« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1058 - Very Tremendous Law And Order


Trump deploys the feds to quash violence in America’s major cities as Democrats protest; Joe Biden says Trump is the first racist president; and Leftists chide parents for wanting to educate their kids during a pandemic.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President trumped deploys the feds to quash bonds in America's major cities. As Democrats protest, Joe Biden has Trump is the first racist president ever and left his tribe parents flooring to educate their kids during a pandemic. Adventure girl. This is the benchmark, show the bench a parachute sponsored by expressing deep, can protect your online privacy today, an express vps, dotcom, Slash Ben well there. There too penance different narratives that are emerging in the United States are not talking about just ideological narratives emerging in the United States. I mean to actual views with the fact. What happens with actual the other is the view that you're getting from the media- and I say this advisedly- because I'm not one of those people- goes around saying the media, the enemy of the people. I don't like that sort of resolution, but I have never seen the media gaslight quite as hard as they
they have for the past four months in this country. It's just it's beyond it and say that the media has all always driven perverse narratives on the basis of no fat, and they do this on a fair on a very regular basis, but they still have some tenuous grasp of reality. It is rare to see the fact so blatantly staring you in the face and the media telling you that what we are seeing is not real the media telling you. We can believe us or your eyes. Over the past several months we have heard from the media that Andrew Cuomo is an incredible governor of New York. Has tens of thousands of people died? We have heard from the media that violent, looting and writing was not happening, but these will cortical mostly peaceful protests and that the protesters and the riders looters were completely separate. But if you say riding and looting or bad you're actually attacking the protesters, we have heard the media claim that things are fantastic in Seattle, chop Chaz. We heard that it was paradoxical. It was what
careful out there. How dare you try to shut down the street there? We have heard that enormous protest of literally millions of people in the streets in the middle of a pandemic was not a public health threat directly after hearing that Anti lockdown protest or a public health, or it may have freely, never seen anything like it, the media over the past several months and again they bought stories before it should have done this on an individual level. They did with Cavanaugh, for example, is it with Covington Catholic heads, but the extraordinary extent, which nearly every story that is being reported right now is not in any way. Reflective of the underlying facts is pure and inexperience. Hannity. Most obvious example of this is what is happening in Portland right now
So in Portland things are really bad. They are now in the fifty six. A rolling rioting and writing is what is happening in Portland. Ok, it is not a peaceful place. It is not a wonderful place, you can look at the footage. Can you move the Portland unrest, footage five and you can see what exactly is going on in front? People are firing, fireworks cheer gas has been deployed, protesters are, are breaking down barriers there approaching the cops wearing bicycle helmets and and tear gas masks and they're using umbrellas Anne and would barriers to shield themselves from from the cops that people can see them. There lies in the federal court House gives this look like a peaceful protests you this is like a riot because that's what it It is a right and just get some more in the back of the crowd. Holding up a group of balloons does not mean that this is happening we need time, and if you could see the footage, what you would see is graffiti all over the place, you can see that the federal building has been completely defence,
and people have been injured in Portland as well. It overnight. Portland writers set fire to the courthouse, as well as another, think of it. It there's plenty of them doing so. The Portland writers, the police yesterday right, we shall run by marriage had wheeler over that the police. There's footage of them warning the crowd that you're gonna have to use your gas. If they don't disperse, and this is being portrayed as like a big nothing. This is okay. This is purely purely nuts, it so bad that you end up with these to meditate struggles. I Shan T I will say this is part of this I enjoy is the politicians who are allowing this stuff to go on then being went up by the protesters I really enjoying this. So this happened in Seattle, we're marriage. Any organ basically allowed chopped has to go on for weeks at a time and people are getting shot their Julie. It's no big deal
ST their gas, and then they went to our house and intellect shook this thing down right now. It was pretty great when the mayor of Minneapolis who'd allowed half his city to be burned down, went in. Dependency in front of protesters and was screamed yet for not being warm enough towards funding the police having a full on struggle session, Bulgaria to hang assign around his neck. In the whole thing over in this, of Minneapolis, that one will yesterday had Wheeler decided that he was up for his to meditate on organ of public broadcasting. So the mayor shows up in downtown Portland. Would deprive protesters and the riders and he proceeds to be called a fascist which is just spectacular stuff. It truly is. It is great stuff more of this. Please, it turns out. Humanity is eminently watchful, Here's mayor ten Wheeler being ripped up and down by the protesters he's allowing to terrify in terrorized the city
the coming ten wheeler of ashes, I'm pretty sure that shutting down the entire city of Portland, because you just feel like burning crap, exert terrible person, that's a little more fascist than ten wheeler allowing you to do it, although he is act, I mean he's enabler here. He's the Vichy France. Europe in this is that it's pretty incredible but tat. We, the band I remembered the revolution always needs its own. First, that's the way this works. Revolutions rarely take on the strongest folks instead, they really like taking on the weakest and had wheeler is the weakest. Though the Mare Minneapolis was the weakest. Jenny. Jerkin was the weakest. Ok, so all this stuff is going on with the burning down portions of Portland and their screaming and admire that he's a fascist while he forces the police,
You stand there and do nothing, and then we are being told that media that literally nothing's happening everything is good there. This is all peaceful and wonderful. Nothing bad is happening. A Congress person from Portland seems at bloomin. Our he actually testified. Any well of the house. Yesterday is bizarre world book. Indued escape Earl Bloomin, our who looks like as one my producers had yesterday, a refugee from Pee Wee Herman I'll. Take you standing there with his with his large purple poker, dotted bow, tie any lapel pin of a green bicycle. I can you not like some people, whirl of helping the American.
Because they pledge allegiance to the american Flag Urban, our pleasures allegiance to a bicycle. He looks like bill. My the science guy on a bad acid trip anyway, Earl bloom in our midst announced yesterday. There is no Cason, Portland Poof, it's gone in, never really haven't. This is gas lighting? Ok, we see in the village. I just showed you the footage. Here's everything's fine! That's why you're making a big deal out of this. Just as the train burn down the courthouse, one ever fascist, Portland, kooky placement or we do there- is you play hippy guitar and we have vinyl records.
Things I mean come on. It's Portland Portland Oregon is not out of control. To be sure, there are some people who have strong feelings, and there are some who have done things. It are inappropriate and unlawful, but that is the challenge of our local officials in our state officials to manage it not having somebody unwelcome uninvited and unprepared, coming in to take this difficult situation and make it worse. It's all fake guys- and you know how to make you must take his trumps bad right. This is the basic narrative being driven by Democrats, him and left, don't believe, you're lying eyes, believe us, and the reason that you should believe us is because Trump is bad
Susan, its entire case, you shouldn't believe the evidence in front of you. You wouldn't believe the foliage. You wouldn't believe the pure obvious fact that are right in front of your eyes, because many of the people showing you those facts, dont think Trump is the one person in the world and we do think trumpet the worst person in the world. So if you believe Trump is the worst person in the world, you will believe us when we that the protesters and looters and writers in Portland are entirely peaceful and the media minute this crap American up and down its truly amazing is truly amazing. We'll get some more of us in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that you don't really want to go into not apart store right now. In fact, really wanna go do not hurt store ever because the fact is that you wait line and finally get up to the front and asking
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they say so, and here's how rolling stone reports what's happening in Portland you ready, as nightly protests, have dominated downtown Portland for nearly two months. Both local officials and the Trump Administration have attempted to cast the largely peaceful demonstrators as ruffians with suspect political values hell bent on destruction well, first of all, this phrase largely peaceful, mostly peaceful. As I said before, this is just the most glorious phrase over it's just fantastic because most of human history, like by days counted most of human history, has been peaceful sure there have been. You know these periods where hundreds of millions people die, but aside from that, it's mostly peaceful, Johnny Depp, an amber heard there may It seems mostly peaceful, but for most hours of the day she wasn't scrapping in his bed and it wasn't tossing bottles. After me, there were the occasions where she was scrapping is bad and he was passing bottles at it. But you know like, as a percentage of actual time it wasn't like seventy five percent of time.
Ten percent of the time. It was mostly successful, mostly peaceful marriage, mostly peaceful protesters again in this language that would never ever ever be used if they disagreed with the message and protestors when it was the tea party, they claim that the tea party or bunch races terrorists. They could not come up with any evidence of racism at a tea party, protest or violence. Idiocy party protest, the tea party years or picking up their own garbage and throw it in the garbage can, and there are, these guys are out of control. Their control example today Dave Waigel of the Washington Post so waigel he put out a tweeting. It was like ten minutes that open, carry protesters without mass rally to stay capitals and mostly democratic governance, just let them do it until they went away. He said this in response to somebody same why the hell, our democratic politicians, allowing these rights to govern yes, because open carry protesters without masks are not the same as people trying to burn down the court house I mean: can anyone provide evidence of the open carry protesters trying to occupy
entire swathes of cities and bar the police and analyzing entire downtown areas. Is I'm old enough to remember when we shut down the entire damned county of LOS Angeles for weeks on end at six p m, so writers and looters grown roughshod Mailros Boulevard? I'm old enough to remember that, because I am more than four weeks old, my baby is old enough to remember it ensures born at the beginning of March. Is it if you feel
We look you're, goin, crazy right now, you're, not the media have gone crazy. You are the only saying one. You are the only saying one. This is nuts, but it's not relegated only to the coverage of Portland and build a blogger is out there claiming that despite moderator, not his fault in his city, roadsides I'll, just everything's fine guys, he painted something on the street guys. He painted black lives matter in giant, yellow letters on the street problem solved. What's to blame for the spiky mermaids so and build a blog, your cramping all over the police each and every day is I build a blogger defending entire new classes of cadets, which is what happened in New York City is not built because you're getting rid of the Plainclothesman. It isn't buildable as your basically encouraging cops leave the force the bodies has called it is- is to blame for the spiking Margarets covert, which is where the Moraine one on speaking at the beginning of covered, like at all, the moraine started to spike as soon as he started, giving leeway to the writers and looters and cutting the cops. That's when the moderates started. Spike here is giant.
You're, no groundhog murderer. Frankenstein's monster build a blog you talking about how others murder stuff. You know you're worried about getting rid of the cap's it's in your imagination, its cove it. That is the problem, its coverlet the problem. We ve had a very tough few months, no doubt, and it is directly related to the corona virus that dislocation its cause in our society. The fact our court system is not functioning yet so many factors that have been absolutely average for just the last for five months, but we will beat it back as we done that for a quarter century in this city and Joe, the key point is we will do it, we the people in New York City, we need the peoples involved and to make this city safer the anyway Maybe if we ever need any assistance, that's what localities do when they feel they need. Assistance then for that request from locality knows what's right for its people and help the again. You are just at your hearing from people who are attempting to lie to you and gaslight you. So violence has increased in in cities
around the United States as a president from finally said enough is enough, and he deployed the Judge- S department, homeland Security, to protect federal property. Ok, there is statutory authority for the president to deploy force to Portland to protect federal property. Furthermore, there our federal was on the books. Federal agents exist in every major city in the United States there they are largely to enforce laws that have been passed and that are on books about gang violent. I not every crime that happens is in fact a federal crime and so many murders. Somebody in a city- that's not a federal crime, its state crime, the feds, don't really have jurisdiction there, where the feds do have jurisdiction. Is there a lot of laws on the books? They talk about gang activity, specifically the feds very often help local law enforcement investigating gang activity that involves, for example, criminal conspiracy violations that that is where the feds come in there federal investigators underground? Thank you seen them in virtually every tv show, every tv show, there's some sort of murder and suddenly the feds are their defence have been in these for a very long time, but apparently President Trump Staffing up in these areas
lower the murderer. It needs areas where the mayor's refuse to actually do anything to protect their own citizenry. It's very, very, very bad. We're going to president from finally implementing some love of law and order and Democrats taking the other side which, in a normal time, would be just political death for them, but they are counting on american hatred of from so strongly. There are counting on the media hid from firms
strongly that they are hoping that you will ignore the evidence of major cities collapsing right in front of your eyes and be angry at Trump for trying to fix the problem really get to that in just one. Second. First, let's talk about the fact that if you ve got big credit card bills in their racking up month by month, that's not a great way to let you gotta, find responsible way to bring those bills down and get yourself in financial control again. This is why you might want to consider a fixed rate credit card consolidation loan from white stream. You could save thousands of dollars and interest rate started. Five point: nine five percent API with ATO pay an excellent credit that lower than average credit card interest rate of over nineteen percent, a pr can alone from five thousand bucks to a hundred thousand bucks, their absolutely no fees. The application is a hundred per cent on line. You can you get your money in your bank account as soon as the day you apply. White stream believes the people with good credit deserve a better alone experience, that's exactly what they deliver. One customers have, as I heard about lights, rumour listening to one of my favorite Pakistan. It prompted me to do some more research after shopping around for a personal loan. That would help me get
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the law has been using import lender about protecting federal property under federal law. The day just is emboldened empowered to protect federal property and yes, they can arrest people or not directly. Next to the federal properties of they suspect that there was someone trying to burn the courthouse and four blocks away is the person they are allowed to go ass, a person he then their federal laws on the books with regard to, for example, tracking down gang activity, there's been a book for a very, very long time. Translucent, I'm tired of this, I'm tired of watching our. You're cities burn I'm tired of watching fifteen people shot every other day in Chicago I'm sending the feds. Today I am announcing that the Department of Justice will immediately surge federal law enforcement. To the city of Chicago the FBI, eighty of the U S. Marshall service and homeland security will together, be sending hundreds of skilled law enforcement officers to Chicago I'll drive down violent crime;
and murderers and violent criminals are breaking a wide range of federal laws. We have that. It says why does it can be? we will find them arrest them and prosecute them there be in jail for many years to come. That is a good thing if you're law abiding citizen of these cities. I do not know why you would be upset about this. I really dont, if you're wildly exceeding federal authorities every one thing he is not William BAR made this clear, the attorney general. He said what we're talking about. A normal operations to fight crime rate. These have long been under federal purview to pretend they are not if you're get change the law, but the executive branch does have the power to enforce the law. We started using our strong federal laws that permit us to target those who use guns to kill others and those that are involved in gang activity. Coach was to set up anti violent crime task forces in the cities to enforce federal law. It's important distress
The operations were talking about. Are the standard, anti crime fighting activities We have been carrying around the country for decades. This will be adding federal agents to already existing task forces. These are street agents, and investigators will be working to solve mergers and take down violent gangs. He says this is different than the operations and technical team. We used to defend against riots and my violence is pointing out. These are two different laws that are being invoked. He says, will continue my violence, but the operations we're talking about today are very different. Their classic crime fighting so the administration is named. This operation legend, not like MRS Peel legend in due at member states named after an actual four year old boy, whose name is legend to tell affair who shot and killed while he slept in Kansas City shortly before July. Fourth weaken legends family came to be.
Actual unveiling of this policy. There were joined by the family of Jacques Visual, a fifty five rolled grandmother and take care worker from Albuquerque was murdered in her driveway during an attempted carjack, and he pointed out that there are also recognising the tragic murder of a fourteen year old them Bernardo Jones, Junior in Chicago was Play basketball park, one whose senselessly killed by gunshots in four and killed three others. He says to carry out operation. Legend federal law enforcement agencies would be committing additional resources to these cities, including resources from the FBI, the dossier, the bureau, alcohol, tobacco and firearms. U S marshals and their private of homeland security. To date, we sent over two hundred federal agents to Kansas City unveiled this thing early earlier this month. There's wrapping it up now we're directing a comparable amount to augment Chicago's existing violent crime is in its initiatives. We are providing more than thirty five agents to Albuquerque.
There also providing financial assistance to state and local law enforcement in these particular areas. They made three point: five million dollars in federal funding available to the city of Chicago to compensate local law enforcement for overtime equipment and other expenses, because this is not enough relation of law. Nor is it really an extension of anything that the federal government has not done before. The media, however, are treating this as absolute that MRS fascism from fascism was trending, Astrid Antwerp, he so it's not fascism. When you take over an entire european city and threatened burn everything to the ground screaming you're mayor when he comes to talk to you about stopping it. That's our fascism. Fascism is when the federal government uses exists the authority to shut down riding looting and murdering cities. Apparently, and the media are just wonderful- does so media literally ass trump. If there is any doing this is to distract from coal is that what you're saying on street is not happening. It's gone, but the only reason trumpeting this is to distract from covered by the way which would be. Most idiotic strategy ever is anyone's distracted from covered. Who do you know he's distracted from covered radio here as president from answering this question,
when you look at you gotta and you look at the job mirror Lightwood send me a letter yesterday and in their own way. They want us to go in there, ll be a time when they gonna want us to go in full blast. But right now we sending extra people to health were resting, a lot of people that have been very bad as or is the corona viruses. As you say, I think we ve done some amazing things, and I think you'll probably see that if you compare our statistics to other countries and in the question itself, as is idiotic cocaine just a second one, get to the left response to president from sending in the feds to help local law enforcement to enforce federal law. Already on the books, to say there are perfectly willing to allow people to one roughshod through their city so long as it means owning the cons owning the kind I bring genuine cities is definitely take, but that's what we're seeing right now. First on to talk to you about your internet freedoms. The fact is that a lot of people after your data, big tech, they love you data. They loved to use that data will have to make money
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the bill to YO giant weirdo, Frankenstein's monster six for nine years. Haug murderer. The son of SAM Groundhog, build the plaza she said. I would sue to stop Trump from intervening in our violent crime. We must we must allow the violent crime to continue This present blasters and bluffs and says he's gonna do things and they never materialised on a regular basis. So first we should not overrate his state they are so often not true Secondly, we try to do it. It would only create more problems, it will backfire, wouldn't make us safer, and we would immediately take action in court to stop it My point of view this will be yet another example of illegal and unconstitutional actions by the president, and we have often had to confront him in court and we usually win, so he is going to sue trumped to stop him from actually implementing the law. Meanwhile, lorry Lightfoot, whose an awful awful mayor of Chicago and who has basically been allowing shootings
place in her city, Willy nilly she said yesterday, the real reason the trump is is doing. This is because he's targeting women, which is I, however, thank you. Sending federal troops are not really trip. You sitting federal law enforcement to Portland, which is run by a white man, he's talking about sending federal law enforcement to places like cast city. I am not aware that the mayor of cities one. Maybe maybe it had been pretty sure that that is not that. That is not the reason why the President of the United States to sending somebody the mayor of two of Kennedys men and Quinson Lucas, a black, is she says this is really about trunk targeting women two. Apparently the fact that she's, a garbage mayor in her city is turning into a hellhole from his only sending be fed because he doesn't like women or some such nonsense. This is so tiresome it so tiresome what you think people in Chicago we're getting shot at every week. I have to say about their idiot mare, who thinks the region
venture coming in it because, from his mean the Ladys, the president has been on a campaign now for some time against democratic mares across the country. Were there me whether its crucial lands bottoms in Atlanta weathers me oh Bouser in Washington, DC what its journey in Seattle. You see it same here. The president is trying to divert attention from his failed leadership on covert night tee. Really that's. What's going on here and again, I love that she specifically picks out only the city's, whether she may leaderships ignores the fact that Trump hates build a blogger. She ignores the fact that from really doesn't like tat, we were, and there are a lot of people from them like when the Ladys, but this is what what what sort of what it? What did she prick? Meanwhile, J Johnson, the former Homeland Security secretary, his provocative is provocative: descent, federal agents in cities too. You know protect federal property provocative, yet we should do exactly what
Johnson did when he was the when he was the Department of Homeland Security had we should let Ferguson burned to the ground good idea, J surge like this. Would we be unnecessarily provocative and actually make matters worse. The militaristic presence on the street. Said the United States in our cities during must tension can actually make matters worse and be provocative. There is legislation working its way through to lead the sale of defence to Europe and equipment to civilian law enforcement. Our cities, because it is provocative, you see those images of people who used to work. For me, in camouflage, would look like the military and its provocative papa. He keeps being provocative provocative either the people who are apparently being promote what friend, burned down the courthouse five seconds- and I feel that there are about is dumb, ass argument that constantly hear from folks on the international left where, like these, please responding to come ass bombing, pizzerias deeds,
and of how they are. There is I'm pretty sure these votes were already provoked, their industry string to burn down the Damn courthouse male Michael Chertoff who's. The head of homeland security under under President Bush is that well, maybe they're exceeding their authority. That is possible there exceeding their very well. I mean maybe it's not the same as they are running explained their exceeding their authority. You can protect federal, probably, but that doesn't mean Unlimited relations to Rome around the streets and pick up people based on some mission that maybe you're involved are going to be involved in something
roving around on the street and stopping people had taken down strike me as going beyond that authority, and that's a wholly apart from the fourth amendment cares. Whatever is in statutory zones. We still have a car. Ok, yes, in the fourth amendment has not been violated here. You are allowed to arrest people of committing felonies in public places that warrant entity that is Supreme Court established opera and that as a back and by the way here is what loss word for word. Forty. U S code, section, thirteen, fifteen law enforcement authorities of Secretary of Homeland Security for protection of public property, the secretary. Designate employees of the Department Department of Homeland Security, including impulse is transferred to the department of the Office of the federal protective services of the General Services Administration pursuant to the Homeland Security ACT of two thousand to as officers and agents for duty in connection with the protection of property owned or occupied by the federal,
and persons on the property, including duty in areas outside the property, to the extent necessary to protect the property and persons on the property well engaged in the performance of affairs duties in office or Asian designated under the sub section. May enforced federal laws and regulations for the protection of persons and property carry firearms, make arrests without a warrant for any offence against, the United States committed in the presence of an officer or agent or for any felony cognizance. Under the laws of United States. If the officer agent has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing a felony, can The black letter law that is the actual or throw give me the age important are violating the. Why just read you, the law? The law says they are due
exactly what they are supposed to be doing. Something about tyranny is about. Fascism is about don't believe, your own eyes, don't believe the cities are burning and that president from doing something about it, because that might be a narrative in favour of president from this. They end up with idiotic articles like this one from the New York Times, Republicans counts count sees balance. This is what they are constantly doing over the New York Times when democrats do something dumb stories ever Democrats? Do something dumb. The story is always the republic in response to the Democrats doing something done so the Democrats have decided to let their cities burn in turn into chaotic helmholz and the response of the media is look at these evil right wing media. Folks, talking about it heavily from the New York Times right wing media stars, amplified trumps law and order campaign message it first. What how and in what ways than is, and that that that headline is right, wing our right wing. I am confused. How, then, is some headline? Sean Hannity rush limb by another conservative pundit have see he's down the Portland protest as approach from rallying cry, so much panting.
Much seizing unbelievable rattling outlets and concern media stars and seized on the weeks long protests in Portland as a rallying cry for law and order instructing their followers to fear for their safety and blaming democratic leaders for failing to restore peace. I'm a gas lighting, is so strong, instructing their followers to fear for their safety. Let me tell you something: I dont think you have to tell people to fear for their safety. I think people fear for their safety when they feel unsafe. You know about me feelings in the city of LOS Angeles when they shut down the entire damned county for wheat to let marauders breaking the foot. Locker demonstrate that made me the little ones ape? I didn't need rush to tell me to feel unsafe. You idiots it's just it's incredible. The gas lighting is beyond the pale beyond the pale Speaking of what you wanna talk about media by us. The best example of media Bicetre remember a time when the New York Times ousted the editor of the Epp, Ed page because they ran in editorial from Tom Cotton in bed by Tom Cotton. They ran a piece of full blown chinese propaganda. Today, in the New York Times by a guy,
for the chinese government. The title in the peace was my relatives in one hand, survive. My uncle in New York did not because China is better than New York. Ok, the issues are for peace of formal and propagate. Where are the protests over the New York Times up my page? Where are they the new? The new editor of the New York Times up webpage wizened, that person being called to account for printing chinese propaganda, the skies of propagandist on behalf of a regime that is currently shipping, wiggers into concentration camps, to be sterilised? And that's? Ok,
That's fine! According to members of the New York Times, woke staff can just a second to move on to Joe Biden and cover because Joe Biden, I gotta, say this this presidential battle. It's not really a battle of wits. I would say that lotta unarmed people in this in this battle of what's going, gets. It isn't just one second, first summers, time to get things done. Why else would the days be longer? I get it who are we taking classes this time of year? You you, because you're tenacious wanna make your as may better. Nano learn more thing:
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Rule had another Ashford that any use lifespan. That's Ashford that EU slash and burn Ashford that EU slashed by not all programs available in all states are kept in just a second or two Joe Biden who continues his delusional campaign was meaning can win by that dude is not with us and has not been with us for some time. We get to that in just one moment. First, my new book hunters for America in three easy steps. It is on sale. Now it is a huge bestseller already thanks to people like you, if somebody at you should go by right now the but covers two different visions of America. We are watching play out in real time. One version says that America is an amazing place rooted in a true philosophy of the declaration of independence in the constitution, rooted in a culture of entrepreneurship and Howard's rooted in a history that attempted fulfil the promises of the declaration and increasingly has done so. The other its has Merrick S OX, as it be robbing the angels white fragility than your ten. Sixteen nineteen project, writers and looters in straight the media who defend them disintegration us are using weapons like cancel culture to go after you and anybody who
he's with you. My book discuss. All this n is really the antidote to it. How do you re America in three easy steps details how this disintegration of world view has gained so much cultural ground so quickly? It offers what I think is a really important view of the culture. This point, our history and, more importantly, it offers you, the ammo sure, but the dumb arguments that are being made on behalf of tearing down the country. You can pick it up on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble right now. Also, tomorrow, Friday will be holding one of our vaunted daily wire, back stages of socially distance backstage come join me and several other humans at four p m facility. Harris lament the collapse of the republic. Also look at our readers, Passover Daily Wire, come rears, that's great elsewhere, too good stuff, so join us become part of the crew. In listening to the largest fastest growing consumer Pakistan, radio show the nation is already so. Meanwhile, the presidential campaign continues apace and let us just say that it feels as though.
There is some insufficiency in representing these particular positions, say: have some pretty rich ideological strains and american public life being represented by the political right right now strain of law and order a strain. It says that America was found in Liberty, defending american history, defending american culture and the president, when you give speeches off teleprompter, does a good job supplicating our eggs now Rushmore speech, I thought was terrific and I said so. The president also has a bad habit of going off the cuff about weird stuff that allows the media to focus on its a teddy today, the president another interview where he decided to do a five minute riff on how tough the cognitive test you took was the haste, and so he just kept saying over and over the five words that he was supposed to memorize. It was not a great clip, not not an ideal but So could you repeated so I said yeah such person, woman and Camera tv tenant. Fifteen twenty minutes later mother. This question that the first put the tenth question gives us that,
can you do that again, you go person woman man, camera tv If you get it in order, you get extra points said nobody gets it in order to actually not that easy. But for me it was easy. Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to be senile. So, as I said before, any presidential debate here will be Chewbacca versus the Swedish off from them up its that's that's what this will sell it. Regrettably, it is about that bamboo it'll be just phenomenal, They are the ones I do have captain I passed a cognitive test. It pretty much. Everybody was not see now needs to pass, and on the other side, you have Joe I one's going to fight with a guy named corn pop Biden. Yesterday Joe Biden suggested that Trump was the first racist president ever which ok first vote trumpeting racist. Second of all, if Joe Biden thinks that Trump,
Even if you thought front was racist, if you think it was the first risks present ever that's a hell of a that's. That's a hot take! Coming out their hundred miles per hour from Japan has your by coming out hot, as is as his forehead begins to collapse into his into his nasal cavity. Here's here's your by no sitting presents never done this, never never, never know. Problem can present is down. There is no democratic present, we have racist and they existed. They tried to get elected. President is the first one that has is he, though, just I've got some questions. We had like of the media programme. Talk about your people, who thought a black folks were inferior. Every president in the earlier public was in fact a slave hole, with the exception of John Adams and John Quincy Adams, I believe every single one up to the end of the Andrew Jackson tenure was slaveholder, so that seem like- maybe maybe not maybe terms, not the first rate would first of all our own understand.
How Joe Biden could possibly miss the fact that Woodrow Wilson was a brutal racist, considering that when Woodrow Wilson was it two massage Joe Biden leg here? That's how old Joe Biden is that this is just pure crazy from turbine mature, botanist, you're crazy. At this point we got a senile old man hiding in the basement, and then we got president from most volatile Canada in the history of the American Republic. Things you don't greater guys, things are, things are just excellent. Inevitably, here's the thing, here's the thing there are underlying principles at stake here and that's what's easy to miss, because presidential politics is so much a game of personality and so little about the actual policies represented by the candidate. I talk about this and how to destroy America in three easy steps. A little bit, I point out that the various views of President Trump are based on a misunderstanding of how people see Trump on the right. The way the most conservative see trump is not, as the godsend beautiful man, incredible that everything that people on the right don't see. Trumpeted trumps he's from people on the right, largely, and I think, almost entirely see Trump.
As a as a vessel, a very, very flawed vessel, for stopping the on russian power of the of the radical left. As you trumpets bulwark lets you trump as they see him, as it is a person who his finger in the dyke to prevent what is inevitably going to come of Joe Biden has elected president and they're, not wrongously at this. Bernie Sanders him yesterday said. That Biden will be the most progressive president since, after he's bought into our entire agenda these. What trump is trying to tell people now? The problem is that, because Trump is not a laser focused campaigner because you serve grabs everything in the in the pantry interests throws it people, because the president is the guy you wouldn't want to fight in high school. It wasn't exactly a he wasn't exactly a methodical fighter, but he was a guy who might just randomly turn around and pick up a desk and hurled at you. But because he's like that, he's not methodical enough to make the case. The Joe Biden is basically a week
a weak kneed character is gonna shoved around by Bernie Sanders, which is the reality Bernie knows this the score here: here's Bernie explaining that basically Biden is going to be burning, by mask on the reason I say goodbye that Biden has a chance to be the most progressive president since If the EU is not a success, legal, Joe Borg and said to me, and I think he has set out publicly He understands the severity of this moment. We have tens of millions of people who have lost it. Lost their healthcare people were hungry? Today we haven't I occasional system, which is lacking to low income and working class. Kids, climate change out there you'll understand
This is an existential threat of the planet. Now that's the case. The terms gonna have to make the burning is actually the spokesperson for the job I d campaign, as can be easier ones by an pixel VP right now, Biden has been able to state on the fact that people largely perceive him as non threatening, but the fact is, there are some larger principles at stake in this election. I think people feel that, inevitably it's just that there are two very cracked glasses we're going up against each other right now on all of us now there's an easy way for a publican to blow this thing before it even begins, and that is the aid that has been put out there. This can fire hose, there's been turned on the american public.
Who have been forced into lockdown over and over and over that fire hose of aid, which in many ways is good right? It was necessary. It was necessary because, as I said, it is not a keynesian stimulus programmes when somebody drives Aden and if one fifty truck through the front wall of your home, they owe you a reparation for that red. They owe you damages for that. The federal and state governments have basically destroyed every business in the United States, or at least a huge percentage of businesses in the United States. The very least they can do is the least filling the gap. For the moment, when the crisis has not abated, we are still seeing most businesses shut down across United states in the business is the can run, are being forced to run at half capacity. So the idea of extending aid beyond August one makes a lot of sense. Republicans are busy fighting over this thing, which makes no sense to me. It is political malpractice. According to the Washington Post Centre,
and struggled to finalize one trillion: dollar corona virus relief, the one Wednesday confronting internal divisions and continued White House demands for apparel tax cut most lawmakers oppose now I don't know why you propose the peril tax got. I really don't that. Apparently there are lots of Republicans were concerned, people that that the democratic Gonna say their rating social security, or something like that that that's insanity. No one cares about that right. Now, choosing. No one cares about their right now. People want to make sure they have the money to pay the bills for the next few weeks. At the very, very least, in nobody, just passable include the peril tax got. Most Americans want the money back in their pocket by the way. I'm never expect see my social security money, I'm thirty six years old and never gonna see it. It's gone. Ok, that's the whole thing's giant. Damned ponzi scheme so give me back my money right now. There's the ways in which we can make this bill better than the old bill. By, for example, you can in fact tried a peg people's unemployment to what they were earning so as not to encourage people to stay out of the workforce. One of the problems with the with the
bill is that it basically just through money, people said they were earning more money by being unemployed and by being employed. You're actually want that you want to encourage people to be employed where they can be employed, but the extension of unemployment insurance to people in a time when the government is literally forcing them not to go to work, makes a lot of sense of Republicans find a way to blow that it's a mistake. There are a lot of times when you, when you say listen, we can't we can't spend this way. This is not one of those times it isn't because again, what we are talking about is the government has created the problem. The government has created the problem at a certain point. The government would have created a problem most useful basically said people go act as responsibly as you want to, and we can start to get back to normal. That is not where we are right now swell. I admire centre terrorism very, very friendly, with Centre Icarus When crews says things like I'm, not only. You know, I'm a hell, no on the idea of extending more aid here, at least they we're doing it. There is a certain level of urgency that outward
the political concerns on spending. At this very moment in time. We still don't know the details of this initial proposal, but as its written the might right now, I'm not only. I know, I'm a hell, no and- and sadly I think this is invasion. As an opening gambit. We everyone expects the Democrats to come back with a huge wish list of spending, and- and this is the swamp and feeding friends in everybody's lobbyist has their hand. Outside will look if you're spending trillions of dollars. I want to get some and it's not right. Ok, he's right, but it's not right. It's also. The only way did something Can I get done right now? I must be real about this. If it's a choice between filling in the hole in the front wall and doing it wrong right, putting too much spackle on that war and not have and reading the hole in the wall, Republicans don't have a major choice here now. Meanwhile, on the covert front president from again reiterate here,
it has been doing. These is covered update. He reiterated yesterday that we should reopen the schools. The evidence is very good that we should reopen the schools. That does mean that we can take precautions, particularly on behalf of teachers, but what the studies tend to show at this point is that kids are not getting this and is higher rate as adult that when kids, you get They are not endangered that kids are not transmitting this as easily to adults that mostly the way carnivores being passes by adults to other adults in air. Conditioned closed areas for long periods of time that is mainly how this thing is being passed, is real Schools are open across Europe. The evidence that that kids are the chief vectors or even a major fat Becker in passing listening the evidence really not their ears from yesterday, pointing out the kids don't catch covetous easily, which happens to be factually through the media course very upset that you mention it. They don't transmit variously and a lot of people who say they dont transmit and will look into. That was studying John, very hard that particular subject there. They don't bring it home with them. Now they don't
catch it easily. They don't bring it home easily and if they do catch it they get better. First, looking In fact, that is a factor in we're. Looking at that very strongly is exactly right here. He was ripped up, and down for this year is exactly right. Even political had to acknowledge is exactly right. Quote kids still appear to be less likely to catch and transmit that the virus. The leaning explanation is that kid make fewer receptors a protein called east to making it more difficult for the virus to latch on said March lies a pediatric infectious expert at the University of Minnesota Medical School as children movement adolescents and become dealt to make more of these receptors theoretically increasing their chance of contracting the virus. There are three or seventeen thousand seven hundred eleven reported covert nineteen cases in children and teenagers across the United States. There have been seventy seven reported deaths. Seventy seven across the country, a throne, thirty million people, but this is not a major risk tickets. It is not a major risk tickets. Not only is it not a major risk to kid, there's some fairly good science suggesting is not a major risk to adults who come into contact with kids Mark will house Senate?
I am eating epidemiologist and member of the government's Sage Committee over in great Britain, told the London time. It may have been a mistake to close schools in March, given the limited role children to play in spreading the virus. He said the children in the five hundred and fifteen age brackets are not passing this thing to teachers. He said that there has been no recorded case of a teacher catching the coronavirus. People anywhere in the world
anywhere is as of July twenty first. So what about his railroad now is the big counter example, but it is unclear that students past it to the to the teachers is quite possible that teachers pass it to each other and then they pass it on to everybody else, kids, our passing into each other, but that does not mean that kid's, our chief vector of transmission, it's a study from Iceland, suggesting the kids are not passing it to adults. According to the Uk Spectator, a company called Dakota Genetics did a study in Iceland. The test either detested, something like thirty, six thousand five hundred people it has identified at eighty hundred one cases of people suffering from the disease and ten Dat's each case was carefully. Try
and not a single case. Could the researchers found evidence of a child passing on the disease to their parents? He suggested the fact that few children suffer any symptoms and are less likely to cough is an important factor. We have studied from Australia. That's just exactly the same thing at schools are not that you vectors of transmission. When there's an australian study of how one virus spreading fifteen schools, they found a transmission rate a far less than one percent. Naturally, the media have been suggested that if you want to reopen the schools, it's because you want to murder all of the teachers which is just pure full scale. Insanity. But again the media have been Gaslight, knew all along, and so many of these issues that doesn't mean everything the media say is not true, because a lot of as many as eight is cover. Nineteen is more dangerous than the flow into something you should be worried about is something you should be panic about. Are we at the same point we were back in March? Are tens of thousands of Americans ideally are even gonna. Get back to New York rates of death on a daily, what no cases have already begun to wear
in Texas, Lord in Arizona. The number one state for new cases is California, which never stop the lockdown effectively so examine the evidence before you buy into the media. Narrative already will be out here a little bit later today with two additional hours of content. In the meantime, go pick up a copy of my new book caters for America and three steps. Also, you want something entertaining to do this afternoon. Aside from listening to the rest of the bogus, listen to Joe Romans Pike Ass, I did his pockets with him yesterday. I think that it was fun things entertaining before and it is rated at the very least peachy thirteen. There are some language, so language, nudity, not actual physical nudity. Just discussions as such in go check that out over a year
Logan's upon us? I think that you will enjoy and meantime pick up my bustling, but cannot destroy America in three easy steps. Otherwise, we'll see you here tomorrow I venture go. This is the bench Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread the word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily where podcast, including the end, reclaiming, show Michael all, and the mat Walsh thanks for listening, dementia, Piero Show is produced by Coltan Hoss executive producer. Jeremy, boring supervising producer This clever and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel light ASCII technical producer, often Stevens play back media operated by Nick. She him associate producer Katie's Winterton by Adam silence. Audio is mixed. I might call Romena here and make up is by Nikko Geneva. The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production copyright daily wire, twenty twenty-
everyone is Andrew, Craven hosted. The Andrew Clayburn showed Donald Trump has had a great week, he's back on his game and he's got a powerful ally, namely the truth. Trump is fine. The left, violent races, narrative with a steady barrage of reality, is a new look and its doing great. We'll talk about it on the Andrew claiming show.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-23.