« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1139 - The Attack on Masculinity


Candace Owens and I trend for mentioning that dudes wearing dresses aren’t acting all that masculine; Georgia finds 2,600 more votes, most of them for Trump; and Democrats put more lockdowns on the table.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Can't zones, and I trend on twitter for pointing out that Harry sales wearing addressed, isn't acting all Masculine Georgia finds twenty six Did it more votes, most of them for President Trump and Democrats put more lockdown, table. Adventure paralyses the bench Barroso. Eventually, Rochelle is sponsored by Express VP and protect our online privacy today Express GPS, dot com, Slash Ben ok I do everything at Nuzzi in one moment, but first there a thousand reasons why protecting your home at matters it to you. For me, I want to keep an eye on. My cat died three under seven, and that means it's hard for me to keep an eye on all of them. I want Why I love my ring vices want to know who is at my front door at all times, and somebody rings the doorbell I can pick up from anywhere and tell who exactly is outside my house ring. Has security pro for every corner of your home inside now. Best of all, you can see it all in one simple, app with ring keep an eye on your home, no matter where you are right from your phone. If somebody soft by or something is going on ring will let you know it's peace of mind anytime. Knowing your home is protected, whatever you call it,
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conceded the race and its wheat. On Monday evening, he said I received a call from a atoms expressed a priest action for the opportunity to serve the Utah Fourth districts and its commitment to a smooth transition. My sincere thanks to him for both thanks man, you tonnes. I am committed to have an open air to serve you. Thank you for the opportunity that is a big pick up that was supposed be erased that was fairly easily one bite, MC atoms and in the late pulling Burgess was down and he ended up winning the race. demonstrating once more that the Republican Party wildly outperformed expectations in this particular election Nancy policy? Wildly underperform? The democratic party has a real problem on its hands, regardless of what happens in the press. Central rice, which again there still legal cases outstanding whatever happens there Democrats have a real, They have a real problem so long as Republicans actually go out and vote in Georgia someone's remind you right now. If you are a republican, you need to give money to David Purdue in Georgia and to Kelly Leffler in Georgia, because the last thing that you want is the spectre of,
fifty cent it with presumably commonly Harris presiding as a Joe Biden vice president and breaking ties. That is the last thing you could possibly Checking the ambitions of the Democratic Party is a must at this point, so you need like there's no time to rest on our laurels. There is no time to fulminate about stuff that has already happened. Instead, we need to focus on what's coming up January. Fifth, there is a double election in Georgia, David Purdue, Kelly Leffler. They deserve our support. They deserve your money. It is over time. The Democrats must be defeated in those Senate races. Meanwhile, speaking of Georgia, yesterday twenty six hundred both were discovered in flood county they'd, not originally been tallied, and they did reduce the deficit that from past. to Joe Biden in the state. According to the last journal constitution from but generally eight hundred net votes from the discovered belt. There were sixteen hundred forty three. four trump and eight hundred sixty five for Biden. According to the evidence Journal constitution, the problem occur because county election officials did not upload boats.
Memory card in a ballot scanning machine is going to Gabriel strong message voting. Two manager, he called it an amazing wonder he said the count he's watching director directorship resign. It's not equipment issue, it's a person not executing their job properly. This is the kind of situation that requires change at the top of their inside the previously uncounted votes were cast, ensuring in person early voting at the Floor County administrative building, which includes the county Elections office, said look. Martin, chairman of the Floyd accounts, you Republican Party, over half of the five thousand printed out ballots, an optical scanner, we're not initially recorded Martin, said it's very concerning this doesn't appear to be a widespread issue. I am glad the audit revealed it. It's important that all votes are counted The balance will be restrained and tabulated before the results are finalized on Fridays and state elections. Director Chris Harvey, you said you weren't, every vote counts are right the first time that is one of the goals of the audit to identify problems The vote will be uploaded, the result will be and what they are. So the these states is insisting that the audit is exactly what founded anyway, there wasn't from putting pressure. It found these additional votes Eric
Eriksson. Between out about this, he said this is a scandal malfunction. It wasn't a machine per se, a human error and scanning bows, but most county stole wine identically with the machine count at this point but he has an entire thread about dominion voting systems in Georgia, and he says that he talked to the Georgia Secretary of State about signature issue. He says that Georgia verify signatures for absentee ballot applications, not just the balance of themselves. The applications were matched with both the voters driver's license and their voter registration card at the George has actually been attempting to verify. If people requested the balance illegally not just they filled out the ballots legally, but that they requested the ballots legally. Apparently Lindsey. Graham s specifically about this. This pissed off the Georgia separate of state who then suggested openly? Lindsey Grand wanted to exclude legal ballots, it turns out that that's not true, but according to they did the guy's Hymns rations burger. This is.
Courted by media in their conversation, ground, question ravens, burger about states, signature matching law and whether political bias can prompted pole workers to accept balance with non matching signatures. According to Athens. Burger ram also asked whether Athens programme power to toss all male balancing counties funds have higher rates of matching signatures are clean, ravens, burger, Ravens Borders it was done. The ground appeared to suggest that you find a way to toss legally cast a balance. That is not a grand says, Graham says: No, no! I was just asking if there is a way to toss balance that are not legally requested or in which there? no way to verify the matching signature, in any case, the process is working as the process should work. Eric Ericsson points out that all claims of dead people voting in Georgia have thus far been debunks. It is a dead person has actually voted in. Georgia is contrary to claims about two million voting systems. The hand count in Georgia align perfectly with the machine count, could not have been hacked machines in Georgia, altering votes for Joe Biden escorting Eric Eric
Does it show down there on a w s, be obviously Biden. Camp, meanwhile, is demonstrating full scale what the real corruption in this election was, and it has very little to do with the voting systems go. We have legal cases that are proceeding with allegations for Sidney Powell more for president from she suggested that she is about to release the crack and which, of course, is very colorful press and In my view of this, guy and release at Jerusalem were awaiting, like Republican Democrat everybody's waiting. The Democrats are waiting because they want to say that your line and Republicans are waiting, because the evidence would actually be really great. At this point, you can make big allegations then, it's time to actually release all the evidence that you got not to interviews about it. Release the areas not like we have. huge timeline here, we're we're gonna get states sort of their election results as early as the end of this week, early next week so like now, would be the time to release the crack and, if you're going to do this, but the real corruption in the election is perfectly obvious. As I have said from the beginning, the real corruption in this election is the media. The media simply refuse to cover anything they do now.
to cover, and then they just didn't cover it. According to SAM Stein, reporting about the daily beast, dailies Herpes, all about Joe Biden Online, SAM Stein, who a report for the Daily NEWS now he's, as according You Biden, campaign, metrics online chat or about the hundred Biden story during the elections last week was greater. And it was run, healers emails during last month. Twenty succeed, the difference. It never spilled over into mainstream outlets. Oh you think. Oh you think. So the fact is that you are now Again, the bombing campaign is now bragging that they were able to suppress information that was bad for Joe Biden mainstream media decided to do the dirty work and abiding campaign by not allowing well reported and factual stories to emerge into the pot. View because mainstream media never jumped on it. Mainstream media just decided was more important than if he trump then report truly reported stories when we all knew this was the case. The fact
is that the Biden campaign and the media are one and the same. You can see it. Joe Biden is now doing these press conferences and every question in the press conferences. How wonder are you Joe Biden. We are back to the Obama era. In the Obama era, the press walked around holding drool cuts for Barack Obama, We are back there and their walking around holding drool cups for Joe Biden into which both in their joint drooling fine because falling apart and the media, because their drooling over Joe Biden and then trying straining to get themselves enthusiastic about Conway Earth, which is a good luck with that gang according to their daily beast, fearing a reduction of their. efforts and of campaign implosion of Hillary Clinton the teams of further into the research, what they and was more assuring, while the Hunter Biden story had taken off on Facebook. Two in various rattling sites and had not crossed over into mainstream outlets panes internal pulling meanwhile showed that voters largely what persuaded by the wild and are being mostly small, but even so it provided the binding. Pain with yet another reminder about the perils that social media platforms presented. Democrats as they traversed the modern political landscape. Let it be known this
why Democrats are attempting to quash with these social media companies. Democrats love nothing better than for social media companies to act as their suppressing wing, stopping stories from funding preventing or from disseminating information they do not like right. That is the future battle better the informational battle that we are going to be about to wage in this country. The platforms are now being perverted by democratic there being threatened by Democrats that if they do not suppress information, Democrats don't like, then Democrats themselves will go in and break up these major corporations or regulate those corporations, and these corporations Facebook, Twitter, you too responding, predictably by catering to the left and hoping for the good will of the right there responding I suppressing exactly the information left once and hoping that the rights focus in free markets and free speech will prevent the right from signing with the left in regulating these companies, they can only count the kindness of people who are battling for your clubbing about the ears for so long and their there The breaking point here with the right where there's gonna come
What were the right says to the social media? Companies wasn't were like that man at the end about man begins with we're, not gonna kill you, but we don't have to save you, and that is the direction in which all of this is moving. Ok in just a minute, we are getting to the healing of the Democratic Party, and we have been told that there's a healing time lots of healing going on cultural healing we'll get to that healing in just one. Second, it does not appear that a lot of healing is going on. First, let us talk about your sleep quality. Some element, my baby, will never five. Thirty morning. It was not fantastic, but between the time I went to bed and the time that my child, the woke me, I didn't sleep well. Why? Because I was on a helix sleep mattress, you sleep, they make a mattress just for you, it's personalized to you. They request. It takes us two minutes to complete and the match your body type and sleep references to the fore, mantras for you, whether your aside sleeper are hot sleeper, whether you like a pleasure from bed with helix, there's no confusion and a more compromising. He would sleep. It's the number one man
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you can't you can keep saying is over and over and over, but fetch just not as there is not a thing accordingly It comes at the New York Times. Georgia is the first state where they now have a fully updated boat history. It shows the black sheep of the electorate falling to its lowest levels since two thousand six, so the black sheep of the electorate, black share of all voters, actually dropped. Precipitously from two thousand eighteen did two thousand twenty picture of the electorate in Georgia. It was about twenty. Nine percent dropped all the way down to twenty seven percent this time around, ok, but we can during their with Stacy Abrams, registering black voters all over the state. They drove Joe Biden veteran that no, it was not. It was the suburbs white, suburban women did not vote for Donald Trump, and so George out went the wrong way for Donald Trump in the Caribbean don't worry about it to me at amusing to watch the media continue to prop up Stacy Abrams is a thing she's, not a thing. She never was a thing lost or Google raised by fifty thousand votes in that state, and then she went let me she's gonna, have Georgia Dnc tell her as the elected governor of
we're after losing by fifty thousand votes and then say to the media. By the way you know you guys keep feeding, Stacy Abrams, like F eighty, I entreat you, can beating Stacy Abrams he praising her, even though she He needs to maintain that she was ripped off and deprived of her gubernatorial seat in Georgia. At the same time that she's going on tv claiming that Donald Trump, his Weiner you got, there You guys, you guys, keep doing this known and no you're not allowed to talk about. That's just a data point there Stacy Abrams, was not. In fact, the person who drove Georgia out of the republican Lane in the presidential race says. Please stop trying to make Stacy Abrams happened. It's not a thing to me why the Democrats and proclaimed it's a new era of healing and unity right. This is Joe Biden line Joe Biden after he, after he gave his quasi victory address. Obviously precipitously, because not a single state has yet been declared. Joe Biden came out and he said the he's all for unity. It's time for American to come together and it's time to heal. So I have a question at what point is going to say to his own party, guys you need to stopping jackasses. I seriously doubt be good. We talked about this yesterday with it
rioting and we had people beating each other up be alarmed Antigua in Washington DC during this Trump rally over the weekend, and members of you're buttons on party are going around basically suggesting that everybody who disagrees with them is a member of the case. At some point is Joe Biden: calm waters on his own side so that their use, then called assists the soldier moment back during the ninety nine you. Campaigners are a little known, wrapper named sister soldier when she made some rather racially charge. Comments and Bill Clinton can a picture out of a hat because he wanted to make this move and he he proceeded maker famous by saying that this sort of rhetoric is not acceptable, not ok, but that was his. The moderate lane bill it well when his job. I naturally moves immoderately by treating people on his own side for castigating everybody who disagrees with that is a clear member, so ill, homer, truly a terrible human B. L homer is rabid anti semite under their credible allegations that she has repeatedly funneled a baby.
of money to her out to her boyfriend released her boyfriend's firm in violation of campaign. Finance la will check out those allegations, but the delegations have voting for quite a while unseemly mounting, in any case, Eleanor marred the person who poses cover of magazines with Nancy Policy before declaring that for the Jews. It's all about Benjamin's. She says that, from browser like clam railways. I can feel all the peace healing here you so much peace and healing happening to speak about me and every good rally didn't really matter where he was sometimes multiple times in the day as he had held his clan rallies throughout the country. clear rallies now is email and tens of thousands people show up for rallies for Donald Trump. Doesn't clan rallies, which is strange? Is there a lot of people of color at those at those particular suppose it Glenn Railways, which don't actually seem like clan rallies? ok, but it's not just ill hunt. The media obviously believe this deeply as well. A brain Williams suggested voters. Are tyranny. Curious Rhineland,
MSNBC. It's from voters who are interested in Germany, which is weird because I keep hearing from the democratic party that they want. You run nearly every aspect of my life, but its trump voters or tyranny. Here it's yours, Brian Williams, they journalist you look at home from there and when you come home on your next visit Do you view it as a changed country, because millions of people yeah decided maybe over time, like the frog boiling experiment, to become at least two. in a curious seed from research. So now we know from Ohio, mother there, clan members and we know from Right Williams the trumpeters our tyranny curious, and we also know be global, that Republicans literally don't care. If you'd, I don't care at all, they want you did I now. This has been line democratically, using everyone's Paul Ryan? It literally cut an added believe is back in two thousand ten in which Jean Paul Ryan was like throwing in old lady off a cliff or something in any case here as well,
Gilbert, suggesting the Republicans don't care. If you tat, I can feel the healing. Can you feel the healing power of move happening right now? I feel it I've it's warm and cover, in areas will be Colbert. Saying that the Republicans just one people die. That's all all of this as and when you go into vote in Georgia. Remember this is the party that then care if you drop dead, cush kept very clearly There's no one has to happen and they're not doing it. Weird, because I am reliably informed that half of the democratic legislature of California just travelled over to Molly for a conference, then travel back and in quarantine. So yeah no data by well on people died in New York in New Jersey, but it's the Republicans into always the Republicans ok interest, a second we're gonna get to the gas lighting of the american people, because at route so much what's going on is the gas lighting of the american people in an attempt to get you to shut up. There is a process that is used to get you to shut up, particularly if you are culturally conservative that we need
talk about it will get to that in just one second. First, let's talk about the fact that right now nuns are flying off the shells they haven't flying off the calls for a while. I wonder why might be the fostering of chaos in America's major cities might be the fact that the media and the Democratic Party fully willing to overlook violence along it is, is violence that alliance with their political world or whatever your reason you might be looking for a gun and when the framers wrote the constitution, the first thing did was to make safer your right to keep and bear arms. Read this The thing that day they were focused on at heart. They knew that all your other rights are protected by that particular right owning a rifle. Heavy responsibility building rifles is no different. Bravo company manufacturing builds a professional grade products which is built to combat That's because BC believes the same level of protection should be provided to every American, regardless of their a private citizen or professional. A museum assuming a rifle leaves their shop. It can be used in a life or death syndrome. by irresponsible citizen law enforcement officer or soldier overseas. So
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process at the left has been using for quite a while, and it is quite effective process. So we describe the process of getting. You personally to shut up, because I know that you felt this in your regular life right. You felt this from your peers. You feel this from your bosses. You feel this from the media is a here is the process. The process goes like. This is basically a three step process. The first, the first move is for people to tell you that if you voice your opinion, you're being not nice see what the left's understands about conservatives. That concern is generally www decency. They generally value politeness. Rare conservatives tend to believe the decency and niceness and politeness he's our virtues. These are good qualities. Now it's very easy to shift from being nice and being polite and being decent into a belief that this means being inoffensive. Because of your nice. Typically, that means the or not offending anybody regulating nice person. That means that you're not offending anybody, but there is a difference between being decent and being and being inoffensive. There's a wide difference and conservative philosophy. Sometimes you actually have to tried people when they do their own thing is actually a biblical
that's him is that you're not supposed to you, do not wish to ignore when your friends in you're supposed to try to him and correct him, but it is very easy to fall into the trap, because its seductive are based we say that I'm a nice guy into I'm, never going to say anything offensive and what the left, as is, they simply do Anything that you are saying offensive, and thus you have you have now violated the niceness principle, you're, no longer nice, you're, no longer decent, no longer kind. Are they and you want to be kind of. You want to be nice, and so, if they have defended that's away, Shutting you up waves in Europe, both our offensive to me. So you should be quiet. He then they push even further. Ok, because you might say well, yes, your offended, but your offence is really not the main thing. The question is, is what I'm saying true or is it not? Are you might say, like I do factual hear about your feelings and it's not mean to simply state a fact. So the left instead dust instead does, is they conflate offence and harm is the second step of shutting you up. The first step is you're not being nice and say: well, it's not about niceness are not niceness.
And it is there nothing mean about saying something true to say: it's not just the your being offensive and that you should be inoffensive. Is that your harming me, where they conflate offence with harm, You are now harming the you're saying something that harms me and therefore you should shut up because its thing for you to be not night, it's another thing for you to be harmful. cruel, and this is why the left spends up every offence into a deep seated This is where we get the language of Micro, aggressions on college campuses. Right, I say something that is factual and now you get very offended and you don't. You say that you are offended. You say that I have harmed you I've, a rest. You have done something that infringes on your ability to see yourself the way you want to see yourself- and this is an actual harm to you too, motions harm to you and therefore I should job. I violated the non harm J S mill principle may so simple why you're nothing nice sumptuous your actively harming me. So you need to be quite ok, and that brings us to step three
step. Three silences violence, its depth also went from you should be quiet to be nice to you should be quiet because are harming me to you. Being quiet is the problem now. when votes on the left to silence is violence, but they dont mean. Is we want you to speak freely, what they mean as we want you to speak and repeat exactly what we are about to tell you and if you can mirror preference. If you're not celebrate our preference. If you're not celebrate our political point of view, This means that you are a bad person right now, you're being not nice, you're being harmful silence. Is violence were actually acting in a violent way by refusing to go up with. What we are saying is the sign. Old age ribbon episode, if you just refused where the ribbon, that in and of itself is the crime, because you're not repeating you're, not joining the EU
because it is the epidemics, can you routine? Where is not enough to not be re, suggests the antiracist. You have to repeat all of the bull crap that epidemics can use views in order for you to be considered antiracist, so we went all the way from we don't want you to express your viewpoint to. We want you to positively express our viewpoint. so that is the process, and the process always begins with you're, not being nice pay, so you're, not being nice. That first step usually is implicated when the left us something controversial so left. Has this gas lighting thing. Ok, vacillating is. This phenomenon comes from your movie from nineteen forty with Charles Boy, yea and angry Bergman, The movie is about a woman who is being driven crazy by her husband. He wants her to commit suicide, so you can take her inheritance and so he changes the light on the gas light every night and then tells her. He has not done so right to drive her, not that's what Gaslight means gas letting his. Where you know something is going on, but people are I'm telling you it's not going on right than for gas lighting, as some left engages in this gas leading the way
Gideon Gas, letting as they do something controversial. They say something controversial. They push a controversial point of view. They celebrate this controversial point of view and then If you say no, I disagree that they are european nice. Your ring offensive your causing harm right. That's it you're a bad person. How could you How could you you get this phenomenon? A lot in, for example, LOS Angeles, did the kind of attention seeking behind here that you see very often, then, if you pay attention to the behaviour they got wiping attention. Why? Because you asked me to pay attention read. This is all leading up to a discussion of Harry styles by the way, if you are not aware where this is going, There is a. There is a thing that happens very often in places like Ella, where you walk into a you walk into a coffee beans and the breeze has pink hair, and ring on the nose and ring on the ear and chain connecting both connecting always the other ear and then used you. You can look for a moment to more the person looking into what are you looking at what it feels like,
seeking attention when you decided to connected chain from your ear to your nose, your other ear by, let that's enough Will overt sign that you might wants it like your hair is shockingly bright bank. I feel like you might want some attention there and then said, but why are you paying attention wiping tension? That's why we're we're paying attention? The paying attention is not the same. If you want to act that way, It's a free country. You can act that way by paying attention to having opinions is not in fact, a violation of the nation is principle, nor is an excuse to silence other people. Ok, this brings us to the peristyles issue will get to that in just one moment. But first, let's talk about the fact that, as did a lot of your identity, might be wrapped up in your hair, not your pink! It might be right, dump, unlike actually having here and as men age, they tend to bald okay. This is just one of the realities of life male pattern. Baldness is a genetic thing and most men start losing hair in there in their twenties and in their early thirties or now, there's keeps two out of three journals: in some form of male pattern bombers by two hundred thirty five, the best way to prevent their losses, something about it. While you still have your left used, have to go to the doctors,
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attention yesterday, when Kennedy ones tweeted about it Vogue Magazine, feature Harry styles beyond. There is no hurry. Styles honestly is because using Dunkirk, like I her his music. I care about him. I honestly, as I say, like my own Shakespeare, since we know who he is, is that he was in a Christopher Nolan them, but he did this or issue involved in which he dressed. actually in a bunch of women's loving enables like an idiot elegy put that out their straight up front. He was a moron men wearing women's. Russia's typically that's like there's a rest. the bugs bunny place it for comic effect. When he puts on addressed to follow more fun, ray it's inherently funny, we're not talking here about a guy who's identifying is transgender has rendered as four years something this is eight. This is just a regular dude, put not address, ok, and can we he's like a bit of common sense here that that's at least strange it something different and by the way, both knows that strange in some
different, she hears really Gaslight incomes in vogue, treats this groundbreaking and wonderful now in irregular life. If somebody that you might say that you're a married woman your husband comes through the door wearing one of your gowns. Would you rehash me. I love her bending gender norms, honey, fabulous. I asked are here and make up person fabulous without this, and her reaction, I thought was it was on the mark, my husband, walked through the door where I want to address it. I've, ok, that fair enough fair enough, but anyway, I'm not saying that anybody who wears addressed punch, I'm just saying what fabulous at a Kansas reporting you, the fact in any case, Harry miles, is wearing these bizarre gear. savage and we are told us a very brave incredibly brave- is nonsense, you put on these efforts by the way we know that this is playing with stereotypes. and redefining masculinity right. That is the goal here. It is the overall goal, because if this were just about you know, I like to wear a creative plumbing can put unlike the Panama suit or something
Let him walking around and like a finding Nemo costume, but he's not he's weren't address them Listen he's wearing addresses, because he's trying to violate preconceived notions about mescaline invoke, makes this perfectly clear, so we are told by various interviews, subjects that styles cross dressing represents The image of a new Europe of the way there Man can look game and at the pop star school redefining what it can mean to be a man with confidence, I use it must Confident men are the ones who are dresses more friend you are in your masculinity, the more you can afford to be not masculine. In fact, highest form of masculinity, is to completely Castro solidarity with the highest form of masculinity, because if you do that, that's what I'm asking you aren't. You had have also take em off right. I mean that really is the highest masculinity is to do things that make you as well as little masculine as humanly possible. That's that's the mark of manhood and the act. Bolivia. Wilds has well. I hope that this brand of conference the mail that Harry has truly devoid of any traces of toxic masculinity is indicative of his
duration and therefore the future of the world I think he's in who is trampling that spearheading that it's pretty powerful kind of extra to see someone in his position redefining what it can mean to be a man with conference? Are that's ok, so, first of all it's not. The word of toxic masculinity is devoid of any masculinity like it does not it there's nothing masculine about this. In fact, the whole point here is to run masculinity of its masculines. I right. That is the entire point. The point is to redefine mask when each now include doing feminine things. If it were just about a man being conference where what he wants to wear, we'd be out there like Bore Etana banana hammock or something, maybe that's not what he's doing right? That's what he's doing instead putting unaddressed because he's trying to mix up the stereotypes of May and female citizens attention, seeking paper right. This is Harry Styles the pink hair and the nose ring in the in the chain going from ear to ear right. That's that's what this is, and it is overtly a political attack shifted definition. Masculinity am not making this up, don't be gaslight by the left. It says what why are you making
Could you made a big deal out of it? You'll get it crash car, and then I looked the car crash that hey look. There's a car crash, though there is no car crash, what looking at. You guys are the ones making a political point out of a dude where address, and I am saying I think that your political point is stupid because it is stupid. I so that that that gas, letting attempt is really irritating so we'll get you what can has had to say and where I had to say about this in just a moment, because there is a the point to be made if the left is going to now, declare is now going to claim that being a man wearing addresses highest form of masculinity, because you have shed toxic masculinity and then say I think that is a perversion of masculinity, because fellow I males is not the goal of being masculine. Masculine and feminine have definitions. It is good for men to be masculine. It is a good thing to train boys to be masculine and then for masculinity to be tempered by civilization, for all of human history. Masculinity unbound
very, very negative effects, right, masculinity, unbound from anything like responsibility, the Of instinct, that is inherent in males generally speaking, unbailed from civilization and devising influences and traditional judeo christian morality has had dire dire effects. Ok, but masculinity has also done. Incredibly great things for the world assertiveness has met, progress, assertiveness has meant growth, assertiveness has meant defence, a family and hearth and home The prosperity right. Masculinity is a good thing for civilizations and civilization, Is that decide to essentially defend a straight masculinity are going to bear some pretty l effect. Now, if you make that point the what says you have to shut up something nice renaming offensive, so do something, I just somebody else comments on the outrageous thing you should shut up. You dont document on the registering, celebrate the outrageous thing or silences violence there when we get to the actual analysis of this particular issue in a second, because masculinity is important. What left wants to do is rewrite masculinity. Do not
want to fight toxic masculinity. They want you fight masculinity itself, being a man? Is a bad thing unless you are treating manhood as actually acting in feminine ways, because feminine masculine have definitions will get to that in one second, confusion is the goal here, because if they were to make this argument straight up, that men should act like women, should address his neck. Just like women. Everybody would realise how stupid this is Steady decided to deliberately confuse the terminology. First, they say mask in feminine categories. True they say feminine emasculate or not categories, and if you point out their categories, then it's because you're some sort of big it. So it's all self contradictory, crap we'll get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about fact that, if you are looking for a great sleep, quality is not just enough technical, excellent mattress. You also need to have an excellent set of sheets. What millions of Americans and three former your president's having common? They all agree that bore and brand sheets are the softest most comfortable, pure organic country,
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we'll get that just a second first, if you're not already disgusted by the mainstream media absolute we should be. It is obvious that there were ten points to Joe Biden in that election cycle. A wide about every single narrative? They continue to lie about every single narrative just because you, MSNBC? Even Fox NEWS declared something that doesn't necessarily make the narrative true. It means that media outlets push initiative that very often fine beneficial, not only that the media has already did from demonizing Trump and his supporters to flattering job I couple Harris before they even taken office. If you watched Joe Biden Suppressor yesterday, the media basically just acted as sycophantic lapdog, so we are back to the Obama. if you're, sick of the media feeding you a narrative, replaced or cable internet subscriptions with the daily, where we have big plans for the next four years. It's done, today can Owens near attempt. Bustling author, founder of the budget funding is joining the daily where we're sure launching a brand new show with us early next year will also mean launching an entertainment channel like with actual movies and Tv who investigative journalism, team building partnerships of like minded content creators like Prager you
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the nation, ok, so a couple of hours stipulations up front men have always done cross rising. There are always been some segment of men who cross press very often it was played for comedy, and the entire premise of some like at heart is that it is funny when men cross stress. That is not what the hairy sounds. Photo shoot is about right. There been pop stars have done this before David Bowie whirring Address Bell was like idiots by the way. He always look ridiculous, but the whole point could be Transgresseth about what we are seeing would be. Both article is not just an attempt to be transgress. Have obviously it's an attempt to redefine masculinity itself, and this is over in the article I'm not making it up our ready. The segments from devote magazine article, ok, so my friend, Canada. to reach out quote. There is no society that can survive without strong men. The east knows this in the west. The steady harmonization of our men. At the same time, Marxism is being taught to our children is not a coincidence. It is an outright attack, bring back manly men.
Ok, I'm not sure what exactly is controversial about this. That masculinity is a good and important thing when Channel properly it requires men who defend family requires meant provide a requirement to channel their aggressive instincts towards defence of values and civilization, that that is it they'd inquires, assertiveness, Mescal Aristotle talks about masculinity in exactly these sorts of terms. Harvey Mansfield has an excellent, but manliness all about masculinity and what distinguishes it from femininity. Now, it's not that the West does an acknowledged. These are qualities, left fully agree, just the qualities of masculinity and femininity right, which is why they suggest that there is, a variety of genders because they suggest that a man be very feminine, and this actually makes him a woman right. So they agree that this means that there such a thing as masculinity and femininity they then just suggest that men should act like women immense masculinity should be met, We're feminine and Kansas. Disagree, She says that when you make men more feminine when
We trust that men need to be like women. They need where dresses, but this underlines some fundamentally good thing about men in the same way that you said that women ought to act like that. It's funny, if you say that women ought to act more, like men disconcerted sex. Because it actually is access. But if you say the men ought to act more like women. This is considered progressive and forward thinking. The attempt to feminists men is ongoing on the left So this prompted me to defend canisters comments, and I said this is perfectly obvious. Anyone who per It is not a referendum on masculinity, fermented on fluffy dresses and then be celebrated by magazines like bug is gasoline new masculinity and femininity are categories they exist hey there is more masculine like punching people in the face. Some behaviour is more feminine, like we're inflicted It is right that there are many different forms of masculinity in femininity and most important I'm a femininity is bearing and wearing children. Ok, that is something is endemic, biologically two female mammals of all species, is bearing and rearing their young right, and it is endemic for men,
males of all mammalian species to be more aggressive, read. These are just biological realities. To pretend that they are social construction, tire is completely idiotic and anti scientific. An anti evident masculine the unfeminine it do exist, and not only that. How does this tie into the whole dress conversation? Outward indicators of masculinity and femininity exist in every human culture, but we try little boys to be masculine, and we train little girls to be more feminine. We try read out of them, the toxicity of masculinity or the toxicity of femininity We try to use of illustration to civilised children, but boys, our boys and girls are girls written. These are important things. Boys ought to be allowed to act like boys. Girls are to be allowed to act, girls, boys- are taught to be more masculine in virtually every human culture is not a western central bank. Boys are taught to be more masculine in virtually every human culture, because the role of men- is not in fact always the same as the role of women there can cross over men, and women can do very many of the same job, but choosing the men and women are identical and they are created its
conditioning just broke, it is not true. It is not entirely true. It is violation of actual scientific biology. There are different his between men and women on the broad range. That does not mean that there is not again and who act more like women or women who have more like men, are not more feminist men, more masculine limit right. All of that exists, but the fact that there is a spectrum, Human biology does not mean they're, not poles. There are indeed pulls right as in parallel. Yes, there are poles, masculine and feminine. The left knows this May in fact be point of the hairy styles photo shoot is to violate those policies to feminist masculinity. Olivia wilds hasn't herself yet used. Breathing masculinity as femininity do feminist men to get rid of toxic masculinity by suggesting that men should act like women. otherwise. It would not be headline worthy for Harry styles. Japan undress refer just about Harry thousand and playing with dress the way he says that it is needed, such as joint baby into deeper, with like out with a pacify, rightly he'd, not doing
he's dressing up in a women's gown because he's attempting to make a point, which is that men should be more like women right and the left knows this. They know this. They openly say that gender is both important and socially. truck. They say the gender is actually inborn, but also reconstructing they wanna both ways. They say the gender is a social construction and that and that its net, that femininity is just men, crowning down the patriarch and women, but they will also say that gender, which is the manifestation of biology rapid. I don't think so. I think the gender. Your femininity or masculinity is action. inborn an inherent to you, so they say that a man can be a woman even further no biological underpinning so gender Israel, but also socially constructed. It's all self contradictory. But, let's assume for a second the honesty of some folks to at least acknowledge that femininity masculinity exist, they also have indicators outward indicators. Dress has been
for virtually all time in virtually all cultures and outward indicator, which is why the Bible explicitly says that it is against cross dressing, for example, ok, but in virtually every culture, men and women reciprocally this does not mean that all men dress the same in all women in all cultures dress the same. It means that in every culture there is a distinction between home and dress and how, address the stupidest form of the argument that I saw yesterday online was willing, Scotland, they were killed, it means that a man in America wearing a skirt, a fluffy skirt is the same as a man in Scotland wearing occult no because they also distinguish between how men, workloads and women were closed in Scotland to it's just that men were different. and men in America makes it most idiotically people will ya I can roman times, then we're toga. As you understand, those were basically distress, its guess and women, where a different form of clothes at the time. Women and men were distinguishable. My dress there have always been distinguishable by dressed in virtually every human culture and noting that men more flu for your stuff sixteenth century in Britain does not change the fact that women were completely different holding in the sixteenth century in Britain right. This is
Article area morons. To suggest that big As men war, something like a killed in Scotland, but if you transfer open forum, I would look more feminine. There for a man we're an escort in America in two thousand twenty is, is just the same in the male female Paradigm, as a man wearing a killed in Scotland in fifteen. Ninety is enough. In an idiotic and ridiculous on its face, and we all know that pretending that men dressing like women is not about. Feminism is ridiculous because they are currently celebrating the fact that style is that styles is financing masculinity. So this is all about gas lighting. A fact right and left will do this. Do let's routine is this book magical. It is that Harry thousands wearing address he subversive, undermining masculinity bringing me by bringing the effect of femininity to the masculine, and that's real masculinity isn't dude. address, and then people on there are like yes, men wearing dresses, does under my masculinity by making it more feminine, and that is a bad thing and then folks,
respond by saying. Well, why is it a bad thing to feminists masculinity because then they would lose the argument, because masculinity has very many good things and ought to be upheld in step with the left. Does. Is this weird gas laying shop routine where they say how? Dare you say that, wearing that men wearing dresses undermines masculinity, You said you want, You said that wearing addressed undermine masculine, and that is the whole point of putting people on the cover of magazines. More men wearing dresses, here's the bottom line but there's a lot of concern, as I know who listen to this sort of stuff and I go well. What are we talking about political races? Where are we talking about it? Why are we talking about tax rates? Where are we talking about policy? This stuff matters it matters, because these are fundamental idea, The present the preservation of civilization, boys and girls are different.
boys and girls are different. It is important to inculcate in your children that boys and girls are different and any parent who fails to inculcate in a boy that manliness is a good thing and that responsible, manliness helped build civilization any person, any parent does not teach their girls at femininity, meaning the protection of hearth and home in a different way than masculinity. Is it good thing? Any person doesn't teach their girls. That is not doing their kid any favours and they are undermining the civilization combat between men and women that exists based on biology in virtually every human culture, and the left knows that they can't when this argument, because biology cuts, wreck way against and science cuts directly against them. Son said they just confuse it. Instead, they displayed stupid semantic little games where they say the masculinity and femininity are interchangeable, and if you say no, they say how dare you? How dare you it's? It's absurd and it's ridiculous, and we should be shy about discussing these issues. These left certainly is enshrined by discussing these issues. Left will put these in public schools right then left will will tell your kind of darkness that real men were dresses and then
be explaining to a five year old. Why real men do not wear dresses and an idle feel that that is an acceptable ramifications of our cultural discussion. Is that you're supposed to because its offensive and rude for you to say that Girls are different, but it is inoffensive and groundbreaking to treat as completely without debate that men and women are exactly the same in every respect, except that men suffer from tat masculinity, Muffy bread out of them by wearing seventeen. century fluffy dresses on the cover about answer to that is no I'm glad all your really enjoy your hairstyles music and Harry Styles, free man, living in a western countries by the way, a west defended by quite masculine men as a general rule. That is. Congratulations, Harry styles! You can enjoys I'm not saying don't pick up his ease, I'm nuts The lesson was music. I'm not saying The movie he's in all I'm saying is that when you put out there an argument that men ought to act like women and that this is a good thing,
you're doing something that undermines and tears at the fabric of not only civilization but a families, it turns out the fabric of trials rearing and child using and everybody with half a brain noses and don't be silenced by people, would just tell you that its rooted, talk about it, while simultaneously demanding that you put on the Kramer AIDS Ribbon. Or they are going to or they're gonna club about the head for not celebrating that which you don't find worthy of celebration. Ok, so meanwhile, in actual news covered, continues to act to blight the land and the response. The various political figures continues to not be particularly useful. so build applause. Yo announced yesterday that they are closing the schools in New York despite evidence is perfectly obvious. This point the schools are actually vectors of transmission. Does after the shutting down schools anyway, because all of the political incentives are aligned to shut things down. Even if there is no actual evidence adjusting the things ought to be shut down. we said we would make health and say to the priority
We said we would hold this standard. That was part of how we convinced everyone that it would be safe to come into schools. Now we did expect schools to be safe. The only way I differ with the USA is not on expect there are schools are safe, we expect them to be safe. We ve been very, very impressed by the work everyone's done there strong, narrowly safe that said we set a standard. We ask everyone to trust it and believe in it. It's important to keep consistency with that ok, I'm first, I love buildable as you're talking about consistency. His consistent Santer has been yell at the Jews while suggesting system racism is responsible for optics uncovered in every other racial minority. So the captain consistency over here as they like let's have giant rise and in the middle of Fifth avenue, that's totally fine with govern, but also have a family gathering captain consistency over here. I love when he says that dumb we set a standard. Our standard makes no sense, but we have to hold to our standard new, shutting down the schools, good luck to parents by the way. I hope that you
joy that two weeks of schooling in new york- it you got, I hope, but really really well for you. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is is out there still maintaining that he has a plan. It must be wonderful, being Joe Biden at this point not having to have a plan beginning to blame from for every bad thing. That is happening. He said very bizarre things yesterday in front of his eye cardboard, his cardboard displacing off said the President elect? There is no office of the President Elect, as we have noted, going all the way back to two thousand eight, when Barack Obama actually created placards that's an office of the President Elect that is not the way that works in any case, I said that the vaccine is coming and I trust the vaccine stout. She says the vaccine is good. He's just people only question the vaccine because of Trump, which is a weird take considering your vice president, your vice presidential candid. camel hair is openly said that she would not take the vaccine if from said to take it I feel like the undermining of vaccines and in taking vaccines. Are that's actually been your party joe, but I am glad the now you're on board. That's exciting news! Funny how you switch from A wary about backs Eames. Your vice president, saying that to vaccines seems almost
voting in front. Was the only person instructing them when he's the one who created the programme to develop them in the first place? Here's your mind being tool he's in people question the vaccine hours because of Donald Trump the reason why people are crushing vaccine because all the things he says and done, savers, toothless Jerusalem exaggerations. I think we're on a clear path where nuclear the international community and national leaders in this, into the community have focused on these two vaccines. They appear to be ready. for prime time ready to be used and instead continues on the road. I would take a back seat case it at all. Roger is going to be curing covets, that's that's exciting stuff, and then, of course, you saved him, more blamed for Trump rather Trump is refusing to name it's gonna get alot of people killed. No, it no sorry not true, but the fact is that apparently Biden is receiving some for national security briefing today, so
yeah, hey here's Biden, trying to blame everything on Tromp as per our usual arrangement. What do you see it? biggest threat to your transition. Right now, given president trumps, unprecedented attempts to obstruct and smooth transfer of power, more people may die if we know court If we have to wait until January. Twenty is to start that planning. It puts us behind. a month and a half, and so it's important that it be done to be coordination now now as rapidly as we get that done it again. Everything is transformed. Meanwhile, the media pushing the idea that, if your republic, in your more likely to get covered because you're an idiot so it is, it is very odd how the the virus pretty much affects everybody when that, if your more careful There is a lower likelihood that you're gonna get a severe strain of the virus and if you are, I or severe cases a virus and if you are less careful than you are probably going to have a higher chance of getting it, none
as european and declaring that President Trump and ever republican that those people are responsible for their own cover cases. They they hosting South Dakota Nurse, who then proceeded to explain that are dying in South Dakota. Well, declaring that covered is not real, and this is of course, because of president from as opposed to the huge number people who died in New York, who thought presently. It was real and also died. It turns out the virus, doesn't care what you think, because the virus is not in fact a woke mind. Reading tool. I think the hardest thing to watch is that people are still looking. First, else and they want a magic answer and they don't want believe that covered Israel. In the reason I tweeted, what I did is it wasn't one particular patient. It's just a combination of so many people and their last dying. Words are this can't be happening. It's now real and when they should be spending time based time in their families there with anger and hatred, and it just made me really sad the other night, and I just can't believe that those it's gonna be there less Barton. Words lead
CNN sneered avenue. We admire the way. We also heard stories a little bit earlier before they elect about people whose last time wars with things like, I hope from loses or something and turns people have all sorts of weird ideas when they are on their deathbeds, but in an apparently only is interested in future, one type of particular short. Ok, meanwhile, Joe Biden is laying forth his economic plan, so in the in the final days of president trumps first term, depending on what happens here, Joe Biden is laying forth his economic plans. Is economic plan suck? Now, let's be frank about this, if Joe Biden ends up as the President Elect of the United States, if he had taken office in January, then Joe Biden might be the luckiest cat on planet earth, not just because he presumably wouldn't have been declared but also because, if the Republicans, when the Senate, Joe Biden, is going to get the benefit of operation warp, speed, he's gonna be handed a vaccine that will be widely available by March and April, which means that you can he is going to boom. It means that the vitiate recovery etc. Under present interim will continue
it means the economy is going to spite and because you will have public and Senate and will have no way of stopping the economy from growing right he'll have wanted to put forth all these crappy proposals, raising taxes and increasing regulations, and all this very little ability to actually implement that. You want to know why the stock market jumped on watch a night. The reason the stock market jumped after election night is because there was assumption that Republicans we're going to keep the Senate, which is why the Georgia, just races are really important, but this does put your Biden in particularly rich. The rich political area, meaning that for Joe Biden. All he has to do is continue to sit in the basement and just reap the rewards of trumps economic plan, n trumps vaccines and then the mediaeval credit him. That's a wonderful thing but he's at least going to pay lip service to all of his party's most idiotic economic plan. So yesterday he gave a speech on the economy which basically amounted to trumpet the big bad Mean Orangemen. At some point, you had figured that the spectrum from what will suddenly just dissipate but never Raymond Broccoli,
still blaming George W Bush seven years into his terms. You can imagine that that's exactly what Joe Biden will be doing as well. So Joe Biden says he wants to restructure the tax structure. We need a fair tax structure. People at the top he more, which is insane concerning the people at the top, it literally all net taxes in the United States. That means taxes that our that are paid after you received government benefits. People in the top one percent are paying the vast bulk of those taxes. People who have one percent are paying a highly disproportionate share of the tax, it's funny the same people who will that America's richer, not paying their fair share, and also that Norway is wonderful neglect, the fact and Norway and Denmark and Sweden. All these places have incredibly regressive. Tax systems compared to the United States of America has an incredibly progressive graduated tax system or people of the two get absolutely shall act, and if you're not only all that much money or if your middle class you're not paying very high taxes. If you go to Europe, everybody is paying high taxes in any case years, go by and just lying in saying we don't have a fair tax system which is called for I want to see more money from people who earn a lot. it's time to reward work, not just wealth in America
we're did you have a fair tax structure. The make sure them wealthiest among the longest corporations, pay their fair share. Our plan create millions of good pain, union jobs in management. Extreme building the vehicles products Technology- she's gonna. We need for the future, compete with the rest of the world, from all rose to our stockpiles. We're going America. Ok, so I'm let's! Let should be real about this when he talks about how work must be rewarded. Family income grew under Donald Trump in the first three years of his administration, faster and completely in total than under eight years of Barack Obama and the people who are mostly making them money, people in the middle and the bottom end of the spectrum, there is actually faster income growth people who, at the lower end of the spectrum and people at the top end of the spectrum, doesn't matter Joe Biden is gonna continue to push these crappy plans. Meanwhile, Britain has another plan, and this one again is incredibly regressive. So, first of all its it'll areas that that
by continuously suggested. America's tax system is regret, when it is actually quite programme. Also. He wants to push what sounds like the most regressing policy prescription that I can think of. He wants to simply cancel student loans that now. This is idiotic in all respects, we'll get to this, and just what is explaining just one. Second here is Joe Biden saying this yesterday to students forgiveness figure in your plan. Would you take executive action to achieve it? my plan. I've laid out in detail, for example the the legislation passed by the democratic House. Calls for immediate ten thousand dollar forgiveness. Astute loans, coldly people up their real trouble and to make choices between pay, understood loan and paying rent those kinds of decisions, begun to me, what is it? You want just come in and relieve soon loan. That's out a few points at one You pay their bills. Your sucker, where I paid my wife's medical school bills, I've had my law school bills. My parents help me out of college
We all took on debt and we all pay off their debts in order for that, and we did so in the assumption. that was going to be a way of investing in the future, and here comes a job. in saying basically you're suckers, because not only did They offer that now the task he's going to whom everybody else's debt, which means that you're gonna have to pay for some jackasses Jack S anti for students, degree in queer studies, so I'm a sucker. You're a Sakharov, your taxpayers and your high school student. If your high school grad and you can go to college you're, a serious supper because you could have gone for free and then just had Joe Biden alleviate that not only that you're not gonna have to pay, because the taxes are gonna. Come you're going to have to pay for that college student to get that ridiculous degree And what this really is: a subsidy to university system indoctrinate, kids and stupidity. There are two types of degrees: they come out of college systems. There is type of degree. We actually learn something my wife was premature, and so she was in cycle biology. That is a hard science and if you look at a hard science, science, tech, engineering, math right, the stem field, those are actual,
he's with actual skills. That's then there what we use Yola used to call the north campus degrees and there the english majors and policymakers also regret polysaccharides polish major. It was useless crap. The only reason that you got a palace, major was that you can go to law, school or bragged that you got a policy to grief from without any concomitant skill set. It was a scam designed to Have you a degree he's our degree males? That is what these that is, what these col are they are designed as sort of sorting mechanisms as feeder mechanisms read. The idea is that lawyers are, I believe, banned by federal law from getting things like IQ test in order to determine whether or not you are smart enough to be higher, so instead we have an entire ridiculous and backwards and convoluted system where your support incur tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to basically taken IQ test, which is all that that a degree from a college basically is now beginning, and ass. I d, which they will level iq test or an easy tease him sort of thing, and then you get funneled into a college men, the college we just people who are not particularly,
working and then you get the degree and all were an employer. Learn from that is not that you have a marketable skill set. They learned that your Quarterboat smart right. This is why you have Harvard on your on on your, even if you something really stupid, you're, probably more likely to get a job. Then, if you have junior college on your diploma new major and something not particularly stupid because everybody sort of understands and lesser majoring in science, technology, engineering math, then you basically learning not much of anything you're just going to get the degree and then that sorting mechanism can be used to get you into into a job somewhere. We need much better off pushing apprenticeship programme, so I've an alternative proposal instead of rewarding these colleges with taxpayers money. Because again, when you wipe out that taxpayers pick it up, that's all that means there's no such thing as free college, there's just taxpayers paying for Europe. Be major one of the reasons that I like the idea of private institutions, providing the loans for colleges, has opposed the federal government backing them is because private institutions sometimes take a look at your degree,
determined whether they think you're going to pay back. Do you think about it agree is that it is not for closing Mona Bank gives you a mortgage on house; they make it When are you going to pay back that too? If you don't pay back the debt, can they seize the property? I did it secure to take secured loan, education is an unsecured loan. There is no collapse, well, they can seize if you'd stopping backward at so what banks typically do as they look at what you're getting a degree in you're, getting a degree from Harvard law. Then they can assume that you're gonna pay back the navigator. Probably get a high flying a job that makes you took up a hundred a year start right into better, but then, if you're, getting a theatre, major and Wesleyan That might be hard to get alone for in the private sector, which is right. The federal then comes in and guarantees all of these loans, which is idiotic because now their subsidizing, a bunch of crappy majors and a bunch of colleges that are just they are to indoctrinate you into welcome a so they should all be privatized in the first place, but I have another idea if we are going to actually forgive these doubts about this, have instead of having the taxpayers, forgive it at how about. If you have a useless major and your
earning a lot of money, and you actually have serious loaned at because you took out a bunch of loans to do that. Theatre, major in lesbian, dance theory, We're Wesleyan about this. How about Wesleyan has the cost? because Wesleyan was in on the scam. Play, knew you were going to get a job in lesbian dance after you got your degree how about they who helped perpetuate the scam they have to eat the cost. That would end the scam is growth rate, wouldn't it, but Joe Biden has no intention of doing that is, of course, these colleges are turning out democratic voters a way of indoctrinated people into ideologies that Joe Biden favours business I blue collar programme. It doesn't help high school grads. It does not care for people who don't. Like wasting four years of their lives and hundreds of thousands of dollars at college to earn a degree in in crap it doesn't People have already paid their debts and in subsidizes people or in the least profitable, and you least useful majors That is a very progressive programme. That Joe Biden is pushing naturally that, but this is that the left I mean that the left Wing Democratic Party,
is now basically a coalition of the of the iter actually aggrieved and woke white people that that's what the Democratic Party question is well good. Luck with that in the future. Ok, meanwhile, the media are trying to pay the ground going forward, for by an administration it they're trying to somehow create the narrative. By not get back in IRAN. Jewels worthy signal. Achievements of the trunk administration was getting out of the around which put the iranian mullahs behind the April economically? It put them in a very difficult situation because of their ability to since world markets basically collapsed, given the state of economic collapse for years, it has prevented them from achieving the kind of they had the kind of forward thrusting aggressive, terrorist back action that they had been pursuing in places like Yemen or in Lebanon or in Syria, so that those very six and it also happen, result in an I iranian Alliance between Israel and the USA, IE and ACT of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and all of that was very so now the media have to come up with some excuse why Joe Biden should be able to cut,
new deal with the iranian government, which is on the ropes so the way that they are now. crafting? This narrative is the Donald Trump is going to nuke IRAN? Donald Trump is creating danger in IRAN, and the IRAN has created new nuclear facilities that trump to pursue militants and the only alternative is for job. to come in and sign the remit of the Iranian. So they are a headline suggesting that Trump sought options for attacking around you? Stop its growing nuclear programme is the article from the New York Times now. Here's what the article and you ll see how does an agreed the headline president from asked senior. rises in an oval office meeting on Thursday, whether he had options to take out and against amounts made nuclear site in the coming weeks. The meeting occur today after our national inspectors reported a significant increase in the country stockpile of nuclear material. For current informer, U S, officials and on Monday a range of senior advisers dissuaded. The present from moving ahead with a military strike. Advisers include Vice president Pants Secretariat, Japan Pale Christopher Miller there. Defence Secretary General Milly, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, worn to strike,
and surrounds facilities can easily escalate into a broader conflict. In last week's from presidency from asked his top national security officials, what options are available and how to respond after pump. Hey I'm really the potential risks officials left me believing a missile attack inside IRAN was off the table. It so, in other words from said, options on nuclear facilities? They said. Well, we shouldn't do anything military and from said the headline is trumpet. Sooner military attack, because the media are now attempting to craft a narrative where the only alternative to Joe Biden make concessions to a terrorist regime is war. We did this already, but we did this back in two thousand and two thousand ten, when the Obama administration crafted narrative and then threw it out there for its dynamic offers to push Jeffrey Goldberg to push Penrose brow. Openly that this is what they were doing better roads was then deputy national security adviser bragged openly at the Obama administration Craftily. Why? Around around what there are only two alternatives: full fledged war with and submitting to runs will in turn out those crap.
he's from him and entered a third way and was very successful in containing IRAN. He killed off their terror, leader, customs, alimony, hee hee, created an alliance against them the check their power. He drove their economy into the ground. All that was good. So now the media are trend to revive the same. Narrative Obama push the first time that the only alternatives are open work, with iranian government or making consent to the iranian government. Don't fall for news, media crafted narrative and it is garbage. but the media will shift on a dime when it comes to foreign policy. Anyway, is uncertain, humour. In fact, the media are very upset. The trump is now talking about a true drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan, and this prompted Jenyns Brianna Killer to rip trump for this. Since it is very bad, I'm old enough from everyone. Brok Obama pledged a true brought out in Iraq. Did it and created ISIS, I'm old enough to remember pleasure brought out in Afghanistan and was it and was a negotiating with the Taliban the media are then what a forward thinking foreign policy leader now jenyns like how dare trumped to this exact same thing: Joe Biden, Ambrosch Obama, blushed. Who does this? Who drops
something like this in the lap of an incoming president. You know other than Donald Trump. I think what is trying to do is go through as bucket list. Quite honestly, saying. You know he promised to get out of these wars and he was I do it and Jane TAT, Berwin that can a burglar acceded to the other and that he's not getting out of these wall. That's right, I mean he's right if you just like your ending it, he has dragged me he's just handicapping the next guy who has to deal with it. I mean you who is going. Who would do something like this? You would say, for example, in the last month of an administration, for it to you and resolution completely up ending all previous conventional wisdom about israeli claims to, for example, Jerusalem, who would do that by abstaining from EU unresolved away. Brock Leviathan did that in the last month, just as at parting, at being at the novel and and the Jews. So yeah spare me spare me, God, the these media folks, they ve got her. They gotta be replaced over daily wire that come get a true narrative joined bunch. Other services,
opposite cut, your cable enough. It is alright, we'll be back related to give two additional hours of contents. Otherwise, will see you tomorrow, I'm bench appearances, the bench a parachute If you, in would this episode don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread the word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to pod gases. Also be sure to check out the daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven Show, it might go marshal and the mat Walsh. Thanks though the bench of Euro show is produced by coltan. Hoss exists, producer. Jeremy boring are super. Producers are math is Glover and Robert Sterling production you're, probably right, asking ourselves Producers are next. She had, and Rebecca Doyle Show is edited by Adam Science. Audio is MIKE poorer Mina, airmail, is my niggaa Geneva. The bench of Euro Show is a daily wire production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty g you're discovers twenty six hundred missing boats from approach from county experts tell by
to cancel thanksgiving in doktor fouche? It tells President Trump to concede for public health check it out on the Michael Knowles.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-17.