« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1314 - Barack’s Very Covid Birthday Party


Former President Barack Obama turns 60 and celebrates in maskless fashion; we examine the numbers on who wants to return to normal; and the vaccine mandates are coming.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Former President Barack Obama turn sixty years old and celebrates and masculine fashion. We examine the numbers on who wants to return to normal and the vaccine mandates are coming. I mentioned this. Is the bench bureau show They show a sponsor by express the opinion. I protect my data with a view pen, so, should you visit expressive, gps, dot, com, slash battle all the news in just one moment. First, your reminder again, the internet is not always anonymous. You think that things like incognito mode, protect you they do not. Sadly, the big tech monopoly has. decided that they are interested in monitoring all your data selling? All your data keeping track of EU passing under the government have let this happen. Reestablish the anonymity you so richly deserved by checking out express Vps if ever wondered how free to access giants make all their money the answer, as they tracker searches, video history, everything you click on my building what I want you and in selling off your sensitive data when you use the express Vps up on your computer or phone You know as much of your online presence by hiding your ip address. That makes your activity more difficult to trace.
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buying from Cuba. Nineteen drop down to very close to zero. If you get a breakthrough of the delta variant and your vaccinated, the high likelihood is that you are going to end up with a mild cold and thus, if there's a party in summer she's up zone vaccinated and that person gets infected by a vaccinated person that one is on them. Twenty per principled level. I dont care whether Brocklehurst has a mask was party, but but the entire democratic infrastructure has decided that, for the sake of being a good American, you must mask up. You must know if your vaccinated person You must put on them ass to protect everybody else. If you're a good patriotic American, you would not hold, a large party for your own sixtyth birthday. Any certainly wouldn't fly in your friends, like John Kerry. To come in mascot on a private jet in the middle of global warming, which, by the way, did happen, John Carriage and take a private jet to Brok on his party and, and then everybody at the party took off the masks, and one
Ages, there maybe unfortunate error of actually tweeting out the photos and then had to delete all the forests of the footage was out there already, however, and I and things were unfortunately led to the public I say unfortunately, even though its actually quite fortunate, because I think it's quite important- that the american people know that the elite to tell you that you need to mask up the elite to tell you that life can never go back to normal. These same elite do not hold themselves to the same standard at all at all, and this has always been the case with the left when it comes, left. The people at the top of the echelon are not interested in abiding by the rules they promulgate for everybody else. The people at the top of the elites- those with the lead us in our society, the people in Hollywood, and they will abide by the basic, rules of success in the United States, while ensuring entering everybody else doesn't and is basically Charles Maria book. Coming apart. He talks about the fact that you have very liberal elites living off at sunset Boulevard. Promulgated social standards they themselves do not hold by, and so they become rich and they do really well and many of them are married and many of them stay married and then
probably values that everybody else hold by and those people take those standards seriously and erect their lives or the same thing holds true when it comes to things. For example like whether to have a mask was birthday party you, the peasant, are not supposed have an ATLAS birthday party. in fact, one of our writers over a daily wire rights better. He treated our recent His grandfather just died alone in the hospital have covered because there have been all of these revised protocols that suggested you We go in and visit a dying loved one who had covered, whether your vaccinated, whether you're, not vaccinated, because after all, you might spread to somebody, and so they die people are dying alone in the hospitals. Again, meanwhile, Barack Obama is having a party. So this is where I start to get uptight now, and somebody has a party our care, Alan Flora. Why do people having parties I care about is if you promulgated standard, where no one else is supposed to have a party just like nobody else is supposed take a private genotype region. harry just like nobody else is supposed to hold by sort of traditional, more
standards, apparently except for many of the people in Hollywood who actually counter intuitively. Do it's the same thing here? Everybody else is supposed Sk up and watch grandma die alone, but Rock Obama gets to have himself the Big Party with John Legend singing at the party and everybody partying without the mask here's a little but the footage You can see in the background rocket partying onstage areas, good at it? really enjoy himself hugging people on stage again. This is an indoor scenario. I was really Billy informed by the CDC by Russia will and ski by our most trusted physicians by Doktor, Anthony Voucher. You shouldn't be having events like this. I was told- and I was told by the Democratic Europe in fact broccoli. fibbed, and he said he was going to cancel the party or at least while we downgrade the size and scope of the party and then, of course, he just quietly re upped, the par
and then all this information started emerging again. So you might think that at this point the media would be somewhat critical of this. I mean, after all, Brocklehurst pretty important perceive the former president of the United States, and we ve been informed that former presidents of the United States are not just important. They are the most important people when Donald Trump puts out a statement on his email us Demille Rockets around the internet, because it so damned important when Barack Obama has a mask. Burke Departing might assume that the media would be look. Well, that's that's I'd recommend is worthy of coverage. Well, you would be wrong. Instead, you'd have you seen and White House correspondence in its different guys, it's different, because these are the sophisticated people. You are a rube you're, a person who has ninety five job is to allow us to go to you're, not somebody who became president of the United States and then make it up but load of money after having been president of the United States by being a prominent politicians,
you don't you? U gab regular job and you need to go to work, but that's the problem. You you're the problem. You present you, but Morocco must not a peasant and the people at his party's. They are not the peasant I repeat that the peasants have a very different standard. than the lords and Ladys and none pacify an end in itself, you have unspecified gender who attend Brok on his birthday party. Here's the CNN Whitehouse correspondent, noting that, isn't it a different thing when Barack Obama does then, when you do it get a party in your own home for kids birthday. That was bad brok. Obama he's turning sixty and let me just tell you that deserves big birthday party. other people said you now. This is really being overblown. They're, calling all the safety precautions, people. sporting events that are bigger than this this, he's going to be safe? This is a sophisticated vaccinated crowd and
This is just about artists, not about safety. I sophisticated and vaccinated what they mean. Sophisticated is called for very wealthy and Democrats. That's what sophisticated means in White House correspondent for CNN language. That's what that means. He knows has a pretty predictability: when all the legion of particular society decide that everybody is supposed to live. One way- and they are supposed to have another discreet while institutional dust but it also creates a standard where Politicians are incentivize to pursue some the dumbest policies ever so when, media and the democratic establishment say over over and over again the masking is going to be the solution to the pandemic when massing, pretty obviously is not. Vaccination is the obvious solution to the pandemic, and at this point, Susan. The pandemic is let everybody live their own life and then bear the costs. one of their own decision making, which means that the governor really has very little public policy role at this point at all, but is blood down to the
can people- and this is why this is a story because Barack Obama and the rest of the Democratic Party and Joe Biden and after Anthony Algae, and all the various members of the democratic establishment, the lorry Lightfoot to the world. He said you couldn't get. A haircut she needed her hair, done those very important thing or Nancy policy. Who said that you? Couldn't? hair cut mask us, but she definitely good or me Muriel Bouser, who is who recently she had to have a picture. Mascots with Dave. Chapelle like everybody else was asking up whose super duper important you, the regular people, are supposed to change your life, not just for now forever and I ve changed what the standard is supposed to be forever. They set up this incentive structure, and this is what pisses me off. You convinced a huge number Americans to believe in things that are not reality and not related to reality. You're scaring the hell out of people based on bad data, it's one too scared the hell out of the Unbox it and say to them that you up much chance of dying from carbon nineteen than the vaccinated. That's true, maybe not, let's be real about this, the rate
of death among young non vaccinated Americans remains very low. I mean compared to any disease like smallpox or any global pandemic? The people have considered a mass killer in them asked the grand total number of Americans under the age of thirty, or between age of twenty and thirty have died. The United States is still just a couple of thousand people things like twenty five hundred twenty six hundred people, according to the CDC as of last week, but did you have a much better chance of dying if you're on vaccinated, then if you are vaccinated, force or for sure but they're, not restricting their crazy standards to the agenda. They did their extending its vaccinated, their basically saying you're supposed to be scared in perpetuity any could see in school. You can see in the new polling statistics how this works According to the Washington Post, two thirds will I can now say that once covert it passes they plans, on masks whence egg and we're comfortable clothes often than before. According to Washington Post Shower school, pull that points to ensuring cultural shift the public health crisis may bring about. When it comes to cry,
it places, the nationwide survey finds that more than four in tenuous adults intend to wear masks in such circumstances. After the pandemic, includes more than half women compared with what in three men tat. I will venture to say that this is bad because what we are teaching Americans is that living life in a normal way like seeing the faces of the people around. You is either of no matter at all, which I dont think is correct, or to the you're just supposed to mitigate all risk to the most. dream extent humanly possible, even if the data notes point remember until last march, if you ask Anthony algae, whether you should mask up for, for example, the flu, if there should be mass masking for the flu Anthony fatuous no and I'd be curious to find out whether Anthony catches changed his opinion, if Anthony Fashion, things that during a normal Lucy'S- and we shall mask up now whether this is now broadbased change with regard asking or whether it is covered specific well, if you have a cold no encouraging everybody during cold and flew season to mask and what exactly is the standard here?
seems like the standard is changed pretty wildly among U s it out of all ages? Majorities expect that they're going to be outdoors more often, which is very nice, but masking the really can offender in it is kind of fascinating. So apparently, Sixty seven percent of Americans now say they plan to where Mass, whenever sick, which, by the way, if you by that children. Your ear Children will never go to school again. He kids are just little petri dish is apparently forty. Percent of Americans say long term. It they plan to wear MAX in crowded places like forever also a pretty wide parson gap here, and this is that this is the part that I think is really telling who has returned to normal life, whose return to normal life. So you imagine Republicans basically have return to normal life at this point. Independence have largely return to normal life, other and then, with more that direction and Democrats, just don't return to normal life, apparently ever so. Here's the parson breakdown on that. According to this principle from the Washington Post, the
Is how much have you return to your normal pre corona life? If you're not fully return You expect to be able to fully return your normal precursor virus life, only fifteen percent of look rats say they are fully return to normal which is insane given the fact that a huge for Democrats are fully vaccinated, which means there now morbidly low risk of dying of governor forty, eight percent of Republican. So three times that number, say their fully returned to normal, about twice number of Democrats, as it were in India twenty eight percent of independence. Twice the number of Democrats say that they have fully returned to normal. Furthermore, when it comes to are you going to return to normal in the next three months. Only twenty percent of Democrats say they are going to return to normal in the next three months. In the next mutton month to three months twenty two percent of republican city. Well, so if you aggregate that what that means that about thirty five percent of Democrats say they have fully returned to normal or they to do so in the next few months fully ninety per cent of Republicans say either they are fully backed
or they intend to do in the next few months and some fifty two percent of independence say that the There have Fullerton normal or they expect in the next few months, which means that the Democrats are preaching something and accepting something that is not going to be long term answer here by debt. Partisan breakdown is not even abided by their own elites K did that the criticism. It really is kind of incredible the criticism that has been levelled, for example, against the deed. Bomber birthday party is extremely minimal. The amount of a media attention that has been paid to lorry Lightfoot presiding over Lollapalooza in Chicago and by the way, if you think that This idiotic notion that all these people crowded extremely together waving vaccine cards. They walkin somehow kept everybody save over there. That's not! There really is crazy. Number If you think that was a serious vaccine carjack a wrong number two, we now have been told that vaccinated people can pass to each other and the Un Vaccinated, but there
Stopping Anthony algae from having a very strong words again. It is only directed and politics. It is only directed a politics. The bad ones is immoral thing. This is why your Mama Birthday party matters, it is no longer about the science. It is no longer about the vectors of transmission is no, we're about even the morality of who is responsible for getting covert and whether they are to take responsibility for themselves now. The answer is: if you do not perform the pagan rituals that we have prescribed for you, then you are bad and if you do perform those pagan rituals that we have prescribed for You are good and here's the thing, even if you don't perform the pagan rituals, but you say that the pagan rituals are good. Then we leave you alone. So Brok, on his birthday party, violating all these structures, that's ok! He preaches the structures. but you know even lower Lightfoot, has Lollapalooza violating all the structures but she's in favour of the structures. She's. Fine, you know he's really bad, though the surges motorcycle rally, so here's Anthony Voucher very very concerned about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Over in Iowa or South Dakota, rather
well, I'm very concerned Chuck they're to see another surge related to rally, I mean to me it's it's It is understandable that people want to do the kinds of things they want to do. They want their freedom to do that, but there comes a time when you are dealing with a public health crisis that could involve you, your family and everyone else. That's something supersedes that me to do exactly what you want to do in its be selectivity, of the criticism that is really off putting here and really demonstrative of, if you worship the system then you can do whatever you want. You don't have to abide by the rules. It's the worship, the matters, it's the it's the mirroring the sentiments. the most important matters more than anything else, ok, when we get to the latest our, hence in favour of masking kids and and law, everything down in just one moment. First, let us talk about the fact that if you are a response, Why don't you need to make sure they have insurance, and that includes home insurance.
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Putting aside the partisanship, the push right now is pretty from the left and the public health establishment in favour of things like vaccine mandate and again. I think that this is coming from a a place. That doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of logical sense, so Doktor Anthony Vouchers leading the way or, of course he says that you know we can't just act like nothing is going on, Nobody is actually nothing is going on. You may notice at the vaccination rates have gone up. You may also noticed therapy looking. Governors are very much in favour of people getting vaccinated around here. Does he being ripped up and down informal gets more Santas in just a second his rate of vat? leading the elderly. Look about people above the age of sixty five is actually higher than virtually all of the blue states. So what does he mean react like nothing is going on. What were actually something is going on, but doesn't mean? Can lock on everybody's freedom, but Anthony's algae and left have set up. The stairs again the standard is euro covered. They won't admit to you that that's what the standard is that what we are aiming for? here's euro covered, but that's what they're aiming for their infers euro covered. They don't care what they actually
the rules so long as you that they are correct for pushing forward and popularizing there Liberals ears, Anthony Value, saying you know we have to get the pandemic under control. Now, here's the thing: no one has the pandemic under control. I dont know what he's talking about this notion that if you just mask everybody up as magically to fix the pandemic is belied by the fact that, right now, Australia is completely lockdown. It has record transmissions. He direct from Australia today, Quotas, Reuters, Australia or a record daily number of new corona virus cases this past Saturday, with the countries most pop The siege of New South Wales, Victorian Queensland, recording a total of three hundred sixty one case of the highly infectious delta variant without fear million people or sixty percent of Australia population under a strict locked down the country, supported five covered related deaths, one of the highest this year, New South Wales.
Worst pandemic day reporting three hundred nineteen new locally acquired covered nineteen cases, so they're not You ain't, like those numbers, are really low because they decided to lock everybody in their house. Still seeing higher numbers in Israel, Israel is like fully walked down at this point Israel is giving people booster shot. They still saw. About thirty nine hundred new cases of novel corona virus reported in Israel on Friday, the number of patients and severe condition spiked two three. twenty four. On Saturday, the health Ministry announced Saturday night of Asians hospitalized, some forty nine run ventilators the death toll rose to six thousand five or thirty five on Saturday night. This again is really seeing, as my everywhere is seeing a spike this this bizarre notion and Anthony volcanoes had gets. If he's known how to gets under control. I would love to hear how aunt catch. He's got this under control at any point during the pandemic, luxurious at any point, like a point now many points, one point would be excellent: here's Anthony purchasing he can get dependent, under control by apparently yelling at Republicans, by delay too quick note,
you ll notice, their yelling alot about Florida, denouncing it more about Louisiana? Why why? Why this ain't, the Louisiana, we're spiked, implored arena right now in terms of percentage increase, why is Louisiana napping mention? What parties, the governor again Democrat, here's Anthony fashion, let's get this pandemic under control before we, dont. Acting like nothing is going on. I mean something bad is going on. I mean we ve got to realize that nobody is saying nothing that is going on. Our saying is that you cannot force everybody whose followed the rules and vaccinated and done all the right things just stay in their house and walk down and mask up. You can't do that it's none of your damn business. What the vaccinated you at this point as far as the unfair, and it is still a free country and if they wish to put themselves at risk that is now their business at a certain point, you have let adults actually be adult it's kind of crazy, Yoritomo, paternalism, federal governed.
Why does the paternalism other federal government dna Extract reference counties going even further? He says, let's just do vaccine mandates for fuels. The vaccine. for me as a non political person as a physician as a scientist, the compelling case for vaccines, for everybody is right there in front of you just look at the data. I answer Really I celebrate when I see businesses deciding that there are going to mandate that for their employees and as a runs the National Institutes of Health with forty five thousand employees and contractors. I am glad to see the president insisting that we go forward, require vaccinations or if people are unwilling to do that, then regular testing, at least once or twice a week, which will be very inconvenient, ok register with taxi mandates for adults, thrust are pushing for kids. We get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about a great weight serve your family memories, legacy boxes and affordable way to have the priceless moments from your aging home movies, infers safely stored. In a format
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very careful that we have the honour, those religious exemptions, but you know there there's ways of which you can do accommodations in all sorts of different ways, which is part of the reason you have worked together on these on these vaccine policies. I thought what Joe Biden did in terms of the federal government of saying vaccine and test or test was important and we are supporting them I for one filled. The blossom did was very important as well and gay, so she says by the way that she now want the teachers to be forced to be vaccinated. She said I the circumstances have changed. The vaccination as a community responsibility always really heavily on me. The kids under twelve can't get vaccinated, it will have that can result. But what is the clever move? The cheese here she understands. A lot of places are to going to force the get to it. And so she's gonna say. If you don't force the teachers get vaccinated legally speaking, they can't come back to school at that is
little game? The Randy Weingarten is playing right here, but this has become again a democratic talking point. There's a Democrat named representative espionage, who who was pushing over the weekend Emily's from Illinois and and he was pushing the idea that the federal government is going to have to say been, and on a federal level. Sorry, it's Adrian lesbian. Beyond from New York's thirteenth district, he says fetch are going to have to mandate masks in schools. people there. There are now vaccinated. long days and then We are treating the virus wont, we don't vaccinate, we don't worry, masked, LISA dickie because when the children going back now in September, how could we not think that sure that our kids are projected and they were mask, is cool. This is a very practical life ce marking, a life saving measure, so the federal government, some stepping
for stringent policies that will protect everyone so much fun guys. So we went from it. states and localities are gonna. Do it too? If a state resist now the federal government is going to this year. All of this is getting centralized up at the top level and by the way in in variance with the data, so Jen Saki What did this kind of amazing things who micron Michael Ostro Home? There's an adviser to ease of covert adviser to divide administration asked her home and last week We played a clip of him, a national tv, pointing out there now masks are equivalent and they cloth masked, in his opinion, do very little to actually stop or retard the spur of covert nineteen view, the delta variant, the reason being the viral loaded It's very significantly larger, like a thousand times larger than the alpha variant, then alpha. So if that's the case, quaffing much too like well, maybe they're smothered had to master work, better Austria homes comments, I I'm not getting it advisor to the administration. Apparently they were taken off Youtube. Barely social media is now in the business of censoring advisers to the
an administration if they do not mirror the party line with regard to the efficacy of masking, which is like that while I mean that's crazy and engine Saki decide. You go to war with Austria home enough between Austria, woman talk. I think Mr Holm, those more but here's. He sang Lena. Some experts think that these cloth masks definitely are going to root out, are going to retard the spread of covert ninety be dealt very well. Jen Saki says than the scientist settle. Apparently, let me first say that after homeless, not an adviser to the president to the administration to the way she doesn't work here? Is a private citizen and a medical act that public health experts, but a lot of public health experts are out there speaking and good for them. I will say that we are going to continue to rely on the advice of medical experts in the federal government on what kind of masks EL, should wear what kind of masks kid should wear and if they change that advice than the Department of Education will be working with schools to make sure that implemented as a mitigation measure.
by the way asked her home was a member of President Elect, binds Carbonizing Advisory Board so, and she says he doesn't work with Biden. She means that right now not that he has been in the past, which he has so I guess now you can. They haven't, kicked off of Youtube, then using adviser. Now, he lost all his legitimacy. The minute he was no longer connected with Joe Biden. Marty Macsharry has good piece, over the Wall Street Journal about whether kids should be masked. He says you mess, reduce colored transmission and children believe or not. We could find only a single retrospective study on the question. Is results were inconclusive. It too go, the CDC sternly decreed that fifty six million- U S, children and adolescents vaccinated or not- should cover their faces godless of the prevalence of infection in their community authorities. Many places took the cue to impose mandates in schools and elsewhere on the theory that masks can't do any harm that isn't true. Some if I were to ask others struggle, those you have myopia can have difficulty seeing because the mask a fox, their glasses mass, conclusive, your acme another skin problems. It is comforting the mass distracts some children from learning
Freezing airway resistance during exhalation masks and lead to increased levels of carbon, The blood masks can be vectors for pathogens. become voice or used for too long by the way? None of this is politically controversial, like the W h, o his habits The possible psychological harm of widespread masking is an even greater worry. Facial. Impressions are integral to human connection, particularly for young children, as Marty Mccurry. What about the risk of covered which may manage are intended to ameliorate the cities report that for the week of July thirty, first, the rate of specialization with covered for children, five to seventeen was zero point. Five per million per million, which would amount to roughly twenty five at Bay since and the CDC says now, these kids were in the hospital for covert barrel. Hosting an emission is routine, so out of these kids were actually put in the hospital for not covered, but they taken task showing they had covered, and so they are covered. Positive. Kids, Children who do develop covert symptoms are minimal risk of long covert according to Lance Study published August. Third, almost
Children had symptom resolution by eight weeks providing reassurance about long from outcomes. Children have known to transmit colleges macsharry but far less often than adults do The CDC mass decrease, our perversely permissive, as well as needlessly strict cloth masks. Our new is effective and ninety five, but the cdc, ignores the distinction. Encouraging Americans wear masks since the beginning of a pandemic, that special attention should be paid to the many children who struggle with masks. This is correct. any child you once we're amassed, should be free to do so, but forcing them to make personal health and developmental sacrificed for the sake of adults refused. Yet immunized is abusive, give it the abuses, the point it really is they did they go here. Is you will abide, you will abide by ought we will scared the hell out of you to the point where you will mask up your kid and you will love it and if you and, if you don't want a mask up, your kid is because obviously it on tape covered seriously your covert denier, in the same way that the left now claims that, even if you agree with all of the IPCC, sit assessments about climate change
as long as you're, not in favour of agencies, green new deal, this major climate in our there now doing the same crap with covered in you, you can point out all the stats. You can agree with this at the level of deadlines. He can grew at the efficacy of vaccines. even talk about whether masks are helpful or harmful, depending on the circumstances, and what kind of asked you can do all of things but as long as you're not mirroring what the left wants you to mirror you're, the bad guy, and if you do, here what they want. You marry you can do whatever the hell. You won't have Sixtyth Birthday party with all your friends. Their mass was so long as you mirror, whenever there garbage The end of the day is, It really is amazing. Its it is. It is not at all about what is best policy is mostly about just please That is, of course right now. The person they all want, a yell at is is run a census of Lorna Jewelry while the last week, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, attacked Rhonda Census instead of around us. he, can believe round a was getting in the way of school mask mandate now run.
Answers didn't, say the kids aren't allowed to put on a mosque in school parents. my kids in a ninety, five, okay and ninety five- that there really that concern. What he said is that cannot be mandated where I'm asking school until that prompted Biden too just a dissenters was sort of each year, leader for covered spread, which is not again The evidence that mass manage any damn bit of good anywhere on earth not masking mask mandate. They done a bit of good anyway is completely missing. There is no evidence for this case, so the census, cracked back at Biden over the weaknesses in it. So so then, by then decides slammed Biden back and then Biden said Governor who, as he never heard of this answers, which prompted to sense is due to submit to smack and pretty pretty hardier Do you have a comment about the comment that President Biden made recently well. I guess, I'm not surprised that the binding doesn't. Remember me. I guess the question is what else
forgot forgotten about the crisis at our southern border. I can tell you that I buy Miss forgotten about the inflation. That's biting the budgets of families all throughout our country by you has forgotten about the demonstrators who were fighting for freedom down in Cuba, invited even forgotten about the constitution. Now, as we saw with what he did with this moratorium. Senses bet. You seem real about the stance, senses Abed. It has merited what oh continues to rank near the Middle back in terms of deaths per million outperforming all Democrats, favorite state with the second, its population in America. It does matter that the are on Florida covered spread, down pretty significantly over the last couple of weeks in which means that the cases are gonna be pretty soon and there they are Eddie, starting to have a lower rate of increase than they had even a week ago or with Gore two weeks ago. Now that matters to Santas is the bad guy. As the ASEAN and Medical analysed decided to sensitive
It's our defences is, though, is the problem. Obviously, where certain don't get your medical rise from the governor of Florida. First of all, there is no nineteen eighteen flew of floating around. There are a number of tools that a chief executive has chief executive can allow localities to mask up their part. Relation. They can certainly allow school districts to mask up kids, who first for many of whom cannot be vaccinated now and protect them. Peace prevented that a chief executive of the state can allow a vaccine mandates from businesses. He is preventing that Nature again did the idea that that they have they know how to get some control issues. People won't listen, it's the children who are wrong had no idea how to keep this under control, you failed. You continue to fail. The only thing that keeps this under control is the vaccine. which were created by the people you hate most over in big farmer in the front administration end of story, the only thing that is, pandemic under control, as that
as we saw in January, when the Werner vaccines, there is a huge wave and rapporteur people died and again by the way this pretty Doktor happens to be wrong according to history, dot com, and he cites the Nineteen eighteen flew to sense. It said that there is during that walkin around quote history, dotcom direct, send into the nineteen eighteen flew combined with bird flu or swine flu Gray, a powerful new pandemic strange, which is exactly what happened in nineteen fifty seven. Nineteen sixty eight and two thousand nine. Those later flew outbreaks, all created in part by the nineteen eighteen virus, claimed millions of additional lives earning the nineteen eighteen flew the odious title of the mother of all pandemics. So what turns out this medical analysed on CNN, as per See an unusual role doesn't know particularly stalking up. Are you coming up we'll get to the latest in Cuomo World? Will Andrew Cuomo survive his bout with grabbing? Ask what has happened just one moment. First, let's talk for a second. Sending your mail, so the reality is you don't need to go to the post office put up his great, why you want to wait in line and annoying in
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centralisation of power. In the federal government and the Woke agenda, this is my book. My book is called the the moratorium moment. It is an important book. It is a vital reed and you can get right now number two on your times by socialist, go get your copy now be the five starve. You help get my book to number on that best seller list. It is now global at Amazon Bars, noble any other major bookseller. The authoritarian moment is not just about how things got to Spanish, about how to fix it through important, go check it out right now, the authoritarian them them really proud of book. I think it's a vital reed check it out yourself. If there is one person whose always training controversial and thought provoking takes. I know I beside me: it's it's kinda zones, Now you have a chance to meet her. You can hear her drop her truth bombs, I buy sitting in her studio audience. If you sign up I was a daily where member with code vip you'll get twenty five years. a few new membership in the autumn, at the entered for a chance to win a trip for two. the Delaware Studios Nashville, not only
you be meeting Candice you'll, also beginning an inside. Look at her studios front row, seats to watch or destroy the left's insidious ideology on her talk show Candice it's a great time on Canada set. This isn't an opportunity I would pass up. Were I you sell it for in the mood for a trip to national full of love. just take. Don't go in turn out when two vip tickets to a canvas the IP pass right now at daily wire dot com, slash subscribe using code VIP get twenty five percent also has a great deal. Twenty five percent off a code ba plus a chance to win tickets to Canada. Shall you listening largest fastest growth and sort of Pakistan? Radio show in the nation Already me well in New York. Remember that remember that govern Andrew Clonmel he's letter. We love and use the good governor he will do. Santas is the bad governor. Cuomo was the best governor I mean he wanted Emmy, for goodness sake through an entire book about leadership during covert nineteen, while killing all the old and then covering it up. Well, now he's
bit of trouble, Melissa, Derosa, a fixture next governor and requests for months during his covered news conferences resigned laid on Sunday according to the AP on the heels report, the film from a eleven women leaving the governor without his top aid, as he faces the prospect of impeachment Derosa, who had been one of commerce. Fears, defenders and strategy. Certain statements and multiple news organisations serving the people of New York and curbing the greatest honour of my life. She added quote personally two years have been emotionally and mentally trying shouldn't get more civic region for her resignation. Should I'm forever grateful for the opportunity to have worked at such challenge? in committee. Colleagues, on behalf of our state scores, Democrats, including President Biden, have urged Qualmless leave office are facing impeachment battle. He probably cannot win about you The state assembly have already said they favorite impeachment. Morality refuses nearly all the three members of the state Senate have called for common to step down or be removed.
more punishing news for the governor is expected on Monday, when the assembly committee meets to discuss possible impeachment proceedings and CBS this morning is scheduled to broadcast. Firstly, the interview from an executive assistance accused Cornel of grouping her breast In a first public interview in which identified herself, Brittany Commission told CBS Anytime Union Newspaper of Albany when committed a crime that he needs to be held accountable. She said quote: under her shirt and fondled her when they were alone in the room of the executive mentioned last year and on and on occasion rubbed her rear end, while they paused for a photo choose the first woman to file a criminal went against call by the way speech could put her friend here so over the weekend. I turned a little bit on twitter because There's a series of photos of me at the last young man this foundation event taking a series of pictures and when there's a woman in the picture would make my hand which is sort of like around the the person. I take a picture with his out to the side, so you can see my free hand and the for this is what we called the piano Reeve rule, which is keep the hands off
and visibly away right for a very a good reason. This would be that reason. In any case is there a homo, has a problem for himself. He may not be the only one who has probably turns out. Chris Cuomo may have a problem as well, so it turns out that Chris now says that he is taking a vacation there's only problem? He parallel to the vacation like two weeks ago, so according to mediate, crisp almost to begin a week, long vacation from his prime times you an intellectual and product, a break. The host describes a previously schedule, damsons plan round his birthday said every year. I take member day week off, I'm looking forward to it. again, the only problem here is that day he just took a little bit of time off like a couple of weeks ago, this prompted Bryanston or to try to explain how CNN was handling the Chris Cuomo of it all and completely veiling here is Brien's shelter and reliable sources. Failing to explain why network allowed Chris to cover his brother for months on end and then Chris We ignore the fact that as brothers about gettin peached in the state of New York, this has been a canoe
from four CNN that has no providence? Are no perfect solution, dies some thinks he and I made it worse by letting Chris interview his brother, when Carbonizing nineteen was ravaging the york, but that was an unprecedented time period, and so is this one, a famous family in the news, a governor, restore The high tides last year now fall into the lowest slows self inflicted wounds and a brother who just wants to do his job just wants to Ankara show, but can he that's the key question Hu Jia. Wait. Chris just wants to do his job in Ankara shutters just what he wants to do. We are existing, like you, want did you, like smothers brothers, retain with his with his brother. I love brightened. Branched aftermath rely well sources, it's a conundrum with no perfect. Oh, it's a riddle, wrapped in a mystery wrapped in Enigma, wrapped in a conundrum. Is it for different mysteries, wrapped in one another intertwined?
strictly or its conundrum. An angel Chris Como getting fired possible national, never gonna! Do that and you know it. We all know that this out any of this work Meanwhile, the worst story of the week- and it comes out of Chicago Nobody seems to care about cops who get killed every day on the job all over the United States. This is why it is it's really galling when you hear the Democrats in DC pretend that they care deeply about the police officers were salted ungenerous ex, whereas you pretend what I mean is that they probably care about those specific police officers, but they don't seem to demand very much about the other. Police officers all over the United States who are harmed literally every day and want to fire by police officers, were injured, like literally hundreds of police, also, maybe thousands of police officers injured last year during the lives matter right to democratic anything? Any of that not a word not a word January sake they're, all of it
they're all about, because, obviously, when police officers are injured by people who are right, wing Then that is worth noting again you're only situational against violence against cops. This means you're not actually gets violence against cup. It's the same thing has happened. Has Semitism racism grimly education against it you're really not against it. It's it. Some only bothers you when somebody rebel we disagree doing the anti Semitism. You don't care about Anti Semitism if you're a Democrat Eric a lover she did to leaving no homer but men at Margaret Hale Agreements, just the worst. When it comes to the Jews, you don't care, et I semitism you're, just a liar and when you say I care deeply about the police officers were heard on January. Sixth, but I don't care at all. I had nothing to say about the police officers hurt every day on the job and in fact out continue to call police officers systemically racist and increase the risk to them by alienating intact groups of Americans from the top and mollycoddle people who call for defend the police
tough time, believing that care deeply about violence against the police and a root level. In any case in Chicago Chicago Tribune reports one. call police officer was murdered. Another is critically wounded exchanged gunfire with at least one suspecting traffic stop Saturday night single, would neighbourhood on the South police, family and the cook. county medical examiners. Offs identified the officer who died as our French a twenty nine year old, would work as a Chicago competence. twenty thousand, and eighteen is the first Chicago software to be shot and killed in the line of duty. Since mare lorry Lightfoot took office in two thousand and nineteen, the other officer with the department since August twenty fourteen is fighting for his life in critical condition at the University of Chicago Medical Center and refer said his younger sister always thought of herself before others at my sister's always been a person of integrity, jellies and I think, even when nobody's looking shows believed in people we ve been doing the right thing. She's always believed taking care of people that can take care of themselves, Andrew French in Iraq, war veterans, so that even with She joined forces. Sister was the proponents of therapy or social services over jail time. He sent you
see people get the help they need more than just throwing people in jail in situ the humanitarian she believes in human rights she's one of the office on the force. They thought they thought they needed reform, because you in the front line like I have just been a very during person, when I was in Iraq me and her talk, she has met, you don't find in the world anymore and she was killed Just after nine p m Saturday, there were sixty third in South Bell Avenue when the officers can the traffic stopped on three people at a vehicle. Now I've been reliably informed. The traffic saps are basically not problematic that, when police approach people during a traffic stop. Maybe unarmed, yes and social workers should job during a stop one open fire on the officers. At least one offs return fire too. such including french and one of the suspect were shot. The officers were Can t you see medical center, the wounded suspect was taken to advocate Christ. Medical center no gone. He When other males suspect we're in custody, a female suspected large after the shooting was arrested late
on Sunday. So just terrible horrifying story, Lightfoot lamented the prolonged forced the world's complaints that society doesn't it do enough for cops who feel the roadblocks doing their jobs effectively. She also lamented critics of the police. long announced officers, treatment of neighbourhoods of color? Stop just stop this, since this is not what we need in the moment. The police are not our enemy. She said their human, just as we are, we have a common. Me it's the guns and the gangs eradicating both his complexion, cannot let the size of the challenge. For us, we have to continue strike hard blows everyday. Will you know it's a good way to do that, not undermining the cops That is, a major issue will continue to be a major issue and it does get cops killed. I don't have come, I'm forces all over the United States to know what their experts Instead, it is like an how politicians make it worse for political gain, lorry life. What is one of those politicians already coming? We have another hour of the bench show a little bit later today. we're coming up soon about washing, there's one thirty pm Eastern be sure to check it out over a daily where a common bench go. This is the bench Barroso
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-09.