« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1311 - Andrew Cuomo Is Here To Grab Ass And Kill The Elderly...And He's All Out Of Elderly


New York Mayor Bill De Blasio announces life passports for the vaccinated, and bans for everyone else; and New York Attorney General Letitia James blows up New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
New York mayor, build applause. You announce his life passports for the vaccinated and bans for everyone else in New York attorney General Latisha James blows up your governor, Andrew Cuomo. Adventure of this is the bench show today. Show is sponsored by Express VP and stand up for your digital rights. Take action at Express gps dot com, slash to all the news and just for a moment and plenty of news. There is first, let me remind you that there are a lot of people who are interested in your internet activity. That may include your VP in provider get. The fact is that a lot of people who say they are providing with a free vps are actually average in our data. They are selling or did not show with express Vps. I can say with full confidence that express views is the best Vps on the market, and here is wide number one expressed bbn. Unlike those other regions, will not log your data. Also, there really fast and Fred LOTS GPS. The past many will slow your connection down, make it by sluggish I've been using expressed kinraid long time. My internet speed,
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the human liberty number one. It can be very difficult to check everybody's vaccine passports because, frankly, a lot of people who got the vaccine. Receive a vaccine card. Some people's vaccine cards like mine got dispelled. Some people didn't bother, get it back. cards, or they got rid of the first vaccine somewhere in like New York and then they went for the second shot somewhere in Massachusetts. Is me very difficult to actually enforce, all of this. You seen this Lollapalooza swell of losing Chicago you're supposed to show you vaccine card. What that really amounts to when you watch the video is people holding up a paper, a piece of paper and walking through a line with hundreds of people? It's it's like T s it's up without any metal detectors, meaning it is completely theatre. Re rigid, all four shell and all of this in order to what presumably protect the vat needed like it, doesn't make any sort of logical sense. The vaccinated them odds, are not a grave risk, hospitalization or death from carbon. The unboxing needed, if you wish to lower the curve,
on vaccinated, should be hanging out with the vaccinated not in their own special spaces. So I guess the logic here is that if your vaccinated you're one of the special people, if you're on vaccinated you're, one of the UN's special and if we punish you for being on vaccinated than sooner or later, you'll get bored with it and you will go and get yourself vaccinated. Well, there's an alternative possibility, which is you won't ravaged that you'll be so off, but you'll be so alienated. They you just look at the back: in and instead, your hang out with the other unboxing aided in restaurants outside of New York City, and you will in fact each other and you'll We end up with a higher rate of people passing the virus to one another. Now the reason I say this is because New York is not the first place to have tried this list This year's build a blog. You actually announcing this kind of domestic policy. The key to N Y see pass will be a first in the nation approach. It will require vaccination for workers
customers in indoor dining in indoor fitness facilities, indoor entertainment facilities- this is going to be a requirement. The only way to patronize these establishments indoors will be if you're vaccinate least windows are right. Now here is the thing. Couple problems with this first logical prevention? Then there is the intersection problem with this. So, for example, what exactly is going to happen in New York City when black people can't go to like any of the places because right now build applause. Yo is arguing that unless you have, Corbett vaccine or prove workable vaccine. Then I go to an intermediary, a gym or an entertainment centre, two bloggers has the city is going to start fighting businesses then privilege not be a governmental thing if your private business- and you only want to allow the vaccinated in because the bunch paranoid people in your company order. That's your business if the pity is cramming this down on you d, better him pretty good public health,
They really don't the plaza says the city is going to start fighting and inspecting businesses for compliance in MID September. All affected customer workers neither provide their vaccination cards or upload their proof of vaccination. Excelsior pass application and We in Europe any NOS one thing: it is how to do public sort of service. I get in there really really good at handling complex idea based transactions sort of like how it took them. Multiple waste to figure out who the actual new mayor of New York is going to be after screwing up the original vote. Tunnels are do great there, d be no bugs me. No, no hiccups enterprise can be just absolutely smooth, and this by We came a day after the plaza mandated vaccinations for all of the city's new hires, requiring them to provide vaccination by the first year of work. Without the option to get Sid regularly. Instead, he should similar manage presidium poison. Healthcare workers in July according to see NBC accordingly, as you about eleven thousand people have picked up a hundred bucks in origin
their vaccination so far, that started Why thirtieth enter into your? Basically, we have a two tier system in New York, Yuri citizen. If your vaccinate you're an unsolicited, if not, what there's gonna be a major international problem for building blocks, he'll hear it is lurking in the stats. So here are these stats hope it vaccine data by racial group in New York City. He has himself a bit of a problem with the intersection of coalition. He per cent of agents were fully vaccinated. New York City and remember you- may be fully vaccinate one backs ain't enough fully vaccinated in order to get the vaccine passport represent patients were fully vaccinated in New York City seventy one percent the number percentage of native Americans in Alaska Native have been vaccinated, fully sixty seven percent, the percentage white people have been fully vaccinated is forty. Five said, and the percentage of black people in New York City had been fully vaccinated is thirty one percent.
Seven out of every ten black people in your city has not been fully vaccinated. So how do you think this is going to play out for building blocks YO and his Democrat Harry we're gonna play out when restaurants are overtly turning away a disproportionate number black people. Now I have been told by Avram, Candy and Robins Angelo that any Inequality in society is proof of systemic inequity until easily build. The plaza is racist. I mean just as testing justice. Essay testing is racist Just as we have learned that picking up people for crimes is races. even if they committed the crime of the disproportion. Number of those people are black. That's racist, a disproportionate, or of people, are now not going to be able to go to the New York City Bodega because they are not vaccinated and those people will happen be black disproportionately. It is going to be fun to watch as New York each itself in a battle between the the paper active and super afraid upper crust.
White liberals in New York and the black population, which is overwhelmingly not vaccine in New York, is, can be funded. such a robin, the actual half of the white liberal population go to war with itself and migration Nope embraces demeanor, really want people to get vaccinate right, but the blacks aren't getting vaccinate. What do we do? I don't know what it's I hate me. I watch the disorder Tsar Schizophrenia of the New York Uppercross left is going. Out in a rabbit rapid, without, of course, logical and from then they'll just aids. The american system, the real reason black Americans aren't getting vaccinated is because America Writ large is racist, as always the solution. Now, let's go to the question of whether these vaccine passport to actually work so here's the thing we have some. What is the answer? Is not so much a back. In January, Israel watch a covert immunity passport, accordingly. Cnbc is January of this year. Israel, has been allowed for deploying what is currently the fastest cover. Nineteen vaccination campaign in the world less than him
after receiving its first shipments of the bar of the Pfizer, Bio and TAT job, country of nine million his vaccinated about twenty percent of its population. More than seventy two percent of people over the age of sixty had already gotten their first dose. Essentially, they are now what, using what they call this begin back in January. What was called the Green, a booklet, the green booklet would be given to people I have received two doses of vat in the book that would were vaccinated, individual, significant freedom from carbon nineteen safety restrictions, people then it would no longer have to go into isolation after coming in contact with an infected person are going to isolation after travelling internationally. They would no longer have to tested before entering certain tourist areas known green islands, dude still have to be wearing a man in public and maintaining social distancing right is the vaccinated okay, so there are still restricting Israel for the vaccinated since yet so what is the result of all that been quote times of Israel today daily covered cases surge past. Thirty, eight hundred Minister small new restrictions. The highly
run. A virus cabinet was set to convene Tuesday to approve new restrictions as the daily covert nineteen caseload surpass three thousand for the first time since March, according to the health ministry Eighty eight hundred new cases were diagnosed on Monday with three point: seven: eight percent of tests returning positive the number of serious cases stood at two hundred twenty one of whom forty six were on ventilators, so so called green passed by the way was reinstated by the government on Thursday, with with entry to events of more than a hundred people both indoors now tours allowed. Only to those who are vaccinated, recovered or the present a negative call, the test, children under the age of twelve, largely exempt from the system, so they can When in with green password, then they went out with the green passport and here's the thing it really has done very little. Green passports are not really a common and what they see to accomplish. In fact, I have not seen these vaccine passports anywhere, accomplish what they seek to accomplish in terms of either, forcing all of the unboxing aided you get vaccinated or in terms of lowering the rate of infection from covered nineteen
an event things are going very poorly in France, so France also has a vaccine passport system enters building in mass protests across France there's an entire peace in the times today a person in Pauline Bach is a french journalist. She says time of the year when the French are traditionally divided between, you go on holiday in July, and those who go in August. The past few weeks have seen hundreds of thousands of people coming together with a single rallying cry. Liberty these protesters are united against France, a new system of passing passes, which was announced with much fanfare by the government on July twelve and is gradually coming into effect the measures intended to lift the vaccination rate. As the delta variant courses round, the country make proof of vaccination or negative covetous mandatory to get into cultural, then use bars and restaurants by September. All care workers will mean such a past retain their job, and workers on a permanent contract may be suspended without pay until and provide one that to some extent ass for one's primary aim in the weeks since this was announced, six point: five: million people have been vaccinated, taken the level to four
seven percent about the same proportion as in the? U S, the moon, however, has rebounded badly against the government and people unhappy. active coercion are taking to the streets in a collective display of defiance, potential We coalescing into a substantial protest movement. They could MAR President Emmanuel Macrones reelection efforts. Next year experiences, a cautionary tale sea have turned. And tons and tons of people have been protesting against this, not because tons of french people our backs deniers. Only that, seem presents a french residents say they intend not to be vaccinated and better Let me make one announced: the roll out of action passes over half of them. the population had done at least one doze. Their concern instead or about freedom and rights, how this is going to take place, according against this Congress in the New York Times. Protesters fear that, as will allow for wide ranging states surveillance petition. Targeting the most vulnerable and even suppressing descent. There's nobody
see. They warn that the system will be retired Wednesday that once the virus is defeated, luckily, the only trade exempt from mandatory destination, the cops we'll be there make sure everyone else obeys the palace. Is ripe for authoritarian misuse again. This is not coming from many american right wing is coming from. The French is also the idea of vaccine passport in New York City they tried in Israel has been pretty unsuccessful. The tried in France has been so far not supremely successful any driver of mass unrest, and yet people keep brushing for with all this again based on law? based on what look I'm just wondering where. Why is this panic happening right now? If you in New York City. The number of deaths in New York City now day, Andy Average five university five again, New York City population right now is approximately eight point: four million
there are day as a dandy average of five deaths per day in Europe's heading five out of eight point: five million everytime. I bashing passports for everyone. The way you look at the number of cases. The number of cases has been rising. Their seventy average is about twelve hundred cases. Hey that that's it somewhat big number when they were at their sort of highest numbers. Back in January, there are getting something like six thousand, sometimes seven thousand cases a day right now, like twelve hundred cases today still have one fifth of that. But again the vaccines are available to everyone. So we'd everybody alone, but they're, not only everybody alone. It's gonna, get even worse. The National Institute of Health directive, that's cause, you get out no, where they get these folks, but they're. Just the terrible does an ape reference Collins is now telling parents that they should work massed in their own homes to protect their kids from covered. Despite the fact. But there is no evidence at this. Point of increased deadline is from the Delta variant in kids. Accordingly, Two people who work for the by
administration colony, things like this, it is clear that the variant is capable of causing serious injury in children. You ve stories coming out of Louisiana, pediatric eyes use where there are kids a few months old or sick from this, that's rare, but Anyone tried to tell you: don't have to worry about it if your young, healthy person there's a lot of counter examples all around. No, that's anecdotal! You can't do that. Ok, if you're, if your basic pitch is you should worry about, your kids, because you're some anecdotal data of kids getting supersede super ill from covered, no stats just total data your arguing in the exact same preserve as people like I'm, not making a vaccine, because I heard about One kid who had an adverse effect on the betting anecdotal data means zero. It means nothing, Euro things does it mean in terms of your personal risk assessment, is there any tells us a lot about stuff happening on earth all the time. This is why again, it sounds like this is very much about control. Here's Frances Collins pushing this thing. Yesterday you have heard
stories coming out of Louisiana pediatric icy use where there are kids as young as up months old who are sick from this. That is rare. Certainly younger people are less likely to fall ill, but anybody tries to you don't have to worry about it if you are a young, healthy person whose we counter examples all around us now. What so yeah you do need to think about it and that's the reason why the recommendations are offered kids under twelve, that they have we're being in places where they might get infected, which Viens recommendations of mask wearing and schools, and that at home are parents alone vaccinated kids home at No, are you insane? parents of investing, because, let us be frank about this- he means every parent. You cannot legally give a vaccine to a child twelve in United States. He means every single parents in the United States, should be wearing in their home with their kids. Are you
out of your damned. Might the answer is yes, there are deadlines, thirty months and here's the thing once again: human beings who are capable of controlling everything, happens. We have human beings, an unbelievable ability to adapt created one of the great scientific creations of all time in this vaccine. It's unbelievable submit its miraculous, it's unbelievable, unbelievably miraculous, but we can't control everything because we can control everything. People on what thing Can they just gonna keep doubling down? We get more of this in just one second. First, let's talk about the fact that you don't really want to go to the auto part store. I know you woke up this morning. You thinking I'd love to go to the auto part, store raw. No one thinks that way. Instead. Well, let's get out of our story awaiting line and a bunch of questions, and then the person behind the counter Billig Year due to have to order it online, wait three weeks on up charge or just use the inroads rock auto dotcom they always offered the lowest prices possible, rather than changing prices based on what the market will there like airlines? Do why spend twice? for the same parts thereof business serving auto parts, customers online for twenty years, Iraq, Odd Oda,
onto shop or ATO and body parts from hundreds manufacturers. The Catalans unique remarkably easy to navigate even quickly see parts available for your vehicle and choose the brand spell patients in prices you prefer hadn't over Iraq, ordered outcome right now. She all the parts available for your car or truck right. Piero in their. How did you hear about a spot? So they know there. We sang you again: rock auto dotcom family business, american business, gonna Rock ordered outcome shop for the auto and body parts you need from hundreds manufacturers get the best possible price right Shapiro in there did you hear about his box, so they know that we, Are you ok up again? The reason that I point out but maybe human beings, origin control. This is because human beings obvious there not control this Bangladesh using a massive spike right now, according to the New York Times with by but act on re nationwide lockdown, but a third wave of covert hostile in the capital, Dhaka are reaching capacity. Demand for oxygen is exceeding supply obvious we govern around his fantasies about your on Sunday, the government granted an exemption allowing the count, the country's critical made garments industry to keep operating, prompting fears among
ports. The health crisis could worsen, but if not just Bangladesh, it's also back in China where they lied. Bedwin China says that this entire time it was like five thousand people there, just unbelievable liars, just unbelievable liars right now we have plans to test all eleven million residents for covered now told by the health experts, China, just an amazing job, locking the stuff down Nope the city had not recorded in any local cases since may of last year, after a harsh two and a half watch and hope to eradicate the virus there, but city officials say they had to take three symptomatic local cases in the previous twenty four hours. Finally, symptomatic, as is their testing all one million people, I dont think that they detected three cases in their testing eleven million people. I think they have a lot of cases Japan is starting to see a surge as well. According in your terms as Japan strains to contain it galloping coordinators outbreak and to keep an olympic from burning in the final days of games, the government is now trying to new tactic. Public shaming, on Monday, Japan's health,
history, released the names of three people who broke over nineteen rules f returning from overseas, this was to japanese nationals in their twenties who just came back from South Korea. Third came from Hawaii, apparently they had acted to avoid com as with the authorities there trying to shame the hell out of people because actions over their arising on Tuesday official said they had recorded more than three hundred daily cases, nationwide headed the starting to come down. The other side of the curve looks like in Japan a little bit, but here is the bottom line: the sort of stuff happening nearly everywhere in Rwanda, senses came out in Florida, round his answers is always the bad guy. In all of this, according to left, he came out and he said I don't think we The peak every hospitals are not overwhelmed, yet there are open for Uncovered business, which, by the way is still true he's dead? We're not shutting down, wouldn't have schools
what protecting every Floridians job in this state? These interventions have failed time and again in this pandemic. They have not stopped the spread correct, and then he said that dumb when, when people interposed right what about kids with culminating. He said that with blaming kids were not wearing masks and getting sick and called the question deplorable, which it is and then he's listen what I did. I focused on protecting the seniors and I he's correct are all that. The media, however, have decided that run the sandwiches, the herself it is now worth while to or why there is a surgeon, Florida. Ok, here's the thing the answer is really really obvious. There's a surgeon. Flora right now cause it's really hot, outside its hot and simultaneously rainy Avenue immigrants of lord- and let me just tell you, Florida is wonderful in the summer. It gets unbelievably hot, unbelievably human, and it rains a lot in the afternoon and what this means. People go inside where do you think of it is transmitted, is transmitted inside and there's lots of error. So I said, Blowing all over the place from conditioning and heating
This is not a shock here, for example, is a chart cases by region in the United States Look at this chart cases by region more easy, first malls, Louisiana, shrilly, spiking. Why? I wonder? What could it because Louisiana in the south- and it's really damned hard outside in Louisiana right out and to people, are staying inside. Ok, so this chart from the New York Times cuts the United States into four regions- West Midwest, south and north east- you wouldn't is this virus is seasonal, depending on whether so right now, the south leads the way in terms of case count, then the west has its really hot in the south and in the west, then the MID West, where it's cool, and then finally, the northeast, where it is coolest. Now, let's revert back to say, you know, like you you're right when things were, were really that, if you look at January, what you'll see is that the weather dictates exactly how this goes. Right in the middle of January? The middle of this MIKE? What you see is that the West and the south, where the
fewer people who already had the virus generally speaking than in the northeast. What you see is the northeast spikes, and now the northeast is close to the top of it back along with weapons out? And you will see that if you go by even further than that. If you go back to like November December, when the spike for started the MID west takes over, why let's take over unlike December November. Why could it because it s really cool the outside, and so a lot of people go to the inside Ah so maybe it doesn't have to do with policy. It has to do with the weather I mean. We know this last year by the way we do this so that that is not a shock at all at all or I'd. Show is all that all this, the predicate to govern in passports, in nearly everything right, because again, the case in, or of government passports for vaccines. At this point is dreamily weak, statistically it's extremely weak on it ethical level. It's really weak. There. There's no real sort of end goal here, justifies the notion
if you're on vaccinated now we're just going to bar you from every business by the government and it s kind of crazy and is going to result in a massive anti When backlash here, while you can see that this again is part and parcel of a broader sort of authoritarian move that that you can see in terms of ideology. There's a good peace today from Christian Tate over the hill. called coming soon. America's own social credit system and here's what she says: she's the new deal, the war on terror. Adopt by the right on January. Sex has prompted several websites they'll predecessors sort effectively could become a soft soap. Credit system by the end of this decade reliant indirect ten from DC. Our social matters in corporate Amerika will attempt to force the most profound changes our society has seen during the internet era. China's social that system is a combination of government in business surveillance that gives citizens a score that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions such as purchasing plane tickets acquiring pretty or take loans because of behaviors. Given position of several major american companies. A similar system may be coming here sooner than you think. Here's the thing if we can start basic
telling people whether they are allowed to engage in business based on whether they do to get a vaccine or not as an individual adult human being. You can quickly see that the left, which has cleared anything. They don't like in actual danger, where this part of the broader, your Michael aggression, ideology pushed by the left. It is not a far leaped from We need vaccine passports because we have to protect ourselves against the public health menace of the vaccinated too We need social credit passports because we need to protect ourselves against the menace of people. Disagree with us. that's a long jump! All you have to do is look at college campuses where they ve already started implementing this sort of. Like all the time left last week's has since columnist for the help pay pal. To partnership with the left wing, southern Poverty LAW centre to investigate the role of white supremacist and propagators, I got my rhetoric subjective labels that potentially could impact a large number of groups or people using their service phase. he's taking similar measures recently, introducing messages that ask users to snitch and their potentially extremist friends, which, considering
from a bias seems mainly to target the political right. At the same time, Facebook and Michael, after working with several other web giants and the? U N, on a database to block potential extremist content. The actions of these major companies may seem logical in an internet, riddled with scams and crime knows going defend far militias are white supremacist groups using these platforms, but the same the government censorship exists with corporate censorship. If there is a line who draws it, can you see, that this is sort of the West's take more generally on, who ought to be part of the Eric and body politic and who ought not to be This is why they're making such a big deal out of generous at six months after it happen any though the people responsible have been arrested and will end up going to jail and that the latest sort of it. Nation of this particular argument, is an argument over to Deasey police officers who were present at these. you're a sixth riot and have now
died by suicide according to new Metropolitan police department. These are the third and fourth officers to commit suicide and pity. Spokesperson Christie, Christian let's go towards him and on Monday also Gunther how she donating you're, better and on the force of founded his residence on Thursday, which of course is tragic into She was assigned in the emergency response team within the special operations. Division was despatched to the capital January. Sixth, only hours later, the empty confirmed, another suicide had taken place. That, of course happen the same day and it happened in MID July. We don't have any information as to whether, disasters officers committed suicide because of January sex or whether there is a connection to January Sixth, realistically speaking, unfortunately, police officers are just problem only likely to commit suicide, but in seventy six police officers, died by beside in twenty twenty alone. We don't know that apart. So breakdown on those numbers you to some. Basically, the bigger the police department, the more police officers probably committed suicide. You would assume more police officers commit suicide in just on an absolute right.
we're level in New York allay Chicago DC than elsewhere. But this is being used as a excuse to basically say that all Republicans are now responsible for police officers committees as Chris Como said, just daddy's Republicans are to blame for these suicide. Since you have information, we dont, who knows where he rest in peace We need to see his life and death for what it is now his name. I shudder. Same for capital officer, Howard, leaving good. an easy officer, Jeffrey Psmith. Why off He died by suicide after the January six attack machine that last week was announced today there are forty five years of experience among them, yet they say people who claimed blue lives matter mocked, laugh despair. urged the wounds inflicted on these men wounds. Of that day go far beyond the hundred and forty officers beaten with flagpole stab metal fence stakes
smashed over the head with fire extinguishers and more The survivors told you the x. dent themselves. Last week. Look at all this is all this you know would would come If we are talking about the police officer testify last weekend, we don't even know why these police officers committed suicide. Their wide variety of reasons, unfortunately, why people become suicidal it unless there's nation that he has the we know. We don't know that this actually was connected to general. Excellent anyway, which a sort of important point out also I've noticed that there been no report, on any of the suicides that have taken place this year in other police departments. Apparently there have been eighteen suicides over in the United States by police officers were those connected. The blacklist nevertheless able to help those right. We don't know in the same way that he doesn't know that this was connected to January proceedings alot of police officers or put in pretty ugly. relations last year, but the goal here is I'm all Republicans for this. In fact, me, former DC police, deputy chief named Republicans for these police suicides as well,
when you hear our elected officials, people that you should really looked up to start to try to spend a story of something as serious as well took place on January six and trying to make it into something in the rapid was just like a regular tourists who back we all know. That's not true. The same people say and I will barricading doors, are hiding in the basement of the visitors centre. At that time, a particular point in time to hear them say that is not only disrespectful. It does create additional trauma This is because the latest talking point and if you think, and that these sort of social creditors, that's being created now given the government now to basically Are you to attend businesses or not attend businesses based on the critical danger that opposed to others, in defiance of the data, by the way? If that can be extended to ideology, I mean I I have doubts. I have doubts that I will not attempt to do something like that, and I find that highly disquieting. Ok in just a second going to be getting to Latisha James, the attorney General
the state of New York has now released. A devastate report on Andrew Corners, unfortunate pension, not for killing the elderly right that doesn't matter anymore. The deal J dividing the OJ decided was not worth investigating Andrew we're coming all the old people in New York and in covering it up. It was much. worthy of investigation that demand loves to grab ass, apparently ends that's really bad, you know it's worth going much old people in lying about it, but it isn't it that then your governor, I has a penchant for putting. Both his hands in inappropriate places, apparently we'll get to that in just one moment. First, as you get older, get tired, Aylesbury We got a lot going on in your life career family. Staying in shape life can get stressful started down in our present when you want to be to perform your boss, physically and mentally eternal at age. Be you. This is where I M Dr can help embryo. Is the daily supplement for driven men? You don't want a slowdown refused to be too every day one of the best of what they do. Its path. Ugly tested ingredients that support healthy testosterone levels while helping you we wait and stay lean added vitamins and nutrients, reduce stress, booster drives and you can perform at your best inviting
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We get hurt, nobody, Delaware, DOT, com, slash backstage with code, backstage, get twenty five percent off membership and a chance to win the ultimate backstage experience or listening to the largest fast escort in several Pakistan radio show in the nation already meanwhile, Andrew Cuomo under fire not for killing. All the elderly. People in reopening covering up the man apparently cannot keep his hands off other people's assets. Apparently this is like the big thing they're right now. You will recall that the current president of the United States, Joe Biden, said an interview back in March that if the allegations against Andrew Cuomo were confirmed that he should resign here. The danger that, if the invitation confirms the claims of the women should resign. Yes, I think you ve, probably gonna be prosecuted. It will now it has been confirmed that this is precisely what Andrew Cuomo dead. According attorney, General Latisha, James herself. I will
has her eye on the gubernatorial. See them is pretty obvious. Politician dreams wants to run for governor there's a part of the problem with having in Asia with her eye on their top seed is like the date when the crosshairs and it can get real ugly, real fast, but The obvious from the de Roo report on Andrew almost penchant for Ask robbery ISM a hundred and sixty eight page slow. So that is a lot of buttocks grabbed that that is a lot of body parts groped. According to the report, the direct contact with intimate body parts, including the touching of executive assistant, number ones, breast, the grabbing and touching on the butter. Various women, including executive assistant, number one in state entity, employee number one and the governors touching of troops. when stomach and back unquestionably amounted to sexual harassment, in fact, the law provides the direct costs. With an intimate body part constitute one of the severe forms of sexual harassment, the governor denies restate. She doesnt recall any of these allegations of physical contact, but we find
The credible evidence establishes that the governor in fact touched these complainants in the way they have described those turning now to conduct the clearly constitutes sexual harassment. These are the findings of attorney general Latisha Games like a Democrat second the governors. Numerous comments on these sexually suggestive nature, including questions about age differences in partners. At the same time as the governor asked about finding a girlfriend, Miss Bennett, Moreover, number one: the criteria for girlfriend being someone who can handle pain, the trooper number one. And experiences within views about monogamy weather. employ had been with an older man feeling lonely and wanting to be touched. The attractiveness the employer and comparing her to an ex girlfriend wanting to go out to assistance in calling them mingle, Mama's weather it would be willing to cheat on her partner playing strip poker, putting attach you but as opposed to the shoulder and locations of piercings other than the ears individually and collectively constitute an awful sexual harassment, musical notation, James again Democrats. We find these and some of which the governor denied other, which he claimed were merely misrepresented to be
by any reasonable measure. Gender based offensive and harassing the law provides the commons such as he's not have been overtly sexual or motivated bisexuals, arrogant. First, while it is important to point out here that sexual harassment by super duper vague, particularly in states like a Fournier New York, so making a joke if it can easily be construed as sexual harassment. However, it seems that the Andrew require had the unfortunate pension for for saying all these actually suggested, things to AIDS and random that he met. Why were and over and over again, the law is clear. These types of sexually suggestive comments if made us a joke or otherwise particular part of a pattern of commenting conduct as it was with the governor, constitute unlawful sexual harassment. The complaint Not surprisingly said these types of suggestive comments made them feel uncomfortable humiliated, unsettled taken advantage of. comfortable and cried out for the recipients of these an appropriate comments and jokes from the governor. We find the governor indeed created a hostile. work environment, wait, there's more! Third, we
find that, under the totality of the circumstances, even the governors less overtly sexual comments that were none the less gender based also created the work environment, although governor and certain of his senior staff sought to downplay what the evidence has revealed as frequent gender based comments and conduct by the governor as simply old fashioned or cultural. Neither it's me we're just vices baby information on harassing, for example, two female staff as honey, sweetheart and darling, kissing if members on the forehead and some of the senior staff on the lips hold them entirely around the waste for pictures on other occasions, allowing senior staff members to sit on his lap and official functions and lying down with his head on the lack of staff members who are women, fine basin are interviews numerous executive chamber. Employees did in fact create a hostile work environment for many staff, who are women, ok, but the last one I wanna go with yeah. That's weird, ok like if you got a guy who sixty and says to women, honey or sweetheart. I don't think that's what the end of the world. I know too many sixty five year old, guys who, address everyone that way and also address, like
much anyone whose of a younger generation that way, because they ve been used to call in their kids that that doesn't sound like Andrew Cuomo here and Andrew Cuomo. I think it's a fairly good but when you take her head and put it in the web of a female employees that White sit in the, but so yeah yeah. It's not good. As a matter of law claims The gender based behaviour is simply a functional, being old fashioned or culturally. More affectionate is not a defence Sexual harassment, one of you employees named miss less experienced the work environment, saying for whatever reason in his office the rules were different. It was just you should do it The complement of the governor finds you aesthetically pleasing enough. So even though strange and uncomfortable and technically not permissible in a typical workplace environment, I was in this matter. said that it was the twilight zone in the typical rules did not apply. What these witnesses and many others described as not just old fashioned, affectionate behaviour, it was actual harassment says the Latisha James Report. Apparently they also found that the executive
chamber, failed report and investigate allegations of sexual harassment is violated their own internal policies. According to the report by people made reports These were not investigated or followed up upon. So that is a serious problem. Here is the thing, though, so what, if you James, as I know about the whole like prosecution in this thing, you know now really better. What the bells are found, unlawful, retaliation right did this report concludes the executive chamber, meaning Cuomo, engage and prohibited retaliation against Lindsey boiling in responses. allegation she made on December thirteen twenty, Neither the governor has actually harassed her. I'm off retaliation, first when the employer takes in adverse action an employee or former employees, that person made a good faith, complaint, formal or informal of unlawful discrimination or harassment. We find this occurred with respect to Lindsey boiling as detailed above incidents boy.
Described inner medium article in her testimony have been admitted and corroborated as well, so he engaged in a cover up and the original activity. He engaged in an unwillingness to even investigates the Gunners office did not investigate, however, occur until a tissue James, they are they have no real feelings on whether a prosecution should take place with, she is is real cop out here by Latish. James, obviously like the fact that she is is not pushing, bored with any sort of criminal prosecution is fairly incredible, but that is where things down so now the question is: does he led the stone? Does he live the stone, and the answer is probably because if there is one thing that we have learned at this point is: if you don't leave, no one can make you first. I want,
two no directly from me that I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances. I am sixty three years old, I've lived my entire adult life in public view. That is just not who I am and that's not, who I have ever been so Democrats in the state legislature actually want to throw him overboard either going to toss him. I have seen raise doubts, I don't think so. I think he's gonna stick around and then he's going to hope that people forget about this They did the first time But these allegations have been out there for a very long time. Everybody has known oh engages in this sort of behaviour for years on end. Apparently, if you just wait long enough, it goes away. There is another complaint on to address from a woman in my office who said that I groped her in my home office. Let me be clear that never happened.
she wants anonymity, and I respect that so I am limited, but what I can say but her lawyer has suggested that you will file a legal claims for damages that We decided in a court of law I'll, buy newspaper or biased reviews are not the way to find the facts in this matter. And- and I will say I am astonished I continue to be astonished that CNN, maintains ties with Chris Cuomo. Ok is. There is a report appendix includes Charlotte Bennets TAT. about her interactions with Andrew Como N in email from Chris Cuomo appearing to draft a statement on behalf of his brothers. Apparently Chris helped his brother After a statement responding to the allegations quote: actions have been raised about some of my past interactions of people in the office. I spent my time at work and colleagues are often personal friend. I never intent.
Prevent anyone or cause any harm, sometimes and playful, and make jokes. You see me, do it Breathings hundreds of times by only desires to add levity and bantered. What is a very serious business? I now understand my interactions, maybe an insensitive to personal, and so my comments give my position made. Others feel in ways. I never intended. I'm sorry and feel deeply embarrassed about that separately. By offices. Hurt totally. Some people have reached out to miss Bennet to express displeasure about her coming forward. My message to anyone doing this is you have misjudged what it is to me in my administration, should stop now period The statement apparently drafted by Chris Cuomo on behalf of his brother, who at the exact time, was need. The body was covering his brother uncovered your recall in the middle of this. Rather the it's it's pretty amazing shop. So CNN has like she zero credibility at this point. Frankly, when it comes covering these sorts of issues. It is a shame for the CNN reporters who don't suck, but the fact of Chris Como gets. You go
there are and pretend to be a moral better, for everybody continues to be vital, to say the very least. so that is where things stand. I think that he probably outlives this because That is the rule and american politics these days. It is that you, basically it's not, that you live that you guys you're or live long enough to become the villain. It's that you dies a hero live long enough, should become the villain or live, even longer become the hero again, which think, will eventually happened within Roma. I wouldn't be surprised venom from a pushes statewide locked down as a result of this, its wag, the covert mask I would not be surprised at all its New York kicks into high year with regard to covet. Just so, we can go active, Andrew Cuomo, giving briefings about how necessary he is, there will not be a giant rise in any way shape or form? Ok, sober. we part today. I have a quick olympic update. The olympic update is that, when Bear I remember her. She was the hammer thrower who turned away from the? U S, flag, sadly
has failed to metal at the Olympics, which only mystery once and for all that hammers are racist. According to the new posts, very field's medal during the women's hammer. Throw finals on Tuesday very finish, an eleventh place out of twelve competitors. Registering distance and seventy one point three five meters, so she didn't When that is sad, she said that if she had one she would have represented the oppressed people, had you ornamental until gazing, has been my message for the last three years. Oh she's been denied that possibility and America weeps for her. It is. It is dishonest story of the day, obviously also worth noting I'm just gonna have to, it is quite because this clip is really astonishing and I feel that it deserves some level of independent common. So. the racial conversations that we have been having in the United States over the past, you're or so at the head of the Rachel conversations. The woman in Robin Angelo your recall her as the author of white fragility
An entire like forty five in a breakdown of that awful awful book, one of the worst books ever written on Youtube, even go find it. It's pretty is by his Robin the angel, I think the cheap, speaks for so many on the left when she talked about her embarrassed. And her own raised. This is this is how, How things are done in the United States of people are listening to rob the annual operational advice and that just deserves Here's Robins Angelo yesterday, talking about discovery of her own white privilege talk to me about when you first realized you white whiteness. He has asked me about that.
Hey. I was a very abstract sense. I honestly believe I was about thirty four years old, I was all educated. I was apparent and someone handed me Peggy Macintoshes article and I read through that list and I had an out of body experience. I could tell you where was sitting, I mean I'm not ever gonna forget that moment were all the and I was like- oh my god, I'm white enough, and I felt so loudly white that I remember being hesitant to go outside. I don't wanna go outside, because everybody could see that I was White Pagan called Pagan called out where my skin color makes me bad knows, hesitant to walk outside and that the sort of ritual performative nature of this interview that she is doing with a black interviewer is really amazing, but
This is what we have become: a society of ritual performances, society of religious ritual performances in which we are asked to pay fealty to our public health authority, and show our racial or authorities The conflict we got a bit of a problem is there about you in your city about, but that aside man there is a sickness. in the head of the United States public. At this point I end it may be fatal already will back away, Today, with an additional hour of the bench, a bureau showing up soon is now all showed. There's one thirty pm eastern, you sure to check it out over a daily Werner com, I'm bench where this is the bench of Euro show if you enjoyed this episode, dont forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread the word please give us a fight. STAR Review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened to. Podcast also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including Andrew Craven, show that Michael moles show.
And the mat won't show. Thanks for listening, Dementia Bureau show is produced by Elliot, fell, executive producer, Jeremy boring our supervising producer is math is clever. reduction manager of a light asking associate producer, Bradford Carrington Post producer, just in barber, show is ended. Item silent audio is mixed. I make a comment to make up my fabulous, Christina Reduction Assistant Jessica. Grand adventure Barroso is a daily wire production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty one John Bigley here Daily Wire editor in chief wake every morning with our new show morning, wire on today's episode, New York's attorney general finds that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed, multiple women, New York City issues, a city, wide proof of vaccination mandate and whistle blowers exposed more trouble, developments at the border join us and get the facts. First, on the news you need to know with our show morning, wire.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-04.