« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1071 - Seattle's Best


Seattle's black female police chief quits as the city council cuts her salary; America looks for a new normal as the media continues pushing panic; and Joe Biden makes final VP preparations.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Seattle, black female police chief quit is the City Council cut her salary. America looks for new normal as the media continue pushing covert, panic and Joe Biden makes final. Vp preparations, I'm Bishop and this is be shepherd. His house, today's Bren Shapiro shall be shaping the his he is. Answer by Express BP and your online activity shouldn't be public, protect yourself. It expressly peons outcome. Slash then already self there's actual news. As the world turns, and things actually happen, and people discover that occasionally rap. On these Joe well, we'll find things out on the internet all the time? Don't they like several years weight to? In any case, our cities are burning, so there's that the city's continue to burn, but the Good NEWS is that All the good white liberals over in Seattle have now basically forced the resignation of the black Female Seattle police chief, which makes perfect sense
because she was really bad at her job in that she actually wanted to police crime and the people of Seattle don't want her to police crime release. The city council does not want her to police crime, and so they ve now force her resignation. Her name is Carmen best and she spending a lot of time, pointing out that the the Seattle City, I saw his basically allowed crimes run roughshod through the city They allowed the setting up of an alternative republic catch up in the middle of Now she is out so the good white folks, the good White woke liberals have decided that in the name of racial, just the black female police chief of Seattle, headed up or, to that end, one taken first with everything going right now, lotta people are asking, if it even possible to buy life insurance at all. The answer, of course, is yes, it is still easy to shop or life insurance right now, if you have loved ones depending on your income. You're probably should is the responsible thing to do right now you could say fifteen hundred dollars or more year by using policy genius to compare life insurance policies when you are shopping for a policy that could last
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Its yell thought police, you ve, come and best is going to resign to source of familiar with it. Can confirms its brandy crews of cute thirteen. The decision comes after the Seattle. The council body to slash the departments budget in voted to slash her particular salary by like a hundred thousand dollars so great that the white person who occupied her position, before was being made a hundred thousand hours more. They had to make sure the black lady got her salary cut by a thousand dollars a bunch of woke white people could run roughshod through the city and or a racial eyes army could take over the middle of Seattle for two months on end and ensure people and prevent the police from getting into well done. Everybody in Seattle, the council on Monday approved proposals that would reduce, police department, that's one hundred officers, there lay offs and nutrition chief best was vocal in opposition to the cuts. Job cuts approved by the council will eliminate merely for me in dollars of their parents. Four hundred million dollar annual budget, while the cuts fell. Well short of what black lives matter, protests terms were demanding. Council members pledged further cuts in twenty twenty one, a call to choose best went on.
On Monday night, emerging darkens office, did not immediately respond to a call seeking common. She was the first black woman to lead the speedy. She said about the proposal to cut hey my forty percent. What I do feel like its unanimous toward me, specifically she's well respected by the ring and file inside the department remember when she was hired and there is controversy. Or whether she was going to be soft on crime- and she obviously was not because Nobody in Seattle is soft on crime enough. No in Seattle. The softer and criminal Carmen best certainly was not, and so car invest has to go, and then it's amazing, the media, wonder why in the world is crime spiking all over the United States, wise chrome, spiking, all over the United States. Well, I have a couple of ideas why crime spiking all over the United States so that the folks over the Daily collar Peter Hassen, right for the daily It is a good report today talking about how leftwing prosecutors are basically letting criminals off the hook in major, Citys around the United States. According to the data
news foundation? Leftwing prosecutors have implemented soft on crime approaches to criminal justice across Amerika in some instances making it a man or of policy and major cities not to prosecute specific crimes. A common, though not universal, feature of prominent left when the district attorney's is the backing of little. Organizations fund by funded by George Soros, and let me know this majority is not because he is jewish. The criticism is because he's awful in organizations he chooses to find in the United States he's just as practices. Is anybody Else- could county when we stated turning Kimberly Box whose jurisdiction includes Chicago, took office in twenty seventeen, winning her election with the help of these Soros funded. Super pack source poured more than four four thousand dollars into Illinois Justice and public safety pack in twenty sixteen Illinois State Board of Election records show she was the only candidate Fox, the pack supported in twenty sixteen announced in December twenty sixteen that her office would not charge shoplifters with felonies unless they eat had more than ten previous Delmonte convictions and previous felony convictions, or, if they so
more than a thousand dollars worth of goods. The previous lower level was three hundred dollars: store owners, blame foxes policies, December, twenty nineteen for what they said was a string of brazen, that's targeting their businesses and then Fox, announced in June shouldn't prosecute protesters charged with minor crimes. My curfew, violations and disorderly conduct. Multiple analyses of foxes record have found significant decreases in prosecutions since you took office. If Chicago Cargo Tribunal Monday reported that fox traps all charges against thirty percent of all defendants, for three years in office, her predecessor, a woman, aims, Anita Alvarez was a Democrat and also softer and crime crop charges against twenty percent of defendants in her final three years on the job. A separate study from the Marshal project, nonprofit supporting criminal justice reform found Foxtrot, thousands of cases, the Woodman prosecuted by her predecessors. Not just her, suffer County Massachusetts. This
to turn me Rachel Rawlins, whose jurisdiction includes Boston, campaigned in two thousand eighteen analysed to fifteen crimes or office, would not prosecute as a matter of policy, including trespassing, wanting or malicious destruction of property. Shoplifting enlarged under two hundred fifty dollars. The Boston children it may twenty nineteen and attempted shoplifter was shocked when he was arrested for allegedly pills more than a hundred dollars worth of goods from the local store in real life whose outside Rawlins is jurisdiction. He said he he knew that you wouldn't be prosecuted thanks to robins policies, but gently he was in the neighbouring city is not just Rawlins. Either fill it up. District attorney, Larry Crasser as a former defence attorney, who had never prosecuted case before becoming Philadelphia. Tat prosecutor. George Soros, put one point: four: five million dollars into a super back pack, backing crasser and the democratic primary and may twenty seventeen. He said in an news cast interview. Last month, law enforcement agencies point to repeat offenders as evidence of the need for harsh sentences, but he says that he rejects that view quote the list, all the arrest they pay
all the context they tat is. What they are doing is explaining that these people are of terrible character, and that explains this phenomenon, but they're not seeing is the system has engaged this person the rest of this person, fifteen times convicted them, in times put them in jail for times, nothing worked at all failed they're, not owning that. In other words, when a person is repeat criminal to the tune of dozens of crimes than most of the persons about person is because the system is about system which is totally wild, and is it any shock that homicides this year in Philadelphia are up thirty percent compared to the same time period last year? It should not be in San Francisco district attorney, trace about and pledge during his campaign that certain quality of life crimes, including what urination would not be prosecuted by his office or people being freely in and doing heroin on the streets of San Francisco Sol Great balance. July. Twenty nineteen, twenty nineteen interview that he would challenge
the legitimacy of laws by not bringing certain charges. He said the types of charges, a dna declines to bring, has a ripple effect and changes the culture of a community setting prostitution as an example of a crime he would not prosecute. He said he would not prosecute contraband charges that originated as minor traffic infractions. Also he stopped using gang affiliation status in sentencing enhancement, so makes it easier for gangs really solid stuff and major cities across the United States. And then we were, why why in the world is crime increasing across the board? Why we're getting rid of the cops? And meanwhile we have DA's or pledging openly that they want to allow criminals to run roughshod through cities? What why it's just into also puzzling its super duper puzzling. The New York Times in fact, had a headline yesterday wondering openly what could have created this violence in Chicago. I mean it's just it's so confusing. It's a mystery wrapped in Enigma mean its wow
we want. We need Sherlock Holmes on this one. According to the New York Times, Chicago police arrested more than a hundred people after looting batteries downtown. This was just yesterday also demonstrators have March through Chicago to protest. Police misconduct reported the New York Times in many neighborhoods gun. Violence has been unrelenting, soaring levels not seen in decades. The corona virus pandemic is resurging. Now sickening hundreds of people a day, then early Monday, more hundreds of people, spurred by a police shooting and by calls on social media, to take action in the gleaming heart of the city converge a magnificent milestones most famous shopping district they broke windows, looted stores and clash with the police. A chaotic and confusing seen that prompted city officials to briefly raise bridges, downtown and halt nearby public transit to stem the Just two people were shot. At least thirteen police officers were injured. Apparently, people were literally on the upper levels of buildings and they were throwing planters it down on the heads of cops intricate. Ok, which is us all with a deadly weapon. Events
silently played into a broader political dynamic of the season in which president from has regularly portrayed Chicago is a poorly govern hotbed of violent crime, yet about how Trump protracted it's not that it's a poorly govern happen, a violent crimes. The trunk keeps preferring it that way. That's the real issue here, Republicans pounce pouncing mere lorry light for, Democrat, expressed fury over the violence and ordered limited access to downtown starting on Monday evening. Apparently, they shut down miracle that they shutdown magnificent mile, but like eight p m and six, a m which is really good for business. Obviously, Lightfoot still said we don't need federal fruits in Chicago period, full stop that everything is is still earth. Install Kay, said news, France were waking up in shock this morning. What occurred downtown and in surrounding communities was abject criminal behaviour pure and simple. Oh was it, I wasn't what about mayor lorry life. It was asked, for example, like maybe it's because you guys refused who actually stop crime, that crimes rising inner city. Jill exacerbating stop beating US media, stop that
it almost sounds as though you were saying this is. The reason we have it is because the courts and the prosecutors we're not doing their job that they were going to easy on the looters from the last time round and they take it from me. There must be some data us, ok, I've been a stump, do not pay us. This is a serious situation. More concerned about their safety. I love that superintendent was about to stop step in and you like. Yes, that's exactly what we're Saint Maur thing: you guys keep letting criminals out of jail and that we are being held I'm from doing their job and then lorry Lightfoot is like separating us. Stop it. You don't need to stop beating us right now. That's on baiting as an honest question. By the way aren't those attacks on offer Every time from gets a little bit mad at the media every time he gets a little uppity with the media trump. Then everybody's, Wow, that's an attack on a free press, lorry Lightfoot. There should stop beating us when somebody asked for a perfectly logic, question about her own garbage policies, air as well
that's lorry life. It's like sleigh, we'll get some more of it. Secondly, by the weather, Chicago police superintendent. For his part, he was asked about the zoo disappear criminality. This has nothing to do with social justice, so I'll get to that in here he was here was yesterday. Four hundred officers were despatched to our downtown. As the author arrived to our downtown first incident, happened at a stored near the eighty and and Dan ran expressway. Soon car caravans we're headed to the loop. This was not an organised protest, rather this was an incident of pure criminality. This was an act of violence against them. Police officers and against our city, but don't worry if we ask why that happened. Nasa you will see from the New York Times. People are puzzle, puzzle, How could any of this have happened? because major cities means that when you remove the cops and ITALY criminals, they can have rate over the city. Bad things happen unto mystery. No one understands guys
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he's remain high because of fears of recovered and his bouts of civil unrest earlier. The summer have also kept crowds. Low, Reverend Corey Brooks a pastoral Chicago's outside that these last few months have been tremendously difficult for people. People are hurting financially emotionally psychologically. There's a lot of suffering going on what happened last night sets us back even more. It's so confusing it so compute. What could have happened in the light of day. There were many questions over whether the by have resulted because of different versions of what happened in this police shooting, okay, here's what happened! There's this one year old, is ally. There's a report that he's running around the gun, the cops arrived, he tried to shoot them and then they shot him. That's what happen quickly. Rumour started going around that they had shot a fifteen year old, who was unarmed, and then people like you know it it particularly to go, smash and grab some stuff over in the middle of Chicago Loop, but it's so mysterious some Asturias. How could this will happen? I mean, aside from a media that will immediately jump on any store
of a black person being shot by the police and not wait for any of the details to come out and a political class, though repeal lies about situations like that I mean Joe Biden yesterday was literally retreating. Lies about Michael Brown, stuff in Saint Louis K, Michael Brown, it's been found by multiple investigations, including the Obama, Deejay attacked a police officer and then try to attack a policeman. Again before he was shot and instil a democratic. Factotum has become this idea that Michael Brown was an innocent who shot in cold blood with his hands up it is, which is not true, so the combination of the media that is deeply irresponsible on racial issues and deeply irresponsible on the shootings that police sometimes are forced to do and a democratic party infrastructure there repeats open lies about what happens under many circumstances. That combination combined again a deeply irresponsible media, the pretence that writing, including our legitimate from a protest and Democratic Party that is willing allow criminality contract. I can't imagine how that Hetty brew result
didn't rising crime, that is devastating cities across the country. Detroit police, you by the way saying the same thing so crime is up in Detroit, which again coming up in Detroit, is, is like saying that the sun rises in the morning in crimes always up and for the fact that it up even more nephritis is disquieting. Try to police chief Ganem James Craig. He said you know it's been happening here of these false narratives perpetuated by criminals and then repeat about media, which of course is right things that we saw here in Detroit, almost purely similar to what happened last night in Chicago False narrative was perpetrated by these criminals very quickly. Decayed today unarmed team was shot, and they incur for people come downtown. Lewd The one similarity is the criminals. Try to do the same thing here in Detroit about three weeks ago, when our officers were fired upon and we ended up using deadly force they put out a false nearer. We shall, in an african american man seated on his porch,
totally fast. Ok, What do you mean? You don't know about these things? Nothing all they do. Is they just light? A fire all of this, and then, if you say you know what we need more cops, we need to stop the crime, then you're the bad guy. Now here's the thing: it's not just conservative people saying this as it turns out there are lots of People who live in cities would like to see more cops in fact, eighty. According to recent gullible eighty one percent of Black Americans, They want to see at least the same level, policing or more policing in their communities. That is not. The narrative you're here from the media has happened, originate from Democrats. That's way get all these white woke idiots in Seattle, basically forcing the black female police chief out of her job and see My word noting in a huge number of America's major cities, if not a majority, a very large minority of the police forces itself minority in Lhasa endless where the police are constantly criticised. The majority of the police forces minority in one can you see a majority of the police forces minority in your city about fifty
the police forces minority in Chicago about fifty percent police force minority like what what are you talking about here The cops are systemically racist and we remove the cops in the criminals should be allowed free rein and then the crime rates go up in everybody's. Like mystery mystery. How could it happen? The only people who don't like the stuff are the people who actually have to live in these areas. At a certain point, there can have to stop voting for four damned morons if they want to have their city back he's. Otherwise, as I am more more frequently quoting each romanian here, the american people get what they did of good and hard. If you keep voting for the same politicians who do this kind of crap, then you shouldn't be Sir when they are breaking into the nicest areas of your city and smashing grabbing things and shooting people in the poorest parts of the city. It's more of this in just one second, first, let us talk about how hiring can be kind of complicated these days we are looking for a job. It's a pretty rough job market. That means that you, need to be notified of a job that are eligible for, like ACE happen, if an employer new
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maybe what a leg survey that, as opposed to surveying report, the heavily white population of than your terms editorial board. Maybe we should stop asking Krugman about policing in the inner cities, and maybe we should start asking you know the impoverished person living in a crime ridden area who just wants a job and to raise their children in safety. Well done. Mainstream media well done. Miss Gibson said they wanted cops in the community that already excessive force, but they want to be safe as they go to the store Miss Gibson is not a conservative politician and speaking on behalf of an affluent district she's in the borough Black Democrat, who represents the West Bronx. Her stance reflects a growing ideological rift over policing in one of the country's LE robust It is a clash across racial, ideological and generational lines that is, dividing blackened latino council members in New York City. The discord illustrate how complicated the nation struggle with his legacy of racial oppression and discriminatory Policing has become merla know. What really reflect is the fact that media refused to cover the fact. The cops generally do a very, very good job and keep people safe, which is why
It is an eight to two proposition in black community, same number of police or more as an eighty, twenty proposition. Nothing. If you just watch the media, of a house you, don't you think it's an eighty twenty proposition, the other way the black Americans are desperate to get the cops out. That is not correct. It has not been correct for decades a what I ve been justifiable at a time when the cops we're literally an instrument of racial oppression, particularly in the gym cross out. It has not been true for decades in the United States, when the chief methodology of relieving poverty is ensuring that people can go to work at store being robbed that their kids can go to school without being shot by a gang member lorry combo. A black council woman from Glenn, whose a majority leader compared caused to deepen the police. Colonization pushed by white progressive, correct correct, is abundantly ass, hat White woke leftists or pushing palace that hurt disproportionately minority populations. Robber, Carnegie, junior black helmsman called the movement
medical gentrification, mayor, Rasp, Morocco of Newark, New Jersey, called you funding the police, a bourgeois liberal solution for addressing systemic crisis of yeah, no Nobler Sherlock career during the debate, blackened latino council members, representing both poor and middle class communities of color, including Brownsville Brooklyn in Jamaica, Queens. One is take a measured approach to cut measured approach to cutting the police budget white progressives alive, with some Gino council, members from gentrifying and racially makes neighbourhoods, and two black council members called for more aggressive reductions and reforms. Of course, of course they did so. The people who are least affected by bad policy are the ones who are calling for the greatest change. Who could have predicted such a thing? We definitely need to hear from upper class communist mayor build a blog yo. Talking about the needs of lower income, black Americans living in a high crime gang infested areas. Quite clearly, we need it we build the plaza we must. I we need to hear from the all white team over the nation on this. Well, when you you're from the daily goes very, very important stuff by
thirty, two to seventeen vote. The council, with Mr Bildt, applause YO support eventually passed. Eighty eight point: two billion dollar budget that included a reduction in police funding. The one billion dollar cut was The cosmetic moving responsibility from the pity to other agencies. The size of the forceful barely changed as the New York Times. Nearly all the no votes were cast by white conservatives oppose reductions. Or white, and once you know, council members, one deeper cuts, Corey Johnson Council speakers said he would prefer to cut more, but he wanted to defer was black and lets. You know how who raised concerns about the safety of their neighbourhoods of quantitative heard them. Why, when you Greece, the funding for cops, that's what you need. Help became honestly how it became a controversial proposition that high crime areas require more police officers, its dereliction of media duty, but that is what we ve been watching, because the narrative matters far far more than the reality of people living lives. In health and happiness guaranteed the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, it remains an absolutely incredible feet, the bubbles
machination, but so many white woke left us have been able to completely ignore the actual needs that every american citizen deserves for law and order. It isn't wanderers racist Logan one or is the way you prevent predation depredation again, all Americans in just a second warning, to this our news from Russia, Russia is now saying that they have vaccine for covert. Suffice it to say that I have doubts. I have some doubts we'll get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about a great gift, something great the you'd get for her parents know I'm not talking about the latest party, be album, I'm talking about something fantastic! You can do for your family Member family families great! I'm talking about legacy box to super simple mail in service to have all your video tapes, camcorder tapes, film, reels pictures. Julie preserved and a thumb, Dr Dvd or the cloud our families, memories traps on an old, camcorder or film reels, one last time at the: U popped out, a cam quarter, Cosette Meanwhile, those old age, ass things and they put in a vcr your own. Any those things anymore instead need almost
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national interest in presenting itself as the leader, on the other, bleeding edge of fighting covered, Vladimir Putin in the pricing fashion announced that he'd injected his own daughter with this thing, which, given the history, the russian leaders and their treatment In children is not supremely surprising, Putin said well announcing the approval, is to adult daughters was already inoculated. He said the vaccine, when the necessary tests and wishing to provide Asking immunity to covered russian authorities have to this point, offered zero prove to back up their claims of safety or effectiveness. He says: no, it is proven efficient and one's a stable immunity. He's in Russia and other countries, sound an alarm. They said you haven't been, have like a phase three trial. Yet there is phase one is like Europe, a vaccine phase. Three, as we have widespread human trials, they have not done that like at all fast tracked: approval romantic Russia, the leader in the vaccine, raise logistics, consumers of vaccines, where necessary, danger said Russia's association of Clinical trials organisation. They urge the government to postpone clear
the vaccine without completing advanced trials, vaccine developed by the gum alliance, Moscow use a different virus. The common cold causing a dental virus has been modified. Carry genes for despite protein, their coats, the corona virus as a way to prime the body to recognise if a real combination Affectionate comes along that a similar to the vaccines being developed by Oxford University and Ashura Seneca, while we're gonna find out in a pretty short or whether this thing works or whether Russia is just rushing out and untested vaccine in order to quote unquote when the race rush apparently going to inject all its healthcare workers. With this thing, so that's a little scary. Another reason why Russia is not, in fact, a wonderful place to live. Meanwhile, there's some There is talk now about. You know how we actually live with this thing, how we live with it, because the reality
is that even a vaccine is developed, you dont know there will be a hundred percent effective. We don't know how many people will take it. We don't know how long it will be effective for there's. A lot of questions here are people are a bit about the possibility of a vaccine, the Gormans actual suggesting yesterday that the vaccine would be developed by cue to obtain twenty one. While ass, I checked the calendar, it is only Q, three right now, twenty twenties, that is a long time we're supposed to basically what hide in our houses and how're in silence and that's really silly- I've been pointing out four months month by month at this point that there is a vast difference between if your twenty and get covert and you are aiming to go over to get aid you're eating a carbon, solid chancet kills you if you're twenty India covered gain dying from its statistics, speaking in number of people have died from covered at a twenty is minute. It is my note, in fact, if you compare the the chances of death at age, eighty from covered to the chances of death for each
prior twenty years, just cut it by about ten times. So your ten times less likely did. I have covered of your sixty then, if your eighty you're one hundred times less likely that I have covered if you're forty than if your eighty anymore, one thousand times less likely to dive Colbert, if your twenty then, if your eighty, which is to say for twenty or not, statistically speaking, another covered by it, their rare occasions in which people will die of covered at the age of twenty two pretend this act as some sort of rationale for Putting down society for a twenty year old is utterly not it's really not end We should also be very sceptical of people who suggests the one in twenty one gets covered in then doesn't die of covert and is basically fine of covered. Something terrible has happened when a young person obtains covered and doesn't infect somebody old. Something good has happened. The person is now presumably immune to covet, which means they can pass it is so they did. The media have been treating it as though each additional diagnosed cases in and of itself a disaster. If a fifteen year old is diagnosed with carbon and doesn't
somebody who's vulnerable and then has called for a week that is not on. At the end of the world, something good as happened. We have moved toward her community. I know we're not supposed to talk about her immunity, but there's some pretty evidence that hurt. Immunity has already been reached. In Sweden, for example, there there's a there's a pretty good there's. It there's pretty good evidence that Sweden got it right. Ok, so the death numbers, in Sweden are not good. The reason is that numbers in Sweden or not, that is because they didn't protect our nursing homes properly at the very beginning. But if you look at their day anti cases in their day to day deaths at this point and they never shut down. Then what you see is that Sweden is actually now in Greece. Shape. Sweden is now an excellent, even as I say they have now been dropping fairly precipitously in the rankings of death per million population. So about Sweden's darling near the top of the list. Sweden is now number eight. They rank just above Chile and the United States and five hundred seventy one deaths per million, but their stagnant, which means they're gonna
there. Now Brazil will surpass them at the United States, will probably surpass them. At some point, France, I think we'll probably surpassed in Mexico are probably surpass them. The Netherlands may or pass them depending on how this thing washes through the population. Bottom line is the evidence from pretty much everywhere. Is that what happens? This then washes through the population either protect those who are vulnerable or you do not, and it's pretty much. The only choice you have right now the daily new cases in Sweden. They ve been stagnant daily new cases. Yesterday in Sweden, a hundred and thirty nine one hundred and thirty nine cases in Sweden Daily New debts in Sweden, we do for the last couple of weeks, one two three one: zero one, one to Kate, so Sweden's curve looked exactly like. You would expect when you return immunity because they didn't shut down and guess what Mass going in Sweden is actually not much worthing been doing some social distancing now to ask wearing its below ten percent of the population. Where's mask does not okay
These were a mask when you're in a public area a crowded areas, Sweden has much healthier population and younger population than the United States. Typically speaking, the rule about masks is that it has meant basically to protect other people from your disease, so have covered you're, protecting somebody who is sixty and obese, where you're protecting grandma from and that's a good thing. That's a good thing: you're, honest loaves of bread, but the notion that we have to prevent twenty year old from going to parties or the twenty year old partying, we saw over the weekend lorry Lightfoot getting very mad. There is some sort of algae Bt Party in which there are bunch people out of the park and shut it down and choose weeding out how terrible it was. Meanwhile, the Chicago who was getting completely ransacked it. Nothing horrifying was happening there. Nothing horrifying was bring their if there's a block party with a bunch of twenty year old, who then don't go home and in fact their families and ban. It isn't like why honestly colleges should be open right now called you should be open, and if twenty year old, when a slow, the spread, its lowest bread and if they get it there can we mostly fine, and that is not the end of the world.
Is not the end of the world, Doktor anthology even say: listen, the viruses not disappearing. He says we should work asks to reopen the schools, mainly because we are concerned about kids going home in infecting their parents, but if a fifteen year old gets covered, it is not only not the end of the world, it is not particularly dangerous by any stretch of the imagination Not seen any systemic evidence that suggests that fifteen year olds are a dire threat continually, significant, more likely to die the flu than their dive covered here, Anthony Voucher yesterday, you comfortable with those words. This is disappearing while they would have. In addition to that, we could get it to be. The control, if we do the things that were talking about, but at fifty sixty seventy thousand cases a day. It's not disappearing at the moment. No, it's not should all students in this country, we wear, masks You know, I'm one and said it for so so long David that I really do believe if you, if an end its part of what I call it, a copy, In some way, to really avoid the things that you are just referring to
they should be universal wearing a mast. Ok, so easy. There should be universal mask wearing. Ok, here's beneath men, Chary, Kronos, researchers, the universe, its excess medical branch told and weekend addition that it is unlikely the vaccine is going to be. The end of the world is gonna, be the end of this thing has in fact there is a good chance. The covenant he never fully goes away with or without a vaccine. What does he say? He says but the spread of covert nineteen will eventually be slowed as a result of heard. Immunity is too NPR as we can. In addition, he said, he'd be so eyes if we're still wearing masks and sixty distancing in two or three years. He said in that time the virus will become no more serious than that could become more serious than the common called why almost as though everything that we have been saying here on the anti lockdown right is basically correct. Meanwhile, the media continue to cover Andrew Cuomo by the we'll get to that in a second we'll get to that in just a moment Their new reports, out than Enrico basically had thousands of covert debts in nursing homes, which is we gotta, get Chris on this right away. When
not reporting on giant nasal, swabs furs, brow and we got it. We gotta get Chris on this right away by the way what this doctor says, he says expectation I have is the virus- will actually become the next common cold. But you don't know these common called corona. Viruses is I went through. Similar transition period is, as has been historically important. There is an outbreak associated for transition from some like only forty three, that is the common called kimono. He said there is something now break associated with the transition of that virus from cows to humans, whose very severe and then after a few years the virus became the common cold said in three to five years. You're still getting cover nineteen, a certain populations of people or every few years the expectation is hopefully it will become. The common cold can that'll happen through proper
We something resembling natural heard immunity, send a secular and get to the big tens. The big ten is now talking that shutting down the college football season twenty year old, getting covenant did the healthiest you twenty year olds in America, freight the blend verbal gettin cover. Nineteen is not a threat to them and is not a threat to the country when it gets more of this in just one second first, Let us talk about the fact. It is deeply important for you to protect your online data that people want to blackmail you with your online data. There people want to hack into your online data, and then you steal your credit card number this. Why you need peace, thematic, pc met his next generation antivirus designed to stop modern threats like ran somewhere independence stem from av test just named Pc America's top performer in the cyber security industry, giving it the best performance award for two thousand and nineteen, only peace. Panic has american research development and support peace matter competition is for made often in countries where malware originates, peace, Matic blocks, annoying militias ads for hassle, free web browsing and makes your computer's faster and more reliable. Even after years of use, these manic protects windows, computers, including expiate Vista.
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So alarm ism leads to incredibly stupid policy. The big time is now talking about completely cancelling their football season. According to the Detroit Free Press, the big ten is expected to cancel. Its fall college football season in a historic move that stems from concerns related to the covert pandemic. It's done one high ranking source in the big tens had Monday afternoon. Sources said the president's one favor Sunday of not playing sports in the conference. This fall Michigan and Michigan State, which both have physicians as president, were among the schools in favour of not playing according to source multiple sources and early Monday morning President's voted twelve to to do not play this fall, but the big ten Monday afternoon no official boat had taken place down, Patrick who first report the twenty two, set on his ray. I shall Iowa Nebraska, where the two schools in favour of playing Jim harboured by the wasted the college football should be played. He says like these are all young, healthy people, coaches and players in the conference, including
Jim Harbour, a higher states, Ryan Dana Brass, has got frost. I was U Core back just in fields have lobbied for this using to commence days it swinging as hard as we possibly can right now for these players. This isn't over harbour, put out hashtags hashtag. We want to play and hashtag. We want a coach on Monday afternoon. Yes can college football analysed curbs retreated to be clear regarding big ten football in their impending announcement there looking to delay the start of the season not to cancel the Chicago Tribunal around noon, a topical big, ten source, texted, no decisions have been made, but it is pretty obvious that this is the direction in which they are moving. This is frankly, incredibly dumb, but the fact is that a bunch of of twenty year olds playing football, presumably within some sort of bubble, and some of them get covered. That is not its not that there there on a campus, ok they're, not in contact with their parents, not going home and being with Grandma Trevor Lawrence husband, winning
back he put out a tweet, that's had hashed, I would want to play. It is what we want. We all play football. The season establish universal mandated health and safety procedures and protocols to protect college athletes against cover nineteen, among all conferences, The UN's you double, I give players the opportunity to opt out respect their decision the eligibility, whether a player chooses to play the season or not use our voices to establish in communication and trust between players and officials ultimately create a college football players, association representative of the players of all power, five at conferences, all that is good and president from second in the motion he treated this out. He also treat our play college football and Doktor Scott ATLAS of Stanford, who is an expert, is more of an expert than members of the media, yesterday, college football players are not address and that there are virtually zero arrest. This, of course, is exactly right. We're talking about people who are physic, specimens who are really super young people. Young people, that age without a court Mobility have
Julie zero risk from this, we have, they again become rational. Here the risk for people there It is less than seasonal Influenza Armenia. To really look at the data, and you again, you can't say it's all about the science and then act contrary to science delays of perfect situation here, but we are going to ignore the science, because we all have to pretend that if a twenty year old its carbon nineteen. It is the worst thing that has ever happens that person, even though again the chances of dying from covenant. Teenage twenty are worse than the chance to the imminent I flew at age. Twenty. Meanwhile, we are still being told by them. At the end requirement was a great governor. The gas leading from the media uncovered is absolutely insane insane. I totally crazy. We now know, according to the eighty noort true nursing home death toll, quote in secrecy cloaked in secrecy, why? I was told that runs since the bad guy in this little morality play we ve been doing and that an Cuomo was the good guy. Remember he even
neither a creepy paper machine mountain of death and he stood next to it. And then you lectured people with his wall of masks, some for something from a horror film and then you put together we're poster, but the boyfriend clapped remember that and that I was the hero he was. The hero of the story will now turns out that probably one third of all the people who died in New York state died in nursing homes, because this tool, bad decided, was great idea to ship people who are covered positive nursing homes and then covered up the numbers, according to the Abbey Riverdale Nursing Home in the Bronx, appears on paper to have escaped the worst of the corona virus pandemic, with an official state Council just for debts in its one hundred and forty six bad facility The truth, according to the home, is far worse. Twenty one dead, most transported to hospitals before they become skating, affected administrator Amelia, whose eye off one after the other New York, scroll of on the nursing homes already among the highest in the nation could actually be significant under count on, like every other stay with major outbreaks New York, only councillors,
and who died on nursing home property and not those who are transported task rose and died there. So he called the hospital bring an ambulance in the person died. Five and. Later in the ambulance didn't count as a nursing home death in New York, because in Rwanda has to cover up the stats. That statistic could add thousands to the state's official care home death, of just over sixty six hundred. So far Andrew Coma has refused to divulge the number. That's the problem: Bro State, Senator Gustave, Rivera Demo, told me, your health commissioner, Howard's accords are in the legislative and by the way, Cuomo said yesterday, we don't need an independent investigation into my hand. Wing of this I handle the great. I don't think we need an independent investigation who could have predicted this from the world's greatest governor having a difference, make since May. Federal regulators have required nursing homes to submit data on kimono virus Dat's each week. Whether Residents died the facility to hospital because the requirement came after the height of New York outbreak. The available data is relatively small, even have half the UN recount held true from the start,
and I think, translate into thousands, more nursing home resident debts and the state has acknowledged, say health department, surveys show twenty one thousand nursing home better like empty this year. Thirteen thousand more than expected as an increase of almost double the whole state, nursing home that Sally so could be up to. Thirteen thousand people died in the nursing homes that has not stopped crisscross Andrew remote from being a damned liar. He said Look at the basic, that's where New York is verses, other states, the briefing on Monday. On Monday, you look at where New York is the percentage of nursing of debts. It's all the way, the bottom of list, yet when you about it. That's what happens! When you lie about it, that's what happens: bossing University, geriatrics expert, Thomas Proto, whatever the cow or whatever the cause, there's! No! I, then yours, nursing, home resident doubts are only twenty percent of the total. That's that's obviously untrue. So
We ve been told round his hand his engage in a cover up you not their data in Florida is much better than they did in your. We ve been told the intercourse greatest drop. It was not and then just to make sure that nobody can actually speak openly about this Jenny, Jean Conniston. Rather on Fox news. We does some of the weather over there. She had a mom who died in a nursing home facility in New York and she was going off on and requirements hand. Of the economist pandemic. She was invited to testify before the New York State legislature about the covert handling in New York in then choose uninvited because they're afraid of you might say about the garbage governor of New York. Enrico here is generating assemblymen cabin boy. I was the one that was. Emailing me back and forth in saying that he was talking to the chair and that the chair said absolutely she'll get her day on August. The tenth today and then I was pleased to hear something over the weekend. I never did and I was told that I was taken off the list you know
I can only guess at this point I think it went higher is in the chair. I think that it was an Cuomo poor administration, but decided that they didn't want my voice to be heard and she's exactly read about I mean. Obviously, the media are fully invested in the cover up of Andrew, almost garbage governance and require mostly invested in that cover up as well, adjective round. His answers were fully foreign hiding thousands of deaths in nursing homes. We could pretend they protected the nursing homes like four. Hiding it and everybody knows it, and then the media, but gave here afforded weeks later, even talk about what I mention this on the show like a four month ago, price six weeks ago, on the show I mentioned, the fact in New York was now counting as nursing home to have people died outside the nursing home, but got covert inside a nursing home. It meanwhile freedom of the media doing heavy lifting on behalf of the Democrats, so Democrats continue to prevent any sort of deal from being cut to provide it some form of relief to the american people in the middle, the middle of a global pandemic, where governments across the country have
basically been shutting down people from working better way worth noting that when we talk about the differential in how states have treated this thing, there has been a pretty widespread differential on unemployment rate by states in the United States and is pretty obvious that it has to do with the treatment of covert some in Tennessee, which which really didn't try downfall Tennessee their unemployment rate, is like four point, six percent right now that those last I saw yesterday, what you are saying is unemployment rates by states. It is fairly obvious which states are seeing massive increase in unemployment, and it's all the ones that decided to do the full scale, lockdown full scale automatic, I'm looking at the stats right now this from the bureau you're? U S! Bureau of Labour statistics, jars Kentucky! Can Turkey's June twenty twenty Rachel Kentucky and introduce Kentucky been shut down. Instead, they did the social too
saying the mathematics of Kentucky their June. Twenty twenty unemployment rate is four point: three percent. You talk then shut down five point: one percent, Idaho, didn't shutdown, five point: six percent, North Dakota didn't shutdown, six point: one percent maintenance, on six point: six percent of Global Nebraska Montana, South Dakota. None them shut down. Six point: six, six point: seven, seven point one at some point: you ok! Now, let's look at the states that handle this the absolute worst. Ok, let's look at the states like Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, California, the unemployment rate, Massachusetts to seventeen point four percent in New Jersey. At sixteen point, six percent in New York is fifteen point. Seven percent in California is fourteen point nine percent in Michigan. It is fourteen point, six percent, no annoyance. Fourteen point, six percent in Hawaii its thirteen point, nine percent of the words the harsh lockdown, which did not prevent death and it didn't they made the latest allow but did not prevent up ass, an pre, significant
the consequences, but we're all supposed to pretend that lockdown, where the solution here it's pretty incredible than the media narrative is here, is pretty incredible. So meanwhile, while republicans try to actually push out, sums were released Bell for people who are unable to work. Thanks to the government. Crackdowns democrats continue to put out there trillions, infringements of dollars and unnecessary spending. So much Mcconnell pointed out the senator from Kentucky. He pointed out that across our now pushing bills, though it incentivize people to stay home according to a variety of studies. Democrat bill would basically pay four out of five Americans more not to work and to work for a continued through the end of twenty. Twenty here is metrical therefrom, fervor we are in an reopening the pay people more if they all blended Democrats, so they saw the point and we're happy. Gonna go
it on earth, the sooner centre from Maryland said quote. We certainly understand we don't want to have a higher benefit, then what someone can make working? No, but speaker and the democratic labour overrule them no deal no deal. For appropriate mortify. All meanwhile touch humor is, is getting me run of the media for suggesting that Macao was being political sea could, like last week, centre rapporteur, suggests violent, just extend unemployment by like a week like a week, but you can do what we did for like a month. Who do that democratic, no Hiroshima, saying automatic. Mitch, Mcconnell, being political, its schools, its businesses, its renters, its homeowners, its essential workers, its post office, its elections, state local, governments, our health care system? Mcconnell doesn't seem to understand this. He sees everything through a political ends, but we do the cracks are looking at the real needs of people
and their large, and that is why we called for a large bill. It was needed is needed and my own cities, Volvo level relief package, it pretty much. Everybody agreed on it a trillion dollars a trillion dollars toward the media II programme will provide literally their entire job, just to provide cover for Democrats like Chuck, humor and and and Andrew glamour is pretty incredible- already we'll be back here later today with two additional hours contents. Otherwise, we will see you here tomorrow, I'm bench beer this is the Shap uneasy if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread the word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily where podcast, including he Andrew Craven, show
it Michael moles shelf and that won't show thanks for listening, debenture bureau, show, is produced by Coltan Hoss executive producer, Jeremy, boring supervising producer math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant director why dusky technical producer, often Stevens play back in media operated by Nick. She him associate producer Katie's Winterton, edited by Adam Sigh of its audio is mixed. I might call Romena hair and make up is by Nikko Neither the bench of Euro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty Everyone is Andrew, Craven hosting the Andrew Play, show reality likes back as democratic leaders, We should admit that violence is actually violence and one hears money plus we'll talk, but a truly excellent. Documentary about Roger Ales, the founder of Fox NEWS on the Andrew claimant, show.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-11.