« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1134 - The Election Is Only Over When It’s Over


Biden declares the election over, and the media demand Republicans repeat it; Republicans claim voter fraud and irregularity while Attorney General William Barr authorizes investigations; and Pfizer develops a miraculous vaccine possibility.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden declares the election over an immediate, a man. Republicans repeat that Republicans claimed voter fraud. an irregularity, while attorney general, William BAR authorizes investigations and Pfizer, develops a miraculous vaccine possibility for covered and then Shapiro. This is the Shapiro Barroso the men Shapiro Show, is sponsored by expressly Pierre. You have a right to privacy, protected at Express Bbn, dotcom, slash and we'll get to everything, in the news in just one moment. First, let us talk about the fact that everybody wishes the black Friday and cyber money that these were everyday things, because it could save a lot of money, but here is an easy way for you to save lots of money, without changing anything that matters to you in terms of quality. I'm talking about yourself on coverage, so you got coverage from rise in or eighteen tee where'd he mobile. What did you get that exact same coverage but save a bundle on their coverage? While this is where pure talk, USA and pure talking easily singular four hundred bucks a year listens is all you need a limited talk text twigs of data for just twenty
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election results are certified and told the electors are selected and then actually vote. The election is not technically over and well. Everyone seems to be panicking really sheer panic in the media over the fact that Trump has not considered the election. Who cares Amira like who cares? I understand that there are lots of people or very upset the trumpet conceded the election and thing it's undermining the integrity of our elections, and that Americans are not gonna believe in the integrity of our elections. It. Let me just tell you it's a temporary phenomenon. Reality of the situation is that Americans, typically dont, tend to believe in elections when the elections their way in this holds true for literally every election had certainly been true since twenty sixteen, so lotta people today who pointing to gallop appalling results showing that, when it asked about election integrity, integrity for Democrats, their belief, intellectual integrity, began to soar as soon as thought, they'd won the election, they're not he's so much about that right, but if you go back all the way to say October, twenty first
Toby twenty first, only a bare majority of Democrats said that the election of twenty twenty was when we free and fair a nazi. Media talk about that today, because now cut their narrative, which is that only report can doubt elections and the reason they got elections could have from the fact is the media were saying for months and years, get serious voters oppression that tramples moving mailboxes at the mail service was when to somehow disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of people, and so, if you look back at the polling data by pulling data Democrats on October, twenty first only fifty one percent said they thought that the election was going to be free and fair. That same date only fit Three per cent of Republicans thought the elections are going to be free and fair, and more than I independence thought the elections, we're not gonna, be free and fair. Only forty five percent of independence that the election was gonna, be free and fair. In fact, I'm on top of teens just a week before that only forty percent of independent study elections were going to be free and fair is theirs what a fluctuation in these numbers now after the election, when Democrats
that they want the national election when they think the Joe Biden was elected. Ninety percent of Democrats now say that they believe that the elections were free and fair, so that as a jump of forty percent, because the media today are all up on Republican. How dare you guys undermine the integrity of our elections mean back in October, twenty fifth, fifty seven percent of Republicans said that they thought the elections were free and fair. Today, only twenty six percent of Republicans say they believe the elections are free and fair. Ok, well back on October, twenty fifth, only fifty five percent of Democrats and they thought the elections were free and fair fewer than Republicans and now. Ninety percent of Democrats think the elections are free and fair. So can we just point out that these stats and other people think elections are free and fair, are innately tied to who they think wins the election? But if you think your guy lost, you think you got treated and if you think that your guy one
You think the election system was perfect, more chefs kiss excellent right, and this has been true for quite a long time. So I'm seeing a lot of people talking about the dangers of the process dragging on and the legal process so dangerous. It isn't there once we get January twenty somebody's gonna get inaugurated in December. The electors gonna meet about the fact that the path this is taking like we are so impatient, and our society- and this thing was called night or Wednesday morning. Everybody started running around their hair on fire and now it's the next week and guess what Joe Biden is being perhaps in case he is the President Elect and Donald Trump is still occupying the oval office, there's not can maybe a battle from he's, not gonna, lock the doors and starts no. snoring coke in firing guns through the door, if in fact, he is deemed to be user of the election by the legal process? Cacena around us. Fox news declares something: there's no constitutional provision that says that this now ends election in the election is overrun. If you dont repeated this means you are very bad terrible. Another very bad person in the reality is that
look at this thing in the bare light of day Joe Biden looks more likely to be the president of the United States when all is said and done, come January twentieth, and the reason for that is because currently has twelve thousand vote lead in Georgia, ten thousand but lead in Arizona, thirty, six thousand, but lead in Nevada and forty five thousand, but lead in Pennsylvania in order for Donald Trump too, in the election, need to overturn the results. In Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania or get those states booted out of court, that is highly unlikely to happen. If you hadn't way money on this thing, you delay heavy money on Joe Biden being inaugural in January. But that does not mean that the process silver. Nor does it mean that if the Trump campaign shows significant evidence of voter frolic like really really significant, like any tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of that that that would ensure the election. Is that sort of hope and a prayer for Lahti? Republicans sure? Is it also true that there are good and definite get people find evidence of a voter frighten vote irregularity absolutely or they are absolutely going to be able to find evidence of that, because in an election that a hundred and fifty million people voting. You would assume that there are going to be some people when
agent, voter fraud and voter irregularity, and that is a very large a hundred and fifty million people, but it's very hard stone to lift, to suggest and hundreds of thousands of votes were shifted by voter fraud or to prove that in court soup might be suspicious after the election Pell after the election in twenty. Sixteen sixty seven percent of Democrats, literally sixty seven percent of Democrats by pulling data, said that the Russians had switch the boat numbers. So spare me all the hysterics about people think the elections are a rigged and it's going to completely stronger democracy, simple today from from morning consult this showing only twenty six percent of Republican say the elections were free and fair trade and twenty. Sixteen only thirty. Nine percent of Democrats that the elections were free and fair today is ninety percent. Is that because there are super consistent about, Can elections being free and fair, or is it because people tend to follow their partisan knows the last time, was no partisan gap in terms of election process and people thinking the elections there was two thousand for in that election. Sixty five percent of independence, sixty per
of Democrats and sixty six percent of Republican started. The election was free and fair, but even if you go away Two thousand only forty four percent of Democrats thought that the election was free and fair in, in other words, in every election, where your candidate loses. You tend to think that the process Cute and in every election, where Canada wins. You tend to think that the process was not skewed. So, let's take with the grain of salt of that about the end of democracy, because this this process is taking, allowing has trumpets, concede and regret for it. Or do you really believe that if from said tomorrow, Irena last year, you think of you said that all the sudden Republicans be like sanguine about this thing, but they wouldn't suspect Vodafone voter regularity, Hillary Clinton within the week of the action, conceded the election and still a vast majority. grants. The Russians had changed the votes for four years. We talk about how tromp was an illegitimate president and the election was fixed on behalf of Lattimer Putin and Facebook, or some such nonsense they so
again take everything media telling of the reign of salt. It is the formation of a narrative whereby anybody who wants to wait to declare the election over is a catch, Paw Donald Trump and is complicit in the rejection of the republic. There's a constitutional process. The constitutional process has not been violated as of yet it has not there's nothing in the constitutional process that says the Donald Trump has to conceal before he gets votaries legal challenges. So the media are trying to build up momentum for this idea, and this is what they constantly do. They find a hasty. And that nobody really made, and then they ask every Republican to defend the statement that nobody really made the media our big story in all of this. The constant driver by the media is is a false narrative. Depth from praise? One side is eminently reasonable. The others other side is eminently unreasonable again after years of and Stacy Abrams is still the governor of Georgia. Spare me the hysterics about people who are wondering Whether voter, frightened voter regularity impact of this election don't, have run voter regularity. You didn't have to prove it. Voters
russian there's no way to prove depression is an unbelievable thesis, is what safety Abrams like. She allege that people not voting was in fact the problem in Georgia. it is noted and on ring the bell, because the people voted voted in people didn't didn't and there's literally no way to prove the people who didn't vote didn't vote because they were suppressed orbit. I didn't want you or for any other reason, motor suppression is a far harder charged approved and voted for. The good news is at the end of this process, the large amounts vodafone voter irregularity will have improved where they will not have been proved, so all of the kind of crazy insane hysterical, conch sure about how the American Republic is on the brink and ever he's gonna end because republicans are following from down the primrose, we ve been hearing this crap for years. It ain't gonna, happen, everything's, fine. I know The thing is fine, as now what people want here right now, but it is, we have a process for this, and the process is going to play out so calm, your ass down current we'll get some more of this in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact.
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the bridge can happen a capital. One can certainly happen. You protect yourself of expressing Viviane used. My special link, expressive bbn. That comes. I ve been right now arm yourself with an extra three month: expressive GPS for free, that's express, Vp N, that comes judgment or an extra three months for free there's. A reason I express Vps to protect myself I'm always worried about people stealing my data you should be to, and you should be using expressive bbn to protect yourself today, expressly peons icon such men for an extra three months of express Vps for free, ok, so Joe Biden has declared the election over them. Have declared the election over and, of course, you're very, very bad if you don't also declared the election over. Even if you say the election has a natural terminus as legal terminus. We're going through the process, not you're bad here is job. And seeing the election is over. So stop talking about the election. The elections over election is over time, to put aside the pardon, the partisanship and the rhetoric that designed to demonize one. This time in the pledges Zation, a basic, responsible, public health steps like masculine its social distancing rhetoric.
Together to heal the soul, this country, so that we can effectively addressed this crisis as one country were hard Working Americans have each other's backs, so the elections over give it up. Then we will be global. The spectre of would be Goldberg saying that we have to suck it up. You know we sucked it up went from one in what way the Democrats suck it up and from one we got four long years view whining the trump wasn't, the actual president of the United States. Now hashtag, not my president, the women's March in the immediate aftermath of from winning we got huge black lives matter, protest throughout the summer, the idea being that was the former head of systemic american racism. We got the media collusion, narrative that went on for years on end, despite lack of evidence, began impeachment at what pointed Democrats actually come to terms with the fact that trumpet one they never came to terms which is why there's a laboratory not because they think that now reality has snapped back into place. But spare me like really of the savage with all these p
who are unwilling to accept the results of elections. Now going. You know you guys, you gotta grow up, I'm not I'm not willingly here that from you, I'm sorry what the gaubert I am, I think you have them I think you literally have no like to stand on here. This is will not literally, I should have liked, but you have no right to stand on here here. What we call when you know who was elected for years ago, Hilary when did say, hey, wait a minute, this doesn't feel right, stop the cow. She didn't say this isn't right, I'm not goin, for she would say any of that. So all of you suck it up. Second, up like we sucked it up and if you are not sure that you are comfortable with Japan do what we did and things and then taken to the law and if the law says is certainly look at look at it from now on suck it up. It is literally what is happening right now. People are literally going to the courts. They are literally filing affidavits has, in the meantime, attorney general, William BAR he has put out a man
to assist in. U S attorneys all over the United States telling them that Z, credible evidence of election fraud. Then they should investigate it being taken by the media as a sign that William BAR militarized, on behalf of the trunk campaign, really change in illegal syn The headlines are William BAR initiate investigations and media like yeah, but we don't see any evidence of serious widespread Vodafone. That's not the letters here's what William Bars letter actually says, he's the attorney general here's. What action and by the way people are This is him now basically trying to please Donald Trump, that this whole thing is about him. Trying to appease Donald Trump. Donald Trump doesn't want to accept that he lost the elections. What is the reason the William BAR is doing as many years is a possible take the reason William BAR is doing. This is because number one in there may actually be credible allegations voter brought out there they're worth investigating into. If there are not, it is good for deal J D B on record, saying that they were investigating those things, so people feel more safe and secure after the election is over did ever heard. Anybody that the reason this process exists.
Is it that when the election is over, people at least are able to point to the court cases and the investigations and say they date? They came up empty right, it turns out that the smaller investigation it was bad and was badly predicated, but the Miller Investigation, justified from claims that there is no collusion, may very difficult for them. Tragically, there was collusion well after this election. What's the deal J comes up with no serious allegations of widespread voter fraud lot easier for people to pointed out and say: ok, there is no widespread voter further decided the election. The purpose of the process is not to come to a pre set in the of the process, is to ensure the integrity of the elections, a heroes what turning general landmarks letters at last week, our nation, once again demonstrated. The strength of our democracy is more than one hundred and forty million Americans cast ballots to select their leaders. I want thank each of you. It seems extraordinary efforts to ensure that all Americans could exercise this most fundamental rights with confidence and in safety. Now that the voting has concluded it is heard of the american people can trust that our elections were conducted in such a way that the outcomes accurately reflect the will of the voters
although the state of the primary responsibility to conduct and supervise elections under our constitution and laws enacted by Congress, United States, Department of Justice as an obligation to ensure that federal elections are conducted in such a way that the american people can have full confidence in there draw process and their government departments general policies with regard to, confront investigations are contained in the justice manual, these policies require, among other things, consultation, but the public integrity, sections election crimes branch in some instances. Those he's already allow preliminary inquiries, including witness interviews, to be conducted without LCD consultation and insight, he's in which they are consulted. The easy bees general practices, the council, that over investigative steps ordinarily, should not be taken until the election in question has been concluded. Its results certified in all recounts. An election contest concluded such a passive in the late in oarsmen approach, can result in situations in which elect. Misconduct cannot realistically be rectified. In other words, the process usually, is don't open an investigation or announced in open investigation until after the election results are certified because the crime hasn't actually been finalized. At that point, what are you saying
there is the problem. We have an ongoing presidential election there's a date certain at which the electors will vote. under the President Elect of the United States is and we need to know before then exactly what the outcome of these investigations is, gonna beat whether they are serious or whether there are serious, and so we are expediting the process. Is that really bad expediting the process, or would it be worse if it lets? Let's assume for second, that the deal J actually came up with evidence? Widespread voter fraud wouldn't be significant. Where's the electors went in voting Joe Biden into office and then two years from now the deal James. The conclusion the hundreds of thousands of oats did shift right would not be a lot worse. So, using but the process, so that we can actually make sure that the right person is is elected to the President Elect of the United States. he says this easy be practice has never been a hard and fast rule. Hey specific determinations and judgments must be made almost elegance the purported election misconduct on such a scale. They would not the outcome of the election and thus investigation can be appropriately be deferred? That is not always the case. Furthermore,
any concerns that over actions taken by the department could inadvertently impact and election are greatly minimize. If they existed, all ones voting has concluded even have lecture certification has not yet been completed, in other words, the idea that the deal Jays now shift. Boats. They there's no one can be had the majority in. Given this given that voting in our current elections has now concluded, I authorize you to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions in certain cases, as I have already done in specific instances get now this, this line has been taken out of context. You suggest that bar is overtly There has in fact been substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities. That is not what he is saying. You think, if you identify such so actual allegations that you should investigate them. He has not averring that those boat, tabulation and vote irregularities have been widespread using if you find any evidence or allegations that such voting fraud has been widespread irregularities been widespread. Go ahead. Investigate media went nuts on this went nuts on this,
how dear he has any investigation The irregularities that have true would clearly not impact. The outcome of a federal election in an individual state should normally be deferred until after the election that certification process is completed. While use attorneys, maintain their inherent authority to conduct inquiries and investigations, as they deem appropriate, likely be prudent to commence Electoral related matters as a preliminary and Greece, was to assess whether available evidence. went further investigative steps? it is equally imperative that department personnel exercise appropriate caution and maintain the departments in absolute commitment to fairness, neutrality and non partisanship in most senior leaders and the Us Department of Justice. I trust you to exercise great care. In judgment in addressing allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities. While Syria, allegations should be handled with great care. Specious, speculative fanciful or far fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating a federal inquiries. Nothing here should be taken as any indicate in that department has concluded that voting irregularities have impact the outcome of an election rather provide, authority and guidance. To emphasise the need to timely and appropriately addressed allegations of voting
irregularities so that all of the american people, regardless of their proper candidate or party, can have full confidence in the results of our elections. Should this be while the conference I know you're, not what William BAR is doing here is now, while the controversial nothing major is changing. He simply saying that ensue of deferring the election investigation until after all of the votes have been certified, I'm now in view of the authority to go and investigate serious allegations of voter fraud if they arise, as he was perfectly appropriate to me, The idea that William BAR is now playing often for Donald Trump. Here, no, no, doing what the deal J ought to be doing, which is investigating serious allegations of voter fraud before the possibility of the ratification of the problem in disappears, because it does this, here on a particular date, because in a secular It gets you some of the allegations that have been levied levied by the Trump campaign, we'll get to that and will get to the difficulty of the process, because the realistic out
here is that the election results, as currently stated, probably do not change the reason being again the amount of voters voter irregularity is not in the hundreds of thousands, even if it were to be incredibly difficult to prove that, and I think that it is important to note that today we are realistic going forward. That does not mean we should not investigate every single allegation. That is credible. We should obviously I was the first person in America on Twitter, released say all legal vote should be counted. All illegal vote should not be counted. Guess what I've been holding this since Tuesday? It's hilarious, how the west but politics works on Tuesday. I say the outcome of the election has not yet been determined and everybody goes crazy and then, on Friday, the outcome of the election has not been at home and in everybody on the other side. Those crazy about this. The outcome of the election is determine when it is determined, but given the current vote Hence the term campaign obviously has a serious legal held. The point we get some of these allegations and just a second again allegation that boy, fraud exists are not sufficient to change
the nature and outcome of an electric you have to prove the size of the voter fraught you have to demonstrate that it would have changed the outcome of an election. That's just have one works from cattle. two, more votes in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that this holiday season, the post offices, going be super busy. You don't have time for that stamps. Dotcom brings the post office. Now you PS shipping direct your computer emailing should anything from the convenience of your home office. Many of us are going up. for the holidays, thanks to covet, while now he can male stuff from home or office, and you can do so cheaply and efficiently with stamps icon anything you can do at the Post office, you can do with just a few clicks. Plus stamped outcome. Will save you money with deep? Just can't you can't even get at the post office here a daily where we ve been using stamps outcome since two thousand seventeen no more wasting our time stamps that calm brings the services of postal service and you PS directly to your computer stamps outcome is, must have for any business whether a small has any out invoices in our minds.
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renewing a hundred and thirty one affidavits have been completed just in Michigan with over twenty eight hundred incident report, should have been submitted to us since election day to new laws its were filed today by people who were working, who were working in Detroit and a what a blower who has gotten their information. We have their information of the Eastern District Court of Michigan. Ok, so all of those Could be investigated and will be investigated, is worth noting at this point and a hundred thirty one allegations were, or affidavits in Michigan is unlikely to change the voting outcome in Michigan, because the fact is that the presidential election President Trump ended up. Right now, he's down in the actual vote count, but about a hundred fifty thousand votes on an forty six thousand votes. So it's going to be difficult for him to over that burden, even with a hundred and thirty one affidavits now listen. Should our systems be cleaner, absolutely
Our system should be run like Florida. Would it be great if there are no border fraud? Nobody irregularity absolutely, but that is not the legal burden legal standard here is, you have to prove enough. I'm just telling is a realistic about the future. Your guys, this does not mean the system can get better. It doesn't need to be there, but it does mean, is expecting the outcome of the election to shift based on voter fraud of or regularity. You have to look at the actual hard numbers in the actual legal standard cause. There is a process it is going to go to court. That is the way that this works. Now there are cases where voter which is due change outcomes, for example, Ellie Wire, Ryan's, better reporting incumbent Republican in Michigan, actually went from losing his re election raced, winning it after officials discovered a technical glitch by which the salt from seven precinct had been counted twice. Officials responded: error by urging voters have confidence in the system. Adamant coaching differ, Republican of Rochester Hills went to bed Tuesday night leaving with operating reporting. He lost his
twenty one member board of commissioners who democratic challenger, Melanie Hartman by a hundred four votes, but there is a problem. According to the Oakland County clerk, LISA Brown, the total from seven precincts in the city had been reported twice. So the final count correctly moved coach and offer from a one hundred or vote lost one thousand one hundred and twenty seven, but victory. Ok right to these are small, numbers, but those small numbers matter in it in an election in which that only forty thousand dollar vote see juicy stuff like this it is important to note that the presence of voter frightened voter regularity does not mean that entire huge elections was decided by tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of us are going to switch to the point made by the Georgia Secretary of State Yesterday they said yeah we're gonna, find Vodafone, yeah, we're gonna, find voter regularity, but I'm he's republican Secretary of State Georgia. By the way he saying that is not going to likely change the twelve thousand vote margin in Georgia. Remember Al Gore couldn't even the recount in Florida in view of the legal maneuvering you could even narrow one thousand go differential between
and George W Bush in two thousand. Meanwhile Lindsey Gram. Ended in Aberdeen in an affidavit from a Pennsylvania, male carrier, and it was Richard Hopkins Ismail carrier. Cleansers, instructed collect late balance with the apparent intent from Postmaster Robert Wizened back to back to the votes, Hopkins made the claim any signed affidavit under the Peltier perjury, although, as understand. Pennsylvania law balance must be postmark by eight p m on Election day November. Third, twenty twenty and Pennsylvania postmaster Robert Wizened Bach direct my coworkers and I to pick up Alice after election Day and provide them to him the affidavit region part what I heard. Wizened back tell a supervisor at my office, the whyS and wherefores. Back there, the postmarked I'm about to make it appear as though the balance has been collected on a member third, twenty twenty, despite them in fact being collected on a number of fourth, and possibly later a U S. Postal service spokesperson told the owl it is where Hopkins is claimed and has referred the matter to the US, postal inspection Service and the office of the inspector general wise.
Do not respond. That's all requests request for comment grams had mistaken. It is imperative that all credible allegations of voting irregularities misconduct be investigated. He said, an internal lecture, women's closer, multiple states. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, all credible allegations of voting irregularities misconduct will be taken seriously. how credible allegations of voting irregularities or misconduct to be swept under the rug. Good it'll be fully investigated bright. The message of the show today, all the stuff can and should be fully investigated and will be, I think, and will be me. In Michigan, a third lawsuit has been filed. The remembrance vote count. This one was filed in weighing County Circuit court alleging problems with accounting process. A tissue centre in Detroit the filing relies on the efforts of its for public and pull challenges in a city of Detroit employee who sent you in the cities election headquarters through September, a satellite cloaks office in October and the Ccs. The day after the election is according to the Detroit NEWS. Besides the epidemic, The actual evidence of the alleged issues was presented. The allegations range from us
It means I'm pull challengers too late, arriving batches of absentee ballots, so the encouragement really voters to cast their balance for democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, election officials, They allowed the maximum number of poor watchers for both Democrats and Republicans only restricting access to national waters because of covet. Nineteen concerns the suit seeks an independent audit of the election, a halt to the certification when county votes in order voiding These election results and the initiation of a new election in Wayne County There is also this argument: judges who have turned this down it, meanwhile, is a lot of questions about Pennsylvania. Now is important here to distinguish between allegations of voter, frighten, voter regularity and nature, of the rules that happened in Pennsylvania. It one reality here is the decision, King of the rules all over the United States to allow for male in voting not on request right, not not absentee voting that you get. You request a male and ballot comes to you. You then vote, but the vast sending of ballots two people because of covert or friends
The reason because supposedly was unsafe to vote in person, even though we literally had tens of millions of people vote in person and no massive outbreak due to it, and we, evidence from earlier on theirs, and there is no action. It was content earlier this year in which there were big lions to vote and no court no covered outbreak. The changing of those rules is in fact, a problem as a problem that needs to be fixed. The chair you have. The rules, do not allow pre tabulation of the votes before the election day. There is a problem and it undercuts faith in the system, the the Pennsylvania rules that suggested that you might be able to count a ballot after it arrived after an election day without a postmark right that undercuts people's faith in the safety and security of the election system. They all of them Things are systemic changes that are dangerous, but does not quite the same as voter fraud or voter irregularities. It's important to tease out the various issues for sure we'll get some more of this in just one. Second. First, let us talk about the fact that twenty twenty we're getting close to the end
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Then go check them out right now. It's a great way to finish up what has been a fairly terrible year in excellent fashion. Ok, so you know all these issues I believe, are going to be phased out, and I think that we are seeing responsible rhetoric from people like mightily from people like Mitch, Mcconnell we'll get to that in just one second, because While we are seeing responsible rhetoric really, I don't need you responsible for republican centres to say the process gonna play out. We have faith in the process at. Why is that more irresponsible and simply declaring the electorate is over and if you refuse to repeat it, you're bad person, which is the meat take on all of us here are some of the public. Responding to all of us so likely be senator from Utah? He put out a statement. His statements has both candidates have every right to exist. Every legal remedy at their disposal under law motors on both sides of the political out. understandably expect and indeed deserve to have a high level of confidence in the results of each election, especially in a close, hotly disputed presidential election The candidates are uniquely position to decide whether to request, we counts, verify the accuracy of data and otherwise take steps to ensure that all votes have been counted properly unlawfully. I look forward to working
whichever candidate emerges is the winner at the end of this process, ok and then Mitch Mcconnell, Yesterday we were talking about. Listen states haven't certified yet so all of this talk about how, if we refuse to just say President's like five minutes cause, he literally is not. President, like Biden, it's hilarious, we'd have fact checkers who ve been like white on rice, after every suppose. It miss statement by president from for four years, then the entire me declare that Joe Biden is in fact the President Elect backtrack, he's not the presence of hurt, but he becomes the President elect. When the process conclude and when the electors votes for Joe Biden, letters haven't even met. Yet here's Mitch Mcgowan making that very obvious point forward for novel foods- certified their election result. We have at least one or two. That are already on track for a reach out, and I believe the president may have legal challenges underway in at least five states. The core principle here is not complicated.
In the United States of America, all legal balance must be counted in illegal balance must not be guarded. Why is this wildly controversial and was wondering The reason is wildly controversial is because the media have simply declared that the election is over. And they want to move on with their lives. Even though again they marry public have very serious questions, many of them about the irregularities in the possibility of a people playing around with the election, so the New York Times, has an entire article. Two but I evil republicans are how terrible terrible Republicans are declining to recognise, binds victory. Mechanisms from Trump is one hundred percent entitled to challenge it? Ok. Well again, the Biden victory still preliminary, considering not a single state. A certified its election result, This idea that we have the bully every single Republican into saying that that Biden is the President Elect, even though the process has not yet concluded
concessions. When you can see the election, it makes things easier for everybody, because everybody can then just move on with the assumption, but until it's actually formally appeal that that the assumption right. I mean that there is an assumption. It is not in fact illegal outcome, but The eight are very bad in your undercutting the electoral integrity of the United States. If you don't call for the assent- and to be made across the board, and so you and with stuff like this. So yesterday, Kelly Makin any was, pressure, talking about voting fraud and voting irregularities, is my general rule. Politicians and political actors get speak. did the Obama administration lied routinely routinely. I think the Jake would go out in the press conferences on behalf of Brock Leviathan, who lie having brothel bomber, lied to the american people regularly. Morocco on the wide that, if you let your plan, you can keep your plan brok about alive that Europeans are on the brink of moderation, if only we made concessions to them. Barack Obama lied about a vast number of issues, but you know what you still got a broadcast: that big The american people are entitled to more information, not less, and you can always do
get later right? You cannot is why they have actually supposedly, but let yesterday on Fox NEWS Fox NEWS did something that frankly, I haven't seen a lot and it does demonstrate the level of the news media arrogance when it comes to not just fact checking news. horses, but literally cutting them off because they don't like what they are saying: Kelly MAC and any was on Fox NEWS and Yokota General, like just cut her off if she's doing oppressor accusing democratic voting irregularities and going they're gonna be evidence, result can be evidenced and if its not evidence and vagueness the killer. Macaroni wasn't telling the truth. All that is fair to cut her off early in the middle of the pressures of the american people cannot even see the information. This is where now stand our betters by our media. Betters decided what you can see and what you can hear, and that is not a problem. Social media have been doing the same thing. Social media have been bullied into and down stories, Kevin Ruth, was literally bullied face. Look into lowering engagement and conservative pages, it's insane facebooks entire
Money is now being won by some woke staffers and a bunch of idiots at the New York Times who write up ads and send nasty tweets that look? Look, look shiraz, page, damned bungee knows page Mark Levine's page people are paying attention to them. That's really bad. You guys do great them. Kevin rules put out a tweet suggesting it was just information to point out that knowledge result in Michigan Deject? It did ship. That's all this information, you just don't like the narrative, tough but the idea here is that social media and media are saviours because you see they are wiser than you and they are wiser than I am. And therefore they get to censor what you see in what you here again. I am happy to debunk. Any claim that is false. Made by our We can all Democrats, you can do that a first have to listen to the claim hers Imagine any being cut off on your computer yesterday. We want to protect the franchise of the american people. We want an honest, accurate, lawful count. We want maximum sunlight, we want maximum transparency we want every level vote to be counted and we want every ITALY
votes level. I just think we have to be very clear that she's charging the other side is welcoming fraud and welcoming a legal voting unless she has more details to back this up. I can't and good countenance. Did you showing you that's? Why I'm here I couldn't just come on right after that and say you know I was thinking Any evidence of those pretty outrageous charges couldn't come on in accounting good counties continue, showing you the swore you I've been seriously like what god I can't. You see that information. You might agree with that information. You might be Mysell misled. You might be misled right here that our problem- and there are thus you- cannot see the infirm Oh that's great! I want my media outlets and from what I can see what I can hear that there is definitely what I'm looking for here in that kind of stuff. From Fox NEWS that that even the Fox NEWS, her last night Tucker was like you got like our own network- is be clowning itself here near that followed hard on it now take from Sandra Psmith on Fox NEWS. Acting exists,
written when other guests on Fox NEWS said. Oh, you know what we might want away from legal process to play itself out and Senator Smith didn't realize. we still on camera and whose rather sceptical of this claim, whoever is deciding to be president remember this because c and answers even Fox nieces and those present. Then, Madam president, everyone needs to know that this was done properly and legally. What is happening? Tracery recalled it ok, we'll goodwill, we called it and therefore its called red wants to meet. You call it. It is the truth that is the way that this work. I only have one problem with this, which is that I don't trust the members of our media to make objective determination. Not only that, I certainly do not trust the members of our media to determine what I can see and what I can hear that I can determine whether their determinations are in fact correct or not, or you get more in just a second, because it is pretty wild. The media have unmasked themselves. Generally speaking, we establish, may media have unmasked theirselves during during this election, we'll get to that in just one. Second, first, as apparent, I would do anything anything to protect my kids, I'm sure you
To imagine your apparent pacing around after your injured child in a hospital room, a doctor begins asking a question asked a question about higher could get her. You going to realize they're asking about your involvement in the accident. Where were you when he fell? How do you actually fall and then you slowly start to see that they think you actually hurt your own Wondering NBC News present? Do no harm is a terrifying, true story of a family torn apart by the system that was supposed to protect them. Investigative reporter MIKE Hickson Bow chronicles what happens to the bright family when their three kids are wiped away from them. When the shocking moments, the came next exclusive audio. Measured as the events unfolded, do no harm takes you inside the most harrowing moments of the bright families. Fight to protect their children subscribed do no harm on Apple podcast We wonder replacing wondering apt to listen when we girly an ad free that this is something that seriously alot of parents, whereby I worry about this. I worry about the fact that there are authority who are out there on the state and local level or willing separate you from your kids. If they
believe without evidence. They ve done something bad. Your game in this is scary, stuff and wonder, is par cast about this. Do no harm is a must. Listen go to amount subscribed to do no harm on Apple podcast, enjoying wondering, plus and wondering ATLAS in one week early as well as ad free. Okay. So, as we are talking about, establishing media cannot be trusted. I'm showing more proof that the establishment media cannot be trusted. You simply should not listen to the narratives that they are spewing out you without checking it. That is why We hear a daily wire are focused in unbecoming the replacement media. We wish to help you replace the battle. The and bad narratives that you're getting from so many pseudo objective journalists and replaced that with something true this is why should hand over to daily wire right now and get twenty five percent of code election enjoying the team join. The teeming but with us on all the unfolding twists and turns of the election which affair which is not technically over yet not only that we have big plans for the next four years, regardless of the president turns out to be because again, our goal is to replace the media outlets that you used to
us and there are no longer trustworthy. That is why we are launching into the cultural space. I am happy to announce that can do so and your terms bustling author, founder of the fountain founder of the blacks it foundation, will be launching a brand new shall with us early next year in national as well as writing. Send for us over a daily wire dot com, or also launching an entertainment in entertainment channels that you're not giving more money to the acuteness. Folks over Netflix, a new investigative journalism, team or building partnerships of like minded content creators like Prager, you gave an ambitious plan for next year were rolling it out. We are the replacement media. That is our job. we're going to try and replace the outlets, be shouldn't, be giving your money to and they should be trusting the entire, collaborative probably by way is available to daily, where I come members by the end of the year and again, that's aside from all the wonderful benefit charity get yet the leftist years. Tumblers you get the the out all access. Why than which I answer, your questions, Flex, Maya
rather puny muscles and and sing to you again. That is twenty five percent off your daily, where membership with Cody election. When you sign up today, because if there's one thing, twenty Twenty has taught us, it's that anything can happen it listening to just ass is growing concern to Pakistan. Radio shown the nation So when I say that you cannot trust the establishment media, I really really really mean it, and so we over the past few weeks. the Spectre of CNN contributor who denied on air that he was the anonymous often from inside the Trump administration, writing crap about trump. acknowledge that he was in fact a person, but he lied to Anderson Cooper on AIR, about its CNN, even suspending dope, and then today we find out the John Medium Presidential. story and wrote the speech that Joe Biden gave on every night he's been writing speeches for Joe Biden, apparently all along, and then you been going on MSNBC in commenting on the speeches that he wrote sore I told them. You are times according to Fox NEWS and make him happy
What play a larger role than was previously known behind the scenes with writing draughts of speeches in offering at its on many of Mr Barton's big addresses, including the one who gave a guy he's Burg last month, an except in speech at the DMZ buying campaign. Pressing Terry TV, duckling told the times go. President Elect Joe Biden, wrote the speech you deliberately How can people on Saturday night, but given the significance of the speech he consulted a number? important and diverse voices as part of his writing process, as you often does meet him, who publicly endorsed by back march. Has long been a go to analyse for and we see the times reported that accord The network source matron would no longer be a paid contributor going forward, but don't worry we'll still be welcome as a guest measurement. Did appear on MSNBC following bite in speech on Saturday. He was asked by Brian Williams and other news anchor makes upstream is about avoiding gunfire and helicopters over Iraq. Me ok,
The spectre of Brain Williams was a false or fire of his own stories. Asking questions to John Mitchell, who wrote a speech forbidden about that same Biden speech. Neither disclosing the medium was actually the author of the speech that is PETE. That's peak media, I mean that its peak establishment media stop right there. So Brain Williams ask what I'm not the story in the Europe of the future that you do. You can call. This is the way we are used to hearing for president absolutely medium answered. Why you know it's pretty incredible. John from love this speech? The John Major wrote who could have known what? Why that's it there's a shocker better that a huge shocker our media are thoroughly corrupt, thoroughly corrupt Mick, Jagger Tapir who again very often I think Jake Tapir is the only person in the media will ask a tough question to two folks. I'm left this was not a good example of this subject. Tapir tweeted out yesterday quote I trow sympathise with those dealing with losing it's not easy, but at a certain point one has to think not only about what's best for the nation, peaceful transfer of power, but how any
You two are employers, might see your character defined during adversity sends an awful lot like. That sounds an awful lot like if you don't act. The way that I want you to right now, people might not higher you in the future. So that sounds like so a few minutes later he followed up when he followed up that tweet and he said I mean I don't, expect the ride or die crew to listen to me, but so it says here in Europe may that you drove a sex offender to testify in four seasons: total landscaping north of its coney pull my regret. Your case. That is the reference to Ready, Giuliani, doing a much ballyhoo to press conference yesterday about voter fraud, but the the idea that you might want to think about you what your future employers are gonna think about. You announced that that sort of implication there, which then, if you act the wrong way here guys if you act the wrong way here, people Martinet might not hearing the future. That is what has led to the backlash and backlash has taken a few forms. One. The rise of alternative media sources like cars and to the rise of a huge number of Americans who are vote
in ways that the media simply cannot detect because they don't want to be covered by the media, they don't want to talk to the media. They dont want the attention because they understand what goes on in these media outlets, these media outlets and become thoroughly corrupted by the on bubble. They have decided in their way or the highway. There is actually a fantastic p, bring York magazine about the the gun. on over at the New York Times, and it does demonstrate full scale. How corrupt our media are. According to that article in New York magazine turn their time. A time cons called me remember this back during the election cycle, Tom Cotton wrote a column. The centre of Americans are about The insurrection act might in fact be justified. You stop riding and looting in America's major cities of look authorities wouldn't do it and James Bennett yeah. Editor of the New York Times end up losing his job for printing, that, after a bunch of staff or said they were unsafe, who poor, baby you're safe because a sitting State, Senator wrote a column at fifty five percent of Americans by pulling did agreed with, because it New York magazines, description of what happened
rotation turned into what more than one times employee described me as a food fight during the day opinion columnist, Elizabeth brooding uploaded a pdf John rouses treatise on public reason, some to elevate the discussion Having is really a philosophical conversation and it concerns the unfinished business of liberalism running wrote. I think All human beings are born philosophers. That is that we have an innate design to understand what our world means, what we owe to one another and how to live their lives. Sufficient philosophy wrote a researcher at the time I'm slack avatar was logo for they hamburger chain Jack in the box or to bear it Moment. History, you decide which side are you on Monday? learning Bennet was out so that this The way that it works over. There is the word the way they work than your times. According to the New York magazine in weeks that follow one opinion. Staff are told me. It felt like no one of the times got any work done at all. There were focused groups. Thirty of them and counting and working groups and innumerable conversations about what the paper should be and look like and who it was for. The mass had started, holding a black people meetings as one black employ. You put. It
in which members of the mass had taught one on one with employees of color to sort out why they felt the times in unwelcoming place in ass, a museum feedback, there were many days in which several people were typing, the gears of institutional change or slowly turning it that this is the this is the best part of the article in talking about the outrage in your time staff it basically taken over the Abed page second, sometimes ran into the same problems. Last month, opinion published the column chinese government official arguing for the country's military crackdown in Hong Kong. It was a virtual reap. the current situation Stag newsroom feedback channel lit up briefly, but the conversation was mooted. The China Abed didn't hit home because one is exhausted one times reporter said you can't be met all the time. Everyone agreed, the bride. reforms would have to wait until after November after the election and that's when the broader form for Gonna and that's when. Presumably they would start to be angry about the fact that China just objected Hong Kong to absolutely. I think you should trust these people. I mean you absolutely should trust these people or, alternatively, you should definitely not trust these people and you should go subscribe.
Daily wire its own self serving. It also happens to be the truth, but subscribed to place tv subscribe to David Daily Wire, go, give them to the Daily Collar NEWS foundation. Luxuriously go an alternative source of media, because these people are simply not trustworthy. You know the other predictable effective. All of this is, of course, that try Trump effect that the media were, clearly unable to detect and they can believe it. They don't understand why there are so many Americans who simply didn't tell them the truth impulse mean where tens of millions of Americans who supported from come from unthinkable that even a single one of their friends could have supported. trump, let alone millions and millions of Americans, so there are two possible way out of this ideological conundrum. We number one. Would you could do like Michelle Obama simply declared the tens of millions of Americans were race? Sex is bigger. Homophobia who are ridden with hatred and simply keep the status quo as way number one way number two would be. actually be a little introspective in the media and save yourself, ok, we missed and twenty sixteen and then we missed it again and twenty twenty What did we do wrong? What can we do differently and
You might want to hire a personage you who voted for Trump. I don't know you should think about it. Consent. without from point forty, eight percent of the vote and over seventy million votes making the second leading vulgar in presidential left in election history like Donald Trump Card in part, this population growth part of this is huge voter turnout down, one more absolute votes and Morocco vomited in either of these elections, means their tens of millions of Americans were willing to put level for that guy. Is there a single person who voted for Donald Trump and will say so clearly working for the New York Times seriously? Its real question Is there a single person working irregular, big CNN who voted for nano from one hundred, I'm not asking for ten, not asking for a hundred and asking for one is the one. Percinet MSNBC isn't one per ABC News, NBC News Cbs, who clearly say about four trump and why you can't find one weird, weird and then inside the bubble there like. Well, you know we are the arbiters of the truth,
and we will tell you that elections are legitimate. We will college. I can't imagine whether systemic distrust of the people who are calling elections. I can demand whether systemic distrust of people who declare the narratives. I can't imagine why Stable media are blowing themselves out, raising the media are saying, you know it's really bad the trumpets undermining election integrity, can you no wonder, bundle if integrity before Donald Trump? You know who did it? It was you Jack asses for for years. You undermine the election integrity of twenty succeed. You undermine the election integrity of twenty eighteen. Now, when you flip around you to help. Listen, our elections are perfectly clean. Why should we listen to you at any point here seriously? Why How about we listen to people who are consistent? Who say that the process works? I said the process working twenty. Sixteen. I said the process working twenty eighteen. I said before this option, process is gonna work and the process is going to work and guess what there's a process and it's gonna play out. But this idea that we're simple simply blind ourselves and listen to our objective news. Media betters Jeff. Why man seriously now the predictable result of all of this
of course, that shy trump effect so really really interesting article by Guy named Eric coffin he's a professor of politics at Burke, Back University of London is, as with the final balance, yet mounted with the next president, still unknown. The pulling postmortem is under way so much of the experience. Watching returns from like frustrated MSNBC Anko Chris Haze was angered by pulling going into it. It was a bad night for pulling in enormous pulling it miss. Why did the posters get it so wrong? Pulsars typically receive lower response rates to calls that leads them to undergown key demographics. To get around this, they typically wait for tee category like race, education, gender, if they get too few Latinos or white without degrees, they just their numbers to match the actual electorate, but mostly attitudes. Very far, more with a group like university graduates than between graduates, nine graduates. So even if you have the correction of graduates in non graduates, be selecting the more liberal minded among them. For example, The two thousand: ninety American at National Election study, pilots, Ervay education, level, pretty less than one percent of the variation in whether white person voted for Trump in twenty succeed, by contrast,
feeling stored, illegal immigration on a zero to one hundred thermometer predicts over thirty percent the variation. In other words, when you see poster say well, you know we properly sampled Highschool, educated white voters. It really mean, there's, whether those Highschool educated white voters are barristers in Seattle or whether they are farmers out an eastern Washington turns out that education level might not be the greatest predictor. It turns out that there might be complicated actors, maybe your over sampling, none college graduates who are the breeze does with the hearing and who knows rings working at Starbucks rather than the brie, rather than I who is working on manufacturing shift over the local factory. Unless posters wait for attitudes in psychology which is tricky, because positions can be caused by candidate support, they miss much of the actions. Twenty Eric Kaufman again, professor politics, a University of London, is looking at the selections errors. I wonder of political correctness, lies at the heart of the problem political career
This refers to the policing of speech that it conforms to cultural taboos, especially ones concerning race, gender and sexuality. Those who wield taboos gain rhetorical power, encouraging them to stretch the meaning of concepts. Just racism to encompass non racist actions such as voting for Donald Trump or in other words, if you keep calling people racist and you keep extending those taboos, people going to treat the taboos, boost, and then they will not tell you what they are doing across all racial group. Eighty percent of Americans say political correctness is a problem in our country. Only the small progressive activist, eight percent of the earth's population thinks it's not in practice. The burden of political correctness arguably falls most heavily on university educated, begin supporters. Data from a recent Cato Institute survey shows eighty eight per cent and from voting graduates compared it just forty. Four percent of current supporting graduates agreed for the political. But these days, prevents me from saying things I believe, because others might find them offensive spaces. Forty five percent republicans with degrees compared to twenty three percent of Democrats with degrees, said David their careers would be a risk of their views, became known.
That is going to have an impact on their side from perfect. So where are they trumpery, they are not the high school educated white, their college educated white, particularly college educated white women- they dont wants top holsters what they thinking because they are afraid of the social offices asian as well as people like Jake Tapir, saying well, watch what you're saying in this moment, because people are higher not higher you. How does this effect pulling? According to Frank, once he told Emily less from voters were over twice ass, likely Ass Biden, voters by a margin of nineteen to nine to conceal their intended boat from others out inspectors should it be considerably higher among university graduates which would accordingly skew predictions the most among graduates posters claim to overcome this problem by comparing telephone and online surveys and finding no difference, because surveys are anonymous. They reason a shy. Trump effect should reveal itself and they find none, but we know that who internalize social norms conceal their views in online surveys, in other words, just because you mine doesn't mean that you are going to answer honestly these questions, even though they are somewhat anonymous. For example,
a recent survey of north american academics, found that twenty three percent of academic willing to state their discriminate against from voting for a job. the actual share when using concealed techniques called the list. Experiment was forty two percent which, by the way, is exist extraordinary number right that forty two percent of academics, saying they would just women against a trembled for a job. You think that's not can have an impact. There is also a problem the blow back among elite Republicans once said that feedback from Trump supporting responded revealed, considerable resentment towards bolsters will proceed. as part of a media stab which we now to misrepresent them? Why would they possibly think that, considering that the posters keep saying they are racist? This may explain why the Poles do badly and protecting the White Non graduate boat, but failed miserably among my graduates. According to a pure survey on October, ninth from misleading bind by twenty one points with white non graduates, but trailing him bite you six points among my graduate. Likewise, a poetic ABC Poland October eleven found the trumpet leads by twenty six Pointsman white voters, without where your college degrees, but Biden holds a thirty one point lead with White college graduates, but
Yet a poll showed the trump ran even among White College graduates. Forty and forty nine Edmund white female graduates, fifty two forty nine Supreme since armies were off by a whopping twenty six to thirty one point among like graduates, by contrast, moonlight without degrees, the actual tilting the election was sixty four thirty five and twenty nine point gap and the poles basically got that that is a massive error is a massive air and what that suggests is that Republicans, where more educated, meaning they are more likely to come into contact with Democrats. In their racist, sexist bigot homophobia. Those are the ones or being shy about this. So what that means for the future Is that the more the Democrats in the media rely on this narrative, the more they refuse to actually invest their own biases and their own hatred for people on the other side of the ILO. The more their views to hire a single from voters, to write on the pages of New York Times up. I page the more people are going to analyze the media's hatred for them, and then they are not going to tell the truth on how they vote and they're gonna vote Looking more and more often, this is good news from the twentieth. Twenty,
in a matter which weigh it goes and has a lot of heartache for a lot of republicans we're? Looking at the number The run numbers from Georgia is about a pencil Dana and their thinkings themselves that there's a high likely that the Joe Biden as President Elect or will be President Elect of the process is finished. Ok, here is the Good NEWS. The good news is the password for their publicans is rosy is really bad. For Democrats Democrats have decided on a coalition of aggrieved racial politics. That is not a winning coalition. In fact, Democrat, are not destiny that the argument of both racist right and the mainstream left the demographics are destiny. Had a coalition of blacks, Hispanics, gaze, Asians But that is gonna be the new minority majority and that is going to swamp. The white vote in the it states that, at all about the demographics, the alright things the same thing by the way, which is why they want fewer people who don't look like them in the country raided the eternal
the mainstream less than the already agreed demographics or destiny. Then there are the rest of us who think that people ought to be treated as individuals, and you know the evidence bears out that when you treat people as individuals, they act as individuals and you are times- has an entire peace. Today about her Democrats, Mr Trumps appeal to latina voters. According to Jennifer Medina, she says After four years of your cognac trump immigration policies and divisive messaging abiding campaign, quarterly Chino voters, primarily by reminding them it Joe Biden, was not Donald Trump that if they felt targeted in trumps America vote forbidden, would change that argument resonated from any Latinos. It became the second largest voting group for the first time this year, but for others it was Trump who made them feel part of America, not goodbye. It Teresa Amelia, media and accounting in the sixties, who emigrate from Cuba and attendant evangelical church in Miami said I've been in the country since I was nine. I've been through a lot of an American She is the litmus test visas, my saviour trumpets. My President Democrats lost in Florida in part because of lack lustre, support among latina voters they did basically no better than they do normally in Texas in part, because hispanic voters,
Rio Grande Valley, move decisively toward the GNP in Arizona, Democratical claimed both of the state's entities for the first time in decades, fuelled by young progressive latina voters for years many Democrats have presume Demography as destiny, believing that Latinos would come to vote for them with the same kind of consistency. Black voters do a growing, let you know relation they hoped, would transform the political landscape and give party an edge in the southwest that dream of and in reality in this election, in which the results from what was evident from conversations with hundreds of looking voters in dozens of settings from the early days of the Democratic Party until Longbill Accounting hours in Arizona over last week. Filipino vote is deeply divided and running is not. Tromp was always going to be insufficient This is the reality, and it's very good news for applicants and here's the Guinness Republicans. There are lots of voters voted for Trump and they lighted posters about it because they understand political correctness and its diktat. There are a lot of latina. Voters were moving our trump, because they are not going to be treated as a monolithic vote en bloc. In fact, in a lot of black voters who move toward Trump by ECHO,
following an outside shares, blackmailed voted for Donald Trump. Why? Because he has his blunt indirect, with every one as he has with everybody else and then some appeal to younger males have been pandered too by democratic party. that tells them nice wise and then makes their lives worse every they with policies in the inner cities, particularly also, we have been told that there is no age shift happening where we ve been told that all the people who are eighteen to twenty nine went for a bomb in two thousand it and they are not shifting the they're going to remain blue voters forever and that we are going to get this permanent shift towards the blue as those people consume the age. Only one problem, machine friend, you're, real, clear politics, points out and you there in eighteen, twenty nine urals when sixty six thirty, two four Obama today that cohort thirty to forty one years old, back cohort when forbidden by seven by seven. So
their forty two to forty five euros are really trompe or theirs doings at transpiring. In other words, people shift as they age as they have families, as they realise that the progressive oddities and stupidity of their youth no longer makes sense. So, if you're looking to a future for the republican Party that future for them Publican Party is quite right and it is worth noting that because well, I know a lot of you our pessimistic right now there The fight is only beginning, as I said yesterday, it's time to push its time to push. Donald Trump has wedge open a door with many with universe, with some black voters, He alienated alot of suburban women. Those women voted for George W Bush White Emmett Rami in two thousand wealth Those who women we'll come back in fact is what we are watching in real time is the democratic
Eddie, alienates so many voters, the data they ve alienated themselves into a minority in the country. I truly believe this manifests itself in the house or in the next couple years. It's gonna manifests itself in the Senate and I think it's gonna manifest itself in presidential races if the democratic parties size to double down on the poisonous twenty twelve campaigner, Barack Obama, which suggested that, instead of campaigning as too to Americans individuals, you have to campaign to Americans as groups. I think it's really going to go badly for Democrats in the coming years, as american society know what I like being treated as an individual and not as a member of our group, and I don't like being called a racist and I'm in a vote. However, I damn well these- and I also don't trust the media that tell me if I dont vote, like all of our your betters say that I should vote. Ok. Meanwhile, some actual good news Pfizer announced yesterday that the coveted nineteen, a vaccine that is strongly effective in early data according to stand news Pfizer, partner, violent acts at my
their vexing against Cuba. Nineteen was strongly effective, exceeding expectations with results that are likely to be met with cautious excitement and relief in the face of the global hands out at the stock market rocketed through the roof. Yesterday, on the news, the vaccine is the first tested in the United States. Generate large stage data. The company said an early analysis of the results show that individuals who received the two injections of that scene in three weeks apart experienced more than ninety percent. You are cases of symptomatic covid, nineteen and those who received for months researchers of caution that a vaccine might only be sixty to seventy percent affected. This is way way way more effective than previously supposed M Gruber Pfizer senior president of vaccine clinical research and development, told stack what I've been in bed in development for thirty five years, I've seen some really good things. This is extraordinary, so this really boats for us being able to get a handle on the epidemic and get us out of this situation. The Pfizer CEO. He came out yesterday and he said this is truly an amazing thing he said is a great day for humanity. Here was the ceo of Pfizer
this a great day for science is a great today for humanity when you realise that your vaccine- it has a ninety percent effectiveness, but other webbing, you understand, the hopes of billions of people and millions in that businesses and hundreds of governments that were on our shoulders now we can gradually by, I think we can see the light at the end of the time. As a doctor Albert Bore LE, who is the seat you Pfizer so big farmers good again. Remember that someone big Was evil? Not big farmer is actually but there's a lot of speculation that this announcements held until after the election that lacks evidence. The only evidence that that is the case Is that apparently Pfizer and violent? I had decided in late October that they were going to drop a three. Case interim analysis. At that time, the company's decided
having a lab, confirmed cases of covert nineteen in the study instead leaving samples and storage the FDA was where the decision discussions between the agency and companies concluded. Testing began this past Wednesday when the samples were tested. There are ninety four cases covered in the trial. This means that the statistical strength of yours this far stronger than was initially expected. It also means that if Pfizer tells the original plan that data would have been available in October, as Albert Boola had initially predicted now, that is not enough evidence that this then was held for political purposes. In fact, Visor said the reason that we didn't they take public money when we are developing a vaccine, is we didn't want this thing to become political? Here's the Pfizer, see you're saying wasn't we want working with the election is a timeline for us. The election day was always enough. The facade day we were not working with the election is a fine line we were watching at. Are you really still let there if you remember make to our employees, it all as saying that the only way so we feel at ease the pressure of the billions of people, whether hopping on our action.
Going to follow the speed of science. Solar sign spoke and there I was pretty, but this will happen at the end of October. A week later. They won't naturally The media immediately decided that it was time to say that they said the troll had nothing to do with it. So this this part is whereas so defies your head. I said that we want part of warp speed what Pfizer's had meant by war. Part of What speed is we do not take initial money right according to Doktor Johnson, who is one of the heads of Pfizer. She said she said we were never pay warp speed you ve, never taken any money from the US government or from any one may will hesitant adviser is indeed part of operation warp speed, which is trumps initiative to develop a vaccine, because the government has declared that on the back end, if you develop the vaccine that the government is going to buy billions of dollars worth of doses from Pfizer, so they were in fact part of the the warp speed operation. They just will not taking money up front on Monday as spokesperson for Pfizer clarified, the company's part of operation warp speed as supplier of a potential krona virus vaccine
ok and an hilariously enough. The entire media ran with the narrative that they weren't part of warp speed, so presumably Trump had nothing to do with the relevant to the backing the realities, it will not pledging to by billions of dollars worth of doses, then Pfizer wouldn't be thinking it's a million dollars, presumably into the development of the vaccine. In the first place. Now Democrats are sort conflicted over how to treat the news of the vaccine. On the one hand, you have checked or whose aim we need to combat vaccine hesitancy. Here's the Senate minority leader yesterday Democrats will do, everything we can to make sure this vaccine or any vaccine is destroyed it'd quickly, fairly equitably and the challenge is now one of scale and one of delivery Congo, should fund a national vaccination programme, and the straighten whether its administration or the Biden administration must do Everything to reach minority and underserved communities combat back.
seen hesitancy an inch or that the vaccines are free to everyone, so number one, that's all and I'm right, the vaccines are going, be provided to the american public, also when Chuck Somerset and to combat vaccine hesitancy. Maybe you should call up the governor of New York, who is the governor of York Andrew Cuomo yesterday saying he's very angry than the vaccine was developed while president from his president, because now he doesn't trust the vaccine, which, because this is captain science over here, Captain sign much of the old people back into nursing homes of covet. He what an excellent governor he's been where he run entire about what an excellent governor he has been well killing every person in a Europe with Governed apparently There is here he was under cutting the efficacy of a vaccine. The good news is that Pfizer tests look good and we'll have a vaccine shortly. The bad news is that it about two months before Joe Biden takes over. Means this administration is gonna, be implementing a vaccine plan. I've been talking to governors across the nation about that
How can we shape the Trump Administration vaccine plant effects it or stop it? before does damage before it does now unbelievable sees undercutting the efficacy vaccine. Because again you need able to trust the vaccine in order to make it absolutely unbelievable and other good news. The after is now granted emergency authorization of a cover nineteen Friedman made by American pharmaceutical company Eli Lily was given a Chris Christie when whose infected with covered, but authorization only applies to people newly infected with the virus. The Tribune is approved for people twelve and older, the treatment which is called the Bam land of the MID Bab, not getting Bam land of them a bab should be. minister as soon as possible after positive testing within ten days of developing symptoms, Doktor Daniel scar on chief scientific officer of you I leave Eli Lily says it's a great day for science and medicine, sort of a feat of what is possible. We are reaching better therapeutics we're coming close up.
on a back seen. A lot of that is due to the Trump Administration and its mobilization on all of this. So naturally, the media have declared that trade is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths are giving him any credit for any of us kept the scientists. The science that dominates left is truly excellent. Science here that you know Gonna hear this, probably probably if your binders has put on a mask than all this will be geared and those which are being said yesterday, Joe Biden he finally envy covered plan yesterday is gonna know this final note here, Joe Biden, whose declared himself President elect one with the network's hee hee. laid out his covered plan. It turns out his covered plan. Is a taskforce Yang a task force, a symbol, the power Rangers guys. We need to have a government in TAT far's when I think of efficiency and effectiveness. When I think of how to solve the problem, I think of a task followers So he assembled a taskforce that also includes doktor is equal Emmanuel. Once famous, sort of peace for the Atlantic about why everybody should accept death at seventy five, which I, if you
we took that seriously would mean that he should completely ignore covered, since it is disproportionately killing people about the age of seventy five Medicate Joe Biden laid out his plan and guess what s plan was ass, a sort of planets ready. His plan was put on a mask boom boom pandemic over Joe Biden, dropping the hammer uncovered by telling you to put out a mask huge, huge news. There was Joe Biden, we can say tens of thousands of lives of every we're just where a mass, the next few months, not Democrat republican lives, a miracle. You know, maybe we could save a life of person stocks a shelf at your local grocery store. Maybe save the life of a member of Europe of worship, maybe saves lives of one to children's teachers. Maybe seizure lie so please I implore you wear a mass joe We now Joe Biden instead it pandemic over gang, and then, if you had to see you have questions about that. You have any questions about your buttons plan.
eyes met his real he's, not answering questions, so where the covert has been cleared by this, this old boot There is Joe Biden curing covered by avoiding all just catch you later guys. I say asks you say what and then I leave here is your binders leaving. thank you endemic solve guys pandemic solved, I'm so glad The american public decided that this person was definitely gonna care covered excellent, excellent, excellent stuff. Ok, one final note last note: just no you're Penrose yesterday and they divide in the end by an administration. They supposed will happen Ben roads, but here he can yesterday- and he said the divine team is already having calls with foreign leaders here is a failed novelist who became the or of the Iranian, which he then admitted the american public. He lied to the american public about a huge benefits. Just a bad garbage is a bag of flaming. Garbage left on somebody's doorstep is how willing prank he is just the worst
has been roads, saying guess what members of the incoming bind administration or talking with foreign leaders already the centre piece. gravity in this country in the world is shifting to Joe Biden. Barn leaders are already having phone calls. Would Joe Biden talking about the agenda they're going to pursue January twentieth? If that we all he hasn't sunken yet, for some people await us, it will thinking when they have to leave on January twentieth Ok, so I'm old enough to remember that time that they tried to prosecute make Flynn for a Logan advice as the incoming National security advisor for having conversation with Russians. So I guess Logan at violations. All around us are prosecuted members invite administration. I think we need a full scale investigation. I mean they're, not they're, not elected yet, and there having foreign policy conversations already I was fully informed that those very bad them. I pleaded that, even though we had a read out of the conversations just shows you, the utter utterly
honesty of the media, the utter dishonesty of the Democrats think care to craps about MIKE Flynn talking to the Russians, but you know what we thought we were supposed to pretend along with them and if we pretend strangely clap loudly enough tinker, Bell will live already. So here is my bottom line tall. This stopping attention to members of the mainstream is stable. the media, go get some structure daily wire or blaze, tv or anywhere else that will provide you actual information that is not by us and left Are we of two additional hours of content? This is the bedrock Eroshka. If you in why this episode don't forget to subscribe, and if you want to help spread. The word please give us a fire. STAR Review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcast, also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show Michael moles and the mat Walsh thanks for listening. Dementia Bureau show is produced by Coltan Hoss exec the producer. Jeremy boring
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Transcript generated on 2020-11-10.