« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 11 - What If Luke Skywalker is Evil?

2015-10-20 | 🔗
Ben looks at the new trailer for JJ Abrams upcoming film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On Monday, planned parenthood unleashed the greatest tweet in the history of the world. Here's what it said it said if men could get, and abortion would be a sacrament said quote from Glory Steinem, but what it act This was if Sis men could get pregnant. Abortion would be a shame, they they actually added in the sis and little parentheses, even though its not the original Gloria Steinem quote. What does that mean says? Well, for those of you, You are unaware of your own gender biases, and you have your you're, not crazy person. The prefix sis says, has been crafted out of absolute Course, manure, and now it's It's a shortening of another horse new world called Sis. Gender rights is gender is a longer term. That supposedly means Dictionary definition of means is somebody who's biological, taxes in line with the sex, they think they are or as we used to call it not being an insane person, and this is what is being Sis means, if your says than just because I'm a man who thinks I'm man, but but if you
this gender, that this kind of Sis Prefixes this made up sloppily slap crap designed to suggest that there are perfectly rational insane people who have a say said, is different from or biological sacks supplant here, has to go out of its way to say that sis men Sis men are the only types of men who can't have babies, and this is what they are trying to say. The whole thing is just ridiculous. All the way through, well what's crazy about all of this was what craziest, I think of all with regard to this system. Is it basically suggesting that a man who thinks he's a woman is woman, but a woman who It's that she's, a man is a man. but only women can talk about abortion. So, if Europe, woman who thinks she's man in your, therefore man, but he can't get pregnant, can talk about abortion. your woman and you think that you're, a man and you can get pregnant,
are you sure you're pregnant you're pregnant mankind? Can you talk about abortion anymore? It's all so confusing, and this is the problem for the left in people. I planned parenthood, the entire basis of plan, parenthood, the entire bases of plan. our hope is that women and men are inherently different, so inherently different, that Only women can talk about women's issues and men can never talk about women's issues and then along comes the transgender movement in the transgender movements, as men. or female. These are just gender stereotypes that are foisted upon us by a sexist horrible society well as you can see, these two things are in pretty significant conflict right of men are men, and women are women, and men can talk about women things, and what do you do with a woman who thinks he's a man or a man who thinks that he is a woman answer for the left. Is you just sort of ignore it, and you come up with dramatically incoherent tweets like the one that plan parenthood Justin None of this makes any sense, of course, but the left doesn't make any sense. The only thing that matters is that reg,
man. You know like white straight men. Those guys can talk about lady stuff, but men think their women can and women. Think their men can so for purposes ocean from now on here on the bench appear or show. I am no longer as this man when I discuss abortion, I'm actually man who thinks he's woman, and thus I can discuss abortion after all, works with the logic of the stupid crap. That is, Sis normative and systems Or another estimate I've been Shapiro. This is the bench of Hiroshima, various things contentions humanised people care about your feeling already. So here we are, and we are now entering the hollow in season- and this is the official pumpkin of of the daily wire, and I can't say that I made it in fact our producer Jonathan Meda, which suggests that we need to give him more things to do in his or her. is there a lot of work into this particular pumpkin, I am also very sad because our other producer Mathis is, is somebody who is
glared himself, a sobriety believer With regard to start working, he doesn't want to know anything with regard to the upcoming STAR Wars movie, which means, of course I have to talk about the new stuff where's movie in his presence and destroy his life, that's that's the purpose of this particular this particular little bill. I wanted to about the new STAR wars trailer just because everybody else's, so I have to give my take ends I have to make math, is suffer in the process and since he works for us, we pay a salary that really nothing he can do. You're sort has to take it so here is the new star wars, trailer, and then I want to talk about why I think it's, given that I want to get into another piece of entertainment. That actually has more ramifications for for everyday life. But, let's start with the star wars framework has hey: we don't you fun, and eventually I shall ever so it might as well do something fun now. So, let's do it.
Who are you. a moment,
I was raised to do one thing. I've got nothing for those stories about what happened to you just said
so is running out. Except that are now run even further. By discussing what we just saw, so the train, itself. Obviously this is this. Trailer is better than Anything that has been nominated for an academy award since or the rings one. I mean seriously, because everything the Hollywood produces now is basically garbage, except for ten pull films like this on an trailers, great, especially with all the nostalgia I mean the idiot you walk or at the beginning, and you ve got Harrison or showing up an princess Leia showing up and totally gonna run masters like math, is leave for a minute and then we'll just out of out of sympathy for you. You can take off from it. If you actually want to government, let you go right out, luxuriously can go out, he's got it Kay, fine, so others You guys, you understand. Ok My theory of this trailer and of the poster is that Cairo run who's the guy. a run. His member of the carnation family, Carlo Run, who is the Darth Vader looking Human, who is
standing over the melted mask of Darth. Vader is, in fact Luke Skywalker the reason I say this is because if you look at the poster for the New STAR Wars film, all the characters are on including Hansel, including princess lab. Luke is nowhere to be found, but therein, background large is low. This Cairo run, I'm gonna go with with Luke, has been produced by the dark side, which of course, rooms the original theology, because the region trilogy is all about Luke Sky. Hocker saving his father from the dark side, then risk bring dignity to him as and being when he finds it in himself to stand up to the emperor and to have Luke blow? That would obviously be a pretty wild trail of the original trip- By the way, I have to say this about the end of the original trilogy everything the George. because did after the original trilogy, is just like nobody. We said no to him, nobody ever said no to him, and so he decided to go back and ruin the original trilogy when he, when he added stupid. Crap like, for example, and when he did, the re mastering returned the joy at the very end. You remember the end of return of agenda, but the general
the general member Darth Vader has is dead and he's in the burned his ears. body and in General Jones, it turns out, was somehow really deformed black and white guy and and the very end. You remember that they d, magical figures of Obi, WAN, Kenobi and and Vader show up Ray in Luke sees them in your member The original Darth Vader looks like All the guy, like the guy who's at the end of the movie. Well, because he done episodes one two and three abominations that they are the George look. It decided to replace old, Darth Vader with Christians in front of you, if you're alleghanies, if you have if you are Obi WAN Kenobi, yet thing yourself. This is problems like in the afterlife. I still look like alleghanies when I was young. I looked like you in Macgregor arrogance. It look like Macgregor in the afterlife, I'm stuck with Alec Guinness his body, and here this old Jericho, blue. up. An entire play fish and
filled. All the EU works, this guy who's like genocidal dictator. This guy gets go back to looking like Hayden Christians and really not fare of the force, the force totally heated, he's thinking I should join the dark side are going be like sexy and good. Looking again after I die but apparently not ok. So that's my take on the new star wars. Trailer. I hoped that lives up to expectations. I dont think it well because I think J, J Abrams visit a constant arguments I have with with Germany. who is it the managing editor of of daily wire He is a big J, J Abrams fan. I think the J J Abrams glorified be director we won't. We all have to find a ok there's. Another movie I want to talk about. That's been getting some press, but not an enormous amount of producing the advertisements for all over the place, and this this movie, that they would there now featuring over at Netflix, it's called beasts of no nation, Idris Elbow, who some people have said, might be the next James Bond, his black eyes. That's been cut version for some people, For me, I really don't care here- is the here's the
Trailer for bees have no nation. I want to talk about this movie because it really is indicative. I think of where We have gone as a civilization and plain. Why everyone just a little bit of this trailer What does this mean doing here? What are you doing here? Who is responsible for this thing now? What they calling you I will
Your life. I saved your life Well, I've got on our view that our soon your family acute something that stands for you, it does put their weapons of this war, but in yards, ok, we can adopt the ears. They showed that the basic premise of this movie- and it is a very, very effective- fill the basic premise this movie is the unresolved by is sort of a revolutionary. Colonel captain and- and he is leading a group of child soldiers in what is a civil war in what appeal to be Ghana or Nigeria. They there really specify the country and it there's. Three forces in the film there's. Did the government force there's a rebel force and then there's this group, which is stuck in between fighting both of them and It's all about interests, as the commissioner and this little kid ugly who's, that the child soldier- and it really is quite brutal and horrific
and there's a scene where Argos initiated into this. This EL, the army, by having a machete, guided Athens, very graphic, and it's very brutal and their scene where address elbow who's, this kind of charismatic, revolutionary leader molests. What molests led characters the kid in a really is pretty its greedy its gruesome and it's really terrible, but its very evocative of what exactly it's like in May. Like those in it, it seems I wouldn't know, but it seems about as realistic as possible to be on screen with, with the formation of child army. The reason I talk about this because there's one scene in this move it's an enzyme, it seems shot and very telling that is there at the very beginning, the movie their sort of this? U n monitored outpost where this kid is living before the whole thing crumbles and falls apart. And at a certain point, the: U N pulls out, because the it forces are on the move and hit this gets them. Is killed. Others see later in the film where the kid is now, the child army and he's in proxies holding what appears to be ok. Forty seven,
their driving down the road? as their driving on the road there's a van coming. The other way and its van that is marked you and it's a u N, via the United Nations Van and in the van are a bunch of white folks are the only way folks in the entire movie are in this vein, and their driving the van and there staring at the window, and he said to them stirred him and then the damned just kind of moves on, and that's the that's, the end of that particular seen and the poor is: what are these people doing to help and answer? Is there not doing anything to help? Of course there they there just absurd right there you and observers they did. They don't do anything and that the reason that this, I think is important. is. Is we have to combine that with an article that was in the Washington Post today by a gun it Michael Garrison, Michael Garrison is a former Bush administration, official, he's right speeches for George W Bush and he's too talking about American American Christianity and the obligations of american Christians to the rest of the world, and he says he's talking specifically about the refugee crisis. He says
American Christianity has own self examination to conduct the law just humanitarian disaster of our time in four million syrian refugees and seven point six million internally displaced has made, the following Muslims, the response credible giving by Americans to international causes has gone down for two consecutive years, so publican presidential candidates seem indifferent to the plight of refugees and even some evangelical leaders have joined them. He can t is to respond to the AIDS crisis. American Christians had to, become a belief that the disease was deserved. Tourism The syrian refugee crisis, Christians, to overcome their discomfort with Islam and their belief that like among Muslims, is none of their concern. Is christian faith merely cover for tribalism or will it demonstrates its essence in service did you use of another faith. Who did nothing to deserve their fate? The eye you're being that American Christians. In order to be super question we have to do but but Judeo Chris. people have taken all of these muslim refugees and that's the way to solve their problems is to taken all of these
muslim refugees. Now, as somebody has been an ardent advocate of the idea, the muslim country should take in their own refugees and that it is now The responsibility of the west to taken every refugee from every part the world without regard to culture without regard to up? Without regard to values I find it problematic and offensive, and I wanna contrast this with the debate. no nation mentality we in the twentieth century, at the end of them, tenth century there is. There is a serious belief in most parts. western civilization, that western civilization had a duty to actually spread itself The promulgating western civilization was actually something that was good, something that was worthwhile and they and thanks to Marxism. The idea, became that imperialism colonialism. This was not a good hearted venture. Really was wave exploiting the natives so, for example, Henry family. Who is one of the original explores of Africa? He went there and
explored Africa specifically because he felt that the arab slave trade against black folks with something It could be overthrown if there was christian influence in Africa because Africa, the time was rife with cannibalism in barbarity and the Arabs come down from. Northern Africa had come to enslave alot of the black folks and carry them off and change more people were enslaved by Arabs in the Middle EAST and wherever enslaved by Americans Dirt in the price of a warrants more period, the people- don't real, Is this care about it because, obviously, why people are the only people who have ever done anything bad and whenever We talk about your western colonialism and imperialism. People immediately go to the racism of Rudyard Kipling white man's burdening us the White Man's burdened, spread civilization among the black savages and all the rest of this, which of course, is racist because civilised she has nothing to do with raise. It has everything to do with values. The problem is that in fighting that raises tendency western civilization went to the point where we are
feel we have anything to propagate the world. We have nothing left to promulgate to the world, and so we now have this sort of dual idea on the one hand, were not allowed to go into areas like you see in this movie, you'd be imperialist for us to go into those areas, impose order, stall, somebody who is capable of imposing order Imperialist for us to actually put on the ground to try and nation build, for example, are key people there for long periods of time to nation build as western Illustration frequently did in the nineteenth and twentyth centuries with its attendant barbarity, but So attendant progress, be terrible and barbaric and horrible there be no way to achieve it. Be an example of western racism and imperialism and colonialism quashing the native spirit, need your seeing some of the native spear right. There link good. I mean they're certain areas of the world where the native spirit is just not good, and that has nothing to do with raise again. There are plenty of places where the native Spirit Anchorage take a look at it, the kind of poor. I'll turn appellation if you do not believe that, but
we saw, on the one hand, were not allowed to move western civilization forward in parts of the world that have cultures, that are our barbaric and primitive on the other side, we're supposed to oh it s sort of repentance to judges. Western civilization were not allowed to go forward. We have to go back to spread western civilization we're supposed to taken. few from non western civilizations into our own civilization and then not assimilate them, not expected they taken. The american or western values, but simple bring them in and give them stuff. we should get as a marxist idea that if you give people stuff that magically solves the problem, of course, this done true, it's just not true, and so you, people, saying that that western Europeans, Americans, American Christians, have received stability for taking in Muslims without trial to determine what exactly their ideology is. What their political philosophy is, what their belief system is
their only their basically piggy bank. American Christianity is supposed to be a piggy bank, apparently for people like Michael Harrison, when, if you say, look we're happy taken P, who want to imbibe western culture and participate in western culture, we're happy. taken Muslims are willing to leave behind radical Islam and all of its attendant ideas there willing to leave, and the barbaric tribalism that predominates in the Middle EAST If you say that you are racist and your terrible, but if you, if you, if you don't take them in your also raises in terrible does he have to ruin your own civilization? You have to bring in a bunch of people from different cultures of no interest. you're culture, but interesting your welfare checks, if ring those people in and what you get in the end, is based Wheeler sing in Europe right now, a Europe that is completely because no sense of self notion, Center believes it is solely responsible for all the ills on earth because of its history of colonialism and imperialism and then, as a way to a tone, is taking in huge numbers of refugees. There are destroying the essence of west.
liberalism in you're saying this in France and now using the backlash from the European Community's Sweden, is now having a massive, far right movement, specifically directed, acquiring immigration. You're. Seeing me thing in places like them. using the same thing in places like France, you sing it all over the place and this is what happens when a civilization losers its sense of purpose if users the purpose, your unwilling to spread your civilization, if you lose, if set your sense of purpose, you're, not even willing to spread your civilization within your own borders, and this is what truly upsets me about the day, the kind of come plains of the left. It truly makes me upset when, when I look at the complaints of the left with regard to the beasts of donation, because yes, evil horrible things are happening, over the world. But if the only solution is for the west to imbibe, take in all of this horrible all of this evil and two and to facilitate it with our tat, dollars and to facilitate it without regard to assimilation, then how is that stuff
the sort of thing is making it easier making it easier. In fact, one of the scenes and bees have really interesting. There's a scene where, the dictator than educator? The country's name is a good blood right in the EU. He's he's supposed to meet with unresolved, and Sid resolve awaiting. Why? Because there are a bunch of people who have come from the, U N and from the west, in order to give him money. they're, coming to give him money, honeybees didn't want to spread their civilization, but they want to stop The conflict, never mind. This guy's been responsible for genocide and lived there. There scenes in this movie in which address all about who is the commander under this guy's rule he's going into Citys and literally wiping the city's outward talk: men, women, children, the whole deal here, the Westerners, with their bundle of cash the movie means to indict western ISM, except in the sense that It says they're not doing enough, presumably if they gave more cash, but at no point does the movies well, maybe from outside solutions, would be a good thing. Maybe some western civilization here would be a good thing and I subject to the new phase,
good idea that western civilization is supposed to not be converting force its instead supposed to be a retreating force, giving away its wealth to people who don't embraced the basic ideals of western civil. They sure that's how we can truly show that we're good hearted, I'm not trusted in showing the western civilization is good hearted I know there were good hearted, I'm proceed in spreading the tenets of western civilization that are made people more prosperous and happy all over the world wherever there try. If we don't aggressive sense of self here in the west. If we don't, an aggressive sense of self worth with regard to western civilization, I promise you throw More countries that look like bees, no nation and far less than look like the United States of America and Ben Shapiro. This is the venture bureau show.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-09.