinking from the elite beverage vessel the leftist years, Tumblr thanks daily, where for fighting the culture more keep fighting the fight. We stand with you as an excellent costume, a very handsome man, a very beautiful woman. I mean like
that what the modelling and thanks for the pic and encouragement and for being a daily. Why remember, as you may, not be aware that everywhere found a lawsuit against the federal government yesterday. Well, because authoritarian anti american move, but we have to stop it. the Bush administration now ordering that any employer with Employees asked you require employees to be backed against covenant endorsement irregular testing. while she was filed by doing while group ink analyzed defending freedom in the? U S: court of appeals for the sixth circuit, the lawsuit alleges that divide administration lacks the constitutional and statutory authority to issue the employer mandate and that the mandate fails. Meet the requirements for issuing a rule taking effect immediately without, The process of considering public comments, mandate, unconstitutional we're not here for here a daily wire, our employees and yours, by the way deserve to keep their medical histories. Private have autonomy. over their bodies and honour any of their religious beliefs. I'm products this isn't about that. We
stand with our employees rights as we do with the rights of every single American. The Bite administration has warned that any companies that do not comply with this federal over each could be fined as much the hundred thirty six thousand dollars per violation. So we need your help, if not a member. Yet please consider joining us had on over to daily Wired, icon, slash, subscribe and her code do not comply check up your received twenty five percent off your membership be fighting the unconstitutional mandate with us. We appreciate your help. We won't comply. You shouldn't either here listening to the largest net is growing conservative, Pakistan, radio show in the nation the blow back. Do Democrats and uncontrolled believes about the United States now blow back his strong, and it is in order Steve and the administration knows it and they are around over it. So honest
Best story of election night was not what happened in Virginia. It was the fact that a truck driver defeated the New Jersey State Senate leader, like that is hysterical truck driver named Editeur. He spent. I could you not about a hundred and fifty three dollars on his campaign. A hundred and fifty three dollars on his campaign. Sixty six dollars and sixty four cents sensitive when you Duncan doughnuts that's a campaign, my friends, yes hundred fifty bucks spent on the campaign sixty six bucks to Duncan Donut and he defeated one most powerful people in New Jersey, the state Senate President Stevens waning. he beat him by about two thousand votes, as it turns out that the reason that the guy ran for office in the first place is using either he was denied a concealed, carry permit in a may, carry jurisdiction. I meaning that If the government allows you you may carry and then whose denied a permit, which is it
first, a man lived in it may carry jurisdiction in in LOS Angeles and basically, unless you knew somebody you weren't getting conceal, carry permit such a ridiculous law. New Jersey has those kind of was yet rejected. Turann for office and I'm in here is what he said about what he plans to do at once, the first thing you're gonna, do when you get to the capital and Trenton. I really don't know. That's that's the key factor I dont know, What I dont know so I will learn what I need to know: and I'm going to aren t you one thing: I will be the voice. and people will here, because if there's one thing people will learn about me, I gotta go mouth I dont. When I want to be heard, I'm gonna be heard. Yes, I honestly, I was more of our legislators. Have this feeling was versing you're gonna? Do I have now idea, because I don't know what is going to confront me when I got to this place like that that regular people are part of our legislature? In fact, I think that most of the
We send our legislature suck at their jobs. So meanwhile the Democrats, you just took a show lacking earlier this week. the brutal lacking. Everybody knows that leading up to twenty twenty two, their profit really really bore. So what are they doing? their doubling down on the idea that all Republicans racist we got this sort of a microcosm of what happened right after from one's Radford, Trump one. There is a bridge moment in time or democratic media like who are these from voters. Maybe we should go and talk to them and then, after about thirty. Two seconds is either a bunch of races willing unity. Do those russian racism, of course. Well they just kept right over that thirty two seconds himself reflection over the White House and then went right you yet everybody's racist, it's because the Republicans raises so here is Karen Jump here talking about that green job here, the doubly way secretary talking about how Republicans only one in Virginia, because they lied about critical, raised very good luck with this one, for begins or lying there not being honest there not being truthful about where we stand and their interests
keep trying to use our kids as a political football they're talking about our kids when it's when its election season, but they want to vote for for them. When it matters, you don't republic I did not vote for the american Rescue plan, their american rescue plan. In that plan it had being to make sure that schools were open to make. That is our job to school is a joke. It is ridiculous. If everything's Democrats are saying right now, it's actually a headline over at the Huffington Post right now, and I want to read it verbatim because it really speaks to what Democrats believe about how politics are supposed to work quote. Republicans want parents to be angry. Democrats are trying to give them money. That's what democratic about politics, All parents want is just to be handed money by the government at all. They want it'll on control of the kids. No one control over their education pages Sudan in Chad and paid off good luck with our message eternal The most parents are our concern, mainly with raising their children and if there are strings attached to the cash
we're supposed to sit by and let Crappy school board decide what our kids learn. In schools about Rachel Centralism answer is now so Democrat, instead of saying. Maybe we should move away from this critical race theory nonsense. Instead, there doubling down, are saying that they want a critical race theory. It doesn't exist. It's a bundle simultaneously They're saying its super important areas have to be taught it agency. This conflict between. Campbell, Stephen Colbert and Michael irritation. So here, Colbert last night mimicking the White House saying that Georgi doesn't exist. It's a figment of your imagination, claims about, what's being taught in history classes, have become the latest racist dog whistle, for instance, on Monday Young can made this promise Let me be clear on day one. We will not have political agendas in the classroom and I will ban political rights fearing here's the thing critical race Harry, is not taught at the UK through twelve level in Virginia. While that was found, Promises made promises camp, it doesn't exist,
Obviously, this is demand game and people left like to play, so they do they say critical race, Gary really it doesn't exist, critical race theory that when you dumb down eternal into epidemics, can you Rachel Centralism about how privilege exists in all the institutions of american life and white kids should know that they benefit from that problem. In black is our heritage victims that does make it in the classroom it makes into the from all the time. So the simultaneous is eight Georgi doesn't exist, and then they will say that security is deeply vital to teach kids so here is Michael Eric dicing yesterday saying we have to make his uncomfortable, we must make his uncomfortable. We gotta face and uncomfortable truths, and the white comfort cannot be. The predicate for making sure that raises not enough as a strategy that shouldn't be use. This comfort is a critical, too so my rebel learn when I go to class. I'm sorry but my white so he's my black students by latino students, my agencies across the board. I am trying to make you uncomfortable network ignorance that you inherited so that you can begin to win
agent, some serious thinking about the way the world we have to make its uncomfortable. Nobody means by them Where does it is pretty clear because Michael Eric Dyson is proponent of economics style anti racism, which is an offshoot of critical race theory, mean visit the same guy who's telling you that he wants to teach her kid is also say: Eddie Brand new black lieutenant governor? state of Virginia is actually really white. She secretly why? Do you want it? He's Rachel Centralism, your kids, that's you! This is this. Is the person saying that he wants to teach your kids to feel uncomfortable? What kind of stuff you think is eating when we ask him there's Michael irritation? The problem is here: they want. They want white supremacy by ventriloquist's effect. There is a black mouth moving, but a white idea through the running on the runway of the tongue, of a figure who justifies and legitimate of the white Supremacist practices We know that weaken internalize
all mines in our own subconscious in our own bodies. The very principles that are undoing us so to have a black face, speaking they have of a white supremacist legacy is nothing new, Don't worry there not teaching critical race there, they just have to make her kid uncomfortable, medical raised there. It doesn't exist. If you oppose it bad. We won't give you money and Republicans or bad good job guys. Does it it can winning message, I can see others, you go work our real well for you, the other winning message: democratic are pushing, of course, is what have we spend more money now? There are a few problems with this one Americans are not clamouring for more government spending at this point. Go back better is not popular even a bipartisan infrastructure plan? It maybe sort of, like ok, recent blowing the doors off nobody's clamouring for bipartisan infrastructure plan to pass at this point CNN dinner, but but the disconnect is that if you complain about inflation, then this means that you are out of touch with the people so that this kind of incredible story. So
today, Ridiculer over its United in the report about a family. Ok, this family is a family eleven. They haven't nine heads are feeding nine kids. Seven of those kids adopted, fostered okay, so on these people sound. Like saints, I mean to adopt or foster seven kids, and you have to have your own printing double behaviour: ok up, Brianna, color killer does a report on them and she talks about how inflation is really take. Drunk out of the pocket book. Here's what the report says we ever to biological, and then my wife and I have a big heart for adoptions. We adopted a sibling group of two, then three, then one, and then we have air. I kid living. because right now, who's coming to foster situation. It feels like money, isn't going as far as it used to see what we can do. I think it probably in June it was about a dollar. for dollar. So now, that dollars worth about seventy cents are now moving on to dairy, which is right, there we started.
They have everything going up. Grocer process I'm gonna. Milk was a dollar. Ninety nine, now to seventy nine or when you by twelve, sounds a week times for weeks in That's a lot of money. Ok, and what does this prompt from anybody on the left side of the other blue tracks on twitter to say actually that that temporary damaging right I mean she's she's right. No, instead, you got Gmail boy, a man who's in touch with the people tweeted out, I'm sorry, twelve gallons of milk. Well. Yes, I mean there are eleven people in the house, including nine kids, many of whom, apparently our teenagers like if every member of a family of six had one eight, our glass of milk for every meal on every day of the week? It certainly need about eight gallons of milk. A week they ve twelve people in the house, is there not even then, this is an exceptional valley. sure they should be used, is emblematic. Well done their job melbury, just massive cellphone right there and Jonathan Trade does the same thing: Blue Jack, twelve gallons of Milton
may sound like a lot, but it actually had to cut out their milk bats on alternate days on taking the path that our this. So, just just sneer and people who are hurting at at the check out counter to smear at them, because Who needs twelve gowns and locally again basic mouse? You just Benito gowns another week when I have three kids, we certainly go through. Least, three gallons of milk or weaken he's a little kids I'll, be the notion that in a bunch of teenagers like a family of eleven- and I can go through twelve gowns milk week is crazy. But then you got the mobutu No, it doesn't even caused more ninety nine anywhere they well parts of the country use. You like you did, but these they are all George remembered these said in nineteen. Eighty two, the George W Bush, didn't know how to use one of those one of those check out guns at the at the check. Our counter any mock him for it, What I really wasn't droop these people are that they actually are that they dont they're all
the old lady, from arrested development, or is it banana cost like seven dollars, but that that that's what they And then there telling you how they're gonna fix the economy? A good luck with this guy, and this is what you really want to, but apparently they do apparently Apparently they think more cowbell, as always doubling stupid. When I talk racism can pretend to the american people, dont know what they're talking about. We have two boss them around in every possible way. Our elites are just morons, ok, speaking of which I have to bring you. That's because it's just astonishing. So there are some tape that has now emerged from a presentation for Microsoft. they all of your intellectual betters. All the people run the world's design, the products that you you. You want to run your political life. These people have been indoctrinated in woke, troops, and then the permanent gun on you, and they only get it. It's Endlich morons
and if I were going to have somebody babysit my kids, it would certainly be the couple that adopted the nine and have by twelve gallons milk weak and not the people are acting as project managers for these particular section, at Microsoft, and I will show you. I saw a couple of clips from Microsoft, again. It shows you who believes are in our society there completely out of touch with every American completely out of touch with everyday Americans. So here is Microsoft, project manager introducing herself too, people are interested in learning about what Microsoft is doing, their new products Harry, my name is Allison wines, I'm a senior programme manager and our developer tools. Division. I'm an asian and white female with dark brown, hair wearing a red sleeve will stop. Ok answer and it continued along these lines. Here are a couple of marketing managers introducing themselves. Have
everyone, I'm telling Adela, I'm occasion, woman with long blonde hair and I go by she her other product marketing we'd here at Microsoft and co host of the pod casta carroty unlocked with this guy. Yes, that would be me, however, one aimed at filling him on local Kazan. Man with glasses and abuse are good bye. He him and I'm U Security, venturist here, Microsoft I go, He him and she her eye. So apparently the reason you are describing the races is for the blind people really for the visually impaired and the audience. So I have a question. Your literally saying to the but surely colorblind their color matters. This is your bitch you're pitches that people were literally incapable physically of seeing color must be told what your races. Why exactly? unclear. Also. We can't just assume from your boys whether he or she her where he him. Instead, you have to name it. Now, as it was him the worst part of this, that elzevir wines, lady actually began her little riff by explaining that Microsoft,
quarters sat on stolen native american land? I can you not. First, we want to acknowledge that the land or the Microsoft campuses situated was traditionally occupied by this Hamish, the Dew Amish, the Snoqualmie, the Sioux Quamis, the Muckle shoot the snow homeless, the tulip and other coasts sailfish people's since time immemorial. So, if Microsoft wants do, they could just surrender their headquarters in local tribe. They could do that. It could just give the building over with water money like they're sitting on stolen land, from what I've been told. Ok, so these woke idiots are the people who but our society there, the elites who believe they should control every institutional area of american life, and they legible outcome of this is that even when the people speak up, they will just ignore them this holds true in the democratic calls. A powerful Nancy Blowsy right now, as we speak, is attempting to ram through a build back, better plan that they ran out the bill.
like late last night, it's two thousand pages. No one is read this thing, they're trying to run this out, but the fact that the american people again or not, clamouring for an anti democratic a massive fish to the job Why poorly speaking and at once, use for doing this for its uses. Why haven't seen the election analysis I had given up we're penalised for having not gotten these brings back again. Seen it and all the analysis- and I know from my own experience, said to absorb said to you before the poor of Anna Joe does not data. Let's see what to do that is as it comes out, oh she's, no data, I'm pretty that does she knows the data. She just doesn't care because they, asked around this through now. The problem for her, of course, that the politics actually vapor, ramming it through. It looks as though the the Democratic Party is split almost radically at this point
Between need, your mansion and Christian Cinema Wing of the Party and the ABC wing of the party ales he's takeaway yesterday from the Virginia lost by the way is that they want progressive enough in Virginia which is a hell of a takeaway, considering that the candidate she endorse in Buffalo India, Walden was the only Democrat actually on the ballot and proceeded to lose by twenty points for writing candidate. So yeah, clear Americans are desperate for more progressive ism, but Democrats keep hunting for votes. They can friend crammed this thing through. What amazing about this? By the way is that basically is kind credible that the progressive caving this way truly. So what the progressive plan was. we are going to hold up infrastructure until domain, increased in cinemas, sign off and build a better job, persons who are not signing into anything that the House gonna pass today is that is not happening and they ve been and, first and in passing this thing, the Actual number on the bill is not one twenty five trillion. It is more like four trillion. According to work business, school is there not signing onto it? Anyhow
look. I know this and the progressive caucus, so they could hold up infrastructure or that this vote for infrastructure and surrender. It looks like there about the latter Nancy Blow, for her part should keep saying that bill back. Better is not going to increase inflation, a weird, because I think that it probably is the other pieces of that inflation and we had the directive. Onions and in Chad is very recent today from lorries. That bill was page was since it is paid for it would not increase. Inflation and in fact it will add to our economy because of child care enabling many more women to fully participate. Also, it's gonna, can be better, is converted, they took a little, they get right to the dry and they just keep they keep truck and because they know better than you they know more than you and that's all the matters, because they are the specials and you are not one of the special there. The specials, according to politicos, play
Democratic leaders are still facing. Resistance from centrist will raise, pussy real concerns such as lack of cost analysis, with the push for a vote on these growing social policy package this week, Pelosi Circular the letter Thursday night and included budgetary details from White House staff. Several Democrats said they want the detail. From Congress is independence. War keepers, not a partisan one. Now demo you're gonna, try and ran this thing through today, when the problems of course is that the caucus goes on vacation next week. members of the Caucasus Central Marken overseas trips, I had of next week's recess, show their hitting a deadline: a party leaders fail, Giralamo they needed on Thursday. So it's gonna be interesting to see how how they accomplish ramming this thing through, if they can even do it your mansion for his part, he's like emails wherever the hell you want, I intend to vote for it. People concerned
turned about inflation are concerned about the net. We don't talk about it, but they are concerned. I can tell you back home and whispered junior gas prices are enormous. People are having a hard time driving working, paying twenty to thirty dollars. More developed reviewing the grocery stores in getting thirty percent less than that ready to face a very bad in winter. We are told that much prices shoe. Yes, I think you should be up front, honest and transparent with american people and do what we can afford to do. Ok, so here's the problem, divine Administration has every incentive never to be France and transfer with the american people because of or they have to acknowledge that they have lied to the american people. Since the election, the election was all about your mind, be moderate. You wide he's not moderate. undistorted continues to lie, Elijah's compassion, furious, Yesterday Joe Biden ripped pure juicy over him asking a question about paying off illegal immigrants to the uniform and fifty thousand dollars. You pop in others, airport from the walls, draw a deal, Josiana sign. A settlement with families have been separated, pay families, each man,
The family had been separated for fifty thousand dollars. almost a million bucks. If you're an illegal immigrant dad and you cross with your kid and then you are separated. Cause you illegally emigrated and under the Florence summit. If we I'll. Do we had two separate your kid from you. The pay them nearly a million bucks Thanks to the ACL you and dividing the object, there is Biden rip on Peter doozy for even asking the question Breyer overseas threat. There were reports, never servicing their Europe ministration explaining to pay illegal immigrants were separated from their families at the border of the four hundred Fifty thousand dollars each possibly a million dollars per family did that might incentivize for people to come over illegal. If you keep sending garbage out yeah, but our true a garbage report. Fifty four and fifty thousand dollars Persons, origin, separated from a family member or other under the last administration has not presented. It happened
the issue. You then brandish demons had em, it's already happening, and then CNN Cnn was like yeah not true Daniel Dale, making a rare appearance on CNN these days to critique Democrat in here like the man on the side of the milk garden that that that family of eleven is why he just He completely disappeared from CNN the airwaves for large swathes of time ever used it, go out there and fire hose how much from this line, and now only patients need, as he does he come out and and note that Japan is it or belies. The Wall Street Journal was correct, not reporting garbage when a reported that the bottom industries and is in discussions to settle lawsuits brought on behalf of families affected by the family separation policy and the Wall Street Journal was correct in reporting that these settlement discussions include talks of possible financial compensation. In fact, Whitehouse Deputy Press Agritourism Korea's on peer, such a day at the White House, briefing that President Biden is comfortable with
financial compensation as long as it ends up saving taxpayers money and helps people turn the page from the horrors of the Trump days. Okay, so damaged by Anne was lying and meddling, and why has acknowledged like you, so but he's not even a part of its own administration. Your screen, Jean Pierre saying this, the president is perfectly comfortable with apartment of justice settling with the individuals and families who are currently in litigation with the? U S, government deal Jake and obviously speak more to that process. The president was when he was reacting to, the dollar figure. That was mentioned that you mentioned to him yesterday, as press accounts today indicates there's been pressing on this deal J made clear to the plaintiffs that the reported figures are higher. anywhere that a settlement can land gay. So there is the White House. Basically acknowledging the Joe Biden is
that means no controls Zone administration, but these are the elites and they must be in control of you. So man is not control. As I've said, of zone, bowels is going to be in control of every aspect of your life, many of us to trust the institutions because they ve demonstrated such feels he two principal over the past several years. The blow back is coming in its cutting hard already we have reached the end of today's shall but we'll be back your latest Nathan our continent. First, you can forget to intervene by checking out the end reclaiming show through shows every Friday he's got an exciting evening plan for you, as always, had on over to daily wired com at seven p M eastern six pm central tune in I'm bench where this is the best Russia is you enjoyed? This episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcast, also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including Andrew Craven, show the Michael moles show
The mat while show thanks for listening, then Shapiro, show is produced by Elliot, felt, executive producer. Jeremy boring our supervising producer is math is clever. Manager of a white ascii associate producer, Bradford Carrington Post producer, just in barber show, is edited Adam silent Audio is mixed. I make a coral meta here and make up my fabulous, Christina Reduction Assistant, Jessica grants. The bench of Euro Show is a daily wire. Action, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty one, everybody this is Andrew, Cloven hosted the Andrew Craven show. You know some people depressed, because the republic has collapsed seeing the end of days is approaching and moons turned to blood but on the Andrew Clavering Show that's where the fund just get started so come on over the Andrew claiming show and laugh your way through the fall of the republic with me, Andrew Clayton.
Transcript generated on 2021-11-05.