« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1147 - When Ladies Play Football


The media continue to play offense for Joe Biden; the world goes nuts after a woman kicks off in a men’s football game; and Democrats continue to push covid rules they don’t obey themselves.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The media continue play often for Joe Biden. World goes not after woman kicks off an immense football game, and Democrats continue to push covered rules Don't obey themselves adventure pair of this is the main Shapiro show today show is punctured my express bp and protect your data online with GPS. I trust visit Express gps dot com. Slash then we're gonna get to all the news of the day in justice. one moment. First, let me remind you that things are still pretty volatile out there. What we have in a smart move like several years, Taking some of your money and putting it in precious metals, I'm not saying liquidate all of your assets, then by gold and put that in the refrigerators I'm saying you should have some of your money and precious metals was to diversify right. This is just a basic investment strategy about putting some real silver in your loved ones. Stocking this year that because now, through December, twenty first for every five thousand bucks you spend with Brcko group on physical gold or silver or investing in her passion. Metals, irate birch gold will send you bonus silver is the countdown to inauguration at which is a great deal:
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December twenty first ok, so the media's mission to protect Joe Biden continues apace, no matter what he does. It is most wondrous thing that has ever been done and in what one of the most irritating aspects of the last twelve years in american life was the media's decision to make itself the lapdog for the Obama administration then turn around and decide to be extremely aggressive in every way the way up to and including propagating false information about President Trump and now they're gonna go right back to being Lapdog for Joe Biden if Joe Biden has inaugurated on January twentieth or cliff levy is the associate managing editor and Metro editor of the New York Times, and yesterday he trotted out courts in the New York Times mission. we will scrutinise the incoming administration just as thoroughly as we did the outgoing one, a www now How many stories did you run on hundred Biden? Was it in the weeks leading up to the election dont member? A lot of that, and I just I don't trust you here's the thing. I don't trust you when you say that you are going to be on time,
of the Biden team. I don't trust you and one of the reasons I don't trust you is because every few days in Europe run some peace talk now. Evil capitalism is like style section. It turns out the entire generalised, World view of the New York Times is that the left is right and that the right is wrong. Then they pretend to be objective, and I was thinking about this a lot last night. Why do you even pretend at this point? We all know that if you subscribe to the New York Times they I would guarantee the number of Republicans but subscribed to the Eurotunnel. It's gotta be less than ten percent of their total actual subscription base is Republicans and can be. Fifty percent is finite. Forty percent, my guess it's under ten percent of the Euro term, subscription base and again at speculation, but I would think that is pretty well well verified at this point or verifiable. Very small percentage of the attempts of scripture bases, actually Republicans or people vote Republican or think about voting Republican. So why is it? The New York Times insists on its label of objective journalist? Why do they care right were openly conservative, because we understand most of the people who subscribe to daily wire are going to be conservative.
and also we'd like to be honest with you, so you know what you're getting when you subscribe here, a daily wire, speaking of which, if you go to daily, where right now unsubscribe in opposition to places like the New York Times. So why do the media cling clings? This idea that they are objective news sources and I think the answer is twofold. One is the self flattering notion for members of the media that they are doing something of deep and meaningful importance. They are not just political activists, you see they are of a higher echelon. They stand for capital, t truth ensure their opinions in the capitals. Truth are exactly this. In their own viewpoint, but that's just the charm of the situation is that you get to pretend that Europeans are actual capital to truth and not just opinions adding theirs. I can think here and that is that opinion. As truth, routine is not just flattering to the door Unless the pseudo journalists you pretend to engage in it, it's flattering to the audience. All the Democrats who subscribe to the New York Times like to be able to say to their friends, but they are speaking absolute truth that they are not expressing an opinion that they are simply saying the fact and how are they look there according to very well respected in very objective
New York Times. Now, here's the thing: it's all crap, we all know it's all crap, we know than your time does not objective. We know that their journalists are not objective. They all have political point of view. If you can find me one from voter one in the entire byline staff of the New York Times I'll give you a hundred dollars tat, I am not aware of any not aware of any. Certainly none were publicly said so right. If they are from voters, they certainly have not publicly said so Kellerman credible for the nations leading newspaper in terms of in terms of proper answer, to observe it prominence. It's pretty incredible as an indicator of where the New York Times general mentality is so over the weekend over Thanksgiving, weaken erratic peace by Zoe Beery in the style section, and it has tabled the rich kids who want to hair down capitalism? Socialist minded millennial errors are trying to live their values by getting rid of their money, slow cloud for the spoiled brat you inherit bunch money for mommy and daddy, and then talk about overturning the system that has made not just me
but most of the world, not poor, well done at New York Times as his long puppies about These kids, you never generated one iota of wealth, now want to give their family wealth and pretend that they are in favour of socialism by the way. If my kids ever come home, they say mommy, daddy, I'm a socially now, and I think that all this money is ill. Gotten gains big, ok, easy solution. Man, you are out of the will. I hope that you enjoy your life without the trust one. I hope that you enjoy, your life living in an occupied tonnes while trying to pursue a career in lesbian, danced theory like really good on you enjoy by the New York Times, touts these kids as the high, a virtue, because the height of virtues, of course, never doing any work and then taking all the wealth they are. Family worked to create through monetary transactions- we're not talking about Bernie made off your we're talking about voluntary transactions, taking all that wealth and then proclaiming that you are virtuous by dint of the fact that your against the system, the created all that wealth, so here's the Argo lately, SAM Jacobs, has been having a lot of time stations with his family's lawyers he's trying to gain access to more than two more.
thirty million dollar trust fund. I twenty by these hit the age when men areas can blow their money on Hebron, businesses or a stable sports cars. He doesn't want to do that, but by Wolf management standards. His plan is just as bad. He wants to give it all away, to build a world where someone like me, a young person who controls tens of millions of dollars is impossible, but actually, if you want that world, there are still large swathes of the world where their young people who can control any wealth. In fact, if you, like you just said, Sudan. Things are gone great for young people who can create anyway. There is little to head over to China. Young people not doing so well in the Wealth Department, where there are plenty of places on earth, you can go and be poor really, and most of them are characterized either by complete anarchy, tab levels of government or by complete dictatorship of this applause. Mental go ahead. Really you you are free to leave at any time you ll have to access that. Well, you can leave that wealth in the trust fund. At any time. You are free to pick up and take a commercial flights.
to any one of the places on earth where young people are unable to generate any level of wealth, let alone tens of millions of dollars of wealth. A socialist since college Mr Jacob ceases families extreme plutocratic wealth as both moral and economic failure. Nothing quite is farming as kids looking at their parents and deciding that they are better than their parents, really a charming, charming thing. He wants to put his inheritance towards ending Cow pleasant and by that means using his money to undo systems that accumulate money for those at the top and then have played a large role in widening economic and racial inequality millennia. This will be the recipients of the largest generational shifted assets in american history, the great wealth transfer as finance types put it. Tens of trillions of dollars are expected to pass before generations, and just at the next decade, and that money, like all wealth, the United States has been your times is extremely concentrated in the upper brackets. Mr Jacob, his grandfather was a founder of Qual com. Expert. receive up to a hundred million dollars over the course of his lifetime. Most of his fellow man however, receiving a rotten inheritance. Classing inequality have been part of the political conversation from most of their adult
lives in their time. The ever widening gulf between rich and poor has pushed left wing politics back into the american political Mainstream, Mr Jacobs, Well, the trust fund kid at an anti capitalist, isn't a rare position when left is fighting against economic inequality, but he isn't alone in trying to figure out, as he puts it, what it means to be with the ninety nine percent. When you are the one percent, and this article goes onto profile a bunch of these Dunder headed utes they're, not that young rubber. They act like children, it will go on a thirty year old in Oakland California, who describes for politics as anti car. The most anti imperialist, an abolitionist her family always get generously to liberal causes and civil society groups. She support groups devoted to ending inequality like movement for black line, national day labour organise network and critical resistance, leading prison. Abolition group, good luck with prison, abolition thing when it comes down to protect your house. Good luck for that. She says my money is mostly stocks, which means it comes from underpin
in undervaluing working class people and that's impossible to disconnect from the economic legacies of indigenous genocide in slavery of our country. You know what you're you're making the case. Fine. You now made the case against capitalism. Maybe capitalism generates too much wealth. That goes to too many stupid people, and then those people undermine system. Maybe we're just to wealthy to understand how good we have it, but then your tens pushing that stuff. So spare me all the hysterics of the New York Times, but hey you guys, are objective journalists there. When it comes to the objective journalistic set. There is a very clear point of view as what they believe is right and what they believe is wrong: traditional american systems of free markets and individual rights. Those are not among them. Ok, these are not things that I believe are right. It will get to more of this injustice second and how it applies to came by, which is now being granted every sort of grace from your establishment media against that one. Second, first, let us talk about something amazing, okay. This is really an amazing gift for yourself for your family, I'm talking about my photo dot com. You can basically take any photo
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budget after running the organization Centre for american progress in such a way that she was actually the subject of a scandal when she went into a large company meeting and proceeded to name an anonymous. full harassment, a ledger? Russia's went into meetings spilled the person's name. This person must be had of the lobby, and Republicans are kicking back against at here is the headline from the Washington Post. It is not that Joe Biden has nominated a highly controversial peck, who has spent her days on twitter being malicious, as all hell no shares that line right. It's all. It's always Republicans pounds I request you about thing. They have line is always Republicans bout pounce when publicans do about thing. The headline from your establishment media is Republicans, do worse thing that has ever happened mostly targeting women, minorities, children and cute household pats, and then, if its Democrats The bad thing. The actual headline is Republicans pounds. Oh, here's, the Republicans, pounds headline from democracy dies and darkness. The Washington Post binds picked led Whitehouse budget off it, but budget office emerges
as lightning rod for GEO Bushiest emerge as a lightning rod for the GEO Pvc and it's the GNP. No, that is not newsworthy, that european poses some abiden specks there, the gene maybe he's a Democrat as not exactly newsworthy was news worthy, is you know the stuff that she has said that makes more controversial? Does any that make the headline news instead. The sum headline is near at hand in we served in the Clinton and Obama administrations send it confirmation early next year, just sign any linsky and soon came riding for the Washington Post President Elect turbines picked to lead. The powerful white hasn't budget office generated early com where's Monday with near at hand in emerging as an immediate target for conserve Roseanne republican lawmakers. Ten and fifty has regularly clash with the gene in a manner republican say, will complicate her, sent a confirmation process, several
you'll be senators and Monday. She could run into trouble during confirmation hearings, warning that her partisan background could make it hard for her to win republican support. Ok, how far do we get into this article before we actually find out what exactly she has said? Ok, the answer is, I am still scrolling not kidding. Ok, she has not gone like ok. We have to get all the way down to about paragraph. Maybe twenty five here before we get to Tenzin has a history of more pointed and and critics of opponents, then, is JANET Yellin or any of the other peck's. Her supporters praise her passion and willingness to fight aggressively across a range of policy issues. tending sometimes adversarial approach appears to strike a different tone and what binding promised during the campaign tenants common, may not be about within the climate of her party. However,. Ok, so they literally dont quote any of the things that she has said about people on Twitter, including backing steel dossier.
Hey there. They do not quote her going after individual republican senators, not anywhere in the article, so you can win tear article and still not know what is controversial about near at hand it like nowhere in here. Are you to find out what is controversial about near attendant? Nowhere in here is there any of the sexual harassment allegation situation over etc for american progress. Nowhere, Is there any mention of the nasty things that you says on Twitter, but it made her rather unpalatable for senators, because the Washington Post democracy dies in darkness as but the Good NEWS is the Washington Post style section has really focused in on what is the key issue these days, and that key issue is how Maloney a Trump is decorating. The White House for Christmas everyone Christmas, we get a story about how Maloney a Trump is. Basically the the evil queen from the chronicles of Narnia and she decorate the White House in malevolent fashion. So here is the
from the Washington Post right. We still know no any them on your attention from Washington Post, but we're gonna find out everything you need to know about. Maloney had shrunk from her White House decorations, that's literally the title: the peace from sale, section, everything we needed to know about Millennia Trump is in those bewildering at Christmas decorations. Monica has writing somebody gets paid to do. This is pretty incredible what great country as our final Christmas with Millennia Trump and we shall celebrate in the usual way by accompanying the firstly The United States on an annual tour of her white has two core women, a video that also appears to service trailer, fro movie about a woman wakes up in a castle when holiday season, Ngos searching for the person who spiked her acknowledge with mushrooms, and so here our following the first lady down Colonnades Breeze ways she encounters was of looming, floral, festooned, evergreens and a matter of someone who has never seen it three. The decor contains many roses: white light and hanging ornaments airplane speedboats, which Maloney Tibet and behold in wonder: there's a painting, the reindeer another one of the fox there's an order to an american flag and another one reading be best referencing, the first ladies one, failure of a signature initiative, there's a banner
elevating the Nineteenth amendment which now comes across as fourth dimensional trolling. Given the majority of american women, voters use their battles to eject Maloney S, husband from the white has what sellers Our stuff here just really really well done guys, covering in depth, Elvis You don't I needed more of them. I needed more coverage personally me in the media and somebody who thousands stuff closely. I needed more coverage of Joe Biden, spats about you. I needed lots of coverage of that and the daily beast is here for you, because not only are they covering Joe Biden Pets, when the interviewed a pet psychic, a pet psychic, a person is gonna Reed Joe Biden, his pets, mines from afar. This is the party of science guys so the science he wouldn't go, talk to your crazy. Let you talk to dogs sounds awesome, we'll get to that in just one moment. I don't understand why don't trust this objective media? They say their objective in they're, gonna cover the net they're gonna cover this administration, guys we're gonna cover it their own slobber. That's it there. In a cup
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You're not sacrificing coverage, because pure talk has the same coverage same bars as one of the big carriers, but they charge you half for it so get started today. Why you're wasting money grab? Your mobile phone ten pounds, you fifty say Ben Shapiro when you do not say fifty percent off your first month, Thou pounds to five zero, say: Keyword, Ben Shapiro, pure talk is simply smarter. Wireless go check them out right now, dial pound to fifty, say Ben Shapiro, again now pound to fifty and say Ben Shapiro too started so that democracy dies in darkness media. There are not just covering nothing about near at hand and in everything about millennia, trumps, Christmas decorations. There definitely definitely covering Joe Biden Dogs, so the daily beast over the weekend put out a long peace from TIM, Tiemann Senior, editor and writer. It is titled Joe Biden Dogs have told this pet psychic a lot about their beloved master
and his future, my God, without the sort of journalism. I don't. I don't know how we can move forward as republic without this sort of journalism. I mean, I definitely remember this kind of sycophantic coverage for President Trump never happening ever in ever, but now we have like this a very long story, a very, very long story about had psychic champ says he Memory fumbling to ease problems with this joint major thinks he may have dental problems. Both dogs say Joe Biden. Troubles with Donald Trump are far from over, but that their master is calm and focused enough to steer America forward is the daily beast. The Biden White House has sprung its first leaks, but what can be done when the workers are the President elect beloved dogs and they are communicating telepathic Billy with a pet I get in the English Midlands. It began when british Daytime TV show this morning provided Beth. We crowded with pictures of buttons to german shepherds, champ and major. Has a pet psychical, performs animal communication using telepathy and mine, mine communication, rather from the County of war sister uses photographs,
or can just be in the same room, is an animal. In order to begin she claims speaking with it with their pictures, she say She forge closer relationships with binds dog and while they ever dish about their owner, as was ramping up these troubles with the non conceding President Trump moving into the White House, their masters calmness and even burdens plans to govern Lee Crap told the daily beast. The very first thing I got was there both very excited about moving to the White House, I had a real connection. I felt that excitement of theirs they showed me. The Joe Biden, is very bonded to his dogs and has a real connection to them. They kept showing me Oh, he rescued one of the dogs, the dogs feel in many ways. They have rescued him ah. Ma Am and the entire pieces about how wonderful it is that Joe Biden has dogs, and this thing goes on for I'm not getting you with thousands of words, thousands of words with like wonderful photos of this crazy lady who talks to dogs, it's incredible again.
it is like: a full exposure of crazy dog talking, lady talking about Joe Biden, dogs,. So will you link up with major and Champ prayer book moving. Is the White House leak rather laughed, I'm not sure if you'll buy more me too. I'm sure I would oblige we'll see, I don't believe in there and devotion to him in jail, which is absolutely marvellous. I've every faith, Joe Biden, will do a good job as president, because I believe what these dogs tell me, I hesitate, say typical Biden voter but also understand, point something I hear it's. His dogs, like a great you're, really good shouldn't. She have like spilled. the daily beast beforehand: the dogs assassination attempt on Joe Biden Gaza. He broke his foot plan with the dogs like the day after this interview, she's, not very good dog psychic,
or maybe she's not going to like it receives the future she's only the kind you talked to dogs, or maybe our media are just complete and utter thoroughgoing garbage at maybe all of those things actually economical with all those things. Meanwhile, one of the key elements of the binding agenda is that he is going to appoint people solely based on exterior characteristics, which is really exciting. Stuff he's going to appoint a vice presidential candidate, whose blackened woman, this are actual qualifications, not just the description of the person. But its job he's in a pet Kamel Harris, because he was looking for a black woman. He's gonna look for certain members of Le Tino community to be in his cabinet there, people who are literally lobbying him saying you need to have like five looking, those in your cabinet, or this is not represented administration. Member that time the Martin Luther king. At this whole weird thing,
ballot, judging people by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin, yet screw that stuff. That's ridiculous! That will now there's a real push for Michel Floor Life for Secretary of defence. Not because presently shall we go to the job, but because she is a lady she's, a woman. I now I hesitate to mention but I very much but Democrats don't actually believe in the concept of a woman right. That is not a thing a man can be a woman, a woman can be a man. Some women have penises, some men have China's You ve been reliably informed by this and others and in fact, Harris believes in all this gender ideology. Nonsense because actually puts four pronouns in her. Where profile we said Joe Biden in an open town hall, say to a mother of a nine year old been eight or nine year old should be able to decide their own gender, which is that he doesn't believe that male and female our actual stagnant categories, their social constructs. So what does it matter? Anyone
you're serious question. If you can't find woman, why doesn't matter if a woman, you Secretary of Defence, what matters? Because again you have! This is moral hierarchy in which the most wise and most just among us on what they get to. randomly shift categories. It randomly shift the way. All of this works on a seemingly fluid basis. And if you follow them around and you are cast out into the outer darkness, I because there, moral butter. Is there a priesthood and you don't follow the priesthood of the Woke and obviously you are very bad, so everybody's very excited because Joe Biden is considering a woman for Secretary of Defence Rosa Brooks Co founder of Leadership Council for women in national security has a piece in times today settled it's time for and to run the defence department, oh god, I'm so the Nicky Haley's can be the new secretary of defence. Oh you don't mean a woman. You just mean like a Democrat, who happens to be a woman? Oh you mean a certain kind of woman, or maybe it's Caitlin Jenner. Who knows it could be anybody really.
Really why not? It's just a woman right and when a woman can be anything. The recent focusing on this guy's is because a logical consistency is natural thing, the matter. So this piece in the times talked about how, by needs to pick a woman mission Thirdly, although she is reported to still be leading contender their specula, in the five main statues. One of several meant that would be short sighted says this columnist if by nominates, respected and highly qualified women as Secretary of Defense, he would send, important and well overdue message at their offensive, since all norms in biases, where the service not only to women working in national security, but to the country that will show that women are welcome in national security. Even though they are already welcome in national security. Everything really really important stuff. There really did only in a second on a deeper into the democratic gender ideology, because again there are no standard. The standards are nearly randomly
they get to talk about women's empowerment when it suits them, and then they get see, women don't exist when it suits them lorry. So on that note, I have what may be the single greatest we'd of all time. Here is the single greatest we devote time it is from Charles Blow of the narrow times the aptly named Charles, both in your terms, the worst countless there hey. So he treated this out yesterday and it is just glorious, is a glorious indicator of how little sense. Gender ideology of the left makes because the same people who insist that you have to have a female secretary of We also insist that female is an arbitrary category that doesn't apply unless you wanted to apply to you, which is bizarre and makes no sense and is completely disconnected from science and biology and have Lou
and everything else that is materially objectively verifiable as interest Charles blows, glorious sweet. This came on November. Twenty second ready stop doing. Gender reveals gender reveals how these parties were a woman knows the cheese. Sorry, a vagina owner knows that she's having a baby- and I start up vagina- knows that it he she maybe Z, is having a ball of cells and there's a biological sex that can be discerned from the biological Bala South, and then they celebrate. That is aware, a girl, so one General Party, says Charles Bob stop doing. Gender reveals they're, not cute their violent, violent guys. All we know before a child is born as their anatomy. They will reveal their gender. It may match your expertise. That anatomy and it may not. If you have your child, you will be patient, attentive and open.
Ok, so a couple months here, one gender of your parties. He says they're not you'd their violent. So just get this straight according to Charles blow, it is violence to have a party for your unborne baby based on biological sex race, that your baby is boy and celebrate by having a real parties, all your friends and family, letting them know that you're about have a boy, that's violent, taking a correct carving out the brains of the baby in the womb and then sucking it into a sink. That's not violent! That's choice! Guy that again just to clarify For people unlovely child well you're Violence to an unborn baby by labeling it based on sex, saying that its gender and sex. I done that's violence through the Unmoor, maybe but actually physically more
The baby in the warm that is non violent, that's choice on ok, that's just the beginning of the crazy! Then he gets to all we know before a child is born Not me? Yes, it will reveal their gender. No gender and biological sex are deeply interconnected to pretend that these things have no relation to one. Another is complete idiocy that is anti all evidence. All Evelyn Gender and biology are deeply connected and to pretend that they are uttered The general some sort of free floating social construct that is made up by human beings. It is so HI biological boggles the mind. The people are left. Get away with this in the name of science. Is it may match your expectations? anatomy. May not, if you have, the child will be patients attentive and open. So I have a feeling also that this patient, attentive open standard immediately dies as soon as a four year old declares that they are a member of the opposite sex. At that point, we're not supposed to engage watchful waiting where he's ok, willing to wait and see if you grow out of this at that point, you're supposed to start calling
kid by the opposite. Sex name disposed to start dressing, a boy in dresses and you're supposed to subject them to all sorts of ritualistic psychotherapy designed to gender confirm them at the age of five in the opposite. Sex is none of this makes any sense. The reason I bring this up that it makes no sense is because again, the this sort of gender theory has reached the highest levels of left wing thinking. This is not a fringe thing. it really is not again Elizabeth Warren who, for a time was concerned the front runner for democratic nomination literally said she would have a transgender child approve. Secretary of Education, a Joe Biden said that children should be able to transition that should be to pick their gender. This is. This is well accepted inside the halls of democratic power, the Party of Science and its being accepted in like on health websites, hey health line of mine, which is a a kind of web MD kind of sight. Health line had
Just the other day called. Do Volvo owners like sex is the wrong question. Here's what you ask instead. So am I agree that that is the wrong question. The first question should be what the hell is above the owner not have all the owner evolve as early as opposed to like a render or LISA. And where are you going to obtain such a thing? You go down to your local walmart. What happens if you wish to return it but again to to do marriage being a woman down to the level of just the genitalia right. That's all female who is the genital inside even that, because you have to change your genitalia in order for you to be considered a woman so basically woman means nothing hey that is in and of itself insane, but then the same people who say that being woman is completely legal terms. There is no definition of the word. Woman will say that we need a female secretary of defence and also that is historic moment when a woman competes in a male football game which brings us
to this story at Vanderbilt University we'll get to that in just one second, but first, let's talk about a great pike ass. You should take a listen to its called the true underdog podcast. I happened to love underdog stories, one of the reasons that I love Fourth- and I think that our time here daily words, an underdog story- I mean we're an entrepreneurial company start off really small got really big. Underdog stories can help. You become a better entrepreneur; they can help. You find the motivation to push forward in life, raising a trailer park with no clear path to success, kicked out of high school multiple times face, becoming a father in his teens Jason Waller, is the definition of a true underdog after hearing words, no You can't you many times unleashed the power within and started three successful companies with its most recent. your power homes, solar skyrocketing, on a path becoming a billion dollar enterprise join the true underdog podcast Weiler, Aforetime entrepreneur of the year shares motivational tips inspiring stories,
Business building. Lessons from the ground up shares those life experiences that of his high profile, gets to help others better themselves. As Waller would tell you, there's no elevator success. The climb only happens one step at a time, but every true underdog podcast be the step that elevates. You learn about failure: what about entrepreneurship, check out the true underdog, podcast, true underdog, dot, com or anywhere you get your pockets. The true underdog podcast, a true underdog that come already coming up get to the bizarre gender ideology of the left, which simultaneously suggests females and males do not exist, and also that it is deeply important when a biological female compete in a male competition. But first If you're not already do. I remember now is the time to join, got some unbelievably cool stuff coming right around the corner, so starting this Friday December for the Michael Knolls Show, God help us is going five days a week with more content for our members, joy. Also, we are adding the entire Prager. You catalogue to daily work done by the end of the year of already uploaded all of Prager. You, five minute videos, the kindest Owens, show
from Prager you and Michael Noses Book Club and there s a lot- is being added, as we speak. Also early next year, can is joining the daily wire here in Nashville, she'll be launching a brand New Delaware show in front of me, live studio audience the first thing like this on the right ever relaunch and our first feature film to under delawares upcoming entertainment channel I've seen it I'm an executive producer on it it's kind of autumn. It's kind of autumn we're getting into the space left does not want us to be an we're getting into culture. building a new investigative journalism team to replace legacy a cartel as well. We are ambitious this year n. We need your help so go outside the narrative. Come on daily word, I comet slash subscribe, were allowed where opinionated you're having the time and we are changing the nature of the debate. With your help, back against legacy media no better way to do. It then join us here, a daily where gotta daily, whereby COM Slash subscribed today, if you haven't, ordered them yet check out our daily, where Christmas, ornaments, yeah that'll, be all of us. The daily warehouse Prescott Jeremy boring as senses adorable else. Yes, even I, the orthodox you made out of painted metal, so ornaments
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nonsense about than there is to be gender idea, because the lines between races hours are actually somewhat malleable. There is actual cross over between races. The vast majority of differences between races can be talked up to cultural differences rather than in a genetic differences, and skin color is mostly just skin deep, almost entirely justice candy, but is not the case with men and women, their obvious biological differences in that has impact and wide variety and ranges of if it exists in every culture across humankind and male and female, are the biological predicate for all of mammalian species right for all procreation, males and females difference in every mammalian species? Okay, so, at the same time that they are claiming that gender is a free floating social contract, it was suggested is very, very important for women to break barriers by, for example, competing with men. Rachel men can compete with
and if they say they are, women is the idea, but also if a woman competes with the men. It is important that you maintain the fact that she is woman's, that we know that she can break the barriers, and none of us makes any sense which brings us to the the heroism of cerebral or necessary? Fuller seem, like an amazing athlete, a casual way better. Then I will ever be obviously- and she was the soccer goalkeeper for Vanderbilt University and she played in the end she played in the power five over the weekend and she was named the special teams, player of the weak and she kept a squint kick start off the second half of Saturday's game against Missouri Vanderbilt lost the game, forty one two zero, so I'm not sure like. that's nice. Ok, I'm not sure why that is like a major achievement for women. It seems like major achievements for women would generally be like a major achievement for a man, but a woman did it. It would be like she did a thing that man but not as well as man and therefore to major achievement for women to do a thing that a man could do, but not nearly as well as man would do it. I bet that's not a major achievement, a major issue.
She's she's, an amazing outrages, are amazing. Women's soccer star say that is not the same as being like raising amend steam in football is not the same thing and asylum. your achievement for women to do something? That a man could do in a man's game and not do it like, amazingly well, so she was, but a format of action applies when it comes to the wide media cover. These things the Assisi announced or, as the special teams player of the weak, fuller made history, she became the first woman, a federal ever to a fish we take the field during a football game, and a major conference for Bulgaria should naturally like take a tackle whistling J J Wot like what right at her right and tackled be incredibly dangerous, but the announcements has she took. The opening kick off of the second half against the tigers are perfectly executed, kicks he'll. Thirty are and was down the Missouri? Thirty five yard line tat, so I am so thirty yards.
Men better and I could do it- I'm just gonna- keep saying that because that's where twitter goes, I guess you'd better. Yes, granted she can take them all further than I can. I also did not aspire to play on the venerable football team. Nor do I have the physical capacity to do so, but you show, film of his kick the greatest kick apparently of all time like ago of history. Here she was kicking off the second half, Vanderbilt university- and this was the great historic moment for which he won the special teams, clear of the weak award, We keep down to thirty. Five that do not sail for now is not prepare. Excuse me, so they could get one again. Where's would one day in college people what a day she the bar. No one is anywhere within a thousand yards of her. She kicked. It may be
twenty five yards and about like another five and jam? What do they huge, huge, separate nazi? I think big steps women are, like you know, I'm going to say this Wife does more for women and for women's empowerment than Sarah fuller, kicking a ball elements. Football team with no chance actually play I mean that I'm sorry, but like kicking a ball twenty yards and have No chance of being tackled is not exactly like what we mean when we think of people playing football, so much emulate. That's that's nice to soccer pleasures, a greater! Why is it not enough for her just be a great talker player and understand it? My wife was a doctor and has three children that seems like more of a ground breaking thing for women to do is to be a doctor. Rabies women can be just as great as men are being a doctor, but to treat us like this is like it. raising performance is kind of incredible heavy. The other person who won the who won the special teams player of the week was
areas. Tony Anna, I just him. I want to look up what he actually did last week These are usually scorn on poverty, that that seems like more important than not kicking a football, although Well in a game that use forty point zero, so he earned special teams player of the weak coat specialty flare of the week for the ass. You see he returned a point. Fifty yards, which ended being the touchdown gaiters a fourteen ten edge at half time here, so scored a passing, rushing receiving an punch, punt return, touchdown in a career as the first upon return touchdown. since in eighty five yards in two thousand eighteen for the Florida gaiters on the year, he is forty five reception for five hundred forty one years and seven touchdowns slightly more impressive. I think then kicking abolish twenty yards and having no chance of being tackled, but and people while the yes, but it's groundbreaking for woman. Ok, if you have to add for a woman, Itzhak groundbreaking seriously, because your demonstrating
but the woman is not playing on the same level as the man, if you have to have now, is a great performance for a woman. we have to be agreed performance for a man in a man sport for it to be truly groundbreaking. Ok, but that's not worthy, the absurdity stops so apparently Sarah fuller, I'm not kidding you, gave a half time speech to the team is going to Joe Kinsey. It ok A european report, according Cronan, jumped on assume call to chat with full or about her time on the very football team, and that's when we look That fuller was given the floor to address for fellow football players. If I'm good honest. I was little pissed off and how quiet everybody was on the sidelines, fuller told cronan. We made a first down and only one cheering us like what the heck what's going on, and I try to get them pumped up a nose like you guys need to start clearing your team on. My main thing was during yes he's: u turn him in my entire team was during the entire time it didn't matter if we're in the locker room or if they are on the sidelines. I think that's a wanted for us. Everyone with cheering nonstop. I just went in there and that's exactly what I was thinking I was like. We need maturing each other on this is how you win games. They get better by calling each other out for stuff amateur call. You guys out
We need we supporting one another. If we get a first down, if an interception happens, it's our fault. We need to be lifting each other up, that's what a team is about. I think the seamen struggled and that's been pardoned. Ok, she's been part of a team for thirty two seconds and should get a swim. Kick it first of all, it is nigh perfectly executed. Squid kick you want to be a football expert to understand when would kick his used. It's gonna kick his used at the end, usually only first half when you are just trying to run out the clock and you don't wanna see somebody run it back. You never use Skype kick when you are down one million points at the beginning of the second half and give your position to the other team revive Yarborough anyway. Ok but she'd been on the theme of like half a second and she's lecturing all players about what a winner she is in a completely different sport with women that is not effective, I mean can you can you imagine temerity of that seriously like that, just the absolute all of that to walk into the men's football team. These guys by the way, are getting crushed out there right, not just like they're losing their getting physically mobile the out there, because that's what football,
he's Goin out there and stamped on yet line backers, working bruised up and get this woman walked. In the front door to swim kicks twenty hours each like. I think that you guys are losers at the end. You know what what are you about, how to be winners and the way that we can be winners? during each other on guys, we're gonna hear like there's. No tomorrow we're going to cheer and that's gonna bring the entire team together. Female empowerment, she says I hope I gained the respect it wasn't ill intentioned at all. I want to seem to succeed and dwell so did so again. A few notes. One Jason Whitlocke has noted that dumb that she was cracked all week, long ginger, I feel goal because the indian score the entire game, but her longest feel go. I believe she says is thirty eight yards, which is great for Any person who is not a male football player in an asshole
I'm right here. Your empower five. You gotta be able to get more than three eight yard vehicle any. In any case, the Vanderbilt coach came out and said that the king went exactly where was supposed to, and also I didn't want to culture. I don't think there is a chance that I don't think like. If you overcoat sure she was going to swim kick at fifteen yards there is code by the way now has no job. He was fired because his teams thinks we try to go. The most varied throws them natural kids, like her arsenal tried not to you know you, for culture, but let her go. Do How do you know what what you're comfortable her then that's really what we want with them, and I thought she exact wishing you the project bonds.
I'm thirty, five, your mind, let's go so that was it that they normally you dont, actually build like an entire play, calling situation around a canker whom it takes about twenty five yards. I guess that's normally not what you do so. Can we stop pretending that this is like sums? Great historic breakthrough for men and women are not going depopulating people; five anytime soon. Wake me when a woman is plain quarterback for power, five team or linebacker, or why receiver or quarterback or The thing that is not a kicker who, if they were, I dude, would not be on the team. Obviously, as I just I just gotta pointed out again, the differences between men and women are real, and this actually underscores that there are differences between men and women, because if there were no differences and she would not be on the team,
minority when, as you see, Pope layer of the week with the guy who ran back up if the punt return it for university? Of Lord of the half time, speech really gets me a really does, because again, it again betrays the difference between men and women. Differences that are very real. One of those differences is how men talk in the locker room, for us is how women talk in the locker room, so women, when it you have time speeches, apparently, according to the top dog, which is a an excellent book by Pope, Bronson and internationally merrymen about these signs of competition, thoughts about how many women are motivated by different things rather than men and women are not exactly the same. I know this is very controversial stuff because again both to simultaneously believe the men and women are exactly the same, but also they are not exactly the same, such historic when a woman plays in man's game. So in any case they are not wholly about the same thing, so she's on the silent like watch ass, cheering for each other. I want more solidarity. I want more team spirit, none of that motivates dude. None of that motivates dude If not, how do you get motivated do is get motivated by AL
GINO in any given Sunday screaming and people's faces and telling them that are actually pansies so get out there and prove that you're, not a pansy. Women are motive by solidarity. They are motivated by compassion. These are things ok, so you know says this not me because if I say it is very bad indoor doorance, who is the? U N C women's soccer coach railroad, one of the great women's agriculture small time he coach the men's team at you. see you ever see North Carolina, then coach, the women's team and here is way said, quote the single about this from top dog the best example of how doorance coaches women isn't it half term speech when he coachman towards his best ever have to feature was when I got so mad, he kept a trash, can throw away I drove that suffered through, went on. I stormed out. He recalled in Sudan, watching. Let me tell you something: valuable human evolution. That's will evolve. the men in the room in the second half Nothing changed all of a sudden had great energy tactics, shape and again totally front around, so many fields need shock to wake them up. Tat men are so you
competition that even being on the losing any half time is not shock enough. But you would never treat women that way as door and said quote if they play poorly still comes formula cage tiger, but because these are women, they consent immediately the Europe that the critical thing is tone. U turn faced them when you call me say well what do you think making your course of self logical as every woman in the room is taking full responsibility for the disaster taking place. I haven't criticise anyone our need to because their their own worst critics, We have to talk and you're willing to die for you, because all you ve done is support them. Hey so again, I love that she comes initially I'm an attorney is male team around by watching them about together in S and all because what is this now? What is it? But many women, exactly the same in every possible way, proved that there is actually the same is that we put a woman on the field, celebrated her and had today show interviews with her and talk that how historic it was when she kept a ball, not all that far in a game that her team lost by forty one point:
So well, then everybody gender ideology, making zero sense every single day every single day. Ok. Meanwhile, it is time for the election data quick election opted for you so last night, Arizona certified its votes, Don't you see the governor of Arizona? He announced that the vote had been certified, and here is what that sounded. Like the votes have been tabulated, all fifteen coneys have certified their results in addition to certification, with Senator lacked Mark Kelly, winning the general action, I will be signing official documentation today. That will be hand delivered to the Secretary of the United States in it, so that Arizona is a senator, can be sworn in. office as swiftly as possible, so naturally does he received inordinate crap from a lot of people, including President Trump, who tweeted out? Why is he rushing
democratic office, especially when so many horrible things concerning voter fraud are being reviewed, because I'm going on right now and then he land and what is going on and dug juicy Republicans will long, remember and then last night he also retreat. why bother voting republican from another account this guy, Its weeded out watching the Arizona hearings in Washington, reduce you sign those papers. Why bother voting for a publican what you get is juicy income from persuaded that Fleming Deep, the obvious answer, is a socialist. Don't when John Joseph who's running in Georgia has stated openly but he's embracing Bernie Sanders according to Atlanta journal constitution also embrace of Bernie Sanders, highlights shift for Georgia. Democrats. three years ago, and also his russian running to flip Republican, controlled, suburban Atlanta House District. The Democrat likely would aside sent to question about Bernie Sanders now he says I welcome his support, his advocacy during that health care is a human right in this country for putting the interests of working family of a corporate interests.
Welcome, is necessary, is appreciated, and so is his support of us off and Raphael. Warnock are wild left us both of them running for and the reason that you vote in those races is because those raises are not fixed. Ok, they are not fixed if they were fixed on us off, would not have trailed David Purdue about a hundred thousand votes in the account that happened in Georgia. Don't do support threat about the situation in Arizona he's. I've been pretty outspoken barriers zone election system and brag about a quite a bit, including in the oval office and for good reason. We ve been doing early voting since nineteen eighty to Arizona splore experiments. Here we didn't cancel they boating some push for working disenfranchise any voter in Arizona the strongest election laws in the country. Laws that prioritize accountable and clearly now procedures for conducting canvassing even contesting the results of an election. We ve got idea the poles we review every signature every single one on early balanced by hand. Unlike other states, they use computers, prohibitions on
What harvesting bipartisan pull observers? Clear deadlines, including no ballots allowed after election day, the problems that exist in other states simply not apply I said all along and of all the law. The law says that the Secretary of State in. dozens of the governor and the agency has to canvass the election on the fourth Monday following the general that was yes it says that can only be delayed if counties decline to certify all fifteen these republican and Democrat certified their results. The canvas triggers a five day window for electors to bring a credible challenge. He says now. Time to do it. If you want to contest the results, now, is the time bring the challenge that the law, and so I've had to follow the law Duty is not wrong about that. Now is the time to bring forward the evidence, not speculation, actual evidence or nothing is going to change. The bottom line is either someone's going. Or nothing is going to change and right now, unless evidence is brought forth in places like Arizona, nothing is going to Remember, Trump would need to in Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania all states in which he has been sort.
I'd as they not when a right now as it stands in order to take the election. Ok, meanwhile, time for your quick covert, updates, covert time soap Apparently there now to vaccines that are heading two, the FDA for Review, sending scientific speed according to the Washington Post, the federal government could be distributing two cornerstones vaccines in the next few weeks, maternity money. Emergency authorization of its covert vaccine. Capping scientific sprint began in January, maternal to just regiment. is about a week behind a similar vaccines veldt by Pfizer and Bio intact. So apparently that means that million doses are gonna go out in the next couple of weeks. Approximately four, million doses of two remarkably effective vaccines could be available by the end of the year enough for twenty million people to receive full protection. Madonna vaccine actually ginger show ninety four point: one percent effectiveness, apparently in lowering the severity of the disease, One hundred percent effectiveness, which is just amazing, amazing news, Anthony fetch a director of the and HIV. He said you know wanna get ahead of yourself and claim victory. This has the makings of a very, very important
an impact on ending this outbreak. By the way. It is true that this thinking weeks earlier. If it were not for the FDA, I thought for the FDA holding up the process. This thing could have been up. It couldn't out a couple of weeks earlier, which would presumably have saved some tens of thousands of lives given the trajectory of the virus right now. So this is obviously there very good news. As it currently stands, the Secretary of Heaven Human Services Alex's, our he announced the vaccines are going to be shipping within twenty four hours little ship in twenty four hours after FDA approval, and then really it's gonna be up to our nursing homes? Are hospitals are pharmacies to get that dispense, so it really could be within within days of FDA, approval will start seeing vaccines in people's arms, which is frankly incredible thing. Let us ten months in this pandemic hitting our shores, thanks to what President Trump has done here, we believe we could have people getting vaccinated millions of people before Christmas this year. It's just unheard of in the history of public health. This accomplishment
It is an amazing amazing accomplishment. Meanwhile, Anthony Fouche announced yesterday that he thinks it's a goddamn good idea for kids to go back to school. I want to point out here that the follow the science crowd if they ve been following Anthony voucher when it comes to schools, reopening he's been all over the damn place. I mean all over the place series Some of us have been saying: there's no evidence. The school should be closed as early as April or may, as an early adopter of the schools should be open. Kids are transmitting this thing in mass numbers in schools are not major. Vectors of transmission. Kids are safe from the virus, particularly elementary school kids, but here is just a brief montage of Anthony out. You flip sloppy. All over the place. Now whether schools should be open or cause. This is why you place your faith in anyone public figure, and it is likely to be disappointed. I know that we have decided to make Anthony factually the Saint of Gov it because he opposed Donald Trump from time to time, but dumb. The idea that if you followed voucher, you'd, been taking a consistent line is just not true heroes, Anthony algae since March. Talking about various positions on school, we openings.
We have to start implementing both containing a mitigation and what it's done when you do closing the school is mitigation. If you have a situation in which you don't have a real good control over an hour break and you allow children to gather together. They likely will get infected. We don't know everything about this virus and we really be very careful, particularly when it comes to children. I think we're gonna be careful if we are not cavalier in thinking that children are completely in doing that. serious effects. There may be some areas that the level of Ours is so high that it would not be prudent to bring the children back to school. Default position should be to try as best as you possibly can to open up the schools. For in person learning, if you are in a situation in the inner green zone, when you, a very low level of infection and test positivity
in general, you can open the schools with impunity, clothes, the bars and keep the schools open is what we really say. Okay, now is him like March April may again. The point here is that if we followed the quantum quote, science Then you'd had a consistent position since April there been no major outbreaks from schools anywhere on earth, parliamentary school, kids anywhere on earth. There are open throughout Europe and yet found she was all over the place on this thing, never put your trust in one single public, official, It is always always always mistake that is particularly true when you're talking about elected officials who create rules, the incentive structure uncovered is completely screwed up. At this point I mean utterly and completely screwed from beginning to end, because if you are a public official. when you ve created this panic about covered that millions are going to die from covered that your chances of death are incredibly high, basically no matter which sort of pre existing conditions. You have no matter your age. If you created that level of panic, then the incentive structure is suppose the walking down? What happens if you ve already lock everything down what, if your ally, L a county in your
locked down all the indoor need of immediate weeks ago, and the spike is continuing because nobody can control this thing and you ve got miss outsize panic about how millions people, I, the health system, is going to be swamp right now, by the way there still healthcare capacity, millions of peace. Are not going to die in the United States from carbon nineteen. A lot of people have died from Kova nineteen in the United States. There almost entirely people who have had fairly significant pre existing conditions Hopkins University did a study. They found that of the people who have died, of covert nineteen or on Medicare, which means everybody above the age of sixty five, essentially in the country of all the people above sixty five, that's the local people have died from cover. Nineteen of all those people above the age of sixty five. The number people who are otherwise healthy, we didn't have other existing conditions who died of carbon, is twenty five hundred according to economic areas, out of tune. It sixty seven thousand you mean the viruses and more dangerous than the flu. It is more dangerous than the flow and is particularly more dangerous than the flu. If you have pre existing conditions, I dont, really, even if your elderly, it's more. If you have any sort of serious,
existing conditions like obesity, not strove await obesity or, if you have renal failure or if you have heart disease and nuts hypertension luxurious heart disease, where these are things that are going to complicate, obviously, but the meat an extraordinarily poor job of bringing you the information. This sets up a system or politicians are basically benefited by shutting things down so gave a nuisance was again warning that it was time to shut down more of the California. I can I'm so happy on that that horror stricken state his candle of a human talking that shutting down more of the state L, a county shut down outdoors, dining. There is no evidence outdoor dining as a vector of transmission. There is given Newsome threatening the stuff. I mean at least when he's not at that. Laundry eating indoors with California Medical Association officials, These trends continue we're going to have to take much more dramatic. Arguably
mastic action, including taking a look at those purple, tiered counties the potential for a stay at home order for those regions in purple because of hospitalizations and I see use to make determinations of deep purple moves. In those purple tiered status that is more a quick more in line with the stay at home order. That folks were familiar with in the beginning, of this year so lacking in your house really exciting stuff. they're in California, unless you're one of the most you're one of the elite. Right, then, if you revenues them again go to the french laundry blessing. I saw yesterday with some local restaurants had put up a sign in L, a county that said the french Laundry outdoor patio just over its north hosts in because, of course, Gavin Newsome had eaten at this very expensive four hundred dollar a plate dinner at the french laundry always not just gotTa Newsome according to envy,
Siberia. San Jose mayor, ignored health protocols during holiday celebration. Why there's a shocker turns out the Denver mayor did the same thing by the way then remain was like we gonna shut this thing down no travelling for Thanksgiving. I, however, visiting my parents, Andrew Como, tried to do the same thing is like nobody visit your pay It's over Thanksgiving also, although my mother is governed she's coming out here about mom out they're, gonna kids thrown coming and going to hang out together, swap spent, can be great medicine has said that so now sand was a mayor. Sam Ricardo appears have broken health protocols. Celebrating Thanksgiving with family members outside of its own household, the NBC Barrier Bay Area investigative unit, has learned Lakota celebrated with his elderly parents at their Saratoga home. with an unknown number of other guess. While the mayor staff did from the dinner place undisclosed. How many other people attended, how many different households were present and whether any
in attendance. Warm ass. Well, not eating is a private event, not public said Jim rate. The cargoes chief of staff o is it now so the same public health officials were like rat on your neighbor. If you see there having dinner with their parents, is a public business. Public events, private Gimme the car as chief of staff and we are going to redrawn line between what is personal, most public, because that line has become blurred so good times. Therewith SAM Lombardo, meanwhile how's l, a county using its federal court. relief funds. Gary for this one is great Emily's, an audio Delaware reporting, L, a county used millions in federal grove. Irish relief dollars meant to help struggling California. Stay afloat during extended pandemic, related economic lockdown to fund it. No bed contracts with to PR agencies who recruited celebrity influencers to help bread, corona virus messaging, on social media, the local media investigation revealed, L, a county has extended agreements with to pr firms hired to guide the counties. Combination,
judging and is using Federal Cares ACT, money to also part of the cost of their contract, which now total two point: nine million dollars the contracts where no bed there first into back in early twenty twenty, the counties now extended those contract. Apparently the pr firms can hire celebrities to convince the public of the importance of covert abatement measures apparently the county defended the expenses had expanded activities, including response to hundreds of requests each week for media partners. Creating and disseminating new, culturally and linguistically appropriate educational materials daily through various communications channels and participating in dozens of briefings each each week to provide information and respond to concerns? So, yes, they hired like Instagram influencers to tell you to put on a mask and they do that with taxpayer funding solid science that, by the way, the l, a county supervisors they're, the ones who voted to shut down the the outdoor restaurants is Vauxhall reporting. Just our.
After L, a county supervisor Sheila Cool back to voted to ban outward dining at L, a county is thirty. One thousand restaurants. Overconfident safety concerns she visited restaurant in Santa Monica. Where should I now doors? No, No that be impossible. cool was seen dining outside it ill for an entrepreneur in sentiment italian restaurant near her house when Fox eleven investigator or a balloon stopped by the restaurant. To ask about a manager said they didn't want to get involved, but had no comment. A spokesperson said she didn't now fresco it out you'll follow on the very last day was permissible. She loves a foreigner, has been set z like so many restaurants suffer from a decline revenue. She ate their taken appropriate precautions and, sadly, will not dine there again until our public voters permit just sneaking in right under the wire because, as we all know, covert obeys public health rules, so really really solid stuff. Speaking of hypocrisy, so but the greatest Governor America, Andrew Cuomo MAC. I hear he said yesterday that it was a nightmare that covered with spike
again and that there are facing a nightmare scenario in New York. State here was Andrew Cuomo talking about. Yesterday we live this nightmare. We learned from this nightmare and we're going to correct for the lessons we earned during this nightmare. If we had a real hospitalization crisis, we could potentially do New, your paws California just did a California pause, which is basically a stop. or move wounds or to another. If we have a critical hospital situation, ok me: well, you know that briefing that he's doing right there, Cuomo and his aids. I have a picture of it, he's in a close room with nobody wearing a mask, yep, salad, stuff. According to the new post governor and recoil crows, reporters and his push for mass boring hoped Herb New York. New York's cover nineteen cases, while his tones panel of AIDS sat in the close room without ever putting their masks on will work.
The spring in the region are being asked today is because we told the truth and New Yorkers responded said the governor, homo was not one to master the time. Nor has five top aids on the day is including state health measure, Howard, Sucker, Anne S, you, and why Chancellor General address the governor spokespeople photographer and state trooper detail had masks, and so did all the reporters his panel for his panels, flogging what would seem to be no brainer. Precautions comes after seed he has worn on its website. There is evidence under certain conditions. People have covered. Nineteen seem to have infected. Others were more than six feet away. You speaking. Most of the time, Monday's pressure These people are sixty two part, but the room is so tight drill. have been limited because there's not enough space ages, making amazing suffer the again. The rules don't apply to the specials they dont applied to the special people, also in breaking covered news. Member that time it was very bad label. The
They will hand by reputable hand virus you are allowed to talk about. It will now CNN, which suggested that it was xenophobic for you to talk about fact. This virus started in China. Maybe large scale report from Nick Patent Walsh titled the wound files leaked documents reveal China's mishandling of the early stages of color. Nineteen quote a group of frontline medical workers, unlikely exhausted, stand huddled together on a video conference, call as China's most powerful man This is handing reading. Is that. Attempt in Beijing and President Asian paying for weeks have been absent from public view, is addressing hospital staff in the city of who had as they battles, attain the spread of a still officially unnamed novel grown a virus from a secure room about twelve hundred column, from the epicenter z g exe. his condolences to people who died, here's greater public, a communication that same day, chinese authorities reported twenty four hundred new confirm here. Raising the total global number more than forty thousand, with fewer than four hundred cases occurring outside of mainstream out of mainland China. Yet and can now reveal how official documents
delayed and internally show. This was only part of the picture in report marked internal document. Please keep confidential local health authorities in the province of few bay, where the virus. The first detected, listed a total of nearly six thousand newly detected case on February, tenth more than double the official public number of confirmed cases, the larger figure was never fully revealed at the time. It seems you down by the severity of the outbreak, the previously unknown figure is among a string of revelations contained within a hundred Ten pages of leaked documents from the who Bay Provincial Centre for sent for disease Control and prevention shared within verified by CNN, taken together, the documents amounts to the most significant leaked from inside China. Since the beginning of the pandemic and provide the clear first window into what book. where these new internally and when, as is my favorite sentence, ready, the documents provide no evidence of a delay. Attempt of this gate findings, but they do reveal numerous inconsistency, is in what I thought is believed to be happening in what was revealed to the public. I think that's called a deliberate attempt to advocate findings,
or if you actually know something is going on in that you don't want to reveal it to the public. That would be obvious getting your findings by definition. Would it not? The documents reveal what appears to be an inflexible healthcare system in strain by top down bureaucracy and rigid procedures that were ill equipped to deal with the emerging crisis. The documents show evidence of clear missteps point to a pattern. Institutional failings. One of the most striking data points concerns the slowness with which cover nineteen patients were diagnosed, even US authorities, whom they presented their handling of the initial operate to the public as efficient and transparency and on the documents show that local health officials were lines on flood testing and reporting mechanisms. Report in the document from early March says the average time eighteen onset of symptoms to confirm diagnosis was twenty three point. Three days nearly a month, China has defended its handling of the outbreak, but, of course, that they they would write a mean they're they're, a communist tyranny, didn't just make mistakes? They they covered everything up, because again, this is a communist tyranny. We now have evidenced by the way
that said we have virus was present in the United States as early as December that some new evidence that is emerging today and the World CUP optimistic data than reality. China kept telling people that the more definite cases, but There are a lot more cases than that and they kept saying there are fewer. People are dead than the number of people who were dead. They wildly reported the number of daily dead, so just really solid stuff there from from China, but don't worry the Dublin Show is on top of it, and it's very bats mentioned this. Is the China based virus just terrible, thereby China and CNN were busy? learning from for all of us, and so it's only now. You know after the election that we hear about the China flew again when it as it turns out, it was, in fact they will. Hen flew all along already, we'll be back here later today to additional hours of contents, otherwise
see here tomorrow and then share. This is the venture Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread the word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily, where podcast, including the Andrew, and show it Michael Mole Show and the mat Walsh thanks. The listening dimension of Euro show is produced by Coltan Hoss Executive, pretty Sir Jeremy, boring our supervised, producers are math, is Glover and Robert Sterling production manage Parliament asking ourselves: producers are next. She hadn't, Rebecca Doyle, show edited by Adam. Sigh of audio is mixed. By make poor amino make up its mind. You could Geneva, the Ben Shapiro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty.
Hey Juan's Andrew Clavin host of the Andrew Klavan show. How did the news industry turn into an empire of lies? It got taken over by the upper classes in the upper classes. Our asses will talk about it on the Andrew Klavan show
Transcript generated on 2020-12-03.