« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1079 - The DNC’s Final Night: He’s Alive!


After the awkward humor and the angry speeches about Donald Trump, Joe Biden finally emerged from his basement…and was, indeed, alive!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
After the awkward humor any angry speeches about Donald Trump, Joe Biden finally emerges from his basement and he's alive. I'm bench. A pair of this is the Venture Bureau show he's been Shapiro Show is sponsored by Express VP, and your online activity should not be public. Protect yourself, expressive, gps, dot, com, slashed, to all the news in just one moment: first, let's talk about fact, you're probably, any way too much on your cell phone bill. Now is not a good time to be spending too much money, in fact, never is a great time to be spending too much money. You really should be looking to cut that cell phone bill only if you're wasting lots of money on unlimited data that you are not using. That is why you should be taking a look right now at pier talk. Who is your wife Provider Eighteens Eve rising in tee mobile. What, if I told you the pure talk, USA uses the exact same network is one of those carriers him tower same coverage literally cos you half the price. How do they make it so fordable? Well, there are no retail stores so overhead you're, not funding their billion dollar. Add campaigns you're only paying for the data. You need no contract note
the fees Illinois limited talk text to of data all just twenty dollars a month is correct. The average person is saving four hundred bucks a year on their wireless bill. By moving over to pure talk, so read that mobile phone thou pounds- fifty and say Ben Shapiro, when you do get some me indeed, as you say, fifty percent off your very first month again, that is pounds to five zero, say: Keyword, Ben Shapiro, that's pound to fifty say bench Piero, and you get this amazing deal- say fifty percent off your first month of pure talk and start cutting myself on those you're money where you don't need you again, dial pound to five zero and say you were Ben Shapiro to get started already so last night. The big news is the job. I is indeed alive a little too much more alive last night and he has the entire campaign now before everybody gets too excited lecture. Remember that when Hillary Clinton in two thousand sixteen spoke, the media were
over there were slobbering. All over her speech was incredible, is historic and then she collapsed into a ban, and that was pretty much the end for campaigns. Joe Biden has always one gaff away from his campaigns extinction, so the expectations had been set, pretty low Roman. If he, if he did not stumble through the entire speech and or physically fall down, then this was a victory. Would you mind many surpass that with these me, he really did. I thought he looked significantly more lively than he has any time during the campaign or another is having supervisor what. But the bottom line is that Joe Biden looked as though he had some energy for the first time in the campaign he's been, I mean that the sleepy Joe moniker, that that Trump hung on him early on in this in this race really did apply. It did not apply. Last night Biden looked much more alive. He looks much more with it. His speech was quite well written. It was a very good night for job I it was. It also highlighted the fact that really the Democrats have
but one play in this play book in the play book is Donald. Trump is about Orange man whose bad, nor, if that is the entire play, but cannot make sense. If you look at the at the pupils from the last couple of weeks, what you will see that fifty six percent People who support Joe Biden say they support robotics. They don't like Trump. It is not that people love Joe Biden; instead, they don't hate Joe Biden, re enter into the bar for providing is actually fairly low. He has to be somewhat coherent, yes to being alive person who can breathe on his own. He has to be not Donald Trump. All those things he is capable of doing and last night that's what he showed now. The burden for tromp in the currency is going to be to re shift the conversation away from trumps character because from its trump and his characters can continue to be his character there enough to reach the conversation away from front and back to our policy and that's always kind of a hard shift, because the fact is that Donald Trump had an easy out in twenty sixteen, the easy out in twenty. Sixteen was yet you think, I'm terrible look out. Lady Hillary Clinton wildly unpopular for decades. It
most unpopular candidates in american history going up against each other, one of them in governed and was unpopular. One of them had not governed and was unpopular and Americans were like. Ok, let's try the one who hasn't done this, yet maybe he'll be better it, but Biden has not sort of the same thing is that the burden is competent. It's not it's either by an is consistent on policy because it is at the bottom is an important historical figure. He has not for any particular reason it is that binding is as inherently unworkable is Hillary Clinton until the avenue of attacking Joe Biden on character grounds is simply not as available as it was for Hillary Clinton with regard to Donald Trump, and that is why the democratically mining this vein,
do they know that Trump is going to keep giving them material on Twitter, he's going to go out and go to make dumb comment from now until they watching they're counting on it, but the one thing that Trump could do to stop all this is simply to cut off the supply right. It is suddenly the Democrats were cut off from their heroin supply of Trump gas and in from nastiness on twitter. They would, rather so with the media and media, wouldn't know what to do in from simply shut down. His twitter account for three months before the election you'd rising. The pull by five percent in this thing would tighten up magnificently their state poles, showing the things already tightening, but Democrats are counting on him not doing that. You can see that the entire democratic parties based around this- internally. There are significant differences. A Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders agree on very few things. I get the fair on a personal level. Conall Harris and Joe Biden don't agree on many things in terms of what ought to be done. Policy wise. The squad does not like Nancy Pelosi. Nancy policy does not bring to grow like the squad.
All united by the glue of orange man bad, and so you can go through a long hours of Dnc Primetime programming and receive zero references to the threat of China because it doesn't matter the Democrats have widely there views on what ought to be done about China. Some want to be alone with a harsh. Many of them will be a lot more conciliatory. The Democrats are fairly united in their unwillingness to crack down on the Iranian attempted nuclear regime. In fact, egg. They gave the green light back during the Obama administration and to an eight long hours. But any mention of the greatest threats: Middle EAST peace, namely the iranian regime when eight long hours, without any mention at all zero and of and looting in in America, major cities which continued last night in Portland me zero mention of it. I've had riots in Chicago and LA and York York, Washington DC in Portland in Seattle. In Seattle, we set up their own little report. Job people, none of that existed. If you watch the Dnc, it's an alternative reality, and this is The problem of the media that the media have obscured the actual Rio
In favour of an alternative reality where all the bad things are really about Trump personally, as opposed to bad things happening me, only in major democratic area went through a long hours of democratic programming without once mentioning economic lockdown now want, which is an incredible feet, because their main pitcher uncovered Look at the economy look about the economy is. Why do you think we so bad. It is not purely because of the effects of covert itself in the early going when states were being absolutely ravaged by covert. It was easy to make the case that was not government policy that was leading to the economic failures in major states like New York, New Jersey, I mean when the virus running roughshod through New York and ensures in killing virtually everybody nursing homes. It was the least easy to make the case. People ain't, gonna, go out not going to circulate, do not go back to the office because they are afraid the virus, but the fact is right now in New York, I was looking at these numbers today in New York.
There were a grand total of seven deaths in the entire state of New York from cold of yesterday, and they are still locked down in New Jersey there, a grand total of nearly zero deaths in the state of New Jersey reported yesterday, which means bring, us is probably Euro. Ok they're still down in Jersey, there still locked down, in major areas of the american economy and the Democrats somehow got through eight hours of programming way in which they feature the governor of of New York. They feature the governor of California, which is still shutdown, and they never once mentioned that. Lockdown policies may have something to do with the fact that the economy has tanked. So that's pretty incredible. I mean that's obscuring all Major Issues, and that is the name of game for Joe Biden right. At no point does he actually mention the issues he just as look it's bad out there and I'm sweetness and light that that was his entire campaign speech last night. At no point did he actually lay forth a convincing policy on anything. His entire pitch was
Donald Trump is say: tanning. Marianne Williams out Williamson ask darkness forces of darkness shadowy forces. Are he was married, Williamson's major, really, mean those Marian links in your member back during the primary. She talked about the forces of darkness and we will, we're getting people laughed at her job, I'm just cribbed offer sheet, which is not a surprise, and then he proclaimed himself the forces of light. So that's the entire democratic campaign, which leads to two facts: for the trunk campaign, because it was, I think, emotional, effective and the entire campaign has now been Joe Biden unsympathetic. He cares about using nice person. He's the force of Light and Donald Trump is the force of darkness down from has got to cut off the cocaine drug supply to the Democrats in the media of zone gas and his own personal info well, that's number one and number two history centre on the facts. The Democrats plans involve alone, cities to be run roughshod over by leaders and writers and allowing economies to be locked down until the end of time. Right it is the those are the major issues in America today and by the way, also
the chinese neurons to do what they will on the foreign stage exist. It still incredible to make that the entire media have completely ignored the fact that the intelligence community, the same intelligence community that is currently finding that the Russians are trying to interfere in the election on Behalf Donald Trump also said that the Chinese in iranian government are trying to interfere in the election of a half Joe Biden. That's going completely without mention and by the way China is a much greater geopolitical threats of the United States right now, then Russia has been fought for at least a decade. I'm going to get into the actual events of the Dnc in just for a moment. First, let us talk about the fact that now is not the right time to go to the post office. You know it is a great thing to do. Is get all the concerns of the post office directly from your home computer. This is why you need to be using stamps dotcom as everybody adjusted in normal. We need to be smart about how we do business stamps outcome. Is there to make it easier. Thousands of small business owners have discovered the benefits of stamps outcome in recent months. When
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Dnc was basically a bunch of awkward humor and full unity. Up until Joe Biden emerged from the crept alive alive made animate by Doktor Frankenstein, they started off, as always with a celebrity, a celebrity presenter. Last night it was jeweled. Louis traces bleed rivers. From Seinfeld, appeared that virtually all of her lines were written by the late season, writers and Seinfeld Renault early season writers. Here I mean this is this: is this really bottom, the barrel kind of humor? Also it is worth noting here the same. Grass will claim that Republicans engage routinely and conspiracy theories and I'll point out that President Trump didn't denounce. Qanon cuz, you know what's going on. Why isn't all that these same people engaging conspiracy theories like on a regular basis openly and regularly for eight long hours of the day and see. All you heard is that Donald Trump was trying to crush the postal service, so the mail
be delivered in time for the election, which is just absolute crap, amusement in an earlier pod cast this week on exactly this topic for forty five minutes. It's just nonsense. It is unsupportable by anything in fact or reality. Nonetheless, according to Julia really Dreyfuss The DMZ in twenty sixteen the election was stolen, fallen stolen by I. Could you not Facebook and Vladimir Putin and Fox NEWS, none of which is true. Facebook did not steal the election for Donald from that is sheer nonsense. Vladimir Putin's not seal the election for Trump Hillary Clinton not visiting Wisconsin stole the election for Donald from here is immediately. Judges to open can. Heresy is trafficked in the light of day in the Dnc is pretty incredible vote right now. You can text rose to three o three three hour to learn about all of your voting options and make
best plan for how to vote near community wherever you are an easy way to remember three o three, three o is that's the year. Donald Trump will finally released his tax returns. If we, although there is nothing Facebook Fox NEWS, and Vladimir Putin can do to stop us. That's that's! That's very bunny! That's it next year is not a conspiracy theory. It all that Facebook and Facebook run by Cheryl Sandberg in Morocco Burn conspired to make Donald Trump brought you're. Sure, ok, but if that wasn't enough uniform lotta him. Unless my jewelry Dreyfuss also did a comedy routine on Might pence his name, because you know it's it's because it's not hard to because its races to pronounce Karla Harris's name wrong, because everyone does it because it's pronounced in an interesting way like for four years. Everyone's had come Allah and now everybody says Camelot by it. But it's racist,
because set because pet, let's go let's met. Let's was may follow my pencil name them. So what did you think about Conway Heresy, speech last night There is tremendous I was so happy for. I know me tutors fabulous. I cannot wait to see her debate our current vice president meagre pints or is it paints is pronounced pants. I believe. Oh some weird foreign name the American sounding yeah that's what people are saying strongly who thought that was funny like lose out. Those of honey, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, o also I did enjoy last night church became ok, I'm does exciting to Julia Lui. Dreyfuss was talking up the fact that your binders church now in some cases he can't actually receive communion.
Of course he's a rapid pro choice activist, but but that's ok. He goes to church a lot. Apparently it's ok to go to church so long as you don't actually believe any of the prescriptions about life in the womb. Here is Julia S exciting. So, As Democrats, we are talking about God. It doesn't get awkward it all. Just remember. Joe Biden goes to church so regularly that doesn't even need tear gas and a bunch of federal, wise troops to help him get there. When when will it, there are funny things you can say about Trump, why don't they just say them there? funny things you like is anybody sitting and hunger fine allowed at us? I don't think so. Other comedians were brought forth. Sarah Cooper, whose entire stick is making funny faces, were Pretending to mouth wines from President Trump. Suddenly she she's a celebrity at the DMZ.
Because literally her entire stick issue makes funny faces while mouthing speeches by front which, by the way, is not as funny just from saying these things right trumpet. I'm I'm sorry Trump is inherently funny chain Gillis. The comedian pointed this out back in March, is like everybody unless keep saying, trumpets and funny, it's kind of funny that the presence of the United States is threatening nuke a hurry, but but Democrats can't just leave well enough alone, so they have Sarah Cooper Offer and median ledges loosely defined comedian from doing it doing a routine at the DMZ. This is this is pretty low run stuff. Here I heard the translation pre unhinge sakes. I heard them over and over and over again, but nothing is more dangerous to our democracy that his attacks on male in voting during a pandemic. Ok, here's the truth, Donald Trump doesnt. Why any of us to vote? Because he knows he can't win. I swear so whether you planned about by now or a person wearing
mask, is your vote and it's all right. Don't let Donald Trump got away from. You does hilarious any de jure from this random lady who makes Tik Tok videos? That's that's! That's him hilarity right, wait that wasn't meant to be funny. Ok, sorry! Ok! They also trotted out their favorite governors. I think The funny thing that happened ring the entire Dnc is they had a governors panel, and I kid you not. They put Stacy Abrams on it, I'm not kidding you. They actually had a governors panel and they had like Gretchen River and they had they had variety. Democratic governors from across Amerika on this panel, and on this panel they had Stacy Abrams, who is not in fact a governor of estate, but there's continue to pretend that she is the governor of the state that was actually funny. That was like the, but that was the most committed. My there are few.
These committed moments that that pops up during the DMZ there's one moment where they had to have people clap for calmly Harris speech. They put up a big screen of various split screens from zoom people clapping, and it turns out they couldn't find not people to collapse. Of these duplicated various little windows it looked like Hollywood squares, accept several of the squares works, We, the same sat was gonna fight. There's some committed moments with their unintentional comedy, we'll get to the great governors and great senators from around the United States. Doing you're a little comedy beds and in a moment of unity, is very awkward until Biden took the stage honestly like this, which binds night, which is kind of a surprise. Since you ve been an afterthought, the entire convention will get all that in just one second. First, let's talk about the fact that if you are responsible person, you really do need to take care of your credit card that as soon as possible. That starts to mount so incredibly quickly. Once you go into credit card at me, I know people whose lives have been ruined really by not being able to pay off that credit card. That- and this is where light stream comes in light stream offers a fixed rate. Credit card consolidation loans. From
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I've been living in California has been quite hot air for quite a while Gavin Newsome sat in the forest and explain that was global warming fault. Not his forest management fault right. He does include, they don't do any sort of forest clearing, so that leaves a lot of really really dried rain, for the fires to race across governess. Him took some time out to go to the forest James call. It was where's, gems, communes, hiding behind that big tree behind him answer and then talk about global warming. Meanwhile, have rolling blackouts across the state of California. This is just this state is so unbelievably mismanaged. My state is most beautiful state. The union. It also happens to be the most mismanaged state, the union. It's absolutely incredible that talking about raising the tax rates again there about in the top tax rate, instead of California, to nearly seventeen percent on top of the federal rate, which would put the top tax rate around fifty four percent instead of California combined state and federal, they are talking about a wealth tax that would follow you around for ten years.
We, the state there are sixty six thousand homeless people in L, a county right now on the street there rolling wildfires across the state. There rolling black out in the middle of a giant heatwave right, because people are using milk, their electricity more. They are shutting off electricity to people in the middle of a heatwave where it is. In four degrees, outside an ally, and here is given contains in time out to talk to you from the forest about global warming, really high brat high priority stuff here from the candle, the governor that we have here. I'm about a mile or so away from one of over three hundred and seventy wildfires that were battling here in the state of California, we are just coming off a record weak. I heatwave that led to a hundred and thirty degree temperatures a high temperature ever recorded and California. Arguably the world's history here in our state, the hearts are getting hotter. The driver getting drier climate change is real. If you are in denial about climate change, come to California,
Ok, climate change is indeed real. In my opinion, and in the opinion of scientists, climate change is indeed largely human costs. According to my scientists, also of the mission the governor, some encourages with regard to climate change, will have literally zero impact on the climate for the next. Several decades, so you better get a play together to you. No stop the wildfires unrolling blackouts in his state, dumb, ass it! Meanwhile, it wasn't just avenues and being announced, it was used wide variety of democratic making fools of themselves. Last night a mayor are Lance, bottoms of Atlanta was featured last night. Her city has been in a state of some pretty significant turmoil ever since the shooting of racial Brooks near Wendy Information Brooks, fell, asleep and drive through Wendy's and believes a personal colored call. The cops cops showed up discussed with him for forty five minutes, and then he attacked the police officers he trot. He sees
taken from one tried to shoot, one trend should the other and then got shot that lead. You riots in the streets and casual ends bottoms talking about cutting the cops and DE trying to indict the cops and the cops basically sticking out doing a blue out and casual as bottoms has featured Dnc anyway, That's how all of these works, so here is crucial as bottom suggesting once again in part of the new democratic mythology, the black people are being prevented from voting across the United States, despite the fact of life people routinely about their share of the population in presidential elections and have since Barack Obama here is occasionally bottoms. The baton has now been passed to each of us. We ve cried out for justice. We have gathered in our streets to demand change and now we must pass on to give Jean Louis sacrificed. To give us we must register and we must vote
ok. I understand the drive to get people to vote, but the idea that you are being threatened with inability to vote the United States today is nonsense. It's a sheer crap, so we actually, We also got Senator Tammy Duckworth another one of the also ran for vice president, who is not selected so Centre Duckworth, just at a pure antitrust speech. Which is really the uniting blue of the Democratic Party. She she suggested that Trump doesn't deserve the columns of president, and she also suggested that trust easily manipulated by dictators that I hear she was going after Trump Joe Biden with stand up for? What's right, stand tall for a truth and stand strong against our enemies, because, unlike trump Joe Biden, has common decency. He has common sense, he command or from experience and from strength. Donald Trump doesn't deserve to call himself commander in chief or another,
minutes, let alone another four years our troops deserve better. Our country deserves better get. My favorite part of the democratic platform here is that is very difficult to positive thing about Joe Biden other than Joe Biden, nice person he's gonna hear the legislator for virtually all of his career, his signature legislation that was good, the criminal justice bill of nineteen. Eighty four, he disowned which means that you really has no signal accomplishments on his record, so instead what they just do, as they contrast a fake Joe Biden with Donald Trump I don't wanna see Tammy Duckworth do that in just one. Second, this is part of the programming and Orange man, bad and by contrast, Biden Good, but we can't really name a good thing that they draw Biden has done legislatively other than he's kind of like a nice person. The people seem to like we'll get to that in just a moment. First, many people may think that I am one hundred percent brains, but occasionally alleged smile pretty with my children, and when I don't want my teeth to be straight also, we have to take lots of photos around her and you my teeth to look
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The iranian mullahs to the point where the Obama administration became almost a literal, mouthpiece for the iranian Thea Theocracy. Incredibly and caught me, they were literally doing pr for the Iranians, pretending that the iranian regime had moderated while they are pursuing terrorism against american troops in Iraq, Harrison Tammy Duckworth, however, suggesting that Trump is easily manipulated, while Biden he's a stalwarts and I will never be manipulated, except for how his entire career is basically story of his being wrong and every foreign policy issue of the modern era. They have a coward and chief who won't stand up to Vladimir Putin, read his daily intelligence briefings or even publicly admonish adversaries for reportedly pudding bounties on our troops. Heads as President Joe Biden would never let tyrants manipulate him like a puppet. He would never pervert our military two stroke his own
he would never turn its back on our troops or threaten them against Americans peacefully exercising the constitutional rights. I'm amazed You're strong defence from the Democrats that is held to take the Democrats have been, labor of slashing the military. For as long as I have been alive, this notion that down trumpeted threats, the troops male Joe Biden, has a friends of the troops is a pretty. Credible statement. Ok, so is this sort of awkward dance last night before they got to binding between weird humor, weird awkward humor, I not even good parks and recreation style, awkward image, weird awkward, humor and Donald Trump is a bad man, so Corey Booker Bernie Sanders showed up mainly to the court book and could remind you that, girlfriend, and he taught you to Bernie Sanders so care as MR potato head putting on his happy eyes, and he was excitedly talking about Rosaria Dawson his girlfriend like Bernie Sanders Nan Bernie, making weird statements, and in a year it was it was. It was kind of strange you could think of this sort of like survivor,
the out interviews of all the people who got voted off the island, Bernie Birdie. Would you laugh because I've got a question for you like what is my girlfriend, like you more than she likes me, but We ve clergy one border than you and that's the obvious answer right am I had these jokers ministers remind you, I Joe Biden, nominee right you'll, get that splits going you like yeah, probably they sure they're playwright state by that, is that picture right. There will then be Buddha Judge suddenly reminding you that there has been massive social change in the United States. And then my mother, a part of this, is that, regardless of whether you like some of the social change that has happened in the United States, I think it is fair to say that the United States is significant, more tumultuous and divided than it was ten years ago, and here's people to judge advocating more tumult and divide by twenty thirty. There is a long way to go. But if this much can change between twenty ten and twenty,
honey. Imagine what could change between now and twenty thirty imagine what we could achieve this coalition? We are building this very season. Gathering, progressives and moderates in depend, and even what I like to call future former Republicans Stan for in America, where everyone belongs ok, so I am much further. Just does less on pusher if their say like member and twenty ten gaming, You stole my widely accepted in the United States, and so he saying the same sex marriage is now widely accepted and that's a good social change. Ok, whether you believe that are not how much further does left Wanna go here. Seems to me that the next item on the agenda is simply teaching small children. The boys and girls in girls can be the boys whereby, if that's what you want me by twenty thirty, nine just makes explicit you say it out loud, say: that's where you want to be so much of the democratic platform is never saying the choir part out, and so then they brought forth a couple. More people, Michael Blue
showed up, because you pledge sixty million dollars in the Democratic Party in so he got a speaking slot. Even though nobody likes Michael Bloomberg that there were a couple that then we got to the actual pitch. Ok, then we got to the actual Biden Pitch, so the actual button pitch again once again is empathy and he's a nice guy, because that's the Olympics whereby- and I will say that there are some effective stuff here right, for example, this I thought a very effective video. I thought that it was actually quite tweet. There's a thirteen year old in Britain Harrington who talked about Joe Biden, helping him because Joe Biden has over stuttering in his own life and Britain Harrington suffers from stuttering and they talked about that last night. I thought this was like a great moment remnant. This kind of stuff is the contrast, the democratic to dry. It does show where Trump has a tough time right. Hillary Clinton is not the type of person takes days out of her life to help people with their problems. Joe Biden, is that kind of person apparently, and that's a good look for Joe Biden Here- is a video that honest white, affecting Without Joe Biden, how only talking here today about a few
months ago. I met him in New Hampshire. He told me that we were members of the same club, will we stunner. There is really amazing. The here that someone like me became my advice, per hour per person per president. You know that before this get mean really brave, get on live tv and do that minutes, that's it as a brave thing. That was those really good did. The other did they brought. Him came normal people to talk, and most of the pigs were kind of effective and there they brought a night, five year old former World war to better in talking about how he's voted, Republican all his life and now he's voting for Joe Biden whenever we bring up people have made Revising the line of duty to do the sort of thing is very effective. Yours and eighty five year old world word you that making the pitch for Joe Biden really Morven antitrust pitch, which again is the entire tone in tenor here,
I have been a republican census senses. Nineteen sixty I am a member of the Un Array and voted for Trump. I think Trump the worst President Weber had so I'll be glad to see him go. I sank. Joe Biden will be a great leader for the United States like me. On the day of my jump into Germany, I think Joe Biden cares about doing whose proper duty for the United States and if he selected that's what he will do. I get new digital, vague, but again it is, it is effective, can have no democratic, may kind of Abu. Here they brought forth a gun. In my go from Rhode Island to talk about how he was a lifelong Republican may now he's voting for Joe Biden theirs,
One problem, Michael from Rhode Island, is not in fact a lifelong republican. He is a in electrical inspector and for at least five primary she's voted as a Democrat, so that that was those kind of awkward. But aside from that that that was the, and then Joe Biden, kids did a little presentation and we never hear from hunters extra children right. We never hear about his grandchildren from various other people, but his hunter, and actually I gave a little sick. About how Joe Biden is wonderful and will be there when you need him and of course there is no evidence that he is with his children. I apparently he is quite good with his children, and it is also true that here, The four hundred when you need them mean this will become a campaign. Issue has been the four hundred and one one hundred needs it Jerry jets at over to Ukraine and pick up a bunch of money or one hundred needs a ride to China to, the one point, five billion dollar deal, or whatever was then you know, that's that that seems like Jos been therefore it seems like everybody's.
There is violence, gun redraft last name Biden, so at least as much as backtrack drew I'm Motor Biden and I'm Ashley Joe Biden is our dad and bow is our brother. We wanted Are you a kind of present in our dad will be? He will be tough and honest carrying unprincipled who'll, listen I'll, be there when you need him, he'll tell you the truth: When you don't want to hear it will never let you down he'll, be rock during the strongest shoulder you can ever Lena While I am sure that two hundred has lean on the shoulder, both physically and both physically and financially many times before an hundred is going to emerge in this campaign. I any should emerge in this campaign. Frankly, because all we ve heard from the Democrats how corrupt and terrible Donald Trump is believe me that stone is not going to be left unturned and there. Some serious questions to be asked about how hundred, by an ends up on the board of ukrainian Gas company when he has neither corporate experience nor any experience with with
Troll gas, nor any experience in Ukraine is picking up large scale check so that that will come up in dividing, I am sure, against secular and yet to job I'd into actual speech, because Joe Biden wasn't it alive was a low barter clear he cleared it. I thought it could at pre easily. Actually it turns out that he can read. In lively fashion from teleprompter ended, his message was sort of jarring. It was a jarring turn from the basic message: the Democrats that we are on the verge of fascism. It was Joe Biden Light Bringer is basically job. I'm trying to channel Barack Obama Circuit two thousand, for he did the whole red stay blues dating from two thousand, for he did I'm in a unified country thing from two thousand eight- is very much a reversion to Brocklehurst two thousand eight campaign, not Barack Obama, start Circa, twenty twenty, where democracy is in danger and. Trump is a fascist unravelling did I it was a move towards something else. I thought as well. It was a very smart political speech. It didn't lay fourth any policy than the one. The one note I will make in critique here, after all, is said and done
is that the entire democratic national convention was centred around the evils of now from on a personal level, if I'm a middle class person living in new jersey- and I can't go back to my job, because The governor of New Jersey has decided that we're gonna locked out until covered is completely gone forever. If I'm a person who is lost, jobs are lost a family member, and I do not know how I'm going to recover. The Democrats have offered programmes. For me, they offer no programme for me. They ve not explain exactly what they're gonna do. Basically, the entire pitch is the Donald Trump is the FAO? of all evil in your life. Donald Trump, is the is the Voldemort of the United States and if you just banish Voldemort, everything will get better immediately. That was the picture is made last night I dont a compelling that is it maybe a little compelling people don't like Trump, but I dont know that it all up
fired, compelling we'll get more of this in just one second. First, if you ve been listening to the show for a while. You probably heard me talk about my helix sleep matters. It is excellent. Ok, but now here which has launched a new product, they ve gone beyond the bedroom. They started making sofas, they just launched a new company called all form there, making premium customizable, sofas and chairs shipped right to your door. So what makes an all forms of a really cool for starters, it's the easiest way can customize the sofa using premium materials at a fraction of the cost of traditional stores and computer fabric is spill stain scratch resistant, the sofa color, the color of the legs, sofa size and shape to make sure it's perfect. For you and your home, they ve got arm, chairs and loves. It's all the way up to an eight seats sectional. So there's something We won an you, can always start small and by more seats later on. If you want your all forms of growing change with you, when you move off from self as are also deliver directly to your home with fast free shipping in the past, you wanted to order a sofa it could take weeks or months to arrive in any somebody common assembly, for you assemble it for you
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better man than me tonight, we'll completely recap the GNP for you on daily wire, backstage at seven p m eastern four P M Pacific join us afterward for another. All access live or will do not at all with you in a comment and the wives himself had on over daily wired outcome. Slash apparel right now get twenty percent off all access with coupon code access at his daily wired icon, Slash Shapiro, with coupon code access to get twenty percent off your membership again to elaborate on consular Shapiro, get all access and come hang out with us
listening to the largest fastest growing concern to Pakistan. Radio show in the nation S, so the task of Joe Biden was to be a Trojan horse last night and a Trojan horse he was his performance was good right did a Trojan horse because people basically suspect- I think rightly that he's probably not gonna finish. I was first her, and so he has to be a Trojan horse of health is very, very healthy, vigorous man right that those task number one. He is also a trojan horse for the radical left and actually runs party, and so he had to act like a moderate. She heard a lot of talk about God and the declaration of independence you're going to talk about patriotism and american troops, and he sounded like a moderate Democrat Sarka nineteen sixty eight. He sends a keyboard. Humphrey rate hasn't soundly George Mcgovern, using telling
Obama, he sounds like Hubert Humphrey, Circa, one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight. That was Joe Biden campaign last night that he lifted some of the inspirational from Barack Obama. Back during the days where Obama was pretending to be in Unite or not a divider Joe Biden. What was out there pretending that he was a one, slash four for life, while saying some pretty divisive and untrue things that turns out that he said some things that just simply not true. So, for example, Joe Biden said that he jumped into the race because Donald had said, there were very fine people among NEO, Nazis and clansmen, which is not true organization, not true what down. From said that was This is originally. He said that there were bad people on both sides. There is this is regional condemnation, said they were bad people on both sides, and then people like. Why won't you especially condemn? they take a gay and the NEO Nazis and he did right. He said the NEO Nazis are bad that now I'm not talking about the k cannot talk about the NEO Nazis and then he said that when it came to people who are marching
that there were fine people on both sides, because you seem to assume bizarrely, that there are people who are marching in favour of a Robert E Lee Statue, who are not white supremacy, so it was more of a category error, then it Wouldn'T- and it was not a good day ready. I condemned imported time, but was not him saying that there are good NEO Nazis and good KKK. It is right that that was not what Donald Trump did Joe Biden instead dumped out there. This idea that Donald Trump had had basically said that NEO Nazis and take it. Members, will good people a child's l, which of course is something he did not say. Just a week ago yesterday was the third anniversary of events. Charlottesville close your eyes run. What you saw on television remember, seeing those NEO Nazis in Clansmen white supremacist coming feels with lighted tour.
She's veins bulging spewing, the same same anti semitic bile by heard across Europe in the thirties. Remember what the president said when asked. He said there were quote very fine people on both sides. This is it no. I was annoyed guideline for a nice guy isn't over lie re. He didn't say that there are very fine people among the NEO Nazis in clansmen. He specifically said that there are people who are not NEO Nazis in clansmen, marching. That was not actually true. It was wrong and provided cover for some of the Martians, but that was again go back most in my pocket. I was pretty upset about, but the characterisation there's, just one we and other flatly untrue things. The job I said during the speeches, according by the way to the Washington Post is, is that Joe Biden claims that trunk was going to eliminate funding for social security. That is untrue. He said that he was going to temporarily eliminate the payroll tax. Ok, Brok Obama did this. He signed
in July. We build it. Did this in two thousand twelve and suggested that social security would be fully funded. The notion that the trumpets defending social security is not true. He went Effort Donald Trump uncovered and he suggested that that trunk botched covert worse than any place in the world. That was so Joe Biden uncovered after all this time the present still does not have a plan. Well, I do. If I'm your president on day, one will implement the national strategy I've been laying out since March or develop and deploy right. The test with results available immediately, will make the medical supplies and protective equipment that our country needs we'll make them here in Amerika Oh basically, his plan is exactly Donald transplant plan, but he also said: from blew. It and America have the word.
Then anyplace else? That is flatly untrue as the Washington Post, even notes, so that there are a few things that he said here that the Rich flatly untrue, but the overall tenor of the speech again was about down. From his mean man in Japan is nice man right and that that was the patch right empathy, empathy, empathy. There is one point in here where Joe Biden quoted is dead and he does this a lot in his speech This is my dad said to me Joey, and then he says something. We have no idea whether his debt actually said bases Joey. I don't care if government solves my problems, but government should understand my problems. First, while only government is understanding problems. Unless government has a public policy to solve the problems, I dont look for carrying or compare from a government agency, I've I'm looking for a shoulder locrinos had on down to the envy. This bizarre notion that is pushed constantly by Democrats. That government is there to care about. You is really weird why exactly faceless
This bureaucratic never met care about me. I just I don't understand why you would go seeking care and comfort from people we ve never met whose literal job is to interpret statutes and then apply them. It's a very strange thing, but anyway Joe Biden since our campaign was about empathy, so he ate was about empathy and unity and preventing is not a radical, so he started off by saying who's gonna work hard for Americans. You didn't support him, which is something Barack Obama ones pledged to do, and then completely rejected most people in sick, the IRS on them here is Joe Biden, making us impish last night, I'm proud Democrat and I'll be proud, The banner of our party into the general election. Great honour and humility. I accept this nomination for president of the United States of America, but while the endemic
candidate I'll, be an american president. Our card for those who didn't support me as hard for them, as I did for those who did both for me in reality the unifying pitch, and then he says that he was getting that he used. The word light in this speech eleven times as a lot of light? Is one white uses this very romantic language about light verses, darkness again, I'm the forces of Good Donald Trump has the force of evil. He says he's going to draw on the best of us, not the worst, which is kind of weird, considering that again hours of democratic national dimension programming, not one iota of condemnation for people were literally looking to burn down cities, but here is Joe Biden thing he's gonna draw on the best of us, which I have. I have doubts. Let me just say to people live. Those are words for our time. The current presidency called american darkness for much too long, too much anger too much here too much division here and now.
Give you my word if you, and Trust me with the presidency draw on the best of us, not the worst Albania I have not the darkness so he's king himself, in a particular mythology about America's recent history, which everything was hunky Dory during Obama days, and then all time began with the big bang of Trump that we are not divided in any way before Trump. Everything was fantastic before from this is completely untrue. I'm old enough to remember the Obama era. You probably are too. If here listening to the show and I can easily recall many incidents of division inside America during Barack Obama's Hira fostered by in administration, of which Joe Biden was a key coggan component, but he single basically a back to normal campaign. Contain by the way, for literally years when I told members of the trumpet Ministration this in two thousand seventeen, that the chief threat was Joe Biden running returned to normal campaign. So I've been predicting this for quite a while Joe Biden interest, the filling it again. He looked alive. It's more alive lesson which is good for him right. He was still flooring. His words a little bit because pose any had seven,
yet a low but much mouth and it still has not, but he was much better easy, more emotionally attuned last night, and then he made covert his chief that right I'll, protect us. The way that trumped didn't again here, for no actual plan to protect us he's anyone in national mass mandate, which is weird because you literally has no constitutional power as president to do that. Also, he has never actually proposed. A federal programme on national masking the assembly. Just said that in that other, but his bottom line is that he's gonna protect you Donald Trump, didn't he didn't mention from by name, I think once in speech, but then Your speech was really about how Trump is a bad orange man and Joe Biden is very nice man who cares for people and we'll talk there you're off on the wrong track. Our current presidency failed in its most basic duty to the nation. He's fail to protect us he's failed to protect America. And my fellow Americans that is unforgivable as present I'll make you a promise opera,
fact America. I would defend us from every attack, seen lusty, always without exception every time. Ok now this is a promise. He cannot keep, because no president can protect you all the time from everything ready he's basics. Now putting himself in the position of America's missile defence system. I mean that's it I'm I'm sorry, but Joe Biden would not have protect us against covet. How do I know because none of the democratic governors that Nancy Pelosi didn't Joe Biden didn't by the way he was around? I did now mean that. That's it that's no one! That's ok! Then Joe Biden moved Anti racism and he suggested he went back to the hopeful rhetoric of the early Obama era, which is we're on the verge of eliminating racism from America. We can. We can fight races, we can remove it. There's only one problem. Democrats are constantly shifting the definition of racism so as to not alleviate the charges of racism. It's too valuable a narrow in their quiver Democrats will never let go of the charge of racism for their political opponents. So Joe Biden says we're gonna wipe racism from America's national life
He doesn't mean that, because the moment the Democrat say that racism has been wiped from our national life, which, by the way, it largely has the moment that that happens. They no longer have that. A hammer to wield against the political opposition here is, I do, however, think he's gonna kill racism in exactly the same way. Abominate who's, gonna, kill racism and then proceeded to exacerbate history. Fishers thrust one more urgent task on us. Will we be the generation and finally waves the stain of racism from our national character. I believe we're up to it I believe, were ready. Again. What does he think that we ve been trying to do for several decades at this point and what are his proposals for women racism from our national character and what is even mean by racism, since we now have to doing definitions right one is the old school thinking, bad things about people because of the race
which is what racism normally means. Then we have the new school anti racism which suggests that if you don't tell down every american system, then you are in fact a racist. Joe Biden doesn't mean any of that. So Joe Biden is his mouth. Is writing checks at his body can't cash? Here I mean that that that is what is happening here, nobody's going to ignore that, because it was all sweetness and light, but just recognise that that speech last night, that was a cloaking device for what the actual democratic programme is in trouble. Doesn't really mean any of that. If he does, he certainly not be able to implement it by two to to carry on the point. Joe Biden also said: did you hear the voices of the protesters again, writers and looters don't exist in democrat world? So here is Joe Biden saying he hears the voice of the protesters last night when most powerful voices we here in the country to day from our young for speaking to the inequity, an injustice it is grown up in America, economic injustice, racial and Environmental injustice
here? There are voices? If you listen, you can hear them too. He hears. Voices not go up, hearing the voices of the protesters but again no solution the ideas just by electing him magically things are facts, and this is the democratic platform Barack Obama did. At the other night, Rock Obama said the constitution's only values, democracy are there? No other values: Natural Redstone, unjust, limited government doesn't exist equal rights before law. Those things don't exist. The only values- democracy, pure majority, What is the only thing that matters- and he said that the protests in the streets should understand that view elect us. Then the system will have worked and you can start protesting, but if Beside wins, the system didn't work, any should go out and you should protest. This is it. This is how Democrats think about government, unfortunately, that the protesters are playing an inside outside game with government. If you elect Democrats and Democrats will do the work of the protesters, if you don't like Democrats, then you need to be out in ST shouting about things.
Joe Biden again using this sort of subtle contrast. The subtle assume contrast between the glories of the Obama years in the horrors of the Trumpeters Joe Biden, suggesting that they won't turn a blind eye to bounties on american soldiers. There is this very day, see story suggesting the Trump Administration knew full well that the Russians were paying bounties. Two souls in Syria to kill a man, and I've got to stand to kill Americans and at Trump turn a blind eye to it. The Obama administration literally sent a hundred and fifty billion dollars. Iranian government fully acknowledging that the iranian government would then use the money to fund terrorism, including against american troops. So yet, I think all the scrapper, the main assault fatigue person, and I have profound responsibility of sir- commander in chief, The present will stand with our allies and friends and make it clear to our adversaries the days of cosy up to
dictators is over under President Biden, our goal will not turn a blind eye to russian boundaries on their heads of american soldiers now, though, just a blind eye to Russia completely taken over Syria and Crimea and IRAN funding terrorism against american troops, not turn a blind eye to that, then Joe Joe Biden concluded with his main message, which again was light over dark. I am the forces of light. Donald Trump is the forces of darkness. Here was Joe Biden conclude last night let us begin you and I together one nation under God. You're, not our love for America, United and love for each other, for love as more powerful and hate hope is more powerful than fear and like is more power. Dark. This is our moment. This is our mission. To be able to say that the end of this chapter of American D,
just began here tonight as love and hope, and light join in the battle for the soul. The nation, This is what kind of stuff right Marian Williamson kind of stuff, but it is more effective than Biden has been historically, then he rushed outdoors and they this little fireworks, Joseph was actually kind of a nice american optic right having a nominee rush doors and they have a nice little fireworks show outside the hall. Where this is happening. My favorite part was not firework show my favorite part was the members and media rushing outside for it there's some footage of members. Being told that it was time to go outside for in airport, is just like. Take off like sheep, is a sheep dog was hurting them, as I did really body. If you can't see it, there are literally
sprinting outside to see fireworks Joe Biden with their not the photographers guys. These are not found in the photographers already outside known as people have cameras. There's just the reporters warlike trotted out. We gotta see Joe Biden Step, so we can write proves that we obviously have written like five seconds letters by watching the video it, but it was a pretty sight, a good give them the media were Gaga over this. Of course, Chris Wallis said that Biden, speech blue big hole in trumps narrative. Why? Because Biden was alive again, the bar was very low. Biden was not a corpse, he was an alive human and thus he blew a big hole in terms that the problem, of course, is that by an has maintained this, so all it takes is Joe Biden collapsing until then, once and all of this goes away, Joe Biden has to be alive. Everytime from here to the election is not enough for him to just be alive. One time it a speech, reading off teleprompter here, Chris, while is talking up turbines performance. I thought it was an enormously effective. Remember Donald Trump has been talking for months, Joe Biden has never let you saw a tap
Yes, I was waiting for metallic a prepared speech, but I thought that he blew a whole a big hole in that characterization again, I think that again, the performance was much better than Biden has been its early and I'm old enough to remember one people we talked a pillar. Is twenty. Sixteen conventions be Jake. Tapir said that this was the best speech of job items, career, which honestly is like saying that this is the best cardy be song is not saying it's not tangle out there and are now at a good debate and speeches across the course of his career, Harry Hurrahs, Jake's, Apple. Why her Joe Biden give, I don't know dozens hundreds of speeches over the years. I have to say this was one of the best, if not the best performance ever seen also underlining a mistake, attack the Gormans eight mistake by the Trump camp. To set expectations, so
low, suggesting the Joe Biden was not capable of giving a speech like this meant that he would naturally at sea. Expectations I mean, I think, that's true. I think in setting the expectations low is part of the problem. However, in a debate, things could change fairly radically, because it's not just the Joe Biden has to be able to read. The Joe Biden has to be able to move on his feet and that one may be a little bit of a tougher is also. What is this if the Republicans with leaves the orange with the task, a dual task, one is refocus the american people on the actual things that are happening in the United States. The entire Dnc was a distraction from everything happening in the United States other than covert, and the reason that they keep vote And I'm is because they have made it into a miasmatic danger that is out there ready to pounce on you at a moment's notice, depending on where you are, That is simply untrue. The fact is, we are on a significant down slope in Florida. Significant down slept in Georgia, significant down slope in Arizona, If you're in California you're still a little bit unsafe, but the fact is, the hospitals are not even close to overwhelms in a state of California. There is no curve in New Jersey
is no carbon york. There is no curve in Connecticut is. The fact is that that Those states are six zero deaths in close to zero cases, and yet there are still locked down. It is up to try to say their political actors the right now for keeping your economy and your schools locked down and then proclaiming that they are handling the virus, and that is not the way that we can handle is one of the more breaking aspect of a Biden speech, is at one point and Biden speech. He actually said: there's no miracle that is coming for two to heal, Coban. I stop by and said that the middle of page, We'll never have our lives back until we deal with this virus. The tragedy where we are today is it didn't have to be this bad? Just look around it's not so bad in Canada or Europe, parents almost anywhere else in the world. In the present case telling us the virus is going to disappear He keeps waiting for a miracle
I have news for him. No miracle is coming theirs, so much conflicting here so much that first of all, it is the United States is not ring number one in deaths per million. In fact, we're not been closed to the top of the list in terms of debt per million in the United States has Canada doesn't have this. No Canada does just someone could back? Cabuc actually has a deaths per million right, that's coat closer to Europe and to the rest of the United States. If you're, if we're looking at deaths per million population across the world we are still surpassed by Belgium, Peru and DORA. Spain, UK, ITALY, Sweden and she lay in Brazil right on our heels, and then so is France by the way, so, as Mexico's Panama, by the time this is also done. I dont think that the United States is going to be really close to the top is less but Joe Biden. You saying that is not true, The main thing that he says there, Thou, which is that there is no mere on the way: ok, there's no miracle
the way, then you actually have to learn to live with the virus, but you doesn't want to learn to live with the virus. You just want to lack everything down interminable. It's gonna get for trumped to make their case and people to make their case that the different democratic governors have kept this stuff lock. Did they mishandled? They botched it like one voted and then they kept the thing lockdown they're gonna have to make the case. Also that Joe Biden is is a Trojan horse for the communist left and they're gonna have deferment of case that Donald Trump is likely to handle things like the rioting and eluding better than democratic, continued path that stuff on the head and then there's the part of the case that Donald down from is simply gonna have to get himself under control it down from wishes to remain. President of the United States he's going to need to shut up, he is he's going to stand teleprompter. The expectations for Donald Trump are just as well as the expectations republican set for Joe Biden. The expectations that are public and set forbidden or very simple, is he alive. Joe Biden last night showed that he was alive and thus surpassed expectations now, tomorrow he could kill over, but last night that was what was the
The expectation of Democrats have set for Trump. Is it Donald Trump will never ever stop being tumultuous and volatile and saying ugly things on twitter and tweeting out craziness? All Donald Trump have to do to surpass. The expectation is not do those things and you'll see this happen was from every so often right who go out he'll. Give a great state of the union address Nebula wow. That was unexpected. One, though he's fully capable that I think the Donald from is fully capable of putting down the phone for five damned minutes. There are plenty of other people out there are willing to defend what Europe is doing on a daily basis. You can still do it impressed. But if the entire democratic pictures Orangemen bad, then it would really deprive them of a case for orange man to be less pad. Would it not only mean in terms of policy, so the currencies task next week is going to be to say
Joe Biden, maybe empathetic, but he ain't gonna solve any problems here. All the problems in the United States and also stay off the damned twitter- that is the task before president from with less than three months, left until the national election. That will decide whether he remains an office or not. Ok. Well, we have two additional out contents coming up for you here on the bench commercial plus later today we have a daily wire backstage. Well, go to daily Wire Doc, given all access of past right now, coupon code accessing it, twenty percent off that all access bath also pick up a copy. My brand new book how to destroy America in three easy steps here. National bestseller, ending it discusses a lot of the issues that we ve been talking about routinely go check it out right now, and the rest will see here on Monday. So try not to burn things down again guys. I bench brothers is the intervention
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so my main focus is our life family faith. These are fundamental and that's what this shows about hope, Europe, given it a listen.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-21.